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Pope's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


Printer / Publisher: Cornelius Pope 
Volume Number: II    Issue Number: 25
No Pages: 4
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Pope's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
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Pope's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Date of Article: 01/04/1762
Printer / Publisher: Cornelius Pope 
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: II    Issue Number: 25
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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[ NUMB. 25. ] [ VOL. II. ] AND WEEKLY GAZETTE. Printed and publish'd by CORNELIUS POPE, at his Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1762. Reflections on the Vanity of human Pursuits. AMore proper Emblem cannot be found to convey a just Idea of the Vanity of human Pursuits, than a Child building Card- Houses. How often are the Efforts of the Ambitious, the Researches of the Learned, and the Toils of the Covetous and Self- interested, baffled by an unex- peted Turn of Fortune, just as the Child's Card Pile of Building is liable to be subverted by a Stir or a Puff of Breath. This Truth is confirmed by the Example of all past Ages ; and many recent Events shew that Fortune is equally capricious, and human Great- Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. From the London Gazette, March 23. London. WHITEHALL, March 23. HE King has been pleased to present Charles Weston, M. A. to the Rec- tory of Therfield, in Hertfordshire, void by the Translation of Philip, late Bishop of Bristol, to the See of Norwich. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, March 23. His Ma- jesty's Ship the Adventure, commanded by Cap- ness equally precarious in the present Age Whan Alexander, whose Fame had no other Limits but those of the then known World, wept that he had no other left to conquer, must he nor, in the Eyes of a Philosopher, appear as little as the Child building a Card- House ? The greatest and most expensive Monuments of Grandeur which the World ever produced, the Pyramids of Egypt, those stupendous Build- ings which Travellers from every Quarter of the World crowd to see, may justly be considered as equal Proofs of the Vanity of all sublunary Things, since they were destined only to receive the Bodies of the deceased Egyptian Monarchs. It is fustly observed by Juvenal, that Death fully shews the Vanity of all human Greatness, as Alexander, who thought the whole World too little for him, was, upon entering Babylon, ea- sily contained in a Coffin. When we reflect upon the ambitious Views of a Charles the XIIth of Sweden, and consider in what Manner they were checked, must we not acknowledge the Vanity of Ambition, and the Instability of human Affairs ? So extraordinary a Change in the Fortune of the Swedish Mo- narch, cannot but convince us, that the vision- ary Projects he had formed, no more deserved the Name of great or noble, than the Child's At- tempt to heap all the Cards upon each other. The Fall of Dionysius was not more remarka- ble ; though, from tyrannizing over the Sici- lians, who trembled at his very Name, he was at last reduced to teach School at Corinth. Such, indeed, is the Vanity of all human En- terprizes, that there does not seem to be any Thing singular in the Temper of Democritus, who could never walk the Streets without laughing at the Hurry and Bustle of those that with equal Rapidity ran to and fro, some to undo and some to be undone. Democritus was indeed upon this Account looked upon as a Madman ; but when the People of Athens, prepossessed with that Opi- nion, sent Hippocrates to him, the learned Phy- sician declared, that the Man whom they had re- presented to him as out of his Senses, had proved to a Demonstration that they were all Madmen themselves. Certain it is that every wise Man will make it his Endeavour to laugh at the Vices and Follies of Mankind ; since he that considers them in a serious Point of View, must unavoidably indulge more uneasy Passions. In fine, every human Pursuit may be considered as building Castles in the Air, or Houses of Cards ; for, as the Poet justly observes, concerning the Life of Man, Both from the Coffin to the Cradle, " Tis all a With and all a Ladle. The LOVER'S LEGACY. UNHAPPY STREPHON, dead and cold, His Heart was from his Bosom rent, Embalm'd, and in a Box of Gold, To his beloved KITTY sent. Some Ladies might, perhaps, have fainted, But KITTY smil'd upon the- Bauble ; A Pin- Cushion, says she, I wanted : Go— put it on my Dressing- Table. tain Charles Middleton, on the 18th Instant, took, the Sequier, a French Privateer Snow, of 12 Carriage Guns, 10 Swivels, and 99 Men : She is a new Vessel, sailed from Dunkirk last Monday se'nnight on her first Cruize, and had not taken any Thing. Copy of a Letter from Capt. Harrisin, of his Ma- jesty's Ship the Venus, to Mr. Clevland, dated at Plymouth, March 19, 1762. " I arrived in Plymouth Sound this Day, ha- ving on the 6th Inst. at Day- light fallen in with an English Ship, who had a Signal of Distress out, Name unknown, without a living Creature on board. She was laden with Provisions, Bales, & c. and believe was under Convoy of the Alarm, but blowing very hard could not send on board. She had nine Feet Water in the Hold ; but, on ordering her Pumps to be tried, I found we gained on her fast, and by Noon she was quite clear. " I sent a petty Officer and a proper Number of Men on board her, and a few Days after strict Search, found her Leak and stope it. At One the same Day, I discovered a Sail, who I soon found to be an Enemy, and after four Hours Chace I came up with her, when she struck : Proved to be the Amabile Marea from Bourdeaux, bound to St. Domingo, who sailed from thence the 28th of February, in Company with seven other Ships, all bound to the West- Indies. " In the Evening of the same Day I disco- vered another English Ship with a Signal of Dis- tress hoisted, found her also abandoned. She had eight Feet Water in her Hold, which I soon cleared, and found she made very little after. She was laden with the same Cargo as the other, and believe bound to Jamaica has been a fine Ship of 30 Guns. I wish there may not be some Trick in the intended Loss of these Ships, or at lead the latter, as she did not seem well found for a West- India Voyage. " On the 17th was chased by a Brig, who I soon found to be a Privateer, as she lay to look at me, about four Miles Distance, and after a Chace of 26 Hours, in which I run 60 Leagues, her Main- Top- Mast going over the Side, I came up with her. She proved to he the Amabile Jo- sepha, a Spanish Privateer belonging to St. Se- bastian, of 14 Guns and 103 Men, being the first Privateer that has been out of Spain : She sailed from the Groyne the 12th Instant." An Acconnt of all the French Brass and iron Guns, Mortars, Shot, Shells, Powder, Ord- nance, Stores, and Habiliaments of War, ta- ken at the different Polls, Batteries, and fortified Redoubts, by his Majesty's Troops, from the Time of their Landing at St. Ann's Bay the 1oth of January, to the Surrender of the Garrison and Citadel of Fort Royal, the 5th of Feb. 1763, with the Places where taken. At St. Ann's Bay : Iron Ordnance mounted, 5 Eighteen Pounders, unserviceable. On Grand Aunce Bay : Iron Ordnance, three Eighteen Pounders, unserviceable ; Round Shot, 210 Serviceable. On three Batteries near Case de Navierre : Iron Ordnance, 1 Eighteen Pounder, Serviceable ; 1 ditto, 4 Sixteen ditto, unserviceable. At Five Batteries on Morne Tortensen : Iron Ordnance, 1 Twelve Pounder, serviceable ; 1 dit- to, unserviceable ; 1 Eight ditto, 4. four ditto, serviceable ; 7 four ditto, unserviceable. Brass Mortals, 2 seven Inches, serviceable. ------- Round Shot, 25 Four Pounders, serviceable. Musquets of different Sorts, 155 serviceable ; 27 unserviceable. Bayonets, 32 unserviceable. Pow- der Barrels, 41 serviceable. Musquet Flints, 1800 serviceable. On or near the Morne Garnier : Iron Ord- nance, 6 Twenty- six Pounders, serviceable ; 1 ditto unserviceable ; 2 Twelve Pounders, service- able ; 4 Four Pounders, unserviceable. Brass Ordnance, two Six Pounders, serviceable. Brass Mortars 13, 2 serviceable. Shells empty 13, 162 serviceable. Musquet Balls, 38 Cwt. serviceable. Musquet Flints, 3ooCwt. serviceable. Powder Barrels, 76 serviceable. Match, 1 Cwt. ser- viceable. Musquet Cartridges, 28,000 servicea- ble. Fuzees fixed, 120 Thirteen Inch, servicea- ble. Shot for Six Pounders, Round fixed, 97 serviceible, Ditto ------------------- Grape fixed, 24 serviceable. On the River Monsieur, 8 Redoubts : Iron Ordnance, 2 Eighteen Pounders, 4 Sixteen ditto, 2 Twelve ditto, 2 Six ditto ; 17 three ditto, un- serviceable. Round Shot, 50 Eighteen Poun- ders, 365 Sixteen ditto, 5o Twelve ditto, 20 Six ditto, 468 Three ditto, serviceable. Musquet Ball, 6 Cwt. and a half, serviceable. Ditto Cartridges, 14,000 serviceable. Powder, 5 Bar- reserviceable. In Fort Royal : Iron Ordnarce, 13 thirty- six Pounders, serviceable ; 1 ditto, unserviceable : 30 twenty- four Pounders, serviceable ; 4 ditto, unserviceable ; 24 eighteen Pounders, servicea- ble : 12 ditto unserviceable ; 21 One- pounders and a half, serviceable. Brass Ordnance, 1 Eight- pounder, serviceable. lion Mortars, 2 thirteen Inches, serviceable ; 1 two ditto, unser- viceable ; I seven ditto, serviceable. Brass Mor- tars, 1 five and a half ditto, serviceable. Pow- der, including fill'd Cartridges for Cannon, 677 Barrels serviceable. Round Shot, 350 forty- two Pounders, 1600 thirty- six ditto, 2000 twenty- six ditto, 2476 twenty- four ditto, 15oo eighteen ditto, 550 nine ditto, 2620 three ditto unserviceable. Shells, 575 thirteen Inches, serviceable ; 22 ditto unserviceable ; 22 ten ditto serviceable. 4020 Grenades, serviceable; 300 ditto unserviceable. Shells fixed, 35 thirteen Inches, 23 nine ditto, serviceable. Musquet Ball, 18 Tons, serviceable. Musquets of different Sorts, 1760, unserviceable. Axes unhelved, 150 serviceable. Carcases fixed, 50 thirteen Inches, 53 seven ditto, serviceable. THOMAS ORD, Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. WILLIAM SALTONSTALL, Commissary of Artillery. Rear Admiral Rodney, in his Letter to the Se- cretary of the Admiralty, acquaints their Lord- ships, that they have taken in * Martinico four- teen of the Enemy's best Privateers, and that many more, which are in the other Ports of the Island, will be immediately delivered into his Hands. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arriv'd a MAIL from FLANDERS. Denmark. COPENHAGEN, Feb. 19. In the Course of last Year twenty- three Women were delivered of Twins ; five brought three Children at a Time ; one Child was born without a Tongue, with six Fingers and a Thumb on the Left Hand, seven on the Right Hand, and seven Toes on each Foot, besides the great Toe. France. PARIS, March 15. It is reported that the Plan of the next Campaign is quite altered ; that our Troops are going to abandon Hesse, to deliver up to the Austrians Gottingen, Cassel, and some other Places, in order to go to the Lower Rhine ; from whence the Operations arc to be Carried on, according to the Circumstances of Affairs, against Munster, Lipstadt, Paderborn, & c. which the Marshal d'Estrees and de Soubise are to benege. Twelve Thousand Men are marching from Flan- ders towards the Lower Rhine. TOULON, Feb. 27. The following is a List of the Ships fitting out in this Port.----- The Pro- tecteur, of 74 Guns, M. de Bompart, Commo- dore ; Couronne, and Altier, 74 ; Fantasque, Lion , Content, Triton, and St. Francis de Pause, 64 ; Sagittaue, and Hippopotame, 50 ; Chimere, 26 ; and Gracieuse, 24.— We have besides those Ships, the Virgin of the Rosary, and the Notre- Dame de Sante, both of 64, and the Fier of 50 Guns ; but the Court has not ordered them t0 be equipped ; probably because they are not to go out upon the same Expedition. M. Beaussier de Chateauverd is going to Cadiz, to get the Floris- sant careened and armed : ' Tis the same Ship that M. de Morville left there some Time ago, on his Return from the Indies, in such a Condition as did not admit of his keeping the Sea longer. MARTINICO is situate in 61 Degrees W. Lon. and between 14 and 15 Degrees N. Lat. 120 m. N. W. of Barbadoes ; being 60 Miles long, but scarce 20 broad in any Place. The Inland Part is mountainous, from whence fall numerous Rivulers into the Sea ; and there are several and commodious Harbours on the Coast, so well fortified, that the English were not able to reduce any of them, when they made a Descent at the Island in the late Wars. The Island produces Sugar, Cotton, Ginger, Indigo, Cacao, Aloes, Pi- mento, Cocos, Plantains and other tropical Fruits ; and as it is much larger and better peopled than Barba- does, it is new the Chief of all the French Caribbee Islands, and the Seat of their Governor- General. SALMON'S GAZETTEER. Country Intelligence. GLOUCESTER, March 22. We have received the following Account of a Wedding at North- leach in this County : young Girl about 2o Years of Age having sworn a Child upon an old Man of 60, a Warrant was granted for ap- prehending him, and he was taken into Custody ; when it was put to his Choice whether he would go to Gaol or marry the Girl. The poor Fellow, after a long Deliberation, determined on the lat- ter, and so to Church they went, escorted by the Parish Officers and a numerous Company of At- tendants. The Man went through the several Parts of the Ceremony with tolerable Resignation, and the Girl performed her Part with Propriety enough ' till she came to these Words, Wilt thou have this Man to be thy wedded Husband ? To which she answered, No ! And on being asked a second Time, replied, I won't ! and immediately took to her Heels, and ran out of the Church, to the great Joy of the Bridegroom, and the En- tertainment of the Spectators, EXON, March 19. This Day the Assizes ended at the Castle for the County of Devon, when the following Persons received Sentence of Death viz. Robert Haynes, for the Murder of a Lad Kingsbridge, whose Name is unknown, Pierce Mitchell, for the Murder of Vincant Beven, Pri- soner of War at the Sugar- House Prison near Topsham ; and also William Goddard and John Sackemore, for an Highway Robbery.--- They were removed from Winchester by Habeas Corpus. Last Saturday arrived at Falmouth, the Duke Packet Boat, Edwards, with the Mail from the West- Indies. She sailed from Jamaica the 2d of February, when all Things were quiet ; and the Inhabitants had just received an Account of the Rupture between England and Spain. [ Price TWO- PENCE HALFPENNY.] *** ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, if short ; longer Ones in Proportion.------- The BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE is circulated in London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater, Wells, Shepton- Mallet, Bruton, Frome, Gloucester, Cirencestcr, Tetbury, Malmsbury, Wotter- under- edge, Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Hereford, Worcester, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford, Abingdon, Hungerford, Newbury Reading, Salisbury, Heitsbury, Warmninster, Westbury, Lavington, Bradford, Trowbridge, Melksham, Devizes, Corsham, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, Shastbury. Pool, Weymouth, Sherborne, & c. & c. at the Post- Offices of most of which Places, Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise by the New men. NO letters received, unless POST- PAID. At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had all Sorts of PATENT MEDICINES, & c. [ 97 ] 9 3 POPE'S Bath Chronicle and. Weekly Gazette. LonDon, March 25. Yesterday his Majesty went to the House of peers, with, the usual State, attended in the State Coach by the Duke of Rutland, Master of the Horse, and the Lord Viscount Bolingbroke ; and gave the Royal Assent to the follownig Bills, viz. The Bill to punish Mutiny and Defertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. The Bill for the. better Regulation of his Ma- jesty's Marine Forces on Shore, The Bill for appointing Commissioners to exe- cute an Act, entitled, An Act for granting an Aid to his Majesty by a Land- Tax, for the Ser- vice of the present Year. The Bill to prevent vexatious Proceedings against Innholders, Victuallers, and others, re- lating to Beer and Ale; and to prevent Frauds committed by relanding of Beer and Ale designed for Exportation. The Bill for enlightening the Streets, Lanes an d Passages in the Town of Nottingham ; and also to feveral Road and Private Bills. Yesterday as His Majesty was going to the House of Peers, he was followed by an innumerable Crowd of People, crying out, " Long live King George the Third, our most Gracious Sovereign, but no Three- penny Half- penny Beer. Confu- sion be to the first Proposers of it, and down with them." A Penalty of fifty Pounds is inflicted by the Act passed Yesterday, upon Victuallers and others mixing and adulterating Strong Beer, which must give great Satisfaction to the Publick, as they may now hope to have a genuine Liquor for the Advance of Price. This being the Birth- Day of his Royal High- ness the Duke of York, who is now entered into the 2th Year of his Age, his Majesty received the Compliments of the Nobility and Gentry on the Occasion, at St. James's ; as did likewise the Princess Dowager of Wales,' at Leicester House. His Highness Prince Charles of Mecklenburgh Strelitz is indisposed at his House in Pall- mall. Yesterday Morning, the Queen, with the Prin cess Do wager, See. took an Airing, escorted by a Party of Light Horse, and returned back again in the Afternoon. Ye ster day Morning the Lady of the Right. Hon. Lord Bruce was safely brought to Bed of a Son and Heir, at his Lordship's House in Seamore Place. The Hon. Francis Vernon, Esq. Member for Ipswich, is created a Peer by the Title of Lord Orwell, of the Kingdom of Ireland. The Honourable Harry Norris, Esq. Vice- Ad- miral of the White, is elected Member for Rye in Sussex, without Opposition, in the Room of Phil lip Gibbons, Esq. deceased ; and Yesterday he took the Oaths and his Seat in the House. An Order is issued from the Exchequer for the Payment of all Navy and Victualling Bills, dated in March 1761. According t0 Letters from Ratisbon of the 11th Instant, the following Articles of Peace and Re conciliation between, the Russians and Prussians were brought to the Dictator of the Empire on the 8th, viz. 1. The King of Prussia guarantees to the Em peror the Throne of all the Russias. 2. The Emperor of Russia, in like Manner guarantees to the whole Dutchy of Silesia, the Principalities of CIeves and Moeurs, & c. 3. The King of Prussia shall pay to the House of AnhaitZerbst, for the Damages he has stained during the War, 15 Tons of Goid, or Millions of their Money. 4. The Dutchy of Anhalt Zerbst shall be eva ed by the Russians. The Russían. Troops under General Czerni are to join the Prussian Army, to support r their Operations next Campaign. 6. As soon as these Articles are ratified, the Russians shall evacuate Ducal Prussia. 7. A Body of 20,000 Russians shall join the Allied Army, under Prince Ferdinand, in order to recover Cleves, & c. from the French. 8 . Ait the Prisoners of War are to be exe- nged on both Sides. And 9. Th e K ing of Prussia shall grant free Passage th his Territories for 20,000 Russians to march into Holstein. The French Ambassador at Copenhagen is re Home, leaving only his Secretary there. letters from Italy, of the 4th Instant say, that two Feluccas were then ready at Cagliary, under Sarchman Colours, to be employed as Packet boats to carry Letters from London to Gibraltar. Letters from Amsterdam of the 19th inst, con form our former A counts, that the large City of Carthagena, on the Coast of Terra- Firma, was entirely destroyed by an Earthquake about the Middle of January last. By private Letters from Paris we have an Ac count, that the King has resolved to take into his PAY 20,000 Swiss Troops more for proper De fence of his Kingdom, in Cale of an Invasion. They white from Zerbst of the 7th Instant, that contribution Money of 20,000 Rixdollars, Which was paid by the Inhabiants of that Dutchy to the Prussians was refunded the 6th of Feb. it is confidently asserted, by an Artist lately rived from Naples, that the Generality of Spa- are for much dissatisfied with the present ofthe Government, relative to the Rup between that Crown and ours, that they speak and write more freely than was ever known in any former Reign. A great Advantage, among others, resulting our having taking Martinique, is, three or four Men of vlsri of War of the Line, with a few Fri- gates , will be now sufficient for the Leeward Island Station, We are assured that Admiral Rodney had made such Dispositions, by forming a Line with his Fri- gates, at proper Distances, as to give a Signal to each other, and so prevent any Ships from getting in, that by these Means they took the Acquillon Frigate, which had been dispatched with In- structions for the Governor of Martinico, and an Account of the Brest Fleet failing with Troops, & c. 0n board, to his Assistance. This Day Accoutrements, Drums, & c. were delivered out at the Tower, for three new Regi- ments of Hunters, and some other new Corps. The Buckinghamshire Militia are 0n their March to Winchester, to relieve Sir George Sa- vile's Regiment, who are ordered to Wakefield and Halifax in Yorkshire The great Cause, to many Years depending, between the late James Anglesey, Esq. and the late Earl of Angle say, is now revived. A few Days ago the Rev. Montague Bertie, of St. John's College, Cambridge, was instituted to the Vicarage of Rayborne Cheney, in the County of Wilts, and Diocese of Salisbury, on the Pre- sentation of Peregrine Bertie, jun . of Lincoln's- inn- fields, Esq. We hear that on the Arrival of the York Fri gate, Capt. Knell, at Antigua, in 17 Days from Ferrol, an Express was immediately dispatched to Jamaica, to acquaint Governor Littleton with the Rupture with Spain. Letters from Monte Christi by the Tartar, Capt. Road, advise, that the Sugars there are brought up and shipped off, and that there were upwards of 30 Dutch Ships waiting then to load, which it is thought will all be obliged to come away in Ballast. In the Night between Friday and Saturday John Berry died in Newgate, as supposed, by eating Muleles, a Quantity of those Fish being found in a Kettle standing by him, and he lying on his Side, in his Clothes, by them. He was tried at the Old Bailey with M ' Donald, Salmon and Eagan, tor procuring 2 Boys to commit a Robbery Upon Sal. non in the County of Kent, and then prosecu- ting them at Maidstone Assizes, in order to receive the Reward. Last Saturday Night a Fellow put off several Leaves of an old Folio Book for the London Gazette; but being pursued and overtaken in Holborn, by one of his Customers, the Mob assembled and conveyed him to an Horse- Pond and gave him a severe Ducking. It may be no unnecessary Caution to inform the Public, that a great Number of counterfeit Shil- lings are now current, which are generally offered about the Dusk of the Evening, or at Night. They appear to be some what of a darker Hue, and 0N ringing them on a Counter along with a good one, the Sound they emit is very different To the PRINTER, of the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette SIR, Please to give the following a Place in your next Paper, and you" ll oblige a constant Reader, & c. On the Formation of WOMAN. WHEN the all- wife Creator had made Man, he said it was not good for him to be alone, therefore he would make a Help- Mate far him ; so the Almighty caused a deep Sleep to fall on Adam, and he took one of his Ribs, wherewith he made a Woman, and brought her to him: So pleasing was the Sight, that when he saw her, he was to astonish'd at her Beanty, that he could not forbear ( as mil ton says) to express him self in the following Manner: " This Turn hath made Amends, thou hast fulfill'd " Thy Word, Creator bounteous and benign !] " Giver of all Things fair ! but fairest this " Of all thy Gifts." And so delighted was he with her Company and Conversation, that when the brought him the forbidden Fruit, . and he found that the had eaten thereof, after he had expostulated some Time with her, he took it and did eat likewise ; chusing, as it were, rather to be banished out of Paradise, and to die with her, than to lie deprived of her Company. After which he expressed himself in the following Manner : " How shall I behold the Face To be Sold A Messuage or Tenement, call'd the ROYAL- OAK, In STALL- STREET, in the City of Bath. And several TENEMENTS thereunto ad- joining : Held by Lease from the Corporation of the said City. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. HICKES, Attorney at Law. BE LETT, And Enter'd upon IMMEDIATELY, ( READY- FURNISH'D) A HOUSE, Consisting of Two Rooms on a Floor, In Charles- Street, near Chapel- Row, BATH. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. YESCOMBE, Attorney, in BATH. Henceforth of God or Angel, erst with Joy And Rapture oft' beheld !— O ! might I here In Solitude like Savage, in some Glade Obscur'd, where highest Woods ( impenetrable , To Star or Sun- light) spread their Umbrage broad And brown as Ev'ning ! — Cover me, ye Pines, Ye Cedars, with innumerable Bows Hide me, where I may never see them more. On a young Lady's SIGHING. THEsweet Inchantress in the Bloom of Life, Unlike Calypso, fears to be a Wife : Yet, like a Lute, she vibrates to her Swain ; They grieve alternate, but He grieves in vain. Assume thy magic Wand, celestial Fair, Guard from his Sighs the undulating Air; Why shou'd your Pity move the tender Sigh, For one you hate for thus presuming high ? For lower Life thy Lover is design'd, Then why shou'd Sympathy disturb thy Mind ? Nor should this Youth, Ixion - like, repine, Since in the Elysian Shades he soon shall shine : Thence, clad in . Aether, to the Heav' ns ascend, Blaze in thy Rays, and brighten without End. A. B. COLDS caught at this Season, lay the Foundation for the worst Disorders. The following Medicine ernes them, and prevents the Danger, often by a jingle Dole. Pectoral Balsam of Honey. A new- discovered Remedy for Coughs and Consump- tions, all Phthisicky Complaints, Asthmas, anil tough Phlegm, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, and Stuffings - up of the Lungs. The Author of the Pamphlet on the Virtues of Honey, has found its fragrant Balsam may be se- parated from the grosser Parts; and is then a most perfect Dissolvent for all the other Balsams. The Greeks knew this, and he has endeavoured to re- store the Practice. This Medicine will be a last- ing Proof of its Utility: A Tea- spoonful contains the Virtue of two Ounces of Honey, and never disa- grees with any Constitution; it converts a Glass of Water into the Nature and quality of Asses Milk, with this balsamic Addition ; it takes off the Hectic which attends a Consumption, recruits the Strength, allays the Cough, and heals and preserves the Lungs. If it be in the Power of Medicine to flap the Ravage of that cruel Disease which cuts off such Numbers of our Youth, this Balsam will effect it. It is fold by Mr. Leake, Bookseller, in BATH ; Mr. Baldwin, and Mr. Jackson, in London ; and Mr. Brown, in Bristol: In Bottles of 3s. each, sealed and signed by the Author. Where may be hat!, 1. VALERIAN, Genuine Tincture of the TRUE ROOT. It is excellent beyond Parallel in all Nervous Disorders, Lowness of Spirits, Head achs, Tremblings, vain Fears, and Wanderings of the Mind: in Conovulsions, Hysteric Fits, Hypochon- driacal Complaints, and the Epilepsy. It prevents Sickness at the Stomach; and takes off entirely that Sense of Fulness and Swelling of the Flesh in damp Weather, which so greatly affect Persons of lax Fibres. It gives a serene Cheerfulness of Disposition in the Place of those careless Horrors which so dreadfully op- press People who have weak Nerves.- Providence seems to have given the Plant in a peculiar Manner to England, where those Disorders are most common. A Medicine not only for the Body, but the Mind. Sold in Pint Bottles at 1 0s. 6d. the Smaller 5 s. and 25.6d . each. 2. For the Certain CURE of the Scurvy, Essence of WATER- DOCK. There is no question but this Plant will cure the most inveterate Scurvy: The Ancients all affirm it, and the Cures daily now performed by the Essence prove their Truth. It not only clears the Skin of Eruptions, but mends the whole Constitution. Scorbutic Persons are subject to have bad Stomachs, and to he miserably. low- spirited at Times: and many have these Com- plaints, not knowing the Scurvy is the Cause : This Medicine takes off the Faintness, creates an Appetite and good Digestion immediately, when that Distemper in their Blood is the Cause; and gradually " cleans the Skin, and prevents future Eruptions. The Afflicted may depend on these Effects. Price 35. the Bottle, with Directions. 3. For the Gout and Rheumatism, ELIXIR of BARDANA.— The Numbers who have found Relies from this Medi- cine prove that it has at leas answered the Expecta- tion with which it was made public ; and fresh In- stances of its good Effects daily shew, that the Author is so happy as to have been of some Benefit to Man- - kind.—— To prevent the Returns of the Gout has been found impossible; but to relieve those who suffer, it is in our Power; to reduce the Number, and shorten the Continuance of the Fits; and to alleviate the Pains of them: So much will be effected be this Medicine. And this is as much as a confederate Person would de- sire : In the Rheumatism, it is a certain and absolute Cure; and the Disease never returns. The Dose is a Tea- spoonful in a Wine Glass of Water, Night and Miming. Its Operation is by insensible Perspiration, and slightly by Urine. Price 3s. the Bottle, with Directions. 4. Essential Tincture of GoldenRod, " The most successful Medicine now used for the GRA- VEL and STONE,— Each Bottle containing about 16 Doses; and is an effectual, safe, and pleasant Re- medy in all Degrees of these Complaints,— Price 4s. the Bottle, with Directions. [ Vol. To be Sold The Chemicals, Galenicals, Drugs, Books, Houshold Furniture, & c. Of ISAAC GABELL, Of the City of BATH, APOTHECARY: Leaving off Trade. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. GLAZBY , in Bath ; or Mr. BRIDGES, Architect, in Bristol. All Persons indebted to the said ISAAC CABELL, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Mr. GLAZBY, or Mr. BRIDGES, or they will be sued without further Notice: And all Persons to whom the said ISAAC CABELL is indebted, are desired to send such their Demands to the said Mr. GLAZBY, or Mr. BRIDGES The SHOP to be LETT. This Day is published, ( Dedicated to the Right Hon. ARTHUR ONSLOW, late Speaker of the. House of Commons) In TWO VOLUMES, OCTAVO, Price 10s. The Second Edition, corrected, To which is now prefixed An Account of the Spanish Settlements in the West- Indies, With a General Index to the Whole Work, TRAVELS of the JESUITS Into Various PARTS of the WORLD: Particularly China and the East- Indies: Intermix'd with an Account of the Manners, Government:, Civil and Religious Ceremonies, Natural History, and Curiosities, of the several Nations visited by those Fathers. Translated from the celebrated Lettres edisantes & curieuses, ecrites des Missions etrangeres, par les Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus.— A Work Co entertaining and curious, that it has been already translated into most of the European Languages. This Work is illustrated with Maps and Sculptures, engraved by the heft Masters. By Mr. LOCK MAN. Printed for T. Piety, at the Rose and Crown in Pater- noster- Row; and sold by all the Booksellers of Great- Britain, Ireland, and New- England. THE True Original Jesuits Drops, and ROYAL PATENT ELECTUARY, made by R. ROCK, Licentiate in Medicine and Chemist, of 45 Years Practice, for the Cure of Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses in both Sexes, however contracted. Also for curing all Venereal Complaints, whether recent or of long Standing, ( used according to a Book of full and plain Instructions given with each Bottle) as Ulcers in any Part of the Body, par- ticularly the Muth and Throat, fistulous Ulcers in A/ 10, fistulas, Vereal Eruptions in any Part, & c. Pains by Day or Night, also Scurvy, rbeumatism, Hysterick and Hypochondriac Disorders. The most pleasant,, safe, effectual, and cheap Medicine ever in vented: that will retain its Efficacy many Years in any Climate, and therefore the fittest Medicine that can be bought by Persons going Journies or Voyages by Land or Sea. They are sold by the Doctor at his Patent Ware- house on Ludgate hill, London, in Bottles of 2S. and 4. S. each. Allowance to Merchants, Sea captains, Country- dealers, or others taking a Quantity. Sold also by Mr. Gibbons, Grocer, in the Mar- ket- place, Bath ; Mr. Gould, Chandler, in Wells: Mr. Coney, Bookseller, at Bridgewater ; Mr. Norris, Printer, in Taunton ; E. Farley, Printer, in Small- Street, Bristol ; Mr. Burrough, Booksel- ler, in the Devizes; Mr. Blackman, Bookseller, in Reading; Mr. Crouch, Bookseller, at Marlbo- rough ; and Mr. Wimpey, Bookseller, at New- bury ; and by the Men who carry this Paper. Sold also by the above Persons, Dr. R. Rock's Grana Asthmatic Elixir, for the Cure of Asthmas, Coughs, Consumptions, & c. Price 1s. the Bottle. His Chemical Liquor, for curing the Itch, Pimples, & c. price 1s. 6d the Bottle. His Liniment also for curing the Itch, 1s. the Box. His Tincture for the Tooth Ach and Ear Ach, Price 1s. the Bottle. His Powder for cleaning the Teeth, 1s. the Box. Hit Cephalic Snuff, for the Cure of Giddiness, stead- Achs, and several Disorders of the Head and Breast, Price 6d. His Worm Lozenges, for curing Worm- Fevers, and destroying Worms in Young or Old, lid. a Dozen. His excellent Corn- Salve, for the Cure of Hard or Soft Corns. His balsamic Viper- Drops, for the Cure of green Wounds, Burns, & c. being also a noble invigorating Restorative , in Bottles of 3s. or of 1s. 6d. Note. The Author is honour'd by his Majesty's Patent for this Kingdom and the Plantations. At the Printing Office in Stall- Street may be had, Greenough's Tinctures for the Teeth, At is. each Bottle. II.] POPE'S Bath Chronicle and . Weekly Gazette. BATH JOHN VlEL, Cooper to Mr. DcViC, Wine- merchant, Upwards of Twenty Years, Begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry , & . That lie now carries on the WINE BUSINESS On his Own ACCOUNT, At his House in St. James's- Street, Opposite the CHURCH ! And has laid in a STOCK of Good Neat Old WINES, Which he will sell as cheap as any Wine- Merchant whatever: Also fine Jamaica Rum and French Brandy Thole who please to favour him with their Custom, may depend on being served in the best Manner; and their Favours gratefully acknow- ledg'd, By their much oblig'd and most obedient Servant, JOHN VIE L. This Day is Publish'd, ( Adorned with a most elegant Engraving of his present Russian Majesty; a Map of the Havan- pah; and a fine Head of SirPeterPaul Rubens) No. III. ( To be continued Monthly) of The Universal MUSEUM, OR, POLITE MAGAZINE of History, Politics, and Literature, For MARCH, 1762. By a SOCIETY of GENTLEMEN, Whole Names are already celebrated in the Republic of Letters. CONTAINING, amongst a great Variety of Pieces, A Genealogical Table of the House of Russia. The Author, Number III. Of Gaiety and Melancholy. Of Pleasure. The Disasters of Tantarabobus, Chap. III Tour through Great Britain. Foreign Literature. An original Letter of the late Dutchess of Somerset's. A View of' the Fine Arts continued. TheTown, Number III. Political Essays 011 several Subject. Review of New Books and Pamphlets. The Theatre. The Fortunate Savoyard. On Love. On Inoculation. Extracts from the Spanish Pa- pers published by Authority. Account of the Havannah. Life of Sir Peter Paul Rubens. An Account of the late Affair between the Earl of p and Miss H. poetry. News foreign and domestic. Lists of Births, Marriages, Deaths, Stocks, Books, & c. & c. LONDON: Printed for T. DURHAM, in the Strand : And fold byT. LOWNDS, in Fleet- street ; W. BRISTOW, and J. WILKIE, in St. Paul's Church- Yard; and by all the Booksellers and News- Carriers in Great- Britain and Ireland. CHURCH MAN' s PATENT CHOCOLATE, At the late Mr. CHURCHMAN'S famous WATER- ENGINE, at the Castle Mills, in BRISTOL, ( The only Work of the Kind in Great- Britain) Is now made by Joseph Fry, Who has been long concerned in the CHOCOLATE BUSINESS, And John Vaughan, Jun. The said Mr. CHURCHMAN'S Executor, The present sole Proprietors of the said ENGINE, who have open'd Ware- houses for Sale thereof, In Wine- Street, BRISTOL, And in LONDON, at N. BURROUGH'S, Grocer and Tea- Man, in Threadneedle- Street: And to prevent Counterfeits, each Pound will have a Stamp affix'd to it. THE great Superiority of this CHOCOLATE, to all other, will appear on Trial to any one, by its immediate Dissolving, full Flavour, Smoothnefs on the Palate, and intimate Union with Liquids ; and as it is much finer than any other Sort, fo it will go further, and is of greater Nutriment, and of eafier Digeftion to weak Sto- machs; beingby thisEngine made perfectly clean, and free from the ufual Coarseness, Grit and Sediment, so much disliked in other Chocolate. Those Shopkeepers and others who don't thoose to go to the Price of the fined Sort, may be supplied at theirWARE- HOUSE in Bristol, with very good Chocolate ( far superior to what is usually sold) at the London Prices, but without the Stamp. Allowance will be made to those who sell again. sunday's and MONDAY'S POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Germany. HAMBURGH, March 19. We are informed from Berlin, that the Court of Vienna has recalled eight Regiments of Marshal Daun's Army out of Saxony, in order to replace General Czernichew's Corps in Silesia. London. WHITEHALL, March 27. The King has been pleased to grant unto Jeremiah Milles, D. D. the Place and Dignity of Dean , of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Exeter, void by the Pro- motion of Charles Lyttleton, L. L. D. late Dean thereof, to the Bishopric of Carlisle. The King has been pleased to order Letter Pa- tent to be passed under the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Ireland, containing a Grant unto the Right Hon. Arthur Viscount Sudley, and his Heirs Male, of the Dignity of an Earl of the said Kingdom, by the Name, Stile and Title of Earl of Arran, in the County of Galway. The King has been pleased to order Letters Pa- tent to be passed under the Great Seal of the King: dom of Ireland, containing a Grant into the Right Hon. James Baron of Courtown, and his Heirs Male, of the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the said Kingdom, by the Names, Stiles and Titles of Viscount Stopford and Earl of Courtown, in the County of Wexford. The King has been pleased to order Letters Pa- tent to be passed under the great Seal of the King- dom of Ireland, containing a Grant unto the KightHon. Thomas Baron Headfort and his Heirs Male, of the Dignity of a Vicount of the said Kingdom, by the Name, Stile and Title of Viscount Headfort, of Headfort in the County of Meath. The King has been pleased to order Letters Pa- tent to be passed under the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Ireland, containing a Grant unto Francis Vernon, of Orwell Park in the County of Suffolk, Esq. and his Heirs Male., of the Dig- nity of a Baron of the said Kingdom, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Orwell, of Newry in the County of Down. ADMIRALTY OFFICE, March 14. Captain Kennedy, of his Majesty's Ship the Blonde, gives an Account, in his Letter of the 23d of February, off' Lisbon, of his having taken, on the IIth, the Boutin, a French East- India Ship, of 460 Tons Burthen, mounting 20 Guns, and having 189 Men on Board, many of them Passengers. She , was bound from the Island of Mauritius, laden with Coffee and a little Pepper. March 25. His Majesty's Ship the Coventry, commanded by Captain Carpenter, being on a Cruize to ' the Westward of Cape Clear, in the Latitude of 50 Degrees North, came up with and took L' Audacious, a French Privateer Snow, of 10 Carriage Guns and 6 Swivels, with 104 Men, belonging to Brest, which" had been out Six Days, and had not taken any Thing. March 26. Captain Penny, of his Majesty's Ship the Looe, gives an Account, in his Letter of the 24th Instant, Of his having, on the i6th, off the Land's End, taken La Nannen, a French Privateer Brig, belonging to St. Maloes, moun- ting 6 Carriage and 6' Swivel Guns, and carrying Fifty Men. His Majesty's Sloop the Diligence, commanded by Capt. Osborn, is arrived at Plymouth, with the Eagle, a French Privateer, belonging to Brest, mounting Two Carriage and Ten Swivel Guns, and having 57 Men, which the took off the Liz- ard, in Company with the Albany Sloop. [ Thus far the Gazette.] Arriv'd the Mails from HOLLAND and FLANDERS, SPAM. MADRID, March 3. Nine Thousand Mules are assembling for the Service of the Army which is formed for the Siege of Gibraltar. The Troops destined to compose the Army of Observation, continue defiling off towards Estremadura, Germany. VIENNA, March 10. It becomes every Day more and more certain, that the new Emperor of Russia, changing the - System of the late Empress, is not disposed to fulfil the Engagements con- tracted with that Princess. ALTENA, March 16. While the King our Sovereign is putting his Land Forces on a good Footing, he is at the same Time bellowing his Cares equally on his Marine. It actually consists of twenty- four Ships of the Line and II Frigates. Orders have been given to. equip im- mediately eighteen of the former, and nine of the latter. The Destination of this Squadron is yet a Mystery to the Public, though some Politicians pretend to have penetrated it. France. PARIS, March 15. It is assured, that we shall have upwards of a hundred and forty Thousand good Troops this Year in Germany. The Cam paign there will be opened by the Sieges of Mun- ster and Lipstadt, and the greatest Efforts will be made to possers ourselves again of the County of Hanover. London, March 27. It is now certain, that 1,200,000l. more will be raised for the Service of the present Year, but by what Means is not yet known. It is said that James Oswald, Esq. one of the Lords of the Treasury, is to be appointed Secretary at War, in the Room of the Hon. Charles Townshend, who is to succeed Mr. Titley, at the Court of Denmark, in this critical Conjunc- ture. Others say that Peter Burrell, Esq. will succeed Mr. Townshend. Sir Thomas Cave, Bart, of Stanford- Hall, is. chosen Knight of the Shire for the County of Leicester, in the Room of Mr. Smith, deceased. Thursday last Sir Henry Gough, Bart, was sworn in one of the Gentlemen of the King's Privy Chamber. The Right Hon. Lord Anson is now judged to be entirely out of Danger. When the News came from Martinico it was proposed to omit firing the Cannon in the Park, on Account of Lord Anson's laying so ill at the Admiralty; which his Lordship hearing, bravely, replied, ' Pray let them be fired: So far from ' disturbing me, the Sound of them, upon so joy- ' ful an Occasion, will rather contribute towards ' my Recovery,' We hear that Patents are very near ready, for creating Sir James Lowther and Sir William Courtny, Peers, and Lady Caroline Fox a Peeress own Right. We learn that the King of Portugal hath at length made a definitive Declaration to the Court of Madrid, importing, That his most Faithful Majesty have no Grievances to alledge, either against Spain or Great- Britain, and having no Engagements, offensive Or defensive, with either, of those two Crowns, he was firmly resolved to observe the strictest Impartiality with Respect to the Rupture that hath happened between them ; that consequently, he would permit both English and Spanish Ships to enter his Ports, provided they conform to the Regulations established in all the maritime Places in Europe: But that if, contrary to all Expectation, an Attempt should be made to compel him, by Violence, to depart from this Neutrality, and thus to encroach on his Rights as a Sovereign, he would oppose it with his whole Force, & c. We are credibly informed, the Court of Spain has been given to understand, that it they attack Portugal, a British Fleet will lay the City of Na- ples in Ashes. A Report is received from Germany, that the French are taking a List of all the Men in Hesse that are able to bear Arms, whom they propose to send to France to serve on board the King's Ships. Private Letters from Paris make Mention of a very great Fire, which happened there during the fair of St. Germain's, and, it is said, has done prodigious Damage. According to the last Letters from Vienna, the Change of System in Russia was no longer made a Mystery of, after the Departure of Gen. Czer- nichef, who lest Vienna without taking Leave of any Person belonging to the Court, and went di- rectly to put himself at the Head of his Troops, to carry them back to the Vistula. They write from Vienna of the 6th instant, that they had Advice from Silesia, that the Prussians were in Morion in that Dutchy near Schweidnitz, where some very bloody Skirmishes have happened, in which an Austrian Regiment of Dragoons was almost cut to Pieces. An Edict was published at Kiel on the 4th Inst. by the Regency of the Duchy of Holstein- Gottorp, by which the Convention which was made between the Emperor of Russia and the King of Denmark to deliver up all Deserters. on both Sides, is made void; and Notice was given to the Inhabitants of that Duchy, that the said Cartel being no more in Force, shall cease and be of no Effect Letters from Milan of the 26th ult. say, that the Duke , of Modena, their Governor- General, had given Orders for compleating the Troops in that Dutchy with all possible Expedition. A private Letter from Martinico says, " It is surprising to think that an Island, so very strong in its Fortifications, both by Art and Nature, and so completely furnished with Artillery and Ammunition for its Defence, should be given up in such a dastardly Manner ; that some of the principal Inhabitants had lodged their most pre- cious Effects with the Governor of Fort Royal, as thinking that Place could never be taken ; but when they wanted to have them returned, by the Capitulation, they were not to be found in 1ns Apartments, though none but the French Officers had entered them since his quitting his Post ; from whence it was conjectured, that either the Go- vernor had taken them with him to St. Pierre, a Fort not a tenth Part so strong as Fort Royal, or that they had been smuggled by the Officers he left to defend Fort Royal ; the Affair rests till the Governor surrenders himself, which it is thought he will do in a few Days." The same Letter adds, " That the Island is very fertile, very po- pulous, and many of its Inhabitants' very rich ; and there are vast Quantities of almost ail Sorts of European Commodities vended there." We are informed that the fudden, Surrender of Fort Royal in Martinico was principally owing to an English Grenadier being taken Prisoner, and carried before M. la Touche, who informed the Governor that General Monckton was resolved to form the Place the next Night, and put all to the Sword in cafe they did not surrender before that Time; upon which the Planters who Wire in the Place, vehemently interceded with the Gover- nor to give up the Fort to the English, and ac- cordingly be immediately marched away with all the Grenadiers, leaving the People to do as they judged proper for their awn Safety, 99 A Lette r from Gibraltar fays, " since my I st several French and Spanish Prises are brought in here ; and two Days ago Capt. Harman of the Tartar arrived here with the Declaration of War against Spain, and two Prizes, one French and the other a Spaniard. They write from Wesel of the 13th Inst. that on the preceding Day a Danish Courier passed through that Place from Paris for Copenhagen, with fresh Promîtes by the French Court to gua- ranty Holstein to the Danes, against the Emperor of Russia. Letters by the Marlborough, Marshell, arrived at Bristol from Guadeloupe, say, that Admiral Rodney was preparing to fail from Martinico, with ten Sail of the Line, and several Frigates, and was to be joined at Jamaica by several more Men of War, in order to watch the Motions of a Spanish Fleet they had Intelligence of. On Tuesday last 600 Men were draughted out of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich by the Governors, in order to do Duty on board the Princess Royal, a Guard ship at the Noie, and relieve the same Number of able Seamen, who will be removed into the Ships designed for im- mediate Service. A Gentleman in Town has received a Letter from his Son, Surgeon on board his Majesty's Ship the Le Blond, Captain Kennedy, which brings a Confirmation of the carrying a French East - Indiaman, valued at 130,000l. into the Port of Lisbon. He further adds, that for a Fortnight preceding the Date of his Letter, he had done Duty, though Surgeon, and kept Guard on Quar ter- Deck, on account of the great Number of French Prisoners. By a Letter from board bis Majesty's Ship the Trident in Basque Road, we learn that Lord Howe arrived their the 3d Instant in the Magnanime, wit h the Senegal Sloop ; and succeeds Sir Thomas Stanhope in the Command of Squadron which has been lying there ten Months, in order to block up the French in that Harbour. Yesterday was launched at Deptford his Ma- jesty's Ship Kent of 74 Guns, being the largest of that class in the Royal Navy. Site is ele- gantly decorated and garnished in her Head, stern, and Galleries, and has King William the Conqueror, drest in Armour, for the Figure of the Head, beautifully painted in proper Colours: The Whole mikes a most pleasing Prospect, and several Persons of Distinction were plent on this Occasion. being the first capital Ship launched in the Reign, of their present Majestés. Apublick- spirited Person, it is said, bas a Plan for supporting the Children of the Found ling Hospital without Aid of Parliment. Extracts of a Letter from KINGSTON, in Jamaica, dated January 27. One of our Men of War has brought in a French Schooner, bound from Hispanicia to Bourdeaux, in which were found many Letters, intimating the Intentions of the French to invade this Island, and that fix Frigates were arrived at Cape Francois with 1200 Regulars on board, where they wait, expecting daily to be followed by two Squadrons from Brest and Rochesort, to compleat their Force. This Intelligence, atten ded with that of 18 Sail of the Line, and 7000 Regulars being at the Havannah from Old Spain, and no certain Knowledge of their Destination having transpired, has moved Governor Littleton, with the Advice of a Council of War, to inforce martial Law throughout the Island, and this Day it was proclaimed accordingly. TheCommodore has dispatched two Advice Boats to Admiral Rod- ney, and many of his Cruizers are employ'd in watching the Motions of the Enemy at S.. Do- miniqui and Cuba, as we much inspect a Junction of the Spaniards with the French. Extract 0f a Letter from WEXFORD, March 17. " You will hear of an Earthquake selt here Yes- terday at Six in the Morning. It was preceded by a loud rumbling Noise of the Earth, which I took for a loud Clap of Thunder, but afterwards thought it some heavy- Carriage passing by. And though I lay 0n the Ground Floor, the Shock was so great, that it shook me in my Bed. It was so sudden, and of so short Duration, that I had never thought of an Earthquake, were it not so sensibly felt by most of the Inhabitants here." This is to certify whom it may concern, that about four Years ago our Son Thomas, a Boy of six Years of Age, was afflicted with a violent scorbutic Disorder, had a Scurf all over his Body, and spatted like one in the Measles, which had reduced him very weak, and affected his Speech : When be was in this Condition, we applied to several Surgeons, Sec. in this Town, and got him recommended to the Infirmary, as an Out Pa- tient; and finding he got little or no Relief from the Medicines he had from thence, or elsewhere, we were about 18 Months ago advised to try a Medicine called Dr. Radcliffe's famous purging Elixir, ( prepared by Dicey and Oke'll in London) and that, after taking the first Dose, he threw off his Stomach a great Quantity of red, tough, frog- ish Matter, which he continued to do after every Dose, during the first Bottle: He bad a second Bottle, which purged and created him an Appe- tite. He continued to take a few Bottles more of the said Elixir, which, with one Bottle of Dr. Bateman's Drops, ( taken alternately) thro' the Blessing of the Almighty, soon restored him to a perfect State of Health, and has had no Return of the Disorder since : Which we voluntarily publish, for the Benefit of others under the like Afflictions. As Witness our Hands, this 13th Day of July, 1761. Daniel Chris, Smith and Farrier, in West- Gate, Newcastle- upon- Tyne ; Elizabeth Chrisp Witness, T. Slack, p ter ; Stephen Mandsley. The above Drops are sold by L. Lambe, Grocer, in Stall- street, Bath.****** Ioo This Day is Published, A curious PRINT of Sir EDWARD ASTLEY, In Imitation, of that celebrated one of REM- BRANT's, of the BURGHER MASTER Six. Price Ios. 6d. By THOMAS W orlidge, And fold at his House at the Golden- Head in Stall- Street, Bath. [ VOL. II. ] ISAAC AXFORD, Grocer, In WARMINSTER, Wilts, TAKES this Method of acquainting his Friends, and the Public in general, that he has opened a Shop at Warminster aforesaid ; where they may depend on being served with all Kinds of Grocery Goods, on reasonable Terms. BATH, March 31, 1761. To be Lett, The Whole, or in Apartments, by the Year or other- wise, Ready furnish'd, A Large LODGING - HousE. In CHEAP- STREET. Also, a HOUSE, consisting of four Rooms on a Floor, with Coach- House and Stables for four Horses, and all usual convenient Offices, a good Garden full cropped, and planted with choice Fruit. Trees, and two Acres of Land: Situate at the Distance of one Mile and a Quarter from Bath, on the' upper Road leading to Bristol. For Particulars, enquire of the Rev. RO- BERT CLARKE, at Mr. Hayward's in West- Gate- Street, or at the above House in Cheap- Street. To be sold, A NEAT, PLAIN, NEW, LARGE SEDAN CHAIR, Calculated for a gouty or infirm Person, having an Arm Chair with Castors to go into it, with Poles thereto. To be seen at Mr. Wiltshire's Rooms. Likewise to be sold, a young brown bay MARE, perfectly found, about fifteen Hands high. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. ARTHUR TRIMnELL, Upholsterer, in Weft- Gate- Street, Bath. Mrs. R O S C O, At her House on St. Michael's Hill, BRIStol, Takes this Method of acquainting her Friends, That she continues her Boarding- school As in Mr. Rosco's Life- Time. Her Eldest Daughter, who has quitted all public Performance, assists in teaching to Read. Deserted MARCH the First, To COVER this Season, For Thirteen Shillings a Mate, and Two Shil- lings the Man, a beautiful strong Chesnut Horse, R E G U L U S, Fourteen Hands three Inches high, five Years old, at the New Bear at BRADFORD, in Wilts; and will beat the George at FRome Wednesday, and at the Full- Moon at BATH every Saturday, during the Season. REGULUS was got by Cartouch, who was bred by Mr. Crofts, and got by the Earl of Port- more's Chesnut Cartouch, who got Beau, and the famous. Galloway call'd Silver- Leg. His Dam was the famous Mare call'd Slammerkin; is likewise the Dam of Bustard, Black- and- All- Black, the Duke of Marlborough's Oroonoko, and Mr. Fenwick's Dutchess; and Grand Dam to Lord Onflow's Victorious. REGULUS'S Dam was got by Dimple; he was bred by the Earl of Godolphin, and got by the Godolphin Arabian, who got Lath, Babraham, Regulus, Cade, Baja- zet, Mogul, Dormouse, Old England, White Nose, and many more of the first Rank. He is full Brother to Chub, and Mr. Swymmer's Mirza, which was sold four Years ago to Sir James Lowtlier for I 500l. His Grand Dam by White Foot, his Great, Grand Dam by Leeds, and out of one of the Hampton- Court Barb Mares call'd the Moona Mare. REGuLUS'S Grand Dam was bred by Lord Oxford, and got by his Lord- ship's Dun Arabian. The above Pedigree will be prov'd, if requir'd. N. B. This is the second Year of his Cover- ing, and will be the last, at so low a Price. His superior Blood, Age, and Strength, must produce fine Colts.- He was very lucky." Good Grass. DESERTED, From Frome, the 19th of February, on the March to join a Detachment quarter'd at Wells, of his Majesty's 74th Regiment of Foot, com- manded by Col. John Irwin, THOMAS GREEN, By Trade a Taylor, born in the parish of Car- len, in the County of Monmouth, twenty Years of Age, five Feet five Inches high, fair Com- plexion, wore a black Scratch Wig ; had on the Regimental Frock and Waistcoat, the Frock turn'd up with Green ; which Cloathing has been since found in a Field within a Mile of Frome; enlisted at London the 4th of February. Deserted at the same Time, and suppos'd to have gone in Company With said Green, THOMAS JENNISON, By Trade a Sawyer, born jn the Parish of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 36. Years of Age, five Feet two Inches high, brown Complexion, wore a cut grey Wig; had on likewise the Regimental Frock and Waistcoat, which was found in the fame Place with the other's ; enlisted at London the 6th of February. From the frequent En- quiry the above two Deserters made about the Road to Bristol, while on their March from Lon- don, it is supposed they are now lurking in or about that City. Deserted likewise from Bath, the fame Day, from Capt. FORbes's Recruiting Party of the74th Reg., JOHN BARTLETT, Said he was born in the parish of Bradford, in Wilts, by Trade a Brazier, but proves to be only a strolling Tinker, five Feet eight Inches high, fair Complexion, light brown curled Hair; had on a brown Surtout Coat, and Waistcoat of the same; is well known in Bath, and was seen the Day after he deserted at Kingswood. Deserted from Wells the 28th of February, from the above- nad Regiment, LEVIN NICHOLS, ( Lately apprehended at Newton St. Loe for De- sertion) five Feet seven Inches high, 25 Years of Age, pale Complexion, flaxen Hair, has worked for about two Years in the Coal - Mines at Paul- ton, in Somersetshire, and has a Wife and Fa- mily at Wedmore, in the fame County. Also ABRAHAM SAUNDERS, A Foreigner, but speaks tolerable good English : Said he was born at Frankfort, in Germany; five Feet three Inches high, well made, dark Complexion, mark'd with the Small- Pox, has long black Hair ty'd behind ; had on a blue Coat and Waistcoat, with red Breeches; understands Music, and is suppos'd from his Conversation have resided for some Time at Bath. Likewise, Deserted from Frome the 2d Inft on the March to join the 74. th Regiment quarter'd at Wells, JOHN FRAY, By Trade a Labourer, born in the Parish of Wil- ket, near Neury, in the County of Berks, aged 20 Years, five Feet fix Inches and a half high, fresh Complexion, light flaxen Hair, grey Eyes, had on when he deserted light colour'd Cloaths, with yellow Metal Buttons, printed Linen Waist- coat, and Leather Breeches, voluntarily enlisted himself at Trowbridge Saturday the 27th Day of February. Deserted from Trowbridge, from his Majesty's 74th Regiment of Foot, WILLIAM BATT, A Labourer; born in the Parish of Reading, in the County of Berks, Twenty- five Years of Age, five Feet seven Inches high, fair . Complexion, grey Eyes, and light- colour'd Hair ty'd behind ; had on when he desorted, brown Fustian Frock, black Waistcoat, and new Leather Breeches ; he voluntary enlisted himself at Trowbridge the, 26th of Much, and deserted the same Day. Whoever apprehends the above Deserters, or either of them, ( so that they may be secured in any of his Majesty's Goals in Great- Britain) and gives Information thereof to Major Wide, at Wests ; Capt. Forbes, at Bath; or Henry Drum- mond, Esq. in George- Street, Westminster, shall receive Three . Guineas for each, over and above the Twenty Shillings allowed by Parliament for every Deserter. From a Recruiting Party of Major OglE's Regi- ment, or Queen's Fuzileers, at BRISTOL, GEORGE YOUNG, born in the Parish of Nailsy, in Somersetshire; a straight well- made Man, five Feet ten Inches fresh. Complexion, full fac'd, brown turns a little inward : Deserted in his Regimen- tals, with a strip'd Waistcoat under the Red one. Deserted likewise from the same Corps, on Sa- turday the 13th March, JACOB HARE, aged 18 Years, five Feet three Inches high, brown Complexion, brown Eyes, brown Hair, lightly raark'd with the Small- pox; by Trade a La- bourer; born the Parish of Rowbeow, in So- mersershire; deserted in a Snuff- colour'd Coat, a strip'd Cotton Waistcoat, and Olive- colour'd Thickset Breeches. Also GEORGE JOHNSON, a thin fac'd Man, about five Feet nine Inches high, brown Com- plexion ; said he lived at Bedminster, near Bristol, but have since heard he is a Londoner ; mark'd with the Small- pox, especially his Nose ; and is by Trade a Wheelwright; he went to Capt, A len and inlisted on Tuesday the 16th of Match, ( from whom he receiv'd Five Guineas) went off, and has not appeared since; he had an a red Rug Great Coat, a blue Body Coat, black Waistcoat, dark Cut Wig, and Sailor's Buckles. If they, or either of them, will go and fur- render himself, or themselves, to Capt. Allen, at the Greyhound- and- Horse- shoe, in Broad- Mead, BRISTOL, on or before the 29th Instant, he or they so going shall be forgiven ; and whoever ap- prehends and secures them, or either of them, af- ter the 29th aforesaid, and gives Notice thereof t6 the said Capt. Allen, shall have for each Forty Shillings above his Majesty's Bounty. POPE's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. S. JONES, Watch- Maker, ( From LONDON) Fronting the LANTHORN- HOUSE, at the CROSS- BATH, MAKES and Mends all Sorts of Gold, Sil- ver, and Metal Repeating and Plain WATCHES. Old Gold, Silver, and Lace, bought or exchang'd. Ladies Ears bored in the easiest Manner. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. PETERsBOURG, Feb. 26, THE following is a Copy of a Decla- ration delivered a few Days since, by the Emperor's Order, to the Impe- rial, French, and Swedish Ministers residing here. HIS Imperial Majesty, who upon his happy Accession to the Throne of his Ancestors. looks upon it to be his principal Duty, to extend an augment the Welfare of his Subjects, sees with extreme Regret, that the Flames of the present. War, which has already continued for six Years, and has been for a long Time burthensome to all the Powers engaged in it, far from tending nov to a Conclusion, are on the Contrary gathering fresh Strength, to the great Misfortune of the several Nations; and that Mankind has so much the more to sufier from this Scourge, as the For- tune of Anns, which has been hitherto subject to so many Vicissitudes is equally exposed to them for the future: . Wherefore his Imperial Majesty, compassion- ating, through his humane Disposition, the Ef fusion of human Blood, and being desirous, on his Part, of putting a Stop to so great an Evil, has judged it necessary to declare to the Courts in Alliance with Russia, that, preferring to every other Consideration the first Law which God pre- scribes to Sovereigns, which is the Preservation of the People entrusted to them, he wishes to procure Peace to his Empire, to which it is so ne- cessary, and of so great Value ; and at the same Time to contribute, as much as may be in his Power, to the Re- establishment of it throughout all Europe. It is in order to this, That his Imperial Ma- jesty is ready to make a Sacrifice of the Conquests made by the Arms of Russia in this War, in Hopes that the Allied Courts will, on their Part, equally prefer the Restoration of Peace and Tran- quality, to. the Advantages which they might ex- pect from the War, and which, they cannot obtain but by a Continuances, of the Effusion of human Blood. And to this End, his Imperial Majesty, with the nest Intention, advises them to employ, on their Side, all their Power towards the Accom- plishment of so great, and so salutary a Work. ST. PETERSBOURG. Feb. 23, 1762. Prince George Holstein is appointed by his Imperial Majesty Governor of the Dutchy of Ho General of his Armies. General Vil is declared Master of the Ordnance, in the Place of the late Veldt Marshal Schuwallow. Several other Graces were conferred upon Occasion of the Emperor's Birth Day. To- morrow General Verner and Count Hordt are to set out together for Breslaw. During their Stay here, their Imperial Majesties have treated them both with great Distinction. Count Duben arrived here on Tuesday last, with Compliments from the King of Sweden to their Imperial Majesties. MAGDEBOURG, March 17. His Royal High- ness the Prince of Prussia set out from hence last Sunday Morning for Breslaw, attended by Major- General Count Berck, late Governor to that Prince. The Burgesses of this Town put themselves under Arms, and accompanied his Royal Highness on Horseback to a small Distance from hence. It is reported, that the Prussian Officers have now Leave from the Emperor of Russia to raise Recruits in the Kingdom of Prussia. By the freshest Letters from the Army in Sax- ony we hear, that eight Regiments have already marched front Marshal Daun's Army to reinforce General Laudohn in Silesia, and that more were preparing to follow. BRUNSWICK, March 19. The Funeral of the late Dutchess Dowager will be performed this Evening. Then Serene Highnesses the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick and the other Princes of the Ducal Family, walk in the Procession. The Duke of Brunswick has promoted his Son Prince Frederick, to the Rank of Lieutenant General. March 19. Their Serene Highnesses Prince Ferdinand, the Hereditary Prince, and Prince Frederick, set out from hence this Morning for Hildesheim. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, March 29. His Majesty's Ship Brilliant, Capt. Loggie, has taken the Esperance, a Snow Privateer be- longing to St. Malo, of six Carriage and six Swi- vel Guns, with 66 Men. [ Thus far the Gazette.] Yesterday there was a Cabinet Council held. Orders are given for the several Officers belong- ing to the Troops in Germany to set out the first Week in April, in order to join their respective Corps. About 2000 Men are draughted out of the Guards, who will shortly embark for Germany. It is said two large Frigates are ordered im- mediately to the Coast of Africa, to protect the Trade there. We hear that an Express arrived at the Admi- ralty- Office on Thursday, with Dispatches from Jamaica, giving an Account of Governor Little- ton's safe Arrival there in the Merlin Sloop of War, with other Packets relative to the Posture of Defence he found that Island in, upon his Ar- rival ; which it is said, his Excellency represents to be very good. It is reported, that if Admiral Rodney fails from Martinico with 10 Ships of the Line, the whole Force of the Jamaica Fleet will make up 28 Ships of the Line, besides Frigates, Fire- ships, & c. On Saturday last 5000 Gallons of British Bran sly were exported to Martinico : This is the first Entry that ever was made from hence that Island. An Express was dispatched to the Court of Portugal, to go with the Mail that failed on Thursday last from Falmouth, wherein ' tis said His Portuguese Maiesty is assured of our giving him all proper Succour, as the Nature or Affairs shall require, and it is also assured that a Body of Troops is already appointed for that Purpose and the several Regiments have Orders to prepare for embarking. From Ratisbon we are informed, that the Em- peror has demanded of the Dyet a further Subsidy of forty Roman Months. From our Correspondent at Hanover, we learn that on the IIth Instant the caps of Hussars un der the Command of Gen. Luckner, attacked and repulsed a Detachment of French Troop that had advanced to Nordheim. Our Hussars brought off some Prisoners and some Horses, but loft a Lieut. Colonel and a Major. The first was slain and the other made Prisoner. By Letrers from Gibraltar we are told that there are in that Port two Moorish Vessels of Force each carrying 16 Guns and 300 Men. On Tuesday . the 18th Inst. in a hard Gale Wind, nine Vessels were lost at Dublin. They have now begun to deliver out at the Tower the Coinage of Farthings for the Use the Victuallers. . Briftal, March 31. Came in since our last, The Hibernia, Kne- tbell, and the Cork Packet, both from Cork; the Clifton, Smith, from Barbadoes; the Marlborough, Gibson, from Guadalupe ; the Edward, Davis, from Boston ; the Sterling, Lewis, from Rotter dam ; the Vulture, from New- York; and the Young To- bias. from Hamburgh. Arriv'd, At Jamaica, the Judith, Ball, the Hope, Glutsam, the Indian King, Burte, the Prosper, Thomas; v at Yougball, the fleece, Thomas, and the Concord, Butler ; at Dublin, the Dispatch, Brass ; at London, the Bristol Merchant, Powell ; at Bar- badoes, the True Btiton, Harbifen ; at Antigua, the, Fox, Drew; at Old Calabar, the Indian Qùeen, Lewis, all from this Part, at St. Kitt's, the Cato, Jones, from Africa, the Lucea, Glassford, the Friendship, Welsh), and, the Peggy, Campbell, at Guadalupe, the Kitty, I , at South- Carolina, the Prince of Wales, and at Bonny, the, Sally, M'Taggart, and the Jamaica Packet, Engle- due, all from Bristol; at Antigua, the Bay- Ma-, baught, M'Namara ; at Bremen, the Lady Gabe- tha, Koper ; at Rotterdam, the Juffrow Elizabeth, Sinclair ; at Jamaica, the Gallant, I and the Carolina, Doyle; at Guadalupe, the Kitty, Hal- loran ; from this Port ; at Milford, the Susannah, Prize to thé Try all Privateer ; at Minebead, the Partridge, from New York ; at Madera, the Sa- lisbury, Sharp, from Bristol. The Rodney, Ward, from Jamaica, is taken by two Bayonn Privateers. The three Persons condemned at the Assizes at Glou- cester, are all reprieved. The Mercury, from Jamaica, islostnear Yougball. BATH, April I Arriv'd here, The Earl and Countess of Bles- sington, Countess Dowager of Banbury, Sir Pigott Pierce, Chancellor Hoadly and Lady, Hon. Mrs. Knollis, Dr. Purnell, Dr. Baylies, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton, Mr. and Mrs. Al'is, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. De- beaufrey, Mr. and Mrs. Swinburne, Mr. and. Mrs. Bridstock, Rev. Mr. Caverly, Rev. Mr. Thomson, Rev. Mr. Nicholl, Mr. Andrews, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Bowles, Mr. Rushet, Mr. Mepish, Mr. Nixon, Mr. Payne, Mr. Cook, Mr. Drax, Mr. Bragg, Mr. Goldfinch, Mr. Man, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Yawle, Mr. Porter, Mrs. Dundass, Mrs. Smart, Mrs. St. Leger, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Roffey, Mrs. Fin- nel, Mrs. Mackey, Mrs. Brooksbank, Mrs. Salvadore, Mrs. Gordon, Miss Dundass, two Miss St. Leger's, & c. & c. Thursday last being the Birth- Day of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, ( who then enter'd into his 24thYear) the fame was obferv'd here with the usual Demonstrations of Joy. Last Wednesday Laurence Sullivan, Esq. was chosen Member of Parliament for Taunton, with- out Opposition. The Rev. Matthew Frampton, Restor of Lan gridge, Somersetshire, and Chaplain to the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, is instituted to the Vi- carage of Westport and Charleton, Wilts, on the Presentation of the Lord High Chancellor. London, March 30. ' Twas reported this Morning, but upon what Foundation we know not, that the whole Island of Martinico had surrendered to his Majesty's Arms upon the same Terms of Capitulation as had been granted to the Towns which formerly surrender'd themselves.
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