Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 30/06/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2446
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BERROW's Worcester Journal. [ Printed at his OFFICE, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, June 30, 1757. No 2446 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd a MAIL from Holland. MADRID, May 24. OUR Court persists in the Resolution to take no Part in the War between the French and the English ; in Imitation of one ot the wisest Republicks in Eu- rope, she is only intent upon enjoying the Fruits of Peace, by keeping within the Bounds of an exact Neutrality. This just Medium, and the State of our Navy too, render her equally respectible to both Parties. We have actu- ally 111 Port and at
Sea 44 Ships of the Line of Battle, 18 Frigates, and four Bomb Ketches. Elseneur, June 9 Four Swedish Gallies, with several Transports, were seen the 3d of this Month in the Bal- tick, steering towards Pomerania. We are since inform'd that they had Troops on board, which his Swedish Ma jesty is sending to the Army of the Empire, as his Con tingent for the Dutchy of that Name. The Masters of some Vessels arrived from the Sound, say, that there are actually fourteen Russian Men of War and Frigates cruis- ing before the Ports of Litau, Memel, and Konigsberg, to intercept Prussian Ships. Utrecht Gazette. From the Camp
before Prague, June 4. The Thirty Thousand Austrians, who in the Night between the 27th and 28th alt. attempted to force their Way through our Army, were drawn up in Order of Battle a little after Sun set, and their Preparations were concealed by Favour of the Hills which covered them, and the Darkness of the Night They had persuaded themselves ( with what Rea- son we know not) that a large Body of Troops from the Army of Marshal Daun would attack Marshal Keith that Evening about Ten o'Clock, and that they should be able to drive our Troops away, and thereby open a Passage for all their Troops blocked up in
Prague. They had distributed a great Quantity of Brandy among the Soldiers, and neglected nothing that could animate them. But our Batteries had more Power than all those Encouragements. The Austrians met with a warmer Reception than they had done in the Sally of the 24th, and our Grenadiers pursued them even to the Gates of the City. According to the unanimous Report of Deserters which have joined us since this last Sally, the Enemy lost upwards of 200o Men in Kill'd, Wounded, and Prisoners, and seemed so dishearten'd by their ill Success in their two Sallies, that there was no Likelihood of their attempting a
third. Utrecht. June 15. Our News from Bohemia imports, that the King of Prussia has established new Batteries upon, the Right of the Moldau, to batter Prague with more Force, and hasten the Reduction of that Place, where all the People, even the Religious Orders, have taken Arms. His Prussian Majesty, ' tis said, has sent them a fresh Summons, declaring that, after the 12th, they must think of nothing but surrendering at Discretion. Ratisbon, June 4 The Magistrates of Nuremberg ha- ting given equivocal Answers to the Summons which Colonel Meyer sent them to embrace a Neutrality, he immediately march'd thither with
two thousand Men, but had no sooner occupied the Suburbs than the Magistracy call'd a Grand Council, and the College of Burghers, to determine, Whether the City should accept the Neutrality, • » defend itself against the Prussians ; when it was resolv'd ( by a Majority of Voices) to remain neuter ; and, after the Assenbly broke up, they, enter'd into a NegociatiOn with Col. Meyer, but have not yet published the Result. Vienna, June 4. The Empress Queen has communi- cated to several Courts, with whom she is in Alliance, the Conditions which have been proposed to bring about a Neutrality in Favour of the Electarate of
Hanover. According to the Overtures made on this Subject, the King of Great Britain, in his Quality of Elector, is not to be look'd upon as concern'd in the present War. His Troops, and those of the Princes with whom he is allied, are not to act against those of the Empress or her Allies, He is to engige also not to assist the King of Prussia either with Troops or Money. The Passage through the Part of his Electorate situate on the Left of the Aller, to be granted to her Imperial Majesty and her Allies, with Permission to establish Magazines, Hospitals, & c. and the Town of Hamlern be put, by Way of Security, either in the Possession
of the Empress, or the Czarina and the King of Denmark, whom her imperial Majesty pro- poses as Guaranties of this Convention, Sec, Letter from the French Army, dated June 10. « « When the Hanoverians [ an advanced Party only of 1500] retir'd from Rittberg, they nail'd up six Pieces of Cannon, which they could not carry off. The Prince de Soubise was no sooner appris'd that this Post Was aban- don'd, than he sent thither a Detachment of Horse and Foot, by which Means the Communication with Pader - born is the better secured " Toulon, May 30. Here has been a strong Report, which has been confirmed by Letters
from Paris, that the English have a Design of dispossessing us of the Island of Minorca ; to which End a formidable Armament is fit- ting out. HoweVer true this may be, all necessary Pre- cautions are taken to render such Attempt abortive, and to maintain the Empire, we have so honourably acquir'd, of the Mediterranean Sea. LONDON. { Thursday, June 23. k Yesterday being the Anniversay of his Majesty's Acces- sion to the Throne, who then entered into the 31st Year of his Reign, the Morning Was , ushered in with Ringing of Bells, at Noon the Guns were fired in the Park and at the Tower, and there was a great Court at
Kensington to compliment his Majesty on the Occasion. We hear that the Right Hon. Lord Anson kissted his jesty's Hand at Kensington, on Tuesday, on being ap- pointed First Lord of the Admiralty. This Day were shipped for New- England, zo. ooolb. of Gunpowder, and 5000 Gun Flints. Also for Carolina 20 Cwt. of Wrought Iron, and divers Sorts of Merchandize to a great Value. This Day were enter'd at the Customhouse, no Quar- ters of Wheat from Dantzick, and 3^ 0 Quarters from Koningsberg. Letters by the Holland Mail advise, that the City of Prague is almost reduced to Ashes, and that a Pound of Bread sells there for
Ten- pence, and a Pound of Horse- Flesh for Two pence. ' Tis said that near 30 Ships of War, from 10 to 40 Guns, will be very speedily appointed as Cruizers in the Channel and Sound, for the better Protection of our Commerce. Seven Companies of Marines are ordered round to Ply- mouth for Embarkation. A few Weeks ago we mention'd some Devastation made by the French on out Settlements and Trade in the River Gambia, which was soon after contradicted, and said to be void of Foundation; but by a West India Mail that arrived Yesterday, there are some AdVices that confirm our early Intelligence of the Success of the
French on that Part of the African Coast. Three Privateers are taken among the Leeward Islands, by the Blandford and Saltash Men of War, and carried into Antigua. The St. Anthony, Costa, and the Virgin of Cadro, Valiant, both from Marseilles for Turky ; la Vierge de Grace, Latty, from Constantinople for Marseilles, are taken and carried into Malta by the Hawke, Wilson, a Letter of Marque. A French Polucca was drove ashore near Salonica, by the Lilly, Ross, Letter of Marqiie, from Dundee for Alexandria, out of which they took to the Value of 20,000 Dollars. On Monday last the Fox Privateer, Capt. Giffard, ar- rived in the
Downs, and brought in two Dutch Ships laden with Provisions. The William and Elizabeth, Barry, for Whitby, is re- taken by the Tartar Privateer, and brought into Bristol. Last Friday a Sloop from st. Croix, laden with Rum and Cotton, was brought into Falmouth by the Blenheim Privateer. Last Sunday three Dutch Ships with Salt for France, were brought into Plymouth by the St. Olave Privateer. The same Day the Otter, Viper, and Alderney Sloops of War arrived there with the Trade from Wales, and the Fowey Man . of War with the Trade for Newfoundland, Capt. Annyan, Capt. Caruthers, Capt Jackson, and Capt. Gill, all of
Liverpool, wera taken on the Wind- ward Coast of Guiney, by four French Men of War, who took out the Crews and Negroes, and burnt their Vessels. The St. Joseph and St. Nichola, Romano, from Galli- poly to London, is carried into Toulon. The Clare, Walsh, from Antigua to Dublin, is taken and carried into Guardaloupe. We hear; that when the Hawke, Wilson, had unloaded at Smyrna, she went on a Cruise for a Month, and has taken eight Prices. Days appointed for holding the following CIRCUITS. HOME CIRCUIT. Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, Mr. Justice Denison. Hertford, Monday, July 25, at Hertford. Essex, Wednesday
27, at Chelmsford. Kent, Monday, August 1, at Maidstone. Sussex, Saturday 6, at Lewis. ' Surrey, Thursday at, at Guildford. Northern Circuit. Mr. Justice Bathurst, Mr. Justice Noel. City of York, Saturday, July 23, at the Guildhall. Yorkshire, The same Day at the Castle of York. Durham, Tuesday, Aug. at the Castle of Durham. Newcastle upon Tyne, Monday 8, at the Guildhall. Northumberland, The same Day at NewCastle. Cumberland, Saturday 13, at Carlisle. Westmorland, Friday 19, at Appleby. Lancashire, Wednesday at Lancaster Castle. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, June 22. " On Monday last a Sailor meeting a
Woman on the Point, which he suspecting to be the Person who had lately robb'd him of ten Johannes, he, with seVeral more of his Shipmates, took from her three Gold Rings, and some Gold ( by way of repaying himself) After that they stripp'd her naked, took her to the Water Side, where they duck'd her, keeping her to the Water some Time ; then they took her out, and laid her on the Beach for the Space of a Minute or two, and then repeated the same again, besides otherwise cruelly using her, forcing her ( naked as she was, without the least Rag on) to walk the greatest Part of the Way up the Street, being then about
Twelve o'Clock at Noon. It since appears that this poor Woman, tho' so cruelly and inhumanly treated, is innocent of the Fact; and all possible Means are now using to discover the Persons who were guilty of the Barba- rity." SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arrived a MAIL from Holland. A BERLIN, June 16. ACCORDING to the latest Advices from the King's Army before Prague, which are dated the 11th, the Bombardment was continued with great Vigour, and the Desolation in the City increased daily by the Want of Provisions and Forage. Notwithstanding which, accord- ing to the same Advices the numerous Garrison
had been very quiet for some Days, and not made any fresh At- tempts to escape ; while, on the other Side, the Army of Marshal Daun, instead of advancing towards the besieging Army, is daily retiring nearer Moravia. By a Letter dated the 7th from the Camp of the Duke of Bevern, near Neschartzitz, between Kuttenberg and Neuhoff, we have Advice, that that Prince march'd the 5th with his Army to dislodge a large Body of Hungarian Troops posted upon a Hill near the Chapel of St. John. The Enemy was not only obliged to quit that Post, but were also' driven from three very advantageous Hills near Kanck, and forced t6
abandon the Town of Kuttenberg. They had 150 Men kill'd or wounded, and we took 73 Prisoners; who Were sent next Day to the Grand Army. On our Side there was but one Hussar kill'd, and ten others, with two Dragoons, wounded. Among the Ene- my's Slain were a Captain of Horse and some other Of- ficers. The Duke of Bevern at the same Time seized on two Maga2ines of Provisions and Forage which the Au- strians had at Kuttenberg and Neuhoff. The Situation of that Prince's Army has obliged Marshal Daun to aban « don his advantageous Camp of Czaslaw, and to retire to Goltz Jenkau, and from thence to Haber.
General Na- dasti is still behind Czaslau with his Corps and four Reg;, ments of Saxon Cavalry. But our Troops were prepar- ing to dislodge him ; and Colonel Putkammer, who had passed the Defile of Czirkowitz, had already caused an Alarm in the Camp. Munster, June ( 8. The French have come to Action with the Hanoverians, and the latter have been obliged to retire in Disorder over the Weser. We have not yet any exact Relation Of this Affair, but some private Letters wrote from the Neighbourhood of the Field of Battle contain what follows: The 13th, in the Evening, Colonel Fischer, with his Corps and some Detachments
of Grenadiers. attack'd Bielefeld. He found there at first but little Resistance, but the Prussians in the Left Wing of the Duke of Cum- berland's Army threw in a Reinforcement, which made a valiant Defence. At Break of Day, this Left Wing, composed of Prussians, Hessians, and BrunsWickians, was attacked, defeated, and driven from Bielefeld, after a vigorous Resistance ; on whith the Right Wing, Consisting of Hanoverians, t00k to Flight. Immediately after the Action, the French seized on Bielefeld, and went to pitch their Tents on the Spot from whence the Allies had been chased'. We can say nothing with Certainty concerning
the Loss of the two Parties. We only know that the Victors have taken ten Pieces of Cannon, besides several Baggage Waggons i and ' tis said they have lost nO Officer of Note i But that, on the Side of the vanquished Party, there are several Officers of Rank among the Slain, par- ticularly the Generals Einsiedel and Junckheim," On the 15th the French made themselves Master of Hervord, and pillaged the Town, because the Inhabitant had been so imprudent as to take up Arms and join the Troops of the allied Array which were thrown in to de- fend it. We reckon they will enter the Town of Minden to day : So that they are
upon the Borders of the Weser and not far from the Capital of the Electorate of Hano- ver —-—< Amsterdam Gazette. Lipstadt, June The 13th Marshal d'Etrees sent a ; considerable Detachment of his Army towards that of the Duke of Cumberland, The same day that Prince quit
led his Camp at Bruchweide, and marched beyond Biele- feld. A Corps which he had left in that Post, was attack'd there by the French, who forced them, made several Pri- soners, and took Part of their Baggage. The Attack having been extremely brisk, the French lost some Men. The Duke of Cumberland, on abandoning Bielefeld, filed off towards Harvord. Before he quitted his Camp at Bruckweide to draw near the Weser, he sent off his Baggage and Provisons but left at Bielefeld a Magazine of 9000 Rations of Forage, which could not be remov'd. Since the 15th the French have been in Motion towards the Weser in seVeral
Columns, one of which directs its' March through the Bishoprick of Paderborn. Utrecht Gazette Dusseldorf, June 17. It is given out here, that Col. Fischer has enter'd the Electorate of Hanover, and laid several Villages under Contribution. Brussels, June 21. The Army which is assembling in Alsace is to be commanded by Marshal de Richelieu It will consist of 45 Battalions and 58 Squadrons, amounting in all to 40,000 Men — London Gazette. Konigsburg, June 6. The Head Quarters of the Rus sian Troops are at present near Frauenberg, in Courland, about twenty two Miles from Memel. Ratisbon. June to. All the Advices
received at the Diet from the different Circles of the Empire unani mously agree, that the Electors, Princes, and States are employed in getting ready their Contingencies of Troops to march to the appointed Places of Rendezvous, and to effect all the features requisite on that subject, in Con formity to the Resolution taken by the Germanick Body, and which, by the Concurrence of its different Members, has required the Force of a Law. Marseilles, June I ' Tis the general Opinion here that the small Squadron of three Ships of the Line, and four Frigates, ordered to sail from Toulon, is destined lor Canada. Paris, June 13. For a
Month past a contagious Dis- tember has reigned amongst the Poultry in this Capital and its Neighbourhood. M. Daubenton,. Keeper and Professor of the Cabinet of Natural History in the Roya Garden, having dissected some of the Birds that died, the Pullets which were in a Yard behind the Apartment Where the Operation Was performed, all suddenly died by the Communication of the pestiferous Corpustles which exhaled from the dissected little dead Birds. R. B. SHAPPEE, Practitioner in Physick, Surgery, and Man Midwifry, Who was Pupil under his Uncle, Dr. Shippee, in his Ma- jesty s Service Fourteen Tears, NOW
travels by an Act of Parliament, and after Thirty Years constant and large Practice in a private » > .. c. i as publick Capacity, has acquired the Art of curing most Medicable Distempers incident to human Nature : he is allow'd, by ail that Know him, to be a very ingenious Man in his Profession, and has had very great Success in his UndertaKings, and takes upon him FN ^ I'FJT. int the Publick, that he is the Wonder of tltc Age fur curing of Ruptures or, Broken Bellies, from Eight Days old to Eighty Years old, in both Sexes, ( tho' of ever so long Continuance) in Half an Hour, it the Grief can be put up, Likewise the Falling of the
Womb in Women before they quit the Room, if they have labour'd under that misfortune for Thirty Years.-: From December 1754 to March 15, 1756, 1 have cured in Derbyshire, Staffordshire, York shire, Nottinghamshire, and Lincolnshire, upwards ot Sixteen Hundred' Persons of Ruptures and Broken Bellies, and the Falling of the Womb in Women., Note, He is now at his House at Broadway, ( about six Miles from Evesham) Worcestershire ; and on Monday next, the 4th or July he will be at the Unicorn, in Broad- Street, Worcester, where he will continue six Weeks and no longer. ij. A Man, Fifty- three Years of Age, who came
from St Ives, was cured this Morning, April 9th, of a Bowel- Rupture, Nineteen Inches in the Girth, and Eleven Inches in Length, at the Doctor's Lodgings in Leicester. » „* The Docter is greatly afflicted with the Gout, and the Reason of his Travelling is on Account of the Benefit he receives from Exercise, COUNTRY NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Carmarthen, dated June 18. " There have been, for some Time past, great Distur- bances and Riots both in the County and in this Place, Owing to the high Price of Corn. The Colliers ( who are very numerous have several Times rose and committed great Outrages; they broke open
Storehouses at Kidwelly ( six Miles from hence) and stole great Quantities of Corn thereout; they have also stopped Boats or Lighters on the River which were loaded with Corn, and stole the same, to the VaVue ot 700 1. and upwards. And Last Wednesday a great many of them broke open a Granary near this Town, but in the Liberty of the County, which a Far- mer had hired to put his Oats in, but as they were carrying off some of it, the Farmer, or some Perfons employ'd by him, fired, and wounded three or four of them, on which they dispersed Sometime after on the same Day, the Farmer applied to our Mayor for his
Assistance with the Soldiery quarter'd here, as he expected a Return of greater Number ; to which the Mayor said, the Granary wa. s out of his Jurisdiction, but that if it had been in the Borough he would have given him all the Assistance he could j on which the Farmer, without acquainting him with his Intention, went and hired a Room in a House within the Borough, and carried his Corn there ; And Yesterday abaat 300 of the Colliers came here, with Pick Axes, & c and broke open the House where the Corn was, and were Carrying off the same ; on which Application was made to Mr. Evans ( the Mayor,) for his Assistance, who
immediately sent to the Officer and the Invalids to assist him: As soon as the Mayor went there he read the Proclamation to the Rioters, and desired them to disperse but they, being greatly enraged at the Soldiers, made to- wards and attempted striking them ; on which the Officer ordered them to fix their Bayonets on their Pieces, and keep them 0ff; but they resolutely came on, and obliged the Soldiers to retreat, which they did twice; they then attempted to knock the Mayor and Officer down with the Pickaxes, on which the Mayor, seeing no Possibility of otherwise quelling the Riot and preferring his own Life and the Lives of
those who attended him, directed the Officer to order the Five in the Front of the Soldiers to fire on them, which they did accordingly, and unfortunately killed three and wounded, two more, one of which ' tis thought can't survive it, wheceupon the rest immediately ran away : One of them that was killed had a Bag of the Corn on his Back. We are now in the utmost Confusion, owing to this melancholy Affair." LONDON. [ Saturday, June 2;. It is said that the Right Hon. the Earl of Halifax will have the vacant Blue Ribbon. The Sum of 16,0001. is granted by Parliament for raising Fortifications, aud making Docks and Coveniencies for
building and refitting Shipt, in the Harbour of Mil ford. And We hear that Two Men of War, one of 70 and one of 50 Guns, are already contracted for, to be built there, by the Surveyor who was' sent down to take a View of the Situation of that Haven. Advice has been received at New York, that a large Body of French and Indians had attack'd Fort William Henry, near Lake George, on the 20th of March last, but had been repulsed with considerable Loss. They burnt two Sloops, and almost all the Battoes, with three Storehouses, and in the Huts of the Rangers. The Gat- rison had only seven Men slightly wounded. The Essex,
Capt. Poynton, who arrived at Corke, in Ireland on the 11th Instant, with Wheat and Flour, in 28 Days from Salem in New England, brings an Account that Lord Loudon had assembled a large Body of Troops at New- York, to- be embarked for Halifax; that rhe Transports were all ready to take them on board ard a very strict Embargo was laid on throughout the whole Continent. The Exbury, Wolf, arrived at Cowes from South Ca- rolina, was brought to by Admiral Holbourne off the Banks of Newfoundland ( all the Men of War and Trans ports with him well) about a Fortnight ago, who de tained him abour three Hours, and sent
home a Packet by him to the Lords of the Admiralty. The Windsor Man of War, one of Admiral Holbourne's Fleet, has taken the St Hereux, Robert, a St. Domingo Ship of ; oo Tons, richly laden, particularly 3o Tons of Indigo, bound for Bourdeaux : She was taken in Lat. 4j, and the Granada Bomb Ketch was along with the Windsor. The following Ships are taken in the West Indies, viz the Caple, Hunter, from Virginia ; the Diana, Azhley, from New London; the , Sample, from Newberry ; the , Sheldon, from Rhode Island ; the , Ross, from Philadelphia ; the Content, Catling, from South Ca- rolina ; the , Hankin, the , Messerve, the ,
Giddins, the ——, Thompson, the , Mills, from Piscataqua, and the Elizabeth, Dick, from Glasgow, a l for Antigua ; the Olive Branch, Meredith, from Vir- ginia for Barbadoes; the Elizabeth, Kallis, from Phila- delphia ; the Gull, Chadwick, from New London; and the Young James, Walsh, from Piscat qua- for St. Kitt's i the , Wilson, from Philadelphia for Nevis; the Swift, Balcombe, from St Croix for Carolina; the Duke of Cumberland, Sheldon, from Surinam for Rhode Island ; and the , Waters, from St. Eustatia. Tbe St. John Baptistia, a Spanish Bark from St. Sebas- tian's, with French East- lndia Goods, is brought into Bristol by the
Tartar Privateer of that Place. The Toogood, from Carolina, is retaken by the Tartar Privateer, Capt. Shaw, and brought into Bristol. Yesterday George Nelson, Esq; Alderman and Grocer, and Francis Coding, Esq; Alderman and Stationer, were chosen Sheriffs of this City for the Year ensuing. Last Tuefday a Woman died at her Lodgings in Half- Moon- Alley, Whitechapel, that for fome Years used to sell Tooth- pickers, and ask'd Charity in the Streets, and just before she departed, she acquainted some Persons about her, that in her Cloaths they would find sewed np Notes and Money, which they did, on unripping them, Bank
Notes and Cash to a considerable Value ; after which she ordered 501, to be laid out on her Funeral, which was agreeable to her Request done, and she was last Friday Night interr'd, attended by Thousands of Spectators, in St. Mary's Whitechapel Church Yard. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, June 24. " This Morning sailed for the Bay Vice Admiral Bos- cawen, in the Royal George, Capt Buckle, with the Royal Sovereign, Capt. Boys, the Namur, Capt Denis, the Chichecter, Capt Willet, the Torbay, Capt. Keppel, and the Medway, Capt. Proby. In going out one of the Men of War ran foul of the Ramillies and injured her."
Extract of a Letter from Dublin, dated June \ 8. " By the Anne of Philadelphia, who arrived in this Harbour laft Thursday, there are many Letters from thence of the 9th of May, advising, that 170 Transports were at New York, ready so take on board 9000 Regular Troops, encamped there and at Rhode- island, to go opon a secret Expedition." We hear by private Letters from Jamaica, that every body there is in good Spirits; that there are twelve Men of War in the Harbour; and that Provisions sell very cheap. EPIGRAM. WHAT Kind of a Box For the Great Mr. —'— f Do Gloucester and design ; Pandora* s, I trow, Full of Curses and
Woe j _ Cou'd they Hope in its Bottom confine! Extract of a Letter from an Officer on board his Majesty's. Ship Dunkirk, in Plymouth Sound, June 18. " After we had conducted our India Friends far enough, and safely, to the Westward, we returned to our Station, where we cruised, without any Success, till the 28th of last Month, when we took the Nouvelle Saxonne a French • Privateer, from Bourdeaux, of 18 Carriage Guns, 12 Swivels, and ijo Men. It was a Chace from Peep of Day till Midnight, as the little Devil flew like an Arrow out of a Bow ; and we owe the good Fortune of catching her entirely to very fresh Gales, and the
Power of spread ing more Canvas than she, with so much Wind,- could prudently put forth. By this we got Intelligence of their Consorts, among which the Prisoners boasted the Comte de Gramont to exceed whatever before had been built for sailing; and, to do them Justice, they here spoke truly, . for had the French Captain not declared himself, by ta- ' king us for a Letter of Marque, he had, very likely, to this Hour committed Depredations on the Merchants. . " The 9th Instant, in the Morning, we saw a Sail to Leeward, and chaced her: She stood under Topsails a- - cross, seemingly regardless and indifferent about us, till we
were come so near that the Eye, without any Glass, • could perceive the Deception ; and then she crowded. The Course lasted eight Hours; now hoping, and then despair- ing ; for, as the Saying is, They ran, and we ran; till at length, however, our Great Guns reach'd and shot away some of her small Sails; which check'd her Ca- reer, and obliged her to surrender: And what should she prove but the very identical Comte de Gramont before- mention'd a charming fine Ship indeed, of 36 Gens, Swivels, and 380 Men. She had been five Weeks from n Bayonne, in which Time she had made five Captures, the English Masters of
which were on board, and 30 Sailors. •• I shall not endeavour, Sir, to describe a Passion which felt is best understood ; I mean the Joy these Peo- ple had of being retaken, who have informed us the Go- vernor of Georgia, his Family, and Secretary, were on board one of the Vessels this Privateer had taken, and,' after being stripped, in that Manner were sent to France. The Frenchman has been interrogated upon this Matter, but denies the Charge or Knowledge of any such Treat, ment, though the Governor's Cloaths, Wife's and Child's. Bureau, Sword, Buckles, Seal, and Papers, Sec. are found in his Possession ; which
makes us reasonably conclude the Story is true, and nothing exaggerated." To be LETT, and Enter'd upon Immediately, A very good HOUSE, Ready Furnished, COnsisting of two Parlours, a Drawing Room, Hall, Kitchen,- and other necessary Out Offices, and Lodg- ing Rooms, besides Garrets, with a Stable for Four Horses,. a Court, Garden, Pigeon- House, and with or without a Park, well stored with Deer, pleasantly situated, within Half a Mile of the River Severn, near to the Road be- tween Shrewsbury and Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop, within two Miles of Wenlock, and seven Miles of Shrews- bury. For further
Particulars enquire of Mr, Windsor, in Shrewsbury aforesaid. o Stratford upon- Avon RACES. N Tuesday the 26th Day of July next will be run for a Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, by any Horse, & c. that never won Fifty Pounds at any one Time, ( Matches excepted) Five- years- old to carry 8 Stone 7 Pounds, Six- yearsold 9 Stone 7 Pounds, and Full- aged 10 Stone ; Bridle and Saddle included, & c. the • best of three Four- Mile Heats, and no less than three re- puted Running Horses, Sec. to start for this Purse. And, On Wednesday the 27th, will be run for a Purse of FIFTY, POUNDS, by Hunters that never started for any Thing but
a Hunter's Plate, and that never won more thin one, and was not in Sweats between Christmas and the 1st of March last ; Five years old to carry 9 Stone, Six- years old 10 Stone, and Full aged 1o Stone 10 Pounds j and those Hunters that have won a Fifty Pounds to carry 8 Pounds more than the Maiden Horses, See. of the same Age ; Bridle and Saddle included, ire. Horses, & c. to be shewn and enter'd for each of these Purses the Day se'nnight before the Day of running, between the Hours of Two and Nine in the Evening, and be subject to the Articles which will be produced at the Time of Entrance. Certificates of their
Quali- fications for each of these Purses to be produc'd at the Time ot En- trance, or before the Day of running, and no less than three Horses, & c. to start for either of these Purses. Each Horse, & c. if a Sub- scriber's, to pay one Guinea Entrance, and five Shillings to the Clerk of the Course. If a Non- subscriber's, to pay one Guinea Entrance,' and five Shillings to the Clerk of the Course, and two Guincas toward:; the next Year's Purse. Every Horse, & c. that enters at the Post, if a Subscriber's, to pay three Guineas ; if a Non- subscriber's, to pay five Guineas. Every Subscriber's Horse, Sec. to be, Bona fide his own, and every
Subscriber that enters any Horse, & c. for either of these Purses, is to subscribe fourteen Days before the Day of run ning.. If but one horse, & c. enters for cither of these Pursee, to be » ! low'd ten Guineas and his Entrance- Money. If but two Horses Sec. enter tor either of these Purses, to be allow'd five Guineas each, and their Entrance- Money. All Differences to be determined by the Majority of the Subscribers then present,
Extract of a Letter from Dresden, June 14. " The distressed Condition of the miserable Inhabi- tents of Prague is inexpressible Fifteen hundred dead Bodies of Persons killed by the Bombs lie unburicd in the Streets of the old and new Town. The Fire was for some Days so furious On both Sides, that such as were slain in the Sallies made by the Garrison lay un buried like- wise, which occasioned an insufferable Stench { but they have been since buried by the Prussians, who were able to do it without Molestation, the besieged having disconti- nued their Fire both for want of Powder, and because the Walls, on which their
Cannon was mounted are re- duced to a Heap of Rubbish by the Prussian Artillery." fTis said, that it having been represented to his Ma- jesty that the Troops which encamp will not be able to support themselves with their present pay, on account of the Dearness of Provisions, Orders are given, That an Allowance of a Pound and a half of Bread per Day be de- livered to each private Centinel, for which they are to pay no more than Five farthings. By Letters from Carolina we are informed, that the Garrison of Fort Loudon has been reinforced, as well as all the other Forts ; and that a Battalion from Lord Lou- don was daily
expected : That they had heard several French Ships, with Troops on Board, were arrived at Mississippi, and have Reason to suspect something is hatching against Carolina. Notwithstanding what has been so often said of the Ministry being settled, we have great Reason to think, from the Intelligence we receive, that it is as far off as ever. We have the Pleasure to acquaint the Publick, That the Right Hon the Earl of Coventry is in a fair Way of Recovery. BANKRUPTS. Charles Victor, of Cork Street. Burlington Gardens, Middlesex, Peruke Maker. - Wil- liam Cockran, of Battel, Sussex, Linnen Draper. . George Freeman, of
Fenny- Stanton, Huntingdonshire, Shopkeeper.—— John Denmead, of Bath, Somersetshire, Tavern Keeper, aod Dealer in Wines —— John Beech, of Water End, in the Parish of Great Gaddesden, Hertford- shire. Tanner. John Kendrick, of Wigan, Lancashire, Apothecary. Christopher Lilly, of Bristol, Merchant. Thomas Billington, of Ratcliffe, in the Parish of St. Dunstan's at Stepney, Middlesex, Cabinet Maker* STOCKS. Bank ——.'. India, 1 33. South Sea, Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 90 3 Sths. Ditto id JSub. 89 < half. Ditto New Annuities, 1II Sub. 90 5 8; hs. Ditto 2d Sub. 90 3 Sthj. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, India Bonds, 2I. 1
3 « Prehi. New Subfcription, 88 J 8th. WORCESTER, June 30 The Governors of our Infirmary return their Thanks for a Benefaction of TWO GUINEAS, receiv'd from a Per- son unknown by the Hands of Dr Wall. Last Friday Morning died Mr. Samuel Mountfort, an eminent Bookseller in this City, who, with a fair Charac- ter, had acquired an handsome Fortune by his Business, which is now carried on by his Son. Yesterday se'nnight in the Morning a Waggon Load of Wheat, which was sold to a Person. at Bromsgrove, for nine Shillings per Bushel, was stopp'd by a Mob near Droit- wich, who oblig'd the Waggoner to sell it at Five
Shil- lings per Bushel. To be SOLD, A very good MILCH- ASS, With aFOAL about a Month old. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper This is to give NOTICE, THAT there will be a Meeting of the Trustees fOr reparing the Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon to Alcester and Bromsgrove, at- the House of Mr. John Payton, at the White Lion, at Stratford upon Avon aforesaid, on Thursday the 7th Day of July next, at Twelve o'clock, in order to appoint new Gate Keepers at Bradley Brook Gates and New Inn Gate. By Order of the Trustees ' SAULs. GOODE; Clerk and Treasurer. NOTICE is hereby given THAT a
WAREHOUSE is opened. at the Old Heath End, between Shrewsbury and Uffington. for the Reception of all Sorts of GOODS and MERCHANDIZES, where the utmost Diligence will be used to send the same to any Part of Shropshire, Cheshire, Lancashire, or Counties adjacent, or 10 any Place down the River Severn, betwixt there and Bristol: All Persons sending their Goods to the said Warehouse, may depend on having the greatest Care taken of the same, and may be well accommodated with all Sorts of Conveniences, by Their most humble Servant, Edward Haycock. N. B. This Warehouse is close to the River Severn, ,
ind more convenient for Carriage of Goods betwixt Bristol and any Part of Cheshire, Sec. than Shrewsbury is, it be ing nearer upwards of Two Miles by Water, and One Mile by Lind, and lies near tne Great Road between Shrewsbury and Chester. To be imediately SOLD Upon the Farm and Land's occupied by the late Mr. James Olds, deceas'd, at Chaddesley Corbett, in the County of Worcester, ALL the Stock of Cattle, Corn, Grain, Hay, and Implements and Utensils of Husbandry. being upon the said Farm; and also the Benefit of a Lease of the said Farm and Lani's, held under Sir Robert Throckmorton, Bart in which are
many considerable Ad- vantages to the Tenant, at the End of the Term of the said Lease, which expires the Fifth of April, 1759. For Particulars enquire of Mr. John Croydon, at Astley, Mr. William Olds, of Netherton, near Bewdley ; or of Mr. Gregory Watkins, Attorney at Law, in Kid- derminster. ADVERTISEMENT. THE beginning of next Month will be published a New Paper, called LLOYD's EVENING POST and BRITISH CHRONICLE. The general Plan of this Paper is the same with that of the London Chronicle, which is already sufficiently Known j but the Days of Publication will be different. It will be pub- ished in the Evening
of every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and circu- lated thro great part of the Kingdom by the Post which now sets out In what were called the bye Nights to all the trading Cities, and all the Sea Ports of Note. The Reasons that induce the Proprietors to alter the Time of Publication from that of every other News Paper, are, that all the foreign their regular Course, arrive in the forenoon of those Days by translating of which the News they bring will be known in London the same Night, and in other Parts the next Day as early as it is at present in London. Add to this, that the com mercial Intelligence by private letters, which now
spread to a small circle round the Exchange, will be regularly inserted in this Paper., and y an immediate Publication become generally known ; an Advantage no small moment to Persons at a Distance concerned in Trade. To tns, Coffee Housesi Taverns, and Publick Houses in the Country, the having a Paper regularly every Day, will be more agreeable to their Headers than having two or three at once, which usually are filled with the very same Intelligence. At a Time therefore that the Expence of news Papers is greatly enhanced by a DOUBLE DUTY, an Attempt serve the Publick in general, and at the same Time ease the
Pur- hasers, will, It is hoped, meet with Encouragement. By sending Orders to the Clerks of the respective Roads, Gen- tlemen, and others in the Country, will be regularly served with Lloyd's Evening Post, as it is published. n. B. Advertsements and Letters to the Author are taken in at Lloyd's Coffee House. T. CLARE, Bookseller and Stationer, Bewdley. or at his shop near the Market- House, in Stowerbridge, ( where Attendance and Catalogues will be given every Market- Day), S E L LS all Sorts of BOOKS and PAMPHLETS, • ANTIENT or MODERN, Bibles, Common Prayer - Books, Testaments, Spelling- Books, Psalters,
Primers, & c. Wholesale or Retail. To the PUBLICK. AS the Act of Parliament for laying an Additional Stamp Duty of One HALF- PENNY on every News Paper, will take Place on Tuesday next, the 5th of July, Notice is hereby given. That, next Thursday this Paper will begin to be sold for Two PENCE HALF- penny j and as tbe Expences in carrying it on will always require a Weekly Discharge, it is desired that all Persons who take it in would pay for it Weekly; and this, ' tis presum'd, the Publick will the more readily comply with, as the great Loss and Inconvcnience consequent from this Additional Duty, will not admit of any Allow wance being made to such Persons who might be desirous of taking it in by the Quarter. And it may be ne- cessary to observe, as a material Argument for its being paid for Weekly, that the Stamp'd Paper ( which will come to near three Fifths of the Money the NewsPaper is to be sold for) must be purchased in a Quantity sufficient for several Weeks' Sale, and the Whole of it paid for before any Part of it will be deliver'd from the Stamp Office in London. And whereas by the said Act of Parliament the Duty on every advertisement will be Two SHILLINGS, ( which before was only ONE SHILLING) every Advertisement ( however
short or of what Nature soever) must pay FOUR SHILLINGS for the first Time of its Insertion, and THREE SHILLINGS AND Six PENCE every Time of its Continu- ance ; and tbut all Advertisements of an uncommon Length, or that require Preference of Place or Character, will be expected to pay an advanced Price, according to their Length, & c. O Unless the Publick will condescend to the above Terms, as well with Respect to the Price of the Paper, as that of inferring Advertisements, it is pre- sum'd no Country News Paper can possibly be car- ry'd on without considerable Loss to the Proprietor. To shew I am not unmindful of
past Favours, I take this Opportunity of acknowledging and returning Thanks to the Publick for the Encouragement I have hitherto met with, assuring them. That how to merit the same for the future, will be the constant Study of, their already much oblig'd Humble Servant, On Wednesday next, the 6th of July, at the late Dwelling House of Mr. Rowland Morris, Grocer, at the Top of the Broad Street, near the Cross, Worceller, will be to be sold, All SORTS of very good HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, VI z. HArnteen Beds, with Mahogany Posts and carv'd Cornishes, Cheney Beds, Settee Beds, Mahogany Beaureaus, Bedsteads ; the
Whole are very compleat one large Ma- hogany Beaureau and Book Case, with a large Pair of Looking- glasses,- Mahogany, Walnut- Tree, and Oak Chest of Drawers, Ma- hogany, Walnut Tree, and Oak India Back, and Fan- Back Chairs of several Sorts, Mahogany Dining- Tables, and Pillar Tables, two Leaf and three Leaf Card- Tables Beaureau Dressing- Tables, and Night- Tables, with Gallery Trays, three Drawer Dressing - Tables, Corner Cupboards, Swing Glasses, with Union Shoots, and Pier Glasse, with Sconces, compleat Easy and Elbow Chairs, a Mahogany Clock Case, - with an Eight- Bay- Clock ; and several
other sorts of Kitchen and other Furniture. Wednesday s and Thursdays POSTS. ' Arriv'd the MAILS from Holland and Flanders. From the LONOON GAZETTE. From the Camp before Prague, June 12. LAST Wednesday Night the Town was again set on Fire by the Battery on this Side the Moldau, and burnt violently all Night i the next Day they continued firing all Day from the same Battery, The Deserters that come in from Prague, say that it is now to Days since they began to kill their Horses that Forty are given daily to the Troops; that Horse flesh is sold at two Graicn about fourpence per pouud i that they will continue to
brew, but the Price of beer is considerably raised ; that there is no Want of Flour, and that reports are constantly spread of he Approach of Count Daun's Army, and of the French ... 4 ... Hague, june 17. By our last Advices from Bohemia, the Prussian Army. under the Command of the Duke of Bevern had approached nearer to Marshal Daun, upon his Left Flank, which made it be imagined that an action might happen. unless the latter retired backward to Mora- via. whiCh it is supposed he will do. Capt Hide ParKer, of his Britannick Majesty's Ship the Squirrel; is arrived at Embden, where he has stopt all ' the Forage which Was
carried that Way to the French Army. Hague. June 24 We have Letters - from the Head Quarters of the Army upon the Weser, dated at Holtz h usen the 18th, which brings an Account, that from the 14th to tie 16' h Instant his Royal Highness the DUKE of Cumberland had marched to the Weser. and passed that River without any Interruption, notwithstanding an At- tack on the Rear Guard at Bielefeldt and Hervord, in which the Enemy was repulsed with considerabie Loss The Loss on the side of the Allied Army consisted of 44 Men, killed, wounded. and Prisoners, of which Number, one Offier is killed, and two wounded. The
French them selves own, that they gained no Advantage over the Rear Guard of the Allied Army ; and that they suffered consi derbly in the Attack. Cologne, June 29. The Siege of Gueldre was begun last Wednesday. M. de Courten has the Command of the Troops employ'd in it. ' t LONDON. [. Tuesday, June 28. Westminster, June 28. This Day, by Virtue of his Majesty's Commission, for declaring his Royal Assent to several Acts agreed upon by both Houses, the Royal As sent was given to, An Act for granting to his Majasty several Rates and Duties upon Indentures, Leases, Bonds, and other deeds, and upon News Papers,
Advertisements, and Almanacks, and upon Licences for retailing Wire, and upon Coals exported tp Foreign Parts. — [- that in the Com mencement of this Act. the Duty will be One Penny on every News Paper, and Two Shillings 0n every Advertisement, and the same every Time it is inserted. An Act for enabling his Majesty to raise the Sum of One Million for the Uses and Purposes therein mention'd An Act for granting to his Majesty certain Sums of Money out of the Sinking Fund, and applying certain Monies remaining in the Exchequer, and the Savings out of the Monies granted in this Session's of Parliament for the Pay of
the Troops of Hanover for tbe Service of the Year 1757. ^^ An Act for the better Ordering of the Militia Forces in the several Counties of that Part of Great Britain called England. An Act to render more effectual the several Laws now in being, for the Amendment and Preservation of the Publick Highways and Turnpike Roads of this Kingdom. An Act for enlarging the Terms and Powers granted by two Acts of Parliament for repairing and amending several Roads leading to and from the Borough of Eve- sham in the County of Worcester, and for explaining and making more effectual the said Act ; and als0 for amend- ing, widening,
and keeping in Repair several other Roads in the Counties of Worcester, Warwick, and Gloucester. And to several other Publick and Private Bills. . [ Thus far the London Gazette ] After the 5th of July, no Persons are to retale Wine without having a Licence for that Purpose from the Stamp- Office ; by which Foreign Wines only are meant. Admiral Osborn, with the Fleet under his Command, arriv'd at Gibraltar the 29th of May ) and the same Day the Leghorn Fleet sail'd from thence for England, under Convoy of the Jersey and Chesterfield Men of War, with a fair Wind. STATIONARY WARES, rdgers, Shop Books, Letter Cases,
Ivory and other Memorandum Books, & c. Vellum, Parchment, Im- boss'd, Marble, Gilt, and other Papers; Quils, Pens, incomparable British Japan Ink, the best Sealing Wax and Wafers; Brass, Pewter, and other Stand Dishes ; Ink Horns, Sand Boxes; the best Red and Black Lead Pencils, Pen Knives ( Maps and Pictures framed or unframed; Paper Hangings, & c. Also The best Blacking Balls for Boots and Shoes. . He likewise Binds New and Old Books in Turkey, Morocco. Calf, or Sheep, as neat as in London. N. B. He buys Libraries or Parcels of Books.
Stamp- Office, Lincoln s- lnn, London. WHEREAS, by an Act of this Session of Parliament, it is enaCted, That, from and after the Fifth Day of July, 1757, no Person whatsoever, unless he or she shall be authorized and enabled by Licence under the Hand and Seal of Two or more of the Commissioners of his Majesty's Stamp Duties, shall sell or utter WINE by Retail, that is, by the Pint, Quart, Pottle, or Gallon, or by any other greater or less Retail- Measure, or in Bottles, in any less Quantity than shall be equal to the Measure of the Cask or Vessel in which the same shall have been, or may lawfully be, imported, any Kind ot
Wine or Wines, or any Liquor called or reputed Wine, upon Pain to for- feit for every Offence the Sum of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS, one Half to any Person who will inform for the same: The COMMISSIONERS do therefore give Notice, That ( in Pursuance of the said Act) they are ready to grant Licences, under their Hand and Seal, to such Per- sons who shall, by themselves or Agents, apply to them for the same at the Office in Lincoln s- Inn, London. jQ, Every Person applying for a Wine Licence must produce their Licence to sell Ale, and also to sell Spirituous Liquors, if they have any such Licences. THe Trustees appointed
and duly qualified to put in Execution an Act of Parliament ( passed this Session of Parliament), Intituled, An Act for enlarging the Terms and Powers granted by Two ACts of Parliament of the First and Seventeenth Years of the Reign of his present Majesty, for repairing and amending several Roads leading to and from the Borough of Evesham, in the County of Worcester, and for explaining and mak- ing more effectual the said ACts, and also for amending, widening, and keeping in Repair several other Roads, particularly the Road leading from Norton, in the said County of Worcester, to Crab's Cross. in the Counties of
Worcefter and Warwick ; also the Road leading from the Top of Broadway Hill, in the said County of Worcester, to the Top of Bourton Hill, and to Stow, in the County of Gloucester; and alfo the Road leading from tbe Mill- Tail, in Pershore, to the Blue Bell, in the Parish of Earl's Croomb, near Upton upon Severn, in the said County ot Worcester, are desir'd to meet, in Pursuance of the first- mention'd Act, at the Town Hall in the Borough of Eve- sham aforesaid, upon Friday the First Day of July next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to put in Execution the said Act). William Rhodes, Clerk for the Evesham District. To be Sold,
under Prime Cost, The STOCK in TRADE OF The late Mr. RICHARD BAILEY, of Burford, Now in the Possession of Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey, his Wife. Note, Very great Encouragement will be given to any Person who will take the whole Stock, and occupy the Shop, which, for many Years, has been well accustom'd. To be SOLD, AVery convenient Freehold Tenement, situate in Cooken- Street, near the Quay, Wor sester ; the Whole consisting of three good Lodging Rooms, Closet. Kitchen, Parlour, Brewhouse, Cellar with the River Water in, and a Garden. The Premisses are quite entire, in good Repair, and now lett at the Yearly
Rent of Four Pounds Four Shillings. For further Particulars enquire of Herbert Shaw, in Birdport, Worcester. This Day is Published, ( Price bound Three Shillings,) The NONPAREIL; Or, The Quintessence ot Wit and Humour: Being a choice Selection of those Pieces that were most admirtd in the ever- to- be- remember'd MIDWIFE: Or, Old WOMAN'S MAGAZINE, Piccei which ( as a celebrated Author observes) will stand the Test of all Ages, and live and be read ' till Time is no more. To which is added, An INDEX to MANKIND; Or, MAXIMS selected from the WITS of all Nations. For the Benefit of the present Age and of
Posterity, Interspersed with some Axioms of Life, and seasonable Reflections by the same Author. With a PrefAce by her good Friend the late Mr. Pope. My Son attend unto my Wisdom, and how thine Ear unto my Under. standing. PROVErbs. CATOPSICOn, in his Discourse on the Genius of Nations, observes, that most of the celebrated Pieces published in Britain in the Year 1751, and 1752, were written by old Women, as a Proof of which he quotes this valuable Work. LONDON : Printed for 7. Carnan, in St. Paul's Church- Yard; and sold by E. Andrews, in Evesham ; J. Blunt, in Ross ; R. Raikes, in Gloucester; M. Simons,
in Monmouth-, J. Wylde and P. Hodges, in Hereford; B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth j T. Aris, in Birmingham J. Jopson, E. Ratten, and C. Parker, in Coventry; and by the Printer of this Journal. To be SOLD, to the BEST BIDDER, On Tuesday the 16th Day of August, 1757, at the Dwelling House of Robert Baugh, at the Cross Keys, at Lanymynech, in the County of Salop, the following ESTATES LOT 1. THE Capital Messuage, Malt- House, Pid- geon- House, with the Appurtenances, call'd Tredderwen, in the Parish of Landrinio, in the County of Montgomery, now in the Possession of Mr. William Jones, at the yearly Rent of 861.
out of which a Field, called Cae Coed, now lett at 3 1. 10 s. is to be sold with Lot 2, which reduces Mr. Jones's Rent to 82 I. 10s. And also to be sold together with the said Capital Messuage, the Stable, Grove, Fish Pools, and Gar- dens, now unlett. LOT 2. A Tenement, with the Appurtenances, situate in Tredderwen aforesaid, now in the Possession of Richard Williams, at the yearly Rent of 8 1.; and also the Field, call'd Cae Coed, lett at 3 I. 10 s. making in the Whole the yearly Rent of III. 10 s. LOT 3. Another Tenement, with the Apputenances, in Tredderwen aforesaid, now lett to Ellis Davies, at the yearly Rent of 42 I. LOT 4.
A Tenement, with the Appurtenances, in Tredderwen aforesaid, now lett to William Davies, at the yearly Rent of ij 1.; but a Field, which adjoins to Tho- mas Roberts's, is to be taken from the said Tenement, and is valued at 1 I. 10 s. and reduces the said William Davies's Rent to 13 I. IOS per Ann. LOT 5. A Tenement, with the Apputenances, in Tred derwen aforesaid, now lett to Thomas Roberts, at the yearly Rent of 11 I io » . and also the said Field, now held by the said William Davies, and valued at 11. 10 s making together 1 j 1. per Ann. LOT 6 Two Meadows, ( situate in Haughton, near Tredderwen, in the said Parifh ot
Llandrinio,) consisting of 22 Acres of Land, now in the Possession of David Rogers, at the yearly Rent of 10I 10 s. LO T 7. A Tenement, with the Appurtenances, situate in Rhetiskin, in the Parish of Guikfield, now in the Pos- session of John Henley, at the yearly Rent of 7 I. LOT 8. A Piece of Land, near to Llandrinio Church, now in the Possession of the Rev. Mr. John Lloyd, at the yearly Rent of 2 1. 5 s. LOT 9. A small Tenement near the Haym, in the Pa- rish of Llandrinio, now in the Possession of William Mere- dith, at the yearly Rent of 2 I. All which Estates have a Right of Common to Haym- Wood, Haughton, Gwern Velle,
Burgeding, Tred- derwen, and several other Commons within tha Hundreds of Dyther and Cause. The SALE to begin at Ten o'Clock in the Morning. In the mean Time, enquire, for Particulars, of Mr. Windsor, in Shrewsbury, or of Mr. Tudor, of Garth, near Poole. This Day is Publish'd, ( Price 6d. bound and gilt,) FABLES in VERSE For the Improvement of the YOUNG and the OLD. By ABRAHAM AESOP, Esq To which is added, FABLES in Verse and Prose. With the Conversation of BIRDS and BEASTS, at their several Meetings, Routs, and Assemblies. By WOGLOG, the Great GIANT. Illustrated with a Variety of curious Cuts,
by the best Masters. And an Account of the Lives of the Authors, The Truth I hope you won't dispute, When told you by a Brother Brute. Letter from Leo the Great Lion. Printed for the Booksellers of all Nations, and sold at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul't Church- Yard, London; H. Berrow, is Wor- cester ; E. Andrews, in Evesham; J. Blunt, in Ross ; R. Raikes, in Gloucester; M. Simmons, in Monmouth ; j. Wilde and P. Hodges, in Hereford; B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth; T. Aris, in Birming- ham ; J. Jopson, E. Ratten, and C. Parker, in Coventry. Of the same Booksellers may be had, ( Price 6d. bound and gilt, J FOOD for the MIND;
Or, A New RIDDLE BOOK, Compiled for the Use of the Great and Little Good Boys and Girls in England, Scotland, and Ireland. By JOHN, the GIANT- KILLER, Esq; Who Riddles tells, and Merry Tales, O'er Nut brown Cakes and Mugs of Ale. Homer. Come riddle me riddle me reef None are so blind as they that won't see. Pussendorff, Likewise of the above Booksellers may be had, Publish'd this Day, ( Price 2 s. bound, ) The Second Edition, of LETTERS On the most common, as well as important OCCASIONs in LIFE, by To be SOLD, TWO Freehold Messuages, with a Malt- House adjoining thereto, situate in the High street,
in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester. The Malt- House is convenient to make Two Hundred and Fifty Bushels of Malt a Week. The Yearly Rent of the Whole is Nineteen Pounds and Ten Shillings — For further Par- ticulars enquire of Mr Josiah Brittel, of Tewkesbury, or of Mr. John Bell, at Bromsgrove aforesaid This Day are publish'd, ( In Two Pocket Volumes, Price Six Shillings bound in Calf, with the Maps neatly colour'd,) TRAVELS through Turkey in AJta, The Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and other Parts of the World : Giving a particular and faithful Account of what is most remarkable in the Manners, Religion, Polity,
Antiquities, and Natural His- tory of those Countries: With a curious Description of Jerusalem, as it now appears, and other Placts mention'd in the Holy Scrip- tures. By CHARLES THOMPSON, Esq; Interspers'd with the Remarks of several other modern Traveller ; illustrated with Notes, Historical, Geographical, and Miscellaneous, by the EDITOR, and adorned with Maps and Prints. N. B. This Book ( which is not only an agreeable Companion ta Ladiea and Gentlemen, but is likewise very necessary for every Family, as it will illustrate and explain various Passages in the Old and New Testament) is adorned with the following
Maps and Prints, See. 1. A View of Smyrna a. St. John's Grotto, and the ' Chapel in the Hermitage in the Island of Patmos. Cicer0, PliNy, VoITure, BALZAC, ST. EVReMONT, Locke, Ld. LANSDOWNe, Ld. OxforD, Ld. PETerBOROUGH, Ld. BOLINGBROKe, Sir WM. TempLe, And other WRITERS 3. A View of Balbeek and its Temple. 4. A Map of the Terrestrial Pa- radise, according to Mr. Huet and others. 5. A Map of the Holy Land. 6. A View of the City of Jeru- salem as it now appears. LONBON : Printed Sir WM. TrumbulL, Dryden, ATTerbury, GARTH, ADdIsON, STeeLe, Pope, gAy, SwifT, Berkley, Rowe, of distinguish'd
Merit; With many Original Letters and Cards, by the EDITOR. Who has also prefixed, A Dissertation on the epistolary Stile ; with proper Directions for addressng Person of Rank and Eminence. For the Use of Young Gentlemen and Ladies, 7. A Plan of the City and Country about Jerusalem. i. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. * 9. A Map of Egypt. 10. A View of the Pyramids, the Sphinx, and some Egyptian Mummies. 11. Views of Mount Sinai, Tabor, Carmel, Horeb; the Rock of Meribah Kadash, and the Hill of Moses, Newbery, at the Bible and Sun, in St. Paul'S Church- Yard; and sold by E. Andrews, in Evesham; J Blunt, in
Ross ; R. Raikes, in Glouecester; M. Simmons, in Monmouth-. J. Wilde and P. Hodges, in Hereford-, B. Haslewood, in Brignorth ; T, Aris, in Birmingham ; J. Jopson, E. Ratten, and C. Parkeri in Co- ventry j and of the Printer of this Journal. Also of the above Booksellers may be had, Publish'd this Day, In Seven small POCKET VOLUMES, neatly bound in red, ( Price Seven Shillings,) Tbt CIRCLE of SCIENCES, CONTAINING, Vol. I. Grammar made easy to young Gentlemen, Ladies, and Foreigners. II. Arithmetic made easy. III. Rhetoric made easy, and illustrated with several beantiful Orations from Demosthenes, Cicero,
Sallust, Homer, Shakespeare, Milton, & c. IV. Poetry made easy, and embellished with great Variety of Epigrams, Epitaphs, Songs, Odes, Pastorals, See. from the best Authors. V. Logic made easy: To which is added, a Compendious System of Metaphysicks. or Ontology, VI. Geography made easy 1 To which is prefix'd, a Map of the World. VII. Chronology made easy 1 To which is added, a Table of the most memorable Events from the Beginning of the World to tha Year 1747. V. B. Any of the above Volumes may be had seperate, at One Shilling each, except the Grammar, which is only Six- pence, and the Geography,
whith is One Shilling and Six- pence. This Day is Publish'd, ( Price only One Shilling) [ At the Desire of several LADieS, eminent for their OEconomy and Good Sense, being absolutely necessary to be in the Hands of every Woman, of what Rank soever,] THE Cook's Pocket - Companion, AND COMPLETE FAMILY GUIDE Being a Collection of the very best RECEIPTS, under ths following Heads, viz. Roasting, Puddings, Soops, Boiling, Custards, Jellies, Frying, Cakes, Pickling, Broiling, Cheese Cakes, Preserving, Baking, Tarts, Made- Wine), Fricasees, Pies. Brewing. & c. Illustrated with a great Number of curious and useful
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