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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 24/11/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2521
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester Journal [ Printed at his O F F I C E, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, November 24, 1 7 5 7. N° 2521 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd a MAIL from HOLLAND. DANTZICK, October 22. WE are informed that several Vessels are arrived at Memel from Revel and Riga with Provisions for the Troops of Mar- shal Apraxin. The Retreat of the Rus- sians is only to be attributed to the want of Subsistence, and the Means of pro- curing it ; but nothing can justify the horrible Cruelties which they have committed in the Prussian Territories, having plundered and burnt the Town of Ragnit, and a great Number of other Towns and Villages, carried off all the Cattle they could, and knocked the rest on the Head, murder'd many of the inhabitants in cool Blood, and burnt several others with their Habitations, forced with the utmost Violence a great Number of young People to go along with them, and robb'd and prophaned the Churches, and treated the Ecclesiasticks in the most cruel Manner, causing many of them to undergo the Punishment of the Knout, because they did not, nor could, give them the Money which was exacted of them. Paris, Nov. 4. 1b the Night between the 27th and 28th past, three successive Shocks of an Earthquake were felt in divers Parts of the Province of Normandy ; but chiefly at Caen, Havre de Grace, and Harfleur, each Shock being preceded by a hollow subterranean Noise, not unlike the Roaring of Thunder heard at a Distance. The Sea on many of the Coasts was observed to be very much agitated, but we have the Satisfaction to hear that very little Damage has happen'd on this Occasion. LONDON. [ Thursday, NOV. 10. We hear that, for the Honour of Great Britain, the History of the late EXPEDITION, together with some other Modern Tranfactions, equally glorious, will be all laid asleep, by a General Act of Oblivion, so as, if possible, never to be known to our Posterity. We also hear that a famous French Cook it safely ar- rived at the Port of London, and was immediately snapt up and taken into a Great House near the Bank, into a most elegant Service for at least one Year certain, in order to teach Citizens the noble Art of French Cookery.-— An Example which, we hope, will not be follow'd ; but, on the contrary, will be highly detested in every Part of Great Britain. A few Days since was publish'd, in an enormous Vo- lume, unfit for the Pocket. Blind just— e triumphant, ex- hibited with three loud Huzza's round a large Bonfire arb— rily erected near Cov t G— den. N. B Com- mon Harlots are as triumphant in this Quarter as Ju e himself, and are as perspicuous as was even his Bonfire ; whence some are strongly of Opinion that though Ju— ce is blind, he knows as well as any Man on which Side his Bread is butter'd. Address'd to a certain Justice of the Peace. To say you'll reform all the Neighbours around. Why sure, Mr. Justice, you're mad ! If Gaming's a Vice that pernicious is found. Is not Whoring, pray tell me, as bad ? It is now said that the first Business to be done by the House of Commons will be to grant a Subsidy to the King of Prussia, of One Million Sterling, to support the Protestant Cause and Liberty of the Empire. We hear for certain that the Hessian Troops are march'd to join the King of Prussia. The- Report that prevailed last Week of the King of Prussia's making some Kind of Treaty with the French took its Rise, as we now find, only from a Cartel being settled between them for an Exchange of Prisoners. The Board of Enquiry sat on Monday till Four o'clock, when A K was heard, who affirmed, that the bomb Vessels could not come nearer than three Miles of the Fort Fouras, and that the small Vessel, in which he went in order to reconnoitre the Fort, was a ground five Times in the Hour; and he said he knew, that if the Mortar had had all the Powder requisite, it would not throw the Shell above two Miles three Quarters; there- fore we could not come within Reach to destroy that Fort by Sea. After this the Board adjourned till Tuesday ; when they they asked A K several interesting Questions; and after him C C was examined, nd answer'd the several Questions put to him with great judgment, in a very distinct and clear Manner, and said, 1 That he was still confirmed in the Opinion which he nd given in to the C- l before he went on the Expedi- tion, for which he was obliged to trust and depend on his Memory ( having destroyed his Papers of the Observations he had made before he left Rochefort, for fear of being taken up for a Spy), by the Engineer, Commandant, and a Fisherman he took at the Isle of Aix, all of whom he was very particular with. He drew with his Pencil be- fore the Engineer, that Part of Rochefort which was the weakest when he was there, and the Engineer confirmed that there had been no Addition or Alteration since ; and that the dry Ditch could not be overflowed, by Reason of the Unequalness of the Ground ; and that the Pilot on board the Magnanime offered to pilot them into the River Charente, as a Thing very practicable. Some Instructions given by Sir J L having been read on Monday by the G ls, the Hon. Board this Day received a Message from Sir J L by a Colonel of the Guards, that those Instructions were not given as Commands, but as Advice, from the Experience and Knowledge he had gained by long Service ; to which the G—— ls also concurred. About Three o'Clock the Enquiry came to a Conclusion; when Lord G S made a short Speech to the G ls, and concluded, that the most disagreeable Thing next to be ing tried himself, was that of being appointed to sit on an Enquiry of those Gentlemen whose Courage and Fi- delity had been so often tried; after which Sir J M - thanked the Board for their Candour and In dulgence, and concluded with the following Speech : " I am conscious of having done my utmost, to the best of my Judgment, for his Majesty's Service, in the Conduct of this Expedition, and I have submitted myself voluntarily and readily to this Examination. I desire no Favour or Partiality, and I know I shall have the most exaCt justice, in the Report this Honourable Board will make. " I apprehend that an Enquiry into the whole ConduCt of an Expedition, without any Accusation formed, or any Charge laid, is a Proceeding not quite common; and however free from Guilt a Man may feel himself, there are few who can stand so strict an Examination. " There is nothing but the high Opinion I have both of the Justice and Candour of this Board, could make me easy in such a Situation. " I therefore hope you will be indulgent to my Errors, but I desire no Mercy for Guilt, or known Disobedience, and with these Sentiments I submit myself to the Court*" In the Course of the Enquiry, among several other Papers produced before the Board, the following List is said to have been given in of the Number of the French Forces, and where stationed : 119,000 in Germany. 25,000 in America and their Islands 4,000 in the East Indies. 10,000 on the Sea Coast of France, from St. Vallery to Bayonne, being an Extent of 400 Miles. 29,000 in the Garrison and interior Part of France next the Empire, and from Calais down to Provence. 187,000 On the G ' s doubting the Authority of this List, and from whence it could be received, he was answered ; From our Spies in France ; and that he, with the Admi- rals H and K was present at a private C with both the S , at Lord H ' » House, be- fore he went out ; and then he knew and was informed of this and seVeral other Particulars relative to the Hopes for Success of the Expedition they were going on. We hear that the Report of the Board of Enquiry into the late secret Expedition will be made to his Majesty on Saturday. We are informed that the Sloops employed by Admiral Hawke to take the Soundings on the French Coast, found 13 to 15 Fathom Water in Places, where, according to the magnificent Collection of Sea Charts lately published at Paris, under the Title of Le Neptune, they were to ex- pect only four or five. Such Art do the French use to keep other Nations ignorant of their Coasts. We hear that several Men of War are speedily to sail on a Cruise off Cape Clear and Ortugal on the French Privateers who were very numerous there, and also on their Outward and Homeward- bound Merchantmen. The Barbadoes Sloop, Capt. Richardson, from Chester for London, was taken by the Revenge Privateer of Dun- kirk, who took the Captain and one Man on board the Privateer, leaving only the Mate and a Boy on board the Sloop, and put five Frenchmen to carry her to France. The Mate took the Opportunity to make the Frenchmen drunk, and lock'd them into the Cabin. A little after he was brought to by another Privateer belonging to Brest, who released the Frenchmen, plunder'd the Cabin, and dismissed her again for France 1 but before they got into Port, the Mate found Means, while , three of them were drinking in the Cabin, and the other two drunk upon Deck, whom he tumbled down, and fastened them all in again. They brought the Sloop safe into the Downs, and the Frenchmen are in Deal Castle. The Dorset Privateer of Pool, Capt. Penny, of twenty Guns, was sunk by a French Frigate of 36 Guns, in the Bay of Biscay, after an Engagement of three Hours, in which the Dorset had 40 Men kill'd and wounded ; the Remainder of the Crew, except six, were taken up by the Frigate, which is since taken by the Tartar, Capt. Lockhart, and brought into Portsmouth by the Essex Man of War. One Tookey, concern'd with the Coiners now in Cus- tody, was lately apprehended near Park- Gate, waiting for a Vessel to carry him over to Ireland. Tuesday Morning a Man, very well dressed, was seen taking a Three- penny Loaf out of a Baker's Basket in Cornhill, and on being detected, his Answer was, That he had not a Farthing of Money in his Pocket, was a Gen- tleman's Son, and had not been used to beg, and hoped they would excuse him, as that was the first Time he had been guilty of such s Crime. The Baker not only for- gave him, but charitably gave him the Loaf, with which he went off very contentedly. On Tuesday Night as Mr. Rose, a Tallow Chandler in the Minories, was returning Home, he dropp'd down dead in a Fit of Coughing, and died immediately. He was esteemed a very honest Man. Last Sunday Night a Nest of those detestable Wretches, call'd Sodomites, was disturbed by some Peace Officers sent by Justice Fielding to a House in Snow's Rents, near Tothill Street, Westminfter, and the Master of this in- fernal Brothel was sent to Prison ; and another Person who was apprehended was admitted an Evidence, and has given an Account of all the Persons who frequent that Place, whom he has seen commit these Vile Practices, and War- rants are issued out against them ; what is very extraordi- nary, though all the Goods in this House were not worth Two Shillings, it ' appears that Persons in very good Cir- cumstances have frequented it. Extract of a Letter from on Board his Majesty's Ship the Lynn, dated Sept. 12, cruizing off the Island of Cuba. " I wrote to you from Antigua, that we had taken a French Privateer, the best the French had belonging to Guardaloupe. We are now cruising off the Island of Cuba; and since we left Jamaica, we have taken a French Privateer of 10 Guns, a French Merchant Ship, and blew up a French Privateer of 16 Guns, wherein 1 20 Souls perished ; since that we have taken a French Brig loaded witk Indigo and Sugar, and retaken an English Merchant- Man, that had been taken by a French Privateer." From tbe LONDON GAZETTE. Admiralty- Office, Nov. 16. On the 2d of this Month Capt. Lockhart, in his Majesty's Ship Tartar, of 28 Guns and 1oo Men, after a Chace of near 30 Hours, and an Engagement of three Hours, took the Melampe. a French Privateer of Bayonne, of 700 Tons, and 36 Guns and 310 Men. The Tartar, when she first begun the Chace, was in Company of several of the King's Ships; but during her Engagement, and when the Priva- teer struck, she was hardly in Sight of them from their Mast- Heads. During the Chace, Capt. Lockhart retook a Prize belonging to the Privateer, called the Princess Amelia, bound to Halifax, with Provisions. And on the 29th of last Month took another Privateer, called the Countess Gramont, of 18 Guns and Men. His Majesty's Ship the Antelope, commanded by Capt. Saumarez, which put into Plymouth the nth Instant, had also taken a Privateer of Bayonne, of 22 Guns and 220 Men. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. IRELAND. DUBLIN, November 8. TUESDAY last we had several Claps of Thunder and Flashes of Lightning, succeeded by Hail, Rain, and Storm, all which were the most vio- lent that can be remember'd, by which one of the Pinacles on the North Square of Christ Church Stee- ple was thrown down, and through the Roof fell on the Flags, several of which were thereby broke to Pieces in the Isle; the great Ball, the Iron Works about the Wea- thercock, and the Dials, which were lately gilded, were turned quite black by the Force of the Lightning 1 a Stone of about Fifty Pounds Weight, fell from Christ Church on a House in St. John's Lane, which broke the Roof in Pieces, several Chimnies have been thrown down, and other Damages done. COUNTRY NEWS. York, Nov. 15. Wednesday died, in an advanced Age, James Barnard, Esq; one of the Aldermen of this City, and Lord Mayor thereof in the Years 1735 and 1752. Dying a Batchelor, he has bequeathed the Bulk of a very considerable fortune amongst his very numerous, did not induce him to forget the Publick, for he has left 200 1. for new- laying the Pavement of the. Guildhall; 100 I. to the Parish of St. Crux, the Interest thereof to be annually expended in Bread for the Poor; 501. to the County Infirmary ; and 501. to the Charity- Schools in this City. LONDON. { Saturday, Nov. 19. " Extract of a Letter from Hoff, in Germany, Nov I.. '" Leipsick is besieged in Form, being invested on all Sides, and without Relief. The Candonading on both Sides resembles a perpetual Thunder. Marshal Keith, finding himself reduced to this Extremity, had formed a Design to cut his Way through the Bcliegers, with his 7 or 80oo Men that he had in Garrison ; but reflecting that this was too hazardous to attempt with so watchful an Enemy, he chose to retreat into the City, and wait the Event of a vigorous Siege. It is reported that the King of Prussia's Brother, who has given so many Proofs of his Bravery in the Field of Battle, died lately at Leipsick, regretted both by his Friends and Enemies. " We have received certain Advice from Silesia, that the Trenches were opened before Schweidnitz the z6tb ult. and that they begun to bombard that City the 27th." one of them were upwards of 500 new Hogsheads, which were destroyed. It burnt with such Violence, that in a short Time ( having no Water) the Flames reached some old Houses, inhabited by poor People, in a Court, and buried ten, with all their Furniture ; but the Assistance of some Engines probably prevented its spreading quite to the River. Wednesday last some Rogues broke into the House of James Herbert, Esq; at Shepherd's Well near Canterbury, and Hole thereout sundry Things of great Value. They' rummaged two Desks and flung all the Papers on the Ground. It is thought, from several concurring Circum- stances, that they were not common Thieves, but intend- ed to seize some Papers of the greatest Consequence to Mr. Herbert, in which- they were happily disappointed. A Reward of Twenty- five Gunieas is offer'd to discover the Offenders.' Last Night a Horse Pursuit sent by Justice Fielding towards Chester, after a Highwayman who committed several Robberies in Essex, return'd to Town, and brought him with them. They took him about twenty Miles be- yond St. Alban's, where he was in Bed, and found upon him a Gentleman's Watch he had robb'd. He was com. mitted to New Prison, and his Accomplice was committed on Monday last, by Justice Conyers, to Chelmsford Gaol, from which Gentleman Mr. Fielding had the earliest In- formation. They are Brothers and Journeymen Bakers. Orders have been given, at Toulon, for making Ex- periments upon Oak, Chesnut, and Fir Planks, which are to be kept in Salt Water, Fresh Water, and Dry Sand, each for Three Years, in order to determine the true Effects of all thefe Methods of Seasoning, in those different Kinds of Timber. Yesterday an Exprefs was dispatched to the Head- Quar- ters of his Prussian Majesty, with Advices of Importance touching the present Situation of Affairs, and to congra- tulate his Majesty upon the late Success of his Troops. Letters from Italy hint as if something extraordinary was soon to happen in those Parts. The King of Sardi. nia has sent Troops to the Frontiers on the Side of Liguria; and the Genoese have caused a Number of Men to defile the same Way. We hear that a Promotion of Land and Sea Officers is very speedily to be made by his Majesty.: Orders are given for raising a contrderable Number of Land and Sea Forces more, to be employed on a certain Expedition in the Spring, in case no Accommodation is brought about by that Time. It is said that a Court Martial will be held in a few Days in Relation to some Transactions in the West- Indies. We hear that the Board of Enquiry, being his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, Lord George Sackville, and General Waldegrave, made their Report on Thursday to his Majesty of the Proceedings had thereupon. There are now between twenty and thirty Sail of Men of War at Spithead ; yet they continue to press, and the Workmen in the Yards are ordered to work double Tides at this Season, which is reckoned very remarkable A brave and truly British Sea Captain, a few Days since, told two of his Midshipmen who had signalized themselves in a late Engagement with two Frigates of great Force, which proved the hottest Action since the Commencement of ihe War, ' That they had both be- haved so equally gallant, he Was at a Loss which to pre- fer to a Lieutenancy. Upon which he proposed their drawing Lots for it, assuring them, that the other should be recommended by him in the strongest Manner, to the Admiralty. We mention this to the Honour of the brave Capt. Gilchrist, as an Example worthy of Imitation for the Encouragement of real Merit. The Charlotta, Frederiga, Capt. Maunebez, a Danish Ship, bound from Leghorn to Hamburgh, has been plun- der'd and barbarously used by English Privateers, who took out of her several Bales of Silk, & c. Divers Dutch Vessels have also been used in the same unwarrantable Manner by some of our Privateers ; and Complaints there of have been made to the Board of Admiralty, who have promised to enquire after the Authors of these pyratical Proceedings, and bring them to condign Punishment at Execution Dock. The Tartar, in her Engagement with the Melampe French Privateer, fired all her Grape double headed Shot and Four- Pounders, broke all the Breechings of the Guns, and was obliged to make use of her main Tiers in Lieu thereof. She had only one Man killed, and three blown up in the Foretop. The Frenchman had several killed, and 26 wounded, most of them mortally. The Tartar has taken ten Privateers, and Prisoners to the Number of 1988. The Melampe is 116 Feet long upon her Keel, her extreme Breadth 33 Feet, and is but two Months old. The Marquis Gramaldi, the Spanish Minister at the Hague, has quitted that Place, to succeed Mr. Wall, as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at Madrid : And we hear that his Excellency Ma, Wall, who resided many Years at London, as Minister from Spain, will return to this Court as Plenipotentiary, to accommodate Matters relating to the Antigallican and valuable Prize ; as the Accommodation of that Affair seems now of the utmost Consequence. * Some Brewers in this City are endeavouring to bring about a Combination for raising tbe Price of Beer in general. We hear from Preston, in Lancashire, that one Wil- liam Roughsedge, a Shoemaker, near that Place, had one of the 50001. Prizes in the late Lottery. Yesterday Morning, about One o'Clock, a Fire broke out in a Workshop belonging to Mr. Edwin, a Cooper, in Bross Alley, near Black's Fields, Southwark, which in a short Time burned that and two others adjoining ; Extract of a Letter from Stockport, Nov. 15. « • On Tuesday last a Mob from Ashton Underline came and enter'd our Town, who went directly to the Meal House, and sold all the Meal at Twenty Shillings per Load; the Owners received the Cash, only they would have it sold at that Price. From thence they went to the Cheese Market, which they sold at Twenty Shillings per Hundred Weight ; and Butter at Fourpence per Pound. On Saturday about three hundred of them went to Man- chester, intending to behave in like Manner, but met with a warm Reception from the Gentlemen and Soldiers; and though they were joined by some of the Town's- Peo- pie, oblig'd ' em to retire. Wednesday they went again, but were met at the End of the Town by the Sheriff, the Gen- tlemen and Soldiers, when the Soldiers had Orders to fire on them ; and I am this Moment informed, by a Gentle- man who was a Spectator, that they had killed twelve of the Mob, and wounded 17, who were carried to the In firmary ; that the Mob broke in among the Soldiers, and were immediatedly joined by five or fix hundred People belonging to the Town, and pulled down all the Mills; two Soldiers and a By- Stander were killed; the Town was in the utmost Confusion ; and the Bell was rung for all Persons to keep within Doors." Eztract of a Letter from Chester, Nov 15. " On this Day Fortnight a very numerous Mob assem- bled at Newcastle in Staffordshire, and seized upon all the Corn, Meal, Butter and Cheese 1 they sold the Wheat at 5 s. Barley at 2 s. 6d. and Oats at 1 s. 6 d. per Mea- fure ; Meal at 8 4 per1 Peck ; Butter at 4 d. and Cheese at Twopence Halfpenny per Pound ; they render'd a just Ac- count to the Farmers and returned them all their Money, telling them at the same Time, That if they did not im- mediately thresh their Corn, and bring it to the publick Market, they would take that Trouble upon themselves, which has had such an Effect upon all the Farmers, not only in that Neighbourhood, but also about Congleton, Sandbach, and other neighbouring Villages, where the Mob also assembled for the same Purpose, that they are all very busily employ'd in getting their Corn ready for Market, which has entirely put a Stop to the private Meetings of the Swealers and Badgers, and for fome Time past have had their Meetings in small Villages. " Our worthy Mayor, and Magistracy of this City, have exerted themselves, in endeavouring to bring to Justice those Pests of the Nation, the Engrossers, Forestallers and Regrators of Corn, and several of them are bound over to our next General Quarter Sessions, where they will be prosecuted according to Law. And Yesterday, several of the Justices of the Peace for the County met at the Castle, on the same Account, and obliged between zo and 30 of these Forestallers, & c. to enter in to Recognizances to appear at the Quarter Sessions, to be held at Nampt- wich, at Christmas next, where. Bills of Indictment will be preferred against them.' " From the commendable Vigilance of the City and County Magistrates, the Poor may rest satisfied, That the utmost Endeavours will be used for a Redress of their Grievances, by detecting and prosecuting Offenders ; and it is to be hoped, that all Persons who can make Disco- veries of any Corn, bought, sold, or deliver'd out of open Market, will so far befriend their Country, as to give Informations of such Offenders; That the vile Oppres- sors, who by secret Contracts and illegal Combinations, would wickedly caufe a Sort of Dearth and Scarcity amongst us, may be thoroughly known, and brought to condign Punishment." Extract of a Letter from Pool, Nov. 16: " Last Night came to Town Capt. Penny, who lately commanded the Dorset Frivateer of this Place, and from whom we have the following Account: That on the 24th of October, in Lat. 50. 8. Long. 13 W. he fell in with the Melampe Privateer of Bayonne, quite a new Ship, and but ten Days at Sea, of 36 Guns, 26 of which were 12 Pounders, with 400 Men, 200 of which were Spa niards; that they engaged her Yard- arm and Yard- arm for three Hours, during which Time they were twice boarded by the French, but soon cleared their Decks, when unfortunately the Dorset's Main and Foremasts were shot away, the latter within six Inches of the Board, so that they could not wear the Ship. For some Time before me struck, me lay quite along on the Water, and having between 70 and 80 killed and wounded, with near 20 sick in their Hammocks, and a large Shot under Water, which threaten'd their total Destruction, the Captain or- dered the Colours to be struck, to do which there was only one Man on the Deck that was not wounded. The Cap- tain of the Melampe, and upwards of 100 of his Men were killed, as so many were found wanting of her Com- plement. Had not the Dorset's Masts given Way, they really think they should have taken the Melampe, not- withstanding the Difference of Guns and Men. The Officers and Men behaved gallantly, not one quitting their Quarters, and all deserved a better Fate. The French Officers behaved with great Humanity, in taking out all that appeared alive, and used with Politeness Capt. Penny, whom they lodged in the best Cabbin. The Dorset sunk four Days after the Engagement, with seven Men, who were below stopping Leaks all the Time the others were taking out. A few Days after, whilst the Melampe was under Careen, stopping her Leaks, some of which were dangerous, the English Fleet appear'd, and after a run- ning Fight of five Hours, she struck to the Tartar, Capt. Lockhart." The Lovely Cruizer, Sherden, from Milford for Lon- don, is taken, and ransom'd for 300 Guineas. To the PRINTER, & c. S I R, MY Business leads me into the Well of England, where the Distresses of the Poor, by the great Price of Provisions, would melt any Heart but that of an Ada- mant, not Only to pity but to relieve them : But by what Names shall I call those, who by their Combinations are the Cause of it ! Providence has blest us with a plentiful Harvest, and a good Seed Time : But how have these Miscreants frustrated its gracious Design by their Ava- rice. The Jobbers, Farmers, & c. all unite for this hel- lish Purpose. Lately at a Market in the West below Bath, the Farmers not contented with eleven Shillings a Bushel, which it sold for the Market before, but they ad- vanced it eighteen Pence. Not many Miles from Reading there are four Persons that keep sixteen Riders ; these, with the Oxford, Bucks, and Hertfordshire Jobbers, & c. spread themselves not only from Bristol to London, but all over the midland Counties. Some of them are at every Market once a Week, and there combine with the Far- mers how to feed us ( as they term it) so that some of the latter were heard to say, when the Price was coming down tp ioJ. a Load, " Damn them, they would not feed them yet," and Facts prove themselves: HOW has this Town been supplied ( just as the old Proverb says) from Hand to Mouth, so that I tremble for the Consequence, unless the Legislative Power should speedily put a stop to it by some wholesome Laws, for the Hearts of the Poor seem almost to be broke ; they are in Despair ; to work hard, and not to be able to purchase the Necessaries of Life, is hopeless 1 and therefore they may as well be hang- ed as starve by Inches. This is their Reasoning. Oct 24, 1757. W. Tv A S it's generally thought that pitching all Grain in the publick Market for Sale will be the most ef- fectual Method to prevent the vile Practice of Engrossing, which so prevails at present, and turns the Bounties of Providence into Scarcity and Famine ; nothing will con- tribute more to that salutary Method than to make all Markets Toll free for Grain ; the Want of which Practice, is, and will be, a great Discouragement to Farmers from carrying their Grain into the Markets. Query, Whether it may not be possible to propose an easy Modus to those Gentlemen who may be affected by such a Regulation ? And then the Convenience is too notorious to be disputed. Now on SALE, At SAMUEL MOUNTFORT's, Book- seller and Stationer, Near the Guild - Hall, in High - Street, WORCESTER, A LARGE and CHOICE COLLECTION of BOOKS, In good Condition, most of them Gilt and Letter'd, And will be Sold CHEAP. JT, A CATALOGUE may be seen at the Place of Sale. N. B. All Sorts of STAMPS sold as usual. ' Almanacks, Memorandum Books for Ladies and Gentle- men, of each Sort, and small London Almanacks, neatly made up in Silk, with Shagreen and emboss'd Cases, and bound in Morocco and Turkey, for 1758. The CLERGY'S TENTHS may be return'd, as by my late Father. All Persons are desired to send for their Inden- tures of Apprenticeship, return'd by him to the 1st of July, 1757, to the Office, with the Receipt given for the Duty. S. MOUNTFORT. THis is to give Notice to the PUBLIC, THAT, In the College - Church - Yard Worcester, THERE is now open'd a SHOP, in which the fol- lowing GOODS are sold, wholesale and Retail, viz. Printed Linnens, from 18^. per Yard, and Cottons at 19^. to 5s. Long Lawns, from 1 Sd. to 6s. per Yard. Clear Lawns, from lSV. per Yard to 1 2 » . Quar- ter Lawns, to 161 per Yard. Irish Linntns of all Prices, Scotch and Gulix Hollands, Yard- wide Cotton Check at 1 od. per Yard, Yard and Half- wide ditto at i yd. per Yard, Check'd, Printed, Border'd, and Silk Handkerchiefs of all Prices, Muslins of all Kinds, Calli- mancoes, Tammies, Scarlet Cloaks, & c. with a great many other Articles, too tedious to mention, which are sold on the most reafonable Terms, by Jos. Duncan and Co. as it was at the Price of so little Blood, our whole Loss not exceeding 500 in killed and wounded. Among the former is General Meincke. His Royal Highness Prince Henry, and General Zeidlitz, are both slightly wounded. If we confider the Disposition of both Armies, as to their Numbers, it mull be acknowledged, that the Hand of Heaven has been on our Side. The Enemy boasted, that they were 70,000 strong ; I believe they were not quite so many : But, from the Ground which they cover'd, it may be inferred that they were not less than 50,000 Fighting Men. The Loss of the Enemy cannot yet be ascertained. It is supposed they left 3000 Men upon the Field of Battle. The Prisoners exceed 4000 Men, and there is amongst them a great Number of Officers and Generals. We have taken 54 Pieces of Cannon, and a great many Standards and Colours. Conclusion of a Letter from an Officer in the Army of the Empire. We have lost all our Baggage and Artillery, and at least 10,000 Men. It is now eight Days since our Men have had Bread ; they have lived upon Turnips and Radishes, which they dug out of the Earth. THE WIDOWS and ORPHANS of such CLERGYMEN of the Diocese of Worcester as were on the former Lists for receiving PENSIONS out of the Charitable Collections made at the Meetings of the Three Choirs of Gloucester, Worcester, and Hereford, and all other WIDOWS and ORPHANS of CLERGYMEN of the said Diocese, intituled to the said Charity, are desired to send their Certificates, viz. of their being unmarried and unprovided for, as soon as conveniently may be, to Hanbury- Hall, Or to the Vicarage House in Bromsgrove, that the Proportion of the said Charity, collected at the last Meeting at Gloucester, which belongs to the WIDOWS and ORPHANS of the Diocese of Worcester, may be properly disposed of. THOs. VERNON, Stewards of the JOHN WAUGH, CHARITY. Hanbury- Hall, Nov. 24, 1757. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, At the House of Mr. EDWARD WELLINGS, at the BELL INN, in Worcester, on Monday the 12th Day of December next, between the Hours of Three and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, TWO New built Freehold Messuages or Tenements, SITUATE in a Street call'd Birdport, in the Parish of St Andrew, in the City of Worcester aforesaid, on the West Side thereof; together With the Back Buildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging: Which Premises are very convenient to be converted into a Publick House, or for a Tradesman in an extensive Way of Business. Particulars may be had by enquiring of Mr. Philley, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD, By the ASSIGNEES of HENRY BLEW, a Bankrupt, on Monday the 19th Day of December next, atthe Falcon, in Bromyard, AFARM, in the Parish of Whithorn, in the County of Hereford, being Copyhold of Inheritance, consisting of a Dwelling- Houfe, Barn, and other Out Buildings, Arable Land, Meadow, Pasture, and Orcharding, lying near the Turnpike Road between Bromyard and Worcester, and now sett to Amos Green, at the Yearly Rent of ti I. A DWELLING House, with a Work house, Cyder- Mill, Beast House, and large Garden adjoining, situate in Nunwell Street, in the Town of Bromyard, now sett to William Madders, at the Yearly Rent of 4/.' 4s. Two other DWELLING HOUSES in the same Street, in the Town of Bromyard, late in the Possession of Eliza- beth Price and William Wallcraft, of the Yearly Value of 3/. Also an Acre of ARABLE LAND, lying in Crux- well Field, in the Parish of Bromyard, being Copyhold of Inheritance. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Postans, Butcher, in Bromyard, one of the Assignees. Wednesdays and Thursday's POSTS. Arriv'd Two MA 1 LS from Holland, and Three from Flanders. LISBON, October 10. BY a Vessel arrived here from Cape Verd, we are informed that, in April last, the Village of Mo- steiros was entirely buried under the Ruins of a Mountain which was destroy'd by a Volcano, which sent forth Flames of Fire, without ceasing, upon the Island. Madrid, Oct. 25. It is assured that Application having been made to the King to employ his Mediation to oppose the present Broils, he made Answer, That the respective Claims were so intricate, that he would not intermeddle in the Affair. In the London Gazette, by this Day's Posl, tbere are Ac- counts from different Quarters confirming the News of the Victory gain'd by the King of Prussia over the Combind Army ; and the following Particulars are collected from a Letter from the Prussian Army. " This, so glorious a Victory must be more agreeable to his Prussian Majesty than any one he ever gained, Extract of a Letter from Leipzig, dated Nov. 9, 1757. " It is unfortunately, but too true, that the combined Army has been totally defeated and dispersed. One Part of it has fled by Naumberg, the other by Freyberg. The Prince of Dessau pursues the one, and the King in Per- son the other. There have been brought to Mersebourg about 5000 Prisoners, besides 300 Officers. They are confined in the Churches. The Army of the Empire has lost Sixty four Pieces of Cannon, with Kettle- Drums, Colours, and Standards, in great Number. General Revel, Brother to the Due de Broglio, died Yesterday of his Wounds at Merfeberg. This enormous Misfortune is attributed, solely, to the injudicious Dispositions of the two Commanders; and it is assured, that, for two Days, the Army had not a Mor- sel of Bread. Three hundred Waggons, With the heavy Baggage of the French Army, and a great Number of Mules, were taken Yesterday at Eckersberg. Posterity will never believe, that, at most, Eighteen Thousand Prussians could ruin an Army of above Sixty Thousand Men. Last Night Three Hundred Waggons came hither loaded with wounded French and Swiss, who are in great Distress for Want of a sufficient Number of Surgeons. This Day we are informed from Merseberg, that the Number of Prisoners amount already to Ten Thousand. The Peasants of Gotha and Thuringe bring in Numbers of them, in Resentment of the bad Treatment they have met with from the French : They add further, that the Vistors have taken, in all, One Hundred and Sixty- four Pieces of Cannon. ' Tis not to be doubted, but that their whole Force will now fall upon Erfurth " Hague, Nov. 18. Our News from Thuringia confirm more and more the glorious Success of the King of Prus- sia. It is agreed on all Sides, that the combined Army is dispersed ; and that his Prussian Majesty was already got to Erfurth in Pursuit of them, having left them neither Cannon nor Baggage. Warsaw, Nov. 3. Marshal Lehwald is marching with almost his whole Army ; and the Head of the first Co- lumn is to be at Marietwerder the 9th Instant. The Russian Army is divided into three Corps ; one at Me- mel, another cantoned at Samogitia, and the Third in the Neighbourhood of Kowno. — [ Thus far the London Gazette. Leipsadt, Nov. 11. Marshal Richelieu has removed his Quarters from Halbertladt to Brunswick, where he hni received a Courier with the News of a very smart Action that happen'd the 5th Inftint between the Army under the Command of the Princes of Soubize and Saxe- Hilbourghausen, and that of Prussia headed by the King in Person, who had been joined by the several Corps un- der Marshal Keith, the Prince of Anhalt Dessau, and Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick. All that is reported here of that Action, as well as in the other Places occu pied by the French, is, that it was very sharp ; that it lasted near five Hours; that Night parted the Combatants; that many were kill'd and wounded on both Sides; but that the Troops of the Empire and France had preserved their Posts on the Right Side of the Sala, and appeared determined to maintain their Ground there : Notwith- standing this Event, which, according to the Advices re ceived this Morning from the Head Quarters, is not look'd upon as an Affair absolutely decisive. It is nevertheless reported, that, instead of putting Part of the Army into Winter Quarters, according to the Plan fixed, a Rein- forcement of several Battalions and Squadrons will be sent to the Prince of Soubize. Two or three Days more will clear up this Affair. Such is the French Account of the Battle. Stockholm, Nov. I. On the 30th ult. in the Evening, Sir Charles Hanbury Williams arrived here from Peters- burgh, and alighted at the House of Mr. Finlay, a Bri- tish Merchant Yesterday he visited Baron Hopkin, Pre- sident ot the Chancery, the Senator, Count Ekelblad, and Count Panin the Russian Minister. Next Saturday he proposes to proceed 10 London, from whence Mr. Keith, who it to succeed him at Petershurgh, is hourly expected. Hamburgh Nov. II. Letters from Brandebourg give us Reason to expect a Winter Campaign, the King of Prussia having giveu Orders to prepare a new Sort of Cloathing proper for defending the Soldiers from the Se- verity of the Cold, and at the same Time leaving them Liberty to handle their Arms. Emblem of their being Supporters and Defenders of th Protestant Cause. It ispositively asserted, that the Day before the King fet out for this Engagement, he received a Message from the Duke of Richlieu, that he expected to hear in a se Days, of his Majesty and his Officers being Prisoners a Leipsick ; to which his Majesty return'd for Answer, that he should soon be at Hanover, where he would have no Prisoner but him. Marshal Keith made the following remarkable Answer to the French Generals Demand of surrendering Leipsick " Sir, let your Master know, that I am by Birth a Scots- man ; by Inclination, as well as Duty, a Prussian ; an shall defend the Town in such Manner, that neither th Country which gave me Birth, nor that which has adopt ed me, shall be ashamed of me: The King, my Master has order'd me to defend it to the last Extremity, and he shall be obey'd." A Court Martial is now talk'd of for certain, to be held on the Conduct of the Generals in the late Expedi- tion. The Court of Enquiry have made a Report to the King greatly to the Discredit of the Land General Officers. Last Week the Lords of the Admiralty promoted Capt. Lockhart's First Lieutenant to the Command of the Fa- vourite Sloop of War. It is reported that a Subscription will be opened by some publick spirited Protestant Dissenters, in order to raise a Sum to be given to the Prussian Soldiers that were in the late Battle ( as Defenders of the Protestant Religion) at the Discretion of their glorious Master and Commander. There are very great Disturbances in different Parts of Gloucestershire, on Account of the Militia Act, the Men refusing to be sworn, and having demanded and received back the Lists made out and returned by the Constables. On Sunday the 13th Instant at Night, some Hundreds of French Prisoners broke out of Jail at Stonehouse near Plymouth, and made off to the Sea Side, in Order to seize some Vessel to get off in : They first got into the Hunter Cutter, but found no Sails in her ; and afterwards they went on board of two or three more Vessels, but were disappointed in the same Manner ; so that at last about a Hundred of them put out to Sea in open Boats, and have not since been heard of: The rest dispersed up into the Country, where they will no Doubt be soon secured. Last Saturday died, at Ealing in Middlesex, after a long and painful lllness, Mrs Cole, Relict of Edward Cole, of Enstone in Oxfordshire, Esq; and Sister to Sir Henry John Parker, of Warwickshire, Bart. BANKRUPTS. John Ashley, of St. Andrew Hol- bourn, Broker and Chapman. William Miller, of Houndsditch, London, Coach - Master; and Elizabeth Crush, of the same Place, his Partner. James Kaley, late of Settle, in the County of York, Tallow- Chandler. Roger Wood, late of Thrapston, in the County of Northampton, Innholder. Zephaniah Oakes, now or late of Coltes- Hill, in the County of Norfolk, Brewer and Merchant. John Thompson, of Abbots Bromley, in the County of Stafford, Grocer, Ironmonger, and Maltster. Jonathan Hunter, of Hedenham, in Nor- folk, Grazier. William Thome, of Blandford, in tha County of Dorset, Mercer. STOCKS. Bank, 119 i- h. lf. India, 143. South Sea, 104 1 half. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 90. Ditto zd Sub. 89 7 8ths. Ditto New Annuities, ill Sub. 91 1 8th. Ditto 2d Sub. 89 7 8ths. Three per Cent. Annuities, 91 In- dia Bonds, 2l. 14 s. Prem. LONDON. [ Tuesday, Nov. 22. After the Battle of the 5th Instant the King of Prussia ordered his Troops to put Cockades in their Hats, as an - WORCESTER, November 24. The following Almanacks for the Year 1758, which, by Reason of an additional Stamp Duty laid thereon in the last Sessions of Parliament, will be sold, for the future, ( as advertis'd by the Company of Stationers) at the fol- lowing Prices, and may be had, next Week, of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal, viz. Andrews's, Coley's, Gadbury's, Gentleman's Diary, Ladies' Diary, Moore's, Partridge's, Parker's, Pearse's, Poor Robin's, Rider's, Saunders's. Season's, Tycho Wing's, and White's, Ninepence each stitch'd, and one Shilling each bound j Goldsmith's Almanack, Eightpence each stitch'd ; Vin- cent Wing's Sheet Almanack, Philomath's, or the Cam- bridge Sheet, and the small Copper- Plate London Sheet, Sixpence each. On Saturday last a Mob of Women assembled at War- wick, who prevented any Wheat being bought in that Market by the Millers. On Saturday George Rogers, a Workman at the Wire- Mill. near Perry Bridge, Warwickshire, between 60 and 70 Years of Age, was caught by the Apron by one of the Wheels, drawn into the Works, and killed imme- diately. On Tuesday last died of a lingering lllness, in an ad vanced Age, at his Seat near Ludlow, in the County of Salop, Francis Herbert. Esq; who represented the Town of Montgomery in the last Parliament. Yesterday se'nnight a Petition was sent from Liverpool, signed by the Magistrates, Merchants, and others, praying that all due Encouragement might be given to the Impor- ters of Corn, that all Exportation might be prohibited, that a Stop might be put to Distillers that use Corn ; and that all Reselling and Regrating of Corn in a wholesale Way, might be effectually put an End to. And on Saturday there was a Meeting of the Gentle- men of Birmingham, to consider of a Petition to be pre- sented to Parliament to the same Purpose. * » * B's Remarks came so Hand, but we must desire to be excus'd inferting them, unless the real Author will make himself known. Fnm the LONDON EVENING POST.] To the AUTHOR, & c. S I R, Tis a common Observation, and generally l j agreed to, that the English Army lies under many Disadvantages on Account of the great Difficulty Men of Merit find in promoting themselves to superior Commands. I am a Friend to England, and consequently to its Armies, and would willingly have every Grievance redressed, that in the least tended to exalt the Coward, or debase the brave Man. I shall not make any Apology for boldly asserting, that very few of the Officers in our Army have Abilities for any higher Post than they really enjoy ; nay, I dare venture to say, that were their real Merits candidly con- sider'd, and justly rewarded, we should find by far the greatest Number sent to fill Posts of Honour much inferior to what they at present enjoy. A young Boy just come from School with a roving Disposition, and a very narrow Capacity, is either, by the powerful Interest of his Mo- ney or Friends, advanced to a Pair of Colours in an old Battalion. There he continues to indulge his natural Love for Idleness, and as he advances in Age, acquires Strength to improve in Debauchery. He never makes the Art of War his Study, as he always supposes himself un- der the Command of a Superior, whose Will and Power he must implicitly obey. He never considers, that he may some Time or other be entrusted with a Command, the Success of which may depend entirely upon his own Skill j this would be giving him too much Trouble, and would break in upon his Pleasures, besides, his Brother Officers never do any such Thing. In a few Years we may sup- pose him to rise by Purchafe or Friends to a superior Post, and here he remains in the same Disposition as before, and proves the Goodness of his Conduct by the same Reasons. In this Post perhaps he may remain, by the Malevolence of Fortune, for many Years, and, as is very common, is constantly expressing his Chagreen, that Merit and long Services do not meet with their Reward. The World, without considering, take his Part, and express much Sor row, that long Services pass undistinguished. But they little consider, that he really is fit for nothing else. Pray what great Knowledge has he acquired to give any great Probability of Success to whatever is the Result of his own Judgment ? If we must exalt Blockheads to Com- mands, for no other Reason, but because they have been in many Battles, and escaped Destruction, What must we expect from an Army so finely disciplin'd ? Let me ask the Reason, why our private Men are so justly esteemed the best in the World, while our Officers are thought the very word ? the Reason is plain, the one know their Duty, while the others are very imperfect The Officers in foreign Service are known to employ their vacant Time in studying the Duty of their Profession, and very few of them are ignorant of the whole Duty of a Soldier, from a private Man to a General in Chief. Gun- nery and Fortification, with all the Methods of Defence and Attack, are universally understood ; while it is well known that very . few of our Officers are able to direct a Regiment through its different Evolutions. But still they have the Assurance of complaining, that Merit is disre- garded ; let them but convince us that they really have it, and I dare say they will not pass unobserved. Have not we many Instances of deserving Men rising from a private Centinel to very high Commands ? Yes, their Merit re commended them, and their Merit was rewarded ; and surely, if distinguished Merit meets Applause in such mean Circumstances, with how much more Lustre must it shine in an Officer? I would not be thought to mean that we have no Men of Merit amongst our Subalterns ; no, we have many, who may expect to meet with Rewards in due Time. Every Man may, from his own Knowledge, bring Instances of Promotion amongst the deserving Subalterns ever since the Duke had the supreme Command of the Army, or rather, since he was able to overcome the bad Effects of Parliamentary Interest. A Coward or a Block- head may rail at the Partiality of Men in Power, and per- haps be never the better; but a brave and deserving Of- ficer will say nothing, but endeavour to merit their At- tention. I would have promising young Officers sent into foreign Service at the publick Expence, and then we should never want, in Time of Danger, proper Generals to head our Armies, and secure Success in all our Expeditions, which, 1 dare say, never have miscarried by the Fault of the common Men. Meditating last Night upon this interesting Subject, I dropt asleep, when methought a huge Pair of Scales were suspended in the Air, in order to weigh the real Merits of several military Gentlemen. The King of Prussia presi- ded as supreme Judge, attended by the Ghosts of several departed Heroes. The first who was put into the Scale was a young Ensign, who was Candidate for a Lieutenancy; but, alas ! he was not able to move the Balance in the least, so was justly remitted back with a severe Reprimand for his great Presumption. The next was a Lieutenant, who had been many Years in the Army without any fur- ther Promotion : He chearfully entered the Scale, but was unable to weigh down his Sword and Sash, which were put in the opposite Scale, so was dismissed as unfit for ever to command a Company. It will be needless to enumerate the many Experiments that were made upon this Occasion ; it will be sufficient to say, that they all turned out greatly to the Disgrace of the respective Gentlemen. Tho' I ought here to observe, that the private Men, Corporals, Drums, and Serjeants, met with great Applause from every one present. Six Life Guards of the King of Prussia were weighed against the whole Officers of an English Battalion, and, what was wonderful, out- weigh'd ' em several Pounds. At last a mid- dle- aged General, with a br0ad Face, a martial Appear- ance, and of a corpulent Habit, stepped into the Scale against the Ghost of Marshal Saxe ; every one concluded that Flesh and Blood would quickly descend, but This great Rebuff to English Generalship so roused my Spirits, that I instantly awoke, and for some Time could hardly persuade myself but all was real. Yours, & c. CRITO. Account of the SECRET EXPEDITION, from NUMBERS, Chap. XIII. Ver. 1, & c. AND the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Send thou Men, that they may search the Land of Canaan, which I give unto the Children of Israel: Of every Tribe of their Fathers shall ye send a Man, every one a Ruler among them. And these were their Names, & c. Ver. 17, & c. And Moses sent them to spy out the Land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this Way Southward, and go up into the Mountain ; and see the Land what it is, and the People that dwelleth therein, whether they be strong or weak, few or many ; and what the Land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad , and what Cities they be that they dwell in, whether in Tents or in strong Holds ; and what the Land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be Wood therein or not. And be ye of good Courage, and bring of the Fruit of the Land ; ( now the Time was the time of the first New GRAPES). So they went up and searched the Land ; and cut down from thence one Cluster of Grapes, and they bare it between Two, upon a Staff and they brought of the Pomgranates and of Figs: And the Placc was called Eshcol, because of the Cluster of Grapes which the Children of Israel cut down from thence. And they returned from searching the Land after forty Days. And they went and came to Moses and to Aaron, and shewed them the Fruit of the Land. And they told him, and said, We came unto the Land whether thou sentest us, and surely it floweth with Milk and Honey ; and this is the Fruit of it. Nevertheless, the People be strong that dwell in the Land, and the Cities are walled, and very great. And Caleb said, Let us go up at once, and possess it} for we are able to overcome it. But the Men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the People, for they are stronger than we. And they brought up an evil Report of the Land which they had searched, unto the Children of Israel, faying, The Land through which we have gone to search, it is a Land that eateth up the Inhabitants thereof; and all the People that we saw in it are Men of great Stature. And there we saw the Giants, the Sons of Anak, which come of the Gi- ants : And we were, in our own Sight, as Grashoppers. Chap. XIV. And all the Children of Israel murmur'd. Worcester, Nov 24, 1757. BEING provided with one of the Commissioners' Authentick NUMERICAL BOOKS of all the Prizes in the late Lottery, published the 2d of this Month, Tickets or Shares of Tickets may be examin'd at my House by the said Book, whereby the Success of all Numbers are certainly known Those Persons who bought either Tickets or Shares of Tickets of me may come and examine Gratis; but for the examining of Tic- kets or Shares not bought of me, Twopence is to be paid for any single Number, or One Penny each for Four or more successive Numbers. H. BERROW, Printer, in G o o s E - L A N E. gj* The above Book it authenticated from the Entries at the Lottery- Office at Whitehall and the Exchequer. ANY Person desirousof purchasing an ANNUITY for Life of 40 1. or sol. per Ann. to be secured on a real Estate of double the yearly Value, lying within Four Miles of Worcester, may hear of such a Purchase by applying to Mr. Dandridge, an Attorney, in Worcester. CHRISTOPHER FULLER, At the GUY of WARWICK, In DIGBETH, BIRMINGHAM, MAKES and Sells Waggon Iron Axle- Trees, and Axle- Tree- Arms, finished in the compleatest Manner, and warranted for Six Months j where any Person by applying may be served with any Quantity at a short Notice. Mr. JAMES CLINTON's ( Sen) Imperial Royal GOLDEN SNUFF, And OIL for Deafness, ( Which have been so often advertised in most News- Papers tn England, for the many Cures they have done in Distempers of the Head and Eyes, especially Deafness and Noise in the Ears,) IS, as thoufands of Persons have experienced, the most effectual Remedy for taking away all Pains out of the Head, such as the Head- Ach, & c be they ever so violent. 1 instantly removes Drowsiness, Giddiness, Vapours, Apo, plexy, Deafness, the Evil in the Eyes, or Humour in them Dropsies in the Head, and Stoppage or Cold in the Head ; cures the Catarrh, or Dribbling from the Head upon the Lungs, which causeth tickling Coughs; brings away all Mercury which lodges in the Head, occasion'd by working at some Trades that are offensive to the Brain, as Plumbers, Refiners, Gilders, Sllversmiths, and others. In short, it is the best and most agreeable Snuff in the Universe, as is experienced daily in most Parts of Great Britain, and other Parts of the King's Dominions by Sea and Land, for all Distempers in the Head and Eyes. This Snuff is very pro- per for all Persons who have had the Small- Pox; ' twill purge their Heads, carry off the foul Humours which lodge there after that Distemper, and fall down upon the Eyes thereby cauling a Soreness or Weakness in them, if not Blindness. It is likewise very necessary for all Masters of Ships, and Sailors, to take with them to Sea. *** For the Good of the Poor 1 publish it at 1 d. a Paper 3 six Papers cure most Distempers in the Head and Eyes. For Deafness, after taking the Snuff, take the Oil prepared by me for that Disorder, and drop three or four Drops into each Ear, which is a certain Cure for them who have been deaf many Years, and is sold for only 6i. a Bottle. The Snuff and Oil are to be had of H Berrow, Printer Of this Paper ; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Lander, in Stafford ; Mr. Parsons, in Newcastle under Line ; Mr. Oakford, Shopkeeper, in Winchester- street Salisbury ; Mr. Thomas, at the Bridge End, Bristol; Mrs. Plr,.... rd, Toyshop, over- against All- Saints Church in Ox- ford ; Mrs. Leatherbarrow, in Lancelot Hay in Liverpool 5 Mrs Adams, Printer, in Chester Mr. Bethell, in Broad- Cabbage- Lane, Hereford 5 Mr. Waring, Shopkeeper, in Ludlow; Mr. Moseley, in Kidderminster j Mr. Wilson, Shopkeeper, in Bewdley 5 Mr. Butler, Printer, in Birming- ham j Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; and of the Men who distribute this Journal. Of the Printer of this Paper Kay likewise be had, Jackson's Oleum Anodinum, or British Balsam of Health, being the most efficacious Remedy ever yet dis- covered for curing the Gout, Rheumatick and Sciatick Pains, all Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Green Wounds, Cholick, Consumption, Coughs, and all cuta- neous Disorders. 2s. 6d. a Bottle. The famous Turlington's Balsam of Life, which is the most powerful CorreCtor of the Juices ever before pre- pared, and its noble Efficacy has been so remarkably * proved, that many Thousands have been most happily re- lieved thereby, when all other Medicines had failed, and the Patient been given over by the most able Physicians. Price is. 9 d. the small Bottle. Dr. Bostock's Cordial. Dr. Daffy's Elixir. Dr. Godfry's Cordial. Dr. Hooper's Female Pills. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir. The Ladies Court or Sticking Plaister. Dalby's Carminative Mixture for Windy, Watery, or Dry Gripes, Bloody Stools, or other Disorders in the Stomach and Bowels of Infants. is. a Bottle. Dr. Lord's infallible Cure for Corns. Price is. 6d. with Directions. The never- failing Chymical Drops, for Coughs, & c Dr. James's Fever Powder, Price zs. 6d. a Paper, con- taining Two Dozes. The famous Anderson's Scotch Pills, is. a Box. Dr. Bateman's Golden Spirit of Scurvy- Grass. Dr. Bateman's Plain Spirit of Scurvy- Grass. Greenough's Tincture for the Tooth- Ach. Schwanberg's Liquid Shell for the Stone and Gravel. Warren's Famous British Powder for the Scurvy ia the Teeth and Gums. Price is. A speedy and certain Cure for the ITCH, SCURVY, PIMPLES, and other Scorbutick Breakings- out on the Skin, tho" of many Years standing : Being an agree- able, clear, excellent Water, ( to be applied outwardly.) Price One Shilling a Bottle. The Best Japan Ink. — The Best Ink Powder. The best German Blacking Balls for Boots and Shoes Price One Shilling the large, and Sixpence the small. ALSO, Fine Durham Flour of MUSTARD- SEED, In Sixpenny Bottles; — And The British Flour of MUSTARD- SEED, In Six penny and Three- penny Bottles.
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