Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 27/10/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2517
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B E R R O W's Worcester Journal. [ Printed at his OFFICE, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, October 27, 1757. N° 2517 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd a MAIL from FLANDERS. STOCKHOLM, September 27. THE Swedish Troops in Pomerania are, as we are inform'd, to be join'd by 15,000 French and 6000 Mecklem- bourgers, which will make our Army 50,000 strong. Paris, Oct. 10. A considerable Fleet is fitting out at Rochfort and Brest to make Head against the English, in case they should fancy to return. The Expence of the Armament of their Fleet was immense,
but has turn'd out a downright Loss to them. We can always assemble on our Coast 30,000 Men, in eight Days, in whatever Part the Enemy should appear. COUNTRY NEWS. LEICESTERSHIRE. Melton Mowbray, Oct. 15. On Monday and Tuesday a great Number of People assem- bled in a riotous Manner, and pulled down three Bolting Mills near Loughborough; the Millers having very im- prudently declared that they would contraCt with the Far- mers for all their Corn, and even offer'd them more than the Market Price. Whilst there is so close a Connec- tion between the Farmer and the Miller, no Body can be at a Loss to
assign a Reason for the present exorbitant Price, after the most plentiful Harvest there has been for many Years. Yesterday and this Day they were ex- pected here, and the Millers have been removing the Flour ; but we just hear that they are gone to their own Habitations. Their Number exceeded Five Hundred. RUTLANDSHIRE Oakham, Oct 16. This Day was committed to the County Gaol one Cave, a Farmer, at Caldecut, near Uppingham, for the Murder of a Female Servant who was with Child by him. His Mother is also in Custody on Suspicion of being an Accomplice. WILTSHIRE. Salisbury, Oct. 17. At Wayhill Fair Hops
sold from 30s. per Hundred, the very Ordinary, to 7I. the Superfihe; and the general Prices were from 4I. to 5I. 1 2s. The Quantity there was not large, and ihe Buyers fewer than have been known for many Years. IRELAND. From tbe LONDON GAZETTE. Dublin, October 11. His Grace John Duke of Bedford, Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ire- land, his Speech to both Houses of Parliament. My Lords and Gentlemen, IT is with great Satisfaction I obey his Majesty's Com- mands to meet you here in Parliament, being Timed, from your former ConduCt, that your Deliberations will be dirtCted to promote the
Honour of his Majesty's Govern- ment, and the Safety and Prosperity of this Kingdom. The present critical JunCture of Affairs, occasion'd by the War in which his Majesty has been necessarily en- gaged, to defend the Rights of his Crown, and protcCt the Commerce of his SubjeCts; and the unnatural Con- junction of those Powers with whom he is to contend, require your most serious Attention, in order to preserve Peace at Home, and to be prepared, if any. Insult should be attempted on this Kingdom. The full Enjoyment we have had of our Religious and Civil Rights and Liberties since the Accession of his Ma jesty's most
illustrious House, and the paternal Care and Tenderness invariably shewn by his Majesty to his good SubjeCts of this Kingdom, must have made the deepest Impression on your Minds, and convinced you how neatly we are interested in preventing whatever may lend to de prive us of those Blessings. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, Heavy as the Expence of this War has been, I have nothing, in Command from his Majesty, to ask, but the usual Supplies, and for that Purpose I have ordered the proper Officers to prepare the several Accounts and Esti- mates to be laid before you. My Lords and Gentlemen, You are now to
be inform'd of his Majesty's Rea- c^ neIs to content to such Laws as may conduce to the Wel- fare of this Kingdom ; You will consider the State of the Charter- Schools, and what far. ther Steps may betaken to strengthen the Protestant Interest, and to promote the Linnen Manufacture, which must be considered as the Staple of this Kingdom : It were also to be wished that some Method might, be found out to prevent the Calami- ties which are the necessary Consequences of a Want of Corn in Ireland, which have been, in Part, felt this last Year, and to which this Country has been too often ex posed. My best Endeavours shall
concur with you in every Thing that may advance the real Interest of this Kingdom. LONDON. Thursday, Oct. 20. The ensuing Sessions of Parliament is likely to be the fullest that has been known for some Years, as several Things of great Consequence are expeCted to be laid be- fore both Houses. Tuesday arrived an Express from Berlin, with Dis- patches of Importance, containing a succinCt Account of the Progress of the Austrian and French Armies in Ger- many, and the Position and Proceedings of that of Prus- iia, which occasioned the Holding a grand Council, and Yesterday a Courier was dispatched With Letters of
Mo- ment to his Prussian Majesty. It is said that a Prussian Lord has represented Matters in such a Light to certain Personages at the Court of France, that the general Affairs of Europe will, it is hoped, soon put on a new Face. It is reported that his Prussian Majesty has declared, that whatever Damage his Subjects may suffer from the French, the Saxons, for whose Assistance the French pretend to have marched into Germany, shall make good We hear from Paris, by the way of Brussels, that the French Finances are very much confused, on Account of the immense Sums, in ready Money, sent out of the King dom, for the
Payment ot the Troops in Germany, and for discharging the Subsidies granted to several Powers in the North • So that it will be very difficult, if not impos- sible, for the Farmers General to comply with the new demands, larger, it is said, than those of last Year, which the Ministers have lately made We hear that at a very numerous Meeting of the Gen tlemen of the Common Council, last Night, at the Half Moon Tavern in Cheapside, it was unanimously resolved to adjourn to this Day se'nnight, in order maturely to consider of an Application for an Enquiry into the late disgraceful Expedition to the Coasts of France; and of the
proper Steps to be taken by the City of London, on so critical and interesting an Occasion. It is said that Orders are sent to recall Admiral Hol- bourne. ' Tis now assured that Admiral Holbourne with his Fleet was to make an Attempt upon the French Settle- ments in Canada; and that the Troops under the Com- mand of the Lord Loudon were to assist in the same forth- with. We hear that a Resolution has been taken to grant roving Commissions, from six to nine and twelve Months, to such Commanders of the Royal Navy, as shall make Application for the same. Several Sloops of War and armed Vessels having taken in Stores,
& c. at Chatham and Sheerness, are ordered out immediately upon Cruizes, on the different Coasts of England. Orders have been issued for getting the Storeships for the West Indies ready with the utmost Expedition. A Number of Ships are ordered along the Coasts, par- ticularly upon the Coasts of Cornwall and Exeter, to dis concert any Scheme formed by the French. We hear that a considerable Number of Transports are to be engaged in the Service of the Government against the next Spring, for taking on board a certain Number of Troops designed for another Expedition against the French, & c. and that no less than
30,000 Troops will be sent to America, in order to recever the Places taken this Year from the English in the Colonies there, and also to prevent any farther Encroachments of the Enemy. We hear that the Fleet now ordered out is to endea- vour to fall in with a large Fleet from St. Domingo, Mar tinico, & c. expeCted this Month. We hear that Admiral Hawke has received further In- struCtions for Sailing with a Fleet of Ships from Ports mouth. Two thousand Troops are detained on board the Fleet at Spithead going out. We hear that Capt. Cl—- k, who went out Chief En- gineer in the late grand Expedition, has resigned ; as also
Col. Woolf, who offer'd to head a thousand Land Forces on the Coast of France, in the said Expedition. We hear that several of the Officers in the late Expedi tion at Aix, made a Collection for the poor Inhabitants who have suffered by the bad Behaviour of some of the common Soldiers, whom they very severely repriman- ded. Capt. William Pye lost his Life in the ACtion at Bengal in February last: He fell by a Cannon Ball at the Head of his Company, just as he was entering the Camp of the Infidels. He was Brother to the present Member of Par- liament for the County of Berks. We hear that General Conway made a noble
Proposi- tion, in order to facilitate the Landing of the Troops near Rochfort ; upon finding the Enemy had raised Bat- teries and marched down a great Number of Soldiers to oppose them, so as to render it the highest Rashness to at- tempt to land ; he desired 500 Men might be picked out himself to head them, and by making a Feint of debark ing all the Forces at some considerable Distance from Rochfort, which would immediately draw off the greatest Part of the Enemy to that Place, to set, in the Night, only him and his Followers on Shore, and although there would be little Hopes but that he and his Party must be cut to
Pieces, or taken Prisoners, yet he would sustain the utmost Efforts of the Enemy's whole Force until he thought the Fleet had returned and debarked the Land Forces at the destined Place : Why this Advice was not followed we have not learned ; but it was a most heroic Offer, ami equalled any Thing we read of the most celebrated Roman Generals Admiral Boscawen is so much indisposed, that he could not take upon him the Command of a Squadron to which he was appointed. It is thought by some Persons, who sometimes think for the Publick, that small Men of War might be built, to carry from 12 to 20 Guns of 24 Pound
Balls, and to draw very little Water. Such Vessels are almost every Day wanting, to follow the Enemy's small Cruizers and Merchant Ships near the Shore, and might even be em- ployed to destroy small Batteries. Some French Cruizers are now, or were lately, off Dunkirk, which our small Men of War had not Guns of fufficient Weight of Met 4 to destroy, and our large Ships could not come near enough as they drew too much Water. Such Vessels might also To be proper to pursue the French Merchant Ships end Priva- teers up any of their Rivers, and might have been useful in the late Expedition, and perhaps sufficient 10 havi
ta- ken the Island of Aix, and to have destroyed its Fortifi- cations. His Majesty's Ship the Montagu of 60 Guns, lately launch'd at Sheerness, and esteem'd the finest and best Ship of that Rate in the Navy, being rigg'd, is order'd forthwith to be victualled : Capt. Rowley, Son of Admi- ral Rowley, being appointed Commander thereof with a Roving Commission for nine Months from the Time of Sailing. The Old George, Turner, from Marseilles for Ham- burgh, with Currants, is brought into Bristol by the Eagle and Britannia Privateers. On Friday last the three following East- India Ships were stationed, viz. The Warren, Capt. Glover,
for Fort St. George and Bengal; the Prince George, Capt. Collins, and the Bombay Castle, Capt. Dowty, for Bom- bay. In the London Imports for 1757, we are informed, there is to be found 2300 Casks under the Name of Rhenish Wine, which were actually French Brandy Is this com- monly winked at, lest the Colonies should get too much Money for their Rum, which pays above » o 1. per Pun- cheon Duty J They write from Salisbury, that at the Meeting for putting the Militia Act in Execution, at the Bell Inn at Wilton, on Friday last, there was a large Appearance of Persons summoned to serve, who all cheerfully and readily took
the Oaths, and were enrolled, excepting a few ; whose bad Example however had no Effect on their honest Neighbours, who testified their Integrity and Love to their Country, by a laudable Submission and Obedience to its Laws. Tuesday se'nnight was held at Wareham the last Sub- Division Meeting for the Militia for the County ol Dor- set : The Act has been carried thus far into Execution there with great Zeal, by the Lord Lieutenant and the Deputy Lieutenants, and in general with the chearful Concurrence of the private Men, no Riot, nor the least Disturbance having happen'd on this Occasion. We hear that the Person who
was lately committed to Newgate by John Fielding, Esq; by the Name ot Joseph Wood, for diminishing the current Coin of this Kingdom; took that Name meerly to conceal his real Name, which is James Collins ; and that he has also gone by the seve- ral Names of James and Wilcox A certain Duke had 1000 Tickets in the late Lottery, all of which turn'd out Blanks. Last Thursday a most dreadful Fire broke out at Saf- fron Waldren, in Essex, in the House of John Swan, a Farmer of that Place, which quickly extended itself, and entirely consumed the Barns belonging to it; in which there was a large Quantity of Corn and Hay, to
the Amount of 300 1. to the utter Ruin of himself and his poor Family ; but by the timely Assistance of the Inhabi- tants, the Dwelling was saved. We hear from Bosworth, in Leicestershire, that on Thursday last as one Thomas Renshear, with his Master and a Lad, were loading a Cart with Gravel near that Town, the Ground sunk in with them, and covered the said Renshear all over, the Master all but one Arm, but the Boy no more than to the Middle j the latter with some Difficulty got out, uncovered his Master's Face, then rode to the Town for Assistants, whereby the Master was pre- served not much hurt, but Renshear was
found dead. This Morning a Woman was tied to a Post and whipt: by the Common Hangman, in Cornhill, for being Street Walker and a Vagrant, and afterwards her proper Parish, j
Whitehall, october 18. , The King has been pleased to order Letters Patent to e parted and issued under the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Ireland, for the Promotion of john Cradock, Doctor n Divinity, to the Bishoprick of Kilmore, in the said kingdom, void by the Death of the Right Rev. Father God Dr John Storey, late Bishop thereof. with a Presage of our having ao Winter in this last Quar- ter of the Year. This I can assure you for Truth, that the Season is uncommonly mild, and a Gentleman, whose Veracity I can depend upon, affirmed he had seen a Pear Tree, near one of the Gates at Plymouth, as full of Blos- soms ( white as
a Sheet) this very Day, as if it had been in April or May. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arrivd tbt MAILS from Flanders and Holland. Lipstadt, October 14. RIVATE Letters from Brunswick advise j, * that a Convention concerning that Dutchy has been made with the French General, whereby it is to be treated as a neutral State, and not as a conquer'd Country ; aceordingly, the Troops thereof are to be disarm'd, and their Arms de- posed in the Arsenal. and not deliver'd up to ihe French. The Courts of Vienna and Versailles, in agreeing to this Convention, where desirous of giving the Duke of Bruns- wick Wolfembuttle a
Proof of their Regard for him. Hanover, Oct. 14. By what we can judge from cer- tain Preparations, we are likely to have either the Head Quarters or a very numerous Garrison here this Winter. The Inhabitants are ordered to get ready some Time within this Month a considerable Number of Bedsteads and Blankets, and the Magistracy is to take Care that there be no Want of Food. The States of Minden, in order to support the inevitable Expenses they are at, are negotiating a Loan ol 60,000 Crowns, at 5 per Cent, and those of Cell are going to make a Loan also, but at 4 per Cent. only. From the London Gazette. Gotha, Oct. 4.
The Combin'd Army was assembled near Eisenach on the 1 past, and entrenched them- selves in the Defiles of . the Mountains, to wait the Attack of the Prussians; but, as the latter did not stir from Er- surth, the Commanders of the Combin'd Army camp to a Resolution of making a bold Push, and Carrying off the 1200 Prussians which were here. For this Purpose they marched all Night with almost all their Cavalry, and 23 Companies of Grenadiers, amounting in the Whole to between 7 and 8000 Men, and arrived about Eight in the Morning ; but they did net meet with the Sucssss they expelled ; for M. de Seidlitz, tho'
surprized,. made a good Retreat, not losing 20 Men. The Princes Hilbourghau- sen and Soubize, and all the French Generals, came up to Court at Eleven o'Clock. The Infantry possessed themselves of the Town, and ' twas expected they would have remain'd here ; but it was not M. de Seidlitz's In- tention they should. He had only retired a League off behind the Hills towards Ersurth ; to which Place he or dered a Regiment of Dragoons of 500 Men from Gam, stedt. He caused 100 Dragoons to dismount here to present Infantry, and divided the rest of his Troops into 22 small Bodies, which extended themselves very far, and by
the Favour, of a Fog appear'd like so many Squadrons. All this succeeded very well. At One in the Afternoon he attacked the French with his Hussars only - r and News was immediately carried to the French Generals, that the whole Prussian Army was advancing ; that they lay behind the Hill; and that they were extending towards the Left, in order to surround the Enemy. Whereupon they made all possible Haste to retreat and those Troops, after ha- ving marched all Night, were obliged to return the Way they had come, without having any Refreshment; and in two Hours' Time there was not a Frenchman left here. M. de
Seidlitz pursued them, made 40 Prisoners, killed about the same Number, took a great deal of Baggage, and was very near taking several General Offrcers who had staid too long in the Town. This Action, though of no great Consequence in itself, does great Honour to the General. The King, however, did not think pro- per to let him stay there any longer. The 21ft he re- turned to Ersurth, and the same Evening the Van guard of the French Army re possessed themselves of Gotha. Things remain'd in this Situation till the 28th, when the King left Ersurth, and marched to Buttlestadt, where it is said he still remains. The Van guard
of the Combin'd Army followed him the same Day, but had the Misfor- tune to be attacked and beaten by a Prussian Detachment two Days ago According to the French Accounts they have lost between 2 and 300 Men, and have retired under the Cannon of Petersbourg. Upon Advice of the King's Retreat, the Combin'd Army marched from Eisenach the 30th, and arrived here the 1st of Oilober. There is constantly the Distance of about six German Miles be- tween both Armies. PLANTATION NEWS. St. Johns, in Antigua, July 5. Yesterday arrived Capt. Lynn, in a Flag of Truce from Martinico and Guarda- loupe, with upwards of
20 Captains and Officers of Eng- lish Vessels, and 100 common Sailors. Within this last Month 40 Vessels have been carried into Guardaloupe, and there are now between 40 and 50 Privateers cruising to windward of this Island; so that it is not in the least 10 be wonder'd at that nothing escapes them. Bread is there 30 s. per Hundred, Lumber from 4I. to 5 I. per Thousand, and Indian Corn 1 5 d. per Bushel. COUNTRY NEWS. Stock- Damarel, in Devonshire, Oct. 18. What Influ- ence the Stars, or the late Expedition, has over the Brains of People in these Parts I know not, but they are possess'd LONDON, [ Saturday, Oct. 22.
A General Council has been held on fome Dispatches lately received from Abroad. It is very certain that a Great Personage has lately de- clared, that he has determined nevermore to draw his Sword, unless the Defence of thefe Kingdoms, and of his C n, fhould render it necessary. When Two eminent Commanders lately presented them- selves at , one of them was received with all the Marks of a thorough Approbation, the other with a pro- found Silence. The latter, it is positively asserted, will shortly be tried for his late Conduct. It it rumoured, that the Right Hon. the Earl of Hol- dernesse has already, or will soon, resign the
Seals ; which will be given to Lord Hallifax; and that this Noble Lord will be succeeded, as First Commissioner of the Board of Trade, by Lord Dupplin. It is also reported that some other Persons of Distinc- tion will resign their Employments before the Meeting of the Parliament. Yerterday Morning, at Two o'Clock, Admiral Bosca- wen set out for Portsmouth. This Morning an Express arrived from Portsmouth, it is said has brought an Account of the Sailing of the Fleet under the Command of Sir Edward Hawke, consis- ting of about 30 Sail. It is said the above Fleet will divide and cruize off Cape Clear and Cape Ortugal, to intercept
the French Domingo and Martinico Fleet. In some Letters from Germany, by Yesterday's Mail, it is hinted, tlrat Saxony will be evacuated by the Prus- sians,- in Consequence of a Convention concluded between the Courts of Versailles, Dresden, and Berlin. But it is not clear that those Letter Writers are in the Secrets of the Cabinet. We hear that Baron Munckhausen, Secretary at this Court for the Affairs of Hanover, carries with him • Commission to the French General the Duke de Richlieu, to settle all Misunderstanding: in relation to the Doubts in question of certain Articles for the Cessation of Arms. Letters from Halifax jn
Nova Scotia, say, that one of Admiral Holbourne's Squadron has had a smart Engage- ment near Cape Breton, with two French Men of War for about an Hour, who finding the English an Over- match for them, made the best of their Way off; and escaped by Favour of the Night. They add, that the Report of the taking one of our Men of War of 80 Guns, is entirely groundless. By a Letter from an Officer on board Admiral Hol- bourne's Ship, dated Sept. 7, we are informed, that they have taken Three Prizes, one of which is as valuable as any Capture made this War :' The other Two were laden with Warlike Stores,- bound to
Louisbourg. It is said Admiral Holbourne and his Squadron are to remain and Winter at Nova Scotia. They write from Konigsburg. that the Russians con tinue their Retreat; and, as if they were afraid of mis- taking their Way, set Fire to the Villages, that they may light them as they pass. They pretend to justify this Cruelty by saying, that the Peasants have taken up Arms against them ; that of their own Accord they served as Infantry, to support the Prussian Hussars ; and that they have plun- dered their Baggage in this Retreat. The Truth of the Matter is, these Peasants did not take the Hints that were given them to retire, with
their Families, out of the Prussian Territory, the destroying and depopulating of which seems to be the great, if not the solw End, of this Expedition. The Accounts from Paris mention, that M. de Mont- calm took Possession of Fort William Henry the 9th ult. st the Head of 10,000 Regular Troops; that he found there 2000 French Prisoners, which he incorporated in his Army, and after blowing up the Fortifications, marched with his 12, ooo Men upon another Expedition. Yesterday the Bridge Committee took a View of the temporary Bridge, and found every Thing in the most compleat order for the Reception of Passengers, and they
have ordered, the same to be opened To morrow Morning for the first Time for Foot Passengers, and to admit of no Carriages for aboot three Weeks,- in which Time tis sup- posed the Foot Passengers will bind the Gravel. A proper Number of Lamps are to be put up this Evening. The Whole is looked upon as a compleat Piece of Workman- ship. Wednesday last was held the Quarterly General Court of the Governors of the British Lying- in Hospital for married Women, situated in Brownlow- Street, Long- Acre, of which his Grace the Duke of Portland is President. It appear'd that from the 7th of December, 1749, the Time of first
admitting Women to the Day of Holding the said Court, 2854 Women had received Orders of Ad mission, great Part of which Number were the Wives of Soldiers and Sailors, the rest the Wives of reduced Trades- men, poor Mechanicks, Labourers, & c. We are informed, that on Wednesday next, the Di- rectors of the India Company will distribute Rewards and Punishments to their late Servants in the important Settle- ment of Calcutta in the Kingdom of Bengal. At a Time when our Country stands in Need of all our most deserving Men, both at Home and Abroad, it cannot but be a Sa- tisfaction to the Publick, that true Desert
and unshaken Resolution is t0 be distinguished, and that a just Resent- ment is to be shewn to those, who shamefully gave up ; who were guilty of a base Desertion in the Hour of Dan- ger, and left the Company's Effects, which by an honest Zeal might have been saved, to be plunder'd by an Eastern Banditti in the Train of an ambitious Nabob We hear that Capt. Peter Dennis, who accompanied Lord Anson to the South- Seas, and afterwards had the Command of the Medway, is put upon the List of Ad- mirals. We hear an Amendment will be made in the Act for raifing the Militia in England, in order to avoid all fur- ther
Difficulties and Disorders. • The Rooms used as Barracks at the Horse Guards are ordered to be fitted up as at first intended, and the Sol- diers to go into Quarters as formerly. The Success, Catterwood, from Liverpool for Jamaica, is taken and carried into Hispaniola. On Thursday last died, at his House in Craig's Court, „ Charing Cross, the Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Foster, Vicar of Rochdale, in Lancashire, Preacher of the Rolls Chapel, Prebendary of Bristol, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. Dr. Foster was many Years Fellow of Corpus Christi College in the University of Oxford, where he published an Edition of Plato's
Dialogues and of the He-- brew Bible, and, on Account of his great Learning, the late Bishop of Durham ( Dr. Butler) took him. under his Patronage ; but his Lordship dying before he had an Op- portunity of preferring him, the late Archbishop of Can1 terbury thereupon appointed him one of his domestick Chaplains, and afterwards presented him to the Vicarage of Rochdale, which is worth upwards of 700 1. a Year, and is now in the Gift of his present Grace of Canter- bury. By the Promotion of Dr. Cradock to a Bishoprick in Ireland, the Living of Covent- Garden ( for this Turn) is in the Gift of the King, and a Fellowship of St.
John's in Cambridge. Yesterday as Mr. Dixon, an eminent Hardware- Man , and Partner with Mr. Bridgman in Cheapside, was in the Shop, he was seized with a sudden Fit of Coughing, and died instantly. A Letter from Kendall, in Lancashire mentions, that one James Wilson died there last Week, aged 100. About four Years ago, Thomas Coward died near the same Place, aged 114 ; ana there is now living Robert Friers, aged 103. A few Days since died, at a Palace about a Mile from Aberdeen, in Scotland, one Alexander M'Cullock, in the 132d Year of his Age. He was a private Soldier under General Monk, in Scotland, in the
Time of Oliver Crom- well he was also in the Army the three succeeding Reigns, and served at the Battle of the Boyne under King William. He retained all his Senses to the last, except his Eye- Sight, which was but very little impaired. LIST of his Majestys SHIPS on tbe Nova- Scotia Station. Newark, Vice- Admiral Holbourne Invincible, Sir Charles Hardy, Rear- Admiral Grafton, Charles Holmes, Commodore , Northumberland Eagle Somerset Sunderland Nassau Centurion Defiance Orford J Prince Frederick Terrible 3 Kingston Tilbury Bedford ' Windsor Captain | Sutherland Devonshire Nottingham FRIGATES. Nightingale, Port-
Mahon, Ferrit, Hawk, Cruizer, Lightning Fire Ship, Furnace and Grenada Bomb', Gibraltar's Prize. Extract of a Letter from on board the St. George, at Falmouth, dated Oct. 16. " My last was by the Defiance of Bristol, who left us in the Bay, she going for Ireland ; since which, our Peo- ple daily falling sick, and buried two, obliged us to put into Corunna, in Valentia ( Spain) for fresh Provisions and Water. In this Harbour lay two homeward bound French East- Indiamen, who have been there several Months, and have sent Home their Cargoes in Neutral Bottoms. You must judge our Chagrine, at laying within four Ships Length of
such dazzling Desire. " We sail'd from thence the 5th Instant, and on the 8th, we, in Company with the Charming Nancy, of Guernsey, of 16 Guns, chased and took the Marquis de Salaha, Pierre Verade, Captain, of 16 Guns, and 123 Men, from Bayonne ; she struck, after one Broadside, in. which she lost one Man, and had one wounded ; one of our Bow Chaces, a Nine- pounder, enter'd their Cabin, and went through their First Lieutenant's Coat. She had on board the Captains of four Priacs, and eighteen Men. She is the best going Privateer, and the best Prize of a Privateer that has been taken ; she has Indigo and Silk on
board, & c. worth 70001. We are informed in Spain, by a Gentleman ot Veracity, that the Prince of Conti will turn out the best Prize taken this War; he offer'd to give his Affidavit that, to his certain Knowledge, he saW shipp'd, and absolutely on board her, 16 Chests of Gold and Silver Specie, and is thought worth Two Hundred Thousand Pounds." Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, dated Aug. 18, To Merchant in Hull. " I am sorry to acquaint you we have Just lost Fort William- Henry, and that Fort Edward is now besieged, and ' tis supposed cannot hold out long. I asSure you the People here seem to be quite dispirited. Great
Numbers of the Inhabitants daily come here from the Back Part of the Country, where they have left fine Estates, the great- est Part of the Families having been murdered."
The Celebrated Doctor and Professor HIllMER, Physician and Counsellor of the Court to the King of Prussia, most justly esteem'd the Greatest OCULIST in Europe, having restored several. Thousands of Blind to Sight, WILL BE At the Crown Inn in Worcester On Tuesday next, the ill of November. Those Blind that are Poor, and Curable, he will cure out of Charity for the first Four Days, on their bringing a Certificate from the Parish. He undertakes no Cure after the first Eight Days. To be SOLD, - A At the Tower, near the Cathedral in WORCESTER, On Wednesday the Ninth of November, 1757, The EFFECTS of Mr. John
Doharty, Consisting of several valuable and elegant Pieces of Furniture, Pictures, Prints, and curious Mathematical Instruments. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, On Thursday next, the Third Day of October, 1757, at the BELL INN, in Broad- Street, in the City of Wor- ceiler, between the Hours of Four and Six in the After- noon of the same Day, FOURTEEN Freehold Messuages or Tenements, With their Appurtenances, Situate in the Parish of St. Peter, in the City of Wor- cester aforesaid. Particulars may be had of Mr. Philley, Attorney, in Worcester. the whole Army, above and below Breslaw, to attack the Prince of Bevern in his
Camp, and terminate the Cam- paign with a Battle. The Prussian Army is very advan tageously encamped. Its Position, nevertheless, is very critical, because if the Prince of Bevern remains' in it, and continues to covers Breslaw, he will be exposed to the Danger of having his Communication with Glogaw and Brandebourg cut off. Hague, Oct. 20. An Express from Germany, which Colonel York has forwarded to London, carries, it's said, Dispatches that very much favour a Peace. Paris, Oct. 14, An Officer, who was made Prisoner by the English in the Isle of Aix, and released upon his Parole of Honour, is arrived here, and
reports, that, excepting the Demolition of the Fort on that lsland, they did no Damage to the Inhabitants; that they indem- nified those whose Houses were destroy'd by their Cannon, and that they observed the greatest Order during the short Time of their Stay — Utrecht Gazette. Another Officer of the King's Troops relates a very remarkable Fact, which occasions much Speculation ; to wit, That the English, before they left the Island, paid to the Owners of Three or Four Houses, to which their Bombs or red- hot Balls had set Fire, double the Amount of the Damage which the Houses received.— Hague Gaz. From the LONDON
GAZETTE. Hague, Oa. 21. We know little of the Operations of the Armies, which still keep the Field. The Accounts we have, are, that the French make no Progress, and seem very eager to get into Winter Quarters,' if the King of Prussia will let them ; but that that Prince had made some Motions within these few Days, in order to surprize the Prince of Soubize, in which he was very near suc- ceeding, having got to Erfurth again. To be LETT, And Enter d spin immediately, at an easy Rent. A Messuage, in Sidbury, Worcester, Being an old- accustomed Mercer's Shop, late in the Tenure of Mrs. Pointing, deceas'd ; SITUATE
without the Liberties, and very commo- dious for carrying on Trade by a Person who is not free of the City ; together with some Back Tenements, which may serve as Warehouses, if wanted. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Dandridge, Attorney, in Worcester. WORCESTER, Oct 27, 1757. Notice is hereby given to all Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others, That JOHN BURROW, Collar- Maker, Who lived in the Broad- Street, NOW carries on Business with his Son in the Meal- cheapen Street, near the Corn Market, where he hopes they will continue to employ him ; which Favour will always be most gratefully acknowledg'd by
Their humble Servant, JOHN BURROW. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against John Sanders, now or late of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, Vintner, intend to meet on Monday the 21st Day of November next, by Two of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, at the House of Richard Delves, the Sign of the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester aforesaid, in order to make a final Dividend of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the lame, or
they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. AL L Persons that have any Demand on the Estate and Effects of the late Rev. Mr. CHARLES WILLMOT, of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, deceas'd, are desired to send an Account thereof, on or before the First Day of November next, to Mr. Thomas Harrison, sen. or to Mr. Richard Walker, of Bromsgrove : And all Persons that are indebted to thi said Mr. WILLMOT, are desired to pay the same imme- diately, or they will be sued without further Notice. Wednesday s and Thursdays POSTS. From Lloyd's British Chronicle. Arriv'd A MAIL from HOLLAND.
HAMBOURG, October 14. OUR last Letters from Petersbourg advise, that, since the 15th of last Month, the Empress's Health has been in a very critical State, and that her Recovery was despair'd of. Austrian Head Quarters at Lissa, 0ct. J. A few Days will produce an important Decision ; for it is assured that a Resolution is taken to cross the Oder with LONDON. [ Tuesday, Oct. 25. The Account of the King of Prussia's Intention to make a Winter Campaign against the French, is confirmed by Yesterday's Mail. Fifty thousand Soldiers' Coats and Great Coats are preparing at Berlin. The Russians being absolutely retired, and by
the De- scription of the Country, having render'd it impossible for them to return for many Months, Marshal Lehwald has brought back his Army to Konigsbourg, and on the 9th Instant detached Prince George of Holstein Gottorp, with 16,000 Men, into Pomerania,' in order to sweep the Swedes out of that Country, as the Russians have been already swept out of Prussia. The French King, in Return for the Affection, Loy- alty, and Zeal, for his Service, expressed by the Inhabi- tants of Rochelle, on a late Occasion, has resolved to grant them several New Privileges. The Academy of Sciences, & c. at Rouen in France have
proposed, for their next Year's Prize, The Conquest of England by William Duke of Normandy. On Saturday last, a certain Commander of the Land Forces, lately employed in a grand Expedition, waited upon a Great Man in St. James's Square, for the first Time since his glorious Achievements.; and we are assured he went away greatly chagrin'd at the Reception he met with. A certain Great Commoner, upon whose Integrity and Vigilance the Fate of this Nation seems entirely to de- pend, has publickly declared that he is resolutely deter- mined to trace the late Ministry of Iniquity thro' all its Windings, whatever may be the
Consequence, or whom- soever the Enquiry may affect— May a Conduct so laud- able, and so unlike to that of former Ministers, be attend- ed with the Success it deserves ! , It is reported that one of the Admirals of the British Navy intends in a few Days to resign his Flag. It is confidently asserted, that three Officers in the Ser- vice have resigned, or been deprived of their Commissions lately.' It is said a Court Martial, for the Trial of Land Offi- cers, will be held some Time next Week. All the absent Officers belonging to the Garrison at Gibraltar are ordered immediately,, to return to their Posts. Three Foreign Noblemen, now in
England, are or- dered to depart these Kingdoms within a limited Time. On the 24th of September anchor'd at Leghorn the Guernsey and Lyme Men of War, having under their Convoy four French Prizes, one of which is said to be worth about 25,0001.' Lond. Gaz.. As it seems to be agreed on all Hands, that the great naval Armament which the French have at Cape Breton cannot possibly winter there, it is the Opinion of many, that the Fleet now going out under the Admirals Hawke and Boscawen may be intended to intercept them, if the French Fleet should, under favour of the Fogs which are always very great there at this
Season, efcape the Vigi- lance of Admiral Holbourne. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Oct.. 21. " Since my last arrived the Lizard Man of War from Portsmouth with the Trade under Convoy ; the Roches- ter and Unicorn Men of War from a Cruize ( the former has brought in the Prince de la Borde Privateer;) the young Flistina, of and for Amsterdam, from Curasso; the Bri- tannia, Peak, from London," Fifteen Ships of the Line are ready to put to Sea from Brest with the first fair Wind. This Intelligence was procured from the Privateer taken and carried into Ply- mouth, called the Prince de la Borde. It was Yesterday reported on
Change, that a Cartel- Ship, arrived at Dover from Calais, had brought an Ac count that Orders were come there, and to all the Sea Ports in France, to stop every Ship which came from Lisbon, as the Plauge had broke out there the 2d Instant, and carried off 400 or 500 People a Day. It was also said that several Letters mention the same. Here are Let- ters from Lisbon of the 28th past which take Notice, that an Epidemical Distemper then prevailed, which took off 30 or 40 People every Day- Some Letters from Ostend concerning the Distemper at Lisbon, say, that on the id of this Month 400 Persons died in that City. We hear
that Orders are gone to Hop the Packet that is expected from Lisbon, in order to prevent any Infection . being communicated to us: And ' tis thought that the Con- voy which was to depart from hence to Lisbon the 30th of this Month, will he deferred for a few Weeks longer, on the same Account. The Account concerning the Plague at Lisbon has spread a general Concern, as the Commerce between that un- happy City and London is the most Interesting ; how- ever, some People imagine, it may be only an epidemick Distemper, which, as Winter approaches, may soon cease. We do not hear that the Government have received
any Advice of it. By Letters from Liverpool we learn, that on Tuesday last came on there the Election of a Mayor and Bailiffs for the ensuing Year. The Morning was ushered in with a Contest between William Goodwin, Esq; and Alderman Clegg. The latter, after polling 48 Votes, declined ; which enraged the Mob so much, that they stoned the Gentlemen on the Hustings, tore them down, and broke most of the Exchange Windows. The Gentlemen were obliged to retreat into the Exchange, and the Mob pur- sued with Bludgeons, Clubs, & c. upon which some of the Gentlemen got out and raised a few Men, who came up, armed
with Cutlasses, just Time enough to save the Fur- niture of the Assembly and Court Rooms. Many were wounded in the Fray, and some narrowly efcaped their Lives. In the mean Time, William Goodwin, Esq; was declared duly elected, having polled 72 Votes, his Oppo. nent . refusing to stand any longer. The Gentlemen ad- journed till the Afternoon and then met to choose Bailiffs.. • Mess. Joseph Manesty and John Parr, Merchants, being offered, were unanimously chosen, without Opposition. After the Election was over, the Mob being highly pro- voked at the armed Cutlasses, went to the House of a considerable Merchant
whom they apprehended to have been concerned in sending up the Privateer's Men, broke his Windows, demanded two Guineas to drink, or threa- tened to pull down his House; which he was obliged to comply with, his Amniuntion being spent. One or two were dangerously wounded with the small Shot from the Windows. The Mob on Receipt of the Money went off to spend it, threatening to return with double Force ; which they did twice that Evening, but met with such a warm Reception from the Muskets, & c. fired from the Windows and Warehouses, that they quitted their De- signs of burning or pulling the downm. Several
being dan- gerously wounded, were glad to be carried off alive; and one Joseph Jackson, a Smith, was seized and brought into the Merchant's Yard, where the Servants tied him up, whipped him, and afterwards thew him amongst his Bre- thren out of one of the Warehouse Doors. During the Intervals, the Mob marched to other Gentlemen's Houses, breaking their Windows, and extorting Money by Way of Composition. Luckily they dispersed that, Night, or they would have met with their due Deserts from the Gen- tlemen Tradesmen, who were determined to be no longer insulted, and happily for the Mob, did not proceed to
Extremities, which, in all Probability, would have been the Loss of many Lives. Sunday se'nnight was married Mr. Bowen, an eminent Butcher in Kingsgate Street, Red Lion Square, to a young Woman who had been his Housekeeper many Years, and got a Prize of 1000 1. in the late Lottery. BANKRUPTS. John Scott, of New Laiths. in the Township of West Ardsley, in the Parish of Wood- Church, in the County of York, Maltster. Thomas Cutty, of Alnwcik, in the County of Northumberland, Dealer and Chapman. Samuel Austen, of Thames Street, London, Dealer in Coals and Chapman. STOCKS. Bank, no Price. India, no Price
South Sea, no Price. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. ( hut. Ditto zd Sub. ( hut. Ditto New Annuities, til Sub. 91 i 4th a 3 8ths. Ditto zd Sub. 91 1 4th. Three per Cent. Annuities, Books ( hut. India Bonds, 2 1. 14 s. Prem. - WORCESTER, October 27. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of this Diocese will hold a Confirmation at the following Places next Week, viz. At Fladbury on Tuesday the 1st of November, At Evesham on Wednesday the 2d of November, And at Pershore on Thursday the 3d of November. Last Sunday Sermons were preached in the Churches of St. Martin and St. Philip, in Birmingham, ( by the Rev. Mr. Bate, of Worcester)
for the Benefit the Children educated at the Charity School in Birmingham, when the Collection at both Churches amounted to 56l 9s. tod 3'. On Thursday last died, at his Seat at the Grange, near Hales Owen, the Right Hon. Ferdinando- Dudley Lea, Lord Dudley. His Lordship died a Batchelor, in the 47th Year of his Age. The Title of Baron Dudley is very antient, the Creation bearing Date 1307. in the Reign of King Edward II. The Title is in Abeyance among his Sisters. We hear from Bodenham, in Herefordshire, that one John Adams, a wealthy Farmer of that Parish, who for some Time past has had a Lunacy upon him,
hanged himself, in a Ground some Distance from his House, on Friday se'nnight, where he was found on the Morrow by two Sportsmen who were shooting. One of the 3000 1. Prizes in the late Lottery, we are assured, is the Property of Mr. Benbow, a Col- lier, at Jackfield,. near Broseley, in Shropshire.
Extract of a Letter from on board the Hunter Sloop, lately arrived at Plymouth from North America. Plymouth, Oct 16. " When Admirnl Holborne with all the Fleet and Transports arrived at Halifax, which was the 9th of July, the Troops were immediately all landed, to refresh them. In the mean Time several small Craft were sent into Louisbourg, which brought the unwelcome News of the Enemy being vastly superior in Ships, and nigh equal in Land Forces ; this caused great Fluctuations in our coun- cils of War ; sometimes they gave Credit to the Reports of the small Craft and some French Deserters ; at other Times they would
not. However, at all Events they were resolved to try, and embarked the Troops to the Number of 11,000, when a French Packet bound from Louisbourg for France, being taken by one of his Ma- jesty's Ships stationed at Newfoundland, she had Letters on board, which gave an Account of their Strength, viz. 6000 Regular Troops, 3000 Natives, and 1300 Indians, with 17 Ships of the Line of Battle, v; z three of 84 Guns, six of 74. eight of 64, one of 50, and three Fri- gates. This put a Stop to the Expedition, we having but 15 Sail of tbe Line, and one of 50 Guns, and few of ours being nigh equal to theirs, either in Guns, Weight of
Shot, or Number of Men. Lord Loudon, after gar- risoning Halifax with three Battalions, and sending two more to the Bay of Fundy, sailed with the rest of the Troops for New York, in order to put a Stop to the De- predations of the Enemy on our Frontiers. However, the Enemy had got Fort Willhm Henry before he arriv'd. The Admiral being resolved to see himself the Strength of the French, sail'd for Louisbourg the 16th of August, being the same Day that Lord Loudon sail'd for New York) having 1; Sail of the Line, one of 50 Guns, one Fire Ship, and three small Frigates ; the zoth we ap- pear'd off Louisbourg, and approached
within two Miles of their Batteries, and found the above Account of their Strength to be true. When we came nigh, the French Admiral made the Signal to unmoor; but Mr. Holborne did not think proper to stay for him, and made Sail gain for Halifax, which, in my humble Opinion, was the most prudent Thing he could do, as, in all human Proba- bility, he must have been beaten ; which would not only have proved the Loss of the Fleet, but have laid our Co lonies all open to the Enemy. September the 11th, the Admiral being join'd by two 70 and two 60 Gun Ships more, he sailed again for Louisbourg; on the 17th we were ordered
close in Shore to reconnoitre; when we stood so nigh that the Enemy's Shot went over us ( for they fired a good many at us) we found none of the Ene- my's Ships gone. The next Day the Admiral dispatchcd us ( the Hunter Sloop) for England. By the Charge he has given the Fleet to take the greatest Care of their Wa- ter, I believe he will cruize off Louisbourg as long as possible, and I am certain he wants nothing more than a Battle. We arrived here the 12th Instant; nothing re- markable happened on our Passage." A Copy of a Letter from the Master of the Friend's Goodwill, to his Owner, at Sandwich, in Kent. S I R,
Cherbourg, Oct. 5, 1757. " This serves to advise you of our Misfortune in falling into the Hands of the French. We sailed from Plymouth the 30th of September, in Company with fifty or seventy Sail, under Convoy of his Majesty's Ship Hind, Capt. Hughes : But the Wind coming to the Eastward, and we sailing heavy, he soon left us: However, we kept beating to Windward, and by stopping the Ebb Tide when was moderate we had got within 17 Leagues of the Isle of Wight ( having some of the Fleet in Sight) on Monday the 3d last, when we fell in with a French Frigate of 11 Carriage Guns, called the Duke of Pontie, who took us
at Nine in the Morning, about four Miles from the Shore. About four Hours after they took another large Ship, one of our Fleet, called the Queen of Spain, but the Captain is a Spaniard. They brought us in Yesterday. We sailed on Friday Afternoon, and never saw the Convoy after Saturday Night, though always fine Weather." THE Monitor of Saturday the 15th compares the pre- sent Situation of our national Affairs to the State ot the Israelites, when their Wisdom and Strength decay, ed with their Virtue, and their Vices and Corruption ex- posed them to the Reproach and Contempt of their Ene- mies. The Author observes, that no
Nation can boast of greater Blessings upon their Arms by Sea and Land, nor of more Regard paid to their Councils and Friendship, than our own ; that while Virtue seasoned Education, and Merit was the sole Rule of Advancement, our Fleets and Armies never turned their Backs upon our Enemies; then we maintained the Sovereignty of the Ocean, extended our ' trade over the whole World, planted Colonies from the Rising to the Setting of the Sun, destroyed all Oppo- sition from the Enemies of our Religion and Liberties, and gave Peace to our Neighbours. He then proceeds to the fatal Reverse ; points out some of the
Causes of our Fall, and takes Notice how we were insulted and defeated in the Year 1755, by a despicable Band of Indians on the Back of Virginia ; how we were disgraced in 1756 by the Neglect of Minorca; and how we shall be laughed to scorn and held in Derision for the Secret Expedition in 1757, which cost the Nation two Millions or upwards, and returned to Portsmouth without to much as attempt- ing to land upon the Enemy's Coast. ' What will the * King of Prussia ( says he) think of our Councils and Con- ' duct, of our Fidelity and Resolutions; when he hears ' that the Resolution to make a Diversion on the French ' Coast
in his Favour, which was the only Measure to be ' executed, on the Part of Britain, to draw France out of ' Germany, has been put off' This Writer will by no Means allow that all our Delay and Disappointment is to be ascribed to Chance, or to want of Force; as the Winds and the Sea favoured the Design, and the Enemy were not in an immediate Con- dition to keep them off: He thinks, that nothing less than proving their Instructions to be obscure or inefficient, or that the Force was unable to land on a naked Shore, can clear the Commanders, who brought them back, from the Imputation of not having done all that was in their
Power to do ; ( a Crime for which Admiral Byng was shot): And observes, that if this Misconduct should be suf- fered to pass unnoticed ; if the Guardians of our Liberty and Property should not enquire into the Cause of so great a Disappointment; if the Minister ( whose Uprightness is hitherto untainted) should not be able to acquit himself of this Measure ; we must expect nothing but Insults from Abroad, and Discontent and Confusion at Home. The following Letter, wrote after the 18th of June last, is banded about, and as it carries with it great Marks of Authenticity, we present it to the Publick as a Curiosity. Copy of a Letter from
the King of Prussia to Lord Marshal. THE Imperial Grenadiers are admirable Troops ; one hundred Companies defended a rising Ground that my best Infantry could not carry. Ferdinand, who commanded them, return'd seven Times to the Charge, but to no Purpose. At First he master'd a Battery, but could not hold it. The Enemy had the Advantage of a numerous and well served Artillery. It did Honour to Lichtenstein, who had the Direction ; the Prussian alone can dispute it with him. My Infantry were too few. All my Cavalry were present, and idle Spectators, excepting a bold Push by my Houshold Troops and some Dragoons.
Ferdinand attacked without Powder : The Enemy in Re- turn were not sparing of theirs. They had the Advan- tage of a rising Ground, of Intrenchments, and of a prodigious Artillery. Several of my Regiments were repulsed by their Musquetry. Henry performed Wonders. I tremble for my worthy Brothers : they are too brave. Fortune turn'd her Back on me this Day. I ought to have expected it : She's a Female, and I am no Ga- lant. Infact, I ought to have had more Infantry. Success, my dear Lord, often occasions a destructive Con- fidence. Twenty three Batteries were not sufficient to dislodge 60,000 Men from an advantageous
Post. Ano- ther Time we will do better. What say you of this League that has only the Marquis of Brandenbourg for its Object ? the Great Elector would be surpriz'd to see his Grandson at War with the Russians, the Austrians, and almost all Germany, and 100,000 French Auxiliaries 1 know not if it will be Disgrace in me to submit, but am sure there will be no great Glory in vanquishing of me. WHEREAS Ann, the Wife of John Fisher, of Martley, in the County of Worcester, has eloped from her Husband, this is to forbid all Persons trusting her, her said Husband being determined not to pay any Debts she contracts after the
Publication hereof. As Witness my Hand, The Mark of JOHN FISHER. N. B. The said Ann Fisher having taken away several Things from her said Husband, any one that buys or con ceals them will be prosecutcd as the Law directs. To be S0LD, A Freehold ESTATE, Ot Twenty- five Pounds per Year, WITH a good Dwelling House, call'd or known by the Name of the HOME HOUSE, and con- venient Out Buildings, all in good Repair ; together with about Eighty Acres of Arable, Orcharding, Hop- Yard, Coppice, Meadow, and Pasture- Ground, all lying con- venient to the House, situate, lying and being in the Parish of Cradley, in
the County of Hereford, Eight Miles from Worcester, Four from Ledbury, and Five from Bromyard ; and now in the Tenure or Occupation of John Woodyatt, Tenant thereof. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Hales, of Acton Beauchamp, in the County of Worcester, ( the Owner of the said Estate) ; or of Mr. George Deakin, of Leigh Sinton, in the said County ; or of Mr. Percival Thomas, of Donington- Hall, near Ledbury. By the King's Royal Letters Patent, Dr. FRAUNCES'S Female Strengthening ELIXIR, Which is a Chemical Preparation, extracted from the from powerful and efficacious Parts of the Materia Medica ;
and is perhaps as great a Restorative and Strengthen; as Medicine can produce. TH IS Elixir is adapted for the Cure o* many Female Disorders which the Fair sex, of all Ages an- Constitutions, are liable to, which they too cautiously conceal, on regard, or neglect ; whereby the Blood is robbed of its nourishing Balsamick Particles, the whole System weakened and relaxed, D< i- tempersare occasioned, and these attended with the most fatal Con- sequences. This Medicine may be depended upon as a safe and very efficacious Remedy, as hath been proved by long successful Practice, as well i- by many great and remarkable
Cures: The more particular Virtue.., and the Cures it's useful in, may be fully seen in the Paper of Direc- tions around each Bottle. In Constitations worn down with long and tedious Illness, it will afford great Relief, by restoring the lost Spring of the Solids, and fil- ling the Body with generous Blood and Juices. Whence likewise it cannot fail of doing the greatest Service to Peo- ple labouring under a Languor of Spirit:., and Hypochondriacal Com- plaints. This Elixir is easy to be taken, agreeable to the Stomach, raif. s the Spirits, gives new Life to the whole System, and needs n0 Con- firmation. The Bottle's are sealed, as in the
Margin, with the PATENTEE'S Coat of Aims, round which are thefe Words, FEMALe STRENGTHENING ELIXIR ; and un- der the Arms in a Scroll, BY THE KiNg's PATENT. SOLD WhOLeSAle, by the special Appointment of the Patentee, only by cluer Dicey and Company, at Dr. Bateman's Ware- house, in Bow Church Yard, London. Sold likewise ( Retail only) by the Patentee, at Daventry, North- amptonshire, and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal; also by one imputable Shopkeeper in every City and Market Town 111 England, & c. Price is. 6 d. the Phial. Also sold Wholesale by Dicey and Company, Bettons Only
True BRITISH OIL, Which is an effectual re- medy for many Disorders incident to hu- man Bodies. It is an absolute Cure for all Scobutick Diseases, for all old Contusions and Contractions of the nerves, or con- tracted and wither'd Limbs, Strains, Ul- cers, old Sores, all fixed and wandering Pains: It discusses Nodes } cures the Palsy, Lameness, Swellings, Inflamma- tions, St. Anthony's Fire, King's Evil j takes away all Blackness of a fall or Bruise in an Hour's Time, and allays all Swellings that usually attend such Accidents: It cures all green Wounds and Cuts, if speedily applied it is an almost infallible Remedy for the Rickets in
Children: It it a certain Cure for the Leprosy, of ever so long standing; very much helps to knit broken Bones, and is an excellent Antidote against P0i- son Inwardly taken, it cures Ulcers of the Lungs, Shortness 0f breath, Consumptions, Phthisick, Coughs, and almost'all Disorders of the Breast or Lungs; it also cures Deafness, to admiration ; it cures all Surfeits in Cows 0r Horses ; also Hardness or Stoppage in the Maw, the Maggots or Mange in Sheep, . Ar. B. It will expel Poison, heal the Bite of a mad Dog, and is an absolute Cure for the most obstinate Itch that has baffled the Force of all other Medicines, Price 1 s. the Bottle,
The Refined Oil, to take inwardly, for Consumptions, 1 s 6 d. The above Medicines are sold only at the said Dicey and Okill's Warehouse, as above ; and, by thei'r Appointment, by E. and S. Hankins, in Ledbury; W. Sprott, Cutler, ( and no other Person) in Lesminster ; B, Haslewood, Bookseller in Bridgnorth, Messrs. Cotton, Dutston, Eddowes, and T. Gosnel, in Shrewsbury ; Deb. Rose, in Colebrookdale } S. Hotchkiss, Bookseller, in Oswestry and Elsemore j Catherine Meredith, Grocer, in Welsh Poole ; Thomas Home, Draper' in Bishop's Castle ; Mr. Meredith, Ironmonger, in Kington ; Thomas Waring, Shopkeeper, in Ludlow T.
Lea, Mercer, in Much Wen- lock ; S. Griffith, Mercer, in Wem ; Messrs. Hunt and Hodges, book- sellers, and J. Perrin, Tobacconist, all in Hereford, J. Bradley, in Stourbridge j M. Hartlebury, in Tewkesbury ; J. Hassall, Ironmonger, in Bewdley ; J. Keating, Bookseller, ia Stratford upon Avon, J. Allen, Grocer, in Campden 5 Mrs. Mosely, Bookseller, m Kiddermin- ser ; Mrs. Watson, Milliner,' in Bromsgrove; H. Harris, Draper, in Bromyard ; J. Beesley, Ironmonger, in Evesham ; Messrs. R. Lewis and M. Woolley, Booksellers, in Worcester ; and by the Printer of this Paper and the Persons who distribute it : Also by one or more repu table Shopkeeper in every City and Market Town in England. Where their following True Medicines may be had, Dr. HOOPER'S Female Pills, each Box containing 40 Pills. 1s. Barun Schwanberg's Liquid Shell, being a safe and sure Dissolvent of the Stone and Gravel, and gives immediate Relief in the Stran- guary and Wind Cholick ) very proper for young Children } 1s. 6d. ( All publish'd under Sanction of the KING's Royal Letter:, Patent.) Dr. Bateman's Great Cordial Purging Elixir, 1s. 3d. Dr. Bateman's Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy- Grass, 1s. Dr. Stoughton's Great Stomatick Elixir, is. Dr. Radcliffe's Famous Purging
Elixir, is. Bostock's Purging Elixir, is an Imitation of Daffy. Aurum Horizontal Pill, for the Scurvy and Venereal Complaints. Dr. Anderson's, or the True Scots Pills. True Eau de Luce, at 1s. 6d. or 3s. the Bottle. Right French Hungary, and double- distill'd Lavender Waters. Of the Printers and Distributors of this Journal may also be had, Fine Durham Flour of MUSTARD- SEed, In Sixpenny Bottles; And The British Flour of MUSTARD- SeED, In Six penny and Three penny Bottles.