The Edinburgh Advertiser
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Volume Number: II
Issue Number: 88
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
Date of Article: 02/11/1764
Printer / Publisher: Alexander Donaldson
Address: Castlehill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: II
Issue Number: 88
No Pages: 8
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THE VOL. II. EDINBURGH ADVERTISER. From TUESDAY OCTORER 30. to FRIDAY NOVEBMER 2. 1764. N° 83. A dialogue between REASON and FASHION. Scene, St James's Park. MAdam, good morrow ; it must be urgent business that calls you abroad s early ? Fashion. Urgent indeed: poor Meagro and Cringe are just arrived from Paris, with such beautiful, sweet, ravishing things ! Lard, Sir, I'm in an ecstasy ! and must fly with the good news to Lady Betty Various, Lord Rainbow, Sir Brass Outside, Miss Negligee, Billy . R. An excellent groupe ! Pray, Madam, are your friends natives of England ? F To their
mortification. This horrid country of beef, fog, and the hyp, which would be altogether insupportable, but for the great condescension of those dear creatures the French, whose taste ——- R. Amazing! have the brave, generous, hospitable English lost their palates ? F. Stupidity ! no : they only want that politesse, the bon ton, and virtu, which the former are complete masters of, to be ranked R. True. Policy sufficient to dupe your adherents, an effeminate tone, and all Europe have more or less felt the effeCts of their vir- tue. F. What an ignorant Goth ! Do you ever converse with the beau monde 1 R. I am seldom absent from
those that have any pretence to the epithet of great. Does your fraternity ever think ? F. Continually— how to change their ha- bits and fixations.— The obliging M. de la Finesse has, for the trifle of one thousand gui- neas, pledged the honour of his nation that he will produce gauze for the ladies necks of such a texture, that a yard of it shall weigh but half a grain.— Springs for the heels of gentle- mens shoe, by which those of thirty stone weight may dance with the same ease as the most agile of his countrymen.— A machine to go at the rate of 50 miles an hour, which will carry R. You all to the planet Saturn, there to remain for
the good of Old England. F. Why ye four, musty, ill bred ! O ! I could ! but the news. R. ( Alone) Thou unsubstantial chameleon, farewell ! Custom, that idol of fools, still chains down the free- born mind to' the same weak or criminal track, while my faithful votaries are often treated with contempt and ridicule. An account of a remarkable book composed by the late Marquis d'Argenson, minister of state, and yet unpublished. MR Rousseau, in his Social Contract, often mentions with applause a MS. written by the late Marquis d'Argenson, and entitled, Considerations for le gouvernement ancien et present de la France. We have got
a sight of this production. and we are informed it is soon to appear in public. The principal part of it is, A plan of internal government and policy which this learned and judicious statesman pro- posed to introduce in the place of that which actually subsists in France. This plan is a complete, and excellent system of legislation, founded upon democratical principles, and yet in nowise detrimental to the authority of the monarch, though it tends to clip the wings of the nobility. The other part of this produc- tion relates to the interests of France, consi dered - with regard to its foreign connexions. This part is superficial and defective. It
was composed, not only before the late war, which cast such an eclipse over the lustre of the French nation, and the universal monarch, but also before that unnatural change in the system of Europe, that connected the house of Austria with the house of Bourbon, and engendered that rickety production called the family- com- pact. By many passages of this performance it appears, that the Marquis d'Argenson was no friend to such confederates ; he, however, always seems elated with a frothy notion of the grandeur of the French monarchy, and its superiority over all other powers. We shall here give a singular piece, that
concludes this book, as it shews the true and uniform spirit of the French ministry, which never chan- ges, but always aims at the same ambitious ends, though by different means and different instruments. And it is remarkable that even in the following piece, which has in view a most desirable objeCt, namely, universal peace, and is composed by a humane and pacific mini- ster, ambition loses nothing of its pretensions ; for, according to this plan of pacification, Eu- rope must owe its tranquillity to the influence and commands of the French monarch. The piece is as follows. Plan of a general pacification in Europe by the means
of a supreme and universal tri- bunal, of which France alone is to exercise the authority. THE memory of Lewis XII. and that of Henry IV. will ever be dear to the French nation. The name of the latter, more espe- cially, will live for ever, on account both of the good he did, and of that which he intend- ed to do. It was he that first formed the plan of a perpetual peace, as we find in the records of those times. The Abbe de St Pierre re- vived that plan, and rendered it less complex. He did not adopt the project of introducing a kind of equality among the different powers of Europe, but formed his balance on the junc- tion of several
lesser powers, as a counterpoise to the force and ambition of one mighty state, and drew up five fundamental articles that were to form the basis of a general plan of ar- bitration. But the signing of these articles, consider- ing the ambition of certain European powers, must meet with many difficulties, and there- fore renders his plan impracticable. It was the scheme of the Abbe de St Pierre to ereCt a general tribunal to terminate the dif- ferences that might arise between the Euro- pean powers, a tribunal armed for that pur- pose, with power to place it beyond the reach of danger from any quarter, and a tribunal, whose members,
sensible of their own happi- ness, and satisfied with their lot, should con- secrate themselves entirely to watch over the happiness of others. I maintain that the king- dom of France is alone enabled to exercise the authority, and to perform the office of such a tribunal, and cannot too soon enter upon this important function. Such a state as France is qualified to pro- nounce a decisive judgment upon the differences that may arise in Europe, since where power may be wanting, it can supply this defect by dexterity, prudence, uniformity of counsels and conduct, and perpetual negotiations. This then is my proposal, and I now
proceed to shew that it is practicable. During the space of twenty years past, France has given abundant proof of its prefer- ring the glory that arises from the character of an arbiter, before that which results from extending its conquests. Whenever France shall think proper to pro- cure for the rest of Europe, the happiness that she enjoys *, she will exert her force to re- strain the ambitious and to baffle their attempts, and she will employ as much assiduity and ap- plication in this salutary work, as Lewis XI Cardinal Richlieu, and Lewis XIV. exerted in extending the limits of her dominion. There are, at this day, four leading powers,
to whose ambition it is necessary to set bounds, since their views and interests trouble the re- pose of Europe. The first of these powers is the house of Austria ; we will turn against that ambitious house the arms of her own vassals, by shewing them that the advantages that are proposed to them are delusive; and by persuading them, by the disinterestness of our conduct, that we have no other view than to maintain the union of the Germanic body. " We will allow the Turks to execute their designs, and we will even give them assistance underhand. We will sow the seeds of divi- sion between the house of Austria, the Czari- na,
and Great Britain. We will keep always a certain number of emissaries and spies, at the Russian court. We will scatter several sums of money in the north, where our bribes are al- ways swallowed with avidity. Ws will find no difficulty in taking from the house of Austria a certain number of her here- ditary provinces, in order to dispose of them in This sentence shews plainly, that Argenson's book was composed before the late war.
282 The EDINBURGH ADVERTISER for r764. Nov. 2. be constantly kept clear from weeds; which, favour of the houses of Bavaria, Saxony, and Brandenburg, who form pretensions to them. It is certain that the house of Austria is more dangerous in Italy than Don Carlos. The latter is, as it were, banished to the very ex- tremity of the continent. He stands in need of all the credit and protection of Spain, in or- der to give a proper degree of strength and consistency to his rising dominion ; and the slowness of the Spaniard, as well as his distance from the kingdom of Naples will always ren- der his succours tardy. . Oii the other
hand, the house of Austria is in possession of the fair- est provinces in Italy, where it has established a complete despotism, and can introduce its troops at whatever time, and in whatever num bers, it shall judge expedient. The expulsion, therefore, of that house out of Italy, is a mat- ter of more urgent necessity than the expulsion of Don Carlos ; and we ought always to se- cond openly or secretly the attempts of any third power who shall endeavour to wrest out of the hands of that family the whole or any part of his Italian dominions. Russia is the second power, and I have al- ready observed that we can easily regain our -
credit at that court, by our spies and our sub- sidies. Denmark is entirely devoted to Eng- land, since the Elector of Hanover is King of Great Britain. Denmark hires out its troops, and makes no longer a figure in Europe on its own account. Sweden has iron, a good mili- tary discipline, courage, a marine ; and the power at present has changed sides— the demo- cracy reigns. [ To be concluded in our next.~\ Work to be done in the kitchen- garden, in November. THE ground between your artichokes must now be trenched, observing to lay a large ridge of earth over the roots, equally on their sides and tops, to prevent their being
injured by frost, which will preserve them much better than long dung, which is by some ignorant persons used for that purpose. But before this is done, the plants should be cut off quite close to the surface of the ground, un- less where there are some very strong plants which are knit for fruit, which may be tied up with a small hay- band, and the earth laid up close to them, which will preserve them from frost, unless it be very severe ; in which case it will be proper to cover them over with a lit- tle dry litter, which should always be taken off again when the weather is mild. By this method you may have some artichokes all the
winter : but if the season continues mild, this work should be deferred to the end of this month, or the beginning of the next : for when they are earthed too early, they are apt to shoot through the ridges of earth soon after, and are then in danger of being cut off by frost, so that, where there is but a small quantity, which may be earthed in a little time, it should be done as late in the season as the mild wea- ther will permit ; but in those gardens where there are great quantities, they must begin earlier, lest the frost should set in before they have finished. These ridges of earth will be sufficient to preserve the artichokes in all com mon winters ; but if it happens to be a very severe winter, it will be proper to lay straw, long dung, peas haulm, or tanners bark, over the ridges, which, if either of these coverings is laid pretty thick, will entirely secure them from being destroyed in the greatest frost ; but this covering should be removed as soon as the severe frost is over. Your asparagus beds, which were not dress- ed the last month, should not be deferred any longer than the beginning of this therefore you must cut down the haulm, and hoe the weeds from off the beds into the alleys, where they must be buried ; and the earth of the al- leys should be spread
over the beds, in the manner directed in the former month. In mild weather you must let your cauli- flower and lettuce- plants, which are under glasses, or in frames, have as much free air as possible,, by setting off the glasses every day, in dry weather; and in very wet wea- ther, the glasses should be kept over them : but they must be raised on one side with props, to let in as much free air as possible ; for they should not receive too much wet at this season, lest it should cause them to rot : nor must they be too closely covered, lest they draw up too weak, which will endanger them, if there should afterwards be much frosty
wea- ther, without sun in the day time, when they will require to be closely covered, perhaps for five or six days together. You must also sow peas, and plant beans, in dry weather, to succeed those which were planted the former month ; and you should draw some earth to the stems of those which are come up, which will preserve them from being injured by the frost. Sow all sorts of sallet herbs upon moderate hot- beds ; as lettuce, cresses, mustard, rape, radish, turnep, & c. that the table may be constanty furnished with them ; and in dry i weather take up your endive which is full grown, and lay it into trenches to blanch, ob serving always to place it horizontally on the sides of the ridges, that the wet may run off, : otherwise it would rot the plants : you must also earth up your celery to blanch it, being careful not to bury the heart of the plants ; but this must always be done in dry weather. You should now dung and trench the ground which is designed for early crops, laying it in ridges until the time that you make use of it; which will be of great service to refresh and sweeten the ground ; and where the land is stiff, the frost will mellow and soften it : be- sides, by getting as much of this work perform- ed as you can conveniently, it will put you forward in
the spring, when many other works will require to be done. The beginning of this month you should sow some carrots and radishes on warm borders, near pales and hedges, to come early in the spring, provided you did- not perform it the latter end of the last month ; which if you did, you may defer the doing of it until the middle or latter end of this, whereby you will have a greater chance of succeeding. Your spinache, onions, and other crops which were sown in July and August, must if permitted to remain at this season, will over- spread the crops, and, by detaining the moi- sture, cause them to rot. Pick all decayed leaves
from off your cauli- flower plants, and draw some earth up to the stems of those which are under bell or hand glasses, being careful that you do not draw the earth into the heart of the plants, for that will destroy them. You may now make hot- beds for asparagus to come in at Christmas ; but these will not produce so large, nor so many heads, as those beds which are made the beginning of January, nor will the asparagus be near so well colour- ed : so that it is only fit for persons of curiosity to make beds at this season. Take up the roots of carrots, parsneps, po- tatoes, beets, salsaty, scorzonera, large- root- ed parsley, & c.
toward the end of this month, and lay them in sand, in a place where they may be defended from frost and wet, which are many times injurious to them-; and where this is neglected, if the ground should be fro- zen up for any continuance, there will be no possibility of getting the roots out of the ground for use; whereby the kitchen cannot be sup- plied with these things, until the frost is out of the ground again. If this month should prove dry and frosty, you must carry dung into the quarters of the kitchen- garden, that it may be ready when you want to dig the ground, which will forward your affairs greatly. The not observing of this
many times causes a great hurry of busi- ness together, which should be avoided as much as possible; because, whenever this happens, either some things are entirely neglected, or are slighted over too carelessly. You must now fresh tie your reed- hedges with osiers, if they were not done in the for- mer month; otherwise the strong winds which usually happen at this season, will tear them from the stakes, and break the reeds, which will render it troublesome to repair them. Where there are hot- beds either for sallet- ing, cucumbers, or any other purpose, they must be carefully attended at this season ; for the nights are now
long and cold, and the days either frosty, wet, or foggy, so that little air can be given to the beds ; whereby the plants often grow mouldy, and rot off; and the heat of the beds is often greatly abated either by rain or snow, which renders it very difficult to manage hot beds at this season. The autumnal cauliflowers should now be carefully looked over, two or ' three times a- week, to break down the leaves over those whose heads appear, to guard them from wet and morning frosts, which will discolour those which are exposed thereto, and to pull up those whose heads are full grown, for use. Horse stale, & c. recommended to be
preserved for manure. From the Museum Rusticum. GEnTleMEN, HAving read in your collection a letter, which mentions the great benefit result
N o v . 2. The E D I N B U R G H A D V E R T I S E R for 1764. ing from the use of the drainings of a dunghill as a manure, permit me to recommend to your notice a manure of a nature somewhat similar to that above mentioned. I have long kept a considerable inn on the great northern road, and find it for my advan- tage to hold in my hands a farm in the town in which 1 live, for the sake of supplying my fa- mily with bread- corn, and my own horses, to- gether with those of my customers, with good oats and sweet hay. My method of farming this land differs greatly from the praCtices of the landholders in my neighbourhood.
They cease not to condemn me though they cannot unless they are wilfully blind, but perceive, by the large ness of my crops, the superiority of my me- thods. I caused, some years ago, in the lowest part of my inn yard, a large reservoir to be dug, twenty feet square, and fourteen or fifteen feet deep. The soil in which this was dug being rather porous, I had it lined with wet clay, as if I had been making a fish pond, and after- wards lined throughout with hard bricks, set in terrace- mortar. When this was done, I had the drains from all my stables, and my cow- house, conducted to this reservoir, as well as a capital drain from my
kitchen. The reservoir was covered over with some stout beams, and thick oaken plank ; an aperture being left, wherein to fix strong pump. By this contrivance I preserved the horse- stale made in the stables, which was very con- - siderable in quantity, as well as all the pot- li- quor, brine, suds, and chamber- lye, made in my house. This compost, if I may so call it, is my best manure ; but it requires some little caution in using it. I apply this manure to all my crops indis- criminately, and find it succeed with all ; the only danger being the overdoing it. When I lay on this manure, I get the water- cart first half filled with pond- water,
and then, bringing it to the pump above mentioned, complete the filling it with the contents of the reservoir ; this I find a good method of correcting the great heat of the manure in question, which would of itself, in particular seasons, be apt to burn some crops. I find this manure to be of particular service to me in procuring a large burthen of grass in my upland pastures, and even in my meadows; but in all my grass- ground I begin laying it on immediately after Christmas, and have com- pleted the dressing before the end of February. I find this the best season for doing it, on many accounts, particularly as the spring- rains, soon
succeeding, wash off from the blades of the grass the saline particles, which would other- wise be disgustful to the cattle. When 1 dress my wheat with this manure, I chuse to do it something later ; for instance, in the month of April ; remembering always to correCt the heat ef the manure with water, as. is above noted. On my barley I sprinkle it still later, that is, in May for the most part, and find these methods to succeed well. Now, as to the manner of my sprinkling this manure, it is as follows. At the tail of the water- cart I have two lea- ther pipes fixed, about four feet long each. At the end of each of these pipes is fixed a tin
rose, somewhat like those used on watering- pots. These roses are fastened with some strong rope- yarn to the two ends of a strout stick, which keeps them about half a yard alunder ; to the middle of this stick is tied one end of a strong line, about two yards long. When the cart comes into the field, the hor- ses are put into the track they should go in, ' and, if they are handy, and are used to the business, they will go on in a straight line, or, if they vary, be easily set right by a word from the boy behind the cart. This boy, as soon as the horses move forward, takes hold of the rope above mentioned, and by means of it keeps
swaying the roses from side to side, and there- by sprinkles the land to a considerable width, at least twice the width of the watering cart. My reason for preferring this method is, that my land is less trod, and my crop less damaged by it, than it would be by fixing a perforated trunk at the cart's tail, as, in the last mentioned method, only one width of the cart is sprinkled in one turn. I find many advantages in this manure, to the use of which I am so bigotted and infatua- ted, as my neighbours term it, that I lay no yard- dung on my land, but sell all that I make in my stables to the farmers who prefer it; and by this means I raise a sum
nowise con- temptible every year. Were you to look over my land, which is under two hundred acres, you would be plea- sed to see how clean it lies, and how clear it is of weeds ; though, when 1 first took it into my hands, which is about fourteen year since, the crops were almost devoured by them, and the soil greatly impoverished. Have I not then, from the circumstances I mentioned, great reason to conclude, that the cleanness of my land is owing to my never using yard- dung as a manure, which certainly always contains numberless seeds of weeds ? And the goodness of my crops cannot, with any degree of justice, be
attributed to any thing but the constant and almost invariable effeCts of the contents of my reservoir, especially if we add that I am nowise deficient in taking care that my lands are at all times properly tilled, and seasonably husbanded. So much for the effeCts of this manure on my farm. I am now to inform you, that I re- ceive, in proportion, as much benefit from it in my kitchen- garden, where I also refrain from the use of, yard- dung ; instead of which, when the ground is trenched and thrown up in winter, I give it a thorough dressing with the manure so often mentioned. This, by the subsequent digging, when the land comes to
be levelled, is well mixed with the soil, which never fails yielding me plenti- ful crops of pulse and kitchen- ware ; and what is more, my cabbages, beans, pease,, £ sc. are much sweeter than those raised in my neigh- bours gardens, which are annually enriched with abundance of rotten horse- dung. I cancot help, on this occasion, mentioning one garden- crop, which is, in a very particular manner, adapted to receive superiour benefit from this manure: the crop I mean is onions, which come much earlier with me than my neighbours, - and are larger and sweeter than any I can procure in this country, or have seen. elsewhere,
those from Portugal excepted. Another great benefit I receive from this, manure in my garden results from sprinkling with it my asparagus beds, as by this means the plants appear earlier, the heads are larger,, and not a bit less sweet, than those raised in the natural earth, without any manure what- ever. This, you will say, is a considerable advantage ; yet do I annually experience it ;' and it often gives me singular pleasure to pro- vide my travelling customers with a dish of a- sparagus a week, or perhaps ten days, before they can be procured at any inn within thirty miles of the town where I live. I find this manure also of great
benefit to my fruit- trees, as well standards as those which are planted against walls, or espaliers ; but to use it in this intention requires great caution ; for, when I first tried it, I killed three or four fine thriving young trees by applying it too strong ; since that time, when my fruit- trees re- quire nourishment, I mix three parts of pond- water with one of the contents of my reservoir above described. Vines will however bear it a great deal stronger ; for I have several times applied this manure to them, even unmixed with water, without sensible injury. I am, GENTLEMEN, Your constant reader, and humble servant, Great North Road, An
INN- KEEPER. July 3. 1764. Ar. B. The lyes of soap and ashes used in bleaching and washing, are also very fit manure for most lands. The JUDICIOUS LOVER. TOO long, by some impulse resistless be- tray ' d, At your feet, pretty fair, was I seen, Till the glass of discretion I lately survey'd, And beheld what a puppy I'd been. My reason must own you're surprisingly fair; But what's that to me? she replies; Must I be devoted to grief and despair, Because Nancy has delicate eyes . " Why, Ma'am, to my reason, say I, you shall judge ; ( But I beg you won't- talk quite so sad), A sigh or a tear why should any one grudge, To be
happy completely at last ? Thou blockhead, cries Reason, how silly and vain ; But when will a lover be wise! Only see how the gipsey is pleas'd with your pain, Yet resolv'd to laugh on and despise. ConVinc'd that her Ladyship's quite in the right, As the cant is, myself I must borrow," And heartily wish you a very good night, Without hoping to see you to- morrow.
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 31. Mails from Holland and France. From the London papers, Oct. 27. Warsaw, October 6. THE letter which the King of Prussia late- ly wrote to the Prince Primate, in an- swer to that whereby this Prelate notified the election of Count Poniatowski to ihe throne, was to the following effect : " Cousin, " You have given the very particular satis faction, in having acquainted me by your let- ter of the 7th instant, of the unanimous elec- tion which placed Count Poniatowski on the throne of Poland. It is an event in which I take the greater interest, as it corresponds no less with my own inclinations than with the true
interest of that kingdom ; which I had in view when I recommended the reigning sove- reign. Being thoroughly sensible of the regard which has been paid to my recommendation, I congratulate your Highness and the republic on this election which not only of itself, but by the manner in which it was made, does in- finite honour to that nation, and promises, at the same time, a most auspicious reign, for which I prefer my ardent and sincere wishes. Pray God keep you under his sacred protection. Your affectionate Berlin, Sept. 14, 1764. FREDERIC." Francfort, Oct. 8. We hear that the reign- ing Countess de la Lippe, born Princess
of Nassau- Weilbourg, died the latter end of last month in the 32d year of age, Brest, Sept. 29. The cod- fishery has been so plentiful and so advantageous to the adven- turers, that those of St Malo have gained cent per cent. Genoa, Sept. 29. A letter from Massa an- nounces, that the inhabitants of that city and those of Lucca, are in arms on the frontiers of their respeCtive territories, on account of certain contested limits. There will probably be some bloodshed ; and it is likewise to be feared, that these two republics may draw o thers into the war which they are on the point of declaring against each other. AMERICA. New
York, September 10. The following is the substance of a letter from the camp at Loudoun, dated August the 25th, 1764. " On the 16th inst. Col. Reid marched from hence with a large convoy for Fort Pitt ; and we hear he arrived at Stony- Creek the 23d, without any interruption. " An express is just arrived from the com- manding officer at Fort Bedford, and brings he following particulars, viz. that on the 23d inst. about two in the afternoon, one Martin Macdonald, and three other packhorse men, with goods for the sutlers, went on 22d after Col. Reid's convoy ; and that they came to the Shawanese cabins, near the foot of the
Allegheny mountain, they saw some Indians, who fired on them at a di stanceon which they made off through the woods to the camp, leaving one horse loaded behind them ; That yesterday, on his return from the convoy, he saw Isaac Stimble, killed and scalped, on the road near Ourray bridge, and perceived the tracks of savages ( having horses with them) pointing towards Denning's creek : That on this alarm, Capt Lems, with a few men of the garrison, and some inhabi- tants, went out, and found the body and tracks, as related by Macdonald, but could not prevail on the inhabitants to pursue the e- nemy, as by their tracks
they were supposed to be about forty. " We are also informed, by a person just arrived from Virginia, that four men were killed, a few days ago, 12 miles above Win- chester." LONDON. A letter from Paris of the 15th instant men- tions, that a young man who had been a stu- dent there at the jesuits college, having taken the fall of that society too much at heart, his intellects were affeCted, so that he ran about the street singing invective ballads, reflecting greatly on the court and parliament ; upon which he was taken into custody, and commit- ted to the bicetre till he regains his senses. Letters from Blois in Fiance, of the 7th inst.
mention, that the vintage was begun in the distriCts of St Claud, Vineull, Noels, and Huisseux, and that they had as fine a prospeCt of excellent good wine, both red and white, as ever was known. According to letters from Gibraltar, on the 22d of September, the Emperor of Morocco sent an order to the Dutch consul at Tetuan to depart the country in three days under pain of death on non- compliance. The consul, ig- norant of the motive of such an extraordinary command, retired on board a ship in the road, after having deposited his effects at the house of the English consul ; and sending a courier to requite an explanation of
this affair. Letters from Holland mention, that the im- proved skill and military discipline of the for- ces under Cossim Aly Cawn, has been disco- vered to be, in a great measure, owing to the number of Europeans now in his pay, particu- larly French, Spanish, and Dutch officers, whom that tyrant has drawn over by large re- wards, and high promises. Four engineers late of Pondicherry, are said to have 1000 ru- pees per month ; and to armourers, gunsmiths, swordcutlers, and other persons skilled in the construction of military weapons, he gives 5oo rupees bounty. By recent letters from France it appears that the whole value of
furs, beaver and deer skins, imported into that kingdom from Louitiana, and the little they still possess on the banks of the Missisippi, since the peace, does not exceed 25,000 I. ; whereas during their late possession of Canada they annually imported from that province only, in the above articles, to the a mount of 135,000 1. Very large orders are now lying in Russia for naval stores for the use of the French marine. We hear an additional duty will soon be laid on the foreign importation of hemp, hempseed and flax, particularly from Russia and the Bal- tic ; great quantities, the growth of our own American colonies, being
expected over early next spring. We are informed his Excellency Count la Lippe is charged with the execution of a spe- cial commission from our court to that of Por- tugal. Great numbers of new muskets, horse- pistols, & c are every dav proving at the East- India company warehouses near Whitechapel road. It is said thirty thousand stand of fire- arms will be shipped among their other military stores for Bengal. Four ships of a particular construction, about 200 tons each, are now building in Gunpow- der river in Maryland. They are pierced to mount 16 guns besides swivels, to row with oars, and are said to be on commission
for sale from Genoa. It is now said, that, for very prudential rea- sons, never less than five regiments on the British establishment, will from henceforth be kept in commission in the provinces of New York, Pennsylvania, and New England. It is expected that Pensacola in Florida, and two British islands in the West Indies, will speedily be declared free ports. Among other seizures made this summer by his Majesty's cruisers in the river St Laurence, ' has been that of a French interloper, on board of which were found ten hogsheads of Canada furs. Both vessel and cargo were carried into St John's, where it was thought they would
be condemned. We are credibly informed, the seizable goods at present in the isles of Jersey and Guernsey, from the reports of some custom- house- officers, commissioned for the purpose, amount to the value of near 200, ooo 1. In September last the Princess Caroline cu- stomhouse yatcht, Captain John Reid, sailed from Leith for Lerwick in Shetland, with two customhouse- officers on board, to be stationed there. The ship being old and crazy, they sprung a leak, and were obliged to put in at Peterhead to refit. On the afternoon of : he day they sailed from thence, either by the pi- lot's mistake, or by the haziness of the wea ther, they found themselves among the break- ers on the main land of Shetland ; and to avoid immediate destruCtion, pushed into a small bay surrounded on all sides with rocks of a stupen- dous height. Here they luckily struck on a sand- bank. In the midst of their consternation, a faithful negro, whom Captain Reid had brought from the South seas, swam off with a rope in quest of dry ground ; this he found, though, by the sea- mark on the rocks, it was evident that it was many feet under water at full tide. By the assistance of the rope they all left the ship except one of the officers before mentioned who being old and corpulent
chose rather to stay on board ; they had lost their boat before. They then endeavoured in vain to climb the rocks, and the advance of the tide redoubled their terrour. At last the negro discovered a cleft, by which they might ascend the rock above high water mark ; this cleft terminated in a hollow or grotto, where they all took up their night's abode. Next morn- ing at ebb they descended to reconnoitre their situation, and found that the rocks were inac- cessible, nor could they any wise get round, as the rocks forming a semicirele extended on
Nov. 2. The E D I N B U R G H A D V E R T I S E R for 1764. 285 both sides far into the sea. They then in de- spair returned to their ship, where they found the officer they left on board, upon the main- shrouds, from whence he had scarcely been ten minutes, before the mast came by the board, and was followed by the foremast : and now the hull worked, so that they all resolved to leave her again, which they did with much difficulty, and had not been long on shore be- fore she went to pieces. Thus they were to all appearance reduced to the alternative of starving or drowning; which carried them to . a more minute
examination of the rocks, when one of the sailors found a place which seemed to offer the bare possibility of ascent at the ha- zard of his neck, which, however, in their ' circumstances was no hazard at all. He mounted, and carried a rope with him, and fastened it to the top, by which the rest got Up after him. Thus being contrary to all hopes delivered, half naked and almost perish ed, they sought and found a hut, where they reposed themselves, and after procured a con- veyance to Lerwick. This, though a seem- ingly romantic relation, is in every circumstance striCtly true. We are told, that the several councils late- ly held,
were to read over the memorials of Prussia, Austria, and France, which have been presented by their respective ministers. And it is said, that Prussia desires assistance against Austria and France, in case of new troubles, which he is apprehensive of from their jealousy of his influence in Poland ; and that a strong memorial has also been presented to the States of Holland, requesting the same; and to have immediate answers to both. And OD the other hand it is said, Austria and France, in their memorials, complain heavily against Prussia and Russia, and insist on knowing what part England intends to take in the new troubles
that threaten Europe, In answer to which, we are informed, that they were given to understand, that Great Britain would nowise interfere in the affairs of Poland, as the Poles certainly had a right to chuse their own King ; end that if they had a mind to go to war, they might fight it out among themselves. Which answer if persevered in, it is thought, will preserve the peace of Europe ; for if we would pay ei- ther side, the Germans would soon find an e- nemy. We are informed, that proper officers will be appointed to inspeCt all the Irish provisions imported here, and to examine into their good- ness, that no stale and damaged
commodities may be imported. We hear a list of all such goods as are here after to be demed contraband in any of the colonies of North America, are now making out, and will be sent over by the next pack- et; according to which his Majesty's sea and land officers, collectors of the customs, & c. are to regulate their conduCt with regard to all future seizures. Yesterday the great match between his Royal Highness's Herod, and the Duke of Grafton's Antonius, on which it is said above loo, coo 1. were depending, was won by the former, after a very hard run heat. The odds were seven to four against Herod, but the knowing- ones
were never known to be so deeply taken in. We are informed that one of the judges in his Majesty's court of King's bench will shortly resign that high office. Last week was married at the Collegiate church in Manchester, John Peploe Birch, Esq; only son to the Rev. Samuel Peploe, LL. D. Chancellor of Chester, & c. to Miss Clowes, only daughter to William Clowes, Esq; of Huntsbunk near that town, a beautiful lady with a fortune of 50,000 1. On the 25th at high water the caissoon, for the fifth pier of Blackfriars bridge, was launch- ed, and conducted to its intended situation. It has 340 tons of stone aboard of it, part of the work
already set in its proper place. This caissoon, with new bottoms only for each pier, has already served for laying all the former foundations; and it is expeCted that it will serve the remainder of that part of the works. FRIDAY, November 2. No foreign mails this post. From the London papers, Oct 29. LONDON. THey write from Germany, that a treaty of agreement is on the carpet between the reigning Duke of Brunswick and the Bishop of Hildesheim, to make the small river Ocker, which unites with the Aller, in the duchy of Brunswick, navigable. Letters from Genoa of the 29th ult. bring advice, that the malecontcnts in the island of
Corsica had raised the siege of St Fiorenzo, which was carried on the side of the sea ; but had doubled their vigour in the attack on the land side. Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Vir- ginia, to his friend in Bristol, Sept. 4. " Melancholy and uneasiness are visible in most countenances, and happy is the man that can keep his effects together. Tobacco is low, and grain of all sorts much fallen ; from whence then is to come our relief? It can hap- pen, in my opinion, ouly from the striCtest frugality in our affairs, Hemp and flax are the two objeCts that are looked on, as if they would deliver us ; and so they may, in a great
measure, but something else is necessary. I am told the colony of Maryland has planted little tobacco this year, and I believe much less will be planted here another year. The aCts of parliament have made such impressions on the minds of the northward people, and the men of war so striCtly inforce them, that there is an entire stagnation of trade. Nothing do they talk of but their own manufactures. The downfall of England, and the rise of America, is sung by the common ballad- singers about the streets ; as if, in a little time, we should sup- ply ourselves with most of the necessaries we used to take from England." The King of
Denmark has received from the society of learned men, whom he sent into Arabia, 5oo volumes, extremely ancient, writ- ren in Arabic ; amongst them there are seve- ral Bibles, one of which was written above a thousand years ago. His Majesty has been pleased to constitute and appoint Maj.- Gen. Thomas Gage to be General and Commander in Chief of his Maje- sty's forces in North America, in the room of the Hon. Maj. Gen. Sir Jeffery Amherst, Knight of the Bath. — Gen. Gage has appoint- ed Gabriel Maturin, Esq, of the 35th regi- ment of foot, to be his secretary. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumber- land was so well
recovered, as to have appear- ed in his coach upon the course at Newmarket every day last week. His Highness lodged at the King's palace in that town, where the Generals Hodgson, Keppel, Fitzwilliams, and Admiral Saunders, and his surgeons Serjeant Ranby and Mr Andrews, accompanied him; and it is said his Highness arrived in town ye- sterday. The Hon. Edward Finch, Esq; brother to the Earl of Winchelsea, will, in a few days, have his Majesty' sign manual, to assume the name, and arms of Hatton, pursuant to the will of Lord Viscount Hatton, deceased. A petition is preparing by some gentlemen of this city, to be
presented next session of parliament, for restraining the number of ho- lidays now kept at the public offices ; which is deemed a clog on business of every kind. It is thought the proroguing the parliament will bring a great deal of money into the funds, especially as the ministry will not want any money this year ; consequently the monied people will be tired out : and the grand contest now is find to be, who shall hold out longest, the monied people or the ministry. The following, we are informed, were the promotions made on Wednesday last by their Lordships, his Majesty's Post Masters- General, viz. John Spicer, Esq, Deputy
Accountant, to be inspeCtor of the Cross Road Dead Let- ters ; and Mr John Haines to succeed Mr Spi- cer in the general dead letter office. Letters from Kinsale advise, that five ships were almost loaded there with fresh provisions for the port of London. Saturday last the East- India company enter- ed outwards sundry merchandise, to the value of upwards of 1oo, ooo I. On Friday evening, died, at his house in Leicester- fields, William Hogarth, Esq; a ce- lebrated painter. He ate his supper heartily, was very cheerful, and expressed no complaints of any kind. About an hour after, he fell back in his chair, and instantly expired.
EDINBURGH. Last week a poor boy was stopped by a high wayman on Hadley common ; the boy said he had but a halfpenny in his pocket, but that a young man his fellow- servant, was about a mile behind him, with some meat in a bag. and under the meat he might find what he wanted : the highwayman rode and stopped the young fellow; when after tumbling the meat out of the bag into the road, he found at the bottom two halters. The circuit- court of judiciary was opened at Ayr, on the 20th inst. by Lords Auchinleck and Alemoor, when came or, the trial Jean Campbell, indicted for child murder upon the statute of King
William and Queen Mary. She was banished to the plantations for four- teen years, withhout any trial, on giving in a petition.
286 T h e E D I N B U R G H A D V E R T I S E R for 1764. James Grant alias Gordon, late a foldier in the Scots Lowlanders, or the Queen's regi- ment, indidied for breaking into a workhoufe at Irvine, and cutting two webs out of the looms, was convifted of the crime, andfenten- ed to fourteen years bar. iftiment. John Maclaren weaver, who was cited as a witnefs, appearing from the evidence to have been deeply concerned with Grant, was imprifoned for trial. Alexander Thomfon, W. Wylie, and James Crawfurd, indifled for railing a tumult in Kil- marnock, at Mr Lrindfiy's fetilemerit as mini- ller there in July lad, were found guilty,
and Sentenced to be impafoned for a month, to be whipped through the itreets of Air, and then " to be difmiiTed upon finding caution to keep the peace, and a good behaviour for a twelve- m nth. Seven others, indicted for the fame crime, were acquitted. - Dr William Park of Langlands phyfidan in Kilmarnock, was indifled at the indance of Major Alexander Dunlop of Cullellan, for ba- ling, from premeditate malice, infidioufly at- tacked, beat, and bruifed the Major to the effu- iion of his blood. The judges afloilzied the pannel, found neither party intitled to damages or expenfes, and ordained both to find bail for keeping the peace and
their good behaviour to . each other for two years, under the penalty of j 00 1. Sterling. Jean M'Keachie, from the neighbourhood of Wigton", indiited for the murder of James M'Keachy, her own brother, with whom ( he lived in family, by cuuing his throat from ear to ear with a razor, was remanded back to j> iifon, the criminal letters againd her not ha- ving been executed in fuch time as her t; ial could proceed at this circuit. This ended the bufinefs of the circuit. Lail week one George Macpherfon, on his . return home from Aberdeen, was attacked Bear the Stocker- head, by three men and a woman, who robbed him of bank- notes
and money, to the aniopnt of upwaids of four pounds.. The woman ufed him very ill, On Tuefday night a new born child, very ipuch mar. gled, was found in a clofe near the Cafllehill, wrapped up in a linen cloth. . Wednefday morning, a young man, in draw- ing water from a well in the neighbourhood of this city, had the misfortune to fall in head- long. He was, however, by, timely . affidaace, got out alive, but fo much cut and bruifed that his life is thought tobe in g'eat danger. Thurfday fe'ennighr, at three o'clock after- noon, a fire broke out at Huckfteillon. r. ear . Aberdeen, by which l'eveial barns, a dwelling- hcufe, See. were
dedroyed. Sunday evening lad died of a fever at Dun dee, the Rev. Mr Alexander Ferrier, one of minifters of that town. • l'uefday morning died George Lockhart of Ciniwath, Efq; at Dryden, near Edinburgh. Premium'on London bills, at fight from l to ii; at 30 days date, from - 4 to 1 per cent. ; and about 80 days par. Dutch bills 21tt t0 22 per guilder, at the ufual ufance. The Edinburgh, Ritchie, from Borrsw- Hounnefs, and the Indudry, Deas, from Kirk- a! dy, arrived fafs in the Thames the 26th.— And the Aberdeen Merchant, for Aberdeen, and the Phoenix, for Invernefs, were cleared to fail on the 24th. Leith, Nov. 2. Arrived the
Expedition of Kinghorn, Smith, from Aberdeen, with oats and goods; the Swift of Crail, Skeen, from Dantzick, with wood and alhes. HIGH WATER at LEITH. Moon's age. Hays. Saturday 10 Monday 12 Tuefday 13 High water, h. m. h. m. ADVERTISEMENTS. THORNS for hedging, a great number, feveral years- uanfplanted from the feed- bed, to be fold at very low prices, by Ninian Slight Gardener in Nether- Stitchill, two miles northward from Kelfo, ^ T 7ANTED, on heritable fccurity, againft Vy Martinmas next, The fum of FOURTEEN THOU- SAND POUNDS STERLING, in different fums, For particulars, apply to Alex- ander
Cunhynghame one of the Clerks lo the Signer, Old Bank clofe, Edinburgh. TO be SOLD, by public voluntary roup, : within the Exchange coffeehoufe in E- I dinburgh, upon Wednefday the 16th of J a - j nuary, 1765, betwixt the hours of three and ; five in the afternoon, either in whole, or in different lots, The HOUSE, office- houfes, garden, and lands of COATS, confiding of about thirty acres, and divided by funk fences into four different fields, lying in the parifh of Weft- kirk, and fheriffdom of Edinburgh, a lit- tle to the weftward of the tollbar at Kirkbrae- head.— If the whole is not fold together, the lands will be divided into the
following lots, viz. FIRST LOT, The houfe, office- hcufes, and garden, all as formerly advertifed, with the grounds round the houfe, confiding of near ten acres. SECOND LOT, The noith field, con- fiding of near eight acres. THIRDLOT, The middle field, confiding of fix acrcs. FOURTH LOT, The eaft field, lying immediately on the wed of the houfe and gardens at Drutnfeugh, which belonged to the late Lord Ju'lice- Clerk, confiding of about fix acres. There is plenty of free- done in the whole grounds, eafily come at, and fine fituations in the different fields fj'r houfes. For particulars, apply to Robert Stewart Writer, at Mr
Cunnynghame's, Old Hank clofe, Edinburgh; who will fhew the articles and conditions of roup, and- the tiile- deeds of the lands. There are alfo To he SOLD, by public roup, a: Coats, upon Wednefday the 2id day of November curt, betwixt the hours of eleven and twelve forenoon, bet ween fourteen and fifteen thou- fand ( tones of old hay in three different Hacks. Any perfon inclining to purchafe the whole or any of the dacks before the day of roup, may apply to the gardener at Coats. Nov. 2. / Hcreas William Bra id wood, fenior, Candlemaker in Edinburgh, died on the firft October, it is hereby defired, that fuch perlons as were
indebted to him at the time of his deceafe, will be pleafed to pay in their refpetflive fums to Mrs Braidwood, his widow, at her houfe in the Cadlebill, ( he being impowered to receive payment of, and to difcharge the fame. It is expefted that his debtors will give as fpeedy compliance to the above a? pcffible, N. B. As Mrs Braidwood, the widow, is refolved to carry on the bufinefs of candlema- king, ( he hopes that fuch as we, e pleafed to employ her deceafed huftand in his lifetime, will continue their favours to his widow and children. Cuftomers will be ferved at the fame ( hop, and, it is hoped, with equal con- tent as formerly, the
fame hands being em- ployed in carrying on the bufinefs. To be SOLD, THE lands of EDNAMPLE, GLENO- GLE, and GLENBE1CH, lying in the parifhes of Comtie and Balquhidder, and coun- ty of Perth.— The lands are 300 1. Sterling of yearly free rent, after all deductions ; are ve- ry improveable, and full of lime done ; and there is a confiderable quantity of timber and old planting upon the grounds. The tenants pay cefs, mi nders dipends, and all other bur- dens. The lands hold partly of the crown, and partly of fubjeft- fuperiors, and entitle the proprietor to vote in an election of a member of parliament. The rental and progrefs
to be feen in the hands of John Piingle Writer to the Signet. TO be SOLD, by roup, at Eccles, in the county of Dumfries, on the 3d of De- cember next, at twelve o'clock, The whole GROWING WOODS upon the eflate of ECCLES, confiding of oak, alh, elm, and plane- tree, but modly of oak, all ready for cutting, and of confiderable ex- tent ; and only ten miles from a fea- port. The article's of roup will be feen in the hands of Mr John Williamfon at Clofeburn, or Mr Gesrge Maxwell Writer in Dumfries ; and the woods will be ( hown by George Lo- rimer at Penpuni. — Any peifon who inclines to conclude a private bargain, may apply
to Mr Williamfon any time betwixt and the roup. Stamp- office, Edinburgh, Oft. j. 1764. By order of the Covnuijfionert for managing _.,. bis Majcft, Wi..$ tamp- duties^., NO'. rbc- fe hejfeby* gfven > t'w all per- mits- ^ Ofe'Vc^' nce^ for'felling wine by retail-*£ xpirift " at Midfiffifmer lad, and conti-' nue to; fsH"\ vine, that; utilefs they forthwith renew the; fame, profecutions will be com- menced againft them for felling wine without licence. And all perfons applying for wihe- licences, who fell ale and ( pirituos liquors, are required to bring their ale and i'pirituous liquors'liccnces with them.
N o r . 2. The E D I N B U R G H A D V E R T By order of the trustees of the deceased Wil- liam Gerard of Stonehouse, to be SOLD, by public roup, within the Exchange coffeehouse, Edinburgh, up- on Wednesday the 19th day of December next, betwixt the hours of four and five after noon, The LANDS and ESTATE of STONEHOUSE, which belonged to the said deceafed William Gerard, lying within the parish of Bothkennar and county of Stirling.— The yearly free rent, after deduction of all public burdens, is 56 bolls meal, 43 bolls 1 firlot bear, 9 bolls 3 firlots beans, 53 hens, and L. 178 : i8|: 8 Scots of money.— This rent was
never raised by the late proprietor, who possessed near forty years.— The tenants, over and above their rents, pay the cess, and are obliged to lead as many coals as would serve a family if residing on the place, and to labour ' six acres of ground.— There is a dwelling- house and very good office- houses.— The te- nants houses are in good order, and almost new; and they are obliged to keep them in repair.— The lands lie pleasantly situated at the mouth of the water of Carron, within three miles of Falkirk and two of the Carron or Iron work. They hold of the crown, and are of valued rent, L. 222 Scots. The rental, which was
judicially taken, with the articles of toup and inventary of the progress, are to be seen in the hands of Tho- mas Ogilvie Writer in Edinburgh; to whom a- ny person inclining to make a private purchase may give in proposals in writing, to be laid be- fore the trustees, who have powers to conclude a private sale. To be LET at Whitsunday first, or any time betwixt and said term, The SHOP and WAREHOUSE, presently possessed by Mr James Baillie, in the middle of the Luckenbooths, Edinburgh, with the goods on hand : many articles of which are cheaper than they can be bought for in London at present, the prices there being
much advanced of late. Good encouragement shall be given as to the prices and time of pay- ment, upon proper security. Mean time, the sale of the goods, consisting of the following articles, goes on till the shop be sit Muslins of all sorts, Cambrics and lawns, Scots and German plain and flowered lawns, German long lawns, Bombazeen and Norwich crapes, Mancoes, temmies, & c. Black, blue, and white flannels, Mantua, half- mantua, and Persian silks, • N. B. Mr Baillie has erected several looms, at a considerahle expense, for the manufactu- ring of flowered stuffs, in imitation of the English called Mecklemburg stuffs, ( but
pre- ferable both in beauty and quality) ; and as they are the first of their kind attempted to be madE here, he expects encouragement, which may be an introduction to other articles of greater consequence. Ribbons and sewing silks, Tartans or plaids, Carpets and trance- cloths, Printed cottons, Trolley, lace, and edging, Men and womens stock- ings, Silk and linen handker- chiefs, Figured alamode silk and satins, for capuchins, Silver and gold watches. On the first of October was published, Most humbly dedicated to His Royal Highness GEORGE, Prince of WALES, Price One Shilling, Number IX. ( Embellished with an elegant
copper- plate, . designed and engraved by A. Walker), of THE TALES of the GENII, or, The delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar. Translated from a Persian manuscript, in the possession of Sir Charles Morell, formerly ambassador from the British settlements in India to the Great Mogul. Ad- orned with an elegant set of copper- plates designed and engraven by eminent hands ; the subjeCts being seleCted from the most romantic parts of the tales. CONDITIONS. I. That this work will make about fifty sheets ; and will be neatly printed in oCtavo, upon a good paper and neat letter. • II. That with every number will be given
a copper- plate, designed and engraved by A. Walker, and other eminent hands. III. That the whole shall be completed in twelve numbers, which will be published the first day of every month, without interruption, till the whole be finished, at one shilling each number. Printed for John Wilkie, at the Bible in St Paul's Church- yard ; and sold by all the booksellers and news- carriers in town and country. Of whom may be had the former numbers. Number I. which was for some time out of print, being now printed. Extract from the Critical Review, for July 1764. " We should upon reading them pronounce their original to be really
oriental, were it not that even the best of the eastern performances, in the marvellous strain, with which this a- bounds, seem calculated rather to amuse and entertain, than to instruct and reform. At least such is the censure due to the Arabian entertainments, and the Persian tales, which have been so favourably received in all the European languages. The work before us is replete with all the fire of eastern imagination ; but it has one property seldom to be met with, that the higher the author carries his extrava- gance, the more naturally the tale resolves itself into a moral tendency. After the reader is dis- solved in all the
inchantments of luxury that art and nature can produce ; after he is stunned with all the horrour that hell can form, or imagina- tion raise, and plunged into all the misery that devils can prepare, he finds himself landed on the coast of instruCtion, reformation, piety, and virtue; and he is pleased in reflecting, that all those wonderful phenomena have, in their proper spheres, contributed to his safe arrival." — The Reviewers then proceed to exhibit the manner in which the author inculcates his mo- ral doCtrine.— The adventures of Urad the fair wanderer is, perhaps, the best tale in this volume, and its moral is equally refined and
useful. — " To guard the soft female heart from the delusions of a faithless sex," said Iracagon, " is worthy of our race, and the sage Houadir has wisely blended chastity and prudence in her delightful instruCtions but se- I S E R for 1764. 287 male delicacy makes an unequal opposition to brutal cunning, unless the protection of the just one overshadow the footsteps of the virtuous maid ; wherefore Alla is the first chief supporter of the female sex, who will assuredly, when requested, confound the vain artifices of men, and exalt the prudent counsels of the modest fair."— They then thus finish their remarks. —" We can aid but
little to the character we have given of this work, but that it must afford pleasure to every reader who loves to see true philosophy and the praCtice of every moral and religious duty recommended by all the luxuriancy of eastern invention and description. The language is bold, figurative, and delicate, when the subjeCt requires it. Though the Ma- hometan is substituted, through the nature of the undertaking, for the Christian religion, yet the author has made so proper an use of . the eastern theology, that the moft delicate Christian reader can find no fault with his re- ligious sentiments and expression." LONDON, THE
DILIGENCE, ANDREW CASSELS Master, is now lying on the birth near the Broad Wynd in Leith harbour, taking in goods, and will sail on the 7th of November ; having excellent accommo- dation for passengers. The master to be spoke with in Forrest's coffeehouse in Edinburgh, or at his house in Leith, LONDON, THE good ship EDIN- BURGH, JOHn DICKSON ( for JOHN HAY) Master, is now lying at the birth near the New Key of Leith, taking in goods, and will clear the 3d of November 1764, and sail the 5th, wind and weather serving, The ship has extraordinary good accommo- dation for passengers, and good usage may
be depended upon. The Master may be spoke with, Wednes- days and Fridays forenoons, at the cross, or Forrest's cofFee house, Edinburgh; every morn- ing and evening on board the ship, or at his house near the foot of Queen- street, Leith. For Kingston and Savannah la Mer, Jamaica, THE ship GLASGOW, WILLIAM CUNING- HAM Master, will be ready to take on board goods the 1oth November, and expect- ed to be clear to sail by the I ft December. For freight or passage, ap- ply to Arthur Connel merchant in Glasgow, or Capt Cuningham at Port- Glasgow. N. B The Glasgow is a new vessel, has a large cabin, and four
state- rooms, with many other conveniencies, for the accommodation. of passengers.
Nov. 2. T h e E D I N B U R G H A D V E R T I S E R for 1764. 285 288 UPon Thursday the 27th of December next, there is to be exposed to public voluntary roup and sale, within the house of John Ewart vintner in Dumfries, the follow- ing subjects which belonged to the deceased Robert Corsane of Meikleknox, viz. The lands of WOLFGILL, ly- ing within a short mile of the town of Dum- fries, paying of yearly free rent 30 1. Sterling. Item, the four inclosures called the SEVEN ACRES, adjoining to the town of Dumfries. Item. two inclosures there, called HERVIES's PARK, lying within the borough- roods of the said burgh ; and
two barns and a yard in Loch- maben- gate of the said burgh. The particulars of the rental, articles of roup, progress of writs, and inventaries there- of to be seen in the hands of John Aitken, Writer in Dumfries, and John Syme Writer to the Signet, Hyndford's close, Edinburgh. On Monday the first of October, was publish- ed, price 5 s. sewed in boards, VOLUME SEVENTH of A General HISTORY of the WORLD, from the creation to the present time. Including all the empires, kingdoms, and states; their revolutions, forms of government, laws, religions, customs, and manners; the progress of their learning, arts, sciences, com merce, and trade ; together with their chro- rology, antiquities, public buildings, and cu- riosities of nature and art. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq; JOHN GRAY, Esq; And others eminent in that branch of litera- ture. This work will be comprised in twelve volumes large octavo, ( the greatest part of which are already printed), and one volume will be delivered the 1st of every month, at the price of Five Shillings, till the whole is completed. London: Printed for J. Newbery, R. Bald- win, S. Crowder, J. Coote, R. Withby, J. Wilkie, J. Wilson and J. Fell, W. Nicol, A. Cooke, B. Collins, and R. Raikes. n. b. Gentlemen may have this work
delivered monthly at their houses in town or country, by giving notice to any of the proprietors above mentioned, or to any of the booksellers in Scotland. The authors of the Critical Review for Ju- ly last, though in general they are far from be- ing favourable to modern publications, speak of the two first volumes of this history in the following terms. " Our regard for justice, say they, " does not permit our re- fusing to acknowledge this work to have great merit ; it is concise and comprehensive, the style is historical, the diction pure, and the facts of the narrative well supported.'' The same Reviewers in August last, say, " that, in their
opinion, the authors have done their work with great abilities and fidelity, & c." Yesterday being the first of November was pu~ blished, printed for Alexander Donaldson, and sold at his shops in London and Edin- burgh, now complete in two volumes, Price 12 1. bound, The UNIVERSAL ACCOUNTANT, AND COMPLETE MERCHANT. By WILLIAM GORDON, of the academy at Glasgow. N. B. Volume Second may be had separate to complete sets. The FIRST VOLUME Contains arithmetic in all its branches ; vulgar and decimal fractions. — Elements of algebra. — Computations in partnership. — Computations of customs,
bounties, < bc. — Stockjobbing, containing stocks, or transfer- able funds.— The method of raising the an nual supplies granted by parliament, and. the manner of subscribing and negotiating subscrip- tion- receipts.— The method of buying into, and selling out of the funds.— The causes of the rise and fall of the stocks, with some of the laws relating to stockjobbing.-— Factorage.— Policies of insurance, and decisions concerning them. — Damages to which insurers are liable. — Of averages. — Of premiums. — The docu- ments requisite to recover a loss. — Of reinsu- rances ; of insurance on lives; insurance on lotteries ;
insurance from fire.— Tables of fo- reign silver and gold coins. — Exchanges with Ireland ; with America, and the West Indies ; exchanges with Holland, the Austrian Nether- lands, and Hamburg ; exchanges with France, Spain, and Portugal; exchanges with Genoa. Leghorn, and Venice.— Arbitration of exchan- ges.— Two tables, shewing the conformity of weights and measures. — Interest, simple and compound. — Of purchasing freehold or real estates, with estates in reversion — Interest- tables, and their application.— Annuities on lives, with tables and explication. — Mensura- tion of surfaces and solids, < bc. < bc.
VOLUME SECOND begins with a disserta- tion on the business of the counting house, wherein the practice of the most judicious and experienced, in the most essential branches, and the most established maxims, are laid open to the young trader, in order that he may be se- cured from rushing precipitantly into schemes that may prove dangerous to an adventurous, but unexperienced youth. Like the first, this volume contains four parts. 1. BOOK- KEEPING in THEORY; where- in the method of journalizing, posting, and ba- lancing every kind of accounts, domestic and foreign, proper and company, both in gene- ra! and
particular books, is laid down, and in- culcated by rules adapted to every capacity ; together wish a description of all the subsidiary books. 2. BOOK- KEEPING in PRACTICE; wherein the rules in the preceding part are applied and exemplified, in several specimens of books, exhibiting a variety of branches, digested and connected as in real trade, and kept according to the most approved practice. Here the method of keeping accounts with re- gard to exchange, and company- concerns, is rendered easy and practical, being exemplified in general and particular books, wherein the most complicated tranfactions are introduced
and explained, so as to render the practice easy. To these longer specimens are added, five questions in company- accounts, three of which are balanced, the other two left to exercise the learner. The subsidiary books are also exemplified, in a form more agreeable to practice than any thing hitherto published. In both these parts, the author hath add- ed observations where- ever he thought they might be useful to the young and unexperien- ced. 3. The method of drawing, remitting, ne- gotiating, and recovering bills of exchange, promissory notes, inland bills, and all such conveyances of property among merchants ; with the
laws and customs concerning them, in England, Scotland, and all the trading king- doms and states in Europe. 4. A brief view of the British customs ; or, The British- merchant's book of rates; ex- hibiting the penalties and imposts to which he is subjected, and the privileges, bounties, and draw- backs to which he is entitled at impor- tation and exportation ; digested in a method so clear and intelligible, that the calculation of the duties on any quantity may be made by practice as easily as the price of goods by the piece; founded on adts of parliament relating thereto, to this present year. This work has been universally esteemed
by very good judges, and is adapted to all capa- cities : the young practitioner in business will find great benefit and advantage by consulting these volumes, and such as have been long in trade will also have the pleasure of finding ma- ny things of general use, which are not to be met with in any books of this kind. The author, by having frequent intercourse with gentlemen in business, has studied to adapt all his rules to the practice of merchants, as well for wholesale- dealers, as to answer retailers ; so that, from the favourable reception this work has met with from the public, he has the pleasure to see his labours have not
been in vain. Upon the whole, these two volumes toge- ther, will be found to contain everything ne- cessary to form the judicious merchant and ac- curate accountant. And, On Tuesday the 13th of November, will be- gin to be sold by auction, at the auction house below Balfour's coffeehouse, A VALUABLE COLLECTION of BOOKS, consisting of HISTORY, MA- THEMATICS, DIVINITY, SCOTS LAW, CLASSICS, and a good assortment of the best MODERN BOOKS. Catalogues will be delivered gratis, eight days before the auction begins, at the above- mentioned shop of Alexan- det Donaldson. EDINBURGH : Printed for
ALEXANDER DONALDSON ; and sold at the Printing- house in the Castlehill, where, and at A. Donaldson's Shops in London and Edinburgh, Subscriptions and Advertisements are taken in. This paper is regularly published, every Tuesday and Friday on which days no other newspaper is printed in Scotland. The price of a single paper ts 2i d. ; 4- 1. per annum when called for; 11. 2 s. if sent to any house in this city or suburbs; and i 1. 6 s. when transmitted by post to any town in Great Britain.