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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co. 
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 35
No Pages: 4
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Date of Article: 11/06/1761
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co. 
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 35
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Printed and publish'd by C. POPE, and C°. at the Printing- Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. [ The above C. POPE serv'd his Apprenticeship with the late Mr. BODDELY, and has had the sole Management of the Bath Journal for these last five Years.] THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1761. SELF- PAINTING Censured. [ By a Noble LORD.] NATIVE artless Beauty has long been the peculiar Distinction of my fair Fellow- Subjects. Our Poets have long sung their genu- ine Lillies and Roses, and our Painters have as long endeavoured, tho' in vain, to imitate them; beautiful Nature mocked all their Art. But a great Number of those inestimable Originals, by a strange Inversion of Things, give the Lie to their Poets, and servily copy their Painters, de- grading and disguising themselves, into worse Copies of bad Copies of themselves. It is said of an excellent Artist, that he lately refused a fine Woman to draw her Picture, alledging, that he never copy'd any Body's Works, but his own and GOD ALMIGHTY'S. The Growth and Extent of this heinous Crime of Self- Painting, ( I had almost given it a harder Term) is extremely epidemical. The present State of it, in its several Degrees, appears to be this. The inferior Class of Women, who always ape their Betters, make Use of a fort of Rough- cast, little superior to the common Lath and Plaster, which comes very cheap and can be afforded out of the casual Profits of the Evening. The Class immediately above these, paint oc- casionally, either in Size or Oil, which at Six- pence per Foot square comes within a moderate weekly Allowance. The Generality of Women of Fashion make Use of a superfine Stucco, or Plaster of Paris highly glazed, which does not require a daily Renewal, and will, with some occasional Repair, last as long as their Curls, and stand a pretty strong Collision. As for the transcendant and divine Pearl Pow- der, with an exquisite Vernish superinduced to fix it, it is by no Means common, but is reserved for Ladies not only of the first Rank, but of the most considerable Fortunes ; it being so very costly, that few Pin- Moneys can keep a Face in it, as a Face of Condition ought to be kept. Perhaps the same Number of Pearls whole might be more ac- ceptable to some Lovers, than in Powder upon the Lady's Face. I would now fain undeceive my fair Country- women of an Error, which, gross as it is, they too fondly entertain. They flatter themselves that this artificial is not discoverable, or distinguishable from native White. But I beg Leave to assure them, that however well prepared the Colour may be, or however skilful the Hand that lays it on, it is immediately discovered by the Eye at a considerable Distance, and by the Nose at a nearer Approach ; and I overheard the other Day Capt. PHELIM M'MANUS complaining, that when warm upon the Face it had the most nauseous Taste imaginable. Thus offensive to three of the Senses, it is not, probably, very inviting to a fourth. Talking upon this Subject lately with a Friend, he said, that in his Opinion, a Woman who painted white, gave the Public a Pledge of her Chastity, by fortifying it with a Wall, which she must be sure that no Man would desire either to batter or scale. But I confess I did not agree with him as to the Motive, though I did as to the Consequences; which are, I believe, in general, that they lose both operam et oluem. I have observed that many sagacious Landlords of this City, who letLodgings, do at the Beginning of the Winter, new vamp, paint, and stucco the Fronts of their Houses, in order to catch the Eyes of Passengers, and engage Lodgers. Now to say the Truth, I cannot help suspecting that this is rather the real Motive of my fair Countrywomen, when they thus incrust themselves. But alas! those outward Repairs will never tempt People to enquire within. The Cases are greatly different ; in the former they both adorn and preserve ; in the latter they disgust and destroy. An eminent Counsellor gave it as his Opinion, the other Day, that whoever paints their Face might have a Bill of Indictment preferred against them on the Statutes of Forgery ; and as the Fact wou'd doubtless be tried by a Jury, one Moiety of which wou'd be Plasterers, they wou'd certainly be found guilty. He added further, that an Indictment might likewise be brought on the Black Act. What, Sir! ( said a Friend) indict a Wo- man on the Black Act, for painting White ?— Yes, Sir, ( replied he) the Law considers the Meaning, the Intention of all Actions, and not their ex- ternal Modes :- Here a Woman disguises her Face with White, as the Waltham People did with Black, and with the same fraudulent and felonious Intention : Though the Colour be diffe- rent, the Guilt is the same, in the Intendment of the Law ; it is Felony, without Benefit of Clergy, and the Punishment is Death. - This I hope will be sufficient to make such of my fair Coun- trywomen, as are conscious of their Guilt, seriously consider their Danger. I shall conclude with a Word or two of serious Advice to my Readers of all forts and Sexes.— Let us follow Nature, our honest and faithful Guide, and be upon our Guard against the flat- tering Delusions of Art. Nature may be helped and improved, but will not be forced or changed. All Attempts in direct Opposition to her, are at- tended with Ridicule, many with Guilt. The Woman to whom Nature has denied Beauty, in vain endeavours to make it by Art; as the Man to whom Nature has denied Wit, becomes ridi- culous by laying it on : They both defeat their own Purposes, and are in the Case of the Valetu- dinarian, who creates or increases his Distemper by his Remedies, and dies of his immoderate Desire to live. On OLYNDA. FLY from OLYNDA, young and fair, Fly from her soft engaging Air, And Wit, in Woman sound so rare. Tho' all her Looks to Love advise, Her yet unconquer'd Heart denies, And breaks the Promise of her Eyes. Waste not thy Youth in coy Disdain, Nor think thy Beauty's pleasing Reign By Means of Rigour to maintain. When we to Kings Obedience owe, And to the Gods with Incense go, ' Tis for the Blessings they bestow. On a new- married Couple. TRIUMPHANT Beauty never looks so gay, As on the Morning of a Nuptial Day : Love then within a larger Circle moves, New Graces adds, and every Charm improves. While HYMEN does his sacred Rites prepare, The busy Nymphs attend the trembling Fair; Whose Veins are swell'd with an unusual Heat, And eager Pulses with strange Motions beat : Alternate Passions various Thoughts impart, And painful Joys distend her throbbing Heart; Her Fears are great, and her Desires are strong; The Minutes fly too fast— yet stay too long: Now she is ready— the next Moment not; All Things are done— then something is forgot : She fears— yet wishes the strange Work was done ; Delays— yet is impatient to be gone. Disorders thus from ev'ry Thought arise; What Love persuades,— I know not what denies. P***** T. Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. [** No FOREIGN MAIL arriv'd.] London, June 4. This Day at Noon there was a most brilliant Court at St. James's, to compliment his Majesty on his Birth- Day, being enter'd into the 24th Year of his Age. The Guns in the Park and Tower were fir'd at One o'Clock. It is said that Five Guineas were offered for Places, even to stand in the Galleries to see the Nobility and Gentry pass by this Day at Court. This Day, in Compliment to his Majesty, was laid the first Stone of the first Pier of the new intended Bridge at Black- Fryars, and the Work- men dined on board the Caissoon on the Occasion. By a private Letter from Belleisle, dated the 14th ult. we learn, that when the Governor was summoned to surrender the Citadel the Day before, he sent for Answer, that he was deter- mined to defend the Place to the last Extremity. He is a very brave Officer, and a Man of great Humanity, having behaved extremely well to the Prisoners. Our Troops are in high Spirits, do their Duty with great Alacrity, and are resolved to take the Place by Storm, in Case the Governor lays them under a Necessity of so doing, which, notwithstanding his gallant Defence hitherto, it is supposed he will not venture. It is said that a Battalion of the Foot- Guards will be embarked in a few Days for Belleisle, if an Account of the Surrender of that Place is not soon received : All the Light Infantry lately quartered in Devonshire, are embarked upon the said Service at Plymouth, and the Transports sailed. On Sunday last 40 Waggons loaded with Military Stores, were sent from Woolwich for Portsmouth, and order'd to be there on Tuesday Evening : The Stores were immediately to be put on board the Transports destined for the second Expedition. The Men of War now at Portsmouth, ap- pointed to be employed in the next Expedition, are to be joined by several Ships at Plymouth, which will be ready for sailing in a few Days. Early Tuesday Morning his Majesty went into Hyde- Park, to see the fine Cream- colour'd Horses sent from Germany, and likewise the Barbary Horses ; several of the latter were rode on in his Majesty's Presence. We hear a Camp will be fixed near Kew, and that a Guard will be drawn from it to do Duty at Richmond, and be relieved, as at St. James's, during the Time of his Majesty's Stay there. The Duke of Richmond's Regiment has re- ceived Orders to march from Hilsey Barracks, at Portsmouth, to encamp on Sandy- Heath, near Guildford. Yesterday the Algerine Ambassador was intro- duced to the King at St. James's, and presented six fine Horses to his Majesty, who viewed them in the Royal Garden from the Windows of the Palace. On Tuesday last Monsieur Bussy waited on the Right Hon. William Pitt, the Earl of Bute, and his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and afterwards went to Court. We hear the following Regiments of Militia are to encamp near Winchester, viz. Berkshire, Wiltshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, and two Battalions of Glocestershire. Orders are issued out for the Hertfordshire Mi- litia to march to Bristol. Yesterday Orders were given out by Lord Ligonier, for the four Battalions of Foot- Guards at Home, to hold themselves in Readiness, at an Hour's Warning, to take the Field. We hear that the Earl of Errol will be chosen one of the sixteen Peers of Scotland, in the Room of the late Earl of Home. Yesterday 2o, oool. was paid to the Crews of his Majesty's Ships Nassau, Harwich, Rye, and Swan, as also to the Marines who were on board at the Conquest of Senegal, in Africa, May 1, 1758, raised from the Effects taken at that Place and Goree. They write from the Hague, that all the Offi- cers of the Army had received Orders to stay with their Regiments, and those who were absent on Furlow to join them immediately. Such Or- ders ( say these Advices) too plainly prove, the Apprehensions we are under, from the Proximity of the French and Allied Armies, left one or the other should make an Incursion on the Territory of the Republic. Every other Precaution is tak- ing, that our Situation will permit, by repairing the Fortifications, and reinforcing the Garrisons of the Frontier Towns that ate most exposed. It is said that the Grand Signior has actually wrote a Letter to the King of Prussia, wherein he assures him of his utmost Assistance to bring the two Empresses to Reason, and obtain him an ho- nourable Peace; for which Purpose he had 100,000 Men ready to take the Field, which were imme- diately to begin their Operations against the Russians ; and if that was not sufficient he would put himself at the Head of 100,000 more, and march into the Empress- Queen's Dominions. If we may depend upon private Letters from Silesia, his Prussian Majesty will either compel Gen. Laudohn to hazard a Battle before his Junc- tion with the Troops sent from Marshal Daun's Army, or oblige him to abandon his Magazines, which will render it utterly impracticable for the Austrian Armies to undertake any Thing this Campaign on the Side of Silesia, and possibly put it out of the Power of the Prussians, if they should be so inclined, to attempt acting in Concert with them on that Side. According to our last Letters from Paris, the new Taxes which they talk of imposing, throw the Nation into an Agony, and fill their Mouths with Execrations of the Ministry. These Letters farther add, that a Spirit of Jealousy is again broke out among the French Generals. Orders have been sent to M. Broglio to put his Army in Motion, and make the necessary Disposition for penetrating into the Electorate of Hanover. As to the Army of the Prince de Soubize, its Opera- tions are still suspended by the Loss of the Maga- zine which was burnt at Wezel. Our Letters from Vienna, of the 18th past, in- form us, that the Count de Choiseuil, the French Ambassador, had, the Day before, told the Count de Caunitz, that he had Orders to assure her Im- perial Majesty, that as soon as the Prince de Sou- bize should have driven the Enemy but of West- phalia, that Prince, to whom the King had reser- ved the Honour of reducing Magdebourg, would advance, by long Marches, to the Dutchy of that Advices from Warsaw, dated the 13th of May, mention the Marriage of the young Duke of Gourland to a Polish Countess. Letters from the Coast of Coromandel mention, that some Time before the sailing of the Com- pany's Ships lately arrived, 200 Europeans and 300 Blacks were sent by Gen. Lally, from Pondicherry to Gingi Island, in Search of Provisions, but the Communication being cut off, their Re- turn has been prevented. Extract of a Letter from HANOVER, May 22. We begin to tremble in Earnest far this Electorate, since we were informed, that the French design to penetrate into it in two different Places, and treat the, Inhabitants as the King of Prussia treats the Mecklen- burghers. The Bath Chronicle [ vol. I.] AND [ N°. 35.] Weekly Gazette * * ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- office in Stall- Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, if short; longer Ones in Proportion.-- The BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKly GAZETTE is circulated in London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater, Wells, Shepton- Mallet, Bruton, Frome, Gloucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury Wotton- under- edge, Reading, Salisbury, Heitsbury, Warminster, Westbury, Tinehead, Market- Lavington, Bradford, Trowbridge, Devizes, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, Shaftsbury Pool, Weymouth, Sherborne, & c. & c. & c. at the Post- Offices of most of which Places, Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise by the Newsmen No Letters received unless POST- PAID. — At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had, all Sorts of PATENT MEDICINES, & c. 130 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ Vol Vol. I. ] ODE for his MAJESTY'S Birth- Day, By WILLIAM WHITEHEAD, Esq. strophe. ' TWAS at the nectar'd Feast of Jove, When fair Alcmena's Son Hi- destin'd Course on Earth had run, And claim'd the Thrones above ; Around heir King, in deep Debate, Conven'd, the heavenly Synod sate, And meditated Boons refin'd, To grace the Friend of human Kind : When 10, to mark th' advancing God, Propitious Hermes stretch'd his Rod, The Roofs with Music rung! For, from amidst the circling Choir, Apollo struck th' alarming Lyre, And thus the Muses sung ; " What Boon divine would Heaven bestow, " ye Gods, unbend the studious Brow, " The fruitless Search give e'er; " Whilst we the just Reward assign : " Let Hercules with Hebe join, " And YOUTH unite with POWER !" Antistrophe. O Sacred Truth in Emblem drest !—. Again the Mules sing, Again in Britain's blooming King Alcides stands confest, By Temperance nurs'd, and early taught To shun the smooth fallacious Draught Which sparkle's high in Circe's Bowl ; To tame each Hydra of the Soul, Each lurking Pest, which mocks its Birth, And ties the Spirit down to Earth Immers'd in mortal Coil: His Choice was that severer Road Which leads to Virtue's calm Abode, And well repays the Toil. In vain ye tempt, ye specious Harms, Ye flow'ry Wiles, ye flattering Charms, That breathe from yonder Bower: And Heaven the just Reward assigns, For Hercules vrith Hebe joins, And YOUTH unites with POWER, EPODE, O call'd by Heaven to fill that awful Throne Where Edward, Henry, William, George, have shone, ( Where Love with Reverence, Law with Power agree, And ' tis each Subject's Birthright to be free) The fairest Wreaths already won Are but a Prelude to the Whole : Thy arduous Race is now begun, And, starting from a nobler Goal, Heroes and Kings of Ages past Are thy Compeers : Extended high The Trump of Fame expects the Blast, The radiant Lifts before Thee lie, The Field is Time, the Prize ETERNITY ! Beyond Example's bounded Light, ' Tis thine to urge the daring Flight, And Heights untried explore: O think what Thou alone can'st give, What Blessings Britain may receive, When YOUTH unites with POWER ! BATH, MAY 21, 1761. All the FAMILY PICTURES, That were in the Possession of RICHARD NASH, Esq. At the Time of his Decease, May be had, at FIVE GUINEAS each, by apply- ing to Mr. YESCOMBE, Attorney at Law. Such Pictures as are undisposed of by the 2otb of JUNE, will be publickly sold. Wanted, A SERVANT- MAID, For a SMALL FAMILY, That can dress Victuals well, and bake; and can be recommended for Sobriety, Honesty, and civil Behaviour.- One who has been used to live in the Country, will be most agreeable : None need trouble themselves to offer their Service, who have lived in a Public or Lodging- House.— Enquire of the Printer hereof. BRISTOL Guildhall, May 25, 1761. This is to give Notice, THAT the SALE of the Materials of the several Houses upon or near the Bridge of BRISTOL, advertised to be sold To- morrow, is postponed ' till Tuesday the 30th Day of JUNE next ; when the same will be sold, at the Ex- CHANGE- COFFEE- HOUSE, in CORN- STREET, BRISTOL, between the Hours of One and Two of the Clock in the Afternoon ; in the same Lots, and subject to the same Conditions of Sale as before advertised ; and that such Houses may be viewed from and after the 24th Day of said June, ' till the Day of Sale, by applying to Mr. JAMES BRIDGES, Architect, or to Mr. WM. RICHARDS, Broker, in CORN- STREET, BRISTOL. By Order of the Trustees, THOMAS SYMONS, Clerk. The BATH and BRISTOL Flying Stage Post- Chaises, SET out from the White- Hart in Stall- Street, BATH, every Morning; one at Eight o'Clock, the other at Ten, and put Up at the White- Lion in Broad- Street, BRISTOL:— Will set out from thence every Evening, one at Four o'Clock, the other at Six.— To carry Passengers at 3s. each. There will also One set one every Morning from the said White- Lion in Bristol, at Eight o'Clock, or Ten, if required; which goes to the aforesaid White- Hart, and returns again front thence every Evening at Four, or Six. These Chaises will carry only two Passen- gers each, unless a third should be agreeable to the Company. From BRISTOL to BATH. This is to acquaint Gentlemen and Ladies, That Genteel POST- CHAISES, With Able HORSES and Careful DRIVERS, BEGAN setting out on MONDAY the 25th of May, at Eight o'Clock the same Morn- ing, from the House of JAMES CADWALLADER, Poulterer, in BRoad- Street, BRISTOL, and go to the House of DAVID CADWALLADER, at the Horse and Jockey in Westgate- Street, BATH; and set out again for BRISTOL ar Five o'Clock the same Evening. Each Passenger to pay Three Shillings. These Carriages will set out every Day at the Time above- mention'd, and will carry only Two Passengers, unless it shall be thought agree- able to take a Third, which shall be left to the Option of the Passengers. And as Gentlemen and Ladies coming from BATH have frequent Occasion to go to the HOT- WELLS, they may be convey'd there in the same Carriages. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ( Or OTHERWISE ) On Tuesday next, the 16th of June, Between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, 6 small Houses or Tenements, With a Large STABLE, Late William Hicks's, a Bankrupt: Situate in Claverton- Street, or Road, leading to Claverton- Down, in the Parish of Widcomb, near Bath. Enquire of Samuel Dancey, in Miles- Court, near Queen- Square.- The Houses and Stable to be view'd any Day before the Sale. Likewise a One- Horse CHAISE and HARNESS to be Sold.- Enquire of Mr. Thomas Harris, or Mr. Roger Spering, in Bath. Five or six Hundred Germans, Pait reformed, Part Lutherans, have been drawn to Jutland thro' the Encouragement of the King of Den mark, and are forming two Colonies there. We hear from Newmarket, that on Saturday last a Jack- Ass, the Property of a Man who used him For carrying Hardware, & c. about the Country, Went an hundred Miles in twenty- one Hours; I the Bett was 1ool. to 1ol. he did not do it in 24 Hours, and the Owner of the Ass won 4,0l. to 2l. There is now a Bett depending, that one Man rides 400 Miles in twenty- four Hours ; he is to have as many Horses as he chuses. It is said Mr. Shaftoe has laid a Wager that he rides 100 Miles in four Hours. He is to ride what Number of Horses he chuses. On Monday the great Wager between Jennison Shaftoe, Esq. and **** Meynel, Esq. about one Woodcock's riding 2900 Miles in 29 Days, ended at Newmarket, which was Won by Mr. Shaftoe by several Hours. A Nobleman lately come to his Estate has ap- propriated a considerable Part of it for the Pay- ment of his Father's Debts, and is himself gone Abroad to save Money. Last Week the Wife of an eminent Tradesman near Whitechapel Church, being taken ill, and given over by her Doctor, sent for her Husband, and told him of a Hoard in a Cellar in the Mint, Southwark, where he found 14 Dozen of Three- Pound Twelve- Shilling Pieces, and another in Spital- Fields; both which amounted to 1050l. Yesterday one Morrison being convicted of Per- jury, in the Court of King's- Bench, received Sen- tence from Sir Thomas Denison, to pay a Fine of 1ool, to be imprisoned twelve Months, to stand on the Pillory at Charing- Cross, to find Security for this Behaviour for three Years, himself in 300l. and his two Sureties in 150l. each. OXFORD CIRCUIT. Lord Chief Baron PARKER, Mr. Baron ADAMS. Berks, Monday, July 6, at Abingdon. Oxon, Wednesday, 8, at Oxford. Worcestershire, Saturday 11, at Worcester. City of Worcester, Same Day and Place. Gloucestershire, Thursday 16, at Gloucester. City of Gloucester, The same Day and Place. Monmouthshire, Monday 20, at Monmouth. Herefordshire, Wednesday 22, at Hereford. Shropshire, Tuesday 28, at Shrewsbury. Staffordshire, Saturday, August 1, at Stafford. 14- 0 As the Right Rev. the Bishop of this Diocese will shortly confirm at Bath such Children as are duly qualified for t. at Purpose,—'. the following may not be disagreeable to the serious Part of our Readers ;— it is inserted at the Request of a worthy Divine; and was wrote by the late Mr. DIXON. On CONFIRMATION: Being Directions for young Persons, and such as are desirous to be. Confirm'd. CONFIRMATION is an antient Rite, instituted by the Apostles, and made Use of in all Ages of the Church, as necessary to fit and young People for the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. It is the laying- on of Hands of the Bishop upon : he Heads of the Persons to be confirm'd, and his praying over and blessing them. It is renewing our baptismal Vow, and taking that Promise upon ourselves, in our own Person, which was made in our Name at our Baptism. None therefore should, or ought to approach this Solemnity, ' till they understand the Nature of their baptismal Vow, and ' till they are capa- ble of making a prudent Resolution of observing it. Highly fit and proper is it, therefore, that those who come to be confirm'd should understand the Meaning of it. That, if ignorant of it, they should advise with their Superiors, their Godfathers and God- mothers, their School- Masters, or such as are in Authority over them ; but especially their Minister, whose sacred Office it is to instruct them I before they presume to enter upon it. When you understand the Nature, that is, the Meaning of this Duty, embrace the first Opportunity of receiving it.— Confirmation is not to be repeated, because this solemn Renewal of our baptismal Vow is sufficient by being once perform'd. But do not go to it rudely, as many ignorantly do;- be modest and humble, serious and devout. In the Morning, before you are confirm'd, you may use this, or some such like Prayer or Ejacu- lation :— Bless me, O LORD, this Day in what I am about; assist me with thy Grace; and as I am now upon renewing my baptismal Vow, and taking that Promise upon myself, which was made for me in my Name at my Baptism, enable me, O LORD, to perform the same, & c. When you go to Church, behave with Reverence : Do not enter it rudely, or as if you were going to some Shew, or Place of Diversion. Re member you are then in GOD'S House ; and tho' GOD is present every where, yet he is more im mediately so in his Worship and Service. Retire to your Seat;— avoid talking, prating or laughing ; gazing about, rushing rudely to the Chancel, and every Thing unbecoming the Solemnity of the Place you are in. Remember that your Business at Church is to worship GOD, to offer up your Prayers and Praises to him, and particularly at this Time to renew your baptismal Prepare yourself for this by some short Prayer or Ejaculation, such as the following :— Blessed be thy Name, O LORD, for giving me this Opportunity of attending thee in thy House , of my Redeemer. Preserve a steady Mind, as much as you can all the Time you are at Church, and let not the Hurry of others interrupt or disturb you. When the Service begins, attend to what the Minister says, and at the End of each Prayer and Thanksgiving, devoutly say, Amen Whilst the Office for Confirmation is reading give all possible attention to what you are about mind the Exhortation, the Prayers and Thanksgivings, and particularly the Benediction, that is the Blessing the Bishop pronounces at the End of it ; and humbly hope, thro' the infinite Goodness and Mercy of GOD, for a Share in all those Blessings he so ardently and affectionately calls down from Heaven upon you and the rest of the Congregation. When you are presented to the Bishop, be very serious; remember what an awful Undertaking you are upon ; consider that you are not only renewing your baptismal Vow, and taking that Covenant upon yourself, which was made in your Name when you was baptised, but with your own Mo'uth and Consent, and that too before God and many Witnesses, ratifying and confirming the same. If those who attend the Bishop ask you any Questions, answer them modestly.— Be in no Hurry.— consider the Questions they ask you and then, and not before, give them an Answer.— You will probably be asked no Question but what is in your Catechism, and it will be blame able not to answer a Question in that wherein you may reasonably be supposed to be perfect, at least in the Words, if not in all the Sense and Meaning of it. While you are in the Chancel, and the Bishop ( after suitable Prayers for the Occasion) lays his Hand upon your Head, pronouncing the Blessing Defend, 0 LORD, this thy Child, & c. attend the Words ; but do not, as many ignorantly do repeat them after him. It is the Bishop alone that is to pronounce the Blessing; your Duty is o to say Amen to it. When you are confirm'd, do not seem to be in a Hurry, as if you were willing to be gone, and had nothing more to do. Retire to some Part of the Church, where you may in private offer your Prayers and Praises to GOD, for the Opportunity you have had of renewing your baptismal Vow, and dedicating yourself to him and his Service. If you can't Conveniently do this upon your Knees, thro the vast Hurry and Crowd so com mon on these Occasions, at least do it in your Mind. But be sure to join in the remaining Ser- vice, and pray for others as well as, yourself That God's gracious Favour and Goodness may be ever over you ( and all who attend this Solem- nity) ; that his holy Spirit may be ever with you ; and that he would be pleased so to lead, to guide and direct you in the Knowledge and Obedience of his Word, that in the End both you, and those confirm'd with you, may obtain everlasting Life. When you return Home, call to Mind what you have done.— Recollect your baptismal Vow.- consider it maturely.— What Obligations it lays upon you ; and after all, what glorious Promises are annexed to the Performance of it. Commune with yourself, and with your own Heart, and fay, How does it become me to walk worthy of this Vocation whereunto I am now called?— Surely I am bound to lead the rest of my Life according to this Beginning.— I must not hereafter be ashamed to confess the Faith of CHRIST.— No, by GOD'S Grace, I will man- fully fight under his Banner against Sin, the World and the Devil.— CHRIST is the Captain of my Salvation, arid I will continue his faithful Soldier and Servant unto my Life's End. And as an Apostate is one who renounces his Religion ; and a Reprobate one who falls away from all Grace and Goodness : — So if I, being a Christian, or one thlat professes the Name of CHRIST ; instead of living up to my holy Profession, I live like a Heathen ; then shall I be an Apostate, a Reprobate, and one that renounces his Religion, his Faith and his Baptism. For having at my Baptism vowed to renounce the Devil and all his Works, to believe the Articles of the Christian Faith, Commandments all the Days of my Life : If I do not perform this Vow, that is, if I do not endeavour to perform it, GOD assisting me in it, I not I only forfeit my baptismal Engagement, ( that Co- venant I enter'd into at my Baptism) but deprive myself of all the blessed Advantages arising from it. GOD enable me then to perform this my baptismal Vow, to renounce the Devil and all his Works, to believe the Articles of the Christian Faith, and to continue stedfast in that Faith, that Profession I was baptis'd in: And as I am a Christian, and publickly profess myself to be so, O may I not rest in the bare Name, or by a wicked Life dishonour this my holy Profession ; but on the Contrary so live, as one who makes the Laws of GOD the constant and invariable Rule of his Actions. Explanation of the Terms above- mention'd, Question. What is a Covenant? Answer. In general it is a Agreement between two or more Persons, on certain. Conditions. Q. What is the baptismal Covenant? A. That Covenant we enter'd into at our Baptism. Q. What is that Covenant? A. To renounce the Devil and all his Work, & c. Q. Of what does that Covenant consist? A. Of the Mercies on GOD'S Part, and the Conditions on our Part. Q. What are the Mercies on GOD'S Part? A. Pardon of Sin and eternal Life. Q. What are the Conditions on our Part? A. Faith in CHRIST , and sincere Repentance. Q. How does our Church express all, this? A. By letting before us the Privileges of Bapt- ism on the one Hand, and the Conditions upon which they are offered, on the other. Q. What are the Privileges of Baptism? A. First, the being a Member of CHRIST Secondly, a Child of GOD : And Thirdly, an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven. Q. What are the Conditions upon which these Privileges are offered to us. A. First, that we renounce the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps andVanities of this wicked World, and all the sinful Lusts of the Flesh : Se- condly, that we believe the Articles of the Chris- tian Faith : And Thirdly, that we keep GOD'S holy Will and Commandments, and walk in the same all the Days of our Lives. Q. But can we have no Title to these Privileges, unless we perform the Conditions on which they are offered? A. No: Because all the World agree in this, that when Promises are made, the Performance of certain Conditions is imply'd, and there can be no Title to the Privileges of Baptism, unless we perform the Conditions upon which they are offer'd. But are we able to do these Things of our- selves ; that is, to renounce the Devil, the World, and the Flesh, & c. of our own Strength, Power, and Ability ? A. No. How then shall we be enabled to do them ? A. By GOD'S Grace. Q. What must we do to obtain GOD'S Grace ? A. Pray to GOD for it. Q. What is Prayer to GOD ? A. It is lifting up our Hearts to him. Q. Why must we pray to GOD ? A. Because GOD has commanded us so to do, and because we cannot otherwise hope for the Par- don of our Sins, or his assisting Grace to keep us from Falling. Q. But is Prayer sufficient to this End; will that alone keep us from falling, from offending GOD, or transgressing his Laws ? A. No :- Prayer alone will signify nothing ; unless we add to our Prayers our own honest, sin- cere, and hearty ENDEAVOURS.— For what will it signify to pray to GOD for Chastity, if we run into Temptation : Or for Sobriety, if every spark- ling Glass will captivate and seduce us : Or for Meekness, if every trifling Accident will ruffle and discompose us : Or indeed for any other Vir- tue, if we do not ENDEAVOUR to govern our Affections, to correct our Passions, and to sub- due the unruly Desires of our Nature. [ VOL, Th& Bath - Chronicle and. Weekly Gazette* [ I.] NAMED A COOK- MAID, Not exceeding 40 Years of Age ; Well Recommended for her Honesty, Sobriety, good Temper, and a Capacity in her Business. Such a One may hear of an easy Place, by en- quiring of Mr. WILLIAM LAROCHE, Wool- len- Draper, in Bridgewater. NOW Selling off, at PRIME- COST, ( As he is determined to quit Business) All the STOCK in TRADE OF RICHARD WILLS, LINEN- DRAPER, At the BLACK- MOORS- HEADS, in Stall- Street. Long Lawns from 17d . to 5s per Yard; Clear ditto from 20d. to 4s. 6d.— Three- quarters, Seven- eights, and Yard wide Irish Cloths, from 10d . 6s. per Yard. The SHOP to be Lett. BATH, June II, 1761. LOST, on TUESDAY the 2d Instant, Between KELSTON and WESTON, Three large Seals set in Gold, The One, a White Cornelian Seal, with the Crest and Family Arms engrav'd thereon : The Other, a Brown Chrystal Pebble, with the Device of Provision for the Convent. Whoever therefore may happen to find the above- mention'd SEALS, and will bring them to Mr. ROGERS, Jeweller, in the Church- Yard, BATH, shall be entitled to a Reward of ONE GUINEA. N. B. No greater Reward will be offer'd, as they can be of no Use but to the Owner. DR. ROBERT WALKER'S Paten Genuine JESUITS DROPS, or ELIXIR of HEALTH and LONG LIFE. ( In Bot- tles only of 2S. 6d. and 5s.) —- The great Success and Demand that is daily made for my never- failing genuine JESUITS DROPS, which are the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual and im- mediate Cure ever discover'd for Gleets and Seminal Weakness, tho' ever. so obstinate, of ever so long standing, and by whatever Means occasion'd, and also for the Venereal Disease, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms, has occasion'd some Persons to endeavour to imitate the same, and publish Medicines pretending to some of the like Virtues. His Majesty, that I should reap the sole Advantage of my said va- luable Invention, and that the Public should receive the Benefit of the same genuine, was most graciously pleas'd on the 29th of November, 1755, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent, for England and the Planta- tions in America: And, on repeated Representations of the great and surprising Cures daily perform'd by my said Jesuits Drops, has been since also graciously pleas'd, that bis Subjects in his Kingdoms of Scotland and Ire- and should also have the said Medicine genuine, and for preventing them from being imposed upon with spu- rious Medicines, falsely pretending to the same Virtues, to the Prejudice of their Healths and Constitutions, as well as endangering their Lives, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent for those Kingdoms. My said Patent genuine Jesuits Drops have no Mercurials in their Composition, and neither purge or vomit, but carry the Disorders clean off by Urine ( the Dose only 15 Drops in Wine, Water, or on Sugar) and is an excellent Remedy for Travellers, and Persons going to Sea, as to be taken so secret, that even a Bed- fellow cannot make Discovery, and at any Time, in any Season or Climate, ( keeping their full Virtues ten Years) without Alteration in Diet, and eradicates Root and Branch all the poisonous Symptoms of those loathsome Distempers, and absolutely answer all the Ends that can be expected by Salivation, and were never known to miss of curing after Salivation had fail'd. *** I am to be consulted gratis at my Warehouse, and Persons of either Sex may, on personal Application, depend on the strictest Honour and Secresy, and re- ceiving a certain Cure, with a mild Medicine, with- out their Constitutions being torn to Pieces with rough Mercurials. And I give gratis, seal'd up with each Bottle, a printed Treatise on Gleets, Weaknesses, and the Venereal Disorder, by which Persons of both Sexes may cure themselves, with the greatest Secrecy, and know if the Disorder be of a mild or malignant Na- ture. Veritas prevaleat. R. WALKER, M. D. To be had at the Patentee's Warehouse, the Bible and Crown, the upper End of Fleet- Lane, opposite the Sessions House Gate, Old Bailey, London; of Mr. Brown, in Christmas- Street, Bristol; of C. Pope, and Comp. at their Office, in Stall- Street, Bath; and of the Distributors of this Paper. Sold likewise, Curious Issue Plaisters, to stick with- out Filleting, Price Is. ALSO, The Famous Blacking- Ball for Shoes, Price 1s. the large, and 6d. the small. The Bath Chronicle Sold by Mr. Leake, Bookseller, in Bath; Mr. Baldwin, and Mr. Jackson, in- London ; and Mr. Brown, in Bristol: The Following MEDICINES, Prepared by the Directions of Dr. HILL. 1. For the Gout and Rheumatism, ELIXIR of BARDANA. — The Numbers who have found Relief from this Medi- cine prove that it has at least answered the Expecta- tion with which it was made public ; and fresh In- stances of its good Effects daily shew, that the Author is so happy as to have been of some Benefit to Man- kind.- To prevent the Returns of the Gout has been found impossible; but to relieve those who suffer, it is in our Power; to reduce the Number, and shorten the Continuance of the Fits; and to alleviate the Pains of them: So much will be effected by this Medicine. And this is as much as a considerate Person would de- sire : In the Rheumatism, it is a certain and absolute Cure; and the Disease never returns. The Dose is a Tea- spoonful in a Wine Glass of Water, Night and Morning. Its Operation is by insensible Perspiration, and slightly by Urine.- Price 3s. the Bottle, with Directions. 2. Pectoral BALSAM of HONEY: A new- discovered Remedy for Coughs and Consump- tions, all Phthisicky Complaints, Asthmas, and tough Phlegm, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, and Stuffings- up of the Lungs.- A Tea- spoonful con- tains the Virtue of two Ounces of Honey, impregnated with the finest vegetable Balsams, and never disagrees with any Constitution; it converts a Glass of Water into the Nature and Quality of Asses Milk, with this balsamic Addition; it takes off the Hectic which at- tends a Consumption, recruits the Strength, allays the Cough, and heals and preserves the Lungs. If it be in the Power of Medicine to stop the Ravage of that cruel Disease which cuts off such Numbers of our Youth, this Balsam will effect it. The Author can recommend it on long Experience, and if it might not appear vain or interested, could add great Proofs of its Virtue.- Price 3s. the Bottle, with Directions. 3. For the Certain CURE of the Scurvy, Essence of WATER- DOCK. There is no Question but this Plant will cure the most inveterate Scurvy: The Ancients all affirm it, and the Cures daily now performed by the Essence prove their Truth. It not only clears the Skin of Eruptions, but mends the whole Constitution. Scorbutic Persons are subject to have bad Stomachs, and to be miserably low- spirited at Times; and many have these Com plaints, not knowing the Scurvy, is the Cause : This Medicine takes off the Faintness, creates an Appetite and good Digestion immediately, when that Distemper) in their Blood is the Cause; and gradually cleans the Skin, and prevents future Eruptions. The Afflicted may depend on these Effects. Price 3s. the Bottle, with Directions. of the TRUE ROOT.- It is excellent beyond Parallel in all Nervous Disorders, Lowness of Spirits Head- achs, Tremblings, vain Fears, and Wanderings of the Mind; in Convulsions, Hysteric Fits, Hypochon- driacal Complaints, and the Epilepsy. It prevent Sickness at the Stomach; and takes off entirely that Sense of Fulness and Swelling of the Flesh in damp Weather, which so greatly affect Persons of laxFibres. It gives a serene Cheerfulness of Disposition in the Place of those careless Horrors which so dreadfully op- press People who have weak Nerves.— Providence seems to have given the Plant in a peculiar Manner to England, where those Disorders are most common. A Medicine not only for the Body, but the Mind.- Sold in Pint Bottles at 10s. 6d. the Smaller 5s. and 2s. 6d. each. 5. Essential Tincture of GoldenRod, The most successful Medicine now used for the GRA- VEL and STONE.— Each Bottle containing about 16 Doses; and is an effectual, safe, and pleasant Re- medy in all Degrees of those Complaints.— Price 4s the Bottle, with Directions. The above Medicines are sealed, and signed by the Author, with his own Hand- Writing, at the Bottom of each Bottle. Sunday's and Monday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Germany. NIMMEGHEN, May 9. A Great Number of Boats, laden with Forage for the Use of Prince Soubise's Army, coming from Holland, have passed by this City within a Fortnight past, in their Way to Rees and Wesel. HAMBOURG, May 26. Yesterday M. Mushin Reskin delivered his Credentials to this Magis- tracy as Minister from the Empress of Russia, in the Room of M. de Soltikoff; and this Morning he was complimented by a Deputation in Form on the Part of the Senate. HOLLAND. HAGUE, June 2. The French Troops that were encamped at Dusseldorff, Burich, and Rees, are said to be gone into Quarters of Cantonment along the Rhine, as they suffered by the Rains that have been lately very heavy. Letters from Saxony say, that every Thing was quiet in the Camp of Schlettau on the 27th past ; and that Marshal Daun had as yet made no Movement. and Weekly Gazette. The last Accounts from Silesia mention, that the Russians had began to pass the Vistula : That Gen. Goltze, who had been detached. with his Corps towards Glogaw, had his Quarters at Zar- kau, on the other Side of the Oder; and that the King of Prussia had removed his Head- Quarter's from Hausdorff to Kuntzendorff, between Frey- burg and Schweidnitz. Lord Granby and General Waldegrave landed at Helvoetsluys this Morning. Ireland. DUBLIN- CASTLE, May 28. Yesterday his Grace George Lord Archbishop of Armagh, Pri- mate of all Ireland, Henry Earl of Shannon, and the Right Hon. John Ponsonby, Esq. were worn in Council Lords Justices of this Kingdom, in the Absence of his. Excellency the Earl of Ha- lifax, Lord Lieutenant. London. ST. JAMES'S, June: 3. This Day Omar Ef- fendi, lately arrived Ambassador from Algiers, had his first Audience of his Majesty, to deliver his Credentials : To which he was introduced by the Right Hon. William Pitt, Esq. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arriv'd a Mail from HOLLAND. Germany. VIENNA, May 2o. The last Advices from Si- lesia advise, that Gen. Laudohn had marched the Troops under his Orders from Gottesberg to Dietersbach, where he will soon be joined by a considerable Reinforcement sent him by M. Daun. The Count de Choiseuil, the French Ambassa- dor, is just set out for Paris to receive his Instruc- tions before he goes to the Congress at Augs- bourg. The Marquis du Chatelet Lomont will come hither to supply his Place. ALTENA, May 29. According to the last Ad- vices from the Frontiers of the Hither Pomerania, Gen. Tottleben's Quarters were at Stolpe, and those of Gen. Werner at Colberg. HANOVER, May 29. They are still at Work on the Fortifications of Munster and Lipstadt, and those two Towns, with Hamelen, are victualling for a considerable Time. Bohemia PRAGUE, May 21. There is a strong Garrison in Glatz, well provided with all Necessaries for a long Siege. It is thought that the King of Prussia will rot carry his Arms thither, but rather that he will draw near to Lusatia. France. PARIS, May 25. Orders have been sent to 20 independent Companies of Marines at Toulon to much immediately to Rochefort. Ten of these Companies marched the 12th Inst. and the ten others on the 14th. The Captains of the Ships of War fitting out at Brest and Rochefort are al- ready named: There are 7 Ships of 74 Guns, 4. of 64, and 2 of 30, besides seven Prames; from which they expect great Service : The Whole is to be ready in fifteen Days. By Accounts received on the 23d from Belleisle we learn, that 3000 English having attacked one of our Posts, could not carry it, ' till after a Con- test of 12 Hours, in which they lost many Men: That the French defended themselves with the utmost Vigour, ' till their Number was reduced to five, whom the English General generously saved from the Fury of his Soldiers, and complimented on their Bravery. Such is the heroic Behaviour of our Enemy. Utrecht Gazette. Holland. HAGUE, May 31. With Regard to the Mo- tions of Prince Ferdinand's Army, we learn, that all the English Infantry had marched towards Soest, in the County of La Marck, that the British Cavalry remained quiet in their Cantonments along the Weser ; but that the whole Allied Army would be encamped by the first of June. The Courier which Prince Gallitzin, the Russian Minister at London, dispatched to his Court about seven Weeks ago, returned here Yesterday, ha- ving performed the Journey in seventeen Day and immediately pursued his Voyage to London By the Accounts he brought, we learn, that there was no Foundation for the late Report that a large Body of Russians had received Orders to return from Germany to Russia : That, on the Contrary those Troops were in full March, for the Confines of Silesia, to second the Operations of the Austrian Army. London, June 6. Thursday being the Anniversary of his Ma- jesty's Birth, when he entered the 24th Year of his Age, the Morning was ushered in with Ring- ing of Bells, and firing the Guns on board, the Ships in the River ; at Noon, the King and the Royal Family received the Congratulations of the Nobility, Foreign Ministers, & c. There, never was a more brilliant Court on any Occasion. Such an amazing Number of Jewels as the Ladies wore, for Nosegays in their Bosoms, & c. were scarce ever collected at one Time. Most of their Cloaths were Gold and Silver Brocades. The Guns in the Park and at the Tower were discharged, at One o'Clock, . and in the Evening several curious Firework were played off on Tower- Hill, in St. James's Square, Leicester- Fields, Kew and Rich- mond, with Illuminations in the Houses. There was a grand Ball at Night at St. James's. 139 The Fire- Works played off on Tower- Hill, were tthought, to be the grandest ever exhibited in these Kingdoms, not excepting those in the Green Park at the Conclusion of the late Peace, which were made at. infinitely more Expence. The Throng of People assembled to view the Fire- Works was incredible. One Man was trod to Death; and a Woman fell into Labour, and was with great Difficulty got out of the Crowd upon a Porter's Back. The Ball was opened at St. James's on Thurs- day by the Duke of York and the Princess Au- gusta. The Concourse of Nobility and Gentry was so great, that several Ladies fainted through the excessive Heat. The King came into the Ball Room at Ten, and withdrew at Half an Hour after One. The rest of the Company staid ' till Three. Yesterday Morning a Gentleman coming from Ball at St. James's, some Ladies Chairs be- ing in his Way, he grew angry enough to draw his Sword, and assaulted the Chairs and Chair- men ; which so affrighted one of the Ladies that She cried out Murder. The Colonel of the Guard coming to her Assistance, took the Gentleman into Custody, and conducted him to the Guard- Room, in order to give an Account of his irregu- lar Behaviour. Thursday his Grace the Duke of Newcastle gave a grand Entertainment to several Persons of Distinction at his House in Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, in Honour of his Majesty's Birth- Day, at which there was a curious Desert, representing the City of Palais, and his Majesty's Forces now besieging the same. Besides the Duke of Newcastle, the following Ministers of State gave public Dinners on Thurs- day in Honour of the Day, viz. Mr. Pitt, Earl Talbot, Sir Francis Dashwood, and Earl Bute. Yesterday his Majesty and the Duke of York reviewed in Hyde- Park the Regiment of Bed- ford Militia, commanded by the Marquis of Tavistock. Yesterday a Present was made to his Majesty of several Sheep from the Dey of Algiers. The same Day the Algerine Ambassador made a Present of one of his fine Horses with a rich Sad- dle and Bridle in the Fashion of that Country, to Mr. Pitt. This Week the Right Hon. Arthur Onflow, and Gustavus Brander, Esqrs. were unanimously elected Trustees of the British Museum. We hear that his Majesty has made a Present to the British Museum of above Eleven Hundred Pounds Value. Yesterday M. Buffy had another Conference with the Right Hon. Mr. Secretary Pitt; it lasted some Hours; after which the French Minister immediately waited on his Grace the Duke of Newcastle. The Freedom of this City is ordered to be pre- sented to his Royal Highness the Duke of York in a Gold Box of 150 Guineas Value. A Monument is going to be erected inWest- minster- Abbey, to the Memory of the late Dr. Stephen Hales. The following Noblemen and Gentlemen have been appointed Vice- Admirals for the under- mentioned Places. Kent, Duke of Dorset. Cumberland, Earl of Egremont. Jamaica, William- Henry Lyttelton, Esq. Bermudas, or the Summer Islands in America, Henry Popple, Esq. Massachusets Bay, Francis Barnard, Esq. North- Carolina, Arthur Dobbs, Esq. Virginia, Jeffery Amherst, Esq. His Majesty has also been pleased to appoint John Rattray, Esq. Judge of the Vice- Admiralty Court of South- Carolina. The Exbury, Woolf, is arrived at Cowes from Lisbon, in 25 Days Passage. Capt. Woolf spoke with two Dutch East- India- men in the Channel; on board of one of them was the Captain of one of our East- Indiamen that was burnt, who told him, they had an Account, by Ships arrived at the Cape, that Pondicherry was in the Hands of the English. The Master of a Cowes Vessel, who came from Guernsey on Wednesday Evening says, that the Day before he left Guernsey, a Cutter had ar- rived there from Belleisle, with the News that we had made a very considerable Breach in the Citadel, and that it was expected we should be Masters of it in a few Days. A Letter from Paris, dated May 26, says, " We have no longer any Hope of relieving Belleisle, which will be in the Enemy's Power before the roth of next Month.— Never were People so much incensed against the Ministry as at present. They are grieved and stung with Indignation, to find so little Consistency in the Management of Af- fairs, and that notwithstanding the impoverished State, to which they are reduced, new Taxes are talked of, whilst they can see no End of this un- prosperous War, notwithstanding M. de Buffy's Departure for London, to settle the Preliminaries of Peace. Our Court is so ill served in all Parts, that we have no Room to hope that the next Cam- paign will be more successful than the preceeding. The Treaty just concluded between the Ottoman Porte and the King of Prussia, will necessarily serve to embroil Things more than they are. This Affair, which is only' designed to throw Dust in the Empress Queen's Eyes, and oblige the Russians to retreat, hath been conducted with so much Art, that the King knew nothing of it, and is not a little angry that our Ambassador at Constantinople should have said nothing of it in any of his Dispatches. According to the last Letters from Holland, M . de Boreel, the Dutch Ambassador Extraordi- nary, is not to embark for ' England before the Middle of this Month. I-"] 14- 0 Fifty Transports, with English Troops on board, arrived the 21 st ult. in the Mouth of the Wefer, from England. The Inhabitants of the Marche of Branden- burgh not being able to get in their Harvest last Year, on Account of the Troubles, his Prussian Majesty has given Orders that they should be fur- nished from his own Granaries with Corn, in Pro- portion to their Losses. They write from Ratisbon, that for some Time past Numbers of People have gone by there upon the Danube, in their Way to Hungary ; and that most of them were Inhabitants of Hesse, Fulda, and Westphalia, who, by the Calamities of War, have been driven out of their own Countries for Want of Subsistence. They write from Hamburgh, by the Way of Holland, that the Captain of a Spanish Ship, which was just arrived at that Town, reported, that the Turks had attempted to make a Descent on Malta; but were so Well received, that they were soon thrown into such Confusion, that great Numbers jumped into the Sea, and above 10,000 were taken Prisoners. This News seems greatly to merit Confirmation. They write from Madrid, that Don d Orgeg- nana, who was banished and recalled at the same Time with the Marquis de la Ensenada, had been readmitted a Member of the Supreme Coun- cil of War, to which he was formerly Secretary; from whence it was inferred, that M. de la En- senada would also soon be taken into the Ministry again Four very rich French Turkeymen have been taken and sent into Leghorn by an English Man of War. The Charming Molly, Redmond, from Cork to Halifax, and the Dolphin, Brown, from Barba- does to Cork, are both taken by the French. WESTERN CIRCUIT. Mr. JUSTice WILMOT, Mr. JuSTice NOEL. Southampton, Monday, June 29, at Winton. Wilts, Tuesday, July 3, at New- Sarum. Dorset, Wednesday 8, at Dorchester. City of Exeter, Saturday 11, at the Guildhall. Devon, The same Day, at the Castle of Exeter. Cornwall, Saturday 18, at Bodmin. Somerset, Saturday 25, at the City of Wells. City of Bristol, Thursday 30, at the Guildhall. WHOEVER are inclin'd to become Adventurers in the PRESENT STATE- LOTTERY, may be supply'd with TICKETS By William and Robert Clement, LINEN- DRAPERS, in Wade's- Passage, BATH. In this Lottery ( notwithstanding there are TWO Prizes of TEN THOUSAND POUNDS each, besides Thirty- eight other Capital ones) there are but very little more than FOUR Blanks to a Prize! ( and no Prize of less Value than Twenty Pounds!) each Blank valued at fix Pounds, which we buy, as also the Prizes, ( and likewise Blanks, or Prizes, of former Lotteries; or we give in Exchange for them, Tickets, Shares or Chances, in the present Lottery) and give the most Money for either of them as soon as they are drawn. And in order to accommodate all those of this City, and its Neighbourhood, or others who resort hither, ( that please to favour us with their Commands) who don't like to risk all they intend to venture, on one Number, but rather chuse a Past, in several: We have therefore divided, a Variety of Tickets, into Shares, and Chances, such as, Halves, Quar- ters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, ( a single one of ei- ther Share, or Chance, any one Person, may be furnished with; the Money arising from them, will be paid by us, as soon as they are drawn ; which we propose selling here, every Day, at the same Price, and on the very same Terms, and Con- ditions, as they are sold, by the principal Brokers of Credit, in London. The Price of Chances, Shares, and Tickets, this Day, are as follow; l. s. d. l A Sixteenth Chance 0 9 0 { 625 An Eighth Chance - o 180} By which { 1250 A Quarter Chance - 1 16 o} } may be { 2500 A Half Chance — 3 1oo} gain'd { 5000 A Whole Chance - 7 o o { 10000 A Sixteenth Share - 0150} { 625 An Eighth Share - 1 1O 0 } By which { 1250 A Quarter Share - 3 o o } may be { 2500 A Half Shar - 6 00 } gain'd { 5000 A Whole Ticket 11 16 o } { 10000 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette.. [ V ol. I. ] The Purchasers of Shares, are entitled to Part of the Prices and Blanks,— the Purchasers of Chances, to the Prizes only. We register Tickets, Shares, and Chances, ( whither bought of ourselves, or of others) at Sixpence each Number and the earliest Notice of their success will be sent by the first Post ( from London) to any Part of Great Britain or Ireland. All Letters, Post- paid, or Orders sent by the Newsmen or others, will be punctually answered, and Schemes of the Lottery given gratis. The Draw- ing of the Lottery will begin on Monday the 16th of November next, at Nine o'Clock in the Morn- ing. The Prizes and Blanks in this Lottery, like ail other Stocks, ( on account of the very great Prospect of Peace) will sell for much more Money than they otherwise would have done, had the War been like to continue; and it is not unlikely but that Tickets will very soon be much higher, ( so now is the Time to purchase them, or never) es- pecially as a general Opinion prevails ( in case Peace suddenly succeed the meeting of the ap- pointed Congress, of which there is but very little Doubt) that there will be no more Lotteries for many Years. The Bath Chronicle Wednesday's and Thursday POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. HAGUE, June 5. IT is said that the Cavalry of the French King's Houshold have Or- ders to bs in Readiness to march, be- tween the 6th and 10th Instant, on the Lower Rhine ; that four Regi- ments of Horse or Dragoons, being attacked with the Glanders, were ordered back from thence for France ; and that Marshal Broglio being to set out from Francfort on the the, 12th it was expected that his Army would begin its Operations soon after. General Sporken took Possession of the Camp at Warbourgh on the 30th past ; and on the same Day the Hereditary Prince began to en- camp at Notteln and Shaapdetten. A Skirmish has happened near Cassel, in which the Hussars of the Allied Army had taken a Lieutenant and some Hussars of the Enemy. HANOVER, May 19. Capt. Lieut. Neimeier, with one Hundred Horse of the Regiment of Che- valerie, being ordered by Col. Lukener to occupy the Environs of Northeym, he was very near taking M. de Belsunce; but the Swiftness of his English Horse saved him. A Lieut. Col. 34 Dragoons, and 40 Horse, fell however into his Hands. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arriv'd the Mails from Holland and Flanders. GENOA, May 9. Seven Ships of War, with a great Number of Transports, and three Thou- sand Spanish Troops on board for America, are at last sailed from Cadiz. The Instructions given to the Commander of the Squadron are not to be opened ' till he arrives at a certain Latitude. BARCELONA, May 13. Tho' the principal Part of the Maritime Force of Great- Britain is not in the Mediterranean ; yet Care is taken to keep a sufficient Number of Vessels there, of which a Squadron is now forming, viz. four Men of War and as many Frigates in the Road of Gibraltar; seven Men of War and nine Frigates which are in the Straits, and at least 50 Privateers, which are cruisiug near the Levant. London, June 9. By a Letter from Belleisle, dated the 26th of May, there is Advice, that our Forces were in good Health, that the Rains had retarded their Operations ; that a Battery of 32 Pounders was ready to play upon the Citadel, and that the Gar- rison had made many Signals for Succours from the Main ; but it is thought the French will not be so fool- hardy as to attempt to relieve them, On the 3d Inst. the King's Fisher Bomb arrived at Plymouth from Belleisle, and sailed again for the said Place, in sour Hours after her Arrival. She brought no certain Account from thence, ex- cept that the Citadel was not yet reduced. On the 4th the Jason Man of War sailed from Plymouth, with the Essex Store- Ship, which has on board, for Belleisle, a vast Quantity of Ball, Shells, & c. which they have worked Day and Night to ship, since the King's Fisher arrived. The Letters from Quiberon, in the Brussels Gazette, pretend that M. de St. Croix hath even more Troops that are necessary, to defend the Citadel; and that they are furnished with Provisions and Military Stores for above a Twelvemonth. It is added, that the English were throwing Bombs into it, until their Battering Cannon should Come up. The Brussels Gazette informs us, that Advice was brought to Paris by a Letter faom Vannes, of the 12th ult. that M. de St. Croix, when he sent the English Commodore a Present of Garden- stuff in Return for his Wines, politely signified to him, that if the Ladies, whom he could discern on board the Admiral's Ship viewing the Place with Telescopes, were desirous of a nearer View of it, they might come on Shore in perfect Security; he would do his utmost to entertain them, and even make a Ball for them. The Hon. Henry Grenville, Esq. who is going Ambassador to Constantinople, has Instructions to negotiate with the Porte a new Treaty of Com- merce, more extensive and more advantageous to our Nation than any hitherto subsisting. We are informed, that Gen. Amherft, with about 2000 Land Forces onboard a numerous Fleet of Trrnsports, and a Squadron of Men of War, sailed on the 2d of April from Halifax for New- York, there to be joined by the rest of the Force, and proceed to the glorious Con quest of all North- America, by reducing the Mississippi. The Ge- neral was also to collect more Forces at South Carolina. The King of Poland hath consented that the Russian Agent shall purchase Horses in that King dom for the Use of the Russian Army. The King of Denmark has appointed a Review of his Army under the Command of the Count St. Germain, the latter End of this Month, con- sisting of 3000 Men ; but for what Use they were designed was not mentioned. The Dutch Mail brings nothing interesting. The Portuguese have taken the Alarm from the war like Preparations of the Turks, and are arming. The News of the English Fleet being blown off Belleisle is owned to have been false. The Duke d' Aiguillon remains at the Point of Quiberon, watching an Opportunity to send a Reinforcement to Belleisle. and Weekly Gazette. It is reported that a Suspension of Arms between the Allied Troops in Germany, and the French under Marshal Broglio, has been proposed by the Court of France, but that it was yet uncertain whether the same would at present be agreed upon. In the mean Time, some Accounts from Frankfort relate, that the French Officers of Mar- shal Broglio's Army, being in great Want of Fo- rage and Necessaries, have exacted large Contri- butions in the Towns bordering on Gottingen and Mothersgen, and also 8000 Crowns at the latter Place, towards paying some of their Forces. A Spanish Guarda- Costa has taken several small English Vessels which were employed in a contraband Trade on the Spanish Territories. Bristol, June 10. Arriv'd at the HOT- WELLS, Capt. Duncomb, Capt. Basset, Rev. Mr. Hughes, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Davis, Mr. Bell, Mr. Swift, Mr. Wenham, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Browne, Mr, and Miss Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Etherington, Mr. and Mrs. Roffey, Mr. and Mrs. Judge, Mr. Oatley, Lady Golway, Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Ruxton, Mrs. and Miss Allgood, Miss Jackson, Miss Pearce, Miss Williamson, Miss Phillips, Miss Clayton, & c. & c. Came in since our last, The Prince William, Willye, from Dublin ; the David, Weston, from Cork; the Sampson, Greatrake, from Malaga the John and Mary, Fortune, from Cork; the Cornflower, Volckman, from Koningsburgh ; the Elizabeth, Sinclair, from Rotterdam ; the Milford Man of War, from a Cruize. Arriv'd, At Londonderry, the Providence, Hobson ; at Kinsale, the Margaret, Chard ; at Cork, the Union, French, and the Fleece, Tho- mas ; and at Plymouth, the John and Richard, Levermore ; all from this Port. The Sisters, Campbell, from Halifax, laden with Furs and other Goods, for this Port, is taken by a French Privateer of six Guns. Tuesday was married at the Quaker's- Meeting in this City, Mr. Thomas Crosby, a Merchant of Philadelphia, to Mrs. Rachael Harford, of St. James's- Barton. Saturday last died at his House in Broad- Mead, Mr. Charles Churchman, an eminent. Attorney. Bath, June 11. The Public are desir'd to be careful to ask for the BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE publish'd by C. POPE and Comp. as the Proprietors of the Bath Advertiser ( a Saturday's Paper) have alter'd their Day of Publication to Thursday, since our Proposals were first distributed, and likewise pi- rated Part of our Title, viz. Bath Chronicle.— We therefore give this necessary Caution, left they shou'd attempt to impose their Paper on the Public for THIS. Arriv'd here, Col. Elliot, Capt. Fletcher, Rev. Mr. Kilben, Rev. Mr. Withers, Mr. Wood, Mr. Dove. Mr. Axford, Mr. Rawdon, Mr. Bushby, Mr. Moore, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Claver- ing, Mrs. Litter, Mrs. Hall, Miss Shepherd, & c. Thursday last being the Birth- Day of his most sacred Majesty King George the Third, ( whom God long preserve) the Morning was usher'd in with ringing the Bells at all the Churches ; the Flag was display'd on the Tower ; at Noon the Cannon were fir'd ; in the Evening the Corpora- tion and other Gentlemen assembled at the Guild hall, and drank his Majesty's and many other loyal Healths ; the Ball at Mr. Wiltshire's was very brilliant and crowded ; and the Illumination of Houses, & c. in this City exceeded every Thing of the Kind before, the whole City appearing as one continued Blaze.— We have the Pleasure to add, that amidst all our Rejoicings no material Accident happen'd. From many Places in the Circuit of this Paper, we are likewise informed of the greatest Demon- strations of Joy on Account of his Majesty's Birth- Day. At Taunton, about Twelve o'Clock, Part of the Somersetshire and Glamorganshire Militia, together with some independent Compa- nies of Regulars, were drawn out in excellent Order on the Cornhill, and fir'd several Vollies. At Night there was a grand Ball for the Ladies. Yesterday being the Birth- Day of her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia, ( who has three Times honoured this City with her Presence) the same was observed here as usual. Sunday was married at the Abbey- Church, Mr. William Roberts, of the Tower, London, to Miss Mary Barnes of this City. Last Week died here, Charles Garrard, Esq. at Lanburn in Berkshire. Friday last died at Taunton, the Rev. Mr. Stibbs, greatly lamented by all who knew him. The same Day two Men fighting at Bridge water, one of them ( nam'd Chilcott, a' Sheriff's Bailiff) had his Leg broke. Last Sunday Night one of the One- Day Flying Machines to London, was overturned at Chip- penham ; by which Accident Mrs. Figgins of that Town ( a Passenger therein) had her Arm broke, and a Child of hers was much hurt. Last Week as a Waggon was going over Chip- penham Bridge, the two fore Horses by some Means got over the Wall, And there hung by the Chains a considerable Time ; the Driver was obliged ( in order to release them) to break the Chains and let them fail into the Water ; by which Means be with Difficulty saved their Lives. On Thursday the 28th of May last, a poor labouring Man ( a Stranger) was bit by a Dog in such a terrible Manner, in both his Legs, that he has ever since been incapable of working ; he therefore humbly implores the Charity of all well- disposed Persons, as he is, destitute of ' the Necessaries of Life.— Donations may be left at the Bar of the White- Hart Inn in Stall- Street. Saturday last the Denbighshire Militia arrived here, and Monday Morning proceeded from hence to Wells, on their Way to Biddeford, where they are to do Duty. Tuesday the Caermarthen Militia likewise arrived here, and are likewise to march for Biddeford. Ever since the Chevalier Taylor's Arrival in this City, his Lodgings have been continually crowded by an excessive Concourse of People, de- fective in Sight; the Faculty and Gentry daily assemble in great Numbers, to be personal Witnesses of the singular Success of his Labours.— On Tuesday and Yesterday, amongst those who received their Sight by his Hands, were Mr. Ben- jamin Warren, at Mr. Whittiker's in West Gate- Street ; Mrs. Knight, at Mrs. Need's in St. John's- Street ; Mr. Edward Edwards, from Back- Street, Bristol, by Means of an artificial Pupil, of the Chevalier's Invention ; Mr. William Tomlinson, in Walcot- Street; Mrs. Catharine Payne, at Midsummer- Norton; and, above all, Mr. Samuel Woodin, from Froster, by an Extraction of the Chrystalline Humour of the Eye, after a Manner practised only by himself; and lastlv, a young Man nam'd Goodall, living at the Parade Coffee- House, who had a Defect from his Infancy; and, what is very remarkable, by restoring his Sight was freed at the same Time from that Defect call'd Squinting ;— together with many others all without Pain, or being attended Accident.- This Morning, and every Mor- ning ' till Wednesday next, the Gentry will in like Manner assemble on these Occasions at his Lodg- ings.— So great is the Number, afflicted in the Eyes, which arrive here every Day, he is oblig'd to put off his Departure as above,— of which all who attend his Aid are desir'd 10 take Notice. To- morrow, being Friday, the 12th of June, exactly at Eight o'Clock in the Evening, the Chevalier ( to oblige the Nobility and Gentry now in this City) has promised to give, at the Town- Hall, a Specimen of his Academical ORATIONS on the Art of procuring Sight, and on the Changes of the Eye from the Affections of the Mind ; in his well- known Style, and calculated for the Wits, the Beauties, and the Learned; - as delivered in various Languages before all the Crowned Heads and Sovereign Princes of Europe, without Exception, and lately at Dublin and Edinburgh,— None will be admitted but by Tickets, which will be delivered to the Order of proper Persons, exactly between the Hours of Twelve and Two, To- morrow, at his Lodgings at Mr. Waters's in the Market- Place, and no where else ;— with a View that the Company may be well chosen.— All at that Hour will please to send their Servants vrith their Names.- The Tickets for the Ladies always entirely free; those for the Gentlemen, a Trifle to support the Expences of the Night.— No more than three hundred will be delivered, that the Hall may not be too full; and all Persons present will have a Plan of the Subject given free.- And the Whole will be conducted with the utmost Order. At Devizes Market, Thursday last. Wheat sold from 26s. per Quarter to 32s. od. Barley from 15S. to 16s. Oats from 15s. to 16s. Beans from 23s. to 28s. Pease from 21s. to 30s. Vatches from 28s. to 30s. ERRATA. In the Paragraph in our last, about the Murder of the Boy at Bristol, for Fran- cis Jones, read Thomas Short. On the inestimable Blessing of SIGHT. Addressed to Chevalier Taylor, By the Reverend Doctor YOUNG. HAIL curious Occulist ! to thee belongs To know what secret Springs of Vision move The Ball of Sight, what inward Cause retards Their native Force ; what Operation clears A clouded Speck, or bids the total Frame Resume the Lustre of the lucid Ray :- ' Tis thine to tell, how veil'd to gloomy Shade The darkling Eye retires, nor feels the Force Of solar Beam:- Anon a darting Gleam, Shoots thro' the Glass, and gives the brighting Orb To visit Light:- I see the liquid Stream Flow, as the guiding Hand directs the Way, And bids jt enter, where a total Gloom Had drawn dark Cover o'er the Seat of Sight; Whether in choroied, or nervous Net, Fair Vision shines, thither the streaming Rays Converge their Force, and iji due Order range Their colour'd Forms.— Anon the Patient sees A new Creation rising to the View, In Living Light!— There blowsi the flow'ry Mead With Sweets of every Bloom ; there limpid Rill Glides on soft Foot:— Here fair Pomona smiles In Luxury of Charm ; there Flora paints Her vary- colour'd Train Here lanar Orb Soft sheds her Silver Light, to cheer the Gloom Of languid Night, ' till orient Sun reveals A living Scene, with radiant Lustre spread.- Go on, thou Favourite of Heaven, to bless The darkling World with Light; give it to see The Maker's Work, and teach the grateful Tonguc To sing his Praise, for what the Eye beholds, To Rapture rais'd, fair Work of Power divine.— While others court the Populace for Fame, And envy Merit which they cannot claim,— Be thine the Task to heam in open Day, And shine with Lustre of unborrow'd Ray. EPITAPH. THE Dame that rests beneath this silent Tomb, Had Rachael's Face and Leah's fruitful Womb, Abigail's Wisdom, Lydia's faithful Heart, Martha's just Care, and Mary's better Part.
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