The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Printer / Publisher: Cornelius Pope
Volume Number: II
Issue Number: 5
No Pages: 4
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Date of Article: 12/11/1761
Printer / Publisher: Cornelius Pope
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: II
Issue Number: 5
No Pages: 4
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[ No. 5.] [ VOL. II. ] ^ [ Price TWO- PENCE HALFPENNY. ] Printed and published by CORNELIUS POPE, at his Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is performed on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. To the PRINTER of the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. SIR, AS the following Anecdote contains a remarkable circumstance belonging to the English History, if you think it worthy a Place in your Paper, it is at your Service. It may be necessary to inform your Readers that it is a Transcript from the Hand- writing of the famous Mr. LOCK, HART, Author of the Memoirs of
Scotland; and that the original Manuscript was inserted in a blank Leaf of a Volume of Lord CLA- REDON's History of the Rebellion, to which Author the Introduction to the Story particularly refers. Am, Sir, your constant Reader, & c. ANECDOTE relating to King CHARLES the Second. IT is very strange, that amongst so many Dan- gers to which King CHARLES II. was ex- posed, and from which he was surprisingly and miraculously delivered, neither this, [ meaning Lord Clarendon] nor any other Author I have met with, takes the least Notice of one of a very extraordinary Nature, which happened to him in Holland, and which
was as follows. The King, when at Brussels, being desirous and resolved to see his Sister the Princess of Orange, but withal under a Necessity to make the Journey with the utmost Secrecy, did communicate his Design to no Person whatsoever. He ordered one FLEMING ( a Servant of the Earl of Wigton) who was in his Service, and of whose Fidelity he neither then nor ever after did doubt, secretly to provide a Couple of good Horses, and have them ready at a certain Place and Time of the next en- suing Night by his Majesty appointed ; and that Fleming with these Horses should remain alone ' till he beard from the King. At
the Time appointed, the King ( having gone to Bed, and afterwards dressed- himself, and privately gone out of a back Door, and leaving only a Letter to some one of his Servants in whom he confided, with an Account of his having gone from them for a few Days, and with Directions to keep his Absence as secret as possible, under Pretence of being indisposed) came to the Place ; there he found FLEMING with the Horses as he had directed. He then acquainted FLEMING of his Design of going to the Hague ; and not re- garding the Hazards he might be exposed to, away he went with this slender Equipage and Atten- dance,
travelling through the most secret By- ways, and contriving it so that he came to the Hague by Six in the Morning, and alighted at a scrub Inn in a remote Part of the Town, where he was confident no one would know him under the Disguise he was then in. He immediately sent FLEMING to acquaint his Sister where he was, and to leave it to her to contrive the Way and Manner of his having Access to her, so as not to be known. . . FLEMING having dispatched his Commission in a very short Time, ( less than an Hour) was no sooner returned to the King, ( finding him in the Room where he had lest him, and where he had been
still alone, than an unknown Person came and asked of the Landlord, if two Frenchmen had not alighted at his House that Morning The Landlord replied, that indeed two Men had come, but of what Country he knew not. The Stranger desired him to tell them, he wanted to speak to them ; which he having done, the King was much surprised, hut withal inclined to see the Person. FLEMING opposed it, but the King being positive, the Person was introduced, being an old reverend- like Man, with a long Beard and ordinary Cloths ; who looking and speak- Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. Arrived the Mails from HOLLAND and
FLANDERS, Italy. CIVITA- VECCHIA, October 10. UR Advices from Corsica import, that Paoli was actually besieging Bastia. He has already taken Fort Rogliani at the Point of the Cape; the Town of Maginagio, round which the Ge- noese had four Forts garrisoned by five hun- dred Men; and five other small Forts in the same Province. Every Thing that Paoli reduced it taxed at ten thousand Livres Contribution. A Detachment of his Troops is now besieging Ajazzo On the West Side of the Island. Two Genoese Vessels laden with Provisions and warlike Stores, were taken a few Days ago by two Corsican Fe- luccas : There was a
Serjeant- Major on board these Captures, with twenty thousand Livres for paying the Republic's Troops in Corsica. Germany. DRESDEN, Oct. 15. Marshal Daun has within these few Days made several material Alterations in the Position of his Army: Prince Henry has also made new Dispositions. The almost every Day, on whcih Occasions we generally get some Prussian Deserters. BERLIN, Oct. 2o. The Austrians have made an Attempt to surprize the Fortress of Cosel, but were repulsed by the Garrison. The reigning Margrave of Bade- Baden died suddenly the 22nd Inst. at his Castle of Rastadt, aged 61. The King having
solemmy engaged in the Terms required, DOWNING proceeded, and told that his Matter, the Usurper, being now at Peace with the Dutch, and the States so dependant and obsequious to him, that they refused nothing he required, had with the greatest Secrecy, in order to make it more effectual, enured into a Treaty, by which, among other trifling Matters agreed to bine inde, the chief and indeed the main End of the Negotiation was, that the States stood en- gaged to seize and deliver up to the Usurper the Person of his Majesty, if so be at any Time he should happen, by Chance or Design, to come within their Territories,
when required thereto by any in his Name and that this Treaty, ha- ving been signed by the States, was sent to Lon- don, from whence it had returned but Yesterday Morning, and totally finished Yesternight betwixt him and a private Committee of the States. He represented his Master's Intelligence to be so good, that a Discovery would be made even to himself, ( DOWNING ) of his Majesty's being there ; and if he neglected to apply to have him seized, his Master would relent it to the highest, which would infallibly cost him his Head, and deprive his Majesty of a faithful Servant. And being de- sirous to prevent the miserable
Consequences of what would follow, if his being here was dis- covered, he resolved to communicate the Danger he was in, and for Fear of a future Discovery he had disguised himself, being resolved to trust no Person with the Secret. He then proposed that PRIOR- PARK : Or, INDUSTRY and ART'S TRIUMPH. TO please the Eye, and entertain the Mind, The Powers of Art and Industry combined ; In Prior- Park their mutual Labours wrought Beauties, scarce imaged by the Strength of Thought : Soon as the ravished Eye the Scene surveys, New, curious Strokes of Art the Mind amaze; While by the Force of Industry around, A
second Eden, blissful Seat ! is found : too fair Truth and Innocence repair ; All moral social Virtues flourish here: Did e'er pale Want here drop a Tear in vain ? Or helpless Innocence here twice complain ? Here tender Breads Pity's soft Touches know, Can melt with Grief and sympathize with Woe. Never rising Merit drooped neglected here, But found a Patron and forgot Despair.— Hail ! happy Seat ! blest Region of Delight ! Where Industry and Art their Powers unite.— Whin this her Offspring Industry surveyed, She owned astonished some superior Aid : While Nature wounded felt the Smart, And bowed submits to Industry
and Art. J. C.****** France. PARIS, OCT. 23. The Viscount de Belsunce and the Chevalier de St. Croix, have taken Leave of the King, and are both set out for Brest. The Squadron armed in that Port is ready to put to Sea, and the chief Command of it is given to M. de Blenac. No more than three Regiments are embarked in it, viz. Quercy, Boulonnois, and Foix. The Marquis d'Aubigny is to command the Rochefort Squadron, which is also reckoned to be ready for Departure; but it will be difficult to come out without fighting an English Squadron which still cruizes along that Coast. They write from Vannes, that the Duke d'Ai guillon has ordered all the Coast- Rangers of Bri- tanny to repair to Port Louis. Sixty Volunteers are picked out of every Battalion in the Province. The other Troops are every where in Readiness to embark on the first Notice. Country- Intelligence. NEWCASTLE, Oct. 31. This Week a Person in preparing a Foundation for a new Building in Church Borough, not far from the Castle, dis- covered an Urn, which, on Examination, con- tained 180 Roman Coins of different Sizes. The Rust on the Coins prevented their Areas being discovered ; some of them have been cleaned, and esteemed very curious. Last Tuesday was killed at
Wolsingham Mar- ket, by Joseph Tomlinson, a small Grass Gim- mer Sheep, one Year old, fed by Robert Bowes, Esq. of Bradley- Hall, which weighed 261b. a Quarter, and had 42lb. of Suet in it. YORK, NOV. 3. Last Tuesday Night some of the French Prisoners confined in the Castle, ha- ving found Means to cut the Iron Bars in the Windows, 20 out of 121 confined there made their Escape over the Walls by the Help of, Rope ; but six of them were taken soon after, and brought back to their former Lodging. [ 17 ] Weekly AND GAZETTE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I2, 1761. ing to the King, told him, he was the Person he
wanted to speak to, and that all alone, on Mat- ters of Importance. The King believing it might perhaps be a Return from his Sister, or being curious to know the Result of such an Ad- venture, desired FLEMING to withdraw ; which he refused, ' till the King taking him aside Cold him there could be no Hazard from such an old Man, for whom he was too much, and com- manded him to retire. _ They were no sooner alone, than the Stranger bolted the Door, ( which brought the King to think on what might or would happen) and at the same Time falling upon his Knees, pulled off his very nice and artificial Mask, and discovered
himself to be Mr. DOWNING, ( afterwards well known by the Name of Sir GEORGE, and Am- bassador from the King to the States, after his Restoration) then Envoy or Ambassador from CROMWELL to the States, being the Son of one DOWNING an independent Minister, who atten- ded some of the Parliament- Men who were once lent to Scotland to treat with the Scots to join against the King, and who was a very active vi- rulent Enemy to the Royal Family, as appears from this History. The King you may easily imagine was not a little surprized at the Discovery. But DOWN- ING gave him no Time for Reflection, having
immediately spoke to him in the following Man- ner : That he humbly begged his Majesty's Par- don for any Share or Part he had a fled during the Rebellion against his Royal Interest; and assured him, that tho' he was just now in the Service of the Usurper, he wished his Majesty as well as any of his Subjects; and would, when an Occasion offered, venture all for his Service; and was hopeful, what he was to fay would convince his Majesty of his Sincerity : But before he men- tioned the Cause of his coming to him, he must insist that his Majesty would solemnly promise to him not to mention what had happened, and he was to
say, to FLEMING, or any other Person whatsoever, until it pleased God his Majesty was restored to his Crowns, when he should not have Reason to desire it concealed; tho' even then he must likewise have his Majesty's Promise, never to ask, or expect he should discover, how or when he came to know of his being there. his Majesty would immediately mount this Horses, and wake all the Dispatch imaginable out of the Staff Territories. That he himself would re- turn Home, and, under Pretence of Sickness lie longer in Bed than usual; and that when he thought his Majesty was so far off, as to be out of Danger to be overtaken,
he would go to the States, and acquaint them that he underload his Majesty was in Town, and his being seized in the Terms of the late Treaty. That he knew they would comply, and lend to the Place directed ; but on finding that his Majesty was off so far as to be safe, he pose make no further Noise about it, lest it should discover the Treaty, and prevent his Ma- jesty afterwards falling into their Hands. The King immediately followed his Advise, and he returning Home, every Thing was acted and happened, as he proposed and foretold. The King having, thus escaped this imminent Danger, most religiously performed what he
had promised, never mentioning any Part of this Story ' till after his Restoration, and not then de- siring to know how DOWNING'S Intelligence came, ( which he never discovered) tho' the King often said it was a Mystery, for no Person knew of his Design ' till he was on Horseback, and that he could not think FLEMING went and dis- covered him to DOWNING., Besides, he so soon from his Sister, he could not have Time, DOWNING having come much about the Time FLEMING returned. I have heard this Story told by several who frequented King CHARLES'S Court after the Restoration ; particularly by the Earl of Cro- , who
said, that next Year after the Res- toration, he, with the Duke of Rothes and se- veral other Scots Quality, being one Night with the over a Bottle, they all complained of Speech DOWNING had made in , reflecting on the Scots Nation, which they thought his Majesty should resent so as to him from Court, and withdraw his Fa- vour from him. The King replied, he did not approve what he had said, and would reprove him ; but to go farther he could not well do, because of this Story, which he reported in the Terms here narrated, which made such an Impression on all present, that they freely forgave what had passed, and ROTHES
asked Liberty to begin his. Health in a Bumper. ',* ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, if short; LONGER Ones in Proportion. ——• The BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE is circulated in London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater, Wells, Shepton- Mallet, Bruton, Frome, Gloucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury, Wotton, under- edge, Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Hereford, Worcester, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford; Abingdon, Hungerford, Newbury, Reading,
Salisbury, Heitsbury, Warminster, Westbury, Lavington, Bradford, Trowbridge, Melksham, , Corsham, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, Shaftsbury, Pool, Weymouth, Sherborne, & c. & c. at the Post- Offices of most of which Places, Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for an Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise by the Newsmen.— No Letters received, unless POST- PAID. ——— At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had, all Sorts of PATENT MEDICINES, & C.
18 London, November 5. His Majesty went to the House of Lords from St. James's, through the Park, and so oil by the Horse- Guards to Westminster. The State Coach was drawn on this Occasion by. eight Cream- co- lour'd Horses, ornamented with blue Ribbons, & c. His Majesty seemed highly pleased With the Acclamations of the People. The Duke of York, his two Brothers, and a Nobleman, ap beared also in another Coach, and were followed by the Matter of the Horse to the Queen. Her Majesty was Jo condescending, as to shew herself for a considerable Time at a Bow Window com manding a View into the Park, from
the Back of the Palace ; and seemed extremely well pleased with the People, who assembled in Crowds to view her Majesty. His Majesty was drest in blue Mazarine and Gold, artended in his Coach by the Duke of Rutland and the Earl of Oxford. Tuesday the Right Hon. the Earl of Powis, by a Commission from the Earl Talbot, Lord Steward, ( wore in the Members of the House of Commons in the Court of Wards, Earl Talbot having had the Misfortune to dislocate his Shoul der by a Fall from his Horse. Yesterday the four Members for the City of London went to the House of Commons in their Scarlet Robes, it being the first Day
of opening the new Parliament, in having been a Privilege granted to them, and to no other Citizens. The Talk in general lately has been, that the Right Hon. Mr. Pitt would certainly be rein stated ; but by the best Intelligence we can get we cannot learn that there is any Likelihood of it We are informed that some Transactions of very extraordinary Nature will soon appear, that may possibly cast some new Lights upon a la e Re- signation, so disagreeable to the People of this Kingdom. I is said that the Treasurer of the Navy will have a Pension of 2000l. per Annum. A few Days, it is thought, will determine very grand Question,
War, or no War with Spain. It is confidently said, that a large Body of Spa nish Troops have been landed on the Island of Martinico, with a Design, we suppose, to welcome thole of ours, which we imagine are now upon their Voyage for the same Place. The Report now is, that the Duke de Choiseuil is coming over to England, as Plenipotentiary from the Court of France, with fresh Overtures for Peace. We hear that the Hon. Mr. Stanley has recei- ved a Present of the French King's Picture enrich'd with Jewels, since his Return from Paris, his Si- tuation while there not permitting him to accept any Thing of that Kind. It is said
Orders have been dispatched to the se veral Dock- yards through England, to fit up for Sea with the greatest Expedition all the Ships of War from 20 Guns downwards. The Hon. Commodores Keppel and Lord Howe are upon the List of Admirals. It is said that Sir Piercy Brett, Commodore Moore, and Capt. Proby, will soon be made Ad- mirals ; and that Capt. Tyrrel will be appointed a Commissioner of one of the publick Offices, Madame Adelaide, the eldest Daughter of France, has taken the Vow of Celibacy. They write from Paris, of the 22d, that France's Share of the Money brought home by the Spanish Flora from Vera Cruz,
amounts to fourteen Mil- lions of Piastres: That it was laid the Duke de Richelieu would go Ambassador to Madrid ; and that the Duke de Choiseuil, lately appointed Mi- nister of the Marine, was determined to give his whole Time, and even the greatest Part of his private Fortune, to put the Navy of Fiance on a formidable Footing. A very fine Painting, by Ramsey, of the Earl of Bute, is put up in the Royal Apartments at St. James's. Last Saturday his Majesty's Ship the Dragon, Captain Harvey, with the Granada Bomb, failed from Plymouth to join Admiral Rodney ' Tis said there are to be two Tables in Guild- hall for the Foreign
Ambassadors on Lord Mayor's Day; at the Top of each is to he placed a Sirloin of Roast Beef, decorated with a British Flag, and a Label inscribed with, 0 the Roast Beef of Old England! rity in a very numerous and a very hardy Race of Men. If it be objected, that the French, who remained in Arcadia, were to the last our deter- mined Enemies, we shall find that Objection has no Strength, when we recollect that we had no Acquaintance or Correspondence with them.— This is already far from being the Cafe with the Canadians; who are by no Means displeased with, or disaffected to our Government. The more they know it, and
the more they are accus- tomed to live with us, and to thrive by us, the more they will like it; and the Remembrance of the Hardshipe they suffered, and the Ill- usage they met with from the French, will inspire them with a Detestation of falling again under their Power ; more especially, if we take the Precau- tion of suffering no Clergy there, but what are Natives of the Country. This Province, in this Situation, will be a lure Pledge, and a constant Security for our preserving the Empire of North- America. Our other Co- lonies are more numerous, and being now relea- sed from all Fear of Invasion, will be growing continually stronger.
In Consequence of this, it will be a Thing utterly impossible, for the French, let them use what Policy they will, to raise any Strength in Louisiana, that may not be at any Time crushed by the Forces that may be brought against them, out of those Colonies. In the next Place, in Proportion as these become populous, they will spread Southward into a wanner Cli- mate, and better Soil, and of Course, our Colo- nies in the West- Indies, as well as in South Ca- rolina and Georgia, will be furnished with People from North America, and drain very few People from Great Britain. PITY. AS Blossoms and Flowers are strewed upon Earth by
:! ie Hand of Spring; as the Kind- ness of Summer produceth in Perfection the Boun- ties of Harvest ; so the Smiles of Pity shed Bles- sings on the Children of Misfortune. He who pityeth another recommendeth himself; but he who is without Companion, derserveth it not. The Butcher relenteth not at the Bleating of the Lamb ; neither is the Heart of the Cruel moved with Distress. But the Tears of the Companionate are sweeter than Dew- drops falling from Roses an the Bosom of the Spring. Shut not thine Ear therefore against the Cries of the Poor ; neither harden thine Heart against the Calamities of the Innocent. When the
Fatherless call upon thee, when the Widow's Heart is sunk, and she imploreth thy Assistance with Tears of Sorrow ; O pity her Af- fliction, and extend thy Hand to those who have none to help them. When thou see'st the naked Wauderer on the Street, shivering with Cold, and destitute of Ha- bitation ; let Bounty open thine Heart, let the Wings of Charity shelter him from Death, that thine own Soul may live. Whilst the poor Man groaneth on the Bed of Sickness, whilst the Unfortunate languish in the Horrors of a Dungeon, or the hoary Head of Age lifts up a feeble Eye to thee for Pity ; O how can'st thou riot in supersluous
Enjoyments, regardless of their Wants, unfeeling of their Woes ? political Remarks, It has been already shewn, that by taking a few prudential Steps, we may be very secure of keep ing Possession of Canada, without being at any very great Expence.. We come next to speak of its Importance to the British Interest in North- America ; and we hope to establish this Point likewise, beyond all Contradiction. In the first Place, it is known to be a cold and not very fer- tile Country, though very far from being bar- ren. It mutt consequently be wholesome, and its Inhabitants robust, healthy, and long- lived which, taking in the
Consideration also, of their having Room enough to spread and settle in, must render this a very, populous Province. There will be therefore no Need after a little Time of fending new Settlers there ; since, in the Space of a very few Years, we may be confident it will gather Strength enough to defend itself and from the Circumstances mentioned in a for mer Paper, as well as what will be said hereafter in this, the growing Power of the British Canada need not give us any Apprehensions. For the People in this Country, who were for merly the Terror, will now become the Guardians of our other Colonies, and this Province the Bar
rier to all our other Provinces. We shall not stand in Need then of a Chain of Forts. We shall then have a better and more effectual Secu- The BEARDLESS L O V E R. AS smooth fac'd Johnny went of late To viiit Laughter- loving Kate, To hear his Tale he ( blubb'ring) prest her, And thus in whining Tone address'd her ; " Ah ! cruel Kate ! too well you know " Th' unhidden Cause of all my Woe ; " Alas! ' tis Love! oh! ease my Smart, " And give me both your Hand and The drollish Nymph awhile survey'd him ; And then this poignant Answer made him : " Poor he- the Thing ! no longer whine,. " Nor sue for what can ne'er be thine ; "
Some manly Youth, jocose and smart, " Alone shall have my Hand and Heart : " That you've no Claim your Chin denotes, " You'd better take my Petticoats."—— Join strok'd his Face, and look'd askew, And quite a bash'd bid Kate adieu. WOKEY, NOV. 6, C. Blazius.. 1761. The FRIEND of ENGLAND. SAY, when PITT's Virtue bad him quit the Seal, Did he not glow with warmth for Britain's weal, O'erborne by Number, and oppress'd by Art, Did he not act the steady Patriot's Part, When he disdain'd to cover England's Shame With Ins much- lov'd, respected, honour'd Name ? That manly Spirit, Dignity of Soul, [ oul ! Nor Pow'r,
nor Fear, nor Gold, could e'e con- Else, humbled to the Dust, in abject State, Still had loft Albion wept her hapless Fate ; Ne'er from proud France such Tropshies had she Their Navy, Commerce, Colonies undone ; won, Nor hid accumulated Lustre grae'd The Throne where GEORGE and all our opes are plac'd. What, if due Reward our Sov'reign pay ?. In Confirmation of his People's Praise ; Is it not Justice to the public Voice ? Is it not Triumph to the Nation's Choice Doth it rot testify whole guiding Hand Redeem'd from Loss and Shame a sinking and ? BRISTOL, 1761. ELIZ. CHANCELLOR, LACE- WOMAN, IN DUKE STReET, ST. JAMES'S, LONDON, Begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and Others, now in BATH, THAT She intends to be here in a few Days, with the Greatest CHOICE of all Sorts of LACES in England, at the most reasonable Rates. And hopes that such Ladies and Gentlemen who have Commissions from Ireland, will be kind enough to stay ' till her Arrival before they buy, as the has laid in a particular Stock for that Purpose. A HOUSE at Bath- Easton, To be Lett, Ready- Furnish'd, ' Till MAY NEXT : New in Possession of Lady BARBARA MONTAGU. *** Enquire for Particulars at the said House ; or of Mr. CROOK,
Apothecary, on the North- Parade. To be Lett immediately, READY- FURNISH'D, A HOUSE in Orchard- street, Near the Parades. Enquire of BASIL WAKE, Apothecary. To be Lett, and enter'd on immediately , Or at St. THOMAS- DAY next, A HOUSE very healthy and plea- santly situated to a fine Prospect, with very large and convenient Work- houses, at BERFIELD, in the Parish of Bradford, in the County of Wilts, about a Quarter of a Mile from the Town ; wherein Posthumus Bush, Cloth- worker, deceas'd, lately dwelt, and carried on a very large Trade.---- It is convenient for a Clothier that makes a great Quantity of Cloth,
and may be converted into a proper House for a Malster or a common Brewer, there being no Want of Water ; and there are two very good Cellars, with a large Kitchen- Garden, a genteel Court before the House, seve- ral Acres of Pasture Ground adjoining, and a new- built Stable. At the same Place to be Sold, a very good Cloaths Press and Papers, with Handles, Teazles, Shears, and one double Rack or Tenter. *** For further Particulars, enquire of Benja- min Bush, at Turline, in the said Parish of Bradford. DR. ROBERT WALKER'S Patent Genuine JESUITS DROPS, or Elixir of HEALTH and LONG ; LIFE. ( In Bot- tles only
of 2s. 6d. and 5s.) ----- The great Success and Demand that is daily made for my never- failing genuine JeSuITS DROPS, which are the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual and im- mediate Cure ever discover'd for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, tho' ever so obstinate, of ever so long landing, and by whatever Means occasion'd, and also for the Venereal Disease, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms, has occasion'd some Persons to endeavour to imitate the same, and publish Medicines bretending to same of the like Virtues. His Majesty, that I should reap the sole Advantage of my said va- luable
Invention, and that the Public should receive the Benefit of the same genuine, was most graciously bleas'd on the 29th of November, 1755, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent, for England and the Planta- tions in America : And, on repeated Representations of the great and surprising Cures daily perform'd by my said Jesuits Drops, has been since also graciously pleas'd, that his Subjects in his Kingdoms of Scotland and Ire- and should also have the said Medicine genuine, and for preventing them from being imposed upon with spu - rious Medicines, falsely pretending to the same Virtues, to the Prejudice of their Healths and
Constitutions, as well as endangering their Lives, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent for those Kingdoms. My said Patent genuine Jesuits Drops have no Mercurials in their Composition, and neither purge or vomit, but carry the Disorders clean off by Urine ( the Dose only 15 Drops in Wine, Water, or on Sugar) and is an excellent Remedy for Travellers, and Persons going to Sea, as to be taken so secret, that even a Bed- fellow cannot make Discovery, and at any Time, in any Season or Climate, ( keeping their full Virtues ten Years) without Alteration in Diet, and eradicates Root and Branch all the poisonous Symptoms of
those loathsome Distempers, and absolutely answer all the Ends that can be expected by Salivation, and were never known to miss of curing after Salivation bad fail'd. *** I am to be consulted gratis at my Warehouse, and Persons of either Sex may, on personal Application, depend . on the strictest Honour and Secresy, and re- ceiving a certain Cure, with a mild Medicine, with- out their Constitutions being torn to Pieces with rough Mercurials. And I give gratis, seal'd up with each Bottle, a printed Treatise on Gleets, Weaknesses, and the Venereal Disorder, by which Persons of both Sexes may cure themselves, with the
greatest Secresy, and know if' the Disorder be of a mild or malignant Na- ture. Veritas prevaleat. R. WALKER, M. D. . To be bad at the Patentee's Warehouse, the Bible and Crown, the upper End of Fleet- Lane, opposite the Sessions House Gate, Old Bailey, London ; of Mr , Brown, in Christmas- Street, Bristol; of C. Pope, and Camp. at their Office, in Stall- Street, Bath ; and of the Distributors of this Paper. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ VOL. Made and Sold at John Evill's Stocking and Shoe Ware- house, At the Golden- Fleece, the Corner of Green- street, near St. Michael's Church, BATH, WHERE the SHOE MAKING TRADE iS carried on in all its Branches, and made equal in Quality, and warranted as good as those sold at higher Prices ; and sold at least Two Shil- lings in Twenty less than the present Prices else- where ; and the following Reasons are assign'd for so doing, viz. A large Consumption— Dealing for Ready- Money— and a quick Return— for the fol- lowing Goods, viz. Boots and Spatterdashes ; Mens and Boys Pumps and Shoes, all Sorts and Sizes ; Mens Cork- Sole and Shoes for the Gout ; Womens Silk and Sattin, fine and common, Cal- limanco and Lasting Pumps and Shoes ; and Lea- ther ditto : Mens and
Womens Galloshes ; and all Sorts of Womens Clogs of the neatest Make ; Girls Callimanco and Lasting Pumps and Shoes; Morocco and Black Leather ditto every Size. And almost every Sort of HOSIERY GOODS of Worsted, Thread, and Cotton, both Knit and Wove, will be fold on the lowest Terms. To be Lett, ( For any Term of Tears not exceeding 5) And enter'd on the First of JANUARY, 1762, CHELTENHAM SPAW WITH or WITHOUT Two or three Acres of Land adjoining. *** Any Person having a Mind to treat about it, may apply to Mr. HENRY SKILLICORNE, of Cheltenham, in th County of Glocester ; or to Mr. WILLIAM
SKILLICORNE, Attorney at Law, at Worcester. N. B. This Estate requires no great Stock ; and a Man and a Boy are more than sufficient to ma- nage the Business all the Year round. JOHN BRYANT, Upholder, AT THE Royal- Bed in the Market- Place, Bath, Performs all MANNER of UPHOLSTERY WORK, And sells the various Articles belonging thereto, at the following low PRICES. Work. BEST Damask Moreen Beds, with ornamental Work, made from 20s. to 30s. or higher; plain ditto, from t5s. to 18s.— Washing- Beds from 8s. to 14s.— Half- Canopy ditto, from 4s. to 7s. — Common Festoon Window Curtains at 2s.—
Drapery ditto from 3s. to 4s.— Easy- Chair- Cases 3s.—- French ditto. 2s. Back- Stool- Cases 1s. false Seats stuffed in Canvas with best curled Hair and Web, from 2od. to 2s.— Matrasses, from 2s. to 4s.— Rooms hung with Paper, at 2s. 6d. per Day each Man ;— if dieted, 2s. Articles Sold. Great Variety of Paper Hangings, from 2d. bf. to 1s. per Yard.— Mock India ditto from 8d. to 2s.— Real India ditto from 7s. to 103. per Sheet, ( three Yards)— Looking- Glasses ( as cheap as in London) from 3d. to Ten Guineas.— Screens of all Sorts, from 6s. to Four Guineas.— French Chairs ( stuffed with the belt curled Hair) at 12s. —
Back Stools 8s.— Easy Chairs 25s.— Half- Ell Stuff- Damask, from 2s. 4d. to 3s. per Yard.— | Moreens from 2s. to 2s. 4d.— Harrateens from 19d. to 2od.— Cheneys from 12d. to 14d.— Com- mon Furniture Checks from 12d. to 15d. per Yard.— Inch- and- Inch ditto from i6d. to 18d.— Common Worsted Lace from 3s. to 1d. per Yard. — strip'd washing Lace from 1d. to 2d.— SilkLace from 2d. to 3d.— All Crimson Lace and Stuffs a Trifle dearer, on Account of Colour.— Fringes of all Sorts from 6d. to 4s. per Yard.— Worsted Lines from 1d. to 1d. hf.— Tossels from 1s. to 1s. 6d. each.— Horse- Hair for covering Chairs from 2s.
9d. to 3s. 6d.— Tick Pieces for Beds from 28s. to 42s.— Manchester ditto from 8s. to 20s.— English Ticks from 14d. per Yard to 3s.— Goose Feathers from 14d. to 18d. per Pound— Common Feathers from 5d. to 8d.— Milpuff from 8d. to 11d. per Pound— Flocks- from 3d. bf. to 8d.— Flock Ticks from 10d. to 14d, per Yard.— Cot- ton Counterpanes from 15s. to 28s. each.— Whit- ney Blankets from 7s. 6d. to 36s.— Wiltshire ditto from 6s. to 32s. Gloucestershire ditto from 5s. to 20s.— Yorkshire ditto from 3s. 6d. to 24s. — Somersetshire ditto from 10d. to 2s. per Yard. — Devonshire Rugs from 3s. 6d. to 14s.— Wilt- shire ditto
From 4S. to 16s.— Gloucestershire ditto from 7s. 6d. to 25s.— Essex ditto from 8s. to 24s. — Wilton Carpets from Two Guineas to Seven Guineas ; the Stuff unmade from 4s. 6d. per Yd. to 5s. and made up to any Size at 5s. 6d.— Kid- derminster Cets from 15s. to 3l.— Scotch Car- peting from 1s. 10d. to 3s. 6d. per Yard.— Tur- key Carpets from 30s. to Ten Guineas each.— Hair- Cloth for Passages, from 10d. to 2s. per Yard.— All Sorts of white and colour'd ; Quilts from 16s. to 4l.— New and Second- hand Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Chests of Drawers, Bedsteads, & c. & c. at the very lowest Prices, according to their
Goodness. HOV. SHOLD FURNITURE of all Kinds lett to Hire, in separate Articles. N. B. He has, just arrived, a Sort of Carpets made in England, which are equal to the Tur- key, and much cheaper. SEDAN CHAIRS made, mended, and lett to Hire.
II.] The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. 4 BATH, Nov. 5, 1761. WHereas an Advertisement was publish'd in last Thursday's Paper, of JOHN EVILL'S carrying the SHOE- MAKING Business on in all its Branches, and warranted as good as those sold at higher Prices : This is to acquaint the Public in general, that they are impos'd on by such Methods of proceeding. We will leave it to the candid Reader's Judgment, whe- ther a Pair of Womens Stuff Shoes or Pumps, for 1s. 3d. per Pair making, can be as well made as those at 2s. and 1s. 8d. per Pair, which is the very lowest Prices the Free Masters of this City give ; and for
Mens in Proportion.— They put a Droll on their low Wages, by saying they deal for Ready- Money. We Whose Names are hereunto subscribed will fell the Shoe- makiug Goods in all its Branches, as cheap in Substance ( tho' not in Tale of Mo- ney) as the said JOHN EVILL.— This Advcr- tisement concludes with no underhand Dealing, but fair and above- board. WILLIAM CARTER, JAMES HEAD. GEORGE CHAMBERRY. S. JONES, Watch- maker ( From LONDON) At the late Mrs. BASSETT'S SHOP, Fronting the Lanthorn- House, at the Cross- Bath, Makes and Mends all Sorts of Gold, Silver, and Metal Repeating and Plain
WATCHES. Sells all Sorts of PLATE Old Gold, Silver, and Lace bought or exchang'd. N. B. Ladies Ears bored in the easiest Manner. By VIRTUE of His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, The following Medicines are Sold at Mr. New- bery's Ware- House, the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church- Yard, opposite the North Door of the Church, London ; by C. Pope and Co. at the Printing- office in Stall- Street ; Messrs. Leake and Frederick, Booksellers; Mr. Lambe, Grocer ; and Mr. Duperre, Perfumer, in Bath ; and by Mr. Cadell, Mr. Brown, Mr. Palmer, and Mr. Ward, Booksellers, in Bristol : DR. James's Powder for Fevers, and Other
Inflammatory Distempers, which is a very safe and pleasant Medicine to take, will re- move ( as has been experienced in many Thousand Cases) any continual acute Fever in a few Hours, though attended with Convulsions, Lightheadedness, and the worst Symptoms: But, if taken in the Begin- ning of a Fever, one Dose is generally sufficient to perform a Cure. It is likewise a most effectual Re- medy for all internal Inflammations, Pleurisies, Quin- sies, acute Rheumatisms, and the Lowness of Spirits and Uneasinesses proceeding from slow and latent Fe- vers, which are generally mistaken for Vapours and Hystericks. It is
extremely effectual in the Small- Pox, Measles, and St. Anthony's Fire, and a single Dose remarkably stops the Progress of a Cold, and cer- tainly prevents the ill Consequences arising from that very common Disorder, the Source of almost all Dis- tempers. Price 2s. 6 d. the Paper, containing four Doses. Dr. John Hooper's Female Pills, Universally esteemed the best Remedy against those ge- neral Complaints which the Fair Sex are subject to ; they cleanse, pur, and cause a free Circulation of the Blood, and remove all Obstructions ; whereby Health is recovred, and the Patient who looked like Death, restored to a lively
Complexion. Price 1s. the Box. Mr. Greenough's Tincture for the TEETH , well known for its Excellence in cleansing, whitening, fastening, and preserving the Teeth, and curing the Scurvy in the Gums.------ Price 1s. the Bottle. The Stomachic Lozenges, which are the pleasantest and most effectual Remedy yet discovered for Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels. They cure the Cholic and all fixed Pains of the Stomach, Indi- gestion, Wind, cold Phlegm, and Want of Appetite ; and immediately relieve the Heart- burn, and sour Risings, and prevent the ill Effects of hard Drinking, especially of bad Wine, Jour Punch, stale Beer, &
c.— Price 1s. 6d. the Box. The Pectoral Lozenges of TOLU, Being a pleasant and most effectual Remedy, for all tickling Coughs, Catarrhs, fore Throats, Hoarsenesses, and Defluxions on the Lungs ; for they sheath the Acri- mony of the Humours, heal the Rawness and Soreness of the Breast, and promote Expectoration. Price 1s. the Box. Dr. Robert Eaton's Styptick , which is a sovereign Remedy in all inward Bleedings, Vomit- ings, and Spitting of Blood, or Bleeding at the Nose, & c. Price 2s. 6d. the Bottle, or a smaller Sort at 1s. 6d. [ See a Character of this Medicine in Dr. Cheyne'e Book, entitled, The Natural Method of
curing the Diseases of the Body and Mind. ] The BALSAM of HEALTH, Or, ( as it is by some Persons called) the BALSAM of LIFE , which being a Composition of the finest natural Balsams and balsamic Herbs, is the most admirable Vulnerary in Nature, curing all fresh Wounds at once or twice dressing, and is a most excellent Remedy in Chronic Disorder's, viz. the Rheumatism, Gout, Asthma, Wind Cholic, Gravel or Stone in the Kidneys, and all inward Decays and Weaknesses.— Price 1s. 6d. the Bottle. The Proprietor of this Balsam having fully established bis Property ( as may be seen by the Pro- ceedings concerning it in
the High Court of Chancery) now offers it to the Public at 1s. 6d. the bottle, tho' that which is called the Balsam of Life is sold for 3s. 6d. *** As Counterfeits of the above Medicines are bawked about the Country, the Public are desired to be particularly careful to apply for them to Mr. New - bery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church- Yard, opposite the North Door of the Church, or to those who are impowered to sell them in different Parts of Great- Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies Abroad, under his Hand and Seal, was sent with a Message to the House of Com- mons, commanding their Attendance in the House of Peers.
The Commons being come thither ac- cordingly, his Majesty was pleased to make the following most gracious Speech. My Lords and Gentlemen, AT the Opening of the first Parliament, sum- moned and elected under my Authority, I with Pleasure take Notice of an Event, which has made me compleatly happy, and given universal Joy to my loving Subjects. My Marriage with a Princess, eminently distinguished by every Virtue, and amiable Endowment, whilst it affords me all possible domestick Comfort, cannot but highly contribute to the Happiness of my Kingdoms ; which has been, and always shall be, my first Ob- ject in
every Action of my Life. It has been my earned Wish, that this first Pe- riod of my Reign might be marked with another Felicity ; the restoring of the Blessings of Peace to my People, and putting an End to the Calami- ties of War, under which so great a Part of Eu- rope suffers. But tho' Overtures were made to me, and my good Brother and Ally the King of Prussia, by the several belligerant Powers, in or- der to a general Pacification, for which Purpose a Congress was appointed ; and Propositions were made to me by France for a particular Peace with Crown, which were followed by an actual Negotiation ; yet that Congress
hath not hitherto taken Place, and the Negotiation with France is entirely broken off. The Sincerity of my Disposition to effectuate this good Work has been manifested in the Pro- gress of it ; and I have the Consolation to reflect, that the Continuance of the War, and the farther Effusion of Cristian Blood, to which it was the Desire of my Heart to put a Stop, cannot with justice be imputed to me. Our Military Operations have been in no Degree suspended or delayed ; and it has pleased God to grant us father important Successes, by the Con- certs of the Islands of Belleisle and Dominica ; and by the Reduction of Pondicherry, hath
in a Manner annihilated the French Power in the East- Indies. In other Parts where the Enemy's Num- bers were greatly superior, their principal Designs and Projects have been generally disappointed, by a Conduct which does the highest Honour to the distinguished Capacity of my General Prince Fer- dinand of Brunswick, and by the Valour of my Troops. The Magnanimity and Ability of the King of Prussia have eminently appeared, in re- filling such numerous Armies, and surmounting of great Difficulties. Holland. HAGUE, Oct. 30. Marshal Broglio continued still on the 26th Instant, in the same Position, en- camped and
cantoned between the Leine and We- ser. He had a Corps upon the Fulda, and another upon the Dymel. They have demolished the Castle of Schartzfeldt ; and given Orders for levelling the Walls of Duderstadt ; and are now employed in collecting a great Quantity of Forage in the Parts where they are at present. Prince Ferdinand's Head- Quarters were still at Ohr on the 26th. His Troops are in part cantoned between the Emmer, the Hamel, and the Innerte, with a Detatchment upon the Lippe. Probably this latter occasioned Prince Soubise's suspending for a little the Dislocation of his Army, which, it is still assur'd, is entering
into Winter- Quarters. Prince Soubise is at present at Wesel, but soon expected at Dusseldorp. Several Battalions and Squadrons of his Army are ordered back to France, besides the Houshold Troops. The Gendarmerie is to be quartered in the Bishoprick of Liege. It is confirmed, that the Accounts published of the Magazines belonging to the Allied Army, said to be destroyed by the French in Westphalia and East Friezland, are greatly exaggerated ; nothing being more certain, than that the Allies had no- thing of any great Consequence in those Parts. We are still without any material News from Silesia. The Prussians did not
succeed in getting a large Convoy into Colberg, which had been prepared by the Prince of Bevern at Stettin, the Russians having dispersed and destroyed the greatest, Part of it. London. WESTMINSTER, NOV. 5. This Day his Ma- jesty came to the House of Peers, and being seated in his Royal Robes, with the usual Solemnity, Sir Septimus Robinson, Knt. Usher of the Black Rod, In this Situation I am glad to have an Opportunity of receiving the truest Information of the Sense of my People, by a new Choice of their Representatives. am fully persuaded you will agree with me in Opi- nion, that the steady Exertion . of our most
vigo- rous Efforts, in every Part where the Enemy may still be attacked with Advantage, is the only Means that can be productive of such a Peace, as may with reason he expected from our Successes. therefore my fixed Resolution, with your curience and Support, to carry on the War in the most effectual Manner for the Interest and Advantage of my Kingdoms; and to maintain, to the utmost of my Power, the good Faith and Honour of my Crown, by adhering firmly to the Engagements entered into with my Allies. In this I will persevere, until my Enemies, moved by their own Losses and Distresses, and touched with the Miseries
of so many Nations, shall yield to the equitable Conditions of an honourable Peace ; in which Case, as well as in the Prosecu- tion of the War, I do assure you, no Consideration whatever shall make me depart from the true In- terests of these my Kingdoms, and the Honour and Dignity of my Crown. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I am heartily sorry, that the Necessity of large Supplies appears so clearly from what has already been mentioned. The proper Estimates for the Services of the ensuing Year shall be laid before you ; and I desire you to grant me such Supplies, may enable me to prosecute the War with Vi gour, and as your own Welfare and Security, in the present critical Conjuncture, require ; that we raay happily put the last Hand to this great Work. Whatsoever you give, shall be duly and faithfully applied. I dare say your affectionate Regard for me and the Queen makes you go before me in what I am next to mention ; the making an adequate and ho- nourable Provision for her Suppert in case she should survive me. This is what not only her Royal Dignity, but her own Merit calls for ; and I earnestly recommend it to your Consideration. My Lords and Gentlemen, I have such a Confidence in the Zeal and good Affections of this
Parliament, that I think it quite superfluous to use any Exhortations to ex- cite you to a right Conduct. I will only add, that there never was a Situation in which Unanimi- ty, Firmness, and Dispatch, were more necessary for the Safety, Honour, and true Interest of Great- Britain. WHITEHALL, NOV. 7. This Day his Grace Robert Lord Archbishop of York, and the Right Rev. Thomas Lord Bishop of London, were, by his Majesty's Command, sworn of his Majesty's Most Hon. Privy- council, and took their Places at the Board accordingly. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] London, November 7. It is said that, several of the Officers belonging to
the Antigallican private Ship of War, when she took the Duke de Penthievre re French East Indiaman, wave had considerable Sums offered them for their Shares due to them for that Prize. 19 It is said Admiral Hawke will soon put to Sea with a Squadron, to watch the Motions of the Enemy at Brest. Tuesday Afternoon the Gentleman, who laid 500l. with another, that a certain great Man would be reinstated by that Day Twelve o'Clock, went and demanded his Money, and was paid with Honour ; when the Gentleman as honourably re- turned 400 of it back, and the odd 50 he will spend, by giving an Entertainment to the Gentle man and some loyal Friends on both Sides. Yesterday being the first Day in Term, the Judges, & c. went with the usual Formalities to Wellminster- Hall, and opened the several Courts there. The very laudable and respectable Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce ( the Right Hon. Lord Romney, Pre- sident, in the Chair) last Night voted the Disburse- ment of a Captial of 2000l. for establishing the Supply of Fish, by Land Carriage, for this Me- tropolis, at the entire Disposal of John Blake, Esq. who has generously devoted a whole Year of his Time to the carrying of the Scheme into Exe- cution.
They write from Exeter, that at a Chamber held Friday last at the Guildhall, it was unani- mously agreed to instruct their Representatives in Parliament on the present interesting Crisis of our national Affairs : And that the Thanks of that Body be given to the Right Honourable William Pitt, late one of his Majesty's Principal Secre- taries of State, for the great and eminent Services rendered to his King and Country. The last Letters from Silesia advise that Lau- dohn had entrenched himself with his Back to Schweidnitz, and was determined to wait there for the King of Prussia, who was making divers Movements to draw him out of
his advantageous Position. The Imperial Minister at Bremen was taken into Custody by Order of Prince Ferdinand, upon a Discovery that it was by his Intelligence that the French were enabled to seize Wolfenbuttel. The last Letters from Hamburgh advise, that the Citizens of that Place continued to have fre- quent Conferences with the Magistrates ; which occasioned much Speculation ; and that the Swe- dish and Austrian Ministers were observed to be much together. Her Royal Highness Princess Mary of Hesse is returned, with her two Daughters, to Brunswic, the Garrison of which City is augmented to 4000 Men. Prince
Charles of Mecklenbourg- Strelitz is gone from the Allied Army to Hanover, to wait for further Orders. Monday se'ennight march'd out of Bristol for Worcester, the Hertfordshire Militia ; they were replac'd by the South Battalion of Gloucestershire Militia from Winchester Camp ; who made a very grand Appearance.— The Officers, of the former just before they left the City, gave several Sums of Money to be distributed to the Wives of the Invalids, some Time since embark'd for Embden ; It was distributed to them in Half Guineas, Seven Shillings, and Five. To the PRINTER, & C. THE following spirited Letter, occasioned by the
French introducing the Spanish Demands in their Treaty with us, viz. 1. The Restitution of some Prizes made, during the present War, under the Spanish Flag. 2. Liberty to the Spa- nish Nation of fishing on the Banks of Newfound- land. 3. The Destruction of the English Esta- blishments formed on the Spanish Territory in the Bay of Honduras :— Will sufficiently evince to the Public, with what Dignity their worthy Patriot Minister supported his Character, and the Glory, Honour, and Superiority of the British Nation. Mr. PITT'S Letter to M. BUSSY. SIR,— Having explained myself, in our Con- ference Yesterday, with respect to
certain Engage- ments of France with Spain, relative to the Dis- putes of the latter Crown with Great- Britain, of which your Court never informed us, but at the very Instant of making, as she has done, her first Propositions for the separate Peace of the two Crowns ; and as you have desired, for the Sake of greater Punctuality, to take a Note of what passed between us upon so weighty a Subject, I here re- peat, Sir, by his Majesty's Order, the same De- claration, Word for Word, which I made to you Yesterday, and again anticipate you with respect to the most sincere Sentiments of Friendship and real Regard on the Part of his
Majesty towards the Catholic King, in every Particular consistent with Reason and Justice. It is my Duty to de- clare farther to you in plain Terms, in the Name of his Majesty, That he will not suffer the Dis- putes of Spain to be blended, in any Manner what- ever, in the Negotiation of Peace between the two Crowns; to which I mult add, that it will be, con- sidered as an Affront to his Majesty's Dignity, and as a Thing incompatible with the Sincerity of the Negotiation, to make further Mention of such a Circumstance. Moreover, it is expected that France will not, at any Time, presume a Right of intermeddling in such Disputes
between Great- Britain and Spain. These Considerations, so just and indispensible, have determined his Majesty to order me to return you the Memorial which occasions this, as wholly inadmissible. I likewise return you. Sir, as totally inadmissi- ble, the Memorial relative to the King of Prussia, as implying an Attempt upon the Honour of Great- Britain, and the Fidelity with which his Majesty will always fulfil his Engagements with his Allies. I have the Honour to be, & c. PITT. BATH. JOHN VIEL, Cooper to Mr. De Vic, Wine- merchant, Upwards of Twenty Years, Begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, & c. That he now carries
on the WINE BUSINESS On his Own ACCOUNT, At his House in St. James's- Street, . Opposite the CHURCH : And has laid in a STOCK of Good Neat Old WINES, Which he will sell as cheap as any Wine- Merchant whatever ; Also fine Jamaica Rum and French Brandy Those who please to favour him with their Custom, may depend on being served in the best Manner ; and their Favours gratefully acknow- ledg'd, By their much obliged and most obedient Servant, JOHN VIEL. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sunday, s and Monday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Germany. MAGDEBOURG, October 24. HE King of
Prussia continued, when we last heard from Ssia, in his Camp of Strehlen, and Gen. Lan- dohn in that of Freybourg. On the 19th of this Month, Gen. Botta was sent with a Thousand Waggons, laden with In- fantry, to make an Attempt on the Fortress of Kosel, which, however, did not succeed, as he found Gen. Latorff, Commandant of that Place, alert, and upon his Guard. Prince Henry still remains in the Camp at Schlet- tau, and the Motions of Marshal Daun, and Ge- neral Lascy, have produced no Effect. The Swedes seem to have finished their campaign, having pas- sed the Peyne at Ancalm, and the Oder at Com- min ;
both which Places they have evacuated. The Gross of the Russian Fleet is retired from before Colberg, but some few Vessels still block up that Place, and General Romanzow, though he has embarked his heavy Artillery, remains in his entrenched Camp, opposite to Gen. Platen. LEIGE, Oct. 26. This Day a Battalion of French Guards arrived here, returning to France ; they have suffered very much by Sickness and Want of Provisions since they took the Field. TONGRES, Oct. 28. The four Companies of the Gardes du Corps, which are the last of the King's Houshold, are passed by here in their Way to Brussels ; they are in
general very ill mounted, having a great Number of Horses in the Field and the Rest are ruined by Fatigues, and Want of Forage, & c.
20 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ VOL. II. ] Arriv'd the MAILS from FLANDERS. Germany. DRESDEN, Oct. 22. HE Armies in this Electorate may, perhaps, in two or three Days furnish some interesting News. Prince Henry is rejoined by Gen. Seidlitz, and his requested Succours of the King his Brother, who, sensible of the Danger of his Situ ation, could not refuse them. The Prince seem to want to transport the main Part of the Army from the Camp of Schlettau to Torgan, which is from Temple- Bar to Guildhall, were lined with the Militia of London, and the Houses decorated with Tapestry, and other Ornaments. The
King and Queen, with a grand Retinue, passed on to St. Paul's Church- Yard, at the East End of which a large Scaffold was erected for the Recep- tion of the Boys educated at Christ's Hospital ; a Speech was addressed, with all Humility, to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by the senior Scholar of the Grammar- School in Christ's Hos- pital. From thence they went on to the House of Mr. Barclay, opposite to Bow- Church, where they alighted, which was on this Occasion deco- rated in a very sumptuous Manner ; the Rooms, Balcony, & c. being hung with Crimson Damask ; and from this House they saw the Procession. The
Lord Mayor, Aldermen, & c. & c. re- turned in the Order they went, and landed at the Temple Stairs, and from thence proceeded up Temple- Lane, and thro' Fleet- street, to Guildhall. The State Coach was drawn by fix beautiful Iron- grey Horses, richly caparison'd, and adorn'd with Ribbons, and all the Companies made very grand Appearance. The Procession being thus ended, the Royal Family were conduced by the Sheriffs to Gaild- hall, at the Entrance of which they were received by the Lord Mayor, who kneeling presented the City Sword so the King, which his Majesty gra- && cioufly pleasing to return, it was carried before
him by his Lordship to the Council- Chamber, where the Compliments of the City were made him. From thence, in like Manner, the Royal Family proceeded to the Huttings, where a most magnificent and sumptuous Entertainment was provided. Their Majesties were attended, as they passed from St. James's to the City, with the loudest Acclamations of Joy. Scaffoldings were built at many of the Houses in the City, and the Concourse of People who were assembled was almost incredible. Four Regiments of the Lon- don Militia met at their respective Parades, be- tween the Hours of Seven and Eight in the Mor- ning, and were
under Arms ' till Evening ; they were cloathed in blue Cloaths, and had white Stockings and black Cockades. His Majesty last Night, in the Council Cham ber at Guildhall, was pleased to confer the Ho- nour of Knighthood on Nathaniel Nash, and John Cartwright, Esqrs. the two Sheriffs, and on Thomas Fludyer, Esq. Brother to the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor. The greatest Affability was discoverable Yes- terday in the whole of her Majesty's Deportment, notwithstanding the no small Disadvantage it must be to her not to be thoroughly versed in the Eng- lish Language. The Dutchess of Ancaster and the Countess of Effingham
attended their Majesties. At Two o'Clock this Morning the Royal Fa- mily returned from Guildhall in the same Order as they came, amidst as great a Concourse of people almost as at Noon- Day. London, November 10. Saturday the House of Peers waited on his Majesty with their Address, on his most gracious Speech : And the following is his Majesty's An- swer to the same. My Lords,— I thank you for this very duti- ful and loyal Address. The Joy which you ex- press upon my Marriage, and your affectionate Regard for the Queen, give me the highest Satis- faction. I make no Doubt but your ready Con- cunence in my
Sentiments, and the becoming Zeal which you have so unanimously declared, for carrying on the War with Vigour, will have a good Effect both upon our Friends and Ene- mies ; and strengthen my Hands to pursue such Measures as may be most conducive to the Interests of my Kingdoms.'' Yesterday being the Day on which the Lord Mayor of this City entered into his Office, the Ceremonial on the Occasion was conducted in the following Order : The Aldermen, Sheriffs, and other Officers, having met at the Mansion- House, about Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, the Right Hon. Sir Samuel Fludyer, Baronet, Alderman of the
Ward of Cheap, Lord Mayor elect, in his State Coach, with the usual Attendants, proceeded from thence to the Three- Cranes, where the Al- dermen and the Livery, in their respective Barges, took Water, and proceeded to Westminster ; where his Lordship was sworn in before the Barons of the Exchequer. During this Ceremony, their Majesties, the Royal Family, the great Officers of State, most of the Nobility, foreign Ministers, Judges, and Ladies, with very grand Equipages, agreeable to invitation, entered the City ; the Streets of wh The Royal Family took their Leaves of the Hall in a most respectful Manner, and speaking to
the Lord Mayor told him, " That the City's Enter- tainment was Royal indeed." The Ball at Guildhall last Night was opened by his Royal Highness the Duke of York and the Lady Mayoress. Minuets were danced ' till Twelve, when their Majesties and the rest of the Royal Family took their Leaves, and the rest of the Company began Country- Dances. The Right Hon. Mr. Pitt and Lord Temple honoured the City with their Presence. An antient Man was killed by the falling of a Stone from a House in Cheapside. Many Accidents happened : One Man fell from a House, and his Brains were dashed out ; a Stand in Cheapside fell, and
some People were hurt, but Particulars are not yet come to Hand. So great was the Desire many People had to be gratified with a Sight of the Feast at Guildhall Yesterday, that Eight Guineas were actually given for a Gallery Ticket; and Tickets of Ad- mission into the Hall ran so high, that we are well assured a Lottery Ticket has been exchanged for one, which, computing the Chance the Pro- prietor had of winning a Prize, is not to be esti- mated by its current Value, though even that now is no less than 11l. 6s. 6d. This Morning, about Nine o'Clock, their Ma- jesties went to Kew, and returned to St. James's to Dinner. An
Account is said to be received that Admi- ral Rodney's Squadron was safe off Belleisle : And it is said, that he is shortly to be followed by three Ships of the Line, two Fire- Ships, and The last Letters from the Allied Army say, it was generally believed that all the Attempts of Prince Ferninand to finish the Campaign with a decisive Battle, would have no Effect. According to the last Letters from Constanti- nople, the Plague continued to make great Ra- vages at Adrianople, but had entirely ceased at Aleppo. They write from Prague of the 20th ult. that the very heavy Rains that had fallen for some Days had so spoiled the Roads,
that it was im- possible for the two Armies to undertake any Thing at present. According to Advices received from the Havanna, the Indians were laying Siege to Pensacola. The Genoese, we are told, have made some formal Declaration to our Court, in Regard to some Transactions of theirs in Favour of France in Relation to Shipping. The Free- mason, from Guadalupe Car Jamai- ca, is taken by the French. Don N. de Silva, a Spanish Nobleman, who made the Campaign as a Volunteer in the French Army, had both his Legs shot off at the Siege of Wolsenbuttel. The last Letters from Hanover greatly regret the brave Gen.
Rothenbourg, who at the Time that he was encouraging a Regiment to do its Duty, was killed by a Musket- shot------ in which abrupt Manner they break off, without saying from whom the Ball was received. Saturday about Six o'Clock in the Evening, Capt. Shanks, heretofore Commander of the Ship Westmoreland, in the Leghorn Trade, was bar- barously murdered in his own House in Worces- ter- Street, near Old Gravel- Lane, Ratcliff, by one Daniel Looney, with whom high Words had arisen ; when the said Looney took up a bucca- neering Piece, fired at and shot the said Captain Shanks dead, small Shot and somePieces of
Square Pewter entering in at his Left Side, and went through his Body, and came out of the back Part of his Right Side. MARRIAGE. Mr. John Hinxman, an eminent Bookseller at York, to Miss Morgan, of Pater- noster- Row, with a Fortune of 1o, oool. DEATHS. At Bromyard, in Herefordshire, one Cornelius Newton, aged 103.—- The Hon. George Treby, Esq. Member for Plympton.------ Sir John Price, Bart. of New- Town- Hall, in Montgomeryshire. BANKRUPTS. John Pledger, of Westmeon, Southampton, Carrier.----- John Mantell, of George- Court, Lombard street, London, Mer- chant.— Jonathan Walmesley, late of
Southwark, Mason. — Francis Monprulle, late of Tower- Street, Seven- Dials, Merchant. STOCKS. Bank Stock, 103 3- 4ths, a 104. India ditto, 127, South- Sea ditto, 83. Three per Cent. Bank reduced, shut. Ditto consolida- ted, 71 1- half, a 5- 8ths, a 7- 8ths. Three per Cent. ditto, 1726,71 1- half. Three 1- half Bank Annuities, 1756, 75 3- 4- ths. Three 1- half per Cent. ditto, 1758, 78 3- 4ths. Four per Cent. 1760, 85 1- half, a 3- 8ths. Three per Cent. old S. S. Annuities, 72 7- 8ths, a 73 ex div. Ditto new Annuities, 72 1- 4th. Ditto 1751, 72. Ditto India Annuities, 71. Long Annuities, 22 1- 8th. India Bonds, 17s. a 16s. Pre. New Navy
Bills 9 5- 8ths. disc. Exchequer Bills, 8s. Disc. Lo- tery Tickets, 11l. 4s. 6d, Script. 72 7- 8ths. a 73. Bristol November 11. Came in since our last, The Three Friends,***, from Guadalupe ; the Garland, Ashfield, from New- York ; the Recovery, Smith, from Cork ; the Charming Molly, Merry, from Waterford. Arriv'd, At Jamaica, the Susannah, Camp- bell ; at Plymouth, the Plymouth Merchant, Cox ; at Dublin, the King George, Quarle, and the Union, Rogers ; at Belfast, the Mar- tin, Phelan, all from this Port ; at Carolina, the Hannah, Darvill, from Africa; at Mala- ga, the Little Joseph, Brookings, from New- foundland. The Fonmon
Castle, Stroud, of this Port, from Africa to Jamaica, is taken by a Martinico Privateer, after a long Engagement. The Pri- vateer took out the Slaves, and carried them into Martinico ; but the Ship is retaken, and carried into St. Kitt's. The Hawke, Thomson, from Guadaloupe to this Port, was lost on Wednesday last, about One o'Clock at Noon. She stuck on the New Spit, when the Captain and Crew took to their Boat, ( leaving three Frenchmen on board, whom they could not possibly take into the Boat, who erish'd) and before they got on Shore the Ves- sel went in two Pieces and sunk. She had on board 340 Hogsheads of Sugar,
& c. Friday John Cope, for being found at Large after receiving Sentence of Transportation, was executed at St. Michael's- Hill Gallows. Bath November 12. The Public are desir'd to be careful to ask for the BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE publish'd by CORNELIUS POPE ; as the Proprietors tjf the Bath Advertiser ( a Saturdays Paper) al- ter'd their Day of Publication to Thursday, when our Proposals were first distributed, and likewise pi- rated Part of our Title, viz. Bath Chronicle.— We therefore give this necessary Caution, lest they shou'd attempt to impose their Paper on the Public for THIS. Arriv'd here, Duke of
Marlborough, Lord Clifford, Lord and Lady Arundell, Lady Mil- bank, Lady Andover, Sir Abraham Janssen, Sir Bouchere Wrey, Capt Mawhood, Capt Gordon, Capt Wheatland, Mr and Mrs Lawless, Mr and Mrs Brathwait, Mr and Mrs Frampton, Mr and Mrs Jones, Mr and Mrs Bleden, Mr and Mrs Wickham, Mr and Mrs Trevanion, Mr and Mrs Lieubre, Mr and Mrs Buckridge, Mr Cooper, Mr Malone, Mr Courtnay, Mr Ecklin, Mr Wil- liams, Mr Howard, Mr Skreen, Mr Grosse, Mr. Trevelyan, Mr Kirley, Mr Forster, Mr Dowdell, Mr Brocklesby, Mr Herring, Mr Hanmer, Mr Leycester, Mr Connor, Mrs Cooper, Mrs White, Mrs Meddoss, Mrs
Spence, Mrs Dennison, Mrs Carr, Mrs Chitty, Mrs North, Mrs Mead, Mrs Defuze, Miss Chitty, Miss Colbert, Miss George, Miss Thompson, Miss Stewart, Miss Cooper, Mils Spence, & c. & c. Thursday being the Anniversary of the Gun- powder Plot, the same was observ'd here by ring- ing of Bells and other Demonstration of Joy. The Collection at the several Churches on Sun- day last, for the Children of the Charity- Schools, amounted to 85l. 11s. 9d. Those who advertise in this Paper, are hum- bly desired to send their Advertisements as early as possible. BATH, Nov. 12, 1761. A N Advertisement having appear'd in the Bath
Journal of the 9th Inst. of a very handsome Post Chariot, & c. to be sold ; With a particular Exception against any Dealer or Person who letts out Horses from applying for the same ; which not only points out a particular Delicacy in the Owner, but at the same Time strikes at the Character of every Dealer or Per- son who letts out Horses : Such Persons think themselves obliged to give this Notice, that this is not the first or second Time that this Carriage, & c. has been sold. OCTOBER. 3, 1761. At the ORIGINAL INSURANCE- OFFICE, At BREWTON, in the County of Somerset, Lately open'd by Messrs. Whitehead, Dampier,
and Others, ANY Person liable to serve in the MILITIA in the said County, at the next or any fu- ture Balloting that shall happen in the Space of Three Years from the Date hereof, may be in- demnified therefrom by paying Ten Shillings and Six- pence into the Hands of the said Comp. who hereby promise to provide a fit Substitute, or pay he Fine for them. N. B. For the Convenience of those who live at too great a Distance to apply to the said Office at BREWTON, any Person may be insured by ap- plying to Mr. Pettingal, Mercer, Mr. Samuel Newton ; or Mr. Thomas Beech, at the Angel- Inn, in Bath ; Mr. John Starke, at the
Globe in Newton i Mr. Thomas Crow, at the Lamb, or Mr. John Baber, at the Crown, in Keynsham Mr. John Holebrooke, in Bedminster ; Mr. Tho Whitehead, Clothier, Mr. Jonathan Chandler School- matter, or Mr. Hancock, in Frome ; Mr Sabatier, at the George in Shepton- mallet ; or Mr. Matthew Thomas, in Evercreech. Proper Agents are appointed in all the princi- pal Towns in the Western Part of the County. *** Any Persons proper to serve as Substitutes. who will apply as aforesaid, shall have all proper Encouragement, and their Names registered, that due Preference may be given to such as apply first WHOEVER are
inclin'd to become Adventurers in the PRESENT STATE LOTTERY, may be supply'd with TICKETS By William and Robert Clement, LINEN- DRAPERS, in Wade's- Passage, BATH. In this Lottery ( notwithstanding there are TWO Prizes of TEN THOUSAND POUNDS each, besides Thirty- eight other Capital ones there are but very little more than FOUR Blanks to a Prize ! ( and no Prize of less Value than Twenty Pounds !) each Blank valued at six Pounds, which we buy, as also the Prizes, ( and likewise Blanks, or Prizes, of former Lotteries ; or we give in Exchange for them, Tickets, Shares or Chances in the present Lottery)
and give the most Money for either of them as soon as they are drawn. And in order to accommodate all those of this City, and its Neighbourhood, or others who resort hither ( that please to favour us with their Commands) who don't like to risk all they intend to venture, on one Number, but rather chuse a Pan, in several : We have therefore divided, a Variety of Tickets, into Shares, and Chances, such as, Halves, Quar- ters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, ( a single one of ei- ther Share, or Chance, any one Person, may be furnished with ; the Money arising from them, will be paid by us, as soon as they are drawn ; which we propose
selling here, every Day, at the same Price as they are sold by the principal Brokers of Credit and Security, in London. The Price of Chances and Shares, this Day, areas follow ; l. s. d. l. A Sixteenth Chance o 100 625 An Eighth Chance - 1 00 By which 1250 A Quarter Chance - 1 19 o may be 2500 A Half Chance — 3 18 o gain'd 5ooo A Whole Chance - 7 16 o 10000 A Sixteenth Share 0 16 o 625 An Eighth Share - 1116 By which 1250 A Quarter Share - 3 o o may be 2500 A Half Share —— 6 o o gain'd 5ooo A Whole Ticket variable 10000 The Purchasers of Shares, are entitled to Part of the Prizes, and Blanks, — the
Purchasers of Chances, to the Prizes only. We regter Tickets, Shares, and Chances, ( whither bought of ourselves, or of others) at sixpence each Number, and the earliest Notice of their Success will be sent by the first Post ( from London) to any Part of Great Britain or Ireland. All Letters, Post- paid, or Orders sent by the News- men or others, will be punctually answered, and Schemes of the Lottery given gratis. The Draw- ing of the Lottery will begin on Monday next, the 16th Instant, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning So there's no Time to be lost. N. B. FOUR Pounds more will be paid by us for every Twenty Pound Prize, in this
Lottery, and for all other higher Prizes, to the Purchasers of Chances, than were in any former Lotteries. TEN Pounds were always deducted from the Chances in former Lotteries, by the principal Brokers of Security and Credit in London, and so likewise by us : But in this Lottery ( in order to oblige the Public, by removing an old Complaint) we will deduct only Six Pounds, from every whole Chance, and so in Proportion from all the smaller Shares of Chances. France. PARIS, Oct. 22. The immense Preparations which are making at Dunkirk for repairing that Harbour, and the Armaments at Brest and Rochefort, cannot fail to
disquiet the English especially as our Treaty with Spain is no long doubtful. It is said with great Confidence, that the parations in all our Sea- Ports are destined for a Invasion of Scotland ; and that 3o, ooo Men will be draughted from the old Regiments to be put on board the Fleet. Spain. CADIZ, Oct. 3. The King's Ships the Firme and Galicia, arrived in our Bay, met seventeen English Men of War between Carthagena and the Streights. By a Vessel put in here, in her Way from Gra- nada to Marseilles, we hear that the Governor was wholly employed in repairing and adding to the Fortifications of that Island, which, as well as
Martinico, was well supplied with Provision and Ammunition. A i l| To be Sold, Wholesale or Retail, At WILLIAM EVILL'S SHOP, Opposite the White- Lion, at the Golden- Knife and Fork, and Stocking- Legs, near Marchant's- Court, in the Market- Place, BATH, Large and fresh Assortment of Stalbridge Hose, which are noted to be the best wearing hose that is made ; Cotton, Thread, and all other Kinds of Hosiery Goods. Like- wise all Sorts of Cutlery Goods, both best and common ; also various Kinds of Bath Toys, with the best Bath Metal treble gilt Thimbles, at 4s. per Dozen : Gentlemen and Ladies Walking Canes of all Sorts
and Sizes. Likewise all Sorts of Gold, Silver, and Pinchbeck WATCHES ; and I will be accountable for the Performance of any Watch I sell, from Four Guineas upwards, and will keep them in good Repair for 2s. 6d. per Year, for seven Years, or longer if required, All Sorts of Watches clean'd and mended in the neatest and cheapest Manner, by a very good Workman. All Sorts of Silver Goods and Wed- ding Rings. Most Money for Old Gold, Sliver, and Lace ; or New in Exchange. At the same Shop are a great Choice of fre new- fashion Ribbands, which are to be sold at Prime- cost or under, leaving off dealing in that Article.
Having laid in a large and fresh Assort- ment of all the above- mentioned Articles, he is determined to fell them on the most moderate Terms, in order to promote a quick Sale. Wednesday's and THURSDAY'S POSTS.