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The Edinburgh Advertiser
Date of Article: 15/11/1765
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Volume Number: IV
Issue Number: 196
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VOL. IV. THE' N* 196. EDINBURGH ADVERTISER. From TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12. to FRIDAY, NOVEMBER L • 765. The BANK- NOTE ; or, T^ THREE FRIENDS. An Oriental Talc. . " N that mediocrity of condition ' which, Iin thefe times, Virtue principally chuf- es for her refidence, equidiftant frem the two clafles of the low and the high mob, '. tere were three friends, Philibert, Lionel, and Anfelm. Philibert, on a time, under a pecuniary embnrr ailment, after fome hefitation to • which of his two friends he fhould apply, and lefs afraid of being denied by either than of offending him to whom he fhould not have re courfe, was, at
length determin- ed, rather by a neceffity of determining than by any caufe of preference, to fend to Lio- nel. Juft at that junfture, Lionel was actual- ly on the point of paying away a bank- note of an hundred pound, which was all that he had in readinefs by him, and which he neverthelefs fent away, without demur, to the relief of his friend. Philibert, on receipt of it, was preparing fo get it changed, when a meiiage come? * to him from 4' ifelm, on an occafion of much the fame nature ; upon which, with- out ftanding to coofider his « SR ut. d n I it, he difpatched away to him the bank- f kettle drums belonging to the artillery note he
had that inftant received. As it was once intended that the funeral of his late Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, ihould be conducted with all military honours, we think nothing can give our readers a better idea of it, than the following account of the funeral pro- ceffion of the Great Duke of Marlbo- rough, in the reign of George I. THE ninth of Auguft, about half an hour after twelve, the proceffion began, and paired along the road, thro' St. James's Park, and the Upper Park, to Hide Park corner, thence to Piccadilly, down St. James's ftreet, through Pall- Mail, and by Charing Crofs, thro' King- ftreet, to Weft- minfter Abbey. A
proper difpofition had been made of fuch of the forces, as were drawn from the camp in Hide Park to attend the funeral. The firft regiment of his Majefty's foot- guards was drawn up in the Upper Park, with their right next to Buckingham- houfe; the reft, both foot and horfcguards, and horfe grenadiers, were drawn up facing the road thro" that park, oa the left of the firft regiment of foot- guards, in the order* thCy were to file off after each other. A - Brought over Hawbit/. ers Three pounders Six- pounders Kettle- drum 3 j horfes. 16 drivers. 6 • 2 . 8 2 63 4 4 1 27 Scarce had At/ elm fo much as taken no- tice of the amount, before he
received a requeft of afliftancc from Lionel, who had been diftreffed by that which he had af- forded to Philibert. Upon this Anfelm al- fo giving to his friend's wants the prefer- ence over his own, away flies the bank- note, in this third circulation, to its firft owner, who was not a little furprifed at this return of it to him, as, by the number, Lionel knew it to be the identical note that he had fent to Philibert. How then came it back to him by the way oi An fit Im ? Ay, there was the myftcry. To clear up which, away he polls to Anfihn, who naturally told him the caufe of his having received it from Philibert. To him they im- mediately proceeded
together. The ' explanation you may be lure could not be very unfavourable to the drawing ftiil clof- er, if that had been needful, the ties of their commutual friendfhip. Nay, I would . not fwear, that, in their having given each other fuch proof of their iincerity, they did not enjoy almoft as great pleafure as fome more fafhionahle friends would have taken • while hugging themfelves on the having- eluded an application of that kind, efpecial: ' Iy if it fhould have been to the getting thereby rid of a friend capable of fuch a horrid unfriendly action, as that of at- tempting to borrow money of a friend. train of artillery, confining of fifteei; piec£ §
,. James Deale, Capt.- Lieut. Richard So- of cannon and two mortars', - vViui the great ~ '' 11 x-"• — - J 1 ' ' <" , kettle drums belonging to the artillery, ( on a carriage drawn by two horfes) and the two companies of cannoniers and bombar- diers, were drawn up in Hide Park near the gate, towards Piccadilly ; and a de- tachment of the fecond and fourth troops of the horfe- guards was drawn up on the parade in St. James's Park, in order to clofe the proceflion. This difpofition being made, the march was in the following manner. The detachment of the firft and fecond troops of horfe grenadiers, commanded by Col. Fane. They
were led by fix ferjeants ; three a- breaft, then a lieutenant; then the pri- vate men, four a- breaft ; after them two lieutenants, two captains, two field- officers a- breaft ; then Colonel Fane ; laftlv, four hautbois a- breaft. The detachment. of the firft and third troops of horfe- guards, commanded by the Lord Newburg. The artillery, with the two companies of canrtoniers and bombardiers, command- ed by Col. Bourgard ; and the train con- futing of, 6 Tumbrils, v. ith 12 horfc Their march was iii the following or- der : Two , ranks of pioneers, fix in a rank, with one in the front, one in the center, and one in the rear. The tumbrils, or
covered carts, and the laft waggon having a ftandari^ pn it. Twenty- four matrofles, itnder a Lieu- tenant and Captain, Four Gunners attending the feven can- non of one and a half- pounders. Two Bombardiers, attending the two Hawbitzers Two Gunners attending the four three- pounders.. An Ad jutant, and one Gunner, attending the two fix- pounders, the laft fix- pounder, having a ftandard on it. The kettle- drum. Matter Artificer and fix Artificers. , 3 Covered waggons 9 7 One and a half 7 pounder- cannon \ i, drove by 6 drivers. 3 7 3' 5 16 mu- jk- id, Lieutenant; and John Winch, fire- worker, ii- breaft. Thirty- one MatrofTes in
four ranks, fix a- breait, two in the center, and one at each corner. A Lieutenant, and as many Gunners, ' n the fame form, with two Lieutenants follow- ing a- breair. Thomas Paftifon, Captain, and Albert Bcurgard, Colonel, doling the rear. The detachment of the third regiment of foot- guards, commanded by the Earl of Dunmpre. Tiic dctachmcitt of the fecond regiment of foot- guards, commanded by the Earl of Scarborough. The firft battalion of his- Majefty's regi- ment of foot- guards, or' which his Grace was Colonel. The firft company, led by Capt, Court- ney. The fecond by Capt. Lee and Capt. Webb, a- breaft ; Lieutenant Col.
Reid, in the center ; and four Lieutenant- Cols, in the rear. The third and fourth by two Captains, a- breaft each. The fifth by Enfigc Worley. The fixth by Enlign Durand. The Jeventh by five Enligns.' The eighth by Enlign Hamilton. The ninth by a Captain and Enfign. The tenth and eleventh by two Captains each, and Capt. Reynolds marching as Ad- jutant. Four Lieutenant- Colonels clofed
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER FOR 17 No. y. i^ 3H fhe rear. Then Major general Tatton, as Major, of that regiment alone ; then fix hautboys. The General officers, viz. Brig. Honeywood, Brig. Stanwix, Major Gen. Wight- man, Lieut. Gen. Macart- ney, Brig'. Crofts and Munden, Brig. Bowels and Billet, Major Gen. Wade, Lieut. Gen. Wills. The Earl of Cadogan, General and com- mander in chief of his Majefly's forces, M after- General of the ordnance, and Colo- nel of the firft: regiment of the foot- guards, attended by Col. Otway, as Quarter- Col. Williamfon Mafter- General ( in Adj. Gen. the place of Col. Armstrong, who being
Surveyor, or General of the ordnance, was obliged to attend at the Tower.) And by his Lordfhip's, fix aids- de- enmp, Co . Manning, Col. Hurk, " Col. Morton, Col. Morgan, Capt. Macartney, Lord Carmichael. They were followed by the eldeft com- pany of grenadiers of the flrft regiment of guards. Capt. Bugnci' led up the laft company. Drums in th; center. Capt. Herbert, and then Col. Pit, brought up the rear. All the officers were in fuch clofe mourn- ing as the military profeffion admits, the colours furled and wrapped in cyprefs, the drums and kettle- drums covcred with black bayes and efcutcheons, the trumpets cover- ed with
cyprefs, and having banners of the arms of the deceafed, the officers and diers bearing their fevcal arms reverted in a funeral pofture. All the foot- guards marched eight a- breaft fix deep. . Next carnc, on foot, the Porter of the heralds office in a gown of cloth, with a black ftaff in his hand. Eight conductors, in like gowns, with black ftaves in tlieir hands, to lead the way, two and two. Qut- pcnfioncrs of Chclfca- hofpital, in number . ( anfwerable to the years of his Grace's age), in like gowns, with the badge of his Grace's creft on one arm, two and two. Four trumpets, and. two kettle- drums, on horfeback, having banners, with the
fame arms, as on the following ftan- ctard. ' i he. ftandard on a lance, carried by Ma- jor Gardiner, fupported by two officers in their military mourning. A irionrtiing liorfe, covered with black cloth., caparil'oncd with the fame arms as on the ftandsra, with plumades before and behind, led by a groom on foot, with a cap. Forty perfons, in mourning cloaks, hat- bands, a'id gloves, on horfeback, two and two. Two trumpets, having banners with the ' fame arms, as the following guidon. Rouge Croix, Purfuivant at arms, in the eoat of his office. The Guidon, on a lance, carried by Ma- jor Keighriy, fupported by two officers, in military
mourning. The fecond mourning horfe, covered with black cloth, caparifoned with the fame arms, as on the guidon, with plumades, led by a groom on foot. Forty perfonSj in mourning cloaks, on horfeback. Two trumpets having banners with the fame arms, as the banner of Woodftock. Rouge Dragon, purfuivant of arms. The banner of Woodftock, on a lance, carried by Lt. Colonel Purcell, fupported by two officers in their military mourning. The third mourning horfe, covered with black cloth, caparifoned with the fame arms, as on that banner, with plumades, led by a groom on foot. Forty perfoiig, in mourning cloaks, on horfeback,
as before. Two trumpets having banners of the de- ceafed, as a Prince of the empire. Blue mantle, purfuivaht at arms. His Grace's banner, as Prince of the em- pire, on a lance, carried by Lt. Colonel Petit, fupported by two officers, in their military mourning. The fourth mourning horfe, covered with cloth, caparifoned with the arms of a Prince of the empire, with plumades, led by a groom on foot. Forty perfons in mourning cloaks, on horfeback. Mr. Smith, Secretary to the deceafed. The Rev. Mr. James, and Mr. Cole, Chaplains to the deceafed. Two trumpets, in his Majefty's livery, with banners of the Order of the Garter.
Portcullis, Purfuivant of Arms. 2' he banner of the Order of the Garter on a lance, carried by Colonel Pendelbury, fupported by two officers in their military mourning. The fifth horfe, covered with black cloth caparifoned with the fame arms as on the banner of the Garter, with plumades led by a groom on foot. Forty perfons, in mourning cloaks, on horfeback. Mr. Hodges, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Hum- phreys, Mr. Pitts, Chamberlain, Steward, Treafurer, and Comptroller to the deceafed, with the white ftaves oftheir offices, a- breaft. Three trumpets in his Majefty's livery, having banners with the fame arms as on the great banner Chefter,
Herald of . Arms, in his coat. The great banner of his Grace's full Arms, on a lance, carried by Colonel Hop- key, fupported by two officers, in their mi- litary mourning. The_ chkf mourning horfe, covered with velvet, caparifoned with the faid arms, led by art Equerry, affifted by a Groom. The Spurs and the Gantlets, carried by Somerfet, Herald of arms. Helmet and Creft, earried by Lancafter, herald of arms. . The Target and Sword, carrried by Windfor, herald of arms. His Grace's furcoat of arms, carried by Norroy, King of Arms. The body, with the fuit of armour, as on the bed of ftate, in an open chariot, with Mr. Ridley and Mr.
Mitchell, two officers of his Grace's bed- chamber, fitting at the head and feet, in ckrfe- moirrnrng, bare- head- ed. The chariot haft four columns, which bore up a black velvet canopy, lined with black taffeta, with deep gold fringe, and taflels at each corner. At the top were feveral plumes, With' trophies of war, in- termixed with his grace's Arms on the Eagle, with liars and badges. The lower ' part of the chariot was adorned, on both, fides, with feveral fhiclds reprefenting his f Grace's vi< ftories and conquefts, und « r which was a fcroll, with this motto, BellaA hte- c if flura. The chariot was drawn ^ by eight horfes, covered with
velvet, the two firft horfes capai- rfoned with the arms of his Grace as Prince of the empire, the nexE two with his Grace's full arms, furrounded with the garter, with the fupporters,' fur- mounted with the Ducal Coronet; the next two with the fame arms as the firft, and the two next his body, with his full arms, furrounded with the. garter, as before. On each fide of the Chariot were five Captains in their military mourning, each carrying a Banner- rol of the arms of the defcent and lineage of the deceafed; each of the eight horfes was led by a Groom, the Coachman in deep mourning. The banner- rolls were, Right. Churchill and Jen nings, Churchill & Winfton, Butler and Villars, Winfton arid Bond, Churchill andMeller, Left. Churchill & Drake, Drake and Butler, Drake and Bullon, Drake and Fortef- cue, Churchil and Bond. Immediately after the chariot, • came a horfe of'ftate,- Caparifoned with cloth of gold, led with a filkeu rein, by Capt. Read, lis Grace's Mafter of the Horfe, in his mi- litary mourning, walking on foot, affifted by two grooms 011 foot. Garter, King of arms, with the rod of his office in his right hand, and as dircflor f the funeral. His Grace the Duke of Montague, chief mourner, in deep mourning, with the col- lar of the order of the garter, and the liar of
the order on his cloak, in the Duchefs Dowager's coach, with fix horfes, Sir Ro- bert Rich, his train- bearer, fitting over againft: him. The Earl of Sunderland ar. d Godolphin, : n the junior Duchefs of Marlborough's coach, as being fupporters to the chief mourner, the former 011 the right, the lat- ter on the lefe. In five other coaches followed, Duke of Somerfet, D. of Newcaftle, L. Ch. Duke of Grafton, Duke of Cleveland, Duke cf Montrofs, Duke of St. Albans, Duke of Dc. rfet, ' Duke of Kent. ^ Sari of Strafford, Earl of Peterboroxv. All ( except the Duke of Montrofs) ha- ving their collars and ftars, as knights of% " he gartei; thefe ten
being affiftants to the chief mocrner: the firft column being on the left, and the fecond on the right.
Nov. is- THE. EDINB In the next two fcoaches came, Earl of Cardigan, , Earl of Leicefter, Earl of Bfifto!, Earl of Burlingtawu Who'were to fupport the pall to the church. A horfe of honour, richly caparil'oned, Jed, with afilken rem, by Capt. hiili, ni his, military mourning, walking on foot, aflift- ed by two grooms on foot. . His . MsQefty's coach. His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales's coach. Then followed the coaches of the nobi- lity, & c. according to the feveral preceden- cies and degrees. Being arrived at the weft door of the ab- bey of Weftminfter, only thofe perfons who bore the ftandards, guidons, and banners, above
mentioned, and their fupporters, as alfo the heralds, with his Grace's Secreta- ry, two chaplains, and his four white ftaff officers, and thofe who carried the banne- rols, entered the church. The chariot co- ming to the door, the armour was taken off, the body was carried into the church, and refted, near the entrance, while th£ chief mourner, fupporters, and affiftailtsi the pall- bearers, and the nobility and others attending, alighted out of that coaches, the organ playing during their time. Having all entered into the church, a velvet canopy being held over the body, and the pal!- bearers having taken up the corncrs of the pall, the
prebends in their rich copes, and the choir in their furplices, placed themf.- lves after the great banner, and before the heralds, who carried the trophies, and fling the fentence in the of- fice for the burial, I am ike Refurreftion and the Life,- with the two following fentences, and ' continued finging, till the body was placed in King Henry the feventh's cha- pel. Garter King of arms. The chief mourner, with his two fup- porters, Sir Robert Rich bearing his train. The ten affiftants. The nobility according to their feveral precedencies. In this manner they proceeded through the fouth aile of the church, till they came near to the choir, and
then eroding into the north aile, went up to King Henry Vllth's chapel, where the body was refted on a ftand prepared for it, in the middle of the area ; the pall- bearers were feated on ftools on each corner of the body, at the head- the chief mourner, with his two fupporters, one on each hand, and his ten affiftants were feated, five on each fide of the body ; the nobility placing themfelves in the flails. During the whole folemnity, in the church,' andalfo in this chapel, the banncr- rols were held over the body. An altar, by the Dean's order, was erect- ed at the head of King Henry the Vllth's tomb. After the body was fet down in the
chapel, a tine anthem, let to mufic by Sig- nor Bononcini, was performed, with vocal and inftrumental mufic, the performers be- ing placed on a fcaffold, hung from top to bottom, with mourning, ercftcd for that purpefs, crofs the chapel at the entrance. URGH ADVERTI The words fuited very well to the digni- ty and folemnity of the occafion, and were as follow: Chorusj] When Saul was King over us, ththi waft he that leddeft out, and brought- ' eft in Ifrael. The Lord then faid to thee, Thou fkalt j be captain over Ifrael, and you lhall chace I your enemies, and they lhall fall before you,! by the fword. Duct.] How are the mighty fallen, the
weapons periihed of war. Recitativo.] How doth the city folitaryj fit. She that was great among the nations, and the Princefs of the provinces. Air. ] All the night fhe weepeth fore, and her tears are on her cheeks. Chorus.] Howl, O ye fir- trees ; for the cedar is fallen. The anthem being ended, the body was carried to a vault at the foot of King Hen- ry the Vllth's tomb, the choir finging, Man that is bom of a ivoman, and the three following fentences, and continued finging them till the body was depoiited in the vault. Then the Lord Bifhop of Rocliefter, Dean of Weftminfter, in his cope, read, For ' as much as it hath pleafed Almighty
God, & c. Then the choir fung, I heard a voice from heaven, & c. The l'ervice being ended, Garter King of arms proclaimed the ftile of the deceafed, as follows : Thus it hath pleafed the Almighty God, to take out of this tranlitory life, unto his mercy, the moft High, Mighty, and Noble Prince, John Churchill Duke and Earl of Marlborough, Marquis of Blandford, Lord Churchill of Standford, in the county of Hertford, Baron of Aymouth, in the coun- ty of Berwick in Scotland, Prince the moft holy Roman empire, Captain- General of his Majefty's forces, Mafter- General of the ordnance, one of the Lords of his Ma- jefty's moft Flonourable
Privy Council, and Knight of the moft noble order of the Gar- ter. And then his Grace's officers breaking their ftaves, delivered the pieces to Garter, who threw them in upon the coffin. During the proceffion, and till the body was depoiited, the guns at the tower were fired, one every minute. The detachments of the horfe grenadiers, and of the firft and third troops of horf'e guards, having paffed by the weft door of the^ abbey, went through Tothill ftreet, to Buckingham houfe, and entering St James's park, at the gate there, marched to the pa- rade, and drew up. The artillery,' with the two companies of cannoniers and bom- bardiers,
made the fame march, and drew up alfo on the parade. The detachments of the third and of the fecond regiment of foot- guards, and the firft regiment of foot- guards, having marched by the faid abbey- door, pafled through Queen's- fquare into St James's park, and drew up on the pa- rade. The detachments of the fecond and fourth troops of horfe- guards, commanded by the Lord Forrefter, ( which clofed the proceffion), after they came to the faid ab- bey door, • returned by the way they went, S E R FOR x y6$. 315* marched into St James's park, through the* great gate at the horfe guards, and drew up alfo on the parade. Ail
the troops, and artillery being dravm up on the parade in St James's pari, at S iignal given that the body. was depofited, fired three volleys. Then they returned to the camp in Hyde- park, the horfe firft, the foot next, and after tliem the artillery. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13. A mail froiri Flanders. From the London Gazette, Nov. 9. IVar- office, November 6, 1765. HIS Majefty does not require, that the officers of the army ( except thofe of his horfe and foot- guards) fltouid wear any other mourning on the prefent melancholy occafion, than a black crape fcarfe round the arm, and black crape fword- knots, with their uniforms, except when
they come to court. - BARRING TON. Admiralty- office, Nov. 8, 1765. His Ma- jefty has been gracioufly pieafed to figaii'y to my Lords Commiffioners of the Admi- ralty, that he does not require, that the of- ficers of kis fleet, or marines, Ihould wear any other mourning on the prefent melan- choly occafion, than a black crape fcarfe round the arm, and black crape fword- knot, with their uniforms, except when they come to court. Ph. Stephens.. From the London papers, Nov. 9. Florence, Ociober 14. The Englifh Com- modore hath prefented to the minifter of the Regency of Tripolv, who is here, a bill of exchange from the Bey his
mafter, for the fum of three thoufand fequins, which he is . to pay by way of reparation for a ffiip from Mahon, which was feized by a Corfair of that nation. A report prevails here that our Sovereign the Grand Dutchefs is pregrfant. Genoa, OIL 12. We exped to know to- morrow the refult of the congrefs of the Corfican nation convoked at Corte. It is faid, that 111 the mean time, an agreement is made between our Republic and the re- bels, for a reciprocal reftitution of prifon- ers of war. Paris, OH. 28. The deputies of the ftatei of Britanny, on the part of the Nobleffe, are juft exiled : the Marquis de Pirey is fent to Brive- la- Gaillarde,
and the Count de'Kerquefec into Poictou. It is faid, that M. de l'Abadie, Prefident of the Parlia- ment of Pau, hath been arrefted at the houfe of Mr. Borda, iiis uncle, Farmer- General, and conducted to the Baftille. A veifel arrived from Fernambucco at Lifbon, the 10th of this month, brought advice thither, that the inhabitants of the inferior partof Paraguay, had made fome attempts to render themfelves mafters of the river de la Plata, and that the Portu- guefe commandant was endeavouring to hinder them. Paris, Oct. 28. A multitude of perfons are attacked by the fmall- pox, but hardly any one dies of it. The inoculation of the
3I6 THE E D I N B ' Vifcauot de Laval has fucceeded extremely- well. AMERICA. Jamaica, Augnfl 2. Our aflembly, which was in March hift prorogued ito Septem- « her, was on the arrival of the packet from England, diftbi'ved, and a new aflembly fumrponei to rwreB the 13th inftant • and as moil- of the old members are returned, it is expe& cd the old difpute will be revived, and another d'tfrokition be the confequence. A man of War has been obtained from the admiral to fail for England the 20th, which in all probability will carry home an ac- count of the proceedings of the affembly. At prefent politics ingiofs the attention of every
body. Charles- Tmvii, Sept. 4. By the proceed- ings of the aflembly of Barbadoes, publifh- ed in the Barbadoes Mercury, it appears, that letters had been received by Governor Pinfold from Admiral TyreU and Captain Knowler of the Milford, giving accounts that the faid Captain being fent to obferve what the French were doing at Cayenne and the Triangles, he difcovered feveral fiiips of war and other vcifels in the river Cayenne, and alhore a great number of tents and fome buildings, and imagined the French were laying up a very great ma- gazine fupplied from North America, Cap- tain Knowler having feized a brigantine from
Philadelphia cleared out for Bar- badoes, with provilions and naval ftores, but, by the invoices and Sills of lading, bound for Cayenne, and had letters to the French governor there. The faid brigan- tine was condemned in Barbadoes for illi- cit trade, and by papers found on board it appears, that Meflrs. John Remfon and Thomas Rich of Philadelphia, have enter- ed into contrail for fupplying the French at Cayenne. Charles- Tototi, Sept. 11. The aflembly of Barbadoes hath direct- ed all the papers relating to the French en- terprizes at Cayenne and the Triangles, as well as thofe concerning the Philadelphia contratt for fupplying
the French, to be tranfmitted home to the agent for that Ifland, with orders to lay them before his Majefty's minifters. LONDON. Yefterday his Grace the DukeofNew- raftle was at Richmond, and had the ho- nour of a long conference with his Majefty. As the ifles called the Triangles, near the continent of America, have always been deemed neutral by European powers, the late behaviour of the French in fettling therein is contrary to treaty; and it is faid that expoftulations will be immediate- ly made thereon - by our court. Private letters' from Breft advife, that orders had juft been received at the office of the Intendant of the Marines,
to get ready for fea, with all expedition, five men of war of the line, three frigates, and feve- ral tranfports, as ftore- lhips. Yefterday there was a cabinet council at St. James's, at which his Majefty was pre- fent, but there was 110 levee. IJis Majef- URGH ADVERTISER FOR ty returned in the afternoon to Richmond. On Sunday the Hon. Capt. Weymes, of Richmond, was married to the widow of the late George Dimmock, Efq; of Barnes, with a fortune of 12,000 1. Yefterday orders were iflued out for the interment of his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, as a Prince of the Biood Royal, on Saturday night; in confequence of
which, the Board of Works began yef- terday to ereift a platform from the Houfe of Peers to tbe fouth door of Weftminfter Abbey for that purpofe. His Royal Higli- nefs's corpfe is to be removed this evening from his houfe in Upper Grofvenor- ftreet to the Painted- Chamber, there to lie in ftate till interment. Tuefday all the livery fervants, belong- ing to his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, received notice that they are difplaced. We hear his Royal Highnefs had up- wards of ' forty livery fervants at Newmar- ket, men and boys. Yefterday the tickets for the enfuing ftate- lottery began to be cut at the lottery- office, Whitehall, in
order to be put into the wheel. Several perfons were detected in ftealing the effeifts of the unhappy fufterers, by the late fire in Bilhopfgate- ftreet, who were fent to the Compters by the fitting Magiftrates. The populace having feized one of them, threw him into the flames ; but, by the interpofition of a peace officer, they dragged him to the Poultry Compter. Orders are given not to fupply the foot- guards attending on duty in the neigh- bourhood of the late fire in Bifhopfgate- ftreet, & c. with fuch plenty of liquor; fome of them being fo intoxicated, laft night be- fore nine o'clock, as to occafion many dis- orders. The Grefliam committee
are determined to accommodate as many of the fufferers as they can, with part of the Royal Ex- change, above flairs. , One of the fchemes, which his Royal • Highnefs the late Duke of Cumberland had in view to accomplifh, was, that of an ad- ditional pay to the men of the three regi- ments of foot- guards: he eonfidered the prefent pay of that brave corp, as too fmall to fubfift upon in this metropolis; and, it is faid, was endeavouring to have it raifed from eightpence to one ihilling per day: which indeed, confidering the price of provifions, at the time that pay was fix- ed, and what the increafed price is at pre- fent, a fold. ier could
then have fubfifted much better on his eightpence, than at prefent on a Ihilling. This day George N^ lfon, Efq; the new Lord Mayor, accompanied by Sir William Stevenfon, the late Lord Mayor, Alder- men, Recorder, & c. went in a private man- ner to Weftminfter- Hall, and after the ufu- al ceremonies were over, returned in the fame private manner to the Manfion- houfe. On Sunday laft Dr. Barnardifton, Maf- ter of Bennet College, Cambridge, refign- ed, agreeable to cuitom, his officc of vice- 176^. Nov. 15V chancellorlhip, and on Monday Dr. Willi- am Samuel Powell, Mafter of St John's College, was duly, elcded, and fworn in
accordingly, to l'erve that office for the en- fuing year. The dividends of the old annuities will begin to be paid on Monday next, at the South Sea Houie; on which day the trans- fers . will alfo be made at the new Annuity- office. It is faid, that another exprefs arrived yefterday at the admiralty- office, from Commodore Pallifer, with an account of fome farther encroachments of the French, on tbe banks of Newfoundland. It' is reported, that Admiral Sir Charles Knowles will, in a few days, be created Knight of the Bath. It is reported, tbat fome removals among the fuperiour officers in the firft regiment of foot- guards, of which his late
Royal High- nefs the Duke of Cumberland was formerly Colonel, will fOon take place; At Bridgnorth- fair, hops fold from about j 1. j s. to 61. 6 s. per hundred. Worcejler, Nov. 7. At our market laft Saturday, 353 pockets of hops were fold; the prices from about 5 1. 5 s. to 6 1. 10 s. per hundred. One of his Majefty ' s cutters is failed from Torbay from thelfie of Sark. in the Chan- nel, in fearch of a gang of Pirates, who are faid to' refort there in a floop rigged exact- ly like-" a government cutter, and mounted with fix guns. A ceremonial for the private interment of his late- Royal Highnefs the DUKE of CUM- • BERLAND this Evening.
Drums and Trumpets, Sounding a folemn march, with Banners attached to the Trumpets and Drums, and adorned with proper Military Tro- phies ; the Drums to be covered with' Black. , . Knight Marftials Men. . .- Gentlemen Servants to his Royal Highnefs; Page of the prefence. Page of the back ftairs. Payes of honour, Phyfician. . Chaplains. Equerries. - Secretary, Officers of arms. Comptr. of his Roy-} CTreaf. of. his al Highnefs'shoule- C - J R. H. houfe- bold. J C hold. An herald. Lord Chamberlain of his Majefty's houfe— hold. An officer of arms. . The Gentleman of the horfe to his Royal - Highnefs. , , . The Coronet,.- A Gt.
UIh.) borne byK. of arms. ( aGt. Ufh.; The BODY, Covered with a black pall, adorned with eight efcutcheons, under a conopy of black velvet," borne by eight general offi- • cers. The pall to bef fupportsd by four Barons, A Ggnt uflier. Garter. A Gent. Uiher.
Nov, vg. . THE E D I N B Supporter, "> The Ch.- Mour- C Supporter, a Duke, 5 ner> a Duke. £ a Dike, The train borne by a Baronet, TcnEarls, affiftaatfr, A Gentleman Ufher,. The Lords of the bed- chamber, Grooms of the bed- chamber, Yeomen of the guard. One and twenty pieces of artillery are or- dered to be drawn into the park, to fire mi- nute guns, during the proceffion and ccrc- • mony, this evening; which are a greater ' number of pieces, than have been hereto- fore ordered upon the like occafion. * Three regiments of foot- guards are to be drawn up in St Margaret's church- yard, to fire volleys on a fignal given, as foon
as the body is depolited. Minute guns are to be fired at the tower. The eight general officers, who are to bear the canopy in the proceflion, are to be in their uniforms, having crapesintheirhats,- on their arms, andfalhes covered with crape. The nobility, and others, will order their coaches and chairs to fet them down at Wfftminfter- hall gate. The funeral of his late Royal Highnefs theDuke of Cumberland will be performed, this evening, pretty nearly in the fame man- ner with that of his late Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, with the addition of military honours. As Peers, Peers fons, Privy Counfellors, & c. were not fummoncd at
that funeral, there wdl be no fummons for fuch on the prefent occafion; but fnch of the Nobility, and Priv. y Council, as lhall appear this eve- ning, at the Prince's Chamber in the court - mourning, ordered in the London Gazette for to- morrow, and dejire to be admitted to • walk, will be madhalled accordingly. 1 he faid court- mourning is to be obferved by all thofe, who arc to walk according to the ceremonial, except the family of his late Royal Highnefs theDuke." The body of his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland was removed Jail night to the Prince's chamber, adjoining to the Houfe of Peers, where it lies in ftate. Laft night
about / even of clock, the xoyal vault in Henry the Vllth's chapel " Was opened, and black iconces, & c. affixed in the faid chapel; agaiuft the interment of his Royal Highnefs. The outirard coffin, in which the .. re- mains of the Duke of Cumberland are pla- ced, is of mahogony, and mcaiures three feet, three inches over, and in length, fix feet, two inches. It is faid that his Royal Highnefs hath bequeathed a conftderable legacy to the Right Hon. Lord Albemarle, who, we near, is one of the executors to his will. This week a lift of French vcfTels, feized 4 by his Majefty's cruizers, on the coaft of Newfoundland, and Gulf of St Laurencc,
with their refpective cargoes, tonnage, and names, have been . fubmitted to the Privy Council : and it is faid, that his Exccllency Count Guerchy has received orders from his court to lemonftrate concerning the illegality of fuch captures. , URGH ADVERTI ft is talked, that the Hon. James Of- wald, Efq; will be appointed a Lord Com- miffioner of the admiralty, in the room of John Buffer, Efq; deceafed. A very popular fpeaker, in a certain au- guft affembly, is faid to have refiifed a Joint vice- treafurerlhip for Ireland; and it is add- ed, that he generoufly declared he never would accept of an employment, where there was nothing to be
done for his falary . Laft night Sir John Cuft, Bart. Speaker to the Honourable Houfe of Commons, came to town, from his feat in Lincoln- fhire. On Wednefday fe'nnight, a very melan- choly accident happened at Tyde St. Ma- ry's near Wifbech : A young lady who had been married but a few months, upon account of fome trifling infignificant af- fronts from her hufband, who had indulg- ed her in feveral articles of a very expenfive nature, took it into her head to Ihoot her- felf : the prepararations for doing it were very extraordinary. She had declared in public, that her life would not be long ; and in her own family, that Ihe was deter mined to put an end to it fome way or other. She wrote a couple of letters to her brothers the day before : was remark- . ably chearfui in the evening over a game at cards ; took a folemn leave of fome ac- quaintance, who were in the family, at night ; and afterwards, ' tis fuppofed, con- veyed unobfeeved,, the gun into her cliam- . ber. Early next mopning, as foon as her hufband was rifen, fhe tied on her lower garments, planted the muzzle of the picce BO her ear, and with the help of a poker drew the trigger, and blew her fkull and brains againft the cielmg, and all about the tooni. 1 he coroner's jury brought in their verdift, Lunacy.
F R I D A Y, Nov. 15. No foreign mails this pofl. From the London papers, Nov. 11. LONDON. ON Saturday evening the remains of his 1 late Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, which had been removed the night before from Grofvenour- Squarc to the Painted Chamber, were conveyed thence acrois Old Palace Yard to Weftmin- ftsr- Abbey. 1 he proceffion began a few minutes be- fore ten, at which time a rockct was played off from a barge, covered with black,. winch lay off the Parliament- houfe, as a fignal for a. iecondto be thrown up at London- bridge, which was immediately anfwered by t he ar- tillery at the, Tower,
which continued firing once a minute till the ceremony was ended, during which the great bellat St. Paul's, and the beiis at many other churches, tol- led. On. Friday night laft a me danger was difpatcbed- . from the Secretary . of State's office; to his Grace the Duke of Richmond, Ainbaffador to the Court of France, on af- fairs. of confequence. It is faid that tip Marquis de. Bloffet, . S E R FOR I 765. 31- 7 who was charged with the affairs of France in the abfence of Count Guerchy, will fooa fet out for Paris, having been recalled. They write from llochefort, that the . Bricolc frigate failed the 30th ult. with difpatches for the Fren h
commandant at St. Peter's, near Newfoundland. The late fall of the Canada bills at Paris, is attributed to the French court having demanded fatisfaiSion for their Ihips taken by the Engiifh men of war at Newfound- land, which has been refufed, and in courfe, a ftop put to the final liquidation of their bills. It is whifpered that certain papers, of the laft importance, have been found in the cabinet of a deceafed perfonage ; being a compleat key to many lecret tranl'aftions, during the laft ten years. The vacant Red Garter, late Sir Charles Howard's, we hear it is intended for the gal- lant Sir William Johnfon, now in Amcrica. It is faid that
the Heriditaxy Prince of Brunfwick will, in a few days, accompany his Royal Highnefs the Duke of York to Bath, where a houfe is already prepared for their reception. By letters from Briftol wc are advifed', that the whole crew of a French fli'p, flav- ing at Buiffo, ori; the coaft of Africa, was poiloned by the natives on ft, ore, in bowls of palm wine and cacoa milk, on account • of fonie liberties taken with their women. ; Among other acts, faid to be in agitation, for t he benefit of the colonies, it is faid Ar merican lumber will be permitted to be ex- ported to foreign European markets; that their foap will be made an enumerated ar- ticle for
exportation, and bar- iron receive ' a bounty. We are wall informed, that more bills have, within thefe fix months been pra- tefted, from our American colonies, than formerly in as many years. ' Ibis morning a threatening letter was-- found, feijded up, laid under the door of . a tradefman near St Paul's, written in a very bad hand, containing, Thefe houfes Jhall he burnt, November 11, 1765. this day the priccs of grain at the Corn- Market in Mark- Lane were, wheat 34s. a 40s. Malt 28s. a 31s. Rye 24s. a 26s. Bar- ley 23s. a 26s. Outs jSs. « ! 22s. Beans 25s. a 29s- Peas. .3 is. a 33s. . the quarter E D I N B U R G If.' On Tuefday laft,
the fynod of Lothian and ' 1 wecdale met here, when after a iiiit- able fermon. by the Rev. Mr. Alexander Stuart of Weft- Kirk, they by a majority of voices*, made choice of the Rev. Mr. Da- rid Johnlbn of North- Lcidi to be their Moderator. ' J he only bulinefs which came before them that day was a motion for. an Addrefs of Condolence to his Msjcfty, on the death of his late Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, of patriotic memory; in which notice was to be. taken., of the death of a Princcj and a general claufe, expreffing their fenfe ol" the happinefs they feel under hh Majefty's fo mild and, gentle cxercife of the. hard law of
patronage, par- ticularly exemplified ia two kts- inftances in
518 THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER FOR 17 " the neighbourhood of this city, Viz. thofe of Weft- kirk and South- Leith. The mo- tion being approved of, a committee was nStmed to draw up luch Addrefs. — Which they did, and prefented it at an evening', federont; when, after undergoing a few alterations, it Was'b'Afered to be tramYnit- ted to his Grace the', Duke of GRAFTON, with ft letter from ' the Moderator, to be' presented to the Sovereign.. A copy of it fhall be given to out Readers, as foon as it's publication is proper. Oti Wednefday laft, afternoon, Lieut. Patrick Ogilvie was executed in the Grafs- ttiarket, for the crimes of
inceft and mur- der, phtfltant to fentence of the High Court of Jafticiary. He behaved with de- cency and resignation on the melancholy occafton ; tho', in the fpeech publifhed and laid to be his, he denies both crimes. A great concourfe of people were prefent on this occalion. Ihe noofe happening to flip, after Mr. Ogilvie was turned over, he fell down ; but, by the afliftance of the city fervants, he was immediately turned over again, though he made all poffible re- fiftance during this unhappy incident. Leith, Nov. 14. This day was brought- into the harbour a Smuggling cutter, com- manded by Robert Fofter of Leith, feized by Capt.
Duncan of the Wharton excife- vacht. The cutter is faid to have deforced his boat on the 8th inftant off the ifland of May, ihe being then loaded with teas. When taken by the- yacht, on the 13 th, ihe had only ballaft and fire- anns, with four hands on board. During the) vtolent Iform on Monday laft, In Englilh fliip from 2 to 300 tons durden, bound from Onega in the White Sea for Aberdeen, with wood, was forced afliore a little to the weft- ward of Portfo'y, The crew were all faved, and the fhip was un- broken when the advice came from thence. We fxn'ce learn her name is the Friendfhip of London, Capt. Peter Fee. Ext rail of a letter
from Dundee, Oft. 26. An aged lady of this place having lately, by the death of her brother, fallen into an e- ftate, and a confiderable fum of lying mo- ney, having taken a fancy to a poor beg- ' garly boy, who went - about the ftreets with a pack felling ftory- beoks and pins, and employed him about her hand going her errands, and doing her oth'cr picces of l'ervice, to fave her the expence of a fer- vant. After fome little time Ihe at length put him to lchool, and employed him in keeping her accounts, and writing her let- ters of correfporidence. Here he ingratiat- ed himfelf fo much into the favours of the old lady, that, on Thurfday laft,
fire was pleafed to make him a full recompence for all his paft fervices, by folemnifing the holy bands of matrimony, and putting her once ragged page in full poflcffion of an eftate' of 400 merks per annum, befides feveral houles and a very confiderable fum of lying money. Some days after the marriage, the new a- dopted gentleman aflembled together all ins brethren of the pack to a tavern, enter- taifled them very liandfomely, and divided amongft them all his goods, the remains of his former way of life. The Ihip Peggy, Capt. Pitcairn mafter, now at London, who intended to have fail- ed the 21 ft curt, is now detained tiH the 2jth,
Which time may be depended upon. 1 he Exchange, Capt. Kirk was cisared oUt for Leith laft Monday. Premium on London bills at fight, from 1 to 1 - 4that 30 days, from 3- 4ths to x per cent, and about 80 days par. Dutch bills at the ufual ufance, the- me- dium price about 22 d. per guilder. The Catharine, Harrifon, is arrived at Cafko- Bay, New England, the Polly, Craig, at Dublin, and the Alexander, , both with rum, & c. the Jeany, Omey, in Virginia, with merchant- goods, and the Loving Anne, Wilfon, in Dublin, with to- bacco and fugars, all from Clyde; the He- len, Workman, from Montferat, at Wales; the Anne and Mary, , at
Airth, and the James, , at Fraferfburg, both from Dantzic ; the Earl of Bute, Bucha- nan, from Liverpool, with lalt, & c„ at Virginia; the Suiie, Kelburn, from the Weft Indies, at Georgia, and the Ann, from London, with merchant goods, at Carron wharf, Greenock, Nov. 14. Arrived in Clyde the Polly, Langmuii;, from Maryland, the Preftongrange, Campbell, the Potomack, Thornton, the Triton, Duthie, the Sally and Mally, Robertfon, and the Peggy, Brown, all from Virginia, and the King of- Pruflia, Glafsford, from Maryland, all with tobacco; and the Friendfhip, Hender- fon, from Dublin. Orkney lift ' of fhipping. Olf. 24. Sailed from
Stromnefs the Dili- gence, Brown for Hull, and the Ifabel, Henderfon, for Leith, from the Highlands. Oil. 26. Remain in faid harbour the Mally and Peggy, Penny, from Norway for Lancafter; the Succefs, Shiels, from Gottenburg for Ireland; the Eleanor, Bcnlley, from Peterfburg, for Whiteha- ven ; the Thomas and Richard, Boyenton, from Onega for Liverpool; the Richman, Younghufband, from Peterfburg for White- haven. In Kirkwall road the , Sinclair, and the ., Seller, both from New- caftle ; and the Ifabel, Howielon, from Hull. Leith, Nov. 15. Arrived the Mary and Janet of Leith, Gibfon, from London, with merchant- goods; the
Peggy of Leith, Ma- thiefon, from Malaga, with wine; the Ja- net of Aberdour, Criegh, from Wells, with oats ; the Betty of and from New- caftle, Steel, with merchant- goods; the Mary of Leith, Baad, from Eyemouth, with oats ; the' Janet of Cramond, Ander- fon, from Fenham, with wheat; the Good Hope of Newcaftle, Thornton, from Pe- terfburg, with hemp, & c. ; the Jean and Mary of Cambus, Hogg, from Warren, and the Hannah of Blyth, Cowell, from Berwick, both with wheat; the Rachael of Leith, Pillans, from Peterfburg, with hemp; the Chriftian of Dyfart, Ncrmand, from Dyfa'ii, with plank, & c. M.' s Age. Days. Saturd. 4 Mond.
6 Tuefd. 7 High Water, h. in. h. m. 4 ~ 9 4 57 6 ip 6 47 • 7 14 7 .42 Nov. if. S. rif. S. fets. h. m. h. m. 7 42 3 48 7 46 3 4J 7 48 3 44 ADVERTISEMENTS. THat upon Wednefday night, tha 13th inftant, the PACKING HOUSE of ROBERT DONALDSON, Merchant' in G laigOW, was broke open, and a BOX of plain LAWNS, containing about one hun- dred and thirty- fix PIECES, put up in twenty- four papered BUNDLES, were villainoufly carried off. It is earneftly intreated of every Mer- chant, and Dealer in that article, that if any fuch be offered them to fale, they be fully fatisfied of the juftnefs of the perlon's property, who holds thefe
goods, prior to their making any purchafes. And if any perfon will be kind enough to make a difcovery of the GOODS, fo as they may be recovered, they fhall be handfomely rewarded, by applying to the faid ROBERT DONALDSON, at Glafgow, or ALEXANDER MOUBRaY, in Forrefter's Wynd, Edinburgh. lioufing 0/ HO U S EHO L D- F U RN i T J R E " T" j'FON. Monday the 25th November curt, will be fold by roup, a great va- riety of Houfehold Furniture, in the houfe lately poffefled by Mrs. McDowell, being the fourth ftory of Paterfon's Back Court, Lawn. Market. The roup will begin at ten o'clock forenoon, and continue till two
every day after the 25 th, till all be fold off. THE Creditors of JAMES, LORD CRANS I ON, or their Doers, are defired to meet in the Exchange Coffee- houfe, on Friday, the 22d curt, at five of clock, afternoon, ill order to concert ibme points, necelfary to be attended to, in ad- jurting the articles of roup, and fale of his LORDSHIP's eftate. This advertifement not to be repeated. T' For KINGS ON, BLACK RIVER, and SAVANNAH LE mar, JAMAICA. iHE Ship GRAND- VILL, WILLIAM S E MP LE, ' Mafter, aftout VefTel, and prime Sail- er, with proper acco- modation for paflen- gers, will be ready to take on board goods, againft the
middle- of vember, and. to fail, againft the middle ot December, For freight, or pafiage, apply to Claud Alexander, or William MacGoun, Mer-. chantin Glafgow, or to the Mafter at Port-'' Glafgow. N. B. " Any good Houfe- Carpenters,, Mill- Wrights, Bricklayers, Blackfmiths, or Copperfmiths,. well recommend, will meet with proper encouragement by apply- ing, as above.
Nov. THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER FOR AGENTLEMAN, for the fervice of his own eftate in JAMAICA, wants a Houfe Carpenter, a Mafon or Bricklayer and a Mill- wright. Thefe tradefmen weli recommended, and willing to agree for four years, may have good conditions, and are defired to apply to George Murdoch Jun. merchant in Glafgow. ROGER SLATER, Tailor, at the Blue Board, next door to. tlie Shake fpear'a head, in Off- alley, York,- buildings ferve? noblemen, gentlemen, and others i at the following reafonable rates, for rea- . dy money only, alluring them that they fhall be as well ferved by me, in every re- ' fpeft, as
by any mailer in London; I being an experienced man, and well known to have been fimfher to as good fhops as any of the trade, viz. A frpek fuit of. fuperfine cloth, and the inaterials all of tlieV beft, complete middlefked j Half trimmed ditto - A frock coat ------ A half trimmed ditto - - - A full drefs fuit - A coat ditto A pair of black filk knit breeches A pair of Mrmchefter ditto A- pnir of fuperfiue four thread ( locking ditto - - - - A fuit of livery - - - - Ditto with luag breeches - - Second cloth ditto - - - - A fine dttffile fur- tout - - The beft corded fiik waiftcoat • Ditto fatin - A pair of fine lhag breeches Rich gold breaft at 3 i- half d. r j 1- ha if d.
Laced and embroidered cloaths in propor- tion. All gentlemen and others, that will be fo kind as to favour me with their cuftom, Jhall be immediately anfwered, and ferved with the beft of goods. If every thing is not tile very beft and moft complete when done, I require no- thing ft r them. L s. d. 4 IJ 0 5 5 0 2 i> 0 0 18 0 5 16 0 3 3 0 1 12 6 1 12 6 0 16 0 3 10 0 3 14 0 3 18 0 1 t6 0 1 14 0 1 » 4 0 1 9 c d coat € tt AT L 0 N D 0. N, ( One of the Contrail fliips), For LEITH, EORROWSTOUNNESS, and ALLOA, rHE KING GEORGE, WILL. MARSHALL 1 Mafter, lying at Haw, ley's wharf, above the Hermi- tage bridge, taking in J^ oods for
Edinburgh, Glafgow, Greenock, Kilmarnock, Pa; fley, Hamilton, Stirling, Alloa, Falkirk, Lin- lithgow, Bathgate, Dunfermline, Culrofs, Queenferry, and all places adjacent. C! e;; rs on the 30th of November inft. or forfeit the freight. Tlie fhip hath good accommodation for pafiengers. The mafter to be fpoke with on the Scotch walk on the Royal Exchange, and at the Edinburgh coifee- houfe ; mornings and evenings on board. ON Tuefday and Wednefday the 19th and 20th of November current, will be SOLD, by public roup, at the print- ing- houfe in the Caftlehill, The TYPES and PRINTING MATE- RIALS, belonging to Alexander
Donald- fon and John Reid, conftfting of a com- plete alfortment of types, fuch as French Canon, Two- line Englifh, Double Pica, Great Primer, Englifh, Pica, Small Pica, Long Primer, Brevier, Long Primer Greek; Preffcs, and every thing elfe proper for carrying on the bufmefs of printing. Bufinefs will be carried on by both par- ties feparately, as fortrer' - ,- dvertifed. i Ms day & j> » pnji.- a, In octavo. Price bound s s. or in boards 4 s. A new edition, elegantly printed on a fine writing royal, with all the emblematical head pieccs, and other copper- plates de- figned by the author, and finely engraved by Walker, of POEMS on fcveral
SUBJECTS. Con- taining, j. The Day of Judgment, in two books. 2. Odes 011 feveral fubjefts. 3. Mifccllaneous Poems. By JOHN OGIL VIE, A. M. Printed for G. Keith, Gracechurch- ftrcet. Where may be had, a few remaining copies of the fame work, with the Efl'ays nn the' Lyric poetry of tlie ancients, % and the firft impreffion of the copper- plates, Seautifully printed in 4tq, on a fine wri- in • D^ rrt'y. Price half ; i guinea. , j r'iJiN ', v tmiciday tiie ituii ut Jjecenir ber next, betwixt the hours of three and four afternoon, there is to be expofed 0 public roup ann falc, in John's coffee- houfe, Edinburgh, The Lands of LONGREDHOLjV., co:
iiprelicnding Scattergill, Bmranbill,. .. ml Park- head, with the pertinents, lying in the parifh of Kirkpatrick Juxta, and fhe- iffdom of Dumfries, holding feu of the Marquis of Annandale, for payment of a feu- duty of 1 1. 13 s, 4 d. Sterling, paying of yearly rent about 50 1. Sterling. The lands lie within a mile of Moffat, are of confiderable extent, diftinctly march- id, and form almpft a complete fquare. in agreeable waver runs on one fide, anc tjicre is a fine old thriving wood, fit for cutting or felling in yearly hags, to grea iccotint. The lands arc capable of grea improvement: the tacl; of tlie greatafl; par; only current for two years : the other
parts, on which there is a good farm- houfe, and ofHce- houfes, may b> immediately. entered 1 to. The tiends are valued, ar. d will Lei ptirchafed, and th;; nurchafers entitled tc : ntry with the fupcrior, for a duplication, of the feu- duty. The progrefs of - writs uncxccptionably. clear, and every incumbrance purged. The articles of roup and progrefs c. f writs, with inventaries thereof, to be feen in the hands of John Syme Writfr to the Signet, Hjnd- ford's clofc : and the proprietor refiding in Moffat will fhe r- fhe grounds ; and any pcrfon Inclining to make a private bargain, may commufte wi( h, him oc the faid John Syme. I765. • At the
third high flhp, Eajl wing of the Ex- change, fronting the Crofs, Edinburgh, THE following goods are to be expofed to fale, only for a month or two at fartheft, and they will be fold very cheap^ fome of them confiderably below coft. " They confijl of the- following articles, viz. Muffins, plain, flowered, and ftript, from 3 s. to 14 s. the yard. Lawns, plain, ftript, and flowered, from i- half to 10yards long. Lawns from 2 s. to 4 s. Silefia 1 awns flow- ered and plain, from 2 s. 6 d. to 5 s. Silk gauzes, plain and flowered, 5- fourths wide* at 2 s. 6 d. and flowered at 3 s. Black fa- tins, from j s. to 7 s. Black and white figured mode filks, from 3 s. to 5
s. Black mantua filks, from 3 s. to 4 s. half mantua filks, yellow and grey, from 2 s. to 2 s. 2 d. Ribands 2 d. 3 d. and 4d. the yard. Black and white love and gauze ribands, 2 d. 3 d. and 4 d. the yard. Blond and trolley la- ces; mens worfted hofe, from 1 s. 6 d. to 3 s. the pair. Worfted night caps, from 6 d. to 1 s. 4 d. Mancoes, temmies, bom- bazeens, Norwich crapes, black and blue flannel, from 1 s. to 2 s. Scarlet worfted plaids, tartans, carpets. A few of the Kidderminfter, or plufh kind of carpets to be fold under coft. TO be SOLD, by judicial roup, by authority of the Lords of Council and Seffion, within tiie Parliament or New*
Seffion- houfe of Edinburgh, upon V/ ednef- day the 4th of December next, betwixt the. hours of three and five o'clock afternoon,, either jointly or feparately, The Seq. ueftraled ESTATE of the de- ceafed Dougal Stewart of Appin : if fe— paratcly, the following lots are propofed- Lot I. The lands of Letter Shunay, ( where the mannan- houfe ftands), Shunay, Lnrguich, and half of /- shofragen, and mill of Kinlochlaich. Rent conform to ju- dicial rental. 119 1. 14 s. 8 d. Lot II. The land? and mill of COM?, with the changc- liouicof Taynafhaig. Ren- 57 i- 5 s- 5 <-!- Let 111. The lajias cf Kirdochbeg arid Kelifnacoan. Rent 36 1. 13 s. 4 d. N.
B. The lands of Krnlochbeg, at the time cf taking the judicial rental, were only fet at 11 1. 2 s. 2 d. but hayc been fiutq- fet. by the faiftor for 20 1. Lot. IV. tfce lands of Inverigan, A'chha » coan, Stronc, and Brecklet. Rent 33 L. 12 s. 2 d. Lot V- The % u- diiries, payable by the f'euers in Gknco,. being 4 1. 18' s. 5 d « , 4- tvvclfrhs The. tenants in the above- lands par the tiends, miniflers ftipends, and afl- other pub- lic burdens over and above the rents. The whole of the above, lands hold © £ the Duke of Argyle, except the half of Actiofragaft, which holds of the. Eael cf Breadalbane. The title- deeds- ar. d articles of roup., with the
rental, are to- be fcen in the Sands, of George. Kirkpatrick,. Dcpute- clerk o£" PctTion, and ef David Campbell* Writer, te tlie Signet . in Edinburgh,
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTIS A S ALMOND FISHING and good FARMS to LET, TO be LET, in tack, by the truftees of Sir James Carnegie, late 01" South - elk, by public roup, within the houl'e 0i Ralph Green, vintner in Montrofe, be- twixt the hours of four and fix afternoon of Tuefday the r; d ot December 176;, The SALMON FISHINGS 011 the ri- ver of Southelk, lately purchafed by - the faid Sir James Carnegie, for nine years, to commence with the eafuiug fcafon of fifh- ing, and i n a n. oppoiite lot," the three fol- lowing fields of the MAINS of KIN-- NAIRD. lately in the natural polfeffion of. the faid Sir James Carnegie; viz. ift.
The- Horfe Ward, the Long Shade, and the Eaft Ward. AND ALSO, in a third or fe- parate lot, that part of the farm of the HAUGHS of KINNAIRD, lately in the natural pofleffion of the faid Sir James Car- negie, confifting of the following particular fields, viz. The Piggerholds, the Man- duffs, the Greenheads, the ' Wet'Lands, the Inch of Balvain, the Broom- park, and the Dyke Nook.* The entry to the farms to be at Whitfunday next, and the ' kale thereof to continue for nine years. The conditions of roup to be feen at the houfe of Kinnaird, and in the hands of . Charles, Greenhiil, faftor on the eftate of Southefk, who will give
information of particulars. Far tiie USE of SCHOOLS, This day is ptiblijhed, New editions of the following books, - with maps neatly engraved, 1. A New GUIDE to GEOGRAPHY. Containing, 1. The necelfary pre- liminary geographical definitions. 2. A particular'account of the feveral parts of the known world, as divided into countries, kingdoms, ftaas and provinces, their li- . tuation, boundaries, and extent ; with their illands, lakes, rivers, mountains, cities, towns, univerlities, bifhopricks, See. 3. The names ancl correfpondence of an tient and modern geography. 4. Remarks L on the prefent ftate of affairs in America,; & c. Price 2
s. 6 d. 2. Geography of children; or a Ihort' and eafy method of teaching and learning , geography. Defigned principally for the ufe of fchools, . and for the youth of both fexes. Whereby . even children may in a ihort time know - the ufe cf the .. globes and geographical maps, and all the confulera- , ble countries - in the world, divided into lef- fons, by way ; of queftion and anfwer. Price 1 6 d. 3. ' The defcription and ufe of the globes, and an account of the orrery, by John Har- ris, F. R. S. 1 s. 4. Geography methodifed, by Lewis Chambaud, 3 s. Printed for G. Keith in Gracechurch- Ilreet. This day is puhli/ hed, printed for Alexander
Donaldfon, and fold at his Jhops in Lon- don and Edinburgh, in two volumes, 8i'o, Price 12 s. hound, The SECOND EDITION of . THE UNIVERSAL ACCOUNT- ANT, and COMPLETE MER- CHANT. BK WILLIAM GORDON, of the Academy at Glafgow. The FIRST VOLUME Contains arithmetic in ali its branches: vulgar and decimal fradtions.— Elements of algebra.— Computations in partnerlhip.— Computations of cuftoms, bounties, & c.— Stockjobbing, containing ftocks, or tranf- ferrable funds.—- The method of railing the annual fupplies granted by parliament, and the manner of fubferibing and negociating fubfcription receipts.— The method of buy- ing into, and felling out of the funds.— The caules of the rife and fall of the ftocfes, with fome of the laws relating to ftockjob- bing— Fa& orage— Policies of . inl'urance, and decifions concerning them.— Damages to which infurers are liable.— Of averages. — Of premiums.— The documents requifite to recover a lofs.— Of reinfurances of in- furance on lives; infurance on lotteries; infurance from fire.— Tables of foreign fil- ver and gold coins.— Exchanges with Ire- land ; with America, and the Weft- Indies; exchanges with Holland, the Auftrian Ne- therlands, and Hamburg; exchanges with France,
Spain, and Portugal; exchanges with Genoa, Leghorn, and Venice.—- Ar- bitrationof exchanges.—- Two tables, Ihew- ing the conformity of weights and meafures. --- Intereft, fimple and compound.— Of pur- chafing freehold or real eftates, with eftates in reveriion.—- Intereft- tables, and their ap- plication..— Annuities on lives, with tables and explication.-— Menfuration of furfaces and folids, & c. & c. VOLUME SECONDliegins with a difterta- tion on the bu fine ft of the counting- houfe, wherein the pra& ice of the moft judicious and experienced, in the moft eflential branch- es, and the moft eftablifhed maxims, are laid open to the
young trader, in order that he may be fccared from rufhing preci- pitantly into fchemes that may prove dan- gerous jto an adventurous, btrt unexperien- ced youth. Like the firjl, this volumes contains four parts. J. BooK- KEEPIHG. in THEORY ; where- in the method of journalizing, polling, and balancing every kind of accounts, domeftic and foreign, proper and company, both in general and particular books, is laid down, and inculcated by rules adapted to every capacity; together with a defcription of all the fubfidiary books. 2. BooK- KEEPiNG inPRACTiCE; - where- in the rules, in the preceding part arc appli- ed and exemplified,
in feveral fpecimens of books, exhibiting a variety of branches, E R FOR 1765. Nov. is. digefted and connefted as in real trade, and kept according to the moft approved prac- tice. Here the method of keeping accounts with regard to exchange, and company- concerns, is rendered eafy and practical, being exemplified in general and particular books, v,- herein the moft complicated tranf- a< ftions are introduced and explained, fo as to render the practice eafy. To thefe longer ipecimens are added, five queftions in com- pany- accounts, three of which are balanced, the other two left to eiercifc the learner. The fubfidiary books are
alfo exemplified, in a form more agreeable to practice than any thing hitherto publilhed. In both thefe parts, the author hath add- ed obfervations where- ever he thought they might be ufeful to the unexperienced. 3, Tlie method t> f drawing, remitting, negociating, and recovering bills of ex- change, promiffory notes, inland bills, and all fuch conveyances of property among merchants ; with the laws and cuftoms con- cerning them, in England, Scotland, and all the trading kingdoms and ftatcs in Europe - 4. A brief view of the Britiih cuftoms; or, The Britilh- mcrchant's book of rates; ex hibiting the penalties and imports to which he is
fubjefted, and the privileges, boun- ties, and drawbacks to which he is entitled at importation and exportation; digefted in a method fo clear and intelligible, that the calculation of the duties on any quanti- ty may be made by praftice as ealily as the price of goods by the piece; founded on adts of parliament relating thereto, to this prefent year. This work has been univcrfally efteemed by very good judges, and is adapted to all capacities. The young pradtitioner in buft- nefs will find great benefit and advantage by confulting thefe volumes, and fuch as have been long in trade will alfo have the pleafure of finding many things of
general tiie, which are not to be met with in any books of this kind. The author, by ha- ving frequent intercourfe with gentlemen in bufinefs, has ftudied to adapt all his rules to the p raft ice of merchants, as well for wholefale dealers, as to anfwer retailers; fo that, from the favourable reception this work has met with from the public, in coming fo foon to a fecond edition, he has the plea- fure to fee his labours have not been in vain. The Monthly Review for February 1765 gives the following character of this work. " Wc do not remember to have feen any ' work fo well calculated for qualifying young gentlemen for the counting- houfe,
as that now heforc us. The author feems to have more comprehenfive views, more enlarged and liberal notions', than the generality of writers upon the fubjedt, as will apear to the intelligent reader, from a fliort view of his elfay on the education of a young gen- tleman intended for the counting- houfe, prefixed to the firft volume." EDINBURGH: Printed for ALEXANDER DONALDSON ; aod. fold at his . Shop at the Crofs, where, and'at A. DONALDSON'S Shops, in London and Edinburgh, Subfcriptions and Advertifements are taken in. This paper is regularly puhliih'cd every Tuefday and Friday, on which days no other news- paper
is printed in Scotland. The price of a fingle paper is Twopence- halfpenny; one pcyai^^ if laawta^ jvhen called for; one pound two ( hillings, if fent; to- aftv houfe in this city or fu'burbs; and one pound fix fhiiflngs, A " jnift^ ji tj poft to any town in Great Britain.