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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co. 
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 37
No Pages: 4
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Date of Article: 25/06/1761
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co. 
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 37
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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[ 145] [ No. 37.] [ Vol . I. ] AND Weekly GAZETTE. [ Price TWO- Pence HALfPENNy. ] Printed and publish'd by C. POPE, and C°. at the Printing- Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. [ The above C. POPE serv'd his Apprenticeship with the late Mr. BODDELY, and has had the sole Management of the Bath Journal for these last five Years.] THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1761. THE STORY of VETERONA. O happy Poverty! thou cbiefest Good, Bestow'd by Hea- v'n, but seldom understood. VETERONA was a Native of a small Village, and lived all her Life there, without any loose Desire of seeking her Fortune, or chimerical Ex- pectation of meeting with Advancement in distant Places. Being always averse to Service, she had no borrowed Vices, nor imitated Follies : She was unacquainted with the false Pleasures of Luxury and Expence; and what she knew no- thing of, neither desired nor envied. Her Wants were the Wants of Nature. She had not habi- tuated herself to Falshood, by flattering the Va- nity of a gaudy Mistress, nor learned the Art of shedding Tears for Trifles, os bearing Insolence with an affected Submission. But having thus escaped the general Source of Corruption, and at the same Time excluded herself from all Hopes of any Assistance but that of Providence, she maintained herself in a little Cottage by an honest and unwearied Industry, free from Distress and above Dependance. It was the Right of every Cottager to graze a Cow on the adjoining Common : This Privilege was VETERONA'S Estate. She had purchased a Cow with what she had saved out of the Wages of her daily Labour. From her she was supply'd with Milk, Butter, and Cheese, Part of which she lived on, and Part she carry'd to the Market. In a little Garden close to her House, she had a Row of Bee- Hives, by which, when no other Business called her away, she fat Knitting with an Heart easy, and Face chearful. The Hum of the active Infects entertained her Ear, and the Exam- ple of their Labour excited her Industry. Thus what would have been Wretchedness and Poverty, in the Estimation of those who have been accustomed to fashionable Life, was Ease and Affluence in the natural Condition of Humanity. The Neatness and Regularity of her House was remarkable : Her Furniture and Utensils of the cheapest Sort, were always clean and always in Order; every Thing about her seem'd to be un- der the Direction of Prudence, and the Smiles of Heaven. When she arose in the Morning, her Devotions were her first Employment ; her earliest and purest Thoughts were offered to her Creator, in a Form of humble Adoration. She then read a short Portion of the holy Scriptures with a sincere and earned Attention : not with a View of reconciling them to Vice, or interpreting them in her own Favonr, but of regulating her Behaviour by their unerring Rules : Nor ' till those Duties were per- form'd, did she suffer her Mind to fix upon the Business of the Day. She then milk'd her Cow, and made her Cheese ; after which she fat down by her Bees, and except the little Time spent in her Meals, worked ' till Evening. She never went far from Home ; her longest Journey, like that of the old Man in Cowley, was to the next Mar- ket, where she fold the Produce of her little Dairy, received the Price of her Knitting,- and bought what her own Cow and Garden did not afford her. At the Close of the Evening, she again milk'd her Cow, and concluded the Day with Reading and Devotions. Devotions ! which drew upon VETERONA the Eyes of those angelic Beings, who look with Contempt on pompous Greatness, and turn away with Abhorrence from prosperous Wickedness, and opened to her those Regions of eternal Happiness, whither many, who now boast their ample Fortunes and exten- sive Capacities, shall never arrive. Thus was her Life one uniform Scene of In- nocence and Piety, not saddened by Misfortune, nor varied by Caprice: She enjoyed a Health scarce interrupted, ' till the Age of Seventy, and then dying of a short Illness, was found posses- sed of sixty Pounds, which she had laid up, that when she should be able to work no longer, she might not subsist upon the Labour of others. Such was the Inhabitant of this little Cottage, a Place more venerable than the splendid Resi- dences of Sloth and Luxury ! When we fit in. Solitude, out of Sight of Men, and unbyassed by their Customs ; when we are not afraid of be- ing ridicul'd by Wit, or wonder'd at by Folly ; is it possible to doubt a Moment which to prefer ? Can rational Beings put Weeks, Months, and Years, trifled away in unimproving Talk, idle Visits, and empty Amusements, in Competition with VETeR0NA'S useful Labour? But if we look further into the Conduit of those who stand in higher Life, and add their Vices to their Fol- lies ; if with the Time loft in thoughtless Diver- sions, we reckon that which is wasted by unlaw- ful Passions, in ambitious Pursuits, or criminal Amours; if we reflect on the Allurements to Wickedness, and Discouragements from Virtue, we shall be still more convinced of the Happiness of Obscurity. ' Tis certain, that with whatever Contempt we may now look on so narrow a Cir- cle of Life, most of us will, at a Time when we shall think more justly, wish to have been confined to it. The Pleasing CURE. TO heal the Wound a Bee had made Upon my DELIA'S Face, Its Honey to the Part she laid, And bid me kiss the Place. Pleas'd I obey'd, and from the Wound Suck'd both the Sweet and Smart; The Honey on my Lips I found, The Sting went to my Heart. The MODERN COQUETTE. THE Life wou'd you know of a modern Coquette, From Morning to Night she is found At the Auction, the Play, Quadrille or Picquet, With Crouds of young Fellows around : There ogling with amorous Languish, To her Lure she her Foplings can draw ; Their Hearts to enthrall, she will smile on them all, Then laugh out with a Ha, ha, ha ha I When gaily she boasts all her Power to charm, A very fond Swain should she meet, She tries all her Arts his fond Soul to alarm, Then glories in Triumph compleat: His Caresses return'd with Caressing, Mad with Pleasure he banishes Awe ; But just on the Brink to do what you may think— He is dash'd with a Ha, ha, ha, ha ! At last the coy Heart of this Maiden so nice, To Love's gentle Passion complies, In a critical Moment when ask'd, in a Trice To a Rake or a Fop she's a Prize. Then some doating Blockhead she marries, And mends of her Honour the Flaw ; But horning the Brows of the fondFool her Spouse, Still coquetts with a Ha, ha, ha, ha! When even by Time all her Beauty decays, And no longer her Gallantry ' larms ; Yet with feign'd Airs of Youth she frolicks & plays And by Art wou'd revive her dead Charms : Tho' her Glass will too fatally tell her, No Lovers can Artifice draw ; Yet still to be seen, what in Youth she had been, She dies a meer Ha, ha, ha, ha ! From the MONITOR. THE most early Measures concerted under the present King's Reign, convey a Penetration into the Means of annoying our natural Enemy, and of protecting and aggrandizing his own Sub- jects, far above that of his Predecessors. It was reserved by an over- ruling Wisdom, to the auspicious Reign of a King, that is our Bro- ther, to contrive Means of humbling our Ene- mies, of protecting our Trade and Navigation, and of extending our Conquests and Commerce, with less Charge and Hazard to the Nation, and with much greater Security. The Importance of Belleisle, the maiden Con- quest under his present Majesty, is greater than perhaps, at first Appearance, may be supposed. It commands the whole Navigation on the French Coast of the Ocean. Neither the East nor the Weft- India Company can fail in or out of their Ports without Hazard to their Property, should Belleisle remain in the Hands of an Enemy. Their Navigators take theirDeparture from thence, and it is the Course of Belleisle they are taught to them for the first Land in their Return to Old France. And should Britain make this Island a well- fortified Place of Arms, with a strong Squa- dron to cover its Coasts, it would be always in the Power of Great- Britain to keep the French Marine in a Degree of Subjection; without which, no Treaty can ever deprive her of the Means to augment her Navy, nor of the Ambi- tion and Power to rival and disturb our Naviga- tion and Sovereignty of the Seas. Let us, therefore, congratulate his Majesty on the Reduction of this important Island.— The Imagination is scarce able to figure the Advan- tages that may be expected from its Situation in Favour of Britain, at War with France.— What have our Enemies to sooth their Hopes, when the Loss of Belleisle deprives them of every Means to recover their ruined State, and their Strength at Sea ? This is the Crown of all our Conquests. It puts a final Stop to the French Naval Power, and opens a ready Passage to the French Conti- nent, if necessary to humble them more, before they can be brought to acknowledge our Superi- ority, and to submit to a Peace, which shall de- liver the Liberties of Europe and of the Reformed Religion from the ambitious and superstitious Schemes of France ; confirm our Title to those Conquests, which their Perfidy and Obstinacy have obliged us to make upon their Colonies and Settlements ; and secure the Subjects of Great- Britain from all Encroachments and Invasions, and from unnecessary Expences to maintain an Army, and to pay Subsidiary Forces in Time of Peace. On hearing a young Lady sing. SWEET Echo! vocal Nymph, whose mimic Tongue Return'd the Music of my DELIA'S Song, Oh! still repeat the soft inchanting Lay, That gently steals the ravish'd Soul away ! Shall Sounds like these in circling Air be toft, And in the Stream of vulgar Noises loft ? Ye guardian Sylphs, who listen while she sings, Bear the sweet Accents on your rosy Wings ; With studious Care the fading Notes retain ! Nor let that tuneful Breath be spent in vain ! Yet if too soon this transient Pleasure fly, A Charm more lading shall its Lois supply. While Harmony, with each attractive Grace, Plays in the fair Proportions of her Face, Where each soft Air, engaging and serene, Beats Measure to the well- tun'd Mind within, Alike her Singing and her Silence move, Whose Voice is Music, and whose Looks are Love. Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. [ No FOREIGN MAIL arriv'd.] London, June 18. Letters Hamburg advise, that the Russians are expected to act T with more Vigour this Campaign, than they have done since the Com- mencement of the War. The Cza- rina was so provoked on receiving an Account of the Treaty just concluded by the King of Prussia with the Grand Turk, that she swore it should cost him dear; and immediately sent a Courier to Vienna, to assure the Empress- Queen that she would employ all her Forces in Conjunction with her Majesty's, to reduce the Prussian King to the Marquisate of Brandenburg. These Letters add, that there was no more Talk of the Danish Troops encamping in Hol- stein ; but that the People of Hamburg were ne- vertheless apprehensive that the King of Den- mark would sooner or later assert his Claim to that City. A Letter from Vienna, dated June 1, fays,— " The Dispositions that are making in all Parts, give Room to expect some News of the last Im- portance. General Laudohn is at the Head of 60,000 Men, and his Operations in Silesia will be seconded by a Body of Russians. The Court places so much Confidence in this General's Abi- lities, that when the Plan of Operations against Silesia was forwarded to him, they sent him Word, that they referred the Execution of it wholly to him ; and that he might not be thwarted in any of his Enterprizes by other Generals, he should be subject to no Orders but those which he should receive directly from the Empress." Letters from the Hague advise, that it was said by several foreign Ministers at that Place, that the Congress was put off. A Letter from Paris, dated June 12, says,—.. " Though the Disposition of the British Court exactly corresponds with the King's sincere De- fire to hasten the great Work of Peace, we know not yet what to think either of the Congress at Augsbourg, or of the Negotiations that are to be managed by Mess. Stanley and Bussy. The lat- ter, we are confidently assured, is to labour to obtain a Suspension of Arms ; but the British Court will not consent to this before the Surren- der of Belleisle ; and if the Report be true, that they will listen to no Accommodation without in- cluding the King of Prussia in it, ' tis probable they will hear of no Suspension of Hostilities, in which he is not comprehended." A Letter from the Hague, of the 12th Inst. says, that the Count d'Affry had received that Day a Letter from the Prince de Soubise, and another from Marshal Broglio, informing him, that they were at length ready to begin their Operations, and that he might expect soon important News. They write from Pomerania, June 4, that the Prussians are making the most serious Dispositions to oppose the Russian Army, which is advancing in several Bodies. The Troops under Prince Eugene of Wurtemberg have formed a Kind of Line from Colberg to the New Marche. These Troops will not only be reinforced by several Squadrons and Battalions under Lieut. General Tadden, which have been employed in Silesia ; but they will also be supported by the Corps un- der Gen. Goltze. By Letters from Paris there is Advice, that Orders have been sent to several Regiments which guard the Coast of Saintonge and the Pais d'Au- nis, to repair to the Isle of Oleron, repeated Ad- vice being received by the Ministry, that the cond Fleet fitting out in England was against that Island. se- destihed ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, if short; longen Ones in Proportion The BATH CHRONICLE CAZETTE is circulated in London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater, Wells, Shepton, Mallet, Bruton, Frome, Gloucetter, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury, ' under- edge, Tewkesbury. Cheltenham, Hertford, Worcester, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford, Abingdon, Hungerford,: and Weekly Wotton. Reading, Salisbury, Heitsbury, Warminster, Westbury, Tinehead, Market- Lavington, Bradford, Trowbridge, Devizes, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, Shaftsburv Weymouth, Sherborne, & c. & c. & c. at the Post- Offices of most of which Places, Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, ate taken in; as likewise by me N No Letters received unless POST- PAID At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had, all Sorts of PATENT MEDICINES, & c. 146 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. It is said that a Plan is under Consideration for building a new Palace upon the old Spot at St. James's ; and that his Majesty will reside at Kensington while the old one is taking down and rebuilding. On Sunday last the Earl of Holdernesse gave a very grand Entertainment at Sion- House, at which Mons. Bussy, and several of the Nobility, were present. Yesterday the Lord Viscount Howe set out from his House at Whitehall for Portsmouth, to take on him the Command of a Fleet. Orders are given for all the Officers going out with the Expedition Fleet, to repair on board on or before Saturday next. Twenty- two Waggons more with warlike Stores are ordered from Woolwich for Portsmouth, in order to be employed on the second Expedition, which is to be ready to depart by the End of this Month. Yesterday several small Brass Field Pieces were shipped off at the Tower for Portsmouth; it said they are destined for the next Expedition. A great Number of Brass Cannon, 24 Pounders, were also shipped off to be put on board the Fleet. Transports are fitting up in the River for a Body of Infantry. Last Sunday about 250 Workmen were, in Consequence of some urgent Demands, employed upon Tin Boats of a new Construction, in exa- mining Shells, cleaning Bombs, and all th other Branches of the Ordnance. It is said that another Reinforcement of Troops will loon embark for Germany. The King hath been pleased to appoint Major- General Craufurd to be Governor of his Majesty's Island of Belleisle. By Advices from Belleisle we learn, that when the Garrison surrendered, there were only two Guns remaining in the Citadel fit for Service that three large Breaches had been made in the Wall: And that the Reduction of that Place has cost us about 1000 Men. It is said, that, upon the extraordinary Re commendation in Gen. Hodgson's Letter, of the gallant Behaviour of the Body of Marines at the Siege of Palais, a suitable Reward will be con- ferred on them. It having been reported, and even mentioned in some English News- Papers, that M. de St. Croix placed the English Prisoners in that Part of REFLECTIONS on various Subjects. [ By SoAME JENYNS, Esq.] ALL foolish People are wife enough to be 1. soon tired of their own Company ; and therefore, impatient of Solitude, perpetually im- pels it upon their unfortunate Acquaintance. 2. Thole who are extremely civil, are seldom sociable ; because they receive . more Trouble than Entertainment from Company. 3. That Men generally grow more covetous, as they grow older, does not so much proceed from the Increase of their Affection for Wealth, as from the Decrease of their Inclinations for any Thing beside : Their Regard for Money conti- nues the same, but they meet with fewer Temp- tations to part with it : Their Love of Pleasures is lessened by Satiety, their Ambition by Disap- pointments, their Prodigality by Experience, and their Generality by Ingratitude. 4. Every Year, as we grow older, appears shotter than the preceding; and the Reason of it is this ; all our Ideas of Time must be derived from that Portion of it, in which we have al ready existed ; and that must be the Standard by which we measure it: As this Standard therefore extends itself by our living longer, so every Pe- riod must appear shorter in Proportion to it: Thus when we have lived ten Years, one Year is the tenth Part of the Duration of our whole Exist- ence ; but when we have lived eighty, it is then but the eighth Part of the fame Term. 5. Honour is but a fictitious Kind of Honesty ; a mean, but a necessary Substitute for it in Socie- ties who have none It is a Sort of Paper Credit, with which Men are obliged to trade, who are deficient in the Sterling Cash of true Morality and Religion. 6. Women are certainly not at all inferior to Men in Resolution, and perhaps much less in Courage than is commonly imagined : The Rea- son they appear so is, because Women affect to be more afraid,- than they really are, and Men pretend to be less. 7. Men's Opinions much ofiner proceed from their Actions, than their Actions from their Opi- nions : They act first, and then with great Faci- lity reconcile their Principles to their Conduct ; for which Reason we find many, whom no Ad- vantage can induce to do any Thing, which ap- pears to them wrong; but of that Many, very I few, who can ever be convinced that any Thing I is wrong, from whence either Pleasure or Profit I accrues to themselves. A PERSON of a fair Character,| capable of instructing Young Gentlemen in the CLASSICKS, and who can assist in teaching WRITING, ACCOUNTS, & C. is immediately WANTED, in a BOARDING- SCHOOL ( where most of the Liberal Sciences are taught) about forty Miles from BATH. For further Particulars, enquire of the Printer of this Paper ; who will take Care to have all Letters answered, which come to his Hands, Post- paid, in Consequence of this Advertisement. WILLIAM SMITH, GLOVER and UNDERTAKER, At his House in BROAD- STREET, BRISTOL, SELLS, TICKETS, SHARES and CHANCES of TICKETS, in the [ VOL. Wanted, A GELDING, Not exceeding 14 Hands high, Fit to carry A WOMAN. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. STENNET, Grocer, in the Market- Place. By the King's Royal Authority. DR. Radcliff's famous Forging Elixir : Being the only celebrated Cathartic esteemed in the World, which daily adds to the Character of that great Man, whose Name will live as long as the World shall endure; it far exceeding any Medicine yet experienced both in Quality and Quantity, being not of the Nature of those sweet Slops fold by this or that Name about the Kingdom, where the Sick are obliged to take four or five Ounces, or five or six nauseous Pills, which render Physic so obnoxious, that Thou- sands puke ¡ at the Sight of either Vial or Pill Box ; but, on the Contrary, it is a fine Bitter, which is the most grateful Taste to them that have Occasion far Physic; and ' tis reduced into so small a Quantity, that a Spoonful proves a sufficient Dose in most Confli- tutions; requiring no Confinement, neither does it leave the Body bound, but gives two or three Stools the succeeding Day, working fo kindly, and by Ways so familiar to Nature, that you'd bless yourself to feel its wonderful Effects: Therefore ' tis a Pity any Family should be unacquainted with its Virtues, all Persons of Sense agreeing in this one Point, that ' tis the very heft of Purges to cleanse the Body of all gross and vicious Humours contracted by hard Drink- ing, Surfeits, Colds, Measles, or Small Pox. It destroys all Manner of Worms in Children or grown Persons, gives present Ease in the Cholic, expels Wind, and cures the Scurvy, Dropsy, Itch, and all running Sores or Breakings out whatsoever ; ' tis taken with great Success in the Black or Yellow Jaundice, King's Evil, Swelling of the Face or Gums, bad Breath, Deafness ( provided the Ears run) ; it cures the Head- ach, Vertigo, and Heartburn, helps Digestion, dissipates Vapours and sudden Faintings, procures a strong Appetite, prevents Vo- miting, Reaching in the Mor- ning, Gripes and Pains in tie Bcwels Difficulty of Breath- ing and Morning Sweats, strengthening the Nerves; & there better Medicine in the World to prevent those Diseases which commonly at- tend Persons atSea,. occasioned by bad Air, Diet, & c. there- fore none who undertake long Voyages or Jour ¡ ties-, ought to be without it, or omit taking it at Spring and Fall-, the Price being ( for the Advantage of thePoor) but Twelve- Pence, tho' well worth Twelve Sbil lings: Great Allowance is made to them who. sell it again. To prevent Counterfeits, observe that each Bottle is sealed with the same Arms as in the Mar- gin, and has a Label affix d to it with these Words: Dr. Radcliff's Famous Purging Elixir, prepared bp Dicey and Okell, ( whose Names are also in the Di- rection Bill) and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr. le Bateman's Ware- House in Bow- Churcb- Yard, Lon. don; also Retail, Price is. by L. Lambe, and W- Taylor, Grocers, & C. in BATH ; J. Ball, in Bridge- water; A. Nurton, in Taunton; J. Brown, in Shepton- Mallet-, W. Hancock, in Frame-, J. Sboar, in Warminster; W. Stuart, in Bradford; R. Bishop, in Pensford; and by one reputable Shopkeeper in every City and Market- Town in Great- Britain, & c. Scheme of the Lottery, 1761. No. of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value. 2 of IOOOO is 2OOOO 2 — 5000 — IOOOO 4- 10 _ 2000 — IQQO. » — 8000 IOOOO 20 — 500 IOOOO 100 — 100 IOOOO 201 — JO — IOOJO II606 — 20 — 232 IAO Prizes 310170 First drawn 5oo Last drawn 1000 48000 Blanks at 61. each 288330 60000 Tickets at iol. each 600000 The LOTTERY begins drawing the 17th of Nov. Letters Post- paid will be duly answered. the Town of Palais which was most exposed, it is but Justice to the Generosity of that brave Officer to contradict the Slander. Four Ships of the Line, with some Transports, are ordered to be got ready to fail for the Medi terranean ; and it is said the new Governor of Gibraltar will embark on board the Commodore's Ship. Yesterday Morning his Excellency Sir Joseph Yorke set out for Harwich, in his Way to Holland. We hear that M. de Bussy was at Court on Monday Last. New Commissions of the Peace have passed the Great Seal for Wiltshire, Huntingdonshire, and Warwickshire. Richard Leigh, Esq; is appointed Recorder of Rochester. His Catholic Majesty has promised to assist the Maltese ( in case they are attacked by the Turks) DR. ROBERT WALKER'S Patent Genuine JESUITS PROPS, or ELIXIR of HEALTH and LONG LIFE. ( InBot- tles only of 2 s. 6 d. And 5 p.) The great Success and Demand that is daily made for my never- sailing genuine JESUITS DROPS, which are the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual and im- modíateCure ever discover'd for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, tho ever Jo obstinate, of ever so long standing, and by whatever Means occasion'd, and also for the Venereal Disease, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms, has occasiond some Persons to endeavour to imitate the same, and publish Medicines pretending to some of the like Virtues. His Majesty, that I should reap the sole Advantage of my said va- luable Invention, and that the Public should receive the Benefit of the same genuine, was most graciously pleas'don the 29th of November, 1755, to grant me his Rojal Letters Patent, for England and the Planta- tions in America: And, on repeated Representations of the great and surprising dures daily perform'd by my said Jesuits Drops, has been since also graciously pleas'd, that his Subjects in his Kingdoms of Scotland and Ire- and should also have the said Medicine genuine, and for preventing them from being imposed upon with spu- rious Medicines, falsely pretending to the fame Virtues, to the Prejudice of their Healths and Constitutions, as well as endangering their Lives, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent for those Kingdoms. with twelve Line of Battle Ships, several Fri- gates, and 6000 Land Forces. The English have taken two French Ships and sent them into Malta, which have been claimed by the French Consul there. Orders have been given by the Grand Master, for those Prizes to be sent into the Haven of the Fort of Raccazoli, and an English Prize, taken by the French, has like wife been Cent there until farther Orders. By a Ship arrived at Copenhagen from Tran- quebar, our East- India Company have received Letters from their President and Council in Ben- gal, dated the 12th of November Last, which give an Account of a Revolution in the Government of that Country ; the late Subah or Nabob Jaf- feir Aly Cawn, being for his Cruelty, weakCon- duct and Mal - administration in general, de- posed, and his Son- in- Law, Mir Mahomud Cos- sum Aly Cawn, appointed in his Room. This great Event was brought about principally by the Address of President Van Sittart; and as the great People as well as the Inhabitants of that Country in general, most heartily and readily concurred therein, there was not a Drop of Blood spilt. The new Nabob has not only confirmed all the Company's former Privileges, but also granted many valuable new ones, with the Ad- dition of a considerable Sum of Money. Capt. Duncomb, of the Cornwall, is arrived at Bristol from the Leeward Islands. About 14 Days before he arrived, he fell hi with a Dutch East- India Ship who had loft her Mads, and had parted Company just before with eight Sail more They had been three Months from the Cape, and said a Vessel was arrived there from Pondi- cherry, which came from thence the Begining of December, at which Time it was closely pressed by the English Troops, who were in high Spirits and daily expected the Surrender of that impor- tant Place. They further laid, that four French Men of War were cruizing off the Cape. The Favourite, Halleran, from Africa toAme rica ; and the Newcastle, Betenham, and the Sa- rah, Robinson, both from Piscataqua; are all taken by the French. Last Saturday came on at Westminster- Hall, a Trial between the Son of a Nobleman, and a young Lady. The Action was brought for a Thousand Guineas, which the young Man had agreed either to pay the Lady, or marry her, if she would grant him a Favour. The Day after, he could neither think of Marriages nor would part with the Money. The Jury brought in their Verdict in Favour of the Lady. 12. Contempt among Mankind, like Action and Re- action in solid Bodies, is always recipro- cal and equal ; whoever despises his Company, may be allured that he is not less despised by them : A wife Man is just as much despised amongst Fools, as a Fool amongst wife Men Whores and Gamesters are not more contempti ble in the Eyes of others, than all others are in theirs, who are not of their own genteel Fraternity, To SYLVIA. SYLVIA, my Vows you won't believe Whene'er I speak of Love ; You think I speak but to deceive; You think me prone to rove. Your Charge is just,— I own my Fault ; I love not, as before : Yet dill I do but as I ought ; I love not— but ADORE. My said Patent genuine Jesuits Drops have no Mercurials in their Composition, and neither purge or vomit, but carry the Disorders clean off by Urine ( the Dose only 15 Drops in Wine, Water, or on Sugar) and is an excellent Remedy for Travellers, and Persons going to Sea, as to be taken so secret, that even a Bed- fellow cannot make Discovery, and at any Time, in any Season or Climate, ( keeping their full Virtues ten Years) without Alteration in Diet,- and eradicates Root and Branch all the poisonous Symptoms of those loathsome Distempers, and absolutely answer all the Ends that can be expected by Salivation, and were never known to miss of curing after Salivation had fail'd. I am to be consulted gratis at my Warehouse, and Persons erf either Sex m ¡ y, on personal Application, depend on the strictest Honour and Secrecy, and re- ceiving a, certain Cure, with a mild Medicine, with- out their Constitutions being torn to pieces with rough Mercurials. And I give gratis, seal'd up with each Bottle, a printed Treatise on Gleets, Weaknesses, and the Venereal Disorder, by which Persons of both Sexes may cure themselves, with the greatest Secresy, and know if the Disorder be of a mild or malignant Na- ture. Veritas prevaleat. R. WALKER, M. D. To be had at the Patentee's Warehouse, the Bible and Crown, the upper End of Fleet- Lane, opposite the Sessions House Gate, Old Bailey, London; of Mr, Brown, in Chrismas- Street, Bristol; ' of C. Pope, andComp. at their Office, in Stall- Street, Bath ; ana of the Distributors of this Paper. Sold likewise, Curious Issue Plaisters, to stick with- out filleting, Price is. ALSO, The Famous Blacking- Ball for Shoes. Price is. the large, ami 6d. the small. Greenough's Tinctures for the Teeth. At is, each Bottle. Sold likewise by Authority of his Majesty's Royal Patents, Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, ( for counterfeiting which, Randal, Russel, Jackson, and Clark, were found guilty, and paid considerable Costs) famous for curing Colds, Fluxes, Rheumatism, & c. & c. is. Dr. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir, is. Cd. Dr. Hooper's well known Female Pills, is. Baron Schwanberg's Liquid Shell, being a safe, and Jure Dissolvent of the Stone and Gravel, gives immediate Relief in the Stranguary, Wind Cholic, Disorders in the Stomach and Bowels of Infants, preferable to any Cordials, is. 6d. Dr. Chase's Restorative Balsamic Pills, for the Cure of Astmatic Coughs, and to prevent Miscarriages, & e. 2s. Betton's True and Genuine British Oil, for Wounds, Ulcers, Strains, Bruises, & c. is. Also the Refined Oil, to take inwardly for Con- sumptions and Disorders of the Breast and Lungs, & c. is. 6d. Dr. Patrick Anderson's Grana Angelica ( beware you are not imposed on by such as Yooll and other Hawkers from the North) or the True Scots Pills, sealed with the Dollar's Head, between C. D. is. the Box round or oval. Dr. Bateman's Spirits of Scurvy- Grafs, is. Dr. Baker's Balsam, which certainly cures and prevents Putrefaction in the Gums, and strongBreatht & c. is. 6d. Schwanberg's Original Universal Fever Pow. der. 2s. Dr. Daffy's True Rich Elixir, Half- Pint Bottle, IS. 3D. Dr. Bostock's, and Squire's Elixirs, is. 3d. Dr. Stoughton's Elixir, is. Frier's Universal Balsam. is. Ladies Court Plaister. 6d. and is. True Eau de Luce, in is— 2s-— and 3s. Bottles. Turlington's Balsam of Life. is. 9d. and 3s. 6d, Godfrey's Original well- known Cordial for Chil- dren. 6d. Observe that the Names Dicey and Okell, be in all Direction Bills, with every Bottle or Box, to I prevent Counterfeits. Wrote by a Traveller, on the Window of a Thatch'd Cottage. STAY, Traveller, and tho' within Nor Gold nor glittering Gems are seen, To strike the ravish'd Eye ; Yet enter, and thy well- pleas'd Mind Beneath this humble Roof shall find What Gold can never buy. Within this solitary Cell, Calm Thoughts and sweet Contentment dwell, Parents of Bliss sincere ! Peace spreads around her balmy Wings, And, banish'd from the Courts of Kings, Has six'd her Mansions here. 9. Were all Men honest, the World would go on much more happily than it does at present; but were all Men wife, it would not go on at all: So greatly preferable is Honesty to Understanding. 10. As a Man of Sense can easily out- wit a Fool, because his Designs are inconceivable to his Adversary's Understanding; so a Fool will some- times be too cunning for a wife Man, for the very fame Reason ; that is, because he will con- ceive Schemes, which could never enter a wiser Head than his own. Counter- plotting an absurd Fellow, is like lighting a Left- handed Fencer; you receive a Wound, because it comes in a Di- rection from whence you had no Reason to expect it, and he gains a Victory merely by his Awk- wardness. 11. Much Spirit and little Sense are the word Ingredients of which a human Creature can he composed; he, who has much Spirit, and much Understanding, will probably make a great and illustrious Character; he, who has little Spirit and little Sense, may prove an honest, useful, and hap- py Man: But he, who is so unfortunate, as to have a great Deal of Spirit, and a small Share of Understanding, must ever be mischievous to others, and iniserable to himself. Present State- Lottery, 1761. He also Registers Tickets at 6d. per Number, and the earliest Notice sent of their Success to any Part of GREAT- BRITAIN or IRELAND. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. I. ] WANTED, An APPRENTICE To a TAYLOR in good Business In the City of BATH. Enquire at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street.—- All Letters must be free of Postage. At the Printing- Office aforesaid, there is a very genteel APARTMENT on the First Floor, consisting of four Rooms ; which will be left either together or separate, Furnish'd or Unfur- nish'd, very reasonable.—. The said House is so Conveniently situated, that Persons who have Oc- casion to bathe may lave the Expence of Chair- Hire, the back Door opening directly to the Slips. now selling off at PRIME- COST, ( As he is determined to quit Business) All the STOCK in TRADE OF. J RICHARD WILLS, LINEN- DRAPER, At the BLACK- MOORS- HEADs, in Stall- sweet. Long Lawns from 17d. to 5s. per Yard ; Clear ditto from to 4s. 6d.— Three- quarters, Seven- eights, and Yard- wide Irish Cloths, from led. to 6s. per Yard. The SHOP to be Lett. Detachment of four Squadrons and six Battalions of Hessian Grenadiers, form a small separate Camp at Appelhulsen. The Light Troops are ported at Ccesfeld, Dulmen, and Geschcr. The Hereditary Prince's Head- Quarters are still at Nottelen; but the Field Officers are at Schap- detten. . HANOVER, June 12. Prince Ferdinand'sHead Qnartess continue at Neuhaus, where he atten- tively watches the Motions which the Duke de Broglio is beginning to maize. The Troops which assembled a few Days ago under General Sporken at Warbourg, consist only of six Regi- ments of German Horse, and thirteen of German Foot ; but we hear that they will be considerab} y reinforced loon. WESEL, June 13. The Prince de Soubise was hereon the 10th. That Day, all the Cavalry, which were formerly cantoned on the other Side of the Rhine, came and occupied a Camp under our Walls, out of which the Foot had marched to take Post a League farther off. On the nth, the Column that had been at Dusseldorp, took its Rout toward the Country of La Marck. Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Bohemia PRAGUE, June 3. It is this Day reported, that M. Daun, after Rationing a Body of Troops in the Territory of Plauen, near Dresden, and put- ting a strong Garrison in that Capital, has sud- denly marched, with the reft of his Forces, to- wards Silesia. It is certain that Gen. Haddick hath taken the Command of the Troops from Dippoldswalde to Dresden; and that Gen. Lascy hath taken Post on the Right of the Elbe, to pre- serve the Communication with Zittau. If M. Daun be really marched, and if it be really true, that the Division of the Russian Forces, which Gen. Fermor commands, is advancing by Posen to Silesia, there will be bloody Work. General Goltze wanted to he beforehand with the Russians at Posen, but, not succeeding, he hath taken Post in the Confines of Poland, to dispute their enter- ing into Silesia. As soon as Prince Henry was informed of M. Daun's Departure, he assembled his whole Force in the Neighbourhood of Meissen. Germany Prince Henry's Quarters at SCHLETTAU, June 2. Nothing passes between the two Armies but Skirmishes between the Light Troops. Only II Battalions, and a Regiment of Horse of our Army is yet encamped. The Troops which Marshal Daun is marching to Silesia, were oh the 20th past near Zittau ; but the Corps under Count Guasco, I which was polled on the Eger, is arrived in the Neighbourhood of Dresden. DRESDEN, June 3. Marshal Daun is gone to conset with General Laudohn, leaving the Com- mand of his Army, of which Part only is yet en- camped, to Gen. Haddick. The Troops under Sincere and O'Donnel halt, ' till farther Orders, at ; I Zittau, from whence they can eafily return hither, I ; or join Laudohn, asOccafion NUREnBERG, June 6. Some Movements are I making by the two Armies in Saxony, the Design of which a few Days will shew. Banks of the ODER, June 7. On the 20th ult. Gen. Goltz, with 20,000 Men, entered the Camp which he occupied last Year near Glogau. On the 22d he extended his Troops a little towards Zullichau, from whence he receives Reinforce- ments from Time to Time. It is probable that the grand Russian Army will come out at that Place, whilst another Corps, under" Cotint Czer- nichess, advances to Breslau ; and the rest go to reinforce Count Tottleben in Pomerania. By Way of Precaution, all the Barges on the Oder ; are laid up in a Place of Safety, and the Bridges of Boats are taken up every Night. MECKLENBOURG, June 8. The Prussian Troops which remain in this Country under Col. Belling, amount to 6000 Men, who, by observing the strictest Discipline, give no Room for Com- plaint. BRANDENBURGH, June 10. The King hath matched a great Part of his Army towards Frank- ; enstein, to be nearer the County of Glatz. MUNSTeR, June 9. The Troops under the '. Command of the Hereditary Prince have been en- camped since the ist Instant at Schapdetten : A London, Jun e 20. It is said Col. Desaguliers is appointed Engi- neer, in Chief on the Expedition now almost ready to fail under Lord Howe. It is said the Number of Troops which are to be left at Belleisle are to be 5000 Men, with a strong Squadron of Men of War, to prevent any Attempts that the French may make for the Recovery of that Island. An Express is gone to Belleisle with Instruc- tions to General Hodgson, for the present Regu lation of the Government of that important Ac quisition, and by the same Vessel several Medici- nal Chests, with some Surgeons, & c. are gone. It is further said, that a Letter of Thanks, signed by his Majesty, is also gone there, with an Order for the same to be read at the Head of the several Corps upon that Island, and a like Letter to the Gentlemen, & c. of the Navy. We hear that General Amherst is certainly gone against the Missisippi; by the Conquest of which, he will be in Possession of all Louisiana, and finish the French Power in that Part. His Majesty's Ship Intrepid, just returned from a Cruise to Plymouth, spoke wtth a Dutch East- India Ship, under Jury- Masts ( half of whose Cargo had been thrown overboard to lave the Remainder, which is greatly damaged) about 70 Leagues from the Land's End, that had left the Cape near three Months, where Advice was re ceived of Pondicherry being taken. Last Tuesday Lord Ligonier, Mailer of the Ordnance, appointed Mr. John Lodge Cowley to be Mailer of the Academy at Woolwich, in the Room of Mr. Tho. Simpson, deceased. We hear that Lord Ligonier has appointed Richard Phelps, Esq; of the Dorsetshire Regi- ment, Major of Brigade in the Camp at Win chester. It is rumoured, that in a late Conference be tween a Foreign and an English Gentleman, both of high Rank, the former hinted that he had a certain Electorate in his Pocket; to which the other replied, there kept it; but be careful that it does not burn the Bottom of your Pocket out. They write from Hamburg of the 12th Inst. that by their last Letters from Hanover they had an Account, that a Cessation of Arms between England, and France was fettled, and that the Ratifications were daily expected from Paris. A Letter from Cologn, dated June 12, says,— " This Day the Marshal de Soubise sets out from Wesel, and M. de Voyer from Rees, to form two separate Camps. At the same Time M. de Che- vert, with the Division of the Right, sets out from the Cantonments of Kalckum, and that Neighbourhood, to march to Bruck on the left Side of the Roer : On the 13th he will pass that River; to go and encamp 011 the Emfer, near Essen; and 0n the 14th, the whole Army will unite.' M. de Chevert'is to form the Siege of Lipstadt; - M. de Voyer that of Munster ; and Marshal Broglio with bis Army is to cover those two Sieges ; which, it is laid, are to be carried on at the lame Time. This, however, will be very difficult; for, supposing that Prince Ferdi- nand should be obliged to abandon the Banks of the Dymel, he hath certainly tenable Polls; and it is in the highest Degree probable, that if the French form two Sieges at one Time, he will fight one of their Armies with Advantage. On the Contrary, if M. de Voyer only hovers over the Neighbourhood of Munster, and covers M. de Soubise's Left, M, de Chevert may carry on the Siege of Lipstadt unmolested, M. de Broglio co- operating with him. 147 A Letter from Brussels, dated June 12, runs thus: " The last Letters from Hildesheim and Munster are filled with the Distress of the Inha- bitants, who suffer much from the Allies. Prince Ferdinand being informed that some Princes and Bishops, particularly thole of Triers, Cologn, and Liege, had Emissaries in those Towns, who are soliciting Votes for them at there suing Election, has ordered them to leave the Place is twice 24. Hours, and at the same Time signified, thai he would suffer no Foreigner to stay in those Bishop- ricks without a Passport signed by him. His Se- rene Highness hath also given Orders to the Go- vernors of those Places, in Cafe Soubise's Army should oblige them to abandon them, to carry off with them the Majority of the Canons in 0rder to prevent an Election before a Peace he signed) and to bring them with them to the Foot of the Walls of Magdebourg, where he himself pro- poles to retire, if overpowered by the French." A Letter from the Hague, June 16, says, " The Prince of Lichtenstein's Arrival in this Country occasions much Speculation. It is said that the Court of Vienna beginning to entertain a Dillrull of France, and even apprehensive of being soon at Variance with her, hath sent this Nobleman, under Pretence of visiting this Country, to found the Disposition of the States, and pave the Way to a Renewal of the Alliance and ancient Treaties which have always subsisted between the- two Powers. It is farther said, that this Prince is also charged, in cafe the Empress- Queen should be obliged to make another Campaign, to endea- our to borrow Money in this Country." Prince Ferdinand celebrated the King's Birth? Day at Neuhaus. At Seven in the Morning a Discharge was made of 120 Pieces of Cannon. At Noon his Serene Highness received the Com- pliments of the principal Officers of the Army, and other Persons of Distinction in the Country, who were entertained at Dinner, to the Number of 300, at different Tables. In the Evening there was a splendid Ball, at which the Number of Masks amounted to 400. As soon as the Ball opened, some fine Fire- Works were exhibited under the Direction of M. de Bauer, Major of the Engineers. They wtite from Madrid, that a Fund is to be established there, for making a Provision for the Widows of Officers who die in the King's Service. The Genoese Commissaries arrived at Bastia on the 17th past. The Genoese have great Ex- pectation from the Eloquence of the Marquis de Durazzo, one of the Number, and from the Mo- deration of the Terms to be offered the Male- contents ; which are, That they should only pay a small annual Tribute as an Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of Genoa. The Dutch having laid the Portuguese Consul in Holland under some Restrictions, the King of Portugal has forbid the Dutch Consul at Eisbon to act in that Character. Capt. Archibald Millar, of the Thunder armed Ship, was promoted last Tuesday, by the Lords of the Admiralty, to the Command of the Lynn of 44 Guns. At the Reduction of Senegal that Gentleman was the first who ( in the London. Buss) passed the dangerous Bar there, and lay one Evening, and Part of the next Day, in the River alone, exposed to the united Fire of seven of the Enemy's Ships. Upwards of thirty English Ships have been taken and carried into Vigo, in Spain, since January last, by French Privateers. The Hill- House at Chatham is getting ready to receive General Kingsley, who is to command the Forces that are to encamp at Brumpton. They continue to work every Day in the Yards at Woolwich, Sundays not excepted. We are informed, that the great Man who won the major Part of a Nobleman's Estate, offered it him all back again, provided he would relinquish Gaming ; but it was not accepted of. The Rev. Mr. Harris, a Relation of *** Ed- wards, Esq. of Wales, was lately presented by him to the Living of St. Bartholomew the Great; but as Mr. Harris was coming to London, he was taken ill and detained upon the Road. The fix Months from the Death of the Rev. Mr. Bate- man, the last Incumbent, expired on Sunday last ; and the Presentation not being delivered ' till Mon- day, the Bishop of London had in the Interim presented the Rev. Mr. Moore to the Living ; so that each Party claims it, and ' tis thought it will be contested in Law. We hear from Lancaster, that one Day last Week, the Sugar- House at that Town, was, by to the Ground. The Shock of an Earthquake felt at Shrews- bury the 9th of June, was likewise felt at Sher- borne, in Dorsetshire, the same Day. Thursday Evening a Porter in St. James's- Market eat four Pounds of Beef- stakes with a Butcher's Dog, soonest and bell, for a Wager, and won it by several Mouthfuls. The Rose, Tardiff, a Transport from Belle- isle to Guernsey, is taken by a Bourdeaux Pri- vateer, and carried into Bilboa. The Joachim and Christopher, Capt. Muse- man, from Frederickshall for Bristol, is lost near Calais ; the Crew and some of the Cargo were laved. A Modern CHOICE. GIVE me a Maid, whene'er I take a Wife, Inur'd to the domestic Cares of Life ; With Mind unltain'd by Vanity or Art, Blest with Good- nature from a virtuous Heart; Tho' modest, chearful ; LOVE her Aim and End; To Truth, Religion, and to Me a Friend. May Peace be in her Soul, Heav'n in her Eye With inch a Maid as this I'd live and die. The BATH and BRISTOL Flying Stage Post- Chaises, SET out from the White- Hart in Stall- Street, BATH, every . Morning ; one atEight o'Clock, the other at Ten ; and put up at the White- Lion is Broad- Street, BRISTOL :— Will set out from thence every Evening, one at Four o'Clock, the other at Six.— To carry Passengers at 3s. each. There will also One set out every Morning from the said White- Lion in Bristol, at Eight o'Clock, or Ten, if required; which goes to the aforesaid White- Hart, and returns again from thence every Evening at Four, or Six. These Chaises will carry only two Passen- gers each, unless a third should be agreeable to the Company. BRISTOL Guildhall, May 25, 1761. This is to the notice, THAT the SALE of the Material of the several Houses upon or near the Bridge of BRISTOL, advertised to be fold To- morrow is postponed ' till TUESDAY the 30th Day of JUNe next; when the same will be fold, at the Ex CHANGE- COFFEE- HOUSE, in CORN- STREET BRISTOL, between the Hours of One and Two of the Clock in' the Afternoon ; in the same Lots and subject to the same Conditions of Sale as before advertised ; and that such Houses may be viewed from and after the 24- th Day of said June ' till the Day of Sale, by applying to Mr. JAMES BRIDGES, Architect, or to Mr. WM. RICHARDS broker, in CORN- STREET, BRISTOL. By Order of the Trustees, THOMAS SYMONS, Clerk Sunday's and Monday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE Holland HAGUE, June 16. OUR freshest Letters from the Lower Rhine, bring the followingAccounts on the 10th Inst. the Head- Quar ters of the French Army were trans- ferred to Wesel, the Troops from the Camp at Burick passed through that Place and eroded the Lippe; above 100 Pieces of Cannon had paired over the Bridge there. The Prince Soubise was to set out the izth from thence ; and M. Voyer from Rees at the same Time. M. Che vert marched on the 12th with the Division of the Right, to go and encamp at Brouch, on the Left of the Rhur. The 13th he was to pass that River and encamp near Essen ; and the 14th the whole Army was to join. The Glanders make great Havock among the French Cavalry, some Regiments of which have been obliged to repass the Rhine. The King of Prussia continued in the same Position,. at Kuntzendorff, on the 3d and 4th Instant; which were the Dates of the last Ac- counts received from Silesia. We have melancholy Accounts of the Damage done in different Pans of Germany, by Storms of Thunder and Hail. We have had but little Thunder here, but the Rain has not ceased for these three Days past, and has ruined all the Roads. London. WHITEHALL, June 20. The King has been pleased, upon a Surrender of her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia, to grant unto John Earl of Bute, the Office of Ranger and Keeper of Richmond Park. WHITEHALL, June 23. The King has been pleased to order a Conge d'Elire, for electing the Right Rev. Dr. Richard Newcome, now Bishop of Landaff, to be chosen Bishop of the See of St. Asaph. ST. JAMES'S, June 17. This Day the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common- Council as- sembled, waited on his Majesty, and being in- troduced by the Right Hon. Mr. Vice- Chamber- Iain Finch, made their Compliments in an Ad- dres's, which was spoke by Sir William Moreton, Knt. the Recorder.— In which they congratulated his Majesty on the entire Reduction of the impor- tant Island of Belleisle and assur'd him that they would with unwearied Zeal and Chearfulness con- tribute to support a vigorous Prosecution of this just and necessary War, until his Majesty should enjoy the Blessing and Glory of giving Repose to Europe, of wholly attending to and promoting he Virtue and Happiness of his People, and of cultivating all the softer Arts of Peace ; after ha- ving sufficiently vindicated the Honour of his Crown, and lecured the Trade, Navigation, and Possessions of his Subjects, & c. & c. To which Address his Majesty was pleased to return this most gracious Answer : I return you my hearty thanks for this fresh Mark of your Affection to my Person, and of your constant leal for the Lustre of my Arms, and for the Glory of my Reign. Your repeated Assurances of chearful and steady Support in the Prosecution of this necessary War, are most highly pleasing to vie, and cannot fail to pro- mote the desirable Object of Peace, on just, honoura- ble, and advantageous Conditions. The City of Lon- don may always depend on my unwearied Endeavours for the Security and Extension of their Trade, Navi- gation, and Commerce. They were all received very graciously, and had the Honour to kiss his Majesty's Hand. ST. JAMES'S, June 19. The King has been pleased to appoint Thomas Wroughton, Esq. to be his Consul General of all Russia : And Nicholas Fenwicke, Esq. Consul at Elsinar. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, June 18. The Mare- chal Duc de Biron Snow, a French Privateer of 15 Guns, six Pounders, ( pierced for 20) 12 Swi- vels, and 100 Men, was taken by the Argo, Capt. King, on the, nth Inst, after a Chace of ght Hours. The said Privateer had Ransomers for six Vessels on board. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] This Day ( the 13th) all the Houshold Troops, the finest Eye ever beheld, all the Cavalry, and all the Infantry, that were before the Town, began their March early in the Morning. The Division which was encamped at Rees, under the Marquis de Voyer, joined this Column, and made its Van. M. de Chevert heads the Column that came from Dusseldorp. That which hath just now left us is commanded by the Marshal Prince de Sou- bise in Person. P. S. It is just now reported, that the Heredi- tary Prince is advancing, with a numerous Force, against the Column led by M. de Chevert. Holland. HAGUE, June 16. Several private Letters Westphalia advise, that they hourly expec- ted an Account of a bloody Engagement between the Troops under the Hereditary Prince and Sou- bise's Army. 148 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ VOL. I. ] DESERTED, On Sunday the 21st of June, 1761, from his Ma- jesty's Sixth Regiment, commanded by Gene- ral Guise, and from Capt. TAAFFE'S Recruit- ing Party at Bath, GEORGE YOUNG, Aged about Thirty, five Feet ten Inches high, dark Complexion, dark- brown bushy Hair, grey Eyes ; a little in- knee'd, especially the right Knee ; by Employment a Husbandman : Had on, when he went away, a dirty Fustian Frock, blue Waistcoat, and white Ticken Breeches ; was born ( as he said) at Benham in Berkshire. Whosoever apprehends the above Deserter, ( so as he may be committed to any of his Majesty's Gaols) on applying to JOHN WINTER, Esq. Agent to the said Regiment, at his House in Brewer- Street, near Golden- Square, London, shall receive Two Guineas Reward, over and above the Reward given by A£ t of Parliament. B A T H. The London TeaWarehouse, Lately kept by Mr. KEEP, at the Bear- Corner, Is Removed to the REGISTER- OFFICE, Adjoining to Trim- Gate, near Queen- Square, And now kept by James Gegg ( Brother- in- Law to the said Mr. KEEP :) WHO has laid in a large and fresh Assortment of TEAS, of the finest Fla- vour ; bestTurkeyCOFFEE, andCHOCOLATE; all Sorts of GROCERY, & c. which he is deter- min'd to f'ell, Wholesale and Retail, 011 the lowest Terms: And the Continuance of the Favours of the said Mr. KEEP's Customers and Friends, will be gratefully acknowledged.— He fells likewise Stationary Wares and Patent Medicines. At the above House The REGISTER- OFFICE Is kept by the said J. GEGG and Camp. Where, as usual, the Business of Registering and giving Intelligence of Mailers and Mistresses wanting Servants, and of Servants wanting Mas- ters and Mistresses, of any Profession, Trade, or Employment, in Town or Country ; Estates and Houses to be fold, and of Houses or Lodgings to be lett, or hired; as alio of Money to be lent or borrow'd, with the particular Terms of each;— Is so conducted by the Help of proper Assistants, as speedily to answer the honest and reasonable Expectation of every Person who shall register or enquire there: Where due and constant At- tendance may be depended on ; Secresy observ'd, if necessary, or requir'd ; and Letters, Pott paid, if approv'd of, duly answer'd. Further Parti- culars may be heard of at the said Office. Wanted, a Cook in a Gentleman's Family. From Wesel they inform us that as Marshal Broglio is assembling an Army on that side of Cassel, they shall soon furnish us with interesting Intelligence. From Turin we learn, that the Court is very much attentive to the Consequences of the Genoese Expedition at Corfica, the secret Reasons whereof we are not permitted to tell. But in regard to any farther Apprehension about the Affairs of Italy, the Court is perfectly calm, as the Disputes in Silesia and Westphalia are as yet undecided. A Letter from the Hague, June 11, says, that the Partizans of the House of Austria seem to exult and predict that the Fall of the King of Prussia is at Hand : They fancy him in a worst Condition than he was last Year before the Battle of Torgau. [ Certain it is, that his Situation is ex- tremely critical-, and if some Means are not formed to draw off the Russians, if is more than probable he may at last fall a Victim to his Enemies. As to the Swedest they are - very like the French, glad to get out of the Scrape.] London, June 23, and Thursday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. WHITEHALL. June 23. HE King has been pleased to consti- tute and appoint the Right Hon. George Lord Edgecumbe, to be his Majesty's Lieutenant and Custos Ro- tulorum of the County of Cornwal. The Right Hon. Henry Arthur Herbert Earl Powis, Lieutenant of Montgomery. Earl of Plymouth Lieutenant of the County of Glamorgan. Howell Gwynne, Esq. Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Radnor. George Rice, Esq. Lieutenant of the County of Carmarthen. Sir Roger Mostyn, Bart, to be his Majesty's Lieutenant of the County of Flint. His Grace Charles Duke of Queensberry, Kee- per of his Majesty's Seal, appointed by theTreaty of Union to be kept and made Use of m Scotland, in Place of the Great- Seal of Scotland, in the Room of Archibald Duke of Argyll, deceased. Charles Lord Cathcart to be Constable, Gover- nor, and Keeper of his Majesty's Castle of Dun- barton. Mr. John Hindman, Minister of the Gospel, to be his Majesty's Almoner in Scotland. And to present Mr. John Miller, Advocate, to the Office of Professor of the Civil Law in the University of Glafgow, in the Room of Mr. Hercules Lindsay, deceased. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arriv'd a Mail from FLANDERS, which brought very little fresh Intelligence. From the Hague they inform us, that not- withstanding the good Reception M. de Bussy has met with at London, it's much doubted there whether his Negotiation will prove successful. From Petersburgh we are informed, that the Czarina's inflexible Resolutions to pursue the War against the King of Prussia are enhanced by the frequent Insinuations of the Grand Duke, who looks upon the Conquest of Part of Prussia, as a secure Rampart against any Violence offered to his Imperial Highness's hereditary Dominions of Holstein. On Wednesday last after the Lord- Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and Common- Council; had paid their Respects to his Majesty in the Congra- tulatory Address upon the Reduction of Belleisle, and just as they were withdrawing from the Pre- sence, his Majesty most obligingly condescended to quit his Chair, and most complaisantly, with great Freedom, entered into many Minutes Con- versation with his Lordship and the Aldermen, and then politely took his Leave severally of thom. Sunday the Court at St. James's was exceeding brilliant; many People of the first Rank having come to Town to congratulate his Majesty en the Reduction of Belleisle, We hear that Addresses are preparing all over Britain and Ireland to compliment his Majesty on the Conquest of the Citadel of Palais. Some Baggage is gone to General Hodgson at Belleisle, from whence it is concluded, that fresh Orders for some further Service in those Part have been dispatched to him: The Officers of both Departments have likewise been plentifully sup- plied with all Manner of Necessaries by especial Order. It is said that General Hodgson, upon his tak- ing Possession of the Citadel of Palais, immedi- ately sent for the proper Officers of the Churches, and delivered to them the Plate belonging to each, as it was found deposited in the Citadel. We hear that another General Officer will em- bark on board Commodore Lord Howe's Ship to join Gen. Hodgson. Last Friday his Majesty's Ship Jason arrived at Plymouth from Belleisle, which she left the 12th Inst. when the French Garrison was embarked, and our Troops were in high Spirits. We are well allured, that a Scheme for taking Belleisle was laid before the Ministry in the last War, by a Merchant of the City of London, who, in his Memorial, pointed out the great Conse- quence the Place would be of to the English. Some Protestant Ministers of the Church of England are going over to Belleisle. We are assured the Land Forces that are to be employed in the next Expedition, are to consist of nine Regiments of Foot, and a Body of Marines. Yesterday 32 Pieces of fine Brass Cannon passed over London- Bridge for Portsmouth, to be em- barked for the new Expedition. There will be another Embarkation of Troops for Germany in a few Days, besides the Highlan ders already embarked at Newcastle. It is said the Parliament will not fit to do Business ' till after the Coronation. Several Persons of Distinction have agreed to go along with our Plenipotentiaries to Augs- burgh, as Companions, to support the Grandeur of this Kingdom. Yesterday Morning arrived two Expresses from Paris, one for Mr. Pitt, and the other for M. de Bussy. A Report is current that the Rochfort Fleet is failed ; but we cannot learn what Authority there is for it. The last Revolution in Bengal is said to be the most important one for the East- India Company that ever before happened. So far from General Clive's being likely to be deprived of his annual Income, by the late Re- volution in Bengal, as mentioned in some Papers, we are assured, that his Security for the fame is greatly strengthened the Revolution. We hear that the Mansion- House is going to be ornamented for the Reception of his Majesty, who will dine with the City after the Coronation. The indeterminate Behaviour of the Court of Denmark, we hear, is owing to the Irresolutions of the Court of Sweden, which, is at present very jealous and almost tired of the Inconstancy of the Cabinet of Versailles. The Report lately propagated about four Swe- dish Vessels being seized by a Prussian Privateer, is entirely false. The Debates of the Diet of Sweden, we hear, are carried on with a Spirit of Liberty never be- fore exerted since the last Change of Government. The Accounts from different Parts of England and Holland continue to give the greatest Satis- faction with Respect to the Transit of Venus, over the Disk of the gun; and to establish the Truth, that there is a Satellite like one Moon, which performs a Course in twelve Days about her. We hear from Canterbury, and other Parts of Kent, that they have as promising an Harvest of Hops as has been known for many Years. Great Betts are depending, that a Suspension of Arms will take Place within a Fortnight. We are informed by a disabled Soldier, who is arrived from Germany, that one James Smith, who belonged to his Company, was struck blind as lie was blasphemously wishing the Almighty would bring that upon him as a judgment, if what he was then affirming, as touching a Brother Sol- dier's Life, was not as true as the Gospel, which afterwards proved to be entirely false. A few Days since a Journeyman Taylor in the Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields, paid 3I. 12s. for profane Swearing. Two Women lately died at Paris, one aged 102, the other 105. They were never sick. MARRIAGES. Thomas Bingfield, Esq. to Miss Polly Vokings. — Mr. Osborne, an emi- nent Bookseller in Gray's- Inn, to Mrs. Brig- stock William Clayton, Esq. Member of Parliament for Marlow in Bucks, to Miss Lloyd, of John- Street, Berkeley- Square. DEATHS. The Lady of the Hon. Robert Trevor Hampden, Joint Post- Master- General.— At Hackney, aged 77, Samuel Lessingham, Esq. The Rev. Dr. Duncan, of Barnstaple, in Devonshire. — Edward Seymour, Esq. of Wood- lands, near Cranborne, Dorset. — Mrs. Mills, Wife of the Rev. Dr. Mills The Hon. Capt. Edwards. BANKRUPTS. Tho. Holderness, late of Cook ham, in Berks, Barge- master.— George Curling, late of Ash, in Kent, Shopkeeper. Dividend to be made to Creditors. July 30. Joseph Fyson, of Bristol, Merchant and Butcher. STOCKS. Bank Stock, 114 i- half. India do. shut. South- Sea Stock, 96 1 - half. Old South- Sea Annuities, 85 3- 4- ths, a i- half. Ditto new Annuities, 86 i- 8th. Ditto 1751, shut. Three per Cent. Bank reduced, 8 5 3- 8ths. Three 1- half Bank Annuities, 1756, 90 3- 8ths. Three ditto, I7j8, 93 i- 4- th. a 99. Four per Cent. 1760, 101 i- half. Bank Circulation,—. India Bonds, 52s, a 53s. Pr. Navy and Victualling Bills, 6 7- 8ths. per Cent. Disc. Exchequer Bills, 8s a 95. Disc. Lottery Tickets, 1761, xtl. 13s. Long Annuities, 17 3- 8U1S. Script. 86 i- half. Bristol June 24. Arriv'd at the Hotwells.— Lord Ravensworth, Major Patterson, Capt. Style, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Garnett, Rev. Mr. Roaden, Rev. Mr. Pennington, Mr. Preston, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Langara, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Coles, Mr, and Mrs. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Mr. and Mrs- Young, Mr. Hobson, and Family, Mr. and Miss Keck, Lady Charlotte Edwin, Mrs. and Miss Vaughan. Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Swanton, Mrs. Beyfeild, Mrs. Ponsonby, Mrs. Mead, Miss Lloyd, Miss Cox, Miss Cops, & c. & c. Came in since our last, The Brislington, May, from Guadalupe ; and the John and Betty, But- ton, from Cork. Arriv'd, At Chepstow, the Bacchus, Butson, from Oporto ; at Cork, the Hibernia, Knothell, at Portsmouth, the Young Lyon, Walker, at Limerick, the Providence, Bodkin, all from Bristol ; and at Limerick, the Guernsey Packet, Bodkin, from Liverpool. Sunday a Man of War's Tender endeavouring to impress the Men from a Merchant Ship just ar rived in Kingroad, a smart Battle ensued, in which the latter had the Advantage ; but another Tender coming up, overpowered the Ship's Crew, and press'd seven. of the Men. Several were wounded on both Sides. We hear that the Society of Merchants in this City have presented Thomas Gordon, Esq. ( who for three Years past hath been Regulating Cap- tain in this Port) with an exceeding handsome Piece of Plate, in Consideration of his great As- siduity and genteel Behaviour in that Station, and the Service he has done to their Trade.—[ A Com- pliment then reflects Honour on the Merchants, as well as on that Gentleman. ] We hear that a grand Monument is going to be put up in Bedminster Church, in Memory of St. John Smythe, Esq. late of this City, Merchant : On two large Marble Columns On the upper Part will be inscribed his several large Benefac- tions to the public Charities in London, Bristol, & c. & c. and on a Marble Table underneath will be a Latin- Inscription, englished thus: To the Memory of St. John Smythe, Esq,. late of the City of Bristol, Merchant; a Gentleman of profound Learn- ing, exemplary Piety, and unbounded Benevolence-, his peculiar Modesty, and extreme. polite Behaviour, ever rendered hiw the Patron of Virtue, and Pro- tector of Female Innocence; the Promote of Arts and Sciences, the Encourager of' Industry ; in one Word, the Sage, the Casuist, and the Friend. We hear that a Lady very nearly related to him, whom he has left his Residutiary Legatee, intends ( after paying all the Legacies) to remit the Surplus of his Fortune to the Treasurer of the Magdalen- House, London, towards the Support of that ex- cellent Charity, viz. the maintaining all the re- penting Prostitutes. We hear from Swansey, that a few Days since two servants of Thomas Popkins, Esq. of that Town, being out a Shooting, one of them told the other he could shoot his Hat off without hurt- ing his Head, on which the other told him to try, and immediately he fired the Piece, which killed him on the Spot. He was taken up and commit- ted to Goal. We likewise hear from the fame Place, that a Sailor belonging to a Bridgewater Vessel there, had killed the Captain, and robbed him of his Watch and Money. Two Persons of this City, who carry on the Trade of a Barber, & c. paid their Fines Yester- day, for exercising their Callings on the Lord's- Day.—[ From the Consideration of the great Hard- ships and Mischiefs that attend the pernicious and il- licit Practice of Sabbath- breaking, with respect to Barbers and Hair- Dressers, this Question naturally follows, via. Whether the Inconveniency arising to Persons not being shav'd or dress'd on Sundays, out- weighs the Scandal and Evil attendant on the Prac- tice ? If not, why shou'd such a grievous and mis- cbievous Practice be insisted on, ( so contrary to the Laws both divine and human) unless thro' Wanton• ness of Temper. It would be inhuman and barba- rous that any Maßer Barber or Hair- Dresser should suffer, by endeavouring to put a Stop to the unlaw- ful Practice or that any poor Journeyman should be put out of Employ, for refusing to bear any longer that heavy and insupportable Yoke.] Saturday Morning a Malt- House fell down in Stokes- Crost, by which Accident a poor Man was crush'd to Death. Yesterday as a Gentleman's Servant was lead- ing a Pair of Coach- Horses up Stokes- Crost, one of them disengaged himself from his Hand, rear'd up on his hinder Legs, and fell down dead. Bath, 3 June 25, The Public are desir'd to be careful to ask for the BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE publish'd by C. POPE and Comp, as the Proprietors of the Bath Advertiser ( a Saturday's Peeper) have alter'd their Day of Publication to Thursday, since our Proposals were first distributed, and likewise pi- rated Part of our Title, via. Bath Chronicle.— We therefore give this necessaryCaution, left they shou'd attempt to impose their Paper on the Public for THIS. Arriv'd here, The Marquis and Marchioness of Rockingham, Hon. Mr. F. nch, Rev. Dr. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Smith, Mr. Luttrell, Mr. Fox, Mr. Hutson, Mr. Au- bery, Mr. Squire, Mr. Gavan, Mr. Palliler, Mrs. Reynolds and Miss, Mrs. Finch, Mrs. Grigg, Mrs. Palliser, Miss Aubery, & c. & c. On Saturday Evening Last, as Farmer Baily, of Holt, in Wilts, was riding a Horse between Hilperton and Trowbrige, a few Yards from the Place where the Woman was murder'd ( as men- tion'd in our Last) the Creature took Fright and threw him off ; and tho' all possible Care was taken of him, ' tis thought he can't recover, as his Brains issue out at several Places. Monday Evening John Smith, Labourer, ( com- monly called Jack o' Bradford) threw himself into the River near Walcot Church, and was drowned. — As it was proy'd that he was subject to Fits, which sometimes disorder'd his Sensfes, the Coro- ner's Inquest brought in their Verdict, Lunacy. By a Person just arrived from Shaftesbury, we are informed, that on the 9th Inst. when the Shock of an Earthquake was felt at that Place, a poor Woman in an adjacent Village, having miffed her Children, ( four in Number) went into the Fields to search for them, and was found there the next Morning raying mad, occa- sioned ( as ' tis thought) from a Supposition that they were kill'd, her constant Cry being, I've lostmy Children ! 0 my poor Children ! At Devizes Market, Thursday Last, Wheat sold from 26s. per Quarter to 33s. od. Barley from 15s. toi6s. Oats from 13S. to 15s. Beans from 23s. to 27s. Pease from 21s. to 23s. Tho se who advertise in this Chronicle, may have one of the Paters gratis, each Time their Ad- vertisements are inserted. " EPITAPH on an Officer in a Marching Regiment, HERE I at Death's Command do lie; As, Reader, thou must, when thou die, Soon as the Trumpet founds, why then I'll e'en get up and march again, The following Lines were written extempore, and left in a Church, where the Minister bad de- livered a very short and indifferent Discourse. TAKE my Advice, good Parson, pray-, Before you preach another Day; Glean and compile ( if you can't make A longer Sermon, for GOD'S Sake ; And better too, while you're about it. Or I'd much rather be without it. Friendly Advice to ANNA, See last Week's Paper] AWhile, fair Nymph ! suspend thy causeless Fears, Waste not thy blooming Youth in gloomy Cares. Fate's dark Recesses who could e'er find out ? The more we search, the further loft in Doubt. Rais'd high with Hope, then dash'd with deep Despair ; Such is the Lot the best of Mortals share ; And now is thine, thou wond'rous constantFair! ' Till Time, Fate's Engine, shall thy Fears remove, And crown with Glory the blest Swain you love. Why does the noble youth the War pursue ? Believe me, ANSA, ' tis to merit you. - Then let not A bit- nee rob you of your Rest, Nor Pangs of Jealousy torment your Breast : Think brave LYSANDER only stays to crown Your Loves with Honour, Titles and Renown ; Then haste in Triumph his lov'd Fair to greet, And smiling lay them at your charming- Feet.
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