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Adams's Weekly Courant

Date of Article: 16/06/1767
Printer / Publisher: Eliz. Adams 
Address: Newgate-street, Chester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 1596
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Adams's Weekly Courant, No. 1596. PRINTER, & c. ELOQUENCE, properly de- fined, is the art of speaking well, and requires not only great mental endowment to- wards obtaining any degree of perfection, but must be assisted likewise with a suit- able deportment of the body. Elocution is not to be acquired by every person, be his ap- plication ever so great, and his mental facul- ties sufficientiy adequate to make the finished scholar ; for to compleat the orator, there must be a due combination of organised parts, acting so conjointly, as to produce volubility of speech, sympathetic aspect, distinct articu- lation, and a musical cadence of the voice. Thus we see it is not enough to be merely the man of learning, and able to deliver a sentence according to the strict rules of gram- mar; but he must also possess the superior powers of oratory, without which talent he never will speak gracefully, emphatically, and with persuasiveness. Therefore to obtain the gift of speaking well, as I have already ob- serv'd, requires oftentimes our utmost efforts; yet sorry I am to remark, that it seems the least to be studied by our young clergy : hence, from wanting so necessary an accomplishment, we so frequently hear many excellent subjects grievously maimed, or delivered from the pul- pit in a dull, languid, and unfeeling manner. Is it not very surprizing from the numerous examples to be met with among the ancients, that they are not more imitated by the mo- derns ; the youth of the former were always instructed to declaim in public ; a qualification which was by them thought very essential to compleat their education : By studying oratory they were fitted either for civil or military employments. Surely then, such as are with us intended for ecclesiastical duties, claim at least our equal attention and regard. The great inattention no generally observ- able amongst the preachers of God's holy word, calls loudly for a speedy amendment; and unless the Ministers of the Gospel will exert themselves properly, we cannot wonder at the degeneracy of morals in their hearers. It must be indeed acknowledged, there are some exceptions, but those so thinly scattered, that it is amazing the number is so small; more especially when we consider, that no part of the habitable globe can vie with us in the production of more learned, exemplary, and pious Divines. To what cause then shall we ascribe so great a solecism in literature; it must not be imputed to any defect of parts, or genius; but may we not with more propriety lay the just blame on the Universities, and our great public schools ? I am not infensible, there are many compelled as it were against nature to exercise the function of clergymen, who are by no means qualified for so important a trust; and yet with the help of Greek and Latin, and a thorough knowledge of their native language, are found capable of writing most excellent discourses. This is indisputably a very useful acquisition, but is not something more neces- sary to form the orator ? A good author, and an able speaker, are but seldom united; the one fabricates in private, but the other exhi- bits in public; the former invents fine thoughts, the latter delivers them with elegance, energy, and ease. If we take a survey of the numbers who compose the clergy, the senate, and the bar, impartiality obliges us to acknowledge, there are indeed some, who bear a distinguish- ing rank in each class; but, alas! how few of that mighty aggregate, merit such an epithet! Oratory is a sciencc, but little studied; in reading divine service, points and periods are seldom noticed ; 1 had almost said become un- fashionable. The youth intended for the gown, seem now- a- days too much puffed up with self importance, if they can barely re- peat some few quotations from any author in a dead language not considering the great utility they would derive to themselves and others, by studiously endeavouring to be pro- ficients in their own ; so infatuated are they in the wiles of pedantry, and to be thought excellent scholars. But surely all such must be totally insensible to the charms of elo- quence, which in the possessor seldom fails to animate his auditors with religious zeal, ve- neration, and delight; insomuch that, we are almost ready to believe him, endued with in- spiration. Having said thus much, I shall now hasten to conclude, with giving one rare example, where I was both an eye, and ear witness. In a certain parish church, westward of London, upwards of seventy miles, a comely young person officiated, whose singular behaviour, and graceful demeanor, attracted the notice of the whole congregation ; his eloquent manner of delivery, both in praying and preaching, was so engaging, harmonious, and pathetic, that every hearer was charmed, and their hearts filled with veneration, transport, and delight. It were to be wished, that instances of this sort were more frequent among the clergy in general; but the young, in particular, so as to render them in future more useful in their functions; then might we hope, as they im prove in delivering God's holy word, their hearers would amend their lives, their morals, and their conversation. MIRATOR. OF all the Virtues that are the Honour and Support of a Government, and that se- cure the Peace and Quiet, the Lives and Pro- perties of its Subjects, Justice may truly stand foremost ; for without an equal and impartial distribution of Justice, no Government can deserve honour, nor stand upon a firm basis ; nor can the Lives and Properties of any Peo- ple be tolerably safe and secure without such distribution. To the particular Honour of our Courts of Westminster Hall, it may be truly said, that Justice is there equally and impar- tially distributed according to the utmost strength of human Reason ; and it is greatly to be wished, that their example was followed by those who are appointed in a lower sphere to distribute Justice in general throughout the Kingdom. The office of a Justice of Peace is very honourable and of great service to the People, if filled with Men of Honour, who make a distinction in the execution of it be- tween the Rich and the Poor, but equally and impartially distribute Justice ; but, Sir, I am sorry to say it, this is not always the case : for though there are many Gentlemen in the Commission who act with the utmost justice and impartiality, and do honour to the office, yet, there are others who are a disgrace to it, who deny Justice to the Poor, and suffer the Rich to trample upon them with impunity > s I have laid such a heavy change it will be expected I should bring some proof in support of it; and I will do it. In the Southern bor- ders of this Kingdom there is a Corporation where a poor woman hath, for fome years past, charged a certain rich man with the Murder of a Child She had by him, and hath often offer- ed to take her Oath thereof, but can get no Jus tice of Peace, in or near the Place, to take her Oath-, nay, indeed, she did even charge him ' with the Murder of her Child before the whole Bench of Justices there, but could not prevail upon them, or any one of them, to take her Oath ; for it seems, the Person the accused of the Murder ' was one of the Quoram. I am, Sir, your's, & c. JUSTITIA. IGuernsey, May 25. Was much pleased with a Query, in a letter, in one of your Papers lately, " Whether people of fashion thought the fourth Com- mandment came from the same hand as the nine others ?" One would think, indeed, they did not ; as they generally chuse Sunday for travelling; because only stage coaches and waggons observe that day religiously ; and so people of fashion are sure of not meeting with any such obslacles, or impediments, on the road that day._ I declare myself to be no Presbyterian, nor enemy to Dignities, but a true orthodox Churchman; and yet I declare, that I was puzzled to answer a country fellow once, in Berkshire ; who said, " He wonder- ed he might not be allowed to use his cart on a Sunday when, he said, he saw once in London; a Sunday, Clergymen lolling " in their coaches, only to go the length of two or three streets, to church, and that some of them looked as able to walk as he, and this in fine weather too, added Colin. Sure, says he, it is not allowed for fine folks to break the Com mandment, to go to say their prayers; sure what is sin in us is sin in them." But Hob puzzled me most with his " point of divinity, " about folks cracking a Command, to go to church ; and that the sin must sure spoil all the good their prayers could do them ; when walk- ing, ( for some people that looked strong and stout enough to carry a chair, instead of being carried in a coach,) would have been better for their bodies, and their souls too, said Colin, than making their cattle do work, and such idle needless work too, on a Sunday." All I could answer was, " Ah, Colin, Colin, our betters can explain, and expound and distill, better than you and I, laws into their spritual meaning, for use; but you and I must WALK by the LETTER. Yours, D. A REBUS. ONE third of a Crown that is coined in France, By changing a Letter, else ' twould be romance ; And something in which fish delight for to sport, Will shew you the Name of a flourishing Port *, * Sea Port, THURSDAY NIGHT's POST, from the LONDON GAZETTE, June 9. Berlin, May 30. N the 27th instant, in the morn- ing, an express arrived here fron » Protzen ( a country- seat belong- ing t0 Madame de Kleist) where young Prince Henry lay ill of the Small pox, with the melancholy news, that that Prince died on the 26th, at eight at night; some dangerous symptoms having ap- peared the day before. As his Royal High- ness was imagined to be out of all danger, this accident, being unexpected, was the more severe ; nor is it possible to describe the affliction of the whole family, or the general consternation it occasions here, as that Prince was extremely beloved. Hague, June 5. M. de Larrey, Privy Coun- sellor and Secretary to the Prince of Orange, sets out for Berlin to- morrow, in order to set- tle every thing relative to the marriage of his Serene Highness with the Princess Wilhelmina, Sister to the Prince Royal of Prussia. Yesterday arrived the Mails from France and Holland. Leghorn, May 16. They write from Roglia- no, in the island of Corsica, that 91 of the prisoners that were taken in the island of Ca- praia, are arrived there. Those among them who are Genoese, or of other nations, are treated according to the Rules of War in all civilized countries; but those who prove to be Corsicans, are sent to prifon, and treated as rebels and traitors to their country. Vienna, May 20. The Dutchess of Saxe- Meschen was brought to bed the 16th instant of a daughter, who, on account of her weak state was immediately baptised, but she died the next morning, and on the 18th was buri- ed in the Tomb belonging to the august House of Austria, in the church of the Capuchins. , Vienna, May 23. The Empress Josephina hath been indisposed for some days with a violent fever, and the small- pox appeared ye- sterday. Her Majesty slept but indifferently last night, but the fever is considerably abated, the pock is very small, but very thick. This accident hath hastened the departure of the Court for Schonbrun ; for which place all the Imperial Family set out last night, except her Royal Highness the Dutchess of Saxe- Teschen, who remains in this capital being very near her time. Leghorn, May 14. The Corsicans have pub- lished the following relation of the action in the Island of Capraia : The 2d of this month a little before day- break, about 150 Genoese, guided by one of the inhabitants of Capraia, landed in the Island : they advanced about two miles and surprized three posts from our people, who were asleep 30 of whom were massacred : the Genoese cried out Victory, and Paggiola, their Commander, led them to- wards the Fortress, but our people ran direct- ly to arms, surrOunded the Genoese and killed a great number: there were but 11 that got on board, the others were made prisoners ; among which are six Captains and other Of- ficers ; the Guide was condemned and exe- cuted. A French Colonel in the service of the Re- public, was to have landed 1000 men during the action, which lasted three hours, but con- trary winds hindered him from executing his design. General Mattra had two balls shot through his cloaths, and is now at genoa to solicit a reinforcement. Florence, May 11. There reign here a great many maladies, which carry off abundance of people, insomuch that the number of our hospitals is increased, in order to enable us to take care of the sick. * COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, June 8. We hear from Wigton that an ewe belonging to Mr. Sanderson, at Catlings, in Bolton, near that place, has had four lambs, which are all living. Gloucester, June 8. We are well assured that the Association of Farmers, & c. in this Coun- ty, for prosecuting Forestallers, Ingrossers, & c. will produce very good effects, as several in- formations have been made against Offenders, who have been since apprehended, and bound over to the next Quarter Sessions to answer for these offences. Bristol, June 6. Last Monday afternoon, as the Constables of Castle Precincts were in search of some stockings that were stolen a few nights before in Merchant- street, their suspicion led them to the house of John Lang- ford, Night Watchman,- in the Quakers Fri- ars, where they discovered concealed in a box, one Jane Bryan, a girl about 18 years of age, a spectacle indeed! being almost starved, and quite naked. It appeared, that she had been a lodger in the house near 20 months, but had not been confined to the narrow limits of this box ( which is about 30 inches long and 18 broad) more than eight months, during which time she has been often without sustenance for three days together. The position she was obliged to lie in, ( for she is tall,) has so con- tracted her limbs, that they are at present quite useless, and perhaps ever will be so. They also found in the fame house, one Han- nah Rogers, quite naked, and with only shavings to lie on. She lived at service in this city, which she left on being with child, and fled to this place for shelter ; she declares that she lodged thirty nights in the same room where the girl was confined in the box before she knew it. Both these deplorable creatures were immediately carried to St. Peter's Hos- pital; Langford and his wife were forthwith secured, the daughter has been since taken up, but the man pleading ignorance of the whole matter, and the girl confirming it, he was released. The wife and daughter are separately confined in Bridewell, till their un- natural and cruel treatment can be further enquired into. Norwich, June 6. On Sunday last a great storm of hail and rain fell in this city and neighbourhood, attended with thunder and lightning ; during the storm a horse was struck dead by the lightening on Saddleton's Mea- dow in Thorpe: And we hear from Salthouse in Norfolk, that a poor woman and a child, were so terribly scorched by a ball of fire, that their lives are despaired of; a heavy rain continued till Wednesday night with very lit- tle intermission. The low grounds and mar- shes between this city and Yarmouth are un- der water. On Wednesday night the tempo- rary bridge lately erected at Harford, within two miles of this city, was carried away by the rapidity of the flood. LONDON, June 9. Sunday the son of his Serene Highness the Prince of Brunswick who has been under preparation, was inoculated for the small- pox, at their apartments in st James's Palace. It is now said that his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland will not set out for that Kingdom before the usual time. There is a change in the M v now talked of in favour of a Noble M and his friends; and it is said that, a noble Duke has given over all thoughts of interesting himself in public affairs on account of the death of his son. It is said that fome important changes will speedily take place in the Department of the Law. We are assured, by a Gentleman of vera- city, who arrived in town last week, from Belleisle, that the French have already fitted out there, and in the River Vilaine upwards of zoo vessels, to be employed this year, in the Newfoundland Cod Fishery. Several vessels have arrived, within these few days, laden with 8357 quarters of wheat. A bill against usury, it is said, will be pas- sed into a law, before the dissolution of the present Parliament. Yesterday se'nnight the Hon. and Rev. Dr. Hervey, brother to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, was consecrated Lord Bishop of Cloyne, in Christ Church, Dublin, by his Grace the Lord Primate, assisted by his Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, and the Lords Bishops of Meath and Ferns. We hear from Edinburgh, that the prices of all kinds of provisions have lately fallen in the markets of that city twenty per cent. Thursday a Fruiterer at the west end of the town gave 30 guineas for ten pounds weight of cherries, at Covent- Garden marked Last week, at a christening at Widaker, near Whitehaven, of the 21st Child of Mr. Wright, by the same woman, the company came from 21 parishes, and the entertain- ment consisted of 21 pieces of beef, 21 legs of mutton and lamb, 21 gallons of brandy, three times 21 gallons of strong ale, three times 21 fowls roasted and boiled, 21 pies, besides several hams, a great number o. f pud- dings, & C. & c It is generally thought, that on the arrival of Mr. Lyttleton at Lisbon, ( who, it is said will set out this week,) the commercial differences so long subsisting between England and Portugal, will be finally compromised to the satisfaction of both Crowns. A few days since died in the Fleet, Capt. Dennet, of his Majesty's Navy he made the following uncommon resolution, not to cut the nails of either fingers or toes, by which means at his death, he resembled Nebuchad- nezzar, his nails being hooked like Eagles claws. i [ II _ TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1767. [ Price Two- Pence. ] j By letters from Hamburgh we have advice, that two thousand tons of naval stores are now buying up there for the use of the French marine. On the 6th inst. died at Portsmouth, after a tedious, illness-. the- Right Hon. Lord Hope, aged 27, eldest son to the Earl of Hopetown, a few days after his return from America. Tuesday afternoon, as a child, about four years, son of a person who keeps a pork shop in Clare- market, was playing in his father's shop, he hastily gave a shriek, dropped down, and expired instantly. This is said to be their third child that has died suddenly. Yesterday John Wilson, a boy of eight years old, was brought before Alderman Plumb at Guildhall; he was taken up as a vagrant in Golden- lane, on Sunday morning, about two o'clock : He confessed he belonged to a gang of six men and boys, who put him into houses in the evening to let them in to rob ; they had robbed houses in Angel alley, Moorfields, St. James's Market, Fleet Market, and several other places; but the facts being mostly done in Middlesex, and the gang living near Bed- fordbury, he was sent to Sir John Fielding's to be dealt with according to law. Last week a Milkman, who lives near Greenwich, was summoned before the Court of Requests for not paying his servant her wages. The Gentlemen, who sat in the Court, asked him the reason why he would not pay the wages due to her ? to which he made an- swer, she would not get up in the morning. The girl then asked the Court, if she might be heard in her defence ? which being grant- ed, said she did not know what time her master would have her get up in the morning, as she was always up time enough to heat thirty- six quarts of water against her master brought home thirty quarts of milk to mix with it, and rub the sides of the pails with snails to make the milk froth, as if just come from the cow; upon which the Court ordered Mr. Nick and Froth to pay the girl her wages, and dismissed the cause to the satisfaction of all present. Thursday se'nnight as Mrs. Mush, of Mid- dleham, in Yorkshire, was riding to Askrig Fair, her horse taking the reist in a narrow part of a lane, where a cart was passing along, run backwards between the cart horses, when she leapt off, but unluckily falling upon her head, the cart- wheels run over her body, and killed her on the spot. Sixteen Bakers were convicted last week, by Major John Spinnage, of , Argyle build- ings, for selling great quantities of two penny loaves, found to be deficient in their weight from two to four ounces each. On Saturday the Sessions ended at the Old- Bailey when five prisoners were tried, one of whom was capitally convicted, for a burglary; viz. Edward Williams, who was capitally convicted for another burglary on Friday Night; one was cast for transportation, and three acquitted. At this Sessions three received sentence of death; nine to be transported for fourteen years ; 36 for seven years ; and three to be whipt. We are assured, that a petition was deliver- ed to his Majesty on Friday last from the fol lowing convicts, viz. Lawrence Sweetman, William Elliot, Jacob Wood, and John Ben- tham, now under fentence of death in his Majesty's Gaol of Newgate, humbly praying, that his Majesty would be graciously pleased to order any one or all of them, for ampu- tation of a limb, or any other experiment that shall be thought proper to be made on them, to try the efficacy of Mr. Pierce's Styp- tic Medicines, all chearfully submitting to risk the life already forfeited to justice. The King has been pleased to extend his Royal Clemency to John Bentham, one of the unhappy convicts under sentence of death in Newgate, and who has a wife and three chil- dren, in consideration of his undergoing, pur- suant to his own petition; an amputation of one of his limbs, for trying the efficacy of Mr. Pierce's styptiC medicines. He is a young man of 25 years of age, by trade a White- smith ; and if the operation succeeds, will be he easter able to earn his livelihood by honest industry. SATURDAY NiGHT's POST. Yesterday arrived a mail from France. Constantinople, May 2. HEY write from Cairo, that the 3d of March last, being the se- cond feast of the Bayram, the day on which all the Beys, and other great Officers of the city, go to Castle to salute Hamsey Pacha, Governor of Egypt, and to pay their compliments to him, according to the custom of the festival, about sixty persons, the greater part of whom belonged to the Grandees, who were exiled some time since, having formed a plot to get rid of several Beys, at that time in office, in- reduced themselves, disguised and armed, into the Bashaw's hall ' of audience ; but al- t;, vy\ the secret of their conspiraCy had not transpired," they had concerted matters so ill t- u : '- xecufcop., thw!. M, ' foreonl! . titdV The Emir tae Mecca Caravan, among the Bashaw's people, he made a signal to the Bey ; the latter getting up immediately to take leave of the Bashaw, he received a pistol- shot, which carried off part of his jaw. This wound, though considerable, difcouraged him not. He took sword in hand, and sup- ported by the other Beys, who did the same, made way through, the conspirators. One Bey only remained dead on the spot. The Emir Hatch had his Tchaouch killed, the Tchaouch Kiayassi was dangerously wounded, as well as several other principal Officers. After this bloody scene, which cost the lives of- a great number of persons, the Govern- ment determined to depose the Bashaw, which was done the same day, and those among his Officers, who were suspected of having fa- voured this plot, were exiled. The Aga of the Janissaries is making vigorous researches after all who may have been seduced into this conspiracyv and has already ordered several great men of Cairo to be punished, who have been found to be of the number of conspi- rators. The Grand Seignor being informed, that the Government had deposed Hamsey Pacha, he has conferred on him the Government of Aleppo, and nominated to replace him at Cairo, Rakin. Effendi, formerly Tefterdar, whom his Highness has honoured with the title of Bashaw of Three Tails. It is believ- ed that the Bashaw, who was at Aleppo, will be invested with the Government of Kars, vacant by the death of Akikalla Mehemet Pacha. COUNTRY NEWS. Bristol, June 6. Last Tuesday a Farmer at Chew, in Somersetshire, began shearing his sheep, and the next morning twenty- five of them were found dead in the field, and several expiring, owing ( it is imagined) to the cold- ness of the weather. About three weeks ago died William New- ell, one of the Pumpers at the Hot- Wells, and last week an account came of an uncle cf his dying and leaving him 25001. per annum, besides a large sum in ready cash, which de- volves to his brother in Ireland. Sherborne, June 8. The principal Farmers in Gloucestershire have gained themselves ge- neral approbation, for coming to a resolution, which they have subscribed to, of selling their grain by the Winchester measure, and no other. And they have, by a public advertise- ment, desired the Magistrates of every market town in the county to provide standard bushels for the use of the markets. The Farmer of Wiltshire have followed their example. Leeds, June 9. In the night of the 7.7th ult. the family of Mr. James Turner, of Al- herton cum Wilsden, near Bradford, were disturbed by a noise in the house; the master got out of bed, and went into his shop, which he found broke open by a man, who imme- diately- made his escape ; however, notwith- standing the villain had disguised himself, by blacking his face, Mr. Turner suspecting him to be one of his neighbours, had him appre- hended last- week, and examined before Sa- muel Lister, Esq; of Horton, who committed him to York Castle. LONDON, June 11. The case of numbers of his Majesty's brave Officers both of the Army and Navy, who in the last and former wars exposed their lives for the honour and support ofthese kingdoms, and are now perishing in different prisons in this kingdom, surely claim the aid and com- miseration of those in power; for after being reduced and on Half- pay, they- could not, nor perhaps is it possible for them, to live on 30 or 40I. a year, and that very badly paid them ; and fine; the last peace great numbers of them continuing in London, hoping for some Preferment or Promotion, as a just reward of their past services, were obliged to con- tract debts for their necessary support, and appearance, to attend on those who had pro- mised them Promotion and assistance. Not less than four or five hundred of these unfor- tunate Gentlemen are now in our different prisons, and that for small sums ; so that from the general and almost universal distress of this kingdom, at this juncture, the prisons ( particulariy those in and about London) are so filled that the wretched inhabitants a e obliged to lie or live two, three, or more in a room ; and you may depend on it as a fact, that numbers have lately died both in the Fleet, King's Bench, and Marshalsea Prisons, by long confinement, want of air and other disorders : And from the great increase of those miserable persons at this very warm season of the year, some very dreadful distemper must be the consequence of immuring such num- bers, and many of them lose their lives one Land and one Sea Officer, both of great cha- racter, haying very lately died in the Fleet, together with many others. By the fundamental laws of this kingdom, no man can be imprisoned for life, let his crime be what it will. But what signifies this noble institution and standard of British li- berty, when we see it every day inverted and defeated, by fines imposed on miserable wret- ches, who have hardly cloathing to cover their nakedness, to the amount of many hun- dred, nay thousand pounds, who have not the least prospect of ever being able to pay a ? What numbers of such ua- happy beings are there now in our several gaols; and have been for ten, and some for twenty years past, excluded the benefit of any Act of Insolvency, and must, as the law now stands, in course languish out the remainder of their lives in the greatest poverty, and be a burthen to themselves and the community. Is it not therefore imprisonment for life to im- pose such fines without a period to their con- finement ? And would it not be more chari- table, as well as political, to transport them, or sell them as slaves to some of our planta- tions ? A report now prevails, that his Grace the Duke cf Bedford is to be appointed Lord Privy Seal ; the Marquis of Rockingham First Lord of the Treasury, and the Earls of Egmont and Halifax Secretaries of State. We hear from Lisbon, that Mr. Hay, Bri- tish Envoy, had presented a memorial to the King against the inconveniencies the English Merchants now labour under by the present laws of Portugal, which prohibit the expor- tation of specie ; in consequence of which the Above restriction had already been in part removed. We hear from Inverness that a number of Scotch Highlanders, who had been abroad during last war, have lately engaged them- selves to go over to Corsica to serve as soldiers under General Paoli. The duty of one shilling on every pound weight of tea consumed in Great Britain, will be entirely taken off for a limited time. The additional duties on goods exported tc the Isle of Man from England, is said to be, 6d. per gallon - on British Plantation rum, is. per pound on bohea tea, is. 6d. per pound on green tea, 9d. per pound on coffee, 2il. per pound on tobacco ; and several other duties on other goods, such as wine, timber" Sec. And the said duties are to be applied to the administration of Jus- tice in the said island. . We are informed, that thirty guineas were not absolutely given for ten pounds of cherries at Covent Garden Market, on Thursday last, but only offered : A Gardener at Abb's Court, who brought the cherries, having previously promised them to an eminent Jew Merchant, to add to the desert at his wedding dinner. By recent letters from the East Indies there is advice, that the Spaniards had actually expended upwards of one million of piastres in repairing the old fortifications, and build- ing others at Manilla, the capital of Luconia, in the Philippine islands. A lease of some lands in the county of Cavan in Ireland, belonging to the Bishop of Meath, expiring the 12th of May last, posses- sion was given to his Lordship ; but in the following night, the floors, staircase, windows, and doors of the dwelling- house on the said lands, were carried off, and a few nights after the house was set on fire, and entirely consumed. X We hear the estate in Scotland, of which the deceased Lord Hope was heir, amounts to near forty thousand pounds per annum. According to a letter from St. Mary's, in Scilly, the sea is said to have encroached with- in these twelve months, upwards of forty inches upon the shore of one of those islands at low water mark, and continues visibly to increase. We hear from Chatham, that a few days ago, a quarrel had arisen between a large body of Artificers belonging to the yard there, and a party of Soldiers ; a battle en- sued, and, after much mischief, the latter re- mained conquerors. On Sunday last a person died in St. Mar- garet's Workhouse, who was brought thither about a fortnight before in man's apparel, and supposed to be of that sex ; but, when dead, the contrary was discovered. It was found, on enquiry, that she had used that dress many years, and had formerly been a housekeeper in the above parish. The oldest of her acquaintance always imagined her to be a man, never having seen her in a female dress. A very melancholy accident happened one day last week in Long- Reach, from the over- setting of a pleasure boat, wherein were three reputable tradesmen of Blackwall, and a boy ( the son of one of them ;) two of the men and the boy were drowned, but the father of the boy was taken up by a fishing- boat. What adds to this tragical event, and is very remark- able is, that the wives of these men happen- ed at the said time to be all lying in : one of them died with the first surprize the shocking news occasioned to her, and the other two were so much affected by it, that they are very dan- gerously ill ; as is likewise the surviving hus- band on the loss of his son, of whom he was particularly fond. We hear from Warwick, that on Friday se'nnight a duel was fought between- two Of- ficers of the Warwickshire Militia, due of whom was slightly wounded. At the ensuing summer assizes in the several counties of England and Wales, a regulation we are told, will be made as to the lodging, rent of Debtors, and a provision also made for Felons, at the county expence, for a fur- ther allowance of bread and other necessaries of life. Parma, May 23. The Infant, affected by the ravages made in Tuscany, and in the Bo- lonnois, by the diseases occasioned by scar- city, hath sent some Officers of the militia, with an order to go throughout his dominions, and provide grain for those communities which may be in want of it, and to administer to the poor the successors for which they may have occasion. Turin, May 27. An edict of the King is published, dated the iStli inst. whereby his Majesty forbids the amassing of grain, aud the exporting it to foreign countries ; and or- ders every person to make yearly, an exact declaration of the quantity he shall have reaped. Venice, May 19- The dearness of bread has put the people of Lucca into a disposition of rising. They signified their intentions by sticking up billets in the following effect ; se non cala il Pane un Soldo, ci darema a Leopoldo : [ If Bread does not fall a Soldo ( Penny) we will give our/ elves to Leopold.] On which the Regen- cy immediately increased the Weight of Bread, LONDON, June 13. The King of Prussia has now an army of 60,000 men, of his veteran regiments, in the dutchy of Cleves, which adjoins to Holland. We hear an eminent manufacturer at Bir- mingham, has contracted with an English Merchant in London, to furnish 30,000 mus- kets for the service of General Paoli, together with the like number of bayonets. We hear from Caithness in Scotland, that four young men were poisoned there some short time ago, occasioned by using white arsenick in a bowl of punch, which, by mis- take was bought at an Apothecary's shop for cream of tartar. According to letters from Paris, it was given out, that notwithstanding the late seizure of the Jesuits effects in Spain, the removal of these fathers to Corsica would probably enrich that island above two millions of livres. Letters from Gotha mention the Death of John Augustus, Duke of Saxony, second Bro- ther to the reigning Duke, aged Twenty Years and some Days, having been born the 14th cf April, 1747. There is now living in the Isle of Anglesea, a Fisherman, aged 111, who never had any illness great enough to stop him from follow- ing his profession, and still goes to sea in his own boat. Jeremiah Ryan, who was evidence at the last April session at the Old Bailey, against several of his accomplices for footpad robbe- ries, is ordered to be removed from New Prison to the Savoy, where he is to be tried by a general Court Martial for desertion. GUILDFORD RACES. Tuesday, June 9, 1767, his Majesty's plate of 100 guineas, was run for, and won by Mr. Vernon's bay h. Marquis Mr. Beetson's grey h. Alexander Mr. Wildman's ch. h. Whistle- jacket Mr. Stroud's brown h. Druid Thursday, the Gentlemen's Contribution Plate of 50I. 4 years _ old 7st. 41b. 5 years old 8st. 7lb. 6 years old 9st. 4lb. aged 10st. fillies Yesterday morning Samual Sweetman, for a highway robbery ; William Elliot, jacob Wood, and Samuel Knock, for divers bur- glaries ; and M'Donnel, for forgery, were executed at Tyburn, pursuant to their sen- tence. Yesterday, as soon as the Malefactors, who were executed at Tyburn, were cut down one of them, who it seems was destitute of friends, was carried away by the mob to a Sand- pit in the Brick- fields, near Padding- ton, where they broke both his legs and arms to prevent the body's being taken as they al- ledged, by the Surgeons: after which they- threw him into the Pit without a coffin, and barely covered the body with a little sand was almost naked, and cut a most shocking figure,, the very humane Jack Ketch having stripped him of all that was worth taking be- fore he was cut down. On JOHN ROYCE, who is to be executed on Mon- day next, for shouting at the time of the late RIOT at Norwich, TO shout is to applaud, to assist and abet; Then let all Englishmen take care How they shout at a Mob, lest a halter they get. And hang, like John Royce, in the air. MONDAY NIGHT's POST. From the London Gazette, June 13. Vienna, May 30. THE Empress Consort died on Thursday Morning about Nine o'clock.' The Small Pox was of so very malevolent a Kind.__ that from the first Moment there was scarce a Glimpse of Hope. She herself was soon ac- quainted with the Danger, and met it with he most exemplary Piety, Patience, Resigna- tion, and Fortitude. Her Death was very easy, without Struggle or Convulsion, so that those about her scarce knew when she expired. All the Imperial Family, and the whole Court, are under the greatest Affliction on this me- lancholy Occasion. The Empress Queen continues in as fair a Way as possible. Though the Eruption prov- ed more copious than was at first imagined, it is certain that the Small- Pox is of the best Sort. f and mares allowed jib. less than colts & horses'. Wm. Stevens, Esqr's. bl. h. Nabob f ; years old Sir Cha. Bunbury's br. m. Prince- pesse, 4 years old ' ' '' Mr. Paine's bay fi. Miss Phoenix, dit. Sir Jn. Moore's gr. h. GOg, 5 yrs. Mr. Greening's gr, h. Latrunculus. ditto Mr. Sutherland's ch. m. ditto At the conclusion of the third heat, when the horses were just at the distance post, a Gen- tleman rode across the course, which threw the rider of the foremost horse, and also him- self ; they were taken up for dead ; the Jockey is likely to recover, but there is no hopes of the Gentleman. To be Lett for a Term of Years, AFarm called the Booth- Mill House Farm, with about So Cheihire Acres of Ground thereto belonging, situate in Mobberley, in the County of Chester, all now in the Possession of Thomas Dutton, and Josiah Warburton.——' or Particulars enquire 0 Peter Legh, Esq; or his Agent at Booth's. INOCULATION for the SMALL- POX. Mr. GILES YOUNG, From TunBRiDGe Wells, in Kent, Where he has inoculated great Numbers of People with the utmost Success begs Leave to acquaint the Public, THAt he now resides at the Golden Talbot, in Chester, and is ready to wait on any ladies or Gentlemen at their own Houses, or any Num- ber collected together, who are desirous of having that Distemper by INOCULATION, and will do him the Fa- vour of employing him ; and does engage ( so far as hu- man Wisdom will admit of) to give that sometimes most dreadful Distemper in so light and sate a Manner, as in general to permit the Patient to do his daily Business the whole Time, the Days of Physic excepted : He not only undertakes the Young, the healthy. and Temp- rate, but the Old, the Scorbutic, and hard Drinkers, and does not in the least Doubt, let them be of ever so gross a Habit, but they also will have the Disease s0 easy and safe, as not to confine them within Doors a single Day the whole Time, N. B. His Price for Servants one Guinea, for Far mers, Tradesmen ,1c. Two Guineas and a Half, accordin to their Abilities, and Attendance required, they finding every thing themselves except Physic. CHESTER, June 16. To the PRINTER, & c. Concerning IL PENSEROSO. A RHAPSODY. Sold in London and Chester. THIS recent PUBLICATION repeatedly ad- vertised in your's, and other News- Papers, having undergone the Animadver- sions of three different Societies of CENSORS ; their several Sentiments concerning it, are here communicated to such, as, perhaps, may not peruse them in the Monthly Compilations. Imprimis, the CRITICAL REVIEWERS thus deliver their Sentiments : " The Author of this Rhapsody, from an Eminence in St. John's Church- yard, sur- veys the River DEE, and some of the most remarkable Places about Chester. This Prospect leads him into a Contemplation on the various Revolutions of those Places, and the Heroes, Princes, or Patriots who for- merly distinguished themselves in that Neighbourhood, by any memorable Tran- fashion. " The Notes are chiefly Historical, and calculated to illustrate the Text. " This Work will be entertaining to Those who are acquainted with the Scenes which are described. The Author makes use of old Words, and ancient Names, and ap- pears to be a poetical Antiquarian.'' CRITICAL REView for april 1767, p. 296. Next come the MONTHLY REVIEWERS, rather too prone to gratify the CARPERS and MALEVOLENT, and now, with some Petulancy, pronounce the Doom of poor PENSEROSO. This Cynical Set, retainers toR. Gr****** s, — publisher at the Metropolis, are apt to be ( Objicitur si non OFFA,) iracundior aequo, and ( like a late Sir FRANCIS WRONGHEAD, within our Memory, One of the TWELVE) SLapdash, condemn and. execute.—— Their Sentence is thus recorded : " If this Poem hath any Merit, it is en- tirely local, from the Objects it describes, and therefore we cannot recommend it be- yond the Precincts of St. John's Church- yard in Chester, where it was born, and where it was buried, in the Year of our Lord 1767, aged twenty Years." MONTHLY REVIEW for May, 1767, p. 409. Perhaps to soften, and make sweeter, We'll try this harsh Decree, in Metre. IL PENSEROSO, Objects describ'd, with Merit local, May save this Piece from Exit focale ; Yet We resolve to grant the Bard, No Laud beyond St. John's Church- yard, Wherein his PENSEY born and bred, Was buried also, ( lately dead,) With hallow'd Dirge, on early Bier, Alas ! but in his twentieth Year; ' AN. DOM. ( Numerical not even) Seventeen Hundred, Sixty- seven. Notwithstanding that this hapless Youth has been thrust out of the World, yet we may ob- serve, that a FUNERAL ( ever the Care and At- tention of pious Heathens) is allowed eVen by these most Christian Judgers. Componi tumulo non invideatis, Ac: mi ! The third Judicatory is entituled, The Po LITICAL REGISTER..— This intended Monthly Compilation ( printed for J. Almon, Picca- dilly) which only appeared on the first Inst. promises ( inter alia) " An impartial. Review " of new Books and pamphlet stating with Candour and Precision, the Design and Te dency of each Publication. >' p i ,6' of this Production, is the following mention : IL PENSEROSO: An Evening Contemplation in St. John's Church- Yard, cHESTER 4to. 11. Longman. In this poetical Performance the Author takes Occasion to describe the Places in the Vicinity of Chester; and has shewn him- self well skilled in the historic and ancient j Circumstances of that City, and its Envi- rons. All these are introduced with poeti- cal Propriety, and the Numbers in which they are conveyed, though not the most exquisite, are sufficiently harmonious for the Subject. The Heart of the Bard appears, through the Whole, to be animated with laudable Sensations; and his Tribute of grateful Praise to Dr. WILSON, late Bishop of Sodor and MAN, is such as every good Man will rejoice to see, both respecting the Subject and the Writer. In the 5th Page there is a Circumstance, which all the ANTIQUARIANS of England have' hitherto left unobserved, viz. That the Romans, by immense Labour, brought the River Dee to Chester, from a more dis- tant Channel in which it formerly flowed. How far this Opinion may be supported, we leave to the Author; but as he appears to be a Native of that Country, and well skilled in the Antiquities which it contains, we are apt to think he may be right in his Assertion. The whole Performance bespeaks the Man of Letters, and deserves the Perusal and Applause of such as are not too critical to be pleased with any Thing but their own Productions." We hear that the next Geneial Sessions of the Peace, with the Courts of Portmote and Crownmote, will be held in and for this City in Monday the 20th day of July next coming, - by ten of the cl ick in the forenoon. On friday the 5th inst. and again on the Day following the famous Charles Pleasants was tried at the Old Baily on two several In- dictments for Forgery, and acquitted of both, it being the Opinion of the Court, that his writing Acceptances to his Bills, in the Name of James Fitzherbert, was not in Fact, and Point of Law, a Forgery, as he, at that time, went by the Name of James Fitzherbert. He was remanded back to Newgate, in order to take his Trial at the next Assize at Derby. Yesterday se'nnight the Shropshire militia were disembodied at Shrewsbury. ,. WHITCHURCH RACES. On Wednesday, June 10, 1767, a Purseof 50I. by 4 Year olds, carrying 8st. 7 lb. Fillies to be allowed 3lb. Mr. Lamburne's bay filly Fancy, 3 1 1 Lord Gower's dun colt, Trifle, 4 dr. Lord Grosvenor's bay filly, Julia, I 2 3 John Baily, Esqr's gr. colt, Bumper, dr. Charles Cose, Esqr's chef, colt Slug, 232 On Thursday, June 11th, for 5 Year olds, 6 Year olds, or Aged Horses, & c. 5 Year olds, 9st. 6 Year olds, 9st. 10 lb. Aged, io st. 4 lb. L. Grosvenor's bay h. Count, 5 y. old, 1 1 Mr. Ayers's bay h. Traudatus, 5 y. old 3 2 Mr. Boyard's bay h. Second, j y old, 4 3 Mr. T. Price's bay h Pam. <; yrs. old, t dr. Mr. Freeth's bay h. Knavestock, aged, dr. PRESTON RACES. Monday, June 8, a Sweepstakes for Fifty Guineas each, by 4 year olds, carrying 9 11. William Ingram, Esqr's Filly 1 Lord Archibald Hamilton's Gelding 2 Peregrine Wentworth, Esqr's Filly. 3 Sir Peter Leicester's Filly paid forfeit. Tuesday, June 9, 50I. for 6 years old and aged I101 ft-, & c. 6 y. old to carry 9 ft. and aged, 9 ft. 7 lb, Mr. Stapleton's bay horse, Beaufre- mont, aged t 2 1 Duke of Cleveland's tay h. Miy- bourne, 6 years 21 2 Mr. Walsh's bay h. Speedwell, aged djift. Wednesday, June 10, 50I. Give and Take, 14 H. aged, carrying 9 11. higher or lower weight in proportion, allowing 71b. for every year under seven. Mr. Fenwick's bay mare, Phoenix, 1 i, Tho. Clifton, Esqr's ch. h. Statesman, 2 2 Hon. Arthur Barry's gr. h. Gallant 3 4 Mr. Walsh's bay Speedwell, aged 4 3 Thursday, June 11/ 50I. by 4 years pld horses, & c. carrying SlL 71b. the best of three two- mile heats. Mr. Coates's ch fi. Calliope, by Slouch 4 I 1 Rt. Hon. Ld. Strange's bay fi. py Blank 3 2 2 Pereg. Wentworth, Esqr's bay g.. Ven- ture, 1 3 4 William Ingram, Esqr's. filly t 2 4 3 The great Cock match between Ld. Strange, and Edward Diccouson, Esq; consisted 6/; 5^! battles ;. 16 of which was won by the former, and' 23 by the latter. Yesterday morning died John Dymock Esq; of ASton, neaf Wrexham, a gentleman of a fair charaCter, A letter from Leeds in Yorkshire, informs us, that the Rev. Dr. Priestley, Of Warring- ton, is appointed. Minister of the Dissenting Meeting House at Mill Hill in that town. On saturday . se'nnight the following me- lancholy accident happened in Hulton, near Chowbent, in Lancashire : As a set of marl- ers were at work, three of them incautiously undermining the marle, a large quantity sud- denly fell in, and instantly killed two of them, who were, when taken out, most shocking spec- tacles ; one of them having most of his bones broken, and the other his bowels entirely se- parated from his body ; the third providen- tially escaped unhurt. Lately died at Nantwich in the 80th year of his age, Mr. George Salmon, an eminent Cheesefactor, in which, trade he acquired a handsome fortune. The Paragraph in our last mentioning his Majesty's Ref- pite for Mary Newton till next assizes ( now under sentence if Death) proves to be premature.— It had admittance from a current Report among several Gentlemen of this City, who gave Credit to it. THE following Persons being Fugitives for Debt, I and beyond the Seas, on or before the First Day of January, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty- Five, and having surrendered themselves to the Gaolers or Keepers of the respective Prisons or Gaols hereafter- mentioned, do hereby give Notice, That they intend to take the Benefit of an Act of Parliament, : passed in the Fifth Year of the reign cf His present Majesty King George the Third, intituled, An act for the Relief f Insolvent Debtors, at the next General or Quarter Sessions of' the Peace to be held in and for the County, Riding, Division, City, Town, Liberty, or Place, or any Ad- journment thereof, which shall happen next after Thirty Days from the First Publication ot the undermentioned Names, viz. # FUGITIVE surrerdered to the Constable of the Castle of Chester, or to his Deputy- Goaler or Keeper of the Prison there. SECOND NOTICE. John Taylor, formerly of Reaby, in the Parish of Great Neston, in the County of Chester, late of the Isle of Man, Taylor. Prices of Grain at Chester, Jur e 13. Wheat 8s. 4d.} Grey Pease 4s. 9d 3 Beans 5s. od. Oats, at 14s. od. per Bushel. ASSIZE of BREAD the same as in our last. Arrived at the Port of Chester. Lovely Betty, Jefferson, Dublin, Horses Success, Calder, Dublin, Passengers Success, Gracewood, Liverpool, Groceries Richard and Ann, Pattison, London, Rye Providencey Ward, Liverpool, Timber Bardsea, Clemenson, Ulverstone, Iron- Ore Nonpareil, Brown, Dublin, Irish Linen- Cloth. Cleared out of the port of Chester. Ann, Ball, Dublin, Lead and Leather \ Adulph Frederick, Lundstrum, Bourdeax, Lead Success. Owen, Carnarvon, Coals and Groceries Success, Wilding, Liverpool, Firebricks Success, Calder, Dublin, Coals j Endeavour, Cole, ditto, ditto Unity, Fennin, ditto, ditto Unity, Hughes, Aberdoveyy ditto Torbay, Parry, Pulhelly, ditto Elizabeth, Hughes, Holyhead, ditto Molly, Fleming, Drogheda ditto Catherine, Evans, Carnarvon, Earthenware Nancy, Jones, Newry, Oakbark \ N T E TT. At the town of Ruthin, in Denbighshire, A GoveRNeSS ( who has beenan in public school) capable Of Teaching about Twenty scholars Reading and Needle work. Such a person with a Character applying to the Printer hereof, Will meet with proper Encouragement Elizabeth, Richardson, London, Lead and Cheese ARRIVALS at LIVERPOOL. Nancy, Finlay, Linen Cloth, & e. Newry Two Sisters, M'Creedy, Beef & c. Strangford " Juliana Florentina, Berendt Andre Soon, Wheat, Dantzick Johnson, Adams, Sugar and Cotton, Tortola Molly, Benjamin, Oats, Conway Molly. Williams, ditto, Beaumaris Darling, Rowland, Copper Ore, ditto True Briton, Davis, Lead Ore, Aberustwith Lovely Mark, Morgan, Oats, Cardigan Hopewell, Thomas, Slates, Carnarvon Charming Polly, Rowland, Oats, Exon Edward, Salisbury, Sundries, London Townsend, Porter, Rye, London Industry, Kelly, Wheat and Barley, Yarmouth Hillhouse, Beans, Sundries, Bristol Industry, Jones, Oats, Cardigan Peggy, Pritchard, Wheat, ditto Grace, Gregg, Oats, Biddeford Union, Dalohide, Molasses, Bristol Caesar, Jones, Oats, Beaumaris Hopewell, Jones, Wheat and Oats, Conway Pitt, Norman, Wool, & c. Dublin New Fishery, Metsnagh, Oats, & e. Konigsburgh Pearl, M'Donald, Yarn and Cloth, Londonderry Owners Endeavour, Clark, Flax. Isleman. Chester, June 9, 1767. JOHN AXON, Takes', this Method of acquainting the Public, ThAT he is Removed from the Black Bear in Foregate- street,, to the Hop- Pole, at the New Hop- Yard, in the same Street, where he humbly hopes to meet with the Continuance of his Friends favours and Custom. The House is compleatly fitted up for the Reception of Travellers, with a spacious Yard, and commodious Sta- bling thereto belonging. . All Gentlemen. Ladies, and Others, who shall please to favour him with their Company, may rely on meeting with the best Accommodations, and most respectful Treatment, and having the Obligations at all Times thankfully acknowledged, by Their obedient Humble Servant, JOHN AXON. , N. B. Neat Post Chaises and able Horses, with careful drivers, to any P, art of England, on the shortest Notice. Also a public Warehouse is kept there for Reception of Goods, to be forwarded to any Part of England or Ire- land, and will be taken in at the following Rates, to wit, Hops at One Penny per Pocket, Hogsheads at Threepence a Piece, Tierces or Lesser Casks at One penny each, and other Things in Proportion. Regular entries will be made, and great Care taken to forward To be Sold, AN handsome new- built Messuage or Dwelling House with large Vaults and Ware- houses thereunto belonging, situate- in Watergate street, in the of Chester, . Enquire of Mr. Dyson, WEAVER NAVIGATiON. THE General Annual Meetingof the Trustees for the said Navigation will t , y i » Thursday the 2d Day of July next, at eleVen of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Crown Inn in Northwich. Northwich, June, 1767. . ' LoSt Between Holyhead and Conway, N. Wales. ASmall Tin Canister containing a Plain, Gold watch, Double cased, capt and Jewelled, Maker's name -. Sedgewick, london, and about Twenty Guineas in Gold. Whoever has found the same, and will bring it to the Printer hereof, shall re- ceive Five Guineas reward, for the Watch, and likeWise; a handsome Premium for the Cash. • \ Chester, June, 1767 Now Loading at Cotton's Wharf, London for this Place and the Parts adjacent, THE Brig GOOD INTENT RICHARD BARKER, Master, Burten 8o Tons, a Cheese Ship, and constant Trader. Any per- sons having Goods to ship, are desired to give their Or- ders, as the fixed days for this Ship's being upon the Berth are. 14 Days, ( after the Expiration of that Term she will positively sail. i To be Sold to the best Bidder, At the Dwelling House of Mrs. Buckton, being the Sign of the coach and Horses in the Northgate street, in the City of Chester, on Wednesday the 1st Day of July next, between the Hours of four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, according to Conditions which will be then produced, A Messuage and Tenement, with f\. Eight Statute Acres of Land thereto belonging, or thereabouts,, situate, lying, and being in Bruen Sta- pleford, in the Parish of Tarvin, and County of Chester, now in the possession of Jacob Walker, as Tenant thereof, to Mr. John Walker, at the yearly Rent of 12I. The Premises are held by Lease for Three fresh Lives, under Randle Wilbraham, of Oddrode, Esq; at the yearly reserved Rent of 8 s. 2 A. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Edward Platt, Attorney. in Chester. To be Lett, ALarge commodious Dwelling- House, with convenient Stable and Outbuildings, and a large Town- Garden thereto belonging, situate in Green- street, in the Market Town of Wrexham, now in the Holding of Mr. George Ravenscroft. The Premises may be entered upon immediately, and any Person inclinable to take the same for a Term, may have any reasonable Improvements made. For further Particulars enquire from Mr. George Ra- venscroft, in Wrexham ; or from Mr. Webb, in Ruabon. to be Lett And entered upon the 2d Day of February, and the 1st of May next, AFarm in the Township of Wil- laston ( known by the Name of Allwood) in the Hundred of Worrall and County of Chester, with near 80 Cheshire Acres of Land, with a new Farm House and all new outward Buildings, with the Advantage of Seven Cheshire Acres of a Fallow to be sown with Wheat between and Michaelmas next by the Tenant, and now already plowed twice. For Particulars enquire of Mr. John Bennett, Wine- Merchant, Chester. To be Sold to the best Bidder, On Friday the 24th Day of July next, at the House of Mr. John Jackson, at the Black Horse Inn, in Betley,; between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there produced, ONE Piece of Pasture Land, com- monly known by the Name of the Cook's Rid- ding, containing 14 Statute Acres, and 10 Perches, ly- ing near Betley, in the County of Stafford. N. B. There is Plenty of good Marl in the very Centre of the Field. Mr. John Jackson, of Betley, will shew the Land. To be Sold, At the Dwelling- House ot Thomas Edwards, known by the Sign of the Three Spread Eagles, in the Town of Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, on the 16th Day of June, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, ALL that Messuage or Tenement - in the several Parishes of Ruabon and Bangor, in the County of Denbigh, known by the Name of the Crimble, near Crabtree- Green, within three miles of the Town of Wrexham : It is situated in a pleasant Coun- try near Coal and Lime, and Marl upon the Premises, of the clear yearly Rent of 9 1. the old Rent being 81. for upwards of 50 Years; many grown Trees and Saplins are growing upon the Premises, and the Buildings in good Repair. For further Particulars enquire of Thomas Jones, At. torney, in Wrexham ; and John Owens, at the Toll- Gate, near Wynnstay, will shew the premises. To be peremptorily Sold, Pursuant to a Decree and subsequent Order of the High Court of Chancery, before Peter Holford, Esq; one. of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn, Chancery- Lane, London, on Thursday the 25th Day of June Inst. between the Hours of Five and Seven in the Afternoon, PART of the Estate late of James Naylor, Gent, deceased, in the two following Lots, viz. LOT, No. I. Consisting of 3 Freehold House with two Stables, and also a Seat or Pew in the North Isle , the New . Chapel in Preston, in the County of Lancaster, now let to several Tenants, at the yearly rent of 141. 19s. • LOT, No. II. Consisting of a leasehold House sta- ble, and Garden, in Preston aforesaid, held by lease from Henry Blundell, Esq at the clear yearly reserved rent of 5l. of which lease there are seven Years come next November ; which; f ja House and garden. .. now let to Elizabeth Winckley, as Tenant at Will: 1 the yearly Rent of 18l For farther Particulars enquire at the said M, . chambers To the PRINTER. WE are told in the public papers, that no means can be thought of to render Provisions cheaper, and that as to Gentlemens letting their Estates out in large Farms, which is the principal for free of their present dearness, no hopes of redress can possibly be entertained, and therefore that this great and national evil must be left entirely to the care of Providence. But, Sir, I am afraid that Providence will not take care of those who neglect themselves ; and that, if we will not put our Shoulder's to the Wheels, we must Continue in the Mire. That there are methods of lowering the high price of Provisions, or at least of better enabling the Poor to purchase them as they are, is most certain ; and which may be easily found out by inquiring Into the causes of their present dearness: amongst which we may safely set down the following: high Taxes upon the Ne- cessaries of Life, high Rents, large Farms, the Bounty on Exportation of Corn, Luxury, the enormous Increase of this Metropolis, and the shameful Neglect of putting the Laws in Ex- ecution relative to the supplying our Markets with Provision. These, Sir, are the manifest causes of the present dearness of Provision ; and who will say, it is impossible for the Legislative Power to remove them In a great measure : Certainly, Sir, the high Taxes upon the Ne- cessaries of Life may be changed for others on the Luxuries of it; high Rents may be allow- ed ; large Farms may be divided ; the Bounty on Exportation of Corn may be 110 longer allowed ; Luxury may be curbed by proper Laws; a stop may be put to the monstrous In- crease of this Metropolis, and the Laws relative • to supplying our Markets with Provision, may be easily executed. The Legislative Power may do these things ; but to expect that Pro- vidence will do them, is vain and ridiculous. Your's, & c. COMMON SENSE. Chester, June 2, 1767. PETER LEADBEATER, Takes this Method to inform Merchants, Tradesmen, and Others, THAT he hath now opened his Warehouse in the Blossom's Inn Yard, in this City, for the taking in and delivering out all Sorts of Goods that may come from or go to most Parts of the adjacent Counties, and that may be ordered to his Care. Goods for Warrington, Manchester, Preston, or any Part of Lancashire or Westmoreland, are delivered to James Belases, the Warrington Carrier, removed from the late Bee- Hive to the Blossom's Inn. Goods for Middlewich, Sandbach, Congleton, Macclesfield, and all Parts of Cheshire and Derbyshire, or that Road, are delivered to Charles Sherratt, the Middlewich Carrier, removed from the Green Dragon to the said Blossom's Inn. Goods that go to any Part of Shropshire or Worcester- shire, by the Way of Wroxham, Overton, Ellesmere, tec. to Daniel Williams, who delivers the Goods that go beyond Salop, to Joseph Crump, in Salop. Goods that go to any Part of Shropshire or Worcestershre, by Way of Whitchurch, & c. to Alice Gellion, who delivers the Goods that go beyond Salop to Mrs. Davies, in Salop. Goods that go to Liverpool, Ormskirk, or Prescot, to Richard Gamon, who delivers the same by Ince- Boat to Liverpool. All Sorts of Goods for any Parts of North Wales, are delivered duly to the respective Carriers as they come to Chester. Constant Attendance is given at the said Warehouse for receiving in and delivering out all such Goods as come by the above Carriers ; and all Favours conferred, shall be gratefully acknowledged by their obliged Friend, PeTER LeADBeATer. To be Sold to the best Bidder, On Wednesday the 1st Day of July next, at tbe Dwel- ling- House of Mr. Lowe, known by the Sign of the Red Lyon in Malpas, in the County of Chester, be tween the Hours of Two and Five of the Clock in the Afternoon of the fame Day, subject to such Con- ditions as shall then be produced, THREE convenient Freehold Mes- suages or Dwelling- Houses, with handsome Shops to two of them, situate in the Church- street in Malpas aforesaid, in the several Holdings of Mrs. Sarah Faulk- ner, John Jackson, and William Saunders, of the yearly Valueof 15I. and upwards. The Houses are very well situated for Business, and in good Repair. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Gregory, Attor- ney, in Whitchurch, Shropshire; and James Faulkner, of Malpas, will shew the Premises. To be Sold, AFine young Alderney Bull, which came in the Cow's Belly from the Island., Enquire of Mr. Richard Higginson, in Whitchurch. PUBLIC OFFICE, Bow- street, May 22, 1767. To Cabinet- Makers, Joiners, Upholsterers,& c. A MURDERER. WhEREAS JOHN LINNEY, late from Chester, Cabinet- maker, stands charged on the Coroner's Inquest for the wilful Murder of one Thomas Bateman, at Chester aforesaid, the latter End of April last. Whoever will immediately apprehend him, or give such Notice to Sir John Fielding, as may be the Means of his being apprehended, shall receive Twenty Guineas Reward, to be paid by the Corporation of Chester, N. B. The said Linney, though he may perhaps change his Name, is about Twenty- six Years old, Five Feet Eleven Inches high, sandy Complexion, long vi- saged, speaks quick, inclined to stutter, one Thigh broke, and shorter than the other, not visible but by Examination ; was dressed in a light- coloured Cut- Coat, with Brass Buttons; is supposed to be come to London to work as a Cabinet- maker. To be Sold by Auction, On Thursday the 25th Day of June, 1767, at the House 1 of Mrs. Wallwyn, known by the Sign of the New Roe- Buck, in Newcastle under- Lyme, in the County of Stafford, between the Hours of Two and Seven in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, ONE Undivided Fourth Share of several Messuages and Farms, situate at Golden- Hill near Burslem, in the County of Stafford; viz. Two Messuages and Farms, called the Wig, and late Brook, in the Holding of Matthew Cotton, at the yearly Rent of 441. One Messuage or Farm, called the Broadfield, in th « Holding of Josias Stephenson, at the yearly Rent of 30I. And one Dwelling House, and Pott Work, in the Holding of John Capper, at the yearly Rent of 61. Under the said Lands are Six different Mines of Coal, and Cannel, some of which are Ten Feet thick ; and the valuable Mine of Clay, used by the Potters, for making Saggors. One Mine of Iron Stone, and one Vein of Lime Stone. N. B. The above Premises are situated within about 300 Yards of the Canal, now making between the Ri. vers Mersey and Trent, and on the Turnpike Road, lead, ing from Lawton to Burslem, Uttoxeter, and Derby, & c and Five Miles from Newcastle, and capable of Improve- ments The Tenants are all at Will. N. B. The remaining Three Fourth Shares of the above Premises will probably be Sold. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Hugh Henshall, at New- Chapell, near Burslem, or the the Tenants on Premises. To the Printer of the Chester Courant IBelieve there is no one that is afflicted with any Dis- order but would be glad to be freed from it; there- fore I shall take it as a great Favour of you to acquaint your numerous Readers, That I RICHARD MOLI- NEUX, of WREXHAM, do safely, easily, and spee- dily cure the most severe Scurvy, Inveterate Itch, Scald Heads, and Films in young Children, by smelling only, without Bleeding, Physicking, Anointing the Body, or changing either Bed- Cloaths or Wearing Ap- parel, through the Application of a Medicine I had re- vealed to me some Years past, by a very eminent Sur- geon of the Army, whereby several Hundreds have been cured in and about this Town, within the Space of these last Twelve Months, as appears by the Certificates 1 have to produce; but as a great Number would encumber your Paper, I shall only trouble you with the few fol- lowing, which are sufficient to satisfy the World of the Efficacy of this Medicine. CERTIFICATES of CURES performed by this MEDICINE. We who subscribe our Names hereunto, do certify, that RICHARD MOLINEUX, of the Town of Wrex- ham, cured upwards Fifty Persons the last Year in our House of Industry, of the Itch, Scurvy, and Scald Heads, by the Application of his Medicine that he publishes for the Benefit of the Public. As Witness our Hands, HUMPHREYS, } CWh GEORGE HUXLEY, 7 „ .. JOHN JONES, Overseers. I JOHN JONES, Tanner, of Wrexham, have a Son that was many Years afflicted with a severe Scurvy from Head to Foot, so bad that the Doctors advised to salivate him, but my Neighbours advised me to use Molineux's Medicine for the Scurvy, See. which we did, and in three Weeks Time he was as clear as a new born Child. As witness my Hand this zd Day of July, 1766. JOHN JONES. I WILLIAM DAVIES, of Gwersyllt, Miller, had a Breaking out all over my Body, so bad, that after wear- ing a Shirt three or four Days it would stand upright, but on making Use of Molineux's Medicine for the Scurvy, & c. only a Fortnight, I became as clear, as a new born Child, find so I remain. As witness my Hand this 10th Day of March 1767, WILLIAM DAVIES, his f Mark. I RICHARD DULSON, of Dudlison, have suffer'd many Years by a Pitch Plaister, and other Means Used for a Scald Head, but to no Effect, till I apply'd to Moli- neux's Medicine for the Scurvy, tec. which has wrought a perfect Cure on me. As witnefs my Hand this 8th Day of March, RICHARD DULSON, his Mark. We do certify, that we have a Boy in the Parish of Overton, in tbe County of Flint, that was perfectly cured of a Scald Head the last Year, by Molineux's Medicine for the Scurvy, & c. after all other Means had been Used with him that could be thought of. As witness our Hands this 10th Day of January 1767, JOHN PHILLIPS, Yeoman. WILLIAM WARD, Clerk. I BENJAMIN THOMAS, of the same Parish, Miller, have a Son that was many Years afflicted with a Scald Head, and on hearing the above Cure being done by Molineux's Medicine, I apply'd the same to him, which has wrought a surprising Cure on him. As witness my Hand this 10th Day of January 1767, BENJAMIN THOMAS. N. B. I prepare the above Medicine in Tin- Boxes, with printed Directions to each Box, the Price of the Box mark'd on th? Lid, a Shilling one being more than sufficient to cure one Person, & c. but if it is in any Fa- mily, Workhouse, or the Poor of any Parish, 1 am willing to contract with them for a Cure, and to take a reasonable yearly Salary to keep them free from all the above disorders. t Will also give good Allowance to Merchants, Cap- tains of Ships, and well- disposed People that buy for Charitable Uses, Schoolmasters, Masters of Work- houses, and those who take a Quantity to Retail; and the latter I shall advertise ( to prevent Counterfeits) as soon as I have settled my Correspondence, and shall treat with any of the above on the Receipt of a Letter, Post paid, directed to me in Wrexham, or at Mr. Evans's, the Sign of the Cross Keys, in Northgate street, Chester, where I propose being every Saturday for the easier Dis- patch of Business ; and will wait on any genteel Family on the Receipt of a Note : In the mean Time the above Medicine may be had at my House in Wrexham ; at Mr. Peter Beck's, Grocer, in Salop ; at Mr. Teggens's, Shopkeeper, in Overton ; at Mr. Richard Parry's, Gro- cer, and at Mr. Richard Griffiths's, in Llangollen ; at Mr. Robert Evans's, Grocer, in Corwen ; at Mr. Tho- mas Sharp's, Grocer, in Hawarden ; at Mrs. Jenkins's, Grocer, in Pentre- Halkin; and at Mr. John Owens's, Grocer, in Mold. And that all distant Towns and Villages may be re- lieved by the above valuable Medicine, I have at present appointed the following Persons, and shall continue to appoint others as my Correspondence extends, to serve any one, either Wholesale or Retail on the fame Terms as myself, viz. Mr. Thomas Whithurst, Mercer and Draper, in Chirk Parish, Denbighshire; Mr. Meredith Hughes, Grocer, in Bala, Merionethshire; Mr. Robert Lewis, Breeches- maker, in Ruthin, Denbighshire; Mr. Thomas Hughes, Grocer and Tea- man, in Holywell, Flintshire ; and of Mr. Matthew Hinton, Oilman- and Druggist, in Chester. The faid Medicine may be had of the News- Carriers. — Enquire for Molineux's Medicine for tbe Scurvy, & c. INOCULATION. ROBERT SUTTON, of Cheying- ton, near Bury, in Suffolk, eminent for his great Skill and Success in the Practice of Inoculating the Small- Pox, and WILLIAM BEVIL, late of Needham- Market, in the said County of Suffolk, Surgeons, hav- ing entered into Articles of Copartnership relative to that Branch of their Profession, beg Leave to acquaint the Public, that they have fitted up in the genteelest Man- ner, a commodious House for the Purpose of Inocula- tion, at Rushholme, pleasantly situated within two Miles of Manchester. Mr. SUTTON assures the Public, that he hath fully instructed Mr. BEVIL in every Particular df his most singular Method of preparing the Patients, by which Means he is rendered every Way capable of carrying them thro' the Disorder, with the greatest Ease and Safety. Mr. SUTTON will attend occasionally. The general Terms are Five Guineas and Three. The Money to be paid upon the Day of Inoculation. Every Necessary is found, Tea, Sugar, and Wine excepted. Gentlemen, Ladies, and Others, may be assured that there will be the same Care and Attendance as if they were at their own Houses. Private Families ( by Desire) will be attended within four Miles of Rushholme, at their own Houses, for One Pound Seven Shillings each Patient; and any Families at a greater Distance in Proportion. Gentlemen and Ladies may have a Friend or Servant with them by paying Half a Guinea a Week. The Preparatory Medicines are to be had by applying, by Letter or otherwise, to the said WILLIAM BEVIL, at Rushholme. Mr. BEVIL intends practising in each Branch ef the Profession, except Midwifery. Rushholme, June 9, 1767. To be Sold immediately, A Large Quantity of TIMBER; J~\ the greatest Part thereof being Oak, the rest Ash and Elm, now growing in and near the Town of Con- way, in Carnarvonshire. It will be sold either together or in Lots, by private Contract now, or by Auction no- ticed in a future Paper by the Proprietor, at Mr. How- ard's, in Conway, from whom any Person inclined to purchase may have particular Information. To be Sold, At the Dwelling- Houfe of Evan Owen, Inn- keeper, known by the Name of Ty isa in Festiniog, in the County of Merioneth, on Friday the 3d Day of July next, TWO several Messuages, Tene- ments, and Lands, with the Appurtenances, situate and lying in the Parish of Trawsfynydd, in the said County of Merioneth, called by the several Names of Gwndwn and Cae'r Go, of the clear yearly Value of 20I. or thereabouts. the Estate is tolerably well wooded^ and very improveable, having been for Time out of Mind, till about twelve Years since, in the Holding of the present Owner's Ancestors, and since in the Occupation of some of his nearest Relations, under a very easy Rent. Particulars may be had from Mr. Garnons, of Rhiw- goch, in Trawsfynydd aforesaid ; or Mr. Edward Jones, of Llangynhalal, in Denbighshire. Mr. Garnons will shew the Premises. To be Sold by Way of Auction, At the House of Edward Walton, known by the Sign of the Cock in Stretford, On Friday the 19th Day of this Inst. June, between the Hours of Two and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, ONE Broad- wheel Waggon, with Eight able Horses belonging to the same, all in good Condition ; and one Narrow- wheel Waggon with- out Horses, all belonging to Henry Holbrook, Waggoner, of Stretford aforesaid, together with the well- accustomed Road from and to Manchester and Shrewsbury. * For further Particulars enquire of Phebe Holbrook, of Stretford aforesaid.— And all Persons who have any Claim or Demand upon the said Henry Holbrook, are de- sired forthwith to send an Account of their respective Debts to the said Phebe Holbrook : And all Persons who are indebted to the said Henry Holbrook, are required forthwith to pay such Debts to the said Phebe Holbrook without further Notice. BEAU ME DE VIE. By his Majesty's Royal LETTERS PATENT, granted to the Patentees for the sole Making and Vending the same in Great Britain, Ireland, and, . the Colonies. THE Virtues of this Medicine are manifest in all Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels ; Gout, Gravel, Scurvy, Rheumatism, Agues and all Intermittents. In Female Complaints it has ne- ver failed to relieve, and it is the greatest Restorative for impaired and shattered Constitutions. Its high antiseptic Virtues renders it specifically valuable as a Preservative against all infections Distempers ; and as it is the most powerful Antifcorbutic, no Medicine extant deserves so much to be regarded for the Service of his Majesty's Na- vy. For a more ample Account of its Uses the Public is referred to a Pamphlet of Cases, to be had of the Vend- ers as below. • This most excellent Medicine, ( as well as the Marc or Sediment of the Beaume, for external Use in Cuts, Bruises, Wounds, Burns, Scalds, & c.) is sold in Bottles at 3 s. cach, by W. Nicoll, Paul's Church- Yard ; T. Becket, Strand; T. Durham, Charing- Cross; Richard- son and Co. Royal Exchange ; R. Davis, Piccadilly; W. Flexney, Holborn ; and in most Towns in England, Scot- land, Ireland, and the Colonies. Good Allowance to Country Dealers, Captains of Ships, and those disposed to give it away for charitable Uses. •• J.* As the Publick may perhaps wish to be satisfied that the Proprietors are possessed of the Original Recipe, any Person desirous of such Satisfaction may see, at Mr. Nicoll's, Bookfeller, No. 51, in St. Paul's Church- yard, London, the Attestation of its Originality by the Magi- stracy of Paris, with a Ratification of the same by his Britannic Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of France. It is also appointed to be sold by Mr. Monk, and Mr. Lawton, in Chester ; Mr. Borranskill, Lancaster ; Mr. Banks, Warrington ; Mr. Byerley, Newcastle, Stafford- shire ; Mr. Etherington, York; Mr. Eddowes, Salop ; Mr. Poole, Northwich; Mr. Taylor, Stafford ; Mr. Worral, Macclesfield ; Mr, Harrop, Manchester ; Mr. Nelson, Preston; Mr, Gore, Liverpool; Mr, Pearce, Ludlow ; Mr. Gregory, Leicester ; Messrs. Pearson and Aris, Birmingham ; Mr. Eddowes, Salop; and by a Dealer in most of the principal Towns in Great Britain. To be Sold, THE Manor or Lordship of Pant Glass, in the County of Carnarvon, and the se- veral Farms thereunto belonging, of about the yearly Value of 500I. old Rents. Pant- Glass Estate contains upwards of 4000 Acres, is situate upon the River Conway, 8 Miles from Llanrwst, 12 from Denbigh, and 5 from Bala, in a fine sporting Country, is capable of great Improvement, having Lime- stone upon it, and the River Conway is navigable to Llanrwst. Inquire of Mr. Wallis, Norfolk street, Strand, Lon- don ; Mr. Williams, Attorney at Law, at Llanidan, An- glesea ; and Mr. William Owen, at conway. N, B. Timber to be taken at a Valuation. By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. PIKE's Grand Antidote, WHICH cures the ITCH, and all Scorbutic Humours In Tin Boxes, is. 6d. Retail. It's a sovereign, efficacious, and safe Remedy ( never known to fail) for all EruptionS I and cutaneous Dissorders, of ever so long standing,* without Confinement, Daubing, or the least often five Smell.— It entirely exterminates, Root and Branch, all the redundant and peccant Humours by insensible Per- spiration j and is the most infallible Remedy ever yet offered to the Public. The Virtues are many ; the Ap- plication ( on the Hand only) is easy, gentle and uncom- mon, as particularised in the Direction therewith. Note, The great Similitude between the ITCH and the SCURVY, occasions our mentioning Dr. RAD- CLIFFE's ELIXIR, a the best Remedy for the SCUR- VY, if taken Spring and Fall. Out of the many Certificates of Cures that are daily sent us, for want of Room, we can only insert the following. This is to certify whom it may concern, That, about four Years ago, our Son Thomas, a Youth, afflicted with a violent Scorbutic Disorder, had a Scurf all over his Body, and spotted like one in the Measles, which rcduced him very weak, and affected his Speech When he was in this Condition we applied to several Surgeons;-- & c. in this Town, and got him recommended to the In- firmary as an Out- Patient; and finding he got little or no Relief from the Medicines he had from thence, or elsewhere, we were advised to try a Medicine, called Dr. Radcliffe's Famous Purging Elixir ; and that, after tak- ing the first Dose, he threw off his Stomach a great Quantity of red, tough, frothish Matter, which he con- tinued to do after every Dose, during the first Bottle ; he had a second Bottle, which purged and created him an Appetite. He continued 10 take a few Bottles more of the said Elixir, which with one Bottle of Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops ( taken alternately) through the Blessing of the Almighty, soon restored him to a perfect State of Health, and he has ha. d no Return of the Disorder since; which we voluntarily publish for the Benefit of others under the like Affliction. As witness our Ha ds Daniel Crisp, Smith and Farrier, at West- Gate, Newcaste- on- Tyne. Witness T. Slack, and Stephen Mandley. Also a Gentlwoman and her Daughter in Leicester, who had for a Long Time lain under the Misfortune of a dreadful Scorbutic Humour, and could find no Relief, though it cost her many Pounds to Doctors, were at last perfectly cured by this Elixir only. N. B. We advise and desire all such Persons, whose Dis- tempers have been of a long Continuance, not to meddle with this Medicine unless they are rejoined to go through with it; and then they need not fear as happy a Cure as a Gentleman of Bristol, who writes Word that be had been long afficted with an inveterate Scurvy, which had brought him into a Consumption, so that he was looked upon as incurable. he de- clares that by taking two Bottles of Dr. Radcliffe's Elixir, and two of Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, he was capa- citated to walk to a Friend's House eleven Miles from the PLace of his Residence, and that in five Hours, though for Months before he had not been able to stand, his Pains had all left him, his Ulcers were dried up, and he remained as well at ever be was in his Life. DICEY and Company appoint the above, and their other genuine Medicines, to be sold by T. Griffith, Grocer and Ironmonger, in Bridge- street, Jos. Wight, Grocer, in Foregate street, and W. Somner, Grocer and Ironmonger, facing the Corn- Market, in Chester j ( but not at any Druggist's, nor at Mr. Bingley's by the Eastgate, Chester ••) Also by H. Worrall, and j. Rathbon, in Macclesfield ; J. Leech, in Knutsford ; P. Swindell, Grocer, in Sockport; J. Arrowsmith in Middlewich, ( but not at S. Worthington's, in Laughton.) R. Taylor, in Nantwich ; T. Grant, Upholsterer and J. Eaton, in Drayton ; S. Hotchkiss. . in Oswestry; B. Woodcock, in Audlem ; W. Williams, and S. Pryse, Booksellers, and T. Phillips, Grocer, by the Cross, in Salop; J. Smith,, in Newcastle ; T. Syddall, and R. . Hall, Grocers, and Harrop, Printer, in Manchester; J. Jones, Bookseller, in Whitchurch ; T. Dean, Tallow- Chandler, in Newport; Richard March, Bookseller and E. Gould Confectioner, in Wrexham ; Edward Edwards, Grocer, & c. in Ruthin ; Rober Perrot, Mercer,-& c. in Ellesmere ; M. Saxon, and W. Hayward, in Northwich ; J. Shaw, in Frodsham; M. Dagnal, in Proscot ; R. Hig- ginson, in Warrington; W. Finch, in Wigan ; T. Horse- man, in Standish ; J. Darwell, in Leigh ; O. Leicester, in Altringham; S. Griffith, in Wem ; W. Sutton, Gro- cer, ( and n0 other Person) in Congleton; R. William- son, Bookseller, in Liverpool; R. Ingleby, in Mold ; A. Thomas, in Holywell; L. Stone, in Malpas; and by at east one reputable Trader in Cities and chief Towns in Great Britain and Ireland ; in America, and most Parts of Europe. Where may be had, under Sanction of the KING'S Royal Patents, Di. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, for Rheumatisms, Pains in the Breast, & c. Is. Dr. Anderson's True Scots Pills, is. Dr. Radcliffe's Famous Purging Elixir, being the best Purifier of the Blood after the Small- pox, & c. it cures the Dropsy, Scurvy, and all old Sores or Breakings- out whatsoever, is. Dr. Fraunces's Female Strength ening Elixir, is. 6d. Dr. Chase's Restorative Balsamic Pills for the Cure of Astmatic Coughs, to prevent Mis- carriages, & c, 2s. Betton's Refined Oil, to take in- wardly for Consumptions, is. 6d. Betton's true and ge- nuine British Oil, for Bruises, & c. is. Fryar's Balsam improved, is. Bateman's Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass, is. Baker's Balsam, which prevents Putrefaction in the Gums, is. 6d. Schwanberg's Uni- versal Fever Powder, 2s. The true genuine Daffy's Elixir, Half Pint Bottles, is. 3d. in the Direction Sheet with each Bottle are the Cures of William El- worthy, John Mogford, and John Westcott; also the Recantation of William Hardiman ( Successors to Staples) as hath been advertised in all News Papers. Bostock's, Squire's, and Stoughton's Elixirs. Turlington's Bal- sam, is. 9d. and 3s. 6d. True Eau de Luce, is. 6d. and 3s. Bottles. Genuine Hungary Water, in Bottles 6d. each. Court Plaister at 6d. and is. The Original Godfrey's Cordial, 6d. & c. & c. Observe that the Name DICEY and OKELL be in all Direction Bills with their genuine Medicines, ti prevent Im- positions from such as Jackson and Others, who was found guilty of counterfeiting our Dr. Bateman's Drops. J it CHESTER Printed by ELIZ. ADAMS, in NEWGATE- STREET; where ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in, and PRINTING in General is neatly and expeditiously perform'd at reasonable Rates; likewise by R. TAYLOR, in Namptwich and Drayton, and J. EDDOWES, in Salop, JOHN DAVIES, CHA. HUMPHREYS,
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