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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 16/06/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2444
No Pages: 4
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7 BERROW's Worcester Journal. [ Printed at his OFFICE, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, June 16, 1757. N° 2444 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. LONDON. Extract cf a Letter from Thursday, June 9. -, in the East Indies, dated December 15. k N the Month of September we heard that our Settlement in Bengal was taken, and in the Beginniug of October we had a Confirmation of it. The Destruction of that Place will be a great Loss to the Company. As - I have seen the Letter which was sent to the Governor and Council here, I shall give you the Substance of the Affair. It seems tbe Governor and Council at Bengal protected an old Nabob, deposed, from the Resentment of the young one, his Successor. The latter sent to demand him. but the English refused to deliver him up; upon which he raised an Army of Thirty Thousand Horse and the same Number of foot, with three or four Hundred elephants of War. The English sent out Spies to dis- cover their Number, which they never knew exactly till they were just upon them. They summon'd the Fort to deliver up the old Nabob, promising upon that Condition to withdraw their Troops immediately ; but this was also refused. The Enemy then threw up a small Breast- Work opposite to the Fort, and mounted two Twelve- pounders upon it. They fired two or three Times in an Hour, but if they had fired till Doom's Day they could never have made a Breach. However, long before any real Attack had been made, the *** run away aboard a Ship in the Morning ; the Counsellors and their Wives in the Afternoon ; leaving Mr. Holwell behind, who said he would stay and defend the Place to the last Extremity. Being thus left, with only a few Gentlemen and some Military Officers, he call'd a Council of War. The Sol diers grumbling at not being permitted to escape, he di vided three Chests of the Treasure among them, and secured the Keys of the Gates himself ; and the next Morning stood to the Defence of the PLace gallantly. The Moguls kept firing their two Twelve pounders to no Pur- pose, for all the mischief proceeded from the Counsellors Houses being built close and round the Fort. In these Houses the Enemy lodged themselves, and galled the Eng- lish greatly. During all this Time the Fort fired con stantly, and dislodged them several Times ; but the third Day ( I think it was the third), most of our Men being kill'd, and all the rest wounded, ( with only two Hours Ammunition left) Mr. Holwell thought to have made an honourable Retreat, by hanging out a Flag of truce to amuse the Enemy ; but the Ships in the River had dropt down several Miles from the Fort, and did not leave even a Boat for the others to escape in. The Soldiers that Night knock'd off the Lock ot the Little Gate, ( Mr Holwell having the Keys) and let in the Moguls, who immediately loading them with Irons, cramm'd ' em into a Place call'd the Black Hole, for that Night, where most of them perished. the next Day they carried Mr. Burdett to accompany Mr. Holwell up the Country, loaded with Irons, and - gave them only Rice and Water for their Provision: they likewise obliged them to walk three Days through ihe Sun withojt any Covering ; and, when they arrived at their Journey's End, put them into a Cow- house, where they narrowly escaped another Smothering. However, in three Days they dismissed them. From thence they went to Muxadavatt. The 28th of October we sent three Ships full of Troops and Ammunition to reinstate the Company's Servants, as we hear it will be delivered up to us shortly. The Com- pany is reported to have lost by this Affair Two Crow of Rupees. Each Crow contains an Hundred Lack, and each Lack an Hundred Thousand ; that is, Twenty Millions of Rupees, which make Two Million and Twenty - five Thousand Pounds Sterling. The same Day ( Oct 28) our Ambassador arrived from Pooner, where they had been three Weeks treating with the Moratta Prince, to whom we have delivered Gheria, and they in Return have given us several Villages at Se- venrook. Thus far the Letter. It is said that the Nabob had 7000 People kill'd be- tween the 17th and 20th of June; and as he was obliged to withdraw so precipitately, it is very probable that his People had not Time to destroy the Fort, as he directed ; . that our next Advices will, in all Likelihood, acquaint us that Admiral Watfon has reinstated the Company in he Possession of her Settlement, in which there is no Rea- son to doubt she will be supported by the Mogul. By the East India Company's, as well as many private letters, it is advised that the Measures taken by the Pre- sidencies of Fort St. George and Bombay, in Conjunction with Admiral Watson. who commands the Naval, and Col. Clive the Land Forces, there is the greatest Reason t0 hope, that the Company would not only be very soon re- established in Bengal, but that ample Satisfaction will be obtain'd of the Nabob for what the Company have suffer'd by him. There are also many Letters that mention the Mogul's having march'd a large Army into those Provinces, which was said to be actually arrived near Muxadavatt, in order to subdue the Nabob Sourajee Doulah, and six another Nabob in those Provinces. The Company's Servants that are left alive, are stripp'd of all their Substance, and reduced to extreme Poverty. Conclusion of the Listy of Persons who suffered in the Defence of Calcutta and Fort William. At Dacco were made Prisoners, Richard Becher, Esq; Chief, and Messrs. Scrafton, Hyndman, Waller, and Car- tier, of the Council ; Mr Wilson, Surgeon; Mr. John- ston, sen. a Writer ; Mrs Becher, and Child ; Mrs. War wick, Miss Harding, Ensign Cudmore, and about twenty- five Military. The above were afterwards permitted to live in the French Factory at Dacco, by whose Interces- sion they were set at Liberty. English on board the Ships and Vessels at Fulta, July 1756- Governor Drake, Charles Manningham, Wm. Franklyn, and Wm. Macket, Esqrs. of the Council; Paul Richard Pearkes, Esq; of the Council, was taken Prisoner, but made his Escape; Capt. Minchin, Capt. Grant; Ensign Castairs, wounded ; Rev. Mr. Mapletoft, Lieutenant of Militia. Gentlemen in the Company's Service. Messrs. Sumner ; Cooke, Secretary, wis taken Prisoner and put in the Black Hole, afterwards made his Escape ; Billers, O'Hara, Ryder, Ellis; Lyndsay dead; Tooke, sen. Lushington, was in the Black Hole, Charlton, Vasiner, Leister. Free Merchants, Captains of Ships, Mates, and others. Messrs. Beaumont, Margas since dead, Cruttenden, Car- valho, Douglas, Baldrick, Wood, Nixon, Holmes, Put- ham, Le Beaume; Capts. Rannie, Graham since dead, Wedderburne, Walmsley, Austin, Laing since dead, Widdrington, Saunders, Baillie, C. impbell, Lewis, Lord ; Bell and Baldwin dead, Young, costelly, Whatmore, Cozens, Nicholson dead. Doctors Fullerton, Gray, Tay- lor, and Knox, jun. were taken Prisoners but made their Escape; Mr. Child, School Master; Atkinson and Ridge, Attornies ; Pyfinch, a Writer ; Blayney, a Glass grinder ; Button, a Butcher; Coverley, the Gaoler; M'Pherson, a Cooper; Cockylane, a French Seafaring Gentleman ; Champion, Summers, and Smith, Mates of Ships; Ling, a Musician ; Cole, a Carpenter; three Portuguese Priests ; M. Albert, a French Gentleman. Mr. Peter Amyat, Chief at Jugdea Factory, with Mess. Playdel, Verelst, Smyth, Hay, and Ensign Mure, with about twenty Military, quitted Jugdea Factory, agreeable to the Governor and Council's Order, and join'd the Fleet at fulta some Time after Calcutta was taken. Women and Children on board the Ships at Fulta, June 1756. Lady Russel, Mrs Drake and two Children, Mrs. Cruttenden dead, three Children, Mrs. Macket two, Mrs. Mapletoft two, Mrs. Gray one, Mrs. M'guire three, Mrs. Cooke one, Mrs. Buchannan one, Mrs. Dumbleton two, Mrs. Coales one, Mrs. Rennie two, Mrs. Wedder- burne one, Mrs. TournaC one, Mrs. Knox two, Mrs. Ro- berton four, Mrs. Packer one, Mrs. Alton three. Mrs Amyat, Sumner, Richard . Duncan, Major Holland's Widow; Ross, Jacobs, Griffiths, Searle, Beard, Margas, Putham, Clayton, Parker, Rainbow, Edwards, French, Renbault, Chapman, Finley ; Gooding and Bellamy, dead ; Barclay, Cockylane, Gould, Hunt, Holland, Young, Woolley, Smith, Child, Porter, Lord, Bowers; Miss Bellamy, since married ; Miss Jobbins, Bagley, Ca- rey, Seale, and the two Miss Cavalhos. The Militia Bill has passed both Houses of Parliament. " Tis now said that the Right Hon. Henry Fox, Esq; will be appointed First Lord ot the Treasury and Chan cellor of the Exchequer. Yesterday his Grace the Duke of Bridgewater, who came of Age this Week, came to Town to take his Seat in the House of Peers. This Day 560 Quarters of Wheat weie enter'd at the Customhouse from dantzick. A private Letter from Amsterdam says, his Prussian Majesty has threatened to lay the Estates of the Margrave of Anspach under Contribution, if that Prince don't, in the Space of one Month, discharge a Debt of three hun dred thousand German Crowns, which he owes to the King The Eagle and Medway Men of War have brought into Plymouth the Duc d'Aquitain, from Pondicherry, last from Lisbon, where they unloaded all the East India, Company's Goods, and had only a few Things belonging to the Officers as their private Adventures. She was taken last Monday se'nnight by the above Men of War; had then mounted fifty i 8 Pounders, but could mount sixty- four Guns, and upwards of 400 Men. A Letter from Plymouth, concerning this Capture, says, " The Eagle never fired till she was within Pistol- shot, and engaged her 55 Minutes, and has had ten Men killed and wounded. The Aquitain has had 50 Men kil- led, and near too wounded She arrived at Lisbon in August last very richly laden, and most of the Cargo was sold there; but the private Adventures of most of the Officers are on board, besides Money, Rhubarb, Coffee, & c. so that it is supposed she must be worth about 30,0001. She was built about three Years ago, and is near as large as one of our 70 Gun Ships. Not one Officer on either Side was killed or wounded. The Medway is come in with them, and was in Sight when the Eagle tool- her. About eight of our Men have lost their Legs or Arms." ' Tis said that on board the Duc d'Aquitain ( prize to the Eagle Man of War) were found 37 Chests of Money. Last Tuesday Night the Lady of the Hon John spen- cer, Esq; was safely deliver'd of a Daughter, at his Seat at Wimbleton. A few Days since died, at Ways Wooton, near Strat- ford upon Avon, in the County of Warwick, the Rev. Mr. Reynolds, many Years Rector of that Parish. the Living is in the Gift of the Provost and Fellows of King's College, in Cambridge. On Saturday last died Mr. John Willet. of Wednesbury, near Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, of a Complication of Disorders, connected by t00 severe Application to Busi- ness ; but he was hurried out of a Life, which might have been protracted to a more distant Period, by his assi- duous Attendance on the Iron Bill, lately passed. We hear from Dublin, that a few days ago was mar- ried Mr. William Raybourne. of Enniskeen, in the County of Cavan, aged 28, to the Widow Marlow, of the same Place, aged 107, being her eighth Husband At Glasgow, in Scotland, they have such Plenty of good Indian Corn- Meal that a Peck is sold for a shilling. We bear that Wheat, in some Parts of Yorkshire is sold for 5 s. per Bushel; and that Wheat is daily bringing out of the inland Towns to Hull, in Order to be shipped for London, and on Monday two Vessels arrived in the River Thames with near 700 Quarters, and more daily expected. A young Man, Servant to Mr Taylor, of Putney, about Ten o'Clock last Sunday Night, took Leave of his fellow Servants in Order to go to Bed, and on Monday Morning a Waterman belonging to the Gentleman came as usual to the Stable, and not finding the Man then went to the Chamber where he lay, but no Person being found, greatly surpriz'd the Family, and Search was made over the House, Stables, & c for some Time, but to no Pur- pose, till Curiosity led one of the Persons in search to open a Bin in the Stable, which formerly was made Use of for Corn, where, to their great Astonishment, they found him in a Posture with his Head and Knees together j on which they immediately t00k him out, and, on his being warm, Mr. Rose, a Surgeon in the town was sent for, who bled him, but to no Account, he being dead s and, upon examining, they found a violent FraCtUre from one of his Eyes up his Head, near five Inches in Length, which was judged the Cause of his Death on which the Coroner for the County of Surry being sent for. - Jury was summoned, who, after all proper Enquiry, brought in their Verdict Wilful Murder against Persons unknown, and granted their Warrant for the Burial of the deceased, and strict Search is making to find out the Person or per- sons concerned in the above FaCt A few Days ago a Dispute happened between some Sailors in a Man of Wars Boat and an old Waterman, who was rowing some Women and Children NEAR Chelsea, and one of the Men out of the former Boat. went ashore after the old Man and broke his Arm in a barbarous Manner with a Mop Stick After much inquiry it was found that these Sailors belong'd to the Rendezvous in pic- cadilly, under the Command of Lieut. Griffiths, who was not in the Boat when this Affair happen'd ; out on his be- ing applied to by Justice Fielding, he immediately brought his whole Gang to Bow street, ihat the Party injured might fix upon the Offender, which being done, the Lieu tenant not only gave him up to Justice, but was so affiCted by the Injury the poor Man had suffered, that nn in- stance of his Indignation for such Cruelty, he directed his whole Gang to attend the Peace Offiecr with the offender to Prison. — ' Tis pleasing to see Power so happily placed in an Officer, for there is nothing so certain as that Hu- manity and Bravery are Bosom Friend.-, Bath, June 6. It has been mention'd, that six Persons were killed in the late Riot near Froom, which was a Mistake, as only three are yet dead, but ' tis fear'd two more will not long survive The Coroner's Inquest have brought in their Verdict Wilful Murder; and one of the Miller's Sons is committed to Prison, and two other Sons and the Loader, are absconded. Cambridge, June 8. On Sunday Afternoon two High waymen, poorly mounted, attacked a Farmer between Boxworth and Conington in this County, and robb'd him of what Money he had about him. they were both taken the lame Evening, They had but one Pistol between them, which wa « lg to be Deserters, and have Confess'd that they stole both their Horses from Rumford, in Essex, a few Days since. to be SOLD, TWO Copyhold Tenements, at the Knoll's End, in Sydbury, Worcester, both in good Repair. Enquire of Mr. Pacey, Baker or of Mr. Taylor, Attorney, in Worcester. R. B. SHAPPEE, Practitioner in Physick, Surgery, and Man- Midwifry, Who was Pupil under his Uncle, Dr. Shappee, in his Ma- jesty s, Service Fourteen Years, NOW travels by an Act of Parliament, and after Thirty Years constant and large Practice in a private as well as publick Capacity, has acquired the Art of curing most Medicable Distempers incident to human Nature J He is allow'd, by all that know him, to be a very ingenious Man in his profession, and has had very great Success in his Undertakings, and takes upon him to acquaint the publick, that he is the Wonder of the Age for Curing of Ruptures or Broken Bellies, from Eight Days old to Eighty Years old, in both Sexes, ( tho' of ever so long . Continuance] in Half, in Hour, if the Grief can be put up. Likewise the Falling of the Womb in Women before they quit the Room, if they have labour'd under that Misfortune for Thirty Years. From December 1754 to March ze,, 1756, 1 have cured in Derbyshire, Staffordshire, York - shire, Nottinghamshire, and Lincolnshire, upwards of Sixteen Hundred Persons of Ruptures and Broken Bellies, and the Falling of the Womb in Women. Note, He is now at the King's Arms, at Stow in the- Wold, Gloucestershire ; but having hired a House at Broadway, ( about six Miles from Evesham) Worcester- shire, will be there on Sunday next, the 19th of June, and continue one Month. A Man, Fifty three Years of Age, who came from St Ives, was cured this Morning, April 9th, of a Bowel Rupture, Nineteen Inches in the Girth and Eleven Inches in Length, at the Doctor's Lodgings in Leicester. % » The Doctor is greatly afflicted with tbe Gout, and the Reason of his Travelling is on Account of the Benefit he receives from Exercise. The Doddington Indiaman, Capt. James Samson, men- tioned in our last, was lost the 17th of July, 1755, as ap pears by an Account taken from the Journal of Mr. Evan Jones, late Chief Mate of that Ship ; in which he says, " We ran to the Eastward of Cape Le Gullas, in Lat. 35 1 half and 36 Degrees South, from the 6th to the 16th of July, when, by the Medium of six Journals, we made 12 Deg 50 Min East Longitude from Le Gullas. The Course being alter'd, about a Quarter before One the next Morning, the Ship struck, and in JO Minutes was entirely wreck'd. It was a dark and stormy Night, and the only Warning we had of our Danger was calling out, Breakers a- head and to Leeward. We could see no Land. The Ship continued listing and striking with every Sea, till unfortunately she at last laid down on her Starboard Side, and soon parted, every Sea driving some Part of her away. As the Larboard Side and Quarter was now the only Place above Water, all those who could, got there j the Sea was cover'd with her Wreck. We expeeted every Minute to be wash'd off by the Sea, and Capt. Samson bid us all Farewell, and hoped we should meet again in the next World. Soon after, we were all wash'd off, and in a little Time, ten of us met on some ragged Rocks, and crept close together to keep ourselves warm. The Severity of the Weather, and our melancholy Situation, made us wifh impatiently for the Day; but when the Light came it gave us very little Comfort, for we found ourselves on a barren island or Rock, about two Leagues from the Main, which is laid down in the India Pilot in Lat. 33 = 30. and call'd Chaos. Out of 270 Souls who were aboard, only 23 were saved, viz. Evan Jones, Chief Mate, John Collett 2d, Wm. Webb 3d, Samuel Powell 5th, Richard Topping, Carpenter, John Yedts, Midship- man, Neil Bothwell and Nathaniel Christholm, Quarter- masters, eight Seamen, three Captain's Servants, one Sur- geon's ditto, and three Matrosses. They remain'd seven Months on this miserable Place, subsisting on Fish and Eggs of Sea Fowls, and what Provisions they found drove ashore from the Wreck. During that Time the Carpen- ter built a large boat, which they rigg'd like a Sloop, and Called the Happy Deliverance. While they were on the Island they made an Attempt to get Provisions from the Main, by going over there in a small Boat, but the Na- tives drove them away, and Bothwell lost his Life on this Expedition. They found on the Island the Remains of two Wrecks. It plainly appear'd by Pieces of Glass and other Things, that some unfortunate People have lived on that Place, and they could see the Remains of a Habita- tion, by the Stones being regularly laid one on another. They were very healthy while they were on the Island, notwithstanding the great Hardfhips and Fatigues they suffer'd by Hunger and hard Labour. The 18th Day of February 1756, they compleated their Boat, and sailed for Delagoa, but were so long on their Passage, by Cur- rents setting to the Southward, that it was two Months before they arrived at that Place. Unhappily there was a Chest of Treasure drove ashore from the Wreck, which the Officers wanted to preserve for the Proprietors, and the People to divide, which occasion'd great Disputes, and was at last divided in spite of the Officers. This, with a long Passage, and Scarcity of Provisions, made their Con- dition worse than when they were on the Island. A Bis- cuit sold for two Dollars, [ a Dollar is worth between 4 and p ] and every Man had only an Ounce and a Half of Salt Pork a Day. When they got to Delagoa, they found there the rose Galley, Capt. Chandler, belonging to Bom- bay, who gave them a Passage to Madagascar, where they take the cArnarvon— Capt__ Norton Hutchinson. bound to Madrass who took them all on board. Messrs. Col- lett, Chain, Sharp, and Leicester a Matross, died of a Fever on board the Rose Galley. Mr. Jones took all the Money and Effects from the People, when he got on board the Rose Galley, and seCured them for the Proprie- tors." SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Holland and Flanders. WARSAW, May T6' ALL the Letters from Courland intimate that the Russian Army will form several Camps upon its Rout through Lithuania. The Column which is march- ing towards Memel, and will probably besiege that Place, will consist of 27,000 Foot, and 2000 Hussars. Hanover, May 31. Since the Hessian Troops, lately returned from England, have joined our Army, we are assured it consists of 44.000 effective Men, and it to be reinforced by a Body of 17,000 Prussians, who are said to be actually on their March. Paris, May 30. The Orders issued for assembling an Army of 60,000 Men on the Coast of Normandy, and to get ready Transports and flat bottom'd Boats, as was done last Year, may possibly be not a meer Parade to alarm the English, but Dispositions made in earnest for an Expedi- tion that will throw them into Conbulsions.—- So they would have it at Brussels. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Dresden, May 29. The Prussian Generals here, Baron Wylich and M. Bomslett, have received an Account from the Camp before Prague, that they began to batter the City 011 the 24th, but that they had thrown no Bombs into it on the 25. The Austrians have Provision enough, but begin to want Forage, so that their Horses must soon feed upon Meal. On the 24th they attempted to sally out with a Body of Troops, consisting of upwards of ten thousand Men, but were happily repulsed and driven back ; on which Occasion Prince Ferdinand, the King of Prussia's youngest Brother, had a Horse killed under him, and was himself slightly wounded. The Duke of Bevern, with the Army of Observation, has pitched his Camp near Kolin ; and, if he offers to advance, the Austrians, under General Daun, withdraw. As it was impossible to carry the large Magazine the Prussians took at Pilsen to their own Camp, which was then at the Distance of 12 German Miles, they entirely burnt and destroy'd it. The second Transport of Austrian Prisoners, brought hither on the 2ill Instant, consisted of 1068 Men, of which about 400 engaged in the Prussian Service. Some D. iys alter, several Austrian Soldiers, not dangerously wounded, were also brought here upon the Elbe at Night ; so that the Number of Prisoners now in Town, including those that were taken at the Action of Reichenberg, and in other Skirmishes, amounts to upwards of 3000 The Number of the Prussians wounded in the Battle near Prague, and likewise brought hither, amounts to about 18oo. Brussels, f.- ne 3 Wc learn by Letters from France, that Marshal d'Etrees's Army is to be reinforced by a Body of 6000 Men, which were to begin their March as Yes terday from Lille, and other neighbouring Garrifons. Brussels, June j. All the Regiments that remained in the interior Parts of France, and many of those that are in Britanny and Normandy, have received Orders to march directly into Alsace, where they are to form an Army of about 40,000 Men, to be commanded by the Prince de Soubize, who is to proceed with all possible Speed to the Assistance of the Empress Queen. [ thus far the London Gazette ] LONDON. [ Saturday, June 11. They write from Hanover, that his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland is making Dispositions for disputing the Passage of the French over the Weser. Letters from Dusseldorp say that, according to all Ap- pearances the Stay of the Hanoverians in the District of Paderborn will be but short, and they will soon repass the Weser, the French having already almost surrounded him. We learn from Munster, that the Army under Marshal d'Estrees it destined for the Siege of Halberstadt, a For- tress belonging to the King of Prussia. The Berlin Gazette says that the Austrians, in the Sally of the 24th past, had 1000 Men killed, and almost as many wounded; besides which they lost 300 by Desertion. According to Letters from the Camp before Prague, dated the 29th past, the Austrians made a general Sally, in the Night between the 26th and 27th, with 28,000 Men, which was extremely well concerted, and executed with all possible Spirit and Activity ; but after a very warm Action, which lasted from One till within a Quar- ter of Seven in the Morning, they were repulsed with very great Loss. Some of the Officers, who were taken Pri- soners. reported, that there was a Misunderstanding among their Generals; that a great Part of the City was de- stroyed ; and that, in their Opinion, it could not hold out above Ten Days, or a Fortnight at most. The Austrians, it is said, had 4000 killed in their last Sally from Prague. Letters from the Sound of the 31st of May give an Account, that they had received Advice that a Russian Man of War had block'd up Pillau, and that she had taken a Prussian Coaller laden with Corn, and sent the Vessel to Revel, keeping the Men Prisoners. They add, that there are more Russians cruizing off Dantzick. The Minister of the King our Sovereign at Ratisbon has deliver'd a Rescript to the Dictatorial Commission of the Empire; in which his Majesty, as an Elector, claims the Assistance of the Emperor for the Protection of his Electoral Dominions against the intended invasion of the French. Tis said there- are near 50,000 French Prisoners in England, and yet the French Court refuses to settle a Cartel for Exchange of Prisoners, except the Captures made before the War are first restored. Yet they allow Captains of Ships, Merchants, and Passengers to be ex- changed Man for Man; and many are come over on their Parole, to procure Prisoners of equal Rank to be sent to France, by the Way of Holland or Flanders. The French Privateers lately taken are half- mann'd with Dutch, Danes, Swedes, and Spaniards, who, as soon as brought to England, to save themselves from a Prison, enter on board our Men of War. We hear for certain, that the Right Hon. the Earl of Waldegrave is to be first Lord of the Treasury ; the Hon. Henry Fox, Chancellor of the Exchequer the Right Hon. the Earl of Egremont, one of the Secretaries of State ; Wellbore Ellis, Esq; and the Right Hon. the Lord Hyde, Joint- Pay masters; the Hon. Edward Finch, Master of the Robes and Privy Purse. It is said that the Right Hon. the Earl of Holdernesse resigned the Seals on Thursday; and it is likewise said that several of the great Officers have likeWise resigned. On Thursday died at his House in Chelsea, in the 84th Year of his Age, after a very long and painful Illness, which he underwent with great Patience and Resignation, the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Palmerston. A COCK- MATCH, TO be Fought at the Royal Oak, in Leominster, between the Gentlemen of herefordshire and the Gentlemen of Radnorshire. To shew Thirty- one Cocks on each Side in rhe Main, for Five Guineas each Battle, and One Hundred Guineas the Odd Battle ; and Twenty- one Cocks for Bye- Battles, ar Four Guineas each Battle - To weigh on Monday next, the 20th of this Instant June, and fight the Three following Days. To be SOLD, A Very convenient Freehold Tenement,- situate in Cooken Street, near the Quay, Wor- cester ; the Whole consisting of Three good Lodging Rooms, Closet, Kitchen, Parlour, Brewhouse, Cellar with the River Water in. and a Garden. The Premisses are quite entire, in good Repair, and now lett at the Yearly Rent of Four Pounds Four Shillings. For further Particulars enquire of Herbert Shaw, in Birdport, Worcester. sTolen, or Stray'd, in the Night between the 1 2tn and 13th of this instant June, out of a Ground adjoining to Hallow- Heath, near Worcester, a Black CART MARE, coming six Years old, 15 Hands and an Inch high, with a Star in her Forehead resemblimg a Role, a thickish Head, wide Ears, prick hair'd on one of her Hind feet and on one of her Fore Feet, and a sprigg'd tail. Whoever will give Intelligence of the said Mare ( so that she may be had again) to John Tustin, of Hallow, shall receive One Guinea Reward, and rea- sonable Charges, A BEWDLEY, June 1, 1757. WHEREAS a scandalous Report has been wickedly rais'd by some ill- designing Persons, that I am an Agent for the Badgers and Millers, and employ'd by them to buy up the Corn in Bewdley, and other Markets; I do hereby declare I never bought nor contracted for one single Bushel, ( unless for my own Use), but as I am obliged to buy Weekly to serve my Customers that use my Shop for Bread, I often buy Half Strikes and Strikes for poor Peo- ple that use my Bake- house ; and if any Person or Per- sons will prove ( upon Oath) I ever bought one single Bag of Corn for either Badger or Miller, shall receive Five Pounds; and if any Person will give Evidence ( on Oath who was the Person or Persons that rais'd such Report, shall receive Five Pounds, of me, THOMAS BLUNT. N. B. I never got a single Penny out of the Half- Bushel bought for the Poor. WHereas John ( otherwise Philip) Wil- liams, of the Town of Birmingham, was lately committed to Monmouth County Gaol, on Suspicion of assaulting a Gentleman on the Highway, with an Intent to rob him ; and, as tbe following Memorandums were found in his pocket Book, it is apprehended he has been guilty of other Felonies: Left at the Canister, on St. Philip's Plain, Bristol, op- posite Three Crown- Lane, six Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs, Mark I B. out large Spoon, Mark T. P. 1683 for ITis. 6d. At the same Place, Mark Jane Brewer, and Long- Lawn Gown, one Chints Cotton ditto, one Light colour'd Man's Coat, one Muslin Apron, one large Silver Spoon, Mark S. P. 1751, three Links of Silver Stone Buttons, and one Red Handkerchief, for 2/. 2/. —^ . — — — » Left at the fame Place one Green Silk Gown with Yellov Lining, and one Shift, Mark Jane Powel, for 1 is. Left at the same Place one Purple - and - White Linnen Gown, one Shift and Sleeves not sewed in, one Mignion Apron, one Pair of double Gauze Ruffles, one double ditto Handkerchief, one treble laced ditto French Hood and one Pair of flower'd Lawn Ruffles tied in a Chequ Handkerchief, for 1 is. Any Person, having been robb'd of the Things above mention'd, may have a Sight of them, by applying t Mr. Bowen, Attorney, in Broad Street, Bristol. The above Williams sold a Snuff- Box to J. Morgan Watch Maker, in Monmouth, the Top of which was Tortoise shell studdcd with Silver, and the Rim and Bot- tom Silver, which Box may be seen at J Morgan's. Whoever lent or sold a Pistol to the said Williams, desired to give Notice thereof, with a Description, Mr. Woodcock, at the Hop- Pole, in Worcester. " WORCESTER, June, 1757 To the HOP- PLANTERS, & C. MR. Henry Smith, Keeper of the Warehouse at the Hop Market, 1 being dead, Notice is hereby given, That the said Warehouse will be kept, from Midsummer next, by Thomas Hammond, ( to whom ths late Mr. Smith Was Tenant at Will), who hopes those Persons who have hitherto made Use of the said Warehouse, will continue the same, as they may be assured due Care will be taken of such Hops as shall be left in his Custody, and their Favours will be gratefully acknowledg'd by their humble Servant, Thomas Hammond. N. B Such Persons who have any Hops already in the said Warehouse, are desired to meet at Midsummer next, and pay off the Housage, to the Widow of the late Mr. Smith. LOST, On Thursday the i6tb of May last, between Kinfare and Endfield, in Staffordshire, A SILVER WATCH, Mark'd with on on the Inside of the Case, No. 1177, Maker's Name William Thornton, London. Any Person that will give Information of the said Watch ( so that it may be had again) to Mr. John Devey, at Endfield, shall have Half a Guinea Reward. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Mrs Huckell, late of Stratford upon Avon, Widow, deCeas'd, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Mr. Thomas Dunn, Mercer, in Evesham, her Executor ; and all Persons to whom she died indebted, are desired to send their respective Accounts to the said Mr. Thomas Dunn, that the same may be settled for Payment. Stamp- Office, Lincoln's Inn, London. WHEREAS, by an Act of this Session of Parliament, it IS enacted, That, from and after the Fifth Day of July, 1757, no Person whatsoever, unless he or she shall be authorized and enabled by Licence under the Hand and Seal of Two or more of the Commissioners of HIS Majesty's Stamp Duties, shall sell or utter WINE by Retail, that is, by the Pint, Quart, Pottle, or Gallon, or by any other greater or less Retail Measure, or in Bottles, in any less Quantity than shall be equal to the Measure of the Cask or Vessel in which the same shall have been, or may lawfully be, imported, any Kind of Wine or Wines, or any Liquor called or reputed Wine, upon Pain to for- feit tor every Offence the Sum of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS, one Half to any Person who will inform for the same: * The COMMISSIONERS do therefore give Notice, That ( in Pursuance of the said Act) they arc ready to grant Licences, under their Hand and SEAL, to such Per- sons who shall, by themselves or Agents, apply to them for the same at the Office in Lincoln's- Inn, London. Every Person applying for a Wine Licence must produce their Licence to sell Ale, and also to sell Spirituous Liquors, if they have any such Licences. PHILIP RUFFORD, Druggist and Apothecary, At the Top of the Newport STREET, Worcester, SELLS all Sorts of Drugs, Fine Teas, ts'c. as cheap as in London Likewise BRITISH BLUE, for Washing and bleaching of Linnens, & c. ( ma- nufactur'd from British Materials) which has been experi enced in most of the chief Towns in England and Scot land, and found to be equally as good as thc best Smalt or Stone Blue, and comes at Half the Price, and is much cheaper and better than Indigo or Stone Blue. As it is demonstrable ( besides the Advantage each Indi- vidual, and every Manufacturer of Linnen Cloth, who makes Use of it, will receive from its Cheapness) near a Million of Money will circulate in Great Britain, ( which is now sent to our Enemies the French, and other Foreign Parts) by Propagation of the British Blue into general Use, interest, as well as good Policy, requires every Briton to give this the Preference to the Foreign Commo- dity, the Importation of which, at the same Time that - it drains this Nation of Treasure, adds Riches and Power to our inveterate Enemies. June 11, 1757. AS Richard Bridge, a young, middle- siz'd Man, mark'd with the Small Pox, dark com plexion'd, with black Hair, and cloath'd in a Fustian frock and Leather Breeches, hath, ever since February last, absconded, and left his Wife and Child to be main- tain'd by the Parishioners of Hinton on the Green, in Gloucestershire ; We, the Churchwardens and Overseer of the Poor there, hereby offer FIVE GUINEAS Reward to any One who shall inform us where he lurks, so as we may secure him to bring him to Justice for his Misdemea- nor. But, > ie voluntarily returns before the X4. th Instant, he shall be used with Lenity and Kindness by THOMAS HILL, ~ L NI , . EDWARD CALLOW NEW, JAMES Hill. f Overseer, wanted, An Apprentice to a Surgeon and Apothecary In Worcestershire. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. WORCESTER, June 16, 1757. At Ten o'Clock next Tuesday Morning, WILL BE A Publick Breakfast, At the Widow WYTHES's, At Digley BOWLING- GREEN, At One Shilling each Person. To be SOLD, TWO Freehold Messuages, with a Malt- House adjoining thereto, situate in the High street, in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester. The Malt- House is convenient to make Two Hundred and Fifty Bushels of Malt a Week. The Yearly Rent cf the Whole ii Nineteen Pounds and Ten Shii. — For further Par- ticulars enquire of Mr Josiah Brittel, of Tewkesbury, or of Mr. John Bell, at Bromsgrove aforesaid. LOST, about the 25th of September, j 1756, a POCKET of HOPS, the Planter's Mark J. U. No 2. and Raddle mark'd at one End with a cross in a Circle and No. 19. the Property of Messrs. Penkett and Hullwood, of Chester. Whoever will give Intel- ligence of the said Pocket of Hops ( so that it may be deliver'd to Mr. William Dowding, in Worcester) shall be rewarded to their Satisfaction. Wednesdays and Thursday s POSTS. HAGUE, June 3. WE are informed from the Frontiers, that the Want of Forage in the French Army, particularly Hay, is so very great, that besides the cavalry which has re mained behind the Rhine, Marshal d'Estrees himself, the Princes of the Blood, and all the Officers of the Army without Exception, have been obliged to send back a great Part of their Horses, in order to subsist those that remain. Our Accounts from Bohemia lay, That the Prussians were to begin firing upon Prague upon the 271I1 of May : That their Artillery, on Account of the Bad- ness of the Roads, did not arrive till the 26th; and that the Sally made by thc Austrians, on the 24- th, was rec- koned to have cost them about 4000 Men. It is said the Elector of Bavaria has assured his Prussian Majesty, by one of his Chamberlains, whom he sent on Purpose to the Army, that he would strictly observe a Neutrality : That he had taken no Measures with the Court of Vienna, but what he had been forccd to do, as well as many other Members of the Empire ; and that he was ready to re- nounce all his Engagements with the French and Au. strians. London Gazette. LONDON. [ Tuesday, June 14. Advices from Berlin, dated the 5th Instant, say, that in the Camp before Prague it was generally thought the Place could not possibly hold out beyond the 8th ; as there is not only a great Misunderstanding amongst the Generals, but Disputes also between the Burghers and the Army, and which is yet worse, a Scarcity of Provisions and 110 great Quantity of Ammunition, without any Possibility of Relief before that Time. The Artillery employed to batter Prague consists of 100 great Cannon and 50 Mortars, most of which throw Bombs of 300 lb. Weight. Accounts by the last Mail say, that his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland was within 20 Miles of the French Army. We hear that the Parliament will not break up till Thursday next,. the 16th Instant. it is now confidently asserted that the Right Hon. Wil- liam Pitt, Esq; in Conjunction with his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, will have Share in the Direction of publick Affairs. We are well assured that the greatest Part of the Mini- stry is settled : The Duke of NewCastle to be. First Lord of the Treasury ; Mr. Pitt, Secretary of State ; Lord Hardwick, Privy- Seal ; Lord Gower, Master of the Horse; Duke of Dorset, to have a Pension ; Mr. Legge, Chan- cellor of the Exchequer; Lord Anson, Treasurer of the Navy ; and Lord Winchelsea to be continued First Lord of the Admiralty. ' Tis said this Event has been brought about by a great Personage of the Law. The Hon. Edward Finch, Representative in Parliament for the University of Cambridge, and one of the Grooms of the King's Bedchamber, is appointed Master of the Robes to his Majesty, in the room of Mr. Schutz, de ceased. The Serjeants of several Marching Regiments are come to Town, and are exercised every Day in St. James's Park, to learn the Prussian Exercise, in order to instruct their Regiments. We hear that three Regiments, which ' tis supposed will embark next Spring for North America, will encamp this Summer among the Woods in Buckinghamshire, in order to practise Bush Fighting We are credibly informed, that Orders are issued for the several Regiments, both Horse and Foot, to march to their respective Encampments by the 27th instant, du- ring which they are to be regularly exercised, both at Great and Small Arms, once a Week, or oftener, and are to attend Divine Sevice at stated Time;, Fortifications are to be erectof Milford Haven, in Pcmbroke- shire ; and till these can be completed, a temporary De- fence will be provided immediately. The Trade of Eng- land has sustained incredible Damage by the Want of a proper Harbour on the Western Coast to receive and pro- tect Merchantmen, and send out Cruizers; and the Har- bour of Milford will, when proper Batteries and Fortifica- tions are erected for its Defence, fully answer these im- portant Purposes. It is said that Advise is received that the Plague un- happily broke out in Batavia, and has almost depopulated that fine Settlement of the Dutch, not above zoo Persons being left alive. One of our India Company's Ships is reported to have touched there, and lost all her Hands but three. We have the Pleasure to assure our Correspondents,- that we know it to be the Opinion of some of the most wealthy and skilful Persons in the Kingdom, that Wheat must be under 4 s. a Bushel before Old Michaelmas Day next, so great, by God's Blessing, is the present Appear- ance of the Crops. This Day were enter'd at the Custom House 1556 Quarters of Wheat from Dantzick, 540 Quarters from Holland, and 250 Quarters from Hamburgh We are credibly informed, that a certain Number of monied People have entered into a Combination to engross all the Sheep and Oxen that they could meet with in all the Counties in England. We hear there were 2200 People on Thursday Night last at Ranelagh, and the Receipt of the House amounted to 5701, and upwards, for the Benefit of the Marine Society. We hear that the Freedom of the Cities of Bristol and Gloucester is shortly intended to be presented to the Right Hon. Henry Fox, Esq; Seven Bristol Vessels laden with Deals are taken, and carried into Bergen by French Privateers. Seven Colliers from Newcastle, are carried into Ostend by a Privateer of u Guns. Last Saturday at the Court of King's Bench at Guild- hall, a Cause came on to be tried, by a Special Jury, be- fore Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, wherein a late Gover- nor of one of our Islands in the West Indies was Plaintiff, and a Captain of a Man of War Defendant. The Action was brought for Criminal Conversation with the Plaintiff's Wife. The Jury brought in a Verdict for the Plaintiff with 1 oool. Damages. The Grampus, Corbett, from Liverpool to Gambia is taken and carried into Bayonne. Persons in the Country generally think that they may become Adventurers in the preaent State Lottery any Time before the Drawing, whereas the Axt of Parliament di- rects the Receiver to return the unsold Tickets on the first Day of August, before which Period all who would must purchase. BANKRUPTS William Hudson, of Charter- House Square, Middlesex, jeweller. Robert Davy, of Lenninghall, in the County ot Norfolk, Shopkeeper.— George Harris, late of Tamworth, Warwickshire. but now of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, Dealer in Timber. John Thornhill, late of Bristol, Scrivener >- Robert Hooks, of Widegate Alley, London, Weaver — Lewis, Monnier, late of Compton Street, Soho, Middlesex, Jewel- ler. Charles Richardson, of St. Anne, Westminster, Grocer. STOCKS. Bank, 1183 qrs.. India, 130 1 - half. South Sea, . Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 90 1 8th. Ditto zd Sub 891: 4th. Ditto New Annuities, 1 ft Sub. 90 j 8ths. a 3- 4ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 90 1 8th. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 90 3 8ths. India Bonds, 2 1. 9 s. a 7 s. Prem. New Subscription, 88 i- 4th. Aberdeen, June 5. Capt Allen, in the Grampus, has taken the Duc d'Aumont Privateer, of Dunkirk, after a smart Engagement of near an Hour — This is the Priva- teer who took so many Prizes lately off the Firth of Forth and on the North Coast of England, and who carried home last Cruize 15 or 16 Ransomers. WORCESTER, June 16. We hear from Higley in this County, that the Hon. Admiral Smith, in Consideration of the Dearness of the Times, has ordered 5 1. to be distributed amongst the Poor J there in Bread, y 1. amongst them for Cloaths, and 5 I. for relieving any who are sick ; and has further intimated, that he will not be wanting to contribute more, if neces- sary. -~ An Example worthy of Imitation, at a Time when the Poor are so unhappily sensible of the Scarcity of Things: And though the Admiral is now engaged in his Majesty's and Country's Service, he does not forget the Complaints of the Poor at home. Yesterday Morning, about Eleven o'Clock, all the Barns, a large Bay ot Corn, Cart- House, Dove House. a Rick of Beans, Sec. belonging to Mr. Evans, of Ayles- borough Farm, near Pershore, were entirely burnt down. The Accident was occasion'd by the Wind blowing off a small Spark from a lighted Stick, as it was carrying cross the Yard, in order to set Fire to some Coutch- Grass. ' Last Sunday a Soldier belonging to the Battalion of Ge- neral Stewart's Regiment quarter'd here, was drowned in thc River Severn, near this City, into which he went to bathe himself. About three Quarters of an Hour past Nine, on Thurs- day Night, the Post- Boy bringing the Mail from Birming ham to Worcester, was stopp'd by a Footpad, with a Pis- tol in his Hand, near the Eleven Mile Stone on Broms- grove Lickey, who begun to unbuckle the Mail; but while he was stooping to take up something that he had dropp'd the Boy clapp'd Spurs to his Horse, and got clear off. To the Printer of the WorcestER JOURNAL. SIR, As you oblig'd the Gentleman by inserting his Pro- duction in your Paper of the 2d of this Instant June, I dare say yoUr Impartially will grant the same Favour to year constant Reader, TRYPHEHIA. SINCE Owls attempt their Notes to raise, In mighty FRED'RICK'S lofty Praise, Be dumb ye tuneful Nine: Since Sternhold's risen from his Tomb, And is with eke and also come, Once more in Verse to shine, Let every Bard with Genius blest, With keenest Satire arm his Breast, To lash this scribling Slave, Who dares attempt, in Grubstreet Lays, " With more than Heart and Voice" to praise The Achievements of the Brave. Rather, since he in Rhime delights. Let him describe those valiant Knights That fought in Scotia s Wood, Where gallant Pierey lost his Life, And brave Earl Douglas, in tha Strife, Did spend his dearest Blood. let him no more such Themes disgrace. With his low doggrel Common place, But lay his Pen aside ; Or, if in Spite of my Advice, He will write on, let him be wise,—— Not print to please his Pride. ALL Persons who have any legal Demands on the estate and effects of the late John Bodledge, Deputy Register of the Diocese of Wor-. cester, deceas'd, are desired to send an Account thereof, on or before the 24th of this Instant June, to Mr. William Calcott, Mercer, at his House in the Town of Evesham, In the County of Worcester ; or to Mr. Richard Clarke, at the Register- Office, in Worcester. WORCESTER, June 9, 1757- WHEREA S, upwards of two Years ago, Nine Bags ol HOPS were left in my Custody, by a Person unknown, who was to have fetch'd them away in a short Time ; but as he has neither come nor sent for them yet, This is to desire the 0wner of them to come and demand them, and they will be de liver'd to him, upon his giving a satisfactory Description of them, proving them to be his Property, and paying me the Expense of Advertising, and all other Charges. JOHN NOTT, At the ANGEL INN, Sidbury. WANTED, A Sober, Ingenious YOUTH, As an Articled Clerk to an Attorney In WORCESTER. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. Want a Place, A MAN and his WiFE, WhO are well qualified for Governor and Gover- ness of a Workhouse, and whose Characters will bear the strictest Examination. They are likewise capable of keeping Accompts relating to Parish AfFairs. Enquire of Mr. Barlow, at the Rose and Crown, in Kidderminster; of Mr. Ashmoore, Breeches Maker, in Wolverhampton or of the Printer of this Paper. To be LETT, And enter'd upon at LADY DAY next. Farm, call'd the HEATH- FARM, In the Parish of Badger in the County of Salop, cOnsisting of a well built House, Out Buildings, and other Conveniencies, and of about Two Hundred acres of Land thereto belonging, lying together, and the House in or near the Center thereof; all in exceeding good Repair and Condition, and situated about three miles from Shiffnall, four from Bridgnorth, and seven from Wolverhampton, late in the Possession of Richard taylor, Gent, deceas'd, the Owner thereof, who, and his Ancestors, have respectively occupied the same Time out of Mind Proposals for taking the Estate are to be made to Mr. Fletcher, of Akleton, Mr. Stokes, of Seisdon, and Mr. Edney. Surgeon, in Bridgnorth, ( trustees of the said estate) at Mr. Southall's New Inn, situated between bridgnorth and Wolverhampton, on Monday the 7.7th day of June Instant, about Ten in the Morning. WORCESTER RAcES. ON Wednesday the 3d of August will be RUN for, on Pitchcroft Ham, near this City, A Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, ( Given by the MEMBERS of the County and City of Worcester,) to be run for by Five or Six Years old, or Aged Horses, Mares, or Geldings, that never won more than Fifty Pounds at one Time; Five Years old to carry Nine Stone ; Six Years old Ten Stone ; and Aged Ten Stone and Seven Pounds, Bridle and Saddle included j ihe best of Three Four- Mile Heats. On Thursday the 4th, FIFTY pounds, ( Given by the Right Honourable Lord FOLEY) to be run for by Hunters, the Property of Freeholders of the County of Worcester only ; the said Hunters to have been in the actual Possession of such Freeholders at least Six Months before the Day of Running, and that have never been in Training, or eVer had a Sweat, ( except such Horses as have started for any former Purse giv; n by Lord Foley, and not won such Purse, provided such Horses, & c. have not since that Time been in Training, or had a Sweat as Running Horses, & c ) Five Years old to carry Eleven Stone ; S- x Years old Eleven Stone Seven Pounds; and aged Twelve Stone, Bridle and Saddle in cluded ; the best of Three Four- Mile Heats. And on Friday the 5th, A Give and Take Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, ( The County and City Subscription) by Horses, Mares, or Geldings, that never won above that Value at one Time; Fourteen Hands to carry Nine Stone, Bridle and Saddle included ; all under or over to allow Seven Pounds for every Inch, and to allow Seven Pounds for every Year under Seven ; the best of Three Four Mile Heats. 13* A clear Heat to be run for the Stakes each Day, and the Horse. that wins the Stakes the first Day shall be entitled to thirty Pounds absolutely, Stakes included. A Subscriber to pay One Guinea Entrance, a Non- Subscriber Three Guineas, or double at the Post, except those Horses, & c. that run for the Hunter's Purse, which pay One Guinea Entrance only, or double at the Post. No Horse, & c. winning Two Heats shall be obliged to start for a Third. No less than Three reputed Running Horses, & c. to start for each Day's Purse, except the Hun ter's Purse, and no less than Three Horses, & c. to start for that. Certificates of their Qualifications to be produccd at the Time of Entrance If only One or two enter, to be allow'd Ten Guineas each, Entrance Money included, and the Purse to be reserved for the next Year. To run according to Articles, which will be produced at the Time of Entrance. If any Difference shall arise or happen on Account of the Age or Height of any Horse, & c. or on Account of the Purses, Heats, or Running, the same shall then be determined by the Majority ol the Gentlemen present at the Races, that have subscribed not less than one Guinea, whose Determination shall be final. The Horses, & c. to run for the above- mention'd Prizes, to be shewn and enter'd, for the first purse, at Thomas Dugard's, at the White Horse, near the Corn Market, on Wednesday the 27th of July ; for the fecond, on Thurs- day the 28th, at John Tuckey's, in Silver- Street ; and for the third, on Friday the 19th, at William Dyer's, at the Star and Garter, in Foregate Street, between the Hours of Four and Seven in the Evening. To be kept and remain at such Houses only as contribute not less than One Guinea to the Subscription Purse. The Ordinary for tbe first Day to be at George Wood- cock's, at the Hop- Pole, in Foregate Street the second Day at John Pemberton's, at the Crown, in Broad Street; and the third Day at Richard Pros- sers, at the Fleece, in Broad- Street. %* There will be a BALL at the Guild- Hall every Evening, as usual. The Right Hon Lord WARD, STEWARD. N. B. No Person will be allow'd to erect a Booth on the Course who does not contribute Half a Guinea, or more, to the Subscription Purse. JUNE 9, .757. STole, on Saturday or Sunday Night last, from Mr. Podmore's Mill, at the Broad Waters, Part of a SAY, ( that is, unthick'd Cloth) of a light- drab Colour, mark'd F. H. 629, upwards of Thirty Yards; likewise about 16 Yards of fine Blue SERGE : Who- ever will discover the Person or Perfons that stole the same, ( so that he or they may be convicted) shall. on such Con- viction, receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS, from Mr. Francis Hancox, of Kinfare, or Mr. Joseph Young, of Stourbridge. To be peremptorily SOLD, Pursuant to a Decree ay the High Court of Chancery together or in Parcels, before Thomas Bennet, Esq, one 4/ the Masters of the said Court, at his House in Cuisiton Street, London, on Monday the i- jib Day of June, between tbe Hours of Ten and Twelve of the Clock in the Forenoon, THE ESTATES of Richard Steward, late ot Cladswell, in the Parish of Inkborough, in the County of Worcester, Yeoman, consisting of a Farm House, and several Closes and Fields, call'd Cladsall Farm, lett at 50 1. a Year, and of other inclosed Grounds, in Inkborough aforesaid, lett at 201, a Year. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's House. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at Michaelmas next, AConvenient HOUSE and SHOP, ( fituated in Goofe Lane, Worcester and which for several Years were occupied in the Linnen- Drapery and Millinary Business, and the Shop very well- accustomed, and the Persons who occupied the same are but just re- mov'd. Likewise to be LETT, and may be Enterd upon immediately, A commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, with all Con- veyances, situated at the Back of the House and Shop above mentioned, For further Particulars of both Houses enquire of Mr. Rowland Morris, Grocer, in Broad Street, Worcester. To the PRECEPTORS and GOVERNESSES throughout the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. This Day Was Publish'd, Price bound One Shilling and Six pence, Neatly printed in a Pocket Volume, YOUTH's HISTORICAL INSTRUCTOR^ O R T H E British Chronologist; Containing An Impartial COMPENDIUM of the most MEMORABLE OCCURRENCES la our English History ; from the Primitive BRITONS te our present happy Establishment in Church and State. The Whole Carefully compiled By D. BELLAMY, Formerly of St. John's College in Oxford. Embellished with near forty PictUres of all th e moNARchs of Eng- land, from WILLIAM the Conqueror, to his present Majesty inclusive; with their respective Characters in memorial Verses Let Foreign HISTORIES alone, Till you've some Notion of your OWN. LONDON: Printed for W. Owen, at Temple- Bar; and sold by all other Booksellers in Town and Country, This Day is Publish'd ( Price only One Shilling) Adorn'd with a beautiful Frontispeice, by Walker, being the compleatest and cheapest Book of the Kind ever yet publish'd, THE Youth's Pocket- Companion: O R, UNIVERSAL PRECEPTOR. CONTAINING what is absolutely necessary for every young Man to know and practise, under the following Heads, VIZ. Arithimetick render'd so plain and easy, that any Person may arrive to the greatest Perfec- tion, without the Help of a Master. Forms of Receipts, Bills, Notes of Hand, Sec. ' Rules to be observed in the Con- duct of Life, to lead to Hap- piness and Prosperity. The Pocket Farrier. The Gardener's Director Examples of the must necessary Forms in Law, such as Wilis, Indentures, & c. And Several other Things, equally useful, too numerous to be mentioned in a Title- Page. E WILSON, E M Y in LONDON. A plain and easfy GRAMMAR of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, by which a Person of the meanest Capacity may presently under stand to write, speak, and read, with the greatest Cor- rectiness and Accuracy. The best Instructions for writing, making Pens, Sre. Familiar Letters in the common Occurrences of Life, which is a complete Introduction to an easy, useful, and elegant Stile ; and which will enable any Person to write a handsome Letter 00 any Subject what- soever. By GEORGE WILSON Teacher at an AcADEMY Embrace Instruction, hold her fast Her treasures will for ever last. LONDON I Printed for J. Cooke, at the King's Arms, in Great Turnstile, Holbourn, and sold by all other Booksellers in England. Where likewise may be had, ( Price only One Shilling) The WARBLER, a curious Collection of SONGS. ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at zs. 6d. each; and Articles of Intelligence ( Post paid) will be receiv'd, and carefully inserted. ADVERTISEMENTS, & c are likewise taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Hopkinson, Bookseller, in Warwick Mr Wylde. Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr . Andrews, bookseller, in Evesham ; Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Hodges, Bookfeilers, in Hereford ; Mrs. Moseley bookseller, in Kidderminster ; Mr. Ashmead, Bookseller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham ; at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominster ; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in that Town : at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton in Marsh 1 .1. by the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Distribution of this Journal.—— Likewise by Mr. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave- Mary- Lane, London.
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