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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 26/05/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2441
No Pages: 4
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RERROW's Worcester Journal [ Printed at his O F F I C E, in Goose- Lane, near THURSDAY, May 26, 1757. N° 244I J Price Two- Pence, WEEKS this Journal has been publish'd. and 3500 Piasters out of the other. If the Admiral finds , them, he is to get them tried and executed as Pyrates, and I full Restitution is to be made to the Spaniards. We hear that Admiral Broderick is going to resume his former Station in the Bay. Letters from Gibraltar advise, that four Men of War and a Frigate were sailed from Toulon, supposed to look out for the Leghorn Fleet; upon Intelligence of which, 1 brought by the Chesterfield Man of War, Admiral Saun- ders was gone in Pursuit of them. By a Ship arrived from Barbadoes we hear, that the Spirit of Privateering has diffused itself amongst all our Colonies in so extensive a Manner, that even many of the Quakers breath Revenge against our perfidious Enemies. The Sprye, a Privateer belonging to Philadelphia, of 22 Nine- Pounders, and 208 Men, commanded by the brave Obadiah Bold, ( a Quaker) sailed lately for Tobago. A Ship from St. Domingo, supposed to be worth to. oool is taken by the Trial Privateer of Liverpool, and carried into Kinsale. A Ship from Nantz to Granville, a Vessel with Tim- ber, bound to Brest, and an Irish Vessel, with Lead and Coals, bound to France, are taken by the Phaenix Priva- teer, and carried into Jersey. The St. Reme, Monnier, from St. Domingo, is taken by a Privateer, and carried into Guernsey. The Frendship, Allen, from London to Carmarthen, is retaken and carried into Guernsey. The Ebenezer, James Solion, laden with Beef from 1 Denmark for Rochelle, is taken and sent into Dover by the Fly Privateer. The Ufrow Margaret, Jacob Meen, from Marseilles for Hamburgh, is also sent into Dover by the Duke Wil- liam Privateer. A private Letter from Leghorn brings Advice, that Capt. Fortunatus Wright, of the King George, Letter of Marque Ship, having sailed from Malta with a Prize for the said Port, met with a great Storm on the 16th of March, during which the Officer that had charge of the Prize went down into the Cabbin, or under the Hatches, to bring up certain Colours to hoist as Signals of Distress or Danger, as there was then a French Privateer in Sight; but when he came upon Deck again, the King George was no longer to be seen : So that there is room to fear this gallant Officer, with 60 stout Fellows, are all gone to the j Bottom. The Prize made the Port of Leghorn, and gave there this Account. The Ranger Privateer arrived in the Downs Yesterday from the Westward, and brought in a French Prize. A Letter from Rotterdam dated the 14th Instant, say that within a few Days several French Privateers had been taken by the English off Flushing and Ostend. Within this Week near 30,000 Quarters of Wheat have been entered inwards from Dantzick, and other foreign Ports. 1 At a certain Market- Town, about ten Miles East from London, several Farmers, after bringing their Corn to Market, obstinately carried it back again, because they could not make their own Price thereof. On Tuesday the Bill for importing Italian Thrown Silk, a Bill for making the River Ivel navigable, and nine other private Bills, were passed at the House of Lords by a Commission from his Majesty. On Tuesday Joseph Pratt, Esq; who was drank to last Week by the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, paid his Fine of Four Hundred Pounds and Twenty Marks into the Chamber of London, to be excused serving the Office of Sheriff. We hear that the late Countess Dowager of Salisbury hath bequeathed a reversionary Legacy of 10001. to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, in Bartlet's Buildings, after the Decease of three of her Domesticks Last Monday Evening a melancholy Accident happen'd at Mr. Butler's, a wealthy Farmer, at Burnt- Ash, between Leigh and Eltham, in Kent, where a young Lad took up a Gun, ( not knowing it was charged} and on touching the Trigger it went off, and shot one Smith, a Servant Man in the Family, through the Head, and killed him on the Spot The Coroner's Inquest sat on the Body Yesterday, und brought in their Verdidt Accidental Death. One Day last Week as the Poft Master of Doncaster was passing a River, his Horse slipt into a Hole, and threw the Rider into the River, and he was drown'd. Last Tuesday Night about Nine o'Clock, a Respite was brought to Newgate for Peter Huck, a dumb Man, who had been capitally convicted for Housebreaking, and was to have been executed Yesterday Morning. Yesterday Morning between Eight and Nine o'Clock, William Harris and Thomas Marsh, for stealing a silver Watch, and Benjamin Search for a Highway Robbery, in one Cart; John Edwards for a Highway Robbery, John Macleary and Michael Sullivan, for inlisting a Sol dier in the King of Prussia's Service, in the second Cart; William Adams and Richard Hughes, for Forgery, in the third Cart; were carried from Newgate to Tyburn, and executed pursuant to their Sentences. They all ap- pear'd resigned to their Fate, and died penitent The Body of one of the Men who was convicted for enlisting Men into foreign Service, was delivered to the Surgeons to ba anatomized ; the others were taken Care of by their Friends. The Lords of the Admiralty have been pleased to ap. point Lieutenant John Elphinston, of the Royal Sovereign, to the Command of the London Sloop, of 14 Guns, em- ploy'd to convoy the Holland Mails. Letters from Jamaica, dated March 22, mention the Day before came on the Trial of Dr. Alexander Lisle. for the Murder of Mr. Robinson, a Merchant, of King- lion, and, being found guilty of the Fact, received Sen- tence of Death the same Day. Extras of a Letter from Portsmouth, dated May 18. " Capt. Moore, of the Devonshire, goes Commodore to relieve Admiral Frankland in the Command at Antigua. " The Tartar's Prize, Capt. Baily, will sail in a few Days on a Cruize. The Government have purchased the Tartar's other Prize, and the Privateer taken by the So- merset, Devonshire, and Rochester, and they will be soon commissioned ; they carry 26 Guns each." H I SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. I From the London Gazttte Extraordinary. Whitehall, May 10, Last Night an Express arrived from Colonel Yorke, his Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary at the Hague, with the following Account of the Vic- tory obtained by the King of Prussia over the Austrian Army ou the 6th Instant, as received from Berlin by M. de Hellen, his Prussian Majesty's Minister at the Hague. BERLIN, May 10. YO U have been already apprised of the rapid Pro- gress of the King's Arms in Bohemia ; and I have now the Pleasure to inform you or the glorious Event, with which it has pleased Heaven to crown those first Suc- cesses, in a compleat Victory obtained by his Majesty near Prague, on the 6th Instant, over the whole combined Force of the House of Austria. The King having been informed, that Marshal Brown had been reinforced by the Army of Moravia, by the Remains of the Corps which was beat by the Prince of Bevern, and by several Regiments of the Garrison of Prague ; and seemed resolved to maintain the Post he had on the other Side of the Moldau; his Majesty passed that River with a small Part of his own Army, and being joined by that under the Command of Marthal Schwerin, deter- mined to attack the Enemy, tho' much superior in Num- ber of Troops, and posted besides in a Camp almost inac- cessible, from every Advantage of Situation All these Obstacles could not check the Ardour ot the Prussian Offi- cers and Men, who vyed with each other in passing Defiles, in crossing Marshes, seizing the rising Grounds, and clearing Ditches, till at length, after a very long and ob- stinate Engagement, and many signal Examples of Valour, the Enemy was forced to abandon the Field of Battle, leaving behind them the greatest Part of their Artillery, all their Tents, all their Baggage, and, in a Word, their whole Camp. We have indeed had a very affecting Loss in the Person of Marshal Schwerin, who was unfortunately killed in the Beginning of the Action ; and in the Death of several others, who have lavished their blood, on this Occasion, in the Service of their Country. Bu., on the other Hand, the Loss of the Austrians has been so much the greater, not only in the Number of their Dead and Wounded, but also in the prodigious Number of Prisoners which we have taken ; insomuch that this Battle may be reckoned decisive in every Sense, and in all Respects. The Enemy retired in the greatest Confusion, and a Part of the Left Wing fled with the utmoft Precipitation into the City of Prague. The Prussian Troops are still in Pur- suit of the Remains ot their Army; and we have Reason to hope, that this Action will be no less glorious in its consequences, than it was in itself. Such are the first Circumstances of this memorable Day, which the House of Austria will long remember, and which will ever be a signal Monument of the Intrepidity of the Prussian Troops and, above all, of the Protection with which Heaven continues to bless the Justice of his Majesty's Cause. P. S. ( of the same Date). We this Moment learn fur- ther, That the Number of Cannon taken from the Ene- my amounts already to Two Hundred and Fifty Pieces t a memorable Circumstance, which never happened in any of the former Battles gained by his Majesty. The Num- ber of Prisoners amounts already to Six or Seven Thousand Men, besides those that have been made since, and are still making, the Whole of the King's Army, that was engaged, being in Pursuit of the Enemy, who, by the Accounts of ail the Prisoners and Deserters, are in the utmost Consternation and in a Desolation not to be de- scribed, being in want of every Thing, and scarce having wherewith to cover themfeives, from the total Loss of their Equipages. In short, all the Circumstances conspire FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arrivd the MAILS from Flanders, ^ PARIS, May 9. THE Affair that has happened in the Mediterranean, which we mention'd last Post, is but a Trifle, and amounts X ® " T 10 00 more than this: M. du Reyest having sailed from Toulon for America, a ShiP of 74 Guns and three of 64, was obliged by contrary Winds to touch at Malaga Admiral Saunders, who commands a Squadron at Gibraltar, being informed of it, came out to seek him with three Ships of 70 Guns, one of 50, and a Frigate. The two Squadrons were well manned and provided. They met near the Streights Mouth, and cannonaded one another sometime, without much Harm to either Side : At last, M du Revest, whose sole Business was to proceed to the Place of Destination, worked his Ship so well, that he got through the Streights, leaving the English Squadron behind, which went to Cadiz to refit, and he continued his Course for America. IRELAND. Dublin, May 7 A Trial began last Wednesday in the Common- Pleas, upon an Ejectmert brought by Sir Ed- ward King. Bart against Henry King, Esq; for the Es tate ot Lord Kingsborough, their late Brother, and, after a Trial of thirty one Hours, the Jury retired, and agreed upon a Verdict for Sir Edward King. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, May 10 Last Post brought Advice, that the Due d'Aumont Privateer, of Boulogne, is safe arri- ved at Dunkirk, with all her Ransomers. The following is a List of the Ships taken by that Privateer, viz The Phoenix, of Lynn, Thomas Reid, from Lynn to Leith, " ransomed for 500 Guineas; the Hope, of Leith, Wil- liamson, from Holland, at 1200 Guineas; the Diligence, Kay, from Ditto tor Dundee, at 770 Guineas; the Friendship, of Sunderland, Weak, at 450 Guineas; the Duty of Newcastle, Gall, at 200 Guineas; the Miller of Mansfield, Smith, from Leith at 510 Guineas; the Carina and Mary, of Kirkcaldy, Barker, at 230 Guineas; the Friendship, of Inverness, Henry, at 520 Guineas; the Elizabeth, of Dysart, Law. at 200 Guineas; the Euphan and Peggy, Walker, from Leven, at 500 Guineas; the Martin and Euphan, of Leith, Clephan, at 5oo Guineas; and the three following belonging to Harwich, viz. the John and Philip, Dean, from Berwick, ransomed at 95 Guineas; the Frederick and William, Dusburg, for 140 Guineas; and the Robert and Martha, Piner, for 100 Guineas; and the Minerva, of Hull, Hunter, at 320 Guineas. LONDON. [ Thursday. May 19. The Empress- Queen has offered our Court to guaranty Hanover, in Case a free Passage be allowed to the French Troops, Artillery, & c. through that Electorate. This Proposal has been rejected with Scorn. A Treaty is on Foot between us and Genoa, or Cor- sica, or both, the Subject of which has occasioned seve- ral Expresses. We are well inform'd that the King of Spain has signed a Treaty of Neutrality with England during the present War. Tuesday the Duke of Grafton took the Oaths and his seat in the House of Peers. Tuesday his Grace the Duke of Newcastle kissed his Majesty's Hand, on his being appointed First Lord of the Treasury. A Fleet now going put, it is said by his Majesty's Or- der. is to be under the Command Sir Edward Hawke. We hear that a Fleet, consisting of seven Ships of the Line, and four Frigates, are in Readiness to sail from Toulon with the first fair Wind; but where they are going I is not yet known. The four French Men of War that have called at the Cape de Verd Islsnds ( as mentioned in our last) are sup- posed to be bound to the East Indies, as they set on Shore about 80 English Prisoners taken in some Vessels they took in their Passage, sold the Ships and Cargoes to the Portugueze : Besides taking in Water, they also supplyed themselves with Turkeys, Fowls, & c. and some of their Men made it no Secrct, that they were destined for the East Indies. We hear that Admiral Holbourne, before he left Cork, received an Express from London, with Orders to make Search, on his Arrival at America, after a Privateer of Halifax and another of New- England, who, some Time ago, went to the Spanith Main, and there seized two Spanish Bottoms, whose Crews were likewise Spaniards, and took out of one of them above 400 Gold Doubloons, in making this the compleatest and most decisive Victory that has happened for many Years. According to the Report of one of our General Officers in the King's Ar- my, our Loss is not so considerable by far, as was at first imagined; and we have the Satisfaction to know with Certainty, that the King, and the Princes his Brothers, are well." An Officer sent from the King of Prussia to his Majesty is daily expected, with further Particulars of this great Event. The Letters from the Hague, by the same Express, mention the Prussians having taken the City of Prague, Sword in Hand, on the 8th ; and that his Prussian Ma jesty had, immediately after the Battle, sent a Body of Hussars to join the Army of Observation in Westphalia. [ Thus far from the London Gazette Extraordinary. ] LONDON. [ Saturday, May 21. Yesterday in the Afternoon the second Express expected from Berlin ( as mentioned in the London Gazette Extra- ordinary) arriv'd at St. James's, and brought a Letter from his Prussian Majesty to the King our Sovereign, which, we hear, contains these Lines: " Immediately " after the Action of the 6th Instant, I sent Keith with • « a Body of Troops to Prague, who has taken the City " Sword in Hand, and made more Prisoners there than " we took on the Field of Battle." It is reported, that in the Taking of Prague 10,000 Men, being Part of Gen. Browne's routed Army who had fled thither for Shelter, were either killed or taken Pri- soners ; and that the King of Prussia having left a nume- rous Garrison there, was advancing at the Head of jd. ooo Men with all possible Speed towards Moravia ; which Province borders upon Austria, and therefore lies in his Road to Vienna. The City of Prague is the Capital of Bohemia, situate on the River Moldau, 140 Miles North- West of Vienna, 100 Miles North- East of Ratisbon, and 70 Miles South of Dresden. It is the largest City in Europe, and the most populous next to London, Paris, and Constantinople; encompassed with a Wall, Bastions, and other Works, which render it as strong as a Place of that Extent can be i but it is commanded by several Hills. It stands pleasantly, surrounded by fine Fields and Gardens, and is adorned with a great many elegant Houses, Churches, and Con- vents. Two God- like Heroes did the World adorn, The first in Greece, the next in Sweden born : The one for Valour fam'd, with Prudence fraught } The last for Fire, without the After- Thought: Those Chiefs, in Prussia's Monarch, to out do, Great Nature joins the Essence of the two. There were great Rejoicings Yesterday Evening, at different Parts of the Town, upon the Success of the Pro- testant Hero. We hear that when the King of Prussia calls a Council, he preposes a Scheme and leaves it, with Orders for each Member to write his Thoughts, to be left sealed up on the Table, and never lets them know which he will take, till it is put in Execution. It is reported that his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland has block'd up or stopp'd about 16,000 of the French Troops, and that a Battle between them is daily expected. We are assured ( whatever may have been reported to the contrary) that the Russian Troops are not marched to the Assistance of the Queen of Hungary, but remain quiet in their own Country: Nor is it thought their In- tention is to march. It is positively asserted, that the Right Hon. Mr. Legge and Mr. Pitt having declined to act in their former Stations, the Right Hon. the Earl of Hallifax will be ap- pointed Secretary of State, and the Right Hon. the Earl of Egmont is to succeed him as First Lord of Trade ; his Grace the Duke of Newcastle to be at the Head of the Treasury, and Sir George Lee to be Chancellor and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer; and the Right Hon. Henry Fox Paymaster- General. We hear that the Lord Chief Justice Willes will speedily be appointed Lord Keeper of the Great Seal; that his Lordship will be succeeded as Chief Justice of the Com- mon- Pleas by Sir Robert Henley ; that the Hon. Charles Yorke will be made Attorney- General, and Charles Pratt, Esq; Solicitor General. We are inform'd that 50,0001. will be paid to the Sub- jects of Great Britain in North and. South Carolina and Virginia, for such Services as they have or shall perform by acting against the Enemy : Also that a Million will be granted to enable his Majesty to defray any extraordi- nary Expence of the War for the current Year : Likewise JO. OOO i. for the Forts and Settlements in Africa, and 10,000 1. for the East India Company. On the 17th Admiral Osborne sailed from Plymouth with the Fleet under his Command; and the Ludlow and Deal- Castle, with the Convoy for America; and also the Greyhound, with the Trade for Oporto and Lisbon. It is said there is Advice from Admiral Holbourne, that he was within a League of the French Men of War and Transports that lately sailed from Brest. Admiral Boscawen is going with a Squadron to the Bay in a Week's Time. A French Privateer of 40 Guns and 600 Men, is ta- ken and carried into Kinsale by the Orford Man of War, Capt. Spry, one of the Ships belonging to Admiral Hol- bourne's Squadron. It is said that the Privateer had 60 , Men killed and wounded in the Engagement, which lasted Three Quarters of an Hour; and that she is a new Ship, and one of the five fitted out by Madam Pompadour. The Planter, Rothmaller, from Carolina for Portsmouth is retaken and brought into Portsmouth. A few Days ago the Cumberland Cutter, commanded by Mr. Pitt, fell in with two Privateers, who the Morn- ing before had cut two Sloops laden with Shot out of Dun- geness; they made towards the Cumberland, who stood their Fire, engaged, and drove them from the Coast, chased them within Sight of Boulogne, took them and their Prizes, and brought them into the Downs. A large Silver Cup and Cover, with a fine Table of the said Metal, is now making by Order of the Merchants of this City, to be presented to Capt Lockhart, of the Tartar Man of War, in Return for his great Services done to the Trade of this Kingdom. A Ship is arrived at Corke from Lisbon in nine Days, which brings an Account of the sudden Death of Abra- ham Castres, Esq; his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Portugal. Several Persons who lost their Incomes by the taking of Minorca, have had Pensions or equivalent Places given them. We hear there will be a Camp formed very shortly near the Suburbs of the City of Canterbury, under the Command of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, Lieutenant- General of his Majesty's Forces. We hear that a Scheme is drawn up to be presented to the House of Commons, that all Corn should be sold by Weight, in order to prevent any Imposition in the Good- ness of the Grain, which by Measure is not so perceptible, in order to regulate, after an effectual Manner, the present exorbitant Price of Corn. On Monday the Hon George Hobart, Brother to the Earl of Buckinghamshire, was married by a special Li- cence, at Chislehurst, in Kent, to the Hon Miss Albinia Bertie, Daughter to the Right Hon. Lord Vere Bertie, Uncle to his Grace the Duke of Ancaster ; and this Day the new married Couple set out for his Lordship's Seat in Lincolnshire. His Majesty was most graciously pleased to pardon Mary Jones, otherwise Black Moll, who was convicted for returning from Transportation, on Account of her having occasioned the Discovery of a notorious Gang of Thieves and their Receivers, to Mr. Justice Fielding ; by which Means the said Gang has been entirely broke, and some of them transported. Black Moll is to be trans- ported for Life. Bath, May 16. We hear there have been great Dis- turbances for this Fortnight past at Shepton- Mallet, Bruton, and Places adjacent, occasioned by the present Dearness of Corn, which occasioned a Meeting of the Justices of Peace and Gentlemen of the County of Somer- set at Bruton on Tuesday last, in order to settle the Price ; and the Farmers have Notice that they must bring their Corn to Market, and sell the best Wheat for ios. per Bushel, old Measure ; and that the Poor must be served before the Miller of Baker. Liverpool, May 18 A young Person 5 Feet high, aged about 19, who entered in January last on board the Reso lution Privateer, Capt. Barber, under the Name of Ar- thur Douglas, proceeded with the Ship from London to this Port, went aloft to furl the Sails, he. when call'd upon, was frequently mustered amongst the Marines at the Time they exercised the Small Arms, and in short exe- cuted the Office of a Landsman in all Shapes with great Alacrity, was on Saturday last discovered to be a Woman by one of her Messmates. ' Tis said that he found out her Sex on the Passage, and that she, to prevent a Discovery, then promised to permit him to keep her Company when they arrived here ; but as soon as they came into Port re- fused his Addresses. At Dugard's ASSEMBLY- ROOM, In Great Malvern, Will be a PUBLICK BREAKFAST, At Ten o'Clock every THURSDAY during the Season, At EIGHT- PENCE each Person. N. B. MUSICK will be in waiting, in order to perform, if « Company should be dispos'd for a DANCE. To be LETT, And Enter d upon at Michaelmas next, AConvenient H0USE and SHOP, ( situated in Goose Lane, Worcefter,) and which for several Years were occupied in the Linnen- Drapery and Millinary Business, and the Shop very well- accustomed, and the Persons who occupied the same are but just re mov'd. Likewise to be LETT, and may be Enter'd upon immediately, A commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, with all Con- veniences, situated at the Back of the House and Shop above mentioned. For further Particulars of both Houses enquire of Mr. Rowland Morris, Grocer, in Broad- Street, Worcester. J. WHITFIELD, Received, last Week, from his Warehouse in London, a fresh Assortment of Linnen- Drapery Goods of all Sorts, in particular Printed Linnens and Cottons of the newest Patterns, which must be sold off with Speed, by Whole- sale or Retail, at his Warehouse in a large Front Parlour, at the Talbot, in Sidbury, Worcester, CONSISTING OF GULIX Holland, Irish Cloth, Long Lawns, Muslins of all sorts, Mens' long Neckcloths, Clear Lawns, strip'd, plain, and chequer'd, from Is. to us. per Yard ; flower'd minionetted Gauze, and spotted Lawns, with Variety of Aprons and Ruffles minionetted and border'd round, of the newest Fashions, for Gentlemen and Ladies; Variety of strip'd and flower'd border'd Handkerchiefs, of the newest Fashions, from 8d. per Piece to izs. j Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs, with choice of Silk and Mufsin ditto ; printed Lin- nens and Cottons, of the newest Patterns, with Variety of dark and light- ground Chints Patterns of the newest Fashions, and at the lowest Prices; with choice of printed Cottons for Furniture ; printed Hol- lands and Long Lawns; Damask and Diaper Table Linnen in the Piece, and Variety of Damask and Diaper Table- cloths, with Setts of ditto; Dimities; flower'd, plain and spotted Capuchins, French Cloaks, Cardinals, Shades, and Polanees; Velvet and Silk in the Piece, spotted, flower'd, and plain, for Capuchins; Pelong Sattin; Boys' Velvet and Silk Caps, and Tippets for Children; Womens' Velvet and Silk Hoods; scarlet and cloth- colour'd Cloaks and Do- minoes ; great choice of Camblets and Callimancoes ; Cotton, Thread and Worsted Gloves and Stockings; Cotton Caps j Paduasoy Ribbons at 4d. per Yard ; new- fashion'd figur'd Ribbons at 2d. per Yard; and Silk Figures of the newest Patterns, at per Yard; Silk Purses i Brussels, Mechlin, and Buckinghamshire Lace ; Frame Lace Caps; Mens wove Cotton and Worsted Waistcoats j printed Linnen and Scotch Handkerchiefs 5 Womens' Shag, Leghorn, Chip, Horse- hair, and Paper Hats; choice of cover'd and bound ditto; Silk, Cotton, Thread, Worsted, and Leather Mits; black Silk Fringe and Gimps; dark and light ground Cotton at 8s. per Gown. Also great choice of small Silver Plate, viz. Salts, Cream- Jugs, large Spoons, Tea Spoons and Tongs, Corals; great choice of Silver Shoe- Buckles, and plated ditto, of the newest Patterns; Clafps and Stock- Buckles j I ' short Rims and Buttons, Bristol- stone Buttons, Stay- Hooks, Gold, Plain and Stone Rings, Wires and Bobs, Silver Thimbles and Seals, with choice of Silver Watches. *„* Ready Money for Old Gold or Silver, and Gold or Silver Lace, or Exchange for any of tbe. abave- mention'd Goods, II, B, The Prices are fix'd, without Abatement. To be peremptorily SOLD, Pursuant to a Decree of tie high Court of Chancery, together or in Parcels, before Thomas Bennet, Esq one of the Masters of the said Court, at his House in Cursitors- Street, London, on Monday the 27th Day of June next, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve of the Clock in the Forenoon, THE ESTATES of Richard Steward; late of Cladswell, in the Parish of Inkborough, ia the County of Worcester, Yeoman, consisting of a Farm House, and several Closes and Fields, call'd Cladfall Farm, lett at 50 1, & Year, and of other inclosed Grounds, in Inkborough aforesaid, lett at zo 1. a Year. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's House. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Wednesday the Fifteenth of June, at the Green Dragon, in Chipping- Campden, Gloucestershire, One of the best- built and most convenient MESSUAGES in that Town, SITUATE in the Market- Place, and occupied by Mr. John Allen, a Grocer, being the House wherein. Mr. Edmund Pembruge, deceased, lately dwelt. • • For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Cotterel Corbet Honeyborne; Mr. Richard Darby, at Campden; and Mr. Welch, of Evesham. To be LETT, And Entered upon at Michaelmas Day next, in Upton upon Severn, AMALT- HOUSE, in good Repair, now in the Possession of Thomas Farmer, at the yearly Rent of Six Pounds. Also, if requir'd, A Messuage or Tenement, ad- joining to the faid Malt- house, very convenient for a small Family, will be lett with it. For Particulars enquire of Mr. John Rowden, or of Mr William Hudson, in Upton. STolen, or Stray'd, in the Night be- tween the 10th and 11th of May 1757, from off Longdon Heath, an old Dun- black MARE, broken Winded, with a Star in her Forehead, and spur- gall'd on the Off Side ; and a Dun- black MARE, six Years old, 14 Hands and an Inch high, has a small Crack in the Hoof of the Off Leg behind, has a small white Saddle Spot on the Near Side of her Back, and a small Knob on the other Side her Back, occasioned by the Saddle; and in catching her she always seems inclin'd to bite the Per- son.—— Whoever brings the said Mares to Thomas Day, on Longdon Heath, in the Parish of Upton, Worcester shire, shall be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble. R. B. SHAPPEE, Practioner in Physick, Surgery, and Man- Midwifry, Who was Pupil under his Uncle, Dr. Shappee, in his Ma- jesty's Service Fourteen Tears, NOW travels by an Act of Parliament, and after Thirty Years constant and large Practice in a private as well as publick Capacity, has acquired the Art of curing most Medicable Distempers incident to human Nature : He is allow'd, by all that know him, to be a very ingenious Man in his Profession,' » n4 has had very great Success in his Undertakings, and takes upon him to acquaint the Publick, that he is the Wonder of the Age for curing of Ruptures or Broken Bellies, from Eight Days old to Eighty Years old, in both Seres, ( tho' of ever so long Continuance) in Half an Hour, if the Grief can be put up. Likewise the Falling of the Womb in Women before they quit the Room, if they have labour'd under that Misfortune for Thirty Years. From December 1754 to March 15, 1756, 1 have cured in Derbyshire, Staffordshire, York, shire, Nottinghamshire, and Lincolnshire, upwards of Sixteen Hundred Persons of . Ruptures and Broken Bellies, and the Falling of the Womb in Women. Note, He is now at the King's Arms, at Stow in the Wold, Gloucestershire, where he will continue three Weeks, and no longer; and he has hired a House at Broadway, ( about six Miles from Evesham) Worcestershire, and will be there on Sunday the 19th of June, and con- tinue one Month. T, A Man, Fifty- three Years of Age. who came from St. Ives, was cured this Mornjtig, April 91b, of a Bowel- Rupture, Nineteen Inches in the Girth, and Eleven Inches in Length, at the Doctor's Lodgings in Leicester. * ** The Doctor is greatly afflicted with the Gout, and thr Reason of his Travelling is on Account of the Benefit he receives from Exercise. WORCESTER, May 23, 1757.' This is to give NOTICE, THAt WILLIAM COX, Bricklayer, ( Who for some Years work'd for Mr. DAVIS, in Broad- Street,) Has nOw Enter'd into Business for Himself ; Such Gentlemen and Ladies who will be pleas'd to favour him with their Work, may depend on having it done in the best and cheapest Manner, by Their humble Servant, WILLIAM COX. " Note, He is to be enquir'd for at the May- Pole, in the Shambles. To be Sold ( together or separate,) Avery improveable Freehold FARM, SITUATE at Wilmcoate, in the Parish of Old Strat- ford, in the County of Warwick, ( being two Miles from Stratford, four from Alcester, and six from Henley,) consisting of a Meadow and Six Closes, containing, in the Whole, upwards of 71 Acres, and now sett at the yearly Kent of 35 I. Also a Yard Land, in the Common- Field of Shottery, in the said Parish of Old Stratford.— A Messuage, Malthouse, and Orchard, at Moor's Town End, in Stratford, late in the Possession of Mr. Anthony Bezely, deceased. Also seven Tenements and Gardens, in Windsor Street, in Stratford aforesaid, with a Close adjoining. For further Particulars enquire of the Executrix of the faid Mr. Anthony Bezely, at his late Dwelling- House, in Stratford upon Avon. EVESHAM, May 17 1757. NOTICE is hereby given THAT Mr. William Kettle, Grocer, in Evesham, intends to leave off Trade, and Dis- pose of his Stock ; consisting Of all Sorts of GROCERY- WARES, with the Counters, Boxes, and Shelves: Like- wise Tobacco, a Tobacco- Engine, a Flatting- Mill, and Wax Press, to be sold, some at Prime Cost, and some under. n. B. The Sale will be on Thursday the 9th of June next; . - To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. THE Honour you have this Day done me in electing me one of his Majesty's Coroners for your County, to succeed the late Mr. Edmund Cham- bers, acquires my earliest Thanks; and I hope, that by a due and regular Discharge of my Duty in that Office, I shall merit your Esteem, and shall be ready at all Times to shew my Gratitude, and how much I am, * ' Gentlemen, Your very humble Servant, Worcester, GREGORY WATKINS. March 25, 1757. STolen, or Stray'd, between the 12th and 15th of this Instant May, from off the Broad- Heath, in the Parish of Hallow, in the County of Wor- cester, Sixteen Store SHEEP, Eleven of them yearling Wethers, and five Ewes; two Of the Wethers are black, and two horned ; they are all raddled On the Shoulders, and pitch mark'd on the Left Side, with a P in a Wheel Mark: Whoever will give In- telligence of the said Sheep ( so that they may be had again) to Mr John Pardoe, Butcher, in Worcester, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward. .._... Wednesday s and Thursdays POSTS. Arrived the MAILS from Flanders. BRUSSELS, May. 17. THERE are Letters in Town from Paris, which af- firm positively that the Fleet, commanded by M. Du Bois de la Mothe, consisting of nine Ships of the Line, and five Frigates, sailed from Brest on the 3d In- stant for Canada, with 4 or 5000 Men on board. They likewise say, that the Fleet, intended for the East Indies, under M. d'Apcher, consisting of 17 Sail, ( including the Company's Ships) with 3000 Men on board, sailed the same Day from l'Orient. Count de la Marche went thro' this Place, incognito, on Saturday Evening, as did like wise Yesterday the Prince de Conde. London Gazette. Egra, May 12. In the Battle fought the 6th of this Month, where Duke Charles of Lorrain and Marshal Brown gave signal Proofs of their Courage and ConduCt, our Loss has been very considerable ; but ' tis likely that the Enemy's Loss is much greater, for we are confidently told,- that they have 30,000 Men kill'd, wounded, & c. Marshal Scherwin and several other Prussian Generals are among the Slain : Their Regiments of Itzeplitz, Darm- stadt, and two others, were those that suffer'd most, and were obliged to commit their Standards to the Custody of other Regiments. On our Side, ' tis said, General Feuer- stein is kill'd, and that Marshal Brown, and the Generals Luchesi and Lasci are wounded. General Nadasti is come with 15,000 fresh Troops, and with the Garrisons of Brinn and Olmutz ; We wait impatiently for an Account of what he may have done. ' Tis said that the Regiments of Lo Rios and the others from the Netherlands; are those that sufFer'd most, and that it is their Baggage, and not the Baggage of the whole Army, that has fell into the Enemy's Hands. ' Tis added, that the Prussians were twice repulsed with great Loss on their Part; and that our greatest Disadvantage in the Battle proceeded from the Wind, which blew the Powder into the Eyes of our Troops. Hitherto there is no such Thing as the Surren- der or Bombardment of Prague-, on the contrary, we perceive that the Austrian Army is making Dispositions in the Neighbourhood of this City, which plainly give the Lye to the false Accounts of that Army's having been routed. Moreover, we know that Duke Charles of Lor- rain is at Prague, and that the Enemy have taken Pilsen, and set Fire to Rakitzan. Brussels Gazette. Berlin, May 14. The following Relation is published here of the Battle fought in Bohemia the 6th Instant, be- tween the Prussian and Austrian Armies. —;— " Marshal Brown was encamped, on the 6th in the Morning, with his Left Wing inclining to the Moun- tain of Zischa, and his Right towards Sterboholi, where he waited on the Hill the Approach of our Army. But the King resolved to turn the Enemy's Camp : For which Purpose his Army defiled by Potschernitz, towards the Left : Which Count Brown perceiving, defiled by his Right, to avoid being taken in Flank. The Prussians marched beyond Bichowitz, traversing Defiles and Mo- rasses, which separated their Infantry a little. This In- fantry having made its Attack too precipitately, was the first Time repulsed. Marshal Schwerin, that worthy Ge- neral, received a mortal Shot, holding in his Hand the Flag of his Regiment. The Infantry, which the Direc- tion of his March had obliged to separate, being re- united, made a fresh Attack, and forced the Enemy on the Right. Our Cavalry on the Left, after three Charges, obliged the Austrian Cavalry, on the Right of the Enemy's Army, to fly. Our Centre routed the Infantry, and pushed quite through the Enemy's Camp. The Left of the Prussian Army then marched directly towards Michelly, Where it was joined by the Cavalry, and cut off the Austrian Army, whose Right was running away towards Saszawa. Our Troops on the Right immediately attacked the Left of Gen. Brown, and successively seized on three Batteries, on different Eminences. The Cavalry which we had on the Right had no Occasion for ACtion. Prince Henry and the Duke of Bevern, who performed Wonders, made them- selves Masters of two Batteries. Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick having taken the Left of the Austrians in Flank, while the King, with his Left and a Body of Cavalry, had gained the Moldau, the Austrian Infantry was obliged to throw themselves into Prague, from whence they intended to retire by Konigsall; but the Corps under Marshal Keith stopt their Passage ; so that they are all block'd up there, with the Cavalry which retreated with them. The Number of Prisoners which we have made sur- passes 4000. We have taken 60 Cannon and 10 Stan- dards, and have 30 of the Enemy's Officers among our Prisoners. Our Loss amounts to 25oo killed, and the Number of our wounded to about 3000. Utrecht, May 19. The News of the Surrender of Prague is not confirmed ; that City, on the 1 ith of this Month, continuing in the Hands of the Austrians. LONDON. [ Tuesday, May 24. They write from Dusseldorp, that the French were to begin to bombard Gueldres the 12th Instant. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland arriv'd at the Camp at Bielefeld the 4th Instant, and was followed by the Duke of Brunswick. The same Day the Hano- verians took Possession of the Lordship and Castle of Ritt- berg, which the French had abandon'd. It is assured that the 6000 Men which the Duke of Wurtemberg was to furnish the Auftrians, have absolutely refused to serve against the King of prussia. The Austrian Army at the Time of the late Battle consisted of One Hundred and Thirty Thousand, and the Prussians under One Hundred Thousand. The Battle be- gan a Quarter after Ten in the Morning, and lasted ' till Six in the Evening. It is confidently said, that the Irish Brigades in the Service of France, . which were sent into Westphalia, have deserted to the King of Prussia, . -' Tis said that Madam de Bruhl at Dresden was so Sud- denly made a Prisoner, by the King of Prussia, on Ac- count of her having formed a Design, the 17th of April last, to have the King assassinated by means of one of his Pages, who had a Pair of Pistols, each loaded with a Brace of Balls. With one of them he was to have performed the horrid Deed, and with the other, by lay- ing it near him, make it be imagin'd that he had de- stroy'd himself. The Hessian Troops landed the 6th Instant at Stade. Gosport, May 22. A strong Report prevails, that a Vessel arrived this Morning brings Advice, that the French have besieged the Island of Guernsey. BANKRUPTS.— John Maw, now or late of Tet- bury, Gloucestershire, Innholder. Thomas Elkington, of Atherston, in Warwickshire, Mercer.-'— Tho. Drury Bailey, of St. Martin in the Fields, Broker.— Robert Howlett, of Redenhall, in Norfolk, Woollen Draper.— William Broome, of Red Cross Street, Butcher.— Chri- stopher Winterstood, of Bury St. Edmund's, Baker and Innholder. STOCKS. Bank, ——. India, 143 I 4th. South Sea, . Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 90 1 8ih. Ditto ? d Sub. - Ditto New Annuities, ill Sub. 90 3 8ths. Ditto zd Sub. . Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 901 8th. India Bonds, al. 18s. a ijs. Prem, New Subfcription, 88 a 1 8[ h, WORCESTER, May 26. Yesterday came on the Election of a Coroner for this County, in the Room of the late Mr. Edmund Chambers, when Mr. Gregory Watkins, an eminent Attorney of Kidderminster, was unanimously chosen. Upwards of One Thousand Freeholders were in Town, in order to appear in his Favour, in Case of an Oppofition ; but Mr. Vernon, the other Candidate, thought proper to decline. Last Tuesday was married at the Parish Church of St. Helen, in this City, John Philpot, Esq; of the Harriotts, near Droitwich, to Miss Rachael Williams of the same Place 1 a discreet, beautiful young Lady, adorned with all the Qualifications requisite to make the married State happy. y CITY of •) At a Chamber- Meeting, held in the WORCESTER. 5 Council Chamber of the said City, the 2$ tb Day of April, 1757. ORDERED, unanimously, That the Freedom of this City be prefented to the Right Honourable WILLIAM PITT and HENRY BILSON LEGGE, Efsrs. in Token of their disinterested Zeal for the service of their King and Country, at this Critical Juncture : And that the Right Honourable the Lord WARD, Recorder of this City, be desired to acquaint them therewith. Since which the following Letter has been receiv'd from the Right Honourable the Lord WARD, by Mr. William Bund, Town Clerk of this City. SIR, London, May 14, 1757. IN Obedience to the Commands of the Corporation of the City of Worcester, I waited upon Mr. Legge and Mr. Pitt, and communicated to them the unani- mous Resolution of that Body to present them with their Freedom. The inclosed Answer I received from Mr. Legge, and Mr. Pitt told me he would return his to the Mayor. If the Corporation ( in Behalf of the City) have any other Commands for me to execute, they shall be observed with great Punctuality by, SIR, Their obliged and obedient humble Servant, WARD. " My best Respects attend the whole Body," ' MR Legge asks Pardon of Lord Ward for the ' Liberty he is going to take, but as he receiv'd the Notification of his being made Free of the City of Worcester from his Lordship's Hand, begs Leave through the same Channel to convey his most respectful and grateful Thanks to the Mayor and Corporation of that City, for the great tho' undeserved Honour they have confer'd upon him. Downing Street, May 9th, 1757. ' Mr. MAYOR, PeRMIT me, Sir, in this Letter address'd to you, to present my sincere Acknowledgments for the great Honour which the Mayor, Aldermen, and Com- mon Council of the City of Worcester have been pleased to confer on me, in Admitting me to Freedom of that City. ' Truly conscious, as I am, of my Unworthiness, I must ever feel a particular Satisfaction in owing to their too favourable Opinion, so unmerited a Mark of Appro- 1 bation of my Zeal for his Majesty's Service, and of my 1 defective Efforts in Support of the Measures taken by 1 his Majesty for the Honour of his Crown, aad Defence 1 of his People. I am, SIR, Whitehall, Your most obliged, and May 9tb, 1757. Most obedient humble Servant, w. PITT The following remarkable Passage is an exact Copy from a Book written in High Datch in the year 1710, by John Maximilian Daut, wherein he says be wrote by God's Command. Translated into English by B. Furly and pub- lished in the Year 1711 IN the 32d Page it says, " For I will put into my Ser- " vant Charles his Hand my avenging Sword, and he " shall bring a great Multitude of People upon then from " the East. What Remedy! Then shall Poland, Silesia, " and Saxony be before him as a dismay'd Woman, . nd " effect nothing, altho' they should arm themselves- against " him ; for ' they shall go against him as great Clouds, with " many People, Kingdoms, and Principalities. But when " the Lion* shall come upon them, and shall begin to roar " from the North and from the East, then shall they be- " gin to dread ; but he shall take Courage, and fall upon " them with his naked Teeth in great Fury. Then shall " the Polanders, Saxons, and those that have set themselves " against him, be terribly affrighted, and run away from " him as the Foxes, and shall feek Shelter in the Rocks, and shall flee before the Sword of Vengeance that shall " be drawn against them. Thrs is the Reward of all the " Wicked that have sinned against me, faith the Lord God ! " And my Servant Charles, saith the Lord God, shall " be unto me in these Days as my Servant David in for-. " mer Days, . and he shall be called a Man after my own " Heart, who alone shall do my Will! I will send him " against great and mighty People, against Kings und " Princes, and against the whole House of Austria, and " against their whole Multitude. For i am very angry " against the whole House of Auftria, and against all their « ' Mighty Ones. And in the last Page of the Book it says, " The Begin- " ning of this Calamity will be when the King of France " shall endeavour to make himself Great; for then great " Preparations for War will be made throughout all " Christendom, and all for Fear: But then shall the King " of France be curbed in his great Power ; for Discord ", shall trouble his Kingdom and destroy it." * The Lion belongs to the Arms of Charles- Frederick, King of Prussia, as Elector of Juliers and Berg, and of Nuremberg. from the CITIZEN. WE learn from Tacitus that the Romans, under their Emperors, had a Sort of Engines of Go- vernment, which they called Instruments Regni; that is, in plain English, Court Tools, or Implements of State. The Business of these Wretches was to give Information, accuse or suborn Evidence ; or, when Occasion required, to cut a Throat privately, or administer a Dose of Poison. I wish I could congratulate the present Age upon the Ex- tinction of this execrable Race of Men, who still abound in all arbitrary Courts; and I am afraid that even this Land of Liberty ( this happy and envied Nation) is not entirely free from them. There are another Sort of poli- tical Tools, not quite so disreputable indeed, tho' equally pernicious to the Welfare of the Commonwealth. Foremost in this List Hands the sordid, abandoned Wretch, who prostitutes himself for Hire in publick As- semblies, and conforms his Conscience to the Nod of a Man in Power, for a Place, a Pension, or a Bribe. When Affairs of the greatest Importance are under Deliberation, a Tool of this Sort considers only what is most agreeable to the Will, or most conducive to the Interest and Safety of his Patron, without shewing any Regard for the Ho- nour of his Prince, or the Prosperity of his Country. It is true indeed, that several well- meaning Men have been led into the bad Measures of a Minister by old Prejudices, and Attachments to a Party ; or by too much Credulity and Dependarce upon others; or by Want of Experience, Misapprehension, and Error of Judgment. But such Men are rather Properties than Tools, and may be easily distinguished from those venal, suborned Instruments, who plunge through thick and thin at the Word of Command, against the manifest Light of their Eyes, the strongest Checks of their Consciences, and the fullest Conviction of their Understandings. They are constant Enemies to all Enquiries, and as constant Advocates for all Taxes end Impositions. If they have the Talent of Speaking, they expect double Wages, as they think themselves able to do double Mischief. When they cannot defend, they apolo- gize; and endeavour to extenuate the most notorious Blunders and Mismanagements. They boast of Plenty and flourishing Circumstances, in the Midst of extreme Poverty and Distress. They wilfully misrepresent the reasonings of their Adversaries, and then very glibly argue upon their own Misrepresentations. They assert Falshoods with the utmost Confidence, and persist in them without any Marks of Shame and Confusion, after they have been demonstrated to be such. In short, they are meer Engines, Machines, or Puppets of Government, who speak and act just as the Master behind the Scenes is pleased to give them Language and Motion to serve his own Designs. AL L Persons who have any legal Demands on the Estate and Effects of the late John Clopton, Esq; deceas'd, are desired to send an Ac- count thereof before the first Day of July next, to Mr. William Hunt, Attorney, in Stratford- upon- Avon ; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate and Effects are re- quired to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Hunt before that Time, or they will be sued ; Mr. Clopton's Executors intending to pay all his legal Debts soon after the said first of July, in case his Assetts in their Hands will extend to pay the same. London, April 9, 1757. The TICKETS and Shares of TicKETS, In the Present STATE LOTTERY, Are Sold by J. HAZARD, ( Remarkable for Selling and Sharing the Great Prizes,) At his STATE LOTTERY OFFICE, under the Piazzas, of the Royal Exchange, at his House in Ludgate- Street, and at his Office at Charing Cross, Where the NUMERICAL and REGISTER BOOKS of the Drawing of the LOTTERY will be kept. This LOTTERY consists of a Million and Five TICKETS, and will be determined by 66667 Numbers, which make Fifteen Tickets of each Number ; the Drawing of One Ticket to decide the Fate of the other Fourtern. r> In the present LOTTERY there are Fifteen Prizes of 1o, ooal. each I One hundred and Fifty of loot. Fifteen of 50001. j And several Thousand other Fifteen of 3000I. ; Prizes of 50 1. zol. and Fifteen ef 10001. j 101. each. Thirty of 5001. The first Drawn Tickets 300 1. each. Last Drawn 300I. 31. 6d. each. For the Conveniency of Persons residing in the Country, I have appointed Mr. BERROW, Printer, in Worcester, my Agent for Selling Tickets and Shares of Tickets, ( for Ready Money only) by whom Persons may be supply'd with Whole Tickets a: tht following Prices, For One, Two, or Three Tickets only, » t For Four up to Sixteen, at For Sixteen up to Fifty, at ——— —— For Fifty or any greater Number Charles Richards , and Company, CLASP and LETTER CASE Makers, Removed te the Bible and Letter- Case, in Stationers- Court Ludgate- Street, LONDON, MAKE and Sell all Sorts of Letter Cases, Folio Cases, Sermon Cases, Travelling Cases ; all Sorts of Pocket Books, in Morocco, Shagreen, and other Leathers, neatly mounted with Locks and Clasps, in Gold, Silver, Brass, or Steel ; Ladies Writing Desks; and Travelling Desks for Gentlemen, with Conveniencies for the Shaving Equipage ; where Merchants and Shopkeepers may be supply'd with great Variety, and at very reasonable Rates. ft » . d. ' 1 S each I 6 each 114 each — 113 etch And such Persons who choose to extend their Chance to several dif- ferent Numbers may be supply'd, by the said Mr. Berrow, with Shares of Tickets, at the same Prices they are sold at in London, viz. V. r. d. Half a Ticket — o 1 z o A Quarter - - 060 An Eighth — . . 030 Tickets and Shares of Tickets register'd at Sixpence each Number, and the greatest Fidelity and Secresy will be observ'd The Lot- tery begins Drawing the 5th of September next, and all the Prizes will be paid off at any Time after the 20th of January next. J. HAZARD, Sworn Stock Broker. Note, Blank Ticketi is » the last Lottery will be taken in Exchange for Tickets in the present. All Letters ( Post paid) will be duly answered. TICKETS in the last Lottery, Sold, Registerd, ILfc. ly J. H A Z A R D. No. 13,355, First Drawn, 50cNo. 17,032, 37, » 3+, and 24,007, rcoo>. each. No. 33,498, 16,967, and 15.069, 2000/. each. No. 249, 21,395, 3° i39^> an<' 48,341 1000e-' h. No. 4f> 573. ' 7.014, 34,141, 42,436, 10,983, ,17,153, ami 5,915, 560/. each. And Mo 1 12,475, List Drawn, looo/. PRIZEs sold in Shares in Ihe last Lottery by J. Hazard. No. 14,007 5000/. in £ x Eighths and four Sixteenths. No. 15,069 200c/. in two Fourths, two Eighths, ani four Sixteenths. No. 48,341 1000A in one Half and two Fourtha. No. 5,92.5 500/. in one Half, one Fourth, one Eighth, and two Sixteenths. AND No. 43,537 IO, OOGA in three Fourths and two Eighths, in a former Lottery. Government Securities of all Kinds bought and sold, by Commission, by J. HAZARD. DESERTED, from Captain Wakeman, of his Majesty's Fifty third Regiment of Foot, commanded by Colonel Whitmore, recruiting at Wor- cester, MOSES ROBERTS, Twenty six Years of Age, five Feet eight Inches high, fresh Completion, black Hair, black Eyes, remarkably strong made, had on ( when he deserted) an old Fustian Frock, brown Cloth Waistcoat, and Leather Breeches: He was born in the Parish of Littleton, near Evesham, and liv'd lately at Sir William Temple's, as a Labourer.— Also Deserted, JOHN CROW, Thirty- five Years of Age, five Feet eleven Inches high, swarthy Completion, long Visage, much mark'd with the Small- Pox, wore an old Wig over his short brown Hair, by Trade a Blacksmith, had on ( when he deserted) an old blue Coat and blue Breeches: He was born in the Parish of Knighton upon Team, and had serv'd as a Far- rier in the First Regiment of Dragoon Guards, com- manded by Lieutenant General Bland. Whoever secures the above Deserters in any of his Majesty's Gaols in Great Britain, and gives Notice thereof to William Adair, Esq; Agent to the said Regiment, in Pall- Mall, London, or to Capt. Wakeman, at Worcester, shall receive Twenty Shillings Reward, over and above what is allow'd by Act of Parliament for apprehending Deserters. [ By the KING's AUTHORITY,] Now publishing in Weekly Numbers, in large Octavo, at Six- pence each Number, containing, in Three Sheets of Letter- Press, and Four Copper- Plates, elegantly engraved, Twice the Quantity of any Weekly Publi- cation whatever, A NEW and COMPLETE DICTIONARY of Arts and Sciences - Comprehending all the Branches of Useful Knowledge. WITH Accurate Descriptions as well of the VARIOuS MACHINES, IN- STRUMENTS, TOOLS, FIGURES, and SCHEMES, necessary for illustrating them, as of the CLASSES, KINDS, PREPARATIONS, and USES of Natural PRODUCTIONS, whether ANIMALS, VEGE- TABLES, MINERALS, FOSSILS, or FLUIDS; together with the KINGDOMS, PROVINCES, CITIES, TOWNS, and other remark- able Places throughout the WORLD. Illustrated with above Three Hundred COPPER PLATES, curiously engraved by Mr. Jefferys, Engraver, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The Whole extracted from the best Authors in all Languages. By a SOCIETY of GENTLEMEN. London 1 Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet- Street, near Temple- Bar; and sold by all the Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland. Of whom may be had, The WORK compleat, in Four large Volumes Octavo, Price bound 2I. 51. N. B. The Publick will not be burden'd with any Supplement to this Work, which will be compleated in 74 Numbers. This Day are Publish'd Dedicated to the Right Honourable WILLIAM PITT, Esq The THREe FIRST VOLUMES, Quarto, ( Price Two Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six- pence, in Boards, mi Three Guineas bound,) Adorned with Three elegant FRONTISPIeCeS, engraved by Grignion and Miller, The Compleat HISTORY ENGLAND, Deduced from the Descent of JULIUS CaESAR, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. CONTAINING The Transitions of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three Years. By T. SMOLLETT, M. D. London : Printed for James Rivington and James Fletcher, in Pater Noster Row ; and fold by S. Mountfort, jun. is Worcester-, and Mr. Andrews, in Evesham. %* The Author begs Leave to inform the Public, that, finding the Materials for the latter Reigns multiply upon his Hands, he has extended his Plan to a Fourth Volume, which begins with the Reign of WILLIAM III. and will end with the last Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. This Addi- tion, which is already partly compiled, will be finished with all possible Care, Accuracy, and Dispatch, and de- livered to the Purchasers of the Work in three Months, without any further Expence, and a Promissory Note, under the Proprietors' Hands, for that Purpose, will be bound up at the End of the Third Volume. The PLAN of the WORK may be had of the Booksellers. Just Received from DICEYS and OKELL's Original ELIXIR Warehouse in London} And by their Appointment to be sold, Wholesale .-. ud Retail, by J. and R. Hunt, Booksellers, in Hereford j S. Savage, in Upton upon Severn-, J. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; B. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; M. Hartelbury, Grocer, in , Tewkesbury , J. Allen, Chandler, in Campden and by R. Lewis, Bookseller, in Worcester ; The true genuine and safe Daffy's ELIXIR. TH E extraordinary good Sale this genuine Daffy's ELIXIR hath met WHO in these Parts, and the many Cures it hath performed in England, Ireland, & c. hath put divers ill - minded Per- sons 0n counterfeiting this sovereign Cordial ; but, in order to detect such Impostors, yoa are defsred carefully to observe, that every Bottle of this true DAFFY'S ELIXIR is sealed with same Arms as in the Margin. It is the greatest Preserver of Mankind, above eighty Years experienced, and may be taken at any Season ot the Year, for neither Heat nor Cold can obstruct its influen- tial Operation on the Body. Another Virtue of this choice Cordial, distinguishing it from all other Physick in the World, is, that at the Pa- tient's leaving off the same the Body remains not costive. but in a very good healthful Temper, and lightsome Condition. This is the same rich Elixir that was recommended by Dr. King, Physician to King Charles II. and the late famous Dr. Radcliffe. This Noble Cordial will retain its Virtues though kept many Years. It is also sold, Retail, by one or more reputable Shop- keeper in every City and Market- Town in England, ar Fifteen pence the large Half pint Bottle. By the KING'S Royal Letters Patent, ( Which passed the Great Seal June j, 1755, ) Dr. LOwTHER's Anti- Epileptic NERVOUS POWDERS, Experienced to be an effectual and speedy Remedy for Persons ever so violently afflicted with ' tremblings in the Hands, fa as to render them capable of holding them entirely steady in a short Time. These Powders are the most salutary Specific ever discover'd for Convulsion, Epileptic, or any Species of fits; Nervous and para. lytic Complaints j Pains in the Head and Stomach, Worms, an Ill- scented Breath, sick Qualms, violent Reachings, Tremblings, Faint- ings, Swoonings, Swimmings, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Melancholy, a Lost appetite, Bad Digestion, Impurities in the Blood, and a Habit of Body. They are a sure Preservative against Apoplexies, pleasant to the Taste, grateful to the Stomach, and operate insen- sibly. » „• They are sold in Six Shilling and Three Shilling Parcels, only at Brookes's Warehouse, facing Water- lane, Fleet street, London, where the Doctor attends, from , Ten to One, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, to give his Advice gratis: These Powders may likewise be had of H. Berrow, at his Printing- Office, in Worcester. Of tbe Printer of this Paper may likewise be had, Dr. James's Fever Powder, Price 21. bd. a Paper, con- taining Two Dozes.
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