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The Craftsman; or Say's Weekly Journal


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The Craftsman; or Say's Weekly Journal

Date of Article: 19/09/1767
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Address: Newgate-Street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 547
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The Craftsman ; or Say's Weekly Journal. no 547 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1767. To the PRINTER. WHOEVER reads ths Augsburgh Confession, Calvin's Institutions, and MelanCton's Epistles, will plainly discover the sentiments of the first reformers to have been in favour ef an universal toleration of three religions, the Popish, the Lutheran, and Calvinist persua- sions, which they contended for always ; and even at Spire, anno, 1528, although the Princes of the Pro- testant Communion insisted that the mass should not be restored in churches within their respective do- minions, where it had been, for the most conscien tious reasons, abolished; yet they never pretended that their Roman Catholic subjects should be fore- closed of the liberty of practising the imaginary du- ties of their religion elsewhere than in those churches ; nor can Providens or Lycurgus produce an instance of a perfecuting law in the dominions of the German reformed Princes : on the contrary, they obtained at last the settlement of peace, anno 1555, On this fundamental concession, that both the reformed and popish Clergy should remain in the possession of their respective revenues, churches, and privileges, with full liberty to the Roman Catho- lics and Protestants to embrace which of the two persuasions was most agreeable to their consciences; and, in fact, in Germany, Mass is sometimes said in the afternoon in the same church, where the Prote- stant service has been performed in the forenoon. The impropriety of persecution on account of re- ligion, in a commercial kingdom, which like a market ouvert, ought to be open to all persons, is so evident, that it is no wonder that the favourers of severity are obliged to have recourse to extraordi- nary proportions, in order to justify a conduct fo Contrary to the spirit of our religion. But all their arguments rest on assertions which they pretend not to prove otherwise than by affirming them; then they call on me to prove a negative, which in the nature of things they know is not capable of proof. They say the Roman Catholics maintain the once horrible dispo- sitions of their forefathers against this Protestant go- vernment j that they all continue as most of their ancestors did, to acknowledge the supreme papal power over the Princes of Christendom ; that Eng- lish Roman Catholics adhere to the title of the ab- jured Pretender ; and that the same intollerant spi- rit prevails among them as among the Trentine di- vines ; but all these assertions must be believed with7 out any evidence, or all the arguments founded on them must fall to the ground. Mens Principles are not capable of any proof separate from their decla- rations and the testimony of their actions, all which on the part of the Roman Catholics, are the strongest possible declamations, of these criminal intentions. The Pope himself has virtually declaimed his usur- pations, or rather the usurpations of his ancestors; he refuses to the representative of the family of Stuart those titles with which former Popes de- corated his father; and our fellow subjects of that religion, are willing to give the usual security for their allegiance, which, in other Protestant coun- tries have been depended on without any inconve- niency. Nor is it a justifiable reply to affirm that their oaths are not to be trusted because they may be indulged by the Pope and afterwards absolved, unless it could be proved that the Roman Catholics of this age believe in the dispensing power of Rome in mat- ters of morality, notwithstanding their denials of so absurd a proposition.— The Divines of Trent even differed about it, as have other Roman Catho- lics of former ages—— Why then fix on every Ro- man Catholic an article of belief which is now for mally disavowed by all of them ? Whether we have recourse to the words or the actions of the English Roman Catholics for a certificate of their loyalty, we must acknowledge it proved by their decent beha- viour in the year 1745 ; their former and subsequent conduct and constant declarations of loyalty. Nor is there the least cause to fear, in this reasoning age, the encrease of so unreasonable a principle, if our Clergy were compelled to those duties that are prac- tised, without compulsion, by other Protestant di vines. " But, says one of my opponents, why accuse our Clergy of so criminal a negligence ? Or, if it is true, should the Magistrate fall asleep because the Curate is drowsy ?" I readily answer not— but his power in religious matters warrants not a perfecution for the sake of conscience; but she avows the subjection of her Clergy to the Civil Power, which, by compelling them to their duty, can, in the most rational manner, re- move our fears of Popery, and add thousands to the Protestant Church. it is true, I have charged the Clergy with Non- residence, Commendams, neglect- ing to visit and catechise their flock— And which of them will deny the charge, or who else will under- take to deny such obvious facts But are the peo- ple to be persecuted because the clergy are remiss in the execution of their duty ? Are wandering sheep to be slain ? Or is it merciful in any administration to suffer the watchmen of the church to sleep, and then punish the mistaken Christian for errors which he is thus brought into ? A Mahometan govern- ment would disdain such injustice; and I am certain nO man of sense can set up a justification of such im- proprieties. Was there no way to hinder ths spreading of the Roman Catholic religion without persecution, ne- cissity might be pleaded for enforcing acts other- wise unjustifiable ; But this plea is wanted at pre- sent, and must be wanted till our established clergy act with the same zeal in their respective duties which inflames other Protestant divines. Till then it is our duty to call for the exertion of ths Ciyil Power against a Non- resident, Court- preferment- hunting Clergy, without pointing the sword of per- secution at the breasts of our deluded brethren ; de- luded by the means of clerical negligence. ANTI DRACO. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. From theLoNdon GAZETTE of September 12, 1767. BANKRUPTS. Edward Bibbins the younger, John Baron, and William Bibbins, of Lawrence lane, London, ware- housemen, dealers and copartners, to surrender on the 14th inst. at twelve at noon, on the 3rd of Octo- ber, at five in the afternoon, and 24th of the same month, at ten in the forenoon, at Guildhall.— At- torney, Mr. Parker, in Rolls- buildings, Fetter- lane. Days appointed for making the Dividends of Bankrupts' estates to Creditors. Godhard Hagen and David Wolpman, of London, merchants, and copartners in trade, the 30th Inst. at nine in the forenoon ( by adjournment from the 10th inst:) at Guildhall. Edward Hammond, of Ashton under Line, in the County of Lancaster, chapman, the 5th of October, at ten in the forenoon, at the Angel in Ashton under Line. ' William Turner, Of the town and county of Pool, merchant, the 5th of October, at ten in the fore- noon, at the George inn in Pool.— FINAL DIVIDEND. William Tiffin, of Swaffham, in the county of Norfolk, grocer and draper, the 5th of October, at eleven in the forenoon, at the White Hart in SwafF- ham. LONDON. His Majesty's marine forces are to be formed into five battalions of 800 men each ; the command of which is to be given to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, with the rank of Major- General, and an appointment of 61. per diem. His Royai Highness is also to have the disposal of the advan- tages arising from the cloathing, which is imagined will amount to near 6000L per annum. They write from New- York, that a large chapel has lately been built there for a congregation of Me- thodists, who already exceeded two thousand persons, It is the opinion of some shrewd politicians, that if a bill should be brought into Parliament the en- suing sessions to grant Representatives therein to the Colonies, the Court will be so far from hindering it to pass, that on the contrary it will promote it as much as possible, in order to stop their mouths, and that they may no longer plead that as an excuse for their refusing to be taxed by the mother country. By a gentleman from Ireland we learn, that the generality of the people there are so fired with the love of liberty, that unless the bill for limiting the duration of their Parliament to seven years, which has already been so often brought into the house and rejected, shall pass into a law the ensuing sessions, it is the opinion of those who are best acquainted with the temper and disposition of the peaple, that the whole kingdom will be in a ferment, and mobs be more frequent and outrageous than they have been since the Revolution. We are credibly informed, that a scheme is now is agitation to farm out the cross roads in Scotland, on the same plan as that which was undertaken by the late Ralph Allen, Esq; with a view to promote his Majesty's revenue of the Post- office, and for the be- nefit of inland trade in that part of the kingdom. We are informed, that several persons have lately been summoned before a justice of the Peace, and convicted In a penalty, for wearing buttons on their linen waistcoats Covered with the same stufF. It is said, that about forty years ago, the trade of but- ton- making being in a very declining way, and the people of that business in a starving condition, an act of parliament was then passed for their relief, by which a penalty was inflicted on any person who wore buttons without shanks, or not worked in the man- ner buttons usually are. This act being still in force, has occasioned some person to give information as above. A few days ago the creditors of a tradesman in the West met, in order to settle his affairs, when the at- torney who inserted the meeting brought in his bill as follows : s. d. For drawing an advertisement, » 6 A fair copy, • j 4 Attending the printer with the same, 6 S Total, jz 6 Exclusive of the expense of the advertisement paid the printer. On Thursday Mr. Peele, an eminent ironmonger, contracted with ths Commissioners for lighting the streets, & c. and for lamp irons to be affixed on both sides the way through Knightsbridge and Kensing- ton to the Thatched House, at ten yards distance from each other, to be all ready against Michaelmas- day. Yesterday three prisoners were capitally convicted at the Old- Bailey, viz. John Spires and William Bryan, for assulting Mrs. Bigby on the highway, near Paddington and robbing her of 4s. in silver. William Guest, for high treason, in traiterously diminishing the current coin of the realm, by filing the same, and with a most curious machine milling them afresh. The following were convicted to be transported, viz. Richard Brandham, for stealing a coat, a waist- coat, and two shirts, the property of James Leach ; and Henry Williams, for stealiug a coat, the pro- perty of William Holmes. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. LONDON. Extract Of a letter from Paris, Aug. 19. " A foreign Baron, struck some days since at the Opera with the soft attitudes and wanton gestures of Mademoiselle Allard, wrote to her the following: billet. " Madam, " I am a foreigner, and of course little accustomed to French gallantry. I can make love only seriously. Your figure and seducing attitudes have pleased me to that degree, that I am determined to marry you. I offer you my hand if you will quit the theatre, and cut capers only for me. I am a person of rank, have twenty thousand crowns year; for ths rest am young, well made, and vigorous. Return me an- swer immediately. " the Baron of A servant out of livery, but very well dressed, carried this billet, with an injunction not to tell the name of his master. Mademoiselie Allard replied : " SIR, " Your proposals are so extraordinary, that I cannot but consider them as a joke. Accordingly I have no other answer to make. I have the ho- nour of being, & c. " ALLARD." • In the afternoon the stranger posted back with the following billet: " Madam, " I had the honour of telling you, that I meant not gallant formalities, My proposals are sincere and frank. May you use the like freedom with me, and open your heart with the same confi- dence I show you. Once more, it is marriage I propose in good and lawful form. It gives me little concern that you have been a mistress, provided you be not so when you are my wife; but avail yourself of my frenzy ; I shalil not remain long in the same way ot thinking. I cannot believe, that on this se- cond explanation you will be still incredulous. Adieu, Queen of my heart, remember it it not a Baroness it sighs after." ' Mademoiselle Allard's Answer. « < I begin to believe, Sir, that what you write to me is very seriously, and that you think all that you say. You express yourself without circumlocution, and I will now do the same. I should like very well to be a Baroness, to enjoy twenty thoufand crowns a year, still better to marry a man young, well made, and vigorous But wedlock terrifies me, the profes- sion of a mistress pleases me, and yet I am honest. If I had given you a promise of fidelity, I should have kept it to a degree of madness : But I would choose to be less rich, to continue unmarried, and to change my lover when I please. There is a proper return for your frankness, and without being of your country, I think I can be sincere. For the rest, I am at present engaged to one whom I prefer to the so- vereignty of the world: Judge, then, if a barony, especially a foreign one can tempt me. Adieu, Sir, quit your phrensy as soon as you please, and set a proper value on my refusal. " I am, & c." < Madamoiselle Allard received the day following, by the penny post, a billet in these terms " Madam, " When a man like me makes proposals of the kind that mine were, he is not disposed to be refused. I forgot myself to that degree, that I would have married you; there wanted nothing to my reproach but your denial: That has restored me entirely to myself, and I now see what I have to do. Since I cannot be your husband, 1 am resolved to blow my own brains out, but first to blow out your's. Pre- pare yourself for that event." Mademoiselle Allard, extremely alarmed, went to the Lieutenant of the police. The latter comfort- ed her, and bid her fear nothing. Strict researches. are making after the foreigner. Extract of a private letter from a gentleman in Paris to his friend in London. « « It is the interest of Great- Britain that the king- dom of France should always continue Roman Ca- tholic ; for should it once allow a free toleration to the Protestant religion, England would cut but a poor figure ; for in that case all the French Protes- tant Refugees there, and in every other part Of Eu- rope, would return to their native country, and, by their numbers and property, encrease the strength of it prodigiously, and in the same proportion decrease that of the countries they are now settled in ; be- sides, such an event would encourage the greatest Protestant Princes and States to enter into alliances with it in preference to Great- Britain, whose present much envied importance, commerce, and liberties, would, in that case, be in the most precarious and dangerous situation. Indeed the British Court seems to be so sensible of this, that 1 believe it is one of the principal reasons why it never, in good earnest; sol- licits the French Court to tolerate its Protestant sub- jects in their religion, nor even to mitigate the se vere edicts issued against it from time to time, know- ing from experience how prejudicial the perfecution ot the Hugonots has been to France, and that what- ever is so must be advantageous to Great- Britain in a double sense, first, by encreasing its own inhabi- tants, manufactures and commerce; and secondly, by lessening those of its natural enemy." According to letters from Leghorn, it was ex- pected the malcontents of Corsica Would be in posses- sion of the whole island before Christmas next. On Thursday last is Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, attended by several person of distinc- tion, took the diversion of stag hunting on Windsor forest; a fine stag was rouzed, which afforded most excellent sport, and, after six hours chace, was killed at a place Called Bracknell, near Oakinghami, about three o'clock in the afternoon. In the course of last week, three corn ships from Holland, two from Naples, two from the Straits, two from Dantzick, two from Hamburgh, one from Leghorn, and one from Ostend, fully arrived ' in the river. There being a great deal of corn still remaining unreaped or unshocked, in divert parts of the coun- try, occasioned by the backwardness of the season, and many persons thinking they are now at liberty to shoot and hunt with their spaniels, it may not be unseasonable to repeat the following clause for the protection of farmers, & c. By stat 13 Eliz . c. 10. " None shall hawk or hunt with his spaniels in standing grain, or before it is shocked ( except in his own ground, or with consent of the owner) on pain of forfeiture to the owner of the same ground 40s. to be recovered as the statute directs." Five ingenious mechanics, well skilled in making British china, have this week been engaged for Scot- land, where a new porcelain manufacture is to be established, in the manner of thofe at Bow and Chel- sea. Saturday last Mr. Johnson, who keeps the Tap at the Swan with Two Necks in Lad- lane, Wood- street, bought Dobney's Bowling- green- house, & c. Islington, for 3500L Saturday last came on to be tried at Winchester, before Mr. Justice Yates, an information, in the na- ture of a Quo Warranto, against John Leigh, Esq; to know by what authority he claimed to be Mayor of Yarmouth, in the Isle of Wight when, after a trial of 14 hours, a verdict was given for the Crown ; and likewise two other informations againit the Rev. Mr. Oglander and the Rev. Dr. Walker, to know by what authority they claimed to be capital Burgesses of the said borough ; when the verdict was likewise given for the Crown. The Council for the Crown were Mr. Serjeant Burland, Mr. Dunning, Mr. Pop- ham, and Mr. Impey. For the defendants, Mr. Serjeant Davy, Mr. Thurloe, Mr. Serjeant Glynn, and Mr. Mansfield. Mr. Hide, the stocking- trimmer in Tower Royal, who by jumping out of a two pair of stairs window broke his thigh, and was otherwise terribly bruised, and who was reported to have died on Thuriday af- ternoon in St. Bartholomew's Hospital, is a mistake, he being in a fair way of recovery. On Saturday morning, about half past seven, be- gan the trial of John Brownrigg, Elizabeth his wife, and John their son, for the wilful murder of Mary Clifford, their apprentice girl, which lasted till past five in the afternoon, when the Jury, having been out about a quarter of an hour, returned, and found Elizabeth the wife, guilty of the murder, to the en- tire satisfaction of all present; but acquitted the fa- ther and son, it not appearing that they were present at the several beatings and ill treatment of the poor girl, who was most unmercifully used, nor especially at the last whipping, which was thought to be the oc- casion of her death. The many and continual acts of barbarity praCtised on her would be too long a de tail for a paragraph, especially as the whole proceed- ings are to be printed by authority. At the time of her receiving sentence, being askad what she had to say in stay thereof, answered, That she did not beat the girl with intent to kill her, and therefore thought herself not guilty. She is to be executed this morn ing at Tyburn, and afterwards anatomized. It is said indictments for misdemeanors and assaults are found against the father and son. The following were convicted to be transported, viz. William Stringer, for stealing a silver pepper- box, salt and three table spoons, the property of William Maldin i Charles Trafford, for stealing a e at, and several shirts and shift's, the property of William Morgan ; Elizabeth Boyce, for stealing a petticoat and an apron, the property of Catherine Crosby ; Jonas Knowles, for stealing a rat- trap, a tobacco box, and some canary seed, the property of Daniel Richardson ; Catherine Smith, otherwise Nor- dis, for stealing two guineas from William Lay, a journeyman bricklayer, who that evening had the luck to win the same at a b x or raffling- chest, and in going home was prevailed on to treat the lady with a glass of spirituous liquor- Extract of a letter from Edinburgh, Sept. 7. " From the North we have an account of a very uncommon phaenomenon, which made its appearance a few days ago in Perthshire. It first was observed on the water of Isla, near Cupar Angus, where it was preceded by a thick dark smoke, which soon dis- pelled and discovered a large luminous body, which at first sight appeared like a house on fire ; but which presently after took a form something pyramidal, and rolled forwards with impetuosity till ir came to the water of Erick, which enters itself into Isla, up which river it took its direction likewise with great rapi- dity, and disappeaied a little above Blairgowrie. " The effects were as extraordinary as the appear rance. In its passage it carried a large cart many yards over a field of grass ; a man riding along the high road was carried from his horse, and so stunned with the fall, as to remain senseless a considerable time. " It destroyed one half of a house, or rather car- ried it off, and left the other behind, as the part carried off was a good many yards from the other. It undermined and destroyed an arch of the new bridge building at Blairgowrie, immediately after which it disappeared." Edinburgh, Sept. 8. We hear from Clackmannan, that a barbarous murder was committed there the end of laft week, by a gentleman of that neighbour- hood, who stabbed a young man, of the name of Richardson, with a pen- knite. The father, coming in to the assistance ol his son, was also stabbed in the belly, and died soon after. The son was mortally wounded, but not dead, when the accounts came away.— The murderer was secured, and we are told is committed prisoner to Stirling Castle. • Charles- Town, South Carolina, July 23. the Gren- ville packet boat we are advised of the dissolution of the Assembly of West Florida, and have received a copy of the Lieutenant- Governor's speech upon that occasion, in the following words, viz. Mr, Speaker, an. l Gentlemen of the assembly, " When I called you together for the dispatch of public business, I met you with a heart truly disposed to join you in promoting the welfare and happiness of this infant colony; but, on reading your Jour- nals, I find much ot your attention taken up in un- worthy attempts to throw reflections opon my con- duct, and the opinions of his Majesty's Counsel; the most insolent and shameful resolutions that any As- sembly ever presented to a Governor; and, I suppose, your Journals followed, from my passing over your daring resolutions unnoticed. " But be assured, that my. moderation proceeded only from my wishing to have you carry through the public business with alacrity and reputation to this colony, and not in swallowing up, in the most sur- prizing manner, the very, means which should be ap- lied to its support. « '. What must other colonies think of you, when they know, how you tax the subject merely for your own benefit and advantage. I sincerely hoped your Journals would have procured to the world a lasting monument of disinterestedness, by giving up, for the improvement of the colony, the great salaries which you have taken to yourselves. " Such grievances call aloud for redress, aad I will redraft and make them publicly known, that the people may have an opportunity of contributing to their own happiness hereafter, by a more proper choice of their Representatives. " I do therefore, in his Majesty's name, by and with the advice of his Majesty's Council, dissolve this present Assembly, and you are hereby dissolved accordingly." TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. From the LONDON GAZETTE of Sept. 15, 1767. St. James's, Sept. 11. The King has been pleased to grant unto the Right How. William Lord Mans- field, Chief Juftice of his Majesty's Court of King's- Bench, the office of Chancellor of his Majesty's Ex- chequer, in the room of tne Right Hon. Charles Townshend, deceased. BANKRUPTS. William Godfrey and Charlotte Carpenter, late of the parish of St. George, Hanover- square, Middle- sex, milliners and copartners, to surrender the 22d instant, and 6th and 27th of October, at ten in the forenoon, at Guildhall, London,— Attorney, Mr. Michell, Parliament- street, Westminster. John Hodson, now or late ot the city of Norwich, to surrender the 6th, 13th, and 27th of October, at three in the afternoon, at the Angel Inn in the city of Norwich.— Attorney, Mr. Samuel Strutt, in Nor. wich aforesaid. Day appointed for making the dividend of a Bankrupt estate to Creditors. John Jarrat, late of Hackney, Middlesex, brewer, the 6th of Oitober, at ten in the forenoon, at Guild- hall, London. Certificate to be allowed to a Bankrupt. John Smith, of Virginia- street, in the parish of St. George in the East, Middlesex, mariner, on or bel fore the 6th of October next. LONDON. The new negotiation for a new set of ministers ad- yanCes daily. Lord Chatham is said to be much better since his retirement into the West; but it is believed will ne- ver Undertake any public business again. It is strongly reported that an additional sum of loo, oool. will be granted next sessons. of Parliament in consideration of the high price of provisions, for the augmentation of the livings of poor Clergymen in England and Wales, under the patronage of a great Personage. We are credibly informed that an opinion univer- sally prevails among the Papists ( upon what grounds we know not) that the accounts now taking of their numbers is not pleasing to certain great personages, and that they will neither be accepted nor taken any notice of, so as to cause any steps to be taken to their disadvantage in consequence thereof. Last week five stone of beef, nine hams, and three dozen fowls, were stewed down for gravy, at an en- tertainment given by a person of distinCtion at the West end of the town. The following story is sent as a fact — At a ge- neral meeting held on Monday last at W in the county ot C —, to nominate prOper persons to represent that county in the next Parliament a poor man belonging to the work- house killed him self with eating and drinking, the public houses in town being opened to all comers : this arriving to the ears of a learned a- torney, he, with an oath, de- manded what the master of the work house was do- ing, that he did not let every one of the poor out, there being ( he observed) meat and drink sufficient to have killed them all, which would have eased the town of them. Yesterday the prices of grain at Mark- lane were, Wheat 38s. to 48s. 6d. Barley 20s to 26.6d. Rye 228. to 24s. Oats 13s. to 19s. pjer quarter. Finest flour 41s. Second sort 39s. Third fort 37s. per sack. Brown malt 31s. to 33s Pale malt 31s. to 36s. Pease 24s. to 17s. Hog Pease 23s. to 26s. Beans 2os. to 24s. 6d. tares 22s. to 25s. per quarter. Rape seed 19s, 10s. per last. Yesterday there was a very numerous meeting at Epsom, of the gentlemen and freeholders of the county of Surry when they unanimously nominated the Right Hon. George Onslow, Esq; and Sir Francis Vincent, Bart the present Members, to represent the county in Parliament the ensuing general elec- tion. Last night the Theatre Royal in Covent- Garden opened, under the direction of the new Managers, with an Occasional Prologue, spoken by Mr. Powell, and the play of the Rehearsal, in which were intro- duced several temporary strokes on the late revolu- tion in the theatre. The Prologue was well written and spoken, and contained much spirit, poetry and humour ; and the additions to the play were happily thrown in, and favourably received. A few days ago a farmer's daughter near Trow- bridge, in Wiltshire, w!. o had for upwards of two years been grievously tormented by swallowing a needle, which was beyond the reach of surgery to extract it, was happily delivered of her pain, the needle having worked its way quite through the skin of her neck. Last Tuesday night, about ten o'clcck, a terrible fire broke out at one of the out- house adjoining to the parsonage- house at Clanfield, near Hambledon, Hants, which in a short time communicated itself to the dwelling- house, which, together with all the out houses, were in a short time entirely burnt to the ground. Seven loads of corn, a large quantify of seeds, all the husbardry utensils, one horse, several pigs, and a great part ot the houshold goods, were also consumed. Yesterday a man in King- street, Seven- dials, hav- ing some words with his wife, jumped out of a two pair of stairs window, and was killed on the spot. He has left a wife and two young children. Yesterday morning Elizabeth Brownrigg was car ried from Newgate to Tyburn, where she was exe cuted, pursuant to her sentence on Saturday last, for the murder of Mary Clifford, her apprentice. She behaved with great composure of mind. She was a thin woman, of a brown complexion, sharp visage, and seemed to be above fifty years of age. After hanging the usual time, the body was conveyed to Surgeon's- hall, in order for dissection. The crowd assembled to see her go, and at Tyburn, was per- haps never exceeded at any execution. A woman, with a child in her arms, was thrown down in the crowd near St. Giles's Church; the woman was greatly bruised, and the child taken up for dead.— Mrs. Brownrigg was in the most violent agitation of spirits in the morning, about what would become of her in the next world ; but after she had received the sacrament, accompanied by her husband and son, she was more composed, and took leave of them very affectionately ; after which she came down into the Press yard, lamenting her wickedness, and hoped that her fate might be a warning to mankind, to be - have with more compassion to her fellow creatures. She was then led trembling by two men out of the Press yard into the cart ; but her face could not be distinguished, having a hat on, which was put on Very forward. Yesterday, at the sessions at the Old Bailey, one prisoner was capitally convicted, viz. John Tinsey, for burglary in the dwelling- house of Joseph Sunshine, whole wife was a washerwoman in Lambeth- street, Goodmans- fields, and stealing thereout a quantity of shirts, shifts, and other lin- nen. Yesterday one Michael Doyle was tried and con- victed at the Old Bailey, for secreting himself in the house of Mr. Griffiths, linen- draper, in Westmin ster, and packing up a quantity of goods in order to carry them away. This offender was convicted the last session, and was favoured with his Majesty's par- don ; and in all probability would have escaped jus- tice a second time, had not Mr. Griffiths in a very public spirited manner pursued the prosecution, in opposition to some illaudable attempts to defeat jus- tice by those whose duty it was to forward the execu tion of the laws of their country ; but this neglect was properly taken notice of by that able and upright Magistrate to whose lot it fell to try the above dan- gerous offender. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. LONDON. We are informed, that their Majesty's intentions of honouring the Duke of Marlborough with a visit at Bleinham house, are laid aside, on account of her Majesty being so far advanced in her pregnancy. Yesterday arrived the mails from Holland and Flanders : by which there is advice that the plague rages in almost all the quarters of Constantinople, and had likewise appeared in the suburbs of Pera and Galata. ' Tis added, that the interpreter of the resident of Russia had been sent for by the Grand Vizir, with when he had a conference of two hours ; and it was said that there was settle great difference arisen between the two empires. Letters from Italy, by these mails, bring advice of a violent earthquake in the island of Cephalonia be- longing to the Venetians. Half the capital town is destroyed ; a great number of the inhabitants loft their lives.; and the number of the maimed still greater. The governor of the island very narrowly escaped with his family and domestics on board a ship, the house which he occupied being entirely demolished. The shocks had not ceased when the letters came away ; and they were also felt at the islands of St. Maure, Tenedos, and Argos, which have all greatly suffered. We have an account from Paris, that M. Cho- bert, a celebrated performer on the harpsichord, and . one of the prince of Conty's band, together with a physician, and six other persons, had been killed by eating champignons, which had been gathered in tha wood of Boulogne. According to letters from Gibraltar, the Dey of Algiers had caused the commander of one ot his xebeques to be strangled immediately on coming into port, tor having plundered a Mahonese vessel in the Mediterranean, belonging to the subjects of his Bri- tannic Majesty. Fron Vienna, we hear, that the palm- tree, known under the name ot the Palma Japonica which flow- ered and produced fruit in the garden of the Schom- brunn in 1765, and which is now 113 years old, has again flowered there this year, together with ano- ther of the same species, 56 years old. Both these about the form and bigness of a cherry, but ap- proaching to a yellow- orange, already begin to ripen. It is believed that this is the first time. A letter from Jersey, dated August 15, says, " If the government continues to keep so many cutters stationed along the coasts of England, we shall soon lose all our private trade, which has hitherto been very considerable, but within these few months past has greatly fallen off, which occasions much mur- muring amongst our people." The stage, ceiling, and other parts of the Theatre Royal of Covent Garden, are elegantly new painted, gilt, and decorated. On the stage, instead of the old immoderate festoon, is represented a drawn- up cur- tain : one extremity of it thrown behind a new figure of Tragedy ; the other held aside by that of Comedy. The two doors adjoining the stage boxes ( hitherto in the resemblance of street- doors) we see stripped of their knockers, and, with much simplicity, made to imitate mahogany, and supplied with morticed locks. The diminutive arms formerly over these boxes are removed, and the front of the First Gallery adorned with the Royal Insignia, magnificently carved and gilt. This last improvement, if we may hazard an opinion, While it assures the eye upwards, points out a sort of defect which hitherto has passed unreformed, if not unnoticed.— The audience itself, the whole of it, should certainly form a part of every theatrical exhibition to each other. Why then, while the lower regions are suffered to enjoy a constant blaze of light, may there not be a little artificial moon- shine, at least, reflected on the upper ones ? " May there not be a glympse, one starry spark ; " But Gods meet Gods, and justle in the dark ? " To be sober,— would not an additional number of. lamps properly distributed within, and a very few branches without those territories, exhibit the whole theatre as one uniform scene of illumination i But it suffices to hint an improvement, when the judge- ment and taste of our Managers, of both Theatres, appear equal to their desires of pleasing and accom- modating the public. We hear from Liverpool, that Mr. Woods, a mathematician there, observed on the 31st ult. about half past ten at night, a comet arise out of the south- east quarter of the hemisphere, abaut 53 degrees above the Horizon, and about » o in Gemini. Its tail described an angle about 30 degrees in length, and its direction was towards the Pleiades, where it vanished away. Friday last an eminent coach- painter in Oxford- road, and his wife, eating champignons, were foon after seized with a violent pain in their bowels. The husband is likely to recover, but his wife continues dangerously ill. The foltowing prisoners were cast for transporta- tion for seven years, on Monday last, at the Old Bailey, viz, John Gibson and William Mackaway, for being concerned with Tinsey, in stealing several shirts and other linen, the property of Joseph Simelime ; Thomas Bird, for dealing a satin cardinal, the pro- perty of Mary Kirby j John Gibson, a boy, for stealing a guinea and a half from Richard Sedgwick, in his return in a cart from Barnet races; Thomas Hunderboom, for stealing eight shirts and a neck- cloth, the property of Ann Hunderboom ; Michael Doyle, alias Heydon, for stealing a coat, waistcoat, and breeches, and ether things, the property of Thomas Griffiths; Thomas Bowers, late porter to Mess. Payne, on his confession, for being concerned in stealing 2OOO 1. which he was entrusted with to carry to the Nottingham carrier; Isaac Hulls, for being accessary with Bowers in the said robbery; and Sarah Hincks, for stealing a silver watch, the pro- perty of William Avis. John Woodman was convicted of feloniously kil- ling and slaying Elizabeth Eyres, an infant, about three years of age, by driving his cart over her, him- self riding thereon. Yesterday one prtfoner was capitally convicted at the Old Bailey, viz. Jofeph Payne, an apprentice to Mr. Brand, a pe- ruke- makee, in somerset- street, Whitechapel, for feloniously assaulting and abusing Mary the daughter of the said Mr. Brand, an infant between seven and eight years of age. Newcastle, Sept. is. We are advised from Balin Bush, near Long- Town and Carlisle, that a mare te- thered near a garden in which were several hives of bees, happened to leap over the hedge and overturn- ed our of the hives, by which accident the bees were so enraged, and ng her so desperately, that she died immediately, though all possible care was taken; and what adds to this misfortune, an old man and his son, in endeavouring to save the mare, were also so much stung by the bees, that their lives were des- paired of some days, though now recovering. Bristol, Sept. u. The two vessels that arrived in the road some time ago from Barbary ( who were falsely reported to have the plague on board) are per- forming quarantine. They are laden with a great quantity of excellent corn, which, we are informed, is liable to pay duty, as the act, allowing the impor- tation, does not extend to corn imported from thence. This will certainly make a considerable difference to the importer, if insisted on, and we fear the city and neighbourhood will be deprived of the two cargoes, as they intend' to return without unloading. Charles- Town, July 18. We have received the fol- lowing authentic account of the robberies and cruel- ties committed by Black, Moon, Anderson, Joyner, Farrel, Watson, & c heads ot the differents gangs of robbers and horse- stealers, who infest the forks of Saludy, Broad and savannah rivers. The number of thofe fellows which are embodied, and under the command of these notorious villains, is not known, but they are very numerous.— The following facts were taken from the unhappy sufferers, or their re- latives, who had been to see them, viz. June 16. They came to the house ot Capt. Basard, on Cannon's Creek, about fifteen miles from Beaver Dam, who demanded their pass ; on which one of them presented a pistol at him, there it was, and shot him through the breast and shoulder, and then went off ; but returned again in a few days, and robbed him of all his horfes, houshold furniture, & c. They then proceeded to the house of one Wilson, burned him in a shocking manner, with light wood and red hot irons, and then took from him every thing of value he had. June 28 About nine at night, six or eight of the same gang ( all painted like Indians) rushed into the house of Dennis Hayes, at Beaver Dam, knocked the old man down, tied his hands behind his back, then broke open his store, and robbed him of goods to the amount of three thousand pounds and upward. Poor Mrs. Hayes', and her daughter, a child or about ten years old, were not exempted from the barbarity of those vile miscreants, who treated them worse than the most savage Indians. Void of every feeling of humanity, after thus treating them, they took, all the cloathing belonging to these unhappy victims.— They afterwards robbed Charles Kitchen, on Broad River, beat out one of his wife's eyes, and then burned the poor man cruelly. July 14. Their next tour was to the houfe of Ga- briel Brown, near Broad River, Whom they beat, bruised, and burned, in such a manner that his life is dispaired of:, after which they took all his horses, and every thing that was valuable in and about his house. July 2o. About three miles above Godfrey Fryer's mill, three of those villains attacked Mr. Haak, a liver in Charles- Town, and robbed him of what cash he had about him,- These are only a part of the many robberies lately committed by this gang, which has struck such a panic among the poor distressed settlers, that it can be easier conceived than expressed ; and if some speedy me- thod is not soon taken to put a stop to such cruel and barbarous proceedings, the inhabitants will be obliged to quit their settlements, and retire to some other place, where their lives and property will be in more safety THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. LONDON. Extract of a genuine letter from a young gentleman on board his Majesty's ship Dolphin, to his father in Lon don, dated Port Famine, Jan. 10, 1767. " I take this opportunity of writing to you, and to inform you, that we sailed on the 12th of Sep- tember last from Madeira, and on the 24th we ar- rived at St. Jago ; on the 28th we sailed for the Straits of Magellan, and arrived there after three months voyage. When we approached the shore, we were followed by great numbers of men on horse- back; and in the evening we a anchored off Cape Vir- gin Mary; in the morning there were upon the beach near 300 Patagonians hallooing to us. The Captain went on shore with three boats manned and armed ; and, to be sure of their height, he carried a standard on shore, and measured several of them, and found them to be about seven feet high. The Captain brought five of them on board, and gave them victuals and drink, and gave them ribbons, beads, and other things. They are well propor- tioned to their height; their horses are about the Came size with ours, and they have cane spurs and thong whips. Their cloathing is the skins of wild beasts. They seemed very much pleased, and hal- looed us a great way through the Straits. On the 29th of December we arrived at this place : It is a desolate spot, nothing but wood and mountains of snow. It is a very cold climate, but plentiful in wood and water, wild fowl and fish, for we had fish every day I cannot give as yet any further parti- culars of our yoyage, which is expected to last two, if not three years longer." They write from Glalgow, that a smart shock of an earthquake had lately been felt at the Isle ot Ar- ran, on the Firth of Clyde ; and that in a few hours all the sea fowls had abandoned the place. Last Monday came on the annual election for Mayor of Rochester, for the year ensuing. The candidates were Mr. Alderman Pordage, supported by the friends of Mr. Calcraft; and Mr. Alderman Dine, supported by Mr. Cooper's friends. Upon Casting up the poll, Mr. Alderman Pordage was de- clared duly elected, by above fifty majority. There was much riot and disturbance at the election, seve- ral persons being wounded in the different frays oc casioned by this contest ; and one man was thrown out of a window into the street, at a public house in that city. Recipe for the gout in the stomach.— Take one- gallon of best French brandy, beat one ounce of co- chineal and put into it, two spoonfuls of carraway feeds, one ounce of liquorish shred, half an ounce of Cardamum seeds beaten, five or six grains of Jamaica pepper, nine figs sliced, thirty six new raisins stoned, one raice of ginger shred ; let this stand three week's, then put in one pound of Lisbon sugar ; let it after- wards stand one week longer, stir the ingredients every other day after they are put in, and when ser- tled drain it off. If taken with a gouty pain in the stomach, immediately drink a wine glass full, and if that should not relieve the patient, he must half an hour afterwards repeat the same quantity. It is said, the skeleton of Mrs. Brownrigg will be fixed in the nitch opposite the front door in the sur- geons theatre, and her name will be wrote under it, in order to perpetuate the heinousness of her cruelty in the minds of the spectators : In that nitch now hangs the bones of the first malefactor for murder convicted since the act of parliament commenced, and it is remarkable he was born with one arm. The following persons were convicted to be trans- ported on Tuesday at the Old Bailey, v z. William Territt, for stealing several watches, the property of Mr. John Scott ; Ann Walker, for stealing four cheeses, the property of Samuel Bristol, at whose house she had been to wash ; Elizabeth Jones, for stealing a quantity of worsted binding, the property of Joshua Warne; Thomas Holythorne, for receiv- ing the same, knowing it to be stolen ; John M'Crew, for dealing a mahogany. tea- chest, five tea- spoons, and a table- spoon, the property of Elizabeth Thomp- son ; William Tillett, for stealing a quantity of rib- band, the property of Martin Tullett ; Samuel El- liott, for stealing a silk handkerchief, the property of Jeremiah Percy ; William Watkins, for picking the pocket of William Shaw, in the Sessions- house- yard, of his handkerchief; James Cunningham, for stealing a handkerchief, the property of Richard Shepley ; Henry Rose, for stealing three silver spoons, and other plate, the property of Mr. Thomas, at the Half- Moon in Aldergate- street, where he had been a waiter ; George Eades, for stealing several fowls, the property of John Pye ; James M'Dowell, for stealing a quantity of wearing apparel, the property of Nicholas Wilmot ; Caleb Broadhead, for stealing a coat, and other apparel , the property of Abraham Fordham ; Joseph Hayward, for stealing some child's clouts, and other things, the property of Jane Hat- cher 3 William White, for stealing a sash- door and a quantity of wainscot, the property of Mr. Abra- ham Atterbury ; Joseph Collins for stealing a pair of silver buttons, the property of Robert Salmon ; and William Cuthbert, for picking the pocket of John Bailey, of a linen handkerchief. Yesterday the sessions ended at the Old Bailey, when four prisoners were convicted to be transported, viz. Ann Page, for stealing half a guinea, the pro- perty of William Baldwyn, which she snatched out ot his hand, while he was, on her request, going to relieve her by charity ; William Lawson, for stealing a gold watch, value 14L 14s. the property of Mr. Colley, in Fleet- street, w whom he had bespoke the same in character of a man of fashion and quality, John Hodges, for stealing a quantity of tea, the pro- perty of Mess. Robinson and Todd ; and Thomas Warner, for stealing a quantity of gold and silver partings, the property of Mr. Cox, a refiner, in Little Britain, Rebecca Salter, for stealing seven pewter plates, value 10d. the property of Richard Withers; Ro- bert Langham, tor dealing a quantity of brown su- gar, value lod. and Timothy M'Cartey, for stealing a pewter plate,' the property of Luke Addington, were ordered to be whipped. And one was acquitted. At this session six prisoners received judgment of death ; fifty- five were sentenced to be transported for seven years, and two for fourteen years ; four were branded in the hand; six ordered to be whipped, and twenty- seven were discharged by proclamation. The sentence against Joseph Payne, who was con- victed of the rape on the child in Somerset- street, Whitechaple, is respited till next session. The session of the peace was adjourned until Mon. day the 19th of October at Guildhall and the ses. sions at the Old Bailey until Wednesday the 21st of - the same month. The fortune teller taken up a few days since, and committed to Tothil fields Bridewell, is a young man, exceeding handsome, neair seven feet high, has a large beard and whiskers, dresses like an Armenian , j and says he came from that country. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. LONDON. Extract of a letter from Paris, Sept. 7. On the 14th of January last, one Madam Daug- ny, daughter to a player on the cymbal, and sister to Madam Content, wife to the first architect of the King, appeared on the theatre of this city. The na- tural graces of her person, with her sensible manner of acting, and the propriety with which she ma- naged a voice, not very strong, but agreeable and fine, were greatly applauded. Reasons of fortune obliged her to take to the stage ; abandoned by a husband she had, and not finding in her sister the resources she had a right to expect, she availed her- self of the talents Nature had given her. Her family were offended at it. Madam Content applyed to the authority of the Minister, who condescended to in- terfere. The young woman offered to renounce the stage, if her sister would allow her 12oo livers a year. The latter refused to agree to these conditions, the minister desisted, and the young woman followed her destiny. Since that Madam Content has never ceas- ed putting in practice every method possible of rais- ing disgust and opposition to her sister: At last Madam Daugny exasperated, took a resolution of writing to her the following letter :" " MADAM, Paris, July 25, 1767. " Cease, my dear sister, your pursuits with my superiors, to tear me from the Theatre. I embraced not this way of life but upon reflection, and your steady refusal to furnish me with the assistance I stood in need of to have recourse to another. If you had remembered at that time that you were my sis- ter, you would not now blush at being so; if your selfishness suffers by it, it is to the hardness of your own heart that you owe it. I am, nevertheless, still kind enough to come to your assistance, and console your humbled pride. Know that there is no such great difference betwixt us. We are both the daughters of a man of talents ; you have buried yours ; I make use of mine. Do you depend on your husband's ? He will get more money than reputation : For me, I form my own, and endeavour to perpetuate a name already known in music. The public have vouchsafed to applaud my first efforts. They still support and encourage me ; and I shall one day, perhaps, merit the eulogies they now bestow upon me through their indulgence. You will never be anything but a citzen's wife, well lined, well cloath- ed, but very dull in the narrow circle of your ob- scure parties. An Actress that is famous rolls in a brilliant sphere, which extends in proportion as her talents develope themselves. My name will be print- ed in the public news papers, in the Mercuries, in the Gazettes; yours will never be, but for the first and last time, in your note of interment ; and talk not to me of morals, you, and other good women, often cry up loudly a state of life which supposes them, in order to authorise a difference that consists more in externals than in reality. As to the rest Madamoiselle Doligney of the French comedy has sufficiently avenged us. Find, if you can, in all your whole herd of citizens wives, a virtue more tried, more unsullied, more acknowledged than her's; may this unlucky prejudice still remain Whoever calls it a prejudice has already answered it. Moreover, it is long since destroyed among all the Great, and among all Philosophers: It is even eradicated from among the people It little concerns us then, we are not unified at it; in a word, let us both appear at or ———, you will there see the difference a Prince makes between the wife of his architect, and an actress whofe talents have had the good fortune to please and amuse him. I leave you on this comparison and betake myself behind the wall of separation which you pretend to have raised against us. Adieu, my dear Sister, let us have nothing more in common, since you will have it so , but, in spite of your bad proceedings, you will never lose your place in my heart, and this is, perhaps, the first time that ever I perceived it to be too tender. Adieu." A late instance of the ill effects of champignons. on the bowels having been inserted in our paper of Wednesday, it has produced another of the same kind from a family at Highgate, who were seized however, in a very different way :— Out of six per sons who. ate of them, yesterday se'nnight, three pre- sently fainted away, two others turned slightly sick only, with dizziness ; the remaining person was no way effefted: The three first mentioned were im- mediately put to bed, and no other consequence fol- lowed than a sort of ague fit, pretty violently, to one of them.— In gathering the real mushroon people are tolerably cautious, being apprized that there are ' many pernicious kinds ot it ; but the champignon is commonly taken up with very little attention. We learn from Berwick, that a few days ago was taken in the tweed, near the bridge at Berwick a large green shark, which measured seven feet in length. Some of the curious, who have seen these creatures in the East Indies, say, that this was an East- India one. A scalping knife was found in its belly. About eighteen months ago, a farmer near Thame in Oxfordshire, had a son about two years old stolen; away, and after long search, the father and mother had given ever all hopes of his recovery when ac- cidentally, a few days ago, the farmer being at High Wycomb market, luckily disovered his lost child along with a man and woman, who travelled the country as tinkers; the account they gave was, that they bought the child for half a guinea, in April last, of a company of gipseys in Maidenhead thicket, who parted with it 0n account of its being sickly. James Brownrigg, and John his son, for assault- ing Mary Mitchel, their surviving apprentice, in. stripping aad whipping her, are to be tried next ses- sions at Guildhall. Yesterday morning a woman having some words with her husband, a chandler, behind St. Saviour's church in Southwark, she dabbed him with a pair of scissars in so violent a manner, in the neck, that he died in a short time. The woman was immediately secured, and carried before a magistrate, whs com- mitted her to the New- goal. Saturday sennight as Mr. John Ford, a builder, of Bath, was bathing in the salt- water at Weymouth, he was taken with a fit, and notwithstanding all pos- sible assistance, he expired soon after. Newcastle, Sept. 11. On Saturday last was thrown upon the sands at Blyth, a very rare and beautiful fish, weighing between 70 and 80lb. shaped like the sea breams the length was three feet and a half; the breadth from back to belly almost two feet but the thickness from side to side not above six inches. The mouth small for the size of the fish, forming a square opening, and without any teeth. The eyes remark- ably large, covered with a membrane, and shining With a glare of gold. The cover of the gills like the salmon ; in a word, this curious and beautiful fish has much surprized the inhabitants of that part of the coast, where it has never been observed before. PROMOTED; By the Lords of the Admiralty, the Hon. Lieut. George Stopford, and Lieut. l'Anson, commanders in his Majesty's navy ; and the latter if appointed to the command of the Tamer frigate at Deptford. It is said she is bound to the newly dis covered or Falkland's islands. She was on the voy- age with commodore Byron, and the same officers are promoted into her. Tthe Rev. Goodyer St. John, L. L B. of Queen's college, Oxon, one of the domestic chaplains to the Earl ot Moray. The Rev. Mr. Strong, M. A. Fellow of Trinity cojlege, Cam bridge, and Chaplain to the Bishop of Rochester, to the rectory of Norton in Kent. MARRIED.] Mr. Scott, of Prescot- street, Good- man's- fields, cornfactor, to Miss Evres, of Stepney Causeway. At Hackney, Mr. Winbolt, merchant, to Miss Grosvenor, of Hoxton. Mr. Frederick Guion, to Miss Sukey Burgess, youngest daughter of Mr. Burgess, of St. Leonard, Shoreditch. At St. Leo- nard's chapel, near Exeter, Charles Baring, Esq; of that city, merchant, to Miss Gould, only daughter of Gould, Esq; deceased, late of Trenchard Lewes in the county of Cornwall. DIED.] In Kent- street, Southwark, aged near too, Richard Gregory, a common beggar, possessed Of upwards of 1000I. At his lodgings in Dartmouth street, Westminster, Lieutenant Nicholas Tresilian, of his Majesty's navy. At Newbiggen, near the sea, Thomas Johnson, a labouring man, aged 105. In Blenheim street, Oxford- road, Vincent Goodlad, Esq; At his house in Kennington- lane, Surry, Mr. Robert Crucifix, second clerk in the Lord Chamberlain's office. Mrs. Rawkin, wife of Mr. Rawkin, brass turner, in Holborn, of the cruel treat- ment she received on Monday night from two men in the Long- fields, as she was coming from Hamp- stead. The Rev. Mr. Torkington, rector of Little Stukely and King's Rippon, in Huntingdonshire. In neighbourhood of Gorf, in the county of Galway, in Ireland, Loughlin Tressy, aged 110 years. He had been bred a mason, and worked at his trade till within a year past, since which time he has lived on the benevolence and charity of his friends. He re- tained his senses, and was never remembered to be sick till within the last fortnight of his life. Robert Throckmorton, Esq; of Hailweston, in Huntingdon- shire. He left his estate to a stranger whom he never saw. At Hewell, in Worcestershire, Mr. Thomas Moore, Steward to the Right Hon. the Earl of Ply- mouth. At Stoke Newington, Mrs. Rachael Basker- ville, wife of Mr. Baskerville, of Nag's head court, Gracechurch street. Mr. Nicholls, one of the De puty corn- meters of this city, at his house in Long- lane, Southwark. Mr. Marsden, an eminent stocking ; weaver, in Old- street- square. He went from his own house in perfect health, and was shaved at the bar- bers; he then began smoaking his pipe, and leaning over a post, dropped down, and died immediately, without speaking. Mr. Wilson, a weaver, in Sand- wich- court, without Bishopsgate. Mrs. Horrocks, wife of Mr. Horrocks, a fan- maker, near Lime street, in Leadenhall- hall- street. Mr. John Spencer, miller of the Yorkshire Grey, a public house at Holloway. His wife died a few weeks since In Old street, Ma- lathy Postlethwayte, Esq; author of the Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. At York, of a consumption, George Ridley, Esq; At Hudders- field in Yorkshire, of a fever, Mrs. Venn, wife of the Rev. Mr. Venn, vicar of that town. At Highgate, Morris Spurling, Esq, The Lady of Sir Jarrit Smith, Bart. one Of the Members for the city of Bristol. At Peckham, Robert Wadeson, esq lately arrived from Barbadoes. At Bath, Lady Calver , relict of Sir William Calvert, Knt. Alderman, and formerly Lord Mayor of London. In Sun- court, Cornhill, John Whiteside, Esq; attorney at law. In Newport- street, St. Martin's lane, of a dropsy, Mrs. Kennedy, wife of Capt. Kennedy, in the merchants service. Mr . Wren, wife of Mr. John Wren, an eminent book- seller in the Strand. In Lombard- street, Mr. Wyatt, clerk to Mess. Carter and Baldero, bankers, in Lom- bard- street. At Woolwich, William Coatsworth, Esq; formerly an officer in the Train of Artillery. At Walthamstow, Richard Baker, Esq; formerly a South- Sea Director, brother to Sir William Baker, Alderman of this city. Near Barn Elms in Surry, Mr. Manningtree, formerly an insurance- broker in Fenchurch- street. At Enfield, Mr. Stephenson, for- merly an eminent shoe maker in Cranbourn- alley. Mr. Barnes, many years in eminent cheesemonger near Holloway lane, Shoreditch. In Silesia, Baron de Kleist, Major General of Cavalry, & c. in the King of Prussia's service. At Sleswig, Bernard Hartwig de Piessen, Chamberlain, Privy Counsellor, and Chan- cellor of that Dutchy, & c. At Stockwood in Bed- fordshire, John Crawley, Esq; aged 64 At the seat of her brother Sir George Saville, Bart. Mrs. Hewett, wife of John Hewett, Esq; one of the Representatives in Parliament for the county of Nottingham. At Plymouth, Miss Huxham, eldest daughter of Doctor Huxham. In Oxford- street, Colonel Richard King, aged 85. He served, during Queen Ann's wars, un- der the banner of the illustrious Duke of Marlbo- rough : he acted as engineer in the ever memorable campaign of 1704, and signalized himself in that ca pacity at the battles of Schettenberg and Blenheim. In 1707, he was aid- de- camp to Lord Cadogan, and the following year was in the battle of Oudenarde, and siege of Lisle. Mr. Merrick, partner with Mr. Champion, a weaver, in Sandwich- street, without Bi- shopsgate. Mr. Charles James Frederick Lampe, or- ganist of Allhallows Barking, Tower- street. At his house at Chertsey in Surry, Mr. John Caldwell. Mr. Francis Arnold, son of Francis Arnold, Esq; of Har- row on the Hill. The Lady of Sir Griffith Boyn- ton, of Burton- Agnes, in Yorkshire, Bart. The Rev. Mr. Gyrling, Rector of Newton Kyme. At Sutton- under- Whitestonecliff, Mrs. Dowthwaite, re- lict of tne Rev. Mr. Dowthwaite, late Vicar of Fil- liskirk. At Welburn, the Seat of Tho. Robinson. Esq; Mrs. Elizabeth Bowes. A Narrative of the many horrid cruelties inflicted by Elizabeth Brownrigg upon the body of Mary Clifford, deceased, and for which the said Eliza- beth Brownrigg received sentence of death, on Saturday the 12th of September, and was exe- cuted for the same on Monday the 14th, at Ty- burn. By Mr. WINGRAVE, one of the Consta- bles of the Ward of Farringdon without. ELizabeth Brownrigg, wife of James Brownrigg, of Flower- de luce court, in Fleet street, house painter, was, at the time of her execution, about 47 years of age. These people, it seems, have been married about twenty years, have always lived to- gether upon good terms, and have had fifteen chil- dren, three of them are now living, and to these she has always been a tender and affectionate mother. At the time of their marriage, she lived a servant in the family of one Mr. R— in Prescot street, Goodmans- fields, and Brownrigg served his time to a plaisterer and painter in the same neighbourhood. After their marriage they settled at Greenwich in Kent, where he carried on the business of a painter, and continued about five years; the remaining fif- teen years they have lived in London. For some time past, Mrs. Brownrigg has practised Midwifery, which she learnt under Dr. K y, and was al- ways thought to have acted in that capacity with equal skill and success ; and about two years past she was appointed by the overseers of the parish of St. Dunstan's in the west, to act as midwife to the poor women of their workhouse. It appears to be about four years since Brownrigg came to live in the house in Flower- de- luce- court, where these horrid barbarities have been commit- ted ; and that he continued to carry on his business there with credit and advantage, till his commitment to the Compter. Many of the above circumstances were communi- cated to me by Mrs. Brownrigg herself, in the course of several conversations I had with her before her trial ; and others of greater importance she might certainly have communicated, and which, indeed, I expected she would have done, but as she did not 1 seem directly to lead to them herself, I Was unwil- ling to urge her. Notwithstanding the many reports that haye been spread, with a view to make it believed that these people have had a great number of apprentice girls, all of whom they have treated with equal cru- elty, yet after the most diligent enquiry it does not appear that they had had any more than three. The first of these was Mary Mitchel, who was bound to Brownrigg by the overseers of the poor of White- fryars precinct, some day in the month of February, 1765. It is natural to infer that this girl experienced a great deal of hard treatment from these people, tho' sometimes indulged with going abroad ; for after she had been there about twelve months she ran a- way , however she was met with in the street by the youngest son the same day, and by him brought back to bis father. ' Till this happened, it does not appear that the girl was ever tied up and whipped naked; but now thele cruelties were frequently in- flicted, and she was from thence forward never suf- fered to stir out of doors. Mrs. Brownrigg, who took women into her house to lay- in privately, had at one time a French woman there, to whom Mary Mitchell related her suffer- ings, but at the same time gave her a charge of se- crecy, lest she should be punished for revealing them ; This Frenchwoman, however, soon after having a misunderstanding with Mrs. Brownrigg, could not forbear reproaching her with her barbarities ; upon which this horrid woman instantly flew to the girl, and thursting a pair of scissars which she had in her hands into her mouth, cut her tongue in two places. Another circumstance of unexampled cruelty! which this girl imputes to her mistress, is the fol- lowing— On the day she was discovered, it was ob- served by some one present, that her eyes appeared very red, and much blood- shot; and it being asked what occasioned them to look so, she answered that her mistress would sometimes come to her, and fix- ing a hand upon either cheek, would draw them down her face with so much force as to occasion the blood to start from her eyes. It is no wonder that a consciousness of these hor- rid cruelties, and a reflection upon the consequn- ces of their being known, should induce these peo- ple to use all their art to keep her hid from every eye. Upon one occasion, however, it was thought proper ( after tutoring the girl, at the peril of the se- verest punishment, what answer to make, and what behaviour to follow) to let her see her mother, who had called for that purpose. The mother asked her how she did ? She answer- ed, very well— Are you well used ?— Very well— Do you like your master and mistress — Very well. And then to put an end to all further questions, and to prevent, if possible, the mother from coming there again, the girl added, as she had been direct- ed, that she was a bad woman, and that ( he never desired to see her face any more ; which the woman resenting, never called again. the second apprentice was Mary Jones, who, I find by the books kept at the Foundling Hospital, was received April the 6th, 1751, and was bound out by that corporation, to James Brownrigg, on the 15th of May, 1765. This child could not have continued with Brownrigg but little more than two months, because, on the 14th of July, 1765, the fol- lowing order was entered in the books of the Hos- pital. « * Ordered, that Mr. Plumptre, the Hospital Sol- licitor, do write to James Brownrigg, a Paint- er in Fetter lane, who had the child Mary Jones apprenticed to him by this corporation, and acquaint him, that if he does not forth- with make satisfaction for the abuse of the said child, that this corporation will prose- cute him with the utmost severity." This order was read, approved, and witnessed, on the above mentioned 14th of July, 1765; but whe- ther any, or what steps were taken in consequence of it, I have not learned. The abuse, however, which induced this girl to run away from Brownrigg's, and which occasioned the above order, was frequent and severe whippings, by Mrs. Brownrigg, in which the girl says her hus- band, James Brownrigg, often there assisted. The manner in' which thele cruelties were per- formed upon Mary Jones, being different from that which she afterwards followed in those which she ex- ercised towards Mary Clifford, it deserves a parti- cular relation. She used to lay down two chairs on the kitchen floor, in such a manner as that one might support the other; and then, with the help of her husband, fastened the girl upon the backs of them, sometnnes naked, and sometimes with her cloaths on ; and when the latter was the case, she pulled them over her head, and whipped her till her fatigue had ex- hausted her insatiable fury. At other times, particularly when the girl had been washing any of the rooms ors tairs; she has found faUlt with her work, and taking her up in her arms, repeatedly dipped her oVer ' head and ears in the pail of water that stood by By these cruel operations the girl received many hurts in all parts of her body, and more particularly in her neck and shoulders, from the edges and bale of the pail and not content with these, she used to terrify her with threats of drowning, and to call upon Mary Mitchell to fill her a tub of water for that purpose. In short, so many and grievous were the suffer- ings of this poor creature, that she determined to run away as soon as ever oppcrtunity offered. Brownrigg and his wife used to lie in a room even with ' the shop, and the girl in an hole under a dresser in the same room, facing the feet of their bed j and on Sunday morning, as she lay deploring her mise- rable condition, and almost ready to die by the se- yerity of her past, and apprehension of new, suffer- ings, she saw the key of the shop door hanging a- gainst a post, and finding that her master and mi- stress were both fast aseep, she got up immediately, and gave herself that liberty, which, from her pe- culiar circumstances, it was almost impossible she could ever, received from other hands. She was a considerable time', however, before she reached the Foundling Hospital, the only home she had, for not readily knowing her way, she made en- quiries of almost every person she faw till at last she met a man who conducted her to the gate, and she instantly obtained admission. Mary Clifford, the unhappy victim of this wo- man's infernal cruelty, was the third apprentice, and she was bound out by the overseers of White- fryars Precinct, to James Brownrigg, on the 18th day of February, 1766 ; at which time her mother in- law, who was the only friend she had, was gone into the • country. Upon making enquiry after her daugh- ter, when she came to town, she was informed of the above circumstance, and thereupon she immediately went to Brownrigg's, in expectation of seeing the girl, but was told by him that no such person was there*. The woman alarmed at the denial, em- ployed several persons, at different times, to make the like enquiry, but to no manner of purpose, For they were all told that there was no such girl there. Her uneasiness being thus greatly encreased by the anfwers which she and her friends received from Brownrigg, she determined to apply to the over- seers of white- fryars precinct, to know what was ( become of her daughter ; and they Confirming the intelligence which she had before received from o- thers, and told her that she was bound apprentice to Brownrigg. She then took a friend with her, and went again to the house, acquainted him with what the overseers said, insisted on seeing her daugh- ter, and declared that she would not stir from the house till he had produced her. Brownrigg new told her that she was gone into the country ; upon which the mother asked when she would be in town ? He answered she would come when he sent for her, and withal told her she was a bad woman, and her daughter did not want to see her; and that if she did not immediately go about her business, he should send for a constable who shouid take her away. Brownrigg's next door neighbour, Mrs. Deacon, having frequently seen this woman go to his house, and now hearing words pass between them, suspect- ed that there was something more than ordinary the matter, and therefore, when the woman came out from Brownrigg's, Mrs. Deacen called her in, and was informed of all that had passed. Mrs. Deacon told her, that she and her family had frequently heard moanings and groans issue from Brownrigg's house, and that she suspected the apprentices were cruelly used ; she promiied, however, that she would use her utmost endeavours to discover the truth of her suspicions, and defired the woman to let her know where to send to her, in case any thing came to light. About this time Brownrigg's business called him to Hampstead, where he was concerned in the sale of a person's effects, among which was a hog, but the purchaser not fetching it away according to the con- ditions of the sale, Brownrigg agreed to take it him- self, and Accordingly had it brought to his house in Flower- de- luce- court. This hog was kept in a co- vered yard, to which there was a sky- light, and this it was found necessary to open, in order to let out the disagreeable smell occasioned by keeping the ani- mal in so close a place. The taking away the sky- light, gave Mr. deacon's family an Opportunity of seeing what passed in Brownrigg's yard, which they could not before do on account of the quantity of dirt with which it was covered. Mr. Deacon, as soon as it was known that the sky- light was remov- ed, gave orders to his people ,- to be on the watch, and to endeavour, if possible, to discover the girls. On Monday August the 3d, Mr. Deacon's maid ser- vant discovered, out of a two pair of stairs window, one of the girls stooping down, and was greatly shocked at the appearance she made; the girl called up her mistress, who was also much affected by the wretched speCtacle i Mrs. Deacon called in several neighbours, and her men servants, who all saw her; after which the men went down to the one pair of stairs room, and got out upon the leads, when they called out to the girl, and threw some pieces of dirt at her in order to induce her to speak to them, but this the was not able to do, though the effort she made produced from her a hollow disagreeable kind of noise. Mrs. Deacon, however, immediately sent for the girl's mother, but she being gone out to a day's work, could not be found till late at night. The next day she went to Brownrigg's, and infilled upon seeing her daughter ; Brownngg peremptorily refused her ; whereupon the woman applied directly to the overseers who bound the girl apprentice, and informed them both of the discovery which Mrs. Deacon and her family had made, and of the denial which she herself had received from Brownrigg, on her application to see the gill. The overseers in- stantly let out with her to go to Brownrigg's, but thought proper first to call upon Mr. Grundy, one of the overseers of St. Dunstan's in the West, in or- der to consult with him upon the proper measures to be taken. They determined to go together to Brownrigg's, and to demand a sight of the girl, and in case of his refusing to produce her, to send for a Constable to search the house. They accordingly set out together, and when they got to Brownrigg's house, they asked him to let them see Mary Clifford, to which he answered, he knew no such person, but if they meant Mary, ( meaning Mary Mltchell, for the two girls being both named Mary, they used to call Clifford by the name of Nan) they might see her if they pleafed. This was a ma- nifest evasion, and artfully calculated not only to put a stop to the present, out to all future enquiries about Mary Clifford, whom his conscience must tell him was become an object not proper to be viewed ty human eyes, and whole appearance would certainly produce a scrutiny that would be dangerous to him and his family,— the girl was accordingly produ- ced, and ihere being prefent upon this occafion one of the personS who was overseer of White- Fryars precinct at the same time ( he was bound out appren- tice, he asked her if she was well treated, and how Jhe liked her inalter and miitrels, and to thefe quel' tions the girl replied, very well. He then enquired of her where M iry Clifford was, and how ( he was ufed, to which ( lie aiifwered, flie was gone to Stan- Itead in Hertfordlhire, and that ( he was used as Well as hersielf. The girl all this time stood at some distance from them, which induced Mr. Grundy to go to her and lead her farther into the room, by which he discover- ed that her cap was bloody ; he asked what was the matter with her head ? She answered, nothing Sir, and Brownrigg said she had got a scalded head : on taking off he,; cap however, her head was found to be cut in many places, and on lifting up her hand kerchief her neck and shoulders appeared full of scabbs, and it was discovered that she had no shiift on. She was then brought out into the Court, and fhewed to the people who had gathered ? bout the hoafe, and the moment Mr. Deacon's boy and maid looked at her, they declared that she Was not the same girl whom they saw through the sky light hole, which Mary Mitchell confirmed by saying, the had just be- fore parted with Mary Clifford upon the garret stairs. They immediately returned in and charged Brown- rigg with secreting the other girl, which he peremp- torily denied, declaring she was gone into the coun- try, in opposition to the united declarations oF the girl and Mr. Deacon's servants. Mr, Grundy then • It has lately come to my knowledge, that imme- diately after this woman's application, Mrs. Brown- rigg went to her opposite neighbour, and requested her, if any one enquired Whether she had any ap- prentice girls, to say that she had none. sent for a constalbe, and the house was searched seve- ral times; but without discovering the girl. Not- withstanding this disappointment, Mr. Grandy de- clared his resolution of taking Mary Mitchell away, and leaving her at the workhouse, which Brownrigg insisted he shouid not do, for the girl was his ap- prentice, and it should be at his peril if he attempted to remove her. Mr. Grundy, however, regard- less of his determined he would not leave her to be again exposed to such cruelty and inhuma- nity as she had apparently experienced, and there- fore carried her to the workhouse. and ordered pro- per care to be taken of her. When they came to take off her leathern bodice, it stuck so fast to her wounds, that the poor creature cried out in a most terrible manner ; but on sooth- ing her, and promising that she should never more return to her master and mistress, she began to give some account of the Shocking treatment which she and Mary Clifford met wiih ; and at the same time in the most positive manner, repeated her assurances to Mr. Grundy, that the moment before she herself had been introduc. d to him at Brownrigg's house, she parted with Mary Clifford upon the garret stairs. Neither Mr. Grundy nor any other person WHO was present, notwithstanding the former unsuccess- ful search, could resist giving credit to the girl's de- claration j and therefore, with proper assistance, returned to Brownrigg's house. Brownrigg, who highly resented their behaviour, and who had many words with Mr. Grundy, sent for a lawyer, who on his arrival immediately drew up a form in writing, demanding by what authority they had entered the house, and threatning them with a prosecution, if they did not instantly quit it. Mr. Grundy, however, was not to be intimidated by threatnings he could not doubt but the informa- tion he received from Mr. Deacon's servant, con- firmed as it was by the girl's declaration, would ine- vitably lead to the discovery of the unhappy object they were in pursuit of Brownrigg, who still per- sisted that the girl was at Stanstead in Hertfordshire, was taken into custody, and a coach sent for to carry him to the Compter. He now saw that it was in vain to oppese himself any longer to the resolution with which Mr. Grundy and the rest were pursuing their purpofe ; and therefore he promil'ed, that it the coach was discharged and himself set at liberty, he would produce the girl in half an hour: this pro- posal was agreed to, and from a circumstance which happened, it is suppofed that this time was employed in furnishing the girl with something to put on, par- ticularly a pair of shoes ; for it was observed by se veral persons prefent, that the shoes she had on when produced were seen before in the hands of the son John Brownrigg. At length. However, Mary Clifford, ( who, I have been fince informed, was secreted in a cupboard under the beauset in the dining- room) was brought in by the eldest son in obedience to his father's orders. No words can so powerfully describe the shocking appearance which this miserable object made, as the , silent woe with which every person present was struck at the sight of her, and the execrations which in- stantly followed against those who had reduced her to such a miserable condi. ion. She was taken to the workhouse and an apothecary directed to attend her, who pronounced her in danger, anf ordered her to be stripped and put to bed. Upon inspection she was found full of wounds from head to foot, which were dressed as soon as possible, though without any hope of her recovery. Brownrigg, in ttie mean time, was carried to Woodstreet Compter, in Order to be taken before a magistrate the next day ; and Mrs. Brownrigg, ( who was seen in the housle when the women and overseers first came there) conscious of her own guilt, made her escape as soon as the alarm was given ; she was afterwards followed by her eldest son, who took with him some wearng- apparel, her gold watch, and some money. Brownrigg was carried before Alderman Crosby at Guildhall, and both the girls were also brought there to be examined, touching the cruel treatment they had undergone, and the persons who had been guilty of inflicting it. Mary Clifford was carried in a chair, but in a very weak condition ; she was first examined, but all she could say was, yes and no, and that in a manner scarcely to be understood. The Alderman then proceeded to the examination of Mary Mitchell, who disposed, that her mistress had frequently tied them both up, naked, with their arms across, to a staple which she had caused to be fixed for that purpose, and whipped them in the most cruel manner for trifling offences ; that on the Friday before, Mary Clifford was tied up in the man- ner above described, and whipped six times, and hersell twice ; that on the Sunday before, thev were locked up in a dark place under the cellar stairs, when they had frequently been put before, and each had a piece of bread given to her, but nothing to drink, even water ; and that her master had sometimes struck, but never whipped them, though he knew of his wife's cruel behaviour, The apothecary who attended her at the work- house declared, that the wounds which she had re- ceived by whipping, were so bad, for want of dres- sing, that her shift stuck to them, and that they ap- peared as if cut with a knife j that scarce any part of her body was free, and that her head and face were much wounded. He also declared it as his opi- nion, that the loss of her speech was occasioned by some hurt she had received in the glands of her neck. After this examination was over, the girls were, both sent by the Alderman to St. Bartholomew's hospital; Brownrigg was ordered back to Woodstreet Comp- ter for farther examination, and a warrant granted to apprehend Elizabeth Brownrigg. About this time ( the time which the Coroner's In- quest was taken, and the parish reward increased) intelligence was given that Mrs. Brownrigg and her son had taken places in the Dover stage, by the names of Hartley, and this has been since found to be true, though they did not think it safe to under- take that journey, and therefore lost the earnest they had been obliged to pay. It was also afterwards known that they had taken an hackney- coach in Jewin- street, which let them down in East Smith- field, and that they took a lodging in a bye street near Nightingale- lane, where they lived on bread bread and water ( being afraid, as she informed me, to stir out to purchase other food) till Tuesday the 14th, when they went away. In Ragg Fair they purchased some apparel, lest the description given in the advertisement of what they wore should pro- duce a discovery. Their fears by this time were become strong, that the smallest circumstances alarmed them. They took a coach which carried them to , and the coachman happening to drive down Fetter- lane, they were so terrified, that they could scarcely sup- port themselves. That night they lodged at and the next day they took a lodging at Mr. Dun- bar's, who keeps a chandler's shop in Wandsworth, where they continued till Sunday the 16th, when they were taken. On Saturday the 15th of August, three days after Mrs. Brownrigg and her son had been at Wans- worth, Mr. Dunbar met with a news- paper wherein he read the advertisement. From a concurrence of many circumstances, it immediately struck him, that his lodgers were the persons described, and he determined, after he had imparted his suspicions to his wife, to go to town the next day, and give in formation against them. Accordingly, he came to town in the morning, but Mr. Owen ( the Church- warden) being at church, he went thither, and de- sired him to be called into the vestry to him, where In gave such an account of his lodgers as left little room to doubt that they were Elizabeth and John Brownrigg. Every necessary precaution was taken to proceed in this business with certainty, secrecy, and dispatch. Mr. Owen immediately sent to Mr. Deacon, who had been their next door neighbour- in Flower- de- luce court near two years, and consequently was well acquainted with their persons, and asked the favour of him to accompany the constable to Wands- worth, which he readily agreed to do : and then Mr. Owen sent for me to come to Mr. Deacon's house. Mr. Deacon and I set out without losing a mo- nent's time, and as we went along made such en- quiries and obtained such directions and information from Mr. Dunbar as we judged might be necessary for our conduct ; for Mr. Dunbar did not go with us, but chose rather to wait at his sister's, who lives at the same place near the water- side, till he knew whether his lodgers were the people he wanted. When we got to the house, I went directly to the room, and Mr. Deacon followed at some distance. I was not acquainted with their persons, and the manner in which they were dressed was so different from any I had ever heard described, that I was about to make an apology for my abrupt intrusion, and to leave the room ; but Mr. Deacon then coming in, he assured me they were the people I wanted. I then asked them, pointing to Mr. Deacon, if they knew that gentleman, to which the son answered yes, and enquired of him how he did I At first they discovered evident marks of surprize and confusion ; which, however, were soon removed, and they shew- ed greater calmness and resignation than one might have expected to have met with from persons so sud- denly seized bv the hands of Justice*, and who were so soon to render an account of their horrid barba- rities. I then searched their pockets to prevent the possibility of any accident in our journey to town ; which they very patiently submitted to. While these things were doing, we privately dispatched a messenger for Dunbar, who, when he came, affected great consternation, and enquired what was the mat- ter. I informed him that nothing very material had happened, only that his lodgers were going with us to town. He then asked who was to pay him the rent ; upon which the son gave him a shilling ( which with one he had received earnest, made up what they had agreed for the week) and the mother added, that they should leave things enough behind them to pay for their lodging, such as bread, meat, coals, & c. which she severally pointed out. After Mr. Descon had got a coach, which, as it was Sunday, he found it very difficult to procure, we left Wandsworth without giving the smallest sus- picion to any one person in it of what we had been doing, excepting those whol ived at Dunbar's house. On the road to town much conversation passed be- tween Mr. Deacon and the prisoners, though I do not recollect that any circumstance dropped from her that would throw any light upon the horrid af- fair for which they were taken up. What appeared to me molt materially striking was, her strongly so- liciting Mr. Deacon to employ his interest with the landlord, not to lett the house to any one, but to keep it for her sons ; which plainly shewed that her mind was not employed upon those proper objeCts of consideration which at such a time ought only to have engaged her attention. When we got into the Bo rough we took a hackney coach, and ordered the man to drive to the Poultry Compter, where we ar- rived about four o'clock in the afternoon, and safely lodged the prisoners without giving the least suspi- cion to any one. She was extremely desirous, how- ever, to go to Woodstreet Compter, where her hus- band was, and strongly solicited me to take her there ; but this I told her I could not do, and gave her rea- sons for my refusal. Mr. Wingrave after this, tells us of several inter- views which he had with her in Newgate, and speaks of anextraordinary behaviour in a particular clergy- man, who visited her, concluding the whole with sentiments which indicate a very benevolent mind, and a very good understanding. • Mrs. Brownrigg hath since informed me, but with what degree of truth I know not, that her hor- ror was so great, and her reflections upon the terri- ble situation which their distresses must soon reduce them to, so insupportable, that they had determined to surrender themselves to justice, if they had not been prevented by a discovery. An Abstract of the Hon. Edward Wortley Montague Journey from Cairo, in Egypt, to the Written Mountains in the Desert of Sinai. I Set out from Cairo, by the road Taurichi Beni Israel, or of the Children of Israel. Alter twenty hours, at about three miles an hour, we passed the mountains Maxatee, by an opening on our right hand. Through this breach the Israelites are said to have gone, and not to have taken a more southern track, which I think most probable, this latter, from what one can now judge, being hardly passable for Pharoah's chariots. . At Suez I found an opportunity of going to Tor by sea, which 1 was glad of, because going near the place at which the Israelites are supposed to have en- tered the Gulph, and having a view from the sea, as well of that, as of the opposite shore, I might be better able to form a judgment about it. When we were opposite to Bedeah, it seemed a plain capable of containing the Israelites, with a small elevation in the middle ; there appeared also something of ruins. The Captain and Pilots told me, it was the place where the Israelites entered the sea, and the ruins were those of a convent ; there is a strong current which sets to the opposite shore; about s. E. it forms a whirl- pool, where they told us ships were sometimes lost. It is about six miles N. of Cape Carondel. It is called Birque Pharaorae, the well or pool of Pharoah ; and here they affirm his host was destroyed. We anchored in fifteen fa- thom, within a mile and a half of the shore, in the Birque Cardonel, to the N. of the Cape. A fouth moon makes high water, and it ebbs six hours. At Suez it flows six feet; the spring tides are nine ; and from the beginning of November to the end of April, sometimes twelve. The Egyptian, Western, or Thebaic shore, from Badea southward to oppose Tor, on the eastern shore, is all mountainous and steep; and at Elim, the northermolt point of the Bay of tor, ends the ridge of mountains, which begins on the eastern shore of this western branch at Carondel. We from thence crossed the plain in about eight hours, and entered the mountains of Sinai. They are of granite of different colours. At the entrance of the narrow breach through whkh we passed, I saw on a large loose granite stone an inscription in unknown characters, given, I think, by Dr. Pocock, Bishop of Offory ; however, as the Israelitcs had no writing, that we know of, when they passed there, I did not think it of consequence enough to stop for ; the Arabs told me it was relative to a battle fought there between the Arabs; there are not above five or six words. We arrived at the convent of Mount Sinai. The Monks were far from owning to me, that they had ever meddled with the print of the foot of Mahomets camel. I examined it thorougly, and no chisel has absolutely ever touched it ; for the coat of the granite is entire, and unbroken in every part; and every body knows, that if the coat of less hard stone than a granite is once destroyed, it never re- turns. It is a most curious lusus natural and the Ma- hometans turn it to their use. , Meribah is indeed surprizingly striking. I ex- amined the lips of its mouths, and found that no chisel had ever worked there ; the channel is plainly worn by only the course of the water, and the bare inspection of it is sufficient to convince any one it is not the work of man. Amongst the innumerable cracks of rocks which I have seen in this, as well as other parts of the world, I never met with any like this, except that at jerusalem, and the two which are in the rock which Moles struck. twice, of which hereafter. We set out from Mount Sinai by the way of Schrich Salem ; and after we had passed Mahomet's stone, came to a beautiful valley, where I lay, and hope I have discovered the manna. I did not set out till day- light, that I might not pass the rock which Moses struck twice. I saw several short in- scriptions stained on some part of the mountains, the characters being the same with those on Mount Sinai, Meribah, & c. given by the Bishop of Offory. About four miles befere we arrived at Pharan, we passed through a remarkable breach in a rock, each side of it as perpendicular as a wall, about eighty feet high, and the breach is about 40 broad : here I ima- gine the Horites were smote, four miles beyond the present ruins of Pharan; for having passed this breach, they could not make a stand, nor could they well be pursued. From Meribah to this place we had always rather descended. In about halt an hour the sight and appearance of a large stone, not unlike Meribah, which lies at some distance from the mountain on our right hand, struck me ; and I also observed it had many small stones upon it. The Arabs, when they have any stone or spot in veneration, as Mahomet's stone, and the like, after their devotion, lay some smooth stone upon it. I asked what it was; they told me Hagar Mousa, the stone of Moses. I told them that could not be, for that lay in Rephidim ; they said that was true, but this was Hagar el Cho- tatain, the stone of the two strokes: that he struck it twice, and more water came from it than from Me- ribah ; witness the river. The bed of the river winds to the eastward, about E. S. E. I asked how far it went; they said this bed ran by Sheich Ali to those ruins, and quite away to the sea; so the river must have begun here, and not at Pharan, and the bed from Pharan here is only formed, I suppose, by win- ter torrents.- If this is the bed of the river men- tioned by St. Paul, as I dare say it is, we have the second rock. We went down a large valley to the west towards the sea, and passd the head of a valley, a part of the desart of Sin, which separates the mountains of Pha- ran from those which run along the coast, and the same plain which we had passed from Tor. We had scarce entered these mountains, and travelled an hour, when after passing a mountain, where were vi- sible marks of an extinguished subterranean fire, we saw on our left hand a small rock, with some un- known characters cut on it, not stained upon it, as those we had hitherto met with ; and in ten minutes we entered a valley six miles broad running nearly north and south, with all the rocks, which enclose it on the west side, covered with characters, These are what are called Gebei El Macatah, the Written Mountains. On examining these charac- ters, I was greatly disappointed, in finding them every where Interspersed with figures of man and beasts, which convinced me they were not written by the Israelites; for if they had been written after the publication of the law, Moses would not have permitted them to engrave images, so immediately after he had received the second commandment. If they went this way, and not along the coast, they had then no chararters, that we know of, unless some of them were skilled in hieroglyphics, and these have no connection with them. It will be difficult to guess what these inscriptions are; and, I fear, it ever it is discovered, they will be found scarce worth the pains. If conjecture be permitted, I will give you my very weak thoughts. They cannot have been written by Israelites or Mahometans, for the above reason ; and if by Arabians, they would have some resemblance to some sorts of Cuphic charac- ters, which were the characters used in the Arabic language before the introduction of the present Ara- bic letters. The first MSS. of the Alcoran were in Cuphic; these have not the least resemblance to them : Saraaen characters are very unlike ; besides, I should place them higher than the Hegira. I think it not improbable that they were written in the first ages of christianity, and perhaps the very first; when I suppose pilgrimages from Jerusalem to Mount Sinai were fashionable, consequently frequent and nu- merous, by the new Christian Jews, who believed in Christ ; therefore I should believe them Hebrew cha- racters, used vulgarly by the Jews, about the time of Christ. I shewed them, when at Jerulalern, to the Rabins, who were of the same opinion. These are all conjectures ; and it seems much easier to say what these inscriptions are not, than what they are. They can scarce be of St. Helen's time; for they would have some analogy with the Greek characters, and they have none. Perhaps some gentlemen will think them antient Egyptian, written by the colony, which, they suppose, went to inhabit China. This is a matter I will not meddle with; but amongst many others, it will be liable to one great objec- tion, which is, that such colony, if there ever was one, probably went the streight road, from the head of one gulph to the head of another, from Hiera- polis to Eloth, the way the Mecca pilgrims now go. I, for the first reafon given, did not think them written by the Israelites, and could not conceive they were of any great consequence. Pisca, Dec. 1765. E. W. M. To the PRINTER. ONE of your correspondents who signs himself Papyrius Cursor, presented the public some time ago with a few examples of the humourous effects occasioned by cross- reading the news- papers. The perusal of that piece induced a party of us, who were in the country this summer, to make trial of the same experiment, and it helped us to pass the time on rainy days, when we were prevented from more aCtive amusements. PAPYRIUS SECUNDUS. Yesterday the new Board of Treasury met,— ind every one present expressed the highest satisfaCtion. On Sunday next the Court will go into mourning; — more particulars are expected relating to this black affair And in a few days will remove from Richmond— to the condemned hold, where they are to lye. The Sun has been observed not to shine for some days,— occasined by the undue influence of a certain no- bleman. Never was known such mild weather at this season,— owing to the spirited conduCt of the Earl of Ch m. On Monday the Powder- mills at Hownslow blew up :— This report merits confirmation. Yesterday there was a grand Board of Ordnance ;— the shock of which was felt many miles off. One of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State— fell off the shafts, being asleep, and the wheels went 1 [ over him. ' Tis said the Ministry is to be new modelled the repairs of which will cost the public a large sum an- [ nually. This has occafioned a Cabinet Council to be held— at Betty's fruit- shop, in St. James's- street. Friends of the Favourite will be totally excluded ;— the harvest in the North being almost over. The M s of R will again be at the head of Administration.— N. B. He can produce a good cha- [ racter from his last place. ' Tis now said the expected changes will not take place,— owing to the wicked arts of engrossers and monopo- On Tuesday both Houses of Convacation met :— Book shut, nothing done ; by which means several felons made their escape— Same day a terrible fire broke out. India dock rose to 271— and it was some time before it could be got under ; being St. Patrick's day, the Tutelary Saint of Ireland,— the standing Committee will sit at twelve; it was observed with the usual demonstrations of joy,— Whereby much damage was done in the cellars about [ Westminster Yesterday a quantity of new guineas was issued at the Tower Let no one doubt the efficacy of this medi- At the above office may be had shares of tickets and chances,— If there be yet any afflicted with this disease We are assured that Lord T e will accept of a place it operates as an alternative, and produces a [ wonderful change. It is said an act will pass next session,— and will keep good for years, even in the West Indies. Aged 76 was married to a young girl of eighteen ;— the reason of his committing this rash action is not With every qualification to make the married state happy,— of no use to any person but the owner knoWn Last night a gentleman cut his throat from ear to ear :— Razors may be had of a new construction. On Friday the price of corn at Bear Key fell— from a scaffolding Cheapside, and was terribly bruised. Yesterday a large flock of geese and turkies— was committed to the Poultry Compter for further exami- We hear that Mr. Wilkes is writing an History of England ;— He was convicted of the like offence at the [ assizes In the year 1763 j his house was burglariously broke open and robbed— by virtue of a warrant under the hand and seal ; a truly patriotic scheme was moved in an august assembly ;— it was extinguished without doing much damage. Yesterday a man was indicted tor committing a rape,— and upon trial the scheme was found to be imprac- ' Tis said that A n B d will not go to the south of France,- Another wild beast having appeared Yesterday ended the sessions at the Old Bailey,— of the utmost use in peopling our new colonies. At this sessions three were ordered to be branded.— None are genuine but such as have this mark. On Monday died universally lamented,— and there were great rejoicings on this happy occasion. To the curious in bacon — He was reckon'd the fattest man in England next to Mr. Bright. We hear that a treaty of marriage is concluded— for 20l. a side, between the noted Dyer and the famous The ceremony was performed at St. James's Church— and they instantly made off across the heath t ' an agreeable young lady, with a fortune of 1o, oool.— This is inserted as a caution to those who are fond of The Mansion House being newly repaired and beautified— Patrick Gahagan was confined in one of the cells Yesterday on the Parade a soldier received 500 lashes :— Apply as above, and you shall have the same re- To be diposed of by private contract,— in the room of their late Member created a Peer his Lordship arrived from abroad in perfect health,— to the great grief of that noble family. ' Tis thought the election wiil be warmly contested,— in order to preserve unanimity in that county. India stock fell yesterday 2 i- half,— the proprietors being content with a moderate profit. Lost or mislaid by carelessness,— an opportunity of getting per cent. Yesterday an old house fell down in St. Giles's;— a total wreck, but the crew are saved. On Sunday next a Charity Sermon will be preached,— and great quantities of beer given to the populace. Eloped from her husband, Mary, the wife of Simon,— a light dun, with a black mane and tail. An Academy is opened for the instruction of Youth,— in order that none may pretend ignorance. The Pope's Letter to the Most Chriltian King concludes thus —" I am your most humble servant, Corio- [ lanus Copplestone." he has just opened a house for Inoculation ;— Be Careful to have the right sort. My daughter's effectually cured, by the use of—. Sermons for young women, in 2 vols, duodecimo. To be Lett, An house pleasantly situated.— Remov'd from over the way. The late copartnership is dissolved— between the Hours of Twelve and Three. Whereas it often happens that people are in want of money,— 500!. are ready to be given to any lady or [ gentleman. Wanted, A genteel place under the government;—' tis of singular use to those who are to speak in public. Miss Trust r'continues to make the rich seed cakes,— or preventing the decays of age, and lengthening [ human life genteel Places in any of the public offices,— So much a ' mired by the Nobility and Gentry. The author of PAPYRIUS Cuasen. was taken into cultody,— and the jury brought in th.- ir verd'ift Chanel \ Uedlej. Postccript. F R I D AY, TWO O'CLOCK, LONDON. It is most certain that a ministerial negotiation is now carrying on, and that it is on a basis that strongly promises the utmost permanency, being greatly dif- ferent from, and infinitely more extensive and con- ciliating, than any proposed adminstration hitherto in agitation We are told that the Dukes of Newcastle, Bed- ford, Northumberland, and Richmond ; the Mar- quis of Rockingham ; the Earls of Halifax, Sand- wich, Gower, and Shelburne ; the Right Hon. Mr. Dowdeswell, and Mr. Conway , and IsaaC Barre and Edmund Burke, Esqrs. are all included in the in- tended new Ministry. It is said, that the high office of Chancellor of the Exchequer, will certainly be bestowed on the Right Hon. George Grenville before the meeting of the next session of parliament ; till when, it is thought Lord Mansfield will continue in that office. His Royal Highness the Duke of York is expected home the middle of next month at farthest. This morning his Excellency Lord Rochford set out on his Embassy at Paris, attended by a very grand retinue. His Excellency the French Ambassador, successor to the Count de Guerchy, is not expected in England till after Curistmas next. By the best accounts from abroad, we are assured that the great objeCt now in agitation, between the Courts of Paris, Madrid, and Lisbon, turns on the best manner of totally excluding the Papal jurisdic- tion out of their respective dominions, and engaging other Roman Catholic powers to do the same. It is said the Portugueze Court have given a very insolent answer to our remonltrances ; the purport of which is said to be, that it we do not like our pre- sent situation of trading with them, we may take what remedy we please, for that they shall buy where they can cheapest ; and as to their wines, we can- not do without them, for no other wines will adul- terate with our made wines. This day Clayton, Esq; Member of Par- liament for Great Marlow, in Bucks, was married to the Right Hon. Lady —— Fermor, sister to the Earl of Pomfret. We hear that the Marquis of Granby is strongly solicited, and has some intentions, to join the Hon. Booth Grey, Esq; in standing a candidate for the antient borough of Leicester, at the next general election. The number of cadets, educated in the Royal School at Woolwich, has hitherto been confined to forty- eight, but it is now to be extended, under the patronage and superintendance of the Marquis of Granby, to one hundred. We are informed, by recent accounts from Ja- maica, that that island has as yet received no benefit from the free port lately established there ; that trade is very dead in it, and all our other islands under the torrid zone; and that the Spaniards cannot be pre- vailed on to resume their connections with our sub- jects in these parts, which were broke off by the in- considerate measure of converting our men of war into Spanish guarda costas. The pawn brokers never borrowed so much money at any one period as the present ; and when they have such a call for cash to carry on their business, it is a sure proof of the extreme great poverty of the bulk of the lower order of people. Last Monday, by order of the Commissioners of the Turnpikes, a number of men, well armed, were placed as a guard on the Hackney road, who, during the winter season, are to stay util twelve o'clock at night, in the same manner as was done the last winter season. Thursday and Friday last several persons who had been apprehended on the complaint cf the West- India merchants, for stealing of sugar and coffee from on board ships at Deptford, were examined be- fore Charles Witworth and John Russell, Esqrs. two of his Majefty's Justices of the Peace for the county Of Kent, when a cooper and a lighterman were com- mitted to Maidstone goal, for stealing sugat and cof- fee, the property of the said merchants, and several others were also committed to the said goal for re- ceiving the said goods, knowing them to be stolen. Wednesday last was married at St. George's, Ha- nover- square, Mr. William Allam, watch maker, of New Bond- street, to Miss Ann Batham, of Bick- marsh, Warwickshire. On Wednesday night died, in Abingdon- street, Westminster, the Rev. Dr. Gregory, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. On Monday morning will be published by authority, pr. 6d, The FIRST PART of THE SESSIONS PAPER; containing the WHOLE TRIAL of ELIZABETH BROWN- RIGG, JAMES BROWNRIGG, and JOHN their Son, for the cruel murder of MARY CLIFFORD, their apprentice. Printed for John Wilkie, at the Bible in St. Paul's church yard. Of whom may be had, The Trial of JOHN WILLIAMSON, for the murder of his wife, ANN WILLIAMSON, by starving her to death. The second part of these proceedings, containing the very interesting trial of WILLIAM GUEST, Gent, for High Treason, in filing and diminishing the current coin of this kingdom, will be published in a few days. N. B. These proceedings are entered according to act of parliament in the hall book of the company of Stationers, and whoever presumes to print any part of them, will be prosecuted as the law directs.
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