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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co. 
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 31
No Pages: 4
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Date of Article: 14/05/1761
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co. 
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 31
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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[ N°. 31.] Weekly GAZETTE. [ Price TWO- pENCE halFPENNY.] Printed and publish'd by C. POPE, and C°. at the Printing- Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. [ The above C. POPE serv'd his Apprenticeship with the late Mr. BODDELY, and has had the sole Management of the Bath Journal for these last five Years.] The you- ng Lady - who was so obliging as to fa- vour us with this Translation, has likewise been so kind to promise us several others, occasionally..] Remarkable Punishment inflicted on a German Countess Translated from the Memoirs of the Count de VOR- DAC, General of the Emperor's Armies in the latter End of the LAST Century, ORDERS being come to put our Troops into Winter Quarters, I let out with FAMCHERT and CHERLAK for Vienna. Notwithstanding the Hurry I was to get there, I was obliged to flop in Franconia at the Castle of Count TELOMIR. FAMCHERT was his old Friend, and CHERLAK WIS Nephew to his late Countels. - We found there five or six Officers of our Army, and- two of our Regiment, who had travelled more expeditiously than ourselves. TELOMIR lived in great Splendor. He enter- tained us magnificently during our Stay with him ; We were never less than seven or eight Hours at Table, or rather never from it. One Day, particularly, we had drank more than usual ; and the Day not sufficing, we en- croached on the Night to prolong the Feast ; at length, being more fatigued by our Intemperance than the Campaign, we begged a Truce of the Count, and each retired to his respective Apartment about Three o'clock, except myself, who was not allowed that Privilege, being detained by the Count, who told me he would fhew me a Spe& acle worthy my Obfervation. " Although ( said he) this is but the second Time I have " seen you, yet have I conceiv'd a very great " Edeem and Affection for you. I will carry ' you to fee the Inhabitants of the Infernal Regions Spirits often visit my Castle, and I am "' willing you shou'd speak to them : Come, follow me, i will shew you my Wife, who has " been dead these thirteen Months." The Count having thus raised my Curiosity, I told him he would oblige me extremely if he would introduce me to a Ghost. He called an old Woman, with a tremendous Phili'gnomy, who had been in his Service near for Years, and was the only Confident of his Secrets. He commanded her to bring the Keys oftheAbyfs; l'o he express'ed himself. The old Woman obeyed, and came directly with a Bunch of Keys fastened; to , her Girdle. And going be- fore us with two Flambeaux, TELOMIR took a third, and gave me a fourth. In this Manner we descended into an immense subterranean Vault, and from that into another equally spacious. There were in this second Cave four large Vaults on a Level, the Architecture of which was incomparable. We went through them ¿ 11, and afterwards palled through several Passages, Holes, and Windings, keeping all the Time a profound Silence. I was extremely im- patient to know to what tended a Progress which began to grow very disagreeable to me. We had still a Stair- Calf- to descend, which was fixed by a Screw in a Tower of an astonishing Thickness. When we came to ( he Bottom of this Tower they opened three different Locks of an Iron Door., which with Difficulty turned upon Hinges, making a Sound little less terrible making the Roar- ing of a Lion. This Entrance led us to a long Vault like the Former: At the End of this we found another Iron Door. TeLOMIR having looked through a little Crevice, burst out into a violent Rage with the old Woman ; and even menaced her with Death, if she did not take Care to keep the three Lamps burning. This Door being opened with is much Noise as the former, the Woman ran to light the two Lamps which were extinct, and to refresh the others, which gave but a very imperfect Light. In the Middle of this Vault was a large Space seven or eight Feet in Diameter, surrounded by an Iron Grate, which rose to the Top of the Vault. In this Cage was a young Person, fitting on Straw, leaning her Head negligently upon her left Hand, and with her right covering Part of her Face. Just by her I perceived a dead Body, hung by a Chain which was fixed to the Vault. The three Lamps were fixed before the Corps ; and when I approached it, TELOMIR made me observe that it was the Skin of a Man, whom he had caused to be flay'd alive, and stuffed with Straw. They had begun the Operation at his Back, in such Manner that the fore Part of his Skin was whole, and in the Face there appeared the Holes of his Eyes, Nose, and Mouth.. I ne- ver saw so shocking a Spectacle. The Count went afterwards five or six Times round the Cage, threatning and reproaching bitterly the Person within it. I was so shocked with what I beheld, that I was not able to speak. As we were retiring, the Prisoner, with a faint Voice which touched me to the Heart, asked TELOMIR if her Punishment was to continue much longer ? I then looked at her more steadfastly than before : She perceived i; and discovered her Face, as TELOMIR advanced towards the Door. As I went out, I turned an hundred Times towards the Prisoner, before I Lost Sight of her. In our Return, TELOMIR informed me that this young Person was his first Wife, and Daugh- ter to the Count of AROIVAGUE : Having fur- prized her in an AFT of Gallantry with one of- his Pages, he had caused him to be flayed alive ; and, to satisfy his Hatred by a lasting Revenge, had condemned his Wife to this perpetual Prison ; and to have always before her Eyes the Skin of her Lover, that her Punishment might continue as long; as her Existence. The better to succeed in his Design, lie gave out that she was dead; and at the same Time Interred a young Country Girl with great Pomp and Magnificence, under the Name of the Coun- tess of TELOMIR. I could not banish from my Mind this strange Adventure during the Remainder of the Night. I was so touched with the young Countess's Suf- ferings, that I determined to deliver her from her Prison, whatever might be the Consequence. I did not imagine I violated the Rights of Hospitality, though some of my Enemies have alledged it against me as a Crime. The next Morning I imparted this Affair to FAMCHERT and CHERLAK, whose Courage and Capacities rendered them fit to be intrusted with such a Secret. They agreed to omit nothing which might contribute towards the Deliverance of the Countess, who was Aunt to CHERLAK ; and we prepared to carry her away the next Night in the following Manner. [ To be CONCLUDED in our next,] A CHARACTER. Qui capit ille fa. DAMON, a copying Miss, of Ferdale Spight, Cooly approves what others madly write ; Rears with a soft'ring Care each new- born Lie, And teaches Infant Scandal how to cry. So huge a Beau e'en all Mankind must hate ; Monstrously fair, effeminately great : Smit with himself, while others he pursues, A dang'rous Rival to the Maid he woo's. " T'is neither Fish nor Flesh, nor Sir, nor Madam, A Thing as yet nnnam'd by Father ADAM. S. Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. A Mail from FLANDERS arrived Yesterday ; but brought nothing of any Consequence. London, May 7. ESTERDAY was held a Chapter of the Hon. Order of the Bath, at St. James's ; when his Majesty was - - pleased to create Admiral George Pocock a Knight of that Order. Yesterday was held a Court of Common- Coun- cil at Guildhall ; when the Freedom of the City was ordered to be presented to the Right Hon. Arrhur Onflow, in a Gold Box, of the Value of 100 Guineas. By Letters from Belleisle, there is Advice, that the English Troops had landed the moll Part of their Artillery, and were in Hopes to bring them to play upon the Citadel, by this Day, the 7th. That the French, to the Number of 5500 Men, were retired into the Citadel, where they have Plenty of Provisions and Ammunition, and that if was thought they would make a very vigorous Defence. Seventeen hundred more regular Troops are or- dered to be ready to embark next Friday for Belleisle ; the Forces already there being thought not sufficient to reduce the Place. Yesterday an Express arrived from Belleisle, and we hear has brought Advice, that the landed Troops had been in great Want of Provisions, which was Occasioned by hard Gales at South- West, that prevented their being supplied from the Fleet; but when the Express set Sail for Eng- land, all Things were in a good Way, and our Batteries were soon to begin to play on the Cita- del of Palais, the chief Town. It is said there are 6000 Persons in the Citadel and Garrison of Belleisle ; that our Batteries were to be opened against the Place the 30th of April, every Thing being prepared for that Purpole.— London Ev. Post. By the last Express from Belleisle we learn, that the Manner in which Sir Wm. Peere Wil- liams, Bart, was untimely cut off, was as fol- lows ; he was eager to reconnoitre the Works of the Citadel, and drew too near the Glacis, notwithstanding the repeated Warnings of his Servant, whom he ordered to attend him, and who was very sensible of their being within the Reach of a Musket: But his Advice being disregarded, Sir Wm. was shot by a Centinel, and expired on the Spot. His Body being taken up by some Men belonging to the Garrison, the French Commandant, judging it to be a Person of Distinction, sent out a Drum- mer to Gen. Hodgson, to request it him to fend for the Corpie ; which Drummer was shot dead by an over forward Soldier in our Army, who, for his Breach of the Laws of War, was ordered to be hanged ; but the French Commandant, judging it 10 be a Mistake, proceeding from Ignorance and Zeal to revenge the Death of Sir William, lent off another Drummer with a polite intercessary Letter on Behalf of the Delinquent, who has been pardoned in Consequence, and the Corps of Sir William was brought back to our Camp. The 700 remaining of the Regiment of Royal Volunteers, left at Plymouth as a Guard upon nie French Prisoners, are all ordered to embark immediately for Belleisle. The two last of the ten Transports, going with Forces and Provisions of all Kinds for Belleisle, fell down the River Yesterday from Deptford in their Way for Portsmouth, to receive the Troops on board, which will amount to full 3000 Men, exclusive of Officers. On Tuesday several Pieces of Cannon and a Quantity of Ammunition, were put 011 board some Transports at Tower Wharf, which fell down with the next Tide. At large Quantity of warlike Stores are preparing to be sent to Portsmouth by Land, to be shipped off there for Belleisle. By a Postscript to the English News in the Utrecht Gazette, we are told, that the Powers at War have agreed to send their Plenipotentiaries to the Hague, instead of Augsbourg. A Letter from Augsbourg says, that Houses are taken for the Ambassadors of the seven Crowns which are to form the approaching Congress. Nothwithstanding the extraordinary Expectations of a general Pacification, many People are of Opinion that the exorbitant Demands of the Court of Vienna, and the Opposition to the same by the Court of Prussia ; and also those of the Court of France, in Opposition to the Court of Great- Britain, will prove an entire Obstruction to the Negotiations at the intended Congress, which according to the present Accounts is to commence July 7. Letters received at the Hague from Hanover say, Advice had been received there from Bremen, that thirty- three Transports, having on board 250a Land Forces, and 900 Horses, were arrived in the Neighbourhood of Bremen from England, and would soon be followed by more. That this News gave the greater Pleasure at Hanover, as their Arrival was very doubtful, Letters from London having informed them, that Opinions were divided 011 this Head, some being for fending them and others against it, but that the pathetic Representations of Prince Ferdinand and the Regency of Hanover had made an Impression, and deter- mined the Ministry to fend this Reinforcements That the Marquis of Grandby would still com- mand the English Forces notwithstanding what had been rumoured of a Difference between his Lordship and Prince Ferdinand. A Letter from Paris of the 14th says, that they still talk of Peace, but that they can fée nothing in the Negotiations to give Reason to believe that it is not distant, for that France endeavours to detatch England from Prussia; that they are impressing Men and beating up for Volunteers in France, with as much Diligence, as if they in- tended to have more numerous Armies than ever in the Field this Summer; that notwithstanding the Distress of the People, they talk of imposing new Taxes; another Proof that they consider the End of the War to be still far off. Besides the large Magazine in the Town of Wesel, twenty Barges with Provisions and Forage were also burnt in the Rivér : Two other Barges with Gunpowder were happily saved ; otherwise the whole Fortress would have been destroyed. Advices from Copenhagen, fay, that the Troops on Foot in that Kingdom, amount to 77,000 Men : the greatest Number, they observe, known in that Country for a long Timé. Last Week a Merchant of Liverpool, having omitted to register his Tickets in the late Lottery, applied to an Office to examine them ; and, to his great Surprize, found amongst his Num- bers one of the io, oool. Prices. To SYLVIA. SYLVIA ! your melodious Voice, At which the lift'ning Gods rejoice, Would captivate still more, Did not your heav'nly Charms invite Our Senses, ravish'd with Delight, To gaze, and to adore. You to behold, at once, and hear, Are Blessings for Mankind too dear ; For JOVE too- grea't a Prize ! All that dare hear, in Love are all ; All that dare look must Victims fall To tho - conqu'ring Eyes. ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- office in Stall- Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, if short; longer Ones in Proportion.--— The BATH CHRONICLE and WEeKLY GAzETTE is circulated in London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater Wells, Shepton Mallet, Bruton, Frome, G'oucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury, Wotton- under- Edge, Tewkesbury, ichciham, Hereford, Worcester, Kidderminster, Rewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford, Abingdon, Hungerford, Newbury, Reading, Salisbury, Heitsbury, Warminster, Westbury, Tinehead, Market- Lavington, Bradford, Trowbridge, Devizes, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, Shaftsburry, Pool, No Letters received unless PosT- PAID,--- At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had; all Sorts of PATENT MEDICINES & THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1761. 122 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, VOL. On the Uncertainty of the Sciences, T HE Futility of human Sciences appears from nothing more strongly than from that Dis- gust by which the Eagerness for Knowledge is often succeeded, and which has made many eminent Men look with Indifference or Dislike upon what they had pursued with the utmost Ardor in the early Part of their Lives. It was this, no Doubt, that induced ths cele- brated HUET, Archbishop of Avranche, to com- pose his Treatise upon the Uncertainty of the Sciences, and that forced from the celebrated FE- NELON an Acknowledgment, that in his Youth he was too solicitous atout acquiring knowledge, and in his old Age began to doubt of every Thing. Man should never expect Satisfaction of Mind in his Enquiries into Nature ; since, as soon as one Difficulty is surmounted, many others sprout up in its Place, and his Curiosity encreases with his Acquirements. The Vulture that preyed upon the Liver of PROMETHEUS, which grew again as soon as it was devoured, seems to be a just Emblem of that Curiosity which constantly torments the Minds of those who are engaged in learned Pursuits, and renders their Condition much less desirable than that of those who are satisfied. with their Igno- rance. Knowledge is a godlike Attribute ; but in this World will never constitute the Happiness of a human Mind ; since, as the ingenious Dr PARNELL expresses it, The Rest it seeks, in seeking dies, And Doubts instead of Knowledge rise. The VISITOR, NUMB. XCVI [ From the PUBLIC LEDGER.] Pleasure, is every Day growing, more and more predominant, let me intreat you to inform the Ladies, how unseemly and pernicious, how fatal to conjugal Felicity, and every social Virtue, this Manner of Living must needs be. Besides, let the Ladies especially consider, that while the Men observe such- uneasy Consequences from the Ma- trimonial Alliance, they will not be very ready to engage in it; and should this Principle greatly prevail, it would not be advantageous to the Fe- male Part of the Commonwealth. I will be very honest, for my own Part, and declare frankly, that if I was again happily freed from the Yoke under which I am at present bound, not all the Universe should influence me to the Forfeiture of my Freedom. For I am deprived of all domestic Peace and Satisfaction : I fee my Family, educated in false and ruinous Principles ; and I feel my Substance hurt by Expences, which I can neither retrench nor afford. I am, & c. A HUSBAND !. On the IST of MAY was Publish'd, Price SIX- PENCE, No. I. of a new Periodical WORK, ENTITLED THE LIBRARY: OR, Moral and Critical Magazine For A PR I L, 1761. Consisting of original Pieces only, And Containing, BRISTOL Guild- Hall, May 4, 1761. To be Sold by AUCTION, In THREE LOTS, ( By Order of the Trustees appointed for put- ting in Execution an Act of Parliament, entitled, An Act for Re- building, Widening, and Enlarging, the Bridge over the River Avon, in the City of Bris- tol, and erecting a Temporary Bridge adjoining, and for widening the Streets, Lanes, Ways and Passages, leading thereto ; and for building another Bridge over some other Part of the said River, within the said City, if necessary; and for opening proper Ways and Passages thereto) On TUESDAY, the 26th of this Inst. MAY, ODE to FANCY. COME FANCY, from the mottled Sky, In flowing Robes of various Dye, Fair Child of Sense and Memory. The limping Pace of Time forestall, From pensive Sorrow strain the Gall, And Scenes of Joy, elaps'd, recall. Soft smiling by the Lover's Side, Display the long- expected Bride, In Bloom of Youth, and Beauty's Pride. Elate as Hope,, assur'd as Faith, ' Tis thine to tread the dreary Path , That leads thro the still Shades of Death : From dark Oblivion's Gulph to save The Wife that moulders in the Grave, The Friend that welters on the Wave : The Father, Son, or Brother, slain On Abram's Rocks, or Minden's Plain, Thy Pow'r can raise to Life again. Thy Flight nor Seas nor Skies can bound : Thou, fearless, wing'st th' Abyis profound ; And soar'st aloft o'er Heaven's high Mound. The Purchasers are to leave all the Walls of every Kind whatsoever, which adjoin to the Right and Left of their Purchase, so that the adjoining Buildings may he render'd safe and secure; and they are likewise to repair and make good any Damage which may possibly happen to the said adjoining Houses, by pulling down and carrying away. The Purchasers are to leave ¡ the Fronts from the Ground to the Brest Summers standing, whole and entire ; to be used byWay of Fence or Guard for the intended Works, during such Time as Mr. BRIDGES, the Surveyor to the said Trustees, ( or any future Surveyor, to be by them appointed) shall think the same necessary; and then to be taken down, removed, and carried away by the Purchasers, at their own proper Costs and Charges : And they are also, at their own proper Costs and Charges, on or before the said 25th Day of July to fix such necessary Streets, Shores, and Braces, to the said Fronts, as the aforesaid. Surveyor, or any other that may be appointed by the said Trus- tees, shall direct; so that the same Fence or Guard may be thereby made substantial and effectual in all Respects, for the Defence of the said intended Works, and the Safety of all Persons and Car- riages passing and repaying over the Bridge. The purchasers are to take down and clear away on the River- Side, all the Materials and Rubbish; and such Materials and Rubbish are to be immediately loaded into Barges, Lighters, Boats, or other Craft in the River, and removed away by Water- Carriage, and no Part thereof thrown into the River, or loaded or removed away in the Streets, or common Passage over the Bridge, by Land- Carriage, except from Ten o'Clock at Night ' till Five in the Morning: Nor are the said Purchasers, in taking down or removing the said Materials or Rubbish , or any Part thereof, to do, or suffer any Matter or Thing to be done, by which the said Passage over the said Bridge, or through any of the Stteets or Avenues leading thereto, may be obstructed, or rendered dangerous in any Shape whatever; it being considered as a principal Condition of the Sale, that the Passage over the Bridge, and through the several Streets and Avenues leading thereto, shall, during all the Time of the taking down, removing, and carry- ing away the Whole of the said Materials and Rubbish, be free and clear from all Obstructions, Annoyances, and Dangers. MATRIMONIAL Complaints are so common, that they are little regarded ; but it does not follow from- thence that they are less afflict- ing. It is Tome Relief to unburthen the Mind ; and if I gain no other Advantage, I shall at least obtain that, by your favourable Admission of my Case. I am a Merchant of London, of no inconsi- derable Rank and Fortuue, and I am very wil- ling to live in a Manner suitable to my Station : I abhor Meanness, but I love Propriety. I have teen honoured with my present Wife's Hand, and Heart, ( I hope) now near fifteen Years ; and, ' till within these. two or three Years past, we lived decently, pleasingly, and frugally. I saved Money; and tho' I have four Daughters, besides two Sons, l can give them Five Thousand Pounds each : But, alas! what, are Five Thousand Pounds to support the Manner of Life in which my good Wife thinks fit to bring them up ! For you must know, that Having picked up some Acquaintance at the other End of the Town; having gained a high Gout for Cards and Gaiety, by an unfortunate Journey to Bath ; and having been much consulted and considered in our Mer- chants Assembly, my poor Wife's Brain is turn'd actually turn'd; and she has certainly forgotten. or at least no longer is able to discharge, the pro- per Duties of Wife, Mother, Mistress, Neigh- bour, or Friend. This is a heavy Charge ; but be patient a- while and I'll make it good. She is continually engaged ; her Acquaintance as she expresses it, is immense : She can scarcely be civil to Half of them : She is forever hurry- ing to Routs and Parties at Cards, or making my House a Place of everlasting Rout and Con- fusion. Nothing but Dress, Pleasure, Noise, Cards, Nonsense; and Company, running into her Head ! She returns Home, perhaps, at Two, Three, or Four in the Morning, from her noc- turnal Orgies ; my Servants are kept up accor- dingly ; I am disturbed, and the whole Family disordered. She cannot rise very early, as you may imagine : If she is half dressed by Twelve, it is scarce Time enough to receive a chit- chat Visitor, or to hurry away to some Shop, Auction, Sight, Walks, or what not ? She makes a Shift just to get in Time enough to decorate her Head for Dinner, and then fits down, with a thousand Apologies to any Friends I happen to bring in— Really she has been so immoderately hurried, and such a Profusion of Business to do, that she could not possibly get quite drest." However, she flies away soon after Dinner to this Work, in which two or three Hours are generally spent upon her- self, and her two eldest Daughters: Two fine Girls enough : But oh! it makes my Heart ach to think what must be the End of this! Early initiated into Pleasure, what a Taste must they have for it! Early attached to the Luxury and Extravagance of Dress and Gaiety, what For- tune will be equal to their Expences ! Unculti- vated in Mind, what wretched Wives and Com panions must they make ! Who can wonder, that educated as our modern Misses are, Men are afraid to marry them, and prefer a less honourable Con- nection ? I am satisfied, that the Interest of the Fortune I intended to give my Daughters, will scarce be sufficient to supply their Heads only with Ornaments ! Fifty Guineas were paid not long since for one Garnet Cap ! And the Mis- chief is, I cannot prevent this ! Now you must discern that I have no Satis- faction in the Converse of such a Wife, perpe- tually in a Hurry herself, and endeavouring al- ways to make me so, by engaging me in every Party where she can ; and ever condemning my City and old- fashion'd Notions, ( as she calls them) when I remonstrate either against her own Manner of Proceeding, or her Method of edu- cating my Daughters. As I am well convinced mine is no singular Case, I know that I have many Fellow- Suf- ferers ; and as this destructive Love and Pursuit of DR. ROBERT WALKER'S Patent Genuine JESUITS DROPS, or ELIXIR of HEALTH and LONG LIFE. ( In Bot- tles only of 2s. 6d. and 5s.) ----- The great Success and Demand that is daily made for my never- failing genuine JESUITS DROPS, which are the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual and im mediate Cure ever discover'd for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, tho' ever so obstinate, of ever so long standing, and by whatever Means occasion'd, and also for the Venereal Disease, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms, has occasion'd some Persons to endeavour to imitate the same, and publish Medicines pretending to some of the like Virtues. His Majesty, that I should reap the sole Advantage of my said va-, luable Invention, and that the Public should receive the Benefit of the same genuine, was most graciously pleas'd on the 29tb of November, I755, to grant me his Royal Letters Patent, for England and the Planta- tions in America: And, on repeated Representations of the great and surprising Cures daily perform'd by my said Jesuits Drop, has been since also graciously pleas'd, that his Subjects in his Kingdoms of Scotland and Irel- and should also have the said Medicine genuine, and for preventing them from being imposed upon with spu - rious Medicines, falsely pretending to the same Virtues, to the Prejudice of their Healths and Constitutions, as well as endangering their Lives, to grant me bis Royal Letters Patent for those Kingdoms. At is each Bottle. I. A general View of the History and Life of CHRIST ; intended to establish the Evidence for the Truth of Christianity, to remove the Preju- dices that may have been conceived against it, and to set the Excellency of the Gospel in a clear, en- gaging, and convincing Light. II. Essay on MORALS ; shewing the Impor- tance and universal Extent of Morality, and how far its Obligations are intelligible to every Mind ; with some Reasons for composing a new System of Morals. III. An Enquiry into the- present State of KNOWLEDGE, TASTE, and LEARNING. IV. LIFE, by the OBSERVER; exhibiting A candid and critical Review of Men and Things. V. On the Word MYSTERY ; its Origin, and and various Senses. VI. The TEMPLE of DEATH, a Vision. VII. Observations on DECORUM, with CHA- RACTERS. VIII. Moral SENTIMENTS & REFLECTIONS, IX. On the Knowledge of the Word, POETRY. X. On the WAR; a Rhapsody. XI. Song; by a Gentleman in Love with his own WIFE. XII. Ode to SLEEP. XIII. MONTHLY REGISTER; containing, 1. Literary Article. 2. Foreign Affairs. 3. Do- mestic Occurrences. 4. Naval Transactions. 5. Declarations relative to a. Congress, & c. & c. Printed for R. GRIFFITHS, in the Strand, and C. HENDERSON at the Royal- Exchange. Sold also by the, Booksellers in Town and Country : Of whom Proposals at large, may be had gratis, — and likewise of C. POPE, Co. at the Prin- ting- Office, in,. Stall- stree, and the Men who carry this Paper. To the Public. AT a Time when a Spirit of Enthusiasm on one Hand, and of Dissipation on the other, are making perpetual Deprecations on the Interests of rational Religion, found. Knowledge, and real Virtue, it must be the sincere Wish, and ought to he the earnest. Endeavour of every sensible and worthy Mind, to put a Stop to Disorders which threaten the most fatal Effects. To Contribute towards; so salutary a Design, a Set of Gentleman offer to the Public a new Monthly Performance, which they hope to con- duct on such Principles as shall deserve the En- couragement of all true Friends to Piety, Vir- tue and Learning ; and the Protection, hi parti- cular, of the judicious Clergy, of every Deno- mination. But let not the Young and the Gay imagine, that we intend to exclude Matters of Amusement. Pieces of Wit and Humour, that are not unfa- vourable to the Cause of Virtue, will find a Place in the LIBRARY ; and we shall undertake to carry on a Set of Papers, which will contain Observa- tions 011 the Manners and Fashions of the Age, ridicule prevailing Foibles, and present such Nar- ratives, real or fictitious, as are calculated to con- vey Instruction in the Vehicle of Pleasure. Another Part of our Scheme will comprehend detached and occasional Productions. Under this Head will be introduced Essays on Civil and Reli- gious Liberty, Political Discussions, Philosophical and Mathematical Articles, Lives of eminently worthy Men, Critical Remarks on Sacred and Profane Authors, and otherMiscellaneous Subjects. Poetry hath always been deemed essential to Pe- riodical Works, and we are too fond of that Di- vine Art to wish its Exclusion. Nevertheless, as it is difficult to obtain such Pieces as are truly excellent, we shall be rather solicitous about the Quality than the Quantity of what we insert. No- thing will be admitted but what is sacred to Reli- gion, Virtue, or innocent Entertainment; and we disclaim any Alliance with Acrosticks, Rebuses and every other Species of false Wit. As our Work will consist of original Pieces, we shall not pretend to exceed, or even to equal some other Productions in the Quantity of our Ma- terials ; but, while we endeavour1 to allow as much as can well be afforded, we shall chiefly value ourselves on the internal Goodness of the Articles that we submit to the Inspection of our Readers. Though we do not, principally, depend on ac- cidental Contributions, yet we shall thankfully accept the Assistance of the Ingenious and the Learned; and shall pay all the Regard to the Compositions with which we are favoured, that are consistent with the Nature of our Plan. The second Number of this Work will be published on the Ist of JUNE next, and the en- ensuing Numbers will be regularly continued on the first of every Month. N. B. The Proprietors will think themselves particularly obliged to any Gentleman in the Country, well versed in the Theory and Practice of AGRICULTURE, HUSBANDRY, & C. for the Communication of any new Discoveries and Im- provements in those most useful Branches of Know- ledge and Business. My said Patent genuine Jesuits Drops have no Mercurials in their Composition, and neither purge or vomit, but carry the Disorders clean off by Urine ( the Dose only 15 Drops in Vine, Water, or on Sugar) and is an excellent Remedy for Travellers, and Persons going to Sea, as to be taken so secret, that even a Bed- fellow cannot make Discovery, and at any Time, in any Season or Climate, ( keeping their full Virtues ten Years) without Alteration in Diet, and eradicates Root and Branch all the poisonous Symptoms of those loathsome Distempers, and absolutely answer all the Ends that can be expelled by Salivation, and were never known to miss of curing after Salivation had fail'd. *** I am to be consulted gratis at my Warehouse, and Persons of either Sex may, on personal Application, depend on the strictest Honour and Secresy, and re- ceiving a certain Cure, with a mild Medicine, with- out their Constitutions being tern to Pieces with rough Mercurials. And I give- gratis, seal'd up with each Bottle, a printed Treatise on Gleets, Weaknesses, and the Venereal Disorder, by which Persons of both Sexes may cure themselves, with the greatest Secresy, and know if the Disorder be of a mild or malignant Na- ture. Veritas prevaleat. R. WALKER, M. D. To be bad at the Patentee's Warehouse, the Bible and Crown, the upper End of Fleet Lane, opposite the Sessions House Gate, Old Bailey, London ; of Mr Brown, in Christmas- Street, Bristol; of C. Pope, and Comp. at their Office, in Stall- Street, Bath; and of the Distributors of this Paper. Sold likewise, Dr. James's Powder for Fevers, At 2s. 6d. each Paper. Greenough's Tinctures for the Teeth. At the EXCHANGE COFFEE - HOUSE, In CORN- STREET ( Between the Hours of Twelve and Two of the Clock in the Forenoon) The MATERIALS of The Following HOUSES, viz. LOT I. All the Materials of Two Houses, situate on the Middle of Bristol Bridge, one of them called the Chapel House, and lately occupied by William Saunders, and the other in the Possession of Allen Bright.— This Lot to be put up at 40l. LOT II. All the Materials of Three Houses, situate at the South- East End of Bristol Bridge aforesaid, now or lately occupied by Robert Elliott, Wil- liam Hitchens, and David Hudson.— This Lot to be put up at 50I. All the Materials of Eleven Houses, situate at the North- East End of Bristol Bridge aforesaid, and in the Shambles, now or lately occupied by Elizabeth Howell, Henry Cotten, Thomas Lan- nyon, Messrs. Hale and Maddern, Francis Earl, Elizabeth Keene, John Taylor, Samuel Sowerby, Mary Maggs, Richard Murphy, and Thomas Latcham.— This Lot to, be put up at 150l. CONDITIONS of SALE. The highest Bidder to be the Purchaser; and if any Dispute arises concerning the Bidding, the Lot to. he put up again.— No Person to advance Lets than Twenty Shillings on each Bidding. The Purchaser of each Lot to pay down imme- diately, by Way of Deposit, 10I. per Cent. in Part of the Purchase Money, and to pay the Re- mainder thereof on or before the 26th Day of JUNE next, to Mr. VAUGHAN, at the Bank in Corn- Street aforesaid ; and in Default thereof the 10I. per Cent. Deposit, to be forfeited to the said Trustees, for the Purposes of the said Act of Par- liament ; and the Houses to be resold for the Be- nefit of the said Trustees. The Purchasers are not to begin to take down or remove any of the Materials, ' till the Whole of the Purchase Money be paid. The Purchasers are at their own proper Costs and Charges to take down all the Materials ( ex- cept the Fronts from the Ground to the Brest Sum- mers) and remove and carry away the same, and clear the Ground and all the Rubbish in Manner herein after mention'd, on or before the 25th Day of JULY next. I.] The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. 123 The Purchasers are with the utmost Caution and Care to guard against any Annoyance, Hindrance or Damage, which may happen to the building of the Temporary Bridge. And if any of the Materials ( except as afore- said) shall be left on the Premises afþer the said 15th Day of July, such Materials are from that Day to become and be deemed to be the sole Pro- perty of the said Trustees for the Purposes of the said Act. The Purchaser of each Lot to give Bond of 50l. for his punctual Performance of pulling down the Houses and clearing away all the Materials and Rubbish in Manner aforesaid, on or before the faid 25th Day of July. The Purchaser of the Ist and 2d Lot to pay the Auctioneer- Half- a- Guinea for each of such Lots, and the Purchaser of the 3d Lot to pay the Auc- tioneer One Guinea for his Trouble. THOMAS SYMONS, Clerk, to the Trustees. At the Grammar- School In WELLS, Somerset, YOUNG GENTLEMEN Are BOARDED, And educated in Classical Learning, At Reasonable Rates, By the Rev. Mr. COX, Late Assistant in the Grammar- School at Bath. Proper Masters for Writing and Arithmetic, Dancing and French, will attend the School. The Terms of this School may be had of Mr. COX, aforesaid. TROWBRIDGE, Wilts. To be sold to the Belt Bidder, At the GEORGE- INN in Trowbridge, On, TUESDAY, the 26th Day of MAY inst. ( For the Remainder of a Term of 5000 Years, of which 20 only are expired) A COMMODIOUS DWELLING- HOUSE, With convenient Work- Houses, Drying- Stove, large Gardens, and a Close of Pasture Ground adjoining; situate in TrOWBRIDGE aforesaid ; now in the Occupation of Mr. John Cockes, Clothier, at the Yearly Rent of 48i. And also the Reversion ( after a Life of seventy Years of Age) of Two Tenements adjoining, of the. Yearly Rent of. 81. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. SAMUEL MARTYN, of Chippenham ; or of the said Mr. COCKES, who will shew the Premises. For the Good of MANKIND. The duly Observance of the plain and easy Rules, laid down by Dr. ROBINSON, in the following excel- lent and well- wrote Pamphlet, will save a vast Expence in unnecessary Medicines. A TREATISE On the Virtues and, Efficacy of A CRUST of BREAD, Eat, Early in the Morning Fasting. With Remarks on the Great Cures accomplished by the Saliva, or Fasting, Spittle, in the Scurvy, Gravel, Gout, Stone, Rheumatism, Head- Ach Foul- Stomach, & c. Price Eighteen- Pence; and sold by A. and C. CORBETT, Book- sellers and Publishers, directly opposite St. Dunstan's Church Fleet- Street, London; and at all the Country Booksellers in the Kingdom. Of whom may be had, 1. LONDON in Miniature : Being a Description of every Thing worthy of Notice in the Cities of London and Westminster, and Suburbs thereof. Among many other Partciulars specifying an Account of the Royal Palaces, the many public Buildings, Houses, and Seats of the Nobility and Gentry ; Statues, Orhaments, Bridges and Places of public Diversion and Entertain ment. Ta! which is added, for the Use of those who maybe at a Loss to find any particular Place a compleat List of all the Streets, Cross- Streets Lanes, Squares, Courts, Alleys, and all Tho roughfares whatsoever, throughout London an Westminster: With an Account of the Monu- ments and Curiosities of Westminster- Abbey, the Whispering Gallery, & c. of St. Paul's., Also, full Description of the Tower of London, Guild hall, & c. In One Pocket Volume, Price Three Shillings bound. 2. The Tidesmen and Weigher's NewPocket Companion : Containing all theRules necessary, for Tidesmen and Weighers to under stand Measuring, Bales, Cases, and Wainscot after the Custom- House Manner. Also the whole Art of Cask- Gauging. Price One Shilling bound. Every Business relative to STATE- LOT- TERIES, is with Fidelity and Punctuality trans- acted by A. and C. CORBETT, in LONDON. To be Lett, At Midsummer next, ( Furnish'd) THE Upper HOUSE in Gay- street, On the Right Hand Side. Or, ( if a Tenant chooses it) the Furniture will be sold as it stands, and the House lett Unfurnish'd. Enquire of JOHN BRYANT, Upholsterer, At the Sign of the ROYAL- BED in the Market- Place, Who has just laid in a fresh Stock of UPHOL- STERY GOODS, which he is determined to sell on the very lowest Terms. Among many other Articles are the following, viz. Damasks, Moreens, Harateens, Cheynes, Cot- tons, Checks, white and colour'd Quilts, Cotton Counterpanes, Rugs and Coverlids ; Turkey, Wilton, Kidderminster, Scotch and List Carpet- ing ; Bed- Lace, Lines, and Tarsels ; sigur'd Horse- Hair for Chair- Bottoms, at 2s. 9d. per Yard, which are as cheap as Leather, and much better for Use ; a very large Assortment of Paper Hangings in the newest Taste, from 2d, bf. to Iod. per Yard ; India Paper; sevaral hundred Yards of Mock India ditto, from 15d. to 2s. per Yard ; all Sorts of painted Sail- Cloths for Floors; Dutch and English Mattings ; Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, and Bedsteads of various Kinds; small painted Frame Glasses, from 7d. to 4s. each ; all Sorts of English Bed- Ticks, from Is. per Yard to. 3s. also Flanders Ticks for Beds; Dantzick, Swan, and Goose Feathers, from I4d. to 2od. per Pound ; common Feathers ; Flocks and Milpuff for Quilting, ready carded. Houses and Rooms furnished by the Week or Year; or any particular Articles lett to Hire. Sedan Chairs made and mended, as neat and as cheap as in London : And all Sorts of UPHOL- STERY and CABINET WORK done in the neatest and cheapest Manner. A large Assortment of Pier Glasses, in white and burnish'd Gold Frames, of various Sizes and Patterns, in the newest and most elegant Taste. - Mache of different Patterns, for ornamenting of Rooms; Sea- Pieces, and other Paintings for ditto, & c. & c. & c. Sunday's and Monday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE, WHITEHALL, May 9. RETURN of, the Killed, Wounded, and Prisoners on the 8th of April, 1761, on the Attack at Port Andro, on the Island of Belleisle, sent by Major- General Hodgson to the Field- Marshal Lord Viscount Ligonier, and signed by the said Major- General. Whitmore's Regiment. 2 Serjeants, 9 Rank and file, killed.- 3. Rank and File, wounded.— 3 Officers, I Serjeant, 46 Rank and File, Prisoners. — 4 Rank and File, wounded of the Prisoners. Beauclerk's Regiment. I Officer, 3 Serjeants, I. Drummer, 47 Rank and File,, killed.— I Officer, Serjeant, I Drummer, 38 Rank and File, woun- ded.— 3 Officers, I Serjeant, 89 Rank and File, Prisoners.— 30 Rank and File, wounded of the Prisoners. Panmure's Regiment 3 Serjeants, I Drummer, 8 Rank and File, killed. 8 Rank and File, wounded.— 2 Officers, 35 Rank and File, Pri- soners.— 10 Rank and File, wounded of Prisoners Erskine's Regiment. 2 Officers, 2 Serjeants, I Drummer, 6 Rank and File, killed,— 16 Rank and File, wounded.— 2 Rank and File, wounded of the Prisoners. Colvill's Regiment. 4. Rank and File, killed.— 3 Rank and File, wounded.— 2 Officers, 1 Ser- jeant, .29 Rank, and File, Prisoners.- 5 Rank and File, wounded of the Prisoners. Rufane's First Battalion. I Drummer, 2 Rank and File, killed.— 4 Rank and File, wounded.— 2 Officers, 1 Serjeant, 21 Rank and File, Pri- soners.- 3 Rank and File, wounded of the Pri- soners. Stewart's Regiment. I. Officer, Prisoner. Grey's Regiment. 1 Officer, killed. Names of Officers Killed, Wounded, or Prisoners, Whitmore's Regiment. Lieut. Col. Thomas, Quarter- Master- General, wounded, and Prisoner. Lieuts. Surman and Ryder, Prisoners. Beauclerk's Regiment. Lieut. Douglas Stewart, killed. — Major Lumsden, wounded. — Lieuts. Scrymfour, Forbis, and Nugent, Prisoners. Panmure's Regiment. Lieuts. Innis and Ramage, Prisoners. Erskine's Regiment. Capt. Osborn, Lieut. Gar- diner, killed.— Lieuts. Green and Herdsman; Prisoners. Colvill's Regiment. Lieuts. Travers and Jack- son, Prisoners. Rufane's First Battalion. Lieuts. Shelden and Deuxell, Prisoners. Stewart's Regiment. Major M'Lean, wounded, and Prisoner. Grey's Regiment. Major Purcell, killed.— Bri- gadier - Carleton, wounded. Total killed. 4 Officers, 10 Serjeants, 4 Drum- mers, 76, Rank and File. Total wounded. 1 Officer, 1. Serjeant, 3 Drum- mer, 72 Rank and File. Total Prisoners. 15 Officers, 4 Serjeants, 1 Drummer,, 245 Rank and File. Total Loss. 20 Officers, 15 Serjeants, 6 Drum- mers, 393 Rank and File. Total Prisoners wounded. 54 Rank and File. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, May 9. Extract of a Letter from Vice- Admiral Saunders, to Mr. Clevland, dated in Gibraltar Bay, April 6, 1761. I have the Satisfaction to desire you will ac- quaint their Lordships, that his Majesty's Ship Ifis tell in with the Oriflame, on the lst Inst. off Cape Tres Forcas, and, after a running Fight of some Hours, took her; and they are now both arrived in this Bay. She had been 29 Days from Tou- lon, and one from Oran, The Particulars of her Lading, are not yet, known, as her Papers of that Sort are not yet found. I am extremely sorry to acquaint their Lord- ships, that although, the Isis had only four Men killed, Capt. Wheeler is unfortunately one of that Number who, with two others, ( a Midshipman and Quarter- Master.) were killed by one Shot, very soon after the Beginning of the Action, The Ifis, had nine wounded, two of them, badly. The Numbers killed, and wounded in the Oriflame are not yet ascertained; but are supposed to be between forty and, fifty. They began to engage at, Six in the Evening, and continued a Running fight ' till half past Ten ; he Oriflame, endeavouring, to get, to the, North- ward of the Ifis, in order to get aver to the Spa- nish Shore; to prevent which, Lieut. Cunning- ham, ( commanding Officer of, the Ifis) found it necessary to run on board her, which he did, with no other Damage to either Ship, than the Loss of one of his own, Anchors, very soon after, which she struck. She had 48 Guns mounted, 26 of Twelve- Pounders, and 14 of Eighteen, and up- wards, of 370 Men. As Lieutenant Cunningham ( and all the Offi cers and People) appears to have behaved ex- tremely well in this Action, I cannot omit recom- mending him earnestly to their Lordships Favour; and, for the present, I have, given him an Order to command the Oriflame, ' till their Lordships Pleasure be known, whether shall be taken into his Majesty's Service. She fails remarkably well; has lately had a thorough Repair; is well found in all Respects ; and carries her Ports; ex- tremely well, though now deep. There is just now come into the Bay, a French Polacre, bound, from. Marseilles to Martinico, taken a few Days since his Majesty's Ship Firm, about 25 Leagues to the Westward of the Gut. His Majesty's Ship the Milford has taken and carried into Kingroad, Bristol, a French Priva- teer called the Admiral, which the fell in with in Latitude 40, 33. N. Longitude from London 13. 30. Wt. - She, mounts twelve 14 Pounders, and 16 Swivel, Guns, with 65 Men, and had been out two Months from Bavonne. COP ENHAGEN, April. 21. A few Days ago his Danish Majesty was pleased to Confer the Honour of the Order of Danbrog upon Major- General Hauch. And Yesterday a Marriage wascontracted, anddeclared atCourt, between M. de Gram, Son to the Grand Venenr; and the young Councels Revent low, Daughter to Count Reventlow of Christian rede. HAGUE, May 5. The Letter from the Lower Rhin o f the Ist Inst. say, that the Prince of Sou- bize was returned to Duffeldorff, from a Tour he has made to Gelder, Cleves, and Welei. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arriv'd a MAIL form HOLLAND. Frontiers of POLAND, April. I8. The Move- ments of the Russians begin to be very serious. We are credibly informed, that their, Design is to secure the important Pass of Trachenberg, which will open to them free Entry into Lower Silesia. Some of their Parties advanced a few Days ago to Rawitsch, in the Palatinate of Posnania, situated only eight Miles from Berlin. SUGAN, [ in Silesia] April 24. The Troops quartered in this Ditchs having assembled under General Goltz, have been joined near Schweid- nitz by a Body of Troops, chiefly Horse, brought from Saxony by the King in Persons who hath fixed his Quarters at Wirbus, between Schweid- nitz and Reichenbach. The Austrians have, ta- ken Possession of Hirschberg Schmeideberg, Land- doned. The Magazine at Lemberg as removed. to Schweidnitz. The Austrians are marching, to- wards Branau. Laudohn's Army amounts to 80,000; that of the Prussians. ( exclusive of the Garrisons) is scare 50,000. They write from Nurenberg, of the 21st past, that most of the Circles of the Empire have refused to send any Recruits to the Army, of the Empire, alledging, that as the Inhabitants were almost ruined by the War, it was therefore not in their Power to send more Troops, or to contribute any more towards them. plantation news. CHARLES- TOWN, March 21. On Wednesday last four large Transport Ships, having board the heavy Baggage of his Majesty's Troops to be employed in the approaching Campaign against the Cherokees ( in Conjunction with the Forces of this Province) under the Command of Col. James Grant, sailed up Cooper River for Staw- berry, where they are to land the same, in order to be immediately transported inWaggons to Monck's Corner:— And Yesterday Morning early the said Troops set out on their Marchfrom hence, to begin the Campaign. They consist of four Com- panies of his Majesty's Royal orfirstRegiment two Companies of the I7th, three of the 22d and eight of the new- raised Independents. Last Month a Yoke of Oxen was kill'd, weigh- ing 244olb. London, May 9. A Letter from Chatham says, that the Rigging of the Ocean is suspended, and the Moorings in the River Medway ordered to be surveyed and fitted for receiving Ships. Nevertheless, Yesterday the Stocks fell Two per Cent. owing to a Whisper that the Congress was put off sine die. An Order is sent from the Lords of the Treasury to the Officers of the Mint, to coin ioo, oool. in 7s. Pieces of Gold, on a Dye of his present Majesty. The Bristol Packet, Capt. Marshal, is arrived at Bristol, from South Carolina. She brings no other News, than that 3000 Troops were ready to march against the Cherokees. They write from Paris of the 17th, that their latest Accounts from Brittany were dated the 21st, and informed them, that though Belleisle was sur- rounded by the English. Fleet, 50 French Volun- teers had got over to it; that both Soldiers and Inhabitants, were determined to defend the Place to the last Extremity, to which they were in a great Measure worked up by the Women, who had formed a select Company of the molt robust of their Number, which served for Patrols. We hear that Gen. Bocland's, the Earl of Pan- mure's, and Lord Robert Manners's Regiments of Foot, are ordered to embark immediately for Belleisle. According, to all the French Advices received from Hesse, the Allies lost in their last Expedition upwards of 15,000 Men, They write from Vienna of the 18th ult. that they had a certain Account, that Gen. Laudohn had an Army of 35,000 Men under his Command in Silesia. and that 30,000 Ruffians were traversing Poland to join him, after which Junction they would be able to face the King of Prussia. All the Letters from Hanover intimate, that there will speedily be a Cessation of Arms proclaimed between the French and the Allies; but the Preparations on both Sides seem to indicate the Contrary, as Prince Ferdinand has an immediate Expedition in View, and as the Prince de Soubise has ordered a great Train of heavy Artillery, which it is likely will be em- ployed in some Siege of Importance. They write from Hamburg, that on the 21st ult. a Prussian Detachment came to demand a Contri- bution of 80,000 Crowns from the Town of Jever, situated in the County of Oldenbourg, belonging to the Prince of Anhalt- Zerbst : Notice of which was immediately sent to the King of Denmark, to whom Oldenbourg belongs. Several Letters from Germany mention that there had been a Rencounter between the English and French Troops near Gottingen, to the Disad- vantage of the former. The French have made such Additions to the Works of Gottingen, that it is become a regular Fortress. The Hanoverian Engineers are also daily augmenting the Fortifi- dations of Hamelen. If we may credit some private Letters from the Dutchy of Cleves, the French Army under the Command of the Marshal Prince de Soubize is to be entirely formed by the 15th Instant, and will then begin its Operations. They write from Amsterdam, that certain, rich Merchants have been applied to by the French Minister, in order to furnish a considerable Sum by Way of Loan, in Consideration of commercial Advantages, which are to be granted them for a Term of Years. The Match so much talked of, that one Man, having 29 Horses, shall ride 100 Miles a Day, for 29 Days successively, for 1000 Guineas, began at Newmarket on Monday Night last just as the Clock struck Twelve. The Stewards for the Sons of the Clergy col- lected at the Rehearsal of the Musick in St. Paul's Church, on Tuesday last, 2481. 18s. 9d. At the Church Doors Yesterday, I791. 7s. 3d. And at the Dinner at Merchant Taylors- Hall, 630I. 9s. 3d. In the Whole 10781. 158. 3d. On Wednesday, amongst a nemerous Crowd of Spectators, Curtis; the noted Baker, eat two Quarts of Twopenny with a Spoon; whilst the noted Hogsflesh ran one Mile upon the Stratford Road, which he performed in five Minutes and thirteen Seconds. The Odds at starting were two to one upon Hogsflesh; but by the surprising Swallow and Agility of the Baker, he won by sixteen Seconds, to the no small Mortification of several Tottenham- Court Gen- try, who were present upon the Occasion. The Baker offers to eat a Gallon with, any Man in England. D AMON an d SYLVIA : A Pastoral. D A M O N. COME, SYLVIA, to my Arms, At last to Love be won ; Banish these false Alarms, And do not Pleasure shun : For this I vow sincerely, ( All to be vow'd by Man) SYLVIA, I'll love you dearly, As long As long as love I can. SYLVIA. You Men, when most you're kind, Still for a Change Will plead ; And to Love's Feast we find A tedious- Fast succeed: But this I vow sincerely, ( What shou'd to Man befall) When you Won't love me dearly, Why then — Why then —— another shall. Í 2 4 77jô Bat h Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ VO L . I. j A PIECE of GROUND, About 60 Feet in Front, and 3o Feet deep, Within a Quarter of a Mile of the Center of BATH. Any Person who has such to dispose of, in Fee- Farm, or on a Fee- Farm Rent, may hear of a Purchaser, by applying to Mr. BRETT, Register of the General- Hospital. WARMINSTER, Wilts. To be Lett, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, Or Sooner, if desir'd, TheLamb Inn inWarminster, With all- Convenient Out- Houses, Stables, Cellars, & c. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. Wansbrough, Attorney at Law, in Warminster aforesaid ; or Mr. Bodman, in Newbury, Berks. Now S ellin g Off, at Mr. PARRY's, The Upper End of the Market- Place, BATH, Several SORTS of MILLENERY GOODS. As the Sale will continue but a few Days, they will be Sold much under Prime- Cost. N. B. A Quantity of the best Lavender Water : Any Person who will take the Whole, may have gréât Abatement, Likewise the Shop Fixtures,' consisting of Coun- ters and Glass- Cafes, & Ct. to be dispos'd of. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. WHITEHALL, May 11. THE King has been pleased to grant unto Thomas Hesketh, of Rufford, in the County of Lancaster, Esq. and his lawful Issue Male, the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great- Britain, and in Default of such Issue, to his Bro- ther Robert Hesketh, of Rufford, in the said County, Esq. and his lawful Issue Male. The Parliament of Ireland is further prorogued to Tuesday the 23d Day of June next. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arriv'd the Mails from Holland Flanders. VIENNA, April 25. We expect soon some very interesting News from Silesia ; Hostilities are go- ing to begin again in that Province., HANOVER, May 1. The Report of the Suspension of Arms between the Allies and the French, is without Foundation. To put an End to the petit War, which only tends to the Ruin of the Inhabitants, Prince Fer- dinand is going to take the Field, and begin the Operations with Vigour. Our Troops are more numerous than they have ever yet been. Deserters are daily coming here from the Army of the Empire, and all in general complain of being badly fed and paid. PARIS, May 1. It is reported that the Au- strian Party gains Ground in the King's Coun- cil. And it is also reported that the Citadel of Palais, in the Island of Belleisle, has surrendered, and that the Garrison, consisting of 2000 of our best Troops, are made Prisoners of War. The English have landed 7000 Men at Belleisle; but on the 28th ult. they had not advanced above Half a League. London, May 12. Considerable Betts are said at Hamburgh, that a General Peace will be signed by the first of October. Our Accounts from the Hague intimate, that their Hopes of Peace begin to subside, more espe- eially since the Declaration of the French Minister, that the Prince de Soubise has Express Orders to open the Siege - of Munden before the 20th Inst.- They write from Brussels of the + th, that the reiterated Enterprise of the English upon Belleisle, Just at the Time that a Congress was agreed 6n, and they were treating about a provisional Suspension of Arms, seemed to have alienated the pacific Disposition of the Court of France and that a Courier, whom the Duke de Choiseul dispatched on the 24th ult-. to the Prince de Gallitzin the Russian Ambassador at London, was charged with a Letter to that Lord, praying him to inform the British Ministry, that their Manner of proceeding," in - the present Circumstances, was not very proper to establish the Confidence which must be the Balis of all Negotiations ; and the said Courier's Dispatches ( they further fay) tended to determine, definitively, whether, during the hold- ing of the future Congress, the Operations should be continued, or a Suspension of Arms take Place before the 15th of May. By a Letter from a'Gentleman at Belleisle vie are informed, that on the first Party of oui' Troops climbing some Rocks at Belleisle, " the French immediately advanced a large Party With Field- Pieces to attack their, before they' formed. A rash Step ! for in the Execution, hastily marching to the Water- Side, their Flank became exposed to thé Broadsides of the Hampton- Court, Swiftsure, and Essex, which brought down Rank and File quicker than the Fowler's Piece does Sterlings from the Tops of Lincolnshire Reeds : To withstand was Folly, for Flight now became Wisdom. In short, our Forces now landed without Obstruction, took Possession of their Field- Cannon, and þs they formed began the Pursuit. Thé French Troops are since retreated under the Cannon of Palais. Regulars and Militia, their Number is about 4000 ; their Entrenchments and Defences " are excessive strong and will give us much Trouble, but hope we shall come off with Glory.— Wednesday the 28th we were preparing every Thing for a grand Attack ; we have been giving and receiving Shells all this Day, Danger and Death surrounding us; but blessed be God we retain the Breath of Life, tho' at the Expence of our Hearing. Some few Hours more will decide the Fate of Belleisle." By another Letter we learn, that the French Governor, on our landing, had ordered all the lais; that he was strongly encamped with his Army before the Town, and had placed all the English Prisoners in the upper Apartments of the Citadel, against which our Artillery was intended to be levelled : And that on a Message being lent to the French Governor, to remonstrate against his exposing them in that dangerous Situation, he said he should return no Answer. All the Letters from Vienna intimate, that the " Court seems to have very little Dependance on the approaching Congress, because, they say, nothing is yet settled whereon to found any Preliminaries. Prince Charles of Lorrain received the Order of Knighthood on the 3d, and was elected Grand- Master of the Teutonic Knights on the 4th Ind. The Prince of Hesse Philipstadt, Governor of Breda, is at the Point of Death. The Ratification of the Treaty between the King oi Prussia a^ h the Grand Duke of Russia, for the reciprocal Exchange of their Territories in Holstein, has been executed by both Parties. The King of Denmark has made a grand Mi- litary Promotion. All the General Officers, and others, who were at Paris, were ordered to set out the first Week in this Month for their Corps in Germany. M. de Buffy, first Clerk of the Department for Foreign Affairs, is expected here from France, to execute a Commission previous to the Meeting of the Congress. Tho' most of the Papers affirm the Arrival of M. de Buffy, in London, on Friday last, and the Departure of Mr. Stanly, for Versailles, we can assure the Public that these Reports are equally groundless, and calculated probably to serve some private Purpose at this Juncture. We hear that eight Men more will, in a few Days, be draughted out of each Company in the Three Regiments of Foot- Guards, in order to be sent to Germany. Some of the Regular Forces and Militia will be encamped this Summer at Brumpton, near Cha- tham. It is said that the Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors lately passed, will undergo an Alte- ration in the ensuing Parliament, in Regard to the compulsive Clause. The last Advices received from Portugal, give an Account of great Damages done by the Earth- quakes in many Parts of that Kingdom. An Earthquake was felt very violent at Madera the 31ft of March, at Ten o'Clock in the Mor- ning, but did no particular Damage in the Town ; — It split some Rocks, which fell into the Sea; some of the Roads in the Island suffer'd, A terrible Fire broke out the 15th ult. at St. Gall in Swisserland, which in six Hours reduced all the principal Buildings and 38 Dwelling- Houses to Ashes ; and on the 18th it broke out again, which made a total Desolation of that Place. The following are the sixteen Peers for Scotland, elected last Tuesday at Holy- Rood- House. Duke of Argyle, Marq. of Tweedale, Earl of Rothes, Earl of Morton, Earl of Eglington, Earl of Moray, Earl of Home, Earl of Abercorn, Earl of Lohdon, Earl of Breadalbine, Earl of Dunmore, Earl of March, Earl of Marchmont, Earl of Buté, Viscount Stormont, and Lord Cathcart.— Thirty- nine Peers voted, and there were 18 Proxies and three signed Lists. Capt. Parker, who was carried into Martína about- six Weeks ago, and is Just arrived here, lays, that a few Days before he left Martinico, two Frigates, a new Governor, and 150 Soldiers, arrived there from France; and that the Inhabi- tants were daily in Expectation of a Visit from the English. Yesterday a Duel was fought between a late Captain in the Navy, and a Gentleman of Bristol. By Agreement their Swords were said by. At the first Discharge Captain received a Ball in his Right Breast, which went out at his Shoulder, upon which he fell. The Gentleman, was imme- diately committed to New- Prison by Justice Fielding.— Jt. iis thought the Wound is not mortal. This Evening Vauxhall was to be opened for th? first Time, noT. 1 DEATHS, Sir. James Colebrooke, Bart. Mem- ber of Gatton, iii, Surry.— The Right Hon. Rd. Lord Edgecume, of Mount Edgecumbe, in Corn- wall.-— The Lady of Sir William Beanchamp Proctor, Knt. of the Bath, and. Knt. of the, Shire for Surry. Bristol May 13. Arriv'd at the HOT- WELLS, Sir Rowland Hill and Family, Sir John Lister Kaye, Capt. Mayne Capt, Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Eyre, Mr. and Mrs. Cary, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Mullart, Mr. Willis, Mr. Scraston, Mrs. Cooper and Miss, Mrs. Comargue, Miss Sloan, Miss Wright; & c. & c Came in since our Lost, The Success, Davis, from New- York ; the Betsey, Watty, from Falmouth the Maria Cathalina, de- Ayanza, from Bilboa ; and the Young William, Escott, from Lisbon. Arriv'd, In the Downs, La Syrene, and the Valeur, two French Men of War, taken, in Octo- ber last by Admiral Holmes's Squadron ; at Vir- ginia, the York, Walker, and the Agreement, Haider, both from this Port. The King George Privateer, Capt. Read, has taken, and sent into Kingroad, a French Brigan- tine bound from Bourdeaux to the West- Indies. On Wednesday last was found dead in her Room, kneeling by a Chair, Mrs. Pops, Sexton of the Meeting in Lewin's- Mead. Thursday last died at Cathay,. Miss Mary Durbin, Aunt to the present Mayor. Monday last ended the Assizes for this City and County, before Sir Michael Forster, Knt- our Provisions and Cattle On the Island into Fort Pa- Recorder ; when William Dillon Sheppard, a Native of Ireland, received Sentence of Death, for the horrid and detestable Crime of Sodomy, on the Body of Charles Stuart, a Child about nine- Years of Age. Abraham Smith, for Healing Oxen, ( condemned at the last Assizes) was or dered to be transported for fourteen Years. John Cope, for stealing three Mahog , my Boards, and William Jones, otherwise Hicks, otherwise Lis- ter, for robbing the London Waggon in Peter- Street, were ordered to be transported. for seven Years. John Hughes, for killing John Minisye, found guilty of Manslaughtér, was burnt in the Hand. Ann Owens, for stealing a Silver Watch, was burnt in the Hand, and committed to Bride- well for six Months, to hard Labour ; and Wil- liam Bowerman, for stealing Iron, was ordered to be publickly whipp'd. At this Assizes came on a remarkable Traverse between our Sovereign Loud the King and Evan Evans, Taylor, for a Misdemeanor, on the Body of Ann Wright, a Child about nine Years of Age ; when, after a very impartial Hearing, the Jury brought him in guilty, to the Satisfaction of the whole Court. The said Evan Evans, to- gether with Aaron Pullen, and Susannah Wright, ( Mother of the aforesaid Ann Wright) were in- dicted for a Rape on the above Ann Wright," but acquitted as to a Capital Offence, tho" at that Time Aaron Pullen was found guilty of a Mis- demeanor but his Sentence was respited ' till af- ter the Issue of Evanses Traverse. Accordingly, after the Jury had fonnd him guilty, Sir Michael. Forster was pleased to order them both to Hand in and npon the Pillory ; then' to be confined in l is Majesty's Gaol of Newgate for three Months ; and aftewards find good Security for their Beha- viour for twelve Months more. Bath, May 14. The Public are desir'd to bécareful to ask for the BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE publish'dby C. POPE and Camp, as the Proprietors of the Bath Advertiser fa Saturday's Paper) have alter'd their Day of Publication to Thursday, since our Proposals mere first distributed, and likewise pi- rated Part of our Title, viz. Bath Chronicle.--- We therefore give this necessary Caution left they shou'd attempt to impose their. Paper on the Public for THIS. Arriv'd here, Lord Belhaven, Lord Kildare and. Lady, Capt. Smith, Capt. Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Hayward, Mr. Auberry, Mr. Fox, Mr. Bryant, Mr. Saunders, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Scawen, Mr. Cull, Mr. Addicott, Mr. William Peere Wil- liams, Mr. Cowell, Mr. Jones, Mr. Harland, Mr. Watson, Mr. Brooke, Mrs. Garnet, Mrs. Save, Mrs. Castleman, Mrs. Ross, Miss Rouse, & c. & c. Sunday last was . collected at the several Places of Divine Worship, for the Support of the Cha- rity- Schools, 90L 2s. 7d, bf. Tuesday last was held here, the annual Meet- ing of the Gentlemen Natives of the County of Wilts; when thé Sum of 31I. 4s. was collected, for apprenticing poor Boys, Natives of the said County. Mr. Cullurne, Apothecary, was chosen President for the Year ensuing. The same Morning died, ( aged 75) at her Daughter's House in Gay- Street, Mrs. Wylde, a Widow Lady of Worcester. Monday se'nnight died the Rev. Mr. Francis Smith, Vicar of West- Harptree, in this County. A few Days since died, at Pitcomb, near Bru- ton, in this County, John Robertson, M. D. aged 70;— A Gentleman eminent in his Profession, and Well known to the Literary World, for many ex cellent Compositions. We hear that Mr. John Hay, is made a Cap- tain of one of hii Majesty's Ships of War. The Driver, of the Post- Chaise, who was f'o terribly bruised by the Accident last Week, is since dead. Monday a Boy had his Thigh broke in Stall- Street, Occasionédby à Chaise running against him. Tuesday Morning a Fire broke ouï at Hun- gerford, in Berkshire ; which destroyed ten Houses before it cou'd be extinguished, together with heft Part of the . Furniture. It was first discovered at a Baker's, and is supposed to be Oc- casionéd by his drying some Woo I ill the Oven. We do not hear of any Lives being Lost by this Accident. Our Correspondent at Plymouth acquaints us that Lord Broom, Capt. of a Company in the Regiment of Royal Volunteers, is made Lieute- nant- Colonel of Gen. Napier's Regiment. He Likewise adds, - that all the Royal Volunteers, that were quartered there, embarked on Saturday last, in order to proceed to Belleisle ; and that they expect soon to hear of its being taken. We hear from Taunton, that Saturday last thé celebrated Beauty, Miss Malton, ( who lately arrived from a Nunnery, where she had resided three Years) made her Appearance in Public, to the no small Mortification of many of the Fe- males of that Town. Saturday last were interred in St. Mary Mag- dalen's Church- Yard, Taunton,, the Remains of Mrs. Peirce, of that Town ; who was remarka- ble for her Piety, Goodness, and Volubility of Speech. She was attended to the Grave by six Clergymen ( who were Pall- Bearers) and a great Concourse of People. At Devizes Market, Thursday last, Wheat sold from 25s. per Quarter to 33s. od. Barley from tjs. toi6s. Oats from 15s. to 16s. Beans from 24s. to 27s. Rease from 21s. to- 30s. Vatches from 28S. to 32s. This Paper will, for the future, be constantly vended in Wells, Glastonbury, Bridgewater, Taunton, & c.' See. by CORNELIUS CUTLER 5 whose Honesty, Care, and Diligence, in the De- livery. of small Parcels, Messages, Sec. may be depended on. Whoever has all the Numbers of this Paper, ( or the- first fourteen) and are willing to part with them, may have the full Price for them at the PRINTING- OFFICE, provided they are not much foiled. Those tvho advertise in tip CHRONICLE, are entitled to one of the Papers GRATIS, each Time their Advertisements are inserted. We are greatly obliged to the Person who sent us the Letter sign'd A. Z We beg all Persons will be careful to direct Advertisements, & c. ( design'd for this Paper) To C. Pope, and Comp. in Stall- Street ; an Advertisement from Warminster having last Week been inserted by Mistake in another Paper, tho' intended for THIS 5 which Mistake was Occasion'd by the Person who sent it not knowing there was any other Paper printed in Bàth under the Titlé of Chronicle.— Several Mistakes of the like Kind having lately happen'd,' renders this Caution absolutely ne- cessary, in order to avoid them. The Tale of the Three Crews shall have a Place our next. Notice is hereby given, That the REVEL, Which has for some Years been Kept At MELLS, in the County of Somerset, On the Monday Se'nnight after Trinity- Sunday, Will, for the Future, be discontinu'd. The Hot- Wells, Bristol. Contrary to many mean, unjust Assertions by PUBLICANS and Others, that there is NO Tavern Accommodation at the Wells: This is to assure the Nobility, and Gentry, That very good pleasant ROOMS, A good CooK, and LARDER, With very good WINES of all Sorts, With Diligent Attendance, May be depended on during the SEASON, At the Private Ball and Tea- Room. ALSO Breakfasting & Afternoon- tea Served in the best Manner, From One to a Hundred, as usual, By their much known, and honour'd diminutive, but most obedient, and very humble Servant, THOMAS LOGGON. At the ORIGINAL Yorkshire Boarding- School, At KIRBY- HILL, Three Miles from RICHMOND, Kept by Mr. JAMES STUBBS, Assisted by the Rev. Mr. HALE, and other proper Masters, YOUNG Gentlemen are genteely boarded, decently cloathed, carefully and expeditiously educated in the several Branches of Literature, at Ten Pounds per Annum, from six 10 ten Years of Age. Enquire of Mr. BRETON, in Marchant's- Court, Bath; 0r- of Mr. RICHARD SMITH, Brewer, near Temple- Cross, Bristol. The Rev. Mr. HALE will be in Bath by the_ 24th Inst. and will carefully conduct thither such Boys as are ready, to go.
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