Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 21/07/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2503
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester Journal. 1 [ Printed at his OFFICE, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] ! Price Two- pence Halfpenny. 1 tHURSDAY, July 21, 1757. FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. A DESCI 1PT ION of The LAND of PROMISE. ( T was on the First Dry of April, in the last Year of Jubilee, going upon i Fool's Ven- ture, 1 embark'd on Board the good Ship Expectation, Capt. Courtly Commander, which set sail immediately for the LANd of Pro- mise. After we had passed the Cape of Good Hope, we steer'd towards the Fortunate Islands, and, with a fair Wind, soon arrived at the End of our Voyage, and put into Port. We
were all along very much deceived with respect to the Dis- tance : For when we thought ourselves close upon the Coast we found, by our Soundings, that we were a great Way off Land ; and the utmost Speed we could make scarce brought us nearer. Nothing, indeed, could be more enchanting than the Prospect we Had had before our Eye; of this Country afar off ; the Mountains seem'd to be cover'd with Gold, the Vales to glisten with precious Stones, the Trees to be laden with the richest Fruit, and the Rivers to flow with Milk and Honey. The Breezes which blew towards us wafted the most refreshing Sweets: Nor could we
perceive the least Cloud in the serene Sky, but the Sun shone continually with the most dazzling Lustre: In short, every Thing tempted us to advance, with an Ap- pearance of uninterrupted Joy and Happiness. As soon as we had landed, I found the Inhabitants in a perpetual Hurry of Business, running to and fro, regardless of every Body but themselves, and wearing the Face of Care and Importance; There was a prodigious Crowd still pushing on towards the principal City, call'd Favour, the Entrance to which was guarded by the strong Gate of Interest, and No- body was allowed to go in by any other Way. We saw many
constantly pressing forwards for Admittance, and as constantly repulsed ; yet some of them betook themselves to tha For- tress of Hope, where they waited for a more favourable Opportu- nity. There are innumerable Air- Castles scattered all over this District, which the People are continually amusing themselves in building up and pulling down ; but the greatest of all is the Castle of Vanity, from the Ramparts of which are display'd Ensigns of Blue, Red, and Green Ribbands. Some few, conduced by Pride, bent their Steps thither ; but the most Part had their Eyes fixed on the Grand Trea- sury, the Access to which is strongly
barricaded by Authority, Some small Portions of the Wealth lodged in this Repository are dealt out in the Form of Bribes, Pensions, and secret Services; and the rest is divided among the Chief Keepers. In the Heart ot this Country there is a very high Promontory * call'd Ambition, on the Top of which is seated the Grand Palace of Preferment. Numbers were seen daily labouring to climb up to it, but came tumbling down again, and were dashed upoll the Rocks of Disappointment. Some; who took the high Road of Dependency, got Places therein, and others stole into it through the Bye- paths of Patriotism, Those who aspired to
the lofty Pinnacle of Power, endeavour'd to turn others out, arid put themselves in their ' Room : But this is of a very tottering Situation; for during my short Stay among them, I saw several thrown down, and those very Persons advanced, which they had before served in the same Manner. I can say very little as to the Religion profess'd In the LANd of PrOMISe, Dissimulation and Hypocrisy being openly practised among them. The Sect of Independents is entirely unknown to them ; nor have they any Free Thinkers. Indeed there is scarce any one has an opinion of his own, but according to the strict Subordination ob- served
among them) the Inferior borrows his Sentiments from the Superior. This is very remarkable in Two Houses, as they are called, where almost every one speaks as he is ordered. As to their Manners, they are exceeding polite and complaisant. You are sure to receive a Smile, a Squeeze of the Hand, a Nod, or a Bow, from every Body you address yourself to. They are always mighty glad to see you, are your very humble Servants, profess the highest Esteem for you, are ready to do you any Service, and you may command them ; but their Memory is unhappily very short, and sometimes they forget they ever knew their most
intimate Acquain- tance. They are particularly fond of Procrastination; and To- morrow is a Word continually in their Mouths, but they are unwilling to do any Thing To- day. Their Hearts and their Tongues are at a very great Distance, and you mult generally interpret what they say by the Rule of Contrary. Through the Middle of this Country runs along the smooth River of Attendance, where Tide is very even and gentle. The People are constantly rowing down the Stream ; but sometimes it happens that, being quite spent and unable to steer their Barks properly, they are overwhelmed in the Gulph of Despondency, or swallowed
up in the Quicksand's of Despair. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, July 9. ON Tuesday last Barley and Bigg fell six Shillings in a Load at Penrith in Cumberland, being a full fourth Part of the felling Price the Week before in the Market there ; Oats also fell a Fourth, or seven Shillings in a Load, and other Grain considerably ; so great a Fall having never been known in the Space of a Week before. bath, July 11. The Weather, for some Days past, is said, by the Curious in such Observations, to have been several Degrees hotter than for these four Years past. Pool, July 11. Saturday Night Mr. John Thornbur, of the Catherine, loaded
with Coals, in Studland Bay, returning from Pool with his Boy only in the Boat, was too late with the Tide, and seeing a small Vessel near Pool Bar, went along Side to wait the Tide, taking her to be a Fishing- Boat, but was surprised to find himself Prisoner on board a French Privateer Open Boat, with eight Swivels and twenty- one Men and two Boys; tbe Captain spoke English very fluently, but being alarm'd at Thornbur's telling him the Tartar's Prize was coming early from Pool, and a Tender and arm'd Cutter were in Studland- Bay, he promised Thornbur his Liberty for piloting him out of the Bay in the Night, which he con sented to, if they could get out of Sight of the Tender, as he call'd her, on the Bay, who would certainly take her, if Day- Light appear'd whilst she was in View; the Frenchman was in Haste to begone, and rowed with ten Oars off five Leagues to Sea, and dismissed the Master and his Boy. The Privateer had taken one Prize and carried her into Havre on Friday, and came out again the same Day. Two Sloops and a large boat were mann'd Yesterday with Volunteers, assisted by Lieutenant Scrot- ton, in; the King's. Service, but the Privateer was quite gone off. She had a Lug sail, and rigg'd with a Mizen like the Deal Yacht.
LONDON. Thursday, July 14. Two Vessels are gone Express to North- America. It is said that three Regiments will speedily embark for America. We hear a Draught will be made out of the three Regi nients of Foot- Guards. Yesterday upwards of 50 Pieces of Cannon were shipp'd at the Tower for different Ports on our Coast. This Day were shipped for Virginia 30001b. of Gun Powder, and certain other military Stores j to a considera ble Value. This Day 10000lb. of Mixt Silk was shipped for Pe- tersburg; IOZO lb. of ditto for Cadiz ; 323 Cwt of Lead and Lead Shot for Portugal; and 745 Ells of Sail- Cloth for NeW- England.
Yesterday and this Day were enter'd at ihe Custom- House 99,792 lb. of Thrown Silk from the Streights, also 25,6861b. of Raw Silk from ditto, and i 1 50 lb of Raw Silk from Turkey ; likewise 1 20 Quartets of Wheat from Dantzick. We are inform'd, that Means have been found to stop the March of the Russian Army, and that the Court of Petersburg will remain Neuter in this War; And Mr. Keith, his Majesty's Minister at Vienna, is ordered to repair to the Russian Court with the Character of Embas- sador, in the room of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, who had long since desired to be recalled, on Account of his ill State Of Health,
We hear that the King of Prussia has desired that six English Ships of the Line be sent to protect the Trade of his Subjects in the Baltick ; and there is no Doubt but his Request will be comply'd with, if so many can be spared. But it is said that none can be spared, for fear of af- fronting Russia, who might, in such a Case, seize the Ef- fects of our Merchants there. Thus we feel the ill Effe£ ts of our Neglect of the Northern Colonies, who might long ago have been brought to supply the Mother Coun- try with all Kinds of Naval Stores, and thereby saVed the vast Sums that have been carried out of this Nation, to raise and cherish a
Cockatrice in the Baltick. Letters advise, that Admiral Coates, with the Marlbo- rough of 80 Guns, the Lyme of 40, and the Hornet sloop of 14, and several Merchantmen under Convoy, arrived the 4th of May at Antigua. These Letters add, there were then on the Coast of Jamaica, & c. 12 Ships of War, viz. one ot 64 Guns, three ot 60, one Of 50, two of 40, and five of 20 Guns. On Friday last at about Half an Hour after Six in the Evening, a large French open Dogger Privateer with about 100 Men, came close in Shore at Brighthelmstone, and endeavour'd to cut out a Collier who had just before moored i But a Party of Dragoons,
with the Inhabitants, forming themselves within Musfket Shot of them on the Beach, prevented their coming between the Collier and the Shore to cut her Hawser, otherwise she must have been taken, having only three Men and two Boys on board ; and the Mate, who was very active, would certainly have greatly damaged, if not sunk her, having pointed his Guns to bear, but could not get any Match lighted till she be- gan to sheer off, when he fired five Shot at her. Lord Romney offered twenty Guineas to anybody who would venture to go off in a Boat, of which there were several, to assist the Collier, but nobody would attempt
it; the Dragoons remain'd under Arms the whole Night, and every body was greatly alarm'd, expecting every Hour that they would attempt to land. The Anson Privateer of Liverpool, is taken by the Warwick Man of War, and sent into Gibraltar. Since the Declaration of War the City of Liverpool have lost, by the Enemy's Privateers, no fewer than 22 Ships, besides two Dutch Vessels laden with Contraband Goods for that Port, computed 10 be worth 70,0001. On the other Hand, the Privateers belonging to Liver- pool have taken ten French Merchantmen, a Privateer, a Polucca, a steev'd Settee, a Brigantine, and two Nea- politans
The St. Domingo Prize, brought in on the 26th by the Liverpool, Capt. Hutchinson, is valued at 25,000). The Value of the rest, though not as yet as- certaind. that upon the Whole, notwithstanding the great abovementioned, the Balance will turn out considerable in favour of Liverpool. Six or seven of the Crew of the Terrible Privateer] late commanded by Capt. Death, having made their Es-| cape from a French Prison, are safe arrived in Town. A Snow belonging to Biddeford, in Ballast, from Dart- mouth, run upon the Eddistone Rock last Friday Night, not seeing the floating Light; the Vessel is entirely lost. but the Crew were
taken up by the Engineer that is re- building the Light- House. As the Price of Poultry, and all other Eatables, by the wicked Contrivances and Practices of Forestallers of the Market, Regrators; and Ingrossers, is very greatly in- creased, and, in this dear and scarce Time especially very severely felt by Housekeepers, who, by those Means, are obliged to pay near 20 per Cent, extraordinary for what they consume in their Houses, the Poulterers Company have caused to be stuck up in all the Markets, and on the City Gates, and other publick Places, Advertisements. offering a Reward of Three Guineas to any Person who shall
give Notice of such Offenders, and promising that the Company will, at their own Expence, prosecute them with the Utmost Severity of the Law. 4 very worthy Example I which, it is hoped; will be followed by all the other Trades that deal in Eatables; and that all Persons, who shall have it in their Power to detect and convict any Persons guilty of the before- mentioned Crimes, will be ready and willing to do it. And it is said. that the next Session of Parliament, an Application will be made for a Law to punish these abominable Practices with Transpor- tation, or some other Punishment that may be thought adequate to such
enormous Crimes, A few Days since the Rev. Mr. John Parry was col- lated to the Rectory of Eaton Bishop in the County of Hereford, vacant by the Resignation of the Rev Mr. Thomas Russell, Prebendary, and Lecturer of the Cathe- dral Church of Hereford aforesaid, who is presented by the Dean arid Chapter of that Cathedral to the Living of Woolhope, worth near 200 1. per Annum, and also to the Donative of Breinton, in the said County of Here- ford. Letters from Paris of the second Instant, bring an Ac- count of the Death of Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Sandwich. She was Daughter to the famous Witty Earl of
Rochester, whose lively Parts she inherited, and, not- withstanding her great Age, retained to the last ; her Conversation being eagerly sought after by those of the first Rank and Capacity. Her Ladyship Was in perfect Health in the Morning, and even the Moment before she died. By her Death a large Jointure; besides her personal estate, which is very considerable, devolves to her Grand, son, the present Earl of Sandwich. Yesterday the Sessions began at thit Old Bailey. Seven teen Prisoners were tried, two of whom were capitally convicted; vit. William Hadley and Stephen Harding, for breaking into the Dwelling House of Mr.
Loveless in Dean- Street, Fetter Lane, and stealing a large Quantity of Goods; ten were call for Transportation; and five acquitted. CHESTER CIRCUIT. Hon. Mr. Justice Noel, Taylor White, Esq; Montgomeryshire, Friday August 12, at Pool. Denbighshire, Thursday 18, at Wrexham. Flintshire; Wednesday 24, at Flint. Cheshire, Tuesday 30, at the Castle of Chester, CARMARTHEN CIRCUIT. Johh Pollen, and Edward Poore, Esqrs. Cardigan, Wednesday August 17. Haverfordwest, Tuesday August 23, Carmarthen, Monday August 29. SOUTH WALes CIRCUIT- The Hon, John Williams and John Hervey, Esqrs. Glamorganshire,
Wednesday August 17, at Cardiff. Breconshire, Tuesday August 23, at Brecknock. Radnorshire, Monday August 29, at Presteign. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS, PLANTATION NEWS. Minisink, in New Jersey, April 25. WE are here under the utmost Fear and Consterna- tion, upon Account of the Indians having again begun their Murders and Massacres in the Province of Pen- silvania, upon the River Delaware, adjoining to this Pro- vince; for Yesterday one of Capt. Vanetta s Serjeants was kill'd in Pensilvania, between Hanshaw's Fort and Samuel Duprey's, by Indians, being murder'd and man- gled in a cruel Manner; he
was stripp'd quite naked, his Belly ripp'd open, and his Scalp taken off; his Horse was also shot under him with two Bullets. And last Week a Person was killed at Michael's Fort, in the same Province and three
LONDON. | The Writer of this Paragraph says, and says solemnly, at he has given Dr. James's Fever Powder to a great number of Patents in the Small Pox, Fevers, and other uptive and Inflammatory Disorders, and that when ven at the Beginning, and continued for some Doses, his never known it fail. | In the Small Pox two or three Doses have, under his are, always removed the Pains of the Head and Back,' and brought out the Eruptions; after which the Patients have gone through the Disease chearfully, slept well, and complained only of being Hungry. In fevers it has answer'd tie Purpose intended, and enabled him to save
the Lives of many who were given over by those who had attended them before. But Care should be taken in all these Distempers, to give the Sick plenty of thin diluting Liquors, to keep the Room cool, and to permit them to have Plenty of fresh Air. In this hot Weather, therefore, let the Chamber Door be kept open Day End Night, let the Curtains be always undrawn, and occasionally open the Window for a few Minutes to carry off the impure Air. Great Care likewise must be taken to procure the Pow- der genuine. What I made use of was bought at Mr. Newbery's, in St. Paul's Church Yard; and it always answered the Purpose.
As these Disorders make at this Time great Havock rn Town and Country, it is hoped that due Regard will be paid to these Observations by all who are any Ways Con- cerned in the Care of the Sick. R. B. SHAPPEE, Practioner in Physick, Surgery, and Man Midwifry, Who was Pupil under his Uncle, Dr. Shippee, in his Ma- jesty's Service Fourteen Years, NOW travels by an Act of Parliament, _ and after Thirty Years constant and large Practice in a private well as publick Capacity, has acquired the Art of curing most Medicable Distempers incident to human Nature : He is allow'd, by all that know Him, to be a very ingenious Man
in his Profession, and' has had very great Success in his Undcrtakings, and takes upon him to acquaint the Pubiick, that he is the Wonder of the Age for curing of Ruptures or Broken Bellies, from Eight Days old to Eighty Years old, in bath Sexes, ( tho of ever so long Continuance ) in Half an Hour, if the Grief can be put up. Likewise the Falling of the Womb in Women before they quit the Room, if they have labour'd under that Misfortune for Thirty Years. From December 17 to March 2 5, 1756, I have cured in Derbyshire, Staffordshire , York- shire, Nottinghamshire, and Lincolnshire, upwards of Sixteen Hundred Persons of
Ruptures and Broken Bellies, and the Falling of the Womb in Women. Note, He is now at the Unicorn, in Broad- Street, Wor- cester ; and on Monday the First of August will be at the Crown Inn, at Stowerbridge, where he will continue one Month and no longer. Q, A Man, Fifty three Years of Age, who came from St. Ives, was cured this Morning, April gtl). of a Bowel- Rupture, Nineteen Inches in the Girth and Eleven Inches in Length, at the Doctor's Lodgings in Leicester. * » * The Doctor is greatly afflicted with the Gout, and the Reason of his Travelling is on Account of the Benefit he receives from Exercise. Brussels, June 11.
An Express arrived last Friday with the agreeable News that the French had taken Emb- den, without any farther Trouble than that of appear- ing before it, and summoning of it to surrender, which it accordingly did. The Garrison, consisting of four hundred Men, were made Prisoners of War; and the French found in the Place thirty Pieces of Cannon, fifteen Ships, and a Magazine of Oats. Madrid, June II. A Squadron of twelve English Ships of War has passed off Cadiz, going to cruize in the Mediterranean. FOREIGN Occurances. Arrived the MAILS from Flanders and Holland. Dresden, July 3. THE first Advices from the Frontier
were prema- ture, in regard to the Arrival of the Van of the Prussian Army, which was said to be returning from Bohemia. The Truth is, that Marshal Keith, when he retired from before Prague, march'd by the Eger, oc- cupied the important Post of Budin, and divided his Army on both Sides of that River; by which Means he secured the Communication with the King of Prussia's Army, which seemed to be cut off, but is re united by the March which his Prussian Majesty made from Nimbourg towards Melnick and Leitmaritz, where the two Armies are only aeparated by their Bridges over the Elbe , and this is the moat advantageous
Situation that his Prussian Majesty could possibly be in, either to maintain his Ground in Bohemia, or prepare for another Engagement. We hear that the King of Prussia is going to send two thousand Men here from Berlin to reinforce our Garrison, and that his Prussian Majesty is likewise drawing off ten thousand Men from Silesia to reinforce his Army, Hanover, July S?. By the Inaction of the French they give the Duke of Cumberland an Opportunity to empty his principal Magazine at Hamelen, where no more Pro- visions and Forage will be left than is necessary for the Subsistence of the Garrison. In order to make all pos- sible
Dispatch in removing that Magazine, all the neigh- bouring inhabitants are obliged to furnish among them three thousand Waggons. A considerable Body of French attempted the 5th Instant to throw a Bridge over the We- ser near Loccum, but our People having timely Notice of their Design, prevented its being put in Execution. Some Days before, another Detachment of their Army march'd towards Rintelen, in order to possess themselves of that Post, but were prevented by Baron Sporcken, who went thither with a Regiment of Dragoons and eight Batta - lions. Utrecht, July 11. We have received certain Advice this Day, that
the Duke of Orleans marched the 5th with twenty Battalions and thirty- two Squadrons, and a Batta- lion of Artillery, in order to enter into the Landgravate of Hesse through the Bishoprick of Paderborn, followed by the Marquis de la Valiere, who marched the 6th with tilleir. The Hereditary Princess of Hesse and her LONDON. [ Saturday, July 16. It is reported that his Royal Highness the Duke of Cum- berland is so indisposed. that he has thought it necessary to call some of the Hanoverian and Hessian Generals nearer his Person than he formerly posted them. Letters from Brussels say, that just as the Post was set- ting out, a
Courier arrived there with an Account that the French Army passed the Weser the 7th of this Month, without Opposition. . It appears, by Letters from Dresden, that his Prussian Majesty has no Thoughts of retiring from his Enemy's Country, where his Army, with the expected Reinforce- ments, will be near 80,000 strong ; and Advices from Germany say, that he was even making Dispositions for renewing the Siege of Prague. According to Accounts from Prague of the Damages done in that City during the late Siege, in the old Town 16 Houses were reduced to Ashes, 15 beaten down, and 153 ruined; 12 Persons were killed in
them, and 18 wounded. In the new Town 122 Houses were burnt down, 116 totally demolished, and 154 ruined; 15 Per- sons were killed in them, and 21 wounded. In the Jews Town and at Aradschin 182 Houses were destroyed or al- most ruined. Among all these Houses they reckon six fine Palaces reduced to Ashes. Whole Streets are now nothing but Heap of Rubbish. The Gardens are de- stroyed. The Cathedral and its Tower have suffered ex- tremely ; the Altars are broke, the Church Pictures de- stroyed, or lacerated; and the Organ of the Cathedral, a Master Piece that had cost 180,000 Florins, is partly broken and
partly melted. But this, they say, is only Part of the Damage done by the Bombardment. ' Tis said that the Transports taken up by the Govern- ment some Days ago, are ordered to be in Readiness to take Troops on board by the 20th Instant, and that 1 5,000 of our Troops are to be wafted over to Holland or Germany ; which, we think, will be better Employ- ment than lying idle at home; for if there was a Ne- cessity for raising them, and there is no Danger at present of an Invasion here, they should either be disbanded, or sent to the Assistance of our Allies : And provided we can cut out Work for the French, it may as well be
done in Germany as in America :- The only Enquiry in this Case is, which of the two is most expensive, or most imme- diately wanted ? ' If our Intelligence concerning North America be well founded, nothing but the utmost Degree of ill Fate can, humanly speaking, make us unsuccessful in our Attempts upon the Enemy. No less, we are assur'd, than 44 Ships of War, have for some Time past been in those Seas; and 17 more are at this Time on their Way thither. These Circumstances have given Occasion to very considerable Betts that Quebeck and Cape Breton are by this Time in the Hands of the English. A Person of
Character is arrived from North America with Dispatches from Lord Loudon, in order to represent the State of our Affairs m that Part of the Globe. It is said that Four Thousand of our Troops have Or- ders to hold themselves in Readiness to embark for Ame- Some Troops will embark next Week, it is said, at three different Places. An Order is gone to Plymouth for the several Ships there to be in Readiness to join a Squadron which is to sail from Portsmouth shortly. The Ships of War in the River and at Chatham have also received Orders to get round to Spithead with all convenient Speed. We hear that one of the Squadrons
going out is intend- ed for the West Indies. We hear that Part of the Matrosses at the Camp at Chatham are ordered to hold themselves in Readiness for an Embarkation ; as also that some of the Train of Ar- tillery is to be sent with them. Twelve Men of War are now building in the several Yards in the River. One of the Ships of the Leghorn Fleet lately arrived, nearly escaped being seized by the Crew, which consisted of Genoese ; but an Accidental Quarrel between the Two Ringleaders, brought forth a Discovery, upon which the Captain put into a Spanish Port, and there confined them, in order to pursue his Voyage. It
appears they intended to murder the few English on board, and then carry the Ship to Marseilles. A French Privateer, of 16 Guns and 330 Men, is taken off Altea by the Experiment Man of War. It is said, that the Privateer boarded the Experiment twice, and that the former had 100 Men killed, and the latter 20 ; also that the Lieutenant of the Experiment going ashore at Altea was detained, under Pretence that the Privateer was taken within Gun shot of the said Port; upon which the Captain of the Experiment sailed with the Prize to Gibraltar. : Letters received Yesterday from Barcelona advise, that the Fortune Sloop of War was
arrived there to purchase Vegetables for the British Fleet, and that 14 English Men This Day were entered at the Customhouse 8o3olb. of Thrown Silk from the Streights, and 1050 lb. of Raw ditto from ditto. We hear from Pool, in Dorsetshire, that a few Days since they had neither Corn nor Bread to supply them one Day. Though the Effects of the present excessive Heats are in some Respects to be dreaded, they are likely to produce a very fine and plentiful Harvest; more especially in the Fen Countries, where they have already began to cut Oats and Rye, and will be advantaged in a Manner un- known within the Memory of
Man. A Clergyman is in Custody to take his Trial for mar- rying contrary to the Statute in that Case made and pro- vided. On Saturday last died suddenly, The TEST, a political Paper, publish'd Weekly, remarkable chiefly for notorious Falshoods and Scurrility. Its Death was occasioned by a late Coalition. Yesterday died, at his House at Twickenham, after a painful and lingering Illness, in the 71st Year of his Age, the Right Hon. John Earl of Radnor, Viscount Bodmin, Baron Robartes of Truro in the County of Cornwall, F. R. S. His Lordship dying a Batchelor the Title is extinct. Yesterday as a Gentleman upon Change was talking
to another, he was seized with a Fit of Sneezing, and in his endeavouring to stifle the same, burst some inward Vessels, and expired in less than ten Minutes. On Thursday Nighty as the Navy Shallop was coming up the River near Erich, by a sudden Gust of Wind it was overset and all the Persons in her but one were drown'd. It is said there were 16 Persons on board. Wednesday Morning several Men were' employ'd to empty the Necessary- House of John Harris, Esq; Mem- ber of Parliament, in Pall Mall; at Six o'Clock two of them came out of the Vault, and expired immediately ; the third was brought into the Street, and from
thence carried to St. George's Hospital, but it is thought he died before they got there with him. The above mention'd dead Men lay in the Street till Nine o'Clock, when they were carried away by Chairmen. Thursday in the Afternoon, as some Workmen were clearing away Rubbish, in order to rebuild a House that they had taken down in the Borough, a Party Wall fell down and crush'd two Men to Death, and very much bruised another. On Thursday Afternoon a Soldier, either in Liquor or mad, came along the Strand with his Sword drawn in his Hand, putting every one io the greatest Fear and Con- sternation, ran at one Man
with great Violence, but mis- sed him, and ran his Sword into a Sign Post : Every Body cried out to stop the Soldier, but none dared to attempt it, till one John Piercy, a Scotch Lad, Waiter at the New Exchange Coffee- House in the Strand, took up the Poker and ran after him, said he would knock him down, if he was the Devil ; the Soldier struck at him three Times, but Piercy at last brought him down, took his Sword from him, and carried him to the Savoy. On Thursday last was try'd by a special Jury at Guild- hall before the Right Hon. Lord Mansfield, by a Direc- tion out of the Court of Chancery, the long contested Cause
between Sir Crisp Gascoyne, Knight, Plaintiff, and Mr. Benjamin Cleeve, Defendant, upon a Policy of In- surance on the Life of Blackbourne Poulton, deceased ; and after a Trial of about ten Hours the Jury brought in a Verdict for the Defendant Mr. Cleeve. Yesterday 17 Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, two of whom were capitally convicted, viz. James Wales, for committing the unnatural and detestable Crime of Beastiali- ty with a Mare ; and John Pritchard, for returning from Transportation before the Expiration of his Time. Four were cast for Transportation, and eleven acquitted. This Day the Sessions will end, when the
Prisoners will receive Judgment. Among the Transports is the famous Lawyer Graham, otherwise Grimes, for receiving a large Parcel of live Carp, Tench, and Perch, knowing than to have been stolen. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, Postponed to Monday the 1st Day of August, At the Crown, in Great Malvern, in Worcestershire, between the Hours of Ten o'Clock in the Morning and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, THE several Estates and contingent Interests of Robert Bright, late of Colwall, in Herefordshire, a Bankrupt, following, viz. The Manor, Manor- House, and Estate of Brockbury, 84/ per Annum. And The
Brook House FARM, 281 per Ann. for the Bank- rupt's Life, and a contingent Remainder in each Estate. The Reversion in Fee, after the Death of the Bank- rupt's Mother, of an Estate call'd Cummin, in Possession of John Daffey, at the Yearly Rent of 55l. The Equity of Redemption of a Messuage and Lands call'd Joyes, of about the Yearly Value of 14/. all which Premises are in the Parishes of Colwall and Codington in HerefordShire. The Reversion, for the Joint- Lives of the Bankrupt and his Wife, of two Houses in Worcester, one in Bread- Street, and the other in Powick's Lane. A Contingent Interest in an Estate at Hale's
Owen, of the Yearly Value of 221. A Third Part of a very small Parcel of Land in Evesham. A Contingent Interest in some Silver Plate. For further Particulars enquire of Messrs. Davis, in Wos- cester and Drew, in Ledbury, Assignees of the said Bank
To be LETT ad Enter'd upon at LAMMAS or MICHAELMAS next, Several Small FARMS, From Twenty to Forty Founds per Annum, being about One Mile distance from each other; AND The Standing Crops to be Sold. ALSO TO BE SOLD, A Compact Inclos'd Freehold ESTATE, ell Wooded and Water'd, of about Forty- two Pounds per Annum, ( having extraordinary Privileges,) within Seven Miles of the City of Worcester. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be LETT, and Enter'd upon Immediately, A Commodious Dwelling- House, neatly fitted up, and fit either for the Gloving Business, a Private Family, situate in the
Cooken- Street, Wor- For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Crump, Cabinet Maker, in High- Street, Worcester. N. B. Any Part of the Furniture will be sold. The FRIENDLY ASSOCIATION OF THE Gentlemen in the County of Worcester, Held last Year at the Crown Inn, in Bromsgrove, Will this Year be held at the Talbot Inn, in Stowerbridge, On Wednesday next, the 27th of this Instant July, To DINE together as usual. To be SOLD, New MILCH ASS and FOAL. For Particulars enquire of Mrs. Moseliey, Bookseller, Kidderminster. N. B. It will not be advertis'd any more. To be SOLD ( Together or Separate, ) Pursuant to a Decree of
the High Court of Chancery, A Freehold ESTATE, [ Part Tythe- free, in good Tenantable Repair, lying very contiguous; Confining of A Capital Messuage orTenement, Build- ings, Lands, and Premises, known by the Name j of Gilberts : Another Messuage or Tenement, and Premises, known by the Name of the White House, or Dog: One other little Messuage or Tenement, Garden, and Premises, known by the Name of Hem's Pleck: All which Messuages or Tenements, and Premises, are situate at Bransford, in the Parish of Leigh, in the County of Worcester, and are in the several Occupa- tions of James Reynolds, Joseph
Williams, Anthony Giles, and Others, and are now lett at the Yearly Rent of Ninety Seven Pounds and Three Shillings. Particulars may be had, and a Plan of the Premises seen, at Mr. Philley's, in Worcester. Wednesdays and Thursday's POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Flanders and Holland. From the LOKDON GAZETTE,—( Price Three- pence,) BRUSSELS, July 1$. WE are informed from Bohemia, that, on the 3d Instant, the Austrians were encamped at Lissau, no more than two Days March from the Army com- manded by the King of Prussia, who seemed to be deter- mined to stand his Ground ; so that the News of another
Battle is daily expected. Thus far the Gazette. Paris, July 11. The Court has received an Express from Toulon, with Advice that an English Squadron of eighteen Ships arrived off that Port the 18th past, and blocked up the Harbour, so that no Ship could go in or out 1 but we have Ships enough to dislodge that Squadron. We daily expect some important Sea News, and particu- larly a Confirmation of that which the Court lately re- ceived by Express from Bourdeaux, advising that the French Squadron commanded by M. du Bois de la Mothe, in Conjunction with those of M. de Beaufremont and M. du Revest, attack'd an Englifh
Fleet composed of eight Ships of the Line and five Frigates, with forty Tran- sports under their Convoy, and that after a sharp Engage- ment our Fleet took every one of the Enemy's Ships. Paris, July 8. The Army of 40,000 Men, destined to act under the Duke de Richlieu, is assembling near Lauterbourg, from whence it will move the 30th of this Month to advance towards the Mein. The Corps which the Prince de Soubize is to command, and which will be chiefly composed of the foreign Regiments in the Service of this Crown, will also soon march towards the Danube, and is said to be destined for Saxony. Amsterdam, July 14.
According to the last Letters from Westphalia, Marshal d'Etrees Head Quarters were, on the 11th of this Month, at Ulrickhausen. So that as his Army was then very near the Weser, we must soon re- ceive important News from that Quarter. Utrecht, July 14. We have Advice that a Corps de- tached from the French Army passed the Weser in the Night between the 7th and 8th of this Month, at Hoxter; that Marshal d'Etrees removed his Quarters on the 7th from Bielefeldt to Ulrickhausen, and reckoned to pass the Weser at Hoxter on the 10th, and the next Day to have his Army assembled on the Territory of the Electo- rate of
Hanover. On the 9th the Duke of Cumberland's Army was in Motion to the Left. Last Night about 10 0' Clock the Powder- Mills at Ewell, near Epsom, in Surry, blew up; the Explofion was felt many Miles round, and by some People in London, who imagined it to be an Earthquake. One Man was killed by the Accident. We hear from Tasburgh in Norfolk, that a Farm- House in that Town, was destroyed by the Lightning on Friday Morning. BANKRUPTS. Edward Brook and Henry Horn, of Bishopsgate- Street, Grocers and Partners.— David Coup- land, of St. Martin in the Fields, Scrivenor. STOCKS. Bank, 189 l- half. India, . South
Sea, . Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 90 1 8th. a i- 4th. Ditto zd Sub. 89 1 half, a s- 8ths. Ditto New Annuities, ift Sub. . Ditto 2d Sub. . Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, . India Bonds, 21.12s. Prem. New Sub- fcription, 87 3 4ths. a 7 8ths. Brampton, July 18. Three Regiments, from our Camp, have Orders to hold themselves in Readiness to march on Wednesday. It is said they are going to em- bark either to join his Royal Highness the Duke of Cum- berland, or for America. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, On Monday the first of August next, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, at the Falcon, in Brom- yard, ALL that
Freehold Messuage or Tene- ment, with the Barns, Stables, and other Out- Buildings thereto adjoining ; and also several Closes, Pieces, and Parcels of Arable Land, Meadow, Pasture, and Hop Ground, to the same belonging, well planted with Fruit- Trees, and containing about twelve Acres, of the Yearly Value of to/, or thereabouts, situate in Low Edwin, otherwise Edwin - Ralph, within a Mile of Brom- yard aforesaid, and in the County of Hereford, and now or late in the Tenure of John Crunn. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Rowland Hill, Attorney, in Bewdley, Worcestershire ; or of the said John Crunn, who will shew the
Premises. To be SOLD, to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the 15th Day of August, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, at the Sign of the Green Dragon, in Bridgnorth, A Messuage, Farm, and Lands, in Nord- ley, in the Parish of Astley- Abbots, in the County of Salop, within two Miles of Bridgnorth, in the Posses- sion of Thomas Tedstill, at the yearly Rent of 40 1. And also a DWELLING- HOUSE, Garden, Or- chard, and a Piece of Land, thereto adjoining, in Nord- ley aforesaid, in the Possession of Francis Ward, at the yearly Rent of 7 I And also another HOUSE and Garden, in Nordley aforesaid, late in the
Possession of the Widow Dovey, at the yearly Rent of 1 1. tos. To which Estates there is Right of Common on Kerlett, Nordley - Wood, Dunnally Common, and Colemere- Green. For further Particulars enquire of Mr, Haslewood, At- torney, in Bridgnorth. LONDON. [ Tuesday, July 19. ' Whitehall; July 19. This Day about Noon an Express arrived here from Ostend, that the Commandant of that Town, General Pisa, sent his Adjutant to the English Vice Consul on the 17th Instant, at Six o'Clock in the Morning, to tell him, That by Orders from his Court all Communication with England was broke off; and de- siring the Vice Consul to
intimate to the Packet Boats and British Shipping at Ostend, Bruges, and Newport, to depart in 24 Hours, and not to return into any of the Ports of the Empress Queen, till farther Dispositions might be made ; which was accordingly done. — Lon. Gaz. Edward Hay, Esq; is appointed Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Portugal. — Lond. Gaz. There are several private Letters in TOWN, which con- firm the Accounts received of the French having pass'd the Weser without any Opposition, the Duke's Army having retired in good Order after removing the Maga- zines, & c. We hear that some General Officers are going for Ger- many
in a few Days, their Baggage, & c. being pack'd up for that Purpose. We hear that the greater Part of the Artillery, at the Camps at Chatham and Barham Downs, are order'd to be embark'd forthwith. ' Tis reported that the Camp at Amersham, in Bucks, will be broke up. Great Preparations are making for the Transportation of Troops; and several Bodies of Horse and Dragoons, as well as Foot, have received Orders to be ready to em- bark at an Hour's Notice. On Sunday Night an Express arrived from Plymouth, which brought Advice of the Boscawen Privateer of Lon don, Capt. Horden, having brought into Port the Duc De
Conti, a French East- Indiaman outward bound, of jo Guns, and 900 Tons Burthen. ' Tis said she has 100,000 1. in Plate on board, and is accounted a very rich Prize. We have an Account that the Jersey Man of War, du- ring a Cruize of six Months in the Channel of Malta and the Levant, has taken seven Prizes, computed to be worth upwards of 50,000 1. Sterling. It is said, that the Number of French Prisoners to be exchanged amounts to upwards of 7000. A Spanish Man of War, of 40 Guns, from Cadiz, is arrived off Dover. . It is said she has on board one Mil- lion of Dollars, and bound to Holland, Part of which Specie is for
the Merchants here, and the Remainder for those at Amsterdam, upon his Catholick Majesty's Ac- count. We also hear ( that another Spanish Man of War, of 70 Guns, is expected with a large Quantity of Money. We hear that the Streights Fleet, arrived last Week in the Downs, under the Convoy of his Majesty's Ship Jer- sey, Sir William Burnaby, Commander, is esteemed worth above Three Millions Sterling. It was thought by all the Merchants at Naples, Leghorn, and even in Lon- don, that this rich Fleet would have been taken by the French, who had no less than five sail of Men of War, two of 74 Guns, two 64, and one of 54,
cruizing for them ; but by the Skill of the Commander who conduced them, and his constant Care and Diligence in attending them, they are at last arrived safe, to the great Joy of this opulent City, W O R C E S I E R, July 21 Great Preparations are making for the Reception and genteel Accommodation of the grand and numerous Com- pany eXpected at our Races, which begin on Wednesday se'nnight, the 3d of August.—— Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next, are the Days of Entrance. On Monday next a Match for Two Hundred Guineas is to be run at Stratford upon Avon, and on Tuesday the Annual Races begin, at
which it is expected there will be very great Sport. The following Horses, & c. are Enter d to run on Tuesday, Age. st. lb, Hon. Morgan Vane's Ches. Mare, Delicate Nell, 5 Mr. Richard Williams's Grey Horse, Careless, J Keck, Esqr's Chesnut Horse, Javelin, 5 Mr. Sandford's Chesnut Horse, Atlas, 6 Mr. Allen's Brown Gelding, Prince Potowoski 6 Sir John Moor's Brown- bay Colt, 5 Langley Swymer, Esqr's Brown- bay H. Hermit, 5 Horses, & c Enter d for Wednesday, Age. Mr. Strode's Black Gelding, Victim, full aged Mr. Thomas Sudgdon's Ches Geld. Sportsman, 5 9 Lang. Swymer, Esqr's Ches. H. Kettle- bender, aged 1 1 Mr.
Churchill's Chesnut Gelding, Starveling, aged 11 Mr. S. Blackwell's Grey Horse, 5 Mr, Greaves's Grey Filley, Lady Legs, Mr. Carteret Leathes's Bay Horse, Trundle, 5 Mr. Geo. Smith's Bay Horse, Mogul, ( to be sold) 5 Mr. Bigland's Chesnut Horse, Bowman, 5 Mr. Hoo's Bay Gelding, Spanker, aged Yesterday Morning there was a Very numerous Ap- pearance of Gentlemen and Ladies at the Publick Break- fast at Dugard's Assembly- Room, in Great Malvern, who express'd an entire Satisfaction at the Regularity, & c. with which it was conducted. Last Sunday se'nnight, at Clapgate, in the Liberty of Woodford Grange, near
Wolverhampton, between Four and Five o'Clock in the Morning, a Fire broke out in a House belonging to the Rev Sir Richard Wrottesly, Bart, occupied near sixty Years past by Margaret Cartwright, a Widow; which Fire in a short Time burnt down the House intirely, and all the Furniture, Writings, & c. the Value of which it not yet known j and the Persons in the House narrowly escaped the Flames. At Burford Races, on Tuesday his Majesty's Plate of 100 Guineas was won by Lord Portmore's Horse Spider, beat- ing the Duke of Kingston in Two Heats Wednesday the 50 1. was won by Mr. Gorges's Horse Sourface ; and the Sol.
on Thursday by Mr. Swymmer. A few Days since was buried at Shrewsbury, a young Woman who was found dead in the Fields leading from thence to Shelton : The Coroner's Inquest sat on her Body and ( from Marks of Violence on her Head) brought ia their Verdict Murder by a Person unknown. She was genteely dress'd, and had in her Pocket a Letter from her Sweetheart, with the Name torn out. No Discovery has been made who she is, or the Person who committed this horrid Fact. She had been at Shrewsbury Fair, and staid there two or three Days, and is supposed to have been murder'd in her Return: When
discoVer'd, she had her Eyes pick'd out by the Birds. To be Seen, at the Unicorn, in Wood- Street, Stratford upon Avon, till Thursday next, but positively no longer, [ Prices for Gentlemen or Ladies One Shilling eaCh, Servants Sixpence, & c. Mr. Motet's fine Paintings, done by the celebrated Raphael, and areas follow, 1. Our Saviour bound to a Pillar, and scourged by the Jews. The Jews fixing a Crown of Thorns on his Head, one putting a Reed in his Hand, and mocking him. 3 Our Saviour appearing to St. Gregory. 4. St. Francis, the Sera- phical Father. 5. St. John the Evangelist, the beloved Disciple of our Saviour. 6. A
Madona on a Gold Plate, representing our Saviour, the Virgin Mary, and St. John the Baptist. 7. Brought from Italy, and now added to the above, an inimitable Figure in German Agate, repre- senting the Agonies of a Dying Saviour. Also Mr., MOTET'S Six curious Pieces of MARBLE SCULPTURE which represent the Sufferings of Our Saviour from his Last Supper to his Resurrection, in up- wards of Four Hundred fine Figures in Relievo i They were design'd as a Present for the French King, but taken during the last War. Books publish'd, giving a beautiful and just Description of these excellent Sculptures may be had of the Man
who delivers the Bills, and at the Place above- mention'd.— These curious Paintings and Sculpture will be remov'd from Stratford to Evesham.
LONDON; July 19, 1757. On Friday next, the 22d Instant, will be Publish'd, A New EVENINg PAPER, call'd LLOYD's EVENING POST and BRITISH CHRONICLE. The general Plan of this Paper is the same with that of the London Chronicle, which is already sufficiently known; but the Days of Publication will be different. It will be pub- lished in the Evening of every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and circu- lated thro' great Part of the Kingdom by the Post which now sets out on what were called the Bye Nights to all the trading Cities, and all the Sea Ports of Note. The Reasons that induce the. Proprietors to alter the Time of
Publication from that of every other News Paper, are. that all the foreign Mails, in their regular Course, arrive in the Forenoon of thole Days, by translating of which the News they bring will be known in London the same Night, and in other Parts the next Day as early as it is at present in London. Add to this, that the corn - mercial Intelligence by private Letters, which before spread only to a small Circle round the Exchange, will be regularly inserted in this Paper, anl by an immediate Publication becomes generally known ; an Advan- tage of no small moment to Persons at a Distance concerned in Trade. To Inns Coffee- Houses,
Taverns, and Publick Houses in the Country, the having a Paper regularly every Day, must be more agreeable to their Readers than having two or three at once, which usually are filled with the very same Intelligence, At a Time therefore that the Ex- pence of News Papers is greatly enhanced by a DOUBLE DUTY, an Attempt to serve the Publick in general, and at the same Time ease the Purchasers, will, it is hoped, meet with due Encouragement. •„• By sending Orders to the Clerks of the respective Roads,. Gen- tlemen, and others in the Cocintry, will be regularly served with Lloyd's Evening Post, as it is published. Ar. B.
Advertisements and Letters to the Author are taken in at Lloyd's Coffee- House. ^ To be LETT, And Enter'd upon Immediately, \ HOUSE, situate near the Severn Side, in Bewdley, late in the Possession of Mr. john Edwards, and very fit for an OWNER, or any Business that requires Room, as any additional Buildings will be raised that are required Enquire of Mr. Daniel Clarke, Attorney, in Bewdley aforesaid. .. . To be Sold to the Best Bidder, On Friday the 19tb Day of August, 1757, at the Dwelling House of Robert Baugh, at the Cross Keys, at Lanvmynech, in the County of Salop, the following ESTATES, ' t LOI' i.'- THE Capital
Meffunge, Malt- House, Pid- geon House, with the Appurtenances, call'd Tredderwen, in the Parish of Landrinio, in fhe County of Montgomery, now in the Possession of Mr. William Jones; at the yearly rent of 861. out of which a Field, called Cae Coed, now let't at 3 1. 10 s. is to be sold with Lot 2, Which reduces Mr. Jones's Rent to 82 I. 10 s. And also to be sold together with the said Capital Messuage, the Stable, Grove, Fish Pools, and Gar- dens, now unlett. LOT 2. A Tenement, with the Appurtenances, situate in Tredderwen aforesaid, now in the Possession of Richard Williams, at the yearly Rent of 8 1; and also the Field,
call'd Cae Coed, lett at 3 1. 10s. making in the Whole the yearly Rent of 11l. 10 s. LOT 3. Another Tenement, with the Apputenances," in Tredderwen aforesaid, now lett to Ellis Davies, at the yearly Rent of 42 I LOT 4. A Tenement, with the Appurtenances, in Tredderwen aforesaid, now lett to William Davies, at the yearly Rent of 15 I. ; but a Field, which adjoins to Tho- mas Roberts's, is to be taken from the said Tenement, and is valued at 1 1. 10 s. and reduces the said William Davies's Rent to 13 I. 10 s. per Ann. LOT 5. A Tenement, with the Apputenances, in Tred derwen aforesaid, now lett to Thomas Roberts, at the yearly
Rent of ill 10 s. and also the said Field, now held by the said William Davies, and valued at 11. 10 s. making together 1 3 1. per Ann. LOT 6. Two Meadows, ( situate in Haughton, near Tredderwen, in the said Parish of Llandrinio,) consisting of 22 Acres of Land, now in the Possession of David Rogers, at the yearly Rent of 10I. 10 s. LOT 7. A Tenement, with the Appurtenances, situate in Rhetiskin, in the Parish of Guikfield, now in the Pos- session of John Henley, at the yearly Rent of 7 1. LOT 8 A Piece of Land, near to Llandrinio Church, now in the Possession of the Rev. Mr. John Lloyd, at the yearly Rent of 2 1. 5 s. LOT 9. A
small Tenement near the Haym, in the Pa- rish of Llandrinio, now in the Possesion of William Mere- dith, at the yearly Rent uf 2 1. All which Estates have a Right of Common to Haym- Wood, Haughton, Gwern Velle, Burgeding, Tred- derwen, and leveral other Commons within the Hundreds of Dyther and Caufe. The SALE to begmat Ten o'Clock in the Morning. In the mean Time, enquire, for Particulars, of Mr. Windsor, in Shrewlbury, or of Mr. Tudor, of Garth, near Poole. Stratford- upon- Avon RACES. Tuesday next, the 26th Day of this Instant July, will be run for a Purae of FIFTY POUNDS, by any Horse, & c. that never won
Fifty Pounds at any one Time, ( Matches excepted) Five- years- old to carry 8 Stone 7 Pounds, Six years old 9 Stone 7 Pounds, and Full- aged 10 Stone; Bridle and Saddle included, & c. the best of three Four- Mile Heats, and no less than three reputed Running Horses, & c. to start for this Purse. And; On Wednesday the 27th, will be run for a Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, by Hunters that never started for any Thing but a Hunter s Plate, and that never won more than one, and was not in Sweats between Christmas and the 1st of March last i Five- years old to carry 9 Stone, Six- years old 10 Stone, and Full- aged 10 Stone 10
Pounds; and those Hunters that have won a Fifty Pounds to carry 8 Pounds more than the Maiden Horses, & c. of the same Age ; Bridle and Saddle included, & c. Every Horse, & c. to be subject to the Articles produced at the Time of Entrance. Certificates of their Qualifications for each of these Purses to be produe'd before the . Day of running, and no less than three Horses, Sec. to start for either of these Purses. Each Horse, Sec. if a Subscriber's, to pay one Guinea Entrance, and five Shillings to the Clerk of the. Course. If a Non- subscriber's, to pay one Guinea Entrance, and five Shillings to the Clerk of the Course, and two
Guineas towards the next Year's Purse. Every Horse, See. that enters at the Post, if a Subscriber's, to pay three Guineas ; if a Non- subscriber's, to pay five Guineas. --- Every Subscriber's Horse, See. to be, Bom fide, his own, and every Subscriber that enters any Horse, See. for either of these Purses, is to subscribe fourteen Days before the Day of Running. If but one horse, & c. enters for either of these Purses, to he al- low'd ten Guineas and his Entrance- Money. If but two Horses, & c, enter for either of these Purses, to Be allow'd five Guineas each, and their Entrance Money. All Differences to be determined by the
Majority of the Subscribers then present. NOT A BENE There will be Run, on the same Course, on Monday next, the 25th Instant, A Match for Two Hundred Guineas, The best of Three Four- Mile Heats; And a COCKING, each Morning; during the Races, at the Sign of the Dog in Stratford. No Person will be allow'd to erect a Booth, Shed, or Stall, on any Part of the Course, who does not Con- tribute Half a Guinea or more to the Town Purse. NOTICE is hereby given AT a WAREHOUSE is opened at the Old Heath End, between Shrewsbury and Uffington, for the Reception of all Sorts of GOODS and MERCHANDIZES, where
the utmost Diligence will be used to find the same to any Part of Shropshire, Cheshire, Lancashire, or Counties adjacent, of to any Place down the River severn, betwixt there and Bristol: All Persons sending their Goods to the said Warehouse, may depend On having the greatest Care taken of the same, and may be well accommodated with all Sorts of Conveniencies, by Their most humble Servant, Edward Haycock. N. B. This Warehouse is close to the River Severn, and more convenient for Carriage of Goods betwixt Bristol and any Part of Cheshire, & c. than Shrewsbury is, it be- ing nearer upward; of Two Miles by Water,
and One Mile by Land, and lies near the Great Road between Shrewsbury and Chester. N. B. The Sale of the above Estates being first fix'd ' for Tuesday the 9th of August, which falling out in the Middle of shrewsbury Assizes, it was thought proper to alter the same to Tuesday the 16th, and as that Day will be inconvenient, by Reason of Pool Sessions being at that Time, the same is post- poned to Friday the 19th of August next. I Remainder ot the Account of the Militia Act. N Counties where the Militia do not amount to seven Companies, and therefore cannot make a Regiment, they shall be formed into a Battalion, under the
Lieu- tenant and one Field Officer, one Adjutant who shall be a Subaltern in the Army, a Serjeant- Major, a Drum- Major, and a Clerk shall be appointed them, and they shall be exercised as a compleat Regiment. Where a whole Company or a half Company cannot be brought together, they may be exercised in smaller Num- bers as the Lieutenants or Deputies shall direct. One Commissioned Officer shall attend the Exercise of the half Company, and inspect their Arms and Accoutrements. The Arms and Cloaths of the Militia shall be carefully kept by the Captain of each Company in Chests, provi- ded by the Parish where they
are deposited. The Muskets shall be marked with an M, and the Name of the County. The King's Lieutenants, or the Colonels, may seize, or remove whither they shall think proper, the Arms, Clothes, and Accoutrements, when necessary to the Pub- lick Peace. Any Person intrusted with the Custody of any Arms or Clothes, delivering them out, unless for Exercise, or by Command of his superior Officer, or by the Order of any Justice of the Peace, under his Hand and Seal, may, by two Justices be committed to the County Gaol for 6 Months. No Pay, Arms, or Clothing, shall be issued, nor an Adjutant or Serjeant be appointed till
four Fifths of the Men shall have been chosen, and the Officers have taken out their Commissions. The Officer who superintends the Exercise shall over the List and certify to a Justice the Names of the who are absent from exercise. The Justice shall exam the Excuse offered, and if it be insufficient, shall pun the Defaulter for the first Offence by fining him Two S lings, or setting him in the Stocks for an Hour ; for second he shall fine him Four Shillings, or send him to House of Correction for four Days; for every Offence afterwards he shall fine him Six Shillings, and if it be paid, send him to the House of Correction for any Ti not
exceeding a Month. If any Man shall be convicted upon Oath before a J tice of Insolence or Disobedience to his Officer, shall his first Offence be fined Two Shillings and Sixpence, a in Default of Payment be sent to the House of Corr tion for four Days; for the second be fined Five Shilling or committed for seven Days; and for every Offence a terwards be fined forty Shillings, and committed to t House of Correction for any Time not more than Month, nor less than 14 Days. If any Man shall sell, pawn, or lose his Arms, or Ac- coutrements, he shall be fined a Sum not exceeding three Pounds, or in Default of Payment be committed
to the House of Correction for one Month ; and if he cannot then raise the Sum required, for three Months. He that shall neglect to return his Arms in good Order after Exercise, the same or the next Day, shall be fined Two Shillings and Sixpence, or be sent to the House Correction for seven Days; If he neglects to return the by Monday after Whitsun- week, he shall forfeit Fiv Shillings, or be sent to the House of Correction for 1 Days: And the Person entrusted by the Captain with the Care of the Arms and Clothes, who shall omit to complain of such Neglect, shall forfeit Twenty Shillings. The Soldier or non- commissioned Officer,
that shall b absent from his annual Exercise, shall forfeit 10s. a Day, o be committed to the House of Correction for a Month. If any non- commissioned Officer shall be convicted upon Oath of being negligent in his Duty, or disobedien or insolent to the Adjutant, or other superior Officer, he shall be fined by a Justice a Sum not exceeding thirty Shil lings, or in Defaultof Payment be committed 10 the House of Correction for 14 Days; and may be discharged by the Lieutenants. If any Man shall be convicted upon Oath before a Jus- tice of being drunk at the Time of Exercise, he shall for. feit Ten Shillings, or sit an Hour in the Stocks.
In Case of actual Invasion, or upon imminent Danger thereof, and in Case of Rebellion, the King, first notify, ing the Occasion to Parliament if then sitting --.- in their ReCess to the Privy Council, and to the People by Pro- clamation, may direct the Lieutenants, or any three De- puty Lieutenants, to draw out their Regiments who shall march, by his Majesty's Order, to any Part of the King- dom, under the Command of such Generals as he shall appoint, receiving during the Service, the same Pay with the regular Regiments of Foot, and the Officers holding the same Rank with the regular Officers of the same De- nomination. The
Militia, during the Time of Service, shall be liable to the Law Martial then subsisting; and any Man wounded shall be entitled to the Hospital of Chelsea. A Militia Man not appearing, or refusing to march on such Occasion, shall forfeit Forty Pounds, Or be committed to the County Gaol for 12 Months, In Cale of actual Invasion, or upon imminent Danger " thereof, and in Case of Rebellion, if the Parliament : not sitting, nor its Adjournment or Prorogation to exp. 5 14 Days, the King may summon it to meet on any Day, upon giving 14 Days Notice ; and they shall meet accord- ingly for the Dispatch of Business. The Militia and regular
Troops shall be tried in Courts. Martial, each by their own Officers. The Militia during their annual Exercise shall be bil- letted as regular Troops. The Militia shall not, on any Occasion, be compelled to go out of this Kingdom. In all Cities or Towns which are Counties within them- selves, and have been accustomed to raise their own Mi- litia, the Lieutenant or Chief Magistrate shall appoint five Deputy- Lieutenants, who shall exercise the same Power as the other Deputies Of these smaller Counties the De- puties, Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, and Majors, shall possess Lands to the Value of 3001. a Year, or a personal Estate of
5000 1 ; Captains, 150I. or 25001, personal Estate; Lieutenants and Ensigns, 501. a Year, or jool. personal Estate. One half of the real Estates of the Of- ficers of County Towns must be in such City or Town, or within the County at large to which such City or Town is united for the Purposes of this Act. The Penalty for acting if not qualified, is, for a Deputy- Lieutenant or Field Officer, 1001. for all under, 50I. All Fines and Forfeitures shall be paid to the Regimen- tal Clerk, and made a common Stock in each Subdivision of which an Account shall be given to three Deputies, Or two Deputies and one Justice, or one Deputy and two
Justices, who shall apply it to the Erection of Buts and the Provision of Gunpowder, to be used in shooting at Marks; and the Remainder shall be distributed in Prizes to the best Marksmen, or employed in any other Way for the Use of the Militia. Where a Parish extends into two Counties, its Militia shall serve in that County where the Church stands. The Act is to remain in Force for five Years.