The Public Advertiser
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 9963
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The Public Advertiser
Date of Article: 05/10/1766
Printer / Publisher: H.S. Woodfall
Address: No 21, near the Corner of Ivy Lane, Paternoster-Row, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 9963
No Pages: 4
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The Public Advertiser. NukiJ. Q263. MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1766. [ Price Two- pence Halfpenny. HAY- MARKET. King's Theatre, Sept. Zi, 1766. MESSIEURS Crawford, Vincent, and Gordon, most humbly, request the Nobility and Gentry, Subscribers to the Serious and Comic Ope- ras the ensuing Season, they will please to pay their Subscriptions to Mess. Andrew Drummond and Co. Bankers at Charing- Cross, who will give proper Re- ceipts for the same. It is humbly desired, that the Subscribers to the boxes will please to send to the Office of the said The- atre, a List of the Names of the Company belonging to their
respective Boxes, or for Silver Tickets, for the preparing ef the Tickets to be delivered to each Sub- scriber in proper Time. DRURY- LANE. By His MAJESTY'S Company. AT THE THeatre Royal in Drury Lane, To- morrow will be presented The JEALOUS WIFE. Oakly, Mr. HOLLAND ; Lord Trinket by Mr. Dodd 5 Major Oakly, Mr. Yates ; Charles ( for the 1st Time) Mr. CAUTHERLY ; Sir Harry Beagle, Mr. J. Palmer; Russet, Mr. Burton; Captain O'Cutter, Mr. Moody ; Paris, Mr. Baddeley ; Tom, Mr. Ack- man ; Lady Freelove, Mrs. CLIVE; Harriet, Mrs. Palmer; _ Mrs. Oakly, Mrs. PRITCHARD. To which will be added The HERMIT,
Or, HARLEQUIN at RHODES. Harlequin, Mr. ROOKER ; Hermit, Mr, Kear; Pantaloon, Sig. Grimaldi ; Clown, Mr. Ackman ; the other Characters by Mr. Parsons, Mr. Castle, Mr. Strange, Mr. johnston, Mr. Keen, Mr. Watkins, Mr. West, Master Burton, & c. Mrs. Vincent, Mrs. Bradshaw, & c. Colombine, Mrs. KING. The Dances by Sig. Giorgi, Sig. Tassoni, Signora Giorgi, & c. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gall. 2s. Upper Gall is. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Johnston at the Stage- Door. No Money to be received at the Stage Door. . Nor any Money returned after the Curtain ii drawn up. Wednesday, VENICE PRESERVD. '
Jaffier Mr. POWELL; Pierre, Mr. HOLLAND ; Belvidera, Mrs. BARRY, ( Being her 1st Appearance in that Character) *•* To prevent any Mistakes for the future in ad. vertising the Plays and Entertainments at the above Theatre, theManagers think it proper to declare that the Play. Bills are inserted, by their Direction, in this Paper ONLY. COVENT- GARDEN. Not Acted these THREE Years. AT THE THeatre Royal, Covent Garden, This Day will be revived the second Part of King HENRY the FOURTH. With the HUMOURS of Sir JOHN FALSTAFF. King Henry by Mr. GIBSON; Prince of Wales by Mr. ROSS ; Prince John of
Lancaster, Mr. Davis; Mowbray, Mr. Morris ; Hastings, Mr. Bennet ; Archbishop of York, Mr. Clarke ; Lord Bardolph, Mr. Mozeen ; Colville, Mr. R. Smith; Gower, Mr. Cushing; Westmoreland, Mr. Hull; Lord Chief justice, Mr. Anderson; Cla- rence, Mr. Murden ; Warwick, Mr, Gardner; Poins, Mr. Perry ; Pistol, Mr. Dyer; Justice Shallow, Mr. WOODWARD ; Being his first Appearance in that Character. Silence, Mr. Lewis; Phang, Mr. Redman ; Mouldy, Mr. Buck; Feeble, Mr. Holtom ; Bullcalf by Mr. Dunstall; Hostess, Mrs. Pitt; Doll Tearsheet, Mrs. Gardner; Sir John Falstaff, Mr. SHUTER. To which will be added The PROCESSION
from the ABBEY at the CORONATION. With the Representation of WESTMINSTER HALL, and the CEREMONY of the CHAMPION. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gall. zs. Upper Gall. is. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Sarjant only, Book- keeper at the Stage- door. No Money to be received at the Stage Door, nor a j j Money to be returned after the Curtain is drawn up. To prevent any Mistakes for the future in ad- vertising the Plays and Entertainments at the above Theatre, the Managers think it proper to declare that the Play- Bills are inserted, by their Direction, in this Paper ONLY. This Day is published, Price One Shilling,
HYPOCHONDRIASIS. A practical Treatise on the Nature and Cure of that Disorder, commonly called the Hyp and Hypo. By J. HILL, M. D, Printed for the Author in Arlington- street, St. James's ; and sold by Richard Baldwin, Number 47, in Pater- noster Row ; and J. Ridley, in St. James's- street. PURGING Diuretic Worm and Pectoral Horse Balls, are prepared and sold, as usual by WILLIAM RADLEY, Druggist and Chemist, at the Queen's Head, near Gray's Inn Gate. Holborn, The Purging Balls contain in a small Compass all the essential Qualities of automatic Purge; they do not cloy a Horses Stomach as most other Purges
do but without the least griping scour a Horse well, and make him stale plentifully. Horses after being badly or ir- regularly fed, or coming from Grass into a Stable, are apt on change of Dipt to have Humours flying about them, which settling on the Lungs Legs, or Blood Vessels, cause either an obstinate Cough, Grease or Farcy, which, might be prevented by a few Doses'. of Physic, and therefore highly necessary for Horses newly purchased. Price z>. each Parcel, containing three Dose; Diretic Balls, which effectually cure the Grease in Horse;, by an urinary Discharge, 2s. a lb. Worm Balls, 6l each. Pectoral Balls for Coughs,
Sc. 2!. perPound. RANELAGH - HOUSE will be opened This Day With FRENCH-- HORMS, CLARINETS, and BASSOONS. To be continued till further Notice. Admittance 2s. 6d. each Person. Coffee and Tea included. MARYBONE- GARDENS. The Last Evening. THIS Evening will be a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental MUSfC. Which will conclude with an Ode on the Royal Nup- tials of the King and Queen of Denmark, to a fa- vourite Air of Mr. Handel's, with an additional Verse on the Birth of a Princess Royal. There will be a new grand Firework on the Occa- sion by Mr. CLANFIELD. The Doors to be opened at Five, and
the Musick to begin exactly at Six. Admittance One Shilling each Person. Subscribers Tickets admitted as usual. JAMAICA HOUSE BOWLING GREEN, Rotherhith, ON Thursday next, tne 9th inst. will be exhibited GRAND FIREWORKS. Prepared by Mr. Clitherow, Engineer to Ranelagh House. The Music will begin at Six, and the Fireworks as soon as the Evening will permit. Tickets to be had at the Jamaica House, Rotherhith, and at the Corn Tailor's Coffee- house, Mark Lane, at One Shilling each, which will intitle the Bearer to a Pint of Wine or Punch. _____ Public Office, Bow- street, To the Pawnbrokers, Silversmiths, and
others, WHEREAS a Footpad who goes by the Name of JOHN GOATLEY, and swering the following Description, stands charged with having robbed a Servant of the Marquis of Carnarvon, on Thursday Night last, near Farnham, of a Silver Watch, Maker's Name, LAWSON, and with beating him in a cruel Manner. Whoever will apprehend the said Robber, and bring him before Sir Jonn Fielding, or give such Notice to that Magistrate as may be the. Mean of his being ap- prehended and brought before him, shall receive a Re- ward of Five Guineas on his Commitment. J. FIELDING. The said Footpad was dressed like a Postillion,
in a yellow Waistcoat laced with worsted Lace, a Pair of greasy Breeches, which he generally wears unbuttoned at the Knees, is about five Feet ten Inches high, or up- wards, with black Bush Head of Hair, of a swarthy Complexion, about 30 Years of Age, and is a slight built Man, is said to live with a Widow Woman at King- ston, who sells run Tea, to which Place he is supposed to be gone, and has lately been picking of Hops at ons Farmer Goodere's, near Farnham. WANTED within a Month 22001. a 5 per Cent. on a Mortgage of a modern- built Leasehold House, worth nearly double the Value, situate in the most approved
Part of the City of London, to be kept for three Years certain. For further Particular enquire at Messrs. Nuthall and Thomson's, Attornies, in Crosby square Bishops- gate street A BILL of EXCHANGE drawn by GABRIEL SMITH on JOSHUA and DRUMMOND SMITHS payable to Madam Cecilia Wd. Soren Jorgenseni two Months after Sight for 200 1. dated 4: 11 September, 1766. WHEREAS the first and second of the above- mentioned Bills were accepted, one the 29th, and the other the 30th of September : This is to desire the Holder of the said Bills not to negociate them separately, and to caution that the second may not be
negotiated or received in Payment. THE ANNUAL REGISTER ; A View of the History, Politicks, and Lite- rature, of the Year 1766, is preparing for the Press, and will be published in due Time. Printed for J. Dodsley in Pall- mall. Where may be had, all the preceding Volumes, or any of them separate, beginning with the Year 1758. To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, in Golden- square, SIR, HAVING been for several Years past, much afflicted with a scorbutic Disorder which shewed itself externally on my Shoulders, Neck, and Ears, insomuch that my Ears have been often ulce- rated and my Neck overspread with Scales, like the Scales
of a Fish ; I had almost a continued Pain and Disorder, with a Pain at my Stomach; I lost my Appe- tite, my Complexion changed to a yellow Hue, and in short I was in a very bad Slate of Health, but am now by the Use of your Maredant's Drops, perfectly recove- red : You may shew this Letter to any of your Patients, or make what other Use of it you please, as I think in Gratitude I ought to acknowledge to you, and to the World, how much I owe to your Medicine the Reco- very of my Health, from that of a very bad Consti- tution. I am, With great Esteem, Your obedient and very humble Servant, July 3, 1766. JOHN HALL,
Attorney, in Johnson's Court, Fleet- street, Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Me- dicine may ( by applying to John Norton, Surgeon, the West Side of Golden- square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of 6s. each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to above a hundred People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long continued In- flammations of the Eyes, and every other Diorder ari- sing from a Foulness in the Blood- They may be taken in any Season, without the least
Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create an Appetite. They are likewise sold by his Appointment at the following Places, via. Mr. Wood's Tea Warehouse, near Cannon- street, Ratcliff Highway; at Mr. Flet- cher's, Bookseller, at the Oxford Theatre, the North Side of St. Paul's Church- yard ; at Mr. Deering's, the Floor Cloth in Newport- street, Long- Acre; at Wilson and Fell's, Booksellers, in Pater- noster Row j at Mr. Robertson's, Turner, at the Hat and Brush the Corner of Crosby- square, Bishopsgate street ; and at D. Piddington's Medicinal Warehouse, near the Bars, West
Smithfield ; at Mrs. Heighington's, Taylor, at the Boar's Head in the Cloyster, near St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and nowhere else in London. , None are genuine but what are signed by Mr. Nortap, in his own hand Writing, In a few Days will be published. In Three Volumes Twelves, Price bound gs. A New Edition of ODES of PINDAR, with several other Pieces in Prose and Verse, translated from the Greek. To which is added, a Dissertation on the Olympick Games; together with Original Poems on several Occasions. By GILBERT WEST, Esq; L. L. D. Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall- mall. *„* For Ship and Country News— and the
Letters signed A Quiet Spectator, and NOPro- logue—- see the last Page. To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. SIR, THE Papers, which retale the News of the Day, having announced the Death of Mr. Archibold Bawer, I have met with great Numbers who are ex- tremely desirous to know whether he died a Pro- testant or a Papist. If the former, his Friends owe it to the World, to the Deceased, and to them- selves, to give the most circumstantial and au- thentic Proof of a Fact which must at once silence and disgrace the authors of so virulent an Opposition as he had to struggle with from the Jesuits and their Abettors, the
jesuited Au- thors of the several Pamphlets intended to blacken the Man, and disparage the Work he was carrying on. If the latter, there will be no Occasion to be particular as to the Proof. A profound Silence will answer all the Ends of more explicit Information. Such Characters are best covered up in Darkness and Oblivion. If any one of your Correspondents can bear an honourable Testimony to the edifying Depar- ture of a Gentleman, who, all Considerations of Religion apart, was an useful Member of the Republic of Letters, it will be doing a ne- cessary Piece of Justice 10 his Memory to pub- lish it. If after all his solemn
Professions to the contrary he died in Communion with the Church of Rome, an Account of his Depar- ture would edify nobody but the two Count Douglasses, the one at or about Rome. Where the other is, is not so well known to, SIR, Your humble Servant, CURIOUS. To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. SIR, WHEN I went into the Country about two Months ago, I desired Philocolon to postpone abusing me in the public Papers till my Return to Town ; hoping also to suffer no indecent or uncandid Treatment through the Channel of your Paper, from your usual Can- dour and Decorum ; but so it is, that this abu- sive
unmannerly Puffer, under various Signa- tures, has been admitted to call me Names too indecent to be repeated, to charge me with Va- nity, and to use other indecent Practices, in or- der to lessen my Credit as a Writer, as the best Arguments he can give in answer to what I have advanced in several Letters to you, concerning Unanimity in Church and State, proving it to be both desirable and practicable. As to my Abilities as a Scribbler I declare to you, that it is of very little Concern to me what any one thinks of them, so that my Style and Sentiments appear clear, short, decent, and rational, a- greeable to that Subject and
what Letters for Publication in daily News papers require ; and I should imagine the Liberty of the Press, for the sake of Information, as well as Instruction, would tolerate mere Matters of Fact, and Ques- tions that are proper for the Inspection of the Public. Should I be mistaken in my political Notions, or in the Manner of expressing them, surely every Attempt to serve the Public de- serves a little better Treatment than what this furious Party man has been pleased to bestow on such as differ from him in Opinion. How- ever, the Feeling I have for Truth and my Country oblige me to persist in my Opinion, that the Man who would
divide his Fellow- Ci- tizens in their Opinions of religious or civil Li- berties, is the Pest of Society; for those in Authority should unanimously defend the whole Republic, and that such as would consult only a Part, and desert the rest, would promote Dis- cord and Sedition; which as some adhered to he People, others to the Nobility, but none to the whole, in the Greek and Roman Repub- lic, ended in the most pestilent and destructive Wars ; a Course not to be endured by a sober and valiant Patriot, or any one that deserves a Place in the Government. It is notorious, that Disputes and Divisions amongst those entrusted with the
Administration of public Affairs have been, and may shall be, very pernicious to public Concerns. Is it not then desirable that a Coalition of Parties should prevail? Surely none but bigotted or selfish Party- men will deny it. They indeed for pri- vate Ends, as if there were any Danger of lul- ling the People into a State of fatal Security, would keep up Party- Disputes, and mislead them from being lulled to a peaceable Submis sion, and relying, as their best Security, on the Laws and Constitution of their Country, when every body must know Right and Wrong to be the only Objects of Dispute in these Matters. Is it then impracticable to
convince the People that the general Good is the true Interest of every Individual, and that Places and Pension's properly belong only to Persons of extraordi- nary Virtues, Capacity, and Deserts ? I say no, if Party Writers would attempt it, and perhaps in that Case there would be more Places and Employments, than of Persons ready to assume them. But says B. S. a Coalition of Parties is only to be devoutly wished, and I will venture to add, that it ought at this Time devoutly to be attempted. To prevent an Union in Church Matters, Utis makes use of the usual Bugbears the Pope and P—- t— r; but this stale Argament is too
ridiculous to require any Notice ; for every ho- nest Man of Sense, I will venture to assert, will think a Union in the Church not imprac- ticable, if proper Concessions were made on all Sides, and that such an Union might be a very great Step towards a Coalition of Parties under the present happy Establishment, without the Aid of any foreign Bishop or other Pretender. It is also certain that the Legislators of our own, and every other Country of all Persuasions, would effect an Union in civil and religious Matters in their respective States, and it would else have been impracticable to form, and when formed long to preserve Society,
without an Union of the Individuals under one and the same Government in civil and religious Mat- ters. Is it not then strange, that any English- man should contend for such Divisions, unless he would divide the People, in order to employ a Part of them to beggar and enslave the rest. He is very much mistaken, if any one thinks that I entertain any Opinions prejudicial to the Presbyterian Dissenters; for there are I hope many good People of all Persuasions; but it is still highly to be wished, that all Persons, who live under the same Government, would en- deavour to get rid of Prejudice, that they might see these Objects in their
proper Light, and God give us an Understanding and Disposi- tion of Heart fit for it. I am, SIR, Dublin, Sept. 23. Your humble Servant, SYNDIC. Epistle to a Gentleman who had long provided for the Author. FOrgive me, Sir, if I once more Your Patience, and your Aid implore, Nor think my Suit is rude; For well you know there is no Law, To keep Necessity in Awe ; Then humbly I intrude. II. True is that Proverb now I find, " When out of Sight, then out of Mind," St. John is twice near past ; Since Fortune first my Hopes did feed With better Days I thought indeed It was too good to last. III. For she's a Lass that ne'er can fix, And who
can help her playing Tricks On Mortals here below ; The Man of Wit, and simple Clown, Even GEORGE himself who wears the Crown, Her Disappointments know, IV- All this contented I can bear, While other People have their Share ; But still there's worse behind : Remember, Sir, when Fortune smil'd, You bade, me get my Wife with Child, Since Madam is so kind. . V And ' Faith I took you at your Word, My Rib the joyful Tydings heard, In Love we lost Despair; No Galley- Slave e'r work'd so hard, - As I unthinking flatter'd Bard, To multiply my Care. VI. For new my Case your Pity claims, The certain Marks of pregnant Dames
My Spouse begins to carry More Troubles stare me in the Face, Expences threaten me apace, Sure none but Madmen marry VII. But if for Life the Child's design'd, O where shall it a Patron find, In you or Mr. R de ? Say, must I lay it at his Feet, Or bear it to Southampton- street, Since both have done the Deed ? VIII. And when its Tongue, unskill'd as yet In Speech, at Liberty is set, By Nature's wise Decree; O may its little winning Arts Be sure to touch your gen'rous Hearts, In pleading hard for me ! IX. And should the prattling Efforts meet In Virtue's Breast a kind Retreat, And send sufficient Pelf; My grateful Pray'rs shall ever
be To bless the Hand that favours me To keep the Brat myself. X. That Courtiers, who on Kings depend, Will promise what they ne'er intend Is made a standing Jest ; The well- known Pride of Mr. R- . de To help Distress in Time of Need, Still makes me hope the best. INTELLIGENCE EXTRAORDINARY. THEY write from Leith, that there was shipped at that Port, on the — ult.. on board the Jockey, Charles Douglas, Master, freighted for London with Scotch Pebbles, a curious and ac- curate Model, in Plaister of Paris, of THE CAVE OF FAMINE, with all its Decorations and Appendages, even to the Figure of the Goddess, as
described by the late Reverend and ingenious Mr. Charles Churchill. It is said to be taken at the Expence of, and consigned to a Right Honourable Patron and Connoisseur in All the fine Arts of France and Italy, but more particularly these. of his own Country. It is designed, not only as a Pattern of tasty Grotto- Work in the several Places of his L p's Re, sidence, but likewise to answer the political Pur- poses of confining and taming the Seditious who are apt to rave after Liberty, Plenty, Privileges of various Kinds, with which paltry Scrubs cannot safely be trusted Experiment, it is said, will be tried upon the Rioters in some
Counties, and as there ia no Doubt of its Sue- cess, it is probable that before the End of the Year, we may have one of these elegant and useful Mansions, hewn out under the Direction of the R. H. Importer, in every county in Eng- land. Saturday arrived a Mail from Flanders. Genoa, Sept. 6. MR. Boyer, Envoy from France, is to arrive here after the Vacation, when the lesser Council, which is to consist of not less than one hundred and thirty Members, will directly assemble to treat of a Peace between our Repub- lic and the Rebels cf Corsica. Vienna, Sept. 17. Their Highnesses the Arch- Dukes underwent, the Day before
Yesterday, at Schonbrum, an Examination on the Elements of the Latin Tongue, and the different Classic Authors. The Empress Queen assisted at it with several Personages whom her Majesty had chosen to accompany her to this Exercise, and who were Witnesses of the Judgment and Pene- tration which those Princes displayed on this Occasion, which furnish us in Time to come with the most flattering Hopes. , From the Corsican Gazette, published by Authority ' cf the Supreme Government of the Island. Corte. THE Count de Marbeuf, Mareschal des Camps, and Commander in Chief of the French Troops which are in
Garrison in this Island, having made a Tour to review his different Detachments, payed a Visit to this Ci- ty, where he was received with all possible Re- spect, was lodged with all his noble Train in our Convent of St. Francis, and both at his Ar- rival and Departure he was saluted with a Dis- charge of Cannon from the Castle. On the 13th of April, by the Mediation of the Count de Marbeuf, an Exchange of Pri- soners was concluded on between the Republic of Genoa and this State. The Ceremony was performed under the Walls of Furiani j Signor Barbaggi being commissioned to act in behalf of his Exccllency our General. It is a
Condi- tion in this Exchange, that none of the Prisoners of either Side shall be employed upon actual Service while the Troops of France remain in the Island. It is remarkable, that of the Corsican Prisoners there have perished in the Prisons of Genoa, in the Space of three Years, 103, for the most Part young robust Men, who have died of mere Want, and of 56 who have been kept alive, by the generous and pious Cure of an old Jesuit Father, one died on Shipboard, three hardly Survived their Landing at Bastia, and the rest are in so bad a Way that they cannot hope to enjoy long their regained Liberty. On the other Hand,, of
the Genoese Prisoners, taken by us in much greater Numbers, only five or six have died in our Prisons. Some Time ago an English Vessel laden with Barley coming from Sicily was shipwrecked near to Portovecchio, bur the Crew and Part of the Cargo had the good Fortune to be saved. When the News of this Misfortune was brought to General Paoli, his Excellency immediately dis- patched a Person of Distinction, with a Detach- ment of Militia, to give all possible Assistance to the English Sailors. From the LONDON GAZETTE. St. James's, Octobcr 4. ON Wednesday the 1st instant, the Even- ing the Ceremony of the
espousals, or Contract of Marriage, between his Majesty Christian the VIIth, King of Denmark, ( repre- sented by his Royal Highness the Duke of York, his Procurator) and her Royal Highness the Princess Caroline Mathilda, his Majesty's youngest Sister, was solemnly performed in the Great Council Chamber here, by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. The next Morning early her Majesty the Queen of Denmark, with her Attendants and Retinue, set out from Carl- ton House for Harwich, where her Majesty ar- rived on Thursday last, about Four o'Clock in the Afternooon, and intended to embark on board the Mary Yacht for
Holland, as soon as the Wind should be favourable. St. Ildephonso, Sep], 15. Advices are just re- ceived, by the American Packet, of a great Earthquake in the Isle of Cuba, which has overturned and dismantled the City of St. Jago, in which very happily not above Forty Lives were lost : But it was Scarcely felt at the Ha- vannah. Copenhagen, Sept. 23. Count Horn, the Swe- dish Ambassador, arrived here on the 16th inst. accompanied by nine Cavalliers d'Ambassade. He notified his Arrival to the foreign Ministers on the 18th, and Yesterday had his first Au- dience of the King and the Royal Family, who removed to Copenhagen
for this Purpose; where they are to remain till the Departure of the Princess Royal. Berlin, Sept. 13. On the 16th inst. the Mar- grave of Anspach arrived at Potzdam. Dresden, Sept. 2. M. d'Ende is appointed to succeed Count Einsiedel as Minister of State j for the Interior Department. BANKRUPTS. John Newby, of London, Wine Merchant, to surrender October 11, iS, November IJ, at Guildhall. Charles Mylius, of Hanover- street, Long- Acre, Gold and Silver Button maker, to surrender Oct. 7, it, Nov. 15, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made. Oct. 27. Edward Corfield, of Hughley in the County of Salop, Malster, at the Pig and
Castle in Bridgnorth. Nov. 11. James Liptrott, of Manchester in Lancashire, Merchant, at the Bull's Head Inn in Manchester. CERTIFICATES to be granted. - Oct. 15. John Henderson and William Ebell, of Birchin Lane, Merchants and Brokers. Oct. 15. John Hutchison, of Fan Court, Fen- church- street, Merchant. Oct. » s- Thomas Nicholson, of Sun Court, Cornhill, Taylor. Oct. John Rogers, of Maiden lane, Jew- eller. [ Saturday's Gazette also contains an Address to his Majesty of the Governor and Company of the English Colony of Connecticut in New England in America.] LONDON. Yesterday the Rev. Dr. Brooks, preached
before his Majesty, their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Cumberland, the Princess of Brunswick, & c. at the Chapel Royal, St. James's. The Sword of State was carried to and from Chapel by Lord Ashburnham. Extract of a Letter from Harwich, dated last Fri- day Morning. " Her Danish Majesty got to Harwich exactly a Quarter after Four o'Clock. The Wind be- ing at N. E. it was not thought proper for her Majesty to embark. She then went to Mr. Da- vis's, Collector of the Customs, dined, Supped, and lay there and this Morning embarked, at half past Eleven, with her whole Retinue, tho' the Wind is contrary, and they
are still lying in the Road. Her Majesty was preceded by Col. Desaguliers, and another Gentleman, in a Coach and Six. Mr. Reed, Clerk of the Sta- bles, had Direction of the Relays of Horses ; and the entire Care of her Majesty's Person and the Embarkation was committed to Col. Desa- guliers. Count Bothmar, and Attendants, fol- lowed in another Coach and Six. " Her Majesty was dressed in a Bloom colour with white Flowers. Wherever she passed, the earnest Wishes of the People were for her Health, and praying to God to protect from the Perils of the Sea. An easy Melancholy at Times seemed to affect her on account of
leaving her Family and the Place of her Birth ; but up- on the whole, She carried an Air of Serenity and Majesty, which exceedingly moved every one that beheld her. " The whole was conducted with the greatest Attention ; and must do great honour to those Gentlemen who had the Management of it, as no Accident happened ; nor were they the least retarded on the Road. " The Military hold themselves in Readiness in both Essex and Suffolk, in case there should be any Riots ' We hear that some extraordinary Difpatches were received on Friday at St. James's, from the Court of Brunswic. It is said that the Hereditary Prince of
Bruns- wic wiil arrive in England before the Meeting of Parliament. We hear the Earl of Shelburne's House, late Lord Bute's, in Berkeley- Square, is going to be purchaSed by his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. His Grace the Duke of Norlhumberland is the first nobleman that has been created to that high Title since the Reign of King George the First, except those of the Royal Family. This morning early his Grace the Duke of Kingston set out from his House in Arlington- street for his Seat at Thorsby in Nottingham- shire. Yesterday his Grace the Duke of Dorset set out from his House in Arlington- street, St. James's,
for Knowle in Kent. Yesterday the Hon. Richard Rigby, Esq; set out from his House in St. James's Place, for his Seat near Manningtree in Essex. Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Sept. 27. " It is with Pleasure we hear, that a very great Personage has declared, that for the fu- ture no Places or Pensions will be granted in England upon the Establishment of this King- dom, either for Life or Years." Part of a Letter from Paris. ' On Tuesday next, Sept. 30, Lord George Lenox, notwithstanding what has been said in Some of your Papers concerning his con- tinuing Plenipotentiary, takes Leave of the French Court, this Post of Honour
being certainly conferred on a Gentleman arrived from Madrid. His Lordship purposes spend- ing a Month with the Duke of Richmond at Aubigny, and then proceeds to England.' Yesterday Morning early one of the most dreadful Storms of Rain, Thunder, and Light- ning, happened that ever was known in the Memory of Man, and the Damage done thereby is incredible. Many Chimnies were thrown down in the High Grounds at the West End of the Town, where the Storm was very violent. John Hill, a Watchman of High Holborn, de- clares, that about Two o'Clock a Ball of Fire fell near his Stand, that the Earth trembled un- der
him, and that there was so great a Smell of Sulphur, that he was near being suffocated. The Ships at Anchor below Bridge received very great Damage Yesterday Morning; several of them were drove from their Anchors and run foul of each other, and some had their Masts shivered by the Lightning, so that they must be repaired before they can proceed on their Voy- ages. It is said, that the embanking of the River from Paul's Wharf to Essex Stairs in a strait Line will soon take Place, to the great Advan- tage of the Proprietors of Wharfs, the Naviga- tion of the River, and the Health of the Inhabitants thereabouts. We could wish
to see such acquired Ground laid out in a regular, advantageous and beautiful Manner, with pro- per Avenues to the North End of Black- friars Bridge; so that the middle Part of this great Town may be rebuilt in a proper Manner, and the Inhabitants return from the Extremities of it, to which for many Years they have been go- ing, and depopulating the Centre. Several Hand- mills, of a new Invention, for grinding Corn, are now constructing, in order to be sent to Florida, for the Use of the Settlers in that Province. There is now standing in the Church- yard of Lochebar, in Scotland, the Remains of a mon- strous Ash- Tree, the Trunk
of which, in the Year 1765, was measured five Feet from the Surface of the Earth, where the Girt was 58 Feet, and the column or Stem remaining is 16 Feet high. Sig. Guaditti, the Comic Dancer, will per- form two Pantomime Ballets the latter End of the Week, at the Theatre Rpyal in Drury- Lane, There is in RehearSal at the Same Theatre an Alteration of Wycherly's Country wise, in five Acts. And the Tragedy of the Siege of Da- mascus, not acted these seven Years, will be revived at the same Time, to be played alter- nately with the Comedy. The Beggar's Opera ( by particular Desire) will be performed on Thursday next.
Polly ( for the Fourth Time), by Miss Wright; Lucy, by Mrs. Abington; and Macheath by Mr. Vernon. On TueSday a general Court Martial Was held at the Guard- House at Town Key, Ports- mouth, on four Marines, who deserted from the Division at the above Place about a Month ago, with an Intent to go to France, and had actually stole a Boat to carry them over; but unluckily for them, a Marine, who was ac- quainted with their Scheme, having been asked to go with them,' discovered the whole to an Officer, who ordered the Guard to look out, who detected them as they were going out of the Harbour in the Boat. They were
taken and secured, after some Attempts to escape. The Court Martial ended in the Evening, and on WedneSday both their Charges and Answers were transmitted to the Board of Admiralty for their Lordships Perusal, and Determination thereon. NEWMARKET RACES. Monday, Sept. 29. A Subscription of 200 Guineas each, half Forfeit, Costs 8lt. 7lb. Fil- lies 8ft. 41b. Beacon Course, was won by lord Bolingbroke's Doge, beating Mr. Shafto's bay Colt by Regulus. Lord Gower, Lord Gros- venor and Mr. Panton paid Forfeit. The Duke of Grafton's Chef. Colt by Blank, 8ft. ijl, paid Forfeit to Mr. Shafto's by Filly, by Snap, 8st. lolb. for
1oo Guineas, half For- feit, Beacon Course. Lord Bolingbroke's bay Colt, Cornet, by Captain, 7st. 61b. 2 oz. beat Lord Rocking- ham's bay Colt by the Godolphin Colt, 7st. 2lb. for 100 Guineas, half Forfeit, Give and Take, 7st. the lowest; to run from the Ditch in. Mr. Panton's bay Colt, by Feather, paid Forfeit. Mr. Meynell's Rocket, 811. nib. paid Forfeit to Lord Orford's Commodore, 8st. for 3 0 Guineas, half Forfeit, Beacon Course. Lord Bolingbroke's Exotic beat the Duke of Grafton's Antinous, 8st. 2lb. for 300 Guineas, half Forfeit, Beacon Course. Mr. Shafto's Filch beat Mr. Vernon's Keeper for 300 Guineis, half Forfeit, B. C.
Tuesday the 30th Lord Grosvenor's Milk- Maid beat Lord Rockingham's Polly Spindle, 8ft. 7] b. for 300 Guineas, half Forfeit, B. C. The Duke of Kingston's bay Horse beat Mr. Vernon's Snipe, and Mr. Shafto's Piercy, 8ft. 7lb. for 200 Guineas', half Forfeit, B. C. Mr. Byng's Dragon, 8ft. 2lb.. paid Forfeit to Mr. Shirley's Romeo, 8st. 100 Guineas, half Forfeit, Beacon Course, Mr. Keck's Bay Barton, 8st. 71b. paid For- feit to Lord Ossory's Harrass, 8st. 100 Guineas, from the Ditch in. The Match between Lord Grosvenor's Filly by Trajan, and Mr. Burlton's grey Filly, by Captain, 8st, 7lb. for 100 Guineas, half Forfeit, from theDitch in, off.
WedneSday, Oct. 1, A Sweepstakes, for 50 Guineas each, play or pay, Duke's Course. Sir J. Moore's Magog, 4 Years, 7st. 31b. 1 Lord Bolingbroke's Conundrum, 4 Years old, 7st. 71b. 2 Sir C. Bunbury's Actaeon, 4 Yrs, 7ft. 7lb. 3 Mr. Vernon's Marquis, 5 Years old, and Mr. Shafto's Flylax, 7 Years old, paid. Fifty Pounds for Three Year Olds, 8ft. 7lb. two Miles, was won by The Duke of Ancaster's Ches. Colt, Cri- solite, by Blank, 1 Duke of Kingston's Ches. Colt, by Cub, 1 Lord Bolingbroke's bl. f. Nettle, by Ba- jazet, Sir C. Banbury's bay Colt, Bellario, by Brilliant, -- 4 Mr. Vernon's bay C. Cornet, by Captain, 5 Mr. Read's bay
Filly, Juliet, by Ajax, 6 Duke of Bridgewater's grey Filly, by Skim, 7 Mr. Burlton's brown Filly, Sappho, by Blank, 8 Sir John Moore's Chef. Colt, Cormorant, by South, 9 Lady Northumberland's bay Colt, Con- stantine, by Pernus, — Mr. Shafto's bay Filly, Pigmy, by Snap, Lord Ossory's bay Filly, Pussey, by Re- gulus, 13 diS. by Lord Grosvenor's br. Colt, by Trajan, Lord March's bl. Filly, Pucelle, by Captain, - Lord Farnham's grey Colt, by Cygnet, ThurSday, for the King's 100 Guineas, Lord Grosvenor's Cardinal Puff, — i Mr. Everett's Antelope, - - x Mr. Barron's black Gelding, - - - 3 A Sweepstakes, 50 Guineas, was won Mr.
Payne's grey Colt, beating Mr. Carver's Chef. Colt. Mr. Duggins's bay Colt paid Forfeit. Mr. Payne's bay Filly beat Mr. Carver's Chesnut, two Miles, for 100 Guineas. Mr. Payne's Chef. Hunter beat Mr. Carver's Chesnut, two Miles for 40 Guineas, and 60 bye. extract of a Letter from Nottingham, Oct. 2. " Our great annual Cheese Fair began this Day. As we had been informed by several Country People that, to their great Surprise, they had been offered 35 s. per Cwt. for Cheese about two Months Since, we were fearful it would be very dear, but found the selling Prices To- day were from 26 to 28s. new Milk ; and as the Embargo
upon Corn had quieted the People, ( and we thought had prevented a Mob that we had been threatened with last Week) we expected the Fair to pass quietly ; but the Factors having bought considerable Quantities, and not having Opportunity or Time to re- move it, had collected it together in an Heap, to be watched all Night, as is customary ; when the Mob, offended at their buying So briskly the first Day, Seized all the Factors CheeSe, notwithstanding the most strenuous Endeavours of the Magistrates and Constables, who sur- rounded the Cheese, read the Proclamation against Riots, and did every thing in their Power to
prevent it. When it was all stolen or distributed they dispersed, and left the Farmers Cheese undisturbed, and all was quiet before Ten at Night. It is said one Man had bought 15 Tons." Edward Bacon, Esq; one of the Representa- tives in Parliament for Norwich, has given No- tice by Hand- bills, that he has ordered his Te- nants to supply the Poor with wheat at 4s. per Bushel; and we hope this worthy Exam- ple will be followed by other Gentlemen of Fortune. A Letter from Wantage in Berkshire informt us, that the Clergyman of a Village near that Place, being rather too strict in his small Tythes made a Demand of the Hive of
Bees out of ten, which belonged to a poor Farmer in his Parish. The Farmer, with some Reluctance, sent them by his Man, with a Cloth tied to the Hive to keep them in ; the Man was made to drink for his Labour, which done, he thanked this mise- rable Divine for his Liquor, but told him, although the Bees were his, the Hive was his Master's, untied the Cloth, let the Hive fall hard on the Floor, took it up again with speed and ran out of the House. Letters by Friday's Post from Edinburgh in- form us, that the Harvest in the North of Scot- land, particularly Orkney, is completely got in ; and that so fine and plentiful a one has not been
remembered there upwards of thirty Years. We hear from Penrith, in Cumberland, that a new Coal Pit was Sunk in that Neighbourhood a few Days ago, for the Benefit of the inland Paris of the County. On Friday a Butcher in Clare Market gave 40l. 15s. for two Norfolk Steers, at Smithfield, and was offered immediately two Guineas for his Bargain. A few Days ago John Goddard, recommend- ed by Mr. Cambrook of Turk's- head Court Golden- lane, St. Luke's Parish, was restored to Sight by Mr. Taylor, Oculist, in Hatton- gar- den. What renders this Cure the more valua- ble, is, that Goddard has a Wife and four Chil- dren
entirely dependent on his Labour, and is now, by this fortunate Recovery, in a Condition of providing for them. A few Days since was married Mr. John Kent, Son of Mr. Kent, Silk Dyer, in Upper Thames- street, to Mrs. Brockway, Widow of the late Mr. Brockway, an eminent Hosier in Cornhill. ThurSday last was married a: Marlborough in Wilts, Mr. Warner, Apothecary, of that Place, ' to Miss Beale, of Newbery in Berks. Lately died, at Ringwood in Hampshire, Jo- siah Clarke, Esq; of Week near Christchurch, formerly Deputy- Commissary of the Marines. On Friday Evening died, at his House at Hackney, Daniel Walkinshaw, Esq;
a Carolina Merchant in Bishopsgate- street. Yesterday, between Ten and Eleven in the Forenoon, the Rev. Mr. Ball was taken drown- ed out of a Pond on Hadley Grange, a little beyond Barnet. He used to do Duty at South Mims in Hertfordshire, and ' tis supposed was flung from his Horse, and Kicking in the Mud was suffocated, the Pond not being three Feet deep ; his Watch, Money, Buckles, & c. were found on him. He was seen on his Return home going thro' Barnet in good Health on Sa- turday Evening. On Saturday se'nnight Benjamin Kirbyshire, Bricklayer, of Steeple- Morden in Cambridge- shire, was found dead in the
Fields near that Place. He had been the Evening before to a neighbouring Village, and having drank to Excess, it is supposed fell down, and not having Power to get up, was suffocated, being found with his Face to the Ground. Friday in the Afternoon as one M'Cannon was playing at Tennis in a Court near Lincoln's Inn Fields, the Ball rebounded with such Vio- lence from the Wall against his Eye, as to force it quite out of the Socket. Friday se'nnight William Belcher, a Drum- mer in the Cambridge Militia, riding on a Coach- box from Stirbitch Fair, was suddenly seized with a Fit which he was subject to, and fell to the Ground, by
which Accident he was so much bruised that he died the next Morning. Last Monday Morning Robert Walker, a Blacksmith at Cambridge, shoeing a vicious HorSe, the Beast Suddenly gave him a Kick over his Leg, which broke it in Such a Manner, that he died on ThurSday Morning in great Agonies. Last Week as a simple Countryman was pas- sing through Caiherine- street in the Strand, he was decoyed by a lewd female Sharper, into one of the Infernal Stews, with which that NurSery of Vice abounds. After being ply'd with Liquor till he grew dead drunk, he had his Pockets picked of Five Guineas, being all the Money he had.
Committed from the Public Office in Bow- street, to different Prisons, during the last Week: William Upton, for robbing Richard Se- grey of a Siiver Watch: John Edwards, for Stealing Linen and Apparel, the Property of Ormond Atkins: Mary Minors, for stealing Goods privately in the Shop of Thomas Smith of the Butcher- row : Philip Vignart, for steal- ing a Quantity of Wearing Apparel, the Pro- perty of Robert Kitchens: John Gwynn, for picking of Pockets : William Rose, and Mary Rogers, for robbing in the County of Surry. Saturday Morning a Man was commited to Bridewell, by the Sitting Alderman at Guild- hall, for being an
Importer, pretending to fall into strong Fits ; by which he extorted Money from the Compassionate. Samuel Bellejean, Operator for the Teeth, late Successor to Mr. Jullion of Coventry- street, deceased, begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, whom he has had the Honour to serve, that he is no more with Mrs. Jullian, but for himself, and lives at the Golden Head in North Park Street, Grosvenor Square, where the Continuance of their Favours will be grate- fully acknowledged, by their most humble Ser- vant, SAMUEL BELLEjEAN.
A Copy of a Letter to Dr. W. LOWTHER. SIR, AS by the Use of your NER- VOUS POWDERS and DROPS, I have been cured of a most complicated Nervous Disorder, attended with the greatest Dejection, Horrors, Tremors, Start- ings, Flatulency, Dimness of Sight, Head- ach, Loss of Appetite, depraved Digestion, with an emanated Construction, and many other grievous Symptoms, which afflicted me for nine Years, without receiving the least Benefit from various Trials of other Medi- cines. I therefore think it a Duty incumbent on me to publish my Case, that my Fellow Creatures, labour ng under the same miserable
Complaints, may be infor- med of the Efficacy of your Medicines, which have surprisingly perfected my Cure, and am ready to satisfy any one of the Truth hereof, by applying to me at Cray- ford in Kent. george john p0RTER Crayford, July 20, 1766. These Medicines are sold in Parcels of Six Shillings and Three Shillings each, at the Doctor's House, the Golden Lamp, in Hatton Garden, at Mr. Cooke's, Bookseller, in Pater- noster Row, also at Mr. Paillet's, Watchmaker, in Princes- street, Leicester Fields, and no where else in London. Attendance and Advice given gratis, at Mr. Cooke's, on Monday Mornings, from Ten to One ; at
Mr. Pail- let's, on Thursday Mornings, from Ten to One ; and every other Day at the Doctor's House. Allowance made for charitable Uses. VICTUALLING- OFFICE, oct. 1, 1766. THE Commissioners for Victualling his Ma- jestys Navy, do hereby give Notice, that on tuesday next the 6th instant, exactly at Ten in the Forenoon the undermentioned Ships will be recalled at the Pay- Office in Broad- street, and the short Al- lowance Money due to their Companies paid for the Time following. Ships Names Beginning Ending, Weymouth, 27 Oct. 1760, 17 Jan. 1761 Shannon, 23 April, 1765, is Oct. 1765. And that there will be no further
Recalls on the , said Ships unless Application shall be made by any Person to whom Money may appear due on that Head. VICTUALLING- OFFICE, Sept. 17, 1766. THE Commissioners for Victualling his Majesty's Navy do hereby give Notice, that on Wed- nesday the 15th of October next, exactly at T- welve at Noon, they will be ready to treat with such Persons as may be willing to contract for furnishing such, of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels with Sea Provisions, as may touch at Pensacola, and be in want thereof. . The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at the Secretary's Office at the Victualling Office, Lon- don.
VICTUALLING- OFFICE, Sept. 59, 1766. THE Commissioners for Victualling his Majesty's Navy do hereby give Notice, that on Wed- nesday the 22d of October next, exactly at Twelve at Noon, they will be ready to receive Tenders m Writing, sealed up, and treat with such Per- sons as may be inclinable to furnish fresh Beef to such if his Majesty's Ships and Vessels as shall come to Liverpool, and be in want thereof, The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at the Secretary's Office c. t the Victualling Office, London, or by applying to the Collector of his Majesty's Cus- toms at Liverpool. STOLEN out of a Letter, which was
put into a Receiving House in London, a Bank Note for Twenty five Pounds No. H. 243. pay- able to Henry Hoare and Co. Bankers, dated the 22d of May, 1766. The Person who stole the above Note hath negotiated the same, and is now in Custody. Whoever will bring the said Note to Mr. Aaron Eaton, Spatterdash maker to his Majesty, in Chan- cery- Lane, London, on or before the 20th Day of Oc- tober next, shall receive a Reward of Five Guineas, over and above the Twenty five Pounds for the Note. Chancery- Lane, August 4th, 1766. AARON EATON. STOLEN 0n Saturday Evening > about Seven o'Clock, out of tha House
of Mr. CORNISH, Carpenter, in Little Marlborough- street, near Carnaby Market, by a Man who was seen going out of the House, nine fine Irish Shirts large sized, marked on the Flap with the Letter C. two of them with the Figure 7. one with the Figure I, and another with the Figure 2, a new Body of a Shirt, seven fine Irish Shirts of a small Size, marked G. and Figures I, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, four ditto of the same Size not marked, two Shifts marked c. ten Huccabac Napkins, two large ditto Tablecloths, one of them with three Breadths, and marked F. B. two large and one small Diaper Tablecloths, four Breakfast Cloths, two Pillow biers
marked C. and 6 ; all except the Body of the Shirt dirty, being looked out for washing ; also a large scarlet Cloth Cardinal, a plain double black Silk Handkerchief, Iron grey Frock Coat, almost new, with a Cloth Collar, plain Sleeves and Pockets, a ditto Waistcoat, with sundry other Things. If any of the above Things should be offered to be pawned or sold, pray stop them and the Party, and give Notice as above, and you shall be rewarded for the same. Public Office, Bow- street, A CAUTION. PUBLIC Notice is hereby given, that there are at this Time, in and about this Me- tropolis, several ill disposed Persons of desperate For tunes, who, by Conspiracy among themselves, and without any Consideration, have issued out Notes and Bills of Exchange for large Sums of Money ; some on fine Paper, curiously engraved, and others on Cheques, and have procured a circulation of many of them by subtle Devices and untrue Representations, to the mani- fest Injury of those who have received them. It is, therefore, recommended to all Persons to be very cau- tious what Bills or Notes they take, and from whom, as the only Means to defeat such pernicious Designs, so de- trimental to public Trade and Commerce J. FIELDING. AGeneral Meeting of the Mem bers of the Laudable Society for the Benefit of WIDOWS, will be held ( pursuant to the deed of Se - tlement) on Wednesday next, at the Queen's Arms- Tavern in St. Paul's Church- yard. By Order of the Diectors, MICHAEL FISHER, Secretary, A LIFE ANNUITY. THE Parishioners of the United Parishes of St. AUSTIN and St. FAITH, in the City of London, intend to grant for Three Hundred Pounds, an Annuity for the Life of one Person not under forty- five Years of Age. A Committee of the two Parishes will meet in the Vestry Room of St. Austin's Church, on Friday the 10th instant, at Twelve o'Clock precisely, to receive
Proposals from any Person desirous to purchase such Annuity, which Proposals must contain the Name, Ad- dition, and other proper Description of the Nominee, for whofe Life the Annuity is to be purchased and to be accompanied with the usual Certificate of the Person's Age. The Purchase Money is to be paid on or before the 30th of October, but the Annuity will commence from the present Michaelmas Day, and be paid Half- yearly VICTUALLING - OFFICE, oct. 3, 1766. THE Commissioners for Victualling his Majesty's Navy, do hereby give Notice, that on Wed- nesday next, the 8th instant, exactly at Twelve at Noon, they
will be ready to receive Tenders in Writing, sealed up, and treat for one hundred Quarters of English Wheat, for the Service of his Majesty's Navy. NAVY- OFFICE, Sept. 19,1766. THE principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy give Notice, that on Tues- day the 14th of next Month, at Eleven in the Morning, they will expose to Sale at this Office, the Hull of his Majesty's Ship the Hampshire, Burthen 854. Tons, lying at Chatham, with a few Stores belonging to her. The Particulars of which may be seen in the printed Inventories. And as a Deposit of 15/. per Cent, is to be made by the Purchaser : All Persons that
attend the Sale are to take Notice thereof, and come prepared for that Purpose, and unless the Ship shall be fully paid for and taken away at the End of twenty Days from the Day of Sale, the Deposit shall be forfeited, and the Ship put up to Sale again. GEO. JACKSON. Mercers- Hall, London, Sept. 26th, 1766. THE Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Mercers of the City of Lon don, do hereby give Notice, That on Tuesday the 25th Day of November next they will pay the Half Year's Annuities that will become due to the said Company's Annuitants the 10th of October next ; and that Attendance for that Purpose will be
given at the Clerk's Office at Mercers- Hall on Tuesday, Wednefday, and thursday, the 25th, 26th and 27th Days of the said Month of November, from Nine in the Morning till One, and upon every Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday afterwards, at the same Hours, Holidays excepted. W. CAWNE, Clerk. Mercers- Hall, London, Sept. 16th, 1766. THE Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Mercers of the City of Lon- don, do hereby give Notice, That on Tuesday the 18th Day of November next they will pay the Half Year's Interest that became due the 5th of April last upon the new Bonds delivered by them to their Cre ditors, pursuant to an Act of Parliament passed in the fourth Year of the reign of his present Majesty, en- titled, An Act for the Relief of the Bond and other Creditors of the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery Of Mercers of the City of London, and that Attendance will for that purpose be given at the Clerk's Office at Mercers- Hall, on Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday the 18th, 19th and 20th Days of the said Month of November from Nine in the Morning till One, and upon every Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday afterwards at the same Hours, Holidays excepted, W. CAWNE, clerk. STATE LOTTERY, 1766. JONES
and BROWN, Stock Brokers, at the Old Lottery Office, next Door to the King's Arms Tavern near Cornhill, in Exchange Alley, sell Tickets, Shares of Tickets, and Chances on the most advantageous Terms, to the Purchasers in the present State Lottery 1766. And will keep a cor- rect Numerical and Register book, where Tickets are registered at Six- pence each Number, and the earliest Notice sent of their Success to any Part of Great Bri tain or Ireland. Schemes of the Lottery given gratis. The Lottery begins Drawing on Monday the 17th Day of November. Four Blanks to a Prize, N. B. The following capital Prizes have been
sold are registered at this Office. Ko. 4311700 a Prize of 10000 1. 20151307 10000 22111446 10000 3201570 10000 7111536 ICOOO Lloyd's, Sept. 24, 1766 FROM those who experience the Favour of the Public, the Public have a Right to expect Information. A general Idea of the Loss by Fire in Bridge- Town, Barbadoes, has been frequently given an exact Estimate of the Particulars properly authenticated, will be made out on the Spot, and in due Time transmitted hither to be published. In the mean while, from the best Intelligence, the Testimony of People now in England, who were present at the dreadful Scene, the
Letters of private Persons of Judgment and Veracity, and the Accounts given by a Committee of the Legislature to the Agent of the Island; it is again repeated with Confidence, that the whole Loss does rather exceed, than fall short of Three Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling. The Trade of Bridge- Town is carried on in general with small Capitals. The Number therefore of Indi viduals reduced to Poverty by such a Calamity, is much greater in Proportion than it would be in ano- ther Place where Commerce was conducted by Gen- tlemen of more extensive Fortunes. And it is only to those who have been reduced to Poverty by
the Fire, that the Benefactions will, or can be extended. These Benefactions have now rose to 8257l, 12 s. rod. a Sum which will afford a little Relief to many a wretched Family. It is a fresh Example of the Hu manity of the Nation, and of the Power that there is in a great Number to alleviate a very heavy Misfor tune. And while the most humble Thanks are re turned for the past, be it permitted to indulge the Hope of future Favours. Several Pens have solicited the Public in behalf of these great and distant Sufferers. If Zeal has not al- ways been tempered with Discretion, it can only be lamented. The Press is, and it ought to be
open. The unhappy Inhabitants are as yet alike Strangers to their kind Friends, and to their mistaken Advocates. The Committee here can acquit themselves, and it may be observed with Pleasure, that, however Offence may have been given, yet none has been taken surely none was intended. In the last Publication the Sum total was dated at 7ml. OS. id. this was an Error of the Transcriber or the Press, it should have been 1001, more. How- ever the real Sum was 72211. 10 s. id. A Person had added Ten Guineas to a Benefaction after the Lists had gone to the Press then that particular Be- nefaction was altered ; but the
other Sums were not changed in Consequence. It is necessary to apolo- gise for an Erior in some of the Papers, wherein Ten Guineas were ascribed to Mr. Roycroft, instead of Mrs. Roycroft, of Charing Cross. The Donations, of which no Account has been pub- lished, will appear in the following List. They con tinue to be taken in, and will be most thankfully received, at the same Bankers, viz. Mess. Backwell and Co. Pall- mall; Mess. Child and Co. Temple- Bar ; Sir Joseph Hankey and Co. Sir Charles Asgill and Co. Sir Richard Glyn and Hallifax, Messrs. browns and Collinson, Mess. Fuller and Co. and Mess. Lee and Aytons,
in the City. 1. s. d. A Lady unknown a 2 0 E. Williams, Esq; si o c Bull and Moody Mr. Simon Daniels 1. D. SawBridge and Barnston Mr. William Marks D. I. L, R. I. A Person unknown Daniel Zachary The Rev. Dr. Saunders, of St. Martin's- in- the- Fields Sir John Major. Bart, Robert Parish, Esq of Ipswich This Day are published, price Eighteen Shillings in Sheets, COMMENTARIES on the Laws of ENGLAND. Book the Second. By WILLIAM BLACKSTONE, Esq; Solicitor General to her Majesty. Oxford : Printed at the Clarendon Press, and sold by D. Prince ; sold also by J. Worrall and B. Tovey, C. Bathurst, and T. Payne, in
London. And next Term will be published, new Edition of the First Book, corrected and enlarged. This Day is published, Price Is. Embellished with two humorous Prints, A Second Edition, of THE COACH DRIVERS : A political comic OPERA, Adapted to the Music of several eminent Composers. Inspicere tanquam in Speculum Jubeo. Ter, Adelph. To which is subjoined, A Letter of Thanks to the Authors of the Critical Review, for the Encomiums which have escaped them on that Performance. Printed for W, Flexney, opposite to Gray's Inn Gate, Holborn. HOGARTH'S PRINTS. This Day is published, Price 3s. THE Second Part
of HOGARTH moralized ; containing the Eight Plates of the Rake's Progress. Sold by M. Hingeston, in the Strand near Temple- Bar ; J. Dodsley, in Pall mall ; R. Smith, at No. 23, the Corner ot Barnard's Inn, Holborn 5 T. Snelling, at No. 163, in Fleet- street; Mess. Corbould and Dent, Engravers, in Ball Alley, Lombard- street; and Mrs. Hogarth, in Leicester- fields. Of whom may be had the First Part, containing the Harlot's Progress, in six Plates. Price 2s, A Lady unknown Samuel Derrick, Esq A Gentleman unknown His Grace the Archbishop of York, by G. Walker, Esq; F. C. Mrs. Atlee Connell, Esq; Bond- street Mr. James
Warner A Person unknown B. S. The Right Hon, Henry Seymour Conway Sir Edmund Isham, Bart, W. B. The Servants of a Tradesman's Family W. X. Y. Theed and Picket A Lady unknown The Worshipful the Stationers Company W. S. Robert Child, Esq; and Co. The Bishop of London A Peron unknown John Unwin E. I. W. The Right Hon. the Earl of Exeter I. R. L. O. H. Voguel, Esq R. O. Coker and Grimstead A. b. William Thoyts E. B. M. E. Andrew Grote, Esq; Sir Charles Saunders Mrs. Wright A Person unknown A Lady unknown Charles Smith, Esq; O. P. Sir Richard Glyn and Halfax John Irish The Mite of a London
Curate Dawes and Smithson A Person unknown Robert Phipps and Son John Bird, jun. Esq; Robert Wigston W. T. Daniel Rosbotham The Worshipful the Drapers Company S. S. Corbyn and Co. Richard Bullock, Esq; Mount and Page The Worshipful the Distillers Company Wright and Gill Theodosia Crowley and Co. T. T. Puller and Blenconce Wolley and Burford Thomas Robinson and Co Samuel Rickards Leonard Hammond Mr. John Crellies Ambrose Isted, Esq; Clay and Agutter I. D. A. M. Banister, Hammond, and Co. Mr. Richard Macklean T. Mr. Samuel Gordon Wharfingers at Smart's Key Joseph Martin, Esq; and Co.
Charles Pole, Esq; Milward and Savage, by Mr. Gosling The Rev. Dr. P. Chamberlayne Godfrey, Esq; Edward and William Martin A Lady unknown The Hon. Thomas Penn, Esq; ' Thomas Watson, Esq; Freeman and Grace Mr. Daniel West Mr. Peter Serrett Wainwright, Withers, and Birch MR. WARFORD, Dancing- Master, at No. 42 in Cow- Lane adjoining Snow hill, teaches Grown Persons or Children to dance the Louvre, Mi- nuet, and Country Dances complete, so as to be capa- ble of appearing in the most polite Companies, by a Me- thod more easy and expeditious than any as yet pro- posed, on the most reasonable
Terms. Ladies and Gen- tlemen taught to dance Country Dances in six Hours { the whole Expence of being made compleat at One Guinea arid a half each Person, at any Hour from Ten in the Morning till Nine at Night, there being a Set of People in the House, and a Musician always ready for that purpose, and for the further Convenience of the Pupils, there is public Country Dances three Times a Day, every Day at Eleven in the Morning Four it the Afternoon, and Eight at Night. A Passage up the George Inn, the 5th Door on the Left- Hand from Holbourn. Fencing taught at the aboVe Place. Th: Winter Subscription assemblies
is opened and will be continued the First and Third Wednesdays in each Month, till Lady- Day next. For farther Parti- culars, enquire as above. OYSTERS sold by JAMES PETO, at his Warehouse in Sherborne- Lane, removed from opposite the Back Gate of the General Post- Office, two Doors higher in the said Lane, at N0.6. Whereas I have for many Years serVed the Nobility, Gentry, and others, in all Parts of this Kingdom, with Oysters, and have had the great Pleasure of giving Sa- tisfaction under the Name of OYSTERICUS; but as another Person uses that Name, which occasions great Mistakes and Complaints, I now
beg the Favour of my Customers to direct their Orders to me, by my real Name, JAMES PETO, in Sherborne- Lane, at No. 6. Gentlemen and Ladies, sending a Line directed as above, may depend upon being served with the very best Green Native Colchester Oysters, at three Shillings and Three- pence per Barrel; and exceeding fine Pyefleet Oysters, at four Shillings a: id Three- pence per Barrel. A Bill will be delivered as usual, to prevent Impositions. By their most obedient humble Servant, JAMES PETO, N. B. Fresh Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, neat from the Beds. I sell no Oysters packcd at Bil- lingsgate. This
Day is publish d. price Two Shillings sew. d, ACommentary on the DYSEN- TF. RY, or BLOODY FLUX. Translated from the Latin of MARK AKENSIDE, Fellow of the College of Physicians, Member of the Royal So- ciety, and physician to her present Majesty. By JOHN RYAN, M. D. Printed tor F. Noble, near Middle Row, Holborn and J. Noble, in St. Martin's Court, near Leicester- square. BOOKS Printed for J. DODSLEY in Pall- mall. I. A Collection of POEMS, chiefly by the most eminent Hands, in six Volumes, Price bound 18s. Also an Edition of the same Book in six large Volumes, il. 16s. 2. Reliques of Ancient ENGLISH
POETRY, con- sisting of old heroic Ballads, Songs, and otner Pieces of our earlier Poets ( chiefly of the Lyric Kind) tOge- ther with some few of later Date ; and several occa- sional Dissertations and Notes, in three Volumes, Price 10s. 6d. 3. FUGITIVE PIECES on various Subjects, by se- veral Authors, in two Volumes, bound 6s. 4. AEdes Walpolian t, a Description of the pic- tures, & c. at Houghton Hall, the Seat of the Earl of Orford, in Quarto, with Cuts, 6s. 5. GRAY'S POEMS, elegantly printed in large Quarto, and adorned with Frontispieces, Head and Tail Pieces to each Poems, finely engraved from the Designs of Mr.
Bentley, los. 6d. 6. Religio Philosophi; or, The Principles of Mo- rality and Christianity, illustrated from a View of the Universe, and of Man's Situation in it. By William Hay, Esq; 3s. Also Martials Epigrams by the same. 7. Mr. HANWAY's Travels, two Vols. Quarto, Price 1l. 10S. 8. The WORLD, by Adam Fitzadam, in four Vols. 12S. " 9. Voyages and Travels: A Collection of the best and most Entertaining, in 7 Volumes in Twelves, Price bound 1l. 1s. 10. Mr. HAMPTON's Polybius, in two Volumes 8vo. Price 10s. 11. KITCHEN'S English Atlas, 10s. 6d. Also an Account of the Roads of England, 4s. 12. DYER's Poems, viz. Grongar
Hill, the Ruin of Rome, and the Fleece, a Poem, in four Books, Price 3s. 13. The Prince of ABYSSINIA, a Tale, 4s. 14. The ADVENTURER, four Volumes 121110, Price 12s. 15. Bishop POCOCKE's Travels into Egypr, & c. two Volumes Folio. 16. DAVILA's Civil Wars of Frane, two Vols. Quarto, ll. 15s. 17. A Free Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil, 2S. 18. The Works of TACITUS, with political Dis- courses on that Author. By Thomas Gordon, Esq; five Volumes in Twelves, 15s. 19. Mr. STILLINGFLEET's Tracts relating to Na- tural History, Husbandry, and Physic. To which is added, The Calendar of Flora, 8vo". 6s. 20.
BRYAN's Plutarch, five Vols. Quarto, Bent- ley's Lucan, 4to. Essais de Montaigne, three Vols. Qua to Ouvres de Racine, two Vols. Quarto, La Gierusalemme Liberati di Tasso, Quarto, & c. 21. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, 8vo. 4s. 6d. 22. WEBB on Painting, 3s, and on Poetry, 2s. fid. 23. The Hiitory of Lady JULIA MANDEVILLE, two Vols. 6s. 24 The letters of Lady JULIET CATESBY, to Lady Henrie ta Lampley, 5s. 25. An Account of the European Settlements in America, two Volumes, Octavo, 8s. 26 Dr. DOUGLAS'S Summary, historical and po- litical, of the first Planting,
progressive Improvements, and present State of the British Settlements in North America, two Vols. Octavo, 12s. 27. CHARLEVOIX'S Letters concerning Canada and the interior Parts of North America, two Vols' Price los. 28. The Memoirs of Miss SIDNEY BIDULPH, three Vols. os. 29. NINON de L'ENCLOS letters, 2 Vols. 6S
SHIP NEWS. DeAL, OCT. 4. CAME down and, sailed, the Squirrel, Smith, for Boston; Thomas, Strong, for Viana Hartley, Luscombe, for Virginia ; Hap- py Recovery, Lewrick, for Georgia; Edward, Sherman, for New- York ; Constant Friend, Alcock, for Carolina ; Martha's Adventure, Scott, for Londonderry; and Jacks, Carray, for Waterford. No Ships in the Downs. Wind E. N. E. Portsmouth, oct. 3. Arrived the Friendship, Shields, and Good- Intent, Cleathing, from Newcastle; Betty and Fanny, Williams, from Cardiffe; and Sarah and Elizabeth, Hornsley, from London. Gravesend, Oct. 3. Pass'd by the Brown Horse, Upner, from
Dantzick; Liberty, Reed, ar. d Philip and Henry, Curling, from Petersburgh ; and London, Scott, from Rotterdam. The Mary and Ann, Bandinel, from Lis- bon, is arrived at Genoa. PORT 0f LONDON, October 4,1766. Coasting Ships entered Inwards. from Aldborough. Thomas and Susan, John Richardson; James and Elizabeth, Robert Lord. Rochester. Sarah and Elizabeth, Jn. Chaplin, Ipswich. Jacob and Thomas, Benj. Garway. COLLIERS. From Newcastle. Smithson, Cuthbert Watson ; Mary, George Bell; Joseph, Ralph Sabourn; Sarah, Matthew Robson ; Goodwill, Tim. Sweeting. Cleared Outwards. For Dundee. Antelope,
Robert Patullo. Newcastle. Noble Anne, Jonathan Blagdon. Weymouth. Boston, John Tizard. Clay. Brotherly Love, John Ditchell. Padstow. St. Columbe, Josh. Peters. Exon. Sally and Betsy, Benjamin Barker. Pool. William and Thomas, James Curtis. Yarmouth; Dove, John Horn; Robert and Rachel, John Strowger. Boston. Boston, Henry Hambleton. Portsmouth. Southampton, John Rose ; Ports- mouth Transport, Aulay Macaulay. Greenock. Bird, Archibald Williamson. Harwich. Hannah and Martha, Wm. Turner; Owners Goodwill, Jonathan Norman; Bures, John Marshall. Sunderland. Noble Anne, John Burr. Rochester, Fanny,
William Stevens; Industry, John Field. Feversham. Canterbury, John Marsh; En- deavour, John Chalk. Southwold. William and Sarah, William Bardwell. COUNTRY NEWS. Oxford, 0ct. 3, Since our last no material Disturbances have happened here on Account of the Price of Provisions, which in general fell at more reasonable Rales than for some Time past. The current Price of Mutton at present is Three- pence Half- penny per Pound ; Butter Six- pence ; and Wheat Five Shillings the Bushel; two Loads of which were brought to our Market on Wednesday last and immedi- ately sold at that Price. On Thursday at Woodstock
Fair, Cheese sold from 203. to 24s. per Hundred; and towards the latter End of the Day, an ordinary Sort at about 18 s. or 195. Cambridge, Oct. 3. On Wednesday last, the Rev. Mr. Meredith, one of the Senior Fellows of Trinity College, was elected Vice Master, and Messrs. Davis and Charlesworth Fellows of that Society. Norwich, 0ct. 1. Near thirty of the Ring- leaders, who assembled on the high Price of Provisions, are taken and committed to the City Gaol, where they are guarded by a Party of the Militia. Sunday and Monday Evenings, all the Streets were illuminated, and upwards of five hundred of the Inhabitants, armed
with Staves, patrolled all Night; and on Wednesday two Troops of Lord Waldegrave's Dragoons came to Town, but thank God, the Rioters were all dispersed before their Arrival. The Magistrates are taking every Method to reduce the Price of Provisions, and this Day Butter was sold for Two- pence a Pint less than last Week, and all Things in Proportion. Worcester, 0ct. 2. Last Monday Night a Barn ( in which was a large Quantity of Grain) be- longing to the Rev. Mr. Harrison, of Dover- dale, was entirely burnt down, supposed to have been maliciously set on Fire by some wicked, evil minded Persons ; for, when the Barn was
first observed to be on Fire, a Man was seen to be running off, and heard to whis- tle. It is with great Pleasure we communicate to the Public the following noble and exemplary instance of Generosity in the Farmers of the Parish of Hanbury, in this County : On Sunday last they met together in the Vestry of the Church, and there unanimously agreed to carry their Corn to Bromsgrove the next Market- day, and sell it at five Shillings a Bushel ; and to continue selling at the same moderate Price till Christmas. To the PRINTER. SIR, AS the Public have lately heard much Talk of Mr. Wildman, I beg Leave to lay be- fore them, by
Means of your very useful and instructive Paper, some little Account of the Exhibition at Dobney's Bowling Green, on Wednesday Morning, at which I was present. Mr. Wiidman first brought in one Swarm of Bees, cluster'd together upon the End of a Piece of Stick. A Table Cloth was immedi- ately spread upon a long Table, and the Bees shook ofF the Stick thereupon ; when Mr. Wild- man took up many of them, and handled them with the grestest Freedom, but at the same Time with the greatest Tenderness. He placed the Hive at the farther End of the Table, and after pushing in some, commanded the others to follow, which
many of them did ; but the Windows of the Room being open, and many of them flying about, Mr. Wildman thought it most expedient to manage the Bees in the Gar- den. Accordingly the Company removed into the Garden, and Mr. W. fetched another Swarm on his Hat, which he then gave several Gentle- men to examine and feel the Weight. He afterwards made them swarm in the Air, when many settled for a Time upon our Faces, Hands and Cloaths, but without doing the least Injury to any Person present. He then brought another Swarm of Bees on his Left Arm, and the Hive from which they were taken, with the
Honeycombs, & c. therein, in his Right Hand. This was to shew the Utility of his Art, by which he could take the Wax and Honey from the Hive, without defraying the poor La- bourers, which has hitherto been generally the Custom. To shew that by his Secret he could take all Power of their hurting him from the Bees, he next brought six different Swarms united, upon his Face, Breast, Arms, kc.— drank a Glass of Wine, and then mounted a Horse, and rode gently two or three Turns about the Garden. In this Situation, view'd at a little Distance, he made a most formidable Appearance. But some Gentlemen present, who had not
been satisfied wi: h his former Ex- periments, now began to complain— that he had by no Means answered the great Expectations which had been raised of his Command over the Bees, which we had heard he could order and direct to do any Thing almost that he pleased ; his bringing a Swarm upon his Hat, or Arm, they said was nothing, as Instances had been known ol a Swarm of Bees settling upon a Person some Time ( viz. ' till they could be hived) without doing that Person any Injury. And as he had hitherto fetched his Bees from a particular Room of the House, which nobody was as permitted to enter but himself, and
brought them to us upon his Arm, & c. they said that he or any Man might bring a Swarm of Bees upon his Arm only by inticing and putting on first the Queen Bee, whom the rest of the Swarm will follow. They therefore desired to see him call any particular Swarm from their Hive, and make them come to him in Preference to the Hive. Herein the whole Secret consisted ; and Mr. Wildman would by no Means consent to shew them, as it was an unreasonable request, how he allured the Bees from the Hive, which was all they said he could do with them. Here then the Exhibition ended •. Mr, W. said he could shew more, but it grew
late, and most of the Company were unwilling to stay longer. The Gentlemen above mentioned went away much displeased, and the Spectators in general rather dissatisfied ; owing, I imagine, partly to the Ill- nature of some of the Company, and partly to the Misfortune of the Manager of the Bees, who labours under a great Disadvantage in not being able to talk fluently upon the Sub- ject, or set off his Performance to the best Ad- vantage. But every Thing that has the Ap- pearance of Innovation will always meet with Objections; and useful Discoveries, or Improve- ments, can or.., be established by Time and Experience. I am,
Sir, Your constant Reader, ^ S /, And humble Servant, A Quiet Spectator. same peculiar- crackcd Trill in his Voice with which he acted his Part, he told the Audience that there had been no Prologue to Cato for fifty Years— and then, keeping the same Tone, went on with his Part the great, th' important Day! but the Galleries were still mutinous. At last, the stoical Portius lost his Temper ; and cocking his Chin at the Up- per Region, addressed them thus: Gentlemen above! if you WILL have a Prologue, you must speak it yourselves ; for d n me if I can. At going off the Stage he met his Friend Quin, who' took him by the Hand
Thank thee, Ryan— you have spoken like an Angel to ' em d n their Bl—— s. I must deSire you, Sir, to speak to some of the Wits, to take this Matter in Hand and make Laws to put Prologue- speak- ing upon a respectable Footing — for if the Rage for Prologues continues, we shall lose the first Act of every Performance in the Tumult of the Ayes and Noes. Our noisy Friends in the Upper Gallery put me very much in mind of an old Irish hospita- ble Gentleman of my Acquaintince, who ne- ver thought he had enough, but would con- stantly call for a Dram of Whisky before Din- ner, and force his Neighbours to swallow it too; by
which means he palled their Stomachs, and they could not eat half a Meal or enjoy even what they did eat. I am, - SIR, Your most obedient Humble Servant, NO PROLOGUE. To the PRINTER. Prologue! Prologue! Prologue! SIR, THIS is the Noise that is now continually heard at the Beginning of almost every Play and Farce, to the great Disturbance of the sensible Part of the Audience, and to the great Vexation of every feeling Performer. It is a most lamentable Thing, that it shall be in the Power of half a dozen noisy Fellows in the Upper Gallery to put a Stop to the Perform- ancce for some Minutes, and destroy the sceni- cal
Delusion, by obliging Mr. Holland, for In- stance, who perhaps at the Time personates the Tyrant, to unknit his Brow, and force a sickly Smirk into his Face with Ladies and Gen- tlemen, the Prologue you call for has not been spoke for many Years, and the Person who spoke it last has been dead some Time. Yet this will not con- tent them, for they are even for raising the Dead rather than not have a Prologue.—— I was last Tuesday Night at Drury- lane to see the new Actress in Juliet ( by the Bye, that Lady has one of the finest Pipes I ever heard, and it will dis- course most excellent Music when properly played upon). At the
drawing up of the Curtain, a Voice or two, from mere Habit, called Prologue! Prologue ! but they were drowned in the Vocife- ration of the Capulets and Montagues. How- ever, they reserved their Fire for the Farce of Daphne and Amyntor, and would not let us enjoy the pretty Duet, at the Beginning, . between the Enchantress and her Son. Mr. Vernon, who was obliged to step forward, Cap in Hand, and let us know that the Speaker was ill, or not in the House, or something or another, which Ad dress put him out of Character, the Orchestra out of Tune, and poor Miss Young so out of Humour that she exhibited a most
melancholy Countenance and did net recover her Expression again for the whole Night. Thus we are disturbed, and prologued out of our Entertain- ment. I remember, last Winter, Mr. G , after an Absence of two Years, paid his Respects to us in a Prologue, which, for three or four Nights, had its Effect; but when he came every Night he acted to let us know how terrified he was to appear before us— With Joy, Fear, Apprehension almost dumb, & c. the Absurdity rather gave us Pain than Plea- sure; for he was obliged constantly to leave the Stage and his Character, and come bowing and grinning to speak twenty or thirty Lines
which in six Nights had lost all their Meaning. I could wish, for the Sake of Decency and Common Sense, that the Public would discountenance so barbarous a Custom, which makes us so ridicu- lous and seems so unaccountable in the Eyes of every Foreigner. I remember to have seen, many Years ago, the Tragedy of Cato, and it opened with old Ryan in the Character of young Portius. He was immediately attacked with Prologue ! Pro- gue ! at which he stept forward, and, with the * An Irish Dram. A. a Introduction to inform the Public, that the under- mentioned Discourse is delivered in an easy plain, and familiar Manner,
being principally intended for the Perusal of such Persons as may now be affiicted, o what is worse, have been ill cured of the Disorder therein treated on, and further that they may ascer tain with some Certainty, whether any remains o( the Poison is still lurking in the Bloodx or whether left labouring under the baneful Effects of strong Mercurial Medicines. Let him well observe the Opinion of the ingenious Dr. Peter Shaw, Physician to his late Majesty, viz. " That frequency flying " Pains, Head- achs, and other Symptoms occasioned ** either by the Mercury or the Relicks of the Dis temper, often continued fter . supposed Cure of
the Infection. Just published, Price is. hi. Dedicated to Mr. POTT, senior Surgeon of h Bartholomew's Hospital, ANew Essay on the VENE REAL DISEASE, and Method of CURE. By J. BECKET, M. D. and Man Midwife. In this Work the Necessity of deviating from the present Mode of Practice, it candidly considered, and reasonably accounted for. The Reader is also informed of a new discovered Medicine, and its comparative Ex cellence, with all other Remedies, is fairly examined and explained. This Medicine is an Essence, a few Drops of which is a Dose in a Glass of Water; and in slight Cases in eight or ten Days the Cure
is effected without the least Inconveniency to the Patent. It is to be had of Mr. Williams, Bookseller, No. 38 next the Mitre Tavern fleet- street j at Mr, Dixwell's Printer, in St. Martin's Lane ; and at the Doctor's House in George street, York Buildings, in Bottles at j 1, and 5 s. Also at F. Blyth's, Bookseller in Corn- hill. A Label is on the Bottle signed by him in Writing ; also full Directions, with Rules for Diet and Exercise , that the Patient may conduct himself through the Cure, with perfect Secresy However, if it require it, the Doctor will give proper Advice in all Cases. An Abstract of the above Book is given gratis at the Places of Sale.
FEBRIFUGE ELIXIR, OR GE- NUINE Tincture of PERUVIAN BARK : Being an Improvement on the Process recommended by the great Dr. HUXHAM. As the Bark is now universally esteemed by the most eminent Physicians in Europe, to be the best Medicine in the whole Materia Medica, fo no Preparation of that celebrated drug, has hitherto been discovered comp- rable to this excellent Elixer, which, by a judiciously contrived Process, and a Menstrum happily adapted to the Subject, is made to contain all the Virtues of the Bark, in a Degree vastly superior to any other of its Preparations, with this farther Advantage, that it is
perfectly grateful to the Stomach. It is an admirable Febrifuge and Stomachic, and may be given in all In- termitting Fevers with the greatest Safety and Success, and will infalliby cure all Agues that are curable by the Bark, in a more speedy, safe, and pleasant Manner, than any other Preparation of it possibly can, as it never occasions any of those disagreeablc Symptoms that so often supervene the Use of the Cortex in Substance. It is likewise the greatest Restorative in Nature in all Cases proceeding from too lax a State of the Fibres, as by its Astringency and Aromatic Quality, it strengthens the whole Nervous System. It is
sold in Phials which contain near four Ounces, with proper Direction;, by Mr. Dixwell, Printer, in St. Martin's- lane ; Mr. Williams, Bookseller. No. 8, in Fleet street, and by Mr. Lewis, Bookseller, in Rus- sel Street, Covent- Garden ; and Mr. Collins's, Book- seller at Sarum, at 3 s. 6d. the Bottle. Proper Allowance to Gentlemen of the Faculty. RESTORATIVE CORDIAI DROPS discovered by Dr. BECKET, of George street York- Buildings A new Medicine. It is a Cordial, and that of the highest Nature. It circulates the Juices, enlivens the Spirits, recreates all the Faculties both of Body ar. d Mind, efficaciously nourishes the whole vital
System, dissipates all Sorts of Weaknesses and Imbeci- lities, and restores Strength and Vigour to a decayed Constitution, In it's Operation it co- operttes with Na- ture, without forcing the Vessels. And what adds greatly to the Praise of this singular Medicine, is That, with great Certainty, it removes the Causes of Sterility and Barrenness. The Truth of it's having this wonderful EfFect, is confirmed by the re cent Informations the Author daily receives. Good Men will not put a bad Construction on the Publication of this excellent Remedy. The Doctor may be consulted either personally or by Letter, The Cordial Drops are sold at his
House as above in Bottles of One Guinea each, with his Name fixed on them, in his own Hand- writing, with Directions, and sealed on the Outside with his Coat of Arms; and sole by J. Dixwell, the Bottom of St. Martin's Lane, near Charing Cross; J. Williams, No, 3S. next the Mitre Tavern. Fleet- street. end F. Blyth, the Corner of Sweet- ing's Alley, Cornhill. new B0OKS, For the USE of SCHOOL S, Printed for E. and C. Dilly in the Poultry, Recomended by the Reverend. Dr. John Stirling, THE New SPELLING DIC - TIONARY, teaching to write and pronounce the English Tongue with Ease apd Propriety. In which each Word is
accented according to it's just and natural Pronunciation tha Part of Speech is properly distinguished, and the various Senses are ranged in one Line ; with a List of proper Names of Men and Women; The Whole compiled and digested In a Manner entirely new. To which is prefixed, A Grammatical Intro- duction to the English tongue. By the Rev. John Entick A. M. second Edition, Price 2S bound. To which is now added, a List of all the Market Towns in eng- land and Wales. 2. Graecae Grammatices Rudimenta, Ordine No 6 ac Facillimo Digesta ; or, A new Greek Grammar. wherein the Declension of Nouns, and Conjugation of
Verbs, are disposed in a new easy, and distinCt Me- thod By Thomas Stackhouse, A. M. Price bound is. 6,1. 3. The whole Works of Horace translated into English Prose, as near as the proprietry of the two Languages will admit ; together with the original Latin, fr m the best Editions, began by David Watson, M. A. revised ard carried onby Dr. Samuel Patrick, in two Volume is OCtavo, 10s. bound. 4. Terence's Comedies, done in the same Manner as Horace, by Dr. Samuel Patrick. A new edition is now in the Press, a d will be published soon, 2 VoL. OCtavo, 10s. bound 5. A new Spelling Book, intitlcd, The Child's best
InstruCtor. Bj John Gignoux. ' 1 he fourth edition To which is added, a compendious English Grammer, Price is. bound. 6. Ainsworth's DiCtionary in Quarto, l}. 5s. 7. Ditto abridged. 2 Vols. S » o- ly. 8. Cole's Latin and English DiCtionary, OCyavo, f. y, 9. Boyer's French, and English Dictionary, 8vo. js 10. Epistolary Correspondence made pleasant and familiar, in two Letters, French and English, 2%. 6d. 11. The easiest In roduction to Dr. Lowth's English Grammar, by the Rev. Mr. Ash, is. bound. 12. Addington's new practical Treatise of Arith metic, 6$. 13. Wright's Arithmetic. 2s. fill, bound. 14. Wright on FraCtions- 2:. 66.
bound. 1 j. Dialogues on education by Professor fordyce, ia ene Volume in OCtavo, 12s. b^ und. 16. Dr, BlackWell's Life of Homer.' 6s. bound 17, — Ditto Letters on Mythology, 6s. bound. To the PubLIC. MR. WOODWARD, Surgeon, at the King's Arms, near Halfmoon- street in Piccadilly, thinks it highly necessary to inform those who labour Under that dreadful Calamity of RUP- TURES, commonly called Burden of Broken Bellies that the concealing of that Disorder, without applying for Relief, will certainly, in Proportion as they are afflicted, turn sooner or later to a Mortification, and of Course too often proves to be out of the
Power of any Application to afford the wished for Relief. Such being the real Case, he thinks it unnecessary to enlarge: on his own Success in every Case of Rupturess is a PraCtice of 30 Years must give testimonials of his Abi- lities, beyond what the most elaborate Pen could possibly describe ; and as the greatest Improvements generally result from long Experience, he cannot think it any way improper to declare, that his new- invented Ban- dage, for large Ruptures in the Navel, Groin, or Scrotum, has. been found of the greatest Utility ima- ginable, and is produCtive of all the good Consequences for which it was intended, as
it gives the greatest Ease in supporting, and reduces those violent Ruptures into the Body, and keeps them there so as to enabhle the Af- fliCted to follow their daily Labour, with as much Ease as if no such Disorder attended them. And his other Instruments and several Medicines pre- pared by him, for the cure of the above Disorders have been so well received for such a Number of Years, he thinks it useless to say any Thing himself in Recom- mendition of them. He attends Tuesdays and Fridays, from Ten to Two at his chambers, the Corner of Knowles's- court. Little Carter- lane, the South Side of St. Paul's Chorea Yard, to
give his Advice gratis, in all Sorts of Ruptures. in either Sex, The other Days in the Week at his House in Piccadilly. He attends by Letter or Message, if Post- paid. Hii Wife the Ladies. By the KING's Patent. THE great Demand for my original JESUITS DROPS having induced some Persons to sell a vile Composition under the same Name. the Public are desired to take Notice, that my true ori- ginal Jesuits Drops are sealed with my Name on each Bottle t They cure Weaknesses in either Sex, from Strains, the Abuse of Mercurials, kc. and all Symp- toms of a CERTAIN DISORDER, and have no Mer- tury in their Composition and
are sold by me, at my Chemist Shop on Ludgate Hill, Londan, in Bottles » } ts. ot 4s. with a Book of plain Directions gratis. Advice gratis, by RICH. ROCK, M. L. of 47 Years Practice. Sold also by Mr. Freeman, ConfeCtioner, in Jermyn street, near St. James's- square ; Mr. Upton, at the Green Man and Still, Oxford Road ;' Mr. Hughs, at the Cordial Warehouse in Blackman- street, Southwark Mr. fenn, Grocer, next Door to the mit. re Eating House on Fish street Hill ) Mr. Toll, next Door to the Barley Mow, Whitehapel; Mrs. Meine in Ratcliff Highway, near Wellclose Square ; Mr. Overton's, > Barber's Shop opposite to New Crane
Stairs Wapping, By the K I N G ' s P A T E N T S, DR. WALKER'S Patent Genuine JESUITS DROPS, for which his Majesty was pleaded to honour him with his Royal le tters Patents, for England, Ireland, Scotland, and the Plantations in America, The great success and Demand that is daily made for our never failing genuine Jesuits Drops, which are the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual, and immediate cure, ever discovered for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, both Sexes are subjeCt to, though ever so obstinate, of ever so long standing, and by what ever Means occasioned ; and also for a certain Dis- order, from
its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms, Likewise for the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and all scorbutic Cases. To be had at our Warehouse, at the King's Arms, opposite the sessions- house Gate, Old- Pailey, in Bottles at 5s. an ! 2s. 6d. each ; and » t Mr. Mackinder's, at the King's Arms in Castle street, Ox- ford Road ; Mr. Read's, a Pork shop, in King- street, St. James's; Mr. Edmonds's, Frying- pan Alley, op- posite St. Thomas's, Southwark ; Mr. Hardwell's, a Grocer, near Salt petre bank, East Smithfield ; and at Mr, Perry's, at the Star under the Royal Exchange. For your Health's sake ask for Dr. Walker's Patent Je suits Drops, that you may not be deceived with a Coun- terfeit. Several - prosecutions arc now carrying on against Impostors. Advice given gratis in all Cases, bf J. WESSELLS and Co, L0NDON: Printed by H. S. WOODFALL, ( N0.21) near the Corner of IVY- Lane, PATEr- noster ROw ; WHERE LETTERS to the AUTHOR, POST PAID ARE received AND ADVERTiSEMEnTS of a moderate taken in at three Shillings EACH ADVERTISEMENTS Are also taken in at