Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 25/08/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2508
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester Journal. Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, August 25, 1757. N° 25o8 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. COUNTRY NEWS. Stroud, rear Rochester, in Kent, Aug. 16. IT is said that, last Week, fome Farmers in the Hundred of Hoo, being met over a Pipe, were observing what fine Crops they had on the Ground, and in particular that Mr. H ' s exceeded all the rest, and were giving God Thanks for it, when Mr. made Answer, and said, That the Thanks were due to himself, his People, and his Dung- Cart, and not to God! The next Day a Field of Corn, belonging to the Wretch, containing some
Acres, appeared to be blighted and spoiled. Several Peo- ple have been to view the Field, and have brought home Handfuls, to keep as a Remembrance of the Judgment, and say that in all the Fields adjoining thereto is exceed- ing fine Corn, and no Appearance of a Blight. IRELAND. Galway Aug. 5. Monday came in here from the Neighbourhood of Eyrecourt in this County, two Men, Father and Son, charged with the Murder of the Son's Wife, and were committed to the County Gaol, as WaS a Third, charged with the Murder of his Mother near Tuam. LONDON. [ Thursday, August 18. We hear that the Parliament will sit for the
Dispatch of Business the latter End of October next. > The intended Expedition is the Scheme of a certain worthy, tho' much neglected Sea Officer. The Plan of Operation carries with it the highest Probability of Suc- cess, however insignificant the Enemy may represent it. We hear that another Embarkation Of 3000 Men, is getting ready with all Expedition, in order to be sent to New- York, Advice having been received, that M. Mont- calm, with 15,000 French, Canadians, and Indians, is encamped at Montreal, about 60 Miles from Quebeck, ' in a Situation very convenient either to protect that Capi- tal if attack'd by the English, or
to make an Incursion into our Northern Provinces, if the Army of Lord Lou don should be engaged in an Expedition against any of the remoter Settlements of the French, whether in Canada or the adjacent Islands. On Tuesday and Yesterday a great Quantity of Bullets were shipped from the Tower, for the Use of the Troops intended for a secret Expedition, which it is said will be executed as soon as the present Troops at the Isle of Wight are gone. It is said a Messenger, who arrived on Tuesday from the Duke's Army, brings Advice, that a Resolution had been taken to alter the present Position of the Troops, and to retire to a
Place of greater Security in the Dutchy of Verden, if a sufficient Stock of Provisions can be amassed for the Sbusistence of the Army. This Resolution has been taken on two Accounts} the first is, the Weak- ness of the Army, which is not in a Condition to make Head against the Enemy ; The other, to be a Check upon the French, who must either lay aside their Design of penetrating farther into the Empire, or resolve to give the Duke Battle in his Intrenchments, it being impracticable lo proceed with such an Army behind them. The several Camps of Salisbury, Dorchester, Ply mouth, Chatham and Barham Downs, are not to
break up so soon as has been reported; but on the contrary we are assured, that they are to be immediately reinforced with several Regiments. And we hear that the Right Hon. Sir John Ligonier, will soon set out to review the same. When Foreigners come to settle in any State or Coun- try, and bring with them Money, or any useful Art or Science ; good Policy will always bid them welcome, and give them all proper Encouragement: But good Policy will go no further ; it will never carry its Complaisance to Foreigners, to the Prejudice, much less the Ruin of its own Natives. But when the whole Cargo that Fo- reigners shall bring
into a Country, shall consist of base Flattery and abjeCt Servility, good Policy will always turn > them out again, and shut the Doors against them. And more especially so, when such Foreigners shall be of that Country, who are at War with such a State, and are, by Nature, its hereditary and implacable Enemies. Because it is but reasonable to suppose, that such Foreigners would carry on a Correspondence with, and give all the Intelli- gence they could to, their own Countrymen. To suffer, therefore, such a prodigious Number of French Papists, under the Titles of Tutors, Taylors, Barbers, Cooks, Valets, Fidlers, Dancers, & c. &
c. as are now in this Na- tion, can never be good Policy : But to give them such Encouragement, and shew them such Favour and Pre- ference to and in Prejudice of our own Natives, favours of Madness ; for it proves a preposterous Affection for our Enemies, and an unnatural Disregard of ourselves. We hear that the vacant Garter of the Margrave of Anspach will be given away before the Installation, the 30th Instant. On Monday a Housekeeper in Wood- Street, knowing Combinations to be of bad Consequence to the Publick, had a Loaf weighed, which was served him by a Puritan Baker in St. Martin's le Grand ; it proved
upwards of seven Ounces deficient in Weight; on which Information was made before Sir Samuel Fludyer, and a Summons granted for the Puritan to appear ; but on several of that Persuasion interceding that one of their Sect might not be exposed, and he promising that the Customer should not have the like Occasion for Complaint, the Affair was compromised.—— Pity it is that these Short Weighers arc not oftener punished. We hear from a ToWn in Kent, within twenty- four Miles of London, that ( the Bakers having thought proper to continue the Price of Bread at an exorbitant Rate) se veral Gentlemen have entered into a
Subscription to send a Cart early every Morning to fetch Bread from London, and to distribute it to the poor Inhabitants at the London Price. Last Thursday an old Man about Fourscore was mar- ried at St. Luke's, Middlesex, to a Woman near the same Age, a School Mistress in Whitecross Street: They were attended to and from Church by 500 of the Gentry of Whitecross Street, Golden- Lane, & c. and the Drums attended at the Church- Door. On Wednesday the 3d Instant Thomas Margrave, a Journeyman Tallow- Chandler and Soapmaker, was ta ken into Custody at Baddow, in Essex, and carried before a Justice, who
committed him to Chelmsford Gaol, for robbing a Barber at Writtle near Chelmsford of a Watch and some Silver, on Monday the 1st Instant, about Five o'Clock in the Afternoon. Margrave alledged in his De- fence, that he could prove by more than half a Score cre- dible Persons With whom he was in Company at several Times, that he was the whole Day in London on Mon- day, and about the Time when the Robbery was said to be committed, he was seeing the Watermen who rowed for Dogget's Coat and Badge j that he Could prove where he lay on Monday Night, and where he breakfasted and dined on Tuesday before he
set out for Essex ; but being positively sworn to, the Justice was force to commit him. Last Tuesday Morning the Portmanteau, in which the Portsmouth Mail was, and the Windsor Bag of Letters unopened, were found some few Doors from the Church at Hammersmith, but the Portsmouth Letters were gone, on which Search was immediately made, in order to find out the Party or Parties guilty of the above Fact, which was of no Effect, nor any Information which gave any farther Satisfaction, than to suspect a Man that ferried over the Water at Chilwick, which, we hear, was as fol lows, viz A Man, who had the Appearauce of a
labour- ing Person, came, about Half an Hour after Four o'Clock on Tuesday Morning, to the above Place, and called a Waterman up who lived near the plying Place, and de- sired, as he was at Work on the Surrey Side, and oblig'd to be precisely at the Work at Five o'Clock, he would immediately put him Over the River; the Waterman said he was willing, but his Boat was so full of Water, he must bale it out, or she would not swim over; but the above Person persuaded him she would, and appeared in great Confusion and Haste, and had with him a Bundle tied up in a Great Coat, which gives great Suspicion he was the Person.
The Boy, who belonged to Mr. Ireland in Pic- cadilly, and was guilty of the imprudent Act of quitting his Horse and the Mail at the Time it was stole, is, we hear, in Custody. On Monday in the Afternoon the Assizes for the Coun- ty of Surry ended at Guildford, when the five following Persons received Sentence of Death, viz. Luke Cobb, for stealing a Mare, the Property of John Balchin; Joseph Green, for robbing Elizabeth Curtis of Twelve Shillings and some Halfpence, on the Highway, near Croydon ; Samuel Gibbins, for robbing David Abarbanel, Gent, in a Post Chariot, on Barnes Common, of his Watch and four Guineas;
Richard Chapman, above Sixty Years old, for Felony and Burglary, in breaking open the House of John Juglefield, of Cheam, in the Night- time, tying his Wife both Hands and Feet, and robbing the House of an Eight- day Clock, a great Quantity of Linnen, Houshold Furniture, & c. ( James Chapman, his Nephew, that was to be tried with him, was taken ill of the Small Pox, and order'd to be continu'd ' till the next Assizes;) and Robert Mitchel, an Officer of a Man of War, for stabbing Nathaniel Spencer with a Sword, in Tooley- Street, which penetrated his Heart, of which he instantly died. Mitchel belonged to a Press- Gang when
he com- mitted the Murder. William Shuttleworth, also an Of- ficer, was tried with him, and acquitted ; but the Widow of the Deceas'd lodged an Appeal against him, on which he was continued to be tried tbe next Assizes for Surrey. At soon as tbe jury had found Mitchel guilty, the Hon Sir Thomas Dennison passed Sentence on him, to be hung as Yesterday, and that his Body, after Execution, should be dissected and anatomized. The Trial of the Officers lasted near seven Hours; and Mitchel was convicted on the most plain and clear Evidence that was ever given in a Court of Justice. Of 17 Prisoners that were tried at this
Assizes, five were condemn'd, seven order'd for Trans- portation, three to be whipp'd, and two acquitted. The great Cause about the Rights of going through Richmond Park, is put off by the Court ' till next Assizes. On Saturday a Man was taken up at St. Alban's, on Suspicion of inlisting Men into the French King's service, and was committed to Gaol : An Officer is sent ' in pursuit of his Companion, who came into that Town with him a few Days before. Last Monday a Post Chaise Man was committed to New Prison, bv John Fielding, Esq; for wickedly and malici- ously driving against two Gentlemen in another Post- Chaise, and
endeavouring to overthrow them, on the Road from Finchley to London, after which he treated them in the grossest and moft insolent Manner. If Gentlemen, when they meet with these Sorts of Insults, would punish the Offenders a little oftener, such Beha- viour on the Road would be more rare ; for the Security of these Fellows arises from an Opinion that Gentlemen will not trouble their Heads about them. On Morning last Week a young Gentleman, who went up to Hackney River to angle, was accosted at the River side by a Person genteely dress'd, who, after asking him what Sport he had, threw in near him, and after some
Conversation, asked him to treat him with a Breakfast. But before they left their Amusement, the Fellow clapt a Pistol to the Gentleman's Breast, and demanded his Mo- ney. After robbing him of twenty- four Shillings and Sixpence, and turning his Pockets inside out, he ask'd the Gentleman whether he chose rather to be thrown into the River, or shot thro' the Head? and told him if he offer'd to stir from the Spot till he had got out of Sight, ha would not leave him his Choice. On Monday Night the Men on board the Hospital Ship that lies off Tower Wharf, mutinied and all made their Escape j one of them was retaken the same
Night, and some more the next Day, but most of them got Clear off. Great Part of Lady Peters's House near Brentwood in Essex was burnt by the Lightning on Monday Night, which did a great deal of other Damage in that Neigh- bourhood ; and was so violent that it greatly terrified se- veral Persons on the Road. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS, Arriv'd a M A IL from HOLLAND. LEGHORN, July 26. ADMIRAL Osborne, who is come hitherto take in some Provisions, has left Admiral Saunders, with some Men Of War, in the Mediterranean, to cruize off the Coasts of France, and intercept the Vessels laden with Provisions for
Minorca. Dresden, Aug. 8. The Queen enjoys a good State of Health, and her Presence here is very bentficial to this Electorate; for on this Account the Austrian Parties are forbid to make Incursions in any Parts of the Country where no Prussian Troops are assembled. All the Pan- dours, Croats, and other Irregular Troops of Austria are now re assembled towards Lusatia, where the King of Prussia's Army lies. It was the last Brussels Gazette that kill'd her Polish Majesty. Brussels, Aug 9. They are enlisting in the King's Do- minions all young Men that are willing to serve in his Majesty's Armies, either in Lusatia, Prussia, or
Pome- rania. Marshal Apraxin's Army, according to our last Advices, continued in its first Position, a few Leagues distant from the Frontiers of Prussia. Hanover, Aug. 9. The French Army is actually di- vided into four Bodies; but what their present Plan of Operations may be, we cannot yet guess. The Duke de Chevreuse, who is appointed to command in this Capital, arrived here this Morning at the Head of two thousand Soldiers. He has taken up his Abode at the House of the Baron de Dieden, and his Equipage is lodged in the Offices of the Castle. Immediately after the Arrival of these Troops, those which composed our
Garrison were disarm'd, and left at Liberty to retire where they please. The Duke de Chevreuse, accompa_- nied by some of his principal Officers, has bc.- n this Af- ternoon to visit the chief Parts of the City, as well as., some Places in the Neighbourhood. According to Regulation which has been agreed on for Contributions the Principality of Calenberg must deliver i ,080,0p'o R. - tionsof Hay, each weighing | 3lb. 33,000 Sacks of JiyV; each Sack weighing 2001b. and the same Quantity of Wheat and Oats. One Half of this is to be deliver'd the
of September, and the other the Beginning of October. The States of the Principality of Grubenhagen are to furnish 1OO. OOO Rations of Forage) and the Town of Gottingen is to deliver, within a certain Time, 24,000 Sacks of Wheat, Oats, and Rye. These Deliveries must be made at the precise Times fix'd, on Pain of Military execution Utrecht, Aug. 14. According to Letters from West, phalia, Marshal Richlieu marched the 7th Instant from Oldendorff towards Minden, where he encamped the 9th, and from, thence he' proposed to advance towards the Duke of Cumberland's Army; which was still in the same Position the 12th,
covering the Dutchies of Bremen and Verden. The Body of Cavalry that lately marched from Rure- mond to join the French Ariny in Westphalia, is partly arrived in the Neighbourhood of Minden ; When the rest of this Corps reach the same Place, they will proceed to the Lower Weser. Dresden, Aug. 9. The Relation we have of the Bom- bardment of Zittau is the most melancholy that can be imagined. Whole Families, upon the breaking open of their Houses, were found dead, being suffocated with Smoke, and not daring to open their Doors for fear of being shot. Some carry the Computation of the Loss sustained here fo high as
Thirty Hundred Thousand of Florins. Her Polish Majesty fainted upon reading the Relation, find thereupon a Report prevailed that the was dead. His Prussian Majesty is determined to venture a third Battle, which, it is thought, the Austrians will de cline, as their Hussars have penetrated within a Mile of this Place on the one Side, and the French Hussars have actually entered the Electorate on the other. LONDON. , [ Saturday, August 20. At a Time when several Embarkations are on Foot the present reigning Toast, amongst all Lovers ot Liberty and Old England, is, T0 a speedy Embarkation O " every Thing that is French out of
the Nation." Colonel Campbell is going Embassador to Sweden. This Gentleman Was bred there, and speaks most of the Northern Languages. Forty Men we hear are to be draughted out of each Battalion in Great Britain and Ireland immediately, to supply the new Embarkation for New York. This fresh Body of Troops is to be commanded by Col. Whitmore, and for their Encouragement, the Lieutenants are to have 5 s. a Day Advance, and the Men an Addition to their Pay. The Field Baggage belonging to three Regiments of Foot Guards, are ordered to be got ready to set out at a Minute's Warning. A great many Scaling
Ladders of a new Constuction,, made in the Tower, are on board the Transports going round to Spithead some of which may be almost instanta neously fix'd, and will admit more than 30 Men to ascend a- breast. Some Officers of the Train of Artillery, and some Gunners of the Navy, being solicited for by Admiral KnoWles, to accompany him in the intended Expedition, they were immediately granted, and are gone for Ports- mouth, to embark on board the Fleet. We hear Col. Haldane of the Guards is going Gover- nor of Jamaica. Admiral Coates, with most of the Ships under his Com- mand, failed from Jamaica the Middle ot
June to watch the Motions of the French at Hispaniola, at which Place we hear there were five French Men of War of the Line. Letters from New York give an Account, that Gene- ral Webb was there, and had taken upon him the Com- mand of 4000 Men, to be employed occasionally, in Case the French should make any Attempt upon that Colony, which, as it was reported, was expected at this time. News of great Consequence is said to be received st Court, but from what Quarter, or on what Occasion, is at present a profound Secret., The Dukes of Bedford and Devonshire were sent for by Express to Town, and both returned
with the Messengers that were dispatched to them on that Occasion. It is conjectur'd that the News has some Relation to Ireland. The News from Paris, published in the Brussels Ga- zette, of the Death of the Queen of Poland, is thought to be without the least Foundation, as we have received Letters from Dresden dated the 8th of this. Month, at which Time that Princess was in perfect Health. Private Letters from Poland advise, that the King will soon remove from Warsaw to DantZick, to take up his Residence there. In the Letter which the Marshal d'Estrees received from the King of France, July 30, he informed the Marshal "
That the Circumstances of Affairs were so changed, that it was found necessary to join the Armies of the Duke de Richlieu with that under the Command of the Marquis d'Estrees, and that he should give up the Command to the Duke de Richlieu, as his Senior, and that it would be very agreeable to him to hear that he would continue to serve in the Army under him." The Letter was filled like wise with, the greatest Expressions of Kindness towards the Marshal; who, notwithstanding, has resolved imme diately to quit the Army on the Arrival of the Duke de Richlieu, which was about the 6th or 7th of this Month This Change has
greatly astonished a great Number of Persons ot Distinction who served under the Marshal d'Estrees. But the Intrigues of the Court are not easily to be penetrated into at that Distance. . The Santa Queen Elinas, and the Salvador, both from Bilboa to Fort I'Orient, and another Spanish Vessel. with East India Goods, are taken and sent into Plymouth by the Harwich Man of War. The Melling, Smith, from Liverpool to Barbadoes, is retaken by the Harwich, and sent into Plymouth. . We hear that the Installation at Windsor will be pri- vate, and that there will be no Ball. His Grace the Duke of Newcastle came to Town on Tuesday
from Sussex.; and we hear that his Grace had to dine with him, at his Seat at Bishopstone, oa Sunday,- near One Thousand Persons. It is said that Doctor Taylor will succeed Doctor Hoadley as Physician to his Majesty's Houshold. Mr. Drayton, one of his Majesty's Council for the Province of South Carolina, was married last Week to Lady Mary Mackerzie, one of the Daughters of the late Earl of Cromartie ; and we hear they will embark with the first Convoy for that Province. Lately was married, at Wolverhampton, in Stafford- shire, Mr. Edward Evans, an emient Timber Merchant, to Miss Sally Sutton, of the same Place, an
agreeable young Lady, with a handsome Fortune. On Tuesday last at Reading the Aged Plate was won by Mr. Pytts's Horse Liberty, who distanced Tantwivy and Why- not. And on Wednesday the Hunter's Plate was run for by Mr. Churchill's Slider, Mr. Hoo's Spanker, and Mr Rebow's Rose i when after Spanker had, in the Course of Running, exhibited clear Proofs of his Supe- riority to his Antagonists, the Plate was, by the Unskil- fulness of his Rider, abandoned to Slider. By a Letter from Lewes, in Sussex, we have a most melancholy Account of a Tempest there on Monday last, by which a whole Farm, belonging to Mr. Vena,
with all his Wheat, except about two Loads, his Beans, Peas, Waggons, & c. were all destroyed and burnt by the Lightening. A certain Parson in Kent, a noted Engrosser of Corn, having sent a great Quantity of Corn to Market which had been kept too long, not only in Point of Price, but Quality, has been obliged to sell it at a very low Price to some Diftillers. for feeding their Swine. Just before the Price of Grain fell, three Hoys laden with Corn lay in the River many Days, which were at last obliged to be shifted into Lighters till its Value was greatly decreased ; and then it was sold for a Price which scarcely paid Freight and River
Charges Yesterday a Baker was convicted, before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, for not making a Twopenny Loaf, sold by him, as by Law he ought, in order that it might have been distinguished whether such Loaf was of the First or Second Bread. And the said Baker was also con- victed for selling four Twopenny Loaves of Wheaten Bread deficient twelve Ounces and upwards in Weight. Tuesday last two hundred Master Bakers of Westmin- der met at a Publick House near Charing Cross, in order to consult proper Meafures to carry their Scheme into Exe cution of making no Houshold Bread, which they have begun, to the
no small Oppression of the Poor. We hear from several Parts of Essex, that they are de- termined to follow the Example of a Town in Kent, by entering into a Subscription to fund a Cart for Bread to London, in order to hinder the Bakers in those Parts from keeping that Commodity up at an exorbitant Price, not withstanding the present very great Plenty of Corn, & c. On Thursday Night one Wilson, a Ship Carpenter, at ackwall, having some Words with his Wife, and he being in Liquor, struck her with a Fork up to the Handle in her Belly, of which Wound she died in a few Hours after in great Agony. On Wednesday Night as Mr.
Tanner, a Haberdasher in Piccadilly, was coming over Hounslow Heath in a Chaise, he was attacked by a Man well mounted, who said to him, " Sir, needs must when the Devil drives; I want Money, and you must ( for I know you can) supply me ; lend me but Five Guineas, I will send it you this Day se'nnight upon my Honour; I know you, be quick, and you will oblige me to be civil and honest, otherwise I shall be obliged to compel you ;" on which Mr. Tanner gave him the Money, and he rode off towards Colnbroke. Thursday a Person who calls himself Andrew Scott, was committed to New Prison, by John Fielding, Esq; on
Suspicion of having robb'd the Portsmouth Mail, several Bills, Lottery Tickers, and other Papers, being found upon him, supposed to be taken put of the said Mail, and the two Brass tickets belonging to the two Bags, namely Portsmouth and Portsmouth Dock, were found upon him. He Was taken at Hampstead by two Persons sent by Mr. Fielding, on a quick Information he rcceived from Mr. Child the Banker. And Yesterday the said Scott was re- examined before John Fielding, Esq; for robbing the Portsmouth Mail, and his Lodgings being search'd, the whole Portsmouth Mail was found in a Trunk in the said Lodgings, together
with a loaded Pistol and black Mask; a great Part of the Letters were unopen'd, especially those from the Admiralty. In the Course of this Examination it appear'd that the said Andrew Scott, from many Circumstances, was the very Man that robb'd the Worcester Mail; he was therefore sent to Newgate under a strong Guard, and will be rc- examin'd on Monday next at 12 o'Clock, in order to be seen by those Persons where he put off the Notes which were taken out of the said Mail. Last Week the Felons confined in Huntingdon Gaol broke out and made their Escape. Last Saturday as a Customhouse Officer, who had been some
Time on board a Ship in the River, was quitting the Ship in the Evening, he call'd for a Boat to the Side of the Ship, and gave the Waterman about 50 Pounds Weight of Sugar, with some Bottles of Brandy and Rum ; when the Waterman had took the Cargo into the Boat, he faid. Have you any more Goods, Master ? The Tides- man answer'd, No : Whereupon the Waterman row'd away, and left the Officer behind in the Ship. NOTHING AND ALL. Lately handed about at PARIS The Pope decides , The King dares , The Dauphin does The Ministers understand Tht Princes care for The Chancellor suspects The Archbishop
hearkens to The Bishops gain — ^ Nothing, The President fears 6 The Parliament is reduced to The Jesuits seem to meddle with. The Curates venture The Generals know God made every Thing of God send we are not reduced to ALL. •; The Turk observes The Czarina desides j The Empress dares - 1 The King of Prussia plunders Spain hears England ( at Sea) takes Holland suffers The Archbishop excommunicates Pampadour sells —* — If God has not Pity on — The Devil will take To be SOLD, On Monday next, the 29th Day of this Instant August, THE Houshold- Goods and other Goods Of Henry Blew, a Bankrupt, At his
Dwelling- House, in BROMYARD. SAMUEL MOUNTFORT, Bookseller and Stationer, Near the GUILD HALL, in High Street, Worester. Supplies Gentlemen and Others, on the best Terms, with B O O K S In every Branch of L I T E R A T U R E. ' AND SELLS All Sorts of Bibles, Com mon Prayers, Testaments, Psalters, Spelling - Books, Primers, Horn- Books, and A B C's of a new Sort more fit for Children, Latin and English School Books, Book: of Arithmetick, Navigation and Devotion. All Sorts of Writing Pa per ( Dutch as well as Eng- lish), gilt and black- edged, ungilt, cut for Letters, and Dodsley's fine glaz'd Paper, white and
brown Cap, and best strong London brown large and small, fine purple and light blue, best Car tridge Paper, Paste - boards for Bonnets large and small, fine Card Paper. Quills and Pens, the best Dutch and Crow ditto, Black and Red Ink, fine Japan Ink and Ink Powder genuine Indian Ink, Sealing Wax of all Sorts, Wafers, and best Vermillion ditto, large Wafers for Seals, soft Red Wax, blsck and white shining Sand, common ditto Sand Dishes, Leather, Horn, Shagreen, Lignum - Vitae; and Flint Glass ditto, fitted up with Brass, Ink Pots, r Pewter and Wood Ink- Stands, Pounce and Pounce Boxes, Black Lead Pencils, Paper
Cases, Variety of Letter Cases, Ivory Paper- Folders, Pocket Books with Vellum Leaves, Ivory Poc- ket Books, Slates and Slate Pencils, Letter Files, Mar- ble and Emboss'd Paper. All Sorts of Musick Paper and Musick Books, best Ro- man Fiddle Strings quite fresh, Instructions for the Flute, German Flute, Haut- boy, Violin, Harpsicord, St French Horn, Annual Mi- nuets and Country Dances. All Sorts of Maps & Prints, and Prints of any kind neatly framed and glaz'd accord- ing to Orders All Sorts of Blank War- rants for justices, & c Orders of Removal, Certificates, Copies ot Writs, Seamens Wills, and all other printed Forms.
ALSO, The following MEDICINES, From the Original WAREHOUSES; Daffey's Elixir. Bostock's Cordial, Stoughton's Drops, Peters's Pills, Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass, Stokes's double extracted Opodeldock. LIKEWISE, All Sorts of Merchants' and Shop Keepers Accompt- Books, Pocket- Books, Copy- Books, and Paper- Books, of all Sizes ; Alphabet Books separate ; Copies ready set with Paper, or Strips, & c. BOOK- BINDING in every Sort, In the compleatest Manner. N. B. A large Colleftion of BOOKS to be Sold, in good Condition, with a Number of Pamphlets and TraCts bound together. Catalogues will be
publish'd in a short Time, which may be had, gratis, as above. All Sorts of Stamps, as usual.
LOST, About a Month or six Weeks ago, From the CITY of WORCESTER, A Strong POINTING - DOG, About Twenty - two Inches high, Both Sides Liver colour'd, and his Back chiefly White, with a Blaze down the Face, his Tail cut short, and answers to the Name of CARLO. Whoever will give Intelligence of the said Dog, ( so that he may be had again) to the Printer of this Paper, shall have a Guinea Reward. WORCESTER, August 25, 1757. This is to give NOTICE, That the STAMP- OFFICE Appointed for this City, is now kept At Mr. BENJAMIN PEARKES'S At the Golden Leg, at the Cross. ' To be SOLD, A Young S H E - A
S S, With a FOAL a Week old. Enquire of Mr. Davis, or Mr. Bowyer, Apothecaries, in Worcester. Stolen, or Stray'd, Out of the Church Yard in the- Parish of OFFORD, in Shropshire, on Sunday the 14th Day of this Instant August, A Dark- Brown GELDING, BETWEEN Thirteen and Fourteen Hand, high, with a white Blaze down his Face, two white Feet behind, and a small Saddle Spot near the Shoulder. As it is supposed the said Gelding was stolen by a Per- son of a dark Complexion, habited like a Soldier, This is to give Notice, That whoever secures him, or any other Person who stole the above Gelding. so that he or they
may be brought to justice and convicted, shall have One Guinea Reward, of Francis Head, over and above what is allow'd by Act of Parliament for the apprehending of Horse Stealers. To be LETT, ready Furnish'd, At LEDBURY, in HEREFORDSHIRE, And Enter'd upon Immediately, or at Michaelmas next, For any TERM not exceeding Six, Years; A handsome new- built Brick House, Consisting of SIX Rooms on a Floor, compleatly convenient and fit for a Gentleman of almost any Fortune or Family, with a good Garden wall'd in, and well stock'd with all Sorts of Fruit Trees, a roomy Yard, convenient Stabling, and other
necessary Out- Buildings, and with or without about Eight Acres Of Orcharding adjoining to the Gar- den, planted with the best Kinds of Cyder Fruit- Trees, now in high Perfection ; ( which said Messuage and Pre mises were late in the Possession of Mrs. Margaret Brydges, deceased ) For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Whitcombe, Attorney, at his House in Ledbury, or of him at the Bell Inn, in Worcecter, on Saturdays. M. P. LEDBURY is situated in a pleasant and plentiful Part of the County, distant from Worcester and Hereford Ten Miles each, from Bromyard and Ross Eight Miles, and within an easy Hour's Ride of the
much esteem'd MALVERN SPAW. BERROWS STATE- LOTTERY- OFFICE. WORCESTER, August 25, 1757. SUCH Persons who intend purchasing either Tickets, or Shares of Tickets, of me, are desir'd to apply for them on or before Monday next, the 29th of this Instant August, after which Day none can be had of me. H. BERROW. N. B. Those Persons who have bought Tickets else- where, and neglected registering them, by applying to me on or before Monday next, may have them timely and properly register'd, for Six- pence each Number. ( TV, The LOTTERY begins Drawing on Monday se'nnight, the 5th of September.
Wednesdays and Thursday's POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Holland and Flanders. Dantzick, July 30. ACcording to the last Advices from Prussia, the Rus- sian Cossacks having enter'd the Beginning of this Week into Prussian Lithuania, were attacked near Stallu- pohmen by five Squadrons of Prussian Hussars, who, after a smart Skirmish, obliged the Cossacks to retire with Loss. We hear that the King of Prussia has order'd all the Towns in his Dominions to furnish him with every sixth Man, and the Villages with every fourth Man, towards the recruiting of his Army. Nurembourg, Aug 6. We think the Army of the Em- pire will
not be able to begin the Operations of the Cam- paign till the next Month: It is now encamped between Furth and Farrenbach, waiting for the rest of the Con- tingent that are to join it. Cleves, Aug. 12 Fifty- six Redoubts are erected round the Town of Gueldres, the Siege of which will be soon begun. . Turin, Aug. 3. We hear that on the 12th of last Month there was an Engagement in the Bay of Cagliari between Capt. Gwynn, Commander of his Britannick Majesty's Ship the Ambuscade, and the Capt. of a French Privateer called the Invincible; after firing at each other for above an Hour, the Privateer, who lost about 50 Men,
struck. There were only three Men killed on board the Ambuscade ; and on the 13th she arrived with her Prize at Cagliari. Paris, Aug. 12. According to the List the Court has received of the Loss of our Army at the Battle of Halten- beck, we had 17 Officers killed, and 118 wounded. The Number of Soldiers killed amounted to 1038, and that of the Wounded to 1159. The Court has received some News from Madrid, which is none of the most agreeable. Hague, Aug 16. We learn from Gibraltar, that the Peace between this Republick and that of Algiers, is actually concluded. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Dresden, Aug. 7 Marshal
Keith arrived Budissin as last Friday ; and, by the latest Accounts from the King of Prussia's Army, he had advanced to Weissenburgh, two Miles Ead of Budissin, with the Corps he led into Lusatia, leaving the other Part of his Army at budissin. The Au- strian Army is posted between Gorlitz and Ostritz, having the River Neiss behind them. The two Armies are now within one March of each other The Corps under Prince Maurice of Dessau remains still at Cotta, to guard the Gorges of the Mountains, and to cover Pirna and this City. Hague, Aug. 16. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland was still at Verden on the 12th
Instant. Ostend, Aug. 18. The Hospitals here fill very fast ; and at Neuport it is still worse, almost Half the Garrison of that Place being sick. Thus far the Lond. Gazette. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at MICHAELMAS next, A Large Commodious Dwelling- House and Malt- House, Situate in Keyne- Street, WORCESTER, Now in the Occupation of Mr. Philip Tomlins. Enquire of Mr. Thomas Ford, in Sidbury, in the afore- said City. \ B. A good Tenant will meet with due Encouragement. To be SOLD, A FREEHOLD E S T A T E, situate in the Parish of WELLAND, in the County of WORCESTER, cOnsisting ot Arable, Meadow, and
Pasture, with about Fifteen Acres of fine Orchard- ing, just in its Prime, and all the Lands and buildings in good Order, having a Right on a very good Common, without Stint of Pasture, which Common lies near to the state, subject only to a small Interest which two Persons have in Part of the said Estate for their Lives. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Parker, ttorney at Law, in Worcester; of Mr. William Cot rell, Attorney at Law, in Upton upon Severn ; or of Mr. Charles Mayfield, of Welland aforesaid, who will shew the Premises. LONDON. Tuesday, August 23, It is confidently reported ( says the Evening Advertiser')
that the richest Prince in Christendom has presented the King of Prussia with a Million of Money, in order to en- able him to carry on his Schemes with more Facility and Success: And that his Application of Part of this Sum to a Northern Power, will soon produce a Truce, if not strict Alliance, between them. The important News received last Week concerned, as we hear, the secret Expedition ^ the French having actu- ally declared, that if any offensive Measures were pursued, they would proceed immediately to lay Hanover in Ashes. On this Occasion a P y C 1 was summoned, in which very warm Debates are said to have
arisen : Since this it has been reported, that some Persons in eminent Stations will resign their Employments. ' Tis said that a Treaty is actually agreed on between England and Spain, of great Importance to both Nations The Halt of the Russian Troops occasions great Specu lation ; and ' tis thought there is something of Importance on the Tapis. It is said that the Empress of Russia, when the last Ex- presses came from Petersburgh, lay at the Point of Death. Some Letters brought by the Dutch Mail from Prague advise, that the Poles will not suffer the Russians to pass through their Territories. We hear the Draughts from the
several Regiments on the Irith Establishment will form one Body, and the Regi- ments will be filled up with new Recruits. It is said some capital Ships will sail immediately for the Baltick. The French King has declared that the Archbishop of Besancon has obtained the Nomination of the Chevalier de St. George for the first Promotion of Cardinals that is made in Favour of those recommended by Crown'd Heads. We are assured that in Augmentation the several Regiments of Foot will soon take Place. The last Advices from Bengal import, that General Clive was at the Head of 20,000 Men. and, in all Re- spects, able to make Head
against any Power that should attempt to disturb the English Settlements. Letters by Yesterday's Groyne Mail mention the Anti- gallican's Prize being given up to the French. On Friday Col. Robert Campbell, of the Third Regi- ment of Foot Guards, set out to embark at Harwich tor Sweden, to which Court he is appointed Envoy. It is reported that her Royal Highness the Princess of Hesse is coming to England. The Dreadnought Privateer of Bristol bas brought info Kingroad the Marquis de Conslans, from St. Domingo to Rochelle : She mounts 20 Guns, and engag'd the Dread- nought three Hours. This Prize is reckon'd worth be tween 20 and, 30,000 1— The Hibernia Privateer, of Lon- don, has taken a Domingo Ship, whose Cargo sold at Lisbon for 4000 Moidores. Yesterday Andrew Scott was again re examin'd before Justice Fielding his Examination lasted between two and three Hours ; there were several Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Innkeepers present : He was dressed in a Suit of light Blue, with Silver Button Holes, and Silver Garters to the Breeches; but before his Examination, he was order'd to be shav'd; and one Mr. Freeman, a Taylor, was sent for, who had a Claret Colour'd Coat and Waillcoat, that he was to sell for him, which was order'd to
be put upon Scott, and was the Dress he was describ'd to be in when he robb'd the Worcester Mail. Several People were exa- mined about the Notes he put off, which were taken out of the said Mail and two of them proving him to be the Man, he was remanded back to Newgate, escorted by a Party of Soldiers. It appears he liv'd with Mr. Boone and Baron Newman as a Valet. He lately lodg'd at Hampstead, and was a Strolling Player ; but, at the Time of his being taken, he lodg'd near Kemp's Folly, Old- Street, at which Lodging the Portsmouth Bags were found. BANKRUPTS. John Croft, jun. ot Burton Con- dable, Yorkshire,
Dealer. Anthony Gother, of Liver- pool, Merchant — John Webster, of Aughton, Lancaster, Dealer. Ambrose Constant Faulkner, of Covent Gar- den, Victualler. John Mandeville, of Thread needle Street, London, Carpenter. Samuel Ward, of Bath, Dry- Salter and Cheesemonger.-— James Smith, of Whit- ford, Hertfordshire. Mealman. STOCKS. Bank, 120 I 4th. India, 136 1 half. South Sea, —. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 90 3 8ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 89 3 4th « . Ditto New Annuities, til Sub. 89 3 4? hs Ditto 2d Sub. 89 1 h. Jf. Three per Cent, Bank An- nuities, 89 3 8ths. India Bonds, zl. us. a t2s„ Prem. New Subscription, 88 3 4ths.
Portsmouth, Aug. 21. The Ships intended for the Ex- pedition are all ready for Sea. This Fleet consists of One Ship of 100 Guns, Three of 90, One of 84, Three of 80, Three of 74, Three of 64,, Four of 60 1 Seven fri- gates, Two Fire- Ships, Two Bomb Vessels. One Hospital Ship, and Two Busses. We wait the Arrival of the Transports. The Comptroller of the Navy is here, to contract for more Transports. Two hundred Light Horse and three hundred Artillery Horses will be embarked on the Expe- dition ; And, it is said, a prodigious Number of Fascines are prepared. WORCESTER, August 25. To morrow will be the Anniversary
Meeting Subscribers to our Infirmary.— A Sermon will be preach'd in the Morning, at the Cathedral, by the Reverend Mr. Stillingfleet i and Mr. Purcell's Grand Te Deum and Jubilate, and an Anthem, suitable to the Occasion, will be perform'd by the Gentlemen of the Choir. Last Thursday Night died, Mr. Isaac Sumerland, who for many Years had been Keeper of our County Gaol.—— He was a very honest, good natur'd Man, and treated with great Humanity all the unfortunate Wretches who hap- pen'd to fall under his Care. Further Particulars of our Assizes, which ended last Week.—- The following are the eight Persons order'd
to be transported for seven Years ; viz. John Sorrel, John Veal, Ann Smallman, Elizabeth Richards, Philip Hodges, and Elizabeth Jones, all convicted last Lent Assizes of Grand Larceny ; Ann Cox, for robbing the House of Mr. Williams, of the Parish of Dudley; and Wm. Underwood, for stealing a Coat. Three were burnt in the Hand, viz. Joseph Cassall, for stealing a Bag of Wheat, John Wargon, for dealing Goods ; and Elizabeth Bentley, for assisting in stopping a Waggon Load of Corn, ( part of which was carry'd away) the Property of Mr. Stokes, of Kinfare, and she is likewise order'd to remain in Gaol 12 Months. Six order'd to
be whipt, viz. Thomas Manton, for feloniously killing a Fat Sheep; George Perrins, for stealing Lead ; Tho. Hill, for robbing the Barn of Mr. Leight, of Hanbury ; Edw. Hunt, concern'd in a riotous Assembly near Kidderminster, when some Beans, the Property of Mrs. Baugh, was for- cibly carry'd away 1 Joseph Dews, for stealingFowls ; and Charles Blundel, for stealing Cloth. John Wheeler, charg'd on Suspicion of murdering Ann Moore, was dis- charg'd ; and S. Knight, charg'd on Suspicion of murder- Eliz Knight, but found Guilty of Manslaughter only, was also discharg'd ; and 27 other Perfons were likewife dis- charg'd.-—- The
Execution of Richard Collett and Joseph Brettell, now under Sentence of Death, is expected to be on Wednesday next. We hear from Birmingham, that last Week about 33 Persons, Bakers, Butchers, Barbers, Hucksters, & c. where convicted of selling the different Commodities they deal in, and exercising their Trades, on a Sunday
LONDON, Aug. 18 The Assize of Bread to be made of Wheat, set forth last Tuesday by the Lord Mayor, and to take Place this Day. The Penny Loaf White Bread is, or two Halfpenny Loaves of White Bread are, to weigh, if weighed before a Magistrate within 24 Hours after baking Or exposing thereof to Sale, 8 Oz 1 Dr. The Penny Loaf of Wheaten Bread is, or two Half- penny Loaves of Wheaten Bread are, to weigh 12 Oz. 1 Dr. The Penny Loaf of Houshold Bread is, or two Half- penny Loaves of Houshold Bread are, to weigh 1 lb. 2 Dr. The Two penny and Three penny Loaves, & c. in Pro- portion The Half peck Loaf Wheaten
is to weigh 8 lb. 11 Oz. I half Dr. and is to be sold for 11 d. Halfpenny. The Half- peck Loaf Houshold is to weigh 8 lb. 11 Ot. 1 half Dr. and is to be sold for 8d. Halfpenny. The Quarter of a Peck Loaf Wheaten is to weigh 4.1b. <; Oz 8 Dr. 1 qr. and is to be sold for 5 d. Three Far. things. The Quarter of a Peck Loaf Houshold is to weigh 41b. 5 Oz. 8 Dr. 1 qr. ind it to be sold for 4 d. Farthing. out it they would not have Strength or Riches even to fit out Privateers against us. The Northern Courts almost all of them drink the Wine of Germany— the West In- dies Madeira, so that, in fact, when the Irish are bragging of their Claret, it puts
me always in Mind of an Eton Scholar, who every Quarter pays for his own Rods. Adieu. From the CITIZEN, SIR, If Luxury continues, as it promises to do, I fear we shall all be in some Degree Traders and Prostitutes of our Honour. The Country Gentleman, who used to survey his independant Farm, now is mortgaged Chin deep : So, to portion off his Daughters, and market away his Sons, he sells his Vote and Conscience to the best Bidder. OEconomy would prevent all this, and a con- stant Residence on their private Estate.— At Home a Shift is made ( tho' hardly That now) with the home Manu factures of Beer, Cyder,
Perry, and now and then a plain Bottle from our Friends of Spain and Portugal. In London, when they arrive to attend the Business of p t, as it is too commonly call'd, French Wine must begin and end the Banquet. How Patriots should promote these Things, I cannot reconcile to myself but I am well convinced, the most noisy of them all promote the Product of our inveterate Enemies, and had rather hear an Opera, than a Debate on the most essential To- picks to the Liberty, Peace, and Welfare of this Island. How noble would it be, Sir, to dine at a Prime Mini- nister's Table, and hear him say, " Your Dinner is Ban- " stead
Mutton, Sussex Beef, and a few Dorking Fowls " and your Liquors are Herefordshire and Devonshire « ' Cyder of the best Growths, and Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, « ' and Nottinghamshire Beer ; for I never will be seen or " known to encourage the Products of France; so if you cannot dine with us in this Manner, I shall think you " are not Englishmen." Such an Example as this would run like Wildfire among the Counties of England ; every Body would at once be driving to excel in their se- veral home Manufactures, in Hopes that at last their La- bours might be commended by the Great ; if not, in the End, by the K g himself. What an
Emulation would this raise! What numberless Heads and Hands would be employ'd to gain the Affections and Countenance of the Superior! Whereas, now, the first Produce of this glo- rious Garden of England is consumed at the Steward's Table, and a Kind of Apology made for introducing such poor Fare as their own bountiful County can afford. The French laugh privately ( and who can blame ' em ? while they thus cram you with their Wines and other Superfluities for it is impossible, without the Vanity of our Countrymen, that such a Consumption should be occasion'd of their Wines, unknown almost to the People of every
Part of the Globe— but vain, silly, and wrong- headed Englishmen. A firm Resolution to eat, drink, and wear our own Manufactures would absolutely ruin them in less than half a Century. They are very cautious how they make Use of even the smallest of ours; and it is well known, that, without our Coals, as well for the Forge as the Par- lour, they must freeze, and want the common Husbandry Tools, unless they were to buy them ready made from us .— which would still be more advantageous to us. I own I am vexed at the great Compliments every body seems to pay to a French Dish, or a Bottle, in Preference to our own, the
Names of all the Sauces are French in every polite Tavern of London. By these Means the Nation grows familiar with us— and in the End, we have so many of that Nation among us, we shall feel no Difference when the fatal Change arrives— which that it may not be nearer than we think, is the constant Wish of every Englishman, and more particularly of Your constant Reader, & c. P. S. I am credibly informed that four thousand Tons of Claret are annually landed at the Port of Dublin, for the Consumption of that City and perhaps thirty Miles about it- for other Places are supplied from other Ports In Exchange for this goes Beef,
Butter, Pork, and every Help of Subsistence to the Enemy's Fleet; — so that in fact we may say they conquer us with Claret— as with- From the LONDON COURIER. He that witholdeth Corn, the People shall curse him ; but Blessing shall be upon the Head of him that selleth it. IF the Legislature does not, with all convenient Speed, review, amend, and enforce the Laws, so as to reme- dy onr National Distress for the future ; if Forestallers and Jobbers shall be allowed to Continue the Trade of buying up what Commodities the Farmers have to dis- pose of, without bringing their Crops to Market j not only the Poor will be reduced
to a starving Condition, but the Shopkeepers in Town and City, being deprived of the Advantages arising from full Markets, must, upon some Occasions, to avoid starving also, become more selfish and mercenary ; which, in the End, must affect and defraud every State and Condition of Life. For, whilst Trade decays, and the Provisions for Families are by that Means become dearer, the Taxes necessary for the Safety of the Nation and Dignity of the Crown carry a double Weight, and often create Murmurings to the Disadvantage and Disturbance of the State. Therefore, at a Time we are miserably imposed upon and oppressed
by this Confederacy of Blood suckers; when the Staff of Life has been so long witheld, or delivered to the Publick thro' so many griping Hands, for the Sake of a private, unjust Gain, before it could arrive to its last Stage, or come into the Possession of the Consumer, it is necessary to interpose with some safe, speedy, and ef- fectual Remedy. For, tho' we have the Pleasure to see the Price of Corn tumble down at the Approach of a plentiful Harvest the Forestaller, Regrator, and Engrosser, like Pharaoh's lean Kine, may fall upon and devour the fat, and may, in the Midst of all our Hopes, come again, like a Blast or a Milldew, and
devour the Fat of the Land, prey upon the Labourers Or the Husbandman, undermine the Industryof the fair Trader,- make a Scarcity, and rob every family and Fellow Subject in the Kingdom of their Pleasure in the well grounded Expedition and quiet En joyment of Plenty. In this Oppression the Poor, however, are the greatest Objects of Pity ; and therefore it would be a Sort of Stu- pidity or Cruelty not to be transported with a more than common Resentment against those who so unjustly harras- sed and oppressed them. Their Cries have not ceased against their Oppressors; and a true and lively Represen- tation of their
wretched Condition cannot fail of working effectually upon the Representatires of a People famous for their Good Nature and Charity. In the Name of those who, by Experience, find that the Laws now in Force have not proved effectual to pro tect the Consumer against the Mal- practice of the Fore- staller, Regrator, and Ingrosser, I earnestly solicit all Ranks and Orders of Men to exert themselves upon this so pressing an Occaiion, and heartily to interpose in Be- half of their Country, greatly injured by the witholding Corn, or contriving Means to set it at such a Price that it cannot be purchased by the poor Labourer and Mana facturer. The Nobility and Gentry cannot better manifest their Wisdom and Justice than by embarking in this good Cause with all their Power and Interest. For, whatever affects Trade, or the Welfare of their Tenants and De- pendants, will lessen the Value of their own Estates and injure their own Families. The Bodies Corporate, the Merchants, Traders, and Mechanicks in eVery Branch, if they hope to see their Markets revive and flourish, if they expert ever to see their Shops frequented by Customers, if they wish to have Plenty and Abundance dwell with them and in their Neighbourhood, if they entertain a just Regard to the
due Circulation of Trade,., if they really love and pity the Poor, and would have them share a Competency the Necessaries of Life, let them express their Sincerity by an hearty and timely Application to the Legislature for Redress, earnestly solicit and forward the good Inten tions of those who are labouring, in this Respect, to re- store Peace and Pleaty in a Land where Mutiny and Sedi- tion have been gendered by private Gain and an artificial Dearth of Grain. Let every Fellow - Subject, especially tbe Farmer and Labourer, as they desire to thrive by their Industry and to subsist honestly and comfortably, as they value Plenty and
the Blessings that flow from it, as they wish for the Increase of Generosity and Hospitality, and as they regard the Welfare of the present and future Generations, spare not their Addresses. Let them expostulate and en- treat with Freedom and Humility, and take all other lawful Measures for obtaining such Relief and Redress, that this important Branch of Trade may be settled upon an equitable Footing, and upon a lasting and solid Foun- dation. JuJi Tmported, And Sold only by Mr. S. GAMIDGE, Book, Map, and Print- Seller, at the College Grates, Worcester, and R. Lewis, in High street, Jacksons TINCTURE. THE universal
Reputation my Tincture has so justly acquired, and the happy Success that has for many Years attended if, proves, beyond Contradidtion, it to be a most efficacious and safe Fa- mily Medicine in the following Disorders, viz. Rheumatism, Gravel, Stone, Cholick, Wind, and griping of the Bowels, Consumption, Coughs, Asthma's, and all Disorders of the Lungs, spitting Blood, and in the Piles; and is infallible in Disorders of the Fair Sex either young or old, ( it is far superior to any Medicine extant; Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Bruises or Swellings of any Sort, especially White Swellings, it cures to Admiration, and affords present Relief in
Bruises Strains, Cramps, Numbness, and all Manner of parlitick Disorders " old Ulcers or Humours, though of ever so long standing, it presently- overcomes by an inward Application. No sooner is the Reputation 0( a Medicine established, but numberless are its Imitators, to detect which, my Genuine Tincture hath on the Top of the Bottles my Arms, and on the Directions the Names JACKSON and SON, Price One Shilling the Bottle, sold only at my Elaboratory and Medi- cinal Warehouse the Corner of Craven Buildings, Wych- Street, and at no other Place in London of my preparing ; and is also sold by one creditable
Shopkeeper in most Market Towns in England. At the same Place are Sold, Mr. John Bowden's ISSUE PLAISTERS, which have been so often advertis'd in the publick News Papers for many Years past, and sold with good Success up- wards of Fifty Years; British Powder for the Teeth and Gums, is. Stoughton's Drops, t/. British Oil. u. Hungary Water, 6d. Lady's Sticking Plaister, is. Anderson's Scotch Pills, I/, Dr. Daffy's Elixir, U. 3d. Godfrey's Cordial, 6d. Bostock's Cordial, ir. 3d. Bateman's Drops 1/. The famous Ointment for the Itch, is. bd. At the above place may also be had. The Transcendent Restrictive Electuary, The only
short and most infallible Cure in the Universe for the VENEREAL DISEASE, from the slightest Infection to the most ex- treme and deplorable Degree of it, even when the Blood and Juices are thoroughly contaminated with its malignant Virtue, and the very Bones arc affected with it.—- It is pleasant to take, occasions no Sickness or Disorder, nor requires Confinement; but may be taken, and the Care accomplish'd, without the Knowledge of the nearest Friend. Those who suspect they have received any Injury, may, by only a Dose or two of it, be perfectly free from all Apprehensions. The Price of this grand restrictive Electuary is
but 5s. a Pot, which considering its extraordinary Efficacy, one Pot only being sufficient for a Cure, is not a tenth Part of its Value ; and is sealed up with s Book of Instructions, by the Perusal of which all Persons who were ever affected with any Degree of that Disorder, may perfectly under- stand their own Condition, and certainly know when, and when not the Poison is entirely rooted out of their Bodies. ' » ' Ask only for a Five Shilling Pot of Electuary,- and it will tw delivered without any Questions No Letters answer'd unless Post paid. BOOKS., This Day was Publish'dt Neatly bound in Red, ( Price One Shilling,) A SPELLING DICTIONARY OF THE English LANGUAGE, Ou a New Plan, for the Use of Young Gentlemen, LA- dies, and Foreigners. The SIXTH EDITION. To which it prefix'd, A Compendious English GRAMMAR; With a concise, historical Account of the Language. In this Dictionary each Word is accented to prevent a vicious Pro- nunciation, the several Syllables are pointed out by a small Figure ' the Margin, and whatever Part of Sp « ech it it, spccified by a Lett immediately following each Word, and the Whole is so contrived a take up no more Room in tb « Pocket than a common Snuff- Box. LONDON: Printed for J. Newbery, at the
Bible and Sun, in St _ it's Cburcb - Yard j and sold by E. Andrews, in Evesham, J. Blunt in Ross ; B. Raikes, in Gloucester; M. Simmons, in Monmouth, J. Wilde and P. Hodges, in Hereford; B. Haslewood, in Brignorth ; ' 2 Aris in Birmingham ; J. Jopson, £. Ratten, and C. Parker, ia C vertry, and of the Printer ot this Journal. Also of the above Booksellers may be had, Publish'd this Day, ( Price bound Two Shillings and Sixpence, ) The SECOND EDITION, of The GOOD HOUSE WIFE Or, COOKERY REFORMED: Containing, A Select Number of the best Receipts in COOKERY PASTRY, PRESERVING, CANDYING, PICKLING,
& c Together with A distinct Account of the Nature of ALIMENTS. Collected from the most approved Authors, and from t Papers of several Gentlemen and Ladies eminent for th good Sense and OEconomy. PUBLISHED At the Request of a Physician of gr « at Experience, who, for Benefit of the Purchaser, has carefully corrected this Work a shewn why several Things heretofore used in COOKERY, and serted ia other Books, have been prejudicial to Mankind.