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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 08/09/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2510
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester journal. From the CITIZEN. Mr. CITIZEN, 1 THERE is nothing in Life vexes me more than the general Mistakes Parents make in the Education of their Chil- dren. Before they are born, a Pro- fession or Trade is given to each of them, and perhaps every One is as much mistaken as it was possible to have been, had they been engaged at the common Evening Sport of Cross Purposes. The Mother, who, when she was a Girl, was in Love with a Soldier, [ as Officers are too often call'd by Mistake), and could not obtain such a Husband, breeds up one of her Sons to the Army; not so much because he is tall and good for nothing, as that it put her in Mind of her first Love, every Time she sees a Scarlet Coat hang on the Pegs, or a Sword lie in the Win- dow. With Respect to the rest, by Way of Mistake, the spritely Boy is bred to the Church ; the most careless and expensive, to Merchandise, and so they go on through the whole List, with the same Degree of Attention on the Parents Side, to their several Inclinations, Tempers, and Genius. But to the Point; I am an Hosier, and an Apprenticed mine, who I fear will be cut Off with a Shilling by his ill- discerning Parents, for not understand- ing Stockings in the Way of Buying and selling, is, I hear privately the best Chymist and Botanist in London., .—- At all his leisure he frequents the Shops of these Peo- ple, where he has made firm Friendships, so as to be wel- come at all Times, and belongs to several Clubs of these ingenious People, who make little Circuits into the Coun- try, to gather Herbs for Instruction and Use. — Why, what a-- Pity. this is, Mr. Citizen, that a YOuth, who might have turn'd out to a Boerhaave, & Mead, a Sloane, or a Ward, should thus be buried in the Rubbish of Six and Four makes Ten. It grieves me, who am myself am- bitious, that Ambition to excel should be so damp'd and hood wink'd ; and, I declare, if I thought the Parents would only hear me out, I would not let them rest till I got him exchanged ; for I really love the Boy so well, and am naturally such an Encourager of Genius, that I would return all his Money, and abide by the Loss of my Time to make his Time good Amends for the Blunders of his foolish Governors. The French carry their Points all over the World by finding out Geniuses in any Science, and breeding them up ( if their Parents are poor and unable) at their own proper expence Genius does not at once shew itself in the very Path it may walk in hereafter ; but it is sufficient to the French it mere are but Quickness of Parts and Memory It is afterwards they fix him to Musick, Paint- ing, Divinity, Physick, Classicks, Mathematicks, or Po- liticks By these Means he soon becomes excellent, and serves his King and Country in a publick Sphere, as he did himself first in a private one —- In our strange infatu ated Country Things are very differently managed, either in Respect to ourselves or the Genius of Individuals, who might be of a publick Utility.—— Noblemens' Sons are here always to be at the Head of the Profession they en- gage in— and Members of P - - t's Cousin's ( as the witty Mr Foote said) are to be Embassadors, Admirals, Generals, Commissioners, Commissaries, Governors of Colonies, and what you will. No Family should guide or govern in the Choicc of those who are intended for the publick Service Merit should be the only Motive ; and, as a certain great Pa- triot has said, ' if i knew of a Man who could make a Pen better or sooner than another, he should be the Person employ'd by the Government, if such a Kind " of Person was ever wanted.' Had there been such a Person at the Head of Affairs now, my Apprentice would have been in his favourite profession, and happy therein. He is now very unhappy ! and I declare, I could almost pay his Expences to another Master, in his own particular Study, if the Parents would ( as the Lawyers say) give me a General Release of him to me. Was this once the Case, Men of Merit would fill every publick Office, Men of Honour every Place of great Trust, and for the very great Number of stupid and dull Rogues why, why, as Jack Falstaff says, they would make Food for Powder and serve to fill a Ditch as well as better Men. 1 speak now only of Inferiors and Subalterns ; - for the Army ought, at the Head of it, to have Men of Honour, Skill, Mathematical Knowledge ; and, in short, be the very Reverse of what they are constituted of at present — being generally the Refuse of Gentry, as their Sol- diers under them are the Refuse of the Commonalty. FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. NEWCASTLE. August 27. THE Arrival of several Vessels here this Week with Grain, the Produce of this Kingdom, proclaims tion of the Engrossers, which, if it had taken Effect, would have been of dreadful Consequence to this Country And nothing could frustrate the Scheme pursued by these Southern Factors, but the timely Imports made here of all Kinds of foreign drain by our Merchants apd Dealers in Corn ; for, with each Cargo they sent, they protested it to be their last. But the early Harvest and foreign Corn has so broke their Measures, that they now open their Hoards, and fawningly cringe to get an Acceptance of their Stocks; but are virtuously refused here ; by which they are obliged to sell from their Ships by the Common Crier, Wheat at 10 s. per Boll, & c. Sherbourn, Aug. 29. Of those condemned at the As- sizes for the County of Somerset, only Stower, the Ex- ciseman, for Forgery, is ordered for Execution. Sparrow's Execution is respited till the 11th of October next, upon Account of some Discoveries he is expected to make. The other five are all ordered for Transportation. Salisbury, Aug. 29. Last Week three Regiments march'd from our Camp, viz. Sir Charles Howard's on Wednesday, Lieutenant General Hawley's on Thursday, and Major General Cholmondeley's on Friday. Howard's are to go into Winter Quarters at Colchester, Mai- den, and Witham, in Essex and Hawley's and Chol mondeley's, we hear, are to be quarter'd on the Kentish and Sussex Coasts. They encamp all the Way on their March, in order, to ease the Innkeepers of the several Towns they pass through. Three Regiments still remain in Camp, which, ' tis generally believed, will be entirely broke up by the latter End of next Week. LONDON. [ thurfday, Sept. i. Yesterday Morning Lord Tyrawley, who is just arri- ved from Lisbon, went in his Post- Chariot and Six to Kensington, and had the Honour to kiss his Majesty's Hand. .. » ; _ By Letters from on board the East Indiaman lately ar- rived at Cork, we learn, that some Time in January last, the Arabs attacked the English factory in the Gulph of Persia, in the Dead of Night, drove the English out, and entirely destroy'd it. The Inhabitants arrived at Bom- bay just before the Clinton and Hector left that Place, which was January 22. By the same Letters we are inform'd, that in the Re- taking of Calcutta and the other Places, by Col. Clive and the Men of War, there were kill'd at least 10,000 of the Marattoes, but that the English had not lost above 1 50 A Letter from the Captain's Clerk of a Ship of War, under Admiral Holbourne, says, that, the French Ships in Louisbourg were almost unmann'd, by an Epidemical Distemper which has raged some time amongst them, and that it had got into the Town, swept away Number of the Inhabitants, and no inconsiderable Share of the Gar- rison, insomuch, that they dreaded a Visit from the Eng lish. On Tuesday at the Installation at Windsor of Earl Waldegrave, the Earls of Winchelsea and LinColn per form'd the Ceremony. Several Bargemen being there, beat the Soldiers, forced open the Doors, cut one of the Gentlemen Waiters on the Wrist with a Bottle, wounded another with a Knife, and committed several other Out; rages, & c. - ' Several of the Crew of the Antigallican Privateer have made their Escape from Cadiz, and are arrived in Eng land, some of whom are going out in the Norfolk Priva- teer ; and ' tis said that Capt. Foster is gone to Gibraltar. The Fame Privateer of Guernsey, in Company with the Twibot Privateer of Liverpool, has taken the Six Freres and the Muette, from Bourdeaux for Martinico and St. Domingo, and brought them into Liverpool. A very handsome Frigate, new built, of above 200 Tons Burthen, was carried, into St. Malo's last Week; sup- posed from Philadelphia. They write from Dartmouth, that on the 23d past, at Eight o'Clock at Night, was cast ashore, a little to the Westward of Salcombe, and broke to Pieces very soon, the Dragon, of and for London, Capt. Edward Gleast, from Jamaica, laden with Rum, sugar, & c. and of all the Cargo only one Cask of Rum saved. The Captain and ten Men were saved, and seven Men and one Boy- and one Girl were drowned ; among whom were Mr. Cham- bers, a Planter of Jamaica, his Sister and Cousin. They write from Aberdeen, that on Tuesday last two Soldiers of the Command presently at Ellon, having ga- ther'd some Mushrooms for Dinner, unluckily had among them some of a poisonous Quality, of which they- had no sooner eaten, than they both went mad ; one of them died in a few Hours in great Agonies, and was thought the other could not recover. And so strong was the' Poi- son, that a Cat who but tasted a little of a Mess, Was seized with Madness to such a Degree, that she was put to Death, to prevent the Effects of her Fury. Last Sunday in the Afternoon der a Tree, in order to shelter himself from the Violence of the Rain, on a Sudden, a Gust of Wind blew the Tree down, and kill'd him on tbe Spot. They write from Birmingham, that notwithstanding the Advance of the Price of Grain, Wheat was continued to be sold at Mr. Darbyshire's Warehouse, ' till last Tues- day se'nnight, at 5s. 3d. per Bushel, where was also sold that Day, at the same Price, a great Quantity of Wheat belonging to Mr Bell of Hampstead, who U I besides about 10 Bags of Wheat in Town, that were in the Wag- gon that brought them from London, which a Number of People imagining he would not sell at the above Price, but designed 10 take home, about Ten at Night they rose, and carried it all off, and the next Night a Ware- house belonging to Mr. Bell was broke open j but no Wheat being found, little Damage was then done ; and they have been since perfectly quiet. Some Persons are taken up on Suspicion of being concern'd in robbing the Waggon. The Person taken up for carrying off the Portsmouth, and suspected of robbing the Worcester Mail, on his Exa- mination appear'd to be the Son of a Blacksmith, near Dumfries in Scotland, who gave him a good- Education, and intended him for the Church j but his Parents- dying when he was about 17 Years old, he was oblig'd to go to Service, and was employ'd by several Gentlemen of Distinction in that Country, and is always said to have behaved in a suitable and becoming Manner Last Week died suddenly, at his House at Tortworth, in the County of Gloucester, the Rev. Mr. Henry Brooke. Rector of that Parish, Fellow of Manchester College, ard one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the same County. He died worth 30,000 1. in personal and real Estate, which ( excepting a several Legacies) are given to his only Child, the Wife of Mr. Maundrell, an Attorney, near Hindon, in Wilts. Saturday last died at his Lodgings at Chelsea, in the 79th Year of his Age, Michael Armstrong, Esq, who served the Crown 49 Years in the Armies of King Wil- liam and Queen Anne, King George the First, and his present Majesty. He was regularly promoted through the several Gradations to the Command of a Troop in the Regiment of Horse, whereof Field Marshal Wade was Colonel j and retired from the Service soon after the Peace of Aix la Chapelle. Seven Footpads were committed to Prison on Monday and Tuesday last, by John Fielding, Esq; for committing divers Robberies about Pancras, Hampstead, '& c. Se veral of them are Apprentices in and about Long- Acre. The following' is a List of the Robberies acknow- ledged by the Evidence against his Accomplices: t. A Gentleman, in Chelsea Fields, cf a Watch, Bank Note, some Money, and a 9001. Draught on Mr. Drummond. 2. A Man, in the Long Fields, with a Clock on his Back, of a Hat and a Pair of Silver Buckles. 3. A Man, near ths Turnpike at Kentish Town, of some Halfpence. 4. • A Man, near the Turnpike, Islington, of a Three Pound Twelve, Half a Guinea, and a Hat. 5. A Man, near Islington, of a Pair of Silver plated Buckles. 6. A Far- mer of Kennington Common of about 8 1. and some Tea and Sugar 7. A Man and Woman in a Chaise on the Harrow Road, of two Pair of Silver Buckles, and 6d. in Money. 8. - A Gentleman's Servant on Horseback near the Turnpike, Pancras Church, of a Silver Watch and some Money. 9. A Man between St. Mary le bone and Cavendish Square, of a chased Metal Watch in a black Shagreen Case, the Maker's Name Madelong, London, No. 464, and some Silver. 10. A Man and Woman near the Foundling Hospital, of a Tortoise shell Watch, some Money, and his Hat. 11. A Man near the same Place of his Hat, a Pair Of Silver Clasps, and his Freedom of the City. 18. A Man near Islington of his Hat, some Halfpence, . a Cane with a Brass Head, and a Certificate , of his Bankruptcy. 13. A young Man by St. Mary le bone, of 18d. his Hat, a Silver Stock Buckle, and one Shoe Buckle. 14.' A Man near the Boot at Pancras, of a Parcel of Paper and a Tobacco stopper. 15. A Man in the Long Fields leading to Kentish Town, of 2 s.— 16. A young Man near the Halfway House on the Road to Hampstead, of a large Silver Watch, and about 13s. in1 Money. 17. Mr. Rayner's Lodgings in Queen Street,' of a Quantity of Plate. Extract of A Letter from Stowe, In Lincolnshire, Aug. 28. " In my last I informed you of the Mob's rising against carrying the Militia Act into Execution, which threw the City, and about six Miles round, into the ut- most Consternation I have only now to acquaint you. that by the kind and prudent Management of the Magis- trates, the People are dispersed, gone to their own Homes, and all Things at present seem quiet." Extract of a Letter from Pool. August 28. " A Cartel Ship from St. Maloe's, with 21O Prisoners, arriv'd last Saturday in Swanidge Bay: They say the French are in great Consternation, for Fear of a Visit from Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, September 8, 1757. N° 2510 Printed at his OFFICE, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Holland and Flanders. From the LONDON GAZETTE. DRESDEN, August 17. ON the 9th Instant, 12oo Waggons, loaded with Bread, Meal, and Forage, went from this City to tiie Camp about Bautsen, escorted by a Battalion of Gre- nadiers, the Regiment of Fuzileers of Rohr, a Battalion of the Regiment of Lange, and 300 Hussars. The same Day, early in the Morning,, a great Number of Austrian Pandours surrounded a little Town, near the Frontiers of Bohemia, called Gottleube, in which a Prussian Regiment was quarter'd, with a Design to take it by Surprize. The Austrian Pandours attacked it on all Sides; and, in the Beginning, killed 29 Prussians, and wounded several others; but the Prussians having rallied, repulsed the Austrians with great Loss, and made several Prisoners. The Au- strian Army, under Marshal Daun, has withdrawn be- tween some Hills and Mountains, where they have pos- ted and intrenched themselves. Leghorn, Aag. 8. On Friday last sailed from hence Admiral Osborn, with six Ships of the Line, two Fri- gates, and a Tender. The next Day arrived his Britan- nick Majesty's Ship the Ambuscade, with four French Prizes. [ Thus far the London Gazette. ] Paris, Aug. 22. The Disputes between the Clergy and Parliament are accommodated, and we expect a Change in the Ministry. Paris, Aug. 23. The Court has sent Orders to the Maritime Provinces to disarm a Part of their Privateers, whose Crews are to be employed on board M. de Con stans's Squadron at Brest, which consists of 18 Ships of the Line and six Frigates, and which, according to pub- lick Report, will be immediately sent on an impoitant Expedition. The Friends of Prince Edward begin so talk of him again, and expect soon to see him in our Neighbour- hood. Cleves, Aug. 24. Gueldres capitulated Yesterday ; the 800 Men in Garrison there , are to be conducted under an Escort of the French Troops to Berlin, and to come out if the Place the 28th with Military Honours. Hamburgh, Aug 26. We are informed that the DUKe of Cumberland had left his Camp at Verden on the 23d, and that Marshal Richelieu had occupied it Yester- day with the greatest Part of his Army. Hague, Aug. 29. Some private Letters from the Po lish Frontiers say, that the Court of Russia had sent Or- ders to M. Apraxin to detach 30,000 Men from his Army, and to cause them to march with all Expedition towards Silesia. Brussels, Aug. 29. By private Letters from the Camp at Zittau, of the 18th, we learn, that the two Armies were so near, that it seeme'd impossible that either Army should make any Motion without coming to'a Battle. Brussels, Aug. 29. The Expedition meditated by the English, occasions a great Stir in the Austrian and French Flanders. The March of the Empress Queen's Troops to Germany is countermanded ; the Garrison of Dunkirk is reinforced with several Battalions, and all the Priva- teers in that and the other Harbours, along the Coast, are order'd to be disarmcd. PLANTATION NEWS. Philadelphia, July 7. By Capt. Carter, who arrived here on Thursday last from Antigua, we received Ad- vice of the following Ships of War being at Martinico, viz. one of 74 Guns, one of 66, three of 94, one of 40, three of 36, one of 16, and one of 1 2 Guns: That a new General had lately arrived there ; and that the old one, M. Bompar, was to have the Command of the Squadron, and had hoisted his Flag. It was thought it was design'd against some of our Islands. Three large Store Ships, full of Soldiers, were also arrived there. We hear from the Eastward, that last Tuesday was se'nnight Mr. John Smith at Broad- bay, being at a small Distance from his House, was beset by three or four In- dians, who killed and scalped him, and took his Axe and split his Scull, leaving the Axe in his Head ; and then went to his House, where was only his Wife, and her Son sick io Bed, whom she was fitting by ; one of the Indians went in and presented his Gun at the young Man, but missing fire, he took his Knife, and attempted to stab him ; but the Woman resolutely took hold of the Indian and turned him out of the House, and fastened the Door against them ; telling her Son to take Care of himself, who immediately got down into the Cellar and hid him- felf, and so escaped ; but they firing in at the Window, shot the Woman, killed her, and then enter'd the House, scalped her, and split her Head with an Hatchet ; and plunder'd the House of Money, Cloaths, Provisions, and other Things, and went off. The young Man being then ill of a Fever, has been since so bad that ' tis thought he cannot recover. Extract of a Letter from Reading, July 3. " Last Wednesday Morning, Frederick Meyer, of Bern Township ( who lives about 18 Miles from this Town) was killed and scalped by three or four Indians. He had his Son of about ten Years old in his Arms running away from them, when he received a Ball thro' his Body, which lodged in one hand of his Child. His Wife was scalped, and three of his Children taken away. The Son shot in the Hand was. left and is safe, His Baby at the Mother's taken up alive by Last Friday three Women and four Children were killed and scalped, at Tulpahacken, and were this Day buried in Tulpahacken Church ; and - the Night before several Persons, ' tis supposed, were taken Prisoners." « IRELAND. Kinsale, Aug. 23. The Bedford Privateer of London put in here last Sunday ; she mounts 34 Carriage Guns, besides Swivels; she has retaken two Ships, one of them a Jamaica Ship, computed to be worth 14,0001. the French had her but five Days; she took a small Privateer of 10 Guns, and sent them round to London. The An- son of Liverpool, mounting 12 Carriage Guns, met off Scilly a Prize belonging to the Mercury of Liverpool, which is computed to be worth 30,000 1. Dublin, Aug. 17. Last Tuesday 13 Coasters with Wheat and Flour, Part of a Fleet of 50 Sail freighted with the same Commodity, and sent hence to different Ports of the Kingdom to dispose of their Cargoes, re- turned into this Harbour with their several Loadings, having been disappointed in their expected Markets by the sudden fall in the Price of all Kinds of Provisions; and great Quantities of their Cargoes, which they had landed in different Places, were obliged to be sent by Land- Car- riage back again to this City. COUNTRY NEWS. ' ~ Tuxford, ( Nottinghamshire) Aug. 29. Friday last there was a Meeting at this Town of the Chief Constables to receive the Returns in Pursuance of the Militia Act. Upon which Occasion upwards Of 500 People from the neigh- bouring Villages assembled themselves to oppose the Exe- cution thereof: But Capt Kirk of Markham coming over hither, so far prevailed, by his prudent Conduct, as to convince them of their error, insomuch that they all dis- persed without any Damage done. Cambridge, Sept 3. Yesterday a terrible Fire broke out in the Hay Ricks of Mr. Palmby, of Ditton, which burnt with great Violence notwithstanding all the Help that could be got ; the damage is supposed to be at least 200 1. There is the greatest Reason to believe it was done by some malicious Person or Persons. LONDON. [ Saturday, Sept. 3, The French have not only taken Possession of Hanover,! but also of Brunswick, Lunenburg, and Zell, and are endeavouring to force his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland to retire towards Stade. The Swedes are actually encamped in Pomerania. The Prussian Minister is recalled from Stockholm ; and it is said, that the Swedes propose to recover not only what the House of Brandenbourg has taken from them in Po- merania, but also the Dutches of Bremen and Verden. The Muscovite and Prussian Armies are so very near each other, and both of them so near Koningsburg, that the next Mail will bring us the News of an Action, or ' that the former are become Masters of that Capital. His Prussian Majesty has declared in a Manifesto, that the real Design of the Russians is to depopulate Prussia. There are Letters from Bombay, by the Ships Clinton and Hector, confirming the Account of the Accommoda- tion between the English and the Nabob of the Indians at Calcutta ; and ' tis added, that the Factory has been confirmed in their Liberties of carrying on a free Trade there, and all proper Satisfaction to be made for the Da- mages sustained by the late Depredations there. Advice has been received from America, that 200 Men had been embarked on board fome Battoes at Fort Wil- liam- Henry, in order to attack a French Fort called Ty- condarago; the Men were landed in the Evening, but were surprized in the Night by the French, and all but ten Men cut to Pieces. It is further added, that there had been an Action between General Webb and M. Mal- colm, and that the former had been forced to retreat. The late Advices from Lord Loudon mention the sud- den Death of Col. Perry, in his Passage to North Ame- rica. ' Tis said that he was Natural Brother to the present Duke of B n ; that he was a very successful Gamester, and has left 30,0001. which devolves to the King, he leaving no Will. It is rumour'd that a certain Colonel in a Council of War of the Land and Sea Officers, called by Lord Lou- don, differed in Opinion from the whole Council, and expressed himself with so much Disrespect to the Com- mander in Chief, that at the Desire of the Council of Officers, he was taken out of the Room, and immediately put under Arrest which has thrown him into a dangerous Fit of Sickness. And that Lord Charles Hay, who went over some Time since with the Forces, was dangerously ill there. It is said that a Difference which had unhappily arisen between Lord Loudon and Lord Charles Hay, was hap- pily adjusted a few Days before the Baltimore left Halifax. We are further told, that Lord Loudon was to sail back from Hallifax to New York the 9th of August, with the Troops, in order to put a Stop to any Progress the French might make. From Lisbon we have an Account, that the Viceroy of Goa, and most of the Officers under him, have been kill'd in an Engagement they had with a neighbouring Indian Nation that has revolted against the Portugueze Government. Yesterday Morning sailed from the Downs to the West- ward, with the Wind at S. S. E. the Men of War and Transports, with all the outward bound Ships. Remain The Downs his Majesty's Ships Union and Vestal, and The Report of a draught to be made out of the Foot- Guards, is said to be laid aside for this Year. We hear that the Camps will break up the latter End of this Month and go into Winter Quarters. They write from Ireland, that several new- raised Regi- ments will be added to the Troops of that Kingdom 1 that for the future all Forces and Fleets that are to be sent to the East or West Indies on Expeditions, are to rendezvous at Kinsale, and to sail directly from thence, which will be a Means of getting to America or Asia two or three Months earlier than from the Downs or Portsmouth; that there is to be a Ship and Dock- Yard at Kinsale ; and that there will be a Bill brought into the English Parlia- ment the next Session, to permit Sugar and Tobacco to be landed in Ireland from the West Indies, without going tn England, which will save much Time, Hazard, and Expence. The Elizabeth Tender, lying off Whitehaven, was forced from her Cables by Stress of Weather into the Harbour, and having a Number of impressed Seamen on board, their Wives went to visit them, and took an Op- portunity of conveying them some Arms, with which they attacked the Ship's Company, and twenty of them made their Escape. A few Days ago the Defiance Privateer of Bristol took a Ship called the Fidelle of Bourdeaux, bound to Louis- bourg, with a valuable Cargo on board ; there were put on board her ten Men, chiefly Landmen, with Orders to proceed to Bristol; but in their Passage, the three French men who were left on board, took an Opportunity, when half the Crew were turned in, to kill the Man at the Helm, and desperately wounded the others with Axes and other Weapons; however, the English boldly attac- ked them in their Turn, and one of the Crew coming from below, after a tight Struggle, and wounding them in several Places, they conquered them and put them in Irons, and after very great Difficulty, brought her into u Place call'd New Lynn, in Cornwall. Her lading con- sists of Wine, Brandy, Flour, Oil, Bales, Tar, and Pitch. We are assur'd, that a Right Hon. Member of the House of Commons, distinguish'd for his disinterested Zeal for his Country's Service, intends to bring a Bill into Parliament next Sessions, that shall effectually pre- vent any future Impositions of Cornfactors, Meatmen cr Bakers; and that the Mayor and Aldermen of every City or Corporation Town shall be impower'd to make an As- size of Bread ; and that no Corn shall be exported with- out the Permission of the Privy Council. Last Thursday Wheat sold for 14). per Load at Ux- bridge Market, which the Thursday before sold ( or 17 1. There have been many Disturbances in Bedfordshire in Relation to the Militia Bill. The Dinner at Windsor at the Installation consisted of near 100 Dishes at a Course, and an elegant Desert; and, to the Honour of our Country, was composed of old Eng- lish Dishes, with a large Piece of roast Beef, on a Side- board, that weigh'd near 200 lb. Weight.: The high Wind on Sunday has done great Damages in the Country. Several large Trees were blown down on Windsor Forest, and at Eton College, and a great Num- ber of Trees are blown down which lie on the Roads be- tween Windsor and London. Last Tuesday Evening, as Mr. Joye, an Exchange- Broker, was going from Town to Clapham in a Chaise, he was stopped by a Highwayman, well mounted, who presented a Pistol to his Breast, and robbed him of two Guineas. The same Highwayman robbed Mr. Sutton, a Merchant, the same Evening, on Kennington Common, of two Guineas, and then rode off towards Sydenham. It is remarkable he demanded neither of their Watches. On Wednesday died at his House in Goodman's Fields, Sir Samuel Gower, Knt. reckoned the greatest Manu- facturer of Sail Cloth in England. He was many Years in the Commission of the Peace for the County of Mid dlesex, and the Tower Royalty, and Lieutenant Colonel of the first Regiment belonging to the Tower Hamlets. Yesterday in the Afternoon as Mr. Boswood, Master of the Red Cow Alehouse, in Cow- Lane, was passing with a Gentleman by the End of Cock- Lane, Snow- Hill, he dropp'd down dead. He had just pass'd Mr. Roades's, an Undertaker, and bid his Men not work too hard. To be LETT, ready Furnish'd, At LEDBURY, in HEREFORDSHIRE, And Enter'd upon Immediately, or at Michaelmas next. For any TERM not exceeding Six Years, A handsome new- built BrickHouse, Consisting of SIX Rooms on a Floor, compleatly convenient and fit for a Gentleman of almost any Fortune or Family, with a good Garden wall'd in, and well stock'd with all Sorts of Fruit- Trees, a roomy Yard, convenient- Stabling, and other necessary Out- Buildings, and with or without about Eight Acres of Orcharding adjoining to the Gar- den, planted with the bed Kinds of Cyder Fruit- Trees, now in high Perfection ; ( which said Messuage and Pre mises were late in the Possession of Mrs. Margaret Brydges, deceased.) For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Whitcombe. Attorney, at his House in Ledbury, or of him at the Bell Inn, in Worcester, on Saturdays. N. B. LEDBURY is situated in a pleasant and plentiful Part of the County, distant from Worcester and Hereford Ten Miles each, from Bromyard and Ross Eight Miles, and within an easy Hour's Ride of the this Day was Published, ( Price THREE - PENCE,) THE CONFESSION OF RICHARD COLLITS, Who was Executed, near Worcester, on Wednesday August 31, 1757, for Horse- stealing. Giver nnder his own Hand the Day before his Execution. To which is added, ( by Way of APPENDIX.) An Account of his Behaviour while under Sentence of Death, and at the Place of Execution. And to the Whole ( by Request) is subjoin'd A NARRATIVE of the Birth, Life, and Transactions of JOSEPH BRETTELL, between 17 and 18 Years of Age, who was executed at the same Time for Burglary. , Sold by the Booksellers and News- Carriers. Salop INFIRMARY. Sept. 1, 1757. NOTICE is hereby given, THAT the Anniversary Meeting of the Contributors to this INFIRMARY will be held on Thursday the 22d Day of this Instant September. All Contributors and Friends to this CHARITY are desired to attend William Forester, Esq; the Treasurer, at Ten in the Morning, from the Infirmary to St. Chad's Church, where there will be a Sermon preach'd on the Occasion, and afterwards to Dine at the Red Lion, in Shrewsbury. The Accounts and Proceedings of the Infirmary will be then ready to be deliver'd to the Contributors. SAMUEL WINNALL, Secretary. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate or Effects of Isaac Sumerland, ( late Keeper of the County Gaol of Worcester) deceas'd, are desired to pay in their respeCtive debts to his Widow and Administratrix, on or before the 29th Day of this Instant September, or they will be sued for the same without any further Notice: And all Persons who have any Demands on the said Isaac Sumerland, deceas'd, are desired to bring in their Accounts by the Time above mention'd, to his said Widow and Administratrix, and the same will be discharged. At ASBURY, The Seat of the late Michael Moseley, Esq; Will be exposed to SALE, all Sorts of Houshold- Goods, Cattle, Horses, and Implements for Husbandry, On THURSDAY the 15th of this Instant September. To be SOLD, The following Freehold ESTATES, Situate in Nordley, in tbe Parish of Astley- Abbots, in tbe County of Salop, within two Miles of Bridgnorth, and adjoining to each other, v iz. A Messuage, Farm, and Lands, in the Possession ot Thomas Tedstill, at the yearly Rent of Forty Pounds. A Messuage and Garden, and a Piece of Meadow Land thereunto adjoining, lett to Francis Ward, for Seven Pounds yearly ; and a Messuage and Garden, late in the Holding of Widow Dovey, at 1 1. 10 s, yearly, to which Estates there is Right of Common on Nordley, Sherlett, and Dunnally Commons, and Cole- mere Green. N. B. There is about Two Hundred Pounds Worth of Timber on the Estate, and a good Prospect of Coal, some having been formerly got there. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Haslewood, Attorney, in Bridgnorth. WHEREAS on Tuesday the 23d ot August last, a Man came on Horseback to the Fleece Inn, in ' he Broad Street, Worcester, and lay there that Night, but has not been seen since the next Morning ; and whereas the Gelding he came on was left behind him : If he does not return and fetch away the said Gelding, and pay the Expences of Keeping, Advertising, & c. the same will be sold, according to Law, to defray the said Expences. The said Gelding is a grizzled Bay, four Years old, about 13 Hands and a half- high, with o Star in his Forehead', some white Saddle- Spots on both Sides his Back, and his Off Fetlock behind white. STOLEN, In the Night between tbe 6th and 7th of this Instant Sep- tember, out of the Grounds belonging to tbe Widow Olds, of Chaddesley, in tbe County of Worcester, A Dark- brown CART- HORSE, FOUR Years old, Sixteen Hands high, with a Blaze down the Face, fome Warts on the Breast, ( where also is a Mark occasion'd by cutting off a large Wart) both the Hind Legs white up to the Gambrils, the Near Leg before white up to the Fetlock, dock'd very ihort, with remarkably little Ears, and the Hair rubb'd off tbe Near Temple. Whoever will stop the said Horse, if offered to Sale, or will give Intelligence of it ( so that it may be had again) to the said Widow Olds, ( hail have Two Guineas Reward, and reasonable Charges, by me, ELIZABETH OLDS. N. B. There was lost, the same Night, out of a Stable belonging to the said Widow Olds, a Saddle and ne Wednesdays and Thursdays POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Flanders and Holland.. , » STOCKHOLM, August 16. Field- Marshal d'Ungern- Sternberg, who is appointed to command the Army in Pomerania, sets out from hence the latter End of this Month, in order to put him- self at the Head of those Troops, who, ' tis said, are to Open the Campaign with the Siege of Stetin. E/ bing, Aug. 16. The Russian Troops continue to assemble on the Lest of the Niemen, and one Body of ' em has enter'd Prussia on the Side of the Palatinate of Troki. General Sibilski. who commands the Light Troops in the King of Poland's Service, is enter'd into Prussia the same Way, in order to second the Operations of the Generals Fermer, Lieven, and Stoffeln. Marshal Lehwald, in or- der to avoid being surrounded, has changed the Position of his Army, so that his Left covers Konigsberg, and his Right extends towards Brandenbourg, with some additio- nal Posts at Valace, to watch the Motions of the Russians. Dantzick, Aug. 21. On the 19th the Russian Squa- quron, after tarrying here six Weeks, put to Sea. The Admiral was not to open his Orders till he shouid come to a certain Latitude. Vienna, Aug. 18. We learn from Silesia that Colonel Jahnus having lately been attacked there by a Body of 8000 of the Enemy, gave them such a warm Reception that they were obliged to retire with the Loss of 500 Men, who remained dead upon, the Spot, besides 1400 Deserters. Thefe Advices add that the Colonel took 1300 Prisoners from the Prussians upon this Occasion, and six Pieces of Cannon. Hanover, Aug. 24. The French Army which has en- camped for some Time at Linden, in our Neighbourhood, marched the Day before Yesterday in two columns, taking the Rout of' Verden; from whence we learn that the Duke of Cumberland decamp'd Yesterday to draw near Stade. Hamburg, Asg 26. We received Advice last Night that four English Men of War and two Frigates had ap- peared at the Mouth of the Elbe, and cast Anchor be- tween Cuxhaven and Oldenbrook, waiting the Flow of the Tide to sail to Stade. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Dresden, August 21. Letters from the Prussian Army say that the King of Prussia is advanced toward Ostritz and Zittau i that the Austrians had retired, and occupied a strong Post, that his Prussian Majesty was endeavouring to march round them, and cut off their Provisions, which come from Bohemia. In'some late Skirmishes the Prus- sians have had the better; and it is said they have cut to Pieces two Austian Regiments of Hussars, and taken the Equipage of General Nadasti. Head Quarters at Rothenburgh, Aug. 28. His Royal Highness the Duke having received Advice on the 24th, that the Enemy had laid two Bridges, in the Night, over the Aller,. and had passed the River with a large Body of Troops, ordered the Army to march to secure the impor- tant Port and Passage of Rothenburgh, lest the Enemy might attempt to march round on his Left; and his Royal Highness encamped that Night at Ahausen, having de- tached Lieutenant General Oberg, with eight Battalions and six Squadrons, to Ottersberg, and the next Day marched to this Place, and encamped behind the Wum- mer. - Thus far the London Gazette. Amsterdam, Sept. 2. They write from Bremen, that the Duke of Cumberland's Army continues retreating to- wards Stade, and that the French follow it close. LONDON. ( Tuesday, Sept. 6. There is Advice of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland's embarking at Stade ; and that the Ship he was on board foon after ran on a Sand, but that his Royal Highness got ashore with some Difficulty by means of a small Vessel that happened to be in Company. The Ship was got off again, after throwing the heavy Baggage, Guns, & c. overboard, Gen. Ev. Post. We hear that an Express arriv'd Yesterday from Stade, and ' tis said he hrings Advice, that the Landgrave of Hesse- Cassel and the Duke of Brunswick- Wolffenbuttle have consented to a Neutrality, It is said that several large Pieces of Cannon are mount- ed on the Isle De Dieu, near the Harbour of Brest, the French imagining our secret Expedition is intended against that Place. Last Night an Express was dispatched from the Admi- ralty Office, and another from the War- Office. Several Messengers were sent down on Sunday to the Commanders of the Sea and Land Forces at Portsmouth There is an Express arrived from his Royal Highness the Duke, another from the King of Pruffia, and a third from the Hon. Mr. York, his Majesty's Minister at the Hague. Tuesday last an Order was issued for the Embarkation of three Troops of Light Horse to be employed in the intended Expedition. Mr. Pitt arrived Yesterday Morning in Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept 5. Yesterday, to our great Satisfaction, arrived all the Men of War and Transports from the Downs. They fell down to Cowes in the Evening: And this Morning the Comptroller of the Navy went thither, to be present at the Embarkation, which will begin early To- morrow Morning, ind ' tis hoped be compleated by Night. The Camp is broke up. Vice- Admiral Knowles is going this Afternoon to push the Embarkation mere vigorously. The Men of War and Arm'd Vessels are ready to sail. It is imagined that by Thursday Morning, if it please God to continue the Wind fair, this grand Fleet will be out of our Sight. A great Number of Engineers and Matrosses are now here, and the Town is full of the military Or- der. Remain the Admirals Hawke, Knowles, and Bro- derick, with near 40 Sail of Men of War and Frigates." Letters from Tillechery, in the East Indies, of. tla 15th of last December, advise, that a large French Ship laden with warlike Stores, had a few Weeks before, been taken by Commodore James, of the Revenge, of 20 Guns, an armed Vessel in the Company's Service at Bombay. These Letters add, that though Angria be destroyed, there is a Nest of Privateers between Goa and Bombay, who still continue to infest the Coast, so that Ships, Sloops, Ketches, and Boats, of small Force, cannot sail up and down the Coast without Convoy. It's hoped the Magistrates will have a Power given them the next Session of Parliament, to oblige all Persons who are known to have amassed Quantities of Corn, to sell when its above 5 s. a Bushel; for it's now reported that there is above 10.000 Quarters of Corn hoarded with- in the Space of 1000 Yards of the B—- Y d. It is said the Attorney General has Orders to prosecute the late Engrossers of Corn. There are private letters in Town from Sussex, that mention they have very great Crops of Wheat, and the Farmers say. if they have not Liberty to export it, they shall be ruined. We are assured that the Gang of Footpads, mentioned in the Papers, who have been Confederates in a great Number of Robberies lately committed, consists of- 20 young Men. The Informer is a Nephew of an eminent Coachmaker near Berkeley Square, who being informed of his keeping Company wirh Gamblers, after trying in vain every Method to reclaim him, discharged him hi* Service about a Month since. We hear that one of the Apprentices belonging to the above Gang, being sent on an Errand after Dark to the Baker's for a stale Loaf, took that Opportunity of running into Holbourn, where he robb'd a Coach, and then went to the Baker's, bought the Loaf, returned home very coolly, and told his Master, as an Excuse for staying, he had only stepped to see his Mother. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Hunt, of St. Thomas the Apostle, Taylor.—- George Norton, of Heighington. in the County of Durham, Limeburner.— John Lapierre, late of Winchester- Street, London, Merchant. Benja- min Horrocks, of Birchin Lane, Hardwareman. STOCKS. Bank, no 1 half. India, 134 South Sea, 120 1 half. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 91. Ditto 2d Sub. 901 half. Ditto New Annuities, ift Sub. 90 1 4th. Ditto zd Sub. 90. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 90. India Bonds, 2I. 14s. Prem. New Subscription, 89 3 4ths. Bristol, Sept. 3. On Thursday was married John Smith, Esq; of Long Ashton, ( Son of Jarret Smith, Esq one of our Member:) to Miss Woolner, of this City, with Forty Thousand Pounds Fortune. WORCESTER, September 8. The Governors of our Infirmary return their Thanks for a Benefaction of TWO GUINEAS, received from the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Worcester Alsofor a Benefaction of ONE GUINEA, received from Mr. Josiah Twamley, of Kidderminster. %• Something further having just been publish'd in Favour of the late Richard Collett, the Publication of William Elvins's Remarks, & c. is postponed till some Time next Week, when an Answer will be given to the Whole. . On Tuesday se'nnight Henry Smith of Draycott, in the Clay, in Staffordshire, was committed to Stafford Goal, for poisoning his Wife, by mixing Arsenick in roasted Apples and Whey. Last Friday Morning a Fire broke out at poor Woman's in Evesham, which entirely burnt down the House, with three Beds and the rest of the Furniture— This Fire was occasion'd by the Carelessness of the Daughter, who ( in the Absence of her Mother that was gone a Hop pul- ling) put some hot Ashes under the Stair Case. Yesterday . Morning, at St. Peter's Church, one Mr. Davis, aged upwards of 70, was married to the Widow Steward, who is nearly of the same Age. At Ludlow Races, Mr. Gorges's Juniper won the Five Years old Plate ; and the Aged Plate was won by Mr. Cornewall's Redstreak. At Burford, on Monday last, tho Sweep Stakes Mitch for 400 Guineas, was won by Mr. Gorges's Brown Colt, Sour Face. The same Day, the Sweep Stakes Match for 140 Guineas, was won by Sir Peter Leicester's Bay Horse, Hector. On Monday last began the Drawing of the State Lot- tery, at Guildhall in London, and the following Prizes were drawn that Day and the next, viz. No. 38mo4i, as firft drawn/ is entitled to 3001. Prize of 100 I. J No. 27m 159 Prizes of 50 1. each.] 2301547, 2^ 398, 5 111) 477 3601172, 1501613. Prizes of 20 1. each\ 1710718, 5201197, 4901109 5801360, 4201762, 4501005, 20m8c From the WESTMINSTER JOURNAL. To the AUTHOR, Simon Gentletouch, Esq-, On they move Indissolubly firm, nor obvious Hill, Nor strait'ning Vale, nor Wood, nor Stream divides Their perfect Ranks. —- — MILTON. SIR, IN what is called the Court of Berlin's Ac- count of the Expedition into Bohemia, under • the Title of letters from a Prussian Officer, 1 find the following Article : From the Camp, May 7, 1757- * « « THE Battle fought Yesterday is an unparallel d Af- fair. The Battles of Malplaquet and Blenheim can be compared to it only by the Quantity of Blood spilt. In those Battles the Allies had nothing but Men and En trenchments to contend with; but at the Battle of Prague we have been obliged to attack an Enemy « • superior in Number, and in a Camp defended by as « « many Fortresses as there were Hills and Batteries." I presume this Officer was not at the Battle of Malpla- quet, which he mentions thus lightly ; and, in all Proba- bility, never was at any Battle before, and does not know, or at least is not willing to acknowledge, that all Camps, when cover'd by Entrenchments, are also cover'd with Fortresses, otherwise call'd Redoubts-, and that the very Entrenchments are fortified by Palisades, and have often a numerous Artillery planted en barbe, that is, whole Mouths point just over the exalted Edge of the Entrench- ments, and whose Discharges sweep not only the Glacis thereof but also the adjacent Country. The Prussian Officer, however, goes on: » Our Troops saith he, behaved with astonishing Bra- " very. Some Regiments that saw themselves half ruin'd " by the Enemy's Fire, did nevertheless attack them with • the utmost Steadiness and Resolution with their Bayo " nets fix'd, without firing " [ This looks as if tbe Prussian Officer did not know what he was talking of, or that these hardy and expert Prussians made use of Old- fashion'd Bayonets, such as when clapp'd upon their Pieces stopp'd the Muzzles of them, and prevented all further Firing ] -- " Sometimes, continues he, they marched thro' Bogs and Marshes ; sometimes they climbed steep " Hills, tho' exposed to the redoubled Fire of Cannon » ' charged with Cartridge. Our Artillery play'd but - « ' very little. It was not till after the Enemy's Defeat " that we fired upon the flying Troops to any Purpose, and this was) with their own Cannon." Why this Behaviour so cried up to the Heaven1, and which seemingly intimates is if nothing could hurt a Prussian, or, it a Shot pressed thro' him, he would face about and fight again ? Why, I say, this is set in Contrast with the Battles of Blenheim and Malplaquet, I shall not undertake to point out, unless it be to depreciate the Cou rage and Intrepidity of the English; which neither French nor Germans, nor any Country under the Canopy of He ven, have any Reason or Right to do. Frenchmen know that it was not at the Battles of Blenheim and Malpluquet only that they were obliged to give Way to the Roar, the furious Attacks of the British Lion : And Germans know that, by a continued Series of Success, occasioned by the Intrepidity of the English, their Country has more than once been saved from the Ravages of, the Destruction , meditated by, the House of Bourbon. The Article above we must therefore look upon as Bombast only, an Excursion of Fancy, wrote whilst the Blood was warmly rambling, having Victory for its Con ductor. However, I shall remind this Prussian Officer, and every one else, who would set at nought the Cha- racter and Bravery of Britons, of a Story which was pretty well known at Berlin in the late Reign, viz. THE Prussian Monarch, after having reviewed his tall Grenadiers, who had behaved extremely well, and quite to his Lking, turn'd about to the British Ambassa- dor, then present,—" Well, said be, can you imagine a " like Number of Englishmen would beat these expert, " these brave Fellows of mine ?" The Ambassador immediately, and without any Manner of Hesitation, reply'd " Victory, your Majesty knows, is not in the " Power of Men to determine on which Side it will fall, " but I would be bound to stake my Life against Nothing, " that Half their Number of Englishmen would fight " them." What hath been said of the Prussians hath also been said of the Hanoverians, especially of their Artillery, which they could give Fire to Sixteen Times in a Minute. But how is all this ! Have their Engineers lost that Art which they were but lately Matters of ? Were they asleep on the 24th, 25th, and 26th of July last, [ Three very remarkable Days!] or had they forgot that they were at that critical Conjuncture call'd upon by every Tie of Nature and of Honour, to exercise the utmost of their Skill? Was it unknown to them that their Country was the Lot contending for ? This Boast of the Expertness of the Hanoverian Artil jtry, the Intrepidity of their People, and the Firmness of their Countenance, sets beyond Dispute, that, as it always was, so even now it is, viz. there is a vaft Dif- ference betwixt Talking and Doing; there is such a Thing as magnifying exceedingly the Behaviour if Troops, when intermix'd with those of another Nation. The Dutch have been reckon'd a brave People for fight- ing, and yet, not to mention their Distresses when lett to themselves in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, What did they do under King William? What in the Days of Marlbo- rough, till he found out the right Trim of them, found it necessary to interline them with the English? Then, in- deed, it was talk'd of their performing Wonders, which possibly might be true, though, had they not been back'd by the said English, I, for my Part, shall not scruple to make a Quere, Whether they would not often have had a fair Run for it? Mistake me not, I neither mean AFTER not TOWARDS the Enemy. And it hath moreover been known, perhaps always so, that when British Troops have lost a Battle, it has been by putting too much Con- fidence in their Allies. Whence we may gather, that the true Way of Proof for trying Troops is to let them face the Enemy by them- selves: Whence we may also learn the following Lesson, if we are but docible and have Understanding enough left to take it in, viz. If we would have our Country saved, we mull put into our Peoples Hands Implements of War, and teach them the Use of ' em, that they may have it in their Power to save it themselves; for, as to these Foreigners, these Auxiliaries, what are they ? What Dependence can there be on Troops fighting for another, who, in their own Country, say before the Enemy ; and this, tho' all that is near and dear to them is at Stake? Fly I yes, fly! not to recover Spirits and at if again, but to the Distance. of Fourscore Miles and upwards; for this at least is the Space ( if I read the Pointings- out of Maps rightly), from where the Battle was concluded on the 26th ot July, to Verden, the Place where the Hanoverian Army arrived, according to the London Gazette, August 8 ' I hey arrived ; - in high Spirits shall we say ? or. without Spirits at all ? or so much as in all their Flight, once looking back to see what was behind them ? Alas! alas! that Men fhould be so besotted to act in this Manner, after they had used the French their Enemy, so roughly; that, tho' thefe retired, tho' they fled ! the others durst not pursue, no, not so much as a single Foot of Ground: And yet they are gone ; alas I quite gone I have given you this only as a Specimen, Sir, an intro- ductory Touch of what I have to further Tell of Heroes, such as BRITONS have been, When Love of Country led them on to Conquest. I am, Sir, your humble Servant, A TRUE BRITON. POSTSCRIPT. He that fights and runs away, > May live to fight another Day. 5 This is Hudibras's Doctrine, as some People will have it; but what Day may a people be supposed to live to fight on, who have taken Care to get as far from the Ene- my as they well can ! and who would fight neither for the best of Princes, neither for Themselves, nor for their Wives and Children ? Well, but this is not a Flight; ' tis a prudent Retire ment to cover Bremen and Stade. What! are either of these, or both of them, to be preferr'd to Hanover ?- ' Tis only a Retirement, and let the french follow them if they dare Nay, be not too much upon the daring Or der, I beseech you ; for, should the French follow them in Earnest, these famous trOOPS must— either fight— jump down their own throats— or plunge head long into the Sea, Or, To be LETT And Enter'd upon at MICHAELMAS next, A Large Commodious Dwelling - House and Malt- House, Situate in Keyne- Street, WORCESTER, Now in the Occupation of Mr Philip Tomlims Enquire of Mr. Thomas Ford, in Sidbury, in the afore- said City. N. B A good Tenant will meet with due Encouragement. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at Michaelmas next, A Convenient HOUSE and SHOP, ( Situate in GOOSE LANE, WORCESTER, ) And which, for many Years, were occupied in the Linen- Drapery and Millinary Business, and the Shop very well accustom'd, and the Persons who occupied the fame are but lately removed. Likewise to be LETT, and may be Enter'd upon immediately, A commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, with all Con- veniences, situated at the Back of the House and Shop above mention'd. For further Particulars of both Houses enquire of Mr. Rowland Morris, Grocer, in Broad Street, Worcester. This Day is published, Price is. stitcn'd, The CYDER- MAKER'S Instructor, SWEET- MAKER'S Assistant, and VICTUAllER'S and HOUSEKEEPER'S Dirctor. In THREE PARTS. Part I. Directs the Grower to make his Cyder in the Manner Fo- reign Wines are made ; to preserve its Body and flavours tc lay on a Colour; any to cure all its Disorders, whether bad flavour'd, pricked, oily, or rop . Part II. Instructs the Trader or Housekeeper to make Raisin- Wines, at a small Expense, little ( if any Thing) inferior to Foreign Wines in Strength or Flavour ; to cure their Disorders j to lay on them new Bodies, Colour, & c. Part 111. Directs the Brewer to fine his Beer and Ale in a short Time, and to cure them if pricked or ropy. To which is added, A Method to make Yest to ferment Beer as< well as common Vest, when that is not to be had. All actually deduced from the Author's Experence. By THOMAS CHAPMAN, Wine- Cooper. CIrenCeSTer : Printed and sold for the Author by S. Rudder s Sold also by R. Raikes, in Gloucester ; J. Wylde, in Hereford j and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Where likewise may be had, just publish'd, . ( For the Use of Schools and private Families, the id Edition, with great Additions and Improvements, being the compleatest Book of the Kind extant) 1 A New Spelling- Book and Grammar, ENTITLED, ORTHOGRAPHIA; The New English Instructor. In TWO PARTS Part I. containing, 1. Large Tables'of Monosyllable from three to six or seven Letters. 2. Approved Rules for dividing Words into Syllables, 3. Tables of the most useful Words from two to seven Syllables, all carefully accented, to prevent a bad Pronunciation ; interspersed with moral and entertaining Lessons, in easy and familiar Language, suited to the Tables. 4. Large Tables of proper Names used in History, as well sacred as prophane, all mark'd with the Ac- cent 5. Directions for Reading, and Observations on teaching to read, from a learned Author. Part II. A compendious English Grammar, by the Help of which alone any Person of a- common Capacity may be enabled to write true English, by syntactical Rules suited to the Genius and Idiom of the English Language, and not to be found in any other Grammar. To which is added, Directions for Behaviour, under the Head of PoliteNess ; several original and selected Fables, Poems, 3cc. By J. J A C K S ON, Gent. "„* Many Artifices have been repeatedly practised to prevent this NEW BOOK from getting into Schools, by Persens that are interested in the Sale of the Old school Books ; and indeed no Wonder, since wl e. ever this Book has been impartially compared and examined with others of the same Kind, it has seldom failed of supplanting them. Therefore, in whose namees soever this Book may fall, the Proprietor only craves a fair and candid Examination with such others as may be put in Competition with it ( more especially in the Grammatical Part) and he is desirous of resting its Merits on their Decision, Mr. JAMES CLINTON'S ( Sen) Imperial Royal GOLDEN SNUFF, And OIL for Deafness, * ( Which have been so often advertis'd in most News Papers in England, for the many Cures they have done in Distempers oj the Head and Eyes, especially Deafness and Noise in the Ears IS, as thousands of Persons have experienced, the most effectual Remedy for taking away all Pains out of the Head, such as the head Ach, & c be they ever so violent instantly removes Drowsiness, Giddiness, Vapours, Apo, plexy, Deafness, the Evil in the Eyes, or Humour in than Dropsies in the Head, and Stoppage or told in the Head; cures the Catarrh, or Dribbling trom the Head upon the Lungs, which causeth tickling coughs brings away all Mercury which lodges in the head, occasion'd by working at some Trades that are offensive to the Brain, as Plumbers, Refiners, Gilders, Silversmiths, and others In short, it is the best and most agreeable Snuff in the Universe, as 13 experienced daily in most Parts of Great Britain, and other Parts of the King's Dominions by Sea and Land, for all Distempers in the Head and Eyes. This Snuff is very pro- per for all Persons who have had the Small Pox ; twill purge their Heads, carry off the foul Humuurs which lodge there after that distemper, and fall down upon the Eyes thereby causing a Soreness or Weakness in ihem, if not Blindness. It is likewise very necessary for all Masters of Ships, and Sailors, to take with them to Sea. *** For the Good of the Poor I publish it at 1 d » Paper i six Papers cure most Distemptes in the Head and Eyes. For Deafness, after taking the Snuff, take the Oil prepared by me for that Disorder, and drop three or four Drops into each Ear,. which is a certain Cure for them who have been deaf many Years, and is sold for only 6d. a Bottle.. The Snuff and Oil are to be had of H Berrow, Printer of this Paper j Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Lander, in Stafford ; Mr. Parsons, in Newcastle under Line; Mr. Oakford, Shopkeeper, in Winchester- street Salisbury; Mr. Thomas, at the Bridge End, Bristol j Mrs. Pinkard, Toyshop, over- against All- Saints Church in Ox- ford i Mrs. Leatherbarrow, in Lancelot Hay in Liverpool - Mrs Adams, Printer, in Chester i Mr. Bethell, in Broad- Cabbage- Lane, Hereford ; Mr Waring, Shopkeeper, in Ludlow; Mr. Moseley, in Kidderminster ; Mr. Wilson, Shopkeeper, in Bewdley s Mr Butler, Printer, in Birming- ham ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; and of the Men who distribute this Journal. Of the Printer and Distributors cf this Journal may alse be had. The best German Blacking Balls for Boots and Shoes. Price One Shilling the large, and Sixpence the small.
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