Owen's Weekly Chronicle; and Westminster Journal
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Volume Number: VIII
Issue Number: 400
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Owen's Weekly Chronicle; and Westminster Journal
Date of Article: 16/11/1765
Printer / Publisher: Owen and Harrison
Address: Pater-noster row
Volume Number: VIII
Issue Number: 400
No Pages: 4
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OWEN'S Weekly Chronicle; and Westminster Journal VOL. VIII.] From SATURDAY November 9, to SATURDAY November 16, 1765; No. 400.] The B A B L E R. NUMBER CXLV. T was a very sensible ob- servation of Sir Richard Steele's, that in order to make a good fortune, it Was necessary to carry the ap- pearance of an easy one — generality ° f mankind are always ready to respect us in proportion as they think us opulent; and pay a veneration to our circumstances which they frequently refuse to ourselves : Neither the most excellent understanding, nor the most benevolent heart are ever treated with half the deference
which the arrogant swell of for- tune receives at our hands ; and we even pause with a degree of reverence at the men- tion of ten thousand pounds, when we speak with the greatest familiarity of omnipotence, and jest with the awful majesty of our God. The most whimsical fellow of this cast with whom I ever have been acquainted, was poor Ralph Harper; Ralph had an unaccountable respect for rich men, tho' he never expected to reap a single sixpenCe from the happiness of their circumstances; and, tho' utterly out of business, he would not be a day absent from Change for the universe ; it did him good, he affirmed, to see
such a number of rich people assembled together, and the surest way in the world of gaining his heart was to introduce him to any body possessed of a large fortune. Whenever he met with a strange face in com- pany, instead of asking about character, the constant question was, what is he worth ? and instead of an enquiry about good sense, he never troubled himself about any thing but what his name would bring at the bottom of a piece of paper. For a man with twenty thou- sand pounds he had always a low bow ; for one of fifty, a profound reverence ; but if he found a person in possession of a plumb, he was ready to pay
him all implicit adoration. This unaccountable peculiarity he frequently carried to very ridiculous extremes. One day, in particular, he met me in the city, and up on the score of an old friendship, insisted I should go home with him and eat a bit of mut- ton ; 1 consented, but unhappily, aS we came down Cheapside, he saw a sober Quaker on the opposite side of the street, who kept a tallow chandler's shop somewhere in the neigh- bourhood of Barbican ; on this gentleman he had no sooner fixed his eye, than totally for- getting that I was his guest, he broke from me with all possible haste, saying, " my dear Mr. Babler, you must
excuse me; yonder is a person worth thirty thousand pound, whom I would not miss speaking to for the world ; he has asked me repeat- edly to dine with him,- and I think now is at good a time as can be — God bless you— I suppose we shall see you at the club in the evening." I could not help laughing very heartily at Ralph's manner of behaving ; and having no- thing particular to do, I took it into my head to follow him as close as I conveniently could without being observed. I had not however, gone above a hundred yards, before he gave an instant spring across the kennel, to a fresh face, and calling out to his little friend the
Quaker, desired him to go on, for it was out of his power to dine with him that day, having some very pressing business to transact, which till then had entirely escaped his memory. I Shrewdly suspected that this new acquaintance was a man of rather greater fortune than the person for whom I had been so strangely dis- carded — I was not deceived in my conjecture ; he stop'd to speak to somebody- and Ralph like- wise making a halt to wait for him, he happen'd to meet my eye, and gave me a glance of no little significance. As I was passing him by, he caught hold of my hand, and assured me, that that tall gentleman in black,
who was stand- ing at such a door, was one of the worthiest fellows in the kingdom, for says Ralph, " there " is not a day he rises, but what he is master of sixty thousand pounds." In a few mimutes Ralph and his friend passed me by, and the odd mortal was ac- quiescing to every thing he said, with such a humility of respect, that I thought it was wholly improbable he should find any fresh opportunity of shifting his company not- withstanding the plausibility of appearances, however, in less than five minutes, he was in full chace after a chariot that drove thro' St. Paul's Church Yard with the greatest rapidity, and was said to
belong to a Jewish merchant, of the first eminence, well known at that time for his intimate connexion with Sir Robert Walpole. If the possession of a large fortune could bestow either worth or good sense, I should ne- ver be surprized to see the rich treated with the utmoft respect ; or had people even but a distant expectation of gaining any advantage from the opulence of their purse- proud ac- quaintance, something might be said in their defence ; but where without a shadow of me- rit; or a hope of his conferring a favour, a man is next to idolized, merely because he is master of ten or twenty thousand pounds, I own I cannot
help being hurt at the little mindedness of his worshippers, and must ine vitably tax them with a palpable poverty of spirit if not a total want of understanding. In the dissolute reign of Charles the second, the celebrated Killigrew was one night at supper with the Duke of Buckingham, Lord Dorset, Lord Rochester, and some other no- blemen of the most eminent abilities ; the latter, by some means, happened to turn the conversation on the great honour which Kil- ligrew received, from the dignity of his com- pany. The wag, who notwithstanding the in- feriority of his rank, possessed more real sense than the whole groupe put
together, took all in good part for some time ; till, at last, find- ing matters grow a little serious, he stood up and delivering himself to the following effect. " And, pray my Lord, whence proceeds all this mighty honour which I am thought to re- ceive ? From your dignity, I suppose, and your fortune ? As to the first, you find, by sad experience, that where there is a want of worth, this gew- gaw of title won't keep a man from contempt; a fool, or a rascal, is equally a fool and a rascal, whether he is a plain Killegrew, or a great Earl of ro- chester : As to the second point, your for- tune ; when you make me the better for it, why then it will
teach me to esteem you, till then don't mention it as a matter of the least importance to me ; for as long as I pay my reckoning, and receive no obligations, in regard to circumstances, I am company for a Cresus, and would not fufFer an em- peror to treat me with the shadow of a dis- respect within the walls of a tavern." THE [ Flo. 129 ] WESTMINSTER JOURNAL By THO. TOuCHIT, of Spring Gardens, Esq. To Thomas Tonchit, Esq, iN several of your late papers, I have found A the behaviour of the American colonies very severely censured ; and read, with no little dissatisfaction, a number of arguments tending to inflame the
Mother Country a- gainst the unfortunate inhabitants of the plantations, without doing sufficient justice to the nature of their grievances, or properly setting forth the foundation of their com- plaints. The great argument which the enemies of the colonies urge against the repeal of the stamp- law, is the reasonableness of their bear- ing a part in all the burdens of the Mother- Country, since the Mother Country has prin- cipally incurred these burdens by exerting her- self in their defence. The gentlemen who talk in this manner, seem to think, that the colo- nies are at present a useless number of depen- dencies, who do not pay a
single six pence to- wards the general welfare ; it these sagacious enquirers Would however talk to any person conversant with trade, they would immediately see that one third at least of all the British manufactures was constantly purchased by the colonies; and, that of course, the colo nies by that purchase, paid a full third of all the British taxes. Every body knows that the numberless articles in our various manufac- tures are all of them subject to a duty of some kind, and that this duty is ultimately paid by the buyer when this is considered, I fancy few people will be hardy enough to say, that the colonies have been altogether
useless to the Mother Country ; and fewer still inclined to affirm that during the late war they contri- buted nothing towards their own defence. If of late the Colonies have abated in their de- mands for their British manufactures, the people of Great Britain may thank themselves; the injudicious restriction which the Mother Country has laid Upon the American com- merce, at length recoiled upon herself; in or- der therefore to make up for the loss, which she has thus sustained thro' her own avidity, she now proceeds to squeeze a supply from the very vitals of the Colonies; and prepares to force that assistance from her unhappy
chil- dren, which they formerly poured in with the utmost alacrity of themselves. Ay, but say the enemies of America, have not the colonies been raised, protected, and established by the Mother Country ? has not the Mother Country, upon all occasions, stood forth in their defence, and has she not of course a right to treat the creatures of her own formation in any manner she thinks fit } In- deed if the people of Great Britain intended to erect so many plantations of slaves merely to carry every burden which they thought pro- per to impose ; if they intended their colonies should never know the blessing of freedom ; and designed
that they should be eternally left exposed without property and without law ; then it must be confessed, that the behaviour of the Mother Country is perfectly consistent ; but if at the original institution of settle- ments we had the least notion of placing the adventurers upon a footing with ourselves, if we once supposed, that by promoting what we ourselves looked upon as the general interest, the adventurous part of our fellow subjects did not forfeit all their claim to liberty as citi- zens, and all their pretensions to equity as men ; then candour itself must acknowledge, that the usage which they have met of late is not altogether to be
justified ; and that it is at least repugnant to that exquisite tenderness which the Mother Country affects to cherish for her unhappy children of America. The writers against the colonies make use of an argument, which they look upon as ut- terly unanswerable ; If ( say they) the people of the colonies, are really the good subjects they pretend to be ; they would, instead of flying to acts of violence, have waited with patience till the meeting of parliament, and then in the customary manner have petitioned for redress. There are many writers 1 find, who run into assertions without being ac- quainted with facts. Perhaps, one half of
these worthy gentlemen who declaim in so po- pular a manner against the unfortunate co- lonies, never heard that they fent over repeated petitions, and that these petitions, instead of being heard, were continually ordered to lye upon the table. Where a large body of sub- jects are treated in this manner, we may na- turally suppose, that a few of them will run into some excess. For this reason, therefore, instead of being astonished that so many dis- orders have been committed, I am surprized at not hearing of many more. The object in view is no less than liberty, and we cannot wonder that a people bred up by ourselves, have
so natural an aversion to be slaves. ' Tis however in the power of the present ministry to remove all subjects of contention ; they have been called to power on purpose to redress the blunders of their predecessors: the Price Tivo- pence Halfpenny.] hardships under which the Americans groan, are none of the least : The colonies are far from wishing to be independant— All they wish is to be treated like fellow subjects, and like men ; they know very well, that without the protection of Great Britain, they must fall a prey to some other of the European powers ; but they may as well be ruined by any other hand, as by that which has
been the original cause of their establishment ; and which now so unaccountably imagines, that from a principle of gratitude they should tamely submit to be destroyed , I am. Sir, & c. AMERICUS. The letter signed Tom Pry the sensible, is not calculated for the general tendency of our paper. S A T U RD A Y, November 8. LONDON. It is reported, that some removals among the superior officers in the first regiment of foot- guards, of which his late Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland was formerly Co- lonel, will soon take place. . We are told, that the contest between the two Candidates for the Borough of Southwark, is Very
near being compromised. Last Week a list of French vessels seized by his Majesty's cruizers on the coasts of New- foundland and gulf of St. Lawrence, with their respective cargoes, tonnage and names, were submitted to the Privy - Council: And it is said, that his Excellency Count Guerchy has received orders from his Court to remonstrate concerning the illegality of such captures. As the Isles called the Triangles near the continent of America have always been deem- ed neutral by European powers, the late be- haviour of the French in settling therein, is contrary to treaty: and it is said that expos- tulations will be immediately
made thereon by our Court. On Wednefday se'nnight a very melancholy affair happened at Tyd St. Mary s, near Wil- bech : A young lady, who had been married but a few months, upon account of some trif- ling insignificant affronts from her husband, who had indulged her in several articles of a very expensive nature, took it into her head to shoot herself. The preparations for doing it were very extraordinary. She had declared in public, that her life would not be long; and in her own family, that she was determined to put an end to it some way or other. She wrote a couple of letters to her brothers the day be- fore : was
remarkably chearful in the evening over a game of cards ; took a soLmn leave of some acquaintance, who were in the family, at night; and afterwards, it is supposed, con- veyed, unobserved, a gun into her chamber. Early next morning, as soon as her husband was risen, she tied on her lower garments, planted the muzzle of the piece to her ear, and with the help of a poker drew the trig- ger. and blew her skull and brains against the cieling, and all about the room. The Coro- ner's jury brought in their verdict, Lunacy. . From the LONDON GAZETTE. War Office, Nov. 6. HIS Majesty does not require, that the officers of the army (
except those of his er and foot- guards) should wear any o mourning on the present melancholy occasion, than a black crape scarfe round the arm, and black crape sword- knot, with their uniforms, except when they come to court. By his majesty's command, BARRINGTON. admiralty. Office, Nov. 8. HIS Majesty has been graciously pleased to signify to my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that he does not require, that the officers of his fleet or marines should wear any other mourning on the present me- lancholy occasion, than a black crape scarfe round the arm, and black crape sword- knot, with their uniforms, except
when they come to court. PH. STEPHENS. Turin, Oct. 19. Yesterday the Marquis de Chavelin, the French ambassador here, took leave of his Sardinian majesty, the prince, and princesses of this court, and proposes to set out next Thursday for Versailles. _ Last Monday it was declared at this court, that his Sardinian majesty had named the Count de la Marmora to succeed the late Bailli de Solar ; and the Baron de la Periere is to succeed the Count de la Marmora, as his envoy- extraordinary to the court of England. Hamburgh, Oct. 25. Her Serene Highness the Margravine Dowager of Bareuth set out from hence yesterday
morning on her journey to Brunswick: Her Serene Highness staid here Only one day : she is accompained by their Serene Highnesses the three Princes of Bevern MONDAY, November 11. LONDON. Yesterday being the first time of their Ma jesties appearing in public since the decease of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumber- land, there was a numerous Court at St. James's on the occasion ; their Majesties after- wards dined at the Queen's Palace, where they lay last night. Yesterday morning the Reverend. Mr. Dodd preached an excellent Sermon at the Chapel- Royal, on occasion of the death of h's late Royal Highness
the Duke of Cumber- land, which he expressed in such a moving manner as drew tears from a great number of the congregation. Yesterday noon the Rev. Dr. John Douglas, Cannon of Windsor, preached before their Majesties at the Chapel Royal from St. Luke, chap. 23, ver 43. " Jesus said unto him, verily I say unto thee, to_ day thou shalt be with me in Paradise." His Grace the Duke of Manchefter carried the Sword of State. On Saturday the Right Hon. the Marquis of Granby arrived in tawn from his father 3 seat, his Grace the Duke of Rutland, at Bel- voir- castle, in Lincolnshire, and afterwards paid a visit to their Serene
Mighnesses the Prince and princess of Brunswick at St. James's. Saturday George Nelson Esq; the new Lord Mayor, accompanied by Sir William Steven- son, the late Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Re- corder, & c. went in a private manner to Westminster- hall, and after the usual cere- monies were over, returned in the same pri- vate manner back to the Mansion- house. The following article has keen sent us by an anonymous Correspondent: We engage not for the truth of it.— A few days ago a, Hussar, one of his Royal Highness the duke of Cumberland's dependents, went to his Highness's chief Page, and told him that it was not
in his power to put on mourning for his late Royal Master, but if he would be so good as to give him a suit of cloathes of the Duke's, he would get them made up for him : the Page granted his request, and immediate- ly brought him out a suit of black, which when he had Carried home, in examining the pockets, he found a small Pocket- book; con- taining several Memorandums, and Bank- Notes to the value of 19871. sterling, all which he carefully sealed up, and returned to the Gentleman he had the clothes of, who promised to get him handsomely rewarded for his honesty Friday afternoon, about two o'clock, a hare Passed
the New- Road near Dobney's Bowling- green, ran to the New River- head, and from thence to Cold- bath fields, where, in some turning among the different avenues, she was lost : she appeared to have been hard run by her dirty and shabby coat. Friday came on the election for a Minister of Peterstow in Herefordshire ( in the gift of the Governors of Guy's hospital, and worth upwards of zcol. per ann.) when the Rev. Mr. William Lucas was chosen by a great majority. There were six candidates. Friday, in the afternoon, a man was thrown from his horse near the Mansion house, and the horse ran down Lombard- street, and got
into a Druggist's shop, where he broke several things, and then made his way through a glass partition into a back- room, whereby he cut himself, and did confiderable damage but happily no person was hurt. The number of houses burnt by the late fire in Bishopsgate- street, & c. amount to fifty- one. The Ironmongers Company have ordered one hundred pounds to be given towards the relief of the poor Sufferers by Fire in Corn- hill. A Caution to the Publick.— A Negro man has lately made a practice of begging near St Paul's and other places, very shabbily dressed and under pretence of being a stranger speaks Spanish or
Portuguese, which induces numbers to pity him, but upon examination he appears to know as much and speak as good English as a native of Great Britain ; a few days ago some persons detected him in a public house, where he was brought to confess that by this means he made half a guinea a day, and that by serving his Majesty he was in possession of a pension. Saturday night a number of people crowd- ing upon the top of a shed near the west door of the House of Lords, to see the procession, part of the roof gave way, and they were grealy hurt. Saturday last, during the great resort of company to Westminster, some
sharpers, in the hurry of several publicans, passed off a great number of counterfeit Five- and three- Penny pieces. Yesterday morning a threatning letter was found, sealed up, laid under the door of a tradesman near St. Paul's, written in a very bad hand, containing, These houses shall be burnt, November 11, 1765. We hear, that the child of a trademan in Bishopsgate- street, during the time of the fire on thursday morning last, was removed by its parents to the house of a friend in Threadneedle street, for security ; but the flames spreading to the last mentioned street, the master and mistress of the house removed their
effects, but, having no children of their own, unluckily forgot the child of their friend, who is supposed to have perished, having been missing ever since. We are informed that a bundle of combus- tibles, all on fire, was one night last week thrown down the cellar window of a ware- house in Milk- street, which if it had not been timely discovered, would soon have set the house in a flame. The cellar window has since been strongly secured. The commissioners for putting in execution the several Acts of Parliament for paving, lighting, and cleansing the streets of West- minster, & c. last Week fined their scavinger $ ol. for not keeping
the streets clean, pursu- ant to his contract. Bristol Oct. 9 Last week the wife of one John Oborn, at Frome, in the county of So- merset, being tired of life, walked very quietly into the river and drowned herself, She was 83 years old, and her husband is now 98. Extract of a letter from St. Andrews, in the county of Fife in Scotland, nov. 5, 1765. " Last night a dead corpse was cast ashore upon the Sands, but nobody can tell to whom it belongs. This morning being a very fine one, and the weather uncommonly mild I—. our fishermen went to sea, but suddenly a, storm arising, the whole were wrecked and twelve men perished, all
the rest being in great danger, much bruised and hurt. . It would melt a heart of stone to hear the dismal cries of the poor disconsolate widows, and fatherless children, for all the men were married, and have left numerous and helpless families behind them-— I can say no more, for all is sorrow, mourning, tears, and groans a round me."
TUESDAY, November ' LONDON.' It is said that the Marquis de Blosset, who was charged with the affairs of France, in the absence of Count Guerchy, will soon set out for Paris, having been recalled. The Canada Bills have lately fallen at Paris l| per cent- from 34* to J3 per cent. The late fall of the Canada Bills at Paris is attributed to the French Court having de- manded satisfaction for their ships taken by the English men of war at Newfoundland, which has been refused, and, in course, a stop put to the final liquidation of their Bills We hear that all the Guard- Ships are or- dered to take on board their middle comple- ment of
men. We hear that in many Churches, on Sunday last, the Sermons were judiciously adapted to the mournful occasion of public sorrow for the loss of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland; and particularly we are told, the Afternoon Preacher in one Parish Church, within the Liberty of Westminster, paid a just tribute of Praise to the high merits of that amiable Prince; by saying, that his Country owed to him the most eminent services, particu- larly by repelling the invasion of daring Rebels, - whom he drove back to the barren deserts from whence they came. That he had no Friends but the Friends of Freedom, nor any
Foes but the Enemies of his King, his Country, and his Reli- gion, and that his loss was at this time a great public misfortune, when his Counsels were so needful for the support of a tottering State. Some of the inhabitants of a certain parish eastward of the City, had caused the pulpit in their church to be hung with mourning a- gainst last Sunday ; but Messieurs the Church- Wardens ordered it to be again taken down, possibly on a point of delicacy, as supposing it to be more than decent mourning, or, proba- bly, because they might think themselves, that no mourning was most decent, for so it is apparent that some at least
think from their personal appearance. On Sunday last many well- dressed people were grossly affronted by the populace, in se- veral parts of the town, for appearing out of mourning. By letters from Bristol we are advised,, that the whole crew of a French ship, slaving at Buisso, on the coast of Africa, was poisoned by the natives on shore, in bowls of palm wine and cocoa milk, on account of some li- berties taken with their women. A Correspondent informs us that yesterday three men were taken alive out of the vaults of the White Lion Tavern, in Bishopsgate Street, who went down to secure them when the houfe first took fire
on Thursday morning last; soon after their going down, the house fell in upon them. It is said, that the Deputy and Common- Council of Cornhill Ward, collected on Mon- day in that Ward only, 500I. for the Sufferers by the late dreadful Fire. A few days ago a very generous and lauda- ble benefaction of 50l. from Henry Crabb Boulton, and John Walsh, Esqrs. ( Members for the city of Worcester, was transmitted to the Mayor and Corporation of that city, for the relief of the unhappy sufferers by the late fire. , . . Among other Acts said to be in agitation, for the benefit of the Colonies, it is said Ame- rican lumber will be permitted to be
exported to foreign European markets; that their soap will be made an article for exportation, and bar iron receive a bouuty. We are well informed, that more Bills have, within these six months been protested, from our American Colonies, than formerly in as many years. They write from Havre de Grace of the 27th ult. that l'Infidele and La Legere frigates of 26 guns each, were sailed from thence for Cadiz, to fetch ammunition, and to cruize the whole winter against the Saletines. Wednesday the Rev. William Newcomb, Vice- Principal of Hertford College, Oxford, and first Chaplain to his Excellency the Earl of Hertford, Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, was admitted to the degree of Doctor in Divinity: And next day, Dr. Newcomb set out for Park- gate, in order to embark for Dublin. On Sturdy a large piece of timber fell on One of he workmen, employed in building the house of Caesar Hawkins, Esq; in Pall- mall, which tore away the calf of his leg, and he wis otherwise much bruised; he was carried to Hyde Park Infirmary. From the LONDON GAZETTE. November 10. LAST night the body of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland was privately interred in the Royal Vault in King Henry the Seventh's Chapel at Westminster, the body having been
privately conveyed to the Prince's Chamber the night before. About ten o'clock the Procession began to move, passing through the Old Palace- yard to the South- East door of the Abbey, upon a floor railed in, covered with black cloth, and lined on each side with a party of the Foot Guards, in the following order. Drums and Trumpers, sounding a solemn march, the coverings of the Drums and Banners of the Trumpets being adorned with Military Trophies. Knight Marshal's men. Servants to his Royal Highness. Page of the Presence to his Royal Highness. Page of the Back Stairs. . Pages of Honour. Physician. Chaplains.
Equerries. Secretary. Puisuivants of Arms. Heralds of Arms. Comptroller of his R. Treasurer of his R, Highness's Houshold. . Highness's Housh. York Herald. Lord Chamberlain of his Majesty's Houshold.. Chester Herald. The Gentleman of the Horse to his Royal Highness, viz. Major General Hodgson. The Coronet upon A a Black Velvet ( Gentleman Cushion borne Usher. by Clarenceux King of Arms. A Gentleman Usher. The BODY, Covered with a holland sheet and black velvet Pall, adorned with eight escut- cheons of his Royal Highness's Arms' under a canopy of black velvet, borne by the following General Officers, viz.
Generals Sir John Mordaunt, Cholmon- deley, Lord George Beauclerk, Conway Cornwallis, Howard, Rich, Honeywood, Durand, Webb, and Sir Jeffery Amherst, being in their Uniforms, and having Sashes covered with Crape, and Crape in their Hats, and on their Arms.— The Pall supported by the Lords Aberga- venny, Cadogan, Sonds, and Grant- ham. Supporter to the Chief Mourner, Duke of Manchester in a Black Cloak. , Supporter to the Chief Mourner, Duke of Ancaster in a Black Cloak. A Garter Principal A Gentleman King of Arms Gentleman Usher. with his Rod. Usher. The Chief Mourner Duke of Grafton, in a long
Black Cloak ; his Train borne by Sir Christopher Knowles, Baronet. Assistants to the Chief Mourner, viz. Earl of Peterborow, Earl of Dartmouth, Earl of Harrington, Earl Cornwallis, Earl Talbot, ( Lord Steward of His Majesty's Household.) Earl of Cardigan, Earl of Pomfret. Earl Harcourt. A Gentleman Ufher. The three Lords of his Royal Highness's Bed Chamber, viz. Lord Frederick Cavendish, Earl of Albemarle, Earl of Ancram The Grooms of his Royal Highness's Bed- chamber, viz. Major General Fitzwilliam, Major General Boscawen, Colonel Sandys, N. B. Lords, Lords Sons, and Privy. Coun- cillors, were likewise called over,
and some attended. At the entrance of Westminster Abbey, within the church, the Dean and Prebenda- ries, attended by the Choir, received the Body, falling into the procession just before the Officer of Arms who conducted the Lord Chamberlain; and so proceeded into King Henry the VIIth's chapel; where the Body was deposited on trussels, the head towards the altar ; the Coronet and Cushion being laid upon the Coffin, and the Canopy held over it, while the service was read by the Dean of Westminster ; the Chief Mourner, and his two Supporters, sitting on chairs, at the head of the Corpse; the Lords Assistants and
Supporters of the Pall, sitting on stools on either side. The part of the service before the interment being read, the corpse was deposited in the vault, and the Dean having finished the Burial- service,. Garter proclaimed his Royal High- ness's Stile as follows, Thus it hath pleased Almighty GOD to take out of this transitory life, unto his divine mercy, the late most High, most Mighty, and most Illustrious Prince WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, Duke of Cumberland, and Duke of Brunswic and Lunenburgh, Marquis of Berkhamstead, Earl of Kenn- ington, Viscount Trematon, Baron of the Isle of Alderney, Knight of the most Noble Order of the
Garter, and First and Principal Companion of the most- Hon- ourable Order of the Bath, third son of his late most Excellent Majesty King GEORGE the Second. Twenty- one pieces of artillery were drawn into the Park, and fired minute guns during the ceremony ; and three battalions, viz. one of each regiment of guards, were drawn up in St. Margaret's Church- yard, and fired vol- lies, on a signal given, as soon as the Corpse was deposited. The minute guns at the Tower were fired as usual. THE names of those who were nominated for Sheriffs by the Lords of the Coun- cil on the 12th instant. Berkshire, Joseph Andrews, of
Shaw, Esq; Bartholomew Tipping, of Woolley, Esq; Richard Selwood, of Bright- Walton, Esq; Bedfordshire, Thomas Smith,, of Sharpenhoe, Esq; Philip Field, of Barton, Esq; Charles Chester, of Tilsworth, Esq; Buckinghamshire, Mathew Knapp, of Little Lynford, Esq; George Richard Carter, of Chilton, Esq; William Creswell Went- worth, of Leekhamstead, Esq: Cumberland, John Christian, of Unerigg, Esq, John Liddle, of Moorhouse, Esq; Sir Gil- fred Lawson, of Brayton, Bart. Cheshire, Sir Lister Holt, Bart. Sir Bryan Broughton Delves, Bart. Sir John Tho- mas Stanley, Bart. Cam' and Hunt' James Collyer, of March, Esq; Charles
Gould, of Stretham, Esq; John Addey, of Wisbech, Esq; Cornwall, John Waddon, of Tonnacombe, Esq; John Eliot, of Trebursey, Esq; Tho- mas Trefry, of Fowey, Esq; Devonshire, Charles Hale, of Ingsden, Esq; James Hamblyn, of Court, Esq; John Jones, of Halden, Esq- Dorsetshire, Henry William Portman, of Bry- anston, Esq; William Churchill, of Dorche- ster, Esq; Thomas Robinson, of Coomb- Kines, Esq. Derbyshire, Legh Master, of Heanor, Esq; Ro- bert Dale, of Ashborne, Esq; Edward Sache- verell Pole, of Radborne, Esq; Essex, Sir Peter Soame, of Haydon; Bart Richard Hoare, of Boreham, Esq; Joseph Keeling, of
Fringeringhoe, Esq; Gloucestershire, Nigel Kingscote, of Kingscote; Esq; Thomas Edwards Freeman, of Bats- ford, Esq; Powell Snell, of Guiting Power, Efq; Hertfordshire, John Seraneke, of Hatfield, Esq; John Seare, of Tring, Esq; William White- bread, of Bedwell Park, Esq; Herefordshire, Richard Gorges, of Eye, Esq; Harcourt Aubrey, of Clehonger, Esq; John Peploe Birch, of Garnstone, Esq; Kent, John Mascall, of Ashford, Esq; John Boyd, of Bezley, Esq; William Wilson, of Plaistow, Esq; Leicestershire, Charles Boothby Scrimshire, of Toolie, Esq; John Darker, of Stoughton, esq; Charles James Pack, of Priestwould, Esq;
Lincolnshire, John Somerscales, of East Raven- dale, Esq; Joseph Walls, of East Kirkby, Esq; Charles Anderson, of Manby, Esq; Monmouthshire, Thomas John Medlicot, of Monmouth, Esq; William WinsmOre, of Pant y Goytree, Esq. William Barnes, of Penterry, Esq; Northumberland, William Ogle, of Cawsay Park, Esq; Ralph Carr, of Black Heddon, Esq; Henry Hudson, of Whitely, Esq; Northamptonshire, Sir George Robinson, of Cranford, Bart. Sir William Wake, of Courtenhall, Bart. Eliab Breton, of Nor- ton, Esq; Norfolk, John Marcon, of Swaffham, Esq; Crisp Molineaux, of Garboldisham, Esq; John Norris, of Witchingham,
Esq; Nottinghamshire, Thomas Smith, of Keyworth, Esq; George Brown, of Ordsall, Esq; Geo. Neville, of Thorney, Esq; Oxfordshire, Edmund Blewit, of Salford, Esq; William Humphrey Wykham, of Swacliff, Esq; Thomas Rollinson, of Chadlington East, Esq; Rutlandshire, James Tiptaft, jun. of Braun- ston, Efq; Lewis Maydwell, of Caldecot, Esq; John Ridlington, of Edith Weston Esq; Shropshire, John Smith, of Stoke, Esq; Hum- phrey Sandford, of The Isle, Esq;. CharLes Pigott, of Peplow, Esq; Somersetshire, Charles Tudway, of the City of Wells, Esq; James Tooker, of Chilcomp- ton, Esq; Joseph Combes, of Shepton Mal- let,
Efq; Staffordshire, William Inge, of Thorp Con- stantine, Esq; Thomas Hoo, of Barr, Esq; Edward Mainwaring, of Whitmore, Efq; Suffolk, William Woollaston, of Great Fin- borough, Esq; Gabriel Trusson, of Kelsale, Esq John Robinson, of Denardiston, esq; Southampton, George Guernier the Younger, of Turges, Esq; Thomas Miller, , of Sober- ton, Esq; Philip Jennings, of Laverstock, Esq; Surry, John Small the younger, of Lambeth Esq; John Wood, of Southwark, Esq, Richard Barwell, of Easher, Ef ; Sussex, John Burges, of Brookhouse, Esq; William Durrant, of Framfield, Esq; James Woood, of Twineham, Esq; Warwickshire,
John Bree, of Bewshall, Esq; John Shuckburgh, of Bourton, Esq; Eger- ton Bagot, of Pipehall, Efq; Worcestershire John Baker, of Hartlebury, E q; Thomas Cookes, of Harvington, Efq; Plukenet Woodroff, of Wychenford, Esq; Wiltshire, Peter Delme, Esq; Wiliam Cal- ley, of Burdrop, Esq; George Stonehouse, ' of Standing, Esq; Yorkshire, Henry Brewster Darley, of Aldby, Esq; Sir, Griffith Boynton, of Agnes Burton. Bart. John Hill,, of Thornton, esq; BANKRUPTS. Benjamin Blower, late of the City of Worcester, Butcher, to appear Nov. 26, and Def. 9, 21, at the Sign of the Hop Pole in Worcester. William Killingsworth, late of
Wapping- street, in the Parish of St. John's Wapping, Middle sex, Sail maker, to appear Nov. 13, 28, and Dec, 21, at Guildhall, London. George Dighton, now or late of Ludgate- hill, in the Parish of St. Brides, London, Vintner, to appear Nov. IJ, 26, and Dee. 21, at Guild- hall. John Howson, late of the Parish of. Sr. Bridget, otherwisc St. Brides, London, Jeweller, to ap- pear Nov. 15, 22, and Dec. 21, at Guildhall. James Wrench, of Camomile- street, London. Coach- maker, to appear Nov. 16, 20, and Dec,- 21, at Guildhall. Jofeph Tomlinson, late of Virginia- street, Wap- ping, in the County of Middlesex, Merchant, to appear Nov.
16, 2$, and Dec. 24, at Guild- hall, London. Bankruptcy enlarged. Kinsey Tyrer, of Bluit's Buildings, Fetter lane, London, to appear Dec. 21, at Guildhall. Certificates to be allowed. Nov. 30. Benjamin Hirst, of Aylesbury, in the County of Bucks, Shop- keeper. Dec. 3. Abraham Ford, of Coalbrookdale, in the County of Salop, Ironmaster. Thomas Amas, of Wisbech Saint Peter's, in the Isle of Ely, Merchant. Robert Forbes, of Chigwell, in the County o£ Essex, Dealer. Dividend to be made to Creditors. Nov. 18. Alexander Fargeson, late of West Witton, in the County, of York, Butter- fac- tor, at the Black Swan in Bedale. Nov. 19.
Joseph Brooke, now or late of St. James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, Leather dres- ser, at Guildhall. Nov. 21. Nathaniel Saunders, late of the City of Bristol, Butcher, at the Bush Tavern in Corn- street, Bristol. Nov. 19. William Evans, now or late of the Parish of St. James, Clerkenwell, in the Coun- ty of Middlesex, Victualler, at Guildhall, Lon- don. Nuv. 19. William Murvell, of the Strand, in the County of Middlesex, Haberdasher, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 19. George Cressener, of Watling- street, London, Grocer, at Guildhall. Nov. 19. Richard Atlee, of Little Trinity Lane, London, Dealer, at Guildhall. Nov. 25. Thomas Crispe, of
Catherine court, near Great Tower- hill, London, Merchant, at Guildhall. WEDNESDAY, November i3. LONDON. The following is a List of the important changes that, it is said, will certainly ( before the Meeting of Parliament) take place. The Duke of Bedford, and Right Hon. Mr. Put, to be of the C 1 Council, and hold no Office. The Duke of Marlborough to have a vacant Garter. E. Temple Secretary of State for Southern Department. E of Egmont, President of the Council. E. of Gower, Lord Chamberlain. E. of Bristol, Lord Privy Seal. E. of Weymouth, Groom of the Stole. E. of Halifax, Great Wardrobe. E. of Shelburne and Lord
Lyttleton, Post- Master- General. Rt Hon. Mr. Grenville, First Lord of the Treasury. Lord North, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Hunter, Sir John Turner, and Mr. Thomas Pitt, Lords of the Treasury. The Earl of Sandwich, First Lord of the Admiralty. Admiral Keppel, Dr. Hay, Lord Carysfort, Mr. A. Hervey, and Mr. Richard Vernon, Lords of the Admiralty. Earl Thomond Cofferer. Earl of Powis, Treasurer, and Lord C. Spencer, Comptroller of the Houshold. Rt. Hon. Mr. Stanley, Treasurer of the Navy. Rt Hon. Mr. Ellis, Secretary at War. Mr. Nugent, Mr. Rigby, and Mr. James Grenville, Vice- Treasurers of Ireland. Mr. Thurloe,
Solicitor to the Treasury. Mr. Neville Nevil, Pay master Pensions. Mr. Thynne and Mr. Seymour of the Board of Green Cloth. Some other changes in the inferior Offices, but are not named as fixed. The vacant Red Garter, [ by mistake for Ribbon late Sir Charles Howard's, we hear is intended for the gallant Sir William John- son, now in America. Several circumstances serve to convince the generality of Readers, that the above articles of news are not true. They cannot think an intel- ligent person would have mistaken Lord Wey- mouth's rank of Peerage. They do not know for why Lord Huntington should be dismissed, who has
not made himself obnoxious to any party, nor can they account for persons being coupled as Counsellors, who have rarely been known to agree in opinion; nor do they see for what reason the , whole present ministry, who are not unpopular, should be dismissed, and the whole discarded Mi- nistry, Who are unpopular, and have given of- fence to their Sovereign, should be restored. S9 that not the least degree of credit is given to the Intelligence. We are informed that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, will be elected Chancel- lor of the University of Dublin, in the room of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Cum- berland.
It is said seven thousand pounds have been offered by a noble Sportsman for the running horses of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. The departure of their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Gloucester for Bath was countermanded on Monday night, when their carriages were ready, and all other ne- cessary preparations made for their departure. Last night the remains of the late Baron de Gross, Minister from the Empress of Russia, was interred in a vault in the Lutheran church in the Savoy; several of the Foreign Ministers attended on the occasion. On Sunday evening Baron de Viry de la Perriere,
who is appointed Envoy Extraordi- nary from his Sardinian Majesty to this Court in the room of Count Marmora, arrived in town from Holland. Letters from Smyrna say, that the troubles in Georgia, which still subsist, arose from the unwillingness of the natives, on a religious account, to give up their daughters in tri- bute as usual for the use of the Grand Seignor's Seraglio; and that one of the principal Princes foreseeing that the Porte would not easily re- nounce such demand, had sent fifty of his best vassals into a particular part of the north to learn the art of war, that these on their : return instructed their countrymen so well- in
the ufe of arms, that the Prince thinking himself in a capacity to decide the. affair b3 the point of the sword, set himself at the head of a considerable party, which being joined by the troops of other Princes, soon gained very great advantages over the Turks;, and according to these letters have beat them anew in a pitched battle, wherein no less than six thousand of their enemies were sain, with- out mentioning the great number of prisoners and wounded. They write from Warsaw, that several con- ferences have been lately held there, in order to adjust the differences between the Clergy and the Noblesse ; which, however, it is
fore- seen will be a work of time and difficulty ; as the latter demand, i. That the Clergy make no more appeals to the Court of Rome. z. That the first- fruits be abolished. 3. That a strict enquiry he made into the conduct of the Abbeys and their Monks. 4. That the tythes be paid in money. 5. That the Clergy consent to make a free- gift every year to the Republic. 6. That they be no longer per- mitted to take any estate or revenue in farm, and especially those of the Crown. 7. That they meddle not with affairs of State. And, 8. That they confound not, as has been the case hitherto, their rights with thole of the Equestrian Order.—
These dcmands will certainly meet with great opposition of the part of the Clergy. ; Letters from Madrid say, " The Public are greatly pleased with the liberty which the King hath granted to all his subjects indiscri- minately, of trading to our American Colo- nies. This indulgence will occasion a more close correspondence between us and these Set- tlements ; and at the same time will contri- bute to the augmentation of the Custom- house revenues in the ports of this monar- chy." They write from Hamburgh, that they have had there lately a run of fine weather, with
mild rains, which has made a great number of trees to blossom, as if it was the spring. The Prince Stadtholder's court went into mourning last Sunday, for six weeeks, on ac- count of the death of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. Extract of a letter from Paris, Oct. 28. The Sovereign Council of Alsace has at length put out a definitive arret, which sup- presses the Jesuits within their jurisdiction. This suppression ought to have taken place last year, but was deferred until proper persons, wel versed in the French and German languages, could be procured for the instruCtion of youth. The three Colleges belonging to
those fa- thers, are now occupied by Secular Priests- " A parish Priest of the diocese of Chartres, having refused to admit a certain member of his church, as godfather to a child, which was brought to him to be baptized, under pre- tence that this parishioner had not received the sacrament at Easter ; the latter complained in very strong terms to the King's Attorney, and the affair is now depending before the Parliament." They write from Toulon that they conti- nue labouring there with the greatest diligence 0n the fortifications of la Malque, and St. Catherine; and that two vessels had lately arrived from Rochefort with two hundred
pieces of cannon of different bore. From these and the like preparations making in all the ports of the kingdom, many are of opi- nion that the tranquillity of Europe will not remain uninterrupted. A letter from Paris says, " The late Assem- bly of the Clergy, not content with inscribing on their registers the acts which they had passed, have thought proper to make them public by the press : of which step, it is pro- bable, the Parliament will take cognizance, by an arret that may not be very agreeable to the Clergy.— A whole impression of these acts, in duodecimo, has been seized, by the King's order, at the office of M. Desprez,
Printer to the Clergy. But, nevertheless, they have published several other editions in different dioceses." They write from Dublin, that the art of brewing porter is brought to such perfection there, that they in a little time will have no occasion to import it from London, which they have for many years been accustomed to do, to the value of many thousand pounds per ann. They add, that the Dublin Society lately ad- judged a premium of 60I. and upwards, to be paid to Mr. Thomas Andrews, Brewer, on the Poddle, being at the rate of one penny per gallon, for 19,958 gallons of porter brewed by him since June 1, 1764.. A few days
ago a mare started from the Fox and Hounds in Tottenham court Road, to draw a single horse chaise, with a Person in it, to Lincoln in twenty hours, which she per- formed with ease in nineteen hours and a quar- ter. The distance is upwards of 130 miles. For the Benefit of the ASYLUM and MAG- DALEN Charities, The late Mr. WARD's Medicines, Sold by the Appointment of John Page, Esq. under the Direction of Sir John Fielding, Knt. and Robert Dingley, Esq. by R. Withy, Book and Printseller at the Dunciad, in Cornhill; C. Marsh, Bookseller, at Charing Cross ; and no where else in London : And in the Country by those only,
who have a Cer- tificate from the above Gentlemen, The WHITE DROP for the SCURVY, ( one Third of an Ounce for one Shilling.) THESE innocent, yet most effi- cacious Drops, are an excellent Remedy in more Cases than will admit of being mentioned here, but well known to be one of the greatest Antiscorbu- tics in Practice. They will bring away Worms from Children, and are not excellent in promoting the regular Return of Disorders peculiar to Women, and removing Ob- structions. They are used with Success in the Disease called St. Anthony's Fire, and other inflammatory Disorders, giving great Ease by their cooling
Qualities. Being applied outwardly, they cure Pimples, and other Eruptions in the Face and ether Part of the body. Spring and Fall, they keep them free from Worms, Coughs, Eruptions and other Disorders, which Chil- dren are usually subject to, by carrying off all internal foulnesses, and preferring them healthy. They are very efficacious in Rheumatic and other. Pains in the Limbs, excellent for Boils, and other ul- cerous- Sores, and a powerful Remedy in most stubborn chronical Cases, if continued to he taken for a consi- derable Time; and also in obstinate venereal Disorders. The EMETIC SACK DROP, ( Half an Ounce, Six pence) Is in general of the same Efficacy as the Red Pill. It has been found to cleanse the Stomach more effectually than the Vomits usually given, and that without occa- sioning uncommon Reachings. The SWEATING POWDERS, ( Fifty Grains, Four- pence) They are the most agreeable in their Operation 0 any Sweats whatever, by easing Pain, and giving Spi- rits to the Patient, and are m0st powerful in all Rheu- matisms, and Pains in the Body and Limbs, and also in Coughs and other Disordcrs proceeding from Colds.— Two or three of these Powders will frequently restore the Use of Limbs that have suffered by Rheumatic
Pains. The PASTE for Fistulas, Piles, & c, ( A Pound in a Tin Box, Two Shillings and Ten- pence) r 1 This is most efficacious in the Fistula, Piles, and ^ other Maladies incident to the same Part of the Body against the Gravel and Spleen, and for internal Sore, nesses in the Stomach. LIQUID- SWEAT, Half an Ounce, about Four Doses, One Shilling) This is found to be an excellent Remedy for Pains. It is good against Fevers, Vomitings, Gripes, Com- plaints in the Head, and Weaknesses peculiar to Women. The DROPSY POWDERS, ( Six in a Parcel, Six- pence) It evacuates the Water in the Belly, is good in the Jaundice, and
overflowing of the Bile, and Retention of Urine, as it promotes making of urine, ESSENCE for the Head Ach, ( Half an Ounce, One Shilling) f This Essence Mr. Ward never would sell in his life time. The immediate Ease it gives in Pain the Head and any Part of the Limbs, is vert surprising. THRUSDAY, November 14. Yesterday arrived a Mail from France. Cape Francois, in St. Domingo, July 8. COUNT d'Estaing, our Governor, has published two Ordinances. By the first, a body of light troops is ordered to be raised, to perform the office of the Marechausse, which has been suppressed. All free Negroes and Mulattos are to serve
three years in this corps, and no Negro is, for the future, to be allowed his liberty, till he fulfils this condi- tion. Each free female Negro is to furnish a soldier in her stead. The Mulattoes, who have been called upon on this occasion, have refused compliance. By the second ordinance, the Militia is or- dered to be re- established, which the King had suppressed, But the Count, perceiving the uneasiness it caused, has condescended to ex- plain some articles, and recede from others, it is thought tHat this last measure will be wholly laid aside. It is at least suspended. Paris, Nov. 4. The India Company have received advice that the
Sieur Law, whom they sent to India eighteen years ago, has re- newed, under the protection of his Majesty, the ancient treaties of that Company with the Nabob; and that in consequence of this, the French factories are to be every- where re- established as formerly for the advantage of the said Company. LONDON. Yesterday Court Marmora, late Envoy- ex- traordinary at this court from the court of Sardinia, had his audience of leave of his Majesty, he being soon to set out to go in a public character to Paris. Tuesday dispatches were sent off to Gene- ral Yorke, at the Hague; and it is given out, that his Excellency will soon be
recalled to take upon him a considerable office in the State. No less than 136 yards of fine lawn were wrapped about the body of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. When Sir Robert Ladbroke was Lord Mayor of the city of London, a dreadful fire unhap- pily broke out in Cornhill, which did incre- dible injury to many of the inhabitants. Upon that melancholy occasion his late Majesty sent for Sir Robert, ( who, to the great honour of his humanity, exerted himself in a remarka- ble manner, for the benefit of his Fellow- citizens,) and was graciously pleased to order a thousand pounds to be paid towards the re- lief of the
various sufferers, in such a manner as the Lord Mayor should think proper to direCt. Sir Robert mentioning this little anecdote of the Royal benevolence to some of his friends, the circumstance fortu- nately reached the ear of the Most Hon. the Marquis of Rockingham, who immediately told it to his Majesty ; in consequence of which Sir Robert and the late Lord Mayor received a most polite message from his Lordship, re- questing the favour of an interview ; pursuant to this intimation, they waited on him, and Sir Robert being asked into whose hands it would be proper to pay a donation for the be nefit of the sufferers by the last
week's fire, he said Sir William Stephenson, as it happened during the Mayoralty of that Magistrate ; Lord Rockingham then told him, that his Majesty, after the example of his Royal Grand- father, had ordered a thousand pounds to be applied to that purpose; and gave the neces- sary directions for paying it accordingly. Candles are risen from 6s. 8d per dozen to 7s. 9d. So considerable a rise in an article of so much utility to the Manufacturers and House- keepers of this Metropolis, should a- waken the attention of the magistrates. the Engrossers of Tallow are now become as inju rious to Society, as the Carcase- Butchers. A
Gentleman of veracity in Granada has advised a Correspondent, that the interior parts of Dominica abound with a species of black ebony, which has been found to answer the purposes of inlaying in the finest cabinet work. The Bank of England propose to pay twen- ty- five per cent, off the four per cent. Navy Annuities, on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of next month. Saturday night about twelve o'clock, a fel- low was discovered concealed in the house or Mr. Berry, an eminent Brazier in St. Paul's Church- yard ; but before the maid, who was the person that discovered him, could get proper assistance, he found means to make his
escape; the footman, however, having given some strong cause of suspicion, by ac- knowledging the fellow was his cousin, he was taken into custody, and on Tuesday com- mitted to the Compter. Yesterday William Richardson, for forgery, was executed at Tyburn, pursuant to his sen- tence; Andrew Fitzgerald, who was to have been executed with him, for a like offence, is respited during his Majesty's pleasure. Yesterday in the afternoon two men came to a Haberdasher and Hosier's shop, near the Bull- head in Drury lane, under pretence of buying stockings, and stole a quantity of hand- kerchiefs, which being soon missed
they were pursued, taken, and carried before a Magis- trate, who committed them both to New- Prison. Ten QUERIES on the Exportation of Bread Corn, and inclosing our Corn- fields for Pasture. Humbly offered to the Consideration of Persons in Power. By a hearty Well- wisher to his King and Country. Query I. HAS not the advanced price of Bread- Corn been a long occasion of distress to many poor families in England ? Query II. If the poor suffer must not our Ma- nufactories suffer with them ? And indeed will not the evils that affeCt them affeCt Trade in general, and, in the end, every inhabitant of the nation ? Query III.
Does not the Exportation cf Corn and Meal in such large quantities aS have lately been sent abroad necessarily raise the price of these Commodities at home ? Query IV. Is not such Exportation of Bread Corn and Meal a peculiar disadvantage at a time when many thousand Acres of Land are yearly laid down for Grass in the new Inclo sures which produced large quantities of Grain when they were in open Fields ? Query V. Are not fuch Inclosures, in many of the Inland Counties especially, like to prove a great discouragement to the growth of the fine short Fallow- Wool which is much wanted in many branches of the Woollen
Manufactory, and the want of which cannot be supplied by any increase of Pasture ? Query VI. Do not many of those very Per- sons now feel themselves injured by their In- closures who were prevailed upon to sign pe- tions to Parliament for them by false repre- sentations, or the undue influence of their more wealthy Neighbours ? Query VII, Are not many families by the Inclosures deprived of the means of Subsist- ance, who lived comfortably upon Farms which they rented at fifty or sixty pounds a year in open fields, by being reduced to the cruel necessity of turning out, or engaging for such Takes as they know, at the
advanced, Rent demanded upon the Inclosure, must in a few years utterly ruin them , Query VIII. It is not notorious that the practice of inclosing our open- field Parishes depopulates the Country, and drives the la- bouring hands into larger Towns for subsist- ance in the Manufactories, which are already overstocked with hands, and in which the health, longaevity and increase of a Country- Life are by no means to be expeCted ? Query IX. As a Consequence of the evils hinted at in the two last Queries, does not In- closing necessarily encourage Monopolies ( the ruin of a free and trading People) by throw- ing into the hands of
five or six wealthy Gra- zier's such Lordships as supported many scores, if not hundreds, of People when in open Fields ? Query X. Would it not then upon the whole be the most effectual way of promoting the in- crease and Commerce of the nation, ( and therein its wealth and strength) and of putting a stop to those unlawful Riots, which are al ways injurious to many innocent families and to the Public as well as the. Rioters themselves, to take some speedy and resolute Measures to discountenance these two great and grow- ing evils, the Exportation of our Grain into foreign Parts when it is so dear at home, and inclosing our
Corn- Fields for Pasture ? N. B. The. Author of the above Queries takes the liberty to affirm that he has therein, upon his own knowledge, expressed the sense of many thousands of his Majesty's very faith- ful Subjects. He most readily acknowledges that many thousand Acres of Land,, which are at present uncultivated in the Nation, maybe improved by Inclosing, greatly to the Advan- tage both of the Proprietors, and the Public. —- He is likwise well aware of the specious arguments urged for the Exportation of Grain, and for Inclosing in general; and is no stran- ger to the artful methods made use of both in Town and Country
to promote them — But having had many opportunities of observing the mischievous consequences of both to some of the most flourishing Counties in England', he begs leave to offer these hint's to the Consi- deration of every Well- wisher to his Country, especially the several Constituents of the le- gislature, though he well knows the measures they recommend would be epposed quo jure, qurque injuria by many who, if they can but raise their Rents, or fill their Purses, pay very little regard to the Public. Nov. 5, 1765- A Freeholder in an open Field. FRIDAY, November 15. Yesteday Arrived a Mail from Holland, _ Berlin, Oct.
29. TWO ordinances are published here, one of Which prohibits all games of chance, and the other the exportation of corn out of the country. Brussels, Nov. 4. An order is come from the Court of Vienna for putting a stop to the game of Pharaoh, and all other games of chance, under heavy penalties. Robbers and murderers infest our streets in the night, to such a degree, that people are afraid to stir out of their houses after dark. Paris, Nov 1. M. de l'Averdy, Comptroller- General of the Finances, is appointed Mini- ster of State. LONDON. Yesterday there was a great Court and Drawing- room at St. James's, at which their
Majesties, the Prince of Wales, Bishop of Osnaburg, several of the great Officers of State and Nobility were present. The departure of his Serene Highness the Prince of Brunswick for Bath, which was fixed for this day, is postponed for some time, and yesterday notice thereof was sent to several of the Nobility, that were to accompany his Se- rene Highness. Yesterday his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester took the diVersion of hunting on Blackheath, and in the evening returned to town. Wednesday his Royal Highness Prince Henry- Frederick took an airing in Hyde- Park and Kensington for the first time since his
Highness's last operation for the Dropsy ; and yesterday his Royal Highness dined with the Princess Dowager of Wales at Carlton house ; as did also the Prince and Princess of Brunswick, Wednesday his Grace the Duke of Dorset was at Court, to restore to his Majesty, the ensigns of the Order of the Garter, worn by his Grace's late father. An express, with some extraordinary dis- patches, it is said, arrived on Wednesday from the Duke of Richmond at Paris. We are now assured, that his Royal High ness the late Duke of Cumberland died in- testate, and that Letters of Administration will shortly be granted to such person, as
his Majesty, as heir at law, shall please to ap- point. -• It is said, that his late Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland's livery servants, will have an annual salary allowed them, during their lives, according to the number of years which they had been in his service. Next Monday is to come on in the Court of Common- Pleas, before Lord Camden, the very important Question that has been so long depending, whether Secretaries of State have the power to issue a warrant in any case but high- Treason, We are assured, that claims, to the ful amount of twenty- four thousand pounds, have already been brought into one of the
Insurance Offices only, by part, of the sufferers at the late dreadful conflagration in Cornhill. Yesterday, among several donations sent to Sir George Amyand's and Co. Bankers, Corn- hill, for the relief of the Sufferers by the late Fire in Bishopsgate- street, & c- were the fol- lowing: From the lord High Chancellor 100I. The present Lord Mayor 50L with a promise of 50I. more if wanted. The wor- shipful Company of Grocers 501. with a pro- mise of 50l. more if wanted. The two last by the hands of Mr. Deputy Long. At the end of the Benefit LeCture, which Mr. George Alexander Stevens gave at Plais- terers Hall, last night, for the
benefit of the Sufferers by the fire in Biihopsgate- street, he thus addressed himself to his Auditors: Ladies and Gentlemen, " The Exhibitor takes the liberty to con- clude the LeCture this evening with an address to his audience on the occasion of this their meeting. " How amiable must that Assembly appear which is form'd for the relief of distress ?— It adds dignity to titles, and loveliness to beauty. ' The gate of wealth is too often barred against necessity; and while the rich are crowded with profered services, who extends Companion's arm to raise the wretched ? Behold here the glorious examples!— By such liberalities, the so
lately undone Suffer- ers will, from the ruin of that dreadful con- flagration, re- assume domestic happiness. " What inexpressible satisfaCtion must they feel, who bestow such felicity on their fellow- creatures ? Even your enemies, when in cap- tivity, were supported by your generosities. But it is not only throughout Europe that mis- fortune addresses you with supplications, from Canada affliction has implored your assistance. Thus we find companion and valour twin vir- tues ; and the world acknowledges, That the courage of the English can only be equalled by ENgLISH HUMANITY." We hear the Merchants of Hull and other
trading towns in the North of England are preparing an application to the Trinity- house for a floating light to be moored this winter in the mouth of the river Humber, as a night di- rection for shipping in the coasting trade. The long contested eleCtion for the reCtory of Black- friars will be heard next week in the High Court of Chancery. Some hundred chaldrons of Pontop coals are now buying up to be shipt for the use of the iron- works in Sweden, which have been much impeded of late for want of necessary fuel. They advise from Dublin, that a bill was to be brought in the present sessions, for aug- menting the currency of Ireland
to an equality with British sterling money. We are informed, that effectual measures will soon be taken to suppress the practice of Itinerant Field Preaching, by including all such unqualified perfons, within the Vagrant ACt We hear that most of the Bishops are come to a resolution of following the laudable ex- ample of the Bishop of London, in discoun- tenancing the farther increase of Mass Houses in their respeCtive dioceses. When the last letters were received at Lis- bon from South America, the Portuguefe Go- vernors had actually introduced Martial Law in some provinces of Brazil, on account of the Paraguayans having
made dispositions to at- tack Nova- Colonia. If the peace now in agitation between Spain and Morocco should take place, it is foreseen that the Barbary Pirates, having nothing to fear from the subjeCts of his Catholick Ma- jesty, will fall then, in greater numbers 0n those powers with whom they are at present at war, and of course that such a measure will be attended with very disagreeable conse- quences to the Knights of Malta and all the Italian States. They write frcm Genoa, the 19th ult. that forty mules were just set out from thence for the Tyrol laden with money, remitted from the Court of Spain to that of Vienna. They write
from Dantzick, that as the Russian troops, which have been a long time in their neighbourhood, were not making any preparations for quitting their quarters, it was supposed they would pass the winter there. In the Leyden Gazette, of the 5th of No- vember, under the article London, is the fol- lowing paragraph :—" The Duke of Bedford, whose eloquence is known, will set himself at the head of a party, which is forming to justify in that Assembly, the conduCt of the old Ministry, and to oppose whatever may be undertaken by the present Ministry for chang- ing or suppressing any of the ACts or Regula- tions established by their
predecessors. The party in the opposition increases more and more. But the Court have no doubt that the present Ministers will be able to keep their places, and to gain in Parliament the patriotic points they have in view.'' They write from Leghorn, that two eminent French houses which shut up in January and March last at Constantinople, had failed in a much larger sum than was at first suspeCted, nearly to the amount of three hundred thou- sand pounds sterling Several letters by the mail from France ad- vise, that the French are now building capi- tal ships of war in the different ports of that kingdom. The same letters say,
that a treaty cf com- merce is nearly concluded between the Courts of France and Spain ; which, it is said, will be of the utmost advantage to the trading subjeCts of those two kingdoms. " Tuesday last a Country- Drover, having re- ceived 250l at a Nobleman's house the West end of the town, went to a Public- house to Count over the money, in which being observed by two men then present, they followed him as far as Dunstable in Bedfordshire, where they robbed him of all his cash, and left him with the following piece of advice, Never more to display his money in a lic- house."
The following fact may be depended on— On the morning after the death of the Duke of Cumberland, at a tradesman's shop in the Strand, one of the proprietors came into the shop, where some customers were Serving; and on the servant's informing him of the death of his Royal Highness, he burst out into a rage of the most foul and malicious abuse, that a wicked heart and a low- bred fancy could suggest; adding, " That he hoped the v— n was gene to h— ll;" and, as though this was too candid, correcting himself and saying, " That he had no need to hope it, for he was sure he is, & c." If this wretch can deceive himself
enough to believe, that he is a CHRI- STIAN, a GENTLEMAN, or a MAN, it is fit he should be told, that his want of charity, de- cency and humanity, forbid his pretensions to either of those characters ; and he can have no other appellation but that of a BRUTE. The company of Ironmongers have resolv- ed to make a present of a piece of plate of 100I. value to Mr. Alderman Alsop, for the services he did the Company in Ireland. Tuesday night an outcry of murder and thieves was heard in Fleet- street, issuing from an Hackney coach then going towards the Mansion- house, and upon a crowd of people stopping the coach, they
discharged it of two poor ignorant intoxicated countrymen and a Kidnapper, who, to the scandal of the human species, had debauched them first, and after- wards enlisted them for the service of an opu- lent Company, and then was conducting them to an infamous house of security, where the cries of the deluded are heared without re- morse, and seldom a letter reaches the hands of the parent, wife, or children, to whom they are under the greatest distress directed.— The people admonishing the young fellows set them off, and a few kicks and cuffs being administered to the Kidnapper, he was turn- ed adrift. Wednesday
morning, about eight o'clock, as Mr. Jones, Peruke- maker, in Oxford- road, was going to Westbourn green, he was stopped in a field between Paddington and that place by two footpads, who robbed him of an amber- headed cane, two quarter- gui- neas and three shillings in silver; after which they civilly wished him a good morning, and walked off towards Paddington. Wednefday night the sum of 140I. in moi- dores; six and thirties, and guineas, was stolen by an apprentice girl about 16 years ef age, in Russel court, Covent- Garden; for the apprehending of whom a reward is offered by her mistress. Wednesday a River dragger found on the mud- bank, near Cherry- Garden- stairs, a can- vas bag, containing a quantity of Spanish dollars, to the amount of forty pounds. Early yesterday morning, a gentleman was taken up in the lower Chelsea road, with his arm broke and otherwise so much bruised, that it is thought he cannot recover, it is ima- gined he fell from his horse. Yesterday afternoon as a person was upon the ruins where the White Lion Tavern stood, he heard a noise under him, which he ima- gined proceeded from some persons in the vaults lately belonging to the said Tavern, and immediately several people were employ- ed to clear
away the rubbish, when, to their great surprise, therewere dug out two men and a woman, a dog, and two cats alive; the men and woman had subsisted upon Cherry- Brandy, but it is thought that the woman cannot survive being extremely weak. York, Nov. 12 We hear from Whitby, that 45 sail of light ships from London, got into harbour in the storm on the 4th inst. But that most of them had received damage. They write from the Sound of the 25th ult. that by letters from Norway they had advice, that the greatest part of the fleet that sailed from thence on the 29th Septem- ber, put into different harbours in Norway, viz.. The
Noble County of Scarborough, Cap- tain Hudson, for Plymouth ; Ederington of Halle, for Pool ; Nancy, Ross, for Leith John Brady, of Lynn, for London; all from Petersburgh, with a great many more British Ships. Birmingham, Nov. It. On Friday se'nnight the Rev. Richard Taylor, A. M. Vicar of Great Hackington, and Curate of Berkswell, in the Diocese of Litchfield and Coventry, was instituted to the Vicarage of Bickenhill, in the same Diocese, to which he was lately presented by the Right Hon. the Earl of Aylesford. Saturday fortnight about ten o'clock at night, one Green, alias Falkin, a collier, and another collier, commonly known
by the name of Shropshire Jack, having fome diffe- rence at Bilson, concerning a woman who was in company with them. Green stabbed the other with a knife in the left breast; and the poor man languished in a miferable Way till last Wednesday night, and then expired : The Coroner's Inquest sat on the body last Saturday, and brought in their Verdict, Wil- ful Murder. On the Surgeon's opening the body, it appeared that the knife had pierced the lower part of his heart. Green has ab- sconded. Died.] At Hampstead, James Kilshaw, Esq; of the county of Berks.— At his house at Had- ley, Piggot Ince, Esq; in the Commission of
the Peace for the counties of Middlesex and Hertfordshire.— Mr. Manningham, Attorney, in New Bond street.— At his house near Ox- ford- market, William Broomwick, Esq.— At Sharpham Park, in Somersetshire, Davidge Gould, Esq; in the 87th year of his age.— At Marybone, Mr. Lafour, formerly a French Teacher in several eminent Board- ing- schools about Chelsea and Kensington.— Mr. Holmes, Brass- founder, in Piccadilly.— At his house in the Borough of Southwark, Mr. Hobbes, an eminent Grocer, Master of the Worshipful Company of Grocers for the current year. — Mr. Stewart, an eminent Peruke- maker in Birchin
lane.— Of the gout in the stomach, at his house at Knowle, near Bristol John Brickdale, esq; one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the coun- ties of Somerset and Gloucester.— At his house in the College- Green, Bristol, Hugh Grove, Esq.- At his house in Cow Cross, Mr Russel, an eminent Soap- Boiler. — At Winchester; Mr. Josiah Roberts, an eminent Woollen- merchant of that place — At Sabridgeworth, in Hertfordshire, Mr. John Maynard, Vir- ginia merchant, late of St. Helen's, Bishops- gate- street. — At Paddington Mr. William Jackson, formerly a considerable Cheesemon ger in the Hay- market.— In Essex
street. in the 85th year of his age, Weyman Lee, Esq; one of the Benchers of the Inner Temple.— In New Norfolk- street, Christopher Win- stanley, Esq. Mr Alderton, Corn- chandler, in Bishopsgate- street.— In Smith- street, West- minster, Evan Price, of Radnorshire, Esq.— Mrs. Harvest, wife of Mr. Harvest, Distiller, in Fleet- street. — In great agony the man that was tossed and terribly gored by the mad Ox in Cloth Fair on Monday in the afternoon. . To the PRINTER. Reputation to man or woman Is the immedate jewel of the soul: Who steels my purse, steals trash, ' tis something, nothing ; ' Twas mine, ' tis his, and has been
slave to thou- sands; But he that filches from me my good name, Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed. SHAKESPEARE. SILENCE never shews itself to so great ad- vantage, as when it is made the reply to calumny and defamation, provided that we give no just occasion for either. To forbear replying to unjust reproach, and to overlook it with a generous, and if possible, with an entire neglect, is one of the most heroick efforts of a great mind. All that is incumbent on a man of worth, who suffers under such ill treat- ment, is to lie by for some time in silence and obscurity, till prejudice be over and his
repu- tation cleared; and he may depend, that in time, he will obtain what his virtue has long deserved. But I do not by this mean that a man is to suffer his fame to be insulted; but on the contrary, if our good reputation be as- saulted by the lies and calumnies of base and wicked men, we are to spare no labour in re- storing it to its primitive purity. But when it is not in our power to overcome slander, and to stifle the false conceptions that the world may entertain about us, we are to comfort ourselves with the testimony of a good con- science, and that our integrity is still known to God. We should remember what Homer tells us of
Ulysses, who, in his adversity, beating his breast, rebuked his heart, and said to it, Sup- port thyself, thou hast stood out against harder and more difficult things than these. Al- though defamation has Eagle's wings, and the poisonous tongue of an Adder, yet every vir- tuous and good man should hold up his head, and stand firm, since he may be sure that his virtue will conquer, and his reputation foar above the reach of the authors of detraction, who ought to Suffer the hatred and detestation of all mankind, and be adjudged unworthy the least benefit, or favour: and I think it must be certain, that Divine Justice will in- flict a
severe punishment oa all such wretches in another life. I am, your humble servant, MARCUS AURELIUS. To the PRINTER. THE following extemporaneous lines, on the Death of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, you are desired to in- sert in your Paper, if they meet with your ap- probation. On the Death of His Royal Highness, William Duke of Cumberland. Britannia mourn, thy sudden loss deplore, William, alas! Great William is no more. William the Brave, in Prime of Life renown'd For Glorious Deeds, with early Conquests crown'd; In Council skill'd to safely guide the State, In Private Life engaging, Public great.
Open his Friendship was, sincere his Mind, His Heart to ev'ry Gen'rous Act inclin'd. Of all his Actions did the Wise approve, From all good men he gained applause and Love. And may those blessings by his Virtues giv'n, Obtain his Soul their full Reward in Heav'n A. C. Postscript. FRIDAY, November P5, One o'Clock. This Day arrived the Mails from France. Lisbon, Oct. 25. By some secret advices from Madrid, we learn, that a fresh family compact is on the point of being concluded between the courts of Madrid and Paris ; in conse- quence of which, ' tis said, that both the Ma- nilla ransom and the payment of the Canada bills,
which have been So long due to the peo- ple of Great Britain, will meet with farther procrastinations. A number of weavers daily arrive from En- gland, who meet with great encouragement ; and, ' tis said, that a woollen manufactory will be established under one or two of the principal hands, to make a light Species of cloth for all the Southern countries of Europe and America. Copenhagen, oct. 22. Among the curious manuscripts which have been Sent home by the elaborate gentlemen whom his majesty Some time ago commissioned for this purpose into the Oriental countries, there is a very legible commentary on the Old
Testament, in the hand of Josephus, which is looked upon as extremely valuable,_ both on account of its merit and its antiquity. We are told that an English nobleman of the first distinction, is Shortly to come over here with the Ensigns of the Garter to our Prince Royal; and, ' tis added, that some time next Summer his Highness is to set out for England. Naples, Oct. 19. The 13th a clap of thunder fell upon a house in Portici. and killed a child cn a balcony in the arms of its father. Rome Oct. 23. Several violent shocks of an earthquake have been felt at Spoleto within these few days which have greatly alarmed the inhabitants but
did no mischief. _ Tte Baron de Choiseul, Captain of horse to his Majesty's Houshold, is appointed ambas- sador to the King of Sardinia. DOMESTIC. , It is reported that his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucster will be created Captain General of the Ordnance, before the meeting of an august assembly. YeSterday a great Board of TreaSury was held at the Cockpit, Whitehall, at which Se- veral Gentlemen lately arrived from North- America attended. The Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor is in- disposed at his house in Lincoln's- inn- fields, on which account, his Honour the Master of the Rolls, has sat for these two days in the
Court of Chancery in his room. We are told that an additional premium has been given for the ticket No. 15; in the: present lottery. A baronet of fortune we hear haS lately ab- sconded on account of some sinister practices relative to a will, of which he had been ap- pointed executor. A correspondent informs us, that he went some time ago into a church, not five miles south west of Cambray House, to the inter- ment of a friend, and in the responsal made by the Clerk of the parish, in the 39th Psalm, and 14th verse, instead of " For I am a stranger with thee ; and a sojourner, as all my fathers were ,'' the clerk said ( however
absurd it may appear to the public) '' For I am stranger than thee ; and a journeyman, as all my fathers were." Whoever had the appoint- ment of this man should have taken care that he had learned to read with propriety, before they appointed him to an office that required some little acquaintance with the alphabet. We are informed from Dublin, that many acts of violence, which formerly used to be committed by the young fellows of that Uni- versity, have of late pretty much subsided the government, instead of inflicting pecu- niary punishments, being determined to whip them in the most public manner, like the meanest
offenders, for any notorious breaches of the peace, or acts of inhumanity. We hear that his Excellency the Earl of Hertford intends offering a premium of one hundred guineas for the best Epic Poem writ- ten by arts gentlemen of the above University. The Rt Hon. the Earl of Shannon we hear has succeeded the most Hon. the Marquis pf Kildare in all his public employments. Notwithstanding what has been repeatedly mentioned in all the public papers relative to the pension list of Ireland undergoing an ex- amination in the parliament of that kingdom, we are now assured, that there are too many of the great on both sides the
water, interest- ed in that list, ever to Suffer such an enquiry to take place. Wednesday morning a man drest like a car- penter with a child's coffin on his head, was stopped on Tower Hill by a Custom House officer ; who, upon looking into the inside, was fortunate enough to meet with a quantity of prohibited lace to the value of 500I. On ThurSday evening, Mr Garrick, by command of their majeSties, appeared in the character of Benedict in Much Ado about Nothing, to a most crouded audience ; after the play a country dance was performed, the music of which is said to be composed by the first personage in the kingdom. Last
night there was a great disturbance at Drury Lane playhouse, which was occasioned by forcibly excluding all persons who did not appear in mourning. The disturbance en- creased So much, that Justice Welch, with a party of guards were sent for, and the house received a good deal of damage on the occa- sion— Upwards of twenty persons were taken into custody to be dealt with according to law. Last night during the disturbance at Drury Lane playhouse, a young gentleman of New Bond Street, had the point of a sword run in- to his right eye, which it is thought will oc- casion the total loss of that organ. To such a fashionable
height has duelling arrived, that the public may depend upon the veracity of the following paragraph. A few days since a publican near Well- close Square having some words with a customer of his who generally serves the office of head- borough for the principal inhabitants of that precinct, a challenge was given; but for want of gloves they exchanged handkerchiefs, and a meeting was appointed for 7 o'clock the next mornng in Wellclose Square. The pub- lican, being a little more attentive to his en- gagement than his antagonist, charged his pistol, but putting in a brace of balls he for- got the gun powder. He waited for near an
hour, and at last sent a messenger to know the occasion of the headborough's delay, who found the worthy wight fall a sleep in bed, without so much as any sign of dreaming about the matter ; this happy inattention re- moved the publican's animosity at once, and the parties are now as good friends as any in the neighbourhood. ' Tis said that one of our ambassadors at a foreign court has received orders to take his leave within a month, unless some concessions are made in that time for some insults offered to the British flag in the mediterranean. The new opera written by Mr. Cumber- land we hear is in rehearSal, and will
Speedi- ly be performed at Covent Garden Theatre. Last night the right hon. lady Elizabeth Williamson was safely delivered of twins, at her late husband's house near Grosvenor Square. Yesterday the prices of grain at the Corn- market in Mark- lane were, Wheat 38 s. a 40s. Malt 28s. a 32s. Rye 24s. a 26s. Barley 24s. a 26s. Oats 16s. a 19s. Beans 26s. a 8 s. Peas 30s. a 32s. the quarter. STATE LOTTERY, 1765. THE Public may be assured, that WENHAM and Co. at their State- Lot- tery Office in the Poultry, make no Deduction whatever from the Shares, and but 61. from the Chances, instead of Ten, and pay the exact
Pro- portion of what the Blanks and Prizes sell for as soon as Drawn. All Merchants, Members of So- cieties, & c. may depend on having Tickets, Shares and Chances, at the lowest Prices and in the great- est Variety. the SCHEME of the LOTTERY. No, of Prizes, Value of each Total Value, This Day it published, The TENTH EDITION, Neatly bound in Red. Price One Shillings ASPELLING DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, on a new Plan, for the Use of young Gentlemen, Ladies, and Foreigners. To which is prefixed, a Compendious ENGLISH GRAMMAR, with a concise, historical Account of the Language. In this
Dictionary each Word is accented to prevent a vicious Pronunciation, the several Syllables are pointed put by a small Figure in the Margin, and whatever part of Speech it is, Spe- cified by a Letter immediately following each Word y yet the Whole is so contrived, as to take up no more Room in the Pocket than a common Snuff Box. Printed for J NEWBERY, at the Bible and Sun, in St. Pauls Church yard. persons in the Printing and Book- selling Business, have, without the least Regard to Pro- perty, Honour Conscience pirated this Dictionary, and others of Mr Newbery'S little Books ; he hopes all Parents and Guardians, as well
as the young Gen- tlemen and Ladies, for whose Emoument they were written will do him the Favour and the Jusice, to ask for his Books and Observe that his Name is prefixed to those They buy ; that he, who has entered so heartily into their Service, and been ever studious of their Im- provement, may at least reap some Part of the Fruits of his Labour. If Thomas Green, M. A. should exist in any Region below the Moon ; and Thomas Green, M. A. be really the Compiler of the Spelling Dictionary, just published, it is a Piece of Work that Thomas Green M, A. ought to be ashamed of, as the Business was al- ready done to his
Hands. The Bookseller too, if he had not been a Booby, or worse, would never have employed Thomas Green, M. A. to write a Book, which had been written and printed so many Years be- fore ; and especially while the Tenth Edition of it was selling before his face with such rapidity, N. B. At the Bible and Sun abovementioned may be had all Mr. Newbery's Little Books; new Editions of which are now published. DR. JAMES'S POWDER for FE- vers, the SMALL POX, MeASLes, Pleurises, Quincies, Acute Rheumatism, Colds, and all Inflammatory Disorders; as well as for those which are called Nervous, Hypochondriac and
Hysteric. Price Tivo Shillings and Six- pence the Paper, with good Allowance to those who buy it for charitable Uses, or to sell again. ing taught, that this Medicine, which is safe and certain Cure for the above Disorders, prepared for Sea Service ( and more convenient) marble Paper, the have the direction of the Me- the ordered this Use of all his Ma- for and _ well as for those who are any way concerned in Voyages or the Sea Service. This Medicine is sold only by J. NEWBERY, at the Bible and Sun, in St Paul's Church Yard, and by those who are empowered by him to sell it in the several Towns of Great Britain, Ireland, and
the Colonies. Of whom may be had, DR. JAMES's MILD POWDER for the Disorders abovementioned, which is prepared from the same Ma- terials as the other Powder, but so contrived as to have little or no sensible Operation, and on that Account it the more proper for Women under certain Circum- stances, Infants, and those whose Constitutions are ex- tremely delicate s And it is more than probable, that this Powder, by taking off the Acrimony, will prevent pitting in the SMALL POX. Price is. 6d. londOn : Printed tor Messrs OWEN and HARRISON; and Sold by J. COOKE, Bookseller, at the Shakespeare's Head, in
Paternoster- Row; Where Advertisements, and Letters to the Author, are taken in. ADVERTISEMENTS are also taken in by Mr. MERRILL, Bookseller, at Cambridge; Mess. J. and T. POTE, Booksellers, at Eton; Mr. TOFT, Bookseller, at Chelmsford Mr. COOK. bookseller, at Farnham J Mr. MERCER, Bookseller, at Maidstone, and Mr. RUSSEL, Bookseller. at Guildford,