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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


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Volume Number: II    Issue Number: 3
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Date of Article: 29/10/1761
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co 
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: II    Issue Number: 3
No Pages: 4
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[ 3.] [ VOL. II. ] AND Weekly GAZETTE. [ Price TWO- PENCE HALFPENNY. ] Printed and published by C. POPE, and Co, at the Printing- Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is performed on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1761. A PERSIAN LOVE TALE. Translated from an Oriental Manuscript. ARGENTINUS, a Man of great Figure and Fortune in Sicily, having unluckily opposed the Tyranny of DIONVSIUS , was obliged to quit that Country, and seek an Asylum Persia.— He took with him two Sons and one Daughter, named ALBEMIRA, then on the Approach of her thirteenth Year, and in her full Bloom of Beauty. ARGENTINUS, on his Arrival at the Metro- polis, was taken Notice of, and entertained by HELIOCENTRUS, chief Priest of the Sun, who after enquiring into his Rank, and hearing the Story of his Misfortunes, commanded him not only to make use of his House with the utmost Freedom, but also of his Interest and Fortunes ; and without giving him Time to consider in what manner to ask his Friendship, the Priest had taken care to recommend him to the Emperor CYNUS, who placed him in a Post near his Person, and suited to his Dignity. ALBEMIRA, IN a Course of Conversation, had, by her native Innocence, delicate Wit, and sanc- tity of Manners, gained so much on the Affections of HELIOCENTRUS, that he first gazed, then ad- miredt then was charmed, and at length loved. The Priest had the Advantage of a fine Person, a ready Address, and a most surprising happy Man- ner of intimating himself into the Esteem of all with whom he conversed ; but was more particu- larly successful in his Application to ALBEMIRA, in whole Heart Honour, Gratitude, and Affec- tion all met together, and acted as the Advocates of HELIOCENTRUS. ARGENTINES soon found himself so happily seated by the Favour of HELIOCENTRUS, and his Imperial Esteem, as to be able to take from his the Burthen of his Family, and placed in a House as near as possible both to HELIOCENTRUS, and to the Imperial Court, that he might alternately perform his Duty to the Emperor, and enjoy the social Converse of the Priest. When HELIOCENTRUS found ARGENTINUS So happily settled, however his Generosity guarded him before, against seeming to make his Wish a Command, he now declared so ARGENTINUS his Affection for ALBEMIRA, which was received as became a Man of Honour, and one who was obliged for every Thing to HELIOCENTRUS; but perhaps owing to some Delicacies peculiar to that Country, or that it was necessary ALBEMIRA Should come gradually in to give her Consent, or that the Emperor was first to be consulted, the Marriage was for some Time deferred. In the mean Time there came often to the House of ARGENTINUS a rich Armenian Mer chant, who was a kind of Broker or Agent to the Court, and dealt in Diamonds, and other Jewels and valuable Curiosities, by which he had free Access the Ladies of the Seraglio, carried on a Commerce with the principal Eunuchs, and was usually referred by the Emperor to ARGEN- TINUS, to transact such Businesses as lay in his Way, and concerned the Court. By these frequent Visits, he came to learn that ARGENTINUS had a beautiful Daughter unmar- ried. The Merchant had a Son marriageable ; and altho' the Father was in his Nature extremely penurious, and ARGENTINUS not yet in a flow of Wealth, yet the Merchant considered the In- terest of ARGENTINUS, and the Way he was in of acquiring Riches, as in ample Consideration ; She was therefore determined upon making the Match for his Son, and accordinly addressed AUGENTINUS on the Subject, who very freely opened himself to the Merchant, and told him what Engagements he was under, and what Obli- the While lost in a Kind of stupid Insensibility, was dragged on with the rest, when, on a sudden, a Voice, at some little Distance, seemed to awake her out of her Trance, and throw her into an uncommon Fit of Transport : The Voice that was very shrill and piercing, Seemed intermingled or broke with tremulous Agonies, as of a Person on the Point of expiring ; it repeated ALBEMIRA thrice, and then added, in a fainter Tone, ' O! let me see that dear amiable Angel once more, and my Soul shall visit the bright Regions of the Sun in Peace.' ALBEMIRA turned up her Eyes towards Heaven, as supposing her Lover was calling to her from the Clouds ; but on the Voice being repeated, she leapt off from her Mule, and ran precipitately into the Woods, and there to her Amazement dead Lion, and her Lo- ver expiring by its Side. She, without reflecting on the Consequence, threw herself down by his Side : He had just Life enough to bid her an eter- nal adieu, and expired on her Bosom ; and she just ready to follow him, when the enraged Hus- band rode up, and only saying, ' I see you prefer ' the Priest to me,' plunged his Spear into her Breast, which she seemed to lay willingly open to him, and expired with a Smile. The young Merchant then clapped Spurs to his Horse, and would have made his Escape, but was seized by his own Servants, and conduced to Babylon, where he met a Punishment suitable to his De- merits. CYNUS commanded due Honours to be paid to the Remains of ARGENTINUS, and the two il- lustrious Lovers. And that the Memory of so much Honour, Gratitude, and Affection, might he transmitted as an Example to Posterity, he further commanded ARISTIUS, the Greek Sta- tuary, to relate the melancholy History in Bas- relif on the eastern Tower of Babylon, where it remained with the Smiles of the rising Sun upon it, at the Time of ALEXANDER'S conquering that Kingdom. A young Lady's Reasons for taking Snuff. Sent to a Gentleman who dissuaded her from it. WHEN strong Perfumes Scents The suffering Snuff, best of Indian It's salutary Aid. When Vapours swim before our Eyes, And cloud the dizzy Brain, Snuff, to dispel the Mist, applies It's quick enlivining Grain. When pensively we sit or walk, Each social Friend away, Stuff best supplies the Want of Talk, And cheers the lonely Day, The Hand like Alabaster fair. The sparkling Diamond's Pride, Can never so gracefully appear, If Snuff should be denied. Nature in vain on distant Rocks Poured forth her ambient Store, To form the curious polished Box, Should Snuff be used no more. Ev'n Commerce ( Name of Sweetest Sound To every British Ear) Must suff ring droop, should Snuff be found Unworthy of our Care. The smallest Pinch of Snuff we take Helps Trade in some Degree ; So smallest Drops or Water make The vast unbounded Sea. Think, Sr, for sure that Reason best Will move the generous Mind, Think that in granting my Request You benefit Mankind. MIRANDA. Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders, Denmark. COPENHAGEN, Oct. 6. HERE are Projects of the last Impor- tance on the Carpet. The Negotia- tions relative to the Dutchy of Hol- stein, which are said to be quite broke off, are not the only Subject of the frequent Councils which are held : But Time alone will disclose the Designs of this Courts : Mean While, Orders have been given to all the Officers of his Majesty's Navy to repair on board their respective Ships. Eighteen Ships of the Line and eight Frigates have been fitted for Sea within these few Weeks: But no Mention is made of their Destination : Nevertheless, from the Number of Men that have been lately enlisted, both for the Sea and Land Service, it is easy to foresee that this Court will enter into a War when ' tis least expected. The Inhabitants of the Dutchy of Holstein have had repeated Notice given them to prepare for ail Events, and to lend away their most valuable Effects. Germany. HAMBURGH, Oct.- Yesterday was held an extraordinary Assembly of our Magistrates, to which the principal Citizens were invited ; but the Result of their Proceedings is not yet made public. Mean- While it is presumed, that they related to the Dispatches which our Magistrates lately received from their Minister at Copenhagen, who writes, That the Hamburghers ought not to take any Umbrage at the Preparations for War which are making in Denmark ; that he had had a long Conference on that Subject with the Da- nish Ministers, who had given him the strongest Assurances, that in case his Danish Majesty should be obliged to wage War against Russia, he would afford powerful Protection to this City, if that Crown, or any other, should be offended, that it had been made Choice of as a Place of Safety, wherein to deposit the Archives of Kiel, and the Effects of the Inhabitants of Holstein. VIENNA, OCT. 3. Twenty Battalions were em- ployed in the Enterprise against Schweidnitz, by the Success of which Gen. Laudohn hath gained three Weeks, which would have elapsed before it could have been reduced by a regular Siege, which, moreover, could hot have been attempted, without first gaining some signal Advantage over the Enemy. It is astonishing that the King of Prussia should have left such a small Garrison, in a Place of so much Importance. What General Laudohn did against Landshut and Glatz last Year, shewed what he was capable of. PRAGUE, OCT. 3. When the King of Prussia left his Camp between Pulzen and Faulbruck, and marched towards Neiss, by Nimptsch and Mun sterberg, he drew 4000 Men out of Schweidnitz, leaving in it only 3000. Our Troops found in that Place a large Quantity of Baggage, which the King of Prussia had placed there, that his Army might be less encumbered. We found in it likewise some thousand Prisoners, Austrians and Mecklenburghers. Gen. Czernichef hath marched to Cant, three Milts from Bieslau, and some Austrian Parties have appeared within a Mile and a Half of that Place. The King hath advanced from Munster- berg, by the Way of Strehlen, towards Breslau, to oppose the Progress of the Enemy. BERLIN, Oct. 6. Prisoners report, that the Russian Fleet hath Orders to make itself Matter of every Port in the Baltick before they return Home. The Court of Vienna keeps the Troops of Modena in its Service three Years longer. ** ADVERTISEMENT for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, if short ; longer Ones in Proposition. The BATH CHRONICLE AND WEEKLY GAZETTE is circulated London, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgwater, Wella, -, , Frome, Gloucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury, Wotten- under- edge, Tewkesbury, , Hereford, Worcester, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford, Albingdon, Hunderford, Newbury, Reading, Salisbury, Heitsbury, , Westbury, Lavington, , Trowbridge, Melksham, , , Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, , Pool Weymouth, Sherborne, at the Post- Office of most of which Places, Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise by the Newsmen. No Letters received, unless POST- PAID— At the Printing- office aforesaid may be had, all Sorts of PATENT MEDICINES & c. gations he owed to the generous HELIOCENTRUS. The Merchant was not to be put by his Pursuit with such Kind of honorary Reasons ; he pressed ARGENTINUS closely, but finding him immove- able, retired to consider by what Means he might attain his Ends. He consulted the chief Eunuch, and after having engaged him thoroughly in his Interest, by Means that never fail at Court, he now determined doing that by Power, which he could not attain by Application. ARGENTINUS had some Suspicion of what would happen, and communicated his Thoughts to HELIOCENTRUS, who esteeming his own In- terest at Court as much superior to the Merchant's, concluded that he durst not presume to proceed that Way ; and in this Opinion set himself down unconcerned. But ARGENTINUS, who had all the Italian Genius about him, reasoned very dif- ferently ; and being clearly sensible what a rich, resolute Man was capable of doing at an Asiatic Court, he used his utmost Arts to traverse the Merchant's Steps, but in vain ; the old Man had managed his Time, and employed his Presents too well to be disappointed. ARGENTINUS no sooner appeared in the Presence Chamber, but the Emperor told him, with a Smile of Joy, that he had disposed of his Daughter for him to great Advantage; but observing ARGENTINUS look sad, he demanded the Cause ; and upon being informed of the Truth, only said in return, " AR- " GENTINUS, I am lorry that you and HELIO- " CENTRUS must be disappointed ; my Royal " Word is past, and you know that is an un- " changeable Decree." Let any Man upon this Occasion but imagine, when all the different Passions are blended and working in the human Breast, Duty to a Sove- reign, Affection to a Child, Gratitude to a Friend, and a Man's own previous Prospects of Happiness, which he supposed would be the Result of the first intended Match, now agitated and working into a Flame, and as it were, pent up in the Bosom by Respect and Awe; I say, let any Man but imagine what must be the natural Consequence, and he will be under no Difficulty to judge of the Effect it had upon the unhappy ARGENTINUS : In a Word, he fainted in the Emperor's Presence, and was carried off expiring. However he reco- vered ; and his Spirits that were now broke and wasting, only supported him just long- enough to hear, that his Daughter was, by the Emperor's Command, hurried away to the Temple, and HELIOCENTRUS Had suddenly left his Habitation, and was gone no one knew whither. This fi- nished the Tragedy of the Father, and brings us next to enquire after the Disposition of the rest of the Parties. ALBEMIRA was married ; but the Wedding- day, instead of producing the accustomed Joy, was only, on poor ALBEMIRA'S Part, a Scene of Misery, Distraction and Sorrow. Her Father dead with Grief ; her Friend, Protector and Lo- ver, vanished, and, for ought she knew, assassi- nated on her Account ; her two Brothers employed in very distant Parts of the Empire, and herself in the Arms of an Enemy who had been the Cause of all the Mischief ; and what, if possible, was worst of all, her Husband a Man of very mean and contemptible Birth, and with a Soul as poor as his Education : He made no Allowances for poor ALBEMIRA'S Situation, but jealous of her whole Heart being set on HELIOCENTRUS, and being informed that the Emperor, enquiring into the Truth, had discovered enough to refute giving him the Fortune usually presented with the Ladies of the Court ; and that this, in Effect, portended his utter Ruin, he immediately racked up all his Effects, and accompanied by his Father, his Wife, and a few Servants, made the best of their Way into a Forest, that lies in the Road be- tween Babylon and Persepolis. ALBEMIRA ALL 10 USLAL, Oct. 7. M. Broglio and his Brother let out on the 5th for Eimbeck. The Head- Quarters remain here. The Count of Lusatia, and the Count de Biogiio, are to attack Wolsen- bottel. We expect to hear in a Day or two of its having surrendered. PEINA, Oct. 9. The French have begun to bombard both Brunswick and Wolsenbuttel. General Stockhausen being attacked by a Supe- rior Body of French near Harderoke, General Luckner hastened to his Assistance, and obliged the Enemy to retire with a considerable Loss. It is thought that M. Broglio will give Prince Ferdinand Battle.. MAGDEBOURG, Oct. 1O. According to Let ters from Colberg of the 4th, General Platen occupied the Heights of Pretmin on the 4th, af- ter being briskly cannonaded with little Effect, near the Pass of the Spey, by 6000 Russians. General Platen afterwards joined the Prince of Wurtemberg. The Swedes have entirely evacuated the Ucker- mark, and have encamped near Ferdinandshoff, where they are intrenching themselves. ALTENA, Oct. 13. Since the Junction of Gen. Platen with Prince Eugene of Wurtemberg, Gen. Romanzoff hath retired to wait for a Rein- forcement from Marshal Butturlin's Army, which is advancing into the Hither Pomerania, and is already arrived at Stargard. London, October 22. The Squadron intended for the West- Indies being detained so long at Spithead, will in all Probability arrive there after General Amherst, who brings the Forces with a Body of Indians from North America. Monsieur La Touche, the Governor of Martinico, has regimented the Negroes of that Island. There is a Trade earned on from Belleisle of Salt, also of pickled Gardins which is a very small Kind of Pilchards, that are cured in little Barrels, and many Ship Loads are sent to Spain and Por- tugal. When pickled, they serve either in Sauce, or as a Relisher. They are in such Plenty that for one Half of the Year in their fresh State, they make the principal Part of the Diet of the In- habitans. Twenty Prizes were taken and brought into St. Kitt's, between June 6, and July 20, 1761. A considerable Quantity of Gold and Silver Coin is preparing at use Mint in the Tower ; the Scarcity of the latter has been for some Time a very great Inconvenience to the Traders of this Kingdom. The Squadrons consisting of six Sail from Brest and nine Sail from Rochfort, in all fifteen, are to attempt a Junction ; and to embark five Batta- lions in order to succour Martinico. The Brussels Gazette says, in an Article from Genoa, it is imagined there, that War is already begun in America between the English and Spa- nish Colonies. Letters arrived Yesterday from Bremen, dated the 13th Instant, say, that every Thing remained quiet there, and it was not then taken by the French. Letters from Bremen of the 8th mention, that the Garrison consisted, at that Time, of between 3 and 4000 of the Troops of the Allies, besides the ordinary Guards in Time of Peace, who were not trusted with the Guard of the Outwork. The Garrison of Munster consisted, on the 9th, of five Hessian Battalions, two Hanoverian Battalions, and 800 Horse. In Osnabrug there are three Hessian Regiments. They write from Hanover of the 13th, that 20,000 French, under the Command of Marshal Broglio, were employed in taking the Town and Fortress of Wolfenbuttel. In the Night of the 10th Inst. they threw such a Number of Bombs and Cannon- Sells into it, that they have reduced most of the Buildings and Castle to a Heap of Rubbish. They write from Stetin, that the Siege of Col- berg is raised ; and that General Ronanzow is marching, in order to join Field Marshal Butterlin, who has in View nothing less than taking Pos- session of Brandenbourg ; and in Case he is not able to hold it, will, by the Assistance of his Cossacks and Calmucks, leave it hardly worth keeping. The Swedes are railing, with great Success, a new Regiment of Hussars, which is to consist wholly of French Deserters. Letters from Palis, dated Oct. 9, inform us, that the Court proposes to borrow a Hundred Millions on Life Annuities. An Annuitant is to have the first Year Five per Cent, the second Six, and so on till it amount to Twelve per Cent.— But after the Twelfth Year, the Annuitant is to have Seventeen per Cent, for Life. By some late Accounts from Paris we learn, that the Austrian Ambassador at the French Court, is a Man of such Address, and has got such an Ascendency over M. de Pompadour, whom the Empress- Queen has rivetted to her Interest by the most flattering Letters, that those who have been for Peace have been constantly over- ruled ; so that Terms which have been agreed to in the Evening, were generally deemed unacceptable the next Mor- ning. An Article from Brussels tells us, there were Quintals of Powder in the Magazine at Schweidnitz, which was let on File by three or four Prussian Officers ; and that by its dreadful Explosion Part of the Town and Fortifications were destroyed, and several of the Inhabitants buried in the Ruins. The Austrians found 181 Pieces of Cannon in the Place. They write from Malta, that they now think themselves so secure, that most of the Knights have obtained Leave to return to their different Countries. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ VoL. When the Tryal, Askens, lately arrived from Senegal, left that Country, the English were very unhealthy, it being then the Commencement of the sickly Season, which lasts about three Months in the Year. The too liberal and intoxicating Use of Spirits is the principal Cause of the Mor- tality in that Country. Those who live nearest the Manner of the Natives, which is to avoid as much as possible Flesh and strong Liquors, suc ceed the best. It was also upon this Principle that there was less Mortality among the French who occupied it. On Tuesday last the Camp at Winchester be- gan to break up 5 when the Left- Wing, consisting of two Battalions of Glocestershire, Berkshire, and Hampshire, quitted their Ground. On the two following Days the Right Brigade and Ar- tillery did the same. The following is the Rome for Winter- Quarters of the several Regiments at Winchester, viz. South- Glocestershire to Bristol ; North- Glocestshire to Biddeford; Berkshire to Reading ; Hampshire to the Devizes ; Wiltshire to Salisbury ; Dorsetshire to Blandford and D0r chester. This Day, about Eleven, came on the Trial of Mr. Perrot, when after its lasting for upwards of four Hours, the Jury brought him in guilty of Embezzlement with a Design to defraud his Cre- ditors, under Shelter of a Statute of Bankruptcy, and he is accordingly condemned to suffer Death for the same. A few Days ago died Lady Barbara Barnewell, Daughter to the Earl of Falconberg. JOY and GRIEF. LET not thy Mirth be so extravagant, as to intoxicate thy Mind, nor thy Sorrow so heavy as to depress thy Heart: This World affordeth no Good so transporting, nor inflicted any Evil so severe, as should raise thee far above, or sink thee much beneath, the Balance of Moderation. Lo ! yonder standeth the House of Joy ; it is painted on the Outside, and looketh gay ; thou may'ft know it from the continual Noise of Mirth and Exultation, that issueth from it. The Mistress standeth at the Door, and calleth aloud to all that pass by ; she singeth and shouteth, and laugheth without ceasing. She inviteth them to go in and taste the Pleasures of Life; which she telleth them are no where to be found but beneath her Roof. But enter not thou into her Gate : Neither as- sociate thyself with those who frequent her House. They call themselves the Sons of Joy, they laugh and seem delighted, but Madness and Folly are in all their Doings. They are linked with Mischief Hand in Hand, and their Steps lead down to Evil: Dangers beset them round about, and the Pit of Destruction yawneth beneath their Feet. Look now on the other Side ; and behold in that Vale, overshadowed with Trees, and hid from the Sight of Men, the Habitation of Sorrow. Her Bosom heaveth with Sighs, her Mouth, is filled with Lamentation, she delighteth to dwell on the Subject of human Misery. She looketh on the common Accidents of Life, and weepeth ; the Weakness and Wickedness of Man is the Theme of her Lips. All Nature to her teemeth with Evil, every Ob- ject she seeth is tinged with the Gloom of her own Mind; and the Voice of Complaint saddeneth her Dwelling Day and Night. Come not near her Cell, her Breath is con- tagious ; she will blast the Fruits, and wither the Flowers that adorn and sweeten the Garden of Life. In avoiding House of Joy, Let not thy Feet betray thee to Borders of this dismal Mansion ; but pursue care the Middle Path, which shall lead a gentle Ascent to the Bower of . With her dwelleth Peace, with her dwell Safety and Tranquility. She is cheerful but not gay ; she is serious but not grave : She vieweth the Joys and Sorrows of Life with an equal and stea- dy Eye. From hence, as from an Eminence, shalt thou behold the Folly and the Misery of those, who, led by the gaiety of their Hearts, take up their Abode with the Companions of Jollity and riotous Mirth; or infected by Gloominess and Melancholy, spend all their Days in complaining of the Woes and Calamities of human Life. Thou shalt view them both with Pity, and the Error of their Ways shall keep thy Feet from straying. An ELEGY on the Death of a LADY's MONKEY. PRETTY, poor, departed Pug, Whom I used to kiss and hug ! Who'll now hold thee on her Lap? Who contrive thee Coat or Cap? Thou amidst the Shades art gone— — Thou'rt no more and I'm undone? A Receipt to cure a LOVE- FIT: Which may indifferently Serve for thoSe that are TIRED of MAT RIMONY. TIE one End of a Rope fast over a Beam, And make a flip Noose at the other Extream ; Then just underneath let a Cricket be set, On which let the Lover most manfully get ; Then over his Head let the Snicket be got, And under one Ear be. well settled the Knot : The Cricket kicked down, let him take a fair Swing ; And leave all the rest of the Work to the String. Probatum . The following Letter is an Answer from the Gentleman to whom Mr. P. sent his Reasons for a late Resignation.—[ See the first Page of our last paper. ] THE City of London, as long as they have any Memory, cannot forget, that you ac- cepted the Seals when this Nation was in the most deplorable Circumstances to which any Country can be reduced. That our Armies were beaten, our Navy inactive, our Trade exposed to the Ene- my, our Credit, as if we expected to become Bank- rupts, sunk to the lowest Pitch ; that, there was nothing to be found but Despondency at Home, and Contempt Abroad. The City must also forever remember, that when you resigned the Seals, our Armies and Navies were victorious, our Trade secure more than in a Peace, our public Credit restored, and People readier to lend than Ministers to borrow : That there was nothing but Exul- tation at Home, Confusion and Despair among our Enemies, Amazement and Veneration among all neutral Nations : That the French were reduced so low as to sue for Peace, which we, from Hu- manity, were willing to grant; tho' their Haugh- tiness was too great, and our Successes too many, for any Terms to be agreed on. Remember this, the City cannot but lament that you have quitted the Helm. But if Knaves have taught Fools to call your Resignation. ( when you can no longer procure the same Success, being prevented from pursuing the same Measures) a Desertion of the Public, and to look upon you, for accepting a Re- ward, which can scarce bear that Name, in the Light of a Pensioner, the City of London hope, they shall not be ranked by you among the one or the other. They are truly sensible, that tho' you cease to guide the Helm, you have not deserted the Vessel ; and that, Pensioner as you are, your In- clination to promote the Public Good, is still only to be equalled by your Ability : That you sincerely wish Success to the new Pilot, and will be ready, not only to warn him and the Crew of Rocks and Quicksands, but to assist in bringing the Ship thro' the Storm into a safe Harbour. These, Sir, I am persuaded, are the real Senti- ments of the City of London; I am sure you be- lieve them to be such of, Dear Sir, your's, & c. OCTOBER 3, 1761. At the ORIGINAL INSURANCE- OFFICE, At BREWTON, in the County of Somerset, Lately opened by Messrs. " Whitehead, Dampier, and Others, ANY Person liable to serve in the MILITIA in the said County, at the next or any fu- ture Balloting that shall happen in the Space of Three Years from the Date hereof, may be in- demnified therefrom by paying Ten Shillings and Six- pence into the Hands of the said Comp. who hereby promise to provide a fit Substitute, or pay the Fine for them. N. B. For the Convenience of those who live at too great a Distance to apply to the said Office at BREWTON, any Person may be insured by ap- plying to Mr. Pettingal, Mercer, Mr. Samuel Strange, or Mr. Thomas Beech, at the Angel- Inn, in Bath ; Mr. John Starke, at the Globe in Newton ; Mr. Thomas Crow, at the Lamb, or Mr. John Baber, at the Crown, in Keynsham ; Mr. John Holebrooke, in Bedminster ; Mr. Tho. Whitehead, Clothier, Mr. Jonathan Chandler, School master, or Mr. Hancock, in Frome ; Mr. Sabatier, at the George in Shepton- mallet ; or Mr. Matthew Thomas, in Evercreech. Proper Agents are appointed in all the princi- pal Towns in the Western Part of the County. *„* Any Persons proper to serve as Substitutes, who will apply as aforesaid, shall have all proper Encouragement, and their Names registered, that due Preference maybe given to such as apply first. WILLIAM SMITH, Glover and Undertaker, At his House in BROAD- STREET, BRISTOL, SELLS TICKETS, SHAKES and CHANCES of TICKETS, in the Present State- Lottery, 1761. He also Registers Tickets at 6d. per Number, and the earliest Notice sent of their Success to any Part of GREAT- BRITAIN or Ireland. Scheme of the Lottery, 1761. No. of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value. 2 of 10000 is 20000 2 5000 — 10000 4 2000 — 8000 10 1000 —- 10000 20 500 10000 1OO 1OO — 10000 20I -- 50 10050 11606 — 20 — 232120 11945 Prizes 310170 First drawn 500 Last drawn 1000 48000 Blanks at 6l. each 288330 60000 Tickets at 10l. each 600000 The LOTTERY begins drawing the 16th of Nov Letters Post- paid will be duly answered. To be Lett at Christmas next, A Very Genteel HOUSE, In BEAUFORT - SQUARE, Three Rooms on a Floor, with all Conveniences. Now occupied by the Rev. Mr. CHEYNE. Enquire of Mr. TYLEE, at the Charity- School, By the King's Royal Authority. DR. Radcliff's famous Purging, Elixir : Being the only celebrated Cathartic esteemed in the World, which daily adds to the Character of that great, , Man, whose Name will live as long as the World shall endure ; it far exceeding any Medicine yet experienced both in Quality and Quantity, being not of the Nature of those sweet Slops sold by this or that Name about the Kingdom, where the Sick are to take four or five Ounces, or five or six Pills, which render Physic so obnoxious, that . sands puke at the Sight of either Vial on Pill Box but, on the Contrary, it is a fine Bitter which most grateful Taste to them that have Occasion for Physic ; and ' tis reduced into so small a Quantity: that a Spoonful promts a sufficient Dose in most Consti- tutions ; requiring no Confinement, neither does leave the Body bound, but gives two or three Stools the succeeding Day, ' working so kindly, and by Ways so familiar to Nature, that you'd bless yourself to feel its wonderful Effects : Therefore ' tis a Pity any Family should be unacquainted with its virtue', all Persons of Sense agreeing this one Point, that ' tis the very best of Purges to cleanse the, Body of all gross and vicious Humours controlled by hard Drink- ing, Surfeits, Colds, Measles, or Small Pox. It destroys all Manner of Worms in Children grown Persons, gives present Ease in the Cholic, expels Wind, and cures the Scurvy , Dropsy, Itch, and all running Sores or Breakings out whatsoever ; ' tis taken with great Success in the Black or Yellow Jaundice, King's Evil, Swelling of the Face or Gums, bad Breath, Deafness ( provided the Ears run) ; it cures the Head- ache, Vertigo, and Heartburn, helps Digestion, dissipates Vapours and sudden Faintings, procures a strong Appetite, prevents Vo mitting, Reaching in the Mor- ning, Gripes and Pains in the Bowels, Difficulty of Breath- ing, and Morning Sweats, strengthening the Nerves; & there is no better Medicine in the World to prevent those Disease: which commonly at- tend Persons at Sea, occasioned by bad Air, Diet, & c. there- fore none who undertake long Voyages or Journeys, ought to be without it, or omit taking it at Spring and Fall; the Price being ( for the Advantage of the Poor) but Twelve- Pence, tho' well worth Twelve Shil- lings : Great Allowance is made to them who sell it again. To prevent Counterfeits, observe that each Bottle is sealed with the same Arms as in the Mar- gin, and has a Label affixed to it with these Words : Dr. Radcliff's Famous Purging Elixir, prepared by Dicey and Okell, ( whose Names are also in the Di- rection Bill) and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr. Bateman's Ware- House in Bow- Church- Yara, Lon- don ; also Retail, Price is. by L. Lambe, and W. Taylor, Grocers, & c. in BATH ; J. Ball, in Bridge- water-, A. Nurton, in Taunton ; J. Brown, in Shepton- Mallet ; W. Hancock, in ; J. Shoar, in Warminster ; J. Stuart, in Bradford ; R. Bishop, in Pensford ; and by one reputable Shopkeeper in every City and Market- Town in Great- Britain, & c. Sold likewise by Authority of his Majesty's Royal Patents, Dr. Bateman's Peroral Drops, ( for counterfeiting which, Randal, Russel, Jackson and Clark, were found guilty, and paid considerable Costs) famous for curing Colds, Fluxes, Rheumatism & c. & c. 1s. Dr. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir, 1s. 6d. Dr. Hooper's well known Female Pills, 1s. Baron Schwanberg's Liquid Shell, being a safe and sure Dissolvent of the Stone and Gravel, gives immediate Relief in the Stranguary, Wind Cholic Disorders in the Stomach and Bowels of Infants, preferable to any Cordials, 1s. 6d. Dr. Chase's Restorative Balsamic Pills, for the Cure of Astmatic Coughs, and to prevent Miscarriages & c. 2s. Betton's True and Genuine British Oil, for Wounds Ulcers, Strains, Bruises, & c. 1s. Also the Refined Oil, to take inwardly for Con- sumptions and Disorders of the Breast and Lungs, & c. 1s. 6d. Dr. Patrick Anderson's Grana Angelica ( you are not imposed on by such as Yooll and other Hawkers from the North) or the True Scots Pills sealed with the Doctor's Head, between C. D. 1s. the Box round or oval. Dr. Bateman's Spirits of - Grass, 1s. Dr. Baker's Balsam, which certainly cures and prevents Putrefaction in the Gums, and wrong Breath, & c. 1s. 6d. Schwanberg's Original Universe. Fever Pow- der. 1s. 6d. Dr. Daffy's True Rich Elixir, Half- Pint Bottle. 1s. 3d. Dr. Bostock's, and Squire's Elixirs. 1s. 3d. Dr. Stoughton's Elixir, 1s. Frier's Universal Balsam. 1s. Ladies Court Plaister 6d. and 1s. True Eau de Litce, in 1s.— and 3s. Bottles. Turlington's Balsam 1s. 9d. and 3s. 6d. Godfrey's Original known Cordial for Chil- dren. 6d. Observe that Names Dicey and Okell, be in all Direction with every Bottle or Box, to prevent Counter At the Printing- Office in Stall- Street may be had, Dr. Lowther's Antiscorbutic Powders, Six Doses for Three Shillings. II. ] A HOUSE at Bath- Easton, To be Lett, Ready- Furnished, ' Till MAY NEXT : Now in Possession of Lady BARBAR A MONTAGU Enquire for Particulars at the said House ; or of Mr. CROOK, Apothecary, on the North- Parade. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. Now SELLING by JOHN KENDALL, At his CHINA- SHOP, The Golden- Canister in PINPOINT- STREET, Near the South- Parade, BATH, All Sorts of useful and ornamental China Both Foreign and English : Also fine Teas, Coffee, and Chocolate, Of the highest Flavour. N. B. He has just laid in ( which arrived by the last East- India Fleet) a large Assortment of Bowls, Basons, Dishes, and Tureens; Pint Ba- sons at 1s. Half- pint ditto 7d. Foreign Blue and White Plates at 11s. per Dozen ; Blue and White Tea- cups and Saucers at 3s. 6d. per Set ; and complete Sets of Teas, from Two Guineas and a Half to Five Pounds. — Birmingham enamelled Candlesticks, and all Sorts of Cut and Plain Glass ; best Wine Glasses at 5s. 6d. per Dozen. All the above Goods will be warranted found. BATH. JOHN VIEL, Cooper to Mr. DeVic, Wine- merchant, Upwards of Twenty Years, Begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, & c. That he now carries on the WINE BUSINESS On his Own ACCOUNT, At his House in St. James's - Street, Opposite the CHURCH : And has laid in a STOCK of Good Neat Old WINES, Which he will sell as cheap as any Wine- Merchant whatever : Also fine Jamaica Rum and French Brandy Those who please to favour him with their Custom, may depend on being served in the best Manner; and their Favours gratefully acknow- ledge, By their much obliged and most obedient Servant, JOHN VIEL. DR. ROBERT WALKER'S Patent Genuine JESUITS DROPS, or ELIXIR of HEALTH and LONG LIFE. ( In Bot- tles only of 1s, 6d. and 5s.) The great Success and Demand that is daily made for my never- failing genuine JESUITS DROPS, which are the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual and im- mediate Cure ever discovered for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, tho' ever so obstinate, of ever so long standing, and by whatever Means occasioned, and also for the Venereal Disease, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms, has occasioned some Persons to endeavour to imitate the same, and publish Medicines pretending to some of the like Virtues. His Majesty, that I should reap the sole Advantage of my said va- luable Invention, and that the Public should receive the Benefit of the same genuine, was most graciously pleased on the 29th of November, 1755, to grant me his Royal Letters' Patent, for England and the Planta- tions in America : And, on repeated Representations of the great and surprising Cures daily performed by my said Jesuits Drops, has been since also graciously pleased, that his Subjects in his Kingdoms of Scotland and Ire- and should also have the said Medicine genuine, and for preventing them from being imposed upon with spu - rious Medicines, falsely pretending to the same Virtues, to the Prejudice of their Healths and Constitutions, as well as endangering their Lives, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent for those Kingdoms. My said Patent genuine Jesuit's Drops have no Mercurials in their Composition, and neither purge or vomit, but carry the Disorders clean off by Urine ( the Dose only 15 Drops in Wine, Water, or on Sugar) and is an excellent Remedy for Travellers, and Persons going to Sea, as to be taken so secret, that even a Bed- fellow cannot make Discovery, and at any Time, in any Season or Climate, ( keeping their full Virtues ten Tears) without Alteration in Diet, and eradicates Root and Branch all the poisonous Symptoms of those loathsome Distempers, and absolutely answer all the Ends that can be expected by Salivation, and were never known to miss of curing after Salivation bad failed. * t* I am to be consulted gratis at my Warehouse, and Persons of either Sex may, on personal Application, depend on the strictest Honour and Secrecy, and re- ceiving a certain Cure, with a mild Medicine, with- out their Constitutions being torn to Pieces with rough Mercurials. And I give gratis, sealed up with each Bottle, a printed Treatise on Gleets, Weaknesses, and the Venereal Disorder by which Persons of both Sexes may cure themselves, with the greatest Secrecy, and knew if the Disorder of a mild or malignant Na- ture. Veritas . R. WALKER, M. D. To be had at the Patentee's Warehouse, the Bible end Crown, the upper End of Fleet- Lane, opposite the Sessions House Gate, Old Bailey, London, of Mr. Brown, in Christmas- Street, Bristol ; of C. Pope, and Comp. at their Office, in Stall- Street, Bath ; and of the Distributors of this Paper. To be Sold, or Lett, BELLE- VUE: Situate within the Parish of WESTON, near Bath, or, the Upper Road leading to Bristol : Consisting of a House containing four Rooms on a Floor, a Kitchen, Pantries, Cellars and other Vaults, Laundry, Coach- house, Stabling for four Horses, Brew- house, Hen- house, and other C0n- veniencies ; together with a Garden planted with the best Fruit- trees, and two Acres of Land. To be seen and sold at the same Place, a Pair of seasoned Brown Chaise- Horses ; also a large Parcel of choice old Hay, a Cart very little used, and Harness belonging to the same for three Horses, some Stavel Stones and Caps, a Plough, and several other Implements of Husbandry. For more Particulars, enquire of the Rev. Mr. CLARKE, at Belle- Vue ; or in Cheap- street, Bath. This Day is published, in OCTAVO, Price Two SHILINGS sewed, ( With a Preface by the Translator) A SECOND ESSAY on the Medicinal Virtues of Hemlock. In which its Efficacy in the Cure of many desperate Disorders is fully confirmed by a Variety of RE- MARKABLE CASES, where this Remedy has been administered by several eminent Physicians and Surgeons in different Parts of Germany and Flan- ders, as well as by the Author, Dr. Antony Storck, Aulic Counsellor and one of the principal Phy- sicians to her Most Sacred Majesty the Empress- Queen, and Physician to the Pazmarian City- Hospital at Vienna. TOGETHER With Corollaries and Cautions. Translated from the original Latin by a Physician. London : Printed for T. BECKET, and P. A. DE HONDT, at Tully's- Head, near Surry- street, in the Strand. Of whom may be had, 1. The Latin Original of the above, Price 2s. 2. The Latin Original of Part I. Price 1s. SUNDAY' AND, MONDAY'S POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Denmark. COPENHAGEN, OCT. 13. BY a Ship just arrived from the Baltick we learn, that eleven Russian Men of War, and three Transports, from Colberg, were lying last Wednesday at Anchor under the Island of Bern- holm ; and that three more were met by it under Sail, beating between that Place and the Island of Moen. HOLLAND. HAGUE, OCT. 16. We are assured, that the Accounts which have been published, with so much Affectation, of the, Definition of several Maga- zines belonging to the Allied Army in Westpha- lia, are void of Foundation, the making of any upon the Ems having been forbidden ever since the Month of April; and there having been no- thing found by the French in Osnabrug, but a Quantity of bad Hay of little or no Value. Letters from Magdeburg say, that the King of Prussia's Head- Quarters were at Gross Nossen, behind Munsterburg ; and that it did not appear that his Majesty was then informed of what had happened to Schweidnitz in the Night of the 30th part. The same Letters add, that General Platen did not join the Duke of Wirtemberg ' till the 3rd Instant, having been harassed and retarded in his March by several Russian Detachments : It was hoped, however, that by this Junction, Colberg might be saved. Part of the Russian Army, under General Fermor, was at Driessen, raising Con- tributions in the New Marche of Branderburg. On the 8th Instant, Part of the Army of the Empire took Possession of Halle. HAGUE, Oct. 20. The Letters, received from the Army in Westphalia, are of the 14th Instant; Prince Ferdinnad's Head- Quarters were then at Marien Munster ; but the Army was on the Point of marching ; and we have since heard, that his Serene Highness has established his Head- Quarters at Falckenhagen, in the Bailiwick of Polle. Marshal Broglio's Head Quarters were at Eschershausen, or. the opposite Side of the Weser. The sudden Surrender of the Town of Wolf- senbuttel, on the 10th, which the French had set Fire to in several Places, having prevented the Succour sent for the Relief of it, from arriving in Time, Prince Xavier of Saxony immediately in- veiled Brunswick, and opened Trenches before it; but he has not had the same Success there.— In order to cover the Siege, he had taken Possession of Londorff, and the important Pass of Olpher, and had intrenched a Body of Troops there. General Luckner, joined to Prince Frederick of Brunswick, arrived by forced Marches in the Neighbourhood; and whilst the General marched with his Cavalty towards Peine, Prince Frederick attacked the French in their Entrenchments, and, alter an obstinate Defence, forced them, with a considerable Loss on their Side, and took above 200 Prisoners, with several Officers, one Piece of Cannon, and a Major General. The young Prince proceeded, without Loss of Time, to Brunswick, where he entered the 13th in the Eve- ning, with six Battalions, and was received with the greatest Joy by the Garrison and the Inhabi- tants. Their Arrival was notified to the besiegers by a general Volley from the Ramparts, which made them abandon their Trenches with great Precipitation, They have since abandoned Wolf- fenbuttel, after levying exorbitant Contributions, as they have done every where, and retired to Scesen. Several Reinforcements having since marched by Hanover that Way, it is thought that Prince Xavier's Corps may have suffered in its Retreat, especially as he has a pretty large Quantity of Artillery with him. The Prince of Soubise's Army is going into Quarters. His Head- Quarters were a few Days ago at Borken, within six Leagues of Wesel, at which last Place he is soon expected. The French Household Troops, Horse and Foot, have repassed the Rhine, and are marching back to France.— The French are going to throw a Bridge over the Rhine, at Emmerick. London. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, OCT. 20. Capt. Young, of his Majesty's Ship the Mars, is arrived at Ply- mouth with the Amarante, a French Privateer of 18 six Pounder Guns, and 137 Men, belonging to St. Maloss, which he took the 17th of last Month. She had been put three Weeks, and had taken but one Brig, from Madeira, which was ransomed, and the Ransomer onboard the Priva- teer, [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Germany. HANOVER, October 13. Prince Ferdinand is marching into this Electorate with the greatest Part of his Forces, to prevent the French from extending themselves therein. On the 14th, in the Evening, the Hereditary Prince arrived here, very unexpectedly, in a com- mon Country Waggon, with only four Officers, and lodged at an Inn. Yesterday Morning he set out again, but we know not what Road he took. LOWER ELBE, 0ct. 13. Several Letters from Silesia advise, that the King of Prussia, on Advice of the Surprise of Schweidnitz, marched to that Fortress, and was cannonading it from eight Batteries. ALTENA, Oct. 15. The late Storms have ob- liged the Russian and Swedish Squadrons before Colberg, to quit their Stations, leaving only a few Frigates in the Road to prevent any Succours from being thrown in by Sea. Holland. AMSTERDAM, Oct. 17. By Letters from Su- rat, of the 7th of April last, by the Way of Tur- key, we are informed that on the 15th of January last, the English gained, near Patua, in the King- dom of Bengal, a most complete Victory over the Son of the late Great Mogul; that they afterwards defeated the Rebel Rajah ; and, after making themselves Matters of the Town where he resided, put it into the Hands of the Nabob of Bengal, who, as an Acknowledgment for this Cession, has engaged to pay the English East India Company the Sum of Six Millions of Rupees yearly. London, October 24. At a Court of Common- Council on Thursday, a Motion was made, That the Thanks of the Court be given to the Right Hon. Wm. Pitt, late one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, for the many and important Services rendered to his King and Country. It was unanimously agreed to, and a Committee to draw up the same. We can assure the Public, that in August last Mr. Bully presented a Memorial to our Ministry, in which, among other Things, he insisted on three Articles on the Part of Spain ; first, to in- demnify them for Depredations pretended to have been committed upon them. 2dly, Liberty of Fishing off Newfoundland. 3dly, The Exclu- sion of the English from cutting Logwood in the Bay of Honduras. Upon this our late Minister expressed his Surprise that such extraordinary De- mands should be made by a conquered Nation in Behalf of a neutral Power; and this at a Crisis when the Glory, the Naval Strength, and the unanimity of the Nation was greater than had ever been known ; and advised that a Courier might be immediately dispatched to the Earl of Bristol, our Minister at Madrid, to demand of that Court whether they knew any thing of the above Articles. The Answer he received was, that they did avow them. Mr. P. then advised the recalling the Earl of Bristol forthwith, and to take such vigorous Measures with Spain, as our predent Superiority at Sea enabled us to do; which being opposed by the whole Council ( Earl T. ex- cepted) was the true Reason why Mr. P. thought it advisable for him to withdraw from the Ad- ministration. Yesterday there was a strong Report at the Cus- tom- house of a Spanish War. It is said that fresh Dispatches are sent to Prince Ferdinand and the Marquis of Granby, to keep the Field as long as possible. Last Tuesday Admiral Rodney, with 5 large Ships, 2 Bombs, and a Fire- ship, under his Com- mand, passed by Plymouth, from whence he was joined by the Foudroyant Man of War, Capt. Duff, of 84 Guns. It is currently reported that Sir John Cust will be chosen speaker of the Honourable House of Commons. Gen. Clive, we hear, will soon be created a Peer of Ireland. II At a Court Of Common Council, held at Guildhall, an Thursday the 22nd of October, 1761, and in the First Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, King of Great- Britain, & c. The Representation of the Lord- Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common- Council assembled, to Sir Robert Ladbroke, Knt. Sir Rich- ard Glyn, Km. and Bart. William Beckford, Esq. and tie Hon. Thomas Harley, this City's Repre- sentatives in Parliament. " WE, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Com- mons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled, think it at this Time our Duty, as it is our natural and undoubted Right, to lay before you, this City's Representatives in the great Council of the Nation, soon to be assembled in Parliament, what we desire and expe£ t from you, in discharge of the great Trust and Confidence we and our fellow Servants have reposed in your That you take the earliest Opportunity to use your utmost Endeavours to obtain the Repeal or Amendment of the late Act, entitled, an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, in respect of the Inconveniences arising from the compulsive Clause, by which a Door has been opened to the greatest Frauds and Perjuries; and, if continued, must become the Destruction of all private Credit, so essential to the Support of a trading People. That you concur in, and promote all necessary Measures for establishing good Economy in the Distribution of the National Treasure ; and, for that Purpose, that you endeavour to have a Com- mittee appointed in order to inquire into any Abuses, which may have arisen in the Application of it, and to prevent any Frauds or illicit Practices in the Management thereof. That you entertain just Sentiments of the Im- portance of the Conquests made this War by the British Arms, at the Expense of so much Blood and Treasure, and that you will, to the utmost of your Power and Abilities, oppose all Attempts for giving up such Places as may tend to lessen our present Security, or by restoring the naval Power of France, render us subject to fresh Hos- tilities from that natural Enemy ; particularly that the sole and exclusive Right of our Acquisitions in N. America, and the Fisheries be preserved to us. As the present happy Extinction of Parties, the Harmony and Unanimity of all his Majesty's Sub- jects, their Zeal and Affection to their Native King, and the great Increase of Commerce, are most convincing Proofs to us of this Nation's Abi- lity, still to carry on, and vigorously prosecute, the present just and necessary War,— it is our De- fire, that you concur in giving his Majesty such. Supplies, as shall enable him to pursue all those Measures, which may promote the true Interest of his Kingdoms, and place him above the Me- naces of any Power, that may pretend to give Laws, or prescribe Limits, to the Policy and In- terests of this Nation. But as it is apparent, that our Enemies flatter themselves with the Hopes of exhausting our Strength by the immense Expence, in which we are at present engaged,— we there- fore require you, in the further Prosecution of this War, to support such Measures, as may frustrate those Expectations ; yet to act with the utmost Vigour, in the Reduction of their remain- ing Colonies, so as to obtain a safe and honoura- ble Peace. They write from the Hague, that on the 15th Inst. Gen. Yorke, the English Ambassador, re- ceived an Express from England, and soon after sent his Secretary with a Packet to the Count de Affry, the French Ambassador, who next Mor- ning sent his Secretary with an Answer to Gen. Yorke, and at the fame Time dispatched a Courier to Versailles. Upon which it was reported that the English Court being sorry that they had prescribed such hard Terms to France, were desirous to re- new the Negotiation, thro' the Channel of the two Ambassadors just mentioned. Worksop Manor, in Nottinghamshire, the Seat of the Duke of Norfolk, which was burnt on Tuesday, was, by several improvements made by the present Duke, thought to be one of the fined Seats in England. There were 500 Rooms in it, and the Damage is suppofed to amount to upwards of 1oo, oool. On Thursday Night a Male Child about six Weeks old, was dropped in a Hand- Basket in York- street, St. James's- Square, cleanly drafted, with a Paper pinned on his Breast, on which was Wrote, I am the Son of an Officer, and my Father is in Germany. Last Saturday died, aged upwards of Eight, one David Eagle, who has lived above thirty Years by begging about the Streets of this City, and for the last ( even Years lodged in Bread- street, and paid Six- Pence a Night for his Lodging, but ne- ver suffered any Body to go into his Room either to clean it or make his Bed, nor suffered a clean Pair of Sheets to be laid on his Bed, since the first Night he lodged there. On Searching the Cloths he wore every Day, they found 25l. 3s. 1d. and are in Expectation of finding more concealed in the Room. Sent Home with a young Lady's Repeating Watch. GO, go, you little Tatler, go And dangle by her Side, Thou Emblem of a modern Beau In all his glittering Pride. When in her Bed, you hang in Air, And measure out dull Time, Say— Joy and Love should be her Care Now Beauty's in its Prime. When first she wakes at Jenny's Knock ( Then Thoughts are frank and free) Tell her— instead of what's O'clock, ' Tis Time to think on me. Tell her— a Lover in her Arms, His Pulse would beat as true, His Heart would spring with Love's Alarms, And vibrate quick as you. 12 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. Notice is hereby given, THAT Messrs, MATTHIAS and WILLIAM MITCHELL, from BLAND- FORD, in Dorsetshire, NURSERYMEN, have taken and enter'd upon the Great NURSERY on Law- rence- Hill, near BRISTOL, late in the Possession of Francis Collins, Nurseryman, deceased ; where Gentlemen and others may be furnished with the best Sorts of all Kinds of Fruit and Forest- Trees, Flowering Shrubs, and Evergreens, Gar- den Seeds, and other Things in the Nursery Way. ** There is a large Stock of Trained Trees, Peaches, Nectarins, Plumbs, Cherries, and Apri- cots, in Perfection, now fit to be transplanted. The said MATTHIAS and WILLIAM MITCHELL undertake the mapping, planning, and surveying Estates, and Designs for Gardens in the present Taste ; the said MATTHIAS having been some Time since Foreman to his Majesty's Gardens at Hampton- Court, and since Surveyor to the Plan- tations of Mr. PORTMAN, at Bryanston, near Blandford. [ VOL. II. ] BATH, October 27, 1761. ELIZ. CHANCELLOR, LACE- WOMAN, In DUKE- STREET, ST. JAMES'S, LONDON, Begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and Others, now in this City, THAT she intends to be here in a few Days, with the Greatest CHOICE of all Sorts of LACES in England, at the most reasonable Rates. And hopes that such Ladies and Gentlemen who have Commissions from Ireland, will be kind enough to stay ' till her Arrival before they buy, as she has laid in a particular Stock for that Purpose. Made and Sold at John Evill's Stocking and Shoe Ware- house, At the Golden- Fleece, the Corner of Green- street, near St. Michael's Church, BATH, WHERE the SHOE- MAKING TRADE is carried on in all its Branches, and made equal in Quality, and warranted as good as those fold at higher Prices ; and fold at least Two Shil- Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Germany. WESEL, OCT. 7. LL the Troops in Garrison here ( ex- cept one Battalion of Vierset, and about one Squadron of Horse that are Prisoners) are marched hence to join Prince Soubise's Army ; it is thought they will continue to keep the Field ' till such Time as the Prince sees what will be the Issue of Marshal Broglio's Attempt 0n Brunswick and Hanover. LIEGE, OCT. 20. The Regiment of Damas Ca- valry, having greatly suffered by the Glanders and continual Fatigues, received Orders to return to France. They arrived here To- day from Prince Soubise's Army, in very bad Order, and very weak. TONGRES, Oct. 21. This Day the first Com- pany of Mousquetaires arrived here in their Way to Paris ; though they have been very sickly since they took the Field, five Men have only died in the Hospitals ; but they have lost a great Number of Horses for Want of Forage. lings in Twenty less than the present Prices else- where ; and the following Reasons are assign'd for so doing, viz. A large Consumption— Dealing for Ready- Money— and a quick Return— for the fol- lowing Goods, viz. Boots, and Spatterdashes ; Mens and Boys Pumps, and Shoes, all Sorts and Sizes ; Mens Cork- Sole and Shoes for the Gout ; Womens Silk and Sattin, fine and common, Cal- limanco and Lasting Pumps and Shoes ; and Lea- ther ditto ; Mens and Womens Galloshes ; and all Sorts of Women, Clogs of the neatest Make ; Girls Callimanco and Lasting Pumps and Shoes ; Morocco and Black Leather ditto every Size. And almost every Sort of HOSIERY GOODS of Worsted, Thread, and Cotton, both Knit and Wove, will be sold on the lowest Terms. PRAGUE, October 6. The Prussian Military Chest, taken at Schweiduitz, contained 800,000 Florins. The Prince de Lichtenstein has presented their Imperial Majesties with 25 Flags taken at Schweidnitz.— The Number of Prisoners made on this Occasion amounts to 3771, amongst whom are I13 Officers.— Our Loss consists in I3 Officers killed, and 50 wounded ; 266 Soldiers killed, 957 wounded, and I40 missing ; and that of the Im- perial Troops of Russia ( to whose Grenadiers we owe a Part of our happy Success) in five Officers wounded, 51 Soldiers killed, and 41 wounded. France. PARIS, Oct. I6. On the IIth a grand Coun- cil was held in the King's Presence at Versailles. The same Day, the Viscount de Belsunce and the Chevalier de St. Croix, took Leave of his Ma- jesty. It hath been publickly said, that they are to embark at Brest for Martinico and St. Domin- go : But some People whisper, that those two Of- ficers, not less famous for their enterprising Tem pers than for their Intrepidity, are charged with an Expedition for which this is the proper Season. It is still believed that a Treaty hath been con- cluded between our Court and that of Spain : But it is not believed to be a Treaty of Offence. One Army is sitting out at Brest, another at Rochefort ; one Camp is forming at Auray, ano- ther near Port L'Orient: We are making Prepa- rations at that Port which indicate an Expedition : And we talk of embarking eight Battalions on board the Brest Squadron. All this will give Employment to the English Fleet, which hath been long decaying in its Station on our Coasts. The Works at Dunkirk, which had been sus- pended, are resumed with double Vigour. The Jetties are to be raised ; and we talk of lengthen- ing them 200 Tories beyond the Sea Mark. To be Lett, and enter'd on immediately, Or at St. THOMAS- DAY next, A HOUSE very healthy and plea- santly situated to a fine Prospect, with very large and convenient Work- houses, at BERFIELD, in the Parish of Bradford, in the County of Wilts, about a Quarter or a Mile from the Town, wherein Posthumus Bush, Cloth- Worker, deceas'd, lately dwelt, and carried on a very large Trade.— It is convenient for a Clothier that makes a great Quantity of Cloth, and may be converted into a proper House for a Malster or a common Brewer, there being 110 Want of Water ; and there are two very good Cellars, with a large Kitchen- Garden, a genteel Court before the House, seve- ral Acres of Pasture Ground adjoining, and a new- built Stable. At the same Place to be Sold, a very good Cloths Press, and Papers, with Handles, Teazles, Shears, and one double Rack or Tenter. ** For further Particulars, enquire of Benja- min Bush, at Turline, in the laid Parish of Bradford. HAMBURGH, Oct. 20. We have no Advices yet of the Russians having raised the Siege of Colberg. In the mean While we learn, that their Fleet is retired from before that Place, and that several of their Ships have been obliged to take Shelter in the Danish Island of Born holm, and in other Ports in Wove, will be fold on the lowed Terms. London October 27. It still continues to be strongly reported, that a great Nobleman will resign, and that Mr. P*** will be re- instated before the Meeting of Parlia- ment. Friday an express was forwarded with great Expedition from our Conrt to that of Madrid, with Dispatches, it is said, of the greatest Impor- tance, which occasions much Speculation. Fresh Cargoes of English Provisions are ship- ping for Belleisle, for the Service of the Troops remaining on that Island ; about 5000 of which failed from thence the 9th Instant for the West- Indies, where they will probably arrive soon af- WHOEVER are inclin'd to become Adventurers in the PRESENT STATE LOTTERY, may be supply'd with TICKETS By William and Robert Clement, LINEN- DRAPERS, in Wade's- Passage, BATH. In this Lottery ( notwithstanding there are TWO Prizes of TEN THOUSAND POUNDS each, besides Thirty eight other Capital ones) there are but very little more than FOUR Blanks to a Prize! ( and no Prize of less Value than Twenty Pounds!) each Blank valued at six Pounds, which we buy, as also the Prizes, ( and likewise Blanks, or Prizes, of former Lotteries ; or we give in Exchange for them, Tickets, Shares or Chances, in the present Lottery) and give the most Money for either of them as soon as they are drawn. And in order to accommodate all those of this City, and its Neighbourhood, or others who resort hither, ( that please to favour us with their Commands) who don't like to risk all they intend to venture, on one Number, but rather chuse a Part, in several : We have therefore divided, a Variety of Tickets, into Shares, and Chances, such as, Halves, Quar- ters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, ( a single one of ei- ther Share, or Chance, any one Person, may be furnished with ; the Money arising from them, will be paid by us, as soon as they are drawn ; which we propose felling here, every Day, at the same Price as they are fold by the principal Brokers of Credit and Security, in London. The Price of Chances and Shares, this Day, are as follow; the Baltick, having by Storms lost most of their Masts, & c. That Gen. Romanzow was yet near Colberg, in order to cover the Reimbarkation of his heavy Artillery. Since the Loss of Schweidnitz nothing has passed in Silesia between the Prussian and Austrian Ar- ter the tempestuous Weather in that Part of the Globe. It is now said, that as great Frauds have been committed with Relation to the Compulsive Clause in the late Insolvent Act, that n0 more will be cleared before the Sense of the Parliament will be known with Regard to that Clause; but that the Courts, before which they are to be cleared, will adjourn that Business to a future Sitting. mies; and according to our last Letters from Magdeburg, the King of Prussia was on the 10th Inst. at Strehen, and Gen. Laudohn at Freyberg. The French evacuated Wolfenbuttel the 15th Instant. holIand. HAGUE, Oct. 23. Prince Ferdinand's Head- Quarters were on the 19th at Olir not far from Hamelen : The Hereditary Prince was marching against Prince Xavier, who had stopped at Gatr- dersheim, in his Retreat from Wolfenbuttel, but had been obliged to abandon, as is said, the greatest Part of the Artillery he was convoying from that Town. Letters from Magdebourg of the 17th Instant say, that his Prussian Majesty was the 9th Instant incamped at Strehlen, and that he had posted great Part of his Cavalry in the Plain of Canth before Breslaw. And that General Laudohn had as yet made no Movement from his old Camp of Freyburg. The same Letters add, that there are Accounts of General Romanzow's being employed in embarking his Artillery, from whence it was hoped that the Siege of Colberg would soon be raised : And that Prince Henry had detached Ge- A Sixteenth Chance An Eighth Chance • A Quarter Chance - A Half Chance — A Whole Chance - A Sixteenth Share An Eighth Share - A Quarter Share - A Half Share - l. s. d. By which may be gain'd l. 625 1250 2500 5000 10000 0160 1 116 3 00 6 00 neral Seydlitz with a small Corps against the Ar- my of the Empire, which had there upon in great Haste evacuated Halle, and retreated to Naumberg upon the Saal. London. WHITEHALL, Oct. 27. The King has been pleased to order a Conge d'Elire to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, to elect a Bishop of that See, the fame being va- cant by the Translation of the Right Reverend A Whole Ticket variable By which may be gain'd The epidemical Distemper which rages in the Kingdoms of Tunis and Algiers, hath had no Effect in lessening the Animosity between the two States, whose Corsairs continue to cruize on each or her with the utmost vigilance. Three Spanish Ships of War continue cruizing before Algiers and Tunis, from the 19th to the 22d of August ; but they have not appeared since. This Morning Parrott, for the Murder of his Wife, by cutting out part of her Tongue, and Hester Rowdon, for the Murder of her Bastard- Child, were, persnant to their Sentence, executed at Tyburn ; after which the former was hung in Chains, and the latter delivered to the Surgeons, in order to be anatomized. We fee with Pleasure in the last Dublin News Papers an Advertisement signed CHARLES LUCAS Esq. in the Chair, inviting ' as many free and loyal Subjects as the Rose and Bottle Tavern in Dame- street could contain, to dine there together, On Monday the 26th Instant, to bury all Animosity and Faction, in celebrating, with chearful and loyal Hearts, the blessings accruing to these King- doms by the happy Succession of our Patriot So- vereign.' MARRIAGE. The Right Hon. William Earl of Inchiquin, Knight of the Bath, to Miss Moore, with a Fortune 10,000l. 625 1250 Father in God Dr. Robert Drummond, late Bi- 2500 shop thereof, to the Archiepiscopal See of York ; and also a Letter, recommending to the said Dean and Chapter, the Right Reverend Father in God 5000 10000 The Purchasers of Shares, are entitled to Part of the Prizes, and Blanks, — the Purchasers of Chances, to the Prizes only. We register Tickets, Shares, and Chances, ( whither bought of ourselves, or of others) at Sixpence each Number, and the earliest Notice of their Success will be sent by the first Post ( from London) to any Part of Great Britain or Ireland. All Letters, Post- paid, or Orders sent by the News- men or others, will be punctually answered, and Schemes of the Lottery given gratis. The Draw- Dr. John Thomas, now Bishop of Lincoln, to be by them elected Bishop of the said See of Salis- bury. The King has been pleased to order a Conge d'Elire to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Norwich, to elect a Bishop of that See, the fame being vacant by the Translation of the Right Reverend Father in God Dr. Thomas Hay- ter, late Bishop thereof, to the See of London ; and also a Letter, recommending to the said Dean and Chapter, the Right Reverend Father in God Dr. Philip Yonge, now Bishop of Bristol, to be by them elected Bishop of the said See of Norwich ing of the Lottery will begin on Monday the 16th of November next, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, which is next Monday Fortnight: So there's no Time to be lost. N. B. FOUR Pounds more will be paid by us for every Twenty Pound Prize, in this Lottery, and for all other higher Prizes, to the Purchasers of Chances, than were in any former Lotteries. TEN Pounds were always deducted from tin Chances in former Lotteries, by the principal Brokers of Security and Credit in London, and so likewise by us : But in this Lottery ( in order to oblige the Public; by removing an old Complaint) we will deduct only Six Pounds, from every whole Chance, and so in Proportion from all the smaller Shares of Chances. [ Thus far the Gazette.] Arriv'd the MAILS from HOLLAND AND FLANDERS Germany. VIENNA, Oct. 10. Nothing hath been done in Silesia since the Surrender of Schweidnitz.- The Emperor and Empress have each sent a Let- ter of Thanks to Gen. Laudhon, with 2 Boxes, containing valuable presents. Colonel de Vins, who brought the News of that General's glorious Atchievement, received a Present of Two Thou- sand Ducats from the Emperor, and a rich Dia- mond Ring from the Empress. DEATHS. Sir Griffith Boynton, Bart.— Lieut. Gen. Walch, Colonel of a Regiment in the west Indies.— Sir Thomas Saunders Sebright, Bart. of Beechwood in Hertfordshire. STOCKS. Bank Stock, shut. India ditto, —. South- Sea ditto, —. Three per Cent. Bank re- duced, shut. Ditto consolidated, 72a711- 4th. Three per Cent. ditto, 1726, 71 1- half. Three 1- half Bank Annuities, 1756, 77 a 1- 4th. Three 1- half per Cent. ditto, 1758, 80. Four per Cent. 1760, 88 a 87 3- 4ths. Three per Cent. old S. S. Annuities, shut. Ditto new Annuities, 73 3- 4ths a 74. Ditto 1751, 733- 4ths. Ditto India An- nuities, 71 1- half. Long Annuities, 12 1- 4th. India Bonds, 10s. Pre. New Navy Bills to 1- 4th. disc. Exchequer Bills, 18s. a 19s. Disc. Lot- tery Tickets, 11l. 13s. Script. 73 3- 8ths. a7- 8ths a 1- 4th. Bridol, October 28. Came in since our last, The Bristol Packet, Pow ell, from London; and the Adventure,***, from Petersburgh. Arriv'd, At Newfoundland, the Lloyd, Car- bry, from this Port; and at Jamaica, the Gam- bia, Whyting, from Africa, with 2 50 Slaves. Thursday Patrick Ward, for the Wilful Mur- der of Mr. Henry Morgan, was executed, and his Body hung in Chains at Broad- Pill, near King- road. He behav'd penitent. FOY, Surgeon- Dentist, Who attended last Season in this City, and per- form'd every Operation on the Teeth and Gums with surprising Success and universal Applause ; begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, & c. that he is now at Mr. GOODEAR'S, the Brick- House in Cheap- street, opposite the Passage lead- ing to the Church- Yard, BATH. He cleanses the Teeth and Gums of all Scorbutic Humours which always attend them when soul, and brings the Gums to fill up the proper Places and Channels, which the Scurvy eats away, bringing them again into their proper Frame of Nature, and causes a sweet and pleasant Breath immediately after the Operation.— He makes the Teeth as beautiful and white as the whitest Ivory : He also fallens those that are loose, which the Unskilful commonly draw out; and displaces painful rotten Stumps of Teeth, or such as are broke in the Gums, and are not in the least perceivable, in a Method preferable to that of any any Man in the Kingdom, without fastening any Kind of Instrument, as several of the Nobility and Gentry here, and in other Parts of England, have experienced.—— He makes and fastens Artificial Teeth, from One to a whole Set, which cannot possibly be distinguished from Natural. He attends on the shortest Notice; and desires nothing for his Attendance, if he does not suc- ceed beyond Expectation, even in the Presence of any Physician, withont the least Degree of Pain. His Dentifrice for the Teeth, and Opiates, for the Gums, with proper Tooth- brushes, and Di-. rections, are to be had only at his Lodging, as above. ** Mr. FOY returns to his House nsar the Red- Lodge, Bristol, every Saturday; where he gives his Attendance ' till the Monday following, and then comes to Bath. 15ath October 29. The Public are desir'd to be careful to ask for the BATHCHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE publish'd by C. POPE and Comp. as the Proprietors of the Bath Advertiser ( a Saturday's Paper) al- ter'd their Day of Publication to Thursday, when our Proposals were first distributed, and likewise pi- rated Part of our Title, - viz. Bath Chronicle.----- We therefore give this necessary Caution, left they shou'd attempt to impose their Paper on the Public for THIS. Arriv'd here, Duke of Marlborough, Baron Vincke, Sir William Burnaby and Lady, Sir Bry- ant Cook and Lady, Mr. Cook, Lady Church, Lieut. Gen. Pultney, Col Campbell, Capt Craw- ford, Capt Philips and Lady, Capt Edwards, Rev Dr Tarrant and Lady, Rev Dr Dalton and Lady, Rev Dr Reynolds and Lady, Rev Dr Garnet, Dr Purnel, Rev Mr Gardener, Rev Mr Torkington and Lady, Rev Mr Theed, Mr and Mrs Langton, Mr and Mrs Thomlinson, Mr and Mrs Norman, Mr and Mrs Francho, Mr and Mrs Barlow, Mr and Mrs Fisher, Mr and Mrs Throckmorton, Mr and Mrs Simons, Mr and Mrs Gardiner, Mr and Mrs Paul, Mr and Mrs Parsons, Mr and Mrs Stewart, Mr and Mrs Folke, Mr Weldon, Mr Pest, Mr Allnot, Mr Backey, Mr Rycroft, Mr Peers, Mr Maynard, Mr Logie, Mr Norman, Mr Gennys, Mrs Dixon, Mrs Manuel, Mrs Bar- low, Mrs Wheeler, Mrs Wright, Mrs Seary, Mrs Troy, Mrs Scott, Mrs Minter, Miss Parsons, Miss Provost, Miss Fisher, Miss Ellison, Miss Owen, Miss Gordon, & c. & c. We hear his Royal Highness the Duke of York intends honouring this City with his Presence some Time next Month. Friday died, at his House near the Chapel in the Square, Dr. Walter Chittick, M. D. a Gen tleman of great Eminence in his Profession, and Beneficence to the Poor. Yesterday died Mr. Rysick, Musician, of this City. An Aloe, above 70 Years old, is now in Blos- som in a Garden in Landsdown- Road, the Pro- perty of Mr. Nicholas Baker, Baker, of this City. Charles Gibson, of the Parish of Bathford, who had been missing above a Fortnight, was found drowned in the River on Thursday. At Devizes Market last Week, Wheat sold rom 27s. to 34s. per Quartan Barley 163. to 20s. Oats 13s. 6d. to 15s Beans 22s. to 263. Pease from 21s. to 23s. A REBUS. Res est in sylvis nigro colore vestita, Si cor sustuleris res erit alba nimis. J. H.
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