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The Craftsman; or Say's Weekly Journal


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The Craftsman; or Say's Weekly Journal

Date of Article: 12/09/1767
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Address: Newgate-Street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 546
No Pages: 4
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The Craftfman : or Say's VO' 5 4 - 6 S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R j2, 1767. To the P R I N T E R . '". OUR correfpondent Anti- Draco, is M Sts^ W a l i t t l e u n l i a p p y i n " piyt o my V***" letter of Aug. 24. He allures you Y GL* that " the Roman Catholics are not now fautors of the ufurped T t j h power of the See of Rome ; that ^ MW. t h e y a r e n o t traitors in principle, nor adherents of a Popilh Pretender, or enemies to this Proteftant government, whatever their predeceflors, in fa3, have been." So then, their predectfi'ors were enemies to our government, upon principle, as well a » in fa£ t. Now what proof does he bring that the Englifti Papifts of the prefent time do not efpouSe the principles of their predeceflors? He can find none at heme, and therefore is obliged to brine his evidence from France, Spain, and lortusral. And I will own that the governing powers of theSe countries have gone a great way towards declaiming the ufurped power oj the See of Rome, by expelling the Jeiuits, who are the principal pillars and Supports of it, from their relpeCtive dominions.— But what is this to the Enghjb Papift, who receive and proteft many of thofe Jeiuits that are thus excelled from other Popilh countries, and who entertain lefuits in their houfes, and ltation them in town and country, as the dheClors of their consciences ? Can there be a itronger Uttimony that Englifh Papilts ( till adhere ta the ufurped power of the See of Rome, and confequently ltill retain their enmity to the Proteftant government of this country ? Amin, ic was incumbent upon him to ( hew that the Roman Catholics have renounced their former principles, obnoxious to our Proteilant government. But this he owns they cannot do, otherwise than by the authority of another romifh Council like that of Iren' Till then, thereftre, the dogmata of Popery mult be what that Council has determined them to be, and, among the reft, the dogmata concerning the power of the See of Rome. And this being fo 110 private papift can renounce any of thefe doCtrine,. without being guilty of formal Herejy. As\ d while this is the cafe, Enghjh Papifts at lealt, fall continu. vaffala to the Pope, and proper objects of pena I t were to b « wi( hed that Anti- Draco and his fellows could agree upon a confiftent plan of toleration for the ufe of Papifts; or ihew the reafonablenefs of fuch toleration by confident arguments. Anti- Draco is for abolifliing all the penal laws at once, and granting the Papifts a free and unlimited toleration. But his fellow- labourer, S. N. m another paper, the very day following, dilclaims being an advocate for fuch free toleration, and is fadly afraid the Diffcnters fliould impute fuch a defign to him. . .,. , Anti- Draco fpeaks with great civility, and even commendation of the Proteftant DilTenters, and propofes their teachers a » examples to the clergy of the eftablifhed Church. On the other hand, S. N. berogues and a'Wes the fnid Diffenters without mercy, and hints, that unlefs the Church of England is fo far reformed as to repeal the toleration- ait, lhe will be ruined by them. _ S. N. fays, there is not a Papift in England who would not take the Oath of Allegiance to his preifcnt Majefty's Royal Houfe. But, as Axti. Draco has ma- iaged matters, till a Romifki Council fhall fit, and alter the dogmata d the Church, not a Papift among them can talce it without a difpenfntiun from the Pope, which his Holinefs may revoke the next day, and abfolve him from his oath, and certainly would do it, if the interelts of the church fo required. In one thing, indeed, they agree, viz. in abufing the Bifliops and Clergy of the eftablifhed Church , and if they can prove what they lay to the charge of the Clergy, 1 will not be their advocate; and if they cannot, the Bifhops and Clergy of the Church ot England are very capable of pleading their own caufe. One thing I hop » the Bithops and Clergy will learn from thefe bold attacks upon our conftitution, and thefe equivocal defences of modern Papifts, that Popery, and particular^ Englifh Popery, is ftill the fame infiduous, intolerant, mean, abjeCt fuperftition it ever was, and that they will keep a UriCUr eye upon their flocks, as well as upon their reftlefs feducer*, in proportion as the confidence and affuranceof thefe induftrious apologifts for Popery encreafe. LYCURGUS. S A T U R D A Y , SEPTEMBER 5. Fiom the LONDON G A Z E T T E of September 5,1767. ' B A N K R U P T S . John Beaumont, of Leadenhall- ftreet, vintner and dealer, ( copartner with Mary Beaumont, of the fame place) 10 furrender the 8th and 15th iRllant, and 17th of OCtober, at ten in the forenoon, at Guildhall, London.— Attorney Mr. Raincock, in Bearbinderlane. Lewis Wacker, of Wapping, in the county of Middlefex, fugar- refiner, dealer and chapman, to Surrender the 9th inftant, at four in the afternoon, the 11th inftant, and 17th of OCtober, at ten in the forenoon at Guildhall, London.— Attorney Mr. Gregg, at Skinner's- Hall. John Gimblett, of Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, button- maker and watch- maker, to furrender the 17th and 18th inftant, and J 7th of OCtober, in the forenoon, at the Dolphin, in Birmingham.— Attorney Mr. Charles Stuart, in Birmingham. £> ayi appointed fir making the Dividends ej Bankrupts'' tfiatis to Credihri. Cuthbert Wilkinl'on and Jamts Siddall, of Woodftreet, London, haberdalhers, dealers, chapmen, and partners, the 6th of October, at ten in the forenoon, at Guildhall, London. Alhton Blackburne, late of Manchefter, in the csunty of Lancafliire, manufacturer of checits, dealer and chapman, she aoth of OCtobcr, at ten in the forenoon, at the BULL'S- Head Inn in Manchefter. In this Gazette his Majefty has ord « ied, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, that the free importation imo Great firitain, of oats or oatmeal, rye or rye meal, wheat or wheat flour, barley, barley- meal, peas, beans, tares, or callivancies, malt, biead, bifcui', and ftarch, be permitted from any parts or places in Europe, in any ( hip or veffel whatloever, from the expiration of the refpeCtive times limited by the aCts for the free importation thereof, until twenty days after the commencement of the next fsffion of parliament, under the regulations and in the manner mentioned and contained in the aits. His Majelty alio doth oider, by and with the Advice of his Pi ivy Council, That no perfon or perfons wuatfotver fhall, direCtly or indirectly, export, traufport, can y, or convey, or caufe or procure to be e x p n e d , tianfported, carried, or conveyed, out of or from the laid kingdoms ot Great Britain or Ireland, or load or lay 011 board, or caufe or procure to be laden or laid on board, in any fhip, or Oiher veffel or boat, in order to be exported or carried out of the faid kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland, any fort of corn, grain, meal, malt, flour, bread, bifcuit, or ftarch, from and after the faid tenth day of September, one thoufand feven hundred and fixty- feven, until twenty days after the commencement ef the next feffion of parliament, under the penalties and forfeitures mentioned in the aforefaid a f t. L O N D O N . Yefterday, at three o'clock in the afternoon, died, of a putrid fever, at his feat at Sudbrook, near Richmond, in Surry, the Right Hon. Charles Townfhend, Chancellor and UnderTreafurer of his Majefty's Exchequer, one of his Majefty's Moft Honourable Privy Council, Member of Parliament for Harwich, in ESfex, & c. See. & c. He has paffed through the feveral offices, befids thofe already mentioned, of Lord of Trade and Plantations, of Lord of the Admiralty, of Treafurerof his Majefty's Chambers, of Secretary at War, of Firft Lord of Trade and Plantations, and of Paymafter General of his Majefty's Forces; in all which departments he ( hone with diflinguifhed luftre and abilities. But his great fort was in the Senate, where no one ever excelled, if any ever equalled him, in eloquence or ability ; in reafoning in the moft fair, candid, and convincing maimer. Trade, manufactures, commerce, colonies, ar, d the finances of this country in particular, have an irreparable lofs in him. To this may be added, with tht ftriCteit truth and juftice, that there cou'd not be a more affectionate hulband, a more tender parent, a better matter, er a more enchanting and inltruCtive companion. The people of Ireland are fo extremely fanguine far a Septennial Parliament, that all the corporations in the kingdom are inliruCting the Members to ob tain fuch a meafure at their next Affeinbly. Several Popifh Prielts have lately embraced thePro teftant religion in Ireland ; and it is thought that a good many more will follow the fame example, as the government generally allows them a maintenance after recantation. The week before lift the Rev. Mr. Occum, o f t he tribe of Mohegan Indians, in the colony of ConneClicut, in North- America, preached at Bradford, Heckmondwike, and many other places in the Welt- Riding of Yorkshire; after which very conliderable collections were made for the benefit of the Indian charity fchools lately inftituted in that country f ir the civilization ofthe natives. And on Sunday laft the Rev. Dr. Whitaker, who accompanies Mr. Occum, preached at the Diffenting meeting- houfe in Call- lane, Leeds, where upwards of 13I. was collected for the faid charity. A few nights ago a Lady at the Weft end of the town, having loft a confiderable fum at gaming, was fo chagrined that ( he tucked herfelf up in her own bed- chamber, but fortunately her maid came in, and cut her down time enough to fave her life ; but ( lie has behaved in fuch a manner ever lince, that a watch has been fet over her, to prevent her making away with herfe'fany other way. We are informed, that the quantity of hair now worn by the ladies is procured in the following manner: That in the holpitals, whatever patients died, their hair became the perquifite of the nurfes, who carefully fheared tkem, to fupply this gre^ t demand for human hair: that both the Small- pox, andadiStemper Hill more diiagreeable, fupplied the greatelt part; for a number of girls, who had once been very fine girls, died continually in the Lock Hofpital, whole heads of hair the nurfes took particular care to fave from the grave ; and that from fuch crops the heads of our politeft ladies weie furnifhed. Yefterday morning about 9 o'clock, 107 felons under fentence of transportation in Newgate, were conveyed on board the veffel which is to tranfport them to America. Yefterday a boy was committed to the Compter by the fitting Alderman at Guildhall, for being concerned with fome other boys in ftealing a large quantity of ribbon from a fhi ' p 111 Long- lane, SiTiitiifield, who has given information againtt a gang of boys with whom he has lately been concerned in divers robberies, in confequence whereof warrants have been ifued out to apprehend them. Edinburgh, Jug. 31. On Sunday night died at Corltorphine, the Rev. Mr. George Fordice, minifter of the gofpel, in the 851I1 year of his age, and 58th of his miniftry. This morning, a countryman having come to the Weft Port, to engage fomerepears to cut down his ready corn, would not condefcend to agree with them at a higher price than i d . a day and iheir victuals j and had the imprudence to tell them, that it was not only enough, but too much; and that he had feen the times when they would have been glad to work for their meat, and hoped yet to See the like days: upon which the reapers flew on liim in a del pel ate rage, and, had he not got fhelter in a neigh bouring houfe, would have torn him to pieces. Bo jinn, New England, ' July 13. From Somerfet county, Maryland, we learn, that one Francis Ange died there about three months ago, in a vary advanced age. A gentleman of that province, fome years ago, having occafisn to ride in the neighbour hood where this^ nan lived, and hearing of his great age, had the curlofity to go and fee him. In a letter to his friend and correfpondent in this town, daUd Auguft 19, 1764, he gives the following account of him, as h » had it from the man himfelf: that he was born at Stratford upon Avon, in Warwickfhite,[ Eng land; that his father's name was John, a cutler by trade, and his mother's name Eleanor ; that he could remember King Charles I. being beheaded, as he was then a pretty big boy 5 that he came to this country in a ( hip from Parkgate, called the Great Bengal, and ferved his time with one Nicholas Demar, on Rappahannock. The gentleman fays, that at that time he was not left than 130 years of age, had fcarce a wrinkle in his face, had thick bla^ k hair, with a very few grey hairs interfperfed, and that his wife, who was then about 80, had a fon by him not above 17 years of age, M T) N D A Y , SE P T E M B E R 7. Saturday arrived the maih Jrom Holland. Tunis, July 13. 1 he Emperor of Morocco, now living in peace with England, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, and France, the prizss made by the C01 fairs of this Regency, csnfift of Neapolitan, Genoefe, Corfican, Tufcan. and other fhips belong ing to l'omeftates of Italy, but which are of little value. The 13th of this month the Adminiftrator of the Spanifli hwfpital having been fe; it for by the JUey on fome affairs of importance, was aflaflinated in a cruel manner, 011 his way home, by a renegado : whereupon all the Cl. riltian Coniuls went in a body to hi . Excellency, at ti e inttanceof another Spanilh prielt, to delire him to punifh the murderer. The Bey al fured them that it fhould be done, as foon as he ( the aiLffin) quitted the Mofque, wherein] he had taken refuge; and his Excellency ordered that two centinels ( hould be placed at the door, to prevent any provifions being carried to him. But as he remains there ftill, it is probable, that when he fled thither, he took fome victuals with him. Lijbon, Aug. 30. The 44th ef this menth arrived in the Tagiu, oppofite to this city, a fhalop, with an exprefson board, difpatched by the Governor of Senegal, with orders to repair to London as foon as poflible, to inform the government that a mortality rages with fuch violence among the troops, that out ol 300 men, of which they were compofed, fcarce 60 are remaining; and moreover, that there is a great fcarcity of provifions. L O N D O N : We hear that their Majefties intend fliortly to honour the Duke of Marlborough with a vilit'at Blenheim- houle. Friday fome difpatchcs, faid to be of importance, were received at Mr. Secretary Conway's office from the Hon. Roger Hope Eiletfor., Efq; Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica. Mr. Gay is appointed Gentleman of the Bedchamber, with Mr. Swan, to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; and not Capt. Baudin, as mentioned in one of Thurfday's evening papers. Captain Baudin is one of the Gentlemen| at Large, with Capt. John, Wright, and Capt. Win. Brereton, to Lerd Townfhend — There are generally twelve Gentlemen at Large, but his Excellency, though great and powerful application has been made for lever. il other gentlemen, will net appoint any more without maturely confidering whether he can provide for them agreeable to their expectation. Extratl of a Letter from Lijbon. " We think it no Small aggravation here, that the petty State of Algiers, can at any time terrify the haughty Portugueze into the payment of enormous lumj, merely to purchafe a temporary truce, while Great- Britain, their friend and ally, has not been able to procure even common juftice 10 her trading Subjects in tnis kingdom, by a four years Negotiation." They write from Penfacola, that the Spanifli Governor of New Orleans had received pofitive orders from his court to prevent the fubjeCfs of Great Brit. iin from having the leaft commercial intercourfe with thofe of his Catholic Majefty under his command. By a letter from New Providence, there is advice, that an Englifh ( loop belonging to Rhode Ifland, had been taken by a Spanifh Guarda Colta in the Weft Indies, and carried into Mufketo harbour, in the ifland of Porto Rico, where the vtflel and cargo were confifcated, and the crew thrown into prifon, on pretence of illicit trade. They write from Port l'Orlent, that a French fhip Having at Madagafcar had been furprizt d by the natives, who murdered part of the crew, and obliged the remainder to run her on fhore at Murlainbo. They write from Gibraltar, that the Regency of Tunis had Sent an Ambaflador to General Paoli, t o treat of a pe- ce with the Corfican nation. Letters from Breflau, of the Sth ult. fay, that the late fire at Liff. i in Poland, reduced to allies 960 houfes and public edifices, among which were the town hall and the Jews fynagogue, fo that the greateft part of the place. no longer exilts. A member of the Imperial Academy of fciences of Peterfbourg has wrote to a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, acquainting him, that the limprels of all the Ruflias has given onsets to the laid academy, that the next 1 ranfit of Venus over the Sun ( the 3dof June 1769) fhrdl beubferved with al[ the accuracy poffible, in eight feveral proper places of her dominions, to guard againft difappointments from cloudy weather, and to fecure a more certain refult from a multiplicity of obfervations. To which end, the faid Fellow of the Royal Society is eommiffioncd to get the neceflary inltruments conftruCted by our London artifts, at the expence of the Emprefs. A truly illuftrious inftar. ee of her munificence for the advancement of fcience, which it nny be hoped will animate the other fovereigns of Europe to the perfuit of fo glorious a purpofe. In 1708 the Englifh Navy confided of 7 firlt rates, 13 fecond ditto, 4 j third ditto, 63 fourthditto ; which e accounted of the line ; 39 fifth rates, 27 fixth ditto, 7 fire ( hips, 7 bombs, 9 yachts, 16 brigs and tenders. In all 231. To command this fleet there were only feven Admirals ( none were fuperannuated) there were no Matters and Commanders, and the number of Captains and Lieutenants were proportionally moderate. At the conclufionof the peace, in i76i, theNavy confifted of 151 fhips of the line, 116 fifth and fixth rates, 6i floops, 7 yachts, 1 hofpital thip, 8 fire fhips, 2 ltore fhips, 6 bombs. In all 354; being the who> e Navy commiffioned and non commiflioned.— Officers to this fleet, in coinmiflion, and reduced to halfpay : 30 Admirals that rank, 20 ditto fuperannuated. In all 50. 329 Polt Captains, 159 Matters and Commanders, 984 Lieutenants. In the year 1766, four years after the peace, the Navy confifted of 4 firft rates,, 9 fecond ditto, 74 third ditto, 52 fourth ditto, 83 fifth ditto, 39 fixth ditto, 58 ( loops, 7 bombs, 7 fire fhips, 6 yachts, 35 armed cutters, commanded by Lieutenants, 3 ( tore ihips, 15 capual ihips on the ftocks. In all 383 — OrKcers in commiffion : 36 Admirals that rank, 27 ditto fu perannuated. In all 63. 330 Poft Captains, 147 Matters and Commanders. In all 477. 998 Lieutenants. Dead or refigned fince the year 1762, to the year 1766 •. 6 Admirali, 62 Captains, 36 Matters and Commanders, 161 Lieutenants. Made fince the year 1762 : 12 Admirals that rank, 7 ditto fuperannuated, 61 Captains, 24 Mafttrs and Commanders, 165 Lieutenants. In the year 1765, three years after the peace, there were in commiffion 17 Captains, 13 Matters and Commanders, 13 Lieutenants. The timely prolongation of the reftriCtions now now fublifting on the corn- trade, we are told, has put the dealers, or rather engrofl'ers of that commodity, in a terrible panic. For fome time pall very little bufinefs has been done among them, but ali their ftock, to a very large amount has remained ftiut up in their warehoules, in hopes of availing themfelves ot the expiration of thofe reftriCtions, which would have terminated the 10th of this month. By the prolongation of them, all their views will be happily defeated, and they mult now bring their corn to market, as it will be to 110 purpofe to keep it locked up any longer in warehoulcs, when the judicious reftrai . is laid in this point 011 our ports are likely to be continued for fo confiderable a time long, r. Friday lift Samuel Mafon, Efq; of Chelfea, was Midler of the WvrthipUil Coroptny of Mercers ; Jofeph Scott, Efqj was chofen Surveyor of S*. Paul's School; Jufeph Trigg, Efq; Houfe Warden • and Robert Carrol), Efq; Kcnter Wsrden, for the year enfuing. ' T i s faid there are three new comedies to mat. ® their appeaiance at Drury- lane Theatre next feaf j n , wrote by gentlemen of great abilities. ' Tis alfo laid that there are two new mufical pieces and a tragedy to make their appearance at Covent. garden Theatre next feafon. By thefe means the public is likely to be well entertained. The Merchant of Venice will be played the enfuing winter at Drury- lane, and we are told Mr. Gnrriclc propofes to appear in the character of Shylock. Mr. Bcnfl^ y, we are told, is engaged from Drurylane houle at Covent- garden Theatre. . By the laft letters from Paris we are informed- that no man in Europe ever cut fo great a figure in dancing as that celebrated Irifhman, Mr. Slingfby, who now performs at the new French opera, with raolt unlamaoa applaufe, and is employed in teaching by the firit Nobility there, who, to their honour, are not. fo much bigotted to Italian performers only, but will give encouragement to tliofe of auy nation whole performances may deferve it. Wednefday laft a bloody bruifing match was fought in the ruins ot St. Gilo's, between two noted female bruifers, the ane from Nswtoner's lane, the other from Brown's gardens ; when the former, after a contett of twenty minutes, was crowned with victory; amidft the plaudits ot a valt crowd of lpeftators. On Tuefday night laft, about ten o'clock, as a gentleman was walking palt Mrs. ^^ ' s houle, in ———— ltreet, Greenwich, there fell, within two yards of him, a bed- tick all 011 lire, from a three pair of flairs window : on extinguifhing the flames, he ( with feveral ot the neighbours then got together) found upwards of fixty love letters. It appears the faid Mrs. has a daughter, about ieventeeu years of age, and finding ( lie had a Sweetheart, iniilted on learcliing her room tor letters, on which the daughter went immediately to that old titk, and Set it on fire, and the mother had the prefence of mind, for fear of bad confequences, to throw it out of the window. Laft Thurfday night the Coroner's Inqueft fat at the Earl of Halifax's Arms, in H difax- itreet, Spital- fields,' 011 the body of the child who was run over by a bri; k cart belonging to Mr. Clavei ing's buildings, 011 Tuefday laft, and killed on the Spot. Tile driver being ridir- g on iiis cart, a man looking out of a two psir of ltairs window, called to him toftop his horfes and take care of the child ; * hich he paid no regard to, but drove flitter. After the examination of feveral witneffes, the Jury brought in their v « rdiCt Manslaughter. A few days ago a young fellow married a young woman, houfekeeper to an eminent tradefnjan in this city, and loon after he told her he had an eflate in the country, and produced a letter, wherein he and his wife were invited to come there and fettle ; upon this, ( lie left her place, and having a Small Sum of money in the ftocks, ( he Sold out, and packed up her deaths, which her hufband took away under pretence of carrying to the inn, but did not return. The next day he fent her a letter, informing her that all he had ( aid about the eltate in the country was falfe, and that he ( hould never See her more. By this means the poor girl is ftiippsd by an artful villain of all that ( lie had been many years working for. The convifts fhipped on Friday laft are to remain in the river fill after next Old Bailey feffions, in order to carry with them Such as may be call for transportation. A feve\] avs fmce a well drefled man, who talks broad Scotch, went toj the ( hop of Mr. Colby, a watchmaker in Fleet- lireet, and pretending to be a Scotch noblemaa, befpoke a gold watch, and ordered, that when ready, it ihould be Sent to his lodgings 111 Salifbury- court; he alSo borrowed a liU ver watch till the other was finilhed. Laft Friday evening the gold watch was carried, by Mr. Colby ' n Servant, to the pretended nobleman ; who then making Some fiClnious excuSe to go out of his room, ran out of the haul's with the gold watch, and without any perfon therein percei » ing him: but it fortunately happened that a tayUr's boy, to whom this ( park was indebted, at that inftant feeing him in the Street, followed him to a houle near Temple- Bar, where he went in and hired a frefli lodging. The boy, upon going home, informed his matter of the above circumftance, and a conftable being thereupon procured, my Lord was feized the fame night ia his new apartment, and on Saturday being carried before the Loid Mayor at the Manfion- houfe, was committed to the Compter. It is reported, feveral other people have been defrauded by this . man, and will appear againft him at his next examination. Edinburgh, Sept. 1. We hear from a gentleman enne from York- races, that there were left company there this year than ever known. Only 134 carnages appeared on the race ground; and he counted latt year 314. The fame obfervation has been made here, nd in other places ; fo that horfe- racing, like fome other things, appears to be on the decay, at lead it does not feem to be the moft falhionable diverfion at prelent. The gr< at American Aloe, in the Botanic garden, which the late Dr. Aliton received from Dr. Boerhaave, in 1720, and then reckoned to be 23 years old, is expeCted to flower in a few days. This plant, which is not 70 years eld, ufually put forth five newr leaves every year, and discovered 110 appearance- of flowering till within thefe four weeks paft, The flowering Item prefently meafures j » feet, and the flowers ar^ beginning to break forth. F r o m , t h e S O U T H - C A R O L I N A GA Z E T T E. Charles ' Town, South- Carolina, July 10. This day arrived here, from Weil Florida, his Majefty's ( hip Cygnet, commanded b_, Philip Durell, Efq; in whicn came pallcngers Brigadier- General Taylor and his lady, whom Captain Durell landed at St. Augultine. The Cygnet, in her way from Penfac. ila, went to the Havaiiiia, and, when abreaft of the Moro, was hailed and ordered to bring to ; Capt. Durell anfwered, that he would do So as Soon as the fhip was in fafety, 011 which Several guns were fired at bins from the Moro, and, juft as the anchor wag gone, a twenty four- pound ball llruck the Uygnet about fixinche above the water, went through herlarboard fule, and ltruck in the Ira: board. Clpt. Durell was not permitted to go on- fiiore, but wrote to fhe Governor, complaining of tfie infuit offered to the Britifh flag ; and had for anlwer, that they had the King's orders not to Suffer any Snip to 9/ itsr that port. We are told feveral other letters paft. A few bert, came off the Havanna, with difpatches from Admiral Parry to the Spanifh Governor, and met with much the fame treatment. - The Spaniads ufcet ih « nioit Icuriiiuus abulite language to both ( hips. jjtling the people Englifh dogs, & c. Thefe are al! the particulars of this extraordinary affair we have as yet been able to procure. There is no doubt that proper notice will be taken of fuch daring infults, and the Dons be made to know themfelves, and not forget who were their conquerors. Cha'ies- Town, July 24. Letters from Welt Florida inform us, that the ( tarcity of provifions is entirely removed, by the arrival of large quantities in the feveral veffels from the Northern Colonies. This day arrived here from Great Britain and the Weft Indies, latt in 24days from Penfacola, his Miefty's packet the Hilfborough, commandedby Capt. jLeflie Grove. From the length of the voyage, the Captain being in want of refrefhments and other neceffarier, went to the Havanna for a fupply ; but on attempting to go into the harbour, for applying to the Governor, had two ( hot fired at him, which were certainly defigned to fink him, and, had he not immediately put about, a number of cannon, ready charged ana pointed, would have fent his Majefty's fhip to the bottom. The Spaniards laid nw lhip or veffel with Britilh colours fhould enter that fcarbour. This is the third infult the Britifh flag has received at the fame place within a few weeks. T U E S D A Y , SEPTEMBER 8. F r o m t h e LONDON G A Z E T T E of Sept 8, 1767. Lifien, Aug. 18. Four ( hips from Pernarnbuco, and two from the Bay of All Saints, are arrived in this river, with valuable cargoes on board. Naples, Aug. 18. His Britannic Majefty's fhip the Jerfey, Conimhdore Spry, arrived in this harbour on Thurfday laft. Mount Vefuvius has been much agitated of late, continually throwing up great quantities of inflamed matter, with explofions; and though it has beenrather more quiet for thefe two days palt, it is thought the firft rains will encreafe the fermentation, and that it wi'ldifcharge itfelf in a lava. The allies and ftones, which it has thrown up, have added at leaft lixty feet to the height of the mountain fince the end of June laft. . Whitehall, Sept. 8. The King has been pleafed to "" conltitute and appoint Henry Hulton, John Temple, William Buich, Charles Paxton, and John Robin - Ion, Ef'qrs, to be Commiffioners for the receipt and management of his Majefty's Cultoms and other duties in America. The King has been pleafed to grant unto James Porter, Efq; the office of Comptroller on the cafhier of the accounts of the Cuftoms and other duties in Amerie*. The King has been pleafed to grant unto Charles Stuart, Efq; the office of Cafhier and Pay- mafter of his Majefty's revenues of cuftoms and other duties in America. The King has been pleafed to grant unto Philip Sharpe, Efq; ene of the Clerks of his Majefty's Council, the office of keeper of the Privy- Council Records, in the room oLWilliam Sharpe, Efq; deceafed. Day appointed for making tie dividend of a Bankrupt* efiates to Creditors. Nathaniel Saunders, late of the city of Briftol, butcher, the ift of OCtober, at four in the afternoon, at the Bufti fsftern, in Corn ftreet, Briftol. Certificate 10 he allowed tt a Bankrupt. James Miller, of the parifh of St. Mary le Bonne, in the county of Middlefex, carver, on or before the 20th inftant. L O N D O N , t We hear that an exprefs is arrived with an accunt, that the ifland of Segovia, the pxincipal of tlie Fhilipine Ifles, has been entirely destroyed by an earthquake, except about 100 houfi- s. The late Right Hon. Charles Townfhend died in the 41ft year of his age. By the Lifbon mail which arrived yefterday, an account was received of the fafe arrival of his Excellency WiUiain- Henry Lyttleton, Efq; Envoy Extraordinary to that Court. We near the Hon. Thomas Lyttleton, Efq; will offer himfelf a candidate for the borough of liewdley, in Worcefterfhire, the enfuing general ele& ion. They write from Bourdeaux, that the Duke of York, who arrived there on the 17th, had fupped with Marfhal Jtichlieu, and dined with the Intend'antof the Rrovince, and that on the 10th his Royal Hignefs fet out for Languedoc and Provence. A letter f r om Algiers, dated July 26, fays, " A Danilh frigate arrived heie a few days ago, which brought the annual prefents, together with 500 quintals of powder due ( ince laft year, and 100 more for the Dey. The grsateft part of this powder having been judged to be of a bad quality, was fsnt back to the ( hip; but( omeday » after the Danifh Conful made a prefent of it to the Regency. The Dey infilled that fome Of a better quality ( hould be fent to him ; and lie repeated his demand of the prefents which Ihould hava been ma'de him by the Danilh nation on his acceffion to the government, and enforced this requifilion with f'reih menaces." On Saturday the Hawke Eaft- Indiaman, Captain Cotton, arrived at her moorings in the river; as did alfo the Duke of Aloany Eaft- Indiaman, Captain Haldane, from Bombay. We hear that proper perfons are foon to be em ployed to make enquiry into the ftate of the harveft i n the different corn counties in this kingdom, previous to fome intended regulations relating to the foreign imports thereof. We hear that the manufacture for making gold • and fiiver wire at Uttsxeter, in Stafford ( hire, is laid afide; and the journeymen, who went from London, are all returned back again. Notwitliftanding the number of labourers ftantly employed to get the corn into the granaries and warehoule8 along the Thames below bridge, in order to preferve it leund and merchantable, the moft part ® f it is and'~ will be fo much damaged, that no baker will buy it, on which account the diftillers, Itarch makers, and owners of hogs, are in great hopes that moft part of it will fall to their ( hares. A few days ago the following converfation pafTed between two eminent corn- faftors at a public houfe at the Weft end of the town :—" Brotfcer ( fays one) corn mnft fall, for I want money." it muft not, ( fays the other) for fooner than it fhould, I'll lend you a thoufand pounds ; and if that won't do, I'll get a friend to lend you another thoufand." Yefterday the prices of grain at Mark- lane were, Wheat 36s. 1047s. Barley 21s. to 27s. 6d. Rye 21s. to « 4S. Oats 13s. toiSs. 6d. per quarter, Finelt Flour42s. Second fort 40s. Third fort 38s. per lack. Brown malt 30s. to 33s. Pale malt 32s. to 35s. Peafe 14s. to » 59i, HogPeaie23S. toi4S. Beans 19s. to 23s. 6d. Tares a i s . to 43S.; jper quarter. Rape feed 19I, i » s. per laft. Yefterday le'nnight Mr. Adam Smith, an eminent - brewer, was elected Mayor of Reading for the year eufuing, A letter from Briftol fays, " the people in this neighbourhood have been much afiliCted with the ague, and have found an infallible remedy, viz. half a quartern of. green ufquebaugh, with a table- fpoonful of lemor. juice, when the St comes on." Or. Friday laft a woman, who lives in Lewi ( him, fuppofed to be diforderei in her mind, took her fon, about nine months eld, and drowned him in a firkin haod. telling of whatjlie had dane, but was Toon fe-, cured, and confined in the Watch houfe, till theCoroner's/ Inqueft have fat on the infant's body. Thurfday and Friday, it was computed, that upwards of a thoufand head of black and ether cattle palled aver Weftminfter- bridge, to the fait marfhes in Kent, to be fattened. It has been remarked, that this was the greateft number ever known in the memory of any man living, to pafs over the faid bridge in the fame time. They were all bought at the Welch fair a t Barnet. A mafter builder in St. Giles's having lately taken a farm of Mrs. Hucks, near St. John's vvo cl farm, was complimented laft Saturday morning, with too teams laden with dung, in proceffion, by the neighbouring farmers, and each horfe being d re ( led up wi; h ribbons in Tottenham- court road, they made an agreeable ( hew, ar. d drew thither a multitude of fpeflators. This is an ancient cuftom amongft tenants thereabouts ; but the number of teams on Saturday laft, greatly exceeded any within memory. Sunday afternoon a pieafure barge, coming up the river f r om Woelwich, where the company had dra liberally of arrack punch, ran againft a lhip, under full fail, in Blackwall Reach, and overf'er, when one young man was drowned, and the reft faved with great difficulty. Brifiel, Sept j . Monday laft caufe, very remarkable in its event, was tried at our affize, before Sir Jofeph Yates — It was as follows : Mr. Bryant, of Magotsfield, fent his fervant with two mares to fell at St. James's. fair, 176&, where one Thomas Jackfon met him, and agreed to give him 13 guineas for them. Some difficulty arifing how to procure the money, a perfon of the fame gang came in at the inftant, and bought a gelding ( which Jackfon had at the door) at the fame price he was to give for the mares. The gelding was to be fent to the Bell I nn in St. Thomas's ftreer, to one Croak, who was to pay for him; but Jacklon being lame, prevailed on Mr. Bryant's man to take him, whilft he prepared a dinner. He accordingly went, but finding no fuch perfon there, returned, and round that Jackfon had gone off with the mares, and countermanded the dinner. Jickfon was with much difficulty difcovered, and this trial brought on for the recovery of the price of the mares. Great villainy appearing throughout the whole tranlaCtion, the mares were judged 10 be ftolen, and Jackl'on was immediately fent to prifon, and Mr. Bryant and his man bound to prosecute him at cur next gaol delivery. Go/ port, Sept. » . On Saturday laft four of the villains concerned in afl'aultingand dangeroufly wounding Mr. Birkinffiaw, on the 19th of laft month, were apprehended, and were all feverally brought before him yefterday, when he pointed eut the villain who fii lt knocked him down, and the others that abetted him; whs, together with the others before apprehended, are detained in ® ur Bridewell till Mr. Birkinfhaw fhall be declared by his furgeons out of danger; when proper fteps will be taken to bring them to condign punifhment. The gardiners in this neighbourhood have fuffered greatly this fummer by feamen, as fuppofed, belonging to the guard- fhip in the harbour, who make a common praCticexrf getting into the gardens in the night time, and not only carry away great quantities of garden ltuff, but trample on and demolilh much more. A gardener near this town, who rents but a fmall piece of ground, has, at feveral times this fu; iimer, had ftoien fram him large quantities of onions, cabbages, & c. which obliged him to keep continual watch in his garden; and on Wednefday evening laft he difcovered two men in feamens jackets therein, with bags, aprons, & c. whom he, by the affiftanceof a gun and dog, fecured, and lodged them in our Bridewell. Galtcay, Aug. 27. Yefterday returned hither from the. country, whither he went hence on a vifit on Saturday lalt, the Chevalier D'Arcy, from Paris, nephew of Patrick D'Arcy, of Kiltolla, in this county, Efq; a Kr. ight of the ancient and honourable Orders of St. Lazare and St. Croix, and a Member of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences in Paris. W E D N E S D A Y , SEPTEMBER 9. L O N D O N . His Majefty has been pleafed to appoin Sir William Trelawny, Bart, to be Vice- Admiral of Jamaica ; in the room of William- Henry Lyttletou, Efq; who has refigned. The remains of the lateRight Hon. Charles Townfhend, Efq; will be carried d ® wn on Saturday next te Norfolk, to be interred in the family vault of his noble ahceltors. The AmbafTador f r om Rpffia hath delivered to the King and Queen fome fuperbiable furs, as a prefent frora the Emprefs his Sovereign to their Majelties. Ex'. raB of a letterfrom Jfar/ aiv, dated Aug. 19. " There is ft ill. a greatbuiUe amongft the grandees in this city, and the criiis of the public affairs becomes every day more enterefting, yet we are not able to guels what will be the uplhot. < « Prince Radzivil has never lesn the King fince be had an audience of his Majefty. His Highnefs's retinue, when he goes abroad, it little inferior to that of jhc K i n g : He has caufed feveral of thegrandees to raife fmall bodies of troopj, and the Staroft Dznjadinlki, among others, has levied a company of 150 horfe grenadiers for the f'ervice of that Prince. " The 13th of this month, the four Deputies fent by the General Confederacy to the Emprefs of Ruffia let out for Mofcow. ' Tis faid that they are charged with a commiffion ef gre A importance, on the ( uccefs of which depends toe unravelling ot tlie divifiops which aftually rend rhe kingdom. " A few day8 ago an Eftaffette arrived here from Rome, whofe " Mifpafches have for objeft the fending of the Apoftolic Bulls for the Prince Primate. ' Tis affured that fome difficulties are ltill ftarted by the Court of Rome on that head." ExtraS of a letter from Venice, Aug. zx. " By letters juft received from Cephalonia, dated July 25, we are informed that they had, on the 24th of that month, a moft violent earthquake, which had almoft entirely ruined that ifland, there being fcarce 100 habitable houfes left, and the inhabitants were reduced to t h e greateft mifery ; the more fo as the exceffive heats joined to this calamity, had in a great meafure deitroyed the wholt fruits of the e a r t h ." A letter from Lifbon, dated Auguft 4, fays, " Laft Sunday the King, Qneen, and Royal Family, were at a bull fight at the ufual place for this fort of feltivity ; when one lingle combatant killed fiiteen of thofe animals with his own hand." Lettei s from Leghorn, dated Aug. 25, f a y , " Ajaccio is already in the power of the Corlicans, the inhabitants having taken arms and opened the gates to them immediately a! ter the departure « f his Moft Chriftian Majefty's t r o o p j ." On board the Duke of Albany Indiaman thtre is come over one of the fineft Arabian hoifes, that has been fesn in England for many years. Yefterday the Right Hon. t h e Lord Mayor ordered the price of Bread to be lowered half an affize, or one penny ir. a peck loaf, and to take place to- morrow. Yefterday a tradefman in this city applied to the Lord Mayor, for ieave to licence thirty foreign ef w a t v ; alter which ihe ran abaut the neigkbow- r j ourn » ymen. Yeflerday morning tlie Right P. ev. Dr. TenicVf, Lord Bifliop of London, attended by the proper officert from the Commons, went tp Allhallows, London- wall church, which his Lordfliip confecrated with the ufual ceremonies ; after which, divine fervice was performed bj^ the Rev. Mr. Mence, the reftcr : an excellent fermon, fuitabls to the occafion, was alfo preached by tlieRev. Dr. Hinde, chaplain to the Bifhop, and reitor of St. Ann's, Soho, from 1 John iv. v. 24. " God is a fpirir; and they that worlhip him, muft worfhip him in fpirit and in t r u t h . " ' Ihe Holy Communion was next adminiftered to the Bilhop and- the congregation prefent: after which his Lordfhip proceeded ta the church yard, were, under a tent erected for that purpjfe, his Lordfhip pronounced the fentence of confeci ating the faid church yard, amidft the moft numerous audience of fpe& ators almcft ever leen on fuch an occafion. The new church of AUhallows, Lendon- wall, which has been about two years a building, reckoning from the time of firft pulling down the old church, is reckoned one of the neatelt, eleganteft, and moft commodious, for the fize, that has been built many years. It is the firft public building performed under the direction of Mr. George Dance, jtin. who, it is faid, formed the model from achurch called St. Sepulchre's, at Rome. They advife from iBriftol, that feveral large commiffions for goods, proper for the Spaniih Weft India trade, have been countermanded. I t is faid that a gentleman lately belonging to the Royal Navy, has invented a cannon fhell, of a new coi ltruftion, for naval fervice, t0 anfwer the purppfe of a bomb ; a proof of which has been lately made with a forty pounder, and it has been found in every refpeft, to anfwer. A few days ago an oak tree was felled, near Ludlow, in Shropfhire, the produce of which were 37 tons of timber, 43 cords of wood, 200 park pales, and five cords of brackets. A bough broke off before the tree was cut down, which weighed 7 J tons, and three mep were employed a month in ltocking it. The whole tree wss valued at 1401. Saturday the following accident happened at the Whalebone, two miles from Romford; —— Bullock, Efq; cf'Stratford, and Daniel Le'Gafs, Efq; a Gtnoei'e merchant, returning from Rumford, ( where th « y had been taking the diverfion of-( hooting) having their guns loaded in the cliaiie with them, by fome means one of the pieces went off, and killed Mr. Le Gals on the f'pot; the body was carried to the White Horfe, near the above place, tor the Coroner's Inqueft to fit en it. Monday a girl about 12 years of age was brought before Sir Samuel fludyer at Guildhall, having been found lying about theitreets. She faid fhe had been bound apprentice to a clnlds coat- maker near Covent- garden, by the parifh of St. Andrew, Holborn; but that her miftrefs ufed her in fo barbarous a manner as caufed her to run away. A gentleman was fitting in the room at the time the girl was brought in, when fhe, looking fteadfaftly at him, faid, he was her father : On his being afked if he knew her, he ( eemed fuiprized at fo unexpeifed a charg;, but, upon recollection, faid, that her mother formerly lived as a fervant with him, and he gave leave for the child to be with her, but declared fhe was none of hit. The girl was fent to St. Andrew's parilli to be taken care of, ' I he young fellow pretending to be a Scotch Nobleman, who was laft Saturday committed t ® the Compter, was again examined before his Lordfliip, when feveral perlons appeared againft him ; after which he was remanded back to the Compter until he has made the fever j l parties whom he has defrauded proper fatisf'aftion. Ne^ cafile, Sept. 5. We hear that Lord Edward Bentinck ( brother to the Duke of Portland) and Sir William Mufgrave, father- in- law to the Earl of Carlifle, have declared themfelves candidates for the city of Carlifle. Monday laft Thowas Nicfeolfon, condemned at the affizes at Carlifle, for the murder of Thomas Parker, butcher, was executed at Carlille; and his body convened from thence to Carlton Fell, near Penrith, where the murder was perpetrated, and there hung in chains purfuant to his fentence. By the confefiion which he delivered to the minifter whoa'tenaed him on Sunday, before receiving the facramcnt, he declared himfelf innocent of the charge for which he fuffered. On Saturday died of a violent fever, Mifs Hotlgfon, of Elfwick. Extract if a private letter from Dublin. " Whoever would be a popular Lord Lieutenant ef this kingdom muft drink hard, and keen an o p ja table and an open cellar. The foible of t i e people in general is hofpitality,' and whoever praffile6 this with prudence, will not meet with much opposition in any thing he makes a point of carrying. This w^ s fo well underftood and praffifed by ( ome Viccrcys, that they were thereby enabled to do more hurt to tne nation, than any of their unpopular predcceflbrs ever did, or could do. Whatever the Irifh gentlemen promife over their bottle, they are alhamed to re trail when ( ober." T H U R S D A Y , SEPTEMBER t o. L O N D O N . Saturday laft the body of Mr. Townfliead was opened, when it appeared that; he died of a mortification in his bowels. I t is faid Lord Chatham has already fold one of the great eftates ( the Wiltihire eftate) left him by the late Sir William Pynfent, Bart, to Mr. Taylor, belonging to the Bank, for 20,0001. Lord Chatham is at prefent at Burton Pynfent in Somerfetfhire. We hear thatthe Hon, Sir William Stanhope, Knt. brother to Lord Chefterfield, does not intend to be candidate for the county of Bucks at the next general eleftion ; and that there is likely to be a very ltrong contelt to fucceed liiin for Member of the afoiefaid county. It is faid that fome of the Eaft- India Nabob's money has found its way to a fet of royal burroughs between t h e T a y and the Forth ; and that the conteft will be very warm betwixt the prefent Member, Secretary to the Noble Order of the Tliiftle, and an eminent Scots Counfellor of Edinburgh. Extralt of a letter from Virginia, to a gentleman in Ne< wcafile, dated June : o , 1767. " We have had a general and continued drought here for thefe fix weeks paft, which threatens not only a great fcarcity of tobacco, but a ( amine for want of grain and verdure, which, at this time, is almoft burnt up ; in fhort, we have a very dilmal prefpeit here. A letter from Rome, dated Aug. 15, fays, " The Sacred Council having received advice that feveral men have died of the plague on board a Maltefe galley, they have given the neceffary orders for preventing that dreadful malady's being communicated to this country." Tha Jefuits of Naples have prefented petitions to the Secretary of the Penitentiary, praying to be abfolved from their vows. We hear there has lately been feveral granaries taken as low as Deptford, which will hold great quantities cf corn, thers being norte near London* Dri- Jge but what are full. . Yefterday morning twenty- five thoufand eggs, • T « h8 a large number of young turkeys, were imported in the river from Dunkirk." Early on Monday morning was forwarded from the Spread Eagle in Gracechurch- ftreet for Lincoln, upon a carriage adapted for that purpofe, a model of the famous Bell vulgarly called Great T om of Lincoln; ex36tin dimenfisn and fymthetry :. the body of it is compofed of cork cafed within and without with brafs above an inch in thicknefs, well p^ lifhed, © n which are the bold cornice, the groves, mouldings, and all the other ornaments, together with the 1' uperfcriptioji in large charafters as on the original.— It is intended to be hung in an antique building, in the form of a fugar loaf, the north eaft corner of the Caftle- hill, for the gratification of the curious ftranger, who will be permitted to fee it on paving the utual demand 1 fo that the abfurd cuftom, which has prevailed for centuries paft of letting open the door of the cathedral church on all public occalians, will, for the future, be entirely laid alide ; being found by experience, that fuch great crowding is not only productive of many diforders and irregularities, but a fcandal and difgrace to that noble Gothic ftru6ture. An apple tree in a garden belonging to the paftry ceok oppofite the Roman fchool at. Hammerfmith, is now in bloffom, which in former years commonly yielded its ripe fruit in Auguft. Monday laft, as two gentlemen of fortune ( at a coffee- houf'e at the Weft end of the town) were difputing in the coffee- room, one of them not chufing to brook with a contradiction, got up and ( truck the other a blow on the face; the gentleman fo affronted inlfantly drew his fwsrd and ran him through th£ body. The wounded gentleman is under the hands of an eminent furgecn, and the other has been obliged to give bail. Early yefterday morning a fire broke out on board a barge coming up the river, laden with unflacked lime, which burnt with fo rasch violence, that fhe was obliged to be towed on fhore near Cuckold'* Point, and fcutt'. ed. Yefterday the feffions began at the Old Bailey, wlien one prisoner -. fas capit illy convi6ted, viz. Samuel Tudor, tor burglsrioufly breaking ar. d entering the dwelling- houfe of John Ride, a hufbandutan, at Feltham, and ftealing 8! d. in copper. The following were caft for tranfportation, Elizabeth Lad'd, for itealing a fiiver watch, the property of Wm. Croker; Richard Wykes, for ftealing a copper pot, and a- tin pot; Elisabeth Craydon, for'ftealing a fiiver watch and a handkerchief, the property of William Robinfon ; John- Edwards, for ftealing a quantity of fugar out cf a warehoufe on Frefh- wharf; Rowland Arnold, for ftealing a fuit of deaths, the property of William - Auguffine Skinner ; James Young and Elizabeth Morgan, for ftealing a quantity of copper, the property t f perfons unknown f William Wool! 5 and Thomas Mills, two boys, for ftealing, in the fliopof Mr. Drybutter in Weftmin- ( ler- hall, feveral watches, fiiver buckles, and cthei* things ; John Ea] lard and John Htr. ftiaw, for ftealing about three bufhels of oats, the property of William Simpfon ; Thomas Phillips, ( or ftealing a pair of ( heets, the property of George Sterne ; Daniel Dan, fer ftealing a piece of Heffian cloth, the property of Meffrs. Willir. ms and Co. John Miller, alias Crockftone, for ftealing, in the ( hop of Mr. Nuttall, in Brownlow- ftreet, three pair of fil'k ftockir. gs ; and- Richard Davis, for ftealir. g a livery coat and waiftcoat, belonging to one of the fervants of Sir Charlts Saunders. Elizabeth Harris was cenvi& ed of petit larceny. Yelterday a bill. of indictment was found by the Grand Jury, at the O d Bailey, againft Jamerand Elizabeth Brownrigg, and John their fon, for the wilful murder of Mary Clifford, apprentice to the faid James. Yefterday a countryman was decoyed by two ( harpers into a public- houfe in Rolemary- lane, where they won all - his money at curds, except a 20I. Bank note, which they likewife changed for ninateen counterfeit guineas and a ( hilling, and got clear off with their booty. Edinburgh, Sept. 4. So great is the f p i r i t o f build-- ing in the neighbourhood of this city, that a fmg e acre of ground was ( as we are informed, fold, fome dava ago, for 8ool. befides the ufual feu- duty of four or five bollt of barley per acre. F R I D A Y , SEPTEMBER 11, L O N D O N . I t si confidently affcrted, that Lord North has certainly rcfufed the offer made him, of being apgeinted chancellor of the exchequer. t- i. s Majefty has been pleafed to appoint John Elliot, Efq; to be vice- admiral of Welt- Florida; in t h s room of John Johnlton, Efq; who has refigned. I t was yefterday morning reported, that inftructiotw are preparing to be fent off to his Majufty's A d - mirals and Governors I11 the Weft- Indies, relating to the late extraordinary proceedings of the French ar. d Spaniards in thofe parts. Extrail of a letter from an Engli/ i gentleman on his tra- . vels, dated Rome, Aug. 19, 1767. " The King of Pruffia feems to be commenced antiquary in earnsft. He has purchaf; d upwards of thirty antique ftatues in this city; and is faid td be Bill feeking after antient marbles and bronzes of all kinds. " Ho has ordered a bron?. e to be caft after the antique ftatue © f Marcus Junius Brutus, that celebrated Republican, which was purchafed by a York/ hire gentleman, riot long fince, in Rome." A letter from the'Grenadoes mentions, that Admiral Parry had difpatched two frigates of war to the Triangles, where the French had lately eretted a ( tone obelifk fixty feet" high, and landed feme troops and artillery. Letters from Madrid, of the 23d ult. fay, " Exprefi'es continue to arrive at Aranjuez very frequently from Paris and l. ifbon, which have occafioned manycouncils to be held. It is pretended, that they relate chitfiy to the affairs ef the Jefuits; but thole whofe judgment and information are moft to be r e - lied on, and who dare fpeak out, make no fcr'uple to declare, that fome matters of great importance refpefting Great- Britain are in agitation between this Court and thofe of Paris and Lifoon." We hear from Hyihe in Kent, that Mr. Sawbridge and Mr. Evelyn are likely to be cholen members for that place, the enfuing general election, without oppofition. We hear the great meeting of ths gentlemen in the county of Suiry is to be on Monday next at Guildford, to nominate membtrs for that county againft the enfuing general election. At the anniverfary meeting of the Sons of the . Clergy, held yefterday fe'nnijlit at Newcaftle; the collection amounted to 315I. is. 94. which was diftribuied to one clergyman incapacitated, 20 clergymen's widows, 14 clergymen's Cons, and 41. clergymen's daughters, according to their feveral neceffitous circnmftances. We hear from Edinburgh, that the government have given orders for a quantity of new cannon to be caft at the manufactory of Cjvron Water, for the ufe of his Majelty'a forts and g- atfifons in Nrorth Britain.- L * t ? t t It * s Cid that an ingenious mechanic of this city • ) foundpjlt a method of working a fhip in a calm, by help of a machine, which anfwers the purpofe i f oars ; an experiment whereof will be made in a l ew ikys on board a man of war. Some unfavourable representations having been put into the public papers of the melancholy inci- ' denr of Thomas Goodere, the coivvift, who was executed lately at Chelmsford, before the arrival of t h e reprieve fent down for him, it is proper the public, as well as the friends of that unhappy man, Ihould be informed ( by authority) of the real circumftances of that affair. Some time before an application had been made t o the Secretary of State in favour of one Charles Harrington, condemned for a burglary at the fame fcffizes, in confequence of which the Secretary, by his Mujelty's orders, fent a reference of the cafe to the Judge who tried him, and at the fame time fent a relpite, as is his conftant cuftom 011 the like occasions, in order to prevent any accidents which might arifefrom any delay in receiving the Judge's repoi t|; which caution is the more nectffary, as the perions applying in favour of any of thelc unhappy convifts feldom mention either the circumftances of their conviction, or the time when they are likely to Coffer. In the prefertt cafe, no application at all had been made for the pardon Of Thomas Goodere; but the Judge in reporting the cale of Charles Harrington, was aifo prompted by his humanity to mention that of Gocdere, who was alfo under fentence of death at the lame place, and whofe crimc appeared to his Lordlhip Itfs flagrant than that of Harrington ; he therefore recommended it to his Majefty, in cale he fhould tV. ink proper to ( hew his Royal clemency towards Harrington, in whole behalf the application had been made to extend the fame mercy to J homas Goodere, thejother convift, who had found no friends t o plead for him. This report of the Judge being the firft application of any kind made in favour of GOoderc, was not received at the Secretary's office till Friday, the very day on which he unfortunately fuffered. The Secretary carried it immediately to his Majedy, and with his confent direfted a reprieve to be made out for him, and at the fame time ordered a refpite, which was fent the fame evening, though no kind of intimation had then been given t h a t there was a profpect of his being to fuffer that day, or that any particular time was fixed for his execution ; nor could any circuraltance then known, lead toimagineit was lo near. As to the circumftance of another convift laid to have fuffered at the fame time, in the fame manner, i t was a miltake ; the other criminal, John Phillips, having been previoufly reprieved by the Judge him, felf. Another perfon, by name Butcher, was executed at the fame time, but the Judge had not recommended him, nor had any application ( Teen made in his favour. This ptobabiy might occafion the reiftake. Yefterday morning betweentwelveand one o'clock a fire broke out at the houfe of Mr. Hyde, a Stocking trimmer, in the Tower Royal, . near St. Thomas Apoftles, which wholly contained the infide of the faid houfe, and flightly damaged the two adjoining houlcs. The flames, before being difcovered, were To violent, that Mr. Hyde and his wife were firft fcbliged to throw their young child out of window, and then jump after it. The child was happily preferved by fome men holding ablanket under the window to receive i t : but Mr. Hyde miffing his jump, fell into the ltreet, and had his thigh broke in a terrible manner. Mrs. Hyde alfo miffed the blanket, anri was unfortunately killed upon the fpot. Mr. Hyde was fent, with fmall hopes of his recovery, to St. Bartholomew's hofpital, where it is reported he yefterday died. The lervant maid happily efcaped without being hurt, by getting from the g a n e t window over the tiles to the adjoin'ng houfe. ( t is re ported Mrs. Hyde was big with child at the time of herdeath. It is alfo reported that this fire was occafioned by fome defeft in one of the ftovesin thefhop. We are told, that on taking down the names of Papifts in St. Giles's parilh, and thatneighbourhood, tliere are near 2000 houfekeepers, and keepers of two- penny lodging houfes, the greateit part of them being Hibernians. Tuefday evening two women in a fingle horfe chaife, with a child they had fetched from a boarding fch'ool, in endeavouring to fliun a waggon near the five miie ftone cn the Edmondton road, overfet t h e chaife, by which accident the child, about fix years old, was killed, by a wheel of the waggon going over him, and one of the women bad he: arm broke. Friday morning a fine boy about three years old, , fon of Mr. Brackfton, dyer, in St. Giles's, fell out of a two pair of ftairs window, and broke both his legs and his right arm'; he was taken to the Middlefex hofpital, and its thought will recover. Tuefday evening fome bull- hankers ( as they are called) coming to town from a bull- baiting at Ilornf t y , a butcher and a drover quarrelled about one of their dogs being killed, when the butcher ( tabbed thc drover in the belly, lb that his boweb came out: He was brought home alive, but died the fame night. Bath, Sept. 7. We are informed from Bitton in Gloucelterfhire, that on Friday laft one Marks, em- i ployed in the brals mills there, beat his wife very unmercifully, on account of her chiding him for correcting a child, on which lhe ran for Iheiter into a neighbour's houfe, where flie continued till his paf- £ on teemed to be abated ; but immediately 011 . going home, he repea ed his blows with a ( tick lo violently, t h a t in a very ( hurt time ( he died under his hands. T h e Coroner's Inqueft have fat on her body, and brought in their verdift wilful murder againft her hufeand, who was immediately committed to Glou- Celter goal. The decealed has left feven children. Birmingham, Sept. 7. Sunday the 30th, ult. the Rev. Mr. Billing, an En& lifh Jefuit, and lately domeftic Frielt to Thomas Whitgrave, Efq; of Mofely, £ n the county of Stafford, publicly renounced the Roman Catholic religion, and was admitted into t lx communion of the church of England, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bifhopof Litchfield and Coventry, in his cathedral church - An excellent ferraon on the occafioiv was preached by the Rev. Mr. Backhoufe, his Lordfhip s chaplain, from St. M i t t h . c h . iii. v.. 8. " Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance." Extract of a letter from Burflem in Stafarafbire, Sept. " Thaugh our ftone ware has been univerialiy ufed, yet till our turnpikes were made few people ever faw our manufactories; but now they are gazed at as a novelty. The Indies go to Warbui ton's to buy the Queen's fetsi, of cream- coloured ware ; and the gentlemen come to view our eighth wonder of the world, the fubteri aneous navigation, which is cutting by the great Mr. Brindley, who handles rocks as eufily as you would plumb pies, and makes the four elements fubfervient to his will, He is as plain a looking man as one of the boars cf the Peak, or one of his own carters; but when he fpeaks, all ears lilten, and every mind is filled with wonder at the things'he pronounces to bs practicable. Ke has cut a mile through bogs, which he binds up, embanking them with the Itonies which he gets out of other parts of the navigation, befides about a quarter ot a mile into the hill Yelclen ; on the fide of which he has a pump, vvli ch is worked by water; and a ftove, the fire of which fucks thro' a pipe the damps which would annoy the men, who are cutting towards the centre of the hill. The clay he cuts out ferVes for brick to arch the lubterraneous part, which we heartily wifh loleefinilhed to Wilden Ferry, when we ( hall be able to lend coals and pots to London, and to different parts of the globe.— Another mile is cut on the Chediire fide of the hill ; ami the men intend to meet in the ffiidd. e by Chriitmas, when they are to have an ox roaft^ d whole, and an hogfhead of ale." Exlraft of a letter from the Devizes, Sept. 5. " This day one Sarah Wilf'on, alias Nixon, was committed to Our Bridewell, as a notorious cheat and impoftrefs: She has defrauded feveral gentlemen, ladies, tradefmen, andothers, of confideraljle funis, under pretence of being a woman of lamily and birth, and ufed t o ftile herfelf the Countefsof Normandy. She is abo- ut 20 years of age, of fair complexion, a little pockfretteu, lhort ot ltature, and dim in perfon, and is fuppoied to be the lame woman who lately played fo many pranks at Litchfield, Coventry, and places adjacent." APPOINTED. J Philip Sharpe, Efq; Keeper of the Council Records, in t eg room of tne late William Sharpe, Efq; The Right Honourable William Earl of Match, to be Vice- Admiral of Scotland, in the room of the Right Hon. John Earl of Hynd- 1 ford, deceased. The fixed falary of the Vice Admiral of Scotland, is 1000I. per ann. befules the power of naming the Judge of the High Court ot Admiralty when vacant, and officers, as well as feveral liibftitute Admirals, together w th a right in all wrecks, waifes, & c. c it away upon the coalt. Charles Stuart, Efq; jto [ be Paymatter and | Ca( hier of the Cuitoms , of America. At York, John Fifher, jun. Efq; • Mayor of that corporation, for the year enluing. At Lynn, Charles Turner, Efq; collector of the Cuftoms for the laid port, Mayor of the Corporation fur the enfuing year. The univerfity of Edinburgh has conferred tne degree of Doftor in Divinity on the Rev. Mr. Hepper, a Diflenting Minilter; and the Degree of Dcftor in Laws on tne Rev. Mr. jef- . fries', Profeffor of Civil Law at Grelham college. At Liverpool, the Rev. Mr. Fift-. vick, Lefturer ot St. George's. Robert Paris Taylor, Efq; of Grately, 1 Hant.-, is ( for life) Ranger of the ancient torelt of Bear, in the faid county. This deputation has always been greatly folicited by fportfnten. Robert Guill'im, Klq; has preftnted the Rev. Mr. Edward Owen to the jeCtory of that place, worth 700I. a year. The Rev. Dr. Duchair, preacher at the Octogon in Bath, ' i he Rev. Mr. David Renaud, by the governors of Guy's bofpital, unanimoufly, to the vicarage of Dowfal, with the chapels annexed to it, in the county of Hereford, vacant by the death of the late Rev. Mr. William. Mr. John Woodward to fucceed Mr. C'roome, deceafed, as Second Clerk in Ordinary in the Delivery Office at the Ordnance ; and Mi. Wi. liam ilriggs was at the fame time appointed one of the clerks extraordinary. MARRIED.] At Raitkeill. r in Fife, Scotland, the Hon. Capt. Krecetick Maitland, to Mifs Peggie Dick. At Bath, Mr. Thomas Henley, of that city, to Mifs Molly Hewiih, late of Pakill, in the county of Somerfet. At St. Mary, Rotherhith, Mr. Duffel, clerk to J u f t i t e Leach, to Mils Ball, of KotlierhitK,' a near relation of Captain Ball, of the fame place. At Kilmundy, in Aberdeenfhire, Scotland, William Urquhart, of Cioyftone. E'q; to Mifs Margaret Irvine, daughter of Gei rge [ Irviqe, of Arlarpford, li( q; Mr. Hackford, of St. George's, Hanoverfquare, to Mifs Biggs, of Putney. Mr. Hetherington, attorney, to Mis. Clarke, of Croydon, in Surry. Mr. Thomas Jeffervs, goldfmiih and jew- r eller. inCock pur-( treet, toMifsCole » . At Kowey, by the Rev. Jv. r. Nicholas Cory, vicar of th t parifh, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Dalby, vicar of St. Pennick, in that county, to the eldelt daughter of Mr. Cory ; and at the ( lime time M r . Wm. Collier, Afliitant Searcher of the fait duties in that port, to his fecond daughter. A. Floyer, Efq; to Mil's Lifle, daughter of Warren Lifle, of, Cpw, y( in Dor!< jtihire, E: q; At Carnberwejl church, Benjamin Davenport, Lfq; late of Pater- nofter row, but now of the Borough of Somhwark, to Mrs. Taylor, widow of the late Mr. Peter Taylor, fobaccbniltin the Borough. A t S t . Dunltan, Stepney, Mr. Thomas Crolfc, attorney at law, of London- ltreer, near Kenchurch- ftuet, ' in this city, fon of Hammond C'rcfle, oflfiington, Efq; to Mils Crofle, daughter of Thomas Croffe, of Mile- end, Efq; [ At St. George the Martyr, Queen fquare, Henry Goring, Kfq; to Mifs Foflei, of Qaeenfquare. At St. Bartholomew's, Welt Smithfield, Mr. Miller, jeweller, inQueen- fquare, Bartholomewclofe, to Mifs Dew, oi the fame place. Timothy Mackarel, Efq; of Bilton- hall, in Yorkfhire, to Mifs Carr. TUotrias Rann, Efq; of Birmingham, to Mifs Cuttell, of Bunhili- row. At Weft- ham, Mr. William M.- dlifon, of Broad- itreet, to Mifs Clark, of the lame place. At Sturjlon in Suffolk, the Rev. Mr. Ifaaclon, toMifsPawfey of Lwclgate- hall. DISD ] At herlodg'ngs oppefitSSt. Giles's church, Kate M'Evoy, a woman who ufesl to pick up rags in the ltreets for her living': iiearching her lodgings there were found 6jl. fhe appeared to be extremely poor. At Brainties in New- England, the H011. John Qui; iey, Efq; Vn an advinced age. Mr. Edward Lewir, in the prime of life, a Goldfmith, upon St. Margarets- Hill, Soutliwark. At the houfe of Canoiihde in Rolslliire, Scotland, Lady Mackenzie, wife <. f Sir Alexander Mackenzie, of Garls. ch, hart. At Mufkito Shore, Andrew Hamilton, a confiderable merchant, wlio had refided there upwards of 5.0 years. At his houi'e at Kewr, William FirancomV Mr. Rook, oilman, in the Strand. At Rome, the Du'. chefs Sforza Cel'arini in the 20th year of her age atisl fecor. d of her marriage. —— Burton, F. l'q; at his hotife in New Palace- yard, Weltmmfter, formerly an eminent attorney. In Union- ftreet, Deptlord,. Mr. Williams, many years clerk to the mafter fhipbuilder of his Majefty's yard in that town At Tottenham High Crofs, Mrs. Elizabeth Warburton, wife of Mr. W. l'iam Warburton, diftiller, in Claremarket. Mr. Henry Unwin, at South V/ eald, Ell'ex. Mrs. ROwles, wiuow of Mr. Jsmes Rowks, who died about two months ago, and tha: w many years mailer of the St. James's coffce- houfe. At Elgin, in the couniy of Murray, Mr. James Frafer, in the ic^ th year of ins age. He was fifty years Sherilfs c erk of that county, but gave it up ( everal years ago, for an annuity during life. At Bofton in Lincolnshire, Mifs Ciaikc, of Peterborough. It is peculiarly affl, cting in h= r untimely f; y: e, that fhe expired on the morning of that day, which was fixed for her nuptials with Dr. Pctrie, phyfician, of Lincoln. ( Mr. Abraham Colts, filk- weaver, in Spitalfialds. Near High- Holborn, Mr. Coultous, lapidary arul jeweller, brother 10 Mr. Coultous, who feveial yenrs ago was fo cruelly t ' l i n e n t e d on account of Free- Maionry, by the Inqu'. fition abroad. At Mr. Teaves's, woollendraper, in Black- friars, aged 66, Mrs. Mary Hill. Of a putrid fever, ait-. r two days ilinffs, Mr. I h o r - nclow, tallow- chandler, on Saffron- hill. At Moulf t y , in Surry, Mr. Hopnail, formerly a builder at St. James's. At Kniglufbridge, George Atkins, il Efq; of Otantham, in Lincolnfliire. The Rev. William C b e p e , M. A. vicar of fVeltw), near Bath, and half brother to the fans'iis phyfician of that name, " j He had obtained a fmall living in his younger days, ; and dec'ined all additional preferment. At Knight- j ( bridge, Mrs. Norris, of Ringland in Nsrfolk, re- j lift of John Norris, of Witchi'ngham, E( q; At Chilton, near Ferryhilt, James Dunn, Elq; Mr. Atherton, attorney, in Leather- Jane, fiolborn. At Knightfbridge, M r . Jones, formerly a cornfaftor in the Borough, ' " " " " r o the P R I NL EVE RY now and then we are fur prized with , paragraphs of an extraordinary nature, in your articles of intelligence from the other papers. In yours of the 31ft of laft month, we are told from the corner of the Gazetteer referved . for that purpofe, " that it is the, opinion of the ableft ( peculators, that the prefent Miniltry continue in their pi xes,. not on the> Jow principle which has been fuggefted by faftron, of a jfoHdnefs for the emoluments of office, but merely fcr the fake of a curious experiment in politics, by which that fcicnce may be very much, and very ufefully improved. They have a curiofity to try at their own rifles, how far an adminiftration may be fupp'ortea by the fole power of the Court againft all the great interefts of the kingdom." This, Sir, mult prove a 1 very dangerous experiment to the Minifters_, ' if we are as yet a free people ; and- if it fucceeds, it muft be confidered as a proof not to be refuted, that our liberty has already perilhed among the dill'entioHSof the Great. All the thinking part of the nation are a'readv too much convinced ot the encreafing power of the court, now grown up to a Patagonian ftature. The enlargement of the army and navy, theexcife and'euftoms, every day produce new dependants on our Minilters; not only every new extenfion of the revenue of the ltate, and of the revenue of t h e c r o ^ n, creates a new army of foldiers out of livery, " befieging our conftitution, but even our public debis • brought forth a new race of merchant and other candidates for the finales of office. And of late our extenfive conquefts have 1 added to the extenfive pow: er of the coi; rt, by prefenting to our Minilters many new departments for providing rlieir hungry favourites. So that oar profperity and ailverlity equally contribute to kick up the beam cif povver in favour of adminiftiation, and pillage the people of every refource on which they placed their h^ pes; fo that the Miniftry for the time being in place,, can- < not now want mflruraents for every purpofe they may undertake in fo dillblute an age. Our a b a t e - ments, the luxuries in vogue, thediliipation > V> Jti « ie prevalent among all ranks of men, and the edifice de efprit, inadvertence and thoughtleffnefs, concomitant of thefe, all range themfelves in battle array againft a conftilution wi- iich arofe from, and can enly be fupported by, public virtue. All our vices alio prove ftroiig reinforcements to the caufe of oppreffion. Our avarice lays us open to the temptations of gold, and ambition forbids ( he Great to deliberate, where an office of power is thrown out r. s the bait to rilift them againft the interelts of their couutry. In fuch an age and in fuch a nation, ivhat could we expeft if we were not bltffed with a Prince born amonglt'us, endowed with an Englifh heart, and tender of the liberties of his f u b j e f t s ! But, alas I are not his hands bound ? Enormous property, unknown in the days of our forefathers, in the hands of individuals, comcurs, w r h title, place, and power, to form an Arift . cracy of the moft dangerous nature to Liberty, infomuch that the greateft peifonage in the kingdom feems almolt deprived of the antient conltituti . nal power of electing his own far vants; for, whenever a change in ttie Miniftry is meditated, that ch: nge is not the ultroneous aft of him whofe voice only fhould determine j ' , but the partition of places is made by the cabals of faftion, ever reluCtant to be determined by [ Sovereign Authority in the difpefitionof offices. Nay, t'ney even 1 pretend to give 1 eing to, a new, but- I hope only a nominal place, / efembling the tribunitiai power of Rome, I mean that of Minifter of the Houfe of Commons, as if the palladium of Englifh Liheity was to be conducted by Minifterial direction. Thus Prince and people are attempted to be governed by a junto, who refufe to be reftrained by any higher power. The middling gentry are lorded over, and the poor are ltarved, by the fame hand. The great landholders form a monopoly of provifions againft the community, which they feed in a niggardly and fordid manner, depriving our laborious manufacturers of a plentiful table, while they riot in luxurious variety. Thus all things in the kingdom are turned topfy turvy, and again arranged at the plea . fure of a taction, as if Royal Power was only made to be the fport of party, and government formed to be the inltrument of oppreffing mankind. The poor groan, but they groan 111 vain. The virtuous part of the nation cannot reach them an affiltant hand : they even hardly dare companionate thofe they dare not aid. So heavy lies the iron rod of power on our • fhouiders, forcing all . into a filent fubmiffi jh to the unconltitutional invafioiis of the Great p a the freedom, profp'erity, and everi-. the existence of mankind, whom they ufe like J ^ e a f t of burden, to their • enflaving purpofes. And, wlrsn the fcptenmal changes are rung, the nation, inftead of being bettered, is threatened to be de. uged with every vi<, e tlrtt notes the profligacy pf oijr opprsffqrs/ Should the good, under thefe clamant circuraltances, unite for tne prelervation of their country, by the molt conftitutional means, who will . attend to the gentle inltruction of realon ? Will cruelty lilten to the voice of mercy ? Will profufion bear the directions ot fiugality ? Will v. ce ftoop to virtue, while it in encouragsd, ia its trefpMfes by every bribe that can be flung out to corrupt u » by an all- powerful; and arbitrary faCtion ? Is there then no remedy for our finking country > Muft ( lie ( all under the hand of her perlecutors, while ( lie fees with pleafure, on her throne, a Prince worthy to reign over the moit virtuous people ? In this ( hip- wreck of public virtue, we can have no confidence but in the virtue of our Prince. If we give him Power, he will give 11s Peace and Plenty ; and how that is to be done, ought now to be out' anly great objeCt of confideiation. . The Great opprefs us, and there is no help for England but in the Throne. Wcmnft be flaves to t+ ie Rich, and lick the feet of the Great, if we will not velt our Prince with all the f'plendor of Royalty. AGK1PPA. T o the P R I N T Ii R. IHave feen, with lorra- v, the hiftoryof a late famous negotiation in your paper of the third current. It appears to m e a humbling picture of human- nature, moreefpecially of that part ot the human fpecles that is generally confidered in a more d i g n f i e j fi tuition than the reft of mankind. I btlifh to read the proff ( lions of patriotifm of the leaders of the differ ent parties ; " Such aone will facrificehimfelf, and heartily concur with a new adminiftration." But alt their friends muft be provided jot I Pray who are thefe very poor men, thefe friends of theirB { Are they in want of daily bread f Are their families ftarviug ? 1 hen let tliem apply to the parifli officers, who, by my laws, are obliged to provide for the indigene and ' deltitute. Is u their ambition, their avarice, and j petulant, difp. ofition, that mult be provided for and fatiatsd ? May eternal difappointment meet t hm whatever way they turn ; and tnav no coalition ev « . be formed on that rotten foundation f it is not by fuch worthlefs inil rumen s tha:. I am to to health and vigour. I want pa- riots of eijy eti cumftances, of moderate difires, of noble difitiwr- Jt ed ( pints, who prefer, above aU mean fe'ififh, partial intcrefts, and even above family connection-, the true, the ( olid, and permanent welfare of Great Britatin ; men who think their paternal eftates a IvifficieBt ftake in the common- wealth, to intereft them deeply in her peace and piofperity. I will npr go back, to antique records for the noble fpirit of • Ariltides, who niagnanimoufly governed the ftate, leaving his family to the care of that date which he h-' l f j generoudy feived. Let them look into a fiaragrrph in the paper ot the td current, where they may iv.. u wiLh confuiicm and ( hauie, an inftance of pubiic Ipirit__ magnanimity, and ftlf- denial, in a Frenchman, worthy the givateit Roman. " X am IK eafy circuniftances, or lo Jtappy in point of fortune, as to be able to bear the extraordinary expence 1 have been put to,< « nd to( er> emy PriuCe, without being chargeable to the ftate." iS. ulh ye Pleudo patriots; ve would- be- gre_ at men, hide your heads, and amufe the world no more with vain pretences I A land of flaves ( as we are taught) exhibits an inltance of public fpirit and genuine patrioufm, long unknown in onr land ofboafted liberty ! W h i e you make SinithfielU bargains, you never will,, never can, ferve your country effectually. The world ( foolifh as it is) will never believe that a man of 10, cool, a year, condefcends to receive a falary of 50: 10!. more of an exhaulted rfiitrelfed . country, foi> king little or nothing, merely to ferve tl# eommur. ity. The peoples* eyes are now opened- even with r e l j e f t to. their own fivourite, and they will be hard of belief to any new pretendt r. The game of amufing the public iijnuw over with this generation ; they now look for actions, Rot for words ; they fet- k n < lref » Irom manifold abufes, grievances, and d'togers; bombaft and fuitian will 110 longer plea'e aideluded people; if you are in jell, they are. 111 e. irnelt; their cafe is ierious, and requir. s a fpeedy rttmedy ; no time is to be loft ; while y<• u debate. and quarrel among y,;. ur* ( elves, the public haitens to the brink of irretrievable l'uii), and the deitiuCtion of The CON- STfTUTION. P. S. - Why all this outcry about the FAVOURITE, the 1 HANI, or wltatevei other I'ardname you pieale to call him/ Have ye not all' in your turns b : e iv united with him? have ye not been in his councils, and many of you been t r u f t td with his ( ecrets one after another r - Da not moft ot, y: ni know his machinations? Why then do you not do your injured country Jultice, bS' bringing thc obnoxious man to public trial,- to meet the vengeance of ah injyred . people i i r a leg4l way of SOLEMN, NATIONAL JUS- " rxes ? vThis you owe to your country ; and if you do . not perioral this d u ' y , you either think bim innocent, or- you are equally culpablg with him— Fake your choice. . 1 o the P H 1 N T E W. ~~ PLEASE to infert in your paper the following hiiloncal account of London ltonS, which from age to age has been prefei ved with ( o much care, and has had ^ 0 little ( aid about it, fo as t ® ( certain the original caufe of its ereftion, or the ufe for which it was'fixed there, is now utterly unknown ; and tho' we cannor, from the moft antient documents of hiftory and records of antiquity, fix the exaft : era of its firlt ereftion, yet I will. venture to lay before the public fome . probable conjectures concerning the antiquity of it, hoping that lorae of your ingenious correspondents may, oy perufmg this account, make a further illuflration upon what 1 have affevted in the following account. That London- llone is a fvagment of Roman antiquity, is certain, and that London itfelf is a Roman city. That no fuch city as London exifted at the time of the Roman ir. vahon by Julius Catiar, 54- years before the birth cf Ohrift ( which is 1821 years ago) but the ifland of Britain became a province of the Roman empife under the Emperor Claudius Drufus, anna 45. That London became a Roman colony aboutthe time that Juliui A g r i c J a was Roman Lieutenant ( in Britain) under the Emperor Domitian, ann 185. If therefore London appears ( upon undoubted testimonies) to be a Roman city, being mentioned by divers hiftorians and antient records, by the name of Londinum and Augufta, in the time of the Romans ; Lunden- Crafter and London Byrig, in the time of the Saxons ; and in the time ot the Normans, by the name of Londonia, Lundonia, Londine, and I. oiidres ; but for feveral ages paft by the name of London ; it will be no improb , b! e conj e f t u r e , t h i t London - ftone was 1 he center from whence they exte. nce-, 1 its di- nenlioits ; and might lilcewife ferve tor rise Milliariuni Londinimn of the Roman colony in Britain, at which they began to c.- moute their miles ; for Camden,' in his Britannia, vol. 1, page 372, fays, j Lbndoji- ftone I take tp have been a mile ftone, fuch a one as they had in ts^ e Forura ( the chief place of pu-' olic meetings and pleadings) of antient Rome ; from wli'tcji the dimenlions ol ail the roads and journies were begun, fince it ftood in the middle of the city, as it run out in > . g t h ," This is confirmed by the di covery made of the Roman Cauleway at Holborn- bridge, rmd t^ te re building of the parochial church of 5t. Mary le Bow, ia C'heapfide, were at the depth of eighteen feet belotf the prelent pavement ( wdjeieon is a ' e f t e d t h a t magnificent steeple) the architeft, Sir Ch. riftopher Wren, dilcovered a Ruraan cauteway of rough ( tone, clofe ' and well rammed with Roman brick and rubbifh ; this caul'eway was four feet thick under this caufeway ay the natural clay, over which that part of the city extends, and winch defcends. at leaft forty feet lower. He was of opinion, fcr divers reafons, that this highway r m along the North boundary of the Roman Colony, or Prefecture. The breadth then, Nm'thand South, was from the caufeway, now Cheapfide, to the rivtrTbames ; the extent li'ajt and W i f t , from Tower- l, i: l to Ludgate ; and the principal middle l l . c r t , or Pretcrian Way, was Watling- ftreet. T o flienjthen Camden's copjefture, as before related : after the driadful fi- e., f London, 1666, certain labourers digging the foundations of houfes in Scotch- yard, Buiii- lane, Cannon ftreet, about the depth o! twenty feet, dileovered a tefl'euted or Mofaic pavement, with the remains of a large buildingor hall; the former uppefed to have been the Forum, or Roman Governor's palace, and the hitter to have been the Be. tiltica, or Court of Juitice, and was fituated n, e « - ti. e T r a j e f t u f , or Ferry of I. oorgate, now Dowgate. Maitl- nd is ot opinion, With the judicious'am iqua y I. el. viid, " That it was anciently, by the Bntons under the RciKian government, Dour- gat'-, that ii, the Water- gate, as may be feen moFe at large by o n f u l t i n g Maitland's liiltory of London, v 1. 1, page 30. Neat- to the aforement- otte 1 Forum, . r Roman Governor's, palace, was placed, in the principal middle ftreet, or l-' iseeorian way, deiibm'rnated Watfihg- ftreet, the Milliarium 1 Londinmm, or the mile lt^ ne ol Jt- ondoti ( being fcr the fame; ufe and purpofe as the Standard in Cornhill, tj e Royal- Exchange, fro. n v\ hence we reckon our miles) troro which ftaiida.- d mile itoneof London lour Kom. vu military ways anciently led to, and centered in this city, viz. The firft whereof was denominated the Roman Trajedtus, or Ferry, which interfedted the river Thames from Stoned- lane in Southwark, and entering London at Dour- gate, direfled its courfe to London Stone. Tke fecond was Watling ftreet, or the Praetorian way, the center of which was London Stone, and directed its courie from S. E. to N. W. through to Newgate. The third was Ermine- ftreet, which diredled its .- courfe from S W. and N. through to Cripplegate, and took its way by Highbury Barn to Stroud- green. The fourth was the Vicinial Way, which led thro' Aldgate, by Bethnal- green, to the Trajectus or Ferry a : Old Ford. Which four Roman military ways anfweredto the four sriginal gates of the city, to wit, Newga'e, Cripplegate, Aldgate and Dourgate ; all centering at the Milliarium Londinjjm, or the Standard Mile Stone of Ancient London ; and which ltone I take to have been placed in the Lieutenantfhip of Julius Agricola, who was Governor of Britain under the Emperors Flavius, Vefpfian, Titus Vefpifian, and Flavius Domitian, from the year 80 to 85. During his Lieutenantlhip, as Governor General » f Britain, he civilized the Britons after the Roman manner, both in apparelling themfelves, and building houfesforthemfelves and temples to their Gods. This London Stone was originally placed on the fouth fide of the channel of Cannon- Itreet, was falteneddown with Itrong bars of iron deep in the ground, and was with great difficulty removed. The reafon of its being removed from its ancient place was, becaufe it was complained of as an ann< rat. ee, by caufing carts and coaches being overturned, and many pesple being hurt; therefore it was ordered by a veltry, held at the parilh church of St. Swithin's ( Mr. Richard Martin and Mr. Bafil Brown being Churchwardens) that London Stone be removed from the South fide of the channel to the North fide clofe to the wall, and S. W. door of St. Swithin's church, where it now remains, which was removed December 13, 17+ 1, after it had ftood as an old Roman mile ftone ot London above 1600 years. Your's, & c. SaltersHall, by London Stone, Sept, 7. W. FOX. To the P R I N T E R . I Am juft arrived from one of his Majefty's Weft India iflands, fo that it is ahnoft needlels to tell you that I have not much religion in me; however, boarding at a North country coufin's in Lawrencelane, I was yefterday afternoon led to a well known Meeting in • •• •• — ftreet, to htar a celebrated, preacher give a loole to his oratorical talents. On my entering the Meeting, ray couiin placed me near the great pew, and I affure you I think the building quite decent; my eyes were particularly taken witn the green curtains, which are hung in the inOft elegant manner I ever faw, and I am tola their mode of hanging was defigned by the ingenious Dofitor. ^~ his Meeting- houfe, Mr. Printer, was well filled ; there was a great Ihew of fine women, taftily drelt, but, alas! I cc^ ild not find, amongft the males, one pretty fellow; the men, Sir, though numerous, were not ir. otly ; tliey were all headed alike; they all • wore what Weft Indians call, Religious Wigs, that is, perukes of enormous fizes, c » in poled either of write hair crowded with curls, or dark gvizzle unpowdei ed ; ar. d this lalt fort, Mr. Printer, gives the wearer a molt mtlancholy af'pedt indeed. I fancy, Sir, if lome f n u r t gentelmen were to | relort thither, they might probably find comfort in their boAily, as well as fpiritual affairs ; here are many, very many • wealthy black, eyed widows, who would gladly accept 1' ilaces, that attend conftant; here are number, lefs delicate virgins, who do not wifh to remain fo, and whom fortune has f avoured, that never mifs the fervice. The preacher alcended the place commonly called the Pulpit with a dignity becoming the work lie was going about, and his text was in Ephefians, chap. ii. ver. 19. Nttu thereforeye are no moreftrar. gers end foreigners, but Jellcw- citiZene with the faints, and of the houjhold of God. In the courfe of his treating on thele words, he exeited hiinfelf much, which gave me an opportunity of beholding the Doftor in the full extent of his eloquential powers, and really his difcourfe had a good eff.- dt on me, and from this time I intend to be of hit auditory. Neverthele.' s I will now treely give you my lei. tunents cf this favourite teacher of laws divine— I think his fermon edifying, though not learned; his ftyle ? grealile, though far from nervous ; and I conceive his adtion plealing, though not quite confonant to Ciceronian rules j but I e n by 1I0 means allow him to be a perfedt Englilh Orator, as he has nut got rid of his provincial dialed!. If you will give this a place in your Gazetteer, you will find it prefatory to a l'eries of letters I ( hall © ccafionally fend you on various lubjedts, Your's, See. Monday, Sept.- j, 1767. LUCV GRANT. An account t j a D warf, • which was kept in the pel. oj the late King oj Poland. THE parents of this dwaif were healthy, ftrong peafants: who affirmed, that at the time of his biict, he fcarcely weighed a pound and a quarter. It is not known what were then his dimenfi . ns, but one may judge they were very fmall, as he was ptelented on a plate to be baptized, and for a longtime had a wooden lhoe for his bed. His mouth, though well proportioned to the relt of his body, was not large enough to receive the nipple of the mother ; he was fuckltd therefore by a goat, and ( he performed the part of a nnrfe admirably well. When fix months old he had, the fmail pox, and recovered without any other affiftance than the care ot the mother, and the mi k of the goat. At the age 0! 18 months he could articulate fome wotds. At ttvo jears he could fupport himfelf upon his legs, and walk almoft without affiitance : a pair of ihoes were then made for bim, which were no more than an inch and a half in length. He was attacked by feveral difeafes 5 but there was no marks of any other difeafe upon the ( kinbefides thefmall pox— He was now fix years of age : hitherto his food had been garden liutf, bacon and potatoes; his hight was about fifteen inches, and he did not weigh more than 13 pousds j his perlon was agreeable aad well proportioned, he was in perfedt health, but there was not the le? lt appearance of intelhdb.— At this time the King ol Poland ordered him to Lunevilie, gave him the name ot Bebe, and kept him in his palace. Bebe thus exchanged the condition of a peafant fur ihe luxuries of a court; bat he experienced no change either in his body or hii mind, lie had no fenfe of religion ; was incapable of reafoning; could ) darn neither mufic nor dancing j was fuiceptis> le however of paffions, particularly anger, jealoufy, it le dtfir ardent.—- Whet), fixteen years old, he was only twenty nine inches in height, he was ftill healthy and well proportioned ; but afterwards his Itrength began to detrcafe, the he,. d fell forward, the legs were enfeebled, one fhoulder blade projected, the nofe was greatly enlarged, bebe loft; his gaity, and became a valetudinarian ; and yet his nature was e « - creafed four inches in the four fucceeding yearr.— M. le Compte de TrefTfen foretold that this dwarf would die of old " age before he was thirty ; and in effedt fo it was, for at twenty- one he was lhruek and decrepit ; and at twenty two it was with difficulty that he could make an hundred fteps fucceffively. In his twenty- third ye* ir he was attacked with a flight fever, and fell into a kind of lethargy ; he had fome intervals, but fpoke with difficulty : for the five laft days, his ideas fsemed to be more clear than when he was in health. This difeafe foon proved fatal.— At the time of his death, he meafured thirty- three inches. Poftfcript. F R I D AY, T W O O' C L O C K. L O N D O N . Yefterday there was a full Board of Admiralty, at which Sir Edward Hawke was prefent; when feveral cemmiffions were figned, and orders iffued out. This d. ty Lord Mansfield, as Lord Chief Juftice of . England, will takehis place at the Treafury Board, as Chancellor of the Exchequer pro tempore. It is laid that a noble L—• was molt earneftly requefted either to poftpone his journey into the country, or to confent that his office fliOuld be held b, y commiffion during his abfence, on account « f the very great bufinefs required to be done in his department, which he abfolutely rejefted ; declari g, he mult go farther into the country for his health, and thatwhilft he had the honour to hold that commit fion, he would carry it wi h him wherever he Ihould judge it ncceffary for him to be.— This circuniltar. ce occafions the fending of five or fix exprelfes, and fometimes more, at a very confidarable expence, almolt every day, to him, tor expediting the bufinefs of the office. Extratt of a letter from a gentleman at Dantaick lo bis Jtiend in London, dated 11 July laft. " Having received a letter from Admiral Anderfor, who is in the Ruffian fervice, whiie at Hamburgh, that he would procure me a place in the Academy at Pe'erlburgh, ot a thoufand rubles a year, befules he allured me I might gain a thouland more by teaching the Englifh language, and urged me to repair with all fpetd; without helitation I embraced the offer, and fet out June i » , 1766, for Petei( burgh, about fix hundred leagues diltance, where I ai lived the 1 It of Augurt. The Admiral commanded the fleet at Revel, which is far diftant from Peteilburgh ; I wrote to him, informing him of niy arrival, which he anfwered, defiling 1 would make application to the Emprefs's Banker, one Mr. Gumm, an EngHlhman, which I did, and had the mortification to be informed the place was given away to one Mr. Porter a Scotl'man. I then was affurcd that an Engiilh fadtory was lettling at Aftracan, not far diflant from the Cafpian Sea, and that a trade from Perfia would be opened, and the goods fent to Alttacan, Mofcow, and Peterf& urgh, and there ( hipped for London, where I furely would be well employed; I then let out f- r Mofcow, » oo leagues from Pctei ( burgh, and from thence to Altracan ; but there I iound neither Englifli, Scuts, or Irilh, except one Mr. Gordon, from North, Britain, he offered me a ( hare with him in all the bulinefs, if I would ltay with him; and allured me, the trade would be loon opened, which would turn out to great account: But this I rejrdted, and re urned to Mofcow and Pete ( burgh ; from thence, about the end of Odtober, I embarked for Copenhagen, where I lan, led in nine days, and loon atter arrived here, where 1 want for nothing. 1 has you fee what a tour I have made to no purpofe. 1 firmly believe if lucli a tr. ide was opened by Altiacan, it woulii greatly turn out lor England." Letters trom Venice", dated Aug. t i , fly, " Yefterday arrived here anexprefs , roin Matfcilics, With the news to the Senate, th. it the l) ey of Algiers, ainf- zcd at the ludden intimation of war made to him by his Excellent.)' Admiral Lino, on his fiilt refuting to give latisfadtion for breaking the capitulation of peace concluded with the Kepublick, had, imm. di ately after the departure of the Venetian fleet irom out tf the harbour ot Algiers, come to a relolution to beg peace of the Venetians, tin ough the mediation ot his B. itannick Majelty's Con 1 til leading in that place. The orders of tne Senate to Admiral Emo, before he firlt left Venice, were, that in cafe the Dey fhould not comply with his demands, he fliould declare war, keep cruizing with ihe eight ( laps under his command in thole teas of Barbary, and fink and burn all Algerine veffels. Th, s new proof of that antient fpint and firmnefs of tne Republic of Venice, ( hcvvs at the fame time that nothing but force can bring thole powers of Barbaiy to ebferve the capitu. ations of peace concluded with them." The late William Sharpe, Efq; Firlt Cluk of the Privy Council, by his wiil has left all his ptrfonal eftate to bis wife, and all his real eltate to her during her life time; and after i, er death to his brothers, bell les feveral legacies. This week the Rev. Dr. J01 tin, Archdeacon of London, prefented the Rev. Dr. Hotham, Archdeacon of Middlelex, chaplain to his Majeity, and rector ol N art nail in Hcrtfordfhire, to the vicarage of St. Leonard, SUoteililch, vacant by the death of the lite ingenious Dr. Denne, Archdeacon ot Rocheiter. A new way of fending mon « y to France has been lately difcovered, and wh^ ch well merits prevention. — A widow pie di ig poverty, which ( he had no real reaion to do, obtained from a public charity the ufual lum for three daughters 1 the moment the jeceived it they were all bound apprenticss at Paris.— This was never the original intention of that charity, and if not looked in o will delay many a hand which u'ed to be ltretched out s n that lo iormerly laudable an occafiin. His Maj- fty's ( hip Squirrel is under failing orders for the Leeward Illmds, where ( he will be ( tationed f r thi ee years, / ill the officers are to go dirtdtly on board at Chatham. Coals are already fallen, and likely ftill to fall, very confiderably, on account of the uncommonly great quantity arrived, r. tid daily arriving, in the river. They are new nearly fix ( hillings a chaldron cheaper than they were two feal'ons palt at Michaelmas.— This glut ie faid to be owing to the great call for money in the North for thepurpotes of eledtioneering. It is fail!, tnat, in coniequence of the targe number of priioners confined in the Fleet and the Rules thereof, application is intended to be made next Term to the Court of Common Ple. ts, humbly praying an ewention of the Rules, to comprehend both fides of the Feet- market from one end to the other, and what f arther extent of ground the Court in theii great goodnefk and humanity may think proper. Upon a fnnilar petition fome years ago ( which proved abortive) Lord Chief Jultice Willes humour oully ohlerved, t h a t " he did not know how the pri ( oners could confcientioufly defire the Rules of the Fleet to be enlarged, when, to his certain knowledge, they fometimes extended not only all over Great Bri- Britain and Ireland, but even to the Ealt and Welt Indies."— His Lordfhip alluded to feveral perfenf, whofe names were continued upon the books as prifoners in the Rules, at the very time they had been ( een in thofe diftant places. The front of the Town hall in the Borough of Southwark, and the l'un- dial at the top of this building, having, by order of the Lord Mayor and Committee of city lands, been repaired and beautified in a handlome manner, there is painted in gold letters, under the pedaltrian ftatute of King Charles the Second ( in whofe reign this hall is faid to be rebuilt) the following infcription, Repaired and beautified, anno domini, 1767. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Kite, Knight, Lord Mayor, S>. P. Q;_ L. John Shewell, and John Tovey, Bridge- malters; Peter Roberts, Efq; Comptroller of the works and revalues of London- bridge. Likewile, purfuant to a reprefentation made to the Lord Mayor, at the laft general qmrcer feffions of the peace at the Town- hall, the infideof the faid hall- room is juft finifhed repairing and beautifying in an elegant manner. And on the 17th inftant the Lerd Mayor and other Magiftrates for the Borough of Southwark, who, by the city charters, are invedted with exclufive jurildictioii in the Borough, will attend in the Town hall, to Licence fuch of ihe Borough publicans as have net before obtained their licences for the year enfuing. We are informed, that a fubfeription is begun by fome of the principal inhabitants of Southwark, which is already almolt full, to have an Affembly, at ftated times, in the Town- hall; the prefent Allembly- room being faid not to be 16 convenient for that purpofe. It is propofed to have no more than 300 fubferibers, at three guineas each per annum ; one guinea to be paid the malterof the houle for coffee, tea, & c. and the remainder to be applied to all oth e neceffary accommodations. We aie informed, that the Judiciary Rotation bufine( s in Southwark, will commence upon the firft Friday in Odtober, at the Town- hall ; Mr, Rolls, the owner of the liouft, having, it is faid, engaged to furnifh the Surry Magiltrates with two convenient apartments to carry on this u'eful plan for the benefit of the inhabitants in general. One of the greatjreaforis of the failure of fo many builders in and about this metropolis, is accounted for as follows: A perfon having tour or five hundred pounds, leafes a piece of ground, and then goes to building. All the ready money he is obliged to pay during the carrying on the werk, is for workmens' wages and the lime ; he goes then to the timbermerchant, and agrees for luch a quantity of wood ; to the brickmaker, tyler, and Smith, tor what of thefe articlei. he wants, and thele are all twelve month > credit : before that time he has the ( hell of his houle or houfes built, but can go no further ; his own money is at an end, and then he mortgages s if he gets lome mcney on them, it is not fufht icnt iorextinguilhing his tradefmens bills and finifhing the work. He then applies to the publican, ufurer, and every other perfon he can come at wno has a little money ; he borrows, and at l » ! t lofej his credit, anal is finally knocked up. A*' t], e timber- merchant is generally among the greatelt lufferers, it is Worth their while to affociate themfelves, fo at jiut to give credit to ihofe who do not give proper ( ecurity for their payments. In this they would rot oniy do juftice to tiiamlelves, but keep many others irom iofmg their property. Anonymous, ( much a friend to the ingenious author of the Bagatelles) defires to know, when he fpeaks of a fovereign fo often, whether he does not mean ihe Eleftcr Palatine : and whether molt of the odeswith Str. ns, were not addreffes 1 o him during the autnoi's fix months refidence at the ingenious and illultrious court of Mat. heim. We hear that a fcheme is in agitation for cleaning Tower- ditch, which will make room for all ihe craft to unload fugars, See. whkh aretobedepofited in warehouies, a range of which is lo be built along the ditch, by wwhichoneof the molt ulelels parts ot the city wiil be removed. And, as an addition, a range of dwelling- houles is to be built behind them for ( lie merchants to refide in ; the fronts to front the hcules on l ower- hill, with their back- doors to their \ Varehoufe, with a large yard between, and walled'in. On Wednefday night, at the Orator?, a gent'em m in the pit was noticed, 0.1 fever. il occall ms, to laugh in a molt immoderate manner, doubly louder tl. a any other of the audience. Inthsmidlto f one of thele horfe- laughs, Mr. Foote ( topped fhort, in or der to give the perfon room to finnh. This created a verv great clap throughout the huufe, and when it was ( Inilhed, Mr. Foote addreffed the fpedtators with, " Ladies and Gentlemen, I beiie ve we have a LAUGH ING Oratsr here, but I affureyouhe does not belong to our Company." A few days lince, Mr. , a C ® rr. edi* a, playirg witn a cat, ( he bit him, and it has fince Deen difcovered, or at lealt there is great reafon to apprehend, that the creature was mad. Mr. is taking all proper care to prevent any ill confequenc; s from the accident. Some time fince a perfon in Dublin was bit by a cat, and though there was 110 reafon to believe it mad, either at the time or afterwards, yet the party 1 immediately feared the wound with an hot iron, and drank and' bathed in the fea water ; and in a few days nothing more" was thought of the matter: however, in ahout fix weeks the unfortunate man was feized with a melancholy, and in a few days died raving mad ; mewing, fcratching, and flying like a cat. We hear, that a Vicar being now appointed for St. Leonard Shoreditch, the Ledturethip cf that church, which has been vacant feveral years fin'ce the death of the late Rev. Mr. Wlieatly, is ( hortly ex- £ edtcd to be fiiled up, and forwhicli feveral learned livines have already declared their intentions of being candidates. The caufe of this Ledturefhip being ( o long vacant, was occafioned by a warm difpute between the late Viccar and the parifh, who upon Mr. Wheatley's death making choice of a Lecturer obnoxious to the Vicar, he refufed t^ iis psrl'on the ufe of his pulpit. This dilpute drew on a lawfuit, which, after a long contelt, was decided in the Court of King- s Bench in favour of the Vicar ; it being on that trial eltablifhed, that the right of granting the ule ot every pulpit ( a few inltancesonly excepted) folely belonged to the Minifter or Incumbent Ot each parilh. -• Wednefday night laft a waiter at Marybane Gardens behaved in a very rude manner to two ladies ; for which, we hear, they intend to apply to Mr. Lowe, in order to make him a( k pardon t o the public papers, as an example to others for their future behaviour, efpecially to women, when alone. The regiments draughted from Ireland to America and the Weft Indies, have lo reduced the army there that it is faid fcarce 3500 men are now on the eftablifliment ; for the regiments which return are lo weak as lcarce to make an entire company in the whole. It is particular at this time ( and a proof that all bodies grow rich) that the public halls of almoll al the Inns of Court are now re- building. Clifford'sinn, Beruard'k- inn, and Furnivafs, are entirely taken down, and are to be re built in a very elegant manner, Yelterday one prifoner was capitally convidted at the Old Bailey, viz. Thomas Davis, for burglary in the dwelling- houfe of Mrs. Watts, in Bloffoin- court, Shoreditch, Where he was fervant, and Healing a iilver watch, lsveral filver fpoons, and other things. Miry Mills, for receiving part of the faid goods, knowing them to be itolen, to be tianfported tor fourteen years. The following prifoners were convidted to be trAnfported for teven years, viz. Mary Houfe, for Healing a fheet, an apron, apv. r of filk ltockings, and other things, the property of Benjamin Jxer ; John Simpfon, for ( telling a clath feat ot a coach, the property of Henr) Barley; MarganetDelaney, for Healing five guineas and an half, and titer money, from' GeorgeKerfliaw; F. 1 ' zibeth Alhford, for ft. aling a pair of filver buckles; Francis Lee, for ftealing a filver hiltcd ( word, the property of Robart Chambers, Efq; Thomas Lewis, for itealing, in Clare- market, the carcafe of a ( lieep, the froperty of Rob. ClowfUy. James Cole, Sarah Cook, and Benjamin Owen, were convidted ot pe. it larcenies. And 15 were acquitted. Molt of the feats in the Seffions- houfe in the Old Bailey are taken, at half a guinea each, to hear the trials of the Brownrigg family. Lait Friday night a melancholy accident had like to have happened at agentlenun's houfe upon Bethnal- green. One of thefervants went to his bed, leaving a canoile burning ; it caught hold of the bed curtains, und fet the n 111 a flame, while the f: rvant was afleep. Another fervant at that inllant happening to go into the room, waked the other, and with foine difficulty the flames were extinguished, without doing any other damage than burning part of the bed furniture. Lalt Monday a woman was releafed out of Bridewell ( where ( he had been feveral times before confined tor like feehaviour) for allaulting and ill ufing lier pariffi officers ; and yefterday ( he was again taken into culfody, for having enticed her own girl front the parilh workhoufe, and pawned a great partot the child's wearingftpparel., Laft night a man, upwards of fixty years of age, was detedted in p eking a gentleman's pocket of hi » handkerchief in Fore- ltreet: he ran away ; but being purfued, he was overtaken in Moorfields, and being brought back, he was fearched, when three handkerchiefs were found upon him; but the gentleman's handkerchief not being fouud, the old iiun was lutr fered to go away. PRICES of STOCKS, Thurfday, Sept. 10, BankV Itock, 1. 4. 8O a „ 1- 4 .7! I TV'.. _ India ditto, aj South- faa ditto, Ditto old Ann. Ditt) nevr ann. 87 I per cunt, bar. k l ed 89 I p » r cent. conf. 83J I per cent. n » 6, 0 i t o i75 « > Ditto India asm. j i b a n k ann. 175*, 94- Ui Ditto « yj » , 4 per cent, con. 17( 2,10 i j 4 per cent. > 763, 4 per cent. navy 1763, India bonds, 5s. a 6s. pr. Nsvy and vift. bills —— j per cent. exch. bills — Long win. a6J a 17 Lott tick. 11I, 13s. 6d. a i t s High Water at London bridge the en Cuing week. . SCa^ Mt uirr.. I C,. « I 1 nr- . . . . . " Mor. 11 4. A f t . 40 4 Sun. [ Mo. 59 4 f39 S 17 5 i * 6 Tu. 27 6 53 <> We. i t . 7 5 o 7 Th. 5* Fri. 25 9 5* 9 ANTS Apothecary's Widow, about 40 years of a HOUSEKEEPER'S PLACE, aa W . age, who has had a g, ood education, been welt brought up, ami been miitrefs of a family, ha; had the ( mall pox, ( he is a very fober woman, and c; n have an undeniable charadter. F. r further particulars, by letters port- paid, enquire ordiredt for A B. to be left at the Bafinghoufe, Kingfland Road. A N N U I T I E S . PERSONS havingeftates for life, either in landt, hsufes, penfions, or any certain income, clergymen that have livings, military officers on full or halfpay, and wanting to raife money by granting annuities for their own lives, may be fupplied with funis to any amount, by diredting or applying to No. 8, in Pope's- head- alley, Cornhill, oppofite the Royal Exchange ; where attendance is given from ten in the morning till eight in the evening. Such perfons at apply to this office, may depend on dilpatch and fecrecy, as the whole bufinefs is tranfadted without going through any other hands than the advertiler's. The incomparable and univerfally admired L I QJJ I D T R U E B L U E. THIS excellent preparation will ( to the furprize and l'atisfadtion of thofe who make ufe of it) give to filk a molt betuiiful and unfading Blue, by a method extremely ealy, only pouring a little of the Liquid into a quantity of water, either hot or cold, and the filk will immediately drain the water of all the dye, let the quantity of water be ever fo large, and that of the Liquid ever fo fmall; and if the is of a good white, it will acquire a blue, in beaut/ and richnefs equal to the belt tl. at can be produced ; but if it is yellow, it will become green, and i£ red, purple ; according ta the affinity of colour. This L I Q U I D is neatly put in phials, an ounce in. each, and is to be mixed with lix gallons of water at lealt, which is full fuffic: ent for a compleat ( ilk gown j but for fmall things, as hats, bonnets, therefas, fhdes, handkerchiefs, gloves, ribbons, & c. a little of this Liquid, put into a bowl, or bafon of water, is enough, and a phial w 11 ferve a great many times ; and if it bs Well corked up, will always keep good. The price is is. only. It is prepared, fitted up in a nest manner, and proper directions given with each phial, that informs any perfon not only how t ) ufe the Liquid, b u t a l fj how to manage the filk afterwards, that it may be properly finifhed and look like new, by the ( ole Proprietor of it, who may be heard of at the places where it is fold; and, to prevent ccunterfeits, hehasfnaletl every phial with his own leal. Sold at Mr. Poynton's, petlumer, at No. 60, in Newgate- ftreet; Mr. Price's, perfumer, inLeadenhall- ltreet; Mr. Kirk's grotto- to> ( hop, in St. Paul's Church- yard; Mr. Avis, perfumer, in Bell- yard, Temple bar; M r. Moorm an, linen- draperin Meard'e court, Dean- ltreet, Soho; at tike Printing- office in Newgate- ltreet, and no where elfe in London. N. B. Merchants, captains, & c. that chufe to take a quantity for exportation, either forthe Welt Indies, or ell'ewhere, ( for it is an excellent commodity for thafe places where Dyers are fcarce) will have good allowance made them, and their orders will be duly and pundtually obferved, 011 the ( hortelt notice. L O N D O • » * 2 W * « ffir ( S 9 A H* lf- penny, delivered to any Part of the Tewn < wftsc « » adjacent] whereevery thing in tbePrkiting Bulmeft is executed? eKpedstioufly, and or. moderate Terms.
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