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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


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Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 34
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Date of Article: 04/06/1761
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co. 
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 34
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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TO THE PRINTER, of the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. SIR, JUNE I, 1761. THE inclos'd printed Paper boning been given me by a Friend, I think it may not be improper to in- sert it in jour extensive and well- approv'd Chroni- cle. This I am certain, ' twill oblige a great Number of jour constant Readers; and, in particular, jour Correspondent and ¡ well- wisher, T. M. The IMPORTANCE of IRELAND to ENGLAND. IRELAND contains about Fifteen Millions of English Acres, One- eighth of which may con- lift of Mountains and Bogs, a great Part capable of Improvement, and One- half of the Remainder cither unoccupied, or very little cultivated. Notwithstanding this, and many Errors of her own and her Neighbours contriving, that lessen the Inhabitants and throw a Damp on Industry, she maintains about Two Millions Five Hundred Thousand Souls. In Spit* of every. cross Accident, she raises not Cn! y an annual Revenue for her Defence, and the Support of the State, but likewise fends a large Sum annually to her elder Sifter of England.— That is to say; Remitted Taxes in to Ireland England for 1 Year, annually For the Civil Establishment, such as the Courts of Law, State Officers, Concordatums, Pensions, & c. ----- 109000 45000 For the Military Establish- ment, such as four Regiments of Horse, eight of Dragoons, 22 of Foot and Artillery Regi- ment, ( making 22,000 Men) with General Officers, Ord- nance, Barracks, Half- pay, & c. 546000 78410 For Parliament Payments, and Commissioners of the Re- venue, exclusive of all other Revenue Officers - - - - 41000 7000 For the Linen Manufacture and Tillage 54000 To thismustbe added, Fees of Custom Pattentee Officers - 4000 For occasional Journeys to London, Bath, Bristol, Sec. for Health, Pleasure, Appeals, So- licitations, See. computed at 5000 Persons annually ( exclu- sive of the Commonality) at 50I. each - 150000 For the Cost and Freight of Woollen Cloth, Hardware, Hops, Corn, Coals, Silk, Tea, Sugar, Tobacco, and all other Sorts of Commodities, with Horses to remount the Cavalry, bought in England, at least - 500000 For the regular and constant Absentees, or Persons residing in England, who have Estates or Fortunes in Ireland, in- cluding the absent Officers of the Army, and Students at the Temple and Universities - - 1100000 This is really stated as exactly as the Nature of such an Account can admit. The only Trade Ireland has to support such an Expence, is Linen Cloth and Yarn, Beef, Pork, Hides, Tallow and Butter, with Wool and Bay Yarn, and ( lately) live Cattle into Great- Britain only. How Ireland can pay such an immense annual Tribute to England ( immense considering her confined Trade) is not easily to be accounted for ; but it is most certain, that when Time and Expe- rience open the Minds of Men ; when Partiality and vulgar Prejudices shall subside ; when com- mon Sense dictates the Means of raising the Com- merce and Industry of Ireland, without infringing on, but rather increasing the natural Manufac- tures and Trade of England, at the Expence of the natural. Enemies to both Kingdoms ; when it ill all be seriously considered that the Sons, and the Posterity of the Sons of Britons, now enjoy- ing almost the whole Lands of Ireland with Ho- nour and unshaken Loyalty, have as natural a Right to Sunshine and Privileges as the Peasants of the Island of Anglesey ; — then, and not ' till then, can Ireland be thoroughly cultivated ; the Number of its Inhabitants infinitely increased and maintained with more Decency, and her Tri- bute to England rife in Proportion. What Ireland now pays may be look'd on, by some, as trivial, because no Part goes, immedi- ately, into the public Revenue of England, yet ( ho 11 Id partial and absurd Policy prevail, ( which can hardly be supposed) Ireland would indeed be the first to suffer, but the Malady would soon each to the Vitals of the Trade and Manufac- tures of England. Ireland, at this Time, pays to English Gentle- in, as Bishops, Judges, and great Officers, exclusive of Deans and other beneficed Clergy, and of Numbers in the Army, Revenue, and other Offices, above 6o, oool. a Year. This Paper contains little more than proper Hints, but almost every Part can be supported by undoubted Authority.— No Comparisons, or invidious Reflexions are made: And this is only to shew every impartial, sensible, and honest Man, how the fertile and loyal Kingdom of IRELAND ought to be treated. 751000 2084410 N. B. Payment < m King's Letters, and the Re venue of the Post- Office, make no Part of this Account The Charge for Cost and Freight of Goods, is certainly much under- rated, for the Articles of Corn and Coals only amount to above half the Sum. Rise and Progress of ANGER in the Human Mind. ANGER seems to have its Foundation in that first and most essential Principle of hu- man Nature, I mean the Principle of self- preservation. It is a Kind of instinctive Feeling, that alarms the Mind on the Receipt of any In- jurv. and promts us to repel the Blow. IRIS: A NEW SONG. IF the sweet Name of Love my fair IRIS affright, I'll pretend ' tis in Friendship I doat on her Sight; But the Friendship so warm and so tender will prove, That my IRIS may one Day mistake it for Love. When I gaze on her Eyes, or am charm'd with her Hair, I'll fay ' tis with Pride that my Friend is so fair ; But the Pride with such Transports my Bosom will move, That my IRIS may fancy it flutters with Love. When charm'd with her Wit I repeat the gay Jest, I'll swear I applaud it because ' tis the belt; But the Warmth of my Praise ( he may chance to reprove, And fay ' tis to ( hew ( he deserves I should love. When I doat on her Hand as it strikes the Guittar, I'll swear ' tis the Music transports me so far ; But, alas! my fix'd Eyes ( he may tell me had strove To shew I would hide my Distraction and Love. When I stand in Amaze her whole Form to behold, And laugh at the Venus they figur'd of old ; I'll fay ' tis all Wonder, her Dread to remove, But my IRIS may fancy, alas I it is Love. 0 fairer than Venus, thy Fears overcome ; While scar'd like thyself I stand waiting myDoom. From that delicate Terror some little abate, For rather than fright thee I'll swear ' tis all Hate. When a Tile falls from the Roof of a House upon my Head, I feel an instantaneous Resentment; a Resentment which it is impossible for me to pre- vent, as it would be not to have a Sense of Pain when I put my Finger into the Fire: But when I am informed that this Tile was blown down by the Wind, my Resentment presently subsides; and though I may lament my Misfortune, I can- not be angry at the Cause, as indeed it was ow- ing to no Cause at all, but the Effect of pure Chance. Had this Tile been thrown by some Person, without any Intention of hurting me, my Resent- ment would rise a little higher than in the former Cafe, but would hot amount to what is properly called Ang « rj I might blame him for his Rash- nel's, but could not condemn him for Wickedness. But had he thrown it with a Design to strike me, my Resentment would have increased to the highest Pitch of Anger, and spurred me on to take immediate Vengeance, did not my Reason step in and assure me, that I must be content with such Reparation as is provided by the Laws of my Country. That the Intention of hurting is necessary to constitute an Injury with regard to the Agent, and to excite the Passion of Anger in the Mind of the Patient, may be demonstrated by the follow- ing Example. Suppose one Person should fire a Gun with an Intention to kill you, but miss his Aim ; and another fire accidentally, and give you a mortal Wound, you would be much more angry at the former than the latter; not because he had hurt you more, ( for in Effect he has not hurt you at all) but only because he intended it. This seems to be the true and philosophical Ac- count of the Rife and Progress of Anger in the human Mind : But the Misfortune is, that pas- sionate People confound all these Distinctions, and are equally angry at every Thing that gives them Pain or Uneasiness, whether it be animate or ina- nimate, rational and irrational; whether it be a Post, a Horse, a Friend or a Foe. They are in- jured, or, which is the fame Thing, they think they are injured, and therefore they will be re- venged. A remarkable Instance of this Species of An- ger, or rather Madness, we have in the History of CYRUS, as related by HERODOTUS. When that Monarch was marching to besiege the City of Babylon, he attempted to ford the River Gyndes, a Thing hardly practicable, even in the greatest Drought of Summer, but which at that Time was absolutely impossible, as the River overflowed its Banks. In this Attempt he loft one of his finest Horses which provoked him to such a Degree, that he swore he would reduce the River to lb low an Ebb as to be fordable by Women and Children ; an Oath which he kept with greater Punctuality than Prudence : For, whilst he was employed in the Execution of this romamicScheme, ( which indeed he actually accomplished, by dividing the Stream into three hundred and sixty Rivulets) the proper Season for Action elapsed, the Soldiers were harrassed and fatigued with fruitless Labour, and the Enemy had an Opportunity of preparing for more vigorous Defence. The Behaviour of XERXES, on a similar Oc casion, as recorded by the fame Historian, is, possible, still more ridiculous. A Bridge, which he had thrown over the Hel lespont, for transporting his Troops from Asia into Europe, having been battered and beat down by the Waves, he was seized with such a Fit of frantic Passion, that he ordered his Soldiers to punish he Sea, by giving it 300 Ladies, brand » ing t with a red- hot Iron, and putting it in Fetters. These you will fay are the Words of a Mad. man; doubtless they are, and it is for that very Reason I mention them, in order to shew that An- ger and Madness are nearly allied, or more pro- perly the fame. Both consist in a Suspension of the rational Faculties ; with only this Difference, that in Anger the Suspension is temporary, in Madness it is continual. Besides, were most Men to take a Review o£ the past Transactions of their Lives, they would find, I am afraid, that at one Time or other they have talked in a Stile as ridiculous, and ailed in Manner as absurd as the Persian King, though perhaps on a different Occasion. But the Misfortune is, that though, in our cool and sedate Hours, we can fee the Absurdity of other People's Conduct ; yet when our Blood is inflamed, and our Passions rouzed, we cannot per- ceive the Absurdity, though guilty of as great, if not greater Faults. Anger is a most odious and dangerous Passion, whether we consider the Folly and Impiety of it, or the fatal and tragical Effects it frequently pro- duces.— But the Consideration of these we shall re- serve for the Subject of another Paper. Friday'S and Saturday'S POSTS. Arriv'd a Mail from HOLLAND. Germany. VIENNA, May 9. E do not find that the Affair of a Peace advances. The Recovery of Silesia seems to be a Point fine quo non. According to the last Advices from Silesia, General Laudohn still had his Head- Quarters at Waldenbourg, in the Prin- cipality of Schweidnitz ; and had detached a Body of Troops with Orders to pafs the Neiss, and to march, by the Territories of Ottmachau and Grot- skau, towards Cosel. BRANDENBURGH, May 14. The King has ordered the Provisions, Warlike Stores, Uniforms, & c. and also the Hospitals, at Berlin, to be re- moved elsewhere. RATISBON, May 14. The 8th Inst. the Mi- nister of the Elector Palatine entered a Protest in the College of Electors, against the Title of Arch- Treasurer of the Empire, which his Britannic Majesty enjoys as Elector of Hanover; against which Baron de Gemmingen, his Britannic Ma- jelly's Minister, has presented a Counter- protest. ALTENA, May 18. The last Letters from Si- lesia import, that the King of Prussia arrived the 12th Inst. in perfect Health, at Great Glogau. Some say that M. Daun followed his Majesty with 40,000 Men ; but other Advices fay, it was only a Detachment sent to reinforce Gen. Lau- dohn. The Position of the two Armies in Silesia is such, that we may shortly expect a Battle. Gen. Laudohn encamps near Franckenstein, and Gen. Goltz at Reichenbach. The Strength of Baron Laudohn's Army was lately computed at 61,000 Men, and that of Goltz amounted to 51,000 ; but since the Reinforcement brought into Silesia by the King, the two Armies must be nearly equal in Number. The Army under the Command of Prince Henry, which encamps near Strehla, is 45,000 strong. ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, at 3S. 6d. each Time, if sort longer Ones in Proportion. The BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE is circulated in London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater, Wells, Shepton; Mallet, Bruton, Frome, Gloucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury, Wotton- nder- Edge, Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Hereford, Worcester, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford, Abingdon, Huneerford NfeM^ rvW Reading, Salisbury, Heitsbury, Warminster, Westbury, Tinehead, Market- Lav, ngton, Bradford, Trowbridge, Devizes, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, Shaftsbury, Pool, Weymouth, Sherborne, & c. & c. & c. at the Post- Offices of most of which Places, Advertisement for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise by the Newsmen, No Letters receiv'd unless Post . PAID. — At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had, all Sorts of PATENT MEDICINES, & c.. [ No. 34.] Weekly GAZETTE. [ Price TWO- PENCE HALFPENNY.] Printed and publish'd by C. POPE, and C°. at the Printing- Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. [ The above C. POPE serv'd his Apprenticeship with the late Mr. BODDELY, and has had the sole Management of the Bath Journal for these last five Years.] - THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1761. [ Vol. I. ] I34 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, [ VOL. Frame. PARIS, May 15. The Army of the Prince de Soubise and that of Marshal Broglio, will begin their Operations on the 15th of this Month, with two Sieges ; one under the Direction of Marshal Broglio, and the other under that of Lieut. Gen. M. de Chevert. It is certain that we have found Means to lend a Reinforcement of Troops and Military Stores into Belleisle. But we have 110 Accounts that can be depended on, of the present State of Things in that lsland. London, May 28. The King has appointed the Right Hon. the Earl of Bute Ranger of Richmond Park, in the Room of her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia, who has resigned that Office. We hear that an Order is given by his Majesty, for Seven Thousand Ounces of Plate to be made, as a Present to each of our three Plenipotentiaries, , before they set out for Augsbourg. The Inhabitants of Augsbourg,. in Expectation of a vastConcourse of illustrious Strangers, demand excessive Prices for their Houses. They insist on from 15 to 18 Thousand Florins per Ann. for in- different Houses, and if they are to be accommo- dated with Stables, -& c. they must pay 3000 more. It is laid the Feathers in the Caps of the new Knights of the Bath, were the grandest ever seen on such an Occasion ; and that each of their Fea- thers cost Twenty Guineas. Eight Hundred Dirties were provided by the new- made Knights, for the Supper at the Opera House in the Hay- market. Orders are sent to Portsmouth for five Men of War of the Line to join Commodore Keppel's Squadron as soon as possible. It is not expected that the Citadel of Palais will surrender in less than a Fortnight, unless it be taken by Storm, as we are well informed that Vauban hath made Use of all his Skill fortifying it. It is said that M. de St. Croix, Governor of the Island of Belleisle, hath received Orders to keep Possession of the Citadel of Palais, if possible, ' till the Success of M. de Bully's Negotiation be try'd at London; but notwithstanding those Orders, and the Citadel being the Work of the great Vauban, there is little Reason to think he will be able to hold out, even ' till the Arrival of that Minister. The Brussels Gazette tells us, that General Hodgson, on landing at Belleisle, published a Manifesto, promising the Inhabitants the free Exercise of their Religion, and the peaceable Pos session of their Effects and Prerogatives. Yesterday an Ambassador arrived at St. James's from the Dey of Algiers. [ It is not uncustomary for these Ambassadors to bring with them., as Presents to our Sovereigns, the rare Products of their Country. This Ambassador has brought over twenty- four fine Horses, partly of the Arabian Kind, though they were bred in Africa, eight of which are ordered to be pre- sented to his Majesty by bis Ambassador, the rest are for Admiral Saunders, and other Gentlemen, who have the Honour to enjoy the Esteem of the Dey, The King's Present is enhanced with a Lion, which is not of the shaggy and beardy Kind, but almost smooth, and rather tractable; which may perhaps be owing to the Fatigue he has undergone in the Voyage from Africa to England. There are also two fine Tygers brought over by this Ambassador, as a further En hancement of the Prefect to the King, which, together with the Lion, are deposited in the Tower, in Dens properly prepared for their Reception, among the other Wild- beasts in that Place.] Some of the Letters by Yesterday's Dutch Mail fay, that the Turks have declared War against the Ruffians. On the 4th of Feb. a Memorial was delivered to the Swedish Ministry by the French Ambassa- dor, setting forth, among other Things, that in the present Situation of Affairs common Huma nity required that Means should be fought to put an End to the War : That it was extremely doubtful whether, after another Campaign, Peace could be made in Germany on better Terms than at Present: And that the King his Matter could not conceal, that he was constrained to les- sen the Subsidies he paid ; and as the Sources The Halifax, Cowie, from Africa to Antigua, is taken and carried into Martinico. And the Love, Driskell, of Cork, from Guadalupe, was taken by the Aurora Privateer of Bayonne, of 18 Guns and 107 Men, and retaken by the Mo-. defte> Man of War, and lent into Portsmouth. The Number of' French Sailors Prisoners in England, is now said to be reduced to 20,000, oc- casioned by the great Number of our Merchant- ships lately taken, whose Crews have been ex- changed by the Cartel. Yesterday Morning, about Half an Hour after Nine o'Clock, Joseph Walley, William Dupuy, and Charles Spruce, in the first Cart, David Mor- gan and John Brett in another Cart, were carried from Newgate, to Tyburn As Morgan was, re- moving into the first Cart to be tied up with the rest, he received the agreeable News of a Reprieve ; upon which he fainted away, but being a little recovered, he was put into a Coach, and conveyed back to Newgate. The other four suffered accor- ing to their Sentence. Brett was genteely dres- sed in Mourning, with a Cockade in his Hat,. ha- ving formerly been a Sea- Officer. At the Place of Execution he made a short Speech, wherein he owned he was guilty of the Crime for which he suffered, and hoped others would take Warning by him. On Friday last the Wife of Mr. Taylor, Far- mer, of the Parish of Whitchurch, in Dorsetshire, who was riding Home, from Lyme Market, being very big with Child, alighted from her Horse, ( finding herself, as is supposed, in Labour) and fell, down by her Horse's Side. Her Husband not finding her come Home that Night, got up early in the Morning to see for her, and found her dead in the Road, about two Fields from his own House, with her Horse and Butter- basket by her,' and her Cap and a great Deal of her Hair pulled off her Head. She has left six small Children be hind her. of his Finances were considerably drained by the Prosecution of the War, his Majesty could not promise, in case the War continued, to fulfil his Engagements with his usual Punctuality. Private Letter from the Hague say, that the Marshal Duke de Broglio had received Order from his Court to detach ¡ 0,000 Troops to the, French Coast. They write fro France, that under the Ap prehensions of a Siege at Port l'Orient, the Maga- zine and Effects of the India Company were re moving from that Place. They write from Paris, that the Grand Mailer hath declared Malta a free Port for all Christian Nations whatsoever. Letters from Dartzick of the 13th Inst. by Way of Hamburgh, advise, that an Order was corne to the General of the Grand. Russian Army, to fend 40,000 Men back, on Account of the Turks ha ving unexpectedly entered the Ukraine. This merits Confirmation. Our Advices from Gibraltar mention the failing of Admiral Saunders on a Cruize,. the 15th of April, with a Squadron under his Command and that Lord Home, Governor of that Garrison lay then dangerously ill of a Dropsy. Three of the principal Merchant; of Ancona have established an' Insurance- Office for Losses Sea. , The Sheerness Man of War has taken a French Turkeyman in the Bay of Malta, worth upwards of 12, oool. An ORATION, Delivered at ROME, in Favour of the Chevalier JOHN TAYLOR, Opthalmiater, Pontifical, Im- perial, and Royal, on Occasion of his being raised to the high Dignity of CITIZEN and NO- BLE of ROME, in the Name and with the Voice of the Senate and People.— Translated from the Latin. My most illustrious Fellow- Citizens and Brethren, THIS is the- Man, who, for such a Number of Years, and in so many Nations of the World, has so greatly employed the Attention of the Public.— Such are his Deeds— so far do they appear to exceed all human Power— that to believe them, we must be Witness of them. When we view him in his public Character, in that important Profession in which he has so long been remarkably eminent, his vast Experi- ence, his extensive Knowledge in the Theory his indefatigable Industry, his singular and extraordinary Delicacy and Address in the Practice, his great Discoveries, his numerous Writings, and in the Language of so many different Countries, the Number of his Followers who have received, from Time to Time his personal Instruction, and by whom the Fruits of his Labours are now dispersed over the Face of the Earth ; when we reflect on the Service he has thus done to us, and to those who shall come after us, we mutt agree with the Sense of all Europe, that he was born for the Study he pro sesses; that Heaven gave Birth to him for particular Favour in our Days, not to improve, nut to create the Art of restoring Sight ; and that his Name will be dear in After- ages, and his Memory preserved in the highest Esteem from Generation to Generation. When we remember, MOST ILLUSTRIOUS SIGNIORS, that it is by Means of the EYE we learn the Will of those who lived before us that it is by the Aid of this inestimable ORGAN that the Mind receives its greatest Improvements that it is this Way we behold the marvellous; Beauties of the Earth, and that the Soul discovers the stupendous Greatnefs of the Works Heaven. When we confider, that, to be blind is to be dead among the Living; to be shut from the Light, to be deprived of all its Sweets, to be always in one continued Night, ever fur- rounded with Darkness, is a State of all others the most to be lamented: What Thanks are due to that salutary. Hand, which is able to restore this most invaluable Blessing ! If a Gift like, this will admit of no Acknow- ledgment that can equal the Greatness of th Service ; if procuring for us this inestimable Sense, when lost, is an Obligation that can admit of 110 Reward, what shall we say of this Man, now amongst us, to whom Thousands and' Ten Thousands, in so many Parts of the World, are obliged for now beholding, by the EYE, the Glories of the Sun ? How many among these, who, after Birth, remained Stran- gers to the Comforts of Sight, are now, by Assistance, numbered among the Seeing ? Where is there a Town in all Europe, but some one can fay, by this Man I have been thus made happy ? Few of the Courts, but some 6f the greatest Personages are to. him indebted for their Present Enjoyment of this greatest Good that Man' can give to his Likeness. What Numbers are there among the Poor, in so many Parts of the World: who ow, to his charitable Assistance, the Res- toration of this delightful Sense, by which My have been impowered to secure themselves and Families from Misery And Want. But what need we say more than we ourselves have seen in this our Holy City ? How many are there amongst us of every Rank and Quality the Great, the Poor, the Religious Societies, and, Cloistered Persons of both. Sexes, who are no daily sending up the most fervent Prayers for this Preservation ? For having, by , him alone, been delivered from that dark.- Cloud which prevented them from performing many" of those Duties so' essential to their Salvation, When this we say, MY ILLUSTRIOUS FEL- LOW- CITIZENS AND BRETHREN, we say nothing more than what has been told to the World by the greatest Princes of the Earth, even under their own Hands; conferring upon him, the fame Time, many high Dignities, and shewing him the most distinguished Marks of Benevolence and Favour: And is it possible for us to suppose that Crowned Heads and Sovereign Princes, Governors of the People of the Earth, who cannot but esteem Virtue as the chief Sup- port of their Diadem, would fay such Things of this Man, without the greatest Conviction> Who could believe that Kings would point out, it were with the Sceptre 111 Hand, this Man alone, amongst all the human Species, for his wonderous Power of doing these Actions for the Benefit of Man, but from the strongest Evidence that could be defiled for the Support of Truth. If we join, MOST ILLUSTRIOUS SIGNIORS, the Great amongst the Learned, to the judgment given of this Man by the Rulers of the Earth; if we add, that the most learned Bodies now exist- ing, and most distinguished Academies for Knowledge amongst Men, have ever given him the strongest Testimony of Approbation, admitted him, from Time to Time, as a Member of their different Corps, and always regarded him as an Ornament to their Society, mult we not agree in the universal Sense of the first among the Great, and the greatest among the Learned, that this Man, now amongst us, is the foremost Man living for his Ability in the noble Art of re- storing Sight, and that he is alone amongst Men. If we add to all these the well- known and received Opinion of his private Character; his extensive Knowledge of Mankind, which few, if any, can equal, because no Man ever yet had an equal Opportunity, having been in every Court, Presented to every Sovereign, received with Dis- tinction in the politest Societies on Earth; his great and amazing Travels, not a Town having escaped him of the least, Consideration in all Europe-, the Occasion he has had oiling known to the most distinguished Persons in the World, and with many intimately acquainted in every Part of Knowledge; his excellent Education, happy Genius, natural Quickness of Apprehen- sion, his extraordinary Fluency of Speech, the elegant Manner in which he paints his Thoughts, telling his Adventures with such Delicacy, such Fire and Beauty, and such amazing Choice of Words not only in the Language of various Coun- tries, but in the very Stile, Manner, and Custom of so many different People. If we reflect also on his Sobriety, Temperance, and indefatigable Ap- plication for the Improvement of his Mind, in whatsoever is necessary to render him a desirable Companion, and an useful Member of Society; and if, to sum up all, we add his admirable Address, we must agree with the first Judges of Men, that he is a perfect Matter of the Art of Pleasing, has all the Requisites of a Courtier, and worthy to be received in the first Affembli. es of the World. Shall Virtues like these pass unregarded ? Shall our Holy City, ever famous for possessing within its Bounds the Greatest among Mortals ; ( hall it be said, in After- ages, that a Prodigy like this hath breathed within our Walls, and we neglected to make a Memorandum to Posterity that such Things were? No, it mutt not be ;— let us then MY MOST ILLUSTRIOUS BRETHREN AND FELLOW- CITIZENS, on this extraordinary Occasion, revive that most excellent and laudable Custom of ourFore- fathers, of swelling outGreat- ness by adding this Man to the Number of the Great. Let us publish our Sense of his Worth by that great, that noble, and molt antient Mark of Dignity, as shall make his Name with us im- mortal' Let US, MY MOST ILLUSTRIOUS BRETHREN AND FELLOW- CITIZENS, each one raise his Hand. Let us Cry aloud, with one united Heart, Behold ! A NEW CITIZEN of this GREAT MISTRESS, to the World!— And let US proclaim this our publick ACT to all the Inhabitants of the Earth, in the Name, and with the Voice, of the SENATE and PEOPLE. BATH, MAY 21, 1761. All the FAMILY PICTURES, That were in the Possession of RICHARD NASH, Esq, At the Time of his Decease, by apply- at Law. Such Pictures as are undisposed of by the 20th of JUNE, will be publicky sold. MAY be had, at FIVE GUINEAS each, ' ing to Mr. YESCOMBE, Attorney BRISTOL Guildhall, May 25, 1761. This is to give notice, THAT the SALE of the Materials of the several Houses upon near the Bridge of BRISTOL, advertised to be fold To- morrow, is postponed ' till TUESDAY the 30th Day of JUNE next; when the same will be ibid,, at the Ex- CHANGE- COFFEE- HOUSE, in CORN- STREET, BRISTOL, between the Hours of One and Two of the Clock in the Afternoon ; in the same Lots, and subject to the fame Conditions of Sale as before, advertised ; and that such Houses may be viewed from and after the 24th Day of said June, ' till the Day of Sale, by applying to Mr. JAMES BRIDGES, Architect, or to Mr. WM. RICHARDS, Broker, in CORN- STREET, BRISTOL. By Order of the Trustees, THOMAS SYMONS, Clerk. Written by a Gentleman, while a Lady's Picture was drawing. IOwn the Piece begins to strike ; The Nose and Brow I swear are like! The Lip so red, the Hair so brown ; The Face unfully'd with a Frown ! But, softly Painter, have a Care : — The Eyes !— I fear thou'lt miss it there ; The Eyes I doubt are past thy Skill : It does — no faith — it never will. Thy Pencil drop— the Fault I fee Is in the Art, and not in thee. Inscribed to Mr. ****** PHILANDER, in a blest Alcove, Sacred to Wit, to Mirth, to Love; With youth- reviving Beauty fir'd, And soft- transporting Joy inspir'd, Gaily tunes his amorous Lays, And Courts sweet smiling CAELIA'SPraise. Thus in his Bow'r ANACREON" SUng; The Shades with melting Music rung ; VeNUS approV'd his heav'nly Strain,' The happy Bard grew young again. of BATH. Jus t arrived in Town from Scotland, And Sold, Wholesale and Retail, By C. Pope and Comp, at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, Bath; Mr. Pine, Printer, m Wine- Street, and Mr. Rowand, Linen- Draper, in Small- Street, Bristol; A. Kennedy, Travelling Chapman-, J. Gardner, Linen- Draper, in Faulkland; Mr. Hugh Maclean, Linen- Draper, in Frome ; Mr. White, in Lamas- Street, Caermarthen; and by the Distri- butors of this Chronicle: The following specific Medicines, viz. i. THE famous Dr. Anderson's genuine Scots Pills, made by Kennedy and Anderson, the only true Proprietors; who had the Grant and Art of making- them, from the Heirs of Dr. Anderson, and have it now in their Possession. And as the Public have been frequently imposed on with Pills of a quite different Nature, ( as appears by their Effects) they are desired for the Future to ask for Kennedy and An- derson's Scots Pills which they may depend on are ori- ginal. Price 1s. the Box, which contains 4.0 Pills, and but 30 commonly m all others. There may be had 30 for 9d. in Oval Boxes, 2. The Green Grana Angelica, or Dr. Moses Kennedy's celebrated Purging Pills ; the Virtues of which are well known in most Parts of England, Ire- land, and America, being the most excellent Composi- tion of Physic, both for its Mildness in Taking, and Gentleness of Working, ever offer'd to the Public; and there are few Persons that make Use of them once, care for any other Sort of Physic in the common Cafes. Price 1s. the Box. 3. Kennedy's Ague Drops, which effectually cure the Ague when all other Medicines fail. Price 5s. the Bottle. 4. The Eminent. Turkey Powder for the Ague, being a sovereign Remedy, and seldom fails of curing. Price 2s. the Paper. 5. The Venice Family Worm- Powder, being an excellent Medicine for destroying, and entirety eradi- cating those Vermin from human Bodies; far exceed- ing in Virtue, all Sugar Cakes and Sugar Plumbs, ( handed about for that Purpose) and much easier to take, being pleasant to the Palate both of Children ana grown Persons. Price of three Doses for Children, 6 d. for Aged, is, 6. The Genuine Cholick- Drops; a Tea- spoonful of which have saved the Lives of many Hundreds; it immediately expels the Wind, and may be depended on as a safe and speedy Cure. Price is. the Bottle. 7. The Tooth- Ach Tincture, which cures the most violent Pain of the Teeth, & c. in a Moment's Time, and is seldom known to return again after using it. Price is. the Bottle. 8. The Famous Antiscorbutic Tooth- Powder, which cleanses and beautifies the Teeth, and perfectly cures the Scurvy in the Gums, recovers rotten Teeth, fastens those that are loose, braces up and strengthens the Fibres, and is an excellent Preservative against the Tooth- Ach. Price 6d. the Paper. 9. Kennedy's Eye Ointment, which cures the lnflammation in the Eyes, or Dimness of Sight, and even takes out small Specks, and restores them to their perfect- Sight. Price is. the Bottle. 10. Kennedy's Eye- Water, which cures weak Eyes, and those that are continually itching and pouring forth warm Water. Price 6d. the Bottle. 11. Dr. Pitcairn's Genuine Eye- Water, which is so well known and much esteem'd, as to need noRe- commendation. Price 6d. the Bottle. 12. The celebrated Dr. Aleson's ( of Edinburgh- Itch- Water, which never fails of curing, and is a sovereign Remedy for the Scurvy. Price is. 6d. N. B. There will be proper Directions. given with each of the above Medicines, and a Book which treats more fully on them, and contains Certificates from many refutable Persons, of Benefit received. The said Book is lent to read at the above Places, without buying any of the Medicines. § * § The Preparers, Kennedy and Anderson, are now at Capt. Ker's, next Door to the Sugar- Loaf in Lewin's- Mead, Bristol; who undertake to cure many Diseases too tedious to mention here. Although they travel, yet they abhor the Name of Quacks, as the Kingdom of Scotland never produced any. I. ] now selling off, at PRIME- COST, ( As he is determined to quit Business) All the STOCK in TRADE OF RICHARD WILLS, LINEN- DRAPER, At the BLACK- MOORS- HEADS, in Stall- Street. Long Lawns from I7d. to 5s. per Yard ; Clear ditto from 20d. to 4s. 6d.— Three- quarters, Seven- eights, and Yard wide Irish Cloths, from I0d. to 6s. per Yard. The SHOP to be Lett. By his MAJESTY'S Royal Authority, This Day is publish'd, Price Only SIX- PENCE, ( Embellished with an accurate Plan, in Quarto, of the Town and Citadel of PALAIS, the Capital of BELLEISLE; and a beautiful Prospect of SouTH- AMPTON, likewise on a Quarto Plate.) NUMBER XVIII. of the IMPERIAL MAGAZINE; OR, Complete Monthly Intelligence. For MAY, 1761. Containing, among other curious, useful, and entertaining Particulars, AN historical Account of Aldersgate, New- gate, Ludgate, and Bridgegate. On Tra- velling. Reflections on History. Medical In- stitutions, by Dr. Free. The present State of all Nations, containing a Description of the Eleicto- rate of Saxony. An Account of the Register- Office. An historical Sketch of Southampton. Declarations of the Powers at War. Reflections on ditto. Copy of the last Will of the late Duke of Argyll. Directions for entering the Port of Padstow. Intended Address of the Curates of Herefordshire. Lift of the several Places in the northern Parts of England, to which the every Day Post is to be extended from London, & c. and of the new Cross Roads. Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal. An Oration, delivered at Rome, in Favour of the Chevalier John Taylor, & c. Description of Belleisle. The Source, Pro- gress, and Effects of Love, philosophically con- sidered. Catalogue of the Paintings, & c. exhi- bited in the Society of Arts, & c. Great Room in the Strand. Anecdote concerning the Surrender of Bergen- op Zoom. Catalogue of the Pictures, & c. exhibited by the Society of Artists at the Great Room in Spring- Garden, Charing- Cross. Answers to the Mathematical Questions. New Mathematical Questions proposed. POETRY: An Elegy on the Death of Sir. W. Peere Williams. Psalm ist paraphrased. Elegy on the Death of the Rev. Mr. Hainsworth, of Norwich. The Roast Beef of Old England. Prologue to the Register- Office. Foreign Affairs. Domestic Oc- currences. Ceremony of the Installation of the Knights of the Bath. Mariages, Births, and Deaths. Civil and Military Promotions. Bill of Mortality. Course of Exchange. Price of Gold and Silver per Ounce. Price of Stocks, Grain, & c. London: Printed for J. SCOTT, at the Black- Swan in Pater- noster- Row ; and fold by all the Booksellers, Publishers, and News- Carriers, in Great- Britain and Ireland. Of whom all the former Numbers may be had. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. Sunday's and M0nday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Russia. PETERSBURG, April 77. WE have at present here a Georgian Prince, who is lodged and defrayed at the Expence of the Court, and re- ceives other great Marks of Distinc- tion : He had his Audience, on Palm- Sunday, of the Empress and the Imperial Family, and made considerable Presents. He is Father to the Heraclius, who is now actually reigning Prince at Teslis. Since his Arrival in this Place, he has received a Courier from his Son, with the Account of some confiderable Advantages he has lately gained on the Side of Persia. Germany, LIEGE, May 13. This Day the Battalion of Militia that came here to guard the French Ma- gazines, marched forward, and were replaced by six other Companies of Militia. To- morrow the Regiments of Cavalry, who had their Winter- Quarters in this Bishopric, begin their March to the Lower Rhine. HAMBURGH, May 19. Letters from Berlin of the 16th Instant, received here Yesterday, inform us, That upon the King of Prussia's approach, the Austrians seemed preparing to abandon Silesia. That his Majesty had been joined by the Corps of Troops under the Command of Genera] Goltze, and was with his Army between Jauer and Schweidnitz. By the late Advices from Saxony it appears, that neither Prince Henry nor Marshal Daun had as yet made any Motion. Holland. HAGUE, May 22. The Prince de Souhizc ar- rived, as we her, the 16th at Wesel, and reviewed the Troop: there ; and our Accounts farther mention, that his whole Array was to encamp the 15th, except the Houshold Troops. The King of Prussia was 011 the 9th at Gorlitz, and on the 10th continued his March, 11 order to pass the Quiess, and enter Silesia. May z5. It is now laid, that the Army of Prince Soubize will not be formed before the 4th or 5th of J vine, and that even then Part of the Cavalry must lie left behind. The Light Troops of the Army under the He- reditary Prince, have attacked and routed some of the advanced Posts of the two French Camps at Rees and Wesel, which caused great Alarms in those Camps where the Desertion is very consi- derable. Letters from Leipzic say, that the last Accounts from Silesia, of the 12th Instant, confirm the News, that upon the King of Prussia's Approach near to Jauer, General Laudohn had retired into Bohemia. Col. Kleist, of the Prussian Hussars, attacked on the 17th Part of the Corps commanded by General Guasco, which was assembled at Schel- lenberg, and made three Officers and 118 Men Prisoners. London. WHITEHALL, May 30. The King has been pleased to order a Conge d'Elire to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, empowering them to elect a Bishop of that See ; and also a Letter, recommending to the said Dean and Chapter the Right Reverend Father in God Dr. Robert Drummond, Bishop of St. Asaph, to be by them elected Bishop of the said See of Salisbury. The King has been pleased to grant unto Fran- cis Ayscough, D. D. the Place and Dignity of Dean of the Cathedral Church of Bristol, void by the Promotion of Dr. Samuel Squire, late Dean thereof, to the See of St. David's. The Right Hon. John Earl Poulet, Lord Lieu- tenant of the County of Somerset, has taken the Oaths appointed to be taken, instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, May 19. His Majesty's Sloop Jamaica, commanded by Capt. George Bur- don, on the 14- th Inst. on the Coast of Portugal, fell in with a French Snow Privateer, and a Row- boat, which last was towing an English Brig.— Capt. Burdon gave Chace to the Snow, which he took, as also the Brig, the Two Brothers of Ir- vine, bound to Oporto, Fart laden with Coal, and has carried her and the Privateer into Vigo. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arriv'd a Mail from HOLLAND. Italy, LEGHORN, May 5. If the News this Moment received by Letters from Constantinople be true, a Rebellion is broke out in that Empire, fomented by the Janissaries and two powerful Bashaws, and that the Crown tottered on the Sultan's Head. That, nevertheless, the Naval Armament was continued, but with great Slowness, both for Want of Cordage and Guns, and on Account of the Divisions above- mentioned. Poland, WARSAW, May 9. We learn from Laticzew, in the Upper Podolio, that the Turks had assem- bled upon their Frontiers a powerful Army, and waited only for the last Orders to put in Motion. This Account is confirmed by several Letters from Dantzick, which even assure that 40,000 Men, detached from the grand Russian Army, were marching towards the Ukraine. Germany, BERLIN, May 19. The Troops which the King has marched from Saxony into Silesia, con- sist of 32 Battalions, 63 Squadrons, and 2oo Hunters, all picked Men. Gen. Goltz has occu- pied all the Ports which the Austrians abandoned in the Neighbourhood of Landshut. It is thought his Majesty will endeavour to attack Gen. Lau- dohn before he receives his Reinforcements from Saxony. In the mean Time the Russian Army is said to be in Motion in several Divisions, one of which marches towards the Warra. Frontiers of HESSE, May 17. The heavy Ar- tillery which the French had at Francfort is let out for Cassel and Hirschfeld, and several of their Regiments are advancing towards the Electorate of Hanover. Forty Ovens are erected at Gottin- gen, and others in the neighbouringPlaces, wherein they have begun to bake Bread for their Troops. M. Broglio will fix his Head- Quarters at Güttin- gen, which Garrison has been reinforced with 3000 Men. They are likewise going to form a Camp on the Werra, which Prince Xavier of Sax- ony is to command. On the other Side, Prince Ferdinand is taking every Measure to frustrate the Projects of his Enemy, and all his Troops hold themselves ready to march on the first Notice. FRANCFORT, [ on the Oder] May 18. The King palling through Bautzen, found a Magazine of Meal, which the Austrians had not Time to carry off, which he immediately converted into Bread for his Army. London, May30, They write from Paris, that they had received Letters from Belleisle, dated the 16th, with Ad- vice that in the Night Sctween the 5th and 6th of May, M. de la Garrigue, at the Head of 8oo French, made a vigorous Sally, and forced, with their Bayonets fixed, an Entrenchment defended by 600 English, put 400 to the Sword, among whom where two Officers of Distinction, took 300 Prisoners, nailed up two Pieces of Cannon and one Mortar, and carried off several entrench- ing Tools. The French Lieut. Col. de Bigorre was slain in this Affair, and jo were either killed Or Wourded. We hear that Orders are sent to Belleisle, to dispatch a Vessel regularly every Week, if the Wind is fair, with an Account of the Operations of our Forces. We are informed, that as soon as the French knew we intended a Descent oil Belleisle, they be- gan to mine a great Part of the Island, particularly near Palais ; for which Reason our Troops are restrained from going forwards ' till the Ground is bored by our Miners, and every other Precaution taken to discover any other Scheme they may have for the Destruction of our Troops. Lord Howe is expected to fail next Week, with the sécond Expedition Fleet. The full Comple- ment of Marines is ordered to be embarked 011 board. We learn from Hanover, that Baron Steinberg- is appointed to repair to Augsbourg, to take Care of the Interests of that Electorate at the ensuing Congress. They write from Wezel, of the 10th Inst. that 30,000 French Troops were assembling in that Neighbourhood, and 15,000 more at Rees ; and that the Prince de Soubize had issued Orders, that all the Clerks, Labourers, and others, belonging to the Provisions, Forage, Butchers, and Hospi- tals, shall wear in their Hats white, green, red, and black Cockades, by Way of Distinction. Prince Henry's Army amounts to about 50,000 Men, with which, there is no Doubt, he will make a fine Defence. Friday Morning some young Gentlemen, being drinking at a Tavern in Whitechapel, one of them in Company, who was considerably in Debt, was informed of two Bailiffs loitering about the Door ; on which they held a Council, and came to a Re- solution to fend for two Men, who lived just by, who were ordered to nail the two Bailiffs by their Cloaths to the Post which they leaned against. This being effected unperceived, they gave the Men a Crown for their Trouble, and paying their Reckoning went out ; when the Bailiff's going to do their Duty, and attempting 10 move from their Station in a Hurry, each of them got a most vio- lent Fall on the Stones, and before they could disengage themselves, the young Gentlemen made off with their Companion. The Mob who were gathered about the Bailiffs, were highly diverted with the Affair. Extrait o f a Letter from BOMBAY, Nov. 2o. Pondicherry is fill blockaded by our Troops, and the Fleet under the Command of Admiral Stevens. Some of our Men of War's Boats haw lately picked up two Dutch Boats going into Pondicherry, with upwards of 2o, 0001, in Cash, and some valuable Stores : It is said the Money came out in a Swedish Bottom. Two Bomb Vessels are now going from hence to join the Fleet, the Place being so strongly fortified, that our Ships can- not lie within Gun- shot of the Fort. We have re- ceived Intelligence of eight Sail of French Ships being detained at Mauritius, for Want of Provisions ; the Seamen, being at an Allowance of a Pound of Bread a Day, were very outrageous, and daily plundered the Inhabitants, who were afraid to use Force in their own Defence, to prevent Consequences more dan- gerous. Whereas I, William Hardyman, of London, have, without any Foundation, published, and caused to be published and dispersed, in several Parts of the Kingdom, and particularly by Caleb Preston, Bookseller, in Boston ; William Wood, Bookseller, in Lincoln ; Robert Davey, at St. Giles's- Gate, Norwich ; Jof. Cuthbertson, in Wellingborough ; John Berry, Grocer, in Man- chester ; William Bingley, Grocer, in Chester ; James Wild, Bookseller, in Ludlow ; Thomas Wild, Bookseller, inHereford ; JohnBlunt, Book- seller, in Ross ; Thomas Knight, Tobacconist, in Taunton ; J. Merell, in Painswick and Stroud; J. Young, in Wotton- Underedge ; J. Carey, in Shepton- Mallet ; and sundry other Persons ; false and scandalous Hand- Bills, Bills of Directions, and Shew- Boards, reflecting upon DICEY and CO. of Bow- Church- Yard, London, and the DAFFY'S ELIXIR made and sold by them ; for which they justly commenced a Suit at Law against me, and lèvera! other Perlons I employed to disperse the said Bills and Directions ; but have been prevailed upon to stop Proceedings, on my paying Damages and Charges at Law, and alio promising not to publish or disperse for the Future any Bills, Ad- vertisements, orPapers reflecting 011 the said DICE Y and OKELL, or the DAFFY's ELIXIR prepared and fold by them, or any Person or Persons selling their DAFFY'S ELIXIR ; and also that I will use my utmost Endeavours to prevent the dispersing of any such Bills, and will give immediate Notice for that Purpose, to all Persons to whom I have lent such like Bills and Directions, to destroy them, and avoid the Consequences of offending as above, as they will answer at their Peril. London, Feb. 9, 1761. W. HARDYMAN. Signed in the Presence of John Poole, Attorney at Law. Benj. Curtis. Observe that the above Recantation be in the Direction Sheet with every future Bottle of Dicey and Co's true Daffy's Elixir ; which is fold by L. LAMB, Grocer, in Stall- Street, Bath. The SHEPHERD at SEAT A With Religious REFLECTIONS. N a Summer's Evening, a Shepherd from a little Eminence beheld the adjacent Sea; the Winds were hushed, the Waves had loft then Motion; at a little Distance he perceived Boats and Vessels, which seemed in perfect; Security to sport upon the Surface. Struck with the Beauty and Novelty of the Appearance, he forgot the Pleasures of a rural Life, forgot Ml he had heard of the dangerous and deceitful Ocean ; he ex- changed his Flock for Merchandize, and trusted himself and his Treasure to an untried Element. But he was hardly embarked before he repented his Rashness : A hidden Storm arose; the Sea no longer 1' erene, but like a Tyger rouzed from Sleep, assumed the Appearance of an enraged Enemy, and threatened him with Death in every Wave. In fine, he lost his Bark, he lost his Goods ; and it was beyond his Hopes, that, half drowned and fainting, he himself escaped alive to Land. He became wife by his Misfortune, and gladly re- turned to the Life of a Shepherd. The next Time he saw the Sea, it was again smooth and silent as at first ; but he beheld it unmoved. It is in vain, says he, to think to deceive me again, I have no Mind to suffer a second Shipwreck. REFLECTION.— Happy are those whom divine Grace leads to make a like Reflection Upon their former Errors !" Sinful Pleasures appear engaging at a Distance, but in the Issue they bite like a Serpent. Temptations have been presented to us, that have seemed like the Sea in a Calm ; we have complied without Suspicion, quitted our Safety, and daringly launched into the dangerous Ocean. But when at length Storms have risen around us, when our Art has been baffled, our Rudder broken, our Anchors lost, and all Hope of being saved taken away, what have been our Thoughts ? Did we not bemoan our Folly ? Were we not willing to part with all, to count our greatest Gain but Loss, so we might escape with our Lives, and gain some friendly Port ? Has the Lord heard our Prayer-- has he sent his Word and saved us, and brought us into the desired Haven ? Let us then keep in Mind our past Experience. May we never more attempt these faithless Seas, where we once suffered so much. But remember that through the Goodness and Forbearance of God, we have been preserved safe ; yet the End of these Things is Death. Seduc'd by Sin to quit my Ease, And trust my Life to stormy Seas ; I long by Winds and Wares was toft. And every View of Safety lost. Recover'd by divine Command, And, pad my Hope, brought back to Land. With pleasing Dread I standand view The Deaths I lately ventur'd thro'. Again some artful Bait presents, Again ( alas !) my Heart assents : Untaught by all its former Pain, My foolish Heart would rove again. But oh ! forbid it, gracious Lord ! Uphold thy Servant by thy Word ; Recal past Dangers to my Eyes, And make me by Experience wife. An ADDRESS to ORRA. SOL has usher'd in the Day, Come, my ORRA, come away; See the glorious Sun- Beams rise, And with Crimson paint the Skies ; See the rising Lark is fled From the dew- bespangled Bed, Birds in warbling Concerts sing. Hail the ever- blooming Spring. Come, my ORRA, come away, Sol has usher'd in the Day. III. Gentle VENUS, Queen of Love, Leave the dear Idalian Grove, Come with every Charm possest, Dwell forever in my Breast. Tell me when to seek the Fair, And my secret With declare. Where shall I another find, Shou'd my ORRA prove unkind? Leave the dear Idalian Grove, Gentle VENUS, Queen of Love. III. Give my ORRA to my Arms, Drest in all her heav'nly Charms; By the Sun's enliv'ning Beams,) By the Groves and purling Streams. By the Linnets warbling Tune, By the dimly- glittering Moon, By the fragrant smelling Flow'rs, By the Amaranthine Bow'rs ; Drest in all her heav'nly Charms, Give my ORRA to my Aims. Written in the HOLY BIBLE, By WILLIAM THOMPSON, M. A. YE sacred Tomes be my unerring Guide, Dove- hearted Saints, and Prophets Eagle- I scorn the moral Fop and Ethic Sage, [ ey'd! But drink in Truth from your illumin'd Page : Like Moses' Bush each Leaf divinely bright, Where GOD invests himself in milder Light ! Taught by your Doctrines we devoutly rife ; Faith points the Way, and Hope unbars the Skies You tune our Passions, teach them how to roll. And sink the Body but to raise the Soul; To raise it, bear it to mysterious Day. Nor want an Angel to direct the Way ! From BRISTOL toBATH This is to acquaint Gentlemen and Ladies, That Genteel POST- CHAISES, With Able HORSES and Careful DRIVERS, WILL begin to Set out on MONDAY the 25th of May, at Eight o'Clock the same Morn- ing, from the House of JAMES CADWALLADER, Poulterer, in Broad- Street, BRISTOL, and go to the House of DAVID CADWALlADER, at the Horse and Jockey in Westgate- Street, BATH; and set out again for BRISTOL ar Five o'Clock the same Evening. Each Passenger to pay Three Shillings. These Carriages will set out every Day at the Time above- mention'd, and will carry only Two Passengers, unless it shall be thought agree- able to take a Third, which shall be left to the Option of the Passengers. And as Gentlemen and Ladies coming from BATh have frequent Occasion to go to the HOT- WELLS, they may be convey'd there in the same Carriages. In the first. Week of October next Will be ready to be delivered to The SUBSCRIBERS, AN ABRIDGEMENT of the LIFE and extraordinary ADVENTURES of the Chevalier JOHN TAYLOR, Ophthalmiater, Pon- tifical, Imperial and Royal, viz. to his late Majesty, to the Pontifical Court, to her lmperial Majesty, to the reigning Kings of Poland, Denmark, Sweden, & c. to all the Electors of the Holy Em- pire, to the Dukes of Saxe- Gotha, Brunswick, Anspach, & c. Author of upwards of forty Works on the Eye and its Defects, all written by himself in different Languages, the Produce of the greatest Experience, long and most extensive Prac- tice of any in our Days ; who has been upwards of THIRTY YEARs on his Travels, with little or no Interruption ; during which Time he has been in every Court, Kingdom, Province, State, City and Town, of the least Consideration, in all Eu- rope, without Exception : Including an accurate View of all that can be found worthy the Atten- tion of a Traveller, in every Country thro' which he has passed: Interspersed with a prodigious Va- riety of instructive and entertaining Adventures : Together with several hundred of the most admi- rable Relations, which, tho' dressed by himself, and told in his well- known peculiar Manner, each one is strictly true, and within the Chevalier's own Observation and Knowledge. Written by HIMSELF, And addressed to his Only SON. The Chevalier being desirous to communi- cate to his only Son the Improvements that his long and extensive Practice has enabled him to make in the Art of restoring Sight, and of curing its various Defects, in Hopes of making him more worthy the public Esteem, will certainly be settled in London on the Publication of the above Work ; his long Absence in making the Tour of all Europe, having been ever considered as an inexpressible Loss to the Poor complaining of Defects in Sight ; as well from his well- known Charity, as from the Confidence they had of his Power to be this Way the Instrument of their Happiness ; since all must agree, he has had by much the greatest Practice of any in the Age we live ; it being cer- tain for now upwards of thirty Years, many Thousands of Persons defective in Sight have presented yearly for Relief, among whom have, been a great Number of Princes, and other the greatest Personages. The Chevalier says of that spurious and contemptable Work, which some despicable Scribbler has dared to advertise— that the execrable Compiler has had the Assurance to tell us ' tswas written from Authentic Memoirs, ' when any Man of common Sense must know that it is impossible that any Memoirs could be had of his Travels, but from himself. And adds, That the Whole is a confused Jumble of Lies, the Produce of a ' weak and wicked Brain, ' without Form, or even the least Excellence in Fable. — He is of Opinion, that all good Men will agree that the Au- thor of this audacious Imposition on the Public, deserves to be regarded with the utmost Horror and Contempt. - Lastly, The Chevalier concludes his Remarks on this infamous Design, by observing, that the Composer of this vile Undertaking has even presumed to men- tion his only Son as consenting to the Publication sofalse and despicable a Production, as if any could suppose that an only Son of his would expose himself to so heavy a Charge as to approve of Aught that did not tend to the Advancement of his Father's goad Fame, or would even discover so great a Want of Understanding, as to agree in an Act that must inevitably end in his own Destruction. 136 Wanted, A COOK- MAID, Not exceeding 40 Years of Age; Well Recommended for her Honesty, Sobriety, good Temper, and a Capacity in her Business. Such a One may hear of an easy Place, by en- quiring of Mr. WILLIAM LAROCHE, Wool- len- Draper, in Bridgewater. MAY 21, 1761. The Bath Chronicle The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. HAMBURGH, May 22. Body of Prussian Troops, under the Command of the Prince of Wurtembourg, which has been for some Time in the Dutchy of Mecklenbourg, is now marched towards Stet- tin, in order to draw nearer to General Werner, and to prevent the Russians, who are assembling themselves near Dirschau, from advancing to- wards Prussian Pomerania. Col. Belling remains in the mean While in Mecklenbourg, with a Corps of between 2 and 3000 Men, to observe the Motions of the Swedes. His Royal Highness Prince Ferdinand of Prussia is set out from Berlin for Magdebourg. LEIPZIG, May 23. We hear from Silesia, that the King of Prussia's Head- Quarters, on the 14th Inst: was at Hawsdorff, between Strigau and Hohenfriedberg. AIX- LA- CHAPELLE, MAY 24. This Day the Regiment of Tresignies Cavalry, with that of Alsace, and some Companies of Militia, marched hence towards the Lower Rhine. To- morrow Conti Cavalry will arrive here in their Way to join the Army commanded by the Prince of Soubize. The Cavalry, in general, are very ill mounted, and very incompleat. LIEGE, May 25. The Regiments of Chartres and Vogue marched here this Morning, to join the Army on the Lower Rhine. The Desertion has been very great in the Cavalry that was quar- tered in this Bishopric. COLOGNE, May 26. The Regiments of Cavalry, Roial, Damas, and Orleans, who made Part of Marshal Broglio's Army, have been detached from Hesse to join the Prince HAGUE. May 29. We hear that a considerable Number of Battalions, belonging to the Prince of Soubize's Army, are ordered home, to replace the Troops which have marched from the Neighbour- ing Provinces into Bretagne. They add, that the Prince of Soubize was at Cologne, and was going to meet M. Broglio at Coblentz. Letters from the Army on the Dimel say, that all was quiet in those Parts ; and that M. Broglio was endeavouring to establish new Magazines at Ziegenhain, and Hirschfeldt. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arriv'd a Mail from HOLLAND. NAPLES, May 6. Pursuant to Orders from Court, 5000 Men are assembled on the Coasts of Sicily, to be in Readiness to embark for Malta, where the Number of regular Troops already amounts to 15,000 Foot, and 3000 Horse. Three Brigades of French Troops are going to Malta. From the ODER, May 20. The King of Prussia is still at Kuntzendorff on the other Side of Schweidnitz. Gen. Ziethen has entered the Quar- ters the King lately occupied. The Austrians have retired into the Neighbourhood of Trautenau and Branau. It is even said, that Gen. Laudohn in Person is at Konigsgratz. M. de Reitzenstein who commands Finckenstein's Dragoons, made an Irruption lately into Bohemia, as far as Czazlow, and took 40 Soldiers Prisoners, and 50 Horses, On the 15th 50 Austrian Dragoons were brought Prisoners to the King's Head- Quarters. A Detachment of 200 Austrian Ca- valry penetrated into Lusatia, as far as the Circle of Buntzlau in Silesia, but they have since retired. It is reckoned that near 1000 Austrian Deserters have already joined the King's Army. The King has detached Gen. Goltze, with a Body of Troops, to Glogau, where a large Magazine is established. It is not as yet known to what Quarter the King will direct his Operations. The Enemy having abandoned Silesia hastily, nothing remarkable has happened, except that Major da Reitzenstein attacked on the 14th, at Liebau, a Post of 300 Horse, whom he routed and pursued to Schatzlar in Bohemia. He took a Subaltern Officer, 41 Men, and as many Horses We had taken Prisoners only two. Major- Gen. de Ramin having halted the 10th Inst. near Gorlitz with an advanced Guard, an Austrian Captain, with 200 Hussars, endeavoured to dislodge our Picquets in the Environs of Landscron ; but Gen. Ramin drawing the Piquets together, killed 20 of the Enemy, and took Prisoners the Captain and 46 Men, with no more Loss than four wounded. CASSEl,, May 18. On the 12th the Merchants and Jews of Cassel had Notice given them to ad- vance for the Town, in twenty- four Hours, 100,000 Livres, because the Entrenchments made by the Allies, during the late Siege, have been filled up. NUREMBERG, May 19. M. Broglio is re- assembling his Forces, in order to begin his Opera- tions; and the Allies are preparing to receive them properly, and secure the Superiority this Campaign, that the Courts of London and Berlin way be in a Situation to dictate, not to receive Conditions of Peace. HAGUE, May 28. The different Accounts that have been received for a Fortnight past from the two French Armies, as well as from that of the Allies, contain nothing interesting, which makes many People believe that a Suspension of Hostilities will shortly take Place. and Weekly Gazette. LONDON, JUNE2. Thev write from Paris, that on the 24th of the last Month, an Express arrived at Court from the Duke d'Aiquillon, with Advice that the English Fleet had been forced by a Storm from the Coasts of Belleisle; and that the Commandant in that Island had acquainted his Excellency, if he had an immediate Supply of 3000 Men, he could still prevent the English from bought up, and embarking for Belleisle. It is said that eight Ships of the Line, three Frigates, and a Bomb- Ketch, sailed last Week from Plymouth, to join any Authority, no fresh Advices being arrived. Advice being received, that the French are with great Diligence fitting out all the Men of War in the Ports of Brest, Rochfort, Rochelle, & c. to make a Diversion in Favour of Belleisle, Orders have been given for five Ships of the Line from Spithead, and some others with Frigates from Plymouth, to sail forthwith to join Commodore Keppel The second Expedition Fleet is under sailing Orders. Sunday Night about nine o'Clock arrived M- de Buffy from Dover. He has been detained at Calais ever since last Monday, by contrary Winds. The Wind was fair the Day he arrived there, somewhat indisposed. It is said there will be another Installation of the Knights of the Bath before the Coronation so as to make the Number of that Honourabl e Order amount to 62. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Briga dier Lambert, Lieut. Colonel of the 31st Regiment of Foot, for his gallant Behaviour at Belleisle, to be Colonel of the 67th Regiment, in the Room of Sir Henry Erskine, promoted to the 25th, in the Room of the Earl of Home. According to Letters from Hanover, Lieut. Col. de Sprengel, the Hanoverian Governor of Hildesheim, had, by Orders of his Britannic Majesty, forbid that Chapter electing any Bishop for that See, until farther Orders ; which made it appre- hended that Bishopric and Paderborn would be secularized. They write from Marseilles of the 14th ult. that their Commerce was very much interrupted by the English, they having 12 Ships of the Line, 13 Frigates, and 25 Privateers cruizing in the Mediterranean. On Saturday last twenty beautiful Horses were landed at the Tower, for his Majesty, from Ger- many; amongst them are eight fine cream- co- loured ones, which are to draw his Majesty's Coach that is now building, at the Opening of the new Parliament. DEATHS. The Right Hon. William Home, Earl of Home, Major- General, and Governor of Gibraltar.- The Hon. Henry Finch, Esq. Bro- ther to the Right Hon. the Earl of Winchelsea. — Lady Elizabeth Piercy, eldest Daughter of the Right Hon. the Earl of Northumberland.- Dr. Richard Frewin, at Oxford, aged 84.— The Rt. Hon. the Dowager Marchioness of Rockingham, Mother of the present Marquis, and Sifter of the Earl of Winchelsea. Bristol, June 3. Arriv'd at the HOT- WELLS, Capt. Riggs and Family, Capt. Vaughan, Mr. Hall and Family, Mr. Morris and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Burney, Mr. and Miss Bagnall, Mr. Parring, Mr. Morell, Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Beazley, Mrs. Mellone, Mrs. Reaves, Mrs. Foibes, Mrs. Chignau, Mrs. Hastewell, Miss Miller, Miss Wood, & c. & c. Came in since our last, The Colville, Nancy, from Halifax; the Constantine, Forfyth, from the Streights ; St. Thomas, ***, and the Chartas, ***, from Norway. Arriv'd, At Rotterdam, the J. B. Zeylmaken, Van Bergen, and at Glasgow, the Meyney, Sin- clair, from Bristol. Thursday last died Mr. John Smith, many Years a considerable Trader in the Island of Ja- maica. Sunday died Mr. Bigging, Landwaiter. Monday Evening a Chimney took Fire in a House near Princess- Street, but by timely Assistance there was no Damage done. Last Saturday was committed to Newgate, Fran- cis Jones, a Mason's Labourer, for the Murder of one Wright, a Lad, by throwing a Brick at him weighing upwards of three Pounds and a Half.— The Deformity of the said Jones's Person having drawn on him the Nick- name of My Lord, it had often excited his Resentment ; and several Boys having laugh'd at him, and called him by that Title, on Friday last, as he was at Work on a Building, it provoked him to such a Degree that he swore he wou'd kill one of them, and im mediately threw the Brick, which missed the Per- son be intended it for, but struck the said Wright on the back Part of his Head, and kill'd him on the Spot. The Coroner's Inquest brought in their Verdict Wilful Murder, Monday last was executed on St. Michael's Hill, pursuant to his Sentence, William Dillon Sheppard, for Sodomy. He behaved very penitent, and with surprizing Composure. He declared to the Spectators that he was innocent oi the Crime for which he was going to suffer. From his first mounting the Cart, to the Time of his Execution, ( which was about Three o'Clock) was upwards of four Hours. He was attended by the Rev. Mr. Roquet, who made an excellent Discourse on — A few Minutes before he was turned off, he delivered a Letter to a Person who was present: The Contents of which, we are informed, were is follow:- [ VOL. I. ] [ Vol. I.] SIR,— Ycu may put this, if you please, in the Gloucester, Bath, and Exeter Papers, as a Paragraph of News, without any Expence.—— William Dillon Sheppard was born in Ireland in 1729 of reputable Parents, whom he left contrary to their Will; from which Act of Disobedience to them he derived, he says, all his Misfortunes. He, in his Youth, embraced the Tenets of the Church of Rome, in the Communion of which he died. He was but lately arrived in this City, when he was suspected ( from a malicious Report, and some Enemies against him, having, on Account of being a Stranger, no Person either to give a Character, or stand by him )— to be guilty of the Crime for which he was condemn'd.— He was nine Months or more ill Newgate, ( and scarce a Year in the City in all) during which Time he behaved himself with the strictest Decency and So- briety, and had the Goodwill and Esteem of all in the Gaol. He acknowledged that a general Disregard to Religion, and especially Drunkennes, were the chief Source his - his Misfortunes. He most solemnly disowned the Fact for which he died. He heartily forgave his Enemies. The Night or two before his Execution, he most pathetically exhorted his Fellow- Prisoners, who with many Tears received his dying Admonitions, to return from Sin to the Living God.- out Hope in the much abused Mercy of God, whose Nature and Property it is to forgive. Bath, June 4 The Public are desir'd to be careful to ask for the BAth CHRONICLE WEEKLY GAZETTE publish'd by C. POPE and Comp. as the Proprietors of the Bath Advertiser ( a Saturday's Paper) have alter'd their Day of Publication to Thursday, since our Proposals were first distributed, and likewise pi- rated Part of our Title, viz. Bath Chronicle.— We therefore give this necessary Caution, left they shou'd attempt to impose their Paper on the Public for this. Arriv'd here, Sir John Swinburn, Archdeacon Eyon, Rev. Mr. Cotton, Dr. Pate, Col. Clayton, Capt. Stanford, Capt. Langdon, Capt. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, Mr. T. Boulton, Mr. Pitts, Mr. Garden, Mr. Hare, Mr. Hambleton, Mr. Davis, Mr. Morgan, Mrs. Harris, & c. & c. This being the Birth- Day of his present Majesty, there will be a Ball on the Occasion in this Friday last being the Anniversary of the Restoration, the same was observed here in every Respect as usual ; the several Companies attending the Mayor to Church, & c. Monday Night last died here, Mrs. Thistlethwayte, Wife of Alexander Thistlethwayte, Esq. Last Week died at Kingston, near Taunton, Mrs. Coles, Relict John Coles. Esq. who was some Time since Sheriff of this County. She has left upwards of Thirty Thousand Pounds to her Husband's Relations. We hear that all the regular Troops at Plymouth are going to Belleisle ; that the Battalion of the Somersetshire Militia, stationed at Exeter, are ordered for Plymouth ; and that the Glamorganshire Militia ( now at Bristol) are ordered for There will be a Camp at Winchester the Be- ginning of next Week ; it will consist chiefly of the Militia Forces. We hear from Wokey, near Wells, that Mon- day as some Men were working at a Quarry on the Summit of a Hill near that Place, they dug out a human Skeleton, which was buried about three Feet deep; great Part mouldered to Dust as soon as exposed to the Air. What is somewhat remarkable, one Side of the Jaw- Bone is preserved, with the Teeth, ( which are of a very large Size) entirely free from any Decay. Monday as William Yeats, otherwise Brown, ( Servant to Mr. John Norman of this City) was returning from Coal- Pit with a Waggon- Load of Coal, he fell off the Shafts of the Waggon, and the Wheels going over him broke a Leg and an Arm. The Chairman who broke his leg a few Days since, near Mr. Wiltshire's Rooms, is likely to do well, through the great Care and Skill of the Surgeon who attends him. We can assure our Readers, that on Saturday Evening next, the 6: h Inst. the Chevalier Taylor will certainly arrive in this City, and will lodge at the House of Mr. Waters, opposite the White- Lion in the Market- Place; will continue there three Days ; where all who require his Aid for distemper'd Eyes are desired to attend. Every Day since his Arrival at Bristol his Lodgings have been almost inaccessible from the Concourse of Persons afflicted in the Eyes, which daily arrived there from all Parts for his Assistance ; a great Number of which, for Want of Time, will ac- company him to this City.- Amongst the extra- ordinary Cases of Persons who have this Week received their Sight by his Hands, are, Mr. Williamson from Monmouth, a Gentleman who is arrived to his 85th Year ; and, above all, a Lady of near Thirty from the same Town, who was born blind.— It appears by a List of those who have presented to him for Relief since his Arrival at Bristol, that seldom less than a hundred dif- ferent Persons each Day offered for his Care, the Principal of the Faculty being constantly pre- sent to be Witnesses of the happy Event . of his Labours. At Devize; Market, Thursday last, Wheat sold from 26s. per Quarter to 32s. od, Barley from 15s. to Oats from- 15s. to 16s. Beans from 23s. to 28s. Pease from 21s. to 30s. Watches from 28s, to 30s,
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