The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co
Volume Number: I
Issue Number: 52
No Pages: 4
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Date of Article: 08/10/1761
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: I
Issue Number: 52
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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[ 2 0 5 ] [ N°. 52.] [ VOL. I. ] Weekly A N D GAZETTE. [ Price T W O - P E N C E H A L F P E N N Y .] Printed and publish'd by C. P O P E , and C°. at the Printing- Office in STALL- STREET : Where P R I N T I NG in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. [ The above C. POPE serv'd his Apprenticeship with the late Mr. BODDELY, and has had the sole Management of the Bath Journal for these last five Years.] T H U R S D A Y , OCTOBER 8, 1761. P R U D E N C E . HEAR the Words of Prudence, give Heed unto her Counsels, and store them in thine Heart : Her Maxims are
universal, and all the Virtues lean upon her ; she is the Guide and the Mistress of human Life. Put a Bridle on thy Tongue, set a Guard before thy Lips, left the Words of thine own Mouth destroy thy Peace. Let him that scoffeth at the Lame, take care that he halt not himself ; whosoever speaketh of another's Failings with Pleasure, shall hear of his own with Bitterness of Heart. Of much speaking cometh Repentance, but in Silence is safety. A talkative Man is a Nuisance to Society, the Ear is sick of his Babling, the Torrent of his Words overwhelmed Conversation. Boast not of thyself, for it shall bring Contempt upon thee : neither
deride another, for it is dangerous. A bitter Jest is the Poison of Friendship, and he that cannot restrain his Tongue shall have Trouble. Furnish thyself with the proper Accommodations belonging to thy Condition ; yet spend not to the utmost of what thou canst afford, that the Providence of thy Youth may be a Comfort to Wherein True H A P P I N E S S consists. Oh Happiness, our " Being's End and Aim! Good, Pleasure, Ease, Content! whatever thy Name ; That something still, which prompts the eternal Sigh, For which we bear to live, and dare to die ; Which still so near us, yet beyond us lies, O'er look'd, sen double, by the
Fool and Wise : Plant of celestial Seed, if dropt below, Say in what mortal Soil thou deign'st to grow. POPE'S Essay on M a n . only obtain ( Heaven concurring to bless its Endeavours) the desired Success ; but also acquire immortal Honour and Glory from those who read of its Deeds. Whatever are the external Ornaments of a Man, and whatever may be conducive to divert him f r om his present Condition, to one either better or worse, cannot be justly deem'd essential Qualification, necessary to procure real Happiness and Felicity ; the Heart gives us the Image, whereby we are directed to judge of a Man's Actions, and from
thence flows the natural Love of great or mean Actions, of solid Glory or g l a r - ing Vanity, to appear truly great in the Eyes of Mankind, without our own forc'd Endeavours to do so, naturally proceeds from a noble and exalted Dignity of Soul, to suffer the Distresses and Miseries of Poverty, without repining at the wise Dispensations of Divine Providence, to endure the Scoffs, Batteries, and Affronts of our malicious Enemies, with r e i g n e d Patience and Perseverance ; to do them all Manner of good Offices when it lies within our own Power and Option to exercise Revenge on them ; and to expose our Life and F o r - tune in
the gallant Defence of our King and Country, are Accomplishments which render the happy Possessor truly great, and deserving of Admiration and Esteem. All Actions, let them be ever so great and glorious in their primitive Lustre, are fullied by a Want of Conduct and Probity. Can we admire the Heroism of ALEXANDER in the Field, when we are informed of the Homicides he was guilty | of at Home, and his insatiable Vanity to be tho't the Son of JUPITER, though he knew himself to the Contrary ; and on the other Hand, can we forbear being s t r u c k with Admiration, when we hear the Emperor TITUS exclaim, " My Friends, "
I have lost a D a y , " because he had done Good to Nobody, can we resist the generous Impulse that affects us, and hinder ourselves from s i n k i ng into a State of Love and Affection, for the Person thus honourably mentioned ? Such Parents as these should serve to regulate j u d g m e n t , which j if we were strictly to imitate, Pleasure and Profit would ensue, and a new Scene of unbounded Virtue bud on the Balis of depraved Nature. Mr. POPE, in the Prosecution of his Essay, makes Use of the following Lines : Know all the Good, that Individuals find, Or GOD, and Nature, meant to mere Mankind, Reason's whole
Pleasure, all the Joys of Sense, Lie in three W o r d s , Health, Peace & Competence. But Health consists in Temperance alone, And Peace, oh Virtue, Pence is all thy own. T h e Good or Bad, the G i f t s of Fortune gain, But these least taste them, as they worse obtain. thy old Age. Let thine own Business engage thy Attention, leave the Care of the State to the Governors thereof. Let not thy Recreations he expensive, left the Pain of purchasing them exceed the Pleasure thou hast in their Enjoyment. Neither let Prosperity put out the Eyes of Circumspection, nor Abundance cut off the Hands of Frugality : He that too much
indulgeth in the Superfluities of Life, shall live to lament the Want of its Necessaries. From the Experience of others do thou learn Wisdom; and from their Failings, correct shine own Faults. Trust no Man before thou hast try'd him ; yet mistrust not without Reason, it is uncharitable. But when thou hast proved a Man to be honest ; lock him up in thine Heart as a Treasure, regard him as a Jewel of inestimable Price. Refuse the Favours of a mercenary Man, they will be a Snare unto thee, thou shalt never be quit of the Obligation. Use not to- day what to- morrow may want ; neither leave that to hazard which Foresight may provide
for, or Care prevent. Yet expect not even from Prudence infallible Success : For the Day knoweth not what the Night may bring forth. The Fool is not always unfortunate, nor the wise Man always successful ; yet never had Fool a thorough Enjoyment, never was a wise Man wholly happy. A d v i c e to a S H E P H E R D S H E P H E R D , seek not Wealth or Pow'r; Let the fragrant Wood- bine Bower, Let the Hills, and Vales, and Trees, And the lonely Cottage, please : Can the gaudy, gilded Room Vie with Fields in vernal Bloom ? Can Italian Airs excel Sweet melodious PHILOMEL? Can the idle A r t s of Dress Grace thy lovely
Shepherdess-? Happier she in mean Attire T h a n the Daughters of the Squire ! ' Midst the City's tempting Glare, Dwells Disease, and Strife, and Care: Quit not then the rural Fold, Nor exchange thy Peace for Gold. These few Lines comprehend the true Condition from which Happiness arises, namely, from a virtuous and undesigning Principle, unbiassed and unawed by the Interests and Affections of the World. The Poet has s i g n i f y ' d his Meaning in the Compass of a very few W o r d s , and those so nicely framed, as to be sufficient to confute every Argument introduced to oppose it. Health, Peace, and Competence, as
the Author expresses it, are the three sole Objects desirable in Life, on which all. other trival Enjoyments, such as Riches, Honour, Glory, Greatness, Nobility, and Fame: are dependent, and without which no Content can be enjoy'd, to any entire Satisfaction or Advantage. The ^ reat Author of our Existence, when first he created Man from his own linage and Resemblance, and equal with him in Innocence, appointed him the Garden of Eden, wherein he might exercise his sublime Faculties, in continual Extasies and Pleasures, either in comtemplating the Greatness of his Maker, when he survey'd the diversify'd and unbounded
Beauties of the Creation, and the wonderful T e x t u r e of his own Frame, or in adoring that Majesty, from whose paternal Care and Tenderness every Blessing proceeded, that was necessary to delight or improve his sensible Faculties. Hence it may be inferred, and with great Authority, that if GOD judged Happiness necessary for us in our primitive and immaculate State, much more do we now stand in Need of if, for the Support of our present Natures, which Sin has in such a Manner enfeebled, as to s t a n d in great Want of so seasonable an Aid. I f therefore Virtue con alone acquire us the desirable Enjoyment of
Happiness, what Means shall we leave untried, that may hinder us f r om attaining this amiable Qualification ? Or will it be thought that Felicity may be obtained by any other Method to arrive at, or any Work too great to sustain, in so laudable a Pursuit ; which, whilst we continue to follow, we are not only blessed with the secret Satisfaction of enhancing the future Recompence of all our Endeavours, but also render Heaven that Homage which is required at our Hands? M. A . M. Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. [*** No FOREIGN MAIL arriv'd.] London, October I. HE Rumour that prevails Abroad, and indeed at Home, of a
Spanish W a r , is to the judicious Part of Mankind very surprising.— We have had 110 Difference mice the last Peace with that Crown, have shewn on all Occasions a singular Regard for her Flag, and have beheld her Prosperity with an Eye of Complacence. On the other Hand, it is not easy to discern what Interest that Nation can have in quarrelling with us ; we form ho Claims upon them, we have traversed none of their Schemes, we have entered into no Negociations that can be prejudicial to them, and therefore it is very difficult to comprehend why a People so justly esteemed for their Prudence and Policy, should grow
weary of a Peace which has so favourable an Influence upon all their Affairs, or be disposed wantonly to enter into a W a r with those who are in so good a Condition as we are to defend ourselves. Two Expresses have been received from the Sail of Bristol, our Ambassador at the Court of Madrid, which have occasioned many Conjectures and Reports : However we are informed, that the Treaty concluded between the Spanish and French Courts the 25th of A u g u s t last, is for the Loan of a great Sum of Money, for the Use of the French K i n g . T h e Report of an Offensive and Defensive Alliance bctweenFrance and Spain,
seems calculated by some French Emmissaries, only to keep up the Spirits of their Party, since the Recall of M . Bussy. Tuesday Evening the Hon. M r . Stanley arrived in T o w n from Paris ; the same Evening he waited on the Right Hon. M r . Secretary Pitt, with whom he had a long Conference : Yesterday he waited on his Majesty and was most graciously receiv'd. T h r e e Expresses arrived on Monday with the Mail, viz. one from the Allied Army, one from the King of Prussia, and the third from the Hague. It is said the Expedition Fleet will consist of twenty Men of W a r , four Bombs, four Fire- ships, besides Frigates and
some aimed Ships, with 100 Sail of Transports. T h e Expedition Fleet, it is said, will sail round to Plymouth with the best fair Wind, where they will be joined by a Number of Ships and Transports. *** ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, if short; longer Ones in Proportion. The BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE is circulated London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater, Wells, Shepron- Mallet, Bruton, Frome, Gloucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury, Wottonunder- edge, Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Hereford, Worcester,
Kidderminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford, Abingdon, Hungerford, Newbury, Reading, salistbury, Heitsbury, Warminster, Westbury, Lavyington, Bradford, Trowbridge, Melksham, Devizes, Corsham, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, Shaftsbury. Pool, Weymouth, Sherborne, & c. & C at the Post- Offices of most of which Places, Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise, by the Newsmen. ------ No Letters received, unless POST- PAID. ------ At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had; all Sorts of PATENT
MEDICINES, & c. M R. POPE, in his Essay on M a n , ( of which the above Lines are a Part) speaking of Happiness, has so admirably and inimitably availed himself of his fluent Genius, in describing his T h o u g h t s , that the Poet seems lost in the R a p - tures of the delicate T h e m e he has made Choice of : He tells us, that Happiness consists not in the loud Applauses and Huzzas of an inconstant M u l - titude, butarises purely f r om a conscientious selfapproving Heart, free from Vanity and Affectation : His whole Essay has something so energic and nervous in it, and, at the same T i m e , is so noble, expressive, and
intelligent, that every impartial Reader must confess, that it was very well worthy the Pen of so able and ingenious an Author. Riches, Honours, Nobility, and every other sublunary T i t l e , so far as they contribute to the outward Happiness of the Possessor, ( taken in the most advantageous Consideration) are but insignificant and fallacious Qualifications, useful to no other Manner or Purpose, but keeping up and maintaining our Esteem in Life ; and not in the least instrumental in affording us that real and fundamental Happiness, which only proceeds from a tranquil and serene M i n d . Riches are very precarious Enjoyments,
and often prove a Misery to us, instead of a Blessing ; nor can they properly ( when we enjoy them) be called our own ; since ' tis evident we brought nothing into the World with us, neither can we carry any T h i n g out of it ; and tho' GOD has not been pleased to endow all Mankind in general with a Competence of Wealth, the Deprivation of it may very probably serve to impede us from falling into a more fata Misfortune. The Man who has no Fear or Awe of GOD before his Eyes, though he is possessed of all the Riches his Desires can covet, enjoys them to his own Destruction ; whilst the good Man makes Use of the Wealth
that Heaven has allot ted to his Portion, in Acts of Liberality, Charity Compassion, and Tenderness; in relieving the Distressed, comforting the W i d ow and Fatherless and extending his benign Aid to every Object that is deserving of i t : Heaven is daily invoked for the Preservation of his Life, so instrumental in alleviating the Miseries of the Destitute ; whilst the wicked and uncharitable Man lives in a State of Despication and Ignominy, and descends the Grave stigmatiz'd with Reproaches, and unpitied by all, that bore any Aversion to his Crimes when living. Honour, that brittle T i t l e , which all Mankind in general so fondly and
ignorantly strive to attain, may ( without Impropriety) be stiled the darling Idol and Ideot of short- sighted Fools : For this the Soldier rushes to the Field of Battle, and willing rather to expire on the Bed of Honour, than live in Infamy and Disgrace, hazards his Life and Fortune for the Preservation of his Prince. It is impossible to entertain a Thought sufficient to judge to what Heights and Extravagancies we are insensibly led on, by an immoderate and excessive Thirst after Fame ; or what a Man will not devise and undergo, to obtain the desired Gaol of his Ambition, True Patrictism may exert itself in the s t r e n u o u s Maintenance
of Liberty and Religion, without inconsiderately venturing on every Precipice of Danger that presents itself ; and not
206 We hear that Commissions are made out for raising four new Regiments immediately. On Sunday his Royal Highness the Duke of York set out for Southamton, where he proposes to continue some Time. It is said that a certain Patriot Alderman of this City intends to make a Motion in a great Assembly, that a Committee be appointed to set de die in diem, to enquire into the Application of the public Money. We hear that a great Lawyer, who has many Yeats presided in one of his Majesty's Courts of Justice, is upon the Point of resigning his Office. All Order has passed the Gen. Assembly of Charles- Town, for prohibiting the
Importation of Negroes from Africa for three Years. By a Gentleman lately arrived from South- Carolina we learn, that there has been the most intense Heat this Summer in that Province ever known in the Memory of Man. In Georgia, Governor Ellis observes, that the Mercury in the Thermometer continued for several Days in July last at 112 Degrees, consequently the Air breathed at that Time must be equal to, if not above, Blood Heat. One little House in Coronation- Row, after the Scaffolding was paid for, has cleared 700l. and some large Houses upwards of 10001. but others, that outstood their Market, have lost Money.
Yesterday his Majesty was pleased to confer the Honour of Knighthood on John Fielding, Esq. of Bow- street, Covent- Garden. Tuesday at Noon a terrible Fire broke out in a Shed at the Back of Mr. Maile's, an Oilman, at the Olive- Tree and Cat in Barbican, which greatly damaged that House and entirely consumed Rook's Rents or Garter Court, and burnt backwards to Princess- Street and Bridgewater Gardens ; it like wife damaged the Back of the Houses of Mr Kelham, a Clockmaker; Mr. Edwards, a Pawnbroker, Mrs. Bell's House, a Glass Shop, and a Turner's, where it was extinguished by a Number of Engines and great
Quantities of Water It is said the Fire was occasioned by a Candle being left near some Oil which took Fire. A Wall fell upon several Persons and buried them under the Ruins, but they were soon after dug out and carried to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Mr. Maile had the Misfortune to be burnt out about eleven Years since ; he then lived the Corner of Beech- Lane in Redcross- Street. A private Letter to a Merchant in Town informs us, that the Prince of Bevern having burnt the Bridge at Wellin, by the Help of a Detach ment of the Garrison of Stettin ; by which Means the Swedish Reinforcement of Troops going to join the
Russians, were obstructed in their Passage: The next Day the Swedes began to throw some Pontoons over that River, in older to cross it, on which the Prince of Bevern ordered out some Artillery, which destroyed the Pontoons, and killed a great Number of Men. The Swedes on this retired a little and pitched their Tents in a convenient Spot. where they have already began to intrench themselves, in order to wait a favourable Opportunity of passing the Wellin. The late Expeditions of the French Armies have been calculated purely to raise Contributions ; and with this View M. Broglio has at last detached 20,000 Men to penetrate
into the Principality of Halberstadt, which has induced Duke Ferdinand of Brunswic to pass the Weser, as looking upon this to be a favourable Opportunity of giving him Battle. It is certain that, however hard the Proposals of England might be, our Court ( says a Letter from Paris) would have consented to them, its Finances being exhausted, and its Marine annihilated, had it not been sure of being supported by Spain. There are Projects on the Carpet, which Time only will reveal ; the Conquest of Hanover, the only Resource left us, will avail us nothing, because the Country is so much exhausted, that our Troops could not winter
there, and we should be obliged to evacuate it for Want of Subsistance. The last Letters from the Allied Army inform us, that the Cavalry was obliged to go 16 Miles to Forage ; that the French were expected soon to be in a very bad Condition for Want of Provisions, & c. and that the Want of it would oblige both Armies soon to go into Quarters of Cantonment. The Russian Minister at the French Court took his Leave of the King at Versailles on the 15th of this Month, and was to let out for Petersburgh in a few Days. Several Couriers have been received at Paris, from the President Ogier, the French Ambassador at Copenhagen,
who writes that the Jarrings between Denmark and Russia, on Account of Holstein, increase daily ; and that there is Reason to expect soon an open Rupture between them. By the Way of Hamburgh we learn, that the Duke of Mecklenburgh- Strelitz is raising a Regiment of Foot of two Battalions for his Brother Prince Charles; likewise a Regiment of Dragoons of five Squadrons, for his second Brother P. Ernest, in order to compliment his Majesty with them. Whereas I, William Hardyman, of London, have, without any Foundation, published and caused to be published and dispersed, in Several Parts of the Kingdom, and
particularly by Caleb Preston, Bookseller, in Bolton ; William Wood, Bookseller, in Lincoln; Robert Davey, at St. Giles's- Gate, Norwich ; Jos . Culhbertson, in Wellingborough; John Beny, Grocer, in Manchester; William Bingley, Grocer, in Chester ; James Wild, Bookseller, in Ludlow; Thomas Wild, Bookseller, in Hereford ; JohnBlunt, Bookfeller, in Ross ; Thomas Knight, Tobacconist, in Taunton ; J . Merell, in Painswick and Stroud ; J . Young, in Wotton- Underedge ; J . Carey, in Shepton- Mallet; and sundry other Persons ; false and scandalous Hand- Bills, Bills of Directions, The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. This is to
give Notice, [ VOL. and Shew- Boards, reflecting upon DICEY and CO. of Bow- Church- Yard, London, and the DAFFY'S ELIXIR made and sold by them ; for which they justly commenced a Suit at Law against me, and several other. Perkins I employed to disperse the said Bills and Directions ; but have been prevailed upon to stop Proceedings, on my paying Damages and Charges at Law, and also promising not to publish or disperse for the Future any Bills, Advertisements, or Papers reflecting on the said DlCEY and O K E L L , or the D A F F Y ' S E L I X I R prepared and sold by them, or any Person or Persons selling their
DAFFY'S ELIXIR ; and also that I will use my utmost Endeavours to prevent the dispersing of any such Bills, and will give immediate Notice for that Purpose to all Persons to whom I haveent such like Bills and Directions, to destroy them, and avoid the Consequences of offending as above, as they will answer at their Peril. London, Feb. 9, 1761. W. HARDYMAN. Signed in the Presence of John Poole, Attorney at Law. Benj. Curtis. *** Observe that the above Recantation be in the Direction Sheet with every future Bottle of Dicey and Co's true Daffy's Elixir ; which is sold by L. LAMBE, Grocer, in Stall- Street, Bath. That WILLIAM
FROST, E X E T E R C A R R I E R, S E T S out from the PACK- HORSE near St. Michael's Church, BATH, every Tuesday Morning at Eight o'Clock, and arrives at the DOLPHIN- INN in E X E T E R the F r i d a y f o l l o w i n g ; and carries Goods, See. at the usual Prices. He calls Sit the George in Glastonbury, the Bell- Inn in Taunton, the Squirrel in Wellington and the Red- Lion in Culliton.___ He likewise takes Goods for all other Parts of the Welt of England. N. B. No Money, Plate, or Jewels, will be accounted for, unless enter'd as such, and paid for accordingly. On the much lamented DE A TH ROBERT P R I C E , E s q.
of — Occidit I occidit ! ------ Cui Pudor, & Justitice foror Incorrupta Fides, nudaque Veritas Quandum ullum invenient parem. B E A R me to Foxley's deep sequester'd Vales And melancholy Shades, where Solitude, With awful Silence, holds its peaceful Sway.— There Heart- sprung Sorrow, by the solemn Gloom Befriended, can indulge itself, and pay To Excellence unequall'd ( now no more!) Its tributary Tears.— Celestial Muse ! Parent of Sounds harmonious, lend thy Aid, Assist my feeble Lay -' tis Virtue calls--- Begin, MELPOMENE, the plaintive Song— And is he gone ?— Ye social Virtues mourn Your chief Support!—
Directress of the Just, Friendship, whole lambent Glories beam'd around His favour'd Head, bewail thy loft Protector : Thine Ardors fainter glow, now dark Mistrust, DireCanker- worm, breaks in, and dreads no more Its stern Opposer, resolutely good.— When shall Sincerity, when open Truth, Find, PRICE, thy Equal ? Hark! Religion' s Groans Denounce th* ungrateful Truth ; such ne'er can be ! Deserted Virtue weeping stands, and feels Her drooping Pow'r decrease, which late could mock The World's united Force, and tho' oppos'd Steady maintain its Course ; while Vice's Root Wide- spreading, PRICE, obstructed;— then thy
Beams, Virtue, shot unresisted to the Soul Of this thy Hero ; he thy kindly Warmth Peace- joy- inspiring felt, and feeling found, " That to be truly good, was to be truly happy." Banish'd from selfish Bosoms, say, where found Benevolence a Mansion? PRICE, whose Actions Were all inspir'd by Piety and Love, Welcom'd with Joy the heav'nly Guest ;— his Soul What thrilling Transports felt, when he th' afflicted Heart Of the deep- sighing Widow cheer'd, and dry'd The big, round Tear distilling from the Eye Of th' injur'd Orphan :— Undisturb'd flow'd on His Stream of Love to All ;— a copious Stream That gladden'd all the Glebe
where'er it pass'd. Widows and Orphans, see, a mournful Train In Pilgrimage nocturnal to his Tomb Move on in solemn Pomp ;— beneath the Yew Wide- spreading round its Awe- inspiring Shade, Sacred to LIBITlNA, wailing fits, With wringing Hands, defenceless Innocence ; Goodness and Piety with piteous Moan Collect his Arties ; Charity and Love, Sisters divine, pensive his Urn prepare— While Tears and Sighs, th' expressive Voice of Woe, Successive rise, and bid a long Adieu !— Ye selfish Tribe, whose Iron- pointed Hearts, Proof to the strong Attacks of Pity, feel No other Pangs than what Yourselves endure ;— Ye
venal Sons of Vice, from Virtue's Lore Estrang'd, if there's a Spark of Honour left Deep latent in your Breasts, in Virtue's Cause Excite a gen'rous Flame ; arouse at once Her dormant Influence ;— hark the Widow's Skriek, Shrill- piercing to the Soul, demands your P i t y - Stretch out a willing Hand ; dry up the Tear The hapless Orphan drops ;— can ye delay ? Toes Virtue's latest Effort fruitless prove? Look up to this great Pattern, view in PRICE Virtue's triumphant, Vice's Sons disgrae'd.— For see, th' angelic Choir, the Hero's Soul, Bursting the Fetters of incumb'ring Clay, Receive, and wast in Triumph to the Skies— And Thou,
respected, honour'd Shade, accept To his Tribute from the grateful Mule, lock down Complacent on my infant Strains, which dare To speak thy Virtues,— tho' of thee the Muse Luckless was ignorant, yet thy spreading Worth He knew, and knowing reverenc'd ;— bright Pattern Of exquisite Perjection, may the World, Deaf to th' alluring Calls of Vice, to Virtue Pay that due Homage thy Example taught— Then may a Share of those extatic Joys Thy happy Lot, Heav'n's Bliss anticipate, " Till our wrapt Souls burst the retentive Bands Of frail Mortality, and on the Wings Of the seraphic Choir up- born, spring up To Happiness ineffable,
and Life. B a t h . J. C * * * * * *. To be Sold in see by Auction, At the Exchange COFFEE- HOUSE In C O R N - S T R E E T , B R I S T O L , ; On S A T U R D A Y the 24th Day of OCTOBER. Inst. between One and Two of the Clock. L O T I A Freehold Estate, consisting of a Farm- I. s. House, with Out- houses thereto belonging, and about 35 Acres of Meadow Ground adjoining to the Farm- house, and lying altogether, situate in the Parish of Bitton, in the County of Gloucester, now and for many Years past lett to **** Harford, at the yearly Rent of — — — 31 10 Two Closes of Arable Ground adjoining together and lying
contiguous to the above Estate, containing about 17 Acres, and lett to John Lovelock, for a Term of 14. Years, at the yearly Rent of — — 1 7 0 And two Tenements lett to *** Hatherway, and *** Edwards, at the yearly Rent of 3 10 L O T II. 52 0 A Freehold Estate, consisting of about 67 Acres of Meadow and Arable Ground, lying altogether, situate in the Parish of Week and Abson, in the County of Gloucester, and now lett by Lease for a Term of 7 Years to John Green, at the yearly And also a Close of Meadow Ground, called the Great Grove, adjoining to the last mentioned Estate, containing about 8 Acres, now in Hand, but
last lett at per Ann. 10 o L O T III. 55 o A Freehold Estate, consisting of about 33 Acres of Meadow Ground lying alsogether, situate in the said Parish of Week and Abson, now, and for many Years past, lett to Rd. Strange, at the yearly Rent of 35 o Also a large Stable, and a very good Barn, upon the last mentioned Estate, now in Hand, but valued per Ann. at — — 2 0 L O T IV. 3 7 o A very good Dwelling- house, with a Bake- house, and a very large Oven quite new- built, and very convenient for a Baker or a Publick- house, with a Garden and Stabling for 10 Horses, and a Close of Meadow Ground thereto adjoining, containing
about an Acre and half, situate at Bridgeat, in the Parish of Week and Ab- ( on aforesaid, and now lett to **** Holbrook, at the yearly Rent of — — 10 o L O T V. A Close of Meadow Ground, containing about 5 Acres, situate in the Parish of Sciffton, by the Road's Side, and now lett for a Term of 7 Years to Richard Cue, at the yearly Rent of — — — — — 8 8 L O T VI. A Close of Meadow Ground, containing about 2 Acres, in the Parish of Week and Abson, situate by the Road's Side, adjoining to Robert Noble's House, and now and for many Years past lett to the said Robert Noble, at the yearly Rent of — — — 3 10 N. B . The
above Estates are situate about six Miles from Bristol, and seven from Bath, lie very compact, and are capable of great Improvements, particularly Lots 2 and 3 adjoin to each other, and by being thrown together would make a most desirable Estate, as there is not a single Yard of Land not belonging to such Estate intermixed with it. *** For further Particulars, apply to Mr. SYMONS, Attorney at Law, in Corn- street, Brisol; or to the respective Tenants, who will shew the Premises. Just arrived in Town from Scotland, And Sold, Wholesale and Retail, By C. Pope and Comp. at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, Hath ; Mr. Pine,
Printer, in Wine- Street, and Mr. Rowand, Linen- Draper, in Small- Street, Bristol A. Kennedy, Travelling Chapman ; J . Gardner, Linen- Draper, in Faulkland ; Mr. Hugh Maclean, Linen- Draper, in Frome ; Mr. White, in Lamas- Street, Caermarthen; and by the Distributors of this Chronicle : The following specific Medicines, viz. I. THE famous Dr. Anderson's genuine Scots Pills, made by Kennedy and Anderson, the only true Proprietors; who had the Grant and Art of making them, from the Heirs of Dr. Anderson, and have it now in their Possession. And as the Public have been frequently imposed on with Pills of a quite different
Mature, ( as appears by their Effects) they are desired for the Future to ask for Kennedy and Anderson's Scots Pills which they may depend on are original. price is. the Box, winch contains 40 Pills, and but 30 commonly in all others. There may be bad 30 for 9d. in Oval Boxes. 2. The Green Grana Angelica, or Dr. Moses Kennedy's celebrated Purging Pills ; the Virtues of which tare Well known in most Parts of England, Ireland, and America, being the most excellent Composition of Physic, both for its Mildness in Taking, and Gentleness of Working, ever offer'd to the Public ; and there are few Persons that make Use of them
once; care for any other Sort of Physic in the common Cases. Price is the Box. 3. Kennedy's Ague Drops, which effectually cure the Ague when all other Medicines f a i l . Price 5s the Bottle. 4. The Eminent Turkey Powder for the Ague being a sovereign Remedy, and seldom sails of curing. Price 2s. the Paper. 5. Tie Venice Family Worm- Powder, being an excellent Medicine for destroying, and entirely eradicating those Vermin from human Bodies ; far exceeding in Virtue, all Sugar Cakes and Sugar Plumbs, handed about for that Purpose) and much easier totaste, being pleasant to the Palate both of Children and grown
Persons. Price of three Doses for Children, 6d. for Aged, 2s. 6. The Genuine Cholick- Drops ; a Tea- spoonful of which have saved the Lives of many Hundreds ; it Immediately expels the Wind, and may be depended on as a s a f e and speedy Cure. Price 1s. the Bottle. 7. The Tooth- Ach Tincture, which cures the most violent Pain of the Teeth, & c. in a Moment's Time, and is seldom known to return again after using it. Price 1s. the Bottle. The Famous Antiscorbutic Tooth- Powder, which cleanses and beautifies the Teeth, and perfectly cures the Scurvy in the Gums, recovers rotten Teeth, fastens those that are loose, braces
up and strengthens the Fibres, and is an excellent Preservative against the Tooth- Ach. Price 6d. the Paper. 9. Kennedy's Eye Ointment, which cures the Inflammation in the Eyes, or Dimness of Sight, and even takes out small Specks, and restores them to their perfect Sight. Price is. the Bottle. 10. Kennedy's Eye- Water, which cures weak Eyes, and those that are continually itching and pourings forth warm Water. Price 6d. the Bottle. 1 1 . Dr. Pitcairn's Genuine Eye- Water, which is so well known and much esteem'd, as to need no Recommendation. Price 6d. the Bottle. 12. The celebrated Dr. Aleson's ( of Edinburgh- Itch-
Water, which never fails of curing, and it a sovereign Remedy for the Scurvy. Price is. 6d. N. B. There will be proper Directions given with such of the above Medicines, and a Book which treats more fully on them, and contains Certificates from many reputable Persons, of Benefit received. The said Book is lent to read at the above Places, without buying any of the Medicines. § * § The Preparers, Kennedy and Anderson, are now at Capt. Ker's, next Door to the Sugar- Loaf in Lewins- MeadyBristol; who undertake to cure many Diseases too tedious to mention here. Although they travel, yet they abhor the Name of Slacks, as the
Kingdom of Scotland never produced any. The following Certificates are only a few out of some Hundreds, which are to be seen in the H a n d s of K E N N E D Y and A N D E R - SON, of the Effects of the above Medicines, which are inserted for the Good of the Public. BRISTOL, May 29, 1761. I Hereby certify for the Good of Mankind, that I was for a long Time in a Decline of Body, which was attended with a Cough, Asthma, Consumption, Want of Appetite, and many other Disorders of Body, when I had tried many Medicines which yielded me no Relief ; and fill continuing in Want of Health, I was advised to try the Scots Pills
prepared by Kennedy and Anderson, and I began to take them in December last, following the Directions of their Bills ; and, blessed be God, I am recovered to a perfect State of Health ; and likewise my Wife was troubled with a Complication of Disorders, but, by taking the above Pills, she happily recovered, and continues to be in perfect Health ; Therefore, I desire that this may be made public for the Good of others, and am ready to make Oath before any Magistrate. Witness my Hand, Richard Thomas. I hereby declare, that my Son was blind for some Time, and is now restored to perfect Sight by one bottle of the Eye- Water
and Eye- Ointment prepared by Kennedy and Anderson. Witness my Hand, John Bones. I do hereby certify, that I was much troubled with fore Eyes, so that I could not see to read, but, by using Kennedy's Eye- Water fix Times, I was enabled to read the smallest Print. Witness my Hand, John Brown. I hereby certify, that I was tormented with the Tooth- Ach for a long Time, and about three Months ago I applied Kennedy's Tooth- Ach Tincture, which cured me in a Moment, and hath not since returned. Witness my Hand, Ann Cook. I hereby certify, for the Public Good, that my Wife was tormented with the Tooth- Ach for a long
Time, and was cured in a Moment by Kennedy's Tooth- Ach Tincture. Witness my Hand, Robert White. We hereby certify to the World, that we were tormented with the Tooth- Ach for a long Time ; each of us bought a Motile of Kennedy's Tooth- Ach Tincture of Mr. Eddawes, which cured us in one Minute. Witness our Hands, John Crawford. Thomas Simons. We had an Ague a long Time, and tried mam Medicines to no Purpose ; but, at length, we took Kennedy's Ague- Powder, and was cured immediately.— Witness our Hands, John Gibson. Ann Williams. Mr. Duff, of Salop, is ready to make Oath, that he had an Ague for
more than a Tear, and spending a great Deal of Money to no Purpose, he at last gave 15s. for three Bottles of Kennedy's Ague- Drops, which perfectly cured him.
I . ] The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. B A T H . J O H N V I E L, Cooper toMr. De Vic , Wine- merchant, Upwards of Twenty Years, Begs leave to acquaint the Noblity, Gentry, & c. That he now carrics on the' W I N E B U S I N E SS On His O w n ACCOUNT, At his House in St. James's- Street, Opposite the CHUrch : And has laid in a S T O C K of Good Neat Old W I N E S , Which he will s e l l as cheap as any Wine- Merchant a whatever: Also fine Jamaica Rum and French Brandy Those who please to favour him with their Custom, may depend ON being served in the best manner j and their Favours gratefully
acknowledg'd, By their much oblig'd and most obedientServant, J O H N V I EL COLDS caught at this Season, lay ' the Foundation for the worst Disorders. The following Medicine cures them, and prevents the Danger, often by a s i n g l e Dose. Pectoral Balsam of Honey. A new- discovered Remedy for Coughs and Consumptions, all Phthisicky Complaints, Asthmas, and tough Phlegm, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, and Stuffings- up of the Lungs. The Author of the Pamphlet on the Virtues of Honey, has found its fragrant Balfam maybe se parated from the grosser Parts; and is then a most perfect Dislolvent for all the
other Balsams. The" Greeks knew this, and he has endeavoured to restore the Practice. This Medicine will be a lasting Proof of its Utility: A Tea- spoonful contains the Virtue of two Ounces of Honey, and never disagrees ' with any Constitution; it converts a Glass of Water into' the Nature and Quality of Asses Milk, with i is balsamic Addition-, it takes off the Hectic - which attends a Consumption, recruits the Strength, alleys the Cough, and heats and preserves the lungs. If it be in the Power of Medicine to stop the Ravage of that cruel Disease which cuts off such Numbers of our Youth, this Balsam will effect it. It is sold by Mr.
Leake, Bookseller, in BATH ; Mr. Baldwin, and Mr. Jackson, in London ; and Mr. Brown, in Bristol: In Bottles of 3s. each, sealed and signed by the Author. . Where may be had, 1. VALERIAN, GenuineTincture ef the T R U E ROOT It is excellent beyond \ Parallel in all Nervous Disorders, Lowness of Spirits, Head- achs, Tremblings, vain Fears, and Wanderings of the Mind-, in Convulsions, Hysteric Fits, Hypochondriacal Complaints, and the Epilepsy. It prevents Sickness at the Stomach ; and takes off entirely that Sense of Fulness and Swelling of the Flesh in damp Weather, which so greatly a f f e c t Persons of lax Fibres. It
gives a serene Cheerfulness of Disposition in the Place of those careless Horrors which so dreadfully oppress People who have weak Nerves.— Providence seems to have given the Plant in a peculiar Manner to England, where those Disorders are most common. A Medicine not only for the Body, but the Mind. Sold in Pint Bottles at 10s. 6 d. the Smaller 5 s. and us. 6d. each. B R I S T O L , A u g . 1 9 , 1 7 6 1. B U S I N E S S is now carried on by, J O H N M O R S E, A P O T H E C A R Y , - On his OWN Account, At the Old Shop in B R O A D - M E A D : Where M E D I C I N E S will be faithfully dispenied, and all Sorts of D
R U G G S ( old at the molt reafonable Prices. His Friends are requested to accept of his Thanks for their many good Offices, and he, at the fame Time, begs Leave to assure them, that it shall be his constant Study to merit the Continuance of their Favours. . From the LONDON GAZETTE. BERLIN, Sept. 3.1. Letters received from M . Pluten's Corps at Czempin, we are informed, that some Light Troops, whom he had pushed forwards to Posen, had set Fire to the Russian Magazines, at that Place. The General was following the 17th with the rest of his Detachment, which consisted of 12 Battalions and 17 Squadrons, the Major
Generals Knoblauch and Ziethen being with him. He was to be at Landsberg the 10th, and might reach Colberg, as was thought, by the 26th, where he was to endeavour to force the Russian General Romanzow to raise the Siege of that ace. We hear from Silesia, that the Russian army repassed the Oder the 17th at Steynau, and direaed their March towards Posen; that they were the 18th at A l t Girau; and the 19th at Schweshau near Lissa. HAGUE, Sept. 19. Our last Letters from the Country of Hese mention, that Prince Ferdinand, with the Allied Army, was the 14th in the Neighbourhood of Cassel, and the Hereditary Prince
at Holtzdorff, four Leagues distant from Marbourg. But we have as yet no Particulars of any Operations, that can be depended on. Upon the News of the Allies having repaired the Dymel, M . Broglio is laid to have quitted his Head- Quarters at Eimbeck, and to have marched with his whole Force towards Cassel. [' Thus f a r the GAZETTE.] 2. For the Certain CURE of the Scurvy, Essence of WATER- DOCK. There is no question but this Plant will cure the most inveterate Scurvy -. The Ancients all affirm it, and the Cures daily now performed by the Essence prove their Truth. It not only clears the Skin of Eruptions, but mends the
whole Constitution. Scorbutic Persons are subject to have bad Stomachs, and to be miserably low- spirited at Times; and many have these Complaints, not knowing the Scurvy is the Cause: This Medicine takes off the Faintness, crcates an Appetite and good Digestion immediately, when that Distemper in their Blood is the Cause; and gradually cleans the Skin, and prevents future Eruptions. The Afflicted may depend on these Effects. Price 3/. the Bottle, with Directions. 3. For the Gout and Rheumatism, E L I X I R of B A R D A N A .— The Numbers who have found Relief from this Medi cine prove that it has at least answered
the Expectation with which it was made public ; and fresh Instances of its good Effects daily shew, that the Author is so happy as to have been ' of some Benefit to Mankind.—— To prevent the Returns of the Gout has been found impossible; but to relieve those who s u f f e r , it is in our power ; to reduce the Number, and shorten the Continuance of the Fits; and to alleviate the Pains of them: So much swill he effected by this Medicine. <~ And this is as much as a considerate Person would desire 1 - In the Rheumatism, it is a certain and absolute Cure; and the Disease never returns. The Dose is a Tea- spoonful in a w i n e
Glass of Water, Night and Morning. Its operation is by insensible Perspiration, and slightly by Urine. Price 3.'. the Bottle, with Directions. 4. Essential Tincture of Golden Rod, The most successful Medicine now usd for the G R A - V E L and STONE.— Each Bott. containing about 16 Doses; and is an effectual, s a f e , and pleasant Remedy in all Degrees of those Complaints.— Price 4- r. the Bottle, with Direc'tions. Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. LOWER S I L E S I A , Sept. 1 8 . On the 1 5 t h General Platen destroyed a large Magazine at Kob lien. The Russians had 5000 Waggons near the Convent of Kostin,
covered by 4000 Men. These Gen. Platen attacked with four Battalions, broke them, and made about 1000 Prisoners, among whom were a Brigadier, three Majors, and 20 other Officers. The rest were almost all put to the Sword in the Pursuit. Gen. Platen lost only 100 Men, and he took two Pieces of Cannon, and five Obusiers. HANOVER, Sept. 25. Prince Ferdinand preparing to give the Enemy Battle, as the only Way to put an End to their Incursiors into this Country. It is just now reported that the Enemy are besieging Wolfenbuttel. This Electorate groans under the Weight of the Contributions exafted by the Enemy. Marshal
Broglio has haftily abandoned Eimbeck, Dassel, and Nordheim, in order to march with his principal Force to Cassel-, where we expect there will soon be a general Action. We are assured thaj there has been already a sharp Engagement in the Neighbourhood of Fritzlar between the Troops under the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick and a Body of French commanded by the Count de Stainville, in which the latter was worsted. London, October 3. Yesterday a Wager of One Hundred Guineas was laid at the Royal Exchange, that Martinico would be in our Possession by Christmas. On Wednesday several Officers going out in the
Expedition Fleet set out for portsmouth, a greeably to Orders ' from the Admiralty. Several Fire Ships are fitting out in the River and ordered to be completed as soon as possible. We hear that tht Hon. Col, HoWe is to com mand th » Land Forces appointed to sail with the Expedition Fleet. Notwithstanding the Reports and Apprehensions of a Spanish War; propagated only by such is might find their Benefit in it; we are credibly informed, that the Court of Madrid is determined to pursue its old System of preserving the Amity and good Understanding with the Court of Great- Britain, and that his Catholick Majesty most ardently
wished to be the happy instrument of bringing about the salutary Work of a general Peace throughout Europe. There were no Gold Medals distributed at the Coronation, on Account of their not being finished ; but as soon as they are, one of his Majesty will be presented to every Peer, and one of her Majesty to every Peeress. On Tuesday last, his Royal Highness the Duke of Y o r k , attended by the Generals Lord Effingham, Sir John Mordaunt, and Brudenell, the Colonels Sir William Boothby, and Johnson, the Duke of bolton, and other Persons of Distinction, reviewed1 the Regiments in Winchester Camp-— His Royal
Highness was pleased to express the highest Satisfaction at the beautiful Appearance and exact Manoevres of the whole Line. He afterwards dined in the Camp with Colonel Berkley, and was at the Bull, at Winchester, on the two following Evenings. Letters by this Day's Mail advise, that on the 24th past, a large Detachment from SoUbize's Army entered Embden, the Capital of East Friseland [ Garrisoned by Invalids sent from England] and were raising heavy Contributions throughout that Province. The Hague Gazette, after mentioning that the Negotiations between England and France were ' broke of, says, The French
contented to yield all N. America, except Louisiana, the Limits of which were to extend farther than in former Treaties ; but were to reserve the Island of Sable, and Place on the Coast of Newfoundland, to cure their Fish, but the English would allow them only the Island of St. Peter for that Use. Guadeloupe was to be restored for Tobago, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, and Dominico.' Belleisle exchanged for Minorca, and the Limits, in Africa and Asia tobe amicably settled. This Gazette adds, That what chiefly occasioned the Rupture, was England's demanding the Provinces of Gueldres and Cleves to be restored to Prussia, which
France pretended could not be done, as they had been conquered for the Empress. As to Dunkirk, France readily consented that all the new Works towards the Sea should be demolished. The last Letters from Paris insinuate, that the Jesuits have offered a very large Sum of Money, supply the Exigencies of the State, provided the Parliament stops all Prosecutions against them ; but it is thought the Spirit of the Nation is so strong againlt that Order, that it will not be in the Power of the Ministers to bring any Project of this Sort to bear. Six Prizes were carried into St. K i t t ' s , by Commodore Douglas's Squadron, between the
26th of J u l y and the'i3th of August. Thursday was held a Court of Common- Couticil at Guildhall, when it was unanimously agreed that the Right Hon. Sir Samuel Fludyar, Lord- Mayor elect, theRecorder and the Sheriffs, should be desired to wait upon the King immediately, humbly to request his Majesty would be pleased to honour the City of London with his Presence at Dinner next Lord- Mayor's Day; and in case his Majesty should accept the Invitation, they were ordered to ask his Majesty Leave to wait on the Queen, the Princess Dowager of Wales, and the rest of the Royal Family, desiring the Honour of their Company
also. Their Majesties have accepted the Invitation, and the Princess Dowager was pleased to s i g n i fy that she would attend, together with her Family. Last Week a Militia- Man applied to the justices for Surry, against the Overseers of the Poor, for stopping the Pay from his Wife and three Children, of 5s. a Week; when the Case appeared to be, that he had been at Home, and earn'd 3s. a Day this Harvest, and had his Pay of 3s. a Week continued to him s The Justices therefore ordered the Overseers of the Poor not to pay the Allowance to his W i f e and Children during the Time he was at Home, and earn'd so largely; not
being within the Meaning of the Words of the A c t , " Leaving a Family unable to support themselves."— This Man, before he was sworn on the Militia, ufed to work for gs. a Week; and, as appears by his Application, was not content with a Guinea a Week. MARLBOROUGH, Wilts. This ancient Bo rough eminently distinguish'd itself on the Day of their Majesties Coronation.— The Morning was ushered in by the Ringing of Bells ; in th Afternoon the Body corporate, in their proper Habits, with the Clergy and Gentlemen of the Town and Neighbourhood, met at the Guildhall, to celebrate the auspicious Day. Mr. Hill likewise,
accompanied by his intended Partner, Mr Knowles, and preceded by a Band of Music, went in Procession at the Head of those employed in his Manufactory, viz. Engineer with a Rocket French Horns", & c.. Colours s i g n i f y i n g his several Branches Masters with White Wands Clerk Heraldry Painters No. Foremen 1 Carvers and Gilders 7 Chair- makers and Cabinet- makers 19 ' Foreman 1 Upholders * 7 Foreman 1 In the sundry Coach Branches, Smiths . included /___ 55 The Foremen of the several Branches had Coro nation Favours in their Hats, each bearing an emblematical Design of his respective Trade, the Castle
Inn, when, after a cold collation, they drank many loyal Healths. They then return'd to the Guildhall, at which Place they were met by a Body of the Inhabitants under Arms, who faulted the W0rshipful the Mayor, & c. and them with, three Vollies; after which Mr. Hill, with his Music, went to the Three- Tuns, where he and the Gentlemen of the Town gave the Ladies a Ball, at which was a brilliant Appearance. I the Evening theTown was illuminated with many ingenious Devices, and the whole concluded wit the Exhibition, of Fireworks, and several Barrel of Beer given to the Populace by the Mayor. 2 0 7 Commerce is at such a
Height at this Time, that at the Custom- house, the Bank, and other Public Offices, they are obliged to do Business extra Hours, and employ Supernumeraries. A Gentleman just arrived from Lancashire informs us, that for 17 Weeks together they had such great Quantities of rain fell in some Parts of that County, that they could not reckon, in all that Time, 24 Hours fair. The Consequence f which has been the Destruction of vast Quantides of Corn and Hay, which being cut they could never get in. Tuesday died, at her House at Hatfield, in Hertfordshire, Lady Anne Blount, Reli£ t of Sir Harry Pope Blount, Bart. A T R A N S L A T
I O N o f D r . K I N G ' s L a t in E P I T A P H on the late Mr. NASH. [ From the LONDON M A G A Z I N E .] RI C H A R D NASH, born in an obscure Place* and sprung from no Ancestors ( yet what is wonderful and incredible) the People, the Nobility, and Princes, with their free and voluntary Suffrages, conferr'd on him a most rich and flourishing kingdom\, which he govern'd, with the utmost Dignity, more than fifty Years, with the Consent, Approbation, and Applause of All.—- Besides, a famous Province was annex'd to his Dominion, by the unanimous Voice and Condent of all Ranks of People, which he managed with
admirable Prudence and Conduct, by himself alone, nd never by Delegates or Deputies. He used to visit his Province every Y e a r , and to reside amongst his Provincials, so long as the Necessity of Affairs obliged him. In such exalted Fortune, he neither appeared a King swollen with Pride, by his G a i t ; or, like t y r a n t s , demanded servile Homage from his Subcts, or arrogated to himself ample Honours, or founding T i t l e s : For he laid aside all the Badges of Authority, even the Royal Diadem itself, and was content with the simple Ornament of a White Hat; an evident Sign of the Probity of his Mind t A most prudent
Lawgiver, more illustrious than. Solon or Lycurgus: He made, establish'd, and publish'd what Laws he pleas'd : But all his Orders and Rules were grateful, pleasant, and benecial, both to his Fellow- Citizens, Guests, Strangers, and Foreigners. He was the Umpire, and Director of their Amusements; but grave, elegant, and polite; tho' he temper'd his highest Gaiety with becoming Gravity and Sedateness. In the first Place, he took particular Care, that no one should be indecent or immodest, in the Assemblies of Gentlemen or Ladies: And that no Impurity,- Clamour, or Tumult should appear there. He not only enlarged his own
most famous C i t y , his J o y and Delight, with most beautiful Buildings, but adorn'd it with remarkable Discipline and Orders : Since no one better understood, cultivated, or taught Decency, than he did. He was just, liberal, kind, and facetious; a Friend to All, especially the Miserable and Distressed. He had no Enemies, except some over- grown Medlers, and morose, fanatic Declaimers, who are the severest Pests of Mankind. He was a Lover of Peace, and of his Country 5 and he established happy and lasting Concord in his Kingdom, to such a Degree, that no one dared to affront another by saucy Language, or injure him by
any bad Action : Nor ever to wear Sword in Public, as suspicious of being in Danger. Altho' he was most powerful, and governed all Things in his Kingdom by his Nod; yet Liberty herself hardly ever flourished more, in Favour, Glory, and Authority. For he discover'd the happy Temperament ( a Thing of extensive Study, and, perhaps, of all the most difficult) whereby the Mean with the Noble, the Poor and the Rich, the Unlearned with the most Learned, the Cowards and the most Brave, might think themselves upon the same Level. He being the same impartial King to A l l. Whatever he did amiss ( for we all have F a i l - ings) he
injured himfelf more than others : And this by Mistake and Imprudence, rather than Villainy or Improbity; but never thro' Ignorance of Decency or Honesty, nor ever to that Degree, that he might not easily gain Pardon from all humane Persons. I f other Kings and Governors, or their Viceroys, would imitate the Copy of his L i f e and Manners, ( which I wish, again and again, they would) then both they themselves would be bless'd, and all the Countries of the World would be most happy. Let the Muses and Graces mourn the Death of such, and so gfeat a Man: Let Venus and her Cupids mourn : Weep all ye Assemblies of young
Men and Maidens; but thou, O BATH, do not thou cease to bewail . thy Prince, thy Praeceptor, Friend, and Patron. . A l a s ! alasl never more wilt thou have his Equal— Swansey, in Wales. i. e. of Note. Bath. Tunbridge. Bath. R E B U S . TWO- thirds of a Liquor well known to this Nation, . One- third of a Thing held in great Estimation, And a Part of a Face whose Use is well known} When added together, declare a s t r o n g Town.
208 To be Sold by AUCTION, O r OTHERWISE, On Tuesday the 13th Instant, between the Hours of Eight and Ten in the Morning, THE Out- Door S T O C K and GOODS which w e r e o f GEORGE HODGES, E s q . d e c e a s e d, at his late Dwelling- House in HIGH- LITTLETON, in the County of Somerset : Consisting ( among other Things) of Horses of the Hackney and Plough Kind, with their Furniture ; Mows of Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Hay ; a Waggon, Dung- Carts, Implements in Husbandry, & c. & c. The above may be seen, and Particulars had before the Sale, by applying to Mr. John Crang, of Timsbury ; or of Mr.
William Savage, of Midsomer- Norton. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ VOL. I. ] DURSLEY, in Gloucestershire. WHEREAS the Dwelling- House of Mrs. MARY RANDOLPH, was broke open in the Night- Time on Friday the Second of this Instant October, and robb'd of the following Articles, viz. A plain Gold Watch- case, a Pair of Gold Studs, a Spanish Medal Value 5s. 3d. a Silver Piece of a George on Horse- back near the fame Weight, a Queen Ann's Half- crown and Farthing, a Queen Elizabeth's Shilling, a Pair of Fur Gloves, and many other Things. Whoever will make a Discovery of the said Bobbery, so that he
or they may be convicted thereof, shall receive Ten Pounds Reward, over and above what is allowed by Act of Parliament — I f more than one concerned in the said Robbery, the Person discovering his Accomplice, so as to be convicted, shall be entitled to the same Reg a r d , and his Pardon. Witness my Hand this 3d Day of Octber, 1761. M. RANDOLPH. I f any of the above Articles are pawn'd, or offer'd for Sale, pray flop them, and advise thereof. near Cassel, and had obliged General Stainville to retire with his Infantry into the Intrenchments before that Town, having sent his Cavalry over the Fulda. The French Army had
quitted the Ham, and Marshal Broglio had detached a large Body from Eimbeck towards the Werra. The Hereditary Prince had been detached by Fritzlar, over the Eder, and a large Detachment of his Light Troops had penetrated as far as Butzbach, within five Leagues of Frankfort. A Body of Troops under the Command of M. de Closen, appeared suddenly on the 24th past before Wolfenbuttle, and after summoning the Place, and receiving a Refusal, threw several Shells into it, which have done little or no Damage.--- He retired the same Evening towards the Hartz. However, the Alarm, which this sudden Approach of the
Enemy occasioned at Brunswick, obliged the whole Court to retire the same Afternoon to Zell. It is confirmed by fresh Letters from Berlin that Gen. Platen had destroyed considerable Magazines belonging to the Russians at Coblin and Gostin ; and that at a Convent, near the last named Place, he had attacked the Russian Wagenbourg, consisting of 5000 Waggons, guarded by 4000 Men, whom he totally defeated with very little Lois on his Side, having made 2000 Prisoners, and taken 4 Haubitzers and two Cannon : That a great Number of the Russians were slaughtered by the Cavalry in the Pursuit, after the Action : That
among the Prisoners there was one Brigadier General, named Czerapow, 3 Majors, and 20 Officers of inferior Rank. It is added, that upon Advice of the Prussians having destroyed the Russian Magazines, the General Butterlin and Fermor had repassed the Oder, directing their March, as it was imagined, towards Colberg, though by other Accounts they seemed to intend making a Diversion in Brandenbourg Prince Henry had detached 1600 Dragoons to the Assistance of Colberg, commanded by Col. Podewils, who passed Berlin the 22d Instant. It is said by some, that the Government will raise the Supplies for next Year by a
proportional Tax on Houses of 101. and upwards, to be paid by the Tenant quarterly : The above Scheme is much like the Scheme of the late Sir Mathew Decker, Bart, in a Pamphlet published, intitled, Serious Considerations on high Duties, & c. by which it appears, that, after a strict Enquiry at that Time of the several Counties, the Houses in England only amounted to 1,20,000 of which he supposed 100,000 to be uninhabited, and 300,000 to be inhabited by poor and low Sort of People, of whom no Duty ought to be expected ; so that on the remaining 600,000 Houses, at the Rate of 101. per Ann. on an Average, it will amount
to Six Millions ; besides 400,000 Houses in Scotland and Wales, which since that Time mult be greatly increased in England, Scotland, and Wales. [ Thus far the Gazette.] OCTOBER 3, 1 7 6 1. At the Original INSURANCE- OFFICE, A t B R E W T O N , in the County of Somerset, Lately open'd by Messrs. Whitehead, Dampier, and Others, A NY Person liable to serve in the M I L I T IA in the said County, at the next or any future Balloting that shall happen in the Space of Three Years from the Date hereof, may be indemnified therefrom by paying Ten Shillings and Six- pence into the Hands of the said Comp, who hereby
promise to provide a fit Substitutes, or pay the Fine for them. N. B. For the Convenience of those who live at too great a Distance to apply to the said Office at BREVTON, Agents are appointed, with proper Securities for the aforesaid Purpose, in all the principal Towns and Parishes in the said Connty. *** Any Persons proper to serve as Substitutes, who will apply as aforesaid, shall have all proper Encouragement, and their Names registered, that due Preference may be given to such as apply first, WEDNESDAY'S AND THURSDAY'S POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. *** Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders.
DELFZYL, in Oostfrize, Sept. 28. BODY of 6 or 800 French Light Troops, commanded by the Marquis A de Conflans, having appeared before Embden the 24th Instant, and the Burghers having refused to join in defending the Place, the English Garrison of two Companies of Invalids, making about 200 Men, made a very advantageous Capitulation, and embanked on the 26th for Bremen, but met with a violent Storm at N. E. which s t i l l detained them in the River. After the Entrance of the French Troops into the Town, they went to work upon raising Contributions, and extorted 10,500 Ducats in ready Money, and 11,500 more
in Bills of Exchange. From that Time to the 27th, many of the Houses of the Citizens were pillaged, and destroyed ; but upon hearing that the Country was up in Arms, they evacuated Embden, and marched back towards Lier, where it is said that the Boors being advantageously posted, funk the Pontoons upon the River, which had served the French to pass it ; and that thereupon the Enemy had been obliged to return to Embden. What is certain is, that a great Number of Peasants have entered the Town, opened the Arsenal, and Magazines, and were firing the Cannon upon the French Advanced Guard this Afternoon.
HAMBURGH, Sept. 29. According to the freshest Accounts from Silesia, the Russian Army was arrived at Reuss, on the Borders of Poland. Colberg continued on the 24th Instant, to make a brave Defence. HAGUE, Oct. 2. Our Correspondence is so much interrupted by the Detachments of Prince Soubise's Troops in Oostfrise, and the Neighbouring Parts, that we have scarce any Accounts of what has passed since Prince Ferdinand's Return with the Allied Army into Hesse. By the last Letters received from thence, which were of the 14th past his Serene Highness was at Ober Wilmar London, October 6. The whole T a l k of th;
s Morning was the Resignation of the great Commoner, and some others which they say was to be made someTime Today. But this has been so much the Topic for several Days past, that we would recommend it to our Readers not entirely to credit what they hear on that. Subject, till it comes properly authenticated. An Embarkation of Troops will shortly be made for Germany, to fill up the several Corps, and we hear the Queen's Independent Battalion under Major Wedderburn, with a Highland Battalion now raising in North Britain, are to be Part of them. Extract of a private Letter from an Officer in the British Forces under
Major John Carnack, to his Friend in London, dated Camp at GUYA, Feb. 7, 1761. " I can say very little to you about any Thing in this Country, but our Exploits in War, having been constantly in the Field for twelve Months past, and am now about 400 Miles from Bengal. " On the 15th of January, we had a most decisive Battle with the Mogul's Troops, consisting of about 80,000 Men, and headed by a Prince of the Empire. Our Army consisted of 500 Europeans, 2500 Seapoys, 12 Pieces of Cannon, and about 20,000 Black Troops. " The Engagement began about Eleven of the Clock, and before two we were Masters of the field
of Battle, all the French Cannon, and some Baggage. Our Prisoners consist of a Number of Black Troops, about 70 or 80 French Soldiers, and seven French Officers; among these last is M. Law, whom I had the honour to take and present to the Major. We continued pursuing them close for several Days after the Battle, in which Time we gained several Advantages. Two days ago the Prince surrendered himself to the Protection of the Major, and is now in our Camp. He is treated wish a great Deal of Respect by the Major, and. it is said to have an Allowance of 1000 Roupees per Day. He appears in all the Pomp of an Eastern
Monarch, tho' in his Looks there is a great Deal of dejected Dignity. He is expected to set out for Patna in a few Days." People are strongly prepossessed that our Court will declare War against Spain for assisting the French with a large Sum of Money ; and the Majority ate so sanguine of this, that they offer Five to One as a Proof of the Truth of their Side of the Question. If a Spanish War takes Place, besides the immense Riches it will bring into this Kingdom, it will reduce the Price of Bullion ( which is Bow 5s. 9d. per Oz.) to about 5s. 2d. and even the Thoughts of a War has already fallen it id. per Oz. By Letters from New-
York we have an Account, that the Troops of General Amherst were to proceed as soon as possible, in order to endeavour to reduce Martinico, Louisiana, or New- Orleans, which should seem most adviseable. It is said, that the same Sum will be raised for carrying on the War next Year, as was for the last, viz. Twelve Millions ; and that a Scheme has been proposed for raising the same at 4 per cent, for 40 Years, and a Lottery Ticket of 101. The 4 per Cent, for 40 Years, they reckon will he worth 191. and the Lottery Ticket 111, which will be 301. to every Subscriber of 1001. which makes it equal to the present 3 per Cents, if
they should fall to 70. Yesterday M. Lally set out for France on his Parole of Honour. There are Letters from Berlin which say, than besides the Magazines already mentioned to have been destroyed by Gen. Platen, the large Magazine of the Russians in the Town of Posnania has been ruined ; that all the Waggons they had there have been burnt ; and that a Chest is also taken with 80,000 Roubles. From Genoa they write, that they had Advice from Spain, that Orders had been sent to all the Dock- Yards of that Kingdom, and to those belonging to Spain in South America, to hasten the Construction of the new Men of War on
the Stocks, and the fitting out of others for sea. From Brussels they write, that several French Regiments quartered in Flanders had received Orders to march to Germany, where it had been determined to keep the Field as long as possible. The same Letters add, that there was a strong Report there of an offensive and defensive Treaty being concluded between France and a certain Power which hath not yet taken Part in the present W a r . According to some Letters from Berlin, a new Treaty between the King of Prussia, and the Grand Signior, was concluded the 22d of last June, and great Preparations for War are making at
Constantinople, and other Places in the Turkish Empire. The first Treaty between these two Powers was signed about three Months before. Letters from the South of France, dated the 16th ult. advise, that an epidemical Distemper hath raged at Toulon for about two Months pad, which has carried off great Numbers of the Inhabitants of that Place, and that there were few Houses that had not three or four sick in them. They write from Warsaw of the 12th past, that an epidemical Distemper has broke out amongst the People and Cattle in Poland, and that they have been pestered with Field Mice, which had destroyed much Corn.
In the Night between the 9th and roth of September, a Fire broke out at Helsingsors, a maritime Town in Finland, which burnt so furiously, that near Two- thirds of the Houses in the Place were reduced to Ashes. We have an Account from Sherborne, in Dorsetshire, that the Night of their Majesties Coronation a dreadful Fire happened there, occasioned by a Sky Rocket which fell on a Furze Mow, which consumed that and two more of the Kind : Every Body expected the whole Town would have been burnt down ; but ' thro Mercy it was stop'd without a Dwelling House being burnt. This morning, a little before Eleven, Gurnet,
alias Cox, for robbing a House at Highgate, and Lieut. Campbell, for forgery, were executed at Tyburn, agreeable to their Sentence. Campbell seemed to be about 30, and was dressed in a blue Cloth Coat trimmed with Gold, and wore a Gold- laced hat ; they behaved with great Decency and Penitence. To F A N C Y , A LL- pow'rful FANCY, dear delusive Maid, Daughter of Hope, Imagination's Shade, Gift of indulgent Heav'n, design'd below With pictur'd Joys to balance real Woe Wherever thou hast spread thy airy Wings, Lodg'd in the Breast of Statesmen or of Kings ; Whether thy visionary Pow'r inspires Some Poet's Brain
with heav'n descended Fires, And bids him wanton in the golden Dream Of Riches, Honours, and immortal Fame ; Whether thou mak'st th' inraptur'd Lover trace A little Heav'n, that smiles in Hebe's Face ; Dream of a Grace divine, an Angel's Airs, And in the Goddess lose the mortal Fair:------ Since, in the bitter Draught of human Woe Whate'er of Sweet is found, to thee we owe ; Since what substantial Happiness we call, Is but thyself, kind Nymph, thy Bounty all ; Vain all and empty, but what thou hast giv'n, E'en Virtue's self, unless she lean's on Heav'n --- Hasle hither, sweet Deceiver, gentle Guest, Haste and erect thy
Empire in my Breast ; Bid Pleasures herein airy Forms arise, Ideal Raptures, self- created Joys : Here revel thou entire, and ever reign, Quick let me catch the visionary Scene : Paint the dear Object of my constant Flame, Her Face unchanged, her Beauty s t i l l the same, ( That only Thing thou know'st not to improve) FairCHLOE,— only soften'd into Love : There let me view the Marks of sond Desire, A pure, unspotted, but an equal Fire ; A Love that by its Coyness more endears, Fearful, but s t i l l the more betray'd by Fears : Here let the heav'nly Image ever dwell; Unpleasing Truth, rude Messenger, farewel : And since all
other Methods fruitless prove, FANCY, be thou my Advocate in Love, On the C R E A T I O N : An Ode. T O that great GOD who lives above, Whose Temple is the Skies, Whose Altar, Earth, from ev'ry Tongue Let Adoration rise. Ye heav'nly Host my Soul inspire, T o praise his holy Name ; Jehovah, Lord of'Heav'n and Earth, From A g e to A g e the same. Who in Creation's noble Day, From rude unmanag'd Earth, T o ev'ry wond'rous Frame around Ordain'd a lasting Birth. How great the Skill that makes the Spheres Their usual Courses run ; How vast, how infinite the Pow'r, That will'd, and it was done. He spoke, and Instant at
his Word, The Darkness disappear'd, And Light o'er all the Face of Earth Its rosy Mantle rear'd. Far e'er the Visage of the Deep He wav'd his awful Rod ; The Waters fled, the Seas retir'd, Obedient to their GOD. His Breath created ev'ry Fowl, And all the Reptile Train, The Beasts that haunt the desert Wood, And Fish that skim the Main. He bid the pregnant Earth conceive, And ev'ry Plant take Root ; Obedient to his Word appear'd The Blossom and the Fruit. But last of all his wond'rous Works And nobler than the Whole, He form'd the Dust, and that to Dust, He gave a breathing Soul. Form'd, fram'd, and fashion'd by his Hand,
With Reason in his Heart : Stupendous Frame ! best Attribute Of the Celestial Art. Array'd in lnnocence, and pure From specious fordid Sin, In Eden's blissful Seat he reign'd Of all Creation King. Still shall the impious Atheist say, There is no Heav'n nor God ? Bow, Rebel, bow, before his Shrine, And s t op the wrathful Nod. That Nod, which to each living Frame A Life and Being gave ; That Nod, which ( ev'ry living Frame) Has Pow'r to sink or save. A. D. Bristol, October 7. Arriv'd, At New York, the Garland, ASHfield; at South Carolina, the Hannabil, Bond, both from this Port; at Biddeford, the Maryland, Young, from Virginia; at
Maryland, the Africa, Penhale, from Africa. Entered Out, The Lark, Webber, for Cork and New- York ; the Henry, Watkins, for Cork and Jamaica. Friday arrived in Kingroad the Milford Man of War, and brought in with her the Indiaman, taken by the K i n g George Privateer of this Port. Capt. John Reed, Commander. They sail'd from Corunna last Thursday se'nnight, and parted from the King George the Day after. Bath, October 8. The Public are desir'd to be careful to ask for the B A T H CHRONICLE AND W E E K L Y G A Z E T T E publish'd by C . POPE and Comp. as the Proprietor, of the Bath Advertiser ( a Saturday's
Paper) alter'd their Day of Publication to Thursday, when our Proposals were first distributed, and likewise pirated Part of our Title, viz. Bath Chronicle.--- We therefore give this necessary Caution, left they shou'd attempt to impose their Paper on the Public for THIS. Arriv'd here, Countess of Portsmouth, Maruis and Marchioness of Carnarvon, Lady Lononderry, Sir John Cross and Lady, Sir John Shelly, Col. Schutz and Lady, Capt. Lovel, Dr. Barry and Family, Rev. Mr. Withers, Mr. and Mrs. Lille, Crawford, Baudman, Lake, Debeaufrey. Spicer, Maycock, More, Trollop, Knight, Nash, Parker, Jenkins, Patridge, Taylor, Niel,
Quiching, Wilton, Daniel, Scott, and Gore ;--- Mr. Witterwrong, Bennet, Gitton, Tucker, Stephens, Stokes, Caulet, Norton, Cox, Hopson, Feuilleteau, Coppinger, Bennel, and Henege ;--- Mrs. Hilton, Oliver, Cotton, Molesworth, Onslow, Brown, Putt, Garing, Moyser, and Golds ing ; Miss Oliver, & c. & c. Last Week died at Newland, in Gloucestershire, William Probyn, Esq. Sunday Evening as two Men were walking by a Quarry on Coomb- Down, they fell into it ; one of them broke his Thigh, and the other was dangerously cut in the Forehead. A few Days since a Servant- Boy belonging to Mr. Edwards, of West- Eaton, near
Chippenham, riding an unruly Horse, he threw him off, and his Foot hanging in the Stirrup, was dragged near a Mile, and taken up dead. Last Week Farmer Morris, of Stowey, near Bridgewater, was thrown from his Horse, and kill'd. He has left a Wife and ten Children. Friday last a Boy had one of his Arms broke in two Places, by a Fall from a Horse at Creech, near Taunton. This Paper is vended in Wells, Glastonbury, Bridgewater, Taunton, & c. by CORNELIUS CuTLER; whose Honesty, Care, and Diligence, in the Delivery of small Parcels, Messages, & c. may be rely'd on. At Devizes Market last Week, Wheat sold rom 26s.
to 33s. per Quarter. Barley 18s. to 23s. Oats 14s. 6d. to 16s. Beans 23s. to 26s. Pease from 23 s. to 26s.