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The Glocester Journal


Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes 
Volume Number: XLVI    Issue Number: 2365
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The Glocester Journal

Date of Article: 21/09/1767
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes 
Address: Glocester
Volume Number: XLVI    Issue Number: 2365
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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VOL. XLVI. MONDAY, September 21, 1767. the town, the Spanish Commodore brought them hither, as he was likewise in want of pro- visions, having bread left only for 48 hours. Last night a courier was dispatched to Madrid for orders where they must be carried to, as the towns belonging to the Republic in Corsica are filled with those that are already landed ; and another vessel is daily expected from Car- thagena with about 50 more. Letters from Calvi of the 25th say, that hostilities were committed daily between the Republic's troops in garrison and the Corsicans: that on the 24th a smart skirmish happened ; and that the Corsicans had been dislodged from the convent of St. Frances, which was almost destroyed by the bomb- shells and cannon- shot fired from the castle.— Gazette. Vienna, August 29. The last letters from Constantinople, which are of the first of this month, bring, that the plague reigns there in almost all the quarters of the city, and that it has manifested itself in the fuburbs of Pera and Galata. They add, that on the 30th of July, the Interpreter of the Resident of Russia having been sent for by the Grand Vizir, had a conference of two hours with him ; and that some persons presumed that a great difference was arisen between the two empires. Paris, Sept. 4. The King having permitted, by his letters of May last, all foreigners to take up licences for carrying on arts and manufac- tures, the Jews thought themselves compre- hended in this edict, and availed themselves of the letters to be admitted, not only into com- merce and the arts, but also to obtain in France a kind of denizenship, which has been con- stantly refused them in France in all ages, and in all places. However, the six trading com- panies and the merchants of this city, justly alarmed at these pretensions, have presented a petition to his Majesty, in which they expose and prove by arguments, supported by histori- cal facts, that the Jews cannot, consistently with their principles, act otherwise than so as to disgrace and ruin trade. In consequence thereof, they pray that the declaration of 1715, with the arrets and other subsequent regulations touching the expulsion of the Jews, may be executed in due form and tenour ; that they may be prohibited from settling in the king- dom, together with an order for such among them as have taken up licences to bring them in, on condition that the sums paid for them be restored. Mr. Chobert, a very famous player on the harpsichord, belonging to the Prince of Conti's band, together with a physician and six other perfons, are dead of eating mushrooms, which they had gathered in the wood of Boulogne. Rotterdam, Sept. 8. It is surprising to see the change and turn of things. England that used to furnish this place with such quantities of corn, is now supplied from hence: and this place, so famous for fish, had two English fishing boats, which brought cod and haddock to our market this day. It is true, the fish were not so fine as those our fishermen generally bring. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, Sept. 12. We are advised from Balin Bush, near Carlisle, that a mare tethered nigh a garden in which were several hives of bees, happened to leap over the hedge and overturned four of the hives, by which acci- dent the bees were so enraged, and stung her so desperately, that she died immediately, tho' all possible care was taken ; and what adds to this misfortune, an old man and his son, in endeavouring to save the mare, were also so much stung by the bees, that their lives were despaired of for some days, though now re- covering. Bristol, September 12. The two vessels that arrived in the road some time ago from Barbary ( who were falsely reported to have the plague on board) are performing quarantine. They are laden with a great quantity of excellent corn, which, we are informed, is liable to pay duty, as the act, allowing the importation, does not extend to corn imported from thence. This will certainly make a considerable diffe- rence to the importer, if insisted on, and we fear the city and neighbourhood will be de- prived of the two cargoes, as they intend to return without unloading. Reading, Sept. 12. Our wheat harvest is en- tirely finished, and the crops in general are ex- ceeding fine and plentiful. LONDON, September 15. St. James's, Sept. 12. The King has been pleased to grant unto the Right Hon. William Lord Mansfield, Chief Justice of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench, the office of Chan- cellor of his Majesty's Exchequer, in the room of the Right Hon. Charles Townshend, de ceased.— Gazette. The new negotiation for a new fet of Minis- ters advances daily. Yesterday the Right Hon. the Earl of Hert- ford had the honour of a conference with his Majesty at Kew. Lord Chatham is said to be much better since his retirement into the West; but it is believed will never undertake any public business again. Yesterday there was a very numerous meet- ing of the Gentlemen, Clergymen, and Free- holders of the county of Surry at Epsom: there never appeared a greater unanimity than in the nomination of the present Members, George Onflow, Esq; and Sir Francis Vincent, as candidates for Members of the ensuing Par- liament. By letters from Yorkshire, we learn, that the wheat is got in throughout that and the neigh- bouring counties, and that the crops in general turn out very fine. Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Sept. 8. " Yesterday, about six o'clock in the even- ing, as some gentlemen were sitting under a markee in a field at Santry, they were sur- prized by a most violent gust of wind, which lifted them, with the tent, table, glasses, & c. a considerable space off the ground, by which the glasses were all broken, and some of the company much hurt. Between seven and eight the same evening, soon after high water, the water in the Liffy suddenly sunk about two feet, and in a moment after rose upwards of four feet, and immediately fell to its proper level ; on this occasion several vessels received con- siderable damage, by being drove from their moorings, & c. It is apprehended from this extraordinary phoenomenon, that an earthquake has happened somewHere, as an event of the same kind was felt at Corke at the time of the great earthquake at Lisbon." On Saturday evening, about six o'clock, was ended the trial of Elizabeth Brownrigg, for the wilful murder of Mary Clifford, her ap- prentice girl, when she was found guilty; and yesterday morning she was carried in a cart from Newgate, attended by two clergymen, amidst a very numerous croud of spectators, and executed at Tyburn, and her body was afterwards taken to Surgeon's- Hall for dissec- ion. Before she left Newgate that morning, her husband and son received the sacrament with her, and afterwards took leave of her. She appeared very penitent in the way to, and at the place of execution ; and a few minutes before she was turned off, being very weak, the clergyman at her desire informed the spectators, that she owned the justice of her sentence, and desired all persons to take warning by her fate, and not give way to cruelty.— Her husband and son Were acquitted of the murder, but are detained to be tried upon another indictment, for beating and wounding the surviving ap- prentice- girl. From a Narrative just pub- lished, by Mr. John Wingrave, one of the Constables of the Ward of Farringdon Without, we have the following account of Elizabeth Brownrigg, and of the cruelties she inflicted on her apprentice girls.—" Elizabeth Brownrigg was at the time of her execution about 47 years of age. She had been married to James Brownrigg about 20 years: they always lived together upon very good terms, and have had 15 children, three of whom are now living, and to these she has always been a tender and affectionate mother. At the time of their marriage she lived a servant in the family cf one Mr. R , in Prescot- Street, Goodman's- Fields; and Brownrigg served his time to a painter in the same neighbourhood. After their marriage they settled at Greenwich, where he carried on the business of a painter, and con- tinued about five years; the remaining 15 years they have lived in London. For some time past Mrs. Brownrigg has practised midwifry, which she learnt under Dr. K y; and about two years since she was appointed by the Overseer: of St. Dustan's in the West, to act as midwife to the poor women of their workhouse. " Notwithstanding the many reports that have been spread, with a view to make it be be- lieved that these people have had a great num- ber of apprentice- girls, all of whom they have treated with equal cruelty, yet after the most diligent enquiry it does not appear that they have had any more than three. The first of these was Mary Mitchell, who was bound to Brownrigg by the Overseers of White- Friars precinct, some day in February 1765. " It is natural to infer, that this girl expe- rienced a great deal of hard treatment from these people, tho' sometimes indulged with going abroad for after she had been there about twelve months she ran away ; however, she was met in the street by the youngest son the same day, and by him brought back to his father. ' Till this happened, it does not ap- pear that the girl was ever tied up and whipped naked; but now these cruelties were frequently inflicted, and she was from henceforth never suffered to stir out of doors. " Mrs. Brownrigg, who took women into her house to lie in privately, had at one time French woman there, to whOm Mary Mitchell related, her sufferings, but at the same time gave her a charge of secrecy lest she should be pUnished for revealing them. This French woman, however, soon after having a misun- derstanding with Mrs. Brownrigg, could not forbear reproaching her with her barbarities ; upon which this horrid woman instantly flew to the girl, and thrusting a pair of scissars which she had in her hands into her mouth, cut her tongue in two places. " Another circumstance of unexampled cru- ety, which this girl imputes to her mistress, is the following :— On the day she was discovered, it was observed by some one present that her eyes appeared very red, and much blood- shot; and it being asked what occasioned them to look so, she anfwered that her mistress would sometimes come to her, and fixing a hand on either cheek, would draw them down her face with so much force, as to occasion the blood to start from her eyes. " The second apprentice was Mary Jones, who, I find by the books kept at the Foundling Hospital, was bound out by that corporation to James Brownrigg, on 15th of May, 1765. This child could not have continued with him but little more than two months, because, on the 24th of July, 1765, the following order was entered on the books of the hospital. ' ORDERED, " That Mr. Plumptree, the Hospital Sollicitor, do write to James Brown- rigg, a Painter in Fetter- Lane, who had the child, Mary Jones, apprenticed to him by this corporation, and acquaint him, that if he does not forthwith make satisfaction for the abuse to the said child, that this corpo- ration will prosecute him with the utmost severity.' " The abuse, however, which induced this girl to run away from Brownrigg's, and which occasioned the above order, was frequent whip- pings by Mrs. Brownrigg, and at other times, particularly when the girl has been washing any of the rooms or stairs, she has found fault with her work, and taking her up in her arms, repeatedly dipped her over head and ears, in the pail of water that flood by. By these cruel operations, the girl received many hurts in all parts of her body, and more particularly in her neck and shoulders, from the edges and bale of the pail. " Mary Clifford, the unhappy victim of this woman's infernal cruelty, was the third ap- prentice, and she was bound out by the Over- seers of White- Friars Precinct, to James Brownrigg, on the 18th of February 1766."— An account cf the cruel usage of this unfortunate girl; her death ; the Coroner's verdict; the ap prehending of her mistress, . having been al- ready given in this Journal, it will be unnecessary to repeat them here. THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE. THE theatrical campaign is opened sooner than usual; and the operations on both sides will be carried on with vigour and alacrity. The experienced dictator of Drury- Lane will undoubtedly exert all his dexterity ne quid detrimenti capiat respublica ; while the Quatuor- virate of Covent- Garden will be careful to watch all his motions, and guard against a surprize. Major- General Powel, who so suc- cessfully led the bands of tragedy in the service of the other party, is now employed in that of Covent- Garden, where he has also a principal seat in the council of war. They likewise rely much on the sagacity and address of Field- Marshal Colman, who has the chief direction of the artillery.— Drury Lane Theatre opened on Saturday with the Clandestine Marriage; and Covent- Garden Theatre on Monday with the Rehearsal, and an Occasional Prologue, spoken by Mr. Powel, and written by Paul White- head, Esq; Radnorshire MILITIA. TH E Balloted Men for the said County, or their Substitutes sworn and enrolled, are required to atttnd on Thursday the first of October next, at twelve o'Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day at the Town of Presteign in the said County, to enter upon, and perform their Annual Exercise for 28 Days- By Order of the Lord Lieutenant of the said County. Monmouth CONCERT. AT the TOWN- HALL in Monmouth, on Friday the 2d of October next, will be performed A CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC. The Vocal Parts by Mr. Price, Master Woodcock, and others. The Instrumental by a select Band of Performers from Hereford, Glocester, Worcester, and other Places. To begin at Six o'Clock. *#* After the Concert will be a BALL for the Ladies, gratis; to which none will be admitted, but those who take Tickets for the Concert. Tickets, at 2s. 6d. each, to be had of Mr. Williams, Bookseller; at the King's- Head, the Duke's- Arms, and at the Angel, in Monmouth. N. B. Schemes of the Performance will be given at the Door. • T O T H E PRINTER of the GLOCESTER JOURNAL. MR. RAIKES, Have seen, with sorrow, the history of a late famous ne- gotiation in your Journal of the 7th instant. It appears to me an humbling picture of human nature, more espe- cially of that part of the human species that is gene-. rally considered in a more dignified situation than the rest of mankind. I blush to read the professions of patriotism of the leaders of the different parties: " Such a one will sacrifice himself, and heartily concur with a new Ad- ministration." But— all their friends must be provided for ! Pray who are those very poor men, these friends of theirs? Are they in want of daily bread ? Are their families star- ving? Then let them apply to the parish officers, who, by my laws, are obliged to pro- vide for the indigent and destitute. Is it their ambition, their avarice, and petulant disposition that must be provided for and satiated ? May eternal disappointment meet them whatever way they turn ; and may no coalition ever be formed on that rotten foundation It is not by such worthless instruments that I am to be restored to health and vigour. I want patriots of easy circumstances, of moderate desires, of noble disinterested spirits, who prefer, above all means selfish, partial interests and even above family connections, the true, the solid, and permanent welfare of Great- Britain ; men who think their paternal estates a sufficient stake in the common wealth, to interest them deeply in her peace and prosperity. I will not go back to antique records for the noble spirit of Aristides, who magnanimously go- verned the state, leaving his family to the care of that state which he had so generously served. Let them look into the succeeding paragraph of your Journal of the same date, where they may read with confusion and shame, an in- stance of public spirit, magnanimity, and self- denial, in a Frenchman, worthy the greatest Roman. " I am in easy circumstances, or so happy in point of fortune, as to be able to bear the extraordinary expence I have been put to, and to serve my Prince without being chargeable to the state." Blush, ye pseudo patriots! ye would- be- great men, hide your beads, and amuse the world no more with vain pretences! A land of slaves ( as we are taught) exhibits an instance ot public spirit and genuine patriotism, long unknown in our land of boasted liberty ! While you make Smithfield bargains, you never will, you never can, serve your country effectually. The world ( foolish as it is) will never believe that a man of 10,0001. a year, condescends to receive a salary of 5000I. more of an exhausted distressed country, for doing little or nothing, merely to serve the community. The people's eyes are now opened, even with respect to their own favourite; and they will be hard of belief to any new pretender. The game of amusing the public is now over with this generation ; they now look for actions, not for words; they seek redress from manifold abuses, grievances,- and dangers; bombast and fustian will no longer please a deluded- people: if you are in ject, they are in earnest ; their case is serious, and requires a speedy remedy ; no time is to be lost : while you debate and quarrel among yourselves, the public hastens to the brink of irretrievable ruin, and the destruction of The CONSTITUTION. P. S. Why all this outcry about the Favourite, the Thane, or whatever hard name you please to call him ?' Have ye not all in your turns been united with him ? Have ye not been in his councils, and many of you been trusted with his secrets one after another ? Do not moft of you know his machinations ? Why then do you not do your injured country justice, by bringing the obnoxious man to public tryal, to meet the vengeance of an injured people in a legal way of solemn, national justice ? This you owe to your country ; and if you do not perform this duty, you either think him inno- cent, or you are equally culpable with him.— Take your choice. T H U R S D A Y's POST. Arrived the Mails from Holland, France, and Flanders. Genoa, August 29. YESTERDAY arrived two Spanish frigates of war, with a convoy of nine ships and one polacca, having on board 560 Jesuits expulsed from Spain : they came last from Hiace in Corsica; but there not being room in that town to receive them, the Corsicans occupying September 12, 1767. Glocestershire MILITIA. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Militia- Men of the County of Glocester, and Cities and Coun- ty's of Bristol and Glocester, are ordered to assemble for their Annual Exercise for twenty- eight Days, on Thursday the 1st Day of October next by twelve o'Clock, at the following Places, viz. The South Battalion at Cirencester, and the North Battalion at the City of Glocester. JOHN GREATWOOD, Clerk of the General Meetings. N. B. If any Militia- Man ( not labouring under any Infirmity incapacitating him) shall not appear according to the above Notice, he forfeits Twenty Pounds, or, in case of Non- Payment immediately, to be committed to the Common Gaol of the County for Six Months, or until he shall have paid the Penalty aforesaid. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of CARDIGAN HAVING had the Honour to be unanimously nomi- nated a Candidate to represent this County in the ensuing Parliament, at a very numerous Meeting held here this Day, I beg Leave in this public Man- ner to express my warmest Acknowledgements for so distinguishing a Mark of your Esteem and Confidence; permit me to request the Continuance of your Favour and Support, on the Day of Election, when, if I am so happy as to succeed, I shall endeavour to promote to the utmost of my Power the Welfare of my Country in general, and of this County in particular. I am, with the highest Respect, GENTLEMEN, Your faithful humble Servant, LISBURNE. CARDIGAN, August 22. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Glamorgan. THE very great Encouragement I have met with on my Canvas, in every Part of the County, claims my most grateful Acknowledgement. I take this public Method of returning you my sincerest Thanks, and requesting the Favour of your Votes and Interest on the Day of Election. In the mean Time I shall be happy in every Occasion that offers of testi- fying the Sense I have of the Honour conferred on, GENTLEMEN, Your most obliged and most obedient Servant, GEORGE VENABLES VERNON. COWBRIDGE, July 12. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of GLAMORGAN. GENTLEMEN, THAT generous and uninfluenced Support, which at tke late general Meeting manifested itself so greatly in my Favour, by a Superiority confessed in the Actions of my Opponents, though palliated in their Expressions, demands from me my warmest acknow- ledgments : The like respectable Appearance on a late public Occasion , and the vigorous Diffusion of so spi- rited a ConduCt through the whole County ( so amply experienced by my Son on his late Canvas, which you were so indulgent to me as to permit) give me the fairest Assurances that the same laudable Spirit of Freedom, which hath so often marked out and distin- guished the County of Glamorgan in its Choice of Re- presentatives, will on this Occasion also secure to me the Continuance of so honourable an Influence; and though my late Illness hath given me the sensible Mor- tification of being prevented from paying you my per- sonal RespeCts, yet the very Occasion hath, from the ACtivity of my Friends, happily brought forth a more powerful Assistance than my own Assiduity could have flattered me with, and hath added that essential Mark of their Favour, which neither Time nor. Ill- ness can eradicate out of the Heart of one who hopes his past and future Conduct will speak his fixed Atten- tion to the welfare and Interest of his ConstitUents, and of his being at all Times, GENTLEMEN, Your faithful and much honoured friend, Countryman, and Servant, EDMOND THOMAS. WENVOE CASTLE, September 16. To the Worthy Burgesses of New Radnor, Rhyader, Knighton, Knucklas, and Ke- vencleece. GENTLEMEN, Flattering myself that my Conduct in Parliament has met with your Approbation, permit me, in this public Manner, to solicit your Vote's at the next General Election ; and to assure you, That if I have the Honour to be again chosen your Representative, I shall always retain the highest Sense of the Obliga- tion conferred on, Gentlemen, Your much obliged and most obedient humble Servant, EDWARD LEWIS. DOWNTON, Sept. 2. To the Free and Worthy Burgesses of New Radnor, Rhyader, Knighton, Knucklas, and Kevencleece. GENTLEMEN, HAVING, ever esteemed the Peace and Quiet of the Country of the utmost Consequence, I should not thus early have presumed to solicit your Favours in this public Manner, had not an Advertisement for that Purpose already appeared: Permit me therefore ( encouraged by a very great Majority of Gentlemen in the County) to offer myself a Candidate at the en- suing Election ; and if on that Day I should be so for- tunate as to find myself possessed of the important Trust which my Family has been favoured with near fifty Years, I shall ever think it a Duty incumbent on me, by a steady and invariable Attention to the Interest of my Country and yourselves, to prove myself not alto- gether undeserving of your Confidence. I am, GENTLEMEN, With the utmost Respect Your most obedient Servant, HARpTON, Sept. 15. JOHN LEWIS. WANTED immediately, A SMITH, a single Man, who can work for an Ironmonger's Shop in the Country Businefs ; can make Strakes for Post- Chaises, mend the Springs, and repair the Irons: Such a Person may have constant Employ in a very good Shop, and shall have more Hire than the best Price of the Country, by enquiring at the Printing- Office in Glo- cester, of Mary Kemble, Widow, in Cross- street, Aber- gavenny, or of George Wall, one of the distributors of this Journal. _ NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meet- ing of the Commissioners or Trustees of the Turn- pike Road from Tetbury, in Glocestershire, through Malmesbury to Chippenham- Bridge, in Wilts, will be held at the White- Lion Inn in Malmesbury, on the first Day of October next. R. B. ROBINS, Clerk. Common Fine Rents in Herefordshire. NOTICE is hereby given, That an Audit will be held, at the Swan and Falcon in the City of Hereford, on Wednesday the 14th of Oftober next, for the Receipt of all such Fee Farm or other Rents, called Common Fine, due on the 10th of October, and payable to John Cocks, Esq; At which Time and Place all Constables and other Persons, from whom any such Rents are due and owing, are hereby required to pay the same respectively, with the Arrears thereof, otherwise all such Rents as shall then be unpaid, with the Arrears, will be soon afterwards levied by Distress. JOHN GEORGE, Receiver. ALL Persons, who have any Demands on Mr. John Craig, of Dursley, in Glocestershire, Dealer and Chapman, are desired forthwith to send in an Account of their respective Demands, to Mr. Pember, Attorney at Law, in Glocester: And all Persons, who any way stand indebted to the said Mr. Craig, are desired to pay their respective Debts immediately to the said Mr. Pember, or to Mr. Craig at his House in Dursley afore- said, or they will be sued without further Notice. N. B. All the Stock in Trade of the said Mr. Craig, consisting of all Sorts of Mercery and Millenery Gopds, are now selling off at Prime Cost, at his House in Dur- sley, on Thursday in every Week until all is sold. LOST ( supposed to be Stolen) A strong MARE of the Saddle Kind, about 14 Hands and a Half high, rising four Years old, of a Strawberry or mixed coloured Sorrel, with a large white Blaze down her Face, her Heels behind white, and a Switch Tail: Whoever will bring her to the Owner Mr. Whithorne, at Charlton Kings, or to Mr. William Browning, at the Greyhound in Glocester, shall be well rewarded. WHEREAS some Pieces of COIN, and other small TRINKETS, were found in the Road leading from Abercarn to Caerfilly : Any Person naming the Pieces, & c. proving his Proverty, may have the same restored, paying the Expence of this Ad- vertisement, by applying to Mr. John Thomas, at Coedy- gores, near Cardiff, in Glamorganshire. N. B. The above were found . the 25th of August last. GLOCESTER COACH BEGINS the Two Days Stage on Monday the 21st Instant, during the Winter, setting out from the Coach- Office in Glocester, and the Bolt and Tun Inn in Fleet- street, London, every Monday, Wed- nesday, and Friday, at five o'Clock in the Morning, return ing to each Place every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Price as usual, HEREFORD COACH, in Three Days, SETS out from the Bolt and Tun Inn in Fleet- street, London, every Monday Morning, and returns from the Swan and Falcon in Hereford every Thursday Morning at nine o'Clock. Price as usual. Performed by WM. and JOHN TURNER. N. B. They will not be answerable for Money, Plate Watches, & c. unless entered as such, and paid for ac- cordingly. As divers Persons have been disappointed of Places by the Brecknock and Hereford Coaches coming full to Glocester, to prevent such Disappointments for the future the Proprietors have supplied themselves with Machines, so that every one, signifying his Intention personally, or by Letter, at the Coach- Office in Glocester, may be cer tain of a Conveyance. BRECKNOCK COACH ( In FOUR DAYS) SETS out from the Bolt and Tun Inn in Fleet- street, London, every Wednesday Morning early, and will arrive at brecon at 12 o'clock on Satur- day ; returns from thence on Monday Morning at eight o'Clock, and arrives in London on Thursday. Price as usual. Each Passenger will be allowed 141b. Weight, and to pay for all above. Performed by JOHN TURNER, THO. LONGFELLOW, GILES GREENAWAY. Great Care will be taken of Parcels ; but they will not be answerable for any Plate, Watches, Money, & c. un less entered as such and paid for accordingly. Tewkesbury and Cheltenham Stage- Coach ( In TWO DAYS) BEGINS on Wednesday the 23d Instant Sets out from the Maidenhead Inn in Tewkesbury at Four o'Clock, and from the Bolt- and- Tun in Fleet- Street, London, at Five o'Clock, every Wednesday Morn- ing ; meets at the- New- Inn Oxford, and returns to the above Places every Thursday Evening. Price as usual. Each Passenger allowed 141b. Weight Luggage : Outside Passengers and Children Half Price, and no Luggage al- lowed. Performed by WM. and JOHN TURNER N. B. No Money, Plate, Watches, or Things of Va- lue to be answerable for, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. Witney STAGE- COACH ( In ONE DAY) SETS out from the Stapld- Hall Inn in Witney every Tuesday Morning at Four o'Clock and returns from the Bolt and Tun Inn in Fleet- street, london, every Saturday at Four o'Clock. Each Inside Passenger to pay 10s. and to be allowed 14lb. Weight of Luggage, for ail above to pay a Penny per lb. ; outside Passengers and Children in Lap Half Price, and no Lug- gage allowed. Performed by WM. and JOHN TURNER. N. B. The Money to be paid upon taking the Places, ALL Persons who have any Demands either on the Estate and Effects of the late Mr. Man, of Merthir Mawr, in the County of Glamorgan, or on Mrs. Jones, of Merthir Mawr, are desired to send im- mediately a particular Account in Writing thereof to Mr. Jones, at Merthir Mawr. LONDON. AN Office is established at No. 8 in Pope's- Head Alley, opposite the Royal Exchange Cornhill, where Persons, who are Tenants for Life in Lands, or having Annuities, Jointures or Dower payable thereout, or have the Interest of Money in the Funds, Exchequer, York- Buildings, or any other Annuity, or certain In- come for Life, Clergymen that have Livings, Officers on full or half Pay, wanting to raise Money, by granting Annuities, or to dispose of their Interest in such Lands, or Annuities ( if the Security is approved of) may be sup- plied with Sums to any Amount, with Dispatch and Se- crecy, upon applying either personally, or by Letter ( Post- paid) addressed to the Proprietors of the said Office. AGentleman and his Wife are desirous of Boarding with any Family of Reputation, in an agreeable Market Town, in the Counties of Monmouth or Glocester ; or on the Boarders of Wales : If contigu- ous to a Turnpike Road the more agreeable. Letters directed to D. N. at Mr. Gibson's, at the Pea- cock, facing Catherine- street in the Strand, London, will be duly answered. WANTED, A COOK- MAID, who un- derstands something more than plain Cooking, and will assist to clean the lower Part of the House : A steady good Servant will have answerable Wages. Also wanted, A SERVANT that can be well recom- mended, who has been used to a Kitchen Garden, and will undertake foddering three or four Cows and Horses, and be willing to assist in the Family. The Kitchen Garden is very small, and docs not require a Servant's daily Employment. Enquire at the Printing- Office in Glocester. WHEREAS I John Harries, of Rheedy- mirch, in the Parish of Lanever, Monmouth- shire, Victualler, did maliciously, and without any Foundation, asperse the Character of Charles Morgan, of the Parish of Bringwyn, in the same County, Gent. I do in this public Manner humbly ask his Pardon for so doing. Witness my Hand, the 25th Day of August, The Mark H of JOHN HARRIES. Witness, JAMES POWELL. WHEREAS MATTHEW JOACHIM, Labourer, at Sawring, in the Parish of Ched- worth, Gloceatershire, hath deserted his Wife and Fa- mily, and left them chargeable to the said Parish; Who- ever will apprehend him, so that he may be brought to Justice, shall have One Guinea Reward, and all reason- able Charges, from us, JOHN BALLINGEr, Churh- JOhn ChildS, wardens. JOHN JOACHIM, , W. TROTTMAN N. B. The said Matthew Joachim is a thin strait- grown Man, about five Feet eight Inches high, about 30 Years of Age, with light Hair, rather inclining to a sandy Colour. AMERICA. New- York, July 27. Capt. Elder, in 17 Days from Curacoa, informs us, that provisions of all sorts are so prodigiously plenty in all the West Indiai islands, that there is no market for any thing from the northward; and that notwithstanding the Spaniards at Laguira are in a starving con dition, they would not admit a Frenchman into their port with a supply of any thing. mands; but the sales not answering their cx- pectations, the original purchasers are now on their way to Carlisle fair, and other parts of England, with most part of the Highland cattle. We learn from Berwick- upon- Tweed, that a few days ago was taken in the Tweed, near the bridge at that place, a large green shark, which measured seven feet in length. Some of the curious, who have seen these creatures in both the Indies, say, that this was an East- India one. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Sept. 11. We are informed from Falkirk, that, notwithstanding the great de- mand for black cattle last year, a greater num- ber appeared last week than usual, as the dealers drove all their stock on account of the favourable season, and in hopes of great de- COUNTRY NEWS. Salisbury, Sept. 14. This day se'nnight the 17th regiment of foot, General Monckton's, which had been stationed in North- America near ten years, marched into this city from Portsmouth, where they landed a few days ago from New- York. It consisted of only 110 men and 17 officers; the rest ( as the General left it to their own choice) made it their option to enlist into other regiments, and continue there. At Winchester assizes which ended the 5th instant, two felons received sentence of death, viz. James Merrett, for stealing a cow from Mr. Clewer, and Thomas Woods for robbing Mr. John King's Newbury stage waggon of divers goods. Oxford, Sept. 19. On Monday last, Mr. William Appleby, grocer, was unanimously elected Mayor of this city, for the ensuing year; and Mr. John Wyatt, Cabinet- maker, and Mr. Vincent Shortland, Timber merchant, were also elected Bailiffs of this city, for the year cn- suing. On Wednesday last died, aged about 70, the Rev. David Gregory, D. D. Dean of Christ Church in this university; over which society he had presided with great dignity for upwards of ten years, having succeeded the late Bishop Coneybeare in the year 1756. The Earl of Moray has appointed the Rev. Goodyer St. John, L. L. B. of Queen's col- lege, one of his domestic Chaplains. On Tuesday next the races begin at Abing- don, Berks, and the following horses are al- ready entered, viz. TUESDAY, for the four- year- old plate, Mr. Tombs's Cadamus, the Hon. Mr. King's grey filley, and Wm. Payne, Esqr's Phoenix.— WEDNESDAY, for the Mem- ber's give- and- take plate, Mr. Bloss's Essex Nancy, Mr. Castle's Stranger, Mr, Kinnier's Grig, Sir Fred. Evelyn's Badger, and Count Laraguai's Pine Apple. - THURSDAY, for the gentlemen's subscription purse, John Bailey, Esqr's Fireaway, John Pogson, Esqr's Lass of the Mill, Lord Chedworth's bay mare, Sir Fred. Evelyn's Chance, Mr. Rennall's Black Legs, Mr. Ellis's Paddy, and Mr. Brown's Royal Gin. LONDON, September 18. According to private letters from a certain kingdom, our Embassador has been received with a coldness by that Court which seemed to promise but very indifferent success to his ne- gotiations. ExtraCt of a letter from a Gentleman at Malaga, July 12, 1767, to his friend in London. " It is impossible to express the implacable hatred many of the inhabitants of this place shew to the English Protestants, which appeared in their declaration, that they would not let the body of our late worthy Consul, Nathaniel Ware, Esq; rest in peace in his grave ; on which account it was privately interred in the dead of night, attended only by three or four English merchants'; the next evening the flags were hoisted on board the ships in the harbour, and the guns were fired as is usual at the interrment of any great personage, by which device the inhabitants were disappointed in their Scheme. The reason of their shewing this resentment was occasioned by some gentlemen, in Mr. Ware's house, not bowing to the host as it passed by the window, a few months before ; in con- sequence of which three Priests broke into the house of one of the young gentlemen present, with an intent to assassinate him, from whom he received twelve dangerous wounds in the head and body ; but happily survived. A letter from on board his Majesty's ship Dolphin, dated Port Famine, Jan. 20, 1767, says, " On the 28th of September, we left St. Jago, sailed for the streights of Magellan, and arrived there after three Months voyage. When we approached the shore, we were followed by great number of men on horseback; and in the evening we anchored off Cape Virgin Mary ; in the morning there were upon the beach near 300 Patagonians hallooing to us. The Cap- tain went on shore with three boats manned and armed; and, to be sure of their height, he carried a standard on shore, and measured seve- ral of them, and found them to be about seven feet high. The Captain brought five of them on board, and gave them victuals and drink, ribbonds, beads, and other things. They are well proportioned to their height; their horses are about the same size with ours; and they have cane spurs, and thong whips. Their cloathing is the skins of wild beasts. They seemed very much pleased, and hallooed us a great way through the Streights. On the 29th of December we arrived at this placc ; it is a desolate spot, nothing but wood and mountains of Snow. It is a very cold climate, but plen- tiful for wood and water, wild fowl, and fish." They write from Mobille, in West Florida, that a Spanish man, of war, with a regiment of foot on board from the Havannah to New Orleans, was lately cast away in the Gulph of Mexico, when the ship was entirely lost, and part of the people taken prisoners by the Indians. TICKETS and SHARES are now selling in great Variety of Numbers by T. DAWSON, at his STATE- LOTTERY OFFICE in Cirencester, at the lowest Price-. The present Price as under : SATURDAY'S POST. Arrived a Mail from France. Leghorn, August 27. HE Deputies from all the chief towns in Corsica still remaining under the dominion of the Genoese, have been sent to General Paoli's head quarters, with proposals for effectually throwing off the yoke of the Re- public, which was daily expected to take place. A Genoese felucca took lately, in the gulph of Sagonia, two ships, the one a Capraiese, the other a Corsican, both laden with ammu- nitions of war; and another Genoese felucca has conducted two others to Bastia. A Corsican ship, commanded by Count Peri, hath taken, in the Levant, two Barbary xe- becks, and carrried them into Malta. Paris, Sept. 14. The Abbe Rochon, who sailed from the road of Brest on the 7th of April, on board the Union, commanded by the Count de Breughon, who went to Morocco, is returned from his voyage, having made his intended observations. He has viewed several eclipses of Jupiter's satellites with an instru- ment of his own invention, which obviates a difficulty with which these observations have been hitherto attended. GLOCESTER INFIRMARY. ALL Persons concerned in the following Commodities, are desired to send in Proposals, sealed up, to the Secretary of the Infirmary, before Thursday the 14th of this Inst. at what Rate they are willing to supply the Infirmary for the next Quarter with Butchers' Meat, Bread, Cheese, Soap, Candles, Rice, Sugar, Malt, and Coals. The most reasonable Pro- posals will be accepted. N. B. No Proposal for the future from any Tradesmen to serve the Infirmary will be accepted, unless the Price be specified in the Proposal given in. THE Gentlemen, Freeholders, and Farmers of the County of Carmarthen, and of the County of the Borough of Carmarthen, are desired to meet at the Red- Lion in Carmarthen, at Eleven in the Fore- noon on the 7th Day of October ( being the Week of the next General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace) to consider of the Expediency of enforcing the Use of the WINCHESTER MEASURE ( as by Law esta- blished) in the said County and County Borough of Carmarthen. TO be SOLD by Auction, in Lots, at the Dwelling- House of Mr. Thomas Swayne, late of the City of Glocester, Hatmaker, deceased, on Thurs- day next the 14th Inst. The entire STOCK in TRADE of the said Deceased, consisting of Variety of Stuff, Felt, Leghorn, and Chip HATS, & c. Also all his Working Utensils The Whole to be viewed on Wednesday the Day preceding the Sale, which will begin at nine o'Clock in the Morning, and continue ' till all are sold. All Persons who have any Claim on the Estate of the said Thomas Swayne are desired to send in their Ac- counts to Mrs. Elizabeth Swayne, his Widow and Ad- ministratrix : And all Persons indebted to the said Tho- mas Swayne are desired to pay their respective Debts im- mediately to Mr. Meshach Charleton, of the said City, Hatter, who is lawfully authorised to receive the same; otherwise they will be sued without further Notice. LITTLE MARCLE's COURT, Sept. 18. ALL Persons who have any Demands, or arc indebted to the late Daniel Bishop, of the Pa- rish of Eldersfield, Worcestershire, are desired to meet Mr. Thomas Hankins, at Stauntons Swan, on the 5th of October next, by Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, to pay their Debts, or they will be sued without further Notice. THOMAS HANKINS. TWENTY- FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS ready to be Lent ( together or in Parcels not less than 1000l. in a Place) on good Land Securities in the Counties of Glocester and Wilts. None but Principals will be treated with. Apply to Mr. Holbrow, Attorney at Law, in Dursley. STOLEN, on Thursday Night the 17th Inst. out of the Forest of Deane, A Light Iron- grey GELDING, about 14 Hands and a Half high, with a long Mane, a short Tail nicked, and Saddle Galls on his Back : Whoever will give Intelli- gence of him, so that he may be had again, to Nathan Waldan, at Little Deane near the Lodge, shall have One Guinea Reward. TO be SOLD by Auction, on Friday the 9th of October next, at the Swan in the Hay, be- tween the Hours of two and four in the Afternoon, The following FREEHOLD ESTATES in Lots: LOT 1. A Farm, called Penisha Plewith, consisting of a good Dwelling- House, Out- buildings, upwards of 250 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, and about 80 Acres of Wood Ground, lying in Llandilo Parish, Radnorshire. Two Water Corn Mills and a Plot of Land adjoining the above. Also a Farm, called Pwl- Pyran, lying near the above, consisting of a Messuage and about 45 Acres of Land. LOT a. A Farm, called Pen- yr- Rhew, in the Parish of Differth, in Radnorshire, consisting of a Messuage, and about 150 Acres of Land. All are out of Lease ( except Pwl- Pyran, the Lease whereof will expire at Candlemas, 1770) and may be greatly improved by Water and otherways. Apply to Mr. Thomas Beavan, at Aberedow, in the County of Radnor ; or Mr. Allen, in the Hay, GLOCESTER, Sept. 18. ROBERT SMITH, Woollen Draper, Mercer, Linen Draper, Haberdasher, and Under- taker of Funerals, takes this Method of acquainting his Friends and the Public, That he is removed from his late Dwelling- House in the Eastgate- street, unto the House of the late Mrs. PUNTER, at the Corner of St. John's Lane, facing the Butter Market in the Westgate- strect: Where he has laid in a large and new Assortment of GOODS, which he sells, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest Terms. A Continuation of his Friends' Favours will be esteemed as an additional Obligation by, Their most humble Servant, R. SMITH. ON Monday the 28th Instant, will be an ASSEMBLY at the CROWN- INN in Wotton- Underedgc. LEOMINSTER, Sept. 18. LEOMINSTER ASSEMBLY BEGINS ON Thursday the 8th of October next, at the King's Arms Great Room, and will continue every other Thurs- day for the Winter Season. N. B. The 15Th in the last Week's Journal was a Mistake. - . The Town is quite free from the Small pox. CLIFFORD, Sept. 7. WE whose Names are hereunto subcribed do hereby jointly and severally give Notice to all Manner of Persons ( as well qualified as not) That shall or do, at any Time hereafter, hunt or course upon any or either of our Estates within the several Parishes of Clifford, Cusop, Hay, Llannigon, and Clirow, and Coun- ties of Hereford, Monmouth, and Brecknock, without our respective Leave, shall be prosecuted as the Law di- rects. Witness our Hands, JAMES WATKINS, J. POWELL WALTER WATKINS, D. PRICE, RICH. MORRIS, THO. WATKINS. WILLIAM JONES, WHEREAS Elizabeth the Wife of Ri- chard Wheeler, of the Parish of Ruar- Deane, is a very idle Woman, and does all in her Power to ruin her Husband by running him in Debt: This is therefore to forewarn all Pcrfons not to trust her with any Thing, for I will pay no Debts she may contract after the Publi- cation hereof. Witness my Hand, RICHARD WHEELER. TO be LET, and entered upon immedi- ately, A CAPITAL MESSUAGE, at Bridge- End in the Parish of Stonehouse, in the County of Glo- cester, late in the Occupation of Nath. Poole, Esq; de- ceased ; consisting of two Parlours, seven Bedchambers on a Floor, very roomy and convenient Cellaring, and other Offices, pleasant Walks and Gardens, bounded by a River, with two Closes of Meadow Ground adjoining, containing six Acres, may be made very convenient for carrying on the Cloathing Business. Enquire of William Holbrow, Attorney at Law, in Dursley. TO be SOLD together, or in Lots, at the Swan Inn in Tewkesbury, on Thursday the 8th oS October next, between the Hours of two and four in the afternoon, Several Freehold Lands of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, containing about 67 Acres, with several Timber- Trees, and a Nursery of young Stocks growing thereon, with an extensive Right of Common on Corse- Lawn and other adjoining Commons, being Part of the Estate called the Sand- Pits, situated within seven Miles of Glocester, four of Tewkesbury, and seven cf Upton- upon- Severn; the Meadow Ground lieth on the River Severn, and the Tillable Land not half a Mile from the said River. Terms and Conditions of Seal will be produced on the Day thereof, and in the intermediate Time Particulars may had of the Rev. Mr. Parker, at Hasfield, Mr. Browning, in Foregate- street, Worcester, or of Mr. John Terret, Surgeon, in Tewkesbury. TO be SOLD in Fee to the best Bidder, at Twynning Fleet, in the County of Glocester, on Friday the 9th of October next, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, The GREAT and SMALL TITHES of the Hamlet of the Mithook, in Twyning, except of the Lands late Weston's and the Leech Meadow, Enquire of Mr. Daniel Merrell, at Twyning ; or of Mr. Humphreys, at Tewkesbury. STROUD, Sept. 15. INOCULATION will be carried on, during the Autumn Season, in the old Method which hath been performed for fourteen Years pad, without the Loss of a single Patient, or any future Prejudice to their Health. Letters directed to Wm. Hanley, Surgeon, in Stroud, Glocestershire, will be duly attended to. STOLEN, from Mr. Jones, of Bagsham near Ross, Herefordshire, between Eight and Nine o'clock on Friday Night the 18th Instant, A BLACK GELDING, six or seven Years old, about 14 Hands high, with a Star in his Forehead, and galled on the Top of the- Neck by a Collar, the Hair sheared off and just got well, having some grey Hairs on the near Side of the Sore, and a Scab on the off Side, by a shortish Man with a white Frock, who was seen with the Horse under him by the Keeper of Wilton Turnpike, to whom he talked as if he knew the Families about Ross: Whoever will give Notice of the Horse to Mr. Jones, or to Mr. Ball, Butcher, in Ross, so that he may be had again, shall re- ceive Three Guineas Reward ; and Five more on securing the Thief, fo that he may be brought to Justice, and if an Accomplice he shall have the above Reward and a free Pardon. B. The Horse is supposed to be taken to Worcester Fair, which was on the Morrow. Several ESTATES to be Sold and Let. AT Wellsborne near Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, A Freehold Estate of the yearly Value of 100I. and now well tenanted. Also, Two other Freehold Estates near Inkbarrow, in Worcestershire, ONE of the yearly Value of 60I. the Rent not raised for 60 Years past, well tenanted; and the other of the yearly Value of 20I. or thereabouts, well tenanted, and is thought to be very improveable, having Right of Common upon large Commons adjoining to the Premises. Also, Another Freehold Estate at Ham- Green hear Feckenham, in Woreestershire aforesaid, rented by Mr. Maskal at the yearly Rent of 19I. And to be Let, in the Counties of Worcester and War- wick, Several complete Farms of 1, 2, and 300l. a Year in a Farm, to be entered upon at Michaelmas and Lady- Day next. Further Particulars for the Sale of, or letting, the said Estates, may be had of Mr. Phillips, of Evesham, who is authorized to sell or let the same. TO be SOLD to the best Bidder, at the Angel Inn in Haverfordwest, on Saturday the third of October next, between the Hours of twelve and one. The Parsonage's TYTHES, & c. of the several Parishes of Lanhowell and Landeloy, in the County of Pembroke, held under Lease from the Chanter and Chap- ter of St. David's, of the clear yearly Rent of 37I. 17s. for the Term of 21 Years, three Years whereof expired the 25th Day of July last, renewable at the Expiration of the first seven Years. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. George Barzey, of Lecha, in the said Parish of Lanhowell, Tenant to the said Premises ; Mr. Henry John, of Carwen, in the said Parish of Llandeloy; or Mr. Adams, at Pembroke. LONDON, September 1 9. The Dukes of Newcastle, Bedford, North- umberland, and Richmond ; the Marquis of Rockingham ; the Earls of Halifax, Sandwich, Gower, and Shelburne; the Right Hon. Mr. Dowdeswell, and Mr. Conway; and Isaac Barre and Edmund Burke, Esqrs. are all included in the intended new ministry. William de Grey, his Majesty's Attorney- General, it is said, will be appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and that he has been sent for to town on the occasion. Sixteen foreign ships, laden with corn, have arrived in the river in the course of this week Last week died the wife of one Goodwin, a labouring man, at Little Shelford in Cambridge shire. The sorrowful widower, unable to bear the thoughts of a single state, set off the next morning, and was married to a woman at Linton. At their return, in the evening, to Shelford, the dead wife was removed from his bed into a coffin, to give way to the new- mar- ried couple to celebrate their nuptials. The coffin continued in the room all night. Last night about nine o'clock, a fire broke out at a carpenter's in Blackman- Street, Southwark; the same evening, another fire broke out at a tanner's, in Long- Lane ; and this morning early, another fire broke out at a tradesman's house in King- street, Shadwell; all which did considerable damage before they were extinguished. Married.] At Woolavington, in Somer- setshire, John Durbin, jun. Esq; to Miss Jeans. William Desse, Esq; of Manningford- Bruce, Wilts, to Miss Margas James Mash, of Poland- Street, to Miss Susannah Dobson, of Golden- Square. Charles Baring, esq; of Exeter, to Miss Gould, of Trenchard Lewe, in Cornwall. Died.] At Bristol, the Lady of Sir Jarrit Smith, Bart. Member for that city. At his house in Old Broad- Street, Malachy Postle- thwayte, Esq; author of the Universal Dictio- nary of Trade and Commerce. *„* STOCKS neer! y the same as last Week. BANKRUPTs.— Wm. Godfrey and Charlotte Carpenter, of St. George's, Hanover- Square, Middlesex, Milleners and Copartners John Hodson, of Norwich, Dealer john Warnick, of Radcliff- Highway, Middlesex, Sugar- Refiner— Wm. Gymer, of Norwich, Merchant. Wm. Johnson, of Great Torrington, Devonshire, Merchant. Dividends to be made to Creditors. Oct. 6. John Jarratt, of Hackney, Middlesex, Brewer. Certificates to be granted. Oct. 6. John Smith, of Virginia- Street, Middlesex, Mariner. GLOCESTER, September 21. On Saturday the Rev. Richard Hurd, M. A. Chaplain to our Right Rev. Bishop, was installed Archdeacon of this Diocese in our Cathedral. On Tuesday last, at a Court of Common- Council at Bristol, George Weare, Esq; was elected Mayor of that city, and Edward Brice and Alexander Edgar, Esqrs. Sheriffs, for the year ensuing. On Thurfday the Gentlemen Natives of the county of Glocester met their President, Mr. Robert Bush, at Merchant- Taylor's Hall, in Broad- Street, Bristol, and accompanied him to St. Maryport Church, where an excellent sermon, suitable to the occasion, was preached to them. From thence they walked in procession to the Assembly- Room, in Princess- Street, to dinner, after which a collection of 140I. 3s. 9d. was made for apprenticing poor boys, natives of this county,— The Duke of Beaufort, Lord Clare, and several gentlemen of distinction, honoured them with their company. This morning was married Mr. Trigg, of Frocester, to Miss Molly Olivers, of Bath. Lately was married at Clifton church, near Bristol, the Rev. Mr. Jeremiah Davis, to Miss Skinn, only daughter of the late Mr. Edward Skinn, Attorney at Law, in this city. On Monday last, Mr. William Williams, an eminent Bookseller, of Monmouth, was mar- ried to Miss Barrow, of the same town. Last week died suddenly at Cardigan, greatly lamented by all his acquaintance, Benjamin Rawlins, Esq; Collector of his Majesty's Re- venue of Excise, for the counties of Cardigan, Pembroke, and Carmarthen. Saturday last died at Newbury, in Berkshire, Mrs. Martin, relict of Martin, Esq; one of the Aldermen of Bristol. Extract of a Letter from Carmarthen, Sept. 12. " Mr. Higgins's trial came on yesterday at ten o'clock, and lasted ' till four in the after- noon. He was charged with feloniously and burglariously breaking into the house of Lady Maude, between the 26th and 27th of June last, and taking from thence a book called the Universal Pocket Companion, value 2s. 6d. " The first evidence proved, that he met Higgins on the 26th of June, between four and five o'clock in the afternoon, within 100 yards of Lady Maude's house. " The second witness, who was the Lady's Housemaid, said, that 0n the 27th of June, between five and fix in the morning, she found the front door open; and, as it was not usual for the servants to pass and re- pass that way, this gave her a suspicion that the house had been broken open and robbed. On further inspection she found a ladder raised to a parlour window, which was opened, and another ladder lying at a little distance on the Bowling Green ; upon which she called the Butler, who was then in bed, and acquainted him with these parti- culars. All the windows up stairs, she be- lieves, were shut as usual. " The Butler deposed, that on the 26th, at dusk, he locked and secured the front door and parlour windows as usual, but found the door open, as the maid described, and the two sashes of the parlour windows raised up about a foot, the inside shutters well secured as he left them the night before, with a strong bar laid across. He saw also the two ladders as before described, at some distance on the Green, a trunk open, with loose papers lying about it, which he knew to be the trunk belonging to his Lady's Agent. " The Gardener deposed, that he and an- other man came towards the Bowling- Green between five and six o'clock, and found the trunk, & c. as the others had described. The ladders, he said, he had made use of the day before in pinning up some wall trees at some distance from the house, and that they were removed from the place where he left them. " The trunk and book were produced in court, and proved to be the property of Lady Maude.— In the lock of the trunk was found the ward- end of a key broken in the lock, and, when the prisoner was taken, there had been found upon him the remaining part of the key. The two parts were compared in court, and proved by a smith to belong to each other. " Notwithstanding the efforts of his Coun- sellor, the jury brought him in guilty of bur- glary and felony; and this morning the Judge, in terms most affecting, passed fentence of death upon him.— When the question was put to him by the court, Of what he had to say why sen- tence of death should not be passed upon him ? he replied, that he had been used very ill. " He has wept incessantly ever since the jury brought in their verdict. " At our assizes two others also received sen- tence of death, Evan Morgan and Wm. Harry for horsestealing.— It appeared upon the trial of Evan Morgan, that he had stolen and sold the same three different times." By another letter from our Carmarthen cor- respondent, dated September 17, we have re- ceived the following particulars :—" A second indictment was found against Higgins for enter- ing Mrs. Bevan's house; but as he was con- victed upon the first, the court did not try him upon that.— He appears to labour under great dejection of spirits, and makes no answer to the questions proposed to him by numbers of people who, out of curiosity, flock to see him. He is heavy loaded with irons, and the gaoler watches him with great vigilance, to prevent his escape.—' Tis said his wife is gone to London to sollicit a reprieve, though most think with little probability of success. To the many crimes now attributed to this man, is that of breaking open the Custom- House at Swansea, and stealing from thence 450I." *,* The STAMP- OFFICE is removed by Mr. COCKS, to his House in the Upper College Churchyard, near the Coffee- House. AT GLOCESTER, Wheat 6s. 6d. to 07s. ood. I Beans 35,^ 4!. to 3% o&'. Barley 3s. 6J. io 03s. cgd. | Oats 2s. 03^ to 21. u6H %* The Advertisements omitted this Week for want of Room, will be inserted in our next. On Wednesday the sessions ended at the Old Bailey, at which 118 prisoners were tried, six of whom received sentence of death, two to be transported for 14 years, 55 for seven years, four branded, and four whipped. Brownrigg and his son were indicted for assaulting Mary Mitchell, their surviving apprentice, in strip- ping and whipping her, and are to be tried next sessions at Guildhall. William Lawson, ( who assumed the character of a Person of quality) for stealing a gold watch, is sentenced to be transported ; as were also Thomas Bowers and Isaac Hulls, porters, concerned together in stealing 2000l. from Messrs. Paynes, Bankers. OCCASIONAL PROLOGUE spoken by Mr. POWEL at the Opening OF COVENT- GARDEN THEATRE, on Monday Night last, with the REHEARSAL, under the Direction of the New MANAGERS. Written by Paul Whitehead, Esa AS when the merchant, to increase his store, For dubious seas, advent'rous quits the shore, Still anxious for his freight, he trembling sees Rocks in each buoy, and tempests in each breeze ; The curling wave to mountain billows swells, And every cloud a fancied storm foretels : Thus rashly launch'd on this Theatric main, Our All on board, each phantom gives us pain; The cat- call's note seems thunder in our ears, And every hiss a hurricane appears. In journal squibs we lightning's blast espy ; And Meteors blaze in every critic's eye. Spite of these terrors, still some hopes we view; Hopes ne'er can fail us— since they're plac'd in you : Your breath the gale, our voyage is secure, And safe the venture, which Your smiles ensure. . Tho' weak his skill, the adventurer must succced, Where candour takes th' endeavour for the deed. For Brentford's state two kings could once suffice, In Ours, behold ! four Kings of Brentford rise ; All smelling to one nosegay's odorous favour, The balmy nosegay— of the public favour. From hence alone our royal funds we draw, Your pleasure our support, Your will our law. While such our government, we hope you'll own us; But should we ever tyrants prove— dethrone us ! Like brother monarchs, who, to coax the nation, Begin their reigns with some fair proclamation, We too should talk at least of Reformation; Declare, that, during our imperial sway, No bard shall mourn his long- neglected play : But then, the play must have some wit, some spirit, And we allow'd sole umpires of its merit. For those deep sages of the judging pit, Whose taste is too refin'd for modern wit, From Rome's great theatre we'll cull the piece, And plant, on Britain's stage, the flowers of Greece. If some there are, our British bards can please, Who taste the antient wit of antient days, Be Ours, to save from Time's devouring womb Their works; and snatch their laurels from the tomb. For you, ye fair, who sprightlier scenes may chuse, Where Music decks in all her airs the Muse ; Gay Opera shall all its charms dispense, Yet boast no tuneful triumph over sense ; The nobler bard shall still assert his right, Nor HANDEL rob A SHAKESPEARE of his night. To greet their mortal brethren of our skies, Here all the Gods of Pantomime shall rise ; Yet, ' midst the pomp and magic of machines, Same plot may mark the meaning of our scenes ; Scenes which were held, in good King RICH'S days, By sages, no bad epilogues to plays. If terms like these, your suffrage can engage To fix our mimic empire of the stage; Confirm our title, in your fair opinions, And croud each night, to people our dominions. TO be LET ready furnifhed, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, A handsome modern- built HOUSE fit for a Gentleman's Family, situate in the Town of Pembroke, consisting of a Hall and two handsome Parlours, a Study and Closets on the first Floor, the Offices of all Kinds extremely good and commodious ; a Stable, Coach- House, and Garden walled in and planted with Fruit- Trees of all the choicest Kinds, and a pleasant Summer- House at the End of it. Enquire of Thomas Lloyd, of Cwmgloyne near Cardigan, in the County of Pembroke, Esq; or of Nicholas Howell, of Pembroke, who will shew the Premises. Also, about twelve Acres of Meadow Ground if wanted. N. B. The Town of Pembroke is situated upon one Branch of the Harbour of Milford, where there is a cheap and plentiful Market, the Country about it, pleasant, and abounding with Game, and having many Gentlemen's Seats in the Neighbourhood thereof. M O N D A Y's POST. Cadiz, August 20. TWELVE Jesuits are arrived here from the Havana, where those of Porto Rico and St. Domingo had entered, and were to be confined on board till they sailed for Europe jointly with more of that order expected from Carthagena and other Ports. This expulsion was cxecuted very quietly. Gaz. Paris, Sept. 14. A petition from the INdia Company against the Parliament's decree in favour of M. de Bussy, has been presented to the Council of State. Four Notaries having been employed to take copies of the Marquis's minutes and papers, they were returned on Friday Last to a person appointed by the Mar- quis to receive them ; but 0n going out of the India- house, he was arrested by the King's or- der, and conducted to the Lieutenant- Genera! of the police, with whom he was obliged to lodge the papers in question. BRISTOL, April 18. THE best FOREIGN WHEAT imported, also ENGLISH WHEAT, i. sold by JOHN HERBERT, Cornfactor, from 5s. gd. to 6s. per Bushel ; and to the Poor, any Quantity. WHEREAS one JENKIN THOMAS, alias Thomas Jenkin, a Welchman, hath ab- sconded, and left his Wife and Family chargeable to the Parish of Hewelsfield, in Glocestershire; This is to give Notice, that if any Person will apprehend the said Jenkin Thomas, otherwise Thomas Jenkin, so that he may be brought to Justice, he shall rcceive One Guinea Reward, to be paid by Mr. William Fisher, or Mr. Walter Webley, Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish. He had on when he went away a white Flannel Waist- coat, and a Buff Belt about his Middle. He is about five Feet four Inches high, and wears his own dark- brown Hair pretty short. He has a little Cast with one of his Eyes . talks a little of the Welch Tongue, and is supposed to skreen himself about Ross, in Herefordshire. TO be SOLD, A good and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, with a Set of Corn Ware- houfes adjoining, a good Cyder Vault, and dry Quay, and other Conveniences, situate in Pipe- Lane, in the City of Hereford, and known by the Sign of the BROCK- WARE BOAT, now in the Occupation of Thomas Crumpton. For Particulars apply to Mrs. Franks, in Monmouth. TO be SOLD by Auction, at the Ship and Castle in Haverfordwest, on Saturday the 24th of October next, A Freehold MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, and LANDS, called Little Moleston, situate in the Parish of Narberth, in the County of Pembroke, with some un- divided Land belonging to the said Tenement on Mole- ston Mountain, in the same Parish, and Right of Com- mon on Narberth Mountain. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Clibborn, Mer- chant, or of Mr. Stokes, Attorney, in Haverfordwest. TO be SOLD in Lots, by Auction, some Time in the Month of October or November next, of which further Notice will be given, or in the mean Time by private Contract, Several MESSUAGES, HOUSES, LANDS, and TENEMENTS, situate in the several Parishes of Llan- gammarch, Llanleonvel, Llanvechan, Llanavan- vawr, Llanganten, Llanfair in Builth, Maefmynis, Cricadarn, and Merthir, in the County of Brecon, of the yearly Value of 50CI. or thereabouts, being the Estates of Owen Evans, late of Pennant, in the said County, Esq; dec. There are large Quantities - of Timber growing on the Premises now fit tor falling, besides several Acres of Coppice Wood. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Williams, Attor- ney at law, at Crickhowell, in the County of Brecon. TO be SOLD by Auction, on Thursday the 24th of September Inst. at the Lamb in Chel- tenham, Glocestershire, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternon, A CHERRY ORCHARD in Cheltenham aforesaid, being about two Acres, and now let at the yearly Rent of 7I. Also, A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, and about an Acre of Garden Ground, situate at Alstone, in the Parish of Cheltenham, and now let at the yearly Rent of 4I. 10s. For further Partiulars enquire of Mr. Robert Cox, or of Edward Timbrel, Cheltenham. TO be SOLD to the best Bidder, on Friday the 2d of October next, between the Hours of three and four in the Afternoon, at the Dwelling- House of Samuel Page, known by the Sign of the Dragon on Corselawn, in the County of Glocester, A very good MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, BARN, and other necessary Out- buildings, with a large Garden thereunto belonging, situate at Hasfield, and adjoining to Corselawn aforesaid, all which said Premises are in ex- ceeding good Repair ; together with a good Orchard and two inclosed Pasture Grounds in good Condition thereto adjoining and belonging ; and likewise a Right of Com- mon upon all the commonable Places in the Parish of Hasfield aforesaid and Corselawn. All which said Pre- mises are now in the Occupation of William Hyatt, as Tenant thereof. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Harry Long, Attorney at Law, in Pershore, in the County of Wor- cester ; or of Mr. Wakeman Long, Attorney at Law, at Upton upon Severn. TO be LET by Auction, at the King's- Arms Inn in Ross, on Thursday the 1st of Octo- ber next, at One o'Clock, for a Term of 21 Years, com- mencing the 13th Day of February next, The following FARM and MEADOW LANDS, all close by the Town of Ross, and entitled to an extensive Right of Common, ( in EIGHT LOTS) LOT 1. The Upper Cleeve Farm House, Barns, with convenient Out- houses, and about 150 Acres of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land. LOT 2. Five Closes of Meadow Land called, Wood Meadow, Middle Rudges, Black Pool, Wet Meadow, and Upper ditto, containing together about 23 Acres. LOT 3. One Close Meadow Land called, Baker's Oak, about five Acres. LOT 4. TWO Closes Meadow Land called, the Acres, containing upwards of seven Acres, common from the 5th of July to Candlemas. LOT 5. One Close Meadow Land called, Rock Meadow, about five Acres. LOT 6. One Close ditto callcd, Little Talbots, about two Acres and a Half. LOT 7. One Pleck ditto called, The Leg, about one Acre and a Half. LOT 8. One Pleck ditto called, The Hermitage, ad- joining the Causeway. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Mynd, of Ross. *„* There will be a Dinner for the Bidders at One o'clock. TO be LET, and entered upon at Michael- mas next, O. S. The NEWHOUSE FARM of Goodrich, Hereford- shire, situated at an equal Distance from Ross and Mon- mouth Markets, and within a short Mile of the River Wye, containing about 130 Acres, whereof 13 are planted with Variety of Fruit Trees. Upon these Premises are a very good House, Barns, Stables, Malt- House, Cyder- Mill, and all other requisite Conveniences. Whoever is inclined to treat for this Farm may send his Proposals ( Post- paid) to Deane Swift, Esq; at Wor- cester; and depend upon his Name and Proposals being kept a profound Secret, whether any Agreement be con- cluded with him or not. N. B. As the Fields at Marston containing 40 Acres, as well as those at Pencreck containing thirty, lie at some Distance from the House, Proposals may be made for either of those Parcels separately. The following BOOKS are sold by C. Pugh, in Hereford-, Tho. Blunt, in Ross ; Mess. Pal- mer and Cadel, in Bristol; J. Bence, in Wot- tcn Underedge ; M. Bevan, in Swansea ; P. Davis, in Leominster; D. Hog, in Stroud; W. Williams, in Monmouth ; W. Wright, of Haverfordwest ; and R. Bond, in Glocester. This Day is published, NUMBER XX. Price 6d. ( And will be completed in 80 Numbers, illustrated with 47 Maps and Views) TRAVELS through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy : Containing, * A particular Description of the antient and present State of those Countries; their natural, literary, and po- litical History; Religion, Laws, Manners, Customs, Ma- nufactures, Sculpture, Painting, Architecture, Coins, Medals, Antiquities, Curiosities, Sec. & c. Together with the Characters of the several Nations and Courts visited by the Author; and Observations on their several Policies, Interpersed with various Remarks on Mont- faucon, Spon, Mabillon, Misson, Bishop Burnet, Mr. Addison, and other eminent Authors. By the late Monsieur De BLAINVILLE, Secretary to the Embassy of the States- General, at the Court of Spain. Translated from the Author's Manuscript, never published, By Dr. TURNBULL, Mr. GUTHRIE, and Others. London, printed for J. Johnson and B. Davenport, in Pater- noster Row; and sold by G. Harris, and R. Bond, in Glocester ; and C. Pugh, in Hereford. Of whom may be had the Work complete in three Vo- lumes 4to, Price bound zl. 5s. Or any Person may begin with Number I. and have the following Numbers regu- larly delivered. To all who are desirous of having good Malt Liquors, This Day is published. In a handsome Pocket Vol. Price 2s. 6d. neatly bound, THE Complete ENGLISH BREWER, or The whole Art and Mystery of BREWING, in all its various Branches. Containing plain and easy Di- rections for Brewing ALL Sorts of Malt Liquors in the greatest Perfection, from the smallest to the largest Quan- tities. Also Instructions for the Choice of Barley and Hops, and all other Ingredients and Utensils used in Brewing. Together with the very best Methods of Calking, Cellar- ing, Fining, Bottling, Curing, and Recovering faulty or damaged Liquors. The Whole made easy to every Capacity, and calcu- lated not only for the Use of Publicans in general, but private Families in particular. By GEORGE WATKINS, Who has practised Brewing in all its Branches upwards of thirty Years. London, printed for J. Cooke, in Pater- noster Row ; and sold by C. Pugh, in Hereford; and R. Bond, in Glocester. This Day was publifhed, Price is. 6d. The Second Edition of THE COUNTESS of SALISBURY. A TRAGEDY. As it was performed with universal Applause, for two Seasons, at the Theatres in Dublin, and as it has been performed twelve Nights to crowded Houses, at the The- atre Royal in the Hay- Market, London. Written by HALL HARTSON, Esq; London, printed for W. Griffin, in Catherine- street, in the Strand ; and sold by C. Pugh, in Hereford; and R. Bond, in Glocester. Where may be had, Price is. 6d. An APPEAL to HUMANITY, in an Account of the Life and cruel Actions of ELIZABETH BROWNRIGG, who was tried at the Old- Bailey on the 12th of Septem- ber, 1767, and sentenced to be hanged at Tyburn, on Monday the 14th of the same Month, for cruelly beating, and starving Mary Clifford, a Parish Girl, her Apprentice ; giving a true and circumstantial Account of that barbarous Transaction. To which is added, The Trial of ELIZABETH BRANCH and her Daughter, for the Murder of their Servant Maid, & c. & c. This Day is published, Price 6d. NUMBER XI. of THE LAW of a JUSTICE of PEACE, and PARISH OFFICER : Containing all the Acts of Parliament at large concerning them, and the Cases determined on thofe Acts in the Court of King's Bench. To which is added, a Collection of Precedents revised and settled by Persons of Eminence in the Law; and comprising a greater Variety in the Law than any other Work of this Kind extant. By JOHN, Lord Viscount DUDLEY and WARD, And T. CUNNINGHAM, Esq In comparing this with all other Works of the same Nature, it will be found to have the following Advan- tages. I. It will contain all the Statutes at Large that concern the respective Offices of Justice of Peace, and Parish Of- ficers ; such short Abstracts thereof as are inserted in other Books of this Kind having been productive of many dan- gerous Mistakes. II. All new Acts of Parliament that shall be made, and all new Cases that shall be adjudged, relating to the Subject of this Work, will be printed by way of Supple- ment, to complete each former Edition, whenever a sub- sequent one is published ; as the laying the Public under the Necessity of purchasing EVERY new Edition, for the Sake of such Additions, has given Occasion to just and frequent Complaints. III. There will be added a Collection of Precedents, setted with the greastest Accuracy and Precision, by Per- sons of Eminence in the Law, comprising every Case that falls under the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace. ' # " The Public may be assured that this Work will be regularly published every Saturday, and that it will not exceed Eighty Numbers. London, printed by his Majesty's Law- Printers; and sold by W. Griffin, in Catherine- street, in the Strand ; C. Pugh, in Hereford ; and R. Bond, in Glocester. This Day is Published, ( illustrated with twelve Copper- plates of the principal Reformers ) The First Volume for the Year 1766, Price 6s. 6d. Half bound, or 7s. bound, of THE GOSPEL MAGAZINE ; or Spiritual Library ; designed to promote Religion, Devotion, and Piety, from evangelical Principles, in six Parts, con- taining, I. A System of Christian Divinity. II. Biography, or the Lives of the Reformers, and other eminently religious Persons ; including an Account of the Reformation from Popery. III. Dialogues, explaining Scripture Metaphors and Parables. IV. Cases of Conscience, and other religious Questions, that may exercise Persons seriously concerned about the Salvation of their Souls. V. Miscellaneous, or Letters, Essays, Meditations, and Dialogues, on religious Subjects. VI. Religious Poetry. The several Subjests of the Gospel- Magazine for 1766, are continued in the same Order in the Months of Janu- ary, February, March, April, May, June, July, and August, 1767, and will be continued the first Day of every Month. London, printed for J. Cooke, in Pater- noster Row, where Letters ( Post- paid) are received ; and sold by C. Pugh, in Hereford ; and R. Bond, in Glocester. To the P UB LI C. THE late Mr. WARD'S invaluable Medi- cines prepared from the Receipts given by that Gen- tleman at his Death, to JOHN PAGE, Esq; Member for Chichester, and by him most generoufly bellowed on the Public, are to be had of the undermentioned Persons * ; where may be had, gratis, Directions for taking the said Medicines, and an Account of their Effects. These Me- dicines have been dispensed for these two last Years past in considerable Quantities throughout the Kingdom, without having produced to our Knowledge any bad Ef- fects ; but on the contrary, we have been informed by the Venders employed by us, That the WHITE DROP in scorbutic Cases, the PASTE in Piles and Fistulas, the LIQUID SWEAT in Colds and feverish Complaints, the PILL and SWEATING POWDERS in confirmed Rheu- matisms, the SACK or EMETIC DROP in Disorders of the Stomach arising from Indigestion, the DropsY POW- DERS in Dropsies, and the ESSENSE in removing Pains in the Head, and other local Pains, have been attended with remarkable Success ; and their Prices, through his Majesty's most gracious Bounty, are happily brought with- in the Reach of the Poor. J. FIELDING, R. DINGLEY. » Glocestershire, Glocester Mr. Price, Cirencester Mr. Hill, Lechlade Mrs. Underwood, Tewkesbury Mr. Merrit Hartlebury; Oxfordshire, Oxford Mr, Jackson, Bicester Mr. Steven, Banbury Mr. Calcott, Hooknorton Mr. Beale, Thame Mr. Hearn, Witney Mr. Symonds ; Se- mersetshire, Bath Mr. Leake, Bristol Mr. Cadel, Bathers- den Mr. Haffenden, Chard Mrs. Smith, Frome Mr. Han- cock, Yeovil Mr. Hallaway; Herefordshire, Hereford Mr. Pugh, Leominster Mr. Davis; Worcestershire, Wor- cester Mr. Lewis, Dudley Mr. Geast, Evesham Mr. An- drews; Monmouthshire, Abergavenny Mr. Rogers; Gla- morganshire, Swansea Mr. Beavan. At London, only at Mr. Henry Parken's, Print and Book Seller, in Cornhill, and Mr, Charles Marsh's, Bookseller, at Charing- Cross.
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