The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co
Volume Number: I
Issue Number: 41
No Pages: 4
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Date of Article: 23/07/1761
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: I
Issue Number: 41
No Pages: 4
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[ No .41.] Weekly THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1761. MORAL SENTENCES, From various AUTHORS. 1. ALL Men have some chief Aim superior to all others; the comparing of which is the great Employment of their Thoughts, and Labour of their Souls : Other Designs being car- ried on only leisurely and accidentally, without any great Concern ; the Soul being entirely bent upon the Success of that which it has made Choice of as its grand Business and Satisfaction. That of the Ambitious Man, is Power; that of the Voluptuary, is sensual Pleasure ; that of the Co- vetous Man, is the Encrease of his Wealth ; but that of the Wise Man, is
the Encrease of his Vir- tue : He looks upon the World as the Stage, where he is placed by the great Creator, to act his Part ; and upon Life, as the Time allowed to aft it in : He is diligently careful of all his Ac- tions and Behaviour, knowing that his Fate de- pends upon his Performances : He values not the Hillings or Applauses of the inconstant ignorant Multitude, but is most industriously solicitous to obtain the Approbation of the Almighty Spectator. 2. Quarrel not rashly with Adversities, not yet understood ; and overlook hot the Mercies often bound up in them: For we consider not sufficiently the Good of Evils, nor fairly com pute the Mercies of Providence in Things af- flictive at first Hand. 3. When thou lookest up the Imperfections of others, allow one Eye for what is laudable is them. 4. In order to pass a right and just Judgment in any Cafe whatsoever, it is necessary to have un- biassed Affections : How then can a Man capti- vated and inflamed with the Love of sensual Pica- fores, be capable of giving an impartial Judg- ment between God and the World ? Or how is a Man, with Affections enslaved by Vice, fit to judge between that and Virtue ? And yet Men, thus incapacitated to be Judges in these Cases, are often very confidently palling
Sentence ; and what is worse, too many seemingly unconcerned Spectators, are apt to be persuaded by them that their Judgment is equitable. 5. Desires and Appetites were not given us out of Tyranny, but with Intention doubly kind ; as a Means both of Pleasure and Virtue, if gra- tified and restrained as Religion directs. 6. Birth, Education, and Abundance, are great Blessings ; but, abused by Pleasure into Mo- tives and Instruments of Indulgence, Birth is more ignoble than Obscurity, Knowledge is more pernicious than Ignorance, and Abundance more a Misfortune than Want. 7. Prayer, unaccompanied with a fervent Love of
God, is like a Lamp unlighted ; the Words of the one, without Love, is as unprofi- table as the Oil and Cotton of the other without Flame. 8. Be charitable before Wealth make thee covetous, and lose not the Glory of the Mite. If Riches encrease, let thy Mind hold Pace with them ; and think it not enough to be liberal, but munificent. 9. The best Means of arriving at the true Pleasures of the Body, is to preserve and culti- vate the Powers of the Soul. 10. All Mortals have a Detestation for one who forgets a Kindness, every one looking upon, himself as injured by such a Discouragement of Bounty. 11. Let whatever appears to be the
best, be to you an inviolable Law. 12. If you would be well spoken of, learn to speak well of others. [ To be Continu'd occasionally.] Cautions against the immoderate Use of SNUFF. By Dr. HILL. [ From a Pamphlet just publish'd.] THE Doctor endeavours to prove, that Snuff, by corroding the Nerves of the Nostrils, impairs, and often destroys the Sense of Smel- ling ; that falling into the Mouth, the Saliva be- comes tinctured by it, and the Acrimony of the Tobacco so much injures the Nerves of the Tongue, that the Flavour of fruits and the more delicate Foods cannot bc perceived ; that some of the Fluid which the Glands of the
Nose naturally discharge, will be drawn, tinctured by Snuff, with the Saliva of the Mouth into the Stomach, and, Tobacco being a Narcotic, will bring on all the Mischiefs that attend a bad Digestion ; that the Oesophagus, the Passage from the Mouth to the Stomach, while it receives the Virtues of the Saliva impregnated with Snuff, may at some Time retain a Portion of it, which by irritating the Nerves will occasion an Inflammation that no Hand can reach : That the Acrimony of Snuff is able to produce in those Parts with which it comes in Contact, dangerous Swellings, and Ex- crescences : and that there is great Reason to be lieve that Polypusses in the Nose are occasioned by Snuff. The Author relates the Case of a Per- son who took a great Deal of Snuff, and died fa- mished, a Disorder in the Throat hindering his swallowing. On opening his Body, there was found a Polypus in his Throat which silled up the whole Passage. The Doctor endeavours farther to shew, that Snuff, by causing Indigestion, lays a Foundation for the worst Disorders : Hence immediately arise Wind, Yawning, Belching, and continual Sick- ness and Vomiting ; and that if it reduces Cor- pulence, it is by spoiling the Digestion. He adds, that in some Persons it evidently dulls the
Appre- hension, and by a long Course brings on Stupi- dity, and, as it were, a Lethargy of the Mind ; and that if any should object that Snuff assists, instead of impairing the Imagination, its Effects in quickening the Imagination, if true, is like that of a Glass of Spirituous Liquors in giving Chearfulness, it is a false Fire in both ; it is most perceived by those who are lead accustomed to it ; and Use wears it off. The Pious SAILOR : A Sacred ODE, THE Man whose Heart from Vice is clear, Whose Deeds are honest, true, sincere, Whom GOD and Virtue guide ; With cautious Circumspection wife, The dang'rous Wrecks of Life defies,
And stems the mighty Tide. He hears the Storm of Fortune rise, In adverse Combat ' midst the Skies, But hears without Dismay ; His Pilot, GOD, the Vessel guides, And o'er the steady Helm presides, And points the distant Way. In vain the Syrens tune their Song, With treacherous Music's luring Tongue ; He still maintains his Road : In vain they glance their beck'ning Guiles, Destructive Charms, and wanton Wiles, His Soul is fix'd on— GOD. At length he views the promis'd Land, And hails aloud the wish'd- for Strand ; With heav'nly Joy possess'd : And ' midst the Plenty of his Store, ( His Labour past, his Toil no more) Enjoys
the Port of Rest. The Cheats of GAMING discovered, and fairly set to View. GAMING is an inchanting Witchery, begot ' twixt Idleness and Avarice, and has this Property above all other Vices, that it renders a Man incapable of prosecuting any serious Action, and makes him unsatisfied with his own Condition , he is either lifted up to the Top of mad Joy with Success, or plunged to the Bottom of Despair by Misfortune ; always in Extreams, always in a Storm.— Blaspheming, Drunkenness, and ear- ing, are so familiar to Gamesters, that Civilly is accounted a Vice. HANNIBAL said of MARCELLUS, that he could not be quiet
neither Conqueror nor ' Con- quered. Thus ( such is the Itch of Play) Game- sters neither winning nor losing can test satisfied ; if they win, they think to encrease their Win- nings ; if they lose, they hope to recover what they have lost. One propounded this Question, Whether Men in Ships at Sea were to be accounted amongst the Living or the Load, because there were bus sew Inches betwixt them and Drowning ? The same Query may be made of great Gamesters, though their Estate be ever so considerable, Whether they are to be considered poor or rich, sincc there are but few Casts between a Person of Fortune ( in that
Circumstance) and a Beggar ? Most Gamesters begin at small Games, and, by Degrees, if their Money or Estates hold out, they rise to great Sums ; some have played away all their Money first, then their Rings, Coach and Horses, even their Wearing- Cloaths and Pe- rukes, then a Farm, and at last perhaps a Lord- ship, & c. It is recorded in History, that Sir Miles Par- tridge play'd at Dice with King Henry the Eighth for Jesus Bells, so called, which were the greatest in England, and hung in the Tower of St. Paul's Church, and won them ; whereby he brought them to ring in his Pocket ; but the Ropes afterwards catched about
his Necky for in Edward the Sixth's Days he was hanged for some criminal Offences. It is not denied but most Gamesters have, at one Time or other, a considerable Run of Win- nsng ; but ( such is the Infatuation of Play) I could never hear of a Man that gave over a Win- ner ; I mean to give it over so as never to play again : For, if you once break Bulk, as they phrase it, you are in again for all. If a Man has a competent Estate of his own, and plays whether himself or another shall pos- sess it, ' tis extreme Folly : If his Estate be small, then to hazard the Lot's even of that, and reduce himself to absolute Beggary, is direct
Madness : Betides, it has generally been observed, that the Loss of One Hundred Pounds shall do you more Prejudice, in disquieting your Mind, than the Gain of Five Hundred Pounds shall do you Good, were you sure to keep it. In a Word,— this Course of Life shall afford you so many Affronts, and such a Number of Vexations, as shall in Time convert both your Soul and Body into Anguish ; and Anguish in some has turned into Madness. Thus one B*** a young Fellow, not long since, had by strange Fortune run up a very small Sum to Fifteen Hun- dred Pounds, and put himself into a Garb accor- dingly ; could not give over,
play'd on, Fortune turned, lost it all, run mad, and so died. Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. [*** No FOREIGN MAIL arriv'a. ] Country- Intelligence. SALISBURY, July 13. T our Assize which ended on Wed- nesday, Mary Jefferies, for murdering her Bastard Child ; and Rericee L'Oi- sceau, for assaulting and robbing Thomas Dymock of his Hat, were both found guilty, and received Sentence of Death.— Mary Jefferies was executed on Wed- nesday, and her Body, pursuant to her Sentence, was given to the Surgeons to be anatomised. Just before she was brought out of Prison, she confessed her Crime, but laid great Blame upon
others, by. whom she declared to the last she was over- per- suaded to commit it. George King, on Suspicion of murdering his Wife at Start, near Devizes, was not tried, but ordered to remain ' till next Assizes. EXETER, July 13. Wednesday last Samuel Wish was executed for the wilful Murder of his Wife. He behaved in a very penitent Manner. HONOUR. HONOUR is but an Itch in youthful Blood, Of doing Acts extravagantly good : We call that Virtue, which is only Heat, That reigns in Youth, ' till Age finds out the Cheat. London, July 16. Yesterday the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, and Committee of the Common- Council, went in
Procession from the Mansion- House, followed by the Committee of the Grocers Company, to Sa- ville- House, and presented the Freedom of this City ( in a Gold Box of curious Workmanship) to his Royal Highness the Duke of York ; who, upon his receiving the same, spoke as follows : My Lord and Gentlemen,— It is with Pleasure I receive this Compliment from the Lord Mayor, Al- dermen, and Common- Council of London, as a fresh Instance of their Duty to the King, and as a distin- guishing Mark of their Attention to me. I shall think myself happy in an Opportunity of shewing my Re- gard 10 the City of London, and in
promoting its Trade and Prosperity ; and I shall always exert my best Endeavours in that Profession to which I be- long, and which is so essentially connected with the Reputation aud Independence of this Commercial Country." It is necessary that every Person should be free of some Company of this City, previous to his being admitted to the Freedom ; therefore his Royal Highness was pleased to accept of the Free- dom of the Grocer's Company, which was pre- sented in a Gold Box of One Hundred Guineas Value : On the Receipt of which he addressed himself to the Company in the following Manner : Gentlemen,— I
receive with Pleasure the Freedom of the Grocers Company, as an Instance of their Duty to the King, and as a distinguishing Mark of their Attention to me ; and I shall always be happy in any Opportunity of shewing them my Regard. They were all received in a very polite and obliging Manner, and had the Honour to kiss his Royal Highnes's Hand. After which the Committee from the Court of Common- Council, as also that from the Grocers Company, returned in Procession to the Mansion- House, where they were elegantly entertained at Dinner by the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor. Yesterday his Majesty and the Duke of Devon shire went to look over the Apartments at Ken- sington, where it is said his Majesty will go and reside, ' till St. James's is put in proper Repair. The late Queen Caroline's Apartment at St, James's, is repairing and beautifying. Sir William Boothby, Bart, is appointed Master of the Horse to his Royal Highness the Duke of York, and very shortly will accompany his High- ness on a Tour to several Parts of the Kingdom. *** ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, if short ; longer Ones in Proportion----- The BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE is circulated in
London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater, Wells, Shepton- Mallet, Bruton, Frome, Gloucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury, Wotton- under- edge, Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Hereford, Worcester, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford, Abingdon, Hungerford, Newbury, Reading, Salisbury, Heitsbury, Warminster, Westbury, Lavington, Bradford, Trowbridge, Melksham, Devizes, Corsham, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Doichester, Blandford, Shaftsbury, Pool, Weymouth, Sherborne, & c. & c at the Post- Offices of most of which Places,
Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise by the Newsmen.-------- No Letters received, unless POST - PAI.------- At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had, all Sorts of PATENT MEDICINES, & c. [ 161 ] . I.] A N D [ Price TWO- PENCE HALFPENNY. ] Printed and publish'd by C. POPE, and C°. at the Printing- Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. [ The above C. POPE serv'd his Apprenticeship with the late Mr. BODDELY, and has had the sole Management of the Bath
Journal for these last five Tears.]
162 Two grand Councils were held on Tuesday last on Affairs of Importance. Expresses have been issued from the Admiralty to all our Sea Ports, the Downs, Portsmouth and Plymouth in particular ; but upon what Occasion is not known. An Express has lately been received from Mr. Stanly, our Minister at the Court of France, which it is reported brings no Particulars likely to pro- cure a speedy Peace. The much wish'd- for Object, Peace, is, in the Opinion of many, not so near as was some Time ago hoped, our Ministry wifely determining to secure as much as possible the Conquests we have gained ; which the French want to
have given up, and on Refusal thereof, talk of invading, us ; for which Purpose, it is said, they have collected a Number of Forces, flat- bottom'd Boats, & c. & c. at Dunkirk, and their other Ports. ' Yesterday the Subscribers to the 6oo, oool. to be raised by Lottery, made good the fourth and last Payment of 30 per Cent, on the said Capital. We hear that three new Regiments of Dragoons are to be raised forthwith.------- Also, that Or- ders are issued out to raise Forty new Independent Companies. By a private Letter from Belleisle we are infor- med, that the whole Number of French Troops in the Citadel when it was invested, wis
2600 ; whereof 922 were killed, wounded or made Pri- soners, during that Siege ; the remaining 1678 have embark'd for France. By an Article of the Capitulation of Fort Pa- lais at Belleisle, it is plain they had some Regard to the Fishery ; and by some Persons arrived from thence, we are- assured, that they have as great a Fishery for Pilchards, as they have at the Land's End of England ; which they used to send up the Straits, and to other Places. They write from Berlin, of the 2d Inst. that they are fortifying that City, and all the Passes leading ; thereto, with great Speed ; and all the Male Inhabitants, from 18 to 6o Years of
Age, are. armed, being in Fear of another Visit from the Russian or Austrian Troops, 01 from both, a- gainst whom they are determined to defend their Country to the utmost. Letters from Berlin, of the 4th Inst. mention, that great News, was expected there very soon from Silesia ; and that Gen. Ziethen ( who commands the Army of the late Gen. Goltze, deceased) will certainly give, the Russians a Blow upon the Frontiers of Poland, before they get into Silesia. Letters from Mecklenburgh- Schwerin, of the 4th Instant, say, that the Prussians were prepa- ring to evacuate that Dutchy, Colonel Belling having assembled all his
Troops which were in that Country raising Contributions. They write from Stockholm, of the 26th ult. that a terrible Fire broke out the 20th at Fabian Town in Dalecarlia, which reduced the greatest Part of it to Ashes. They write from Warsaw, that the Instructions of the King of Poland's Ministers at the Congress will be, to insist 011 an Indemnification for all the Damages Saxony has sustained from the King of Prussia. From the same Quarter we are told, that the Empress of Russia will never change her Resolution of procuring for herself and her Allies an Indem- nification for the immense Expences incurred by the present War.
Letters from Naples of the 13th ult. say, that the grand Spanish Fleet would certainly put to Sea the Beginning of July, precisely at the Time fixed for opening the Congress of Augsbourg.— But what they would insinuate from thence, we know not. Letters from Vienna mention the intercepting of 32 Waggons laden with Oats, and the de- stroying of 20 Boats full of Grain and Forage, which the Prussians were transporting from Cosel to Brieg. A Letter from Hamburg, dated June 29, says " The News is revived of the Danish Troops en- camping in the Dutchy of Holstein under the Command of the Count de St. Germain. The
Diligence with which the Danish Officers and others in the Service of that Court are raising Recruits in this City and at Altena, and the ad- jacent Places, puzzles us much : The System of the Danish Court is a Mystery which Time alone can unravel.'' It is confidently said, by those who pretend to be well informed, that instead of the Danish Troops entering into the Service of France, the King their Master hath caused it to be declared to the King of Prussia, that in Case the Success of his Arms should not answer his Expectation, he might take into his Pay 30,000 Danes, well disciplined, to help to turn the Scale. It is added, that M.
de Chemmelmann, a Privy Counsellor of the King of Prussia, who hath made an immense Fortune this War, is just gone to Copenhagen to settle the Subsidy that is to be paid to Denmark. A Letter from Wesel, dated June 29, says, " We are at the Eve of a Battle, between the Prince de Soubise and the Allies ; the Issue of which can scarce be favourable to that Prince, if he be not seconded by the Marshal de Broglio, who would not be sorry, any more than certain other General Officers, that he should be beat." Capt. Banning, late of the Schooner Friendship, of Maryland, writes from Martinico, April 23, that he was taken on his
Passage t0 Barbadoes, and sent in there, the 16th of that Month : That a Privateer Brig was then fitting out, designed for that Coast : That two of our Men of War had appeared off St. Pierre's, one as a Flag of Truce, and sent in her Boats with the Prisoners, which were detained, on Pretence that the was cruising with the other Man of War, who had taken a Ship going in there : And that they expected the En- glish Fleet daily, and were making what Prepara- tions they could against an Attack, JULY 9, 1761. The BATH and BRISTOL Flying Stage Post- Chaises, SET out from the White- Hart in Stall- Street, BATH, every Morning ;
one at Eight o'Clock, other at Ten ; and put up at the White Lion Broad- Street, BRISTOL:— Will set out from thence every Evening, one at Four o'Clock, the other at Six.— To carry Passengers at 2s. 6d. each. There will also One let out every Morning from the said White- Lion in Bristol, at Eight o'Clock, or Ten, if required ; which goes to the aforesaid White- Hart, . and returns again from thence every Evening at Four, or Six. These Chaises will carry only two Passen- gers each, unless a third should be agreeable to the Company. And the MACHINE, ( Carrying only Four Passengers) Which sets out from the White- Hart in
Stall- Street, Bath, every Morning at Nine o'Clock, and returns from the White- Hart in Broad- Street, Bristol, every Evening at Three, Will carry Passengers at 2s. each, From the Date of this Advertisement. This Day was publish'd ( Price THREE SHILLINGS Bound) THE School - Master's Repository : OR, Youth's Moral Preceptor. Containing a select Store of curious Sentences and Maxims, in Prose and Verse : Together with the greatest Variety of Copies, in single and dou- ble Line Pieces, hitherto published. Designed more particularly for the Use of Schools : Being very proper for forming the Minds of all young Persons to
Piety and Virtue, and laying a solid Foundation whereon to build their future Hap- piness. The whole interspersed with a great Number of Directions, Counsels, and Cautions, or the prudent Management of Affairs in com- mon Life. By JOHN TAPNER, School- Master, At BOXGROVE, Sussex. LONDON : Printed for J. SCOTT, at the Black- Swan, in Pater- noster- Row. Where may be had, Price hound 1s. 6d. The LAW Memorandum- Book, for the Year 1761. Particularly adapted to the Use of the Gentle- men of that Profession, and very serviceable f all Persons who have any Concern or Connection with the Laws of England.
To which are added, Lists of the Courts and Offices of Law ; with the Sheriffs, Under- Sheriffs, and Agents, of all the Counties, Cities, and Towns, in England and Wales, with the Places of their Abode. For Sale by AUCTION, At the Exchange- Coffee- House, Bristol, On MONDAY, the 27th of JULY Inst. be- tween the Hours of Twelve and Two, Four Messuages or Tenements With a Tan- Yard in good Repair, Capable of great Improvement ; Together with Three Acres of Orcharding adjoining, Planted with the best Sort of Cider Fruit, about twenty Years Growth ; Will make about forty Hogsheads of CIDER a Year. Was lett at 30I.
per Ann. since which upwards of 200I. have been laid out on the same. Situate within the Manor of Pensford, In the County of SOMERSET ; ( Contiguous to a PLEASANT RIVER) Now in Possession of Jn. Chilton, Tanner. Held on three Lives, under EDWARD POP- HAM, Esq. subject to a chief Rent of 19s. 6d. per Annum ; and a Heriot of the best Beast or Goods, or in Lieu thereof the Sum of 3I. 12s. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Jos. WILSON, Distiller, in Redcliff- Street, BRIS- TOL ; or of the said JOHN CHILTON, who will shew the Premises. ROBERT ELLIOT, Auctioneer. Note, There are two Acres and 3- qrs. of
Pas- ture Ground, held on the same Lease, but granted to Mr. ALEXANDER ADAMS, on the Lives above, in Consideration of his paying one- ninth Part of all Taxes and Renewals. *** Conditions of Sale to be express'd at the Time of Sale. For Sale by AUCTION, or other wise, At CHEW- MAGNA, In the County of SOMERSET, On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 27th, 28th, and 29th, of this Inst. July, About 100 Packs of good TEAZELS, Belonging to the Estate of the Rev. Mr. OLIVE, Deceased. The said TEAZELS will be sold in sepa- rate Lots, or together ; and may be viewed, by applying to Mrs. Sarah Abraham, of
Mr. Ephraim Chancellor, in Chew- Magna ; or Particulars may be had of the Rev. Mr. Christopher Budge, in Dowry- Square ; Mr. Henry Colley, in Broad- Mead ; or DAVID CHERRY, Auctioneer, In the Horse- Fair, BRISTOL, To be Sold by AUCTION, ( Or OTHERWISE) , At the GEORGE- INN in FROME, SOMERSETSHIRE, On Tuesday, the 4th Day of August next, THE FREEHOLD ESTATE LATE of JOHN CUZNER, Clothier, Deceased : CONSISTING of a large and well- accustom'd Public - House, situate at OLDfORd), near Frome aforesaid ; with convenient Offices, Stables, and Work- Shops for carrying on the Clothing
Manufacture.— And also about Eight Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, lying contiguous thereto. *** For Particulars, enquire of SAM. JESSER, Attorney at Law, in FROME. DR. ROBERT WALKER'S Patent Genuine JESUITS DROPS, or ELIXIR of HEALTH and LONG LIFE. ( In Bot- tles only of 2s. 6d. and 5s.) ----- The great Success and Demand that is daily made for my never- failing genuine JESUITS DROPS, which are the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual and im- mediate Cure ever discover'd for Gleets Seminal Weaknesses, tho' ever so obstinate, of ever so long standing, and by whatever
Means occasion'd, and also for the Venereal Disease, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms, has occasion'd some Persons to endeavour to imitate the same, and publish Medicines pretending to some of the like Virtues. His Majesty, that I should reap the sole Advantage of my said va- luable Invention, and that, the Public should receive the Benefit of the same genuine, was most graciously pleas'd on the 29th of November, 1755, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent, for England and the Planta- tions in America : And, on repeated Representations of the great and surprising Cures daily perform'd by my said Jesuits
Drops, has been since also graciously pleas'd, that his Subjects in his Kingdoms of Scotland and Ire- and should also have the said Medicine genuine, and for preventing them from being imposed upon with spu- rious Medicines, falsely pretending to the same Virtues, to the Prejudice of their Healths and Constitutions, as well as endangering their Lives, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent for those Kingdoms. My said Patent genuine Jesuits Drops have no Mercurials in their Composition, and neither purge or vomit, but carry the Disorders clean off by Urine ( the Dose only 15 Drops in Wine, Water, or on Sugar) and is an
excellent Remedy for Travellers, and Persons going to Sea, as to be taken so secret, that even a Bed- fellow cannot make Discovery, and at any Time, in any Season or Climate, ( keeping their full Virtues ten Years) without Alteration in Diet, and eradicates Root and Branch all the poisonous Symptoms of those loathsome Distempers, and absolutely answer all the Ends that can be expected by Salivation, ana were never known to miss of curing after Salivation bad fail'd. 1 am to be consulted gratis at my Warehouse, and Persons of either Sex may, on personal Application, depend on the strictest Honour and Secresy, and re ceiving a certain Cure, with a mild Medicine, with- out their Constitutions being torn to Pieces with rough Mercurials. And I give gratis, seal'd up with each Bottle, a printed Treatise on Gleets, Weaknesses, and the Venereal Disorder, by which Persons of both Sexes may cure themselves, with the greatest Secresy, and know if the Disorder be of a mild or malignant Na- ture. Veritas prevaleat. R. WALKER, M. D. To be had at the Patentee's Warehouse, the Bible and Crown, the upper End of Fleet- Iane, opposite the Sessions House Gate, Old Bailey, London ; of Mr Brown, in Curistmas- Street, Bristol ; of C. Pope, and Camp. at
their Office, in Stall- Street, Bath ; and of the Distributors of this Paper. At the Printing- Office in Stall- Street may be had, Curious Issue Plaisters, to stick with- out Filleting, at 1s. the Box. Greenough's Tinctures for the Teeth, At 1s. each Bottle. The Famous Blacking- Ball for Shoes, Price 1s. the large, and 6d, the small. The History of VIOLETTA. THERE lived in the Country, a Gentleman and his Lady, blessed with a large Estate, and one only Daughter ; who being a beautiful and well accomplished young Lady, soon had many Suitors ; but the Father thinking there was not Money enough, refused every Offer that was made.
VIO- LETTA began now to think her Confinement severe ; and a Footman in the Family, having over- heard some of the Conversation between her and her Parents on this Subject, formed a Project in Favour of himself ; which he put in Execution ; first by a Letter, artfully telling her he was a Gen- tleman of an Estate, who had disguised himself for the Sake of being near her, as knowing that his Fortune was not equal to what her Father required ; and then had an Interview which was contrived between them, wherein TOM made Promises, and the too easy VIOLETTA believed. They had frequent Meetings after this for three
Months, when he went away to order some Matters relating to his Estate, as he pretended, promising very shortly to return to her. VIOLETTA'S Mother soon discovered her Con- dition, when she on her Knees owned her Crime, and that she was with Child, but hoped her Shame might be prevented by marrying the Gentleman. The tender Mother broke the Affair to her Hus- band in the best Manner she could ; who said he would convey his Daughter the next Day to Lon- don, where she should privately Lie- in, and then return Home again. He set out with her accord- ingly in his Coach ; and being got about the Mid- dle of a
Wood about 20 Miles from Home, he left her there in the utmost Anguish, giving her 100 Guineas, and drove away Home. It was long before she could resolve what to do, but at last she pursued her Journey to London ; where she arrived two Days after, took a Garret for 18d. a Week, and by making and mending Linen, which her Landlady helped her to, soon got enough to pay for her Lodging and Diet weekly. Her Time now drawing near, she told her Landlady some Business requir'd her going into the Country for about two Months, paid for that Time, and desired she would keep her Room for her so long, but that if she should
not then return, she should think no more of a very unhappy Wo- man. The next Day she sat out, and being taken ill, she intreated a Widow Woman to receive her into her House ; who at first refus'd, but upon VIOLETTA'S shewing her a Handful of Gold, she took her in, where she was brought to Bed the next Day of a dead Child. After six Weeks, she return'd to her Landlady, who receiv'd her joyfully ; and here she got her Living by Work, as before. It happened that a Gentleman, who lodged under her when she first came, having in about two Years after suc- ceeded in a Law- Suit, and recover'd an Estate of 1500I. a Year,
was so taken with her Beauty and prudent Conduct, that he offer'd to make her his Wife, if she pleas'd ; which he actually did, after VIOLETTA had frankly and honestly told him her whole Story. He carried her to make a Visit to her Parents, where every Thing was soon reconcil'd. They have liv'd in a perfect Scene of Happiness ever since, and the Father to make some Amends for his Barbarity, has settled his whole Estate upon her. It must not be omitted, that the Footman, struck with Horror and Remorse at his Villainy, and having no Peace within, abandon'd himself to all Sort of Wickedness, and was soon after hang'd for a
Robbery and Murder he had been engag'd in. VERSES written in a GARDEN, By a LADY of QUALITY. SEE how that Pair of billing Doves, With open Murmurs own their Loves ; And heedless of censorious Eyes, Pursue their unpolluted Joys : Nor Fear of future Want molest The downy Quiet of their Nest ; No Int'rest join'd the happy Pair, Securely blest in Nature's Care, While her dear Dictates they pursue : For Constancy is Nature too. Can all the Doctrines of our Schools, Our Maxims or religious Rules, Can Learning to our Lives ensure Virtue to bright, or Bliss so pure? The great Creator's happy Ends, Virtue and Pleasure
ever blends : In vain the Church and Court have try'd, Th' united Essence to divide ; Alike they find their wild Mistake, The pedant Priest and giddy Rake. LIFE and DEATH. WE fear to lose what a small Time mud waste, ' Till Life itself grows the Disease at last : Begging for Life, we beg for more Decay ; And, to be long a dying, only, pray. The Empress- Queen has sold to a Gentleman of Strasbourg, the Town and Lordship of Reich- shoffen, in the Lower Alsace, being the last pa- trimonial Estate she possessed in France. The Vanguard, Capt. Swanton, Commodore, is going with his Squadron to cruize off Havre. Yesterday a
Publican in the City was brought before the Lord Mayor, who committed him to Wood- Street Compter, for calling a Person In- former, upon whole Information he paid 40s. for suffering Card- Playing in his House. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette.
I. ] This Day was Publish'd, ( Price 4s. 9d. in Sheep, Filletted, or 5s. bound in Calf) ( Dedicated, by Permission, to the Hon. Commissioners of Exise, and attested by all the General Surveyors of the Brewery and Distillery) The BRITISH GAUGER ; OR, Trader arid Officer's Instructor, In the Royal Revenue of the Excise and Customs. PART I. Containing the necessary Rules of Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, and the whole Art of Prac- tical Gauging, both by Pen and Rule ; illus- trated with a great Variety of curious and useful Examples. PART II. An historical and succinct Account of all the Laws relating to the Excise, from the first
Com- mencement thereof to the present Time. To which are added, Tables of the Old and New Duties, Drawbacks, & c. on Beer, Ale, Spirits, Soap, Candles, & c. and a large and copious In- dex. Embellished with six Folio Copper- Plates, adapted to, and explanatory of the whole Work. By SAMUEL CLARKE. LONDON : Printed for J. SCOTT, at the Black- Swan, in Pater- noster- Row. JOHN BRYANT, Upholder, AT THE Royal- Bed in the Market- Place, Bath, Performs all MANNER, of UPHOLSTERY WORK, And sells the various Articles belonging thereto, at the following low PRICES. Work. BEST Damark Moreen Beds, with
ornamental Work, made from 20s. to 30s. or higher ; plain ditto, from 15s. to 18s.— Washing- Beds from 8s. to 14s.— Half- Canopy ditto, from 4S. to 7s. — Common Festoon Window Curtains at 2s.— Drapery ditto from 3s. to 4s.— Easy- Chair- Cases 3s.— French ditto 2s. — Back- Stool- Cases is.— false Seats stuffed in Canvas with bed curled Hair and Web, from 2od. to 2s.— Matrasses, from 2s. to 4s.— Rooms hung with Paper, at 2s. 6d. per Day each Man ;— if dieted, 2s. Articles S0ld. Great Variety of Paper Hangings, from 2d. hf. to 1s. per Yard.— Mock India ditto from 8d. to 2s.— Real India ditto from 7s. to 108. per
Sheet, ( three Yards)— Looking- Glasses ( as cheap as in London) from 3d. to Ten Guineas.— Screens of all Sorts, from 6s. to Four Guineas.— French Chairs ( stuffed with the best curled Hair) at 128. — Back Stools 8s.— Easy Chairs 25s.— Half- Ell Stuff- Damark, from 2s. 4d. to 3s. per Yard.— Moreens from 2s. to 2s. 4d.— Harrateens from 19d. to 2od.— Cheneys from 12d. to 14d.— Com- mon Furniture Checks from 12d. to 15d. per Yard.— Inch- and- Inch ditto from 16d. to 18d.— Common Worsted Lace from 3f. to 1d. per Yard. — strip'd washing Lace from id. to 2d.— SilkLace from 2d. to 3d.— All Crimson Lace and
Stuffs a Trifle dearer, on Account of Colour.— Fringes of all Sorts from 6d. to 4s. per Yard— Worsted Lines from 1d. f. to 1d. hf.— Tossels from 1s. to 1s. 6d. each.— Horse- Hair for covering Chairs from 2s. 9d. to 3s. 6d.--- TickPieces for Beds from 28s. to 42s.— Manchester ditto from 8s. to 20s.— English Ticks from 14d. per Yard to 3s.— Goose Feathers from 14d. to 18d. per Pound— Common Feathers from 5d. to 8d.— Milpuff from 8d. to 11d. per Pound— Flocks from 3d. hf. to 8d.— Flock Ticks from 10d. to 14d, per Yard.— Cot- ton Counterpanes from 15s. to 28s. each.— Whit- ney Blankets from 7s. 6d. to 36s.—
Wiltshire ditto from 6s. to 32s.— Gloucestershire ditto from 5s. to 20s.— Yorkshire ditto from 3s. 6d. to 24s. — Somersetshire ditto from 10d. to 2s. per Yard. — Devonshire Rugs from 3s. 6d. to 14s.— Wilt- shire ditto from 4s. to 16s.— Gloucestershire ditto from 7s. 6d. to 25s.— Essex ditto from 8s. to 24s. — Wilton Carpets from Two Guineas to Seven Guineas ; the Stuff unmade from 4s. 6d. per Yd. to 5s. and made up to any Size at 5s. 6d.— Kid- derminster Carpets from 15s. to 3I.— Scotch Car- peting from 1s. 10d. to 3s. 6d. per Yard.— Tur- key Carpets from 30s. to Ten Guineas each.— Hair- Cloth for Passages, from 10d.
to 2s. per Yard.— All Sorts of white and colour'd Quilts from 16s. t0 4l.— New and Second- hand Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Cherts of Drawers, Bedsteads, & c. & c. at the very lowest Prices, according to their Goodness. HOUSHOLD FURNITURE of all Kinds lett to Hire, in separate Articles ; or a single Room, or whole House, furnish'd, from 10 to 12 per Cent. N. B. He has, just arrived, a Sort of Carpets made in England, which are equal to the Tur- key, and much cheaper. *** Any Person may be supply'd with the said Articles at any Distance from BATH, on their paying only Half the Expence of Carriage. SEDAN CHAIRS made,
mended, and lett to Hire. N. B. To be LETT immediately, ( Furnish'd) the UPPER HOUSE in GAY- STREET, on the Right Hand Side.— Or ( if a Tenant chuses it) the Furniture will be sold as it stands, and the House lett Unfurnish'd.—— Enquire of the above JOHN BRYANT. 163 London, July 18. Sold by Mr. LEAKE, Bookseller, in BATH, Mr. Baldwin, and Mr. Jackson, in London ; and and Mr. Brown, in Bristol : The Following MEDICINES, Prepared by the Directions of Dr. HILL. 1. VALERIAN, Genuine Tincture of the TRUE ROOT.------- It is excellent beyond Parallel in all Nervous Disorders, Lowness of Spirits, Head- achs,
Tremblings, vain Fears, and Wanderings of the Mind ; in Convulsions, Hysteric Fits, Hypochon- driacal Complaints, and the Epilepsy. It prevents Sickness at the Stomach ; and takes off entirely that Sense of Fulness and Swelling of the Flesh in damp Weather, which so greatly affect Persons of lax Fibres. It gives a serene Cheerfulness of Disposition in the Place of those careless Horrors which so dreadfully op- press People who have weak Nerves.— Providence seems to have given the Plant in a peculiar Manner to England, where those Disorders are most common. A Medicine not only for the Body, but the Mind. Sold in
Pint Bottles at 10s. 6d. the Smaller 5s. and 2s. 6d. each. 2. For the Certain CURE of the Scurvy, Essence of WATER- DOCK. There is no Question but this Plant will cure the most inveterate Scurvy : The Ancients all affirm it, and the Cures daily now performed by the Essence prove their Truth. It not only clears the Skin of Eruptions, but mends the whole Constitution. Scorbutic Persons are subject to have bad Stomachs, and to be miserably low- spirited at Times ; and many have these Com- plaints, not knowing the Scurvy is the Cause : This Medicine takes off the Faintness, creates an Appetite and good Digestion
immediately, when that Distemper in their Blood is the Cause ; and gradually cleans the Skin, and prevents future Eruptions. The Afflicted may depend on these Effects. Price 3s. the Bottle, with Directions. 3. For the Gout and Rheumatism, ELIXIR of BARDANA. The Numbers who have found Relief from this Medi- cine prove that it has at leaf answered the Expecta- tion with which it was made public ; and fresh In- stances of its good Effects daily shew, that the Author is so happy as to have been of some Benefit to Man- kind. To prevent the Returns of the Gout has been bund impossible ; but to relieve those who suffer, it is in
our Power ; to reduce the Number, and shorten the Continuance of the Fits ; and to alleviate the Pains of them : So much will be effected by this Medicine. And this is as much as a considerate Per on would de- sire : In the Rheumatism, it is a certain and absolute Cure ; and the Disease never returns. The Dose is a Tea- spoonful in a Wine Glass of Water, Night and Morning. Its Operation is by insensible Perspiration, and slightly by Urine. Price 3s. the Bottle, with Directions. 4. Pectoral BALSAM of HONEY : A new- discovered Remedy for Coughs and Consump- tions, all Phthisicky Complaints, Asthmas, and tough Phlegm,
Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, and Stujfings- up of the Lungs A Tea- spoonful con- tains the Virtue of two Ounces of Honey, impregnated with the finest vegetable Balsams, and never disagrees with any Constitution ; it converts a Glass of Water into the Nature and Quality of Asses Milk, with this balsamic Addition ; it takes off the Hectic which at- tends a Consumption, recruits the Strength, allays the Cough, and heals and preserves tie Lungs. If it be in the Power of Medicine to stop the Ravage of that cruel Disease which cuts off such Numbers of our Youth, this Balsam will effect it. The Author can recommend it on long
Experience, and if it might not appear vain or interested, could add great Proofs of its Virtue. Price 3s. the Bottle, with Directions. 5. Essential Tincture of GoldenRod, The most successful Medicine now used for the GRA- VEL and STONE.— Each Bottle containing about 16 Doses ; and is an effectual, safe, and pleasant Re- medy in all Degrees of those Complaints.— Price 4s. the Bottle, with Directions. The above Medicines are sealed, and signed by the Author, with his own Hand- Writing, at the Bottom of each Bottle. Sunday's and Monday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. WHITEHALL, July 16. THIS Day his Grace
Thomas Holles, Duke of Newcastle, took the Oaths ; appointed to be taken, instead of the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, as Lord Lieutenant of the Counties and Towns following, viz.— County of Middle- sex, and City and Liberty of Westminster.— County of Nottingham, and Town of Notting ham and County of the same.— And County of Sussex. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, July 15. Capt. Lobb, of his Majesty's Sloop the Swan, gives an Ac- count, that on the 11th Inst. being on the Coast of Holland, he took la Fleur Privateer of Dun- kirk, of two Guns and 29 Men, commanded by Simond L'Aermitte, who had been out two
Days and had not taken any Thing ; and that finding the Vessel leaky, and it blowing fresh, he was obliged to sink her, after taking her Men out. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Among other Improvements in the Apartments St. James's, the State Rooms have all new Doors in the Centre, so as to form a Vista to the Throne, for public Occasions. Orders are given for erecting a new Throne in the House of Peers against the Sitting of the Parliament, there not having been one since the Time of Queen Anne. Sir Francis Drake, Bart, of the Board of Green Cloth, goes to Mecklenburg, to attend the Princess, as Purveyor, ' till her Arrival at
St. James's. We hear his Majesty has been pleased to ho- nour Henry Ellis, Esq. now Governor of Nova- Scotia, with a Grant of 300 Guineas, as a Mark of his Royal Favour, in Consideration of that Gentleman's faithful Administration of Govern- ment in Georgia. The Dean and Chapter of Westminster, have ordered Evening Prayers in the Abbey to be omitted after To- morrow, on account of the Pre- parations that are to be made there for the Coro- nation. Last Night died at his Palace at Fulham, the Right Rev. Dr. Tho. Sherlock, Lord Bishop of London. We are well infomed, that the Right Rev. Dr. Thomas Hayter, Bishop of
Norwich, will succeed the Bishopric of London, vacant by the Death of the Right Rev. Dr. Thomas Sherlock. Thursday Evening his Royal Highness the Duke of York, acompanied by several of the No- bility, set out for Scarborough. There is such great Expedition used in fitting up the Royal Carolina Yatcht in Deptford- Yard, that the Artificers employed about her, being upwards of 300 in Number, work double Tide every Day, Sundays not excepted, to get her compleatly finished against the 26th Instant, to fetch over her Highness the Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg Strelitz to England. By a Gentleman who arrived Yesterday
from Belleisle, we are informed, that a great Number Victuallers were arrived there from different Ports, particularly Ireland, whereby the Price of Provisions was greatly lowered. Letters from Portsmouth say, that three more Men of War, of 60 Guns each, are ordered to got ready directly to join the Expedition Fleet. The Lords of the Admiralty have ordered 25 Captains and 50 Lieutenants to raise Men imme- diately, to mann our targe Ships. We hear that M. Bussy will have an Audience of his Majesty some Time next Week, when he will assume a Character from the French Court. A Letter from Paris, dated July 1, says,---- A
Courier which arrived within these two Days to Mr. Stanley, and Dispatches received from M. de Bussy, have occasioned several Conferences between the former and the Duke de Choiseuil, and the holding of some Councils in the King's Preferce, in which the Debates turned wholly on an immediate Cessation of Arms. The Return of the Couriers, which were dispatched, at the rising of the last Council, to Berlin, Vienna, and Pe- tersburg, will determine this Point. M. de Bussy hath even informed the Court, that the Departure of the second English Expedition Fleet had been countermanded, ' till the Court of London should know
the Answers brought by the above- men- tioned Couriers. The King of Sweden set out from Stockholm on the 26th ult. for Locka, where, by Advice of his Physicians, he is going to make Use of the Mineral Waters for some Time. A Letter from Vienna, dated July 1, says,---- " Our Court is greatly embarrassed. On one Hand solicitted by the Court of Versailles to con- sent to a Suspension of Arms ; and on the other, assured by the Czarina that her Troops shall act with more Vigour than ever, they know not what Step to take.— Baron Laudohn hath informed the Ministry, that he had received a Letter from the General in Chief of
the Russian Troops, informing him, that he had received Orders to regulate his Motions by those of Gen. Laudohn, and to endeavour to join him.— This Letter being read in Council, we are informed that it was resolved to listen to no Cessation of Arms, but to support the Plan of Operations concerted with the Court of Petersburgh. The following Anecdote concerning the King of Prussia, is told with Confidence, and is in it- self not improbable— At the Affair of Kolin, in June, 1757, the Austrians, under Count Daun, though drawn up on a Mountain, fortified with battering Cannon, and with several Defiles at the Base, were resolutely
attacked by the Prussians, under the King, who exposed his Person more upon this Occasion, than ever he had before. He made himself Master of two Batteries, and two Villages defended with Infantry, but, from the Attack of the third Post, the Prussians were re- pulsed with a great Slaughter. His Majesty in retiring had entangled himself in one of the De- files, when an Austrian Officer of Hussars, at the Head of his Men, rode up, and cocking his Pis- tol, said, I know you, Sir, you are my Prisoner ; whilst the slight Guard who attended his Majes- ty, were all killed or dispersed. The King with that Presence Mind, of which he is so
great a Master, directly returned,— I shall be a more va- luable Friend, than a Prisoner to you,—- so— fly with me to those Troops that are before us, and your future Fortune shall be my Care ! The Austrian, struck with the King's Fortitude, and commanding Strain, and n0 Doubt flattered by his Promises, with a very good Grace surrendered up himself to his Majesty's Pieasure ; and, with his whole Troop, deserted- to the Prussians, and his Majesty has since rewarded him to the utmost of his Wishes. A skilful Surgeon at Nienbourg in Germany, writes as follows : " We have had several Men shot through the Middle of the Lungs
perfectly recovered ; and as a Proof that the Viscus has been penetrated in this Manner, Part of their red Coat or Waistcoat, carried in by the Ball, has been spit up." By the last Letters from the Hague there is Ad- vice, that General Sporken had reached the Allied Army with his Corps ; and as the two Armies were then complete, and very near each other, they were in hourly Expectation of receiving News of Importance. The Inhabitants of Lipstadt according to a Letter from thence of the 6th lnst. hearing the Armies were advancing towards that City, were all pro- viding, as well as they could, for their own Safety. A large Spanish
Ship, from Marseilles to Car- thagena, is taken by the Algerines, and carried into Algiers. The above Ship is valued at be- tween 3 and 400,000 Dollars. A Gentleman who came over from France last Week, and has travelled through that Kingdom from Italy to the Netherlands, says, that the Scenes of Poverty he met with, particularly in the Villages and Country Towns, much exceeded his Expectations : Their Commerce is ruined, their Manufactories languish, and Money is so scarce, that the Produce of the Land is sold at the first Hand much below a living Price. Good Burgundy he could have bought on the Spot for five or six
Livres a Cask, containing about 36 Gallons. There was a Prospect of a plentiful Harvest and Vintage, but there seemed a Want of Hands to get it in. In short, their German War has exhausted the Nation ; because they have no Trade sufficient to support the large Remittances they make to Russia, Sweden, & c. They write from Chatham, that in that Yard only, from the Time the War broke out with France, which was in January 1755, to this pre- sent Time, there have been between 30 and 40 Sail of the Line fitted out in the Space of about fix Months, and since, ten new Ships launched, viz. tour of 90 Guns, three of 74, one of
70, and two Frigates, besides four new Men of War now on the Stocks : It is further remarked, that the French were not able to build so many Ships of War in all their Ports, as have been finished in this one Yard only ; which evidently shews what a useful Body the Shipwrights are to this Nation. The Stockholm, Capt. Slott Gellisman, a Swedish East- India- Man, is arrived at Dover from China : It is reported she hath brought Advice that Pondicherry is taken by the English. The Whale Fishery this Year by all Accounts has been but indifferent. Yesterday a Fire broke out at a Distiller's in Covent- Garden, but one of Mr. Godfrey's
Ma- chines being thrown in, it was instantly extin- guished. A few Days ago two reprobate Watermen who were waiting at Billingsgate for the coming up of a Fish- Boat, laid a Wager of their Boats, which of them could swear the most wicked and profane Oaths ; but upon one of them giving out, and the other beginning to triumph, was instantaneously deprived of the Use of his Speech, and also of the Use of his right Hand and Leg. He is now in Hyde Park Infirmary, Ledger. MARRIAGE. The Earl of Buckinghamshire, to Miss Drury, Daughter of the late Sir Thomas Drury, Bart. DEATHS. Edward Harpur, Esq. Uncle to Sir Henry
Harpur, Member for Derbyshire.------- Mr. Edward Moore, a Fisherman, aged upwards of 100 : ' Tis remarkable, that his Birth- Day was celebrated on Midsummer- Day last by as many Friends as he was Years old, when he both danced and sung in Turn with the rest of the Company. Bateman Humphry, Esq. of Chelsea. BANKRUPTS. John Coles, of Prescot- street, Whitechapel, Merchant.— Daniel Macneale, of Liverpool, Merchant.— WilliamElvin, of Framp- ton, Lincolnshire, Wool- buyer.— William Reid, of Liverpool, Merchant.— John Baddeley, late of Shelton, Staffordshire, Potter.— John Martin, of Birmingham, Linen draper. The FOLLY of SUPERSTITION. IF from the Sky a Star is shot, My Grannum cries a Child is got ; Or if a croaking Raven flies Across your House, one in it dies ; Or if poor CHloe spils the Salt, Her Stars, not the, are in the Fault : Unless with Prudence some she throws Across her Head, to stop the Woes, Her Maidenhead, perhaps, she'll lose. Should I these dire Events dispute, With Instances she'll soon confute ; And, after Dinner, o'er her Ale, She wipes her Mouth, and tells this Tale.— " When first my Love and I were wed, Tasting the Joys of Bridal Bed ; Before from Love I shut my Eyes, A Star came darting from the
Skies ; And from that Time, to crown my Joy, My Wish was granted in a Boy ; Which happily to us did prove A strong Cement unto our Love ; But, oh ! with Grief I now relate My darling Son's unhappy Fate. — ( And then with adverse Fears you trace The Tears run down her wrinkled Face ; Then breaking forth) ------ A Raven cry'd, The Moment that my Darling dy'd : But I myself was in the Fault, For that same Day I spilt the Salt ; And never, to avert the Blow, One Grain across my Head did throw. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette.
64 This present Thursday will be exhi- bited, at SPRING- GARDENS, A magnificent and curious FIRE- WORK. Tickets at FIVE SHILLINGS each will admit two Gentlemen, or one Gentleman and two La- dies, into the Rooms.— Tickets for Admittance into the Gardens at ONE SHILLING each. The Passage from the Grove to the Gardens will be properly lighted ; a Band of Music will attend ; and the Whole will be conduced with the utmost Regularity. Subscriptions are taken in, and Tickets de- liver'd, at the Gardens aforesaid, where a Plan of the Fire- Work may be seen. ORDER of FIRE. FIRST DISPOSITION. A Salute of
Cannon. sky Rockets of various Explosions.— Two Pots d'Argret.— Vertical Wheels, changing into bril- liant Suns.— Tourbillions.— A Flight of Chinese and Caducher Sky Rockets.— Two Wheels, call'd the horizontal Glory, and brilliant Wheat- Sheafs. — Two Air Balloons, with Serpents and Stars. — Double Line Rockets.— A Spiral Wheel and Yew- Tree illuminated. SECOND DISPOSITION. Sky Rockets.— A cu- rious regulating Piece, of eight Mutations.— Two Mines.— Vertical and Furiloni Wheels, with Pots de Brins.— Horizontal Italian Wheels of a new Invention.— A Discharge of thundering Mo. roons.— Sky Rockets.—
An Arch Comedian Skrew and Vertical Wheels illuminated.--- A new- in- vented Line Wheel.— A Balloon Wheel of dif- ferent Changes.— A Figure Piece forming Stars and Falls of Water. THIRD DISPOSITION. A Flight of 24. Pound Rockets of various Colours.— A Range of of bril- liant Fountains and Chinese Flower Pots.— Italian Wheels, representing a Wind- Mill.— Pumps of white Fire, with blue Balls.— Two Chinese Flower Pots.— Two Diamond Pieces with Stars.----- A Chi- nese Building illuminated, and Spirali Wheels. — Moroons of different Explosions.— A brilliant Sun, catting its Rays 50 Feet Diameter. The Doors will
be open'd at Five o'Clock, and the Fire- Work will begin at Nine, and end about Ten.— If the Weather should prove bad, it will be deferred ' till the next Night. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ VOL. I. ] WHOEVER are cinclin'd to become Adventurers in the PRESENT STATE- LOTTERY, may be supply'd with TICKETS By William and Robert Clement, LINEN- DRAPERS, in Wade's- Passage, BATH. In this Lottery ( notwithstanding there are TWO Prizes of TEN THOUSAND POUNDS each, besides Thirty- eight other Capital ones) there are but very little more than FOUR Blanks to a Prize ! ( and no Prize of less Value
than Twenty Pounds !) each Blank valued at six Pounds, which we buy, as alio the Prizes, ( and likewise Blanks, or Prizes, of former Lotteries ; or we give in Exchange for them, Tickets, Shares or Chances, in the present Lottery) and give the most Money for either of them as soon as they are drawn. And in order to accommodate all thole of this City, and its Neighbourhood, or others who resort hither, ( that please to favour us with their Commands) who don't like to risk all they intend to venture, on one Number, but rather chuse a Part, in several : We have therefore divided, a Variety of Tickets, into Shares, and Chances, such
as, Halves, Quar- ters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, ( a single one of ei- ther Share, or Chance, any one Person, may be furnished with ; the Money arising from them, will be paid by us, as soon as they are drawn ; which we propose selling here, every Day, at the same Price, and on the very same Terms, and Con- ditions, as they are sold, by the principal Brokers of Credit, in London. The Price of Chances, Shares, and Tickets, this Day, are as follow ; l. s. d. I. A Sixteenth Chance - 090 6 2 5 An Eighth Chance • 0 1 8 0 By which 1 2 5 0 A Quarter Chance - 1 1 6 0 may be 2 5 00 A Half Chance — 3 1 00gain'd 5000 A Whole
Chance - 7 o0 1oooo A Sixteenth Share 0 15 o 625 An Eighth Share - 1 10 0 By which 1250 A Quarter Share - 3 00 may be 2 500 A Half Share ------- 6 00 } gain'd { 5000 A Whole Ticket 11 16 0 10000 The Purchasers of Shares, are entitled to Part of the Prizes, and Blanks, — the Purchasers of Chances, to the Frizes only. We register Tickets, Shares, and Chances, ( whither bought of ourselves, or of others) at Sixpence each Number, and the earliest Notice of their Success will be sent by the first Post ( from London) to any Part of Great Britain or Ireland. All Letters, Post- paid, or Orders sent by the News- men or others, will
be punctually answered, and Schemes of the Lottery given gratis. The Draw- ing of the Lottery will begin on Monday the 16th of November next, at Nine o'Clock in the Morn- ing. The Prizes and Blanks in this Lottery, like all other Stocks, ( on account of the very great Prospect of Peace) will sell for much more Money than they otherwise would have done, had the War been like to continue ; and it is not unlikely but that Tickets will very soon be rouch higher, ( so now is the Time to purchase them, or never) es- pecially as a general Opinion prevails ( in case Peace suddenly succeed the meeting of the ap- pointed Congress, of
which there is but very little Doubt, as BELLEISLE and PONDICHERRY are conquer'd by us) that there will be no more Lotteries for many Years. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, July 20. This Morning Copt. Hughes, late Commander of his Majesty's Ship York, arrived here with Dispatches from Rear - Admiral Stevens, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Ships in the East- Indies. REar- Admiral Stevens, in his Letters of the 6th and 7 th of February last, to Mr. Clev- land, informs the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that PONDICHERRY Surrendered to his
Majesty's Arms on the 15th of the preceding Month, having been very diligently blockaded by his Majesty's Squadron under his Command for upwards of eight Months ; and for a conside- rable Time by Col. Coote, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Land Forces. General Lally, in Expectation of Relief from the French Squa- dron, differed himself, Garrison, and Inhabitants, to be reduced to the utmost Degree of Distress and Misery for Want of Provisions. Col, Coote be- gan the Siege about a Month before its Surrender ; and the last Battery, consisting of eleven Twenty- four Pounders, which he raised, was within about five
hundred Yards of the Walls. In two Days after this, they gave up the Place at Discretion. The 16th, in the Morning at Eight o'Clock, a Company of Grenadiers took Possession of the Va- ledour Gate ; and on the 17th, at the same Time, Col. Coote, accompanied by Rear- Admiral Cor- nish, and the Captains Haldane and Tinker, took Possession of the Citadel on the Part of both Ser- vices, as they were so connected together in the Reduction of this important Conquest to his Ma- jesty's Arms, and to the East- India Company in particular. He also informs their Lordships, that on the 1st of January, a violent Storm of Wind coming
on, he found it absolutely necessary, for the Safety of his Majesty's Ships, to cut their Cables, and put to Sea ; where he parted Company with the other Ships of the Squadron ; and on the 4th, returning into Pondicherry Road, he had the Misfortune to find his Majesty's Ship Duke of Aquitain had foundered about two Leagues to the Southward, and the Sunderland about two Leagues to the Northward of that Place, and most of the Crews perished. ' The Ships Newcastle and Queenborough, with the Protector Fire- Ship, were drove on Shore and lost a little to the Southward of Arianco- pang, but the People were saved; as also
the Ordnance, and most of the Stores and Provisions. Several of the other Ships suffered in the Storm ; but with the Help of the Masts, Yards, and Stores saved from he wrecked Ships, and the As- sistance of the Squadron, they were, in a very few Days completely fitted, and put in a proper State for Service. The Officers, Troops, & c. taken Prisoners in Pondicheny, amount to 2072. WHITEHALL, July 21. LAST Night Capt. Douglas arrived with a Letter from the Right Hon. Lord Rollo, to the Right Hon. Mr. Secretary Pitt, dated, from the Island of Dominique, June 8, 1761; wherein he informs him, that having taken a Resolution
to attack DOMINICO Island, he accordingly sailed from the Road of Basse- Terre, under the Escorte of Commodore Sir James Douglas, with four Ships of the Line and some Frigates, on his Majesty's Birth- Day, and arrived within a League of Roseau aboutNoon on the 6th ; when they sum- moned the Inhabitants, who refused to surrender, manned their Entrenchments and Batteries, and prepared to stand on their Defence. " I thereupon gave immediate Orders for the Troops to land ; which was speedily done, in the best Order, ( owing to the judicious Disposition of the Ships and Boats by the Commodore) and agreeably, to
Orders given there was not a single Cannon or Musket discharged, ' till the Enemy began to fire just before our Landing. " The Troops formed quickly 0n the Beach ; and while Part soon after possessed the Town, the Corps of Grenadiers commanded by Col. Melvill seized a Flanking Battery, and Part of an adjoin- ing Entrenchment, which had been abandoned. The Enemy annoyed us with some popping Mus- quetry from behind Trees and Bushes, and fired from Time to Time from their Battery, over- looking their Entrenchments, the Town and Shore. " It was now pretty late, and it appeared, to me, that the Troops might be
extremely himself- sed, and suffer even great Loss, during the Night, by the Cannon and Musquetry of the Enemy, from the Bntrenchments over- looking the Town ; as also, that the Enemy might be much rein forced before Morning ; and having an excessive strong Country in their Favour, with four En- trenchments behind and above each other, might make a great Defence,— I judged it best, there- fore, to order them to be immediately attacked by the Grenadiers, supported by the Battalion Troops ; which was. accordingly done, with so- much Order, Resolution, and Rapidity, that the Enemy, with very little Loss, were driven
suc- cessively, with very great Confusion, from all their Entrenchments, from their Batteries, and from their Head Quarters above it, where Col. Melvill immediately took Post, with the Grena- diers. We took there, M. de Longprie, the French Commandant; their second Officer, M. de la Couche, and some others, with a Quantity of Powder. " I lay myself at their advanced Post during the Night, having established a Communication, by proper Guards, with the rest of the Troops who possessed the Town. Next Day I established my Head Quarters in Roseau ; and have been since much employed in receiving the Oaths of Submis sion and Surrender of Arms from the nearest In- habitants, as well as in dispatching Orders for that Effect to the distant Quarters ; the Landing of Military Stores and Provisions, the Quartering of the Troops, and the Preparations to occupy and entrench a defensible Post, have been the chief Objects of my Attention hitherto. " I shall soon have the Honour of transmitting to you, more particular Accounts of this Island ; but must imform you, in the mean Time, that as it was carried by Assault, I gave them no other Terms than a Protection, till his Majesty's Piea- sure should be known, obliging them first to deli- ver up all their Arms,
and to swear Allegiance to his Majesty, Five Hundred of the Inhabitants, among which are the Captains and Militia Officers of the Quarters, with most of the principal Plan- ters, have delivered up their Arms, and sworn Sub- mission, for which I have granted them a Protection till his Majesty's further Pleasure shall be known. The native Caribs, who inhabit a rugged Quarter on the Windward Part of ths Island, seem to like their new Masters, and are to deliver up their Arms in a Body. " I cannot conclude without having the Pleasure of assuring you, that the greatest Harmony has sub- sisted between his Majesty's Squadron, and
the Troops under my Command ; and that I have experienced the greatest Zeal, and most chearful Support from the Commodore, who also very much favoured the Attack, by a brisk and well directed Cannonade. As to the King's Troops, I cannot enough applaud the Coolness and Intrepedity with which they acted on the Occasion." [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] London, July 21. Some Advices from Franck fort on the Oder men- tion Gen. Ziethen's defeating the Van- Guard of the Russian Army, which was thereby prevented from joining the Austrians, and that the King had taken an inaccessible Camp in the Mountains, be- tween
Silesia and Bohemia. ' Tis said that Prince Ferdinand hath requested a Reinforcement of Twelve Thousand Men from England, which would enable him to face both the French Armies, and to defeat their Designs. By a Letter from Portsmouth, we learn, that an Express arrived there last Thursday, with Or- ders to fit out, with all Speed, the Fleet for the Expedition. Bristol, July 22. Arriv'd at the Hot- Wells, Dutchess of Hamilton, Lord Lindose, Gen. Welch, Col. Browne, Major Singleton, Capt. Thrallfall, Capt. Abercromby, Rev. Mr. Hood, Rev. Mr. Farhill, Mr. and Mrs. Mead, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins, Mr. Knapp, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr.
Winter, Mr. Winde, Mr. Pome- roy, Mr. Pennant, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Piggott, Mr. Batehin, Mr. Champneys, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Belcher, Mrs. Lynch, Miss Fodderick, Miss Chudleigh, Miss Taylor, Miss Trotter, Miss Lynch, Miss Haye, Miss Forster, & c. & c. Came in since our last, The City of Water- ford, Kelly, from Galway ; the Prince Edward, Ferres, and the Eglington, Robertson, from South- Carolina ; the Clifton, Smith, the Hopewell, Lea- vy, and the Success, Cookson, from Barbadoes ; the Minehead, Forrest, and the David, Weston, from Cork ; the Friendship, Welsh, and the Peg- gy, Campbell, from St. Kitt's ; the Kitty, Hole- ran,
and the Mary, Brockeridge, from Antigua ; the Dispatch, Sutton, and the Defence, Bothwick, from Guadalupe ; the Loe Man of War, Penny, from a Cruize ; the True Patriot, Randolph, and the Edward and Susannah, Griffiths, from Virgi- nia ; the Betsey, Watson, from Dublin ; the Wil- liam, Brown, from Falmouth ; and the Boyne, Smith, from Cork. Arriv'd, At South - Carolina, the Sailsbury, Sharp, and the Ann, Fortune ; at Newfoundland, the Sally, Stokes, and the Content, Furse, ( from this Port) at Cork, the Ruby, Henderson, from Guadalupe ; and at Newfoundland, the Henry and Mary, Fielding, from Waterford. The Leeward lsland Fleet, consisting of 13 Sail, arriv'd this Morning. The St. Peter, Shortridge, of and from this Port for Barbadoes, is carried into Martinico. The following is an Extract of a Letter from the Post- Master of Exeter, to the Post- Master of this City, dated July 15.-------" Mr. Bell, Agent at Falmouth, just, now advises me by a Spanish Mail passing through here for London, that the King George Privateer of Bristol, has taken an outward- bound East- Indiaman, after a very sharp Engagement. The French lost 70, and the Pri- vateer 25 Men. She is supposed to be very rich. This Intelligence is brought by the Packet from Corunna."
Yesterday se'nnight was married, Mr. Partridge Smith, Son of Mr. Francis Smith, an eminent Linen- draper, in Wine- street, to Miss Partridge. Daughter of the late Mr. Freeman Partridge, of this City ; with a Fortune of 16, oool. This Morning died, Mr. Watts, Distiller and Vinegar- maker. On the, 12th Inst. died at Keynsham, near this City, Mary Fox, aged 101. She retained her Senses to the last. Thursday last the Eastern Battalion of the So- merset Militia, who were quartered at Wells, matched from thence for Guildford in Sorry. Bath July 23, Arriv'd here, Col. Flight and Lady, Rev. Mr. Smith, Dr. Richards, Counsellor Dalby, Mr.
and Mrs. Walker, Mr. Craven, Mr. Gerry, Mr. Moore, Mr. Olth, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Boys, Mr. Dean, Mr. Gross, Mrs, Campbell, Mrs. Ma- lone, Miss Praed, Miss Mackworth, & c. & c. Tuesday Night, on receiving the first Account of the Surrender of Pondicherry, all the Bells in the City were immediately rang, and the Cannon were fired. This Evening ( on Account of the taking of Pondicherry and St. Domingo) there will be several Additions to the Fire- Work in- tended to be exhibited at Spring- Gardens ;----- in order to commemorate these important Acquisi- tion$ ! The Cannon will be fired, as a Signal, a Quarter of an Hour before the
Fire- Work be- gins ; and we are allured, it will exceed any Thing of the Kind ever seen in these Parts. Sunday Morning last Mr. Edmund Roach, a Tallow- Chandler and Dealer in Horses, of Marsh- field, in the County of Gloucester, was found dead near Westwood, on the Road leading from this City to Colerne, in the County of Wilts. He left Bath Saturday Evening, on Horseback, and his Horse strayed the same Night to Colerne. — Monday the Coroner's Inquest fat on the Body, and brought in their Verdict, Wilful Murder ; several Marks of Violence appearing ; particu- larly a violent Blow on the back Part of his Head, supposed
to occasion his Death ; ( which Blow it is thought was given by a large knotty Stick that was found bloody near the Place where he was murder'd) and the Print of a Woman's Foot was plainly to be distinguish'd on the lower Part of his Belly : His Pockets were turned Inside out, and his Watch and Money ( amounting to about Ten Pounds) taken from thence.— Monday Evening, a Woman enquiring for Lodgings, at Colerne, tor herself and Husband, was asked concerning her last Place of Abode, & c. and not giving sa- tisfactory Answers, caused some Suspicion ; she was thereupon strictly examined touching the said Murder and
Robbery : After some Hesitation, she confessed that her Husband and some others had robbed the aforesaid Mr. Roach ; and gave In- telligence where her Husband was to be met with. He was accordingly apprehended the next Morn- ing, at Kington St. Michael, in the said County of Wilts. He appears to be a Seafaring Man ; and on his Examination confessed the Robbery, but denied the Murder ; declaring that he found the Deceased lying dead on the Road, having ( as he supposed) been kill'd by a Fall from his Horse ; he added, that he thought it no Crime to 10b a dead Man. He appears very resolute.----- And Yesterday a
Tinker was apprehended, who has confessed His being concerned in the said Mur- der and Robbery, and has impeached two other Accomplices, besides the above- mention'd, who are likewise Sailors : Diligent Search is making after them. Monday last a Servant Maid going from the Devizes to a Village adjacent, ( having her Box of Cloaths with her, being hired to a new Place) she was met in the Fields by a Fellow with a Hanger in his Hand, who attempted to rob her, but she making some Resistance, he barbarously murdered her, by cutting off her Head. He then took her Box, & c. and as he was going along the Road he
overtook a Waggoner who had but just before put the young Woman down out of his Waggon, in order that she might cross over the Fields, being much the nearest Way. The Waggoner knew the Box, and enquired of the Fellow how he came by it: He made him no An- swer, but throwing down the Box, struck at him with the Hanger ; but providentially missed him, and cut his own Leg. The Waggoner immedi- ately secured him ' till proper Assistance came, and he is since committed to Prison. At the Assizes at Gloucester, which ended on Saturday last, Benj. Fox, who, by his barbarous Treatment to his Daughter, was the Cause
of her Death, and Geo. Northcott, convicted of mur- dering his Wife between Stroud and Hampton, re- ceived the Sentence due to their atrocious Crimes, and are to be hanged next Monday, and after- wards dissected. Richard Alexander and Edward Brown, two Highwaymen, and John Jones, for dealing above 40I. in a House, were also capitally convicted ; but Jones was reprieved. Three Per- sons were also ordered to be transported for seven Years, four to remain in Gaol, and one was ac- quitted. The Trial of John Williams, for Horse- stealing, was put off to next Assizes, as he is at present afflicted with Fits.------ In the
Course of a Trial at the Nisi Prius Bar, one John Weal, a Witness, was committed for Perjury. Monday Morning last a Fire was discovered in- the Town- Hall at Gloucester, which destroyed the greatest Part of the Building before it could be extinguished.----- The Judges sat late Saturday Night ; and ' tis thought a Snuff of a Candle be- ing left, occasioned this Accident. Yesterday se'nnight the Assizes ended at Wor- cester : Two Persons for Sheep- stealing received Sentence of Death, but were afterwards reprieved ; four were ordered for Transportation. Saturday last an eminent Farmer ( mention'd in a former Paper to be
committed to Prison tor steal- ing Sacks) was publickly whipped at Chippenham Marker, pursuant to his Sentence at the last Sa- lisbury Assize.— He underwent the same Disci- pline the Thursday before at Devizes, and like- wise at Calne last Market- Day. Last Week died Mrs. Elizabeth Edgel, Relict of Harry Edgel, of Standerwick, Esq. Last Week one David Martin, of Bridgewate, fell from a Load of Hay and broke his Thigh.---- And a Man was kill'd near the said Town, by a Waggon going over his Body.