Adams's Weekly Courant
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Issue Number: 1593
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Adams's Weekly Courant
Date of Article: 26/05/1767
Printer / Publisher: Eliz. Adams
Address: Newgate-street, Chester
Volume Number: XL
Issue Number: 1593
No Pages: 4
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; v. S Adams's Weekly Courant No. 1593 i - w •-.•... -+- T,. [ XI. ] TUESDAY, May 26, 1767. [ Price Two- Pence. ] THURSDAY NlGHT's POST. From the LONDON GAZETTE, May 19. Turin, May 6. - LORD St. John died at Nice the 27th of last Month. The last Letters from thence mention, that a Fri- gate and two Chebeques had sail- ed from Toulon for the Levant, in Quest of a Tripolitan Cruizer, who had plundered a French Ship, and murdered the Master and most of the Crew. It is reported, that the Duke of Parma has lately published an Edict, which obliges all the Monks, Friars, and Convents in this State, to give an
immediate Account of their Revenues, and Employment that has been, and is, made thereof, before a Delegate ap- that Purpose. Berlin, May 9. On 7th Instant, about Three o'Clock in the Morning the Princess Royal of Prussia was safely brought to Bed of a Princess at Potzdam ; and by the Accounts since received, her Royal Highness and the young Princess continue to be as well as can be expected. This happy Event was notified here the same Day, at Seven in the Morning, by the Firing of Cannon, and other Demonstrations of Joy, as usual. ( Gaz. Yesterday arrived the Mails from France and Holland. Batavia, in the East
Indies, Oct. 12. The t8th of May, 1766, the Lindenhoff, a ship belonging to the Dutch East India Company, was set on fire by lightening, and entirely Consumed. The Captain and 87 others saved themselves upon pieces of the wreck; but the rest, of the crew, to the number of 40 men, perished in the flames or were drowned. She had sailed from hence the 15th of the same month, on her return to Holland. Another ship belonging to the Company was wrecked in going to Banda. This ship carried provisions for Fort Balgique, and for the inhabitants of the island, who are in great distress for want of provisions, occasioned partly by
the great havock made by the Volcano Gounangapy. Stockholm, April 17. A Peasant died last Month at Bredsta, in Ostrogothia, at the Age of 112 Years; and another at Sevalla in Westmania, who wanted but a few Months of 116. Copenhagen, April 17. A poor Woman of Hioring, who was brought to bed of three Children in the Month of August 1764, was again delivered on the 27th of March last: of three more; four of which Children are now alive. A Woman died the 20th of last Month at Malda in Norway, aged 112 Years. Leghorn, April 24. The Corsicans have rein- forced their troops at Capraia with 150 men ; and the
Genoese, not having, been able to give assistance to the Commander of the fortress, the Corsican Officer was offered a capitula- tion, who immediately sent an express to Ge- neral Paoli, for orders how to proceed. Paris, May 8. Letters from Rome, of the 15th past say, that an extraordinary Courier, who had been dispatched by the Nuncio at Madrid, having brought advice that the Je- suits had been proscribed the dominions of his Catholic Majesty, the news had much sur- prised the public ; that at first the Pope hesi- t.. whether it was proper to receive them into his territory, at a time when so consider- able an increase of
inhabitants would occasion fresh inconveniencies, on account of the pre- sent want of provisions, but that at last, after much reflection, he had given orders to receive the banished Fathers, and lodge them where there was room. [ Other accounts say, only such of the Order as the natives of Italy are to be admitted.] IRELAND. _ Ballybane, May 9. Last Thursday six or eight acres of the great Bog above the Lough of Loughcornute in the county of Galway ( part of the estate of Mr. Nettervil) fell sud- denly into the Lough, and made so prodigi- ous a noise, that it extremely terrified the in- habitants, for many miles round. The water
of the Lough has overflowed the grounds all about j the passage from the Lough thro' Mr. Nettervil's ground, is quite shut up, and the course of the water totally changed. COUNTRY NEWS. Norwich, May 16. At the sessions held for this city on Wednesday last, several persons were tried for being concerned in the late riots, when the major part of them were found guilty, but the rest acquitted. Newcastle, May 16. Last week, whilst three men were fishing in Linstock, near Carlisle. they were surprised with hearing a noise as of a number of carts rumbling at a distance, or that of cannon far off, and on looking up the river, saw the
water flowing up in a sort of stream to a great height, which terrified them, especially as they found the earth tremble and shake under them at the time; several stones were also thrown up out of the bed of the ri- ver.— This phenomenon is well attested, and, by the literati, is thought to have been a wa- ter- spout, or a quantity of subterraneous va- pour which had found vent through the bottom of the river, and occasioned a slight earthquake. On Monday last was married at Stockton, Mr. John Smith, an eminent dealer at that place, and a freeman of the city of Durham, to Mrs. Jane Smith, of that place, widow. It is very
remarkable, that this is her third hus- band, and that all the three had but two legs; her present husband lost one of his at the last general election for the city of Durham, in defending ( perhaps too zealously) the cause of freedom and liberty. LONDON, May 19. • We hear that a public spirited Gentleman intends to make the following proposal to those in power : " That proper persons shall be sent into all parts of England and Wales, at a reasonable time of the year, in order to transmit to the Lords of his Majesty's most Hon. Privy Council, the number of acres of land in each district that are respectively sown with grain,
distinguishing what sort of grain each acre is sown with, and the state and con- dition the corn then appears to be in ; as also the number of acres set apart for pasturage, and some account of wastes, together with the state and condition of the cattle in ge- neral." We hear that some very vigorous Resolu- tions have lately passed with Respect to Ame- rica. It is said that Paschal Paoli, General of the Corsicans, has experienced Emissaries in most of the Courts of Europe, from whom he has received the most favourable Accounts, with respect to those Powers interesting themselves in the common Cause of Liberty. Confiderable
Wagers are laid, that General Paoli frees the brave Corsicans from the ty- rannical Yoke of the Genoese before the Con- clusion of this Summer. They write from Leghorn, that should the Corsicans make themselves masters of the island Capraia, they would be enabled to com- pel the Republic of Genoa to acknowledge their independency on their own terms. They advise from Williamsburgh, in Vir- ginia; that a negro belonging to Col. Can- non's estate, on Appamatree river, had dis- covered an infallible cure for the bite of the horned snake, heretofore attended with almost instant death to man or beast. A linen manufactory is
preparing to be established at Leeds in Yorkshire, by some of the principal Traders of that town. The price of wheat is fallen at Whitehaven three shillings per quarter ; great quantities having been lately imported from Holland and Flanders. We hear from Edinburgh, that wheaten bread is at present more plentiful in Scotland than for many years, on account of great quantities of foreign corn having been lately imported at all the principal sea- ports in that kingdom. This morning as the Workmen were dig- ging in the Road now repairing on Clerken- well Green, where formerly stood the famous Monastery of St. John of Jerusalem,
they found an Earthen Pot full of ancient Coins, Silver and Copper, supposed to have lain there ever since the Reign of King John, now up- wards of 550 Years. A tradesman in the city is making a dia- mond stomacher for a lady of quality, against: his Majesty's birth- day, valued at 25,000 guineas. Extract of a Letter from Paris, May 10. " The secret Packet sent by the Count d'Aranda to the different Governors, See. in Spain, was inclosed in a Letter, directing them not to open the Packet till the Evening of the 2d, and commanding them not to take the least Notice of their having received it. They were ordered by the secret
Packet, which informed them of the Fate of the Jesuits, to put his Majesty's Commands into Execution the next Morning by Break of Day, and not to suffer any Person employed therein to quit them until the Business was completed. It is no longer a Secret that the King has been in- formed by his Catholic Majesty of the Reasons for taking those Steps against the Jesuits.' The Marquis D'Ossun, our Minister at the Court of Spain, has written a Letter, which has been read before the King's Council, and con- firms the Report of his Majesty having escaped Assassination, by retiring from Madrid on Account of some Disturbances
three Days be- fore this Project of the Jesuits was to have taken Place." ExtraCt of a letter from a village near Blandford, in Dorsetshire. \ " A few days since a poor woman was murdered in a wood, in a most shocking man- ner, near Winbourne, by a person supposed to be disordered in his senses, as he appeared stark naked ; after he had perpetrated the hor- rid crime he went into the house of J. Banks, Esq; ( whose servants were all in the interim, except the housekeeper, gone to view the dead body) bolted the door after him, and told he houfekeeper, that if she unbolted it, or molested him, he would certainly murder her :
she then withdrew, went to her master, and acquaintcd him with it; but some of the ser- its luckily coming in, ( one of whom he immediately struck at with a hammer, which he had undoubtedly procured for some bad purpose, but providentially missed his blow) he was immediately secured and confessed the fact. The poor woman has left behind her six small children." NEWMARKET RACES. Second Spring Meeting. Monday last, a sweepstakes, 9st. 100 guin. each, B. C. was won by Mr. Shaftos's dun c. Ariel, beating Lord Eglington's colt, Paoli and Lord Bolingbroke's Fire. Mr. Tuting's Conundrum beat Mr. Hay don's Mask, 8st
2lb. 40 guineas, B. C. Tuesday, A sweepstakes, 81.7 b. 200 guin. B, C. was won by Lord Bolingbroke's colt by Compton's Barb, beating the D. of Bridge- water's colt by Newcombe's Arabian. Duke of Northumberland's filly by Perseus paid for feit. A sweepstakes, colts 8st. 7lb. fillies 8st. 4lb. 100 guineas each, D. C. was won by Mr. Ver non's colt by Shepherd's Crab, beating Lord Bolingbroke's grey colt, Tartuffe, Lord Farn ham's filly Amazon, Mr. Wentworth's filly Jewel, Lord Grofvenor's colt by Snap, Duke of Bridgewater's filly by Skim, Mr. Conolly's colt by Entrance, and D. of Kingston's c. by Bajazet. Lord Farnham's c. Cornet
beat Ld Orford' filly Jist, 8st. 100 guin. B. C. The Jockcy Club Plate for four- year- olds, 8st. R. C. one heat, was won by Lord Gros- venor's gr. colt Pacolet, beating the Duke of Kingston's bay colt Lash, Sir Charles Sedley's gr. colt Presto, Mr. Wentworth's bay colt Au- letus, Sir Charles Bunbury's bay colt Midas, Duke of Northumberland's br. colt Constan- tine, Mr. Shafto's bay colt Scamperantiphos, Mr. Ward's bay colt Fair Play. Mr. Mey- nell's grey colt by Cygnet, Mr. Burlton's gr. filly Floria, and Lord Gower's ches, filly by Sweepstakes. Wednesday, Mr. Burlton's colt by Omar beat Lord Ossory's colt by Matchless, 8st. 71b. 200
guin. B. C. The Macaroni stakes, 44 subscribers, five guineas each, for horses, Sec. that never won plate or match, 12ft. D. C. rode by Gentle- men, was won by Mr. Dunda's bay h. by Cripple, beating Lord Grosvenor's bay geld. Marplot, Mr. Burlton's geld. Brasier, and Mr. St. John's bay geld. Romulus. Ascot subscription, 25 guineas each, four year olds, 7st. five year olds 8st. 61b. six year olds 9st, 41b. and aged io8> B. C. was won by Mr. Shafto's bay colt Petruchio, beating Mr. Vernon's gr. m. Hermione, and Ld Gower's bay colt. Thursday, A sweepftakes, 8st. 7lb. 100 guin. each, B. C. Lord Grosvenor's bay colt by Regulus
Lord Bolingbroke's colt Darling by Snap Mr. Vernon's colt by Posthumus ^ Mr. Shafto's colt by Brilliant 4 Lord Farnham's dun colt by Slouch c Duke of Ancaster's colt Jasper, by Spectator paid. Duke of Northumberland's bay colt Emin by his Golden Arabian, paid. This race was so near between Bolingbroke and Grosvenor, the Judges could not tell who won, so that all betts are void. A sweepstakes, 100 guineas each, B. C. was won by Lord Effingham's Lesang, beating Mr. Blake's Acteon, and Major Brereton's, cropt gelding. The Jockey Club plate, for any horse, & c. the property of Members of the Jockey Club, 9H. B. C. was
won by Lord Ossory's Otho, beating the Duke of Bridgewater's Tartar, M . Meynell's Cheshire Dick, Duke of Nor- thumberland's Narcissus, and Lord Boling- broke's Turf. Friday, Sir John Moore's chesnut colt Cor- morant, by South, beat Mr. Panton's br. colt Plume, by Feather, 8st. 7lb. 500 guin. play or pay, B. C. Mr. Shafto's bay h. Specimen, by Snap, paid forfeit to the Duke of Kingston's ches. h. Antinous, by Blank, 8st. iolb.- loco guin. half forfeit,. B. C. One hundied and forty guineas for 5 year; old 8st. and 6 years old 8ll. i2lb. B. C. A non- subscriber to pay 100 guineas entrance, was won by, Mr. Shafto's bay h. Petruchio, by
Snap, 5 years old. j D. Ancaster's br. h. Patteraro, by Snap, dit. 2 ir Charles Bunbury's bay h. Ganymede by Feather, ditto. , Lord Rockingham's br. mare, Shadow, by Snap, ditto ^ Mr. Vernon's bay h. Snipe, by Snap, ditto dr D. Northumberland's bay h. Volpone, by Young Cade, ditto dr. Fifty Pounds free for any horse, See. 5 yrs. old 8ft. 71b. 6 years old 9ft. 51b. D. C. was won by, Mr. Vernon's br. h. Dux, by Match'em, 6 years old. . 1 Mr. Shafto's bay h. Ferdinando, by Young Snip, ditto 2 D. Northumberland's bay h. Volpone, by Young Cade, years old 3 Sir Charles Bunbury's gr. m. Tinetta, by Skim, ditto. ' r 4 D. Kingston's bay
h. Javelin, by Jason, dit. 5 Ascot Subscription of 25 guineas each, for 4 years old, 8st. ^ lb. B. C. fourteen subscri- bers, was won by D. Ancaster's ch. c. Chrisolite, by Blank Ld. Grosvenor's gr. c. Pacolet, by Blank 2 Mr. Vernon's bay c. Protector, by Shepherd's Crab D. of Kingston's bay c. Lash, by Lofty Mr. Shafto's ch. c. by Slough D. Grafton's gr.. c. Chigger, by Slouch D. Bridgewater, D. Northumberland, quis of Rockingham, Ld. Gower, Ld. Orford, Ld. Bolingbroke, Sir J. Moore, and Mr. Gre- ville, were drawn. Saturday, Mr. Burlton's brown filly Sappho, by Blank, 8st. 71b. beat Mr. Wentworth's bay filly Jewel by Lot, 200
guineas, half forfeit, B. C. Lord Grosvenor's gr. h. Nautilus, by Blank, paid forfeit to Mr. Shafto's br. mare, Hyena, by Snap, 8st. 41b. 500 guin. half forfeit, B. C. Sir John Moore's bay horse King Herod, by Tartar, 5ft. 71b. beat Mr. Shafto's brown horse, Askham. by Regulus, 6st. 1000 guin. play or pay, B. C. Odds 7 to 4 on Askham. Mr. Shafto's chesnut horse Africus, by Shepherd's Crab, 9ft. 2lb. paid forfeit to Mr. Vernon's bay horse Marquis, by the Godol- phin Colt, 8st. 81b. 300 guineas play or pay, B. C. * 1 Mr. Tuting's bay filly Links, by Match'em, 9ft. paid forfeit to Mr. Blake's bay c. Action. by the Northumberland Arabian, 40
guineas play or pay, B. C. 60 bye. Mr. Vernon's bay horse Spark, by a son of Blank, 8st. 2lb. beat Sir Charles Bunbury's chef. h. Nobody by Omar, 9st. for 40 guin. play or pay, B. C. 60 bye. Lord Bolingbroke's bay h. Conundrum, by Match'em, 8ft, beat Lord Ossory's grey mare Virago, b. Mr Panton's Arabian, 8st. 12lb. tor 300 guineas, half forfeit, B. C. Betts varied. A Dialogue let- ween HODGE and WILL. Hodge. GTE me thy Hond, Will, prythee dost thee hear Ony good News ? Times are con- founded dear ! Will. Rare News I've heard, dear Hodge, old Rowland says,. Meat we shall have Plenty in a few Days. V- That is rare
News, indeed but prythee. Will, Can Meat be plenty an no Beasts to kill ? tf'. Lord help thee, Hodge ! thou dost not seem to know What mighty Wonders our great Men can do : Old Rowland says, that Cattle are to come From France and Spain and Italy and Rome ; Such Cattle too as you and I ne'er saw at Home. K. Adzooks ! I wish that I may see the Day ! What are the Cattle call'd, did Rowland say ? W. Sagoes, I think he said, and Vermin- kellies, More than enow would come to fill our Bellies, if. Such Cattle I ne'er heard in all my Life ; I wish in one I now could stick this Knife ! But pray, dear Will, did old Rowland tell ye What
Beast a Sago was, or Vermin kellie ? TV. In Troth, I did not ask him ; but suppose They Oxen are, or Hogs ; such Beasts as those. I ne'er heard better News in all my Life : Farewell ! I'll go strait Home and tell my Wife.. An EPIGRAM. WHILE the Poor for Want of Provisions are crying, Lo! the Rich for the Saddle of Power are trying; While the Poor cry for Bread, and the Rich strive for Power, ' Sure the Price of Provisions must quickly be lower!
CARLISLE RACES. Wednesday se'nnight the 50I. was won by, Mr Hutton's roan colt • 1 1 Mr. Reynold's ches. horse Chance 2 2 Hon. Fran. Charteris's bay filly Fanny dr. Thursday 501. by horses, & c. was won by Mr. Cowling's roan m. Lady I 4 I Mr. Watson's gr. c. Little Dan .312 Mr. Dixon's bay h. Dimple 2 2 dr Mr. Scroope's bay h. Jessamy 4 3 dr Mr. Cowley's bay m. Alipes dif Mr. Nicholson's ch. m. Jenyo ' dis Friday 501. by horses, kc: was won by Mr. Stapleton's bay h. Beaufremont I I Mr. Fran. Charteris's bay m. Ann 4 2 Mr Hutton's br. h. Sylvio 2 3 Mr. Coulson's br. h. Adoption 3 di On Saturday the 50 1. Give- and take, was won by Mr Alcock's roan m. Miss Peeper 1 1 Mr. Elleker's bay h. Fraudatus 2 2 Mr Coulson's bay h. Blaze 3 di SATURDAY NlGHT's POST. ' This day arrived a Mail from Flanders. Constantinople, April j. THE Chevalier de Vergennes, the fC 1H[ French Minister, had an audience V Jtl t'ie Visier the day before yester- j day, and, it is said, informed him, that the several Albanian corsairs, which were cruising off the islands in the Archipelago, had committed many piracies; that they had already seized upwards of ten French merchant ships ; that he expected that the Porte would cause them to be restored as illegally
taken, since the French are not at war with her; and that the Porte would re- press these violences ; or that otherwise he would send instructions to the Commander of a French fleet in the Mediterranean to burn the piratical vessels. SCOTLAND. Aberdeen,- May 7. A Barber's boy in this place was dressing a Gentleman about eight o'clock at night, when he filled his bag with- some pounded rozin ( that one of his compa- nions had left in the shop) which he took for hair powder, and accordingly powdered the Gentleman's hair with it; after the boy had done, he took up the candle to see how he had dressed him, when unluckily
some of the hairs catched fire, and set the Gentleman's head in a blaze, which put him in such a violent pas- sion, that he beat the poor boy so much, that it was necessary to carry him to the Infirmary, where he remains very ill. COUNTRY NEWS. Birmingham-, May 18. We hear that corn and flour fell confiderably last Saturday at Worcester market. . In consequence of thc large quantities of corn lately imported at Bristol, there has been a very considerable reduction in that necessary of life in all the town's up the Severn, and last Saturday se'nnight, at Bridgnorth in particu- lar, exceeding good bread corn was cried to be sold in
quantity, at 5 s. per bushel. York, May 19. Last Friday as some work- men were digging a piece of garden ground on the back of the Blue Bell and Black Horse Inn, without Bootham Bar, near this city, they had scarcely dispersed the surface, when they were surprized at the appearance of a' human scull, with the bones of a skeleton; several having viewed them they , were re- committed to the earth. They must have been deposited there within these four years, as that part was then dug up, and no such thing seen. Three ships arrived last week at Hull with wheat and rye from Holland ; and last Friday )( jo lasts of fine wheat
arrived at Whitby from Rotterdam, for Ruswarp mill. LONDON, May 21. Yesterday his Majesty went to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to the fol- lowing Bills, viz. The Bill for raising 1,500,000!. by Annui- ties and Lottery, for the service cf the pre- sent year. The Bill for redeeming certain Annuities, 111 respect of Navy, Victualling, and Trans- port Bills, and Ordnance Debentures. The Bill for redeeming Part of the Joint Stock of Annuities, chargcd by several addi- tional Duties 011 Wines imported, and also on Cyder' and Perry. The Bill for laying an additional duty of 3d per ell on linen Cloth and Sheeting, above
one yard english in width, which shall be im ported into this kingdom from Holland or Flanders, except Cloth of the Manufactures of those countries. the Bill to explain an Act of the 29th of Queen Elizabeth, to prevent extortion by She- riffs, Under Sheriffs, and Bailiffs, of Franchises or Liberties in cases of execution. The Bill for extending the Royalty of the City of Edinburgh over certain adjoining Lands, and for giving power to the Magi- strates for the benefit of this City; and to en- able his Majesty to grant Letters Patent for establishing a Theatre in the City of Edin- burgh. The Bill to allow the free Importation of Rice, Sago Dust,
and Vermicelli, for a li- mited Time, from the American Colonies. The Bill for improving and extending the Navigation of the River Hull, from froding- ham- Beck to Driffield, in the East riding of Yorkshire. The Bill to make Codbeck Brook naviga- ble from the River Swale, to Thirsk in Yorkshire. The Bill for establishing an Hospital in Cambridge. And also to several Road and Inclosure Bills. Letters from Pensacola mention, that the late disturbances between the French aid Spa- niards at New Orleans were entirely subsided ; and that Mons. d'Abbadie, the Governor, had returned to his command. A petition of a very extraordinary
nature is said to have been received from one of our colonies. A few days ago the son of a Farmer, near Saffron Walden, with a grievous pain in the belly, voided an animal four inches long, like an American centipes, which lived some hours afterwards. Upwards of 300 Artificers are discharged from the several Dock- Yards in this Kingdom. Our Correspondent at Yarmouth informs us, that notwithstanding several foreign Vessels have lately arrived at that Place, laden with Wheat, yet that Article continues high, ow- ing to a Number of overgrown Merchants, who have not less than 30,000 Quarters by them, and yet they are not
inclined; to sell at any Price. We hear, that the first four Miles of every Road round Town are to be lighted, watched, railed, and watered; the Expence of which is to be defrayed by the Increase of Toll that will arise in Consequence of the Improve- ment. It is said that the Postage of Letters be- tween Great Britain and the Isle of Man will shortly be regulated as follows: For every sin- gle Letter Two- pence, for every double Let ter Fourpence, and for every treble letter Six- pence, ar. d for every Ounce Eight- pence; and so in Proportion for Packets of Deeds, Writs, & c. And that a like Regulation will be established with respect to
the Postage and Conveyance of Letters within the said island, in Proportion to the Number of Miles or Stages, as are now established in England. A Suit of Cloaths, worth 1 tool, is making- by an English Taylor, for a foreign Noble- man, to appear in at Court, on his Majesty's Birth- Day. Yesterday a Man of Fortune was commit- ted to the New Gaol, southwark, charged on the Oath of a young Lad for a very detest- able Crime. The General Court of the East- India Com- pany, which met on Monday at Merchant- Taylor's- hall, did not break up till five on Tuesday morning. The papers and letters re- ceived from abroad were read,
and the general state of the Company's affairs was laid before thein. After which a motion was made for offering the Government 400,000!. per annum for three years, or half their profits in trade for that time, which ever they should prefer ; which was agreed to Then a motion was made for petitioning to be heard by Council against the Bill depending for regulating the Dividends, and a great debate arose thereon ; but at length a ballot for the question was pro- posed. Fifty Gentlemen protected against that motion ; but, notwithstanding, the. bal- lot began at ten on Monday night, and was declared at four on Tuesday morning, in
fa- vour of the petition. We are informed that one shilling per day will be added to thc pay of half- pay Officers of the Royal Navy, for the support of them- selves and families. Yesterday and the day before there- were great quantities of Dutch plaice at Billings- gate market, very large and fine ; which fo d after the rate of about three halfpence per pound : several of the English fishing boats now make it a custom to meet the Dutch off the Forelands, and to convey the cargoes to Billingsgate, which the Dutch themselves by law cannot do. On Saturday Anthony Barnwell, a Romish Priest, charged with exercising his function in a
private Mass House, in Rag- fair, was ad- mitted to bail before the H0n. Mr. Judge Hewitt, for his appearance the first day of next term, to answer the said charge, in a recogni- zance of himself and sureties of 200 1. By the latest accounts from Jamaica we are advised, that trade has not been carried en with greater briskness than at present since the year 1 760 We bear from Wigtown in Scotland, that a woman was lately restored to her sight, after a blindness of twenty seven years', by the effects of Electricity. Several vessels have, within these four days, arrived in the river from abroad, which have brought 7467 quarters ef
wheat. A stop it is said will soon be put to the enor- mous exportation of silver to the East- Indies. They write from New York, that the ge- neral Assembly there are going to pass an Act to prohibit the Selling of Guns, Gunpowder, and other Warlike Stores, to the Indians; and also another Act for regulating the Of- ficers and Soldiers in the Pay of that Province. A letter from Paris says, " A Nobleman of the first distinction dined a few days ago with our Archbishop at Conflans, when their dis course turned on ths subject of the Jesuits; ' and ' tis said the Nobleman so evidently prov- ed what is imputed to the Society, that the re spectable Prelate, solely attached to truth, was convinced by his arguments, and declraed that for the future he would have no correspon- dence with any Jesuit." PENRITH RACES. On the 13th instant, 501. for four years old was won by Mr. Hutton'S roan colt 1 2 1 Mr. Langley's bay colt 2 1 2 Mr. Sisson's bay colt dr. On the 14th, the- 50 1. by five years old w as won by Mr. Bland's bay horse, Hemp 1 1 Mr. Cowling's roan mare, Lady 3 2 Mr. Cornforth's chef, mare, Nisa 2 dr On the 15th, 50I. for aged horses, & c. was won by Mr. Stapleton's bay h Beaufremont , 1 i Sir William Dalston's bay h Batchelor 2 2 An Original Poem,
from the Appendix newly pub- lished to Dr. Swift's Works. Letter to the Dean, when in England, in 1726. YOU will excuse me, I suppose, For sending rhyme instead of prose, Because hot weather makes me lazy ; To write in metre is more easy, While you are trudging to the town, I'm strolling Dublin up and down ; While you converse with Lords and Dukes, I have their betters here, my books'; FIX'd in an elbow chair, at ease, I chuse companions as I please. I d rather have one single shelf, Than all my friends, except yourself; For, after all that can be said, Our best acquaintance are the dead. While you're in raptures with
Faustina, I'm charm'd at home with our Sheelina. While you are starving there in state, I'm cramming here with butcher's meat. You say, when with those Lords you dine, They treat you with the best of wine, Burgundy, Cyprus, and Tokay Why so can we, as well as they. No reason then, my dear good Dean, But you should travel home again. What though you mayn't in Ireland hope To find such folk as GAY and POPE; If you with rhymers here would share But half the wit that you can spare, I'd lay twelve eggs, that in twelve days, You'd make a doz'n of POPES and GAYS. Our weather's good, our sky is clear, We've ev'ry joy, if
you were here; So lofty, and so bright a sky, .. Was never seen by Ireland's eye; I think it fit to let you know, This week I shall to Quilca go ; To see Mc Fayden's horny- brothers, , First fuck, and after, bull their mothers.. To see, alas ! my wither'd trees ! To see ' what all the country sees! My stunted quicks, my famish'd beeves, My servants such a pack of thieves .; My shatter'd firs, my blasted oaks, My house in common to all folks : No cabbage for a single snail, My turnips, carrots, parsnips fail; My no green pease, my few green sprouts, My mother always in the pouts: My horses rid, or gone astray,- My fish all stol'n, or run
away ; My mutton lean, and pullets old, . My poultry starv'd, the corn all sold. A man, come NOW from- Quilca, says, They've stol'n the locks from all your keys, But, what must fret and vex me more, He says, they stole the keys before. They've stol'n the knives from all thc forks, And half the cows from half the sturks; Nay more, the fellow swears and vows, They've stol'n the sturks from half the cows. With many more accounts of woe, Yet, . though the Devil be there, I'll go : ' Twixt you and me, the reason's clear, Because I've more vexation here. MONDAY NIGHT's POST. Copenhagen, May yt." HER Royal Highness is some
Months ad- vanced in her Pregnancy. [ Gaz. Yesterday arrived a Mail from Holland. Warsaw, April 25. It is reckoned tHat there are at present 30,000 Russians in Poland; to wit, ; or 6000 at Wilna in Lithuania, under the command of Gen. Numers, and as many under Generals Dunthen and Apraxin ; 5000 headed by General Soltikoff and seven regi- ments. of 2000 men each, under M. Kret- zelnikoff. These troops invest Poland, reach- ing from Wilna, by Podlachia, Mazovia, Po- lish Prussia, and Great Poland, to Cracow'; and from the Palatinate of Kiovia, by Vol- hinia, the Palatinate of Russia, the territory of Przemist,. to the environs of Sendomir, which border on the Palatinate of Cracow. Genoa, May 2. We are informed that the contrary winds have not permitted the Sena- tor Pinelli to effect a landing at Capraia, or to throw assistance into the fortress, vessel, which arrived here yesterday frOm Bastia, re- ports, that on the lit instant, being off that island, she heard a firing of cannon. It is therefore conjectured, that we shall soon re • ceive advice Of an action between the Genoese troops and the Corsicans employed in the siege of the fortress." Paris, May i3. On thc 21ft and 22d of last month their appeared in the road near Rochelle a wolf, who
devoured and killed several people, and wounded above sixty. A wolf has since been destroyed, Which is thought to be the same ; several wolves have since been seen, which have done no hurt. Turin, Mayr 6. The Princess Elizabeth of Savoy, aunt to thc Prince of Carignan, died on the second of this month, at Savillan. Their Court will therefore continue the mourning a fortnight longer. PLANTATION NEWS Boston in New England. March 26. We hear that , Mr. William Frobisher. of this town, Soapboiler, has made a process with pot ash, in making the best of hard soap, which has not hitherto been practised in England. Sam ples of which he purposes to sand home, and, if approved of, as is highly probable, will prevent the importation of Barilla ash from Spain, which they before made use of. and will take off from the colonies near 20 tons, of pot ash to one that thic Soft soap Makers use. ' . » IRELAND. Cork, May 14. The lojh, 16th, l8: h and 26th Regiments' of Foot, with the Drafts from the Other Regiments to compleat them, are all . arrived in this City, and will speedily ' embark for North America. ' ' The three Soldiers under Sentence of Death in our City Gaol, are respited until further Orders'.' ' ' - Galway, May 14. We hear from Cunemara, that
one James Moran, an old experienced Fisherman, who was at the taking of a Sun- fish on that Coast about ten Days since, had received so violent a Stroke on the Small of his Back from the Tail of the Fish, as totally to sever his Backbone, and killed him on the SpOt. Dublin, May 19. On the 5th inst. a poor' Woman was barbarously murdered near Cahir in the County of Limerick, by John Leo, otherwise Lee ; whose Brother Thomas Leo, otherwise Lee, is now in Confinement in Li- merick,' on an Indictment for thc Murder of his Father- in- Law. LONDON, May 23. A plan has been laid - before the Lords of Trade, and his said, is
noW under considera- tion, for allowing the importation of low priced teas from the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, on paying a small duty, which it is thought, will be a means of preventing the large quantities of teas that are annually smug- gled from those places, • •• We are credibly informed, that leave will be given to export annually, thirty tons of Gum Seneca and Gum Arabick, from Eng- land to Ireland, duty free ; for the better an- couragement of the trade of that kingdom. Mr. Mello, the Portugueze Minister here, has received . a circumstantial account of the plot laid by the Jesuits to assassinate his Most Catholic Majesty ;
which horrid proceeding, joined with their other bad behaviour of forging bulls, & c. was, beyond all doubt, the certain cause of the late total and eternal eX- pulsion of those Fathers from Spain. We hear from very good hands, that his Most Christian Majesty has, by his Ambassador at Rome, demanded of his Holiness to issue a bull, or ordonance, abolishing for ever the Society of Jesus, and even the very name . of Jesuits. We hear a great man has lately declared, the Government could not take a wiser mea- sure than to tolerate the Jesuits in this king- dom; their property ( said his lordship) is immense, and if kept under strict
regulations, they would prove a very important encrease to the Community." According to letters from Leghorn, advice had just been received that the whole island of Caprea had surrendered to the Corsicans, and the Genoese garrison were allowed to march out with all military honours, and be embark- ed for the Continent. Tis said, that persons will be appointed by Parliament, to see that all musquets, & c. are proof before they are sold, as the frauds car- ried on in the manufacture of guns are every day productive of the most terrible accidents; especially among the Savages of America, where a gun frequently bursts at the
very first explosion, and shatters the miserable possessor in a manner that is highly shocking to humanity. . We hear the celebrated John James Rous- seau set out, in a private manner, early yes- terday morning for France. Letters from Boston, New England, advise; that on the 3d Of Feb. at night, a fire broke out in the bake- house of Mr. Bray, near Mill- Bridge, when the wind being very high and variable, it Scattered the flakes every way. Above twenty houses were entirely destroyed. besides several others greatly damaged, which were set on fire at different distances, by th6 flakes being carried by the wind. It was a most
severe frosty night, and the streets were covered with ice, the water freezing as it ran from the houses on which the engines played and the fire was not got under till three in tho" morning.—. The loss is very considerable.
We hear a French Lady Is practising every morning, from five o'clock to seven, at the Tennis- court in James's- street, near the Hay- market ; and it is said she is to play at the game of tennis with the best player in Eng- land, for a considerable sum of money. Monday died at Pilrig, in Scotland, Lady Elphingston, widow of the deceased Sir John Elphingston, of Logie, Bart. CHESTER, May 26. : On Thursday last, that extraordinary Ge- nius, the famous Mr. Charles Pleasants, was safely brought up to London, and, the same evening was lodged in his late apartment within Newgate, being charged with forging and publishing two
certain bills of exchange in Middlesex, with intent to defraud Mr. Ba- goshaw, Hosier, and Mr. Cook, Linen- draper, and also a promissary note, with' intent to de- fraud Mr. Trott, Innkeeper, of Buxton, in Derbyshire; from all of whom he obtained considerable sums. Yesterday the Royal Cheshire Battalion was embodied here, in order to exercise for twenty eight days. Last Tuesday was run on Kersal Moor, near Manchester, a match, between the horses of Capt. Percival and Cornet Douglas, of Gen. Mostyn's id troop of Dragoon Guards, now quartered at Manchester, one two- mile heat for col. which was won by the latter. On
Sunday Mr. Thomas Parry of this city one of the Officers in his Majesty's Custom- house here, was married at St. Peter's Church, to Miss Betty Sephton, youngest daughter to Captain Sephton, Merchant, in Chester: The new married couple immediately set out to keep their wedding at her sister's house in Li- verpool A fee days ago died, at his house in Fore- gate- street, Mr. Daniel Porter, for almost years a Sollicitor, and Law- Practioner in this city. We are informed of a certainty, that the Lord Bishop of Chester will hold an Ordina- tion at Stanhope, in the county of Durham, on the second Sunday in July next. We hear from
Mold in Flintshire that there is a very genteel Dancing Assembly set up there, in order to preserve harmony and : good neighbourhood, where all Gentlemen and Ladies of fashion are desired to favour them with their Company. No Tradesmen Miners, & c. or their wives or daughters, but only persons of family and genteel education, will be admitted, or introduced.— A laudable example, and worthy the imitation '- of a genteel Assemblies in other places. An EPIGRAM.| wHiLE some Folks to beggar the Nation we striving. villians in CoacHes and Chariots are driving While such Things continue, inform me my Friend, Do you think
that the TimeS so complain'd of will mend > J. o. To all those who complain of the Defects of SIGHT, just now is arrived from Manchester, who is now performing his Operations on the Eye with as great Success as at that Place MR. MILLER, a regular- bred Occulist, whole peculiar Method and Dexterity have met with the particular Approbation of different Academies Abroad, ( as is evident by indisputable Attes- tations from those Societies) offers his Assistance to all those who are any Ways afflicted in the Eyes, tho' the Disorder be of 20 Years standing, and the Cure being at- tempted and missed by former unskilful Operators,
all which may be evidenced by 126 Patients, who have been perfectly restored to . Sight, when labouring under divers Complain s in the eyes, during his Residence in Bristol, Birmingham, Leicester, Derby, and lastly in Manchester, where 5 j Patients have been restored by him, at which place the Doubtful may be satisfied of the Truth 0f this AssertiOn. Mr. MILLER's daily Practice convinces him of the Mal Treatment many of the Afflicted have suffered, by some Pretenders to this Art, who not staying a sufficient Time in the same Place to perfect their Undertakings, have ignorantly and improperly Couched, and applied other
violent Remedies, in order to effect a sham Cure, but the Afflicted may be assured that his method his contrary to theirs, his being perform'd by an easy and safe Method of extracting the cause of the Complaint, and he wi: l be ready at any Time, when desired by a Patient, to do the operation under the Inspection of any unprejudic'd jud- ges of the Faculty, and makes no Doubt of having the Honour of their Approbation, as he depends upon the effects of his Performance to speak his Praise, better -: i. 1 a Multiplicity of Bombalt and Pompous Words without re Meaning, such as Pontifical, imperial, Royal Opthalmiator. & c.
expressions which tend rather " to amuse and deceive the ignorant, than to convince the Sensible of any particular Skill in the professor. Mr. MILLER expects no Fee nor Reward till the Cure is perfected, the Money being deposited in some safe per- son's Hand which he approves of, for his Security on the Performane of what is proposed, which Declaration he hopes will demonstrate to every one, that he has no Scheme to deceives the Blind, or rob the public, nor will he attempt or meddle with any Distemperor Ailing of the Eye, without being first fully persuaded of the Possibility of a Cure. By acting contrary to this Method,
many travelling Professors have dOne injury to their patients, by unde- servedly taking their Money, and rais'd a deserved Odium against themselves, and an inveterate Prejudice in the public against their Successors in the same Art. those who are not inclin'd to undergo Operations, and whose Indispositions proceed from Inflammation, Weak- ness, Diminution, Scar, Pearl, or Webb, by which the sight is restored, or any ether Defeat of the Eye lids-; he offers the Assistance of divers outward medicines to re- establish that Organ to its former beauty and Perfec- tion, and in particular, a Spirit of surprising Quality for the Cure of a
beginning Gutta Serena, provided the Optic be not entirely obstructed. His Advice may be had every Morning, without fee, by any Persons, whether their Case is curable by him or not, and will assist the Poor gratis, with, the same Cure and Tenderness, as those in a more exalted Station, at his Apartments at the Yacht in this City, which are in that Part of the House next Common- Hall- Lane, therefore all persons may come that chuse it. ROWLEY's BRITISH HERB SNUFF and TOBACCO, from St. PAUL's COFFEE- HOUSE, LONDON, are still sold by Mrs. ADAMS, Printer, in Chester. THE Tobacco is not only superior in the
Elegance of its Flavour, but is alio far more efficacious in all Disor- ders of the Head and Eyes, in strengthening the Nerves and Stomach, and in healing and comforting the Breast and Lungs than any Thing of the Kind ever yet dis- pensed. For besides the common IngredientS of Betony, Coltsfoot, Eyebright, Lavender Thyme, Rosemary, there are several Medicinal Herbs, Woods,. Barks, Gums, & c. all approved Medicines ; and are recommended both for their Effluvia and for internal Uses, by the mod celebrated Authors and Physicians both ancient and modern. The Smoak of the Tobacco, and the Essential Parts of the'
Snuff, yield a most fragrant and delicious Smell, being impregnated with the volatile and active Particles of the finest aromatic Ingredients; whose subtile pervading Quality passes all Obstructions, mixes itself with the ' Juices, and co- operates with the animal Spirits. This, as it braces the Nerves, cheers the Heart, and gives an Air of Briskness to the whole Oeconomy, is the purest Antidote against Palsies, Apoplexies, Epilepsies, and many other Disorders arising from the Relaxation of the Nerves, and the Viscidity of the Fluids, and even against the Decay of Sight. There are many Imitations of this Tobacco and Snuff,' tut the
only genuine Sort is to be had as above. I! c careful to observe, that the Name of JAMES ROWLEY be signed on one Side of the Copper- Plate Print on every Packet. The Tobacco is Five Shillings a Pound, either in Pounds, Half- Pounds, or Quarter- Pounds ; and the Snuff at Two Shillings and Sixpence the Half Pound and One Shilling and Threepence the Quarter pOund Cannister, with good Allowance to sell again. Prices of Grain at Chester, May 23 : x Wheat. • Ss. Sd liarley Js. Id. Rye . js< od Grey pease 4s. led Beans 5S. od. Oats, at 14s, 6J. per Bushel. ASSlZE- of BREAD at CHESTE. R from the 15 h of May - . to the
ill- of June. Eighteen- penny Loaf Wheaten Ditto Houshold —— Twelve penny loaf wheaten Duty Houshold — Six penny Loaf Wheaten Ditto Houshold _ Two penny Loaf Wheaten Ditto Houshold . ; pci: ny I. af Wheaten — Ditto Houshold — B. The White Loaves are to weigh three- fourths of the Weight of the Wheaten. Arrived at the Port of Chester, Forbay. Parry, Pulbelly,. Lead Ore Jones, liverpool, Wheat flour and Balk Success. Barns, Liverpool Timber 1 . underland Croudson, Usiverstone, Iron- Ore, - Cleared out of the Port of Cheiler. George Simpson, Belfast, Oak- bark afs, I: • foil, Dublin, Coals liverpool trader, Anderton,
Liverpool, Lead, Litharge Calamine Chester Trader, Williams, Liverpool, Lead- Ore Forbay Parry. Pulbelly, Coals Catharine, Williamsi Conway, ditto Seahorse, Edwards, Beaumaris, ditto Sally, " Tyler, Bristol, Lead Abraham & NicholaS, MinkeS, Rotterdam, Lead, Lead— Ore & Lit la gt Victory Williams Conway, Earthenware. ARRIVALS at LIVERPOOL. Garnett, Kean, Linen Yarn, Beef, Newry Charming Betty, Neagle, Linen Cloth Isleman tryphena, Smith, Logwood, & c.. Pensacola Prosperous, Newton, wine,' Shumack, &. Faro Sugarloaf, Goulther, Lead, Chester Industry, Hughes, Copper Ore, Conway Douglass, Perdergrass
Linen Yarn. & c. Greenock Molly, Williams, Oats, Beaumaris Catherine, Parry, dit. Pembroke Bold, Tatterson, Ballast, Lancaster Preston Trader, Ashton, dit.. Preston Ellen and Jane, Glover, Sundries, Dumfries Dispatch, L. Hind, Sugar, & c. Lancaster Molly and Peggy, Penney, ballast, Ulverstone Jenny, Murphy, dit. Dublin Mary and Margaret, Ellis, dit. Killybegs Nancy, Moor, Yarn and Cloth, Belfast Boscawen, Woodburn, Tobacco, Whitehaven Success, Williams, Lead Ore, Chester Cardigan, Young, ballast. Kirkcudbright Jenny, Mackay, Sugar, & c. Jamaica. This is to give Notice, THAT the first Meeting of the Commissioners
appointed by an Act of Parlia- ment, " for repairing and Widening the Road from " Marshuiel, in the County of Denbigh, through Ban- " ger, Worthenbury, and Hanmer, in the County of " flint, to Dodington, in tlie Parish of . Whitchurch, in the County of Salop," and certain other Roads in the said Aft mentioned will be held ( pursuant to the Di- rections of the said Act) at the Eagles in Wrexham, on Wednesday the 3d Day of June. • WANTED . At the Grammar School of Wrexham, AFirst Assistant, who is a good Clas- sic, writes well, and is able to assist in teaching the first Rules of Arithmetic. Any Person thus qualified, well
recommended, and who has been used to the In- struction of Youth, may apply to the Printer hereof. Salary Fifty Pounds per Ann. No Letters answered ex- cept Post paid. WILLIAM NICKSON Mercer and Draper, One Door above the Red Lyon Inn, in Whit- church, Salop, BEGS Leave to return Thanks to his friends for their past Favours, and to assure them that every Endeavour of his shall always be used to - merit the future, being just returned from London with a large' and intire new Assortment of Mercery, Linen, and Woollen Drapery and Upholstery Goods, laid in for the Spring Trade, which will be sold on the lowest
Terms, . by their most Humble Servant, WilliaM NICKSON. N. B. Funerals completely, furnished with new Velvet and Cloth Palls, Mourning CLOAKS, & C. JOSEPH BEDDOW, Tea- Dealer, Grocer, and Ironmonger, HAVING taken the Shop of Mr. RANDLE KEAY, in Whitchurch, Salop, and laid' in a fresh Assortment of Goods, purpOses selling them Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest Prices. The ContinuancE of the favours - .. f Mr. KEAY'S Friends and Customers,, will be gratefully acknowledged by their humble Servant, JOSEPH BEDDOW. N. B. All Perl'ons that stand. indebted to Mr. Keay, are desired to pay the same to
him at his House in Dud- dington, Whitchurch. ' • Stolen or ' Strayed, From Little Lee, in the Parish of Great Bud- worth, in the County of Chester, A Light Grey Mare, with a Cut TAIL mark'd ON the Near Shoulder with C. WHoever will give intelligence of the Said Mare to Wil- liam Leadbeater, of Little Lee aforsaid, or to Mr. John Axon, at the Hop- Pole, in Chester, or to the Printer hereof, Shall receive a handsome Reward and all reason- ABLE Charges. CAPTAIN PULESTON takes this Method of acquainting his Friends, that the Meet- ing at Marford- Hill will be opened on Monday the 1st of june next. Warrington, May 23, 1767.
WHEREAS the Office of Messrs. Lloyd and Turner, Attornies, in Warrington, was broke into and robbed, of a confiderable Sum of Money the last Night. Any Person of Persons that will discover the Person or Persons who committed the said Robbery, so that they may be apprehended and brought to Justices shall on conviction of any one concerned therein, receive a Re- ward of Fifty Pounds from the said Messrs. Lloyd and Turner, over and beside what is . allowed by Act of Par- liament. Notice is hereby given, THAT the House which the late Capt. Brown lived in at parkgate, is completely fitted up, and a new Bath made in the
same, la- dies and Gentlemen may be accommodated with genteel Board and Lodging, during the Bathing Season, on the most reasonable Terms. Such Ladies, Sec, as choose to board themselves, may have the Use of a good Kitchen, with grates, Stoves, and all other Necessaries , At the said House is a good post Chaise and Horses when any of the Company please to take an Airing. To be Sold, tHE Manor or Lordship of Pant- Glass, in the County of Carnarvon, and the se- veral Farms thereunto belonging, of about the yearly Value of 500I. old Rent . Pant- Glass Estate contains upwards of 4000 Acres, is situate upon the
River Conway, 8 Miles from Llanrwst, 12 from Denbigh, and 5 from Bala, in a fine sporting country, is capable of great Improvement, having Lime- stone upon it, and the River Conway is navigable to Llanrwsi. Inquire of Mr. Wallis, Norfolk- street, Strand, Lon- don; Mr. Williams, attorney at Law, at Llanidan, An- glesea and Mr William Owen, at Conway. N. B. Timber to be taken at a Valuation. To be Sold, At the Dwelling House of Thomas Edwards, known by the Sign of the Three Spread Eagles, in the Town of Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, on the 26th Day of June, between the Hours of Four and Sin in the Afternoon, ALL
that Messuage or Tenement in the Several Parishes of Ruabon and Bangor, in the County of Denbigh, known by the Name of the Crimble, near Crabtree Green, within three Miles of the Town of Wrexham: It it situated in a pleasant Coun- try near Coal and Lime, and Marl upd: i the Premises, . of the CLear yearly Rent of 9 1. the old Rent being 81. for upwards of 50 Years J many grown Trees and Saplins are growing upon the Premises, and the Buildings in good Repair. for further Particulars enquire of Thomas Jones, At- torney, in Wrexham ; and John Owens, at the Toll- Gate, neat Wynnstay, will shew the Premises. To be
Lett, And entered upon immediately, AMessuage or Dwelling- House, situate in the Abbot- street, in the Town of Wrex- ham, with a spacious Outlet, and several convenient Buildings therein and thereto belonging,, that may be converted to such Uses as best adapt the Tenant, toge'her with a Pump in the said Yard in good Repair and con- stant Supply of Water. The said Messuage is now made habitable, and put into good tenantable Repair, and will be let to a decent Tenant in the Public Way, or to any private Family, that are inclined to take the same. For Particulars enquire of William Davies, of Wrex- ham, Smith, or Mr.
Gartside, of Wrexham aforesaid, Attorney at Law. Stopt ( supposed to be Stolen) at War- rington, on Thursday the 21st Inst.. Two Gold Rings, one set ' with a red Stone betwixt two white ones, the other a white enamel'd Mourning Ring, set with a white Stone, with a Name and Date upon it. The Person upon whom they were taken, and who has since escap'd out of Cus- tody, is a middle- siz'd Woman, marked with the Small Pox; said her Name was Mary Natchell, that she came from Newton, near Bridgenorth, in Shropshire, through Chester, and that she found the Rings- upon the Road be- tween Frodsham and Warrington.
Whoever has lost The same Rings, upon proving their Property and- paying the; Expences, may have them again by applying to Mr. Ker- foot, Attorney at Law in Warrington. WHEREAS JOSIAS LUNT, at Barton- Lane, in the County of Chester, hag falsely and maliciously reported, that JAMES FRANKLIN, Shopkeeper, at Farndon, in the County aforesaid, had entered an Action against him for a Debt ( Without ever asking him. the said Josias Lunt for the same) and the said Josias Lunt hath likewise shamefully- abused the said James Franklin, bv reflecting upon and aspersing his Character, and good Name, with Intent to
prejudice the said James Franklin in his Trade: This is therefore to ac- quaint the Publick, That the said Debt was owing tO me two Years before any Action was brought against the said Lunt, during which Time he had been frequently asked, and once WrOte to by an Attorney for the same That the above reports diabolically invented by the said Josias Lunt are aBsolutely false, WITHOUT any Foundatiori, and repugnant to Truth farndon, Witness my Hand, May 23 1767. . JAMES FRANKLIN. to be Sold, At Hoolfield Hall, in the Parish of Tarvin,. in the County of Chester, on Monday the ill Day of next, ABout Twenty Roods of Dry
Oak Boards and about Six Roods of Plank ; a Quan- tity- of Fellies, and Cart Timber of all Kinds. Any person may view the same on the . Morning of the Day of sale, at the said Hall. . to be Sold to the best Bidder, Either Together Parcels, At the House of Mr John Benson, known by the Sign of the Red Lion, in Whitchurch, in the County of Salop, on Tuesday the i- jd Dav of June next, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then and there be produced, ALL those Four Copyhold Mes- suagts or Dwelling Houses, situate, standins, and being in Back- street, in Whitchurch
aforesaid, three of which are now in the Holdings of John Pearson, Tim- ber Merchant, Thomas heyford, Sadler, and Miss Al- len ; the other is now vacant, and was late in the Holding of Mr. Stubbs, together with a Slaughter- House and Stable, in the Holding of Thomas Rowe, Butcher. N, 1!. The two Front Houfcs are three Stories high, with Cellars and : Garrets, and the Fronts thereof are Brick Buildings, and are sashed and covered with Tiles, all in good Order and Repair, and the Back- Buildings are capable of much Improvement, For further Particulars to Mr. Samuel Turner, in Whitchurch aforesaid. . To be Sold to the best
Bidder, At the House of Mr. Robert Worral, known by the sign of the Red lion in Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, On Saturday, the 13th Day of June next, between the Hours of Three find x in the Afternoon. tWo several Messuages ot Dwel- ling- Houses, and a 1arge Malt- Kiln and Garden, with a Draw- Well therein for the Conveniency of the said Kiln, adjoining, thereto, situate in the Street under the Church- yard in the said Town of Wrexham, of the yearly Value 01 o 1. or thereabOuts. . Particulars, in the mean Time; may be had of Mr. Gartside, Attorney, in Wrexham. To be Sold, Together or in Parcels, At the House of
John Hill, known by the Sign of the Hawke and Buckle, in Aud- lem, in the County of Chester, on Tuesday the zjd Day of June next, ALl that Messuage or Tenement, and 44 Acres of Land or thereabouts, thereunto belonging, situate and being at a Place called the Meer, in the Township of Buerton in the said County of Ches- ter, now in the Holding of the said John Hill, or his Under- Tenants. For Particulars thereof enquire of the said john Hill,' or of Mr Harding, of Audlem aforesaid. ' Note, There is a large Parcel of young Timber grow- ing On the said Premifes. • NORTHWICH RACES, 1767. ON Monday the 22d of June will be
run for on Crabtree- Green, the Noblemen and Gentlemens Sweepstakes, free to Subscribers only, one Four Mile Heat. On Tuesday the 23d, on Harford- Beach, a Purse of 50I. by four Years old Horses, Mares, or Geldings, car- rying eight Stone and an Half, the best of three Heats, two Miles to a Heat. On Wednesday the 24th, a Purse of 501, by Five Years old Horses, Sec. carrying 8st. 7 lb. ' Six Years old 9ft. and Aged 10st. All Horses to enter at the Angel at Northwich, on Saturday the 20th of June, between the Hours of Two and Seven in the Afternoon, when proper Certificates under the Hands- of the Breeders are to be
produced, an 1 to be subject to such Articles as shall be then produced. Three Guineas Entrance : Double for Entrance at the Post. A Crown to the Clerk of the Course. All dis- putes to be determined by the Stewards, 31b. allowed the Mares. RICHARD PENNANT, Esq; THOMAS CoRBeTT, Esq; No Person to erect any Booth but what pays Half a Guinea towards the Town's Plate. ' ... KNUTSfORD RACES, 1767. ON Tuesday the 28th of July will be run for on Knutsford- Heath, a Purse of 50 1. by Four Years old Horses, Mares, or Geldings, carrying 8 ft. 71b. the best of three Heats, two Miles to a Heat. On Wednesday the
29th; a Purse of 50l. by Five Years old Horses, Geldings, or Mares, carrying 8st 7lb. Six Years old carrying 9st. and Aged Horses 9st. 10 lb. the best of three Four Mile Heats. On Thursday the 30th a Purse of 501. Give and Take, 14 Hands 9st. allowing 7lb. for every Year un- der seven and 7 lb. for every inch under or over 14 Hands, jl b. to be allowed the Mares. All Horses to enter at the George in Knutsford on Sa- turday the 25th Day of July, between the Hours of Two and Seven in the Afternoon, when proper Certificates under the Hands of the Breeders are to be delivered, and to he subject to such Articles as shall be then
produced. No lefs than three reputed Running Horses to start for any of the above Purses, unless with the Confent of the Stewards. All Disputes to be determined by " the Stewards. . Assemblies and Ordinaries as usual. Sir JOHN STANLEY, Bart. RICHARD PENNANT, Esq No Person will be permitted to erect any Booth, or sell any Liquor, Sec. upon the Course without first contri- buting Half a Guinea to the last Day's Purse. This is to give Notice, to whom it may Concern, ThAT there is lying in the Lands of Edward Jackson, Dyer, in Wrexham in the County of Denbigh, Nineteen Pieces of woollen cloth, which I received from
Mr. Ralph Dixon, of the Roe in Carnarvonshire to be Dyed Blue, being; the property of several different People t And as the said Ralph Dixon has refused receiving the said cloth, or giving me proper Directions and Authority of delivering the said Goods so as the Owners might have them; I have t : in this Method of acquainting; the owners that if the said Cloths are not sent for and the just Dcmands due to me paid, on or before the Day of june next after this No- - tice, they shall be Sold or if the owners will agree to- gether, and allow me eighteen pence per yard for the Dying and Dressing the said cloths they shall be brought to
any Part of the country; as they shall think fit . - . EDWARD JACKSON, N. B. An Apprentice is wanted.
Just Imported, And to be Sold by WRIGHT and SIDEBO- THAM, in Bridge- street, FINE London Porter, in Barrels and Kilderkins: Also Fine Barrel and Bottled Cyder j and a Quantity A Siberia Iron. They have likewise to dispose of, a Cargo of Fine Red and White Wheat. „. --- Lost, or Stolen, Out of a Waggon since the ill of March last, between London and Chester, ADeal Box, Weight 39 lb. directed for Mr. Thomas Marshall in Newport, Shrop shire, containing the under Silks : Any Person that has found the same, and will bring them either t0 Mr. Jo- siah Blakeman of Tetenhall, near Wolverhampton, in the County of Stafford, or
to Mr. John Judson at Weedon, in Northamptonshire, or to Mrs. Jane Fisher, at the George in Northgate- street, Chester, shall be en- titled to a Reward of Ten Guineas. If the said Silks shall be exposed to Sale or Pawn, please to stop the same, or any Part thereof; and if they to whom they ars of- fered to Sale or Pawn ( or any one else) shall discover the Offender or Offenders, lb that he or she, or any one of them be lawfully convicted, shall receive of any one of the abovementioned Persons the like Reward of Ten Guineas, Sixty- one and a Half Ells of dress Mantua Silk. Seventy and a Quarter Ells Fifty- nine and a Half Ells
Fifty- nine and a Half ELls Sixty- three Ells WILLIAM NICKSON, Mercer and Draper, One Door above the Red Lion Inn, in Whit- church, Salop, BEGS Leave to return Thanks to his Friends for their past Favours, and to assure them that every Endeavour of his shall always be used to merit the future, being just returned from London with a large and intire new Assortment of Mercery, Linen, and Woollen Drapery and Upholstery Goods, laid in for the Spring Trade, which will be sold on the lowest Terms, by their most Humble Servant, WILLiaM NICKSON. N. B. Funerals completely furnished with a new Vel- vet and Cloth Palls,
Mourning Cloaks, & c. To be Lett, And entered upon immediately, THE Capital Mansion- House call'd LHOYdIARTH, in good Rcpar, with the Ga - den, Brewhouse, Barn, and Outhouses, and about 150 Acres of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land adjoining within less than Half a Mile of the Market- Town of Llhannerchymedd, in the County of Anglesey. I he Houshold Furniture to be sold. To be Let and entered upon at Michaelmas next, The farm known by the Name of TURKLYN-, adjoining the. said Market- Town 0. Lhannerchymcdd, containing up- wards of 50 Acres of Arable. Pasture, and Meadow Land, with good Farm-
House, Barn, and other suitable Outbuildings on the Premises. Further Particulars may had by applying to John Nangle, Esq; at the Mansion- House at Lhoydiarth, To be Lett, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, AFarm called Forest, consisting of a capital House, and other suitable- OutbuildingS, a good., accustomed Water Corn- Mill ( with a constant Stream) near the same, and about 300 Acres of Ara- ble, Pasture, and Meadow Land adjoining, all lying wi der the same Ethering, a constant Stream of Water run- ning through the Estate, which may be easily diverted upon almost every Parcel thereof, an unlimited Right 01
Commoning near adjoining, and a very good Turbury within a convenient distance, situate in the Parish of Llansanan, in the County of Denbigh, within about six Miles of the Market- Town of Llanrwst, five Miles of Denbigh, six Miles of Ruthin, and four Miles of good Lime. : For Particulars enquire of Mr. William Lloyd Sur- geon, in Wrexham, or of Mr. Edward Matthews, of Pengwern, near St. Asaph, in Flintshire. ' N. B. Encouragement will be given to a good substan- . London, Chester, Whitchurch, Newport, Welch- Harp, and Meriden FLYING MACHINES in two Days, And to carry Six. Passenger, . . .1 SETS out from the Golden-
Cross, . Charing- Cross, London, . and from the and Thursday Inn, CHester, every Sunday, . Tuesday, and Thursday Nights, at Ten o'Clock lies at Meriden. and returns fi london and Chester every Tuesday, Thursday, and, Saturday . Also the Namptwich, Stafford, and Litchfield FLYING MACHINES, Sets out from the Swan with TWo Necks in Lad- Lane, London, and from the Golden Falcon Inn, Chester, on Monday, Wednesday, , ajid Friday night, at Nine o'clock and returns to the said Inns , on the above Nights'. Each Passenger in the above Machines allowed 141b. Weight of BAggage, for the Overplus to pay Two pence per
Pound; and so in Proportion to any part of the Road; One Half to be paid at Booking, and the other Part at entering the Machine : Inside Passengers 11. 5 s. Out- fidc Passengers, and Children 0n Lap, Half Price. ' J. BENSON, Whitchurch, T. Drayson, Dunchurch, Perform'd ( if GOD ) G. BolTon Golden Cross London permit)' by w. Colley, St. Albans, -'' ! T. PODmOre, Stafford, and • G . Smith, Chester. . The Proprietors will noGt be accountable for any Jewels Rings, Watches, Plate, Money, Bank Notes, or Writings, that may be lost, except entered and paid - for as such N. B, The Holyhead Machine continues to go in two Days,
and sets out is usual every Monday and Thursday The Books are kept for the London and Holyhead Machines, at Mr. Pugh's in Northgate- street, and no where else in Chester ; where Gentlemen, Ladies, and Others, may take their Places. + 4- f Hearses and Mourning Coaches may be had by applying to the above Place, or at Mr. George Smith's Hoole ^ This Day is published, In One Volume, Octavo, Price Five Shillings, The Fourteenth Edition, ( With a List of the Medicinal Plants which may be ga- thered for Use in each Month , to which is prefixed, A short Introduction to the Science of Botany, illus- trated with Copper-
Plates) of the Gardener's Kalendar : Directing what Works are necessary to be performed every Month in the Kitchen, Fruit, and Pleasure Gar- dens, as also in the Conservatory and Nursery. > SHEWING, I. The particular Seasons for propagating all Sorts of Esculent Plants and Fruits, with the Time when, ( ach, Sort is proper for the Table. II. The proper Seasons for transplanting all Sorts of Trees, Shrubs, and Plants, with the Time of their Flowering. By PHILIP MILLER, F. R. S. Member of the Botanic Academy at Florence, and Gardener to the worshipful Company of Apothecaries, at their Bo- tanic Garden in Chelsea. Printed
for J. Rivington, H. Woodfall, A. Millar, J. Whiston, B. White, J. Hinton, R. Baldwin, Hawes, Clarke, and Collins, W. Johnston, T. Longman, T. Caslon, B. Law, C. Rivington, Z. Stuart, and J. Dodsley. ALSO This Day was published, In TWO VOLUMES, OCTAVO', Price bound Six Shillings, The EIGHTEENTH EDITION, Neatly printed from a Copy corrected by the Author a short Time before his Decease, and adorned with two Frontispieces, engraven by Grignion, MEDITATIONS CONTEMPLATIONS. CONTAINING, VOL. I. MediTATioNS among the TOMBS; REFLECTIONS on a FLOWER GARDEN; And, A DESCANT on
CREATION. VOL. II. CONTEMPLATIONS on the Night; ' CONTEMPLATIONS on the STARRY HEAVENS ; And, A WINTER PIECE. By JAMES HERVEY, M. A. Late Rector of WESTON FAVEL, in Northamptonshire. Printed for J. and F. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church Yard ; H. Woodfall, W. Strahan, R. Baldwin, L. Hawes, W. Clarke and R. Collins, T. Caslon, G. Keith, B. Law, E and C. Dilly, Stuart, G. Kearsley, W. Ni- coll, J. Johnson and W. Davenport, J. Coote, W. Grif- fin, and j. knox. On Monday the 1st of June will be published, ( Price One Shilling) Embellished with a View of Lord BUTE'S Erections at Kew. Number I. Of a
NEW WORK, ( To be continued Monthly,) intitled, THE POLitiCAL REGiSTEr: Containing Original Essays on the British constitution, and such Measures of Administration as deserve particular Atten- tion : In the first Number will be the following besides many others, viz Interesting Notes' by' Mr. Wilkes upon the Works of Mr. CHURCHILL. Remarks on the English Constitution. Summary of the Arguments upon the Reduction of the Land- Tax. Extraordinary Prece- dents touching the Right and Manner of Impeachment in Parliament, previous to the Journals of either House; collected out of the Parliament . o. ls. Epitaph on the
Marquis of Tavistock by the Chev. D'EON. A domes- tic Conversation, & c. & c. & c. An Impartial Review of New Books and Pamphlets.;. stating with Candour and Precision the Design and Tendency of each Publication. A Collection of such Fugitive Essays and Papers as ap- pear during the Month, and are deemed worthy of Pre- servation. A more particular Acconnt of the Plan will be annexed to the First Number. London : Printed for J. ALMON, in Piccadilly ; and sold by J. Lawton, j Bulkeley, and P. Brosser, Book- sellers, in Chester ; R. Taylor, in Namptwich and Dray- ton ; J. Eddowes, in Salop ; and by all other Booksellers
in Town and Country. BRIDGNORTH RACES, 1767., oN Wednesday this 24th Day of June will be Run for on the Common of Morse, near Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop, a Purse of 5: 1 jj. given by the Hon. Sir ThomaS Whitmore, Knight the Bath, by any Horse, tic. four Years old, that never won the Value of 50l' [ Matches- excepted.) Colts car- rying 8st. 71b. and Fillies 8st. 41b. Bridle and Saddle included.; - the best of three Two mile Heats. U And on Thursday the 25th Day of June, will be Run for on the said Common a Subscription Purse of 50I. by any Horse: that has never won the Value of cel. since Christmas last, (
Matches excepted) 5 Years old carrying 8st. 10lb. 6 Years old 9st. 51b. and Aged 10st. Bridle and Saddle included, the beft of three Four- mile Heats. Every Horse, & c. that runs for the above Plates must be shewn and entered at Mr. Colley's, of the Fox, in the Low Town, the Clerk of the Course : For the First on Wednesday the 17th Day of June ; and for the Second, on thursday the 18th Day of June, between the Hours of Two and Four in the evening, paying One Guinea Entrance for the first iPlate, and Two Guineas for the second, or double Entrance at the Post but a Subscriber to pay Half Entrance Certificates of the Ages
of Horses, & c. to be produced at the Time of Entrance, under the Hands of the Own- ers ; and the Horses, & c. to be kept from the Time of Entrance in Bridgnorth, at the House of a Subscriber of Half a Guinea at least. The Entrance Money to go to the second best Horse, & c. each Day, but not without a clear Heat. - No less than three reputed Running HOrses, & c. to run for these Plates; and if but one enters, to be al- lowed-- Ten Guineas; if but two, Five Guineas each, and their Entrance Money : Half a Guinea to be paid to the Clerk of the Course by the Rider of each Horse*& c. Scales; and Weights; and winning Horse, & c.
shall allow Half a Guinea for the Trumpet. No Crossing or Jostling. All Disputes be deter- mined by , the Stewards.! Articles for Running to be produced at the Time of Entrance. There will be a Dinner each Day for the Ladies and Gentlemen in the Town Hall, and Balls at Night; and a publick Breakfast on the Bowling- Green on the second Race- Day. SIR HENRY BRIDGEMAN, Bart. . ' Robert PigotT, Esq On Saturday the of May, 1767, will be published, Price Six- pence, [ Embellished with an elegant Frontispiece, engraved by GRIGNIon illustrated with Ninety- six Copper- Plates absolutely necessary to elucidate the Various
Subjects NUMBER h Of A General Dictionary of ARTS and SCIENCES : OR, ' . t * A Complete System of Literature. Containing among other Branches of Learning, Metaphysics, Navigation, Optics, Painting, Perspective, Pharmacy,' Philology, Physic, ' Philosophy, Pneumatics, Rhetoric, Sculpture, Series, Statics, i i Statuary, Surgery, , | Surveying;; Theology,' & c. The Poetry, Criticism, Grammar, and Theology, By the Rev. JAMES SCOTT, M. A. Fellow of Trinity- College, Cambridge. The Mathematical Branches, By Mr. CHARLES GREEN, Late Observer at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. - Botany and Gardening, By Mr.
JAMES MEADER, Gardener to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Chesterfield. And the other Branches of Literature, By a SOCIETY of GENTLEMEN, Who are Lovers and Encouragers of SCIENCE,! London Printed for S. CROWDER, at the Looking- Glass, in Pater- noster- Row ; and fold by Francis Blyth, the Royal Exchange ; j. Gardener, in Parliament- street, Weftminster; Mr. Etherington, at York ; Mr. Mer- ril, at Cambridge; Mr. Jackson, at Oxford; Messrs, Smith and Son, at Dublin ; Mr. Bulkley, at Chester ; Mr. Taylor, at Namptwich; Mr. Eddowes, at Salop ; and all other Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland. i CONDITIONS. I. This
Work is printed in Quarto, on a superfine Paper, and new Letter,. and is comprized in three large Volumes. II. It is comprized in Ninety- six Numbers, which may be had altogether, Price il. izi. 611. bound in Calf,, or one Number per Week. III. In this Work is given Ninety- six Copper- plates, proper to elucidate the various Subjects engraved by the most masterly Hands. Among these are the Twelve Plates of the Zodiac, with the Places of all the Stars, settled from actual and accurate Observations. IV Number I. may b; read grAtis, to enable the Reader to form an Opinion of its Execution, and may be Re- turned, if not approved.
V. Number 1. will be published on Saturday the 30th of May, 1767, and the succeeding Numbers will follow in their proper Order weekly, till the whole is completed, » ,* Notwithstanding there are several Dictionaries of Arts and Sciences' already' extant, there, is still ample Room for presenting the Public with a Work . of this Kind far superior to any Dictionary ever yet published. Several of the Gentlemen ' concerned in this Work are already known in the Republic of Letters, and their La- bours have more than once obtained the Approbation of proper Judges. And as they have exerted their utmost Abilities on this Occasion, they
have some Reason to flatter themselves,. that their Readers will not be disap- pointed. The Case of a Clergyman's Daughter cured. by MAREDANT's DROPs. To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, in Golden- Square, London. SIR, I Return you my most sincere Thanks for the extraor- dinary Cure my. Daughter has received by your Ma-, redant's Drops, She was afflicted with a most inveterate Leprosy, which rendered her a most shocking Spectacle to all who beheld her. The Winter before it broke out,, she was troubled with a Sickness and a violent Spitting; in the Beginning of March the Disorder appeared . ih- Blotches and Scurf about
her Neck, attended with exces- sive Itching her Body, was also swelled all over ; the loose dry Scurf continued to spread all over her Body, followed by a. violent, sharp Humour, which took away the Skin from every Part, the Inflammation was so great as to be sensibly felt by the Hand some Distance from her, which- remained 24 Hours then the Humour dried up and was followed with great loose Scales which fell off by Handfuls in a most surprising Manner for the Space of a Week, which at last increased till they be- came as hard as tire Bark of a Tree ; all this was fol- lowed with such a Smell,, that few could bear the Room
where she was : In short; the Fever and Loss of Appe- tite brought her so low, that no one expected her Life. In taking yOur Medicine the Humour gradually ceased, after that the Scales became thinner and thinner, till the natural Skin appeared, and now' she has not the least Blemish on any Part of her Body. — You have my Leave to this most extraordinary Cure for the Be- nefit of Mankind, 1 am your humble Servant; . ) CORIOLANUS COPPLESTONE, At Cobham, in Surry. Witnesses to this Cure, John Hone, Dinah Wheatley. Pi S. The Girl is nine Years old. Any Perso still doubtful of the efficacy of this Me- dicine, may ( by
applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon; the West Side of Golden Square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor,' where these Drops are sold in Bottles of 6 s. each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many people of credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long- contimfed Inflammations of the Eyes, and every ether Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season, without the least inconvenience or hindrance of. business. They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create an Appetite, None are Genuine but what
are signed by John Norton in his own Hand- writing, These Drops are also sold by Mr. Bulkeley, Bookseller, in Chester Now Loading at Cotton's Wharf, London, - . for this Place, and the. Parts adjacent, THE Brig BOSTOGK, William Thomas, Master a Cheese Ship, and constant Trader, Burthen 100 Tons. , j Any Persons having Goods to ship are desired to for- Ward their Orders, as the said Brig will positively sail in This Day was published, In One huge Volume, Octavo, price 5s bound, General COunting house, .' AND MAN Of BuSINESS. Calculated to promote Facility and Accuracy in Ac- counts of Business, relative to the
Merchant the Banker, Under- writer, Broker, Factor, Employer, Drawer, Re- mitter, Partner, Trustee Manufacturer, Warehouse- Keeper, Shop- keeper, Store- keeper, Landed Gentleman, Chamberlain, Farmer, ic, with the Method of negoti- ating Bills of Exchange, in all trading Countries of Eu- rope. • By WILLIAM GORDON, Author of the Universal AcComptant. London : Printed for S. Crowder, at No. 12, in Pa- ter- noster- Row ; and A. Donaldson, Bookseller, in Edin- burgh -. Sold by J. Bulkeley, in Chester; R. Taylor in Nantwich and Drayton ; J. Harrop, in Manchester ; J. eddowes, in Salop ; R. Marsh, in Wrexham and by most
Booksellers in Great Britain.' Note, The Examples of Book- keeping and Specimens cf different Books of all Kinds of Business are very plain and practical, and may be easily understood without the Help of * Master, many of the Sets of Books are entirely new ; in par- ticular the West India Counting- House, being Specimens of Books ' proper for West India Merchants and Factors, or those who have any Business with them. The Retailer's Count- ing- House; or Book- keeping proper for Shops, Warehouse and Storekeepers ;' and a Model of Books proper for the landed Gentleman, the Farmer, and the Chamberlain or Steward.
On the Whole, this Book is reckoncd by good Judges, one of the best and plainest Systems of Book- keeping that has hitherto appeared, and it is not doubt- ed, but it will merit the Approbation of the Public. By the KING,' s ROYAL PATENT, Grarted to THOMAS JACKSON, his Heirs. & c. At their Great Wholesale Warehouse, Fleet- Market, London, Where Country Dealers may be supplied with the following Medicines, and good Allawance to sell again. 1. JACKSON's TINCTURE J for the Rheumatism, Gravel, Stone, Cho- lic, or Griping of the Bowels or any such like windy Disorders : il not only gives present Ease, but if
continued taking, one Bottle or two will en- irely remove and destroy the Cause ; and is infal- lible in Disorders of the Fair Sex either young or old, ( it is far superior t0 any Medicine extant) Likewise Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, old Ul- cers, or Swellings of any Kind, especially White Swellings, it cures to Admiration, I s the Bottle. 2 Dr. BATEMAN'S PECTORAL DROPS. Which have for more than 40 Years, wiih uncommon suc- cess been given in all Fluxes, Spitting of blood, Consumpsions, Agues, Small pox, Measles, Colds Coughs, and pains in the Limbs and Joints; 1 f—- put off the most violent FeVer even in the worst
cAses and wiih more Ease and safety than any Medicine ever yet discovered tf.* the book.. 3 The only true BRITISH POWDER for the Teeth and Gums. Its VirtueS are as follow vii. it Clenses the Teeth and Gutvs of all scorbutick Humours, which alWays attend them' which foul .1 brings the Gums to fill up the proper places and Channels which the scurvy hath eaten away. It causes a sweet and pleasant Breath immediately af- tar Application. It refines the Palate, and preserves a pleasing Taste in the Mouth. It preserves all t' e Teeth thai are found entire, and those that are decayed from growing any worse. It will always prevent
their aching after this Application : makes them as beautiful and white as the whitest Ivory: ii always keeps the Mouth free from Cankers, and All other hoy and dangerous Humours, is. the Box, The famous Patent Ointment for the itch which effectually cures that Distemper at one Dressing, without the least Danger, and never known to but, 1 > 6d. the Box The celebrated Volatile Essence, called Eau de 1uce,.- It. 6d the small Bottle, and . the large. The true Daffy's Elixir, above 100 Years experi- enced. Price is 3d. the Half- pint Bottle. The true and genuine Fryer's Balsam, price I » . the Bottle. The true and genuine British Oil, is
the Bottle Also the refined Oil to lake inwardly. Price 1s. 6d, the Bottle. Tutlington's Balsam of Life, 3. 6d. the large Bot- tle, and is yd the small. Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, if. the Box. Hadfield's Tincture for Bruises, IJ. the ^-. flfo- The famous Corn Salve that cures hard and soft Corns in two or three Weeks and always gives present Ease when applied, is. 6d. the Box: Dr. Anderson's, or the true Scots tills, is; the Box, Dr. Bostock's never failing Cordial Purging Elix- ir, price is. 3d. the Bottle. Dr. Stoughton't Great Stomachick Elixir, Price is. a Bottle. Dr. Benj. Godfrey's General Cordial, td. a Bottle. Dr. Bateman's Golden and Plain
Spirits of Scurvy Grass, is. each phial Dr. Story's famous Sugar Cakes for the Worms in Children, Uc. Price is. Hungary and Lavendar Water. The Court or Ladies black Sticking Plaister, IS, The Bathing Spirt 6d. the Bottle. And Squires's Grand Elixir, is. 3d. the Bottle. Note Pray observe that the Name of JACKSON and Co. be in all the Bills of direction and then you- are sure you are not imposed on. The above true Medicines are sold by Mr. El- lames, Druggist, and Mr. Poole, Bookseller, in Chester ; by Messrs, Anderson and Gore, in Liver- pool ; Mrs. Jane Phips, in Oswestry 5 Mr. Evans, Grocer, in . Welchpool ; Mrs. Thomas,
in Holy- well Mr Owen, in Mold; Mr. Catherall, in Bone- bury j Mr. Jones in Tarporley 1 Mr. Edwards, Mercer, in Wrexham; Mr. Gosnell, Mr. Price, and Mr. Tipton, in Salop; Mr. Taylor, Book- seller, in Namptwich ; Mr Turner, in Frodsham Mr. Banks, in Warrington; Mr. Banks, in Wigan; Mr. Leigh, in Northwich; and by the Printers hereof. CHESTER printed by ELIZ, ADAMS in NewgAte StreeT, where ADVERTISeMENTs are taken in, and PRINTING in General is neatly and expeditiously perform'd at reasonnable Rates; likewise by R, Taylor, in Namptwich and Drayton, and J. EDDOwes, in Salop,