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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 01/12/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2522
No Pages: 4
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, December 1, I757 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd a MAIL from FlANdeRS. HAMBURGH, November 11. WE are just now inform'd that Marshal Richelieu, having heard of the Battle of the 5th, on the Sala, had detach'd a large Body of French Troops to join the Prince de Soubize, which, when effected, will probably bring on a se- cond Battle. Hanover, Nov. 12. Our good Frends the French have treated 11s in such a Manner, that there are few Instances of the like in History. They have taken every Method to break the Convention, of which the following will lerve to convince you. When the Troops were quarter'd in the Towns, each House being obliged to furnish a Number of Beds for the Officers and Men, Messieurs be- ing ill provided with Shirts, they took the Sheets Irom the Beds to make up that Deficiency, the Officers them- selves setting the Example ; and when Complaint was made to the superior Officers, the only Satisfaction receiv- ed, was a Number of Shirts, Night- Caps, Cravats, and Stockings, being order'd to be raised by Way of Contri- bution. Another Agreement was, that no Troops should enter the Hartz Forest where the Silver Mines are : A Body of French Troops breaking through this, enter'd the Forest, insulted the Inhabitants, and by this Means raised the Resentment of the People, who fell upon the Troops, and drove them from thence. The French Com- manding Officer interpreting this into an Insurrection, laid the poor Miners, and other Persons resident in the Forest, under military Execution. Brussels, Nov. 18. Letters from Westphalia advise that the Hanoverian Troops have passed the Elbe, and that those of Hesse and Brunswick are also in March to pass that River; which occasions various Conjectures. Paris, Nev. ii- The Academy of Amiens have pro- moted for the Subject of next Year's Prize, The Means of Navigating in the North Seas With the same Advantages as tht People neighbouring to France, and thereby augmenting France. That is to say; What HERRINGS, Sec. the Dutch do not take upon the British Coast, the French are determined to find Ways and Meant to Come at, to the Exclusion of Britons. LONDON. [ Thursday. Nov. 24. On a GREAT PRINCE. TO Rome and Greece two distant Ages gave, Caesar the Sage, and Ammon's Son the brave ; But Rome Aid Greece must now resign their Fame, And cede to Germany the juster Claim, Where Nature forms a FREDERIC compleat, And in one Breast the Sage and Hero meets. By Letters from Oporto we are credibly informed, that there are great Disturbances still at that Place, notwith standing the great Number that had their Estates taken from them, and the vast Numbers that are continually put to the Rack and quarter'd. Several hundred People have also been banished out of that Kingdom on Account of this new Establishment, that the King and Council want to make amongst them, which the Publick are loth to submit to. It is confidently averted, that in the late Convention of Stade, between the French and Hanoverians, two Eng- lish Colonels were given to the former as Hostages, of whom Col. Amhurst is one. It is said, that if the Convention of Stade cannot be openly broken, though the French have not scrupulously observed it in all Points, the Hanoverian and Hessian Troops may nevertheless be employed to good Purpose this Winter, by marching them into Pomerania against the Swedes. But we hope Means may be found to save them the Trouble of so long a March ( as the Weather may become very severe belore they can do any Service there to the King of Prussia) since they can be more use- fully employed against the French, only by winking at the private Men's following their natural Impulse, in the present distress'd Condition of the French Army in Ger- many. The King gives double Pay to his Troops this Winter ; therefore let as many of the Hanoverian and Hessian Soldiers, as chuse to accept it, make the best of their Way to his Army t and their Officers may yet abide by the Convention, if there are no sufficient Grounds for breaking it. It is publickly talked that a certain Report lately made was in Substance, " That they saw no reasonable Motive the G could have for not carrying into Execution the Plan of Operations he had received." And, it is said, his Majesty has dismissed a great Officer from all his Em- ployments. It is confidently reported that three certain Officers are dismantled of all Military Honours and employ- ments. It currently reported, that the Hanoverian Troops have taken up their Arms, and marched to Harbourg, with a Train of Artillery, the French having broke the Conven tion in several Instances. Last Night a Messenger arrived from the King of Prus- sia, and, by the Account he brings, the Victory seems to be greater than could be imagined ; for he says, if the Battle had continued two Hours longer, there would hard- ly have been a Frenchman left, as they fell before the Prussian Fire like Swallows, the Soldiers sparing nobody. The following Article; are publickly handed about in Manuscript. " 1. That the first Caufe of the Failure of the Expe- dition seemed to be the not taking or Attacking Fort Fouras. " 2. It was practicable to land. " 3. No Difference in the Situation of Rochefort, Con- trary to the Intelligence given to the K. " 4. The Councils of the 25th and 26th contradictory. " 5. It does not appear there were any Troops or Bat- teries to prevent their landing." , ' Tis whisper'd that an extraordinary Address of an uncommon Nature was some few Days ago laid before his ; —— a little Time will declare the Con sequences. Many Alterations are expected within a few Days, not only in the Administration, but also among the Land and Sea Officers. The Hon. Capt. Monson, Brother to Lord Monson, is going with the Troops to the East. Indies. The Phenix Privateer of Jersey, has taken a new French Frigate going from Dunkirk to Brest, having only four Guns mounted, but Ports for 16, and only Forty six Men. She came out in Company with three more Privateers, one of which mounted 18 Guns, which overset, and every Soul perished. The said Phenix Privateer has also retaken a Snow from Virginia, with 420 Hogsheads of Tobaaco. Both the Privateers are arrived at Jersey. We hear from New- York, that the six Nations of In- dians are not hearty in the Interest of his Majesty ; and what is worse, that some of the Warriors of the Senneccas have actually taken up Arms against us, and joined the Delaware Indians, who are murdering the Inhabitants on our Western Frontiers, not above sixty Miles from that City. Several Persons, suspected of being Concern'd in coin ing and diminishing Portugal Pieces, have lately ab- sconded, We hear that Mr. White, now confined in Newgate, upon Suspicion of being concern'd in the above Practices, has lost his Senses. A few Days since a Person confined for Debt in the Fleet Prison, adrertised for a Wife capable of procuring his Enlargement in Answer to which a Lady of For- tune apply'd, took him out, and has since married him. They write from Nottingham, that though the Sen- tence of Excommunication had been lately pronounced againft Dr. W , the judge declared in Court, that he would take it off the next Morning, Which according ly he did,' on Account of several Circumstances in the Doctor's Defence ; there being the strongest negative Evi- dence in his Favour that Could be Conceived, in Opposi- tion to positive Evidence. The last Letters from Lisbon bring the following ample Account of the great Earthquake that happened last Summer in the Azores: The gth of July, forty- five Minutes past Eleven at Night, a dreadful Shock, which lasted about tWo Minutes, was felt in most of the Azores. All the Houses in the Island of Angra, or Tertera, were violently shaken. The Impulse of the Earthquake Which at first was vertical, quickly became horizontal, the Direction being from West to East. During these two Minutes the Earth was moved with such Force, that had the Shock lasted a few Seconds longer, all the tottering Buildings must have been swallowed up. The roth,' about Ten o'Clock in the Morning, there Was another Shock j and a third at Four in the Afternoon, as violent as that of the preceding Day, but its Duration shorter. In St. George's Island 21 Leagues from Angra, the Earth quaked the same Day, and at the same Hours j but the Shocks were so Violent, that 1053 Persons were crushed to Death under the Ruins of the Houses. The Consternation of the Inhabitants redoubled, the 10th w the Morning, at the Sight of 18 new Islands, which arose at the Distance of 1oo Fathoms on the North Side of the Island. At tht Fayans des Vimes the same Shock threw down all the Buildings: No more Houses, Temples, nor Streets, are to be found there, but only Heaps Of Rubbish and Stones. In some Places whole Fields and Gardens were rolled down into the Sea. There are still Slips of Land to be seen at some Distance from the Shore, and surrounded with Water, which retain their Form and all their Contents: Upon one of these floating Islands there is a House standing, planted round with Trees, which had been no Way damaged. Monte- For- moso, lying S, S.. E, of this Island, was split in two; one Part tumbled into the Sea, the other stands within 2co Yards of it. From the East Point of Topo Island, as far as the Town of Caletha, there is yet nothing to be seen but Ruins; no House could stand the Shock : Nay, the Earth opened in several Places, and a Piece of Land, about a Quarter of a League square, was carried Into the Sea. Some Mountains moved out of their Places; others have entirely disappeared ; so that the Communication between some of those Islands, which was formerly impracticable, on ACcount of the Steepness of the Rocks, is now open and easy ) where the Mountains stood there is now a Plain, Part of the Village of Norte- Grande broke loose from the rest, and forms a new Island 300 Yards distant from it. All the terrified Inhabitants of those Islands live in the Woods, expecting every Day will be their last, the quak- ing Ground shewing them GraVes on every Side. Enor- mous Masses of Stone continually break off from the Rocks and fall into deep Pits formed by the Earthquakes: Ia some Places whole Rocks have sunk into the Ground. In Pico Island these Shocks have been but slightly felt, ex- cept on that Side of it which is opposite to St. George's; that Part of it has been roughly handled, and eleven Souls perished there. On the Day of the first Shock the Sea broke into St. George's Island, the Waves running from West to East: In Pico Island their Direction was from East to West, and from South to West in Graciosa. Fayal had but a slight Shock, and the Motion of the Sea was scarce perceivable. In St. Michael's and St Mary's Islands they felt nothing but the EffeCts of an ordinary Shock, The Isles of Flores and Corvo have been entirely free from this Calamity." EPIGRAM. ToM, hearing the News of M— d—- t's returning, Of no Army landing, of no Rochefort burning, Begun, without Mercy, to mangle and tear him, When JOHN, stepping In, thus endeavours to clear him : As M— d—— t's great Errand was but to' inflame, You'll find he did right in his Station ; His Tameness was but a Finesse in his Game ; For, sparing one Town, he inflames a whole Nation. M. M. Letter from Portsmouth, Nov. 22. , " Sunday Afternoon a Spy was detected here. He fol- lowed the Business of a Shoemaker, and under that Dis- guise is supposed to have sent Intelligence to the Enemy. He was taken into Custody by a Messenger, and is sup- posed to belong to a Gang, most of whom are, we hear, already taken in different Places. Newcastle, Nov. 19. Yesterday at Noon a melancholy Accident happened at Long Benton Colliery, by foul Air, which, we hear, killed Mr. George Rawling, Borer, and Adam Hunter, Sinker, who were down the Pit) and tho Explosition was so great, that it killed Mr. Ralph Un- thank, Viewer, who was upon the Bank, looking down the Pit. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arrived a MAIL from Holland. LISBON, October 18. the 1oth Instant, at Eleven in the Fore- noon, a pretty smart Shock of an Earthquake was felt here, and likeWise at the same Hour at Alcantara and Viana; a little Village on ihe other Side of the Tagus. At Evora it was much more violent, and preceded by a subterraneous Noise, which terrified the Inhabitants not a little, bat did no other Damage. Berlin, Nov. 14. It is said that a Letter has been in- tercepted within these few Days, wrote by the Comman- dant in Chief of the Swedish Army in Pomerania to Mar- shal Richelieu, earnestly desiring the latter to send him speedily a Body of French Troops, for Want of which ( the SWedish Marshal says) he would soon be obliged to suspend his Operations in that Province, and retire with his Army under the Cannon of Stralsund, that he may, in Case of Need, be able to reimbark it, and thereby avoid the Dilemma which the Saxon Army was brought' into last Year. We have Advise from Prussia, that the 52 Hostages taken by the Russians, have been released, and arrived at Gumbinen the 19th of October. The Column of Rus- sian Troops that retired into Poland by the Way of Geor- genburgh, mostly consisted of Sick, of whom great Num- bers have since died. Letters from the Prince of Bevern's Army advise, that the Garrison of Schweidnitz has made several successful Sallies, in one of which they killed no less than 700 Austrians, and made 250 Prisoners". Francfort, Nov. 17. We hear that the King of Prus- sia's Army has required a considerable Reinforcement by BERROW's Worcester Journal. desertion from the Troops of the Empire; and among those that have joined his Prussian Majesty, they reckon Part of the Contingent furnished by the Landgrave of Hesse Darmstadt. Elrick, in the County of Hohebstein, Nov. 14. All the Cities, Towns and Villages of this County swarm with French Troops, who have fled here since the severe Check they received on the 5th. The Prince de Soubise arrived at Nordhausen with some Battalions and Squadrons on the 11th. Magdeburgh, Nov. 14. The Wound which Pr. Henry received in the late Battle is by no Means dangerous. General Meincke, who was said to be slain in the Field; is in a fair Way of Recovery. Magdeburgh, Nov. 15. Among the Officers made Pri- soners in the late Battle and Pursuit, are, the Prince of Rohan and the Count de Revel, who are both dead of their Wounds ; the Marquisses de Custrine and de Rouge, Field Marshals, the former wounded ; the Chevalier d'Ailly, Field Marshal; the Duke de Beauvilliers, wound- ed ; the Marquis de Salluces ; the Duke de Cosse, wound- ed ; the Viscount Choiseul; and the Counts de Duras and Salluces; besides several more General Officers. On the 7th there had already been 2995 Soldiers and 440 Officers conducted to Mersebourg ; and on the Evening of that Day upwards of 1500 more Prisoners were brought in. Hambourg, Nov. 16. It is strongly reported that the Hessians who lately composed a Part of the Duke of Cum- berland's Army, are, in Consequence of an Agreement with the King of Denmark, going to take up their Win- ter Quarters in the Counties of Oldenburgh and Delmen- horst. Hanover, Nov. 19. ' Tis pretended that the Army of Observation is assembled again, and already in Motion, and that General Ligonier is to be its Commander in Chief, an English General of consummate Experience.— If all this proves true, we may expect very bloody Work in these Quarters. Paris, Nov. 18. It is assured that Marshal Richelieu has detached 60 Battalions and 64 Squadrons to Duder- stadt, to receive and support the Prince de Soubise if there should be Occasion. Amsterdam, Nov. 19. Letters from Gibraltar advise, that six of the English Men of War which were lately cruizing in the Mediterranean, under the Admirals Os- borne and Saunders, were arrived there, and had brought in three Prizes, one of which is a rich outward- bound Turkey Ship. An EPIGRAM, Occasioned by a Combination between Two Millers, whose Names were Bone and Skin, to keep up the Price of Corn. BONE and Skin, Two Millers thin, Would starve the Town, or near it ; But be it known To Skin and Bone, That Flesh and Blood won't bear it.. The EXPEDITION.' THREE Heroes sail'd forth on a secret Exploit, All Three more at voting than fighting adroit; To Gaul's dreaded Coast with all Safety arriv'd, To return too with Safety they next all contrivd: C— . cry'd out for a Council of War ; For such Council, he said, had once * savd him before. A Council was call'd, where all gladly agreed, ' Twas safer to fly than to land and succeed. * See Byng's Affair in tbe Mediterranean. LONDON. [ Saturday, Nov. 26. The Utrecht Gazette, . dated November 22, informs us, that a Messenger was arrived there from Magdebourg, with an authentick Relation of the victory gain'd the 5th Instant by his Prussian Majesty, near Rosback. It is printed in Eight Pages Quarto. There is premised an Account of what passed since last September, between the Army of his Prussian Majefty and the Troops of the Empire and France, to the 5th of November, the Day of the Battle, all conformable to what we have given in our former Ac- counts. This Narrative extends to the 9th.— On the 6th the Prussian Army marched to Freybourg; the 7th a large Detachment pursued the Fugitives to Thuringe, and the 9th this Pursuit was continued to Erfurth. The Number of Prisoners is reckoned at 6000 ; and of the Trophies, 63 Cannons, 15 Standards, two Pair of Kettle- Drums, and 7 Colours. It is added, that after examining into the Loss of the Prussians, it did not amount to more than 300 killed and wounded, and that Colonel Prignitz is the only Officer of Note they have lost. At the End of this Relation is a List of French Officers taken Prisoners, the Number- whereof amounts to 11 Generals, and 200 Cap- tains, Lieutenants and inferior Officers, besides several Officers of Provisions. By Letters received Yesterday from Magdebourg there are Accounts, that the Austrain Troops having formed a Scheme to surround the Prince of Bevern's Army in Sile- sia, that General taking Advantage of the Ground, gain- ed a complete Victory, and drove the Austrians out of the Principality of Silesia. We hear that the indefatigable King of Prussia, Imme- diately after his Victory over the Combined Army, gave proper Orders for a warm Pursuit, and stepped himself into a Poft Chaise, and drove to Pomerania, to lead the Army under Marshal Lehwald against the Swedes, of whom we hope soon to have a very good Account, espe- cially as the Swedish General Sternberg seems to be under great Apprehensions. After the late Victory, the Prussians found in one of the Enemy's Magazines a great Number of Crosses of the Order of St. Lewis; which the Prince de Soubise, by a special Meffage to the King of Prussia, desir'd might be returned : But his Prussian Majesty sent for Answer, That as the French King had designed those Marks of Distinc- tion for the Troops who best deserved them, he thought none had so good a Right to them as his own. Some private Letters by this Dutch Mail say, that the Swedish Army has been defeated by the Prussians.; but we suppose this News may be premature; In a Post or two more we shall probably hear of their being defeated, or else saving themselves by a timely Retreat. " We hear the King of Prussia reconnoitred the French Army in Person before the Engagement; and though the Enemy appeared to be at least Three to One, yet finding his Troops to be in high Spirits, he determined to attack the Enemy, and by making a Circle round a Redoubt, he carried it with a small Opposition : On this the Prussian Gens d'Arms were order'd to attack, which put the Ene- my into some Confusion, and some Battalions of Grena- diers attacking the French Batteries, without firing a Gun, only by Push of Bayonet, drove them from Battery to Battery, till retiring in Confusion to the Army, they put, the whole in Disorder, which occasioned a general Rout. It is asserted that some Part of the French ' Army, in the late Action, which consisted of 12 Regiments of In- fantry and Dragoons, only 1500 got off, the rest being either killed, wounded, or taken Prisoners; this was that Body which fell to the Share of the Prussian Infantry, which his Majesty had drawn up, as mentioned in the for- mer Accounts, and by making a Feint of Retreating, drew the French into a Snare. In a private Letter from Brussels it is written, that the French King had taken a Resolution to open the next Campaign in Germany in Person. Some Letters from Hamburgh say, that the King of Prussia is already promised to have 40 or 50,000 Troops thrown into his Pay for two Years certain, and to be as- sembled in the Month of February at farthest. We are assured that the French have lost more' than One Hundred Thousand Men since their first entering Germany in June last. We learn from Hanover, that the States of Lunen- bourg have made the following Regulations for raising the exorbitant Sum which the French demand over and above the Grain and Forage which have already been deliver'd to them : 1. All Placemen, of what Station or Condition soever, shall pay eight per Cent, of their Salaries at four different Terms. 2. All who receive Pensions out of the publick Money shall pay four per Cent, 3. The Nobility and Land Owners shall pay 200 Crowns ( 3 s. 6 d. Sterling each) for each Horse they keep. 4. Each Farmer shall pay four per Cent. 5. For each Coach drawn by Horses shall be paid four Crowns ; for each Sedan Chair two Crowns; and for each Livery Servant one Crown. 6. For each Chimney shall be paid 16 Mariengros. ( A Ma- riengros is equal to 1 d 1 6th.) 7. With regard to Trades- men, each Master shall pay one Crown for himself, and 16 Mariengros for each Journeyman. With respect to Shopkeepers and Sellers of Wine, & c. they shall pay one per Cent, of all the Money they took from Michaelmas 1756 to Michaelmas 1757, or 20 Crowns once for all, at their Option. 8. With regard to the Jews in particular, each shall pay as much as he pays yearly in Shutz- Gold to the Royal Bailiwicks. 9 All the said Moneys are to be paid by way of Advance only, and. upon Interest after the Rate of four per Cent per Ann. Any one who gives in a false Valuation of Substance is to pay double for the Part concealed. Last Night three Messengers were dispatched to the Hague, to our Ministers with the King of Prussia and the King of Denmark. The Report of the Board of Enquiry into the Conduct of the late Expedition, we hear, is to be laid before both Houses of Parliament. We are sorry to find that the Report of Sir Edward Hawke's taking four French Men of War, & c. is for the present without Foundarion. Several Letters from Holland make mention of Advice being received there from Eustatia, that Admiral Coates had fallen in with the homeward- bound French West- India Fleet under Convoy, and taken many of them. We hear that some Officers of the Army have resign'd. It is reported that the Algerines have declared War against the French, and that they have taken 18 Sail of their Merchantmen; They continue to press as vigorously as ever, in order to man six Ships of the Line, which will be ready for the Sea in less than three Weeks, from Chatham and Ports mouth. We have received Advice from Leghorn, that, on the 29th past his Britannick Majesty's Ship the Lyme brought into that Port two French Prizes loaden with Goods from the Coast of Barbary, bound for Marseilles. Lond. Gaz. The Fortune, Hallifax, Anson, and Marlborough Pri- vateers arrived last Thursday at Bristol from their Cruizes, without any Prize. The Chester, of fifty Guns, now at Plymouth, is fit- ting with all Speed to go to the Mouth of Milford- Ha- ven, where she is to lie as a Floating Castle, or Battery, to guard that Harbour, and to give Shelter to our Trade from the Enemy's Privateers. A Dutch SnOW, from Marseilles for Havre- de- Grace, and the Santa Familia, from Susa for Marseilles, are ta- ken by the Osborne Privateer, Capt. Johnson ; the former is carried into Gibraltar, and the latter ransomed. We hear that Orders are sent to the Officers of the Forces quarter'd in several Parts of this Kingdom, to ufe their utmost Endeavoiys to quell all Disturbances of Mobs oa Account of raising the Militia, as also on Account of the Price of Corn; but not to proceed to fire upon any Rioters, except they commit the like as Aggressors there- in. Capt. Lockhart, of his Majesty's Ship Tartar, hath so nobly distinguished himself by taking many French Priva- teers, that the two publick Companies of Insurance, the Underwriters, and Merchants of London, have order'd a rich Piece of Plate, of the Value of 200 1. to be presented him as soon as he comes to London, in Gratitude for the signal Service he has done to the Trade of this Kingdom. The Present consists of a massy gadroon'd Silver Table, supporting a handsome Cup and Cover. It is said a Tax will be laid the ensuing Sessions on At- torneys. By a Letter received in Town on Thursday from Man- chester, we have an Account, that through the Vigilance of the Magistrates, who have endeavour'd to prevent, and also for the future as much as in them lies, will pre- vent the engrossing of Grain; the Populace, who have been very numerous, and committed great Outrages, as has been mentioned in the Papers, are at present entirely appeased and dispersed ; and all Parties seem to be in Tranquility. At a general Meeting of the principal Brewers of this City, at the Queen's Arms in St. Paul's Church Yard, they came to a Resolution of not laying in any Beer to the Publicans under 26 s. per Barrel.- Which, proba- bly, may occasion Disturbances among the Populace of this Metropolis, who are the great Consumers; besides, when was it known that the above principal Set of Gentlemen reduced the Price of their Commodity, though Malt and Hops were ever so cheap ;— but they must get immense Fortunes. Saturday died in Nettleton- Court, Aldersgate- Street. one Williamson, an old Woman who used to go a Charing in the Neighbourhood. A considerable Sum of Money was found in different Corners of her Room, though it is said she used to borrow single Halfpence of her Neigh- bours to buy Necessaries,. on Pretence of Poverty. On Wednesday Night last an elderly Man, very much in Liquor, being prevailed on to go in a Hackney Coach from Holbourn to Crooked Lane ( where he lived), when the Coachman had drove him to the Place directed, on opening the Coach Door in order to let out his fare, he found the Man was dead. , On Wednesday Night, some English and Spanish Sai- lors being together at a House in Wapping, had a Quar- rel, in which two of the former and a Watchman were killed ; upon which the Spaniards were taken into Cus- tody. On Thursday Night 72 Women of the Town, some of them of Eminence in their vocations, were taken up in and near Covent Garden, and carried before Wright, Esq; in New Palace Yard ; and several Coaches full of them were sent to the Bridewells Last Week three Smugglers were taken in Sussex, im- peached of being concerned in a late Engagement with some Dragoons. Dublin, Nov. 15. It's said a Bill will be brought In to have new Parliaments every ten Years in this kingdom Nov. 25, 1757. WHEREAS, about a Year and a Half ago, a Chest of CARPENTER'S TOOLS was left in my Hands, by one John Wright, of Bromsgrove, as Sec urity for the Sum of One Pound Five Shillings, which I lent him ; if the said John Wright, ( or some other Per- son properly authoriz'd by him) does not, within Four- teen Days from the Date hereof, fetch away the said Chest of Tools, and pay the One Pound Five Shillings lent hi m, as also the Expence of inserting this Advertise- ment, the said Chest of tools will be appraiz'd and sold, by me, Samuel Silk, At the Sign of the Pheasant, in Kidderminster.' To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at any Time before Christmas next, The WARREN of CONIES On the Upper- End ot Hartlebury- Heath, In the Parish of Hartlebury, Worcestershire, Consisting of above Three Hundred Acres of Land. § 3" The Soil is dry. and affords good Feed for the Conies. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Wheeler, Attorney, ia Birmingham. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, At the House of Mr. EDWARD WELLINgS, at the BeLl- INN, in Worcester, on Monday the 12th Day of this Instant December, between the Hours of Three and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, TWO New- built v Freehold Messuages or Tenements, SITUATE in a Street call'd Birdport, in the Parish of St. Andrew, in the City of Worcester aforesaid, on the West Side thereof; together with the Back- Buildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging : Which Premises are very convenient to be converted into a Publick House, or for a Tradesman in an extensive Way of Business.' '] Particulars may be had by enquiring of Mr. Philley, Attorney, in Worcester. This is to give Notice to the PublicK THAT, In the College-- Church- Yard, Worcester THERE is now open'd a SHOP, . in which the fol- | lowing GOODS are sold, Wholesale and Retail, viz. Printed Linnens, from per Yard, and Cottons at 19d. to 5s.—— Long Lawns, from i8</. to 61. per Ydtdi Clear Lawns, from \ Sd. per Yard to izs. Quar- ter Lawns, to 16s. per Yard. Irish Linnens of all Prices, Scotch and Gulix Hollands, Yard- wide Cotton Check at tod. per Yard, Yard- and- Half- wide ditto at 15d. per Yard, Check'd, Printed, Border'd, and Silk Handkerchiefs of all Prices, Muslins of all Kinds, Calli- mancoes, Tammies, Scarlet Cloaks, & c. with, a great many other Articles, too tedious to mention, which are sold on the most reasonable Terms, by Jos. Duncan and C° To be SOLD, By the ASSIGNEES of HENRY BLEW, a Bankrupt, On Monday the 19th Day of this Instant December, at the Falcon, in Bromyard, AFARM, in the Parish of Whithorn, in the County of Hertford, being Copyhold of Inheritance, consisting of a Dwelling House, Barn, and other Out- Buildings, Arable Land, Meadow, Pasture and Orcharding, lying near the Turnpike Road between Bromyard and Worcester, and now sett to Amos Green, at the Yearly Rent of il l. A DWELLING HOUSE, with a Work- house, Cyder ; Mill, Beast House, and large Garden. adjoining, situate ! in Nunwell- Street, in. the Town- of Bromyard, now sett i to William Madders, at the Yearly Rent of 4I. 4s. Two other DWELLING HOUSES in the same Street, : in the Town of Bromyard, late in the Possession of Eliza- beth Price and William Wallcraft, of the Yearly Wlue of 3 I- Also an Acre of ARABLE LAND, lying in Crux- well Field, in the Parish of Bromyard, being Copyhold of Inheritance. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Postans, Butcher, in Bromyard, one of the Assignees To be LETT, ( together or separate) from Christmas next, " Three FARMS, Adjojning to each other,, in the Parish of Letton in the County of Hereford, COnsisting of about 400 Statute Acres of Meadow and Pasture Ground, great Part whereof lies Upon the Banks of the River Wye, and is reckon'd the richest and best Land in the County. The Farms have a Right of Common on a large Common thereto adjoining. Enquire of Mr, Freeman, at Gaines; Mr. John Free- man, jun. Attorney at Law, at the King's Arms, in Brom- yard, On Monday ; or at the Fleece in Worcester, on Saturday; or Mr.. Thomas Freeman, Attorney, at Led- bury LONDON. Tuesday, Nov. 29 St. James's Nov. 28. This Day Major Grant, Aid de Camp to his Prussian Majesty, arrived from the Prussian Army in Saxony, With Letters to the King, Which he had ' the Honour to deliver to his Majesty In a private Audi- ence,-. London Gazette* It is positively asserted, that a very great Sum of Mo ney has been lent to the King of Prussia ; and that if found necessary it Would be followed by more. His Majesty in- tends to have a larger Army in the Field earlier in the Spring than he had at the Beginning of the present War. — Tis said the Hanoverian and Hessian Troops are to be commanded by Prince Henry, the King of Prussia's Bro- ther. > His Prussian Majesty ( on the Night after the Battle of the 5th Instant, began the Pursuit, but having been up the whole Night before, he suddenly made a Stop at a Boor's - Cottage, and alighting from his Horse, said to his At- tendants, Nature has now demands upon- me that I can no longer resist: stay but a few Hours and we will see the. Enemy in the Morning. They then brought him a Hurdle and a Truss of Straw, on which he laid down and instant- ly fell asleep. In three Hours he awaked, took some Re- freshment while his Guards reposed themselves, and then continued the Pursuit with the utmost Alacrity. ' By an authenitick List of the Prussian Army, taken, up- on the Field before the Action begun, it consisted of 18,000 Foot and 700o Horse, who were employed for some hours In prayer and singing Psalms The only Regiment in the French Army that made any stand against the Prussians, was Fitz James's Irish Regi- ment, who lost most of their officers before they re- treated."' , - . j They write from Amsterdam, that Marshal Richlieu . having been acquainted that the Hanoverians and Hessians Were assembling with their Artillery and Baggage, sent tham Word that if they did not desist he would lay waste the whole Country; upon which the Hanoverians dis- patched an Express to the King of Prussia, who returned for Answer to Marshal Richlieu, that upon the first Ad- vice of his Beginning to put his threats in Execution, which were contrary to Rules of War, he would hang up every French Prisoner he at present had, and all those he hereafter might have, Without Distinction. was set a- part at the Methiodist's- Tabernacle near Moorfields, and the new- Chapel in Tottenham Court Road, as a Day of thanksgiving and solemn Prayer, for : the King of Prussia's late Victory over the combined- Ar- my, and the further Success of the Protestant Interest both at Home and Abroad. The Report still continues to gain Belief, that Admiral Coates ( not Admiral Hawke). has actually carried into Port Royal several of the Martinico Fleet. ' . to oblige the Millers to bring all the sifting Materials to Prescot On Tuesday, to be destroyed ih the Market Place, which was accordingly done on Monday the Mob march'd to Croxheth, and demolished the Blue Stones, & c. x The Farmers by these Outrages were obliged to bring Wheat to Prescot Market on Tuesday, and sell it from 5 s. to f s. 6 d. per Bushel, Barley from 3 s. 6 d. to 3 s 9 d. and But- ter 6d per Pound, or the Mob would have destroyed all their Stocks. Yesterday the Farmers brought in more Corn, and waited to know what Price the Ringleaders of the Mob and Gentlemen of the Town would fix on it, before they durst offer it to Sale. On Sunday an Express arrived here advising that the Mob assembled at Prescot threaten'd to proceed to this Town, upon which some Gentlemen and Tradesmen arm'd themselves, and kept Guard at the Ex- change all Night; early in the Morning the Marines from on board the Otter Man of War landed, and were join'd by all the Recruiting Parties and Officers in Town, and have ever since kept a regular Guard in order to preserve the Peace, and we hear a Party of Soldiers are hourly expected in Town, for that the Mob would have received a warm Reception had they presumed to have come here. And we may justly observe, that the most effectual Me- thods have been taken to prevent all Forestalling and Re- grating, by the Magistrates; who have carefully inspected - the Markets, and are willing to redress all Grievances. td ' Wednesdays and Thursdays POSTS, Arriv'd the MAILS from Flanders and Holland. v From the CHRONICE. FRANKFORT, November 17. THE Princess de Soubise, who has resided for * some Time in this City, and who proposed to stay here till Circumstances should allow her to go to the Prince her. Husband in Saxony, was very uneasy on his Account after the News came of the Action of the 5th, until she re- ceived Letters informing her that he Was in perfect Health, at Nordhausen, in Thuringia, where he fix'd his Head Quarters on the 9th. This Prince, according to the same Advices, has assembled, since the 6th,' the dispersed Corps of his Army, and has distributed them in such a Manner, that his Left reaches the Army of Marshal Richelieu, in the Principality of Halberstadt, and the Right extends to the Frontiers of the Landgraviate of Hesse- Cassel. We have since heard that Marshal Richelieu has given Orders to all the Troops, that were going into Winter Quarters,' to halt, and hold themselves in Readiness to murch ac- cording to further Orders that shall be given them. The Advices which have been received with regard to the Army of the Empire, are, that it is retreating by Salfeldt and Cobourg towards Nurenbourg. . | Frankfort, Nov 19 The French Part of the late Combined Army is re- assembled at Heiligensladt,; where they can be supported by the Forces under M. Richelieu. , From the LONDON GAZETTE. Hague, Nov. 2;. Last Night we received an Account that the Town of Schweidnitz, in Silesia, was taken on the 1 2th Instant, after a general Assault had been given, tbe Day before, in which the Garrison behaved incom- parably well; and the Governor only capitulated at Noon the next Day, behind the Entrenchments he had made upon the Great Market Place. ' 1 ' '* ' By our last Letters from Dresden, the King of Prussia arrived there the 17th Instart, with the Battalions. The Day before his Prussian Majesty arrived there, the Queen of Poland died suddenly of a Fit of an Apoplexy. The Execution Army of the Empire ( at least as much as re- mains of it) is separated from the French, and retired to- wards Bamberg in Franconia. This Day se'nnight a ship, laden with Salt, lying in the Tier next to a Spanuh Ship at Fresh Wharf, near London Bridge, wis begun to be unloaded, and the Salt Porters- laid planks over the Spanish Vessel ( which is. customary, t0 bring the Salt on shore, at which the Spa- ' niards were much displeased ; and on Wednesday they hoisted their Colours, came upon Deck with Handspikes, hatchets & c.' which they threw at the Porters; One of the Spaniards, had a Hatchet, and was going behind Mr. Williams, a Salt Merchant, but was stopp'd, disarm'd, and carried before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, who committed him to the Poultry Compter, for cutting. one of the Porters in the Side, of which Wound he now ' lies dangerously ill We hear that this Affair has been represented to the Spanish Ambassador. BANKRUPTS.— Thomas Harrison, of St. James's Westminster, Linnen- Draper. John Goff, now or late of Holywell, in the County of Flint, Apothecary and Vintner.—— John Forrester, of the Strand in Middlesex, Linnen- Draper. STOCKS. bank, 119 1 half.' India, 143. South Sea, 164 1- half. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 90. D^ tto id Sub. igg ^-^ Bthsi- Dhto New Annuities, rft Sub. I 8; h. Dit^ o 2d Sub. 89 j 8ths. Three per Cent. Annuities, qi In- dia Botfds^ l. 14 s. Prem". * » ' . > . Rochester, Nov. 26. Last Wednesday was married at Linstead Church, in this County, Mr. James Simpson, to Mrs. Anne Smith, Widow, What is remarkable is, that she is 94 Years of Age, and has had her Coffin by her above 30 Years, but now has changed it for the Nuptial Bed Liverpool, Nov. 25. Sunday last, about Ten o'Clock in the Morning, a Mob, consisting of about 100 Colliers, came into the Market Place at Prescot near this ToWn, headed by a noted Ringleader, by Trade a Stocking- Loom- maker,' and formerly one of the principal Rioters at Nottingham. On their Arrival, they blew a Horn in order to summon their Friends, and soon after they marched to Tarbuck Water- Mill, broke doWn the French ; Stones, and destroyed the bolting or sifting Materials ; from thence they visited a principal Farmer that occupies Tarduck- Hall, and, two other Dealers in Corn in that Neighbourhood, who were obliged to compromise that Affair, and to give them five Half- Barrels of Ale to save . their Property ; at one of the three Farmers and Badgers Houses, some of the hungry Rabble ventured the Loss of the Back of their Hands to rob the Family ( of some Dumplins and Meat, boiling for Dinner in the Pot, pull'd thi Victuals out, but unhappily left Part of their Skin behind. ' About Four in the Afternoon they returned to Prescot, broke into the House of one Simpson, a Flour Dealer and Breadseller, tore down all the Furniture, and threw both that and all the Shop Goods through the Win dows, thinking him disaffected; soon after they marched towards Eccleston, and were received by the Lord of the Manor, who, rather than run the Risk of his Tenants be- ing plunder'd, gave them Ale and Money, and engaged WORCESTER, December 1. On Friday last the Rev. Mr. Hughes, one of the Mem- bers of this Cathedral, was presented, by the Dean and Chapter, to the Vicarage of St. Peter, in this City. Last Week Humphry Winwood and John Winwood ( Brothers) were committed to our County Gaol, the first being charged with maliciously murdering one Thomas Green, of the Parish of Ribbesford, and the other with ' being an Accessory in the said Murder; which, it seems, was occasion'd by a Quarrel ( so as to come to Blows) be- tween Humphry Winwood and the Deccas'd-, about a Dog belonging to the former, which the latter used fre- quently to encourage and entertain at his House. The Reason of Winwood's Brother being likewise committed to Gaol, was from his being present at the Quarrel, and therefore look'd upon as an Accessoryt tho' we do not find he actually assisted his Brother in the Fray. On Monday last an Order from the High Sheriff came to our County Gaol to discharge John Lightwood ( who was condemn'd at our last Assizes for robbing on the High- way, but afterwards repriev'd), his Majesty having been graciously pleas'd to grant him a full Pardon. __ In a Cause tried at our last Assizes, wherein Joseph Glover, of Lower Mitton, was Plaintiff, and Richard Price, of the same, Defendant, for a malicious Prosecution carried on by the Defendant against the Plaintiff, the Jury giving of 2001. Damage against the Defendant, he moved the Court of Common Pleas the laft Term to set on side the Verdict for excessive Damage : But on, Satur- day last, the matter coming cm thereto be argued, the Court confirmed the Verdict, with the Cost of the Motion.' Last Saturday Evening a Waggon loaded with Wheat from this Market, that was going for Bromsgrove, was stopped at Droitwich by a Mob, Who took eleven Bags out of it, which they emptied, and carried the Wheat On Monday last a Fellow was taken up in Birmingham for stealing Poultry in that Neighbourhood. He has im- peach'd a great Number of Accomplices who have infested that Country, and in a short Time stole some Thousands of Poultry of divers Sorts. '- Last Monday se'nnight Mr. John Mayberry, an emi- nent Iron Master at Brecon, was married to Miss Wilkins, ( eldest Daughter of Mr. John Wilkins, of the same Place) an agreeable young Lady with a genteel Fortune, and endued with all the other Requisites to complete the Hap- piness of that State. To the Nobility, Gentry, and all Lovers of Living Curiosities. At the Golden Lion, in High Street, Wor- celler,' is to Be seen a Live CROCODILE, ( the only one in England) lately brought from the River Nile in Egypt Whatever'deserves the Epithet of RARE is certainly worthy the Observation of the Curious He IS the only Creature that moves his Upper Jaw, and his Tongue is fix'd in such a Manner to his Lower One, that no Passage into his Body can be perceived ;' he has two fine Eyes, with transparent Fibres, which. he curiously expands over them when in Water and is coVer'd on the Back with a shell of so hard a Nature as to resist the Force of a Musket Ball. ' This extraordinary Creature, Expositors and Naturalists suppose to be the Leviathan mention'd in the 41st Chapter of the Book of Job, where is a whole Chapter on the Description of him, and as they are often found of the Length of 40 Feet in those Countries, the Description Will appear very exact with their Make, terrible Appear- ance, and Voraciousness, they often seizing and devour- ing Oxen and Horses as they come to the River to drink, and the Dogs, when they drink, lap running along the Banks of the Nile, to avoid being seized. But this is so remarkably tame, that his Keeper can trust his Hand in his Mouth, and tho of so extraordinary a Size, is hatch'd from an Egg. Whoever has seen this amazing Crea- ture, express the greatest Astonishment and Satisfaction. To be seen any Hour of the Day by one or more Persons, at Sixpence each — , This Ani- mal, when view'd in a fine Concave Mirrour two Feet Diameter, now in Possession of the Crocodile's Owner, and which cost Fifty- two Guineas at Venice, has most surpriz- ing Appearance, and is acknowleg'd by the Curious who have seen it, to be the most astonishing in Appearance of any Creature ' ever yet shewn, appearing of the Magni- tude of those so surprizingly large in Egypt. His Stay will be but short in this City. To be seen, at the same Place, a curious GROTTO, consisting of upwards of Two Thousand Beautiful SHELLS Heads of a Bill for a Charitable LOTTERY for the Relief of Distressed VIRGINS in Great Britain. WHEREAS by the great Disuse of Holy Matri- mony, an infinite Number of his Majesty's Fe- male Subjects are left upon the Hands of their Parents, in the unnatural State of Virginity, to the grievous Pre- judice of the Commonwealth, the unsupportable burden- ing of private Families, and the unspeakable Affliction of the said Females: Be it enaCted, for the better Hindrance thereof in Times to come, and for the necessary Encou- ragement of Propagation, ( which we ought particularly to attend to in Time of War and Commotions) that all the Virgins of Great Britain, from the Age of Fifteen to Forty, shall be disposed of by Lottery, in the Manner herein set forth: The Great PRIZES are, The Second PRIZES are. Beauties, Number 100 I Wits, Pretty Girls, 5000 I Housewives Agreeables, 10,000 j Ladies of Quality The Lowest PRIZES are, Women of Fashion and Breeding, Good Players at Quadrille, Misses of great Accomplishments, Good- condition'd Girls, alias Friskies, Special Breeders Saints CHRISTOPHER FULLER, At the Guy of WARWICK, In DIGBETH, BIRMINGHAM. MAKES and Sells Waggon Iron Axle- Trees, and Axle- Tree- Arms, finished in the compleatest Manner, and warranted for Six Months; where any Person by applying may be served with any Quantity at a short Notice. ANY Perfon desirous of purchasing an ANNUITY for Life of 40 J. or sol. per Ann. to be secured on a real Estate of double the yearly Value, lying within Four Miles of Worcester, may hear of such a Purchase by applying to Mr, Dandridge, an Attorney, in Worcester. At the Request of several Ladies eminent for their OEconomy, This Day is Publish'd, ( Price One Shilling,) Neatly bound with CASES for NoTes and LETTERS, and adorned with a Frontispiece of a LADY dressed in the present Fashion, the. '.;.: : . 300,000 12,000 30,000 100,000 I7CO 10 In the Lists of Blanks art comprehended all the Fe- males in Great Britain, within the Age preserved by this ACt, that are only known by the general Denomination of virtuous Women, Number One Million. It is proposed, That the said Lottery shall be carried on in the usual Methods ; only that whatsoever any Man shall draw, whether Blank or Prize, he shall be obliged to keep the same ; whereby the Publick will be discharg'd of the heavy Incumbrance of near a Million and Half of Virgins, and the Births will probably be increased near a Third of that Number in the Bills of the ensuing Year. And whereas the principal Objection against all State- Lotteries is the draining the Poor of their Money, and discouraging of Trade and Industry, Be it provided, That in this present Lottery no Man shall be permitted to take a Ticket who has not an Estate of at least One Hundred Pounds per Annum, except it be idle or useless Persons, who are expeCted to serve their Country this Way, since they do it no other. To prevent any Disputes about fixing the Value of the Prices, Beauties shall be fettled by a Committee of Gen- tlemen of approved Taste, to be appointed for that Pur- pose ; the Pretty and Agreeables shall be rated by the Number of their Lovers; and the Wits by the Number of their Enemies. For the better Encouragement of the Men, and to take away the dreadful Apprehensions of Cuckoldom, no Wo- man of scandalous and lewd Behaviour shall be put into the Lottery ; but where the Point is only a little doubt- ful, it is hoped Gentlemen will not be so unreasonable as to expeCt the Government should insure them, but judge favourably, and make themselves easy, as it is the Part of | wise Men and good Subjects so to do. And whereas certain ill affected and seditious Persons may go about to represent this prefent ACt as an Attempt to introduce arbitrary Power, by putting a grievous Yoke about the Necks of his Majesty's Subjects, be it declared, that there is nothing in this ACt contrary to Magna- Charta, the Petition of Right, or the ACt of Settlement; and that the Liberties and Rights of the People are safe and invio- late, no Man being compelled to take a Ticket, but only advised and exhorted thereunto. No Man shall take above One, except Peers, Privy- Counsellors, Judges, and Members of Parliament, who are allowed as far as Three. The Tickets are all to be deliver'd gratis, and special Care to be taken that no one shall have more than is granted him by this Act. Provided, nevertheless, that all such Husbands as have brought a Contempt upon Matrimony, by suing publickly for a Divorce, and proving themselves Cuckolds in open Court, be especially and particularly excluded from the Benefit of this Act. And be it enacted, that all and every Woman or Wo- men that have been or shall be so divorced, shall continue to aCt and do all such Things as they might have done if n0 such Judgment had been given against them. And whereas many young Women may pretend to be under dismal Apprehensions of , Efq; to the great Discouragemcnt and Prejudice of the present Lottery, be it declared, that the said , Efq; is ipso facto an unfit Person, and remains excluded accordingly. The said Lottery is to be drawn on the First of May, 1758, and the DoCtors, ProCtors, and other Officers of the Spiritual Court, to be appointed Managers thereof. It is proposed that the same shall be renew'd once in every Seven Years. LADIES COMPLEAT- POCKET- BOOK, FOR The YEAR of OurLORD 1758. contAining I. A Methodical Memorandum- Book for every Day in the Year, disposed in Fifty - two Weeks, and rul'd throughout, by which an exact Account may be kept with the greatest Ease, of all Monies Received, Paid, Lent, or Expended, every Day in the Year ; and of all Appointments, Engagements, or Visits that have been made, paid, or received; and a distinct Column to each Week, for all occasional Memorandums of Observations. To Which are prefix'd the remarkable Days in the Year. And at the End are, II. The favourite New Songs sung last Summer at Rane- lagh, Vauxhall, and Marybon Gardens and twenty- four New Country Dances for 1758. III. Some Observations upon Industry and Idleness ; Bill of Fare for every Month ; ready Messes for Supper; Tables of Expences ; Tables for Marketing, and other Particulars very useful for the Pockct of the FAIR SEX. : LONdON : Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun, in St. Paul's Church Yard ; and sold by the Booksel- lers in Worcester ; E. Andrews, m Evesham; J. Blunt, in Ross; R. Raikes, in Gloucester ; M. Simmons, in Monmouth ; J Wilde, in Hereford > B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth T. Aris, in Birmingham ; and may likewise be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal To the PUBLICK. The following GOODS are just arriv'd from London, and fold by H. Berrow, Printer, in Worcester; Mr. Hodges, Bookseller, in Hereford, and may be had of the Distributors of this Paper, viz. THE neatest Shaving Boxes yet made, holding Soap, Brush, Razors, Combs, Strop, Pomatum, & c. to go in a Waistcoat Pocket, at 7 s. each, other Sorts at 5 s. and 2 s. each, all ready furnished with the best Grecian Soap. Shaving Powder at. 11. each Box, Brushes at 8 d. each. The best Sort of Wash Balls for the Skin at 6 d. each The Court, ot Lady's black Sticking Plaister at 6d. or 1 s. each. The best Sort of Lip- Salve in Threepenny and Six- penny Pots. John Lord's well known infallible Corn Salve, so often advertis'd in the London and Country Papers, and well known for giving immediate Ease and perfect Cure for all Sorts of Corns, Price 1 s. 6 d. Warren's British Powder for cleansing and preserving the Teeth and Gums, and is found much to exceed all Tinctures, Opiates, & c. yet known, Price t s. The true Scowering Drops, so- much fam'd in London for taking Spots or Stains out of Silks, Camblets, Stuffs, Cloth, & c. Price 1 s. Dr. James Whites's Pertoral Balsamick Lozenges for Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Consumptions, & c. being the best Remedy for the above Disorders yet known, Price 1 s. 6 d. a Box. • ) Printed Directions to each Article. . At the Golden Fleece Perfume Shop, near York- Buildings, in the Strand, London, is great Variety of English or Foreign Perfumery Goods, & c. where Gen- tlemen, Ladies, ( or Shopkeepers to sell again) may be serv'd with the above. N. B. Great Allowance, Wholesale, By their humble Servants, R. WARREN and Co. Perfumers. The following is one of the many remarkable Cures, lately perform'd . . by Dr. LOWTHER's Powder;. We whose Names are under- written, the 25th of August last, re- commended to Dr. Lowther as a proper Object of his Compassion, Nathan Nathan, of our Hamlet of Mile- End old Town, in the Pa- rish of St. Dunstan Stepney, being an honest Man, and having a Wife, and five Children dependent on his Induftry : And as the said Nathan has received a perfect Cure by Dr. Lowther's Powders, it is made publick for the Benefit of ethers. HugH Colley, Minister. JAMES Huggett, Churchwarden, JOHN Bradbee, Overseer. AleXANder VInCeNT, Constable. His CASE was as follows: A violent nervous Disorder, Faintings, Tremblings, dizziness Weakness in the Limbs, Flutterings, Palpitation', violent Reaching', Pains in the Head, Breast and Stomach, low Spirits, Loss of Appe- tite, bad digestion, appressed greatly with Wind, drowsy, heavy and melancholy, extremely restess in his Sleep, and a ( low, nervous Fe- ver had taken Medicines of Several Gentlimen of the Facuity: By some his Disorder was pronounced an inward lurking Fever and Ague j the Bark and other Things were prescribed in vain ; others supposed it to be occasioned by Worms, Specifick for that Complaint was or- dered, bat withont Effect : At length it was declared a Nervous j) iforder, for which he could procure no Relief, until the above Re commendation to Dr. Lowther,' who has entirely cured him in Five Weeks, by the sole Use of his Powders/ published by his Majesty's Royal Letters, Patent. Of the Printer of this paper may likewise be had, A speedy and ccrtain Cute for the ITCH, SCURVY, PIMPLES, and other Scorbutick Breakings- out on the Skin, tho of many Years standing: Being an agree- able, clear, eXcellent Water, ( to be applied outwardly.) Price One Shilling a Bottle.
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