Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 15/09/1757
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Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2511
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BERROW's Worcester Journal. Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, September 15, 1757. N° 2511 Curious PASSAGES selected from the Archbishop of PARIS'S Mandate, Issued the 11th of August, for singing TE DEUM in all the Churches throughout his Diocese. k OW has Heaven bless'd the Efforts of our Arms I at the very Time that France is tying the Knot of an Alli- liance the most rare and lovely with the Heiress of the Power of the Cae- sars. O Age of Francis the first and , Charles the Fifth'! That you had but seen this precious Union ! From what Groans and Distresses had the State and the Church been relieved,
if the Candour and Generosity which now unite the Defen- dants of those two great Princes, could have dissipated their mutual Jealousies ! This inestimable Advantage was reserved for our Days. By the Treaty concluded between h is Majesty and the Empress Queen, all antient Rivalship is extinguish'd; the Antimosities of three Ages are dissipated ; the Violences inseparable from the Heat of Battle are buried in Obli- vion ; Enmities are changed into Protections of Friend- ship, into Assurances of Services; and these Protectations, these Assurances, are the Effect of reciprocal Sincerity and Esteem. How could the Empress
Queen entertain any Mistrust in treating with a King who NEVER broke his Word-, and has NEVER discovered the Least Desire to aggrandize himself at the Expence of his Neighbours? How could the King suspect the Fidelity of a Princess whom he knew to possess true Greatness of Soul, and has always esteem'd, even when the Circumstances of the Times obliged him to take up Arms against her? It becomes these Two Great Souls to conquer antient Prejudices; to despise false Politicks; to draw the Atten- tion of Europe, and make it sensible of its true Interests. For Us, Ministers of the God of Peace !!! we cannot but
acknowledge, in the Union of these Two Crowns, the Finger of a Providence attentive to the good of the Peo- ple. Soon will this Union produce an universal Peace, to the Confusion of Governments without Faith, and without Principle. Who will attempt any Usurpations Oppressions, while France and Austria guard the Pub- lick Tranquility ? Obliged by the Faith of Treaties to march an Army to the Relief of Germany, the King desired the King of England, as Elector of Hanover, to keep within the Li- mits of an exact Neutrality. By accepting this Offer, the Electorate had been, like all the States of the peace- able Powers, free of the
Dangers of War, and in a State of perfect Felicity : But the Elector, in League with the King of Prussia, caused a considerable Army to be assem- bled to dispute the Passage with the French and Austrian Troops. It was the Son of the same Elector who com- manded the Hanoverians. He has neglected nothing to cover the Electorate; but the Valour of our Troops added to those of the Empress Queen surmounted all Obstacles: They have forced lntrenchments almost inaccessable; they have routed those who defended them. And what are the Consequences of an Action so important? The Elec- torate is open ; the Enemy no
longer in a Condition to hazard the Fate of Battles; the Prussian Armies, deprived « f this Support, more and more exposed to the redoubt- able Efforts of the Empress Queen. This Great Princess, sustain'd by French Arms, is now able to root out and de- stoy, to draw the Sword from the Scabboard, and to whet it for Vengeance [ But, O I rather let us wish for Peace: Let us beseech the Lord to change these murder- ing Weapons into Implements of Husbandry. Let us this Day thank him for his Mercies, and supplicate him to fill up the Measure of his Kindness, by placing in the Hearts of all his People the Candour, Sincerity, and
Fidelity, with which he has inspired the Empress and our august Monarch. FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. GENOA, August 6. Grand Council has been held at Madrid, at which all Chief Ministers assisted, and the French and Im- perial Ministers were sent for, who each ofem dis- ^ patch'd Expresses to inform their respective Courts of what had passed. A Courier was also dispatched to Cadiz, with Orders for four Advice Boats to be sent with fresh Instructions for the Viceroys and Governors in the West Indies. The Council of War directly ordered the principal Officers of his Majesty's Armies to hold them- selves in
Readiness to march, and the Men of War ore ordered to be ready to put to Sea. Tho' we are entirely ignorant of the Design of all these Preparations, yet they give us Reafon to think that the Spanish Court may probably, in a short Time, declare itself more openly, with Regard to the present State of Affairs AMERICA. Williamsburgh, in Virginia, July 8. On Friday last the Otway, Capt. Salisbury, from Liverpool, arrived in York River, and brought in with him the Gabriel, a French Brigantine, laden with Sugar, Coffee, and Indigo, from. j Cape Francois for Bourdeaux, which was condemned by a Court of Vice Admiralty last Thursday.
Fort Cumberland, in Nova Scotia, June 29. We hear from Annapolis Royal, that the Tribe of Indians near that Place is come in, and left two of their Chiefs in or- der to make Peace with us; and that at the lsland of St. John's they are almost starved. IRELAND. Dublin, August 30. A Draught of 520 Men has been made from the following Regiments, viz. Colonel Fitz- williams's, General Handasyd's, Colonel Montagu's, and Forbes's, which is march'd for Cork, there to embark for Foreign Service. The Privateer Snow Boston, Capt. William Ellery, Commander, has retaken Capt. Montgomery's Ship, from this Kingdom for Antigua,
with 900 Barrels of Beef, and other Provisions, having cut her and the French Privateer that took her out of Marigalent, a French Port, under a Fort mounting twelve Eighteen- pounders; he has also taken another French Privateer, and four Merchantmen, all which he has sent to Boston. COUNTRY NEWS. Spalding, in Lincolnshire, Sept. 3. The Militia Act creates a great deal of Uneasiness here. At Boston they made a great Riot, committed great Outrages, broke Lord Vere Bertie's Windows, and design'd to go to Lin coln Races, in order to attack some of the Nobility, who, they think, were the Occasion of making this Act. They
murmur here, but are not so riotous, for want of suffici- ent Numbers. LONDON. [ Thursday, Sept. 8. They write from Rome, that a Promotion of Cardinals is expected in the Course of the current Month, and that it is look'd upon as a Thing certain, that the Nomination of the Chevalier de St. George will be given to the Ne- phew of the Count de Saintville, and that of the Empress Queen to the Abbe de Bernis; Circumstances that occa- sion many Speculations among the Italian Politicians. We learn from Germany, that the Army of Execution, as it is called, or, as it has been hitherto stiled, the Army of the Empire, is at last in
Motion, under the Command of Prince George of Hesse d'Armstadt, and are march- ing ( to be sure with great Life and Spirit ! ) against the King of Prussia, as appears by their being escorted on both Flanks by Austrian Hussars, who hang up, without Mercy, such as endeavour to desert, and but for this wise Precaution there would be very speedily no Army at all. ' Tis said that an Express arrived from Germany on Tuesday Evening, with the welcome News that an Army of 70,000 Turks was advancing towards Hungary, and that a larger Army, consisting of Turks and Tartars, was matching to make a Diversion, in favour of the
King of Prussia, on the Side of Russia. We hear that the King of Spain has, by his Minister at the Court of France, signified his Disapprobation of the Measures taken by the French Army, in entering the Elec- torate of Hanover The French have demanded an exact List of the Re- venues and Imposts in the Electorate of Hanover; of the Number of Inhabitants, and the Waggons and Horses they can furnish; of the Cattle, of the Wheat, Rye, Bar- ley, Oats, Straw, and Hay ; as also of the Capitals and ready Money which were in the Possession of the several Corporations at the Time the French Army entered the Electorate: All
these Lists were to be exhibited wt. hin eight Days. The Dey of Algiers has proclaimed Peace both with the States General and Tuscany, set the Consuls of those Powers at Liberty, and strictly forbid his Subjects taking any of their Ships for the future. Letters from Madrid, of the zd of August, advise, that Sir Benjamin Keene was greatly indisposed at Sacedon Bath in New Castile. Tuesday and Yesterday the Stocks have risen consider- ably, supposed from the large Sums of Money having been lately sent hither from Holland and Germany, the People of those Countries thinking their Wealth safer in this Nation. We hear that the
Expedition against Louisbourg is laid aside for this Seafon, the Army being. divided into three Parts, and Lord Loudon went to New York with his Division a few Day3 after the Express came away. Last Friday was kept as a solemn Fast by the Methodists under the Care of Mr. Whitefield, to implore FOrgiveness of the National Sins, and beg a Blessing on our Army and fleet going on the present Expedition. We hear there are very great Disturbances in several Counties of England, occasioned by the Measures taken to put the late Act for a Militia in Execution. Two Admirals are appointed to take upon them the separate
Commands of the Fleet to be left at Spithead, in Portfmouth Harboar, and at Plymouth. Yesterday Advice came that Capt. Wheeler, of the Isis Man of War, has taken a French Man of 24. Guns, call'd the Bezoar, and was seen bringing her round to Portsmouth. She is a new Ship, and it may be properly said she has paid for her peeping, being sent to look into Portsmouth. The Captain of a Ship brought over from France by Cartel, who arrived in Town last Sunday, informs us, that on the News being received at Brest of the Expedi- tion from England, he and many other Prisoners were re- moved thirty Miles up the Country, and
from thence to Morlaix: That the Fleet fitting out at Brest cannot possi- bly be got ready for Sea in less than two Months; and that Seamen were so scarce on board the Fleet, that they were brought from the different Sea- Ports to man the same: That the Militia of Normandy and Britany were raised to de fend thofe Coasts, the French being under terrible Apprt- hensions of a Visit from the English, and had thereto e removed their valuable Effects near fifty Miles inland. Letters have been found on board a French Prize from some French Officers at Cape Breton, most earnestly pres- sing their Friends at Paris to use their utmost
Endeavours to get them recalled. Other Letters of a later Date from the same Gentlemen to their Friends have been found on board another Prize, in which they signified that the Distress of the People at Cape Breton, by the Scarcity and Badness of Provisions, and the Rage of an infectious Distemper, was so great, that they [ though OfficersJ would return to France, if they should be tried and shot for Desertion the Day after their Arrival. Two Ships under Spanish Colours, from Eustatia, but last from Gibraltar, are taken by an Algerine Cruizer off Cape de Gat. The Men are made Slaves, supposed to be Dutch. A Chapel for the
Soldiery is opened in the new Wing of the Horse Guards, where Divine Service is regularly performed, and those who are not upon Duty are obliged to attend. The Rev Mr. Thomas Paine was a few Days since preferred to the Vicarage of Winchomb, in the County of Stafford and Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, lately vacant. The Rev. Dr. Blair is appointed Chaplain in ordinary to her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales. On Monday died, at his Father's House in Berkshire, Thomas Penn, Esq; Son of the Hon. Thomas Penn, Esq) ( Proprietor of Pensylvania) and of the Right Hon. Juliana Penn his Wife. On Friday
died at his House in Mortimer Street, of old Age, George Dyer, Esq; leaving a considerable For- tune ( as he had no Relation) among three Servants, who had lived with him upwards of thirty Years. On Friday last, about two in the Afternoon, Luke Cobb, aged 58, for Horsestealing, and Richard Chapman, aged 63, for Housebreaking, were executed at Guild- ford, in Surry. On Sunday before their Execution, 15 Sons and Grandfons of Chapman came to the Gaol, after divine Service, dined with him, and took their Leave of him ; and at their Departure he desired four of his Sons to attend at the Gallows, and take Care of his Body,
which they did accordingly last Friday, where was the greatest Crowd of Spectators ever known at Guildford. At the Tree the Rev. Mr. Burdett pray'd upwards of an Hour with them, and the Singers of the Middle Chsreh at Guildford sung a Psalm. Before the Criminals were turn'd off, Chapman made a long Speech to the Spectators, and admonish'd his Children to take Warning by his un- timely Fate. Lake Cobb confessed his having stolen seve- ral Horses besides that for which- he suffered, and informed the Owners where they might find them. Chapman's Body was buried last Sunday at Oaking, about five Miles from
Guildford, and two Barrels of Ale were given to the Populace, which had been brewed by the Direction of the Deceased, three Weeks before his Execution, It is remarkable, that the Night before he suffered, be or- dered his Wife to come to; the Gaol, and take away his Cloaths and Bedding, saying, they would serve his poor Grandchildren. Tuesday Night a Man upwards of 70 Years of Age was brought, with his Legs tied under the Horse's Belly, to the New Gaol, Southwark, for robbing a Boy 0n the Highway of four Shillings. Last Tuesday William Page, otherwise Williams, otherwise Gage, for robbing on the Highway ; Andrew
Scot, charged with Forgery, and with robbing the Wor cester and Portsmouth Mails, Brent Coleman, Thomas Price, John Roberts, and Richard Gregory, charged several Robberies on the Highway ; and one Petit, lican, and Jacobs, a Jew, charged with encouraging last- mentioned Gang of Foot Pads to rob, a
moving the Goods they got, knowing them to be stolen, were re examined before John Fielding, Esq,- and suffici- ent Evidence appearing against them all to put them to take their Trials, the PrOsecutors were bound over, and this whole notorious Gang of Robbers, and their Acces- saries, were sent under a strong Guard to Newgate, and will be most of them tried the next Sessions at the Old Bailey. ' Tis said that the Money the young Gang of Street- Robbers, now in Custody, have taken from several Per- sons within these Nine Months past, amounts to upwards of Fifteen Hundred Pounds, according to the Confession of one
of the Gang, who has turn'd Evidence. 1 » the PRINTER, & c. SIR, Middlewich in Cheshire, Sept. 3, 1757. HAVING seen in a former Paper an Account of the Longevity of the Parrs near Bridgnorth, I shall acquaint you, that in this Neighbourhood lived a Person whose Age exceeded that of the famous OLD PARR, as appears in the Register of Church- Minshull, a Place chiefly belonging to our worthy Knight of the Shire, Thomas Cholmondeley, Esq; viz. Upon the twentieth of February, A. D. 1648, was here interred THOMAS DAMM, of Leighton, aged 154. I am, Sir, your humble Servant, A. B. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S
POSTS. Arrived S MAIL from FLANDERS. Stockholm, August 20. THE Government has ordered thirteen Men of War or Frigates whose Guns have been taken out, to be kept in Readiness at Carelscroon to take on board the Four thousand Horse that are to be- transported to Stralsund, Dantzick, Aug. 29. The Russian Fleet is not returned to Piliau, nor do we hear that it has been seen on the Coasts of Pomerania ; so that we suppose it is steered for Cronstadt. A Detachment of Prussian Dragoons and Light Troops had another Skirmish a few Days ago with the Russian Dragoons and Cossacks, Part of whom they cut off.
made several Prisoners, and put the rest to Flight. This is the third Skirmish of some Importance, in which the Prus- sians have been victorious. The Contributions imposed on the Kingdom of Prussia by Marlhal Apraxin are very considerable. The Town of Memel has been taxed at 40,000 Florins, which was readily paid, in order to avoid Military Execution. The Archives of the Country, which were kept at Konigsberg, have been sent away to Custrin. Hanover, Sept. 2. The French are meditating some important Enterprize to seCure their Winter Quarters, and indemnify them for their long and painful March, and what they suffered
by the excessive Heats. Such of the French Generals as were in this Town, and those who came with the last Body of Forces, which it is said amounts to 3o. ooo Men, are gone to join the Grand Ar- my, and concert with Marshal Richlieu Measures for ex- ercising, without Delay, the Projects with which the Campaign is to be closed. Their great View is to come up with the Duke of Cumberland's Army, and bring him to a decisive Action ; but there is great Reason to think that this Prince, who knows the Danger of coming to an Engagement with an Army greatly superior to his own, will carefully avoid a Battle; Spire, Aug. 20. The
Bloody Flux makes such Havock among the French Troops, that upwards of 1700 have already been cut off by it; and above 5ooo, afflicted with this Distemper, are in divers Hospitals, besides those that still remain with their Regiments. Hague, Sept. 6. It is reported here, that, on the 3d Instant, the Army under the Command of the Duke of Cumberland, had a very sharp Engagement with the French Army headed by Marshal Richlieu, the Particu- lars of which we know not, but hourly expect them. Altena, Aug. 30, According to our last Advices, the Duke of Cumberland's Army is so advantageously posted, that 20,000 Men may
there refist the Efforts of 100,000. From the LONDON GAZETTE. From the Prussian Head Starters at Bemstaedel, Aug 11. On the 15th the ( Prussian) Army came in Sight of the Austrian Camp, and within Cannon- Shot. So soon as they perceived us, they struck their Tents, and drew up in Order of Battle at the Head of their Camp. The King formed his Army over against them, and immediate- ly went to reconnoitre the Ground between the Armies ; but as it was then late, he deferred the more exact Exami- nation of the Ground till next Day. The two Armies continued all Night under Arms. On the 16th, at Day- break, the King
returned to reconnoitre the Situation of the Enemy with the utmost Exactness. He found them . encamped with their Right at the River Neisse : The rest of their Army ' extended along a Height to a Mountain covered with Wood, which protected their Left. Before their Front, at the Foot of the Hill, on which they were drawn up, was a small Brook, passable only in three dif- ferent Places, and that for four or five Men a- breafi. To- wards the Left of the Austrian Army, there was an Open- ing, where three or four Battalions might have marched in front; but behind it they had placed three Lines of Infantry s and, on a Hill which flanked
this Opening - within. Musket- shot, were placed 4000 Foot, with 40 or 50 pieces of Cannon; so that really this was the strongest Part of their Camp. The King, to leaVe nothing undone that might force the Auftrians to a Battle, sent General Winterseldt, With Part of the Army, to the other Side of the Neisse by the Bridge of Hirschfeld, to try to take them in Flank: But that being likewise found impossible, the Prussian Army, after lying four Days before the Ene- my, returned, on the 20th, to their Camp at Bernstaedel. The Austrians say they are 130,000 strong. Sure they might have shew'd a little more Manliness; for the King gave
them the fairest Occasions. The Day he returned to Bernstaedel, after he had retired about 2000 Yards, he drew up the Army in Line Of Battle, and remained so upwards of an Hour: But niot a Man stirr'd from the Austrian Camp. Head Quarter, of the Duke at Selfingen, Sept. t. Yesterday Morning early the Army matched from Ro- thenberg to Oldendorff 1 and this Day the Army march'd to this Place. Hague, Sept. 6. His Prussian Majesty was to be at Leipzic with his Army on the 3d Instant, and it is thought will march forward to meet the Prince of Soubise, and the Army of the Empire, who may make together about 50,000 Men
at most, Half of which are French. The French have taken Possession of the Town of Bremen. [ Thus far the London Gazette. ] NAVAL AFFAIRS. Portsmoutb, Sept. 8. YESTERDAY, in the Evening, the Admirals Hawke, Knowles, and Broderick, with the Fleet, brought- to; for the Night, at St. Helen's, and are now under Sail again with a very fair Wind. The York and Essex Men of War do not go with them, as reported. The following is a List of the Men of War which sail'd on Thursday Morning. Ships of the Line. Royal George, first Rate : Royal William, second; Ramllies, second, Admiral Hawke; Neptune, second, Admiral
Knowles; Barfleur, second; Namure, second 1 Princess Amelia, third, Admiral Bro- derick; Magnanime, 74 Guns; Torbay, 80; America,. 60 ; Medway, 6o j Achilles, 60; Alcide, 70; Dun- kirk, 60; Dublin, 70; Burford, 70. Frigates, & c —-— Thetis, Coventry, Peregrine Sloop, Postillion, Porcupine, Viper, six Cutters, two Busses, two Fire- Ships, and two Bombs. They are to take several Ships from Plymouth. ExtraCt of a Letter from an Officer in Admiral Holbourne's Fleet to a Relation in London, dated August 2. " The Troops will be on board by Night; I have not heard of our having any Intelligence of the Strength of the French at
Louisbourg ; there are various Reports, and as the Season is so far advanced, I begin to be a little doubtful of our succeeding. The Weather has been very foggy ever since our Arrival. We expeCt to sail To mor row, and believe we shall land 12,600 Regular Forces at least at Louisbourg, end hope to date my next Letter . to you from thence." " LONDON. [ Saturday, Sept. 10. The false Report of the Duke's Arrival was raised by one of the Centinels, on seeing the Retinue of Prince Edward pass him, Which he took for the Duke's and what gave a greater Air of Truth to it was, the Report of the four Men of War that were in the Elbe
being ar- rived at the Note. Four Men of War are arriv'd at the Nore, who, ' tis said, have on board all the valuable EffeCts from his Ma- jesty's Palaces in Hanover. Yesterday Mr. Lambe, one of his Majesty's Messengers, arrived Express at Kensington from the King of Prussia. It is observable that this Dutch Mail brings no Confir- mation of tbe Rumour that the Troops of Brunswick and Hesse Cassel had left the Duke of Cumberland's Army, in Consequence of their Sovereign's agreeing to • Neu- trality. It ia currently reported, the Army commanded by the Duke is to be speedily reinforced with the Forces of a Northern Potentate.
According to some Letters from Ratisbon, they talk of shortly convoking an extraordinary Assembly of the Ger- manick Body, in order to deliberate on an Affair of the highest- Importance to the whole Empire. Which we suppose must be a Plan of Pacification, or the Election of a King of the Romans, or else the putting of the King of Prussia under the Ban of the Empire. They write from Francfort of the 1st of September, that that City had just been proposed for the Holding of a Congress in it next Winter, in order to bring about a Peace in Germany. The Medway Man of War, and another of the same Force, are appointed to
Convoy the 3000 Troops ordered from Ireland for America, to reinforce the Troops already arrived there. We hear that the Draughts lately made from all the Regiments in Scotland are ordered immediately to Glas- gow, in order to embark for America. The Orford Man of War at Deptford it ordered to be expected, the Men working double Tides. Wednesday there was a very great Proof of Battering Cannon at Woolwich, at which several Admirals and Ge- neral Officers were present. It is said that Admiral Holbourne has with him before Louisbourg 29 Sail of Men of War ; and that the Re- ports of the Distress of the Enemy at that
Place for Want of Provisions may not appear Inventions and groundless, the Publick are desired to recollect how many Storeships * bound for those Parts have fallen into our Hands within these three Months. The Lords of the Admiralty have been pleased to ap- point a Convoy to sail for the Leeward Islands and Ja- maica the 20th of OCtober from the Downs. In Faulkner's Dublin's Journal we find the following Paragraph, viz. A small Guernsey Privateer, having ta- ken a French Vessel worth 400 1. off the Coast of Britany, the Captain of the Privateer put his Mate with seven Men on board her to navigate her into Guernsey ; but
in their Passage seeing a Sail near Shore, the Mate consulted with his Crew whether they should not bear down, and board them if possible, alledging, that the Sail might be is ill provided to make a Resistance as themselves were for the Attempt of boarding ; and the Resolution being agreed to, they accordingly bore down, and without any Guns, or Small Arms, boarded the other Frenchman, when one of them knock'd down the Man at the Helm, and after severely drubbing the French Crew at Boxing, made them- selves Masters of the second French Vessel; by which Means, instead of one, they brought two Prizes into Port.
The Prince George, Willis, from Virginia for Bristol, is carried into Morlaix. The Egerton, Sanderson, from Stockholm for Marseilles it sent into the same Port by the True Briton Privateer. A Ship and a Sloop with Whale- Oil are- taken by the. Jupiter Privateer of Bayonne. .0 A Snow from Dublin for Antigua, with 700 Barrels of Beef, and 4 Sloop from St. Eustatia for Rotterdam, are taken by a Bayonne Privateer, but not carried in. Thursday a Court of Common Council was. held at Guildhall, when a Remonstrance, which had been deli- vered to the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, and signed by three of the Committee Who are
Managers, in Behalf of the Dissenters, who have refused to take upon themselves the Office of Sheriff of this City, was read ; but no Mem- ber of the Court appearing in Behalf of it, the same was entirely rejected. Yesterday the Right Hon. the Lord Viscount Boling- broke was married to Lady Diana Spencer, eldest Daugh- ter of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough. Last Week died in Ireland the Rev. Mr. John Chet- wynd, possess'd of a Living of 5001. per Annum in that Kingdom. He was second Son of William Chetwynd, Esq; Member in the present Parliament for Stafford. At the late Assizes held at Lancaster for the County of
Lancaster on Saturday the 27th past, Robert Slater, of Whittingham, in the said County, Tanner, was capitally conviCted and received Sentence of Death, upon an In- dictment at the Prosecution of the Commissioners of his Majesty's Revenue of Excise, for selling Hides, & c. mark- ed with a counterfeit Stamp or Mark resembling the le- gal Stamp or Mark to denote the Duties payable to his Majesty thereon, being charged on such Hides, Sec. know- ing such Stamp or Mark thereon to be counterfeited. Last Tuesday as Mr. Hopper, Master of the Queen's Head, ( a Publick House at Chislehurst, in Kent) was re- turning from
Bromley, where he had been to renew his Licence, he laid a trifling Wager of galloping very bard down a Hill, within a Mile of his own House, and in the Performance his Horse ran againft the Stump of a Tree threw the Rider over his Head, and killed him on the Spot. On Saturday last a poor Man belonging to a Cow- keeper, at Haggerston, hanged himself in a Barn; and on Monday the Coroner's Inquest sat on the Body, and brought in their VerdiCt Lunacy ; the Cause of this rash ACtion is imputed to his being taken down to serve in the Militia. Worcester Infirmary. September 15, 1757- WHEREAS the Governors of this
CHARITY, ( for the better Convenience of the Contributors to the same) have requested the undermen- tioned Perfons, residing in and near the several Market Towns of this County, to receive Subscriptions and Con- tributions for the Benefit of the Infirmary, with which Request they have been pleas'd to comply : All Persons, therefore, who have already subscribed, or are willing to subscribe or contribute to the Support of this Charity, are desired to pay such Subscriptions or Contributions to the Persons under- named, who are impower'd to receive the same, for the Use of the Infirmary, V f, Z. Worcester. TO THE
TREASURERS, Richard Brodribb, Charles Trub- shaw Withers, Benjamin Johnson, Esqrs. The Physicians and Surgeons of the Infirmary ; or to the Secretary it the Hospital. Pershore. Mr. Samuel Smith. Evesham. William Baylies, Esq; Mr. Ashfeild, Attorney at Law; Mr. W. Calcott, Mercer. Shipston. Mr. William Mister, Apo- thecary ; Mr. Thomas Sabin. Droitwich. George Burrish, Esq; Rev. Mr. Lane. Bromsgrove. Rev. Mr. Waugh; Rev. Mr. Piercy. Kidderminster. Mr Watkins, Attorney at Law ; Mr. Josiah Twam- ley. Stourbridge. Rev. Mr. Harris; Mr. Jo- nathan Kendall, of Ped- more. Dudley. Mr. John Finch. Bewdley. Mr. Ingram,
Attorney Law ; Mr. Cooper, At- torney at Law. Tenbury. Rev. Mr. Meredith; Mr. Pardoe, Attorney at Law. Upton upon Severn. Mr. Dunn, Attorney at Law ; Mr. Tho. Brock- hurst, Mercer.
To be S O L D, In Worcester - Street, Bromsgrove Five DWELLING- HOUSES, With Shops and Workhouses adjoining, leading down to Spad's- bands Brook, with good Conveniences for a ' Dyer or Skinner. A good Part of the said Building is new and well tenanted, about 141, a Year, and Free- land. Also to be sold, to the Best Bidder, A Large Copper FURNACE, The Property of John Jones, Linsey- Maker, in Broms- grove aforesaid. For further Particulars enquire of'Mr. Thomas Haden, Chandler, or Mr. Joseph Wickles, Butcher, in Broms- grove aforesaid. . f Ludlow, Sept. 12, 1757. On Tuesday tbe Twentieth Instant, at the
Dwelling House of the late Mrs. Winder in this Place, there will be exposed to Publick Sale, for Ready Money only. The Furniture of the said House, Consisting of Beds, Tubhs, Chairs, Bed and Table Lin - nen, Kitchen Furniture, & c ; all of it very neat, and almost as good as when new. N. B. The House, with an exceeding pleasant Garden and other Conveniences, is to be lett.—— Enquire of Mr. Flack, at the Crown Ian, in Ludlow. LETT, ' And Enter d upon immediately, or at Old Michaelmas next, A very good Compact FARM, Situated within Half a Mile of Upton upon Severn, with a good House and necessary Buildings thereto
belonging, containing in Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, all inclosed, except seven Acres and a Quarter of Meadow, lying in Upton Great Ham. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Hurst, of the Parsonage of Upton upon Severn aforesaid. N. B. There is a large Plantation ot Fruit upon this Estate, and 20 Acres of Fallow, well manur'd, thrice ploughed, and fit to sow Wheat thereon. To LETT, And Enter d upon at Michaelmas next, A GOOD DWELLING- HOUSE And MALT- HOUSE, With all C O N V E N I E N C I E S } Occupation of Situate in Sidbury, Worcester, late in the Mr. Francis Brooke. For further
Particulars enquire of Mr. without Sidbury Gate. William Ellis, To be LETT.\ 7 Tern CORN- MILLS, Four Miles distant from Shrewsbury, Situate on the River Tern, which is navigable from thence to the Severn, in Distance not quite Half a Mile.- These Mills are now New Building, and may be fitted up as Dressing- Mills for Sack Flour, of which at present there are none in the County of Salop. There is a large convenient House, good Stabling, Garden; and other Conveuiencies, and several Acres ot good Pasture' Land may be taken with them. • For fuither Particulars enquire of Thomas Bell, at Tern, near the said Mills. Wednesday
s and Thursdays POSTS. Hanover, August 29. Calemberg are obliged to de- * liver Two thirds of the Produce of the Har- * vest to the French Troops. s> NotWithstanding the pre- sent Circumstances have required so many of ' the King's Troops out of the Kingdom, and every Part of the Coast also is under the Necessity of some Military Guard, Orders are given for quartering two more Regi- ments on the Protestants of the Cevennes, who appear ripe for a Revolt on the first favourable Opportunity. L O N D O N. [ Tuesday, Sept. 13. j Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 12. " yesterday in the Afternoon arrived from Ireland the Hector
and Clinton East Indiamen. These Ships fell in with Sir Edward Hawke's Squadron and Transports, be- tween Two and Three o'Clock on Saturday Morning, beyond Plymouth." General Mordaunt, on the reviewing the Forces at the Isle of Wight, before they went on board the Transports, exhorted every Regiment to behave like Britons ; and he desired the Officers not to take with them any unnecessary Baggage, as the Expedition was to be very short and very sharp. Before the Fleet sail'd from Spithead, an Order being given for finding the Chests on Shore, some of the Inferior Officers on board Admiral Hawke's Ship
complain'd of the Want of Conveniences to carry Necessaries to shift themselves; upon which the Admiral told them; That they would soon be where they would meet with Cloath- ing and Money enough. There will be & Fleet of 12 Sail of the Line, besides Frigates, & c. in a few Days at Spithead. It is a common Observation that if the English Fleets and Armies, were as well officered as the French, they' would be able to conquer by: Sea or Land, an equal ( or indeed Superior) Number of any Nation of the known World ; their establishing military and naval Academies in France has with great Justice been esteemed a very strong
Reason for such Superiority, but, perhaps, an Argument of greater Force ( yet hitherto not taken Notice of) may be urg'd to prove the Truth of this Remark ; which is, that a Gentleman tho' possessed of every Accomplishment of Person, Sense and Fortune, can, with the greatest Dif- ficulty, render himself acceptable to a French Lady, unless he has studied the Art of War both in the Closet and the Field ; for the first Queftion is, Has be served ? The Af- firmative is sure to gain him Admittance ; the Negative ( in most Cases) loses him his Mistress, or obliges him to the Hazard of either a Voyage or Campaign, and to act with
distinguished Courage to engage her Affections. Let the British Ladies follow this Example ; let this Hand the Foremost among their List of French Fashions, and England may one Day be again both the Glory and Terror of the World. , :: . Seventy - five Sail of the Leeward Island Fleet were seen off Ireland a few Days ago, so that the News Of their Arrival may be hourly expected. ' Last Week six Messengers landed in different Parts upon the Coast of Norfolk. There is a Report that the Duke de Richelieu had re- connoitred his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland's Situation, in which happened some skirmishing, and that he
was resolved to attack him the next Day. A Foreign Minister has receiv'd Letters importing, that the Count de Goelter had passed through Dusseldorp, in his Way to Versailles with Propositions of Peace, from the King of Prussia to the French King. D. Advertiser. By Letters, that may be depended upon, from Konigs- berg, dated the 26th of last Month, we have Accounts that would melt- a Heart of Flint. After all the specious Manifestoes and flattering Promises of the Russians, they have acted every where like, the most savage Barbarians, exacting, first, under the modest Title of Contributions and under a Promise of Protection,
almost all that the People had to give, and then brutally plundering them of all they had left, even to their Cloaths, without tbe least Respect to Sex, Age, or Condition. The COssacks and Tartars have reduced seven Villages to Ashes; and, in short, their Behaviour has been such, that the Peasants have almost every where quitted their Houses, and retiring to Marshal Lenwald, have desired him to give them Sanctuary in his Army. In all the little Actions that have hitherto passed, the Prussians have clearly had the better, and have destroyed great Numbers of the Muscovite Irregulars. Both Houses of Convocation are to meet the
23d In- stant, the proper Officers being order'd to attend the same. Yesterday his Grace the Duke of Bedford, Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland, set out for that Kingdom.* . We hear that there will be an Installation of nine Knights of the Bath in Westminster Abbey, before the Meeting of the Parliament. Early on Wednesday Morning died at Gloucester, after a lingering and painful lllness, which he bore with true Christian Resignation, Mr. Raikes, the Printer of the Gloucester Journal; a Man, who conscientiously dis- charged the several Offices of Life, with Industry, Ho- nesty, and Humanity. On Sunday Evening about Eight o'Clock,
Andrew Scott, now confined in Newgate on Suspicion of robbing the Worcester and Portsmouth Mails, also detained for publishing a forged Bill, attempted to make his Escape out of Newgate in Woman's Cloaths, which his Wife at' several Times had found Means of conveying to him ; and in Order to effect the Scheme, they had procured a poor ignorant Woman to carry some Oysters into the Press Yard to another Prisoner ; and while she was detain'd under some Pretence, Scot was to personate the Woman ( whose Cloaths they had contriv'd to be both alike) and make his Escape, and accordingly went to the Door to ring the
Bell for the Turnkey but he staying some Time, one of the Under Keepers accidentally went into Scot's Cell, where missing him, immediately conjectured he had made his Escape, and was in a great Fright! but seeing a Woman at the Gate, he began'to question her, and ob- serving she held down her Head, would look in her Face, when he discover'd his Prisoner, who immediately struck at him in Order to knock him down, on which a Scuffle ensued ; but the Keeper being the strongest, immediately secured him from any farther Attempts. ' Mrs. Scot, who had Permission to see her Husband, had found Means just before the
purposed Attempt, to bring in some Wine, for her Husband as supposed ; and accord- ingly gave one of the Under- Keepers a Glass, also two or three of the Prisoners a Glass each ; which fome Time after had such a powerful Effect, that they concluded they were poisoned, and were excessive sick and drowsy ; but on examining the Wine and Settling at the Bottom, it was found to be strongly mixed with Liquid Laudanum. Two Companies of Soldiers have been obliged to be sent to Biggleswade to quell the Rioters on Account of the Militia, and the Seat of his Grace the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey is also properly
guarded. At the late Races in Bedfordshire the Mob rose and burnt a Nobleman's Booth. Yesterday the Sessions began at Guildhall, when, after the Grand Jury were fworn, and Sir William Moreton, Knt. Recorder, had given them a Charge, the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor informed them, that an Act of Parliament, passed the last Sessions, would take Place next Michaelmas Day, wherein all Victuallers who suffer any Journeyman, & c. to game in their respective Houses, after that Time, incur the Penalty of 40 s. for the first Of- fence, 5 I. for the second, and 10 1. and the Loss of their License for the third ; and any Journeyman,
& c. found gaming in a Publick House, after that . Time, would be subject to a Penalty of 20 a. STOCKS. Bank, HI 1 half. India, 134 3 4ths. South Sea, 103 1 4th. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 91 7 8ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 91 3 8ths. Ditto New Annuities, ift Sub. 91 1 4th. Ditto 2d Sub. 91. Three per Cent,. Bank An- nuities, 90 7 8ths. India Bonds, 2I. 13s. Prem. New Subscription, 89 3 4ths. WORCESTER, September 15. .. Yesterday was married, at the Parish Church of Great \ Malvern, in this County, Michael Biddulph, of Ledbury, in the County of Hereford, Esq; to Miss Dandridge, of this City. - V— If mutual Affection, improv'd by Good
Sense, and affisted by eafy Circumstances, be a Prelude to Happiness, this agreeable Pair seems to bid as fair. for it as any Modern Couple. This Morning a Couple were married at St. Swithin's Church, in this City ;— the Man about Fourscore Years of Age, and the Woman about Forty. jQ. The Governors of our Infirmary return their Thanks for a Benefaction of TWO GUINEAS, received from the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of K1LDARE.— In our last Paper, this Benefaction was said, by Mistake, to have been received from the Bishop of Worcester, instead of the Bishop of Kildare. . The Report, so current Yesterday, that
William Elvins was again committed to our County Gaol proved to be entirely false, and without the least Foundation. On Tuesday last his Majesty's Plate of One Hundred Guineas was run for at Lichfield by a bay Horse of Earl Gower's, Earl of Portmore's Chesnut Horfe Spider, Lord Strange's bay Horse Stag- Hunter, Mn Swinbourn's bay Horse Hamble, Mr. Heathcot's bay Mare Derbyshire- Lass, and Mr. Grisewood's Chesnut Gelding Dumplin, which was won by the Earl of Portmore's Spider. The Purse on Wednesday was run for by Mr. Warren's bay Colt Sportsman, Mr. Grisewood's bay Colt Trifle, Mr. Careswell's bay Mare
Smiling Molly, a Horse of Mr. Curzon's, and was won by Trifle. On Thursday the Purse was run for by the Horse of Earl Gower's that was match'd to run with the Marquis of Rockingham's Horse, and Mr. Vernon's Grey Horse Myrtle, which afforded great Sport, and was won by Myrtle. PRIZES drawn, in the State Lottery, since our last Publication, viz. PrizeS of 100 1. each] No. 150024;, 3601939. Prizes of 501. each.] 1 i m336, 56111578, 6201438, 12.01391, 3801327, 33111219, 4501509, 5901377, 3401416. Prizes of 20 1. each ] 4001806, 1501558, 6501905, 4901789, 3901599, 6601470, 2401598, 2301766, 740, 401767,
2001450, 4m734, 1701864, 1310158, 5301377. 3901507, 5001430, 4001522, 38111102, 59moi 2, 450^ 87, 4301285, 4501376, 5101329, 4Z01010, 5101142, 4301058, I'omogS, 2901972, 1301967, 4601739, 3501006, 5710745, 5101736, 2001713 Besides 66 Prizes of 101. each. One of the above Prizes of 100 1. is the Property of a Servant Maid in. Worcester ; and one of the first drawn Prizes of 300 1. is the Property of a Currier, at Evesham, Worcestershire. N B. Several of the above Prizes were sold and regis- ter'd at Berrow's Lottery Office, in Worcester. CONSIDERATIONS how far the PRESS is of Service to Society,
and whether the late additional Duty on News Papers and Advertisements be agreeable thereto. First then, THIS is not a general but a partial Tax, a heavy Duty laid on a particular Set of of useful and industrious Men. Secondly, As it in some Measure prevents People from making known to the Publick the Wares, Goods, and Commodities they have to dispose of, and which are wanted by others, it cramps and is a Detriment to Trade and Commerce. Thirdly, It has a direct Tendency to depress Literature, and hurt the Morals of the People. Fourthly, It bears no reasonable Proportion to the Value of the Thing tax'd, since a Sheet
of Paper worth little more than a Farthing pays a Penny ; but, by the Duty on Advertisements, even Peoples' Wants and Losses are tax'd. Fifthly, It oppresses the industrious Poor, and hath taken the only Means of Subsistence from many honest Men. Sixthly and lastly. It will not answer the proposed End ; for some Papers have been dropp'd on that Account, and all of them have so decreased in their Advertise- ments, that I am apt to think the Revenue will, at the Year's End, be little or nothing increased thereby. BRITANNICUS. P. S. All Taxes should bear some reasonable Proportion to the Value of the Things tax'd, except
such Things as lead to Vice, as Dice and Cards, and there indeed they cannot be too great. On the contrary ; Thro' the Press Vice is corrected, Virtue encouraged, and the Prin- ciples and Doctrine of our Holy Religion deliver'd down to us. Without the Press we should have been a poor and barbarous People, void of Wealth, void of Virtue, void of almost all intellectual Pleasure. Since, therefore, there is so little Probability of this Tax increasing the Revenue to any Degree worthy of the Government's Regard, may we not with Reason hope that the next Session of Parlia- ment will take it off again f
1 the humble Petition of the PRESS; To the Right Honourable WILLIAM PITT, Esq THE PRESS may boldly sue to Thee, For Friendship and for Liberty ; Because the PRESS must ever be A Friend to Virtue and to Thee. From Me the Good have nought to fear, The Lash for Vice alone I rear. Did'st Thou one fav'rite Vice retain, The PRESS to Thee would ne'e'r complain For ' tis my Duty and Delight To censure Vice, tho' cloath'd with Might, And set true Virtue in the fairest Light. Hear then With Favour, and redress The cruel Hardships of the PRESS. These bloody Stamps, these double Chains, Sweep all the Profits of my Pains
My Burthen is too great to Bear, These double Shackles that I wear, Cramp all my Sinews with their Weight, Yet add no Income to the State. Take then, O Patron of the Muse! This heavy Fetter off the News, Nor let this double Pressure stain The Annals of Apollo's Reign, The PRESs shall in Return repay Thy Virtues with eternal Day. Marble will moulder into Dust, And Brass into Oblivion rust ; But know, O Patriot Statesman, I Can make thy Virtues never die ; Can fix them in so firm a Line, That Envy at the Sight shall pine ; And Time itself in Vain shall' try ' J To rob Thee of Eternity. The Honours which the PRESS can give,
Secure from Time and envy live : And as successive Ages flow, The Trump of Fame shall louder blow ; And when the World itself shall die, No Flames those Honours shall destroy. Though rise thyself, and'bear them thro' the Sky. On the 1st of June the Brigades who guarded us were ordered out of Dinian, but before they marched they took several English and Irifh Prisoners out of the Gaol, and listed them by Force: After they marched, the Militia of the Town did Duty over us; and our Usage became more intolerable than before: The Governor, being a Man much addicted to Drinking, would come two or three ' Times a Week
in his Cups, and beat us about for his Diversion, calling us bad Names ; and if we made the least Reply we were sure to be put into the Cushoe. The poor ObjeCts who lay'dying in Hospitals,' four or five in a Bed, were continually pester'd with Priests, who made Use ot every Argument to induce them to embrace the Roman Catholick Faith. One of our Crew was per- petually harrassed by an Irish Fryar, who, one Day, came and assured him, that he would undoubtedly be damn'd, if he died a Heretick ; but the poor Fellow' bluntly told him, That he should be very glad if he would give him a good Protestant Prayer; but he'd be
damn'd, and doubly damn'd, before be would turn Papist ! It is doubted indeed whether the poor Fellow could say the Lord's Prayer j but he kept his Integrity, for he was determin'd to be damn'd in his own Way; rather than turn. He dy'd that Night, and kept his Senses to the last, seeming to be grieved more at the Thoughts of parting with his Com- panions, than from any other Consideration. What is more extraordinary, the Fryar was found dead in his Bed the next Morning. At length the happy Day of our Deliverance arrived, and on the 7th of August we embarked on board the Bar- rington Tender, a Cartel Ship, with above 256
English Prisoners. We, of the Terrible, who had suffered luch great Hardships, fearing that we should be press'd before we had had the Pleasure of seeing our Wives and Fami- lies once more, agreed, with a Number of other Sufferers, who were bound to Plymouth, to land ourselves at Sal- combe. \ A NARRATIVE of the many unparalleled Hardships and cruel Sufferings, while in France, of tbe Crew of tbe Terrible Privtateer, Capt, William Death. WHEN we were put on Shore, we were guarded to Prison, in a miserable; sickly, and starving s* - Condition : We were almost naked, and our Limbs being numb'd with Cold, we could
not walk fast enough, which made the Guards lay on us un- mercifully with their Cutlasses; the People, at the same Time, coming from all Parts of the Town, hallowing at us, and calling us bad Names, all the Way we went, till we came to the Prison. When we were put into the Prison, we found it a most dismal Place, it being the County Gaol for Thieves. We did not stay here long before many of us lost the Use of our Limbs, and were sent to an Hospital. When we recovered, we were sent back to the Gaol, where we were almost starved, our Allowance being but four Sous a Day { which is no more than Two pence English
Money : We being obliged to lay it out with the Gaoler, made it still worse, for what we could buy in the Town for one Sous he made us pay two for. We used to join a Trifle out of our small Allowance to buy us a little Charcoal to make a Fire, and we had no other Place to make it in but the Necessary. In this stinking Hole we used to sit bemoan- ing our hard Fate, till it becoming too full to hold us, we were then taken out, and they marched to St Savory's, a Port where they built a great many Privateers. At this Place they embark'd us On board a large Boat and carried us up a River to the City of Dinian. When we arrived here we
were guarded to the Castle, a noted Place for confining English Prisoners of War. In one of the Rooms where I was put were 180 Men, almost naked and co- vered with Vermin, and so crouded, that we lay one upon another. Our Bedding was Straw, a small Bundle was to serve eight Men twelve Days, at the End of which Time it was like Chaff, and so lousy, that, together with . the Closeness and Nastiness of the Place, it produced a Sickness which carried Numbers of us off, Nine or Ten dying of a Day. It was a dismal Sight to see us carry- ing our Dead to be buried, sew'd up in a Piece of Hop- sack, and laid on a Plank, with
two Sticks put under the Plank and carried by Four of us to each Corps, guarded by a Party of Soldiers with their Bayonets fix'd, driving us along like a Parcel of Sheep. We buried our Dead in a Field about Half a Mile from tbe Castle. The Field was left for that Purpose by a charitable Protestant Lady, who left a Sous a Day for English Prisoners of War. We were continually surrounded with Soldiers, who used and abused us as they pleased ; if we made the least Murmur- ing we were immediately clapt into the Cushoe, a dismal Place under Ground, where we were kept till they thought proper to let us out. The French
Interpreter, when we complain'd to him of the Closeness of our Confinement, made Answer, D n ye, why don't you die faster, and make more Room ? . WHereas on Wednesday the 7th Day of September, 1757, one Charles Handy was apprehended at Burford, in the County of Oxford, and brought before John Lenthal, Esq; one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, and charged upon Oath with being a notorious Cheat, and guilty of several Robberies and Cheats in the County of York, and elsewhere, and was delivered to the Constable and Tythingmen of Burford aforesaid, but made his Escape from them ;
Whoever apprehends the said Charles Handy, so that he may be retaken, brought to Justice, and con- viCted, shall receive FIVE GUINEAS Reward of me, JOHN LENTHAL. N. B. The said Charles Handy is a little, smart- look- ing Fellow, has lost several of his Teeth from the Left Side of his Upper Jaw, has lately travelled with two Horses, and in Company with a Woman, selling Lace and other Linnen Goods, and produces a Travelling Li- cence ; when he escaped he had on a brown Wig, brown Coat, Buckskin Breeches, and Boots; and is one of the Persons mention'd in Baxter's List of Rogues, & c. To be LETT, And Enter'd
upon at Michaelmas next, A Convenient HOUSE and SHOP, { Situate in GOOSE LANE, WORCESTER, ) And which, for many Years, were occupied in the Linen- Drapery and Millinary Business, and the Shop very well accustom'd, and the Persons who occupied the same are but lately removed. Likewise to be LETT, and may be Enter'd upon immediately, A commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, with all Con- veniences, situated at the Back of the House and Shop above mention'd. For further Particulars of both Houses enquire of Mr. Rowland Morris, Grocer, in Broad Street, Worcester. To be SOLD, The following Freehold
ESTATES, Situate in Nordley, in the Parish of Astley- Abbots, in the County of Salop, within two Miles of Bridgnorth, and adjoining to each other, viz. A Messuage, Farm, and Lands, in the possession of Thomas Tedstill, at the yearly Rent of Forty Pounds. A Messuage and Garden, and Piece of Meadow Land thereunto adjoining, lett to Francis Ward, for Seven Pounds yearly ; and a Messuage and Garden, late in the Holding of Widow Dovey, at 1 1. 10 s. yearly, to which Estates there is Right of Common on Nordley, Sherlett, and Dunnally Common;, and Cole- mere Green. N. B. There is about Two Hundred Pounds Worth of
Timber on the Estate, and a good ProspeCt of Coal, some having been formerly got there. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Haslewood, Attorney, in Bridgnorth. ! • f Thii Day is published, Price as. stitch'd, ' The CYDER- MAKERS Instructor, SWEET- MAKER'S Assistant, and VICTUALLER'S and HOUSEKEEPER'S Dirctor. In THREE PARTS. Part I. Directs the Grower to make his Cyder in the Mini-- Fr< reign Wines aare made ; to preserve its Body and Flavour; to lay on Colour; any to cure all its Disorders, whether bad flavour'd. pricked, oily, or rope . Part II. Instructs the Trader or Housekeeper to make Raisin- . Wines, at
a small Expence, little ( if any Thing) inferior to Foreign Wines in Strength or Flavour ; to cure their Disorders ; to lay on them new bodies, Colour, & c. * Part III. directs the Brewer to fine his Beer and Ale is a short . Time, and to cure them if pricked 01 ropy. i . To which is added, A Method to make Yest to ferment Beer as. well as common Yest, when that is not to be had. . All actually deduced from the Author's Experence. By THOMAS CHAPMAN, Wine- Cooper. CIRENCESTER I Printed and sold for the Author by S. Rudder : Sold also by R. Raikes, in Gloucester ; J. Wylde, in Hereford and ' may be had of the Printer and
Distributors of this Journal. • Where likewise may be had, just publish'd, ( For the Use of Schools and private Families, the 2d Edition, with great Additions and Improvements, being the Compleatest Book, of the Kind extant) A New Spelling- Book and Grammar, ENTITLED, ORTHOGRAPHIA; Or, The New English InStructor. In TWO PARTS. Parti, containing, 1. Large Tables of Monofsllables from three t » six or seven Letters. 2. Approved Rules for divining Words into Syllables. 3. Tables of the must useful Words from two to seven Syllables, all carefully accented, to prevent a bad Pronunciation; interspersed with mot al and
entertaining Lessons, in easy and familiar Language, suited to the Tables.—— 4. Large Tables of proper Names ufed in History, a's well sacred as prophane, all mark'd with the Ac- cent.——— 5. Direction; for Reading, and Observations on teaching to read, from a learned Author. I'ART LL, A compendious English Grammar, by the Help of which alone any Person of a common Capacity may be enabled to write true English, by syntactical Rules suited to the Genius and Idiom of the English Language, and not to be found in any other Grammar. To which is added, Directions for Behaviour, under the Head of POLITINESS;
several original and selected Fables, Poems, & c, by J. JACKSON, *„ * Many Artifices have to prevent this NEW BOOK from getting into that are interested in, the Sale of the Old School Books ; end indeed. nci Wonder, lince wherever this book has been impartially, compared and examined with others of the same Kind, it has seldom failed of supplanting them. Therefore, in whose Hands soever this Book may fall, the Proprietor only craves a fair and candid Examination with such others as may be put in Competition with it ( more especially in the Grammatical Part) and he is desirous of resting its Merit on their Decision. By the
KING's Royal Letters Patent, ( Which passed the Great Seal June 5, 1755, ) Dr. LOWTHER's Anti- Epileptic NERVOUS POWDERS, Experienced to be an effectual and speedy Remedy for Persons ever so violently afflicted with Tremblings in the Hands, so as to render them capable of holding them entirely steady in a short Time. These POWDERS are the most salutary Specific ever discover'd ' for Convulsion, Epileptic, or any Species of Fits; Nervous and Para- lytic Complaints; Pains in the Head and Stomach, Worm, an III- scented Breath, sick Qualms, violent Reachings, Tremblings, Fail- ings, Swoonibgs, Swimmings,
Dizziness, Drowsines, Melancholy, a Lost Appetite, Bad Digestion, Impurities in the Blood, and a Weak Habit of Body. They are a sure Preservative against Apoplexies, pleasant to the Taste, grateful to the Stomach, and operate insen- sibly. %* They are sold in Six Shilling and Three Shilling Parcels, only at Brookes's Warehouse, facing Water- lane, Fleet- street, London, where the Doctor attends, from Ten to One, Tuesday s, Thursdays, and Saturdays, to give his Advice gratis: These Powders may likewise be had of H. Berrow, at his Printing- Office, in Worcester. Of the Printer of this Paper may likewise be had, Dr. James's
Fever Powder, Price 2/. bd. a Paper, con- taining Two Dozes. The never- failing Chymical Drops, for Coughs, ( sfc Dr. Bostock's Cordial. Dr. Daffy's Elixir. Dr. Godfry's Cordial. Dr. Hooper's Female Pills. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir. Clinton's Imperial Royal Golden Snuff and Oil, for the Cure of all Disorders in the Head. Greenough's Tincture for the Tooth- Ach. Greenough's Tincture for cleansing the Teeth and Gums. Dr. Bateman's Golden Spirit of Scurvy- Grass. Dr. Bateman's Plain Spirit of Scurvy- Grass. Jackson's TinCture for Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, ts'c. The famous Anderson's Scotch Pills, is. a Box. Dalby's
Carminative Mixture for Windy, Watery, or Dry Gripes, Bloody Stools, or other Disorders in the Stomach and Bowels of Infants. is. a Bottle. The best German Blacking Balls for Boots and Shoes. Price One Shilling the large, and Sixpence the small. ADVERTISEMENTS, & c. are taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Hopkinson, Bookseller, in Warwick; lAuWylde, Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr Andrews, Bookseller, in Evelham ; Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Hodges, Booksellers, in Hereford ; Mrs. Moseley Bookseller in Kidderminster ; Mr. Ashmead,
Bookseller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham ; at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Post master, in Leominster; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in that Town ; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morto « - in- Marsh; and by the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Distribution of this Journal. Likewise by Mr. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave- Mary- Lane, London.