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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co 
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 49
No Pages: 4
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Date of Article: 17/09/1761
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co 
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 49
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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To the PRINTER, of the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. SIR, SEPTEMBER 15, 1761. By inserting the following Ode in your next use- ful and entertaining Paper, you will oblige many of your constant Readers ; among whom more par- ticularly, your already obliged Servant, The AUTHOR. SOLITUDE REVERS'D, An ODE. I. HAIL ! wedded Love, best Gift of Heav'n, And first t0 Man in Pity giv'n ; --- Thrice hail ! mysterious Law of GOD ! ---- attend My wand ring Footsteps near ; Excuse the blushing Virgin's Tear, That conscious Innocence and Virtue send.--- II. Come, bless my solitary Hours, Within yon melancholy Bow'rs :---- Hail ! happy Partner in this lone Retreat ! Hail ! happy, happy Pair ! Echo responsive cries,---- Despair, in yonder gloomy Mansions fix thy Seat. III. Begin, begin, melodious Throng ! ' Tis wedded Lone inspires the Song :----- Ye blooming Virgins join the Dance ! ---- ye Fair, Young Men and Maidens, hail ! Fly the sad- sequester'd Vale, Where Beauty languishes with Cold Despair. IV. Ah ! Solitude, deceitful Thought ! Fools only in thy Snares are caught:---- From Life secluded, and its Joys, we find That Reason's hamper'd Ray Can't break forth into perfect Day, While Solitude confines the melancholy Mind.---- V. Burst from thy Fetters, latent Star, And mount triumphantly thy Car : ---- Expel usurping Passion from thy Throne, Disclose mysterious Treasures, Wedded Love, its Joys and Pleasure, And hearken to no Dictates, but thy own. Bath. J. C ******. further with his Retinue, having ordered one of his Pages to present him with a Potion of Bueng which the Peasant very thankfully accepted ; and having drank it with the utmost Greediness, was immediately seized with a profound Sleep. Such is the Effect of this Liquor, that it immediately benumbs the Faculties, and generally causes those who take, it to sleep, without dreaming, for 24 Hours. QUOUTBEDDIN then caused some of his Retinue to carry him to his. Palace, and lodge him in a magnificent Apartment, which was done accordingly. Great was the Surprize of AOUGE to find him- self, when he awaked, lying on a Velvet Sopha, washed, perfumed, and clad in a rich Robe, which sparkled in the richest Jewels of Golconda. At first he thought himself in a Dream ; but two Musicians, the ablest of Aad, having touched Instruments which uttered a most exquisite Har- mony, his Attention was farther roused ; and his Surprize greatly increased, when he beheld, seated upon several Sopha's round him, Circassian Dam- sels, with whose Beauty he was dazzled to such a Degree, that he toot them to be the Houris of Paradise, and thought himself already arrived in that happy Place. He immediately returned Thanks to A and An ORIENTAL TALE. IN the Reign of QUOUTBEDDIN, King of Aaad, there lived near that City a poor Peasant nam'd AOVGE, who, with the hardest Labour, found it scarce possible to support himself. One Day, as he was quite overpowered with bearing Fardles, he threw himself upon the Ground, and uttered the following Exclammation : " Wherefore was I sent into the World where I can never hope for Happiness. Thirty- eight Years have I lived in constant Labour and Distress, and have every Night prayed to God, and his holy Prophet Ma- homet, to take me out of this Vale of Misery ; yet still I live, though Life is become altogether insupportable." QUOUTBEDDIN, who was hunting, happened just at that Time to pass by with his Visier and Courtiers, and was so struck by the pathetic Tone wherewith they were pronounced, that he stopt to listen to them. AOUGE was so oppressed with Grief, that he never once perceived the King or his Retinue, but continued to invoke the Angel of Death, and lament his hard Lot in Terms as strong as the former. Being at length quite exhausted with Lassitude and Hunger, the King rode on a little A and his holy Prophet MAHOMET, for having at length delivered him from all his Afflictions. Where- upon one of the Damsels, the Lustre of whose Beauty surpassed that of the rest, informed him that he was still upon Earth ; that they were be- nevolent Fairies who took, a Pleasure in consoling Mortals in Distress ; that they had caused him to be conveyed thither by Enchantment ; and that he should reside there ' till he had forgot all his Cases. AOUCE, rejoiced hereat, returned Thanks with a Fervour which testified the Transport of his Heart ; and soon after several Courtiers en- tered, who having beeen instructed. by the King, saluted him, and gave him to understand, that they had been like him delivered from their Af- flictions, by the Kindness of the benevolent Fai- ries ; Whereupon a Conversation ensued, in which all present discovered equal Joy and Satisfaction, and soon after they sat down to a Repast, con- sisting of Viands of the most exquisite Flavour, and a Desert of the most delicious Fruits. They drank the richest Wines of the East, which were presented to them in golden Goblets set with Dia- monds, by beautiful Youths richly attired. Du- ring the Repast, their Ears were delighted by a Concert so harmonious, that it raised the Soul, to Heaven ; and when it was grown late, they re- tired to their Apartments with the utmost Sere- nity of Mind. This Life of Pleasure was varied and heigh- tened by the most exquisite Contrivances to gra- tify the Senses ; and new Amusements daily in- vented to prevent that Satiety which arises from a Repetition of the same Enjoyments. But AOUGE, who carried in his Breast an Enemy to Peace, was at length tormented with the Reflection, that his must sometime or other be dreprived of all this bouring Pool, and was just joing to precipitate himself therein, when a Lion, which rushed upon him from the opposite Side of the Bush, terrified him to such a Degree, that his desperate Resolu- tion was immediately converted into Fear : So he ran down with as much Rapidity as he ascended ; and as Extreams generally produce each other, he was glad to have escaped the Death he had fought. A Calm Serenity of Mind is always the Result of an Escape from a great Danger ; AOUGE returned to his Cottage, and renewed his Toil with the utmost Resignation. Some- times, however, he could not help sighing after his past Felicity, and as he one Day fell into a profound Reverie in reflecting thereon, he was all on a. Sudden surprised with the Appearance of a glorious Vision. There stood before him an angelical Figure, whose graceful Locks were ir- radiated with a resplendent Brightness ; in his Right Hand he held a Silver Wand, and in his Left an Olive Branch ; his Eyes shone lambent with celestial Day, and the Mildness with which he beheld AOUGE, having dissipated his Astonish- ment, he addressed him in Terms like these : " Know, AOUGE, that I am EFFENDIAR, the Spirit of Peace, my pacific Sway is equal to that of ASMONG, the Angel of Discord ; but as his Delight is to occasion Wars and Tumults, by ex- citing turbulent Passions in the Breasts of Men, my Care is to appease both the Broils and Seditions which disturb the collective Body of Mankind, and to allay the Storms which make such Ravages in the Breasts of Individuals. You have hitherto been under the Influence of the malignant Spirit, ASMONG, and therefore constantly at Variance with yourself. My Power has been too strong for his. It was I that sent the Lion that prevented you from committing an Action, which would have caused your eternal Perdition. Depart in Peace, labour with unceasing Industry, and, above all, be assiduous in your Devotions to the Almighty, and the holy Prophet will not let you go unre- warded." This said, the Angel disappeared, and AOUOE continued to labour with a perfect Re- signation to Providence : He found himself now more happy than when in the Midst of Luxury and Pleasure, which evidently proves that it is not so much the Circumstances of Men, as their Senti- ments concerning them, that render Men happy or miserable. QUOUTBEDDIN passing again by the Hut of AOUGE, was surprised to observe this Change in his Disposition, and offered to carry him to his Court, and receive him as one of his Domesticks. AOUCE, who now felt no Joy at a promised Ele- vation, made Answer as follows : " O King! may the holy Prophet lengthen thy Days, and pour upon thee all Manner of Blessings. I have been used to an humble Station, and I fear I am inca- pable of bearing Prosperity." This Answer de- termined QUOUTBEDDIN to receive him into his Service. AOUGE was never elated by his good Fortune ; but acquitted himself so much to the satisfaction of his Master, that he conferred upon him a considerable Place of Trust. Having ex- perienced the Extreams of Prosperity and Adver- sity, he was not to be shaken by the one, or daz- zled by the other, but by his prudent Conduct in all the Places he occupied, at last rose to the Dig- nity of Visier. Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. A Mail from FLANDERS is arriv'd : but nothing material is received. Country Intelligence . SALISBURY, Sept. 7. ON Tuesday last, about Eight o'Clock in the Evening, a Fire happened at Fordingbridge, in Hampshire, which burnt down two Houses, and, to pre- vent its spreading further, two others were obliged to be uncovered. ' Twas occasioned by a Boy thrashing some leased Wheat by Can- dle- Light. On Friday the 28th ult, William Goddard and John Sickemore, for a Robbery on the Highway, and John Gordon, for Murder, were committed to Winchester Gaol. NEWCASTLE, Sept. 5. Last Tuesday was married George Wilson, of Harbottle, in the County of Northumberland, aged 105 Years, to Lilley Forbes, of the same Place, aged 42, being his fourth Wife. They were accompanied to Church by most of the principal Inhabitants of that Neighbourhood ; and after Dinner he danced with the Bride, and with most of the Ladies pre- sent, with all the Vivacity and Spirit of a Man of Forty. He has been a Subject to eight Kings and Queens of England. YORK, Sept. 8. Last Week was committed, to the Castle, George Harger, of Southowram, near Halifax, Blacksmith, for the Murder of John Moor, who was employed to take Harger with a Justice's Warrant, to oblige him to give Security for the Maintenance of a Bastard Child. When Moor had told him his Business, Harger said he would go with him after he had done a small Job, and then went into his Brother's Smithy, where he heated a Nail- Rod, pointed it sharp, and run it into Moor's Body, who lived about twenty Hours after, and then expired, leaving a Wife and three small Children. Harger's Legs are so full of Ulcers, with Maggots in them, that it was with great Difficulty that Irons could be put on them. Happiness by Death, and carried his Impiety so far, as to renounce in his Heart the Paradise which the holy Prophet promises to the Faithful, and wish to reside for ever in this Seat of terrestrial Bliss. His former Gaiety almost entirely forsook him, and his Mirth was forced and contained ; which the Courtiers observing, informed King QUOUTBEDDIN thereof. Whereupon the Mo- narch directed them to give AOUGE a second Po- sition of Bueng, and cloathing him in bis former Habit, carry him to the Place where he had been found. The Peasant, upon waking, was surpriz'd to find himself in his former Condition, and the Comparison of his transitory Happiness with his present Misery, made him so frantic, that he ran to the Top of an Hill which overlooked a neigh- T'o a certain young Lady, of Bath. LADY, whose Charms attract each youthful Heart, Whose Beauty strikes with Love's envenom'd Dart ; Whose Smiles have Pow'r to save, or to destroy, Let serious Thoughts your serious Hours employ. When to the House of God you do repair, Forbear to smile and ogle whilst you're there, } For such Devotion cannot be sincere. London, September 10. The Queen landed on Monday last, at Three in the Afternoon, at Harwich in Essex, and was received by the Mayor and Aldermen in their usual Formalities. About Five o'Clock she came to Colchester, and stopped at the House of Mr. Enew, where she was received and waited upon by Mrs. Enew and Mrs. Rebow ; but Capt. Best attended her with Coffee, and Lieut. John Seaber with Tea. Mr. Great, of Colchester, had the Honour of presenting to her Majesty, while she was at Mr. Enew's House, a Box of candied E- ongo Root ; a Product of Colchester, with which the Royal Family are always presented when they come that Way. He was introduced by the Earl of Harcourt. After being thus refreshed, she proceeded to Witham, where she arrived at a Quarter past Seven, and stopping at Lord Aber- corn's, as elegant an Entertainment was provided as the Time would admit. The first Course con- sisted of Leverets, Partridges, Carp, and Soles, brought by Express from Colchester, just Time enough for Supper. There were many other Dishes, but they were principally made. During the Time of her supping, the Door of the Room was ordered to be wide open, that every Body might have the Pleasure and Satisfaction of see- ing her Majesty. At the Sides of her Chair stood the Lords Harcourt and Anson. The Fruits were choice Melons, Figs, Pears, & c. and many other Sorts, both in and out of season. She *** ADVERTISEMENTS for this paper are taken in at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, at 3S. 6d. each Time, if short ; longer Ones in Proportion. ------- The BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZTTTE is circulated in London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater, Well, Shepton- Mallet Bruton, Frome, Gloucester Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury, Wotton- under- edge ; Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Hereford, Worcester, Kiddeminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, BIrmingham, Coventry, Warwick, oxford, Abingdon, Hungerford, Newbury, Reading, Salisbury, Heitsbury, Warminster, Westbury, Lavington, Bradford, Trowbridge, Melksham, Devizes, Corsham, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, Shaftsbury, Pool, Weymouth, Sherborne, & c. & c. at the Post- Offices of most of which Places, Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise by the Newsmen.--------- No Letters received, unless POST- PAID.-------- At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had, all Sorts of PATENT MEDICINES, & c. [ N°. 49.] [ Price TWO- PENCE HALFPENNY.] Printed and publish'd by C. POPE, and C°. at the Printing- Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. [ The above C. POPE serv'd his Apprenticeship with the late Mr. BODDELY, and has had the sole Management of the Bath Journal for these last five Years. ] [ * 93 ] A N D [ VOL. I. ] THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1761. slept that Night at his Lordship's House ; and little after Twelve o'clock Tuesday came to Rumford when she stept at Mr. Button's, Wine- Merchant. The King's Servant's and his, Coaches met her Majesty there, and served her with Coffee. Her Majesty staid there ' till almost One, and then went into his Majesty's Coach, drove by his Body Coachman and chief Postilion in their Caps. Opposite to her Majesty sat their Graces the Duchesses of Hamilton and Ancaster. Her Majesty was dressed entirely in the English Taste ; she wore a Fly Cap, with rich laced Lap- pets, a Stomacher ornamented with Diamonds, and a Gold Brocade Suit of Cloaths with a white Ground. Her Coach was preceded by three of his Majesty's Goaches, in which were one of her Majesty's Brothers, some Ladies from Mecklen- burgh, she Lords Harcourt and Anion, & c.--- The Leicester Militia were drawn up in the se- veral Towns through which her Majesty- passed, and at Mile End she was met by a Party of Horse Grenadiers and Life Guards. At Whitechapel Turnpike they turned off to Bethnal- Green, thro' Hackney Turnpike, by Shoreditch Church, up the City Road, from thence to Marybone thro' Hyde- Park, down Constitution - Hill, to St. James's Park. Her Majesty alighted at the Gar- den Gate, being handed out of the Coach by the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Chamberlain, and upon her Entrance into the Garden she sunk on her Knee to the King, who in a most affection- ate Manner railing her up, saluted her, and then led her into the Pa; ace ; where she dined with his Majesty, the Princess Dowager, and the Princess Augusta. Her Majesty's Arrival at the Palace was immediately proclaimed by the firing of the Guns in St. James's Park and at the Tower. All the Royal Family, together with the Duke of Cumberland and Princess Amelia, were present at the Nuptials. Their Majesties, after the Ce- remony, sat on one Side of the Altar, on two State Chairs under a Canopy ; her Royal High- ness the Princess Dowager of Wales fat facing them, in a Chair of State, on the other Side ; and all the rest of the Royal Family on Stools ; and the Quality, with the foreign Ministers ( among whom was M. de Bussy) on Benches. The Cere- mony was ended at Half an Hour aften Ten, which was announced by the Firing of the Guns at the Park and the Tower. The Houses in Lon- don and Westminster were finely illuminated. The Duke of Cumberland gave the Bride's Hand to the Royal Bridegroom. Yesterday there was the most brilliant Court at St. James's, ever known. The Spanish, Dutch, Tripolitan, and Morocco Ambassadors, appeared richly dressed, as did all the other foreign Minis- ters, among whom was Mons. Bussy. the Dutch Ambassador's Coach was the most elegant for Painting and Gilding, that was at Court. The Court Days are to continue to Day and To- mor- row on the same Occasion. We hear that the new Expedition Fleet consists of 15 Men of War of the Line at Portsmouth, and 10 at Plymouth, with 15 Transports, and 10,000 Men. The last Accounts from Paris say, that whether we have Peace or War, will be decided by the 20th of this Month. An Officer palled through Metz last Friday for Paris, with Dispatches which were said to be of the last Importance. Letters by the last Dutch Mail advise, that on the 28th ult. the Inhabitants of the County of Bentheim received Orders to repair with their Horses to Wesel, to draw Artillery to the Prince de Soubise's Army ; and that on the preceding Sunday the King of France was proclaimed So- vereign of the County of Bentheim ; in Conse- quence of which the French immediately seized all the Money that was in the Receivers Hands. -----[ The County of Bentheim is situated on the West of the Circle of Westphalia. It hath the Province of Overyssel on the North, West, and South- West ; the rest of its Frontiers join to the Bishopric of Munster. Its Extent is about fifty square Leagues. Bentheim, the Capital, is 13 Leagues North- West from Munster, 14 West from Osnabrug, and 22 from Wesel. In May, 1752 this County wis mortgaged to the Elector of Ha- nover, our late Sovereign.] They write from Vienna, that though the Af- fair of the 15th was far from being sufficient to disconcert their Plan of Operations, the Court was made not a little uneasy by the last Dispatches from General Laudohn, which imported, " That since the 15th the King of Prussia had entrenched himself in such a Manner, that he could not be attacked ; that it was evident he had done this only with a View to remain on the Defensive ' till the Departure of the Russians, who in every Cam- paign this War, have always let out on their Re- turn to their Winter Quarters about the End of September; that the only Way ; therefore, to avoid losing the Fruits of this Campaign would be for the two Armies to aft in Concert whilst the Season would permit, and lay Siege to different Places at once, to oblige his Prussian Majesty to march out of his Entrenchments to their Relief. ----- Latidohn further adds, that it would be pro per to write to the Court of Stockholm to cause their Army, tho' weak, to act with Vigour, as in the present Circumstances it might do much ; and concludes with hinting, that he suspected there was still such another Traitor as Tottlebon, in the Russian Army." Last Night, about Eight o'Clock, a Fire broke out in a Tobacco Warc- house belonging to Mr. Shipton a Co. at the Three- Cranes, the Bot- tom of Queen- street, Cheap side, which was en- tirely consumed, with several Houses adjoining.--- A Mars by jumping out of a Window, was kil- led on the Spit ; and a Lighterman, by the falling of a Part of a Wall, had his Scull split, and both his Arms and Legs broke. TEMPERANCE. THE nearest Approach thou canst make to Happiness on this Side the Grave, is to en- joy from Heaven Understanding, and Health. These Blessings if thou possessest, and wouldst preserve to old Age ; avoid the Allurements of Voluptuousness, and fly from her Temptations. When she spreadeth her Delicacies on the Board, when her Wine sparkleth in the Cup, when she smileth upon thee, and persuadeth thee to be joyful and happy ; then is the Hour of Dan- ger, and let Reason Hand firmly on her Guard. For if thou hearkenest unto the Words of her Adversary, thou art deceived and betray'd. The Joy which she promiseth changeth to Mad- ness, and her Enjoyments lead on to Diseases and Death. Look round her Board, cast thine Eyes upon her Guests ; and observe those that have been al- lured by her Smiles, who have listened to her Temptations. Are they not meager ? are they not sickly are they not spiritless ? | Their short Hours of Jollity and Riot are fol- lowed by tedious Days of Pain and Dejection ; she hath debauched and palled their Appetites, that they have now no Relish for her nicest Dain- ties : Her Votaries are become her Victims : the just and natural Consequence which God hath or- dained in the Constitution of Things, for the Pu- nishment of thole who abuse his Gifts. But who is she that with graceful Steps, and with a lively Air, trips oyer yonder Plain ? The Role blusheth on her Cheeks, the Sweet- ness of the Morning breatheth from her Lips ; Joy, tempered with Innocence and Modesty, sparkleth in her Eyes, and from the Chearfulness of her Heart she fingeth as ( he walks Her Name is Health, she is the Daughter of Exercise, who begot her on Temperance ; their Sons inhabit the Mountains that stretch over the northern Regions. They are brave, active, and lively ; and par- take of all the Beauties, and Virtues of their Sister. Vigour stringeth their Nerves, Strength dwel- leth in their Bones, and Labour is their Delight all the Day long. The Employments of their Father excite their Appetites, and the Repasts of their Mother refresh them. To combat their Passions is their Delight, to conquer evil Habits, their Glory. Their Pleasures are moderate, and therefore they endure : Their Repose is short, but found and undisturbed. Their Blood is pure, their Minds are serene, and the Physician findeth not the Way to their Habitations. J BATH. AMES HEAD, Shoe- Maker and Leather- Cutter, In Stall- Street, opposite Bell- Lane, MAKES and sells all Sorts of Gen- tlemens Stitch'd SHOES, PUMPS, and BOOTS.— Livery Boots at 18s. per Pair; Ladies Stuff and Silk Shoes and Pumps ; Gouty Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies ; together with all Sorts of Shoe- Maker's Working- Tools, & c. LEATHER cut and fold Whalesale or Retail, as cheap as in London ; sells likewise fine Cur- rier's Oil, Rosin, and Pitch. *** All Persons who please to favour him with their Custom, may depend on having every Article the best of its Kind ; and their Work ekecuted in the strongest, neatest, and cheapest Manner. [ VOL. Notice is hereby given, That BUCKLAND FAIR, Usually held on the 29th of September, O. S. WILL always be holden on the 1oth of October, being the same Day, N. S. but as the said 10th of October happens this Year on a Saturday, for that Reason it is put off to the Monday following ; which the Pub- lic are desired to observe, this being the last Time any Notice will be given. By VIRTUE of His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, The following Medicines are Sold at Mr. New- bery's Ware- House, the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church- Yard, opposite the North Door of the Church, London ; by C. Pope and Co. at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street ; Messrs. Leake and Frederick, Booksellers; Mr. Lambe, Grocer; and Mr. Duperre, Perfumer, in Bath ; and by Mr. Cadell, Mr. Brown, Mr. Palmer, and Mr. Ward, Booksellers, in Bristol : DR. James's Powder for Fevers, and other Inflammatory Distempers, which is a very safe and pleasant Medicine to take, will re- move ( as has been experienced in many Thousand Cases) any continual acute Fever in a Jew Hours, though attended with Convulsions, Lightheadedness, and the worst Symptoms: But, if taken in the Begin- ning of a Fever, one Dose is generally sufficient to perform a Cure. It is likewise a most effectual Re- medy for all internal Inflammations, Pleurisies, Quin - sies, acute Rheumatisms, and the Lowness of Spirits and Uneasinesses proceeding from slow and latent Fe- vers, which are generally mistaken for Vapours and Hystericks. It is extremely effectual in the Small- Fox, Measles, and St. Anthony's Fire, and a single Dose remarkably stops the Progress of a Cold, and cer- tainly prevents the, ill Consequences arising from that very common Disorder, the Source of almost all Dis- tempers.—— Price 2s. 6d. the Paper, containing four Doses. Dr. John Hooper's Female Pills, Universally esteemed the best Remedy against those ge- neral Complaints which the Fair Sex are subject to ; they cleanse, purify, and cause a free Circulation of Blood, and remove all Obstructions ; whereby Health is recovred, and the Patient who looked like Death, restored to a lively Complexion.— Price 1s. the Box. Habitations. But Safety dwelleth not with the Sons of Men ; neither is Security within their Gates. Behold them exposed to new Dangers from without, while a Traytor within lurketh to be- tray them. Their Health, their Strength, their Beauty, and Activity, have railed Desire in the Bosom of lascivious Love, She standeth in her Bower, she courteth their Regard, she spreadeth her Temptations. Her Limbs are soft and delicate, her Attire is loose and inviting ; Wantopness speaketh in her Eyes, and on her Bosom sits Temptation : She beckoneth them with her Finger, she wooeth them with her Looks, and by the Smoothness of her Tongue she endeavoureth to deceive. Ah ! fly from her Allurements, stop thy Ears to her enchanting Words : If thou meetest the Languishing of her Eyes, if thou hearest the Softness of her Voice, if she casteth her Arms about thee, she bindeth thee in Chains forever. Shame followeth, and Disease, and Want, and Care, and Repentance. Enfeebled by Dalliance, with Luxury pam- per'd, and softened by Sloth, Strength shall for- sake thy Limbs, and Health thy Constitution : Thy Days shall be few, and those inglorious ; thy Griefs shall be many, yet meet with no Compassion. Epigram on a certain Author. SOME Bards in Verse their Thoughts disclose, And some more humble write in Prose ; But C- Y, thy surprizing Muse Will Paths before untravell'd use ; For whether she in Verse or Prose Delights to sing, — no Mortal knows. C O N T E N T. LET others wish for Pomp and State, And vainly study to be great : My Lord, is but an empty Name ; A Bubble is the Heighth of Fame. The Miser may for Wealth implore ; The Merchant trade for India's Ore ; A squand ring Heir enjoys the Gains, In one Day flies an Age of Pains. The Man of Pleasure may possess His Women, Equipage, and Dress ; But Poverty too soon will come, And fell Disease is Pleasure's Doom. Grant me, kind Heav'n, a chcarful Mind, To Fortune's bitter Frowns resign'd ; By no false Views of Int'rest sway'd, By no smooth flattring Arts betray'd. What matters then if Fools are Lords ? If the Rake spends, or Miser hoards ? Since Pleasure, Wealth, and State, ne'er find The Blessings of a tranquil Mind. Mr. Greenough's Tincture for the TEETH, well known for its Excellence in cleansing, whitening, fastening, and preferring the Teeth, and curing the Scurvy in the Gums. ------ Price 1s. the Bottle. Mr. Greenough's Tincture for the TOOTH- ACH, which relieves the most violent Pain of the Teeth in a few Minutes, as has been ex- perienced by Thousands. Price is. the Bottle. The Stomachic Lozenges, which are the pleasantest and most effectual Remedy yet discovered for Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels. They cure the Cholic, and all fixed Pains of the Stomach, Indi- gestion, Wind, cold Phlegm, and Want of Appetite ; and immediately relieve the Heart - burn, and sour Risings, and prevent the ill Effects of hard Drinking, especially of bad Wine, sour Punch, stale Beer, & c.--- Price 1s. 6d. the Box. The Pectoral Lozenges of TOLU, Being a pleasant and most effectual Remedy, for all tickling Coughs, Catarrhs,, fore Throats, Hoarsenesses, and Deftuxions on the Lungs ; for they sheath the Acri- mony of the Humours, heal the Rawness and Soreness of the Breast, and promote Expectoration.—— Price 1s. the Box. Dr. Robert Eaton's Styptick, which is a sovereign Remedy in all inward Bleedings, Vomit- ings, and Spitting of Blood, or Bleeding at the Nose & c.- Price 2s. 6d. the Bottle, or a smaller Sort at 1s. 6d. [ See a Character of this Medicine in Dr. Cheyne's Book, entitled, The Natural Method of curing Diseases of the Body and Mind.] The BALSAM of HEALTH, Or, ( as it is by some Persons called) the BALSAM of LIFE, which being a Composition of the finest natural Belsams and balsamic Herbs, is the most admirable Vulnerary in Nature, curing all fresh Wounds at once or twice dressing, and is a most excellent Remedy in Chronic Disorders, viz. the Rheumatisin, Gout , Asthma, Wind Cholic, Gravel or Stone in the Kidneys and all in ward Decays and Weaknesses.— Price 1s. 6d. the Bottle. The Proprietor of this Balsam having, fully established his Property ( as may be seen by the Pro- ceedings concerning it in the High Court of Chancery) now offers it to the Public at 1s, 6d. the Bottle, tho' that which is called the Balsam of Life is sold for 3s. 6d. *** As Counterfeits of the above Medicines are hawked about the Country, the Public are desired to be particularly careful to apply for them to Mr. New- bery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church- Yard, opposite the North Door of the Church, or to those who are impowered to sell them in of Great- Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies Abroad, under his Hand and Seal. BRISTOL, Aug. 22, 1761. THOMAS MARTIN, APOTHECARY, Is REMOVED from BROAD- MEAD, to St. JAMES'S- SQUARE : Where he keeps his DISPENSARY As USUAL. And at his Ware- House near the Sugar- House in DUKE- LANE, are sold all Sorts of OILS and COLOURS for Painting, Upon the LOWEST TERMS. BRISTOL, Aug. 29, 1761. BUSINESS is now carried on by , JOHN MORSE, APOTHECARY, On his OWN Account, At the Old Shop in BROAD- MEAD ; Where MEDICINES will be faithfully dis- pensed, and all Sorts of DRUGGS sold at the molt reasonable Prices. His Friends are requested to accept of his Thanks for their many good Offices, and he, at the same Time, begs Leave to assure them, that it shall be his constant Study to merit the Conti- nuance of their Favours. DR. ROBERT WALKER'S Patent Genuine JESUITS DROPS, or ELIXIR of HEALTH and LONG LIFE. ( In Bot- tles only of 2s. 6d. and 5s.) ----- The great Success and Demand that is daily made for my never- failing genuine JESUITS DROPS, which are the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual and im- mediate Cure ever discover'd for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, tho' ever so Mutate, of ever so long standing, and by whatever Means occasion'd, and also for the Venereal Disease, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms, has occasion'd some Persons to endeavour to imitate the same, and publish Medicines pretending to some of the like Virtues. His Majesty, that I should reap the sole Advantage of my said va- luable Invention, and, that the Public should receive the Benefit of the same genuine, was most graciously pleas'd on the 29th of November, 1755, to grant, me his Royal Utters Patent, for England and the Planta- tions in America : And, on repeated Representations of the great and surprising Cures daily perform" by my said jesuits Drops, has been since also graciously pleas'd, that his Subjects in his Kingdoms of Scotland and Ire- land- should also have the said Medicine genuine, and for preventing them from being imposed upon with spu- ' rious Medicines, falsely pretending to the same Virtues, to the Prejudice of their Healths and Constitutions, as well as endangering their Lives, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent for those Kingdoms. My said Patent genuine Jesuits Drops have no Mercurials in their Composition, and neither purge or vomit, but carry the Diforders clean off by Urine ( the Dose only 15 Drops in Wine, Water, or on Sugar) and is an excellent Remedy for Travellers, and Persons going to Sea, as to be taken so secret, that even a Bed- fellow cannot make Discovery, and at any Time, in any Season or Climate, ( keeping their full Virtues ten Years ) without Alteration in Diet, and eradicates Root and Branch all the poisonous Symptoms of those loathsome Distempers, and absolutely answer all the Ends that can be expected by Salivation, and were never known to miss of curing after Salivation had sail d. I am to be consulted gratis at my Warehouse, and Persons of either Sex may, on personal Application, depend on the strict Honour and Secresy, and re- ceiving a certain Cure, with a mild Medicine, with- out their Constitutions being torn to Pieces with rough Mercurials. And I give gratis, seal'd up with each Bottle, a printed Treatise on Gleets, Weaknesses, and the Venereal Disorder, by which Persons. of both Sexes may cure themselves, with the greatest Secresy, and know if the Disorder be of a mild or malignant Na- ture. Veritas prevaleat. R. WALKER, M. D. To be had at the Patentee's Warehouse, the Bible and Crown, the upper End of. Fleet- Lane, opposite the Sessions House Gate, Old Bailey, London ; of Mr. Brown, in Christmas- Street, Bristol ; of C. Pope, and Comp. at their Office, in Stall- Street, Bath ; and of the Distributors of this Paper. At the Printing- Office in Stall- Street may be had, Curious Issue Plaisters, to stick with- out Filleting, at 1s. the Box. The Famous Blacking- Ball for Shoes, Price 1s. the large, and 6d. the small. Dr. Lowther's Antiscorbutic Powders, Six Doses for Three Shillings. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. 194 I. ] BATH, SEPTEMBER 10, 1761. To be Lett, And Enter d on Immediately, The HOUSE ADJOINING to The Spread - Eagle, in Avon- Street, And an Apartment in the next House. Also a TENEMENT in the COURT, Which is now free from all litigious Tenants. *** Enquire of WILLIAM TUCKER, Junior, Marnier and Brewer, in the same Street. This Day is published, Price ONE SHILLING, ( Being the most approved and most interesting Work respecting Literature in General, of any yet pub- lished, as it contains an impartial and entertaining Account of all New BOOKS and PAMPHLETS, as they are published in Great- Britain and Ireland, and also of the most considerable Works printed Abroad, in all Languages, and on all Subjects : With proper Abstracts of, or Extracts from, those that deserve particular Attention ; and impartial Characters of all the rest : to prevent Imposition from specious or fallacious Title- pages, & c.) The MONTHLY REVIEW: O R, Literary JOURNAL, for August, 1761. Being the Second Number of Vol. XXV. By a SOCIETY of GENTLEMEN. This NUMBER, contains, THE Modern Part of the Universal History, Vol. 29, 30.----- Batteux's Course of the Belles Lettres.----- Adventures of the Chevalier John Taylor.------ Essay on the Art of War.--------- The Principles and Practices of the Methodists farther considered.----- Taylor's Scripture Account of Prayer.------ Hill's Cautions against the immo- derate Use of Snuff.---- Farmer's Enquiry into the Nature and Design of Christ's Temptation in the Wilderness.----- Chambaud's French and English Dictionary.----- Langhorne, William, his Para- phrase of Isaiah.------ *****, John, his Hymn to Hope.----- Theory of Evidence.------- Detection of the false Reasons and Facts contained in the Five Letters, intitled, Reasons for keeping Guada- lupe, & c. ----- Candid Answer to a Pamphlet, Called, Reasons for keeping Guadalupe, & c.------ Meermanni Conspectus Originum Typographica- rum, & c.----- Candid, on All for the Best, Part z. ------- American Gazetteer.----- Thoughts on the Coronation, & c. ----- The Merchant's Lawyer.---- Annet's Short Hand perfected. ------- Complete His- tory of the War in India.------ Rider's English Dictionary.------ Gataker's Account of the Struc- ture of the Eye.------ For Christ or Antichrist.-------- Address to the Clergy of the Church of England. ------- Thoughts upon Deism. LONDON : Printed for R. GRIFFITHS, in the Strand. Sold also by Mr. Fleming, in Edinburgh ; Mr. Wilson, in Dublin ; Mr. Hinxman, in York ; Mr. Collins, in Salisbury ; Mr. Goadby, in Sher- borne ; Mr. Leake, in Bath ; and by all other Booksellers in Great- Britain and Ireland : Of whom may be had, COMPLETE SETS of this most Entertaining and Useful Body of UNIVERSAL LITERATURE from its Commencement in 1749, in 24. Volumes, or any single Month, at 1s. each.----- Also a Gene- ral INDEX to the first Twenty Volumes of the MONTHLY REVIEW ; being a compleat Ca- talogue of all new Publications for ten Years past ; with their Prices, and References to their Characters in the said Review. Sunday's Monday's and POSTS. *** Arriv'd a MAIL from HOLLAND. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Germany. HAMBURGH, Aug. 18. PRINCE of Prussia has detached from his Army in Saxony, General Stutterheim, with some Battalions, in order to reinforce Col. Belling, and M. Stutterheim is to have the Command against the Swedes. MAGDEROURG, Sept. 1. There are no direct Accounts from the King of Prussia since the 18th of August. Those we have from Glogau are very imperfect ; and Correspondence with Silesia grows daily more difficult and precarious. All we know of the Position of the Armies in Silesia is, that the King of Prussia had his Head- Quarters at Buntzelwitz, one German Mile South of Schweidnitz, and that the Austrian and Russian Armies extended from Jauer to Streigau and Freyberg. Sept. 3. We have received the following Ac- count from Colberg, dated the 28th past. The Russian Squadron, consisting of above 40 Sail has lain before this Place since the 24th, and the Day before began to cannonade and bombard us, but without Effect Some of their Bombs have in- deed fallen within the Place, but have done no The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. The RETURN. Mischief. The Fire of our Artillery has several Times forced them out to Sea. Yesterday the Swedish Squadron of fourteen Sail, two of which are Transport Ships, came likewise to Anchor over- against Kennekerhagen.------- From Three o'Clock this Morning to this Day at Noon, we have had no Firing from the Sea. Gen. Roman- zow has still his Head- Quarters between Quetzen and Degow. There are Skirmishes every Day between the Grand Guards and detached Parties on either Side, in which the Enemy has hitherto had the worst. Yesterday they lost a Major and some Cossacks, and had a great Number woun ded. On our Part 200 of General Warner's Horse, patroling on the Side of the Persante, were attacked in the Rear by the Cossacks, and same off with some Loss. DUSSELDORF, Sept. 2. The 30th of last Month a Body of the Allied Army attacked Dor- sten, where the Ovens of Prince Soubize's Army had been built some Time ago. M. Vierset, with the first Battalion of his Regiment, were all made Prisoners after a vigorous Resistance. Next Day the Light Troops of the Allied Army took 300 Waggons, a Number of Equipages, and the Pa- troles of French Horse that were along the Lippe. The King's Houshold Were to assemble the 1st at Burich, and it was said they were to pass the Rhine to keep open the Communication with Dorsten. Holland. HAGUE, Sept. 8. We have received no direct Advice from either of the Armies in Westphalia. Letters of the 4th from different Places in the Electorate of Hanover mention, that Prince Fer- dinand's Head- Quarters were at Buhne, and that Col. Freytag had, a few Days ago, had some Disadvantage near Osterode. M. Broglio's Army is said to continue in the same Position, between the Leine and the Weser. A Letter from Munster of the 5th, gives us an Account, that the Prince of Soubize had en- tirely raised the Blockade of that Place, and that the Hereditary Prince was arrived that Morning at Dulmen. It says likewise, that the French had abandoned Bentheim ; and that Detachments of the Hereditary Prince's Corps had been at that Town on the 4th, to take Possession of what the French had collected, and had intended to carry away. Our Advices from the Lower Rhine continue to represent the Army of Prince Soubize as in a continual Alarm ; and confirm, in Letters of the 1st and 4th of this Month, the Surprize of Dor- sten, with the Loss of a Battalion of Vierset's Regiment, and several Picquets ; and that the Artillery for a Siege, which had been ready to march from Wesel, had been countermanded upon that Account. A few Light Troops of the Hereditary Prince's Corps, having passed the Rhine, had spread a general Pannick through the Country, so that all the small walled Towns, where the French are, kept their Gates constantly shut. London. ST. JAMES'S, Sept. 3. This Evening the So- lemnity of his Majesty's Marriage, with her Se- rene Highness Princess Charlotte of Mecklen- burgh, was performed in the Chapel Royal, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Processions to and from the Chapel, were in the following Order : The Procession of the BRIDE. Drums and Trumpets---- the Serjeant's Trumpe- ter--- the Princess's Servants---- a Page---- a Quarter Waiter--- a Gentleman Usher between the two se- nior Heralds---- Vice- Chamberlain--- Maids of Ho- nour— Ladies of the Bed- Chamber, not Pecresses ---- Peeresses ----- unmarried Daughters of Peers---- the King's Vice- Chamberlain---- the King's Lord Chamberlain---- the BRIDE in her Nuptial Habit, supported by their Royal Highnesses the Duke of York and Prince William, her Train borne by ten unmarried Daughters of Dukes and Earls, viz. Lady Sarah Lenox, Lady Caroline Russel, Lady Ann Hamilton, Lady Elizabeth Ker, Lady Har- riot Bentinck, Lady Caroline Montagu, Lady Elizabeth Keppel, Lady Louisa Greville, Lady Elizabeth Harcourt, Lady Susan Strang ways. Her Serene Highness having been in this Man- ner conducted to the Chapel, the Lord- Chamber- lain and Vice- Chamberlain, with the two Heralds. returned to wait upon his Majesty. The KING'S Procession. Drums and Trumpets, as before----- the Knight Marshal ------ Pursuivants, and Heralds at Arms Knights of the Bath, not Peers, wearing their Collars---- Privy Councellors, not Peers ----- Comp- troller of the Houshold ---- Treasurer of the Hous- hold---- Barons--- Bishops------ Viscounts---- Earls---- the Lord Steward of the Houshold, being an Earl---- Marquisses Dukes ------ Norroy and Clareneeux, Kings of Arms---- two Serjeants at Arms---- Lord. Privy- Seal ----- Lord President ----- two Serjeants at Arms----- Lord Chancellor ----- Lord Archbishop of Canterbury---- Garter, principal King of Arms, with his white Rod, or Scepter, between two Gen- tlemen Ushers----- the Earl Marshal---- his Royal High- ness the Duke of Cumberland---- his Royal High- ness Prince Frederick---- his Royal Highness Prince Henry--- the Sword of State, borne by the Duke of Bedford, Knight of the Garter, in his Collar, between the Lord Chamberlain, and Vice- Cham- berlain---- the KING, wearing his Collar---- Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard---- Captain of the Life Guard---- Captain of the Band of Pensioners ---- the Gentlemen of the Bed- chamber in Waiting ---- two Grooms of the Bed- chamber--- Gentlemen Pensioners. Drums and Trumpets---- Serjeant Trumpeter---- the Queen's Servants---- a Page---- a Quarter Waiter ----- a Gentleman Usher between two Heralds---- Pursuivants and Heralds at Arms---- Knights of the Bath, not Peers---- Privy- Councilors, not Peers----- unmarried Daughters of Peers---- Peeresses---- Peers as before ---- Norroy and Clarenceux, Kings of Arms---- Lord Privy- Seal---- Lord President---- Lord Chancellor---- Lord Archbishop of Canterbury----- Garter, between two Gentlemen Ushers---- the Earl Marshal--- his Royal Highness the Duke of Cum- berland---- his Royal Highness Prince Frederick--- his Royal Highness Prince Henry---- the Sword of State, between the Lord Chamberlain and Vice- Chamberlain---- the KING---- the three Captains of the Guard--- the Gentlemen of the Bed- chamber in Waiting— Master of the Rolls---- two Grooms of the Bed- chamber---- the QUEEN, conducted by the Lord Chamberlain, and Vice- Chamberlain, supported by their Royal Highnesses the Duke of York and Prince William, her Train borne as before---- the Lady of her Majesty's Bed- chamber in Waiting— Maids of Houour---- Gentlemen Pen- sioners. [ In this Gazette is an Order for using the fol- lowing Form in the Prayers for the Royal Family in the Liturgy, Our Gracious Queen Charlotte, her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales, and alt the Royal Family.----- And another, forbidding Hackney Coach- men and Chairmen making any exorbitant Demands in their Fares on the Coro- nation Day. ] [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] London September 12. The Ball at St. James's on Wednesday Night was opened soon after Nine o'Clock, by his Royal Highness the Duke of York and Princess Augusta ; the Country Dances began about Eleven, and their Majesties withdrew loon after, and the Ball ended at One. It was the fullest and most bril- liant Court ever known. All the Bride- Maids to her Majesty appeared in white- bodice Coats, such as they wore at the Royal Wedding. Last Night the King and Queen supped with the Princess Dowager of Wales at Leicester- House. All the Nobility, Gentry, & c. that have been presented to the Queen, have had the Honour to kiss her Majesty's Hand. It is said, that for the Future his Majesty's Wedding- Day will be kept as a Holiday at all the Public Offices, and will be set down as a Red- letter- day in the next Year's Almanacks. It is also said, that after the Coronation, their Majesties will take a Tour to fee the Palaces at Kensington, Hampton- Court, and Windfor.— The Palace of Hampton- Court has lately been repaired, beautified, and new furnished. This Morning their Majesties set out for Kew in their Coach. We hear that their Royal Highnesses Prince William, and Prince Henry, will soon be created Dukes. There has been no Ball at St. James's but that on Wednesday, nor is there to be any more on this Occasion. We are informed that her Majesty throughout the whole of her Voyage had an uncommon Share of Health and Spirits, not being once Sea- sick, tho' most of her Attendants were very ill. A Rerson who went over to Mecklenburgh says, that the Ladies were dressed, when they paid their Compliments to her Majesty, as fine as those at our Court, excepting Jewels. The Queen's Apartments are those which her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia lately re- sided in. This Day at Two o'Clock the Queen was pro- claimed in this City, at the usual Places, amidst the Acclamations of a vast Concourse of People. Yesterday the Duke of Newcastle, the Right Hon. the Earl Talbot, and Mr. Secretary Pitt, severally gave grand Entertainments at their Houses, to many of the Nobility, foreign Mi- nisters, and other Persons of Distinction, on Oc- casion of the King's Marriage. We hear that the King and Queen assisted in- cognito at the Duke of Newcastle's Entertainment. The Report of one of the Queen's Brothers having attended her to England, was without Foundation. We hear from Harwich, that, upon her Majes- ty's coming into that Harbour, Mr. Roberts, one of their Representatives in Parliament, caused a neat Bonfire to be made upon the Shore, and dis- tributed several Barrels of strong Beer among the Populace. The next Day, as soon as her Majesty was seated in her Coach upon the Shore to set out for London, the same Gentleman, attended by the Mayor and Corporation, presented to her Majesty air Address of Congratulation upon her safe and happy Landing ; which her Majesty received with much Affability and Condescension. It has been remarked, that the Day of his present Majesty's Accession was the Anniversary of the Defeat of the French at the Battle of A- gincourt ; and that the same Day on which the Treaty of Marriage between his Majesty and his Royal Consort was signed at Strelitz, is marked with two Events in Favour of the Cause of Eng- land and its magnanimous Ally the King of Prus- sia, viz. the Capture of the Courageax Man of War, of 74 Gnns, by the Bellona, and the De- feat of a Body of 12,000 Austrians in Silesia. We hear that the last Sentiments of the French Court are, that if we will yield up Guadalupe, they will, in Lieu thereof, cede Louisiana to the Crown of Great- Britain ; and that in Ex- change for Belleiste, Minorca should be restored to us. 195 Others again say, that an Expedition to the West- Indies is much talked of ; and it is added, that it will join that from North- America. ' Tis said that John Morton, Esq. Member of Parliament for Abingdon, in Berks, or Eliab Harvey, Esq. will be appointed a Baron of the Exchequer, in the Room of Sir Richard Lloyd, deceased. Captain Cornelius Ronquest, of the Colonel Clive, arrived in the River from Jamaica, spoke with a Fleet of Spanish Men of War off Cuba, consisting of eight Ships of the Line, and several Transports, steering for the Bay of Honduras. A Letter from a Hanoverian Officer, dated the 29th says, that Prince Ferdinand was advanced to the Cascade within a Mile of Cassel, on which City he seemed to have some Designs ; and the French could not without Difficulty relieve it. Advices from Hanover say, that they were in- formed by Letters of good Credit from London, that a Cessation of Arms was on the Point of be- ing concluded ; that two essential Points were set- tled, namely, what relates to the King of Prussia, and the Places France is to keep in Germany during the Congress. Private Letters from Hanover advise that the Allies had begun to cannonade Munden ; and that the Count of Buckebourg was fortifying Ha- melen, as well as Hanover. The 25th ult. Prince Ferdinand sent a strong Reinforcement of Troops to the City of Hanover, and the next Day he arrived there in Person, where he dined with Baron Munchausen. After Dinner, the Prince, with all the superior Officers of that Garrison, went round that City upon the Walls, and examined the new Fortifications very strictly, and, the Day after, in the Morning, set out, accompanied by a great Number of Offi- cers of Distinction, on his Return to the Allied Army. Commissaries on the Part of the Republic of Poland have assembled at Thorn, in order to draw up an Estimate of the Damage the Country has suffered from the Ruffian Armies, and to solicit Satisfaction for the same. The last Letters from Hamburgh advise, that the Russians seemed to be preparing to besiege Breslau. The Corsicans have published a Minifesto, ad- dressed to all the Powers of Europe, setting forth that they will shed the last Drop of their Blood, rather than submit to the Genoese; to whose Yoke, if they should be reduced to the last Ekte- mity, they will prefer that of any other Power, who will continue to them their Fortunes and Privileges. A Gentleman of Credit informs us, who has it from the Collectors there, that the Island of Ma- rigalante, one of the Neutral Islands ( now in our Possession) though one of the least of the Carib- bees, and mostly uncultivated, has frequently produced 3oooBales of Cotton of 400lb. each, and which, according to the now felling Price of this Commodity, viz. 18s. per Pound, 16 90,000l. Sterling, and, when manufactur'd, will be worth three Times that Sum, 270,000l. per Ann. All the Scarlet Cloth at Westminster- Abbey it enriched with Crowns, Festoons, and other Orna- ments, in Papier Mache. The Gallery that is to be built for the Band of Music, and also the Fountain that is to run with Wine on the Day of his Majesty's Corona- tion, is begun, and is adjoining to the Pump in the Abbey Church- Yard. On Friday the Windsor Man of War sailed from Plymouth for the Straits. Last Tuesday arrived at Southampton five Transports, to take on board Corn and Hay, for the Use of the Horse on board the Expedition Fleet, which is expected to sail very soon. The Lords of the Admiralty have given the Command of the Blenheim Man of War of 90 Guns at Woolwich, to Capt. William Gordon. This Morning, about Four o'Clock, a dread- ful Fire broke out at the House of Messrs. Natha- niel and Robert Marks, Hatters, the Corner of Lawrence- Poulteney- Lane, Cannon- Street, which in a short Time consumed that and several others. Tuesday a Bricklayer, who had got upon a Scaffold at the Top of the Water- Works at Strat- ford by Bow, ( which is higher than four Stories) in order to see her Majesty pass by, fell and broke both his Legs, and died immediately. On feeing the King and Queen. WHEN the first Pair in Eden's Garden found The Sweets peculiar to that happy Ground, Then Virtue in its native State was seen In godlike ADAM and his charming Queen. Britannia, blest of Isles, in Plenty flows, A second Eden from its Commerce grows ; IN GEORGE and CHARLOTTE purest Virtues shine, And ev'ry Grace doth in their Form combine. 196 WHOEVER are inclin'd to become Adventurers in the PRESENT STATE LOTTERY, may be supply'd with TICKETS By William and Robert Clement, LINEN- DRAPERS, in Wade's- Passage, BATH. In this Lottery ( notwithstanding there are TWO Prizes of TEN THOUSAND POUNDS each, besides Thirty- eight other Capital ones) there are but very little more than FOUR Blanks to a Prize ! ( and no Prize of less Value than Twenty Pounds ! ) each Blank valued at six Pounds, which we buy, as also the Prizes, ( and likewise Blanks, or Prizes, of former Lotteries ; or we give in Exchange for them, Tickets, Shares or Chances, in the present Lottery) and give the most Money for either of them as soon as they are drawn. And in order to accommodate all those of this City, and its Neighbourhood, or others who resort hither, ( that please to favour us with their Commands) who don't like to risk all they intend to venture, on one Number, but rather chuse a Part, in several : We have therefore divided, a Variety of Tickets, into Shares, and Chances, such as, Halves, Quar- ters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, ( a single one of ei- ther Share, or Chance, any one Person, may be furnished with ; the Money arising from them, will be paid by us, as soon as they are drawn ; which we propose selling here, every Day, at the same Price as they are sold by the principal Brokers of Credit and Security, in London. The Price of Chances, Shares, and Tickets, this Day, are as follow ; The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. 30th, witz : his Prussian Majesty was still at Bunzel- The Austrians had quitted the Heights of Kuntzendorsf, and had taken Post nearer to the Prussian Army ; and at the same Time the Rus- sians had made a Motion to their Left, in order to approach the Austrians. From these Movements it was concluded, that they intended to attack his Prussian Majesty in his Intrenchments. [ Thus far the LONDON GAZETTE.] London, September 15. Letters from Bayonne, by this Day's Flan- ders Mail, tell us, that an English Squadron hath landed two thousand Men, to make themselves Masters of St. John de Luz, a French Sea Port on the Frontiers of Spain. Several Merchants at Hamburgh have received Letters giving an Account of the Death of the Czarina. If this is true, it cannot fail of pro- ducing a great Change in the Operations of the Russians. Some Letters by Yesterday's Dutch Mail ad- vise, that on the 29th ult. the King of Prussia gained a considerable Advantage over the Aus- trians near Lignitz, and took 1000 Prisoners.— British Chronicle. According to some Letters received by this Day's Mails, two certain neutral Courts are on the Point of declaring themselves, one in Favour of England, the other in Favour of France : Some Danish Regiments are arrived within five or six Leagues of Altena, in the Duchy of Hol- stein, where it is said an Army of Observation will be immediately formed. We hear that 4000 Troops are ordered directly to Portsmouth, to be sent with some others on a Secret Expedition. Sunday their Majesties and the Royal Family were at the Chapel- Royal at St. James's, and heard Divine Service and a Sermon there. At the Ball on Wednesday Night, it is com- puted there were not less than 2oo0 Persons of the first Distinction present. Yesterday, at One o'Clock, the Lord- Mayor, Aldermen, and Common- Council of this City, went up to wait on their Majesties at St. James's, to congratulate them on their happy Nuptials ; after which they waited on the Princess Dowager. They were received very graciously, and had the Honour of kissing their Majesties Hands. ' Tis computed there were upwards of 300 Coaches. As the Citizens of London were coming out from his Majesty, the Duke of Newcastle, Chan- cellor, the Earl of Hardwicke, High Steward, the Vice Chancellor, Heads of Houses, several of the Nobility who were or had been Members of the University of Cambridge, with the Profes- sors and Doctors of the several Faculties, waited severally on the King, Queen, and Princess Dow- ager of Wales, with their Addresses, which were all graciously received. This Day's London Gazette mentions, that his Majesty was pleased to return the following most gracious Answer to the City of London's Address. —" I thank you most heartily for your dutiful and affectionate Address. This fresh Mark of your Attachment to my Person, and particularly the warm Sentiments of Joy and Satisfaction which you express at the happy Choice I have made of a Queen for my Consort, are most pleasing to me. The City of London may always depend Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. Arriv'd the Mails from Holland and FIanders. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Germany. far from Being satisfactory. The Court begin to despair of having any Thing decisive done in Silesia, and see as little Probability of reducing Colberg. The last Advices from Silesia are dated the 1ft of September, all Things then remaining pretty much as they were. The Russian Array is en- tirely supported from the Austrian Magazine, and must be so, as they are so far from their own.— It seems to be resolved to undertake either the Siege of Breslau or Schweidnitz, and Major- Ge- neral Botta has been sent to Vienna that the Court may decide. Count Kielmansegg hath cleared Westphalia again of the different Parties of French, which had made Excursions as far as Embden, and obliged them to retire from Bentheim, Osnabrug, & c. & c. Marshal Broglio having received Intelligence of Prince Ferdinand's suddenly turning off towards Hesse, in order to destroy the grand French Ma- gazines at Gottingen and Cassel, hastily broke up his Camp near Eimbeck, and returned with the utmost Precipitation towards Gottingen. They work Night and Day to Surround the City of Hanover with a strong Fortification ; for which Purpose they have been obliged to destroy a great Number of fine Gardens in the Neigh- bourhood. The Secretary of the Austrian Minister at Na- ples has been taken into Custody, and Sent a Prisoner on board a Vessel to Leghorn. It was found that he discovered all he knew of the Em- press's Designs, to one of the Powers at War with her. Letters from Constantinople, of the 1st of August, import, that Mr. Rexin, Minister from Prussia, about eight Days after the Festival of Bairani, had his second Audience of the Grand Vizir ; when the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the Sultan and the King of Prussia, was ratified and exchanged ; and at the same Time Mr. Rexin assumed the Character of Envoy Ex- traordinary from his Prussian Majesty, and in that Quality delivered his Credentials and the Presents from his Royal Master, which were reckoned very curious and valuable. The French King's Council of State have given the Jesuits Leave to borrow Three Millions to pay the Bills of Exchange drawn by Father Lavalette ; but this Money must be borrowed of Foreigners. On the 14th Inst. a dreadful Fire happened in the Dead of Night at Ville- Sur- Arce, a small Village in France, which consumed 45 Houses. Several People perished in the Flames, as well as 200 Head of Cattle : The Harvest they had got in, and a great Quantity of Wines, have also been destroyed, and the poor Inhabitants were reduced to the extremest Degree of Misery. MARMAGES. Thomas Brigstock, Esq. to Mrs. Davies, Widow of Richard Davies, Esq.---- Warden Flood, Esq. Coursellor at Law, at Cork in Ireland, to Miss Ann Donovan, of the same Place.— Dr. Newton, Prebendary of Westminster, to Mrs. Hand. DEATHS. On his Return from the Northern Circuit, Sir Richard Lloyd, one of the Barons of his Majesty's Exchequer. Sir Charles Chalmers, Captain in the Royal Regiment of HAMBURGH, Sept. 4. CCORDING to a Letter of the 28th past, received here Yesterday from Glogau, the King of Prussia was expecting every Day to be attacked by the united Forces of Austria and Russia. We hear from Saxony, that the Body detached By Prince Henry of Prussia, to oppose the Progress of the Swedish Army in Pomerania, consisted of 4000 Men ; and that his Royal Highness had sent likewise 1000 Men to garrison the Town of Wolsenbuttel. DUSSELDORFF, Sept. 8. The Taking of Dorsteu has determined the Prince of Soubise to retire towards Wesel, after having detached M. de Vogue, with a large Body, to oblige the Allies to quit Dorsten. The French Army marched the 4th to Holterhausen, and passed the Lippe the 5th, on three Bridges, near Dorsten ; and the same Evening the Army encamped at Westerbolt. PASSAU, Aug. 30. Cardinal Lamberg, Bishop of this City, died here this Day in the 81st Year of his Age, by which there are 11 vacant Hats in the College of Cardinals. turn to their Winter Quarters about the End of September ; that the only Way, therefore, to avoid losing the Fruits of this Campaign would be for the two Armies to act in Concert whilst the Season would permit, and lay Siege to different Places at once, to oblige his Prussian Majesty to march out of his Entrenchments to their Relief. Landohn further adds, that it would be pro- per to write to the Court of Stockholm to cause their Army, tho' weak, to act with Vigour, as in the present Circumstances it might do much ; and concludes with hinting, that he suspected there was still such another Traitor as Tottleben, in the Russian Army." Last Night, about Eight o'Clock, a Fire broke out in a Tobacco Warc house belonging to Mr. Shipton and Co. at the Three- Cranes, the Bot- tom of Queen- street, Cheap side, which was en- tirely consumed, with several Houses adjoining.— A Mer, by jumping out of a Window, was kil- led on the Spit; and a Lighterman, by the falling of a Part of a Wall, had bis Scull split, and both his Arms and Legs broke. on my unceasing Care for their Welfare and Prosperity." The Queen's Answer :—" I thank you for your kind Congratulation, so full of Duty to the King, and Affection to me. My warmest Wishes will ever attend this great City." Her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales's Answer :—" My Lord and Gentlemen, I return you my hearty Thanks for your kind Congratulations. So lively a Proof of your Af- fection greatly increases the Joy I feel on this most happy Event." Last Night their Majesties, with most of the Royal Family, went to Drury- Lane Play- house, to see the Rehearsal. Their Majesties went in Chairs, and the rest of the Royal Family in Coaches, attended by the Horse- Guards, and the principal Officers of State. Never was seen so brilliant a House, the Ladies being mostly dressed in the Cloaths and Jewels they wore at the Royal Mar- riage. There was a Deal of Mischief done at the Doors the House ; several genteel Women had their Cloaks, Caps, Aprons, Handkerchiefs, & c. all torn off. Thursday next there will be a Rehearsal at Vauxhall of the Coronation Music. The Bounties and Rewards to Seamen volun- tarily entering themselves to serve in his Majesty's ; Royal Navy, are exteuded by his Majesty's Order in Council to the 31st Day of October next. Sir James Lowther, we are told, will shortly be created a Peer of Great- Britain, by the Style and Title of Earl of Whitehaven, Viscount Lons- iale, and Baron Lowther. Several curious Presents are getting ready by Order of his Majesty, which are to be sent by the Hon. Mr. Grenville to the Grand Signior, to whom he is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary. Letters from France advise, that Marshal Brog. lio hath received full Powers to act as he shall see Occasion. They are still perswaded at the Hague, that a Peace is very near concluded. They talk with an Air of Certainty, of Indemnifications, Secu- larizations, and reciprocal Restitutions. But ' till we have better Authority, we shall scarce believe that they know more of the Matter than we. If we may depend upon private Letters from Petersburgh, the Dispatches from the Army are Artillery , at the late Siege of Pondicherry.------ Dame Margaret Scott, Relict of Sir David Mur- ray, of Stanhope, Bart. Thomas Buchan, of Cairbulge, in Scotland, Esq. Advocate.—— Mr. Isacc Thornton, aged 102, reckoned the oldest Shoe- maker in England. BANKRUPTS. Frederick de Chevrigny, of Fenchurch- Street, Sugar- Broker.— John Camp- bell, of Coleman- Street, Merchant. William Yates, of Newcastle under Line, Malster. Letters from Paris of the 4th Instant, say, that the French King had sent a Letter to the Parlia- ment, commanding it, to defer the Judgment of that Court against the Society of Jesuits for 12 Months. [ VOL. I. ] Bath, September 17, Arriv'd here, Gen. Honeywood, Col. Elliot and Lady, Hon. Mr. Finch and Lady, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, Mr. Mrs. Woolly, Mr. and Mrs. Blackmore, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Travell, Mr. and Mrs. White, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Langford, Mr, Henerick, Mr. Langley, Mr. Ryvevorsel, Mr. Jones, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Gee, Mrs. Si- mons, Mrs. Pauditch, Mrs. Talbot, Mrs. Bul- 0 lock, Mrs. Worth, Mrs. Bramstone, Mrs. Por- dage, Mrs. Page, Miss Bullock, Miss Lisle, Miss Simons, & c. & c. We hear that on Tuesday next, being the Day appointed for the solemnizing the Coronation of our present most gracious Majesty, and his Royal Consort, there will be an Ox roasted whole in the Market- Place, of 2ol. Price : The Mayor, Al- dermen, and Common- Council, ( accompanied by the several Trades with their Colours flying) are to walk in Procession to the Abbey- Church, where a Sermon on the Occasion will be preached by the Rector. In the Evening there will be a Ball at Mr. Wiltshire's Rooms, ( given by the Corporation) to which the Strangers residing here, and principal Inhabitants, will be invited. The Corporation will assemble at the Guildhall, which wilt be illuminated, as likewise the whole City. We hear from Gloucester, that his Grace the Duke of Beaufort hath ordered Venison to be dis- tributed to the principal Inns in that City, for the better Entertainment of the Company which shall meet to celebrate the Coronation Day ; and great Preparations are making for the Solemniza- tion of it by a grand and elegant Procession and every other Demonstration of Joy. It is said, that the Music in the Cathedral will consist of Purccl's Te Deum, a Coronation Anthem of Dr. Green's, and another of Mr. Handel's. We are credibly informed, that there will be a Collection on the Coronation- Day at Glouces- ter, for portioning young Women of virtuous Characters in Marriage, as a Compliment to his Majesty. Forty Guineas have been already col- lected for this laudable Purpose. There Were great Rejoicings at Bristol on Thursday last, on receiving the News of the Ar- rival of the Queen, and intended Consummation of their Majesties Nuptials : And the greatest Preparations ever known in that City, are now making for celebrating the Day of their Majes- ties Coronation in the most Splendid Manner. From a great Number of Places in the Circuit of this Paper, we are inform'd of vast Prepara- tions making, in order to celebrate the Corona- tion of his Majesty on Tuesday next. At Brad- ford, ( besides a grand Ball for the Ladies, & c.) there will be an Ox roasted whole for the Popu- lace, and large Quantities of Beer distributed. Sunday last the Town of Chippenham was greatly alarmed by the Cry of Fire, during the Time of Divine Service : The Thatch of a House had by some Accident taught Fire, and & 7liuhit with great Fury ; but it was happily extinguish'd without doing much Damage. Last Week John Stone, of Chippenham, in the County of Wilts, Esq. was married to Miss Wilkins, only Daughter of Cann Wilkins, Esq. of St. George's in this County. Last Week died, the Rev. Mr. William Joy, of Milton in Wilts : He was an excellent Preacher. Also, Mr. John Canning, a Farmer, who ac- quired, in a very few Years, a Fortune of 15,000l. with a fair Character. Yesterday se'nnight died, the Rev. Mr. David Jones, of Little Bedwin in the County of Wilts, At Devizes Market last Week, Wheat sold from 26s. to 33s. per Quarter. Barley 16s. to 17s. Oats 14s. 6d. to 16s. Beans 23s. to 26s. Pease from 21s. to 24s. , . Bristol, September 16. Arriv'd at the HOT- WELLS, Captain Osborne, Mr. Faulleteau, Mr. Wright, Mr. Williams, Mr. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. St. Quintin, Mr. and Mrs. Julus, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Janson, Mr. and Mrs. Marwood, Mrs. Dol- liffe, & c. & c. Came in since our last, The Arundel, Lovering, from Cork ; the Nightingale, Wells, from Dub- lin ; the Good Intent, Durham, from ditro ; and the New Swallow, Gardiner, from Boston. Arriv'd, At Newfoundland, the Delight, Som- mers, and at Angola, the Sally, Gordon, both from this Port ; at Africa, the Phoenix, Ander- son ; at Newfoundland, the Sisters, Brownett, and at Boston, the William and Mary, South- cott, both from this Port. Thursday the Gentlemen of the County of So- merset my their President on the Exchange, and walk'd in Procession to St. Mary- Redcliff- Church ; after hearing Divine Service and a Sermon, they proceeded to the Assembly- Room in Princess- street to Dinner.— The Collection for apprenticing poor Boys amounted to 130I. 1s.— Mr. Fowles, Baker, in Bars- Lane ; St. James's, was chosen President for the Year ensuing. Monday Evening two Men working in a Sand Pit at Lower- Easton, near this City, the Ground falling in upon them, one was so bruised that he died in about three Hours after, and ' tis thought the other cannot recover. Wednesday one Thomas Carpenter, a Jour- neyman Carpenter, dropp'd down dead in the Old Market. Tuesday Morning a Child neatly dress'd was found hanging in a Basket at a Gentleman's Door at Wapping. CÆLIA: A SONG. I. WHEN first the East begins to dawn, And Nature's Beauties rise, The Lark assumes her Mattins sweet, And Seeks the yielding Skies. The rosy Light, that glads her Muse, Dear to her Breast must be ; But not so dear, my Fair One knows, As CÆLIA is to me. II. In yonder Tree two Turtles bill, Whole sweet alternate Notes In pretty Songs of Love prolong The Music of their Throats. Dear to the Lover's flutt'ring Breasts The Fair One's Note must be ; But not so dear the thousandth Part, As CÆLIA is to me. III. A mourning Bird, in plaintive Mood, Robb'd of her callow Young, In yonder Grove observ'd her Nest, And still her Woes she sung. No feather'd Warbler of the Wood More sorrowful could be ! But I far greater Woes must share, Was CÆLIA torn from me. IV. These fading Roses late I pluck'd, In yon sweet breathing Vale ; How soon their blooming Pride is lost ! How Soon the Red grows pale ! An Emblem of my Love they bear, Which quickly she can see ; For I like them should pine and die, Was CÆLIA torn from me. l. s. d. l. 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