Pope's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Printer / Publisher: Cornelius Pope
Volume Number: II
Issue Number: 30
No Pages: 4
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Pope's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Date of Article: 06/05/1762
Printer / Publisher: Cornelius Pope
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: II
Issue Number: 30
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Printed and publish'd by CORNELIUS POPE, at his Office in. sTALL- sTREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. Occasioned by the Author's being asked if ever he was in Love. WHY shou'd Dorinda proudly a Ik to know If her sad Thyrfis ever lov'd or no ? ' Tis too tyrannic— too insulting Art— To torture, then to ask me if I smart. Consult thy Eyes, let them confess how few They ever saw, and did not conquer too ; Or are their Trophies how so num'rous grown, That I, your meaner Captive, am not know ? Whatever absent Slaves you do not know,
Whoe'er is present, think him surely so. That Question's vain, unworthy a Reply, Which doubts th Effect when such a Cause is by ; Thy charming Voice, in its harmonious Sounds, Answers itself— and while it asks, it wounds ; There does my Soul its strongest Fetters find, In thy immortal Self— the Beauties of thy Mind. [ 117] AND WEEKLY GAZETTE. { No. 30} Of the SECOND VOLUME. THURSDAY, MAY6, 1762. NO. 82 } Weeks since this Paper was first publish'd. CUPID's INGRATITUDE, a TALE. ANACREON, Ode III. Imitated. ' TWAS on a black tempestuous Night, On which the Stars refus'd their Light, Her brighter
Glories Cynthia veil'd, And Mortals Eyes in Sleep were seal'd ; When CUPID on a Frolic bent, To old AVARO'S Dwelling went; Where, wet and tir'd, his Godship late Arriv'd and thunder'd at the Gate. " Who's there ?" aloud AVARO cries : " A harmless Child"— the God replies— " Rife, gentle Sir; for Heav'n's Sake rise, " And save a Stripling, or he dies." With Pity touch'd, the good Man rose, Slipp'd on hie Breeches, Coat, and Hole ; To make a Light, stirs up the Fire, Then opes the Gate at his Desire : When, lo ! appeareth in his Sight A comely Youth, with Wings bedight; A Silver Bow in's Hand unstrung, And Quiver cross his
Shoulders hung. AVARO takes of him much Care, And drains the Wet from off his Hair ; The flowing Tresses combs, and brings A Cloth to dry his dropping Wings : His Hands betwixt his own he dries, And all his Godshtp's Wants supplies. CUPID refresh'd, now grew alert ; And talk'd, and look d more brisk and pert; More blithesome, merry, and more gay ; And thought it Time to shew his Play. " I fear ( says he) this was my String " Has slack'd, and spoilt its wonted Spring; " I'll try, however, " - strait he drew, Twang from the Bow an Arrow slew ; Aim'd with such Skill, the venom'd Dart Pierc'd poor AVARO to the Heart. Cu' archly
smil'd, and cry'd, with Joy, " Farewel kind Host,— adieu old Boy ; " I find my Bow does still retain " Its wonted Spring, in Spite of Rain ; " You, to your Cost, can prove it sound ; " I've given you a mortal Wound." THOUGHTS on FAITH. FAITH is so far from being above Reason and Knowledge, that it is below Ignorance, which it depends upon: For no Man can believe and not be ignorant; but he may be ignorant and not believe.— whensoever Reason and Demonstration appear, Faith and Ignorance vanish together. They that dispute Matters of Faith into nice Particulars, and curious Circumstances, do as unwisely as a
Geographer, that would undertake to draw a tree Map of Terra Incognita, by mere Imagination. For, though there is such a Part of the Earth, and that not without Mountains and Vallies, and Plains, and Rivers; yet to at- tempt the Description of these, and assign them Situations and Traits, without a View of the Place, is more than ridiculous. He that thinks to please God, by forcing his Understanding in Disquisitions of him, beyond the Limits which he has been pleased to prescribe, beside the Loss of his Labour, does but endeavour to intrude where he is denied Access, and prepos- terously attempts to serve God by disobeying
him. It is a dangerous Thing to be too inquisitive, and to search too narrowly into a true Religion : For 50,000 Bethshemities were destroyed, for looking into the Ark of the Covenant-, and ten Times as many have been ruined, for looking too curiously into thatBook, in which that Story is re- corded. Almost all the Miracles in the Jewish History, from their Deliverance from their first Slavery, by he Plagues of Egypt, to their second Captivity in Babylon, were performed by the Destruction, Ruin, and Calamity of Mankind.— But all those that our Saviour wrought to Confirm his Doc- trine, quite contrary, by raising the Dead to Life,
curing of desperate Diseases, making the B+ ind see, calling out of Devils, and feeding of hungry Multitudes, & c. but never doing Harm to any Thing ; all suitable to those excellent Lessons of Peace, Love, Charity, and Concord, to which the whole Purpose of all that he did or said per- petually tended.— Whosoever, therefore, endea- vours to drawRules, or Examples, for thePractice of Christianity, from the Jews, must of Necessity make a strange Confusion and adulterate Mixture of the Christian Religion, by depraving and al- loying it with that, which is so directly averse and contrary to its own Nature. And as this unna- tural
Mixture, of two different Religions, was the first Cause of Dissention among the Apostles themselves, and afterwards determined and < ill> esol- ved against, by them all: So there is no Doctrine of Rebellion, that was never vented among Christians, that was not revived, and railed, from this Kind of false and forced Construction. The Enmities of religious People would never rife to such a Height, were it not for their Mis- take, that God is better served with their Opinions than their Practice ; Opinions being vey incon- siderable, further than they have Influence upon Actions. All Reformations of Religion, seldom extend; farther than
the mete Opinions of Men. The Amendment of their Lives and Conventions, are equally unregarded by all Churches, how much soever they differ in doctrine and Discipline And though all the Reformation our preached to the World, was only Repentance and Amendment of Life, without taking any Notice at all of Men's Opinions and Judgements ; yet all the Christian Churches take the contrary Course, and believe Religion more concerned in one erro- neous Opinion, than all the most inhuman and impious Actions in the World. Charity is the chiefest of alt Christian Virtues, without which all the rest signify nothing: For Faith and
Hope can only bring us on the Way to the Confines of this World ; but Charity is not only our Convoy to Heaven, but engaged to stay with us there for ever.— And yet there is not any Sort of religious People in the World, that will not renounce and d disclaim this necessary Cause of Salvation for mere Trifles of the slighted Moment imaginable; nay, will not preposterously endea- vour to secure the eternal Happiness by destroying that, without which it is never to be obtained. From hence are all their Spiritual Quarrels deri- ved, and such Punctilios of Opinion, though more nice and peevish than those of Love and Ho- nour in
Romances, are yet maintained with such Animosity, as if Heaven was to be purchased no Way but that, which is the most certain and in- fallible, of all others, to lose it.. Friday's and Saturday's POSTS, [ No Foreign Mail.] London, April 29. THE following is said to be the true List of the Promotions to be made. some whereof have already kissed his Majesty's Hand, but not all ; Duke of Newcastle, Lord Pelham; Sir William Courtenay, Lord Oakhampton; **** Vernon, Lord Sudbury, Earl of Egmont, Lord Lovel; Lord Milton, Lord Milton ; Hussey Montague, Lord Montague, ( some say) Lord Bewdley ; **** Brudenell, Son of Lord Cardi
gan, Lord Brudenell ; Robert Lane, Esq. Lord Bingley ; Lady Corolina Fox Baroness Holland. The King has given Orders, that his Chap- lains in waiting do attend him and the Queen ( who now begins to understand the English La guage) every Evening, to perform Divine Ser- vice in their own private Apartments; and it is hoped, this pious, this very excellent Example, will be followed by the Nobility, and those who love to imitate the Great, or have a Regard to their own, or Family's present or future Hap- piness. It is said at present that the Parliament will be prorogued to Thursday the 15th of May. Her Royal Highness the
Princess Amelia has taken a House at Tunbridge Wells for the Sum- mer Season. The greatest Proof of Ordnance, both of Brass and Iron, was ordered to be made this Day ( by a Warrant from Lord Viscount Ligonier) that has been known for many Years pall. Some of the Royal Family, with diver of the Nobility, and General Officers, will be present at it. The Coinage of small Silver is begun in the Tower, to a very great Amount, among which are several Threepenny Pieces. Preparations are likewise making for the Co< ill> nage of a considerable Number of small Pieces of Gold. Col. Graham's Regiment of Highlanders inarched
for the West of Scotland, in order to embark for England. We hear a great many Gentlemen, are going Volunteers on the Expedition now fitting out under the Command of Sir Edward Hawke. The True Briton, Harrison, from Guadalupe, arrived at Dover, brings an Account, that the French Fleet from Brest, consisting of eleven Sail passed d by Guadalupe the 12th of March; that they sent a Boat into Martinico to know if it was in Possession of the English, but the Boat not re turning, they steered towards Jamaica ; that Ad miral Rodney gave Orders for the Fleet to slip their Cabels, which accordingly they did, and went in Pursuit of
them It it said Advice is received, that the seven Men of War, which about three Months since Suddenly departed from Portsmouth, are arrived off Jamaica, under the Command of Admiral Sir Piercy Brett, who has joined Commodore For- rest; so that there is now fifteen Sail of the Line off there, besides Frigates. These, with thole under the Admirals Rodney and Pococke, if he joins them, will make 40 Sail of the Line of Bat- tle- Ships, besides fifteen Frigates, and all within five- Days Sail of each other. Upon the Report that the Spaniards bad en- tered the Kingdom of Portugal, and conse- quently declared War, many People
who have had Orders for different Sorts of Goods, have stopped their Hands, not chusing to fend them at so critical a Juncture. Yesterday the Port of London was opened for the free Importation of foreign Oats; and Or- ders are sent to Holland, Dantzick, and other Places, to buy Oats; and it is expected the Price of Oats will soon be reduced. Letters from Gibralter of the 12th of March signify, that all was Tranquility there. Other Advices say, that the Ships at Toulon, which consisted of about ten Sail, were ready to put to Sea with the Tropps on board, to join the Spa- niards at Carthagena, and afterwards to proceed Cadiz, if
found practicable. There is Advice from Cadiz, that after a Coun- cil of War held at that Place, Orders were given for. fitting out twelve Fireships. Sir Piercy Brett is arrived at Jamaica with four Men of War, and is at the Head often Ships of the Line. The Russians have demanded a Passage for jo 40,000 Men through the Territories of Meck- enbureh Strelitz They are recruiting in Russia with as great Diligence as if they were still at War : A. great Number of Cossacks are still picked up. This Proceeding occasions much Speculation. By Advices from Holland we learn, that the late great Change in the System of the Affairs of
Europe, had much disconcerted some People there ; and that Matters were now com : . to such Crisis, that it was thought the States would be under a Necessity of loon departing from their Neutrality, by making an open Declaration either for France or England. They write from Vienna, that all the Officers are set out for the Armies, except Marshal Daun, who waits till the Troops be encamped. In the mean while Laudohn is instructed to employ his utmost Efforts to preserve Schweidnitz. Letters from, Hamburgh by the Durch Mails, tell us, that there is a Camp marked out near the Elbe, tor 40,000 Men, who it is sain are to join
the Allied Army. They write from Petersburgh, that the new Czar is determined to put his Navy on a respec- table Footing, and for that End to engage in his Service experinced British Seamen. From Raitsbon they write, that there are no Hopes of an Accommodation between the Em- press Queen and the King of Prussia. The last Letters from Paris advise, that on the 15th ult. died at Aix- la- Chapelle, M. D. Ligne, aged 110. He was married to his fourth Wife at the Age of 96, whom he wrote a Letter to but two Days before he died. Private Letters from Paris say, that they are very confident there, that the Spaniards will be seon
Masters of Portugal, and comfort themselves greatly in supposing, than such Conquest will be to fatal a Blow to our Commerce, and have such an Effect upon our public Funds, as will difen- able us from continuing the War, and compel us to offer such Terms of Peace as their Grand Monarque shall think reasonable. Letters from Cadiz, dated the first Instant say, that the Merchants there were fitting out several stout Privateers, four of which are to cruise. in Consort in the Well- Indies; but that they are in great Want of Men, the greatest Part of those they had collected having been pressed into his Ca- thol< ill> Majesty's Service
The Castle of Arensberg, which was taken on the 19th by the Hereditary Prince, lies near the Town of the fame Name, in the Dutchy of Triers and Circle of Westphalia, being strongly fortified, and having a Governor of its own. The Town is a neat pleasant Place on the River Roer, and formerly alio was under the Direction of its own Lords, by w< ill> in it was fold in 1738, to the Archbishop of Cologn, who often retorts thither for the Sake of hunting. It is the Capital of a County, which takes Title from it, and lies about 47 Miles N E. of Cologne. In the Night between the 3d and 4th Inst. the Stage Waggon between Cologn and
Francfort was robbed by a Gang of Banditti well arrned, of Money and Jewels to the Amount of 40,000 Florins; 10,000 of which the Elector of Triers was sending to his Troops in the Army of the Empire.
II8 On Monday last Mr. Hill who for many Years has been a Ship- builder in the Spanish Ser- vice, returned 10 his House at Deptford from Spain ; and it is said several other English Ship- carpenters have lest that Country, and are like- wise coming over. Letters from Madrid of the 3oth ult. say, that as the Court of Portugal listened to the Insinu- ations of Lord Tyrawley, his Catholick Majesty Would be obliged to order his Troops to enter the Portuguese Territories; and that they only waited for the Return of a Messenger, who they expected from Lisbon in four Days from the above Date, with his most Faithful Majesty's final An
swer for whom he will declare. Letters from France by the Way of Holland advise, that the Artificers at Brest are working at double Pay, in preparing a great Number of Boats on a new Construction, quite different from any plan yet invented ; they are to carry 300 Men each, and 12 Guns. They likewise add, that several more are preparing at Dunkirk, Rochfort, & c. and all on different Construc- pope's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. At THE ORIGINAL Yorkshire Boarding - School, At KIRBY- HILL, Three Mils from Richmond, Kept by Mr. JAMES STUBBS, Assisted by the Rev. Mr. HALE, and other tions. On Monday last Sir
Thomas Salisbury, Knight, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, made his Report of the four Pirates now under Sentence of Death in Newgate, for running away with the King George Privateer of Bristol, when his Ma- jesty was pleased to order Execution to be done upon the Bodies of Smith, who acted as Pirate Captain, and Main who assisted him, and nihu- manly cut Captain Read's Nose; which will, be one Day next Week at Execution Dock. We hear that an Application made for the Body of one of the Pirates to be hung in Chains near King- Road, Bristol, has been rejected, in order to lave unnecessary Expenses, and that
they will both be hung in Chains, as usual, near the River Thames. The Richard and Thomas, Capt. Stoddard, from New- York to Bristol, is taken by a French Privateer and carried into Bayonne. To the - PRINTER, & C. GIVE me Leave through your Paper to pro pose my Case, which I believe is a com- mon one, to the Consideration of your Physical Readers. A few Days ago I went to visit an Acquain- tance, where I accidentally fell into Company wite two or three Ladies. The Evening was spent at Quadrille ; but before I returned Home, I felt an ineffable Sensation, which is better con- ceived than described ; the Symptoms
gradually increased, and in the Words of a celebrated Translation of Sappho— My Bosom glow'd ; the subtile Flame Ran quick thro' all my - vital Frame From what Cause this Disorder arose, the Gen- tlemen of the Faculty can best determine : For my own Part, could I believe there is any Effi- cacy in Fascination, I should attribute it to the bewitching Glances of a lovely Enchantress, who sat opposite to me, and dealt about her Cards with' such irresistable Charms, as quite smote me to the Heart. Since this Accident happened, I have consulted, several Anthors in the Medicinal Way, such as Hippocrates, Galen, Dioseorides,
Rondeletius, Etmuller, Sanctorius, Hoffman, & c. & c. but have met with no Satisfaction. But considering the present great Improve- ments in the Medicinal Art, I do not despair of seeing an absolute Specific found out for it; Which if any of your Correspondents can dis- cover, the Invention, I am persuaded, will be as acceptable to the Public as that of the Pulvis Antilissus, or Quinquina; the Inventor will at least merit my particular Acknowledgments, and in the Language of Virgil— Eret mibi magnus Apollo. I am, Sir, your's, & c. ADONIS. proper Masters, YOUNG Gentlemen are genteely boarded, decently cloathed, carefully and
expeditiously educated in the several Branches of Literature, at Ten Pounds per Annum, from six to ten Years of Age. Enquire of Mr. BRETON, in Marchant's- Court, Bath ; or of Mr. RICHARD SMITH, Brewer, near Temple- Cross, Bristol. N. B. The Rev. Mr. HALE is nowin Bath :— He intends setting out on Sunday the 9th Inst. and will carefully conduct thithe such Boys as are then ready to go. co be sold, Wholesale or Retail, At WILLIAM E'VILL'S SHOP, Opposite the White- Lion, at the Golden- Knife and Fork, and Stocking- Legs, near Marchant's- Court, in the Market- Place, BATH, A Large and fresh Assortment of Stalbridg
Hose, which are noted to be the best wearing Hose that is made ; Cotton, Thread, and all other Kinds of Hosiery Goods, Likewise all Sorts of Cutlery Goods, both best and com mon; also various Kinds of Bath Toys, with the belt Bath Metal treble- gilt Thimbles, at 4. S. per Dozen. Gentlemen and Ladies Walking- Canes of all Sorts andSizes. Likewise all Sorts of Gold, Silver, and Pinchbeck WATCHES ; and he will be accountable for the Preformance of any Watch he fells, fromFour Guineas upwards, and will keep them in good Repair for 2s. 6d. per Year, for seven Years, or longer if required. All Sorts of Watches clan'd and
mended in the neatest and cheapest Manner, by a very good Workman.— All Sorts of Silver Goods and Wedding Rings. Most Money for Old Gold, Silver, and Lace ; or New in Exchange. Having laid in a large and fresh Assortmen of all the above- mentioned Articles, he is deter- mined to sell them 0n the most moderate Terms, order to promote a quick Sale. N. B. A very good Eight- Day Clock, with a very handsome solid Mahogany Cafe, to he sold at Prime- cost; ana several very good Second- hand Watches, to be sold very cheap Hot- Wells, BRISTOL. Contrary to many Assertions, that there is no Tavern Accommodations
at this Place This is to assure the Company, That pleasantRooms, a good Cook and Larder, with good Wines of all Sorts, And diligent Attendance, May be depended on during the SEAS ON, At LOGGON's Private BALL and TEA- ROOM. Also Breakfasts and Afternoon Teas, as usual. Spanish Dominions in the West- Indies SHIS Dap IS published, ( Dedicated to the Right Hon. ARTHUR ONSLOW, late Speaker of the Houje of Commons) Price 8s. in Beards, or 10s. Bound, In Two Volumes, Octavo, The Second Edition, corrected, To which is now prefixed, an Account of the SPANISHSETTLEMENTsinAmerica, With a General
Index to the Whole Work, TRAVELS of the JESUITS Into various Parts of the World. By Mr. L O C K M A N. Printed for T. PIETY, at the Rose and Crown inPater- noster- Row ; and sold by all the Booksellers of Great- Britain, Ireland, and New- England. To the PUBLIC. HIS Work is extracted from no less than 25 Volumes, which were published in France under the Title of " Lettres édifiantes & curieuses, ecrites desMissions etrangeres, par les Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus." To which the Au- thor has subjoined, several interesting Observa- rions from the Writers in Italian and Spanish, the Artifices of the Missionaires
the Customs Manners, Dress and policy of the Nations thro' which they travelled, are described with the greatest Minuteness, and nothing is omitted which could serve to give the Reader a perfect Idea of the Subject. The WOLF and CRANE, a FABLE. AWolf on Surreptitious Mutton, Laying about him like a Glutton, A Bone slipp'd down in luckless Season, And stuck across poor Isgrim's Wesen. The Savage made a hideous Clatter, And all around cry'd— What's the Matter? Quoth he, I've eat so plaguy fast, That much I fear I've eat my last ;— A dev'lish Bone— look here— has got And plac'd itself quite cross my Throat : Ah me
I I soon my Life must end, Unless some charitable Friend Will quickly his Assistance ler; For which I freely will be bo To- pay at Sight a Thousand Found Nay, I will give my Note of Hand To pay him all he shall demand. A Crane, who heard him thus importune, Thought this the Time to make his Fortune, And soon with rash but ardent Zeal Whipp'd down his Throat a Yard of Bill, Which, in the Twinkling of an Eye, A dang ' rous Cure did well apply. Thus Laving set his Patient free, He next demands his promis'd Fee. The Wolf reply'd,— Ungrateful Dog! Tdou greedy avaricious Rogue ! When you just now your Skill display'd, on
Pain and Peril of your Head, Think how your worthless Life I spar'd, Nor dare to hope for more Reward. Thus Benefits, when ill conferred, Prove, but too oft' their own Reward: Thus when we serve the Proud and vain, What we don't lose must pass far Gain. malignant Symptoms, has. occasion'd some Persons to endeavour to imitate the same, and publish Medicines pretending to some of the like Virtues. His Majesty, that I should reap the sole Advantage of my said ' Va- luable Invention, and that the Public should receive the Benefit of the same genuine, was most graciously leas'd on the 29th of November, 1755, to grant me
bis Royal Letters Patent, for England and the Planta- tions in America: And, on repeated Representations of the great and surprising Cures daily perform'd by my said Jesuits Drops, has been since also graciously pleased, that his Subjects in his Kingdoms of Scotland and Ire- land should also have the said Medicine genuine, and for preventing them from being imposed upon with spu rious Medicines, falsely pretending to the same Virtues, to the Prejudice of their Healths and Constitutions, as well as endangering their Lives, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent for those Kingdoms. My said Patent genuine Jesuits Drops have
no Mercurials in their Composition, and neither purge or vomit, but carry the Disorders clean off by Urine ( the Dose only i5 Drops in Wine, Water, or on Sugar) and is an excellent Remedy for Travellers, and Persons going to Sea, as to be taken so secret, that even a Bed- fellow cannot make Discovery, and at any Time, in any Season or Climate, ( keeping their full Virtues tin Years) without Alteration in Diet, and eradicates Root and Branch all the poisonous Symptoms of tbos'e loathsome Distempers, and absolutely answer all the Ends that can be expected by Salivation, and were never known to miss of curing after Salivation
bad fail'd. I am to be consulted gratis at my Warehouse, and' Persons of either Sex may, on personal Application, depend on the strictest Honour and Secresy, and re- ceiving a certain Cure, with a mild Medicine, with- out their Constitutions being torn to Pieces with rough Mercurials. And I give gratis, seal'd up with each Bottle, a printed Treatise on Gleets, Weaknesses, and the Venereal Disorder, by which Persons of both Sexes may cure themselves, with the greatest Secresy, and know if the Disorder be of a mild or malignant Na ture. Veritas prevaleat. R. WALKER, M. D. To be had at the Patentee's Warehouse, the Bible
and Crown, the upper End of Fleet- Lane, opposite the Sessions House Gate, Old bailey, London; of Mr Brown, in Christmas- Street, Bristol; os C. Pope, at his Office, in Stall- Street, Bath and of the Distri- butors of this Paper. vented; that will retain its Efficacy many Years in any Climate, and therefore the fittest Medicine that can be bought by Persons going Journies or Voyage, by Land or Sea. They are sold by the Doctor at his Patent Ware- house on Ludgate- hill, London, in Bottles of 2s. and 4s. each.— Allowance to Merchants, Sea- captains, Country- dealers, or others taking a Quantity. Sold also by Mr. Gibbons, Grocer,
in theMar- ket- place, Bath ; Mr. Gould, Chandler, in Wells; Mr. Coney, Bookseller, at Bridgewater; Mr. Norris, Printer, in Taunton ; E. Farley, Printer, in Small- Street, Bristol; Mr. Burrough, Booksel ' er, in the Devizes; Mr. Blackman, Bookseller, in Reading; Mr. Crouch, Bookseller, at Marlbo- rough ; and Mr. Wimpey, Bookseller, at New- bury ; and by the Men who carry this Paper. Sold also by the above Persons, Dr. R. Rock's Grand Asthmatic Elixir, for the Cure of Asthmas, Coughs, Consumptions, & c. Price is. the Bottle. His Chemical Liquor, fir curing the Itch, Pimples, & c. Price is. 6d. the Bottle. His Liniment also for curing
the Itch., is. the Box His Tincture for the Tooth- Ach and Ear- Ach, Price is. the Bottle. His Powder for cleaning the Teeth, is. the Box. Hits Cephalic Snuff, for the Cure of' Giddiness, Head Achs, and several Disorders of the Head and Breas Price 6 d. His Worm Lozenges, for curing Worm- Fevers, and destroying Worms in Young or Old, 12d. a Dozen. His excellent Corn- Salve, for the Cure of Hard or Soft Corns. His balsamic Viper- Drops, for the Cure of green Wounds, Burns, & c. being ' also a noble invigorating Restorative, in Bottles of 3s. or of is. 6d. Note. The Author is honour'd by his Majes ty's Parent for this Kingdom and
the plantations At the Printing- Office in Stall- Street may be had, Dr. James's Fever- Powder, At 2S.' 6d. each Paper. Greenough's Tinctures for the; Teeth. At is. each Bottle. And Daffy's Elixir, is. 3d. vol. This day is published ( Price Only SiX- PENCE.) With an elegant PRINT of the late RICHARD NASH, Esq. ( Master of the Ceremonies at BATH and TUNBRIDGE upwards of 50 Years) The NEW BATH GUIDE: OR, Useful Pocket - Companion : Necessary for all Persons residing at, or resorting to, this ancient and opulent City. CONTAINING, Concise Account of the Antiquity of the City; its Situation ; the Discovery of the
Mineral Waters, and their having Medicinal Vir- tues ; also the Reality and Eminence of King BLADUD, the first Founder of the Baths. II. The Cause of the Heat of these Waters the many Disorders they are of infinite Service in , the best Time of drinking them, and the Quantity generally taken. III. An Easy Cure, or a Prescription for an Invalid when at Bath : Likewise a Description of the City and Parts adjacent, giving an Account - of all the public Edifices, and other Building, down to the present Time. IV. The Baths describ'd; the Quantity of Water each contain:, and the Time taken in fil- ling ; with some Rules and Orders for the
better regulating of Bathing, & c V. Orders for the better Regulation of the Chairmen, according to the late Act of Parlia- ment ; a correct Table of Distances, from the most public Places of Resort to several Parts of the City, and the Prices to be taken for each Fare they carry : Also an exact Account of the Ar- rival and going out of the Post from Bath and Bristol, according to the late Alterations ; like- wise of the Bath Machines, Waggons, Carriers, Boats, & c. & c. VI. An exact Measurement of the principal Coach Roads from Bath, with the Distances from Place to Place; Directions for Travellers, & c. when to pass over at Aust or
New Passage, between England and Wales, and the Prices of passing for Passengers, Goods, Cattle, & c. VII. Prices of conveying a Letter from the General Post- Office, London, to any Part of Eng- land, Ireland, France, Spain, Holland, Flanders, Germany, & c. Also the Expence of sending a Letter or Packet by Express to most of the prin- cipal Towns in England. VIII. A Table of Expences, Income, or Wages, by the Day, Week, Month, or Year, from One Penny to i0I. per Day, how much per Week, Month, and Year. To which is added, A Sketch of the Life, Character, & c of the late RICHARD NASH, Esq. BATH: Printed and
Sold by C. POPE 1— Sold likewise by J. LEAKE, and W. FREDERICK, in Bath ; T. CADELL, E. WARD, and J. PALMER, in Bristol; and by the Newsmen. * The Bath and Bristol Guide, advertised in the Bath Journal, and call'd a New Edition, has been printed near four Years,— We men- tion this lest the Public shou'd mistake it for the above New Bath Guide, which contains ( besides the Print of Mr. NASH) eight Pages more than any Book of the Kind yet publish'd. On the First of May will be publish'd, ( Adorned with a Head of General Monckton, and a Map of Spain and Portugal) No. IV. ( to be continued Monthly) OF The
Universal MUSEUM, OR, POLITE MAGAZINE of History, Politics, and Literature, For APRIL, 1762. CONTAINING, amongst a great Variety of Pieces,— Of Politeness. Of the Fine Arts, continued. Fortunate Savoyard, concluded. Of Cosmetics, Lotions, Dews, & c. Of the Choice of Water for drinking. Disasters of Tantara- bobus, continued. Of Desire, Hope, and Enjoy- ment, from the French. The Oeconomy of Dress, by a Lady. The Author, Numb. IV. on Friendship. State of Affairs with Spain. On the Vulgar, an original Essay. Remarks on P. Ferdinand's Army. Copy of Dr. Ward's Will. The Town, Numb. IV. on the sudden
Progress of the Arts and Sciences. The Theatre, con- taining Remarks on the Performance of The Wonder — Messiah — Suspicious Husband— and King Lear. An authentic List of all the Works exhibited before the Society of Arts, Manufac- ; ures, & c. with the Names of the Artists. A. Saralogue- of all the Paintings, & c. exhibited by the Society of Sign Painters, with humourous Remarks. Poetry: Farmer's Return from Lon- don, a new Interlude, as it is perform'd at Dru- ry- Lane, & c. & c. News foreign and domestic. Lists of Stocks, Births, Marriages, Deaths, Bonks, Preferments, & c. LONDON : Printed for T. DURHAM, in the
Strand.-: And soldby'T. LOWNDS, in Fleet- street; V BRISTOW;, and J. WILKIE, in St. Paul's Church- Yard ; and by all the Booksellers and News- Carriers in Great- Britain and Ireland. DR. ROBERT WALKER'S Patent Genuine JESUITS DROPS, or ELIXIR of HEALTH and Lone; LIFE. IN Bot tics only of 2s. 6d. and 5s.) The great Success and Demand that is daily made for my never failing genuine JESUITS DROPS, which arc the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual and im mediate Cure ever discouer'd for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, tho. ever so obstinate, of euer so long Handing, and by whatever Means
occasion'd, and alsi for the Venereal Disease, from its slightest to its most THE True Original Jesuits Drops, and ROYAL PATENT ELECTUARY, made by R. ROCK, Licentiate in Medicine and Chemist, of 45 Years Practice, for the Cure of Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses in both Sexes, however contracted: Also for curing all Venereal Complaints, whether recent or of ling Standing, ( used according to a Book of full and plain Instructions given • with each Bottle) as Ulcers in any Part of the Body, par- ticularly the Mouth and Throat, fistulous- Ulcers in Ano, Fistulas, Venereal Eruptions in any Part, & c. Pains by Day or Night also
Scurvy, Rheumatism, Hysterick and Hypochondriac Disorders. The most pleasant, safe, effectual, and cheap Medicine ever in
II. ] Now SELLING, by JOHN KENDALL, At his CHINA SHOP, The Golden- Canister in PIEr POINT- STREET, near the South- Parade, BATH, All Sorts of useful and ornamental China, Both Foreign and English; Also fine Teas, Coffee, and Chocolate, Of the highest Flavour. He has just laid in a large Assortment of Bowls, Basons, Dishes, and Tureens ; Pint Ba- sons at is. Half- pint ditto 7d. Foreign Blue and White Plates at IIS. per Dozen ; Blue and White Tea- cups and Saucers at 3s. 6d. per Sett ; and compleat Setts of Teas from 48s. to higher Prices. All Softs of Cut and Plain Glass. The above Goads will be all warranted
perfectly sound. THOMAS HARDING, HAT- MAKER, At the Upper- End of the Market- Place, Bath, MAKES all Sorts of Gentlemens and Ladies HATS; likewise sells Gold and Silver Lace for Gentlemen and Ladies Hats, and all other Kinds of Gold and Silver Trimmings for Ladies Hats ; Lace for Servants Livery ditto.— Those who buy Hats of him may depend on their keeping out the Rain, and holding their Colour ' till the last. N. B. He has a large Quantity of very good Womens low- crown'd Beaver Hats; and those who buy a Quantity, may have them as cheap as in any Part of England. sunday's and monday's POSTS. Arriv'd
a MAIL from HOLLAND. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Russia PETERSBURHH, March 26. Yesterday the Chambellan Schuwalow was installed in the Office of Di- rector of the Corps de Cadets ; and upon that Occasion the Emperor, with a numorous Company of La- dies and Gentlemen, passed the whole Day at his Hotel. There is a Council appointed for Military Af- fairs, which meets twice a Week, and where his Imperial Majesty presides in Person : It is com- posed of the two Princes of Holstein, Field- Marshal Prince Tubetskoy, Gen. Villebois, and some other Officers. Poland. WARSAW, April 10. The King of Poland
continues still confined to his Chamber; but To- day his Majesty is a littls better. There is Advice from Petersburgh, that the Duke of Biron is released. Berman. HAMBURGH, April 23. We learn that the Prince of Wurtenberg was to leave Rostoek on the 20th Inst. with Part of the Corps of Troops under his Command, in order to join his Prus Can Majesty's Army in Silesia : The other Part is to march to Saxony to reinforce Prince Henry's Army ; so that there will remain at Rostock but Five Hundred Prussians to garrison the Place. The Army in Silesia, commanded by the King of Prussia, is in Motion ; and as it appears the Austrians
have a Design upon Breslaw, his Ma- jesty has ordered 3 or 4000 Peasants to repair the Intrenchments before that City. LIEGE, April 19. The Gendarmerie, quar- tered in this State, having solicited, at the End of last Campaign, the Permission to return to France, were so disgusted at being refused, that above. 500 private Men quitted the Service. This made it generally believed, that only four Squa drons would take the Field this Year ; butOrders being arrived to compleat that Corps, and the Of- ficers being much less difficult in Choice of Men than formerly, the whole Corps will be in a Con- dition to take theField about the
Beginning of June. Holland. HAGUE, April 23. Notwithstanding the Re- ports which have prevailed, that the Spanish Troops had actually javaded the Kingdom of Portugal 0n the 5th Inst. the Letters from Madrid of that Date make no Mention of it; but on the Contrary re- present the Spanish Army under M. de saria, as still quiet in its Cantonments ; and that the Por- tuguese Ambassador had hired a House at Aran- juez, in order to follow the Court, which is soon to remove to that Place. M. de Saa, Minister from his most Faithful Majesty to the Court of Turin, was arrived at Madrid, where he had been presented to his. Catholic
Majesty and the Royal Family, and received very graciously. April 27. The French Officers continue to join the Army : Marshal Soubise arrived at Cas- sel the 20th ; and the Prince of Conde lest Pa ris the 22d for the Lower Rhine ; and Marshal D'Etrees was to follow In a very few Days The Detachment of the French Troops, which had crossed the Rhine upon the March of the Hereditary Prince of Brenswick, finding they were too late to save the post of Arensberg, have retired back to their Quarters, POPE's Bath Chronicle London. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE , May 1, By Letters from Rear Admiral Rodney, dated the 24th of March
last, at Antigua; there is an Account that the Islands of St. Lucie and Grenada and ferren- dered to his Majesty's Arms. WHITEHALL, May I. The King has been pleased to order Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of his Majesty's Kingdom of Ire- land, containing a Grant unto the Right Honor- able John Viscount Ligonier, and his Heirs Mile, and in Default of such Issue, to Liutenant Colonel Edward Ligonier, of the Dignity of a Viscount, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Viscount Ligo- nier, of Colonmell in the said Kingdom of Ireland. Yesterday Philip Sharpe, Esq. was, by his Ma- jesty's Command, sworn one of the
Clerks of his Majesty's Most Hon. Privy- Council in Ordinary, upon the Resignation of Francis Vernon, Esq. created Lord Orwell, of the Kingdom of Ireland. Extract of a Letter from Major- General Monckton to the Earl of Egremont, dated at St. Peter's in the Island of Martinico, 18th of March, 1762. Re- ceived the 18th of April by Capt. wood. IHAD the Honour of writing to you the 27th of the last Month, and of transmitting to your Lordship a Copy of the Capitulation of this Island, by Captain Ricaut, one of my Aids- de- Camp, who sailed faom hence the first Inst. in His Majesty's Ship the Zephyr. I have now the Honour of
acquainting you of the Surrender of the Island of Grenada, with its De pendencies, on the 5th Instant, to the Ships of War and Troops, which the Admiral and I dent for its Reduction, under Commodore Swanton and Brigadier General Walsh. The same Terms of Capitulation were granted, as the Citadel of Fort Royal and this Island had. Inclosed is a Copy of Brigadier General Walsh's Letter. By the Account our Engineers give of the Si- tuation of the Fort in this Island, and the in- trenched Hills above it, the Enemy might have defended it a long Time, although their whole Force consisted chiefly in Inhabitants and Free- booters :
There were but a very small Number of Soldiers. As the Island of Grenada is now reduced, I have ordered Brigadier Walsh from the Grenades, leaving the 95th Regiment there, to take Pos- session of St. Vincents; and I am sending a De- tachment from hence to take Possession " of St. Lucia, where there is a Fort, but none at St. Vincents. I have now, my Lord, to acquaint you, that on the 8th Instant a French Fleet appeared to Windward of this Island off Trinity, and the same Evening sent a Boat to the Shore, with an Officer in it, to get Intelligence. They did not land, but spoke to a Frenchman, and some Ne- groes, that were at
Work in a Field. They laid to, and stood to Windward, until about One of Clock on the 1oth, when they stood before the Wind and came almost within Cannon shot of Trinity , mlomuch, that Major Gordon Graham, who commanded there with the second Battalion of Royal Highlanders, thought they were going to land; but they changed their Course, and stood for the Island of Dominique. The Admiral, im- mediately on receiving the Account of the Ene- my's Fleet being to Windward, got under Sail, and went in Search of the Enemy ; but was not lucky enough to meet with them. This, my Lord, will be delivered to you by Capt.
Wood of the 98th Regiment, whom I had appointed as an additional Aid- de- Camp on be- ing joined at Barbaoes by the Troops from Belle- ile. 1 shou'd not do him the Justice due to his Merit, did i not acquaint your Lordship that he is very deserving of his Majesty's Favour. Copy of a Letter from Brigadier General Walsh to Major General Monckton. SIR, Island of Grenade, March 6. IHAVE the Pleasure to congratulate you on the entire Reduction of this Island, together with the Grenadillas and then Dependencies, to the Obedience of his Majesty. I arrived here the 3d Instant, with the Troops under my Command; and according
to your Or ders, and in Conjunction with Commodore Swan ton, I sent Lieutenant - Colonel Scott the same Day on Shore, ta summons the Governor, with the Troops and Inhabitants, to surrender, and ac- cept the favourable Terms you were pleased to offer them. They had been summoned by Com modore Swanton to submit, before my Arrival, but they declined it; however, upon being made sensible of your Clemency, and the Risque they ran if they continued obstinate, the Inhabitants thought proper to take the Benefit of the Capitu- lation, and accordingly signed it, the Night be - fore last. They abandoned a very strong and
advantageou Post commanding the Fort, which the Governor with the Regulars and Flibustiers, had determined to defend. I landed Yesterday at Day- break, with the Grenadiers, Light Infantry, and 27th Regiment, and got Possession of a favourable Post. The Governor, finding himself abandoned by the Inhabitants, and the Communication with the Country and every Supply cut off. submitted without firing a Gun ; so that this valuable Con- quest has not cost us a single Man. A Return of theArtillery, which I am told are near a hundred, with Ammunition and warlike Stores, together with the Number of Troops and Inhabitants 0n
this Island and Grenadillas, shall be sent to you. as soon as it is in my Power to ob- tain them. I am, Sir, your most obedient and faithful servant, HUNT. WALSH. [ Thus far the Gazette.] and Weekly Gazette. London man I. The Sardoine Man of. War, Capt. Blake, is arrived at Portsmouth Express from Antigua and brings Advice that Admiral Rodney was. gone from Antigua, with ten Ships of the Line, down to Jamaica, and has lest Sir James Douglas behind with four or five Ships of' the Line, and some Frigates, ' till he returns. The Honourable George Boseawen is going to Ireland as second in Command, Capt. Denis, of his
Majesty's Ship Bellona, is appointed ro the Command of a Squadron of Men of War at Basque Road. The English, Danish, and Swedish Ministers, had their first public Audiences of the new Czar, on Thursday the 25th of March, in the Eve- ning they assisted at a Concert, at which the Czar himself played a Piece on the Violin ; after which they had the Honour of supping with his Impe- rial Majesty. The Austrian Minister still refuses to pay the first Visit to the Duke of Holstein, and is selling off his Equipages, which gives Room to think he will soon be recalled. The French Minister continues to insist on the same Punctilio. The King
of Prussia's Chamberlain arrived lately at Petersburgh with the Order of the Black Eagle, which the Czar received under repeated Discharges of Cannon. They write from Hanover, that since the Ces- sation of Arms between Sweden and Prussia, if has been resolved to reinforce the Allied Army with 5 or 6000 Prussians. The French still say that they shall open the Campaign with the Siege of Munster. They write from Paris, that the Marquis de Vadreuil, late Governor General of Canada, has been sent to the Bastile; and that the Bishop d'Autun, First Almoner to the King, has been ordered to leave the Court. Private Letters from
Paris say, that they are very confident there, that the Spaniards will be soon Masters of Portugal, and comfort themselves greatly in supposing, that such Conquest will be so fatal'a Blow to our Commerce, and have such an Effect upon our public Funds, as will disable us from continuing the War, and compel us to offer such Terms of Peace as their Grand Monarch shall think reasonable. By the last Letters from Portugal there is Ad- vices that the Cavalry of that Kingdom is to be augmented by 24, additionalCompanies, each con- sisting of 42 Men. The Whole of their Land Forces will then amount to between 34and 35,000. The
Navy of Portugal consists at present of 8 Ships of the Line fit for Sea, two of 74 Guns and two of 64. One of these Ships is fitted out in a superb Manner, it is supposed, for the Re- ception of some of the Royal Family. The Ground on which the House of the late Duke of Aveiro was situated in Portugal, was sown with Salt the 18th ult. by the Common Ex- ecutioner. By Letters from Brandeburgh we learn, that the Russians are to remain encamped near Lentzen, on the Banks of the Elbe. They write from Hamburgh of the 16th, that their Magistrates had received an Express from Copenhagen ; and that it was soon after reported,
that a Treaty of Alliance and Commerce was con- cluded between the Courts of Copenhagen, Lon- don, and Berlin ; in Consequence of which the greatest Part of Aringberg and Dorsfield were to join Prince Ferdinand's Army. By a Dutch Mail, which arrived Friday Af- ternoon, we have the following Advices : Some Letters from Altena say, that a Camp is marking out for 40,000 Russians near Lentzen, a small Frontier Town in Brandenburg towards the Elbe, which occasions much Speculation. They write from Vienna, that the Departure of Count Daun for the Austrian Army in Silesia, which he is to command this Campaign, was
fixed for the 24th Instant. The last Letters from Paris advise, that the People clamour loudly against the Ministry, since they have learnt that the Number of regular Troops in Martinico when it was besieged did not exceed a thousand. Letters from Paris say, that since the 17th of last Month, it has been resolved, that the Body of 7000 Men destined for Spain, shall be immedi- ately augmented to 13,000 ; and that this Rein- forcement is ordered in Consequence of the Bri- tish Court's Resolution to, send 14,000 Men to Portugal. They write from Hanover, that the Scarcity and high Price of Grain there increases daily. They write from
Hildesheim, that Prince Fer- dinand of Brunswick proposed to set out the 24th ult. for Hanover, and it was not known when he would return. The last Letters from Paris advise, that the . People clamour loudly against the People, since they have learnt that the Number of regular Troops in Martinico when it was besieged did not exceed a Thousand. The Right Hon. the Marquis of Gsanby, who has been dangerously ill for some Time past, is now in a fair Way of Recovery. We hear from good Authority, that the French Prisoners yet remaining in England, amount to 26,000; a Number that may be thought alarm- ing in Case of an
Invasion. An associated Body of Merchants, in Hopes of better Success than Mr. Hanway had in his Tra- vel through Russia to Persia, are now preparing Woollen Cloths, Cutlery, and other useful Ar- ticles, the Produce of Great- Britain, to be car- ried to Persia, by the. Way of Bassora, in Asiatic Turkey, which is about 20o English Miles from Ispahan, where, notwithstanding the late Dis- tractions, of State, great Quantities of Silk, Gums, Spices, and other valuable Commodities, are to II9 be had, besides. Jewels, which the late Nadir Shall brought along with him, to a very considerable Amount, from Dehli. Letters, from South
Carolina of the 6th of March, advise, that the Indians continue to observe most: strictly all Engagements and Promises they en- tered into; they add, that their Governor had pressemted the ' Churches of St. ' Michael and St. Phillip with Very rich Sets of Church Plate. The present Disorder, which at this Time so alarms all Ranks of People in this Metropolis, is thought to be owing to a noxious Quality in the Air; and when not carefully attended to at the very Beginning, has, in a great Number of Instances, proved fatal in the Space of 48 Hours. We are informed that several Horses have also lately been seized with it, and died. On
Friday last a Man, of Benson in Oxford- shire, observing two Crows sitting 0n a Tree before his Mother's House, told her he was afraid it foreboded n0 Good, and was therefore re- solved to shoot them with a Pistol ; but instead of which shot his Mother thro' the Neck, just under the Chin, of which Wound she instantly died. He was leaned, and the next Day committed to Oxford Castle. He was intitled to a Jointure of 351. par Annum on Mother's Death. On Wednesday last there was so great a Storm of Thunder, Lightning, and Hail, at Endfield that the Inhabitants could not stir out of their Houses. MARRIAGES. William Butter,
Esq. late of Oriel College, Oxford, to Miss Thomas Daughter of the Bishop of Winchester. Charles Flood, Esq. eldst Son of the Lord Chief justiceFlood, to Lady Frances Beresford, Daughter to the Earl of Tyrone. Prowse, Esq. Son of Thomas Prowse, Esq. Knight of the Shire for Some set, to Miss Sharpe, of Mincing- Lane. DEATHS. At Camberwell, Mrs. Ann Dudleyt Sister to Sir Pinsenz, Bart.— Sir Roger L Esirange, Bart, of Beccles, in Suffolk.— At weston, in Buch, the Right Hon. the Earl of Bradsord- Christopber Robertson, Esq. Deputy Sclicitor of the Post Office.— Lady Charlotte Johnson.— Lady Lake.—— A Peasant lately
in Poland, in the 157 th year of his Age, whose Father died at 150. He was in his 30th Year when he married his first Wise, with whom he lived 5 8 Years, and had by her six Children. He married again within a Year aster her Death, and by this second Wife bad seven Children. She died, after liv- ing with him 55 Years. Sine: her Death he has hived 14 Years a Widower. During the whole Course of his long Life he had never been ill, and inthecoldest Seasons was always very lightly clothed, till within 12 Years of his Death, he constantly worked as a Day Labourer, and his Appetite failed him only eight Days before he died A short
Illness then put an End to his Life. BANKRUPTS. Benjamin, other wise Gabriel Ben- jamin Maisonneuve, late of Craven street, Strand, Jeweller.— William Boden, of Sheen's- court, Bosing- hall street, Ware housoman. Benjamin Mitchell, of London, Merchant.— William Stringer, ofEltbantin Kent, Butcher.— Abel Oram, of Sheepshead, in Lei- cestershire, Hosier. Henry Solomons the Elder, of London, Merchant.— Henry Johnson, late of Lemon- street, near White chapel, Cornsactor.— Robert Plumer, late of Reading, in Berks, Pawnbroker. In Felix Farley's Bristol Journal of Saturday last, is the following Song and Paragraph,
which, if genuine, shews that the late Rising in Ireland was nothing less than an actual Rebellion, and that the Parties concerned deserve the severest Punishment al- lotted to Rebels, and the more especially so, as being against the best of Princes. The following is a true Copy of a SONG found in the Pocket of one of the WHITE Boys, who was taken by Matthew Parker, Esq. near Youg- hall; who, we hear, arrived in this City on Thurs- day last. He came Passenger in one of the Ves- sels arrived from Ireland, and is since set out Ex- press for London. COME chea r up, my Boys, for your Glory is Away with all Doubts, and away
with all Fear ; To Freedom we call you, a ST T shall reign, Usurpation shall vanish, expected from Spain: Right Royal is our Prince, Right Royal are our Men: For the Cause we are ready, Steady, Boys, steady, Well fight ' till we die, or restort him again. No longer we'll wait for Assistance from France, Nor again shall she lead him a wandering Dance ; For Spain, on whole Word we may surely depend, Has the Pow'r and the Will his Rights to befriend. Right, & c. The Offspring of Brunswick, or Strelitz, poor Lords, Shall never usurp or command our brave Swords; For the Throne shall again be adon'd by a King, Of whose mighty
Ancestors the Druids shall sing: Right, & c. Come chear up my Lads, for the Time it drawn near, When this Land of Guelphs and true Blues shall be clear; When Prince C s, a King, my Boys, toasted shall be, And our Bondage revers'd into grand Liberty. Right, & c. No blue- liver'd Guelph, or Crumwellian Black Boor, In Grandeur shall ride, or Splendor, no more; Of their Titles we'll strip them and enslave them Boys, Their Sorrow's will enliven, and heighten our JOyS. Right, & c
120 POPE's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ VOL. II. ] To be Sold, A HOUSE in Garrat- Street, Near Bradley's- Buildings, Horse- Street, Bath. For Particulars, enquire of EDWARD BOL- WELL, near the said House. SALISBURY, May 5, 1762. At the Request of many Gentlemen of the Coun- ties of Wilts, Dorset, Hants, and Berks, fre quently residing at BATH, and desirous of seeing the SALISBURY JOURNAL: Notice is hereby given, That the said Journal, ( which contains the earliest and most authentic Intelligence) will be published in the said City of BATH on Monday next, the roth of this Inst. May, by C. POPE, at the
Printing- Office in Stall- Street, ( to be con- tinu'd regularly every Thursday Morning early) and punctually delivered to such Gentlemen and others as please to give Orders for it to the said C. POPE, or Mr. FREDERICK, Book- seller. Advertisements for this Journnal— which circulates weekly over the Counties of WILTS, DORSET, HANTS, BERKS, Part of SOMERSET and GLOUCESTER, and throughout the Isles of WIGHT, JERSEY, and GUERNSEY, ( where no other Journal goes) are taken in by the said Mr. FREDERICK, Bookseller, and C. POPE, Printer. Never acted here but Once. For the Benefit of Mrs LEE. MONDAY
Evening, May 19, will be a Concert of Music.— Tickets to be bad of Mrs. Lee, at Mr. Thomas's, Grocer, in the Market- Place; and at the Theatre, where Places for the Boxes may be taken. Between the Parts of the Concert will be presented, Gratis, a Comedy, call'd CO be SOLD to the Best Bidders, In SEPARATE LOTS, ON Wednesday the 12th of May Iust. at the Angel Inn in West- Gate- Street, Bath, between the Hours of Eleven and One. Four Stone - built Messuages or Tenements, Situate in AVON- STREET, With the Gardens thereo belonging, lying be- hind the same.— The Premises were lately built, are well tenanted,
and of the yearly Value of 44.1. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Charles Rogers, Attorney, in Church- Court, Lombard- Street, London, ( who hath the Plan of the said Premises) or of Michael Hemings, Carpenter, in Avon- Street, Bath. To which will be added, a Farce, call'd POLLY HONEYCOMBE. LOST, on Saturday the First of May, From Mr. BEECH'S, at the Angel- Inn, over the Bridge, BATH, A SILVER HALF- PINT, Mark'd TBE Whoever will bring it to the Angel afore- said, shall receive Ten Shillings Reward.— If offer'd to be pawn'd o sold, please to stop it. This is to acquaint the Public, THAT there is now selling off,
ei- ther Wholesale or Retail, at Mr. Bond's, facing the Play- Honse, Bath; a very large Assort- ment of 7- 8ths and Yard- wide Irish CLOTH, from rod. hf. to 6s. 6d. per Yard; flower'd and plain Lawns, from 18d. to 4s. 6d. Gauzes from rod. to 2s. 6d. Kenting and Silk Hankerchiefs; good Ell- wide home- made Sheeting. The above Goods will be sold Ten per Cent. under Value, as the Owner has an immediate Call to leave the Kingdom.— The Sale will continue but one Week, if possible to sell all in that Time. mina, Carolina, his Danish Majesty's second Daughter, who is now in the 15th Year of her Age, made a publick Profession of
the Principles of her Religion, in the Royal Chapel at Friedens- bourg, with great Approbation; and was there solemnly confirmed, in the Presence of the Court, and many Persons of Distinction, both Clergy and Laity. The King of Denmark has been pleased to con- fer the Order of Danbrogg upon M. Schimmel- man, Super- Intendant General of Trade, and his Danish Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to the Cir- cle of Lower Saxony. LIEGE, April 24. Last Night, about Eleven o' Clock, the Prince of Conde, accompanied by the Marquis of Monteynard, Lieut. Gen. arrived here: He a! ighted at the French Commandant's, where he staid
' till Three in the Morning, and then con- tinued his Journey to Cologne. His Highness came from Valencienne the 23d, and met several Couriers on the Road, that informed him of the Allied Army's being in Motion, which determined him to make all possible Haste; and he's expected to reach Dusseldorff To- night. The 21st our Cardinal Bishop's Baggage parted from Passy for this City, and his High- ness is expected at Seraign the 5th of May, as he intends setting out the 3d from Paris. MAESTRICHT, April 24. The Council of State having resolved to repair the Breach made in the Wall of this City, by the blowing up of the
Magazine of Powder, and to make some Al- teration for the better in Rebuilding it, made an Agreement last Week, with some Workmen here for 22,060 Florins. By the Plan formed, the Town will be rendered considerably stronger, that having been one of the weakest Places of this Fortification. Almost every Day this Week, a great many Boats, loaded with Flour coming from Liege, have passed through our Bridge going to Urmond, where it is to be lan- ded, and conveyed in Carts to Juliers, for the Use of the French Army on the Lower Rhine. JULIERS, April 24. At Eleven this Morning the Prince of Conde arrived here in his Way
to Dusseldorff, coming from Paris. His Highness was saluted by the Cannon of this Fortress : The Garrison were under Arms ; and all the Honours were paid to him, by our Commandant, that are due to his Birth and Character. DUSSELDORFF, April 25. The late Movements of the Hereditaty Prince of Brunswick, having greatly alarmed the French Army, Four hundred Men per Battalion, and an Hundred per Squa- dron, of the Army on the Lower Rhine, were ordered to march the 18th; they cantooned the 19th at Rattingen; the 20th at Langenburge, and the 22d they moved to Hardenburge to make Room for M, d'Apchon, who
had assembled about Ten thousand Men at Hattingen ; but on the Hereditary Prince's retiring, the French Troops came back to Rattengen the 24th, and To day they return to their respective Quarters. The Prince of Conde, who set out from Paris the 23d, arrived here last Night in good Health, and was received with all the Honours that are paid to a Prince of the Blood, entrusted with the Command of an Army. COLOGNE, April 26. Yesterday in the After- noon the Nine Battalions, that marched hence the 18th, returned to their Quagters after a very fatiguing March. The Appearence of our Troops saved the Dutchy of Berg from
being laid under Contribution. The Enemy had taken the Castle of Arensberg before they could come up, and raised a Number of Recruits in the Dutchy There is a great Assortment of fine Yard wide Irish Cloth, on which the lowest Price will be fixed at one Word, and no Abatement. of Westphalia, and in the County de la Mark; but on seeing such a Body of Troops assembled, the Hereditary Prince thought fit to cross the Roer. London. WHITEHALL, May 4. The Riots and Dis- turbances lately raised in the Southern Parts of Ireland, by a Set of People call'd Levellers, are entirely put a Stop to, by the Vigilance and Acti- vity of the
Earl of Halifax. It appears, that the Authors of those Disturbances have consisted, in- discriminately, of Persons of different Persuasions, and that noMarks of Dissaffection to hisMajesty's Person or Government, have been discovered upon this Occasion in any Class of People. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, May 3. HisMajesty's Ships the AEolus and Brilliant are arrived at Ply- mouth from a Cruize, having brought in the Mignion Privateer, of eight Guns and 63 Men. They also retook a Dogger from Carolina, bound to Poole, which had been taken by the said Privateer. There is besides, in this Day's Gazette, a Translation of a Memorial
of the Spanish Am- bassador, and of the Minister Plenipotentiary of France, to his most Faithful Majesty's wherein the Spanish and French Courts desire the King of Portugal to declare himself united with their Ca- tholic and most Christian Majesties in the present War against the English, to break off all Cor- respondence and Commerce with that Power, as the common Enemy of all the three, and even of all Maritime Nations ; to send away from his Ports, and to shut them against, all their Men of War and Merchant Ships; and to join to the Forces of France and Spain those which the most High has put in his Hands, in order to
make them equal to those of the Enemy.— The Mi- nisters of the two Courts added to this Memorial, That they were ordered to demand a categorical Answer in four Days, and that every Delay be yond that, would be considered as a Negative. His most Faithful Majesty, in his Answer to this Memorial, says, That loving his Subjects as a Father, and being obliged to attend to their Preservation as King, it is easy to see that he wou Id be wanting both to one and the other, if he shou'd oblige them to endure the Calamities of an Offensive War, which they are not in a Condition to support, after the Misfortunes which have happened
in Portugal by the long Sickness of the late King, by the Earthquake in the Year 1755, and by the horrible Conspiracy of 1758. That having embraced a Neutrality, he had taken every Precaution necessary for the common Ad- vantage of the Powers at War, without Distine- tion of any. That he he cou'd not enter into the League proposed to him, nor act contrary to the firm Neutrality which he considers as a necessary Principle of his System. This Answer produced another Memorial from the Spanish and French Courts ; wherein they repeat what they had before set forth, and inst on the Demand therein contained ; they declare
That, without further Representations, or his Consent, the Spanish Troops, already 0n the Frontiers, will enter Portugal, for the single Ob- ject of advancing, ' till they shall obtain, that the Ports of Portugal be not at the Disposal of the Enemy ; having, at the same Time, the most precise Orders, not to commit, without Reason, the least Hostility against the Subjects of the most Faithful King ; but are to pay them in Ready- Money, for whatever they shall furnish to them, as if the one and the other belonged to the same Master. It remains for his most Faithful Majesty to chute, either to receive these Troops, as Allies, or to refuse
them Entrance, or Subsistance, and to oppose them as Enemies : For then the Two Al lies Will take all possible Precautions, 011 the Suspicions, already too much founded, that the Court of Lisbon, by Intelligence, for some Time past with that of London, will march out to meet them, with English Forces, in Order to hinder their just Designs, and to make them contrary to the Sentiments of their Heart. In Answer to this Memorial, his most Faith- ful Majesty says, That he ( notwithstanding a De- claration so surprizing and unexpected) persts in the Sentiments which he has always at Heart, of complying with the Wishes of their
Catholic and most Christian Majesties, nevertheless he cannot perluade himself that it is in his Power to break the Defensive Treaties which he has with Great- Britain, without that Court's having given him Motives so strong, and of such immediate Interest to Portugal, as to oblige him to undertake a War and to make the People, whom his Majesty onght to preserve, endure the Calamities of this Scourge. That in the unexpected Case of the Spanish Troops entering Portugal, ( under any Pretence whatever) not only without his Majesty's Permission, but contrary to his express Declara- tion, made in the Memorial of the 20th of
March, and repeated by the present, making a declared and offensive War against him by this violent and unexpected Invasion: In such a Case, his most Faithful Majesty, no longer able ( without offeud- ing the Laws of God, of Nature, and of Nations, and without universal Censure) to avoid doing his utmost for his own Defence, has commanded his Forces to hold themselves in Readiness, and to join with those of his Allies, in Support of his Neutrality, which is the only and Single Object for which they shall be employed. His Most, Faithful Majesty declares finally, that it will affect him less ( though reduced to the last Extremity, (
of which the supreme Judge is the Sole Arbiter) to let the last Tile of his Palace sail, and to see his Faithful Subjects spill the last Drop of their Blood, than to sacrifice, together with the Honour of his Crown, all that Portugal holds most dear, and to submit, by such extraor- dinary Means, to become an unheard- of Example to all pacifick Powers, who will no longer be able to enjoy the Benefit of Neutrality, whenever a War shall be kindled between other Powers with which the Former are connected by Defensive Treaties. Palace of Alcantara, the 5th of April, [ Thus far the Gazette. J London, Man 4. We hear that our Marine Forces
on the Coast of Portugal will be augmented to twelve Ships, which, joined to theirs, will make a formidable - Fleet. The King of Prussia has an Army of 97,000 Men, in Silesia. The Doge of Venice lay at the Point of Death the 16th of March. We hear that Prince Ferdinand has begun the Operations of the campaign, that all the Officers are ordered to their respective Posts; and that the Hereditary Price has also put his Troops in Motion, and was to march in a few Days. It is reported that Admiral Hawke is going to Lisbon ; but there are others who say, he will go to Cadiz, and shew the Spaniards that though they have thought that
Place impregnable, a British Fleet with such a Commander will soon convince them of their Error. It is said by some that the three Admirals with the Fleet at present assembled at Spithead, will sail upon an Expedition in a few Days; but others again are of a more probable Opinion, which is, that the Admirals Hawke and Geary will sail with a great Part of the Shipping now there, and leave Admiral Holbourn for the Defence of that Port, and to collect others together, as fast as possible. There will be several Camps formed this Sum- mer; perticularly on Barham Downs, near Do- ver; at Bromton, near Chatham; at Riply in Surry ;
and upon Salisbury Plains; each of which will consist of several Regiments of Regular and Militia Forces. Letters from Rees of the 23d ult. say, that the French were in Motion from all Sides, for the Bishopric of Munster where they were sending a large Quantity of Provisions. These Letters add, that, when the Post was coming away, great Firing was heard towards Coesfield. It is the Opinion of the Faculty, that had the late unwholesome Quality of the Air continued a few Days longer, it would, in all Probability, have been productive of as great a Mortality as the Plague. DEATH. William Bentinck, Duke of Portland, Marquis of
Titchfield, & c. after a few Hours Illness. Bristol, Man 5. Arrived at the HoT- WELLS. Lord Seymour, Lord Grey, Sir Harry Manwereing, Rev. Mr Brewton, Rev. Mr Lamb, Rev, Mr Jenner, Rev. Mr Lowther, Rev. Mr Tivining, Capt. Carr, Capt: Douglass; Mr Phillips and Family, Mr Lock, Mr Ross, Mr Reveley, Mr Solomons, Mr Summer skill, Mr Cooper, Mr Cockman, Mr Dampier, Mr Fitch, Mr Foster, Mr Jophson, Mr Killingball, Mr Wake- field, Mr and Mrs Greene, Mr and MissPocklington, Mr and Mrs Burrows, Mrs. Morerouso, Mrs Pank, Mrs Sheppard, Mrs Mucker, Mrs Talbot, Mrs Wil- liams, Mrs Wiltsbire, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Fitzgerald,
Mrs Hores, Miss Coleman, Miss Gyles, Miss Johns, Miss Kennedy, Miss M'Daniel, Miss Opeil, Miss Price, & c. c. Came in since our last, The Prince of Orange, Maddox, and the King of Prussia Gardner from Cork. Arriv'd, At Jamaica the Providence, Leisman; at Africa, the Quebeck, Brown, and the Royal Briton, Timberman ; at Dartmouth, the Duke of York, Car- penter, from South Carolina. Monday a Journeyman Tyler walking upon the Cornice at the Top of a House in Castle- Green, one Corner of it gave Way, and be fell into the Street. He was taken up speechless, and died on Thursday. Bath, Man 6. Arriv'd here, Duke of
Bedford, Countess of Bute, Lord and Lady Beauclerk, Sir James Low- ther and Lady, Lady Jane Stuart, Sir Bennet Garret and Lady, Sir William Worsley, Serjeant Poole, Rev. Dr. Charlton, Mr and Mrs Cattle, Mr and Mrs Hamilton, Mr and Mrs Kinvan, Mr and Mrs Greenwood, Mr and Mrs Vaughan, Mr and Mrs Pierce, Mr and Mrs Eames, Mr and Mrs Forbes, Mr and Mrs Myr, Mr and Mrs Fowles, Mr and Mrs Beresford, Mr and Mrs Langton, Mr Andrews, Mr Tuite, Mr Pitman, Mr Gosling, Mr Fenton, Mr Reade, Mr Wells, Mr Middleton, Mr Catlin, Mr Bagot, MrBran- son, Mrs Preston, Mrs Jaudring, Mrs Sparks, Mis Archer, Mrs
Howard, Miss Sparkes, Miss Judring, Miss Hitch, Miss Hamilton, & c.& c. Lord Percival intends offering himself a Candi- date for the Borbugh of Bridgewater, in this County, in the Room of Lord Egmont his Fa- ther, whose Seat is vacated on his being created an English Peer. At Ruddlemore in Wilts, on Sunday the 25th ult. died, the youngest Brother, aged 77, of the ancient Family of the Powells, whose Ages put together, viz. four Brothers and a Sister, made 427 Years. Friday died Mr. Jeremiah Dimsdall, who for many Years kept the New- Inn in King's- Mead- Square. Last Friday as Benjamin Leigh, Bristol and Warminster
Carrier, was drawing the Charge of a Gun, the Piece went off and killed him on the Spot. On Thursday a Fire broke out in the Stable of Thomas Pyke, Farmer, at Pewsey, near Marl- borough, which consumed his Dwelling- House, out Houses, two large Wheat- Ricks, seven Horses, and the greatest Part of his Utensils in Husbandry. A new Way to pay old Debts. JAMES GIBBS SURGEON and APOTHECARY, In St. Margaret's- Street, BRADEORD, Wilts HAS justopen'd a Shop in the Dwel ling- House, last occupied by the late Dr. CLARKE deceas'd, where Physicians Prescriptions will be faithfully dispended, and the Favours
of his Friends gratefully accepted. Great Variety of Druggs, Chymical and Galencial Medicines, of the best Kind, to be sold on the most reasonable Terms. Curious Collection of Pictures From the best Masters, To be Sold by Auction at Mr. BERRY'S Great Room inKing's- Mead- Street, onSaturday next the 8th of this Instant May. COOPER I A Bunch of Grapes CRADOCK 2 A Pheasaut VAN DYCK 3 A Boy's Head WINNIX 4 A Partridge DITTO 5 A Hare VAN DYCK 6 A young Man's Head REMBRANDT 7 An old Man's Head DITTO 8 Old Woman ANGELO 9 A Fruit Piece LOD. CARACCI 10 An old Head VAN DYC K 11 Prince
Rupert RUBENS 12 Boys, small Life GURCINO 13 The Virgin Mary teaching Christ to read CORREGGIO 14 Sigismunda RUBENS 15 Boys large as Life PITONI 16 Sacrifice of Polixanes V AN D YCK 17 Two Sons of Charles the st RAPHAEL 18 Transfiguration of Christ The same to be view'd on Friday, May 7, and until the Time of Sale, which will begin on Saturday at Twelve o'Clock. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. Arriv'd the Mails from HOLLAND and FLANDERS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. PETERSBURGH, April 6. THE Duke de Biron appeared on Sun- day last in the Drawing- Room, with the Blue Ribband of
Russia, with which the Emperor had been pleased to invest him in his private Apart- ment just before. The old Duke was accom- panied by the two Princes his Sons, and his Im- perial Majesty shewed great Distinction to the whole Family, particularly to the Duke. Veldt Marechal Munich arrived here the 4th Inst. in perfect Health from the Place of hisExile. Count Bruhl's two Sons arrived here on Mon- day last, with a very numerous Train. They bring the King of Poland's Compliments of Con- gratulation to the Emperor. COPENHAGEN, April 20. Last Sunday her Royal Highness the Princess the Princess Wilhel