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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co. 
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 28
No Pages: 4
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
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The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Date of Article: 23/04/1761
Printer / Publisher: C. Pope and Co. 
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: I    Issue Number: 28
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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[ Vol. I.] Printed and publish'd by C. POPE, and C°. at the Printing- office in STALL- STREET; Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. [ The above C. POPE serv'd his Apprenticeship with the late Mr. BODDELY, and has had the sole Management of the Bath Journal for theselastfive Years.] To the PRINTER, & c. SIR,-- One Evening, near the Close of Summer, " when thelastTraces of departing Day bad tinged the fleecy Clouds in the Chambers of the West with saint but beautiful Colaurs, I took a solitary Walk in the Garden, and gazed with Pleasure on the expanded Canopy of the Skies, decked with a surprizing Num- ber of glittering Stars, while Cynthia with her Silver Rays rendered every Object delightfully pleasing. Nor was the Calmness of the Evening disturbed a gentle Breeze fanned the Leaves, and wasted the Odours of a thousand Plants. The Serenity of the Weather engaged me to take my Seat on a flowery Bank, and the Stilness and Solemnity of the Scene inspired my Mind with serious Reflections on HAPPI- NESS, ( that Object so universally regarded) and the Methods of attaining it. The following I still remember ; and desire you will insert them in your Pater; which will oblige your Reader and Admirer, EMILIA. Reflections on Happiness, & c. THE Man that would enjoy Happiness here, must not make too many Reflections on the Misfortunes of Life, as he will certainly meet with something to disgust him, and imbitter the Rest of his Pleasures. He ought therefore only to indulge such Thoughts as will enable him to act his Part well in the Drama; for he who will fit down attentively to reflect on his Misfortunes, without striving to raise his Spirits to encounter them, must expect to be miserable ; since conti- nual Reflections on his unhappy Lot will render himself unable to bear it with that chearful Resig- nation which alone makes the Turns of Life sup- portable. A Man therefore who is unfortunate, ought to seek in exterior Objects that Pleasure which the State of his Mind will not permit him to enjoy in Reflection, and be in a Manner sometimes absent from himself. Gloomy Thoughts will only tend to increase his Misery, and, instead of lessening, add a Weight to his Misfortunes. But tho' I think uneasy Reflections ought to be avoided, I am aware, that, in the Midi! of Pleasure, it is as difficult to attain that State of serene Happiness all aim at, as in Misfortunes to avoid think- ing on them. A Mediocrity alone can raise Pleasures to that exalted Pitch ; for when they remain unconfined, they lose that Refinement which ren- ders them agreeable, and degenerate into a loose ungoverned Passion, that debases human Nature That Reflection, which adds to Misfortunes will heighten Pleasures by softening them, since it tends to make us return with fresh Desire; for the same continued Round of Pleasure would grow insipid, and lose all its Charms. Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. Arrived Two Mails from FLANDERS, but have brought nothing of any Consequence. London, April 16. The INGENUOUS LOVER. DEAR SYLVIA, I nor truer am, Nor better than the rest ; For I shou'd change each Hour like them, Were it my Interest. But I'm so fixt alone to thee. And ev'ry Thought. I have ; That shou'd you now my Heart set free, ' Twou'd be again your Slave. All that in Woman is ador'd, In thy dear Self I find ; For the whole Sex can but afford The Good, the Fair, the Kind. Why shou'd I then seek further Store ? Ah ! why make Love anew ? Since Change itself can give no more, ' Tis easy to be true. S. THE last Letters from Vienna, bring Advice, that the Plan of Operations for the ensuing Campaign is entirely settled. Marshal Daun, who commands the Army in Saxony, will have only 80,000 Men, to defend Saxony and the Passes into Bohemia, which, it is assured, the Enemy will attempt to invade. As this Army consists at present of 92,000, six Thousand Horse and the same Number of Foot will draw near Prague, where, with the TrooPs that arc already that Neighbourhood, they will form an Army of 20,000 Men, destined to enter Silesia, besiege some Fortress, and support the Enterprises of Ge- neral Laudohn. As the Court is informed that about 50,000 Russians will advance on the Side of Great Glogau, and press their Operations with unusual Vigour, they promise themselves a bril- liant Campaign in Silesia. These Letters add, that the Supplies are in- deed an Article which embarrasses them not a little ; but Methods have been proposed to raise them without laying additional Burthens on the People. It is said that considerable Sums will be railed from the Clergy, and that they only wait for the Pope's Permission to tax the Members of that opulent Body in Proportion to their Revenues It is also proposed, to oblige private Persons to carry Part of their Plate to the Mint, and to take even most of the Gold and Silver Images of Saints the Churches, with the Lamps, and other Church Plate : And that Instructions have already been lent to their Ambassador at Rome, to make the proper Application for these Purposes. A Letter from Dantzick, says, that the King of Prussia is taking every Method, through the Channel of the British Minister at Petersburgh, to induce the Empress of Russia to agree to the Proposals of Peace that have been made this Year by England and Prussia. He hath even of- fered her a considerable Sum of Money, half to be paid directly, and the other Half at a certain Term agreed on, after the Conclusion of the War By Means of this Offer, M. Keith hath strengthened his Party at Court. Many of the Minis- ters press her Imperial Majesty to relinquish her Alliance with the House of Austria ; but the Chancellor, who is entirely in the Empress Queen's Interests, pulls down in Half- an- Hour what cost the others a Fortnight to build up. In consequence of this Minister's Credit, between 35 and 40,000 Russians are ordered to advance to wards Silesia to second General Laudohn. On the other Hand, different Corps of Troops assembling, in order to proceed to the New Marche of Brandenbourg, where it is proposed to have an Army of 50,000 Men, As to the Swedes, very little is expected from them. Our Advices from Ratisbon, dated the 3d of this Month fay, that a Russian Officer who passed through that City in the Dress of a Courier, with Dispatches for England, reported that there was the utmost Probability of feeing Peace restored in Germany; and that the Czarina was perfectly disposed to embrace such Measures as may soonest put an End to the Effussion of Christian Blood. Private Letters from Hanover, dated the 7th Instant, acquaint us, that a Cessation of Arms for six Weeks has taken Place between the French and the Allies, which is chiefly owing to the Country's being entirely exhausted, and the In- conveniences both Armies feel from the great Scarcity of Provisions, which nothing but such a Convention could remedy. The Corsicans, according to some Letters from Leghorn, having renewed the Siege of the Castle of San Pallegrino, carried it by Assault, and made the Genoese Garrison Prisoners of War; and it was said they had found there a Quantity of Artillery, and Ammunition and Provision for six Months ; and afterwards proceeded to the At- tack of the Tower of Golo. Letters from Brussels of the 8th Inst. mention, that Prince' Charles of Lorraine's Body Guard of Hussars and Domestics were set out from thence for Mergenheim, where it's thought the said Prince will be elected Grad Master of the Teu- tonic Order; and that they were preparing there some Hundreds of Waggons for the Use of Prince Soubise's Army upon the Lower Rhine. Desertion has encreased of late among the Austrians ; and some of the Croats have also muti- nied in Bohemia, because they were not suffered to return Home at the Expiration of the Term for which they had enlisted. Letters from North- America fay, that an Ex- pedition will certainly take Place there this Spring, in which 1.0,000 Regular Troops are to be em- ployed. Advices from North- America fay, that there seems as little Prospect of an Accommodation between the English and the Cherokee Indians, as when the Affair first broke out. By a Letter from the East- Indies, by Way of Constantinople, there is Advice, that the Crew of the Denham Indiaman, after having burnt her, retired into Fort Marlborough, and defended the Place with great Bravery, but, overpowered by Numbers, were at last obliged to surrender; how- ever, they were so fortunate as to have removed great Part of their best Effects up into the Coun- try, and some they had put on board Dutch Ships, and sent to Batavia. Some Letters from Portsmouth say, that the Fleet to be employed in the second Expedition against the French, consists of 12 Men of War of the Line, besides six Frigates ; and that Admiral Hawke was daily expected there to take upon him the Command of it. The Armament fitted out under the Command of Commodore Keppel, is ( in respect to Land Forces) the greatest that has been out this War. It is reported that our second Expedition Fleet will be commissioned to fail for the Mediterranean to bombard Toulon, and also to make an At- tempt upon Minorca. Capt. Muckell, who returned lately from destroying the Fortifications at Louisbourg, em- barked on Saturday with the Company of Miners at Portsmouth, in order to join the grand Expe- dition. The Landing of the Troops at Belleisle is asserted and contradicted lb confidently each Way that no Certainty can be drawn. ' Tis said that the Marquis of Granby will re turn to the Army in eight or ten Days, in order again to take the Command. The Earl of Chesterfield, who has been for some Time ill, is so well recovered as to be able to go Abroad. Yesterday Sir Richard Adams fat in the Court of Chancery, the Lord Chancellor continuing ill of the Gout. We hear that Dr. Blakiston, Member of Parliament for Hindon in Wilts, and Vinerian Professor of Law at Oxford, is to have a Patent of Precedency as Council; and that the following Gentlemen of Mr. Thurlow, Mr. Wedderburn, and Mr. Ambler Monday an Officer of the Norfolk Militia standing on a Horse's Back without a Saddle, in full Speed, leapt over a five- barr'd Gate, and per- formed several other Feats of Horsemanship in Hyde- Park, before the Duke of York, Prince Henry, and other Persons of Distinction. A very extraordinary Wager was lately said by two Gentlemen at a Coffee- House near Temple- Bar; one of whom is to jump into seven Feet of Water with his Cloaths on, and to entirely un- dress himself in the Water; which if he fails accomplishing, he is to MARRIAGES. Manby, Esq. near Brent- ford, Essex, to Miss Wright, Daughter of An- thony Wright, Esq. of Henrietta- street, Covent- Garden. Capt. John Erasmus Blackett, of the Northumberland Militia, to Miss Rhodam, with 5000I. -- Col. John Campbell, to Miss Lewis. — Joseph Fortescue, Esq. a near Relation of Lord Fortescue, to Miss Fortescue, of D'evonshire. Samuel Seawell, jun. Esq. of New- Bond- street, to Miss Chitty, Daughter to Sir Thomas Chitty, Knt. and Alderman. DEATHS. The Right Rev. Father in God Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Winchester At Edinburgh, John Osborne, Esq. late Lord Provost of that City Mrs. Arthur, a Maiden Gende- woman, aged 103 William Oldys, Esq Nor- roy King at Arms. — Isaac Duberdo, of French Extraction, aged l08 The Hon. Capt. Bate- man, one of the Equeries, and one of the Gentle- men Ushiers to her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia Henry Harris, Esq. one of the Com- missioners of the Wine- Licence- Office upon the old Establishment. —- The Rev. William Law, M. A. well known to the World by a Number of truly Christian, pious Writings Captain Alexader Gray, Brother to Lord Gray.--- At Boston, in New- England, Daniel Hinchman, Esq. Adinton Devonport, Esq. and the Wife of Sam. Waldo, Esq At Paderborn, in Germany, Ch. Madan, Esq. Ensign and Quarter- Master in the Third Regiment of Guards At Newcastle, J. Stephenson, Esq. an eminent Wine- Merchant. MEMBERS elected for the ENSUING PARLIAMENT. Appleby, Major- General Philip HoneyWood and Major- General John Stanwix. Bridport, Sir Ger. Napier, T. Coventry, Esq. Chester County, Thomas Cholmondeley, and Sa- muel Egerton, Esqrs. Chepping Wycombe, Lord Visecount Fitzmaurice, Robert Waller, Esq. Denbyshire, Sir L. Salusbury Cotton, Bart. Dorsetshire, Humphry Sturt, Geo. Pitt, Esqrt. Dunwich, Rt. Hon. Hen. Fox, Eliab Harvey, Es. Dumbartonshire, General Campbell. Edinburgh County, Sir Alex. Gilmour, Bart. Eye, Ld. V. Brome, Hon. Henry Cornwallis. Forfarshire, Right H on. the Earl of Panmure. Borough of Great Grimsby, Hon. H. Knight, Joseph Lancashire, Lord Strange, Ja. Shuttleworth, Es. County of Northumberland, Sir Henry Grey, Bart, George Delaval, Esq. Pembroke, Sir William Owen, Bart. Perthshire, Lord John Murray. Rutland County, Hon. Thomas Chambers Cecil, Thomas Noel, Esqrs. Selkirk County, Gilbert Elliot, Esq. Truro, Geo. Boscawen, John Boscawen, Esqrt. Tregony, Wm. Trevanion, Abraham Hume, Esqrs, To a YOUNG LADY, Embroidering. ARACHNE once ( ill- fated Maid !) Daring MINERVA to engage, Her Form was chang'd, her Beauty fled. She fell a Victim to her Rage. Oh then, beware ARACHNE'S Fate ; , Be prudent. Fair One, and submit; For you'll more Who rival both her Art and Wit. G. ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, at 33. 6d. each Time, if short; longer Ones in Proportion. The BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE is circulated in London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgtwater, Wells, Shepton- Mallet, Bruton, Frome, Gloucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsbury, Wotton- under- Edge, Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Hereford, Worcester, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford, Abingdon, Hungerford, Newbury, Reading, Salisbury, Heitsbury, Warminster, Westbury, Tinehead, Market- Lavington, Bradford, Trowbridge, Devizes, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dotchester, Blandford, Shastsbury, Pool, Weymouth, Sherborne, & c. & c. at the Post- Offices of most of which Places, Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise by the Newsmen.— No Letters receiv'd unless POST PAID At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had, all Sorts of PaTEn MEDICINES, & c. [ N°. 28.] Weekly GAZETTE. [ Price Two- pencE HALFPENNY.] THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1761. 110 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. i VOL , The PRESENT STATE OF The FRENCH NAVY [ We lowin can assure our Readers, that the following is the most authentic Account of the French Navy ever yet publish'd. It was commu- nicated to us by a Person of Distinction, just ar- rived from Abroad; who was so particular, as to give us the Length, Breadth, and Depth of each respective Ship, together with the Names of the Builders :--- But we are obliged to omit these Par- ticulars, as they wou'd take up too much Room.] Ships Names, No. of Guns. Wt. of Metal. Where built. When. Ships Names. Raisonable 64. 24- Taken by the Dorsetshire. Ships Names. No. of Guns. Wt. of Metal. Sage Solide Solitaire Sphinx Triton Vaillant Vengeur Vierge du Rosaire Vierge de Santé - Léopard Where built. When. Rochefort 1760 Royal Louis 120 Duc de Bour- goyne ' 80 3- 6 - - 18 Rochefort Formidable 80 36-- 18 Brest Taken by Admiral Hawke in the Bay, November 20, 1759. Foudroyant 80 36— 18 Toulon- 1750 Taken in the Mediterranean by the Monmouth, of 64 Guns, of Adm. Osborne's Fleet, Feb. 28, 1758. Ocian 80 36— 18 Toulon 1756 Burnt in Lagos Bay by Admiral Boscawen 19, 1759. Orient 80 Soleil Roya l 80 36— 24 Brest Drove ashore by Admiral Hawke, in the Bay, and burnt, Nov. 21, 1759. Tonnant 80' 36— 18 Toulon Algomquin 74 36— 18 Canada Ript up at Brest. Bien Aimé 74. Lost on the Coast of Coromandel. Centaur 74. 36-- 18 Taken by Admiral Boscawen. 1751 1751 August ' 749 1743 1753 Conquérant Courageux Courronne Defenseur Diadème Entreprenant 7474747474 36 - 18 - 18 36 — 18 36- 18 April 28, Toulon August 18, Toulon Brest Rochefort Brest Toulon Brest 1758. 1756 1759- 174.6 17 S 3 ' 749 1754 1756 1754 36-- 18 36- 18 Burnt at Louisbourg, by a Bomb from the English Batteries, July 21, 1758. Espèrance 74. Taken and burnt by the Orford in the Bay. Florissant 74 36— 18 Rochefort Glorieux 7 4 36-- 18 Guerrier 7 4 36 — 18 Hector 74 36-- 18 Héros 7 4 36-- 18 Run ashore, with the Soleil Royal, by Adm. Hawke ; in the Bay, and burnt Nov. 21. Intrépide 74 36-- 18 36- 18 Rochefort Toulon Toulon Brest ' 759- Brest 1750 1755 1750 1755 75 64 64. 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 60 24— 12 24— 12 24-- 12 24— 12 Brest Toulon Toulon Brest Toulon Toulon Genoa Genoa Toulon 1751 1747 1720 No. of Wt. of Gun s. Metal. 26 26 26 8 26 8 26 24 24 44 24 Wh en 8 Where built. Toulon Rochefort Toulon Toulon Havie deGrace. 24-- 12 Burnt by the French at Quebec, in July, 1756, be- ing suspected of having the Plague on board. St. Michel 60 24— 12 Brest 1738 Warwick 60 England Taken ( armed as a Flute) going to Mauritius, by the Minerva, of 32 Guns, Capt. Alexander Hood, Jan. 23, 1761. Aigle 54 18— 12 Rochefort 1750 Lost in the Straits of Belleisle, between Newfound- land and the Main. Alcion 50 18-- 8 Toulon 17 Sunk in the Bay by the brave Capt. Elliot, of the Hussar. Amphion 56 24- 12 Brest 1749 Apollon 50 18— 8 Rochefort 1748 Flore Fripponne Miperve Oiseau Oiseau de Mer Avifé Bristol Cornette Emer aude Taken by the Southampton, Sept. Fidèle , 24 8 Sunk by the French in Louisbourg when besieged by the English in 1758 Brest 1751 H. deGrace 1744 ' 757- Rochefort 1747 1749 1752 1744 Thalie Thetis Volage Sunk by the French at Louisbourg, to prevent the Eclair 1758. English from entering the Harbour. Arc- en- ciel 50 Taken by the Litchfield and Norwich Fine 24 8 H. deGrace 1744 Balatée 24 6 Brest 1744 Taken by the AEsop. Gracieuse 24 12 Toulon Héroïne 24 8 Brest Hirondelle 24 Toulon Mutiné 24 6 Brést Lost on the Dogger Bank. Terpsicore 34 Taken, with the Belleisle and the Blonde, by the AEolus, Pallas, and Brillant, Feb. 28, 1760. 24 24. 24 8 Brest 1750 24 Toulo n 22 Advertisement. Now in the PRESS, to be publish'd with all convenient Speed, XENOPHON's MEMOIRS O F SOCRATES, Translated into ENGLISH, By SARAH FIELDING. It is hoped all who have been so obliging as to favour the TRANSLATOR with their Names, will excuse a small Delay in the Publication, occasioned by much bad Health. Topaze On the 1 ft of May will be Publish'd, Price SIX- PENCE, ( To be continued regularly every Month) No. I. of a new Periodical WORK, Fier 54 Greenwich 50 Lost at the Conquet. Hippopotame 54 Oriflamme 54 Sagittaire 50 Aquilon 46 18— 12 18- 8 Toulon England Toulon Toulon 1748 1 1749 1748 12— 6 Toulon 1733 Drove ashore by the Antelope in the Bay, and Lost Junon 46 18- 8 Havre deGrace Lost going into Port- Mahon. St. Malo 1757 the Blonde and Terpsicore, by the and Brilliant, on the Irish Coast, She is now called Au- March Magnifique Minotaure Palmie r Protecteur Prudent 74 74 74 74 74 36- 18 36 - 18 Brest Brest ' 747 • 749 1752 1754 com- July Rochefort Burnt at Louisbourg, by the English Beats, manded by the Captains Belfour and Laforey, 25, 1758. Redoutable 74 36- 18 Toulon 1750 Burnt in Lagos Bay by Admirai Boscaven, August 19, 1759 Robuste Sceptre Souveraine Superbe Sunk by Adm Téméraire 74 74 74 74 36- 18 Brest 1747 36— 18 Toulon 1756 36- 18 Brest 1756 Hawke in the Bay, Nov. 20, 1759. 74 36 — 18 Toulon 1749 Taken in Lagos Bey by A. Boscaven, Aug. 19, 1759. Thèse 74 Brest 1759 Sunk by Adm. Haivke in the Bay, Nov. 20, 1759. Zodiaque 74 Dauphin- Royal 70 36— 18 Brest 1735 Ferme 7 0 36— 18 Toulon 1721 Juste 70 36-- 1S Rochefort 1724 Lost at the Entrance of the River Loire, flying from Adm. Hawke, Nov. 20, 1759. Achilles 64 24— 12 Toulon 1747 Actif : 64 Brest Alcide 64. Taken in North- America Boscaven s Fleet, June Altier 64 St. Anne 64 Belliqueux 64 Taken by the Antelope of 50 Guns. Bienfaisant 64 24— 12 Brest 1752 Carried out of Louisbourg Harbour, by Captains Bel- four aad Lasorey, with Boats, July- 25, 1758. Bizarre 64 24-- 12 Brest 1751 Brillant 64 Capricieux 6 4 24-- 12 Rochefort 1753 Burnt in Louisbourg Harbour by the Flames of the En- by the Dunkirk, of Adm. 10 th, 1755. Toulon Genoa Belleisle Taken, with AEolus, Pallas, Feb. 28, 1760. Abenakife 40 Taken by the Chichester, rora by the English. Danae 40 12- 6 Taken by the Southampton and Melampe, 28, 1759. Hibe 40 Outarde 40 Saphir 40 Aigrette 36 Arethuse 36 Taken by the Thames and the Venus, May, 1759. Begon 36 Eccho 36 Taken by the Juno, going out of Louisbourg when besieged by the English. Favorite 36 12— 8 Havre deGrace Felicite 36 12— 6 Drove ashore by the Richmond near St. Gravesande in Holland, and burnt, Jan. 25, 1761. Harmonie 36 Lost going out of Dunkirk, bound to St. Domingo, Jan. 176,1. Hermione 36 Taken by the Unicorn. Malicieuse 36 Attalante 32 12— 8 Toulon 1741 Destroyed in the River St. Laurence. Blonde 32 Havre de Grace. Taken, with the Belleisle and the Terpsicore, by the AEolus, Pallas, and Brilliant, Feb. 28, 1760. Bouffone 32 Brune 32 Havre deGrace. Taken by the Venus of 32 Guns, after an Engage- ment of two Hours, the Juno fird two Broadsides, Jan. 10, 1761. Comette 32 8 Brest 1752 Taken by the Bedford, March 16, 1761. Diane 32 12— 8 Toulon 1742 Taken going out of Louisbourg by the Boreas, when besieged by the English, 1758. Fleur- de- Lys 32 8 Brest 17J4 Drove ashore in fresh Water Bay, St. Domingo, by the Hampshire, and Lost, Oct. 19, 1760. Hyene 32 12— 8 Brest 1744 Opalle 32 Syrene 32 Taken by the Boreas, off the East Point of Cuba, Oct. 18, 1760. Vestale 31 Taken off the Penmarks by the Unicorn of 24 Guns, Jan. 7, 1761. Both Captains were killed. Lost at Belleisle. I Guirlande Taken off Alderney by. the Renown, Maidstone, and Rochester. She is the Cignet. Mêtive 22 6 Canada 1745 Nymphe 22 6 Rochefort 1750 destroyed by the Hampton- Court, June, 1757. Petit Cumberland 20 Brest Messager 20 4 Mignonne 20 6 Taken by the AEolus in the Bay, March 20, 1759 Rhinocerot 20 Taken and burnt by the I sis in the Bay. Renommée 18 Biche 16 Sunk by the French in Louisbourg when besieged by the English, 1758. Calipso 16 Chèvre 16 Sunk, like the Biche. Escarboucle 16 4 Taken off Portland by the I sis, Sept. 1757. Oracle 16 Stork 16 England Tourterelle 16 Annemone i4 Brest 1747 Taken by the Mars end Orford in the Bay, February 13, 1761. Epreuve 14 Taken in the Channel by the Niger, Nov. 24, 1760 Duc d'Hanover 14 Taken by the Lizard. Sardoine 14. Taken by the Mars and Orford in the Bay, February 13, 1761 1747 t reprenant, July 21 1758 Célébré 6 4 Burnt by ditto. Content 64 Dragon 64 24 Eveillé 6 4 24- 12 Fantasque 64 Hardi 6 4 24- 12 Hercules 64 24- 12 Illustre 64 24-- 12 Inflexible 64 24- 12 Toulon Toulon Brest Rochefort Toulon Rochefort Brest Brest Rochefort Toulon Brest ' 747 1747 1752 1756 1750 1748 1750 ' 75' 1746 Lift in the Liver Villaine. Lion 64 24-- 12 Lys 6 4 24-- 12 Taken in North America by the Fleet of Adm. Boscawen, June 10, 1755. Modeste 64 24-- 12 Toulon 1759 Taken in Lagos Bay by A. B. scawen. Aug. 19, 1759 Northumberland 64 24— 12 England 1744 Opiniâtre 64 24— 12 Brest 1750 Lo at the Conquet. Orphée 64 24— 12 749 Toulon Taken in the Mediterranean by Adm. Osbornes Fleet, Feb, 28, 1758. Prothee 64 24- 12. Brest 1749 Zephire 32 Amethifte 30 Bellone 3° Taken by the Vestal of She is now called Repulse. Toulon Rochefort 1728 ' 754 30 Guns, Feb. 21, 1759. Amarante 1 2 4 Brest Arc- en- ciel 12 4 Cigogne 12 Cours- toûjours 12 Ecureuil 12 Hyacinthe 12 Legére 12 Levrette 12 Taken. Paraquine 12 Penelope 12 Renoncule 12 Pie 10 Mahon 8 Agathe 6 Taken by the Pallas in the Bay, Sept. 1759. Badine 6 3 Brest 1744 Colombe 6 * Taken by the Marlborough Privateer. Roi de Prusse 6 Taken. Mouche 4 Postillon Indiscret Requin Ruse Serpent FLUTES. Charriot Royal 60 Taken by the Torbay, Dee. 1756. Marie 50 Brest Loire 40 Taken by the St. Albans in the Mediterranean. loaded with Provisions, & c. for Quebec. 4 Brest XEBEQES. 24 8 Toulon 1751 24 8 Toulon 1751 18 6 Toulon 1751 18 6 Toulon 1751 Concorde Lost on the Conquet. Licorne Méfiance Pleiade Pommone 3° 30 30 30 30 12— 6 Toulon Toulon 1749 Destroyed in the River St. Laurence. Role 30 8-- 6 Toulon 17521 Destroyed in the Mediterranean. Sauvage 30 Brest Drove ashore on the Coast of Alvert, and destroyed] by the his, March 20, 1759. Sérieux 30 Brest Surprize 30 Sylphide 30 Valeur 3 0 Brest Taken by the Lively, off Fresh Water Bay, St. Do- mingo, Oct. l8, 1760. Chimère 26 Diligente 26 Sérénade Profond Themis Nasaphine Charente Sarcelle Balleine Hermione 40 36 22 12 10 6 Brest Rochefort To a Gentleman, who was saluted by Lady with a Guinea in her Mouth. WHILE lovesick Strephon longs, and pants and sighs, And for the Sport of his proud Conq'ror dies ; Before one pensive Wish thy Bosom knows, What Strephon wants, on you the Fair bestows Nor grants alone what ardent Love desires, But ev'n confers what Avarice admires ! Let other Swains be charm'd with balmly Bliss, ' Tis yours, alone, to boast the golden Kiss. M. ENTITLED THE LIBRARY ; o R, Moral and Critical Magazine. At a Time when a Spirit of Enthusiasm on the one Hand, and of Dissipation on the other, are making perpetual Depredations on the Interests of rational Religion, found Knowledge, and real Virtue, it must be the sincere Wish, and ought to be the earned Endeavour of every sensible and worthy Mind, to put a Stop to Disorders which threaten the most fatal Effects. To contribute towards so salutary a Design, a Set of Gentlemen offer to the Public a new Monthly Performance, which they hope to con- duit on such Principles as shall deserve the En- couragement of all true Friends to Piety, Vir- tue and Learning ; and the Protection, in parti- cular, of the judicious Clergy, of every Deno- mination. This Publication will consist entirely of Ori- ginal Pieces.— For further Particulars, fee the Proposals at large. - Printed for R. GRIFFITHS, in the Strand, and C. HENDERSON at the Royal- Exchange. Sold also by the Booksellers in Town and Country : Of whom Proposals at large maybe had gratis,--- and likewise of C. POPE, and Co. at the Printing- Office in Stall- this Paper. Proposals for Printing by Subscription ( Price only 4d. per Number) A NEW HISTORY OF THE HOLY BIBLE, Contained in the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT, Also that of the APOCRYPHA. Digested in a plain, regular, and easy Narrative. With marginal Notes, fully explaining the most difficult Texts ; of great Use for rightly appre- hending the true Connection between the Historical Parts each other. Collected from PRIDEAUX, POOLE, STACKHOUSE, HOWELL, CLARK, and other Writers on the Sacred Scriptures. Embellished with 150 curious COPPER- PLATE CUTS, engraved by the best Hands. By Mr. MARCHANT. CONDITIONS. I. That this Work will consist of Thirty Num- bers, in Octavo, printed on a large beautiful Letter, and fine Paper. II. That each Number shall consist of sixteen Pages of Letter- Press, and five Copper- Plate Cuts, representing the most interesting Passages of the Bible, neatly engraved. Price 4d. III. That this Work will be published Weekly, on every Saturday, ' till the Whole is finished ; the first Number on Saturday April 25, 1761. N. B. This Work will be of great Use in Families, where there are Children and Servants; to whom the great Variety of Cuts will render the Reading of it pleasing and delightful. And surely every Inducement that can be thought of, to make the Study of the sacred Volume of God's Word agreeable to the Taste of young People, must be of great Service to Religion, by leaving an early and happy Impression on their Minds, of Things of the greatest Con- cern to their spiritual Welfare. Printed for J. FULLER, Junior, in Blowbladder- street, Cheapside ; and may be had of J. Leake, and W. Frederick, in Bath ; T. Cadell, and J. Palmer, in Bristol; B. Collins, in Salisbury; T. Burrough, in Devizes ; R. Goadby, in Sher- borne; G. Cass, in Wells; M. Codrington, in Bridgewater; W. Norris, in Taunton; W. Bence, in Wotton- Underedge ; S. Rudder, in Cirencester; W. Berrow, in Worcester ; C. Pugh, in Hereford ; W. Jackson, in Oxford ; and of all other Booksellers, Shop- keepers, and News- Carriers, in Town and Country. 110 The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. f VOL, J. WARD, Working- Jeweller, ( From LONDON) In North- Gate- Street, BATH, MAKES and SELLS All SORTS of JEWELRY GOODS, In the most Fashionable ami Elégant Taste, And considerably under the usual Prices. LIKEWISE SELLS The greatest Variety of CUTLERY, Enamell'd, and Japan'd Wares : Amongst which are many Articles, which tor Neatness, Cheapness, & c. can be equal'd but by few, and excel'd by none. T0 COVER this Season, For HALF- a- GUINEA a Mare, and Two SHIL- LINGS the Man, A beautiful strong- Chesnut Horse, REGULUS, Four Years old, fourteen Hands three Inches high, At the New- Bear at BRADFORD, In WILTS ; And will be at the Three- Wool- Packs at Trowbridge, every Saturday, during the Season. REGULUS was got by Cartouch, who was bred by Mr. Crofts, and got by the Earl of Port- more's Chesnut Cartouch, who got Béau and the famous Galloway called Silver- Leg. His Dam was the famous Mare called Slammerkin ; is like- wise the Dam of Bustard, Black- and- all- Black, the Duke of Marlborough's Oroonoko, and Mr. Fenwick's Dutchess ; and Grand Dam to Lord Onflow's Victorious. Regulus's Dam was got by Dimple ; he was bred by the Earl of Godol- phin, and got by the Godolphin Arabian, who got Lath, Babraham, Regulns, Cade, Bajazet, Mogul, Dormouse, Old England, White- Nose, and many more of the first Rank. He is full Brother to Chub and Mr. Swimmer's Mirza, which was sold three Years ago to Sir James Low- ther for 150ol. His Grand Dam by White- Foot, his Great Grand Dam by Leeds, and out of one of the Hampton- Court Barb Mares call'd the Moona Mare. Regulus's Grand Dam was bred by Lord Oxford, and got by his Lordship's Dun Arabian. N. B. This is the first Year of his Covering, which is the Reason of its being at so low a Price. His superior Blood, Age, and Strength, must produce fine Colts. Good Grafs if requir'd. THE Original BALSAM of Health ; Or, ( as it is by some Persons called) The BALSAM of LIFE. THIS Medicine is compounded of the finest natural Balsams, and balsamic Herbs, is the most admirable Vulnerary in Nature, and so friendly to the Constitution, that it deserves the Title here given to it, in the most eminent De- gree. It is particularly serviceable in the STONE, GRAVEL, and Ulcerations of the Kidneys, in which it brings away the small Stones and Sand that were lodged in the Bladder and Reins; and in the GOUT, and old obstinate RHEUMATISMS, it gives great Relief, and frequently carries off the Fit.---- In the WIND CHOLIC, and mostviolent PAINS of the Stomach and Bowels, it gives imme- diate Ease, and by a little Continuance, perfectly prevents all Returns. In QUINSIES, SORE- THROATS and HOARSENESSES, it is beyond all other Medicines whatsoever. In Asthmas, Phyty- sicks, Coughs, and all inward Decays, and WEAK- NESSES, it affords the most singular Relief.— Nor are the excellent Qualities of this Balsam confined to inward Complaints only, it being of equal Effi- cacy in many external ones, and demonstrates to our Eyes its extraordinary healing and balsamic Properties, by curing more speedily, certainly, and safely, than any other Medicine, all fresh Wounds and Bruises. In short, this BALSAM is so salutary in its Ef- fects, so friendly to Nature, and so well adapted to most Constitutions, that it is held in the highest Esteem by those who have for many Years expe- rienced its Virtues, and to them we appeal for a Testimony of what is above related. To prevent Counter- feits, this Balsam is sealed with the Impression inthé Margin, and sold at ONE SHIL- ling and SIx- PENCE each Bottle, by J. NEWBERY, at the Bi- ble and Sun in St. Paul's Church- Yard, London : Where great Allowance is made to Merchants, Captains of Ships, and Shopkeepers, who buy Quantities to sell again. N. B. The Proprietor of this Balsam having fully established his Property, ( as may be seen by the Proceedings concerning it, in the High Court of Chancery ) now offers it to the Public at Eighteen - Pence the Bottle, which are of the SAME SIZE as- those sold under the Name of Balsam of Life for Three Shillings and Six- Pence. This BALSAM is also sold by C. POPE, and C°. at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street, G. DUPERRE, and L. LAMBE, in Bath ; T. CADELL, J. PALMER, and J. BROWN, in Bristol. To be Lett, At Midsummer next, ( Furnish'd) THE Upper HOUSE in Gay- Street, On the Right Hand Side. Or, ( if a Tenant chooses it) the Furniture will be sold as it stands, and the House lett Unfurnish'd. Enquire of JOHN BRYANT, Upholsterer, At the Sign of the ROYAL- BED in the Market- Place, Who has just said in a fresh Stock of UPHOL- STERY GOODS, which he is determined to sell on the very lowest Terms. Among many other Articles are the following, viz. Damasks, Moreens, Harateens, Cheynes, Cot- tons, Checks, white and colour'd, Quilts, Cotton Counterpanes, Rugs and Coverlids ; Turkey, Wilton, Kidderminster, Scotch and List Carpet- ing ; Bed- Lace, Lines, and Tarfels; figur'd Horse- Hair for Chair- Bottoms, at 2s. 9d. per Yard, which are as cheap as Leather, and much better for Use ; a very large Assortment of Paper Hangings in the newest Taste, from 2d. bf. to Iod. per Yard ; India Paper ; several hundred Yards of Mock India ditto, from 15d. to 2s. per Yard ; all Sorts of painted Sail- Cloths for Floors; Dutch and English Mattings ; Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, and Bedsteads of various Kinds; small painted Frame Glades, from 7d. to 4s. each ; all Sorts of English Bed- Ticks, from Is. per Yard to 3s. also Flanders Ticks for Beds ; Dantzick, Swan, and Goose Feathers, from i4d. to 2od. per Pound ; common Feathers; Flocks and Milpuff for Quilting, ready carded. Houses and Rooms furnished by the Week or Year ; or any particular Articles lett to Hire. Sedan Chairs made and mended, as neat and as cheap as in London : And all Sorts of UPHOL- STERY and CABINET WORK done in the neatest and cheapest Manner. A large Assortment of Pier Glasses, in white and burnish'd Gold Frames, of various Sizes and Patterns, in the newest and most elegant Taste. --- Mache of different Patterns, for ornamenting of Rooms; Sea- Pieces, and other Paintings so ditto, & c. & c. & c. Sunday's and MONDAY POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. London. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, April 17. HIS Majesty's Ship the Tweed, com- manded by Capt. Paston, on the 15th of March, being off Cape Finisterre, fell in with and took the Hardi Pri- vateer of Bayonne, of 10 Guns and 125 Men, and carried her into Lisbon. She had been out 18 Days, and had not taken any Thing. His Majesty's Ship the Blonde, commanded by. Capt. Kennedy, being off Cape Finisterre, on the 27th of February fell in with a large Vessel of about 400 Tons Burthen, with 1.8 Carriage Guns and 75 Men, bound from Bourdeaux to St Domingo, which she took, after near an Hour's Engagement, and carried into Lisbon. His Majesty's Ship Terpsichore, commanded by Sir Thomas Adams, Bart, oh the 8th Inst. about 8 Leagues to the Westward of Scilly, fell in with and took a small Lugsail Privateer, called the Bienbroynon, of 1 Carriage, and 12 Swivel Guns, with 35 Men, and carried her into Plymouth. She failed from Dieppe about three Weeks ago, and has been cruizing ever since in the Bristol Channel; had taken two Sloops and a Snow; and the Ransomers for the two Sloops were retaken on board her. WHITEHALL, April 18. The King has been pleased to grant unto John Earl of Ashburnham, the Office or Offices of Ranger and Keeper of St. James's- Park. George Earl of Cardigan, the Offices of Constable of the Castle of VVindfor, and of Lieu, of the said Castle.-- Evan Vaughan, Esq. Constable of Harleigh Castle in North Wales. -- Sir James Murry, Bart. Receiver General of the Customs in Scotland.--- Stephen Penny, Esq. Comptroller of the Duties of Excise in Scotland. [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Arriv'd a Mail from FLANDERS. Germany. CASSEL, April 2. The Allies have evacuated Geismar. Our Communication with Gottingen is opened again. The Marshal's Quarters will be at Francfort; where his Lady is expected. Capt. Otto, an Austrian Partisan, having fur- prized the Garrison of Langenfaltze, who had said the Inhabitants under Military Execution, made Prisoners of Major Kalckreuter, a Lieutenant, a Cornet, a Commissary, 70 Cuirassiers with their Horses, and discharged all the Sick and Wounded of the French and Saxons. FRANCFORT, April 4. The Troops which the Marshal sent for from the Lower Rhine, and which are to make Part of the Marshal de Soubise's Army, are; set out 0n their Return for those Parts. LEIPSICK, April 6. The King of Prussia's Head- Quarters are at Meissen, where Prince Henry is expected, in order to take the Command of the Army in Saxony, whilst his Prussian Majesty goes to put himelf at the Head of that in Silesia, where ' tis supposed the chief Qperations will be. Gen. Laudohn's Army is rated at forty- six thousand Men : Three thousand more are to be sent to it from Daun's Army, whose Place will be supplied by Draughts from Garrisons in the. Center of the Empire; and thirty thousand Russians are to act in concert with Lahdohn. It seems both Parties are determined to decide the Fate of Silesia this Campaign, PARIS, April 7. M. Dache, who commanded the King's Squadron in India, is just arrived at Brest with two of his Ships, and the others will soon follow. They bring a Confirmation of the Retreat of the English from before Pondicherry, which indeed was only blockaded by them at a Distance. They could not prevent 5000 Blacks, with Provisions, sent by the Nabob of Meyssor, our Ally, from entering the Place. London, April 18, His Grace the Duke of Cumberland is in perfect Health. Wednesday, at Five in the Afternoon, died in his Chair, of an Apoplectic Fit, at his House in Argyll- street, aged near 80, Archibald Cambel, Duke of Argyll. He is succeeded in Estates and Honours by General John Cambel. Immediately upon the Coronation, it is said, there will be a general Coinage. Various are the Reasons for the continued rise of the Stocks. Many People imagine that a Peace, or a Treaty for one, is the. Occasion of it. But if we are rightly informed, it is chiefly owing to several large Sums lately come from Abroad, to be deposited in our Funds. We hear that one Gentleman, a Merchant of this City, has cleared by the late Rise of Stocks 30,000l. The following Forces are embarked in the Ex- pedition. viz. The Regiments of Loudon, Pultney, Beauclerc, Panmure, Rufane, Colville, Gray, Stewart, and Scotch Fusileers. Six Companies of Morgan's Light Infantry. Six Companies of Crawford's Light Infantry. Three Companies of the Train of Artillery. The Marines of several Ships, under the Com- mand of Lieu. Col. M'Kenzie An Express from Spain is arrived with the Flanders Mail, and is said to have brought Ad- vice, that an Earthquake happened at Madrid the 31st of last Month, which lasted two Minutes, and had put the Inhabitants into a great Consternation, but there was no Lives Lost; and that they were under the greatest Concern for Cadiz and Lisbon, being apprehensive that the Inhabitants of those two Cities have suffer'd greatly by it. The last Advices from Madrid fay, that they are fitting out eight Men of War to escorte Troops to the Havanna ; that the Streets of Ma- drid are to be paved, with proper Canals to carry the Water and Filth ; and that the Streets are also to be enlightened in the Night- Time. talk likewise of prohibiting the Use of Copper Utensils in Kitchens, which, if not kept clean, become very unwholsome. By a Letter from India, dated August 17, 1760, ie appears Pondicherry was then invested by Land, but not besieged, and that the French had found Means to introduce into the Place the Stores contained in two Ships, which by Stratagem escaped our Fleet. The Letters from Turin fay, that they continue to fill up the Regiments with the utmost Diligence ; that they will all be complete by the ill of May ; that many Horses had been brought from Swit- zerland to remount the Dragoons. And that the Courts of Madrid and Naples were also openly- declaring War. From Lisbon they write, that the King had re- solved to erect a Military School on the Plan of- that at Paris, and to establish some new Regula- tions for the better Regulation of the University of Conimbra. The People in the Ships lately arrived from Lisbon, felt in their Passage, many Leagues to the Westward of Cape Finisterre, an unusual Agi- tation of the Sea, which made some of them think they had ( truck upon some Rocks; but upon Recollection, they judged the violent Shocks they met with on the Ocean, though without any tempestuous Weather, to be like those that at- tended the great Earthquake at Lisbon the Ist of November, 1755, and on their Arrival here, they found by their Journals that the Date agrees with the Time of the Earthquake or Agitation of the Waters at Corke, See. So that it is feared some great Earthquake has happened to the Southward of Cape Finisterre. The French King hath written to the Arch- bishop of Paris, desiring him to cause Te Deum to be sung in all the Churches of his Diocese, for the Advantages gained by the Army under Marshal Broglio. Capt. Potts, of the Volunteer, from Virginia, for London, who was taken and carried into Spain, is come Home in a Neutral Ship, which was boarded by a Man of War, belonging to Commodore Kep- pel's Fleet in the Bay. who were then standing- in for the French Coast. Capt. Potts arrived in Town last Thursday Night. All the Leeward- Islands Fleet, outward- bound, is, safely arrived there. It is said a Wager for a very considerable Sum is to be decided next Week, near the Hay- Market, between two Persons of Fortune: The Bett is, that one of the Gentlemen is to have twenty- one Baskets set of a Row a Yard high each ; he is to jump from the Ground into the first, and so on to the last, without stopping, Two to on? is said that it will be performed. To the PRINTER, & c. IHAVE heard it said, that well bred Ladies- had rather do a wicked Thing than an unpolite One. I am unwilling to subscribe to such a Cha- racter of them, because I never can believe they are without religious or moral Virtues. But if they are disposed from Education to over- rate Re- putation for Politeness, I think the Practice of Gaming must expose it to great Hazard. Every- one is sensible of what is apt to pass at Play; and how much Vexation must inflame Altercation, which at best is indelicate, and too often the Pro- ducer of Reflections, and the Source of all Kinds of Ill- Manners. To hazard the being put off her Guard in Speech, is a great Proof of high Indiscretion in any Woman ; and the Accusations of Weakness, or Insinuations of Treachery, are among the Brea- ches of Decorum that are surely most reprehensible. They have been long known, and publicly re- marked, to happen very frequently at Gaming- Tables; which, therefore, can be allowed no Scenes, and much less Schools, of Politeness. It is remarked of Men, that they are apt to grow Reprobates by Gaming, and gradually to desert all Principles of Honour and Humanity These indeed are but the natural Consequences of agitated Passions, and an indulged Spirit of Rapine. Ought not Women, then, to be particularly guar- ded against such Baits to Indecorum, and Seduc- tions to Turpitude ? They should be, in an especial Manner, the Promoters of - Delicacy, and the Cherishers of Innocence ; as all- their, Happiness depends on the Prevalency of the tender Passions ; and the brightest Ornament they can of Course adorn themselves with, is a Sanctity of Manners. The Progress of a Court- Secret. MY Lord obliges my Lady, by Way of at- toning for other Defects,. with a Secret that he has been a Party in, or made acquainted with at * * * * *, but however enjoins her invi- olable Silence on the Subject. This she solemnly promises, and thinks she performs, by only trail- ing her Waiting Woman with it, who is the Keeper of all her most precious Secrets. Abigail tells it to my Lord's spruce Valet at a Tete- a- Tete in my Lady's Dressing- Room, as soon as her La- dyship is gone out; and the obliging Valet com- municates it, in the like Manner, to his favourite House- Maid, when she comes to put my Lord's Apartment into Order; the House- Maid tells the Under- Butler of it, when they are shut up toge- ther in his Pantry ; and he informs the Kitchen- Maid of it,' when she goes up Stairs to put on a clean Apron ; the Kitchen- Maid takes the first Opportunity of communicating it to the smartest Footmen, one after another, in private ; and they embrace the earliest Occasions for reporting it to all their Party- coloured Brethren that use the se- veral Ale- Houses in the Neighbourhood. The Report coming from my Lord's Servants, it im- mediately gains full Credit ; and it. lastly flies from Journeymen Tradesmen that use the Ale- Houses, to their several Masters ; who are proud of carrying it to Coffee- Houses, as News re- ceived by an authentic Channel. From the Cof- fee- Houses it spreads to all the private Families in Town, who have commonly heard it before it gets into News- Papers ; and then great Men, perhaps, wonder how Puss got out of the Bag. To a Young Gentleman, whose Third Mistress was married THOU, hapless Youth, do'st my Compassion move, To lose the third dear Object of thy Love ; Of all the Vot'ries Hearts at Cupid's Shrine, None more susceptible of Love than thine ; For Beauty you've a most profound Regard :-- Pity that Worth shou'd meet with such Reward ! ODE TO GRATITUDE, CAN Man in Plenty thankless live, And take what Heav'n vouchsafes to give With Unconcern can he behold Yon' solar Orb of dazzling Gold, And fee unmov'd each dying Plant and Flow'r, Confess the Fiat of its vegetative Pow'r ? II. The Lapses of the chequer'd Year Can he review, and not revere : And, while with raptur'd Eye he views, Things form'd, and varied to his Use, Can he in lordly Riot waste his Days, Nor from his Heart ejaculate one Note of Praise? III. He can— whilst he unlicens'd roves, Thro' Sin's gay Walks, and tempting Groves; Whilst yet he quaffs from Pleasure's Bowl Spontaneous Poison to his Soul; From Vice to Vice whilst yet he dares to roam, And recollective Thought is absent from her Home. IV. The Spring returns with blooming Face, The panting Summer runs its Race, Next Autumn, richest of the Year, And Winter lagging in the Rear ; Yet tho' these Heralds Time's swift Ebb proclaim, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, find him still the same. V. Come GRATITUDE, my Soul refine, And make thy Poet half divine ; Teach me to sing, in deathless Lays, My glorious Benefactor's Praise : Come smiling Cherub from thy blest Abode, Uplift me 0n thy Plumes, and bear me to my God. II2 The CREDITORS of Mr. JOHN DITCHeR, deceas'd, Late of the City of BATH, Are desired to attend at Mr. ISAAC FISHER'S, at the Sign of the Christopher, on Monday the 47th Inst. at Five o'Clock in the Evening, to consider of Affairs relating to the Effects of the said Mr. DITCHER. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. V o L I M. ROBE, MANTUA and SACK- MAKER, In the Court adjoining to Mr. STREET'S, Apothecary, At the upper End of the Market- Place, Near St. Michael's Church, BATH, MAKES Mantuas, Full- trim'd Negligees, & c. In the genteelest Taste, And as Cheap as any Person whatever. As she has nothing but her Work to recom- mend her, Ladies may depend on her utmost Endeavours to give Satisfaction BRISTOL, April 10, 1761. WILLIAM DINHAM, Takes this Method to acquaint the Public, And the CUSTOMERS of the late DANIEL KILL, in particular, That he has bought the Stock in Trade and Utensils of the said Daniel Kill, So well known for his CURIOUS OLD TOBACCO: And that he intends carrying on the Trade, In the same House, and in the same Method as practis'd by the said late DANIEL KILL ; And hopes for the Continuance of their Favours, which will be gratefully acknowledged. By his MAJESTY'S ROYAL LICENCE. This Day is Publish'd, Price in Boards rl. 10s. or neatly bound Il. 16s. The First Six VOLUMES of A NEW and GENERAL BIOGRAPHICAL CTIONARY: Germany. HAMBURG, April 10. The Day before Yesterday died here, in the 63d Year of his Age, John Thornton, Esq. who had been Deputy- Governor of the Company of Merchants Adven- turers of England established in this City ever since the Year 1735. Count Raab, the Imperial Minister here, ap- pointed Coin miliary on the Part of the Emperor, to assist at the Election of the Bishopricks of Of- nabruck and Hildesheim, had fixed his Departure for Ofnabruck to the 3d Inst. but is not yet let out. London WHITEHALL, April 21 London April, 21. An Express arrived on sunday from Commo- dore Keppel off Belleille, brought by Capt. Ellis of the Escort, who put into Portland, and is said to arrive with an Account of our Troops having been repulsed in their Attempt to land, with the Loss of many killed, wounded, and made Pri- soners. Among the first is Major M'Pherson, and a Captain of Grenadiers. Capt. Charlton is among the Wounded. The Ships had silenced the Battery next to the Sea- side, where they pur- posed to make good their Landing; but the French having drove Stakes under Water in the accessible Parts of the Shore, so embarrassed the Boats, that they could not proceed, and thereby Bristol, April 22. Arriv'd at the HOT- WELLS, The Earl of Sandwich, Lady Wallis, Capt. Medford, Rev. Mr. Davis, Mr. Batten, Mr. Burrell, Mr. Stebbing, Mr. Mr. and Miss Jackson, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Yeates, Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Alderidge, Miss Smith, Miss Morgan, & c. & c. Came in since our last, The William and Mary, Southcott, from Spain; the Bristol Merchant, Kennedy, from Alicant; the Young Lion, Wal- ter, from London ; and the Planter, Emmet, and the Lloyd, C rbry. Arrived, At. St. Kitt's, the Friendly Brothers, Wrignt; at Antigua, the Prince of Brunswick, Sunday Morning the 19th Inst. arrived Capt. became exposed to the Batteries situated higher power; and the Lyons, Scandret, all from this Ellis, of the Escorte, and Capt. Rook, Aid de UP the Country, and also to the Musquetry of the Camp to Major General Hodgson, with Letters from Commodore Keppel and General Hodgson, to the Right Hon. Mr. Secretary Pitt, of the 12th and 13th Inst. which give an Account, that 0n the 8th they had attempted to land Part of the Troops under Gen, Hodgson's Command at Lamaria Bay, but that it had been thought proper to desist from that Attack. Farther Accounts shortly expected. ST JAMeS'S, April 15. This Day Baron Wittorff, Envoy Extarordinary from the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, had his Audience of Leave of his Majesty; to which he was introduced by the Right Hon. the Earl of Bute. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, April 21. His Majesty Ships the Hero, commanded by Capt. Wm. Fortescue, and the Venus, commanded by Capt. Tho. Harrison, on the id Inst. in the Latitude of 43. 30 N. and Longitude 11. 4 W . fell in with and took a French East- India Ship, cali'd the Ber- tin, pierced for 64 Guns, mounting 28, and manned with 353 Men, 93 of them Soldiers, be longing to the French East- India Company, from D I c 0 NTAINING, An Historical and Critical Account of the LIVES and WRITINGS of the most EMINENT PERSONS in every NATION, particularly BRI- TISH and IRISH, from the earliest Accounts of Time to the present Period. Wherein their re- markable Actions or Sufferings, their Virtues, Parts, and Learning, are particularly displayed ; with a Catalogue of their Literary Productions. N. B. This Work will be compleated in twelve Volumes. And the remaining six Volumes will be published in December next. Printed for T. Osborne, J. Whiston and B White, W. Strahan, T. Payne, W. Owen, W Johnston, S. Crowder and C°. B. Law, T Field, J. Robson, T. Durham, R. Goadby. and E. Baker. WeDneSday's and thursday's POSTS From the LONDON GAZETTE, Holland HAGUE, April 14. THE Prussian Minister here has re ceived the Confirmation of a considerable Advantage gained over Part of the Army of the Empire near Saalfeld, on the 2d Instant, the Prussian Generals Schenkendorff and Sybourg. The Imperialists, to the Amount of Six Batta- lions and 800 Horse, commanded by two Gene- rals, had formed themselves upon the Heights of Keimberg, near Saalfeld, where they had placed their Batteries upon, the Approach of General Schenkendorff. General Sybourg advanced on the other Side, and dislodged the Enemy from the Post of Schwartze, where they had two Batta- lions. The Prussians attacked and routed them, and entirely dispersed all that were not killed or taken. The Enemy had one Colonel, one Ma- jor, 29 other Officers, and above 800 Men, taken Prisoners, with four Pair of Colours and six Pieces of Cannon. Those who fled went towards Gressenthal. General Schenkendorff was to march towards Platen. The Marquis de Puente Fuerte, appointed En- voy Extraordinary from Spain to this Republick, arrived here Yesterday. General Conway, and Lord Frederick Caven- dish, set out To- day for she Head- Quarters of his Majesty's Army at Paderborn. Many Letters mention great Damage having happened in Spain, by Earthquakes,' on the 31st past and Ist Instant. French Intrenchments. It is said the Fleet and Army were resolved to persevere ' till they effec- ted their Purpose. Gen. Ev. Post. We hear an Express is arrived with the Dutch Mail, and has brought Advice of the King of Prussia s routing a Detachment of the Austrian Army near Dresden, consisting of 10,000 Men, and the Loss of the Austrians, in Killed and Prisoners, is said to be 4000. Wh. Ev. Post. As soon as the King of Prussia was informed of the Advantage gained by his Troops over the Army of the Empire, he ordered a Body of Force to ma; ch with ail Haste towards Hessia, and make a Diversion in Favour of the Allies. The King of Prussia has sent sèveral Regiments from Saxony to Silesia. The Swedes have once more made themselves Matters of Fort Swinnemund. Our last Advices from Francfort say, that Marshl Broglio was returned thither; that his Forces e going into Quarrers of Cantonment; and that they looked upon it as a Thing fettled, a Cessation of Arms would immediately take Place, Port L'Orient, bound to the Isle de France and and continue to the 15th of J If we may depend upon Advices from Amster- dam, the French have very little Reason to boast of the Situation of Things in the East- Indies, where all they have been, doing for twenty Years Pondicherry, laden with Ordnance and Naval Stores and Merchandize, and 24,000 Dollars.--- She faield in Company with the Valiant East- India Ship, of the same Size and Force, and the FidelleFrigate of 24. Guns, belonging t0 the Company, on the 28th past. Capt. Fortescue sent the Venus with the Prize to Plymouth, where they are arrived, and went in Quest of the other India Ship and Frigate. The Venus has also brought to Plymouth the Lion Privateer of Bayonne, of 6 Carriage and 12 Swivels, and 85 Men, which she fell in with and took the 6th Inst. in Latitude 46, 50, and Longitude 15, 50. W. The Privateer had been out six Days, and had not taken any Thing. His Majesty's Ship the Bideford, commanded by Capt. William Howe, has buought into the Downs, the Augustine French Cutter Privateer, commanded by M. Bart, of 8 Carriage and 6 Swivel Guns, with 6i Men, belonging to Dun- kirk, which Capt. Howe took the 14th Inst. nine Leagues E. N. E. from Yarmouth, when she had been two Days from Dunkirk, and had not taken any Thing, past is totally overthrown. The Empire of the Mogul is said to be in the greatest Distraction, there being no fewer than three Princes who claim that Title. Port; At Guadalupe, the Defiance, Bothwick, with 440 Slaves ; at Madera, the Clifton, Smith, from this Port; at Oporto, the Hopewell, Pitt, and at Lisbon, the Young William, Escort, both from South- Carolina; and at Africa, the Africa, Penhall, from Bristol. Sailed, The Scipio, Mitchell, for Madera and Antigua. MARRIAGES. Mr. Thomas Johnson, Peruke- Maker, and Sexton of St. Stephen's Church, to Mrs. Hannah Kerslake, Widow of the late Mr. Peter Kerslake, Distiller, in Temple- street. Mr. Edward Birch, Hop- Merchant, to Miss Molly Jones. The two Footdads, dress'd like Sailors, who have robb'd several Persons near this City, wera taken on Thursday last, and committed to Gloucester Gaol. Yesterday as the Welch Militia were reliving. Guard at Knowle, the Person reliev'd presented his Piece at the other, and shot him. He died this Morning. It does not appear that there was any Enmity between them. Last Night the House of Mr. Lowden, Cutler, 0n the Bridge, was attempted to be broke open ; but on the Maid's coming down Stairs with a Candle, they made off with the Imprecation of d— n the Light! Bath, April 23. The Public are desir'd to be careful to ask for the BATH CHRONICLE and WEEKLY GAZETTE ho Home as a Passenger in the Ajax Indiaman, is arrived in Town by the Way of France, who says, that when he set Sail it was hourly expected Pon- dicherry would fall into the Hands of the English ; that the French Horse, who had dhserted, were in a most friendly Manner received in the English Camp, and that General Lally had erected Gib- bets round Pondicherry, in order to deter the Sol- diery from leaving the Town. The Dutch East- India Company publidh'd by C. POPE and Comp. as the Proprietors have declared, that they will make a Dividend on of the Bath Advertiser ( a Saturday's Paper) have the 25th of May of 15 per Cent, to their Pro- aher'd their Day of Publication to Thursday, since pritors. our Lieut. Trasset, of the Royal Navy, who came rated Part of our Title, viz. Bath Chronicle We therefore give this necessary Caution, left they shou'd attempt t0 impose their Paper on the Public for THIS." Arriv'd here, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Exeter, B ' hop of Carlisle, Lady Caroline Fox, Sir Thomas Cave, Sir John Kemp and Lady, Countess of Huntingdon, Capt. Lloyd and Lady, Johnson, Capt. Riggs. Capt. Lutwidge, : Curwen, Mr. and Mrs. Duntze, Mr. and Mrs. Magot, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday being the first Day for going out of chisley, Mr. and Mrs. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Mourning, on Account of the Decease of his late Millar, Mr. and Mrs. Wamsley, Mr. and Mr,. Majesty, there was a very numerous and brilliant Ballev, Mr. and Mrs. Tyndail, Dr. Mitchell, [ Thus far the GAZETTE.] Majesty afterwards Archdeacon sleech. Rev. Mr. Pagett, Mr. Cave, dined with the Princess Dowager at Leicester-- Arriv'd the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Bohemia. dined with the Princess Dowager at Leicester- House. We hear that the Court goes into Mourning on Sunday next for three Weeks, on account of the Death of the Queen of Spain , and afterwards for the Elector of Cologne, and the Duke of Bur PRAGUE, April 3. Marshal Daun is preparing, I gundy, seven Days each, with the greatest Diligence, to take the Field. There are so many shocking Reports in Regard The Prussians, on the other Hand, are successively to the Fate of Lisbon, from the Errthquake felt filing off Regiments towards Lusatia. The in some Parts the 31st ult. that we forbear men- Troops they have between Meissen and Leipsick tioning them without better Authority, are said to amount to an hundred thousand Men ; It is said Shocks of an Earthquake were felt on and 25,000 more extend themselves from Freiberg the same Day, and nearly at the same Time, all to Thuringia. Nevertheless, they are entrenching along the Coast of France to Toulon. near Meissen and Freiberg: The old Works are repairing, and new Epaulement erecting. Mr. Smith, Mr. Peters, Mr. Crosto, two Mr, Parry's, Mr. Stroud, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Page, Mr, Armstrong, Mr. Dillon, Mr. Tibalt, Mr, Innes, Mr. Buyntun Rolt, Mr. Gisborne, Mr. Davy, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Biddulpt, Mr. Moiley, Mr. Pryce, Mrs, Boyce, Mrs. Riggs, Mrs. Vesey, Mrs. Spick, Mrs. Foe, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. Noel, Mrs. Burward, & c. & c. Yesterday died, at her Lodgings in this City, Mrs. Smith, Daughter of Lady Ann Pawlet. Thursday laic died here, Mr. Robert Stebbing, a Wholesale Linen- Draper of Cornhill, London, c A a . , This Week died, Miss Molly Atwood, only They write from Amsterdam, that on receiving Daughter of Thomas Atwood, Esq. our present the Accounts from. Madrid, & c. of an Earth Mayor. - A young Lady of a truly amiable From these, and some other Steps, we infer, that quake the 31ft of Iast Month, they recollected the Disposition. a they will act on the Defensive in Saxony; and that when it is least expected, the King will march with his whole Army towards Silesia. For this Reason Marshal Daun hath draughted a select Body from his Army, which he hath caused to advance as near as possible to Meissen, to observe the Enemy's Motions. Germany. ALTENA, April 7. It is confidently said here, that the King of Prussia's Forces this Year will amount to 148,000 Men, exclusive of Garrisons, and Prisoners of War. April 10. The Head- Quarters of the Russian Army are Hill at Marienbourg; but from the Measures which Field- Marshal Butturlin is ta- king, it is visible that he will soon begin his Ope rations. It is supposed. that the Russians will act chiefly in Pomerania and on the Frontier Silesia, as they are forming much larger Maga- zines in those Parts, than they had last Year. HANOVER April 10. Some French Prisoner who had enlisted in our Vibrations they thought they observed at the same Also, Mrs. Elizabeth Horler pendicular ; and the Vessels in the Harbour were agitated. to the last. Widow, up- instant Drink She enjoyed a perfect State of Health lately came to that City, who gave out that they cester : A young Man, Son to M. : James Ball, having been out with badly cloathed, and live only on Bread and Wa- his Fowling- Piece, on his Return Home with it, ter : They foretel nothing but ill News, Wars, Inundations, and Conflagrations, and that the World will have an End in 1773 last Tuesday the Right Hon. theEarl of Sutherland was married to Miss Maxwell. BANKRUPTS. William Dutton, and Edward Dutton, of Fetter- Lane, London, Coffeemen, Victuallers, Chapmen, and Copartners.-— David Armstrong, of West- Smithfield, London, Li- nen- Draper George Brownless, late of the Island of Jamaica, but now of London, Mer to this Place from Ueltzen, and imprisoned. They had plotted to kill the Guard, let Fire to the Town, and make their Escape amidst the Confusion. holland. HAGUE, April 14. Notwithstanding the Report of a Cessation of Arms being agreed on between the Allies and the French, in Germany, it hath not been proclaimed at the Head of the Armies, as is usual on such Occasions. The Duke de Broglio was at Cassel the 10th. Prince Ferdinand was at Newhauss,- near Pader- born, the 12th, loaded, he joined the Militia in their Exercise in which his Piece went off, and shot him through the Head. He died immediately. Last Friday Mr. Bryant, Saddler, of Bridge- water, ( upwards of 60 Years of Age) had the Misfortune to be thrown from his Horse, and" broke his Leg. last Week a Gentleman near Taunton agreed to buy two Anchors of Brandy, said to be smug- gled from France. He tailed the Sample, which he approv'd of, and the Money ( viz. 3l. 12s.) chant.--- Robert Miller, of Kirton, Lincolnshire, was paid on the Delivery, which was at Mid- i's I Linen- Draper.—- Thomas Graves, of Red- Lion- night; but the next Dry, the pretended Brandy proved t0 be only Water. Several other Persons were imposed on in the same Manner. At Devizes Market, Thursday last, Wheat sold ijs. to i6s. Oats from 13s. to 15s. Beans from 26s. to 289. Pease from 21s. to 50s. Vatches from 27s. to 30s. This Paper will, for the future, be constantly vended in Wells, Glastonbury, Bridgewater, Taunton, & c. & c. by CORNELIUS CUTLER; whose Honesty, Care, and Diligence, in the De- livery of small Parcels, Messages, & c; may be rely'd on. Those who advertise in this CHRONICLE, Troops, have been brought street, Southwark, Surry. Hop- Merchant. STOCKS. Bank Stock, 114 1 - half. India ditto, 141 1- half. South- Sea Stock, —-. Old South- Sea Annuities, shut. Ditto new Annuities, 87. Ditto 1751, —. Three per Cent. Bank reduced, 85 i- 4th, a 8j. Ditto 1726, . Ditto India Annuities, 835- 8ths. Three 1- half Bank An nuities, 1756, —. Three i- half ditto, 1758 901- half. Four per Cent. 1760, 97 3- 4ths, 3- 8ths. Bank Circulation, . India Bonds, 145s. Pr. April Navy and Victualling Bills, 7 1- half per Cent. Disc. Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets, 1761, ill. 10s. Long Annui- 3- 8ths, a 1- 4th, a I- half. their Advertisements are inserted.
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