The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 14/01/1758
Printer / Publisher: R. Fleming and Company
Address: Edinburgh
Volume Number: Issue Number: 7685
No Pages: 4
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nUMB. 7685. The Edinburgh Evening Courant. ~~~ SATURDAY, JANUARY 14. 1758, From the London papers, Jan. 7. Dantzick, Dec. 10. THE Cossacks and Calmucks have quitted the army of general Fer- mer, in order to take post upon the frontiers of Turkey, where it is foreseen they will speedily have some employment. They still continue to give out they shall quickly renew their military o- perations in Prussia; but this is believed to be only with a view of amusing the Poles, who are terribly dissatisfied by their taking quarters of cantonment in the dominions of the repub- lic. Hanau, Dec. 20. The army of Prince Sou- bise
having retired here after the battle of Ros- bach, they have again exacted of this country a million of rations for the cavalry, 1500 cords of wood, [ a cord is a parcel of wood, which when stacked is four feet high, four feet broad, and eight feet long] 1500 sacks of coals, and 100 roquelaures, besides 63,847 livres for the officers winter quarters, which have been here a few days only. They moreover insisted, with the utmost rigour, on the payment of the 70000 crowns which were demanded last Sep tember, and notwithstanding all the represen- tations we could make against the unreasonable- ness of the demands that exceed so
much the ability of the country to satisfy, they pay no manner of regard to them, but are proceeding to military execution against the regency. Since the 15th inst. every one of the members there- of has six grenadiers quartered upon him, to whom he is obliged to give six bottles of wine and four florins per diem. Ratisbon, Dec. 23. The baron de Gem- mingen, who resides here in quality of minis- ter from the king of England as elector of Ha- nover; has delivered to the dyet an account, very amply authenticated, of the divers exces- ses which the French have committed in the states of Brunswick Lunebourg, and demand- ing the
assistance of the states of the empire to put a stop to them. Amsterdam, Jan. 2. Our India company have received the agreeable news of peace be- ing entirely established in the northern part of Java, where they have been forced to car- ry on a war, at an immense expcnce, for these fifteen or sixteen years. Extract of a letter from the Hague, dated Dec. 30. " When the empress queen's minister recei- ved the news of the affair of the prince of Bevern, that that prince was taken prisoner, M. D'Affry meeting the imperial minister in the prince's antichamber, wishcd him joy; but he made answer, that two more such victories would
reduce the queen's army to nothing; however, in hopes that the Austrian army would have beaten that of the king of Prussia in the neighbourhood of Breslau, this minister ordered fome fire- works to be prepared, which he proposed to play off as soon as he should receive the news ; but the victory happening to turn out in favour of the king of Prussia, he Was disappointed in his expectations, and would neither receive nor pay for the fireworks. The man of whom they were bespoke insisting upon being paid, some high Words arose be- tween the minister and him, insomuch that at last the minister ordered his servants to turn him
out of doors; but it was not long before a mob of about fifty people returned with the man, forced their way into the minister's house, ind obliged him to pay to the utmost farthing." LONDON. The ceremonial of the private interment of her late Royal Highness Princess CAROLINE, Jan. 5. Knights marshal's men, with black staves, two and two. Officers belonging to her late Royal Highness. Pursuivants at arms. Heralds at arms. Vice chamberlain of his majesty's houshold. Comptroller of his ma- Treasurer of his ma- jesty's houshold. jesty's houshold. Master of the horse to Groom of the stole to his majesty. his majesty. NORROY
king of arms. Lord chamberlain of his Lord steward of his majesty's houshold. majesty's houshold. Clarencieux king of arms, Gentleman bearing the coronet Gentleman Usher upon a black vel- Usher. vet cushion. The BODY, Covered with a black velvet Pall, adorned with eight El- cutcheons; and under a Ca- nopy of black velvet, sup- ported by eight gentlemen ushers. Gentleman Garter principal king of Gentleman Usher. arms with his rod. Usher. Ladies of the bedchamber to her late R. Highness. Women of the bedcham. to her late R. Highness. Yeomen of the guard to close the procession. The procession was from the
Prince's cham- ber, through the old palace- yard, to the South- East door of Westminster- abbey. At the en- trance within the church, the dean and preben- daries, attended by the choir, received the bo- dy and fell into the procession just before the of- ficer of arms, who preceded the lord steward and lord chamberlain; and io proceeded into king Henry VIIth's chapel, where the body was deposited on tressels, the head towards the altar; the coronet and cushion being laid upon the coffin, and the canopy held over it; the ladies of the bedchamber, and bedchamber women, placing themselves at the head of the corps ; and others
on each side. The part of the service before the interment being read by the dean, the corps was deposit- ed in the family vault, the dean having the sub- dean on his right hand, and Garter on his left, standing at the lower end of the oprning of the vault. The corps being interred, the dean went on with the office of Burial, when ended, Garter king of arms proclaimed her Royal Highness's Style, which ended the ceremony. the procession began about ten at night. At eight o'clock St. Paul's bell began to toll, and at ten the park and tower guns began to fire, and fired every minute till the funeral was over. After the interment of her
late Royal High- nels Princess Caroline, great disputes arose be- tween the servants belonging to the D— n of W r, and thofe of the M— l at A— s, relating to whom the pall belonged; upon which the G— l O— r ordered the guards and soldiers to screw 0n their bayonets, and take the pall, asit belonged to them; and yes- terday the scafFolding was taken down, which, with the black cloath, and all other materials, are divided into lots, which are to be sold on Monday, and the produce will be divided among the guards, See. that attended. Copy of the WILL of her late royal highness Princess CAROLINE. " I leave my sister Amelia
all I have in pos- session, and make her my sole executrix, ex- cepting these few legacies: to my dear sister Anne an enamelled case and two bottles of the same sort. To my dear sister Mary my eme- rald set with diamonds, and the brilliant drops hanging to it, and my ruby ring with the queen's hair. To my dear sister Louisa my diamond ear- rings, and all my rings. To my brother William my enamelled watch. This is my last will, writ with my own hand. St. James's April 18, 1741. Witness CAROLINA. Sff. de Billerbeck. G. L. Teissier. On Monday her Royal Highness Princess Amelia was accordingly sworn sole executrix before
George Harris, doctor of laws. There will be drawing rooms again as usual next week at St. James's. From South Carolina we hear, that his ex- cellency governor Lyttelton, attended by Col. Bouquet, has been visiting the forts in the south- ern parts of that province; and that there is a fine military spirit among the gentlemen of the country, and a club formed for promoting it, which is encouraged by their governor. They are likewise very attentive to the im- provement of their indigo manufactory, of which commodity 754,218 lb. has been export- ed between November and August last: and we hear, that they have found an easy and
infallible method, by a new process, of making indigo of the best quality, equal to any French indigo that can be produced, either the Guatimola Flora, the fine blue, or the bright copper. A gen- tleman of the name of Mellichamp has the honour of this discovery, which promises to make that colony and that of Georgia, the richest, and of the most consideration of any in America. They write from Georgia, that Mr. Ellis's accession to that government has had a happy influence upon their public measures. That spirit of party and contention which was ri- ling in it, so destructive to a young country, especially at this time of danger, has
been quelled, and by his indefatigable zeal, unani- mity has been restored, and the business of the country carried on with remarkable harmony. The assembly have passed feveral useful acts, viz. An act for the better settling the province, by which an asylum for seven years is granted to all debtors coming to settle among them ( excepting from some part of South- Carolina.) An act to restrain the carrying provisions to St. Augustine without licence, where the Spa- niards were laying in great stores, and might have a supply of cattle, & c. from Georgia dri- ven Southward by the way of Ogeachy. An act for constructing several
forts. When these acts were passed the assembly was adjourned to the 12th of October. The abilities of this province are yet but small, and as it is a very important barrier to the other colonies against the French, Spaniards, and some of the most powerful and numerous Indian nations, it deserves particular notice. The assembly themselves describe their situ- ation in strong terms to governor Ellis, in a message at their last sitting. " The melan- choly state of this colony awakens in us every apprehension that can result from a know- ledge of the most intimate and moft complica- ted danger. To find ourselves in a country
surrounded with Most cruel and insolent sava- ges, absolutely destitute of every means of de- fending ourselves from their barbarities in case of A rupture, without; any forts that are not utterly in ruins, or artillery but what are in a manner unfit for service; without magazines or funds to credit them; without any troops stationed here except twenty odd rangers ( rai- sed in the hurry of an alarm) yet unestablished, unpaid, and undisciplined ; without any vessel of war for the protection of our coast; with but few inhabitants, and those poor, and wide- ly dispersed over the province; open on the- one side to every incursion of the
Indians, and on the other side exposed to every insult from the most inconsiderable of the enemy's vessels. in such a situation our all is precarious 1" — We hear that part of the forces in South Carolina are now ordered to their protection. From Williamsburgh in Virginia, of Oct. 7. We learn, that the Hon. Edmond Atkin, Esq; his majesty's superintendant of Indian affairs in the southern district, was returned from the western frontiers of the province of Virginia, having settled affairs with the Cherokees to satisfaction, and entered into the same regu- lations with them as before with the Catawbas, for their assistance; from which it is
hoped the back inhabitants will enjoy more quiet for the future. The king of Prussia has wrote over for an English cook, and one is accordingly gone. We hear that the vacant Ribbon of the most noble order of the Garter will shortly be disposed of in favour of his serene highness Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick. • The following gentlemen are said to be in elec- tion for the vacant Ribbons of the most noble order of the Bath, which will shortly be filled up, viz. Admiral Boscawen. Admiral Brode- rick, Sir Richard Wrottesley, and Admiral Dennis. Capt. Watson, of the Fly privateer, of 10 three pounders, and 50 men, is come into Do ver, in a most shattered condition, occasioned by an engagement with a fine large French had a second hurricane, which differed from the first, as it was accompanied with a prodigious shoWer of rain. It is said the FrenCh squadron which was still there, sufFered much in this last and that one or two of their large ships are en- tirely disabled, and the others not in a conditi- on to go to sea, at least for some time. Turin, Dec. 21. On Saturday last the 17th, the Dutchess of Savoy was safely delivered of a daughter. Head Quarters of Ultzen, Dec. 26. On the 20th inst. Major- general Count Kilmanseck, who commanded in the
suburbs, reported, that the enemy made appearances of repairing the bridge. On the 21st, the advanced posts not having seen any lights of the enemy's after midnight, and having heard several waggons, imagined that they were marched, but it proved other- ways. On the 22d, there was a little firing from some small parties that had crossed the river below the town, which were immediately forced back: and, in the night, the enemy's parties ( having been surprised by the Hunters) fired upon each other. On the 23d, Colonel Kilmanseck reported, that the enemy had repaired the bridge in the night, and that some of their cavalry
had marched to their right: intelligence being al- to received, that the Duke of Broglio had passed the Aller to our right, with a large corps, Lieutenant- general Spoercke, with Ma- jor- generals Scieplin and Gilse, was detach- ed the fame night to that side, with five batta- lions and five squadrons. On the 24th, at eleven in the morning, ma- jor- general prince of Brunswick was detached, with four battalions and four squadrons, to march to Hermansberg, where both corps were to join: the intelligence was, that the duke of Broglio's corps was at Fallingbostel, and that the enemy had also passed the river on our left « t Muden and
Gishorn. As the severity of the weather made it next to impossible to continue in camp, it had been intended to put the army into cantonment nearer to our magazines here, which was accordingly executed on this occa- sion; and, the rather, as this motion defeated sloop, which was just come clean out of Dun- kirk, mounting 14 six pounders, and 100 men, and which Capt. Watson, not discouraged at their superiority, gave chace to, and came up ith; and a bloody engagement ensued, which lafted board and board two hours and 40 mi- nutes, when the French began to desert their quarters, many being killed and wounded, and
Capt. Watson was preparing to board them, when, unfortunately, both vessels were fast a- ground, and one of the Fly's guns bursting did her much damage, which obliged her to get into deeper water, and night coming on, was unwillingly forced to leave the Frenchman beating on the ground, half full of water. In the beginning of the engagement, one of the Fly's men had his head shot off, three more dangerously wounded, and several slight- ly: she is now refitting, and will be at sea in a few days. The Spotswood, Seton, a letter of marque from Bristol for Virginia, was spoke with by a ship that is arrived at Plymouth, 13 leagues
from the Capes, with two prizes, names un- known, all well. the Margaret, Bower, from Yarmouth to Alicant, is taken and carried into Havre- de- Grace. A Mail from Holland. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 10. Leghorn, Dec. 12. THEY write from Malta, that on the 29th of October,. about three o'clock in the morning, they had a most terrible hurricane, which did considerable damage to the shipping in the harbour as well as to the city; a Dutch man of war was drove on shore, and the seven French ships of war there received some da- mage ; the Swallow French Xebeck lost her mizen mast. In the city several public buildings
were greatly damaged by the hurricane, which drove like a torrent, and overset every thing in its course. On the fifth of November they at the same time any view the enemy might have upon this place. The enemy did not ap- pear any where during our march, and on the 25th the army arrived at the places allotted them. About 400 of the enemy appeared yesterday, but did not attempt to do any thing further than taking three or four peasant waggons. They were seen from this town, and a detachment was sent out after them, upon which they re- tired. From the London Papers, Jan. 10. Leghorn, Dec. 9. A ship from Hamburgh,
but last: from the coasts of Barbary, brings ad- vice, that the Algerines had declared war a- gainst France: and we are told by a Danish ship arrived from the same coasts, that several French vessels had been taken and carried into Algiers. Genoa, Dec. 12. Yesterday four vessels ar- rived here from Lisbon, one of which met near Carthagena eight French men of war steering towards Gibraltar. Stockholm, Dec. 20. Mr. Campbell set out the 13th on his return tfor London; and ' tis whispered that the errand he came on ( though it may not answer in every respect) is like to produce some happy effects. Luneburg, Dec. 23. Things
remain much as they were at Zell, and our army; but ' tis said reinforcement of 12000 Prussians is every day expected at the latter, and their presence we doubt not will soon change the face of af- fairs in these parts. Paris, Dec. 26. The last courier from M. Richelieu has brought advice of the capture of about seven millions of livres, which the king of England had sent to the king of Prussia. LONDON. It is rumoured that Gen. Stampa ( General of horse in the Austrian service) is gone to Vienna with overtures of peace from Prince Charles, to be offered to the King of Prussia. We have just learnt, that the French have taken
Madrass, one of the strongest Settlements that the English have in the East Indies: But this wants confirmation. Brussels Gazette. Some private letters by the last Flanders Mail say, that the Chevalier de St. George is dead. It is said a noble personage will soon resume his employments. We hear that the Hon lady Harriot Campbell attended the funeral of her Royal Highness Princess Caroline, as chief mourner. The fleet in the bay has sunk a Frcnch fri- gate of 36 guns, and a transport, only 14 of the men being saved^ And also has taken a French frigate of 36 guns, and sent her in by the Shannon man of war. Advice is arrived
at Portsmouth, that com- modore Keppel, in the Torbay, of 80 guns, and sapt. Wheeler, in the Isis, of 50 guns, have ta- ken in the bay a large French ship from the South Seas, immensely rich, and sent her into Plymouth. Out of the number of transports that are lying here, forty are ordered to be ) got ready for sea on the first notice It is reported that Adm. Boscawen goes with the command to America, in the Namur ; on board which ship 70 of the crew raised a mu- tiny, and 40 of them set out hence last night for London, with lighted flambeaux. Six men of war are getting ready to sail for the bay, in order to join the 16 left on the
French coast by Adm. Hawke. EDINBURGH. By a private letter from London we have . advice, that on Tuesday tbe 20th of Decem- ber ended the tryal of lieutenant- general Sir John Mordaunt, before a general court- marti- al, which consisted of the following twenty- one members: lieutenant general James Lord Ty- rawley, president, Charles Lord Cadogan, John Guise, Richard Onslow. Henry Pulteney, Sir Charles Howard, John Huske, John Lord De- lawar, James Cholmondeley, lieutenant- gene- rals , Maurice Bocland, William earl of Pan- mure, Kerr earl of Ancram, earl of Harrington, George earl of Albemarle, Henry
Holmes, A- lexander Dury, John Mostyn, Edward Carr, major generals : William Kingsley, Alexander Duroure, and Bennett Noel, colonels. The court, after fitting six days, finished with the examination of Sir Edward Hawke, which lasted above three hours, and then proceeded to give their opinion. By the sentence reported to the king, which his majesty was graciously pleased yesterday to confirm, Sir John Mordaunt is unanimously and honourably acquitted of the charge exhibited against him. His majesty's ship the America, the Hon. Capt. Byron, has taken a French ship on the 18th, and on the 19th, attacked a French snow,
which by some accident took fire and blew up, out of 70 hands, no more than 24 could be sav- ed. She was a very fine fhip, of upwards of 200 tons burden, called the Diamond, mounted 14 carriage guns, came from Quebeck, and was of very great value, as her cargo consisted of the finest furrs. On the 24th, took also the Dragon belonging to Bayonne, of 24 nine- poun- ders and many swivels, and 284 men: On the 25th, sunk a snow privateer of 14 guns from Bayonne. She had 130 men, 10 of which were killed and the rest saved by the Brillant, which was in company with the America. A considerable farmer in the
neighbourhood of this city, having been lately detected in mix- ing and manufacturing together, a quantity of barley with oats, and of sending in the meal thereof to the public market for sale, as good and sufficient oat meal, a prosecution was brought against him for this transgression, before the jus- ices of peace of the county, at the instance of the magistrates. The trial came on last Thursday at eleven o'clock, before a very numerous meeting of the justices, at which the Lord advocate presided, and lasted till four in the afternoon, when the court, after finishing the evidence, which dis- tinctly proved the charge, with a variety of
ag. gravating circumstances, and declaring their re.
solution to punish with the highest rigour and severity of ths law, every person who they Should discover guilty of such practices, pro- nounced the following sentence against him. To be. fined in 20 1. sterling, payable to the city treasurer of Edinburgh, for the use of the charity work- house, in 5 1. sterling, to the pro- curator- fiscal, as the expences of the process, the meal which consisted of sixteen bolls, to be confiscated for the use of the said work- house, and himself to be carried from the bar to prison, there to remain for the full space of three weeks, and thereafter till payment of the above sum. On Tuesday next the 17th of
this month, there is to be a meeting of the SELECT SO- CIETY, on a particular occasion, at six in the evening, ' tis therefore hoped the members will attend. At Mary's chapel, on Tuesday the 17th of January, will be performed Mr. BREMNER junior's CONCERT. Tickets to be had at R. Bremner's music shop, opposite to Blackfrier's wynd. Price 2 s. 6 d. each. ON Wednesday, 1st February 1758, will begin to be sold, at the auction- house of Yair and Fleming, near the Cross, a CATALOGUE of rare and valuable BOOKs, being the whole library of the late Mr. Thomas Ruddiman.— This collection contains a compleat set of the
Roman classic au- thors, grammarians both ancient and modern, mo- dern Latin poets and orators, philologers, critics, dictionary- writers, and several of the Latin fathers, • with most of the other authors who have contributed to illustrate the Roman language; and a great num- ber of books, of divinity, history, law, physic, & c. & c. Among which are, —— Drachenborch, 7v Virgilius Burmanni, 4 vs Ex Bibl. Med. Folio. Causei museum Rom. 2 vs Andersoni numism. Scotiae Sloane's hist. of Jamaica Locke's works, 3 vols Plinius in usum Delph. 3 v Virgilius de la Cerda, Livius apud Vascosanum Marcellinua Lindenbrogii
Quinctilianus Capperone- rii Martialis, notis variorum Averanii opera Lat, 3 vs Barthii Adversaria Tannerus descript. Britan. Bapt. Mantuani opera Stephani thesaurus, 4 vs Ainsworth thesaurus, 2 v Pitisci lexicon, 3 v ed. opt. Dictionarium vetustiff. 3 v Jo. a Janua Catholicon Scapulas lexicon, ed. opt. Varini lexicon Graecum Johnson's Eng diCt. 2 v Bembi opera omnia, 4 vs Cave hist, literaria Stackhouse's hist. of the bible, 2 vols Corpus juris civilis, edit. opt. 2 vols. Hale's pleas of the crown, 2 vols Vitruvius de architecture, edit. opt. Carte's hist. of England, 4 vols Ralph's hist. of do. 2 vs Boethii historia Scotorum Quarto. Cicero
Oliveti, 9 vols Livius Delphini, 6 vols The books will be seen some days before the sale begins at the auCtion- house of Messrs. Kincaid and Donaldson in the Old- Assembly close, and are to be sold for ready money only. THE CREDITORS of Mr. HENRY RYMER, professor of philosophy in the united colleges in St. Andrews, are desired to meet by themselves or their doers in their names fully authorised, upon Tuesday the 21st day of February 1758, within the house of Mrs. Williamson vintner in St. Andrews, at three o'clock afternoon, bringing with them the whole grounds of debt, or exact states thereof; at which time certain
proposals are to be made to the creditors for their payment. Laurent - aEneid, by G. Douglas Ovidius Burmanni, 4 vs Curtius Snackenburg, 2 v Rei rust. script. Gesneri, 2 vols Terentius Westerhovii, 2 Sallustius Havercampi, 2 v Lucretius Havercampi, 2 v Lactantius Dufresnoy, 2 v Lucanus Oudendorpii, 2 v Tacitus Gronovii, 2 vs QuinCtilianus Burmanni, 4 vols Clarke's Homer, Gr. et Lat. 2 vols Harleian miscellany, 8 v Blackwodi opera OCtavo. Cicero Graevii, & c. 12 v Gronovii, 12 vols Frnesti, 6 vols Verburgii, 16 vols Rei rust. scriptores, 2 vs Virgilius variorum, 3 vs ——— Par Catrou, 6 tomes Horatius a Pine, 2 vols Seneca
Gronovii, 3 vols Livius Crevier, 6 vols Hearne, 6 vols Gronovii, 3 vols Ovidius Cuippingii, 3 vs Plinius Gronovii, 3 vols Miscell. observat. in auc- tores vet.& recent. 11 v MRS. MARGARET MURRAY, ( reliCt of the deceased Archibald Eagle merchant in Smith's land, and seedsman to the ho- nourable society for improving in agriculture) takes this opportunity to acquaint her husband's former customers, and others who are pleased to favour her with their orders, that as she continues to carry on his business in the same shop, for the behoof of her- self and children, she has for that purpose, just now imported from the properest
places abroad, an as- sortment of the best new and fresh GARDEN SEEDS, grass and flower seeds, with sundry sorts of tree seeds, ( particularly good oak acorns) and all manner of useful garden utensils. Likewise maybe had, soft boiling pease of all kinds, fine Durham and isle of May flour of mustard, new Kentish hops, lintseed, and all sorts of falcon graith, & cc. She is also will provided in the best kinds of all dying stuffs, and hard ashes for boiling yarn, & c. having purchased them from different countries abroad, all to be sold at the loWest prices. N. B. The famous and much approved of Bean- flower water, for removing all
kinds of roughness and outstrikings from the skin of the face and neck, and by being used sometime as a wash, gives the skin an agreeable softness, and a lively white. The good effeCts of this wash is well known both by physicians, and those who have made trial of it. Sold at the said shop, and no where else in town. Price 3 i. 6d. per chopin bottle. As also, Catholic pills, which have given full satisfaCtion to all who have made use of them, for their great virtues in healing pains in the stomach, all diseases of the head and belly, land against worms, the stone, scurvy, cholick, palsy, & c. in young or old Boxes may be had at all
prices, with printed di- rections at large; to be sold no where else in town. JUST IMPORTED from Holland by GEORGE WARDROP, and to be sold at his shop op- posite to Bell's- wynd, and also at the ware- house at the head of the Salt- market, Glasgow, a parcel of high coloured sweet and bitter ORANGES, fit for marmalade ; also large juicy LEMONS, and LEMON JUICE, at 2s. per pint, best Durham mustard, pork, ham, and red herring ; fine drop- ed honey, new hops, and Gloucester cheese ; all kinds of English worsteds for druggets, with En- glish wool; also great choice of ermine furs and tippets, with great choice of
grocery and millinary goods, which will now be sold lower than ever, as we buy all for ready money, and gives credit to no person. We give a sight of none of our goods, as we have suffered much by following that practice. Commissions from the country shall be carefully ob- served. N. B. Some people have been pleased to report, that Mrs. Wardrop was to give over her business in Glasgow, and go to Edinburgh ; but she never had any such intention ; as her business is much better than ever, she is to continue her ware- house in the Old Coffee- house as formerly, and is to remove her shop to the Dispensatory belonging to
Mr. Gordon, at present possest by Mr. John Moor surgeon, as she has taken a twenty years tack of it.— Mrs. Wardrop is still to keep up her ribbon, fringe, gimp, and stocking looms ; also Hamilton lace ; as she has brought them all to great perfection. She is working new fashioned stocks, viz. silk and thread; also silk and worsted garters to very great perfection. We will work any pattern our customers are pleased to order. Description of a Deserter. From the second battalion of his majesty's 31st regi- ment of foot, commanded by major general Holmes, ALEXANDER ALLEN, 29 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, a joiner, born
in the parish of Dumfermline in the county of Fife, impressed at E- dinburgh the 29th December last, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, well made, a small stoop in his shoulders, short hair, went off from Edin- burgh Castle the 9th inst. in coloured cloaths and a worsted cap. Twenty shillings ( over and above the reward offer- ed by aCt of parliament) for apprehending said de- serter, by applying to the major of brigade at Edin- burgh. JUST imported a parcel of sweet and bitter O- RANGES and LIMONS by Gilbert Meason, and to be sold at his house in Quality Street, Leith. the fruit is extremely good and in fine order, and
the lemons in chests or half chests as wanted. TO be sold on Friday the 3d February 1758 betwixt the hours of four and five afternoon, Within the Exchange, coffeehouse, Edinburgh, and to be entered to at Whitsunday next, the following SUBJECTS in Edinburgh, belonging to THOMAS MYRTLE brewer, lying in the Cowgate, opposite to the Meal Market, viz. TWO DWELLING- HOUSES, each confiding of five . fire rooms, closets and sundry conveniencies: as also, a brewery and a distillery, with copper, boilers, and complete sets of vessels fitted up in each after the best manner, having lead pipes and pumps for conveying the
wa- ter and liquors to and from the boilers, with store- houses, cellars, stable, and sundry other conveni- encies: and likewise large granaries, properly di- vided, with malt lofts, two steeps, kiln and coble, having well contrived communications from the • granaries to the malt lofts and steeps, and lead pipes for conveying water from the wells to the steeps. As there are separate entries to those subjeCts, both from Adamson's close and Power's close, with a draw well in each; and as the granaries, works and vessels, are very large and extensive, it is thought the same may be fitted up in two breweries, and with the dwelling
houses, may accommodate two brewers, with their families; they are therefore to be exposed to sale, either jointly or separately, and with or without the vessels and utensils, as shall be . concerted before the sale. The foresaid subjeCt are in compleat repair, and in good condition, be- ing fitted up, and mostly built within these three or four years. The title deeds, conditions of sale, and invento- ry of the vessels, are to be seen in the hands of Ha- ry Guthrie, writer in Edinburgh, trustee appointed by Thomas Myrtle's creditors, who are desired be- twixt and the day of roup, to lodge their several grounds of debts, or distinCt notes
thereof in their trustee's hands, as it is proposed, how soon the sub- jeCts are sold to divide the price. Thomas Myrtle will show the subjeCts, and all their conveniencies. ~ WILLIAM MILLER at the foot of the Horse wynd near the Abbey Edin- burgh, has brought from London and other proper . places abroad, great varieties of the best new and FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, flower feeds, sundry kinds of grass seeds, and tree seeds. Several sorts of garden tools, with a choice collection of fruit trees, both of his own propagating, and from some of the best nurseries about London, all to be sold by him as usual, with some kinds of
forrest trees, such as young silver and spruce firs, seedling beeches & c. He got home his garden seeds about four weeks ago, and delayed advertising his customers and oj thers of the same, untill he should prove them, which he hath now carefully done, and finds they grow very well, and are all cheap. Every article of the feeds are now in his custody, except three sorts, which are at sea, with a large quantity of best English acorns. BY A D J O U R N M E NT, TO be sold by voluntary roup, in the Exchange coffeehouse in Edinburgh, upon the 24th day of February 1758, ' twixt 4 and j afternoon, the LANDS and BARONY of
KINNAIRD, in the pa- rish of Abdy and shire of Fife, with the teinds thereof, extending at the usual conversion, to 2938I. 17s. 4d. Scots of yearly rent, holden feu of the crown, and free of thirlage to any miln, and liable in no burdens whatever, except the land cess within 14 miles of Kinghorn, 8 of Perth and Dun- dee, 4 of Cupar, and 2 of Ncwburgh, where ves- sels of burden come in ; all fine roads. On this e- state there is a large convenient well finished house, and several inclosures adjacent thereto, well water- ed and sheltered, dovecot, coach- house, stables byres, brew- house, and other office- houses, in good repair, fine
gardens full of the best kinds of both wall and standard fruit trees, a deal of regular planting, both young and old, in a thriving condi- tion, besides plantations of fir, above 40 years old with several thousands of ash, elm, oak, and other forest trees, fit for planting out, plenty of marl good proven stone quarries in different parts of the estate, substantial tenants, and rent punctually paid. This barony may entitle to two votes for a mem- ber of parliament. The rental and progress, which is clear, and conditions of roup, to be seen in the hands of ' James Robertson Barclay, clerk to the signet, and copies thereof in the hands of the
proprietor, and of William Fraser, jun. clerk to the signet; any ot whom will treat with a purchaser inclining to make a private bargain.
To be SOLD by ROUP, TOGETHER or separately, upon Wednesday the 18th of January next, at four afternoon, in John's coffee- house, Edinburgh, a convenient and well finished small LODGING, with a GAR- RET and CELLAR, in Alison's square in Potterrow, Edinburgh. TWO AREAS, adjoining to the square, and to each other; the one fit for building, to front the Potterrow street, and having the bene- fit of a gavel and vents from the north front wing of the square ; and the other, which is large and commodious, is not only pleasantly situated for building upon, but fit for the use of a timber merch- ant, wright, or coach maker,
having already built upon it, a Wright's ware room, workhouse, and several fine shades, sawpit, & c. and a large, and two small STABLES, HAY LOFTS, and COACH- HOUSE behind the square And also a VAULT ED CELLAR under the area of the fore court of the square. The progress of writs, which is clear, is to be seen in the hands, of John MacLagan writer, at his house in the trunk close, near the nether bow, Edin- burgh. THERE is a most commodious BLEACH- FIELD at GIFFORD, in the parish of Yes- ter, in the shire of East Lothian, to be set in tack for any number of years after Whitsunday first, as can be agreed
upon. The field is sufficiently fenced and sheltered from almost all winds, and laid out in the most convenient manner. There is also belong- ing to the field, a very good dwellinghouse, drying- house, and all proper offices necessary for carrying on a bleaching. There is likewise a sufficient store of coppers and all other utensils on the field, which will be set either along with the field, or sold at a moderate price. For further particulars enquire at Charles Hay of Hopes, near Yester, or at Charles Emerson gardener at Yester. TO BE SOLD THE LANDS, BARONY, and ESTATE of STEWARTFIELD, lying near the town of Jedburgh,
and shire of Roxburgh, on which there is a handsome new house. consisting of 15 fire rooms, offices, good gardens stored with fruit trees, and planting to a considerable value. The rental, progress and conditions of sale, with plans of the house, gardens, inclosures, and policy, are to be seen in the hands of Thomas Potts sheriff clerk of Roxburgh, or David Forbes writer in Edinburgh, who will commune with any person that inclines to make a private bargain. TO be sold to the highest bidder by public roup, within the house of bailie Andrew Armour in Glasgow, upon Wednesday the 8th day of Fe- bruary 1758, betwixt the hours
of twelve and two o'clock mid- day, the LANDS of HILLINGTOUN and pertinents, with the teinds parsonage and vi- carage thereof, lying within the parish of Paisley and shire of Renfrew, by the high way betwixt Glasgow and Paisley, holden of the crown for pay- ment of 20 merks yearly, and entitling the propri- etor to a vote in the election of a member of parlia- ment for the said shire; the yearly rent whereof is as follows, viz. Money rent — — L. 701 16 o Meal 57 1 - 4th bolls, at 10 merks 381 ij 4 Bear 27 1 - 4th bolls, at 10 merks 181 13 4 STAMP- OFFICE, Edinburgh, 9th Aug. 1757. WHEREAS by an act of last session of
parlia- ment, it is enacted, that there shall be paid for every piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of paper, On which shall be engrossed, written or printed, any licence for retailing of wine, within that part of Great- Britain called Scotland, to be granted to any person who shall not take out either a licence for retailing of spirituous liquors, or a licence for retailing beer, ale, or other exciseable liquors, an additional duty of 3 1. 6 s. 8 d. For every piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of paper, on which shall be ingrossed, writ- ten or printed, any licence for retailing of wine, to be granted to any person who shall
take out a li- cence for retailing beer, ale, and other exciseable liquors, but shall not take out a licence for retail- ing of spirituous liquors, an additional duty of 2 1. 13 s. 4 d. For every piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of paper, on which shall be engrossed, writ- ten, or printed, any licence for retailing of wine, to be granted to any person who shall also take out a licence for retailing of spirituous liquors, an ad- ditional duty of 1 1. 6 s. 8d. And it is further enaCted, that from and after the 5th day of July 1757, no person whatever, unless he or she fsall be authorised and enabled by licence, under the hands and seals of
two or more of the commissioners of his majesty's stamp duties, shall} sell or utter wine by retail, that is by the pint, quart, pottle or gallon, or by any other greater or less retail measure, or in bottles, in any less quantity than shall be equal to the measure of the cask or vessel in which the same shall have been, or may lawfully be imported, any kind of wine or wines, or any liquor called or re- puted wine, upon pain to forfeit for every offence, the sum of 100 1. one moiety thereof to the king, his heirs and successors, and the other moiety to him, or them, who will inform for the same. And it is further enacted, that upon application
made by, or in behalf of any person, not residing within the weekly bills of mortality, for a licence to retail wine, the saids commissioners shall deliverr or cause to be delivered, such licence, upon pay- ment of the duty payable thereupon, which licences are by the said act to endure for the space of one year from their date, and every person is appoint- ed to take out a fresh licence, ten days, at the least, before the expiration of that year, for which he shall be so licenced, if he or she shall continue to sell wine by retail. This therefore is to give notice, that all persons who shall give information of any offence commit- ted against this
law, to John Young solicitor of the Stamp- duties for Scotland, shall be intitled to the moiety of the said 100 1. sterling of penalty, when recovered from the offender upon their con- viction. And all persons giving the informations aforesaid are desired to point out the proper evi- dence for conviction of the offenders, othcrways no prosecutions will be commenced upon their in- formations. JOHN YOUNG solicitor. N. B. The commissioners of the stamp- duties, for the conveniency of the retailers of wine resid- ing in Scotland, have been pleased to order the head collector of the stamp duties at Edinburgh, to receive the duty from
such persons in Scotland as shall apply for a licence. And they are hereby directed to send their ale licence, or licence for re- tailing spirituous liquors, if they be possessed of any such, to the stamp- office at Edinburgh alongst with the said duty, any lawful day between the hours pf ten in the forenoon, and two in the afternoon, and a proper receipt will be given them for the said duty signed by the collector or his deputy, and counter signed by the comptroller, which receipt will be held sufficient, till such time as a proper licence be obtained. by his majesty's royal Patents, granted to ROBERT WALKER, the inventor, for England,
Scotland, and the Plantations. THAT incomparable medicine the genuine JESUITS DROPS, for the certain cure of all scorbutick disorders; as also, all obstinate gleets, and se- minal weakness in both sexes, whether occasioned by the venereal disorder, or any other cause, or a fresh contracted venereal malady, tho' attended with all their different and most malignant stages, may be had at his warehouse, the Bible, Crown, and King's Arms, the upper end of Fleet- lane, opposite the Sessions house Gate Old Bailey, in bottles of f s. or 2 s. 6 d. proportionable; which said Patent Jesuits Drops are the most pleasant and effectual
medicine ever discovered for these disorders, has no mercurials in its com- position, neither purges nor vomits, but certainly carries all clear off by urine, without hindrance of business, con- finement. or knowledge of a second person, and the dose only fifteen drops in a little wine, water, or on sugar. The incomparable WALKER'S JESUITS DROPS, having performed such great and surprising cures in all stages of the venereal disease in both sexes, as well as in old stubborn gleets and weaknesses of the reins and kidneys, whether occasioned by the venereal disorder or otherwise, his maje- sty, that his subjeCts in Scotland
should have the said medi- cine genuine, and for preventing any impositions on them with spurious medicines under the like name or title, to the prejudice of their healths as well as endangering their lives, was also graciously pleased to farther honour the said Robert Walker with his royal letters patent for that kingdom for fourteen years, and the same passed the great seal at Edinburgh on the oth of july 1756. To be had whole sale and retail, by authority of the patentee, of James Hog, at the new stage coach office, opposite to the new exchange, Edinburgh. Follows a copy of the PATENT for SCOTLAND. G THE roup of the
LANDS and ESTATE of GLENCARNOCK, lying in the shire of Perth, is adjourned to Wednesday the 18th of Ja- nuary itst. to be held in John's coffee house Edin- burgh, betwixt the hours of 4 and 5 afternoon ; and for the encouragement of purchasers, the estate will be entered at 40001. Sterling. The articles of roup, rental, and progress of writs, are to be seen in the hands of John Laing writer in Edinburgh. Scots money 1265 2 8 The above conversion of the victual is low, con- sidering the high priccs of victual in the shire of Ren- frew. The tenants also pay one half of the cess, the lands being valued at 400 1. Scots in the
cess rolls. Tbe artcles of roup, with the rental and progress of writs are to be seen with John Buchanan junior, writerin Glasgow. N. B. The lands are capable of most advantage- ous improvements. TO be set in tack in the way of public roup in John's coffee- house in Edinburgh, on Wed- nefday the 8 th day of February next. The PARKS of MARCH- HALL, Comb head and Echofield, belonging to Sir Alexander Dick of Prestonfield, bart.— For particulars enquire at Alexander Tait writer to the signet. EDINBURGH: Printed by R. FLEMING and Company, and sold at the CIRCULATING LIBRARY of Yair and Fleming over against
the NEW EXCHANGE, and at the Printing- house, in the Turnpike opposite to the Foot of the Old Fish Market Close, first Door,- where Advertisements and Commissions are taken in. GEORGE II. by the grace of GOD, king of Great- Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: whereas we considering that our beloved ROBERT WALKER, of the parish of St. Sepulchre, in our city of London, dealer in medicines, hath by his petition humbly set such, that he hath with graet travel, labour, application and expence, found out, discover- ed and brought to perfection a certain
medicine, which he calls JESUITS DROPS, which is an effeCtual re- medy, not only in the venereal disease, but also in all ob- stinate gleets and weaknesses of the reins, and a great pu- rifier of the blood in all scorbutick humours, Sc. ( § c. And whereas we have been graciously pleased by our royal let- ters' patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain, dated the 29th of October last past, to give and grant to the said Ro- bert Walker, the sole privilege of making and vending his said new invented medicine in England, Wales, Berwick upon Tweed, and the plantations, for the term of 14 years; and as it may be of public benefit
and advantage to our subjects in Scotland, we do by these presents give and grant unto the said Robert Walker, and to his heirs, executors, and assigns, and every of them, ( and to no other per- sons) or his or their deputy or deputies, servants or agents, with whom he or they shall at any time contract or agree, to use and enioy the said invention within that part of our kingdom of Great- Britain called Scotland-, and that he the laid Robert Walker, his heirs, executors, and assigns may lawfully enjoy all the profits, benefits and advantages out of the said invention, arising and accruing, and to have, hold, exercise and enjoy this
our licence, powers, and privileges in these presents granted, for and during the space of 14 years from the date of these presents: and that the said Robert Walker, his heirs, executors, and assigns, may have and enjoy the benefit, sole use and exercise of the said invention, according to our gracious intention in these presents declared; we, bv the tenor of these presents, for us, our heirs, and successors, require and striCtly command all and singular person or persons, bodies politic or cor- porate, and all other our subjects of what state, quality, degree, nature or condition soever, within that part of our kingdom of Great-
Britain called Scotland, that neither they nor any of them, during the said term of 14 years, either directly or indirectly practise, use or exercise the said in- vention or any part thereof; nor in any wise counterfeit, imitate or resemble the same, or cause or procure any thing to be added to, or subtraCted from the same, whereby he or they may pretend to be the inventor or inventors there- of, without the licence or consent of the said Robert Wal- ker, his heirs, in writing under his or their hands first had and obtained, under such penalties and fines as may law- fully be imposed upon such offenders for contempt of this our royal
command; and moreover to be by law answer- able to the said Robert Walker, his heirs, & c for the los- ses to him or them arising therefrom. And we further, by the tenor of these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, order and command all and singular sheriffs, seneschals, jus- tices of the peace, bailiffs of regalities, and all other officers and ministers whatever of us, our heirs and successors, that neither they nor any of them, at any time during the time bv these presents granted, do molest, trouble or disturb the said Robert Walker, his heirs, ($ c. or his or their deputies, servants or agents, in or about the just and lawful
use or practice of the said invention. In testimony whereof we have commanded our seal, appointed to be kept by the treaty of union to be used in Scotland instead and place of the Great Seal thereof, to be affixed to these presents. Given at our court at Kensington, the 23d day of June, 1756, and of our reign the 30th year. Sealed at Edinburgh this 9th day of July, 1756, ty virtue of a warrant signed by the earl of HOL- DERNESSE, the king's secretary, ARCH. CAMPBELL.