Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 19/05/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2440
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester Journal. 1 [ Printed at his O F F I C E, in ' Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] 1 Price Two- Pence. T H U R S D AY, May 19, 1757. N° 244o] \ WEEKS this Journal ? 1 has been publifh'd. 5 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. MADRID, April 12. K H E King has sent Orders to Cadiz, and other Ports, to equip 12 Ships of the Line. The Exportation of Corn from this Kingdom is prohibited till further Or- , ders. On the 10th Letters were received here from Lisbon, which caused great Uneasiness. Their Contents were, that one of the rising Grounds, on which this City was built, burst open into a surprizing Chasm,
out of which gushed Smoke and Flames, like those ex- haled from a Volcano; that the Sea afterwards swell'd in a very extraordinary Manner, and overwhelm'd with its Waters, several Feet in Height, the greatest Part of the City, and that the Inhabitants had deserted and abandon'd that Part of Lisbon. This Day we were informed by Letters bearing Date the first of this Month, that this Kind of . Volcano was attended with no Effects that indicated continued or fu- ture Eruptions; that the Chasm appear'd afterwards to close; that the Waters of the Sea, having cover'd, for two Days, the Extent of Ground they overflow'd, retir'd ; that
the Consternation, which was very great at the Sight of these new Phenomena, was since dissipated, but that the same could not be said of the Uneasiness Numbers of Persons were afflicted with, on beholding the Calamities to which this dismal Situation might still expose the un- happy Remains of Lisbon. Rome, April 19. The Pope hath had another Relapse, and there are no Hopes of his Recovery. Florence, April 23 We are inform'd from Corsica, that General Paoli had, by a Stratagem, drawn M. Matra, who was at the Head of the Genoese Party in the Inland Parts of that Island, into an Ambuscade, in which he Was kill'd
and his whole Party dispersed. Petersburgh, April 8. According to the last Advices from Riga, they work Night and Day in mending the Roads in Courland, for the March of the Army com manded by Field Marshal Apraxin. Vienna, April 23. The Empress Queen has sent Count Brown full Power to give Battle to the Prussians, or to in such Manner as he shall think fit, in order to stop the Progress they are making in Bohemia. Expresses have likewise been sent to hasten the March of the Rus- sians and French Francfort, April 29. We are assur'd that some of the Swiss Regiments in the Service of France have plainly refused to
pass the Rhine, and act against the King of Prussia. Cleves, April 30. The French Engineers have pre- sented a Plan for the Siege of Gueldres, which has met with the Approbation of the Prince of Soubize and the ether Generals. According to this Plan, the Place is to be bombarded, and they expect to be Masters of it in less than three Weeks. Dresden, May 1. By Letters from the King's Army we learn, That Field Marshal Schwerin has not only en- tered Bohemia, but has joined the Duke of Bevern, and has made himself Master of the greatest Part of the Circle of Buntzlau. In Jung Buntzlau he has taken a considera- ble
Magazine of the Austrians, whom he dislodged. Ad- vices received since from Bohemia say, that the Prince of Anhalt Dessau has drawn near to the King of Prussia's Army with his Corps, and that his Majesty has advanced with his whole Army as far as Budin, from whence the Austrians, who had an advantageous Camp there, had retired to Welwarn, halfway between Budin and Prague. The King of Prussia having passed the Egra, the Armies of his Majesty and Field Marshal Schwerin are so situated, that they can act jointly, and there is great Reason to believe, there will shortly be an Action, or else that the Austrians will
retire under Prague. Extract of a Letter from Osnabrug, May r. " Tho' the County of Bentheim, into which the French General has sent some Troops, is a State no way con- cern'd in the present Troubles, they have taken Possession of it, as being actually under the Administration of the House of Hanover, since the Convention by which the Count of Bentheim mortgaged it to that House, for a Sum of Money annually paid to this Nobleman, who re sides in France." COUNTRY NEWS. Bath, May 6. Last Week a Gentleman took a Ride four Miles round this City, to see what Number of Wheat- Ricks were to be found, when he
reckoned above Two Hundred in that small Compass. Taunton, May 9. On Saturday last ( our Market- Day) a considerable Quantity of Wheat was brought to Town, and 8 s 6d. per Bushel was the Price set by the Farmers ; on which a Number of our Tradesmens' Wives, ( induced by Example of the Females in the next County), assem- bled and met together, and, by Means of their united Vociferations and repeated Clamours, constrained the Farmers to bring down the Price to 6s. 6d. which the good Women were willing to pay and having supplied themselves, Husbands, and Children with the Quantities they wanted, these
useful Housewifes went off chearful and triumphant. Other Eatables being also sold at a rea- sonable Price, it is not doubted but they had a good Sun- day's Dinner with their Families. LONDON. [ Thursday, May 12. They write from Naples, that they are putting their Maritime Places in a Posture of Defence, and have sent 40 Pieces of Cannon to Gaeta, to be planted on the new Works made there toward the Sea: They indeed acknow- ledge, that at present there is no Danger of being insul- ted by any Power j but that these Precautions are never theless requisite, as one cannot tell what Influence the War in Germany, and the
Quarrel between England and France, may have hereafter upon the Affairs of Italy. According to private Letters from Vienna, the Court is not a little astonished at the News from Bohemia; and tho' they affect to say, that the Prussians lost more Men in the late Dispute, yet they cannot deny that all their Posts have been forced, and that there are at present One Hundred and twenty thousand Prussians in that Kingdom. According to a Letter from Dresden, dated the 27th of April, the Prince of Bevern is at present so posted, as to cut off all Communication between the Army under the Command of Field Marshal Brown, and that
Column of it which is under Count Collowrath ; to which is attri- buted the Marshal's quitting his Camp at Buden; and they seem to make no Doubt, that the Fate of the War in Bohemia will be determined before the Middle of the current Month. The Queen of Poland, who was very ill, at the Departure of the Post was much better. We hear from Embden, that the King of Prussia, in- stead of withdrawing the Garrison of that Place, has given Orders for a vigorous Defence. By a late Declaration of the French King, all Authors, Printers, Publishers, and Hawkers of Pieces against Reli- gion, the King's Authority, or any way tending to
di- sturb the publick Tranquility, are to be punished with Death ; which is a very harsh Law indeed, as the Subject in that Country is not tried by his Peers, a Jury. There are Letters in Town which say that Lord Loudon had embarked above 10,000 Men for Halifax, in order to meet the Troops on board the Transports under Adm Holbourne, and then to set out on some important Enter, prize. By a Letter from Kingston, in Jamaica, we have Ad vice of the following French Squadron being arriv'd at Cape Francois, who, in her Passage between that and Monto Christo, fell in with his Majesty's Ship the Green wich, Capt. Roddam, and
took her, and ' tis fear'd they will catch some other of our Cruizers: Le Tonnant, of 84 Guns and 1400 Men; Diadem, of 74 Guns and 1200 Men ; Defensuer, of 74 Guns and 1200 Men; Vaillant, of 64 Guns and 100o Men ; In- flexible, of 64 Guns and 1000 Men; Outrude, of 54 Guns and 800 Men ; Brun, of 36 Guns and 360 Men; Savage, of 36 Guns and 360 Men. Total Number of Guns 486; Men 7320. The following is the English Squadron under Admiral Townshend, viz. Edinburgh of 64 Guns, a foul Ship, sent by Admiral Frankland ; Princess Mary 60; Augusta 60, a foul Ship, sent by Admiral Frankland ; Humber 40, Sphinx 20,
Dreadnought 60, and Rye, Shoreham, and Wager, 20 Guns each ; in all 364 Guns, and about 2300 Men. The Biddeford Man of War, arrived at Plymouth, from Jamaica, has 300,000 1. on board. We hear Orders are issued from the Board of Admiralty, that for the future no Sloops of War, or twenty- gun Ships, shall cruise singly, but go two together at least. There are at present upwards of 60 French Prizes in the River Thames, near 20 of which are Privateers, and most of them are purchased, and actually fitting out to cruise against our Enemies. We hear that Capt. John Morecock goes in Conjunction with Commodore George
Walker, who are to command the two capital Ships of a Squadron of private Ships of War, to be called. The British Ladies Resolution, which are to be employed on a secret Expedition against the Ene- mies of Great- Britain. The Indian Prince, Watkins, from Africa for Jamaica, and the Mary and Martha, Breedy, from Leghorn for ditto, are taken and carried into Hispaniola. This Day were entered at the Custom house 1170 Quar- ters of Wheat from Dantzick, and 470 Quarters from Koningsburg. We hear that Italian Thrown Silk will be allowed to be imported. We have the Pleasure to acquaint our Readers, that the Price of Bread
did fall this Day in London a Penny in a Peck Loaf; and that from Letters received from our Correspondems at different Ports and many other Parts of this Kingdom, there is great Probability of its continuing to fall every Week for fome Time. It is said, that Inspectors will be appointed very soon, to visit all the Farms and Stills throughout England, in order to take an Account of their several Sorts of Grain, and oblige the Owners to bring it to Market, that an arti- ficial Dearth made by the Badgers, Farmers, and Distil- lers in Confederacy, may not pass for a real one. Extract of a Letter from St. Ives, May 7. ' The Viper and Alderney
Sloops are chased into this Place, and forced to take Shelter under the Cannon, by four French Privateers, who have taken nine Vessels near this Place within these few Days and off the Land's End." SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. COUNTRY NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Bristol, May 11. THIS Day arrived here the Caesar Privateer, Capt. Ezekiel Nash, from a Cruize, who has brought in with him the Dauphin and the Jolly Galere, both from Rochefort to Louisbourg, the former has 18 Guns, 50 Men, and 50 Soldiers, and the other 12 Guns, 40 Men, and 50 Soldiers, loaden with Flour, Wine, & c. which she took the 3d
Instant in Company with the Charming Nancy Privateer, Capt. Winter, of Jersey; they at the same Time took a large Ship of 400 Tons, 16 Guns, about 60 Soldiers, and 50 Men, from Rochefort to Louisbourg, which they parted with about ten Leagues to the Northward of Scilly last Saturday, and believe they went to Scilly: They were taken in Lat. 45, 50, about four Days West from London. The Caesar parted with her two Prizes, the Black Prince and Jolie Pontac, the 27th past, and, it is believed, as the Wind was Easterly, they went for Ireland. I advised you be- fore that the Caesar had engaged a French Frigate of 36 Guns;
these Vessels from Rochefort came out the Day after she came in there, dismasted, and much shatter'd ; she had killed in the Engagement 76 Men, and several mortally wounded. Some of the Princessa's Officers were killed, and the Captain of the French Man of War said he had this Engagement with an English Man of War 36 Guns, whereas the Caesar has only 22 Guns, viz 18 Six- Pounders, and 4 Nine- Pounders, and 130 Men The Caesar receiv'd several Shot between Wind and Water j and they had eight Feet Water in her Hold, or they would have taken her. Capt. Nash told him, he was the Rose Man of War ; and I
suppose, such Account will come from France. Extract of a Letter from Carmarthenshire, ( South Wales.) " I inform you, with a heavy Heart, what deplorable Condition I am in, as also my poor Neighbours. I went last Wednesday to Carmarthen Market, to buy a Bushel of Corn ; but, to my great Disappointment, the Market could not produce one Peck, though there is Plenty in the Country. Several Farmers in this Neighbourhood have from three to five Stacks of Corn in their Haggards, and will not sell us poor People one Bushel. At my Return home, was obliged to grind a few Beans ( which I had to plant in my Garden) to make a
Pottage for my Children. I hope God will relieve us soon, for Men will not. I heartily wilh for a Law to oblige all Farmers, according to their Stock, to bring Corn to Market, when the Grain rises to a certain Price." Extract of a Letter from Capt. George Mitchell, of Scarbo- rough, Yorkshire, " On the 6th Instant between Beachy and Fairley, I met with a French Privateer of six Carriage Guns besides Swivels, and about 60 or 70 Men, who boarded me upon the Larboard Quarter with 30 Men ; but with brisk Firing I drove them off, with the Loss of one Man left dead behind, and three Cutlasses, two Pistols, and his flying Jib Boom, with
about 30 or 40 Fathom of Rope, a Car- touch- Box, and likewise his Grapplings. The Engage- ment lasted about three Quarters of an Hour. Tho' I had but one Gun, and a Dozen of Small- Arms, and but four to engage, we made the French fly. They began most terribly hot, but we soon cooled them. I am dan- gerously wounded, as is also one poor Boy." LONDON. [ Saturday, May 14. 4 We hear that the Parliament will rise next Thursday se'nnight. It is confidently faid that the Right Hon. Mr. Pitt and Mr. Legge are to resume their former high Employments, his Grace the Duke of Devonshire to succeed the late Duke of Grafton
as Lord Chamberlain, and his Grace the Duke of Newcastle to be First Lord of the Tre sury. Evening Advertiser, By Letters from Oporto by Thursday's Groyne Packet, we are informed, that upwards of a thousand People,
who were headed by near three hundred Publicans that had their Licences taken from them in the last Regula- tion that was made in relation to the Wine Trade, at the above Place, had mutinied and broke several Wine- Cel- lars open that belonged to the Seventy People who had Licences granted them, which said seventy People made those that wanted Wine pay very exorbitant Prices for it, which was the real Cause of this Mutiny : There were several People kill'd and Houses pull'd down, and a Stag- nation put to all Kind of Business. Other Letters by the Groyne Mails bring Advice that the ' King of Portugal had offered 4000
of his Troops to Oporto, to regulate some Disorders there ; and likewise sent an Order for no Person to wear a Sword, nor more than six Perfons to walk together. All this seems to be in favour of a new Company set up there, which is to have the Buying of all Wines. According to some Letters from Jamaica, M de Beau- fremont's Squadron* which sailed from Brest the 30th of January, and has since been seen at Cape Francois, is really destined for North America, but chose first to steer directly for the West Indies, as that Season of the Year was not proper for proceeding immediately to the North- ward. They also tell us of
another French Squadron that arrived some Time after in the West Indies, and put into Cuirassau, a Dutch Settlement, in order to lie con- cealed a while, or else to take in Provisions, or other Re- freshments. By a Cartel Ship that went to Brest about a Month ago, to exchange some Soldiers, and came back to Plymouth this Week, there is Advice, that from the 3d to the 6th of this Month, nineteen Men of War have sailed from Brest, with Troops on board ; and ' tis thought they are destin'd for Boston in New England. According to some private Letters from Leipsick, se- veral of the Lutheran Clergy begin openly to espouse the
Cause of the King of Prussia, whose Addresses to the Pub lick, and more especially his last, and the Papers annexed to it, have convinced them, that the Protestant Interest in Germany is in the utmost Danger, and that the Power of the House of Brandenburgh, once overthrown, the rest of the Protestant Princes and States would find it extreme difficult, if not altogether impracticable, to suppor them- selves against the Papists in the Empire, and their Fo- riegn Allies. According our last Advices from Genoa, the Republic pretends to hav certain Intelligence of a Treaty concluded with great Secrecy, and for the Performance of
which a strong Fleet will very speedily appear in the Mediterranean. It is also insinuated, that in consequence of this, they have had Recourse to the Court of Versailles, and it is attributed to their Sollicitations that Orders have been sent to Toulon, to equip, with all possible Expedition, every Ship of the Line, and every Frigate that can put to Sea. We hear that a Courier lately dispatched from Ver- sailles to Vienna has been intercepted by some Prussian Emissaries, who have found upon him a Plan of the Ope- rations concerted between the King of Prussia and one of his principal Allies. If this is true, that Ally must have been
betrayed by some Servants at Home or Abroad. ' Tis said when the Prince of Hesse retired from Lip- stadt, he drew 400 Hussars of the Van- guard of the French Army into an Ambuscade, where they were sur- rounded by a Detachment of 500 Men placed for that Purpose, and more than half of them were cut off. ; We hear the Bill has passed for the better Payment of Seamen's Wages. A Fleet is to put to Sea from Spithead in a few Days. Its Destination is not known. None of the Jamaica Ships, homeward- bound, took sailing Orders from the Biddiford, but some of them sailed for England the 22d of March, some the 24th, and
the rest the 25th, and all came through the Gulph. to avoid the French Fleet off Hispaniola. Three or four Ships of War have, within a few Days past, sailed to reinforce our Squadron in the West- Indies. Letters from Lisbon of the 28th of April say, that they continue building, with all Expedition, notwithstanding the small Shocks of Earthquakes that are daily felt in dif- ferent Parts of the City. By Letters from Lisbon of the 28th ult. we are inform ed, that the Mermaid Man of War was to sail from thence in eight Days with the Trade for England under Convoy. This Day 70001b. of Gunpowder, and 19 Cwt. of wrought Iron, were
shipped for Jamaica ; and 12oolb. of Gunpow- der, Lead- Shot, Iron Ordnance, and other Military Stores, for the West Indies, & c. This Day 1000 Quarters of Barley and 10 Quarters of Rye were shipped for Belfast ; and 1433 Ounces of wrought Plate for Dublin. Yesterday the Right Hon the Countess of Coventry had a Fall from her Horse, as she was riding in Hyde- Park, by which however ' tis hoped she did not receive much Hurt, notwithstanding she bled a little from her Nose. She was convey'd to tne Keeper's Lodge, where Mr. Bromfield, who happen'd to be at that Time attend- ing at St. George's Hospital, was sent for, who
imme- diately open'd a Vein in her Arm, after which she went home in a Chair, seemingly quite recover'd. We hear that this Week, about six Miles below Basing- stoke, fome Perfons assembled and burnt a Barn with Grain ; as also two Ricks were by the Flames consumed. We hear that one Engrosser has laid up in his Granary 500 Quarters of Wheat lately arrived from Abroad ; and that several of them have above 1000 Quarters now in their Granaries. Last Week died, in a Duel, at his Seat at Kenton, Northumberland Childer's Snip, Esq; He has left his Estates, which are reckon'd considerable, to his Son, Cuthbert Snap, Esq;
and three small Legacies to his Sons, Prince T. Quaffo, and the Judge, and his favourite Daugh- ter, Mrs. Barbary. The Cause of the Quarrel is said to have been a Love Affair; His Heir was sent for Post haste upon his Death, and is gone to reside at the Seat of his Father, to the great Joy of that Country, who have a Kind of Veneration for that illustrious Family. The Elizabeth of Topsham, from Cadiz for Falmouth, is arrived at Penzance. On the 15th past, she was taken off the Coast of Portugal by a French Letter of Marque and ransomed ; and on the list was brought to by a French Privateer called the Marquis of Bayonne, with
16 Carriage Guns and 250 Men, who detained her 26 Hours, and taking from the Men > 11 their Books, Ma- thematical Instruments, Cloaths, & c. and then beating the Capt. sent her away; when about Six o'Clock the fourth Instant, about a Mile from the Lizard, she was took by a French PriVateer of zo Guns and 300 Men; but, on seeing a Fleet of Ships with a Convoy, she sheer'd off. The Ardencour Privateer, of 14 Guns and 84 Men ; the Deficile ditto, of eight Guns and 48 Men; and the Prince, Noire, from Havre for Louisbourgh, with Naval Stores, are taken by the Trident and Leostoffe Men of War, and brought into Plymouth.
The Lantore Privateer, of eight Guns and 45 Men, is sent into Falmouth by the Stafford, Sheerness, and Sea- ford Men of War. The several Letters in Town of the Increase of the French Privateers upon all our Coasts. are most shocking and alarming, and, unless timely dispersed, must termi- nate in the Ruin of our Trade. The Prince Edward Man of War sail'd from Bristol, the 8th Instant, with the Trade under her Convoy, to the Westward. WORCESTERSHIRE. THE Sheriff of this County having received a Writ for electing a Coroner, in the room of the late Mr. Edmund Chambers; Notice is hereby given, That the said Sheriff will
proceed to such Election at his County- Court, which will be held at the Castle of Worcester, on Wednesday the Twenty fifth Day of this Instant May, by Nine o'Clock in the Morning* at which Time and Place the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the said County are desir'd to attend, in order to no- minate the said Coroner. Dated the Fourteenth Day of May 1757. Thomas Burch Savage, Sheriff. Birmingham and Worcester STAGE- COACH SETS out from the Dolphin Inn, in Birmingham, every Wednesday at Eight o'clock in the Morning, ( by the Way of Northfield and Bromsgrove) to the Crown, in Broad street, Worcester,
and returns back every Thursday Morning, at the same Hour, for the Dolphin Inn, in Birmingham, ana carries Passengers at Six SHILLINGS each, the Money to be paid at taking the Place ; and carries Goods at reasonable Rates. Perform'd by THOMAS SHAKELL. N. B. Of the said Thomas Shakell may be had, Black Carriages, at reasonable Rates, and a handsome Four - Wheel Chaise, and Travelling Coach. Stratford- upon- Avon RACES. ON Tuesday the 26th Day of July next will be run for a Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, by any Horse, & c. that never won Fifty Pounds at any one Time, ( Matches excepted) Five- years- old to
carry 8 Stone 7 Pounds, Six- years- old 9 Stone 7 Pounds, and Full- aged 10 Stone: Bridle and Saddle included, & c. And, On Wednesday the 27th, will be run for a Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, by Hunters that never started for any Thing but a Hunter's Plate, and was not in Sweats between Christmas and the 1st of March last ; Five- years- old to carry 9 Stone, Six- years old 10 Stone, and Full- aged 10 Stone 10 Pounds; and those Hunters that have won a Fifty Pounds to carry 8 Pounds more than the Maiden Horses, See. of the same Age ; Bridle and Saddle included, & c. Horses, See. to be shewn and enter'd for each of these
Purses the Day se'nnight before the Day of running, between the Hours of Two and Nine in the Evening, and be subject to the Articles which will be produced at the Time of Entrance. Certificates of their Quali- fications for each of these Purses to be produc'd at the Time of En- trance, or Before the Day of running, and no less than three Horses, gee. to start for either of these Purses. Each Horse, & c. if a Sub- scriber's, to pay one Guinea Entrance, and five Shillings to the Clerk of the Course. If a Non- subscriber's, to pay one Guinea Entrance, and five Shillings to the Clerk of the Course, and two Guineas towards the next
Year's Purse. Every Horse, Arc. that enters at the Post, if a Subscriber's, to pay three Guineas ; if a Non- subscriber's, to pay five Guineas. —— Every Subscriber's Horse, See. to be, Bona fide, his own. Every Horse; Sec. that enters for either uf these Purses shall stand at such Publick Houses as contribute Half a Guinea, or more, to the Town Purse, and shall be kept at one of the said Contributor's Houses till the'Day of Starting ; and every Horse, & c. which start for either of these Purses shall be plated by a Blacksmith that contributes Half a Guinea to the Town Purse If but one Horse, See. enters for either of these Purses, to
be allow'd ten Guineas and his Entrance- Money. If but two Horses, See. enter for either of these Purses, to be allow'd five Guineas each, and their Entrance- Money,—;— All Differences ta be determined by the Majority of the Subscribers then present. N. B. No Person or Persons - will be suffered to set up any Booth, Shed, or Stall, to sell any Sorts of Liquors, or other Goods, on or near the Course, as do not subscribe to tbe Town Purse Half a Guinea, or more. And every Subscriber that enters any Horse, & e. for either of these Purses are to subscribe fourteen Days at least before the Day of Running. At Dugard's
ASSEMBLY- ROOM, At Great Malvern, On Thursday next, the 26th Instant, will be perform'd A CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental M U SIC K. To begin at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. TICKETS to be had, ( at 2s. 6d. each) at Mr. Bradley's; at Mr. Morgan's Post- Office ; and at Mr. Hooper's Coffee- House, in Worcester; and at the Assembly- » • Room in Great Malvern. N. B. There will be an ORDINARY for those who choose to stay, and in the Afternoon a BALL. Charles Richards, and Company, CLASP and LETTER CASE Makers, Removed to the Bible and Letter- Case, in Stationers- Court, Ludgate- Street, LONDON,
MAKE and Sell all Sorts of Letter Cases, Folio Cases, Sermon Cases, Travelling Cases ; all Sorts of Pocket Books, in Morocco, Shagreen, and other Leathers, neatly mounted with Locks and Clasps, in Gold, Silver, Brass, or Steel ; Ladies Writing Desks; and Travelling Desks for Gentlemen, with Conveniencies for the Shaving Equipage ; where Merchants and Shopkeepers may be supply'd with great Variety, and at very reasonable Rates. AL L Persons who have any legal Demands on the Estate and Effects of tbe late John Clopton, Esq; deceas'd, are desired to send an Ac- count thereof before the first Day of July next, to
Mr- William Hunt, Attorney, in Stratford upon- Avon ; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate and Effects are re- quited to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Hurt before that Time, ot they will be sued ; Mr. Clopton's Executors intending to pay all his legal Debts soon after the said first of July, in case his Assetts in their Hands will extend to pay the same. May 17, 1757. STolen, or Stray'd, out of a small Pad- dock, adjoining to Mr. Dugard's House, at Great Malvern, Worcestershire, A dark- brown, well- set, punch GELDING, of the Pacing Kind. Whoever secures the said Gelding, and gives Notice thereof, either to Mr.
Dugard aforesaid, Mr. Wellings, at the Bell Inn, Wor- cester, or to the Printer of this Paper, shall have all rea- sonable Satisfaction for their Trouble. LOST, Between Birmingham and Bromsgrove, in Tuesday, the 17th Instant, A Silver WATCH, WITH a Black Worsted String to it, and a Silver Seal, ( he Impression a Rampant Lion; and the Label on the Inside, Giles Coates, at Chedworth, Land- Surveyor-. Whoever brings the said Watch to Mr. Pem-- berton, at the Crown Inn, in Broad- Street, Worcester, shall have Half a Guinea Reward. J. WHITFIELD, Received, Yesterday, from his Warehouse in London, • fresh Assortment of
Linnen- Drapery Goods of all Sorts, in particular Printed Linnens and Cottons of the newest Patterns, which muft be sold off with Speed, by Whole- sale or Retail, at his Warehouse in a large Front Parlour, at the Talbot, in Sidbury, Worcester, CONSISTING or GULIX Holland, Irish Cloth, Long Lawns, Muslins of all sorts. Mens' long Neckcloths, Clear Lawns, strip'd, plain, and chequer'd, from IS. to 12s. per Yard ; flower'd minionetted Gauze, and spotted Lawns, with Variety of Aprons and Ruffles minionetted and border'd round, of the newest Fashions, for Gentlemen aid Ladies; Variety of strip'd and flower'd border'd
Handkerchiefs, of the newest Fashions, from Sd. per Piece to 12s.; Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs, with choice of Silk and Muslin ditto; printed Lin- nens and Cottons, of the newest Patterns, with Variety of dark and light- ground Chints Patterns of the newest Fashions, and at the lowest Prices; with choice of printed Cottons tor Furniture; printed Hol- lands and Long Lawns; Damask and Diaper Table Linnen in the Piece, and Variety of Damask and Diaper Table- cloths, with Setts of ditto ; Dimities; flower'd, plain and spotted Capuchins, French Cloaks, Cardinals, Shades, and Polanees; Velvet and Silk in the Piece, spotted,
flower'd, and plain, for Capuchins; Pelong Sattin ; Boys' Velvet and Silk Caps, and Tippets for Children; Womens" Velvet and Silk Hoods; scarlet and cloth- colour'd Cloaks and Do- ' minoes ; great choice of Camblets and Callimancoes ; Cotton, Thread and Worsted Gloves and Stockings; Cotton Caps; Paduasoy Ribbons at 4d. per Yard ; new- fashion'd figur'd Ribbons at id. per Yard; and Silk Figures of the newest Patterns, at 5d. per Yard ;^ Silk Purses ; Brussels, Mechlin, and Buckinghamshire Lace ; Frame Lace Caps; Mens wove Cotton and Worsted Waistcoats printed Linnen and Scotch Handkerchief.; Womens' Shag,
Leghorn, Chip, Horse- hair, and Paper Hats; choice of cover'd and bound ditto; Silk, Cotton, Thread, Worsted, and Leather Mits ; black Silk Fringe and Gimps; daik and light ground Cotton at is. per Cown. Also great choice of small Silver Plate, viz. Salts, Cream- Jugs, large Spoons Tea Spoons and Tongs, Corals; great choice of Silver Shoe- buckles, and plated ditto, of the newest Patterns; Clasps and Stock buckles- ; short Rims and Buttons, Bristol- Stone Buttons, Stay- Hooks, Gold, Plain and Stone Rings, Wires and Bobs, Silver Thimbles and Seals, with choice of Silver Watches. Ready Money for Old Gold or Silver, and
Gold or Silver Lace, or Exchange for any of the above mention'd Goods. N. B. The Prices are fix'd, without Abatement,
Worcester RACES Will be the first or second Week in AUGUST; Particulars of which will shortly be advertis'd in this and other Papers. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. THE Time for the Election of Coroner to succeed the late Mr. Chambers in that Office, being fix'd for Wednesday the Twenty fifth Infsant, at the Castle of Worcester; This it therefore to advertise my Friends of the same, and to desire their Attendance at Worcester on that Day in my Favour ; and as the Poll is intended to begin by Nine o'clock in the Morning, I hope they will attend as early as possible; which will add to the
Favours already received by. Gentlemen, Your very humble Servant, Kidderminster, GREGORY WATKINS. May 14th, 1757 To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. THERE being a Vacancy in the Office of Coroner, by the Death of Mr. Edmund Cham- bers, of Kidderminster, one of the Coroners for the County of Worcester, and being encouraged by many of my Friends to offer myself a Candidate to succeed him in the said Office, I take this Method of humbly jntreating the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed to the said Office of Coroner, which will be gratefully acknow- ledge, by
Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and most humble Servant, Bromsgrove, THOMAS VERNON. Marcb 14, 1757. MR, Gregory Watkins's Advertisement in the laft Worcester Paper, makes it proper for me to inform the Publick, That, at Worcester Seffions last, I delivered the Writ for Election of Coroner to Mr. Phillips, the Under- Sheriff; that a Com- promise was then proposed by the Under- Shcriff, and some other Gen- tlemen, in order to save the Trouble of a contested Election to the Freeholders ; which Compromise was accordingly agreed on by Mr. Watkins and me, and, in Consequence thereof, the Writ was voluntarily re delivered to me by the Sheriff; and Mr. Watkins well knows, that the desiring the Writ to procecd to Election on the Eleventh of May Instant, wa « a direct Violation of the Terms of that Agreement: Mr. Watkins was not at any Expence of suing out the Writ, and, as he acknowledges, neither he or his Friends can be surprized. He has acted very ungenerously ; and as to my poc- keting the Writ, has published what is false ard scandalous; And I hope the Gentlemen and Freeholders of the Count;- will not be pre- I judiced against me by that or his ill- natur'd Threatenings to move the 1 Lords Commissioners, but will take his
Advertisement as intended I only to injure and lessen their Good- will toward Their most obliged humble Servant, Bromsgrove, May 16. Thomas Vernon. KIDDERMINSTER, May 18, 1757. THE Publick having been grosly impos'd upon, by the Misrepresentations of Mr. VERNON, in his Advertisement published in the Birmingham Gazette of this Week, I beg Leave to disabuse them, by faithfully relating what hap- pened at the last Worcester Sessions, relative to the Contest for Coroner ; for the Truth of which I appeal to Mr. Ingram, of Bewdley, who was present during the whole Conversation. Upon Wednes- day Morning, in the
Sessions Week, Mr. Phillips, the Under- Sheriff, came to my Lodgings, and inform'd me, That there had been a Pro- posal made to elect two Coroners, and that my Company was desir'd at the Hop- Pole to talk about the same, and to fix upon a Time for the Election. I accordingly went to the Hop- Pole with Mr. Phillips j but, some Person wanting to speak with him, prevented his going into the Room with me, where I found Mr. Vernon, with Mr. Ingram, Mr. Milward, and Mr. Brettell, who began to talk with me about ( what they had mention'd, of having two Coroners; and then Mr. Millward propos'd, That I should take upon me the
Trouble of suing out another Writ for that Purpose, as Mr. Brettell had sued out one, which he had delivered to Mr. Vernon. I absolutely refus'd suing out another Writ, or making any Compromise with Mr. Vernon further than this, That, if he had a Mind to sue out another Writ, I would not oppose him in it, and told the Gentlemen, That I thought myself oblig'd, in Honour, if I was elected upon the Writ already sued out, to pay for the same, on which Account I thought myself as much entitlcd to the Writ as Mr . Vernon. The Day of Election was also fix'd at that Time, and it was agreed by the Persons present, That, if Mr. Vernon
fucceeded at all in obtaining the other Writ, he might certainly do it in three Weeks Time, which would be the County- court Day ; and therefore that Day three Weeks ( the nth of this lnstant) was the Day absolutely fix'd for the Election ; and I do deny that my desiring the Writ to proceed to the Election on that Day, was any Violation of the Terms of the Agreement entered into between us, but exactly agreeable to the same in every Particular. —— As Mr. Vernon had got POSSESSION of the Writ without my Privity, ( by which the Election was delay'd and being call'd upon by the Sheriff, and his Deputy, to deliver up the same, in
order to their Proceeding in the Election, and which he did not comply with, I humbly appre- , ; id submit it to the Publick, That I did not misuse the Expression, whei. i inform'd them that the reason why the Election had been delay'd so long, had been owing to Mr. Vernon's pOCKeTiNG the Writ, and that there was neither Falsity nor Scandal therein : And, as to my threatening him with moving the Lords Commissoners of the orcj ^ al to get the Writ out of his Hands, I hope I am justified in -„-.•, as there seem'd to be no other Method for obtaining it but that I took, he not only h. iving broke his Word in promising to bring the Writ
to'the Sheriff's Deputy in Worcester, but also refusing to answer Lies sent to him about the same, and even avoided seeing me when in Bromsgrove on Tuesday last. That the Method I took to obtain the Writ out of his Hands was intended to prejudice, injure, or lessen him, in the Esteem and Good- will of the GeNTLeMeN and Free- holDers of this County, I also deny as false, and scurrilous ; for abhor so mean and pitiful a Method whereby to found an Interest on And am, GENTLEMEN, With much Respect, Your most obedient humble Servant, Gregory Watkins. Droitwich, May 17, 1757. WHEREAS some wicked and mali cious Persons ( with Intent to injure me in my Bufinefs and CharaCter, and draw the Censure and Resent- ments of the Publick upon me) have industriously and maliciously spread a Report, that I have not only mixed Lime and Whitening in the Meal which I have made and dressed at my Mills, in the Borough of Droitwich, in the County of Worcester, but also that I have made it a Practice to Exchange the Wheat which was brought to my Mills by Bakers and Others to be ground and dressed, for much worse Wheat than was so brought by them, and return'd them the Flour of such Wheat instead of the Flour of their own ; which
Reports, tho' I hereby so- lemnly declare are false and groundless, may be very inju- rious ; therefore 1 am oblig'd to take this Method of con- tradicting it : But, left the great Prejudice and Malice of some Persons might not suffer them to credit what I assert, I have thought proper to procure an Affidavit of the seve- ral Servants I have had, and. employ'd as Grinders and Meal Dressers ever fince my Mills were alter'd and made into Dressing- Mills, ( which Affidavit was taken Yesterday by Henry Bray, Esq; Bailiff of this Borough, and is lodg'd in his Hands in order to be seen by any Persons who may require it) : And, in order to
give the malicious Persons who propagated such false Reports, or any other of them, or any other Person whatsoever, an advantageous Opportunity of proving the contrary, ( if he, she, or they can and will do it upon Oath,) I dv hereby Promise such Person or Persons a Reward of FIVE POUNDS: And as the Original Author or Authors of such false and wicked Reports ought, for the Publick Good, to be made an Example of, I do hereby Promise a Reward of TWO GUINEAS for discovering him, her, or them ( so that he, she, or they may be convicted thereof). As Witness my Hand, Benjamin Hodgkiss. WORCESTER, May 19.
At the GREAT- ROOM at the Hop- Pole, For the BENEFIT of Mr. ARNE, On WEDNESDAY next, the 15th Instant, will be perform'd A Grand CONCERT O F Vocal and Instrumental MUSICK. The Vocal Parts by Mr. Arne and Others. The Harp- sichord, with a Concerto in the First Act, and a curious EXTRAVAGANZA in the Second, by Mr. Arne. ** After the Concert will be a BALL. To begin at Half an Hoar after SIX. TICKETS ( at 2 s. 6d. each) to be had 0 Mr. Arne, at Hooper's Coffee House; it the Poft Office; and at the Place of Performance. Wednesday s and ThursdaysPOSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Flanders, Dusseldorp,
May 7. WE learn from Munster, that the Hanoverians have passed the Weser, in order to ravage the County of Paderborn, and meet the French, who arrive succes- sively in the District of Munster. French Troops and Baggage are continually passing over the Rhine below this Town. The French will form three Camps, one at Wesel, another at Ruremonde, and the third at Calcum. We have just received Advice, that a Body of Hano- verians that passed the Weser have taken some Waggons with Corn, that were destined for the Dominions of the Elector of Cologn in the Bishoprick of Paderborn. It is likewise said, that Col. Fischer
has defeated a small Body of Hanoverians in the Connty of Tecklenbourg. Paris, May 6. A Report is propagated here, that our Squadron that went some Time ago to America, supported by our Land Forces and the Iroquois, have taken the Town of Boston, but this News is of too great Consequence to give Credit to without a proper Confirmation. We find there has been an Engagement in the Streights of Gibraltar betwixt the Squadron that lately sailed from Toulon, and an English Spuadron : But we know not yet the Date nor the Particulars of this Affair. LONDON. [ Tuesday, May 17. Yesterday his Grace the Duke of
Devonshire kissed his Majesty's Hand at Kensington, on being appointed Lord Chamberlain of his Majesty's Houshold in the room of the Duke of Grafton, deceas'd, and received the White Wand. And we hear that his Grace the Duke of Newcastle succeeds the Duke of Devonshire as First Lord of the Treasury. On Saturday last the Right Hon. the Lord Archer was unanimously elected Recorder of the City of Coventry, in the room of his Grace the late Duke of Grafton, deceased. It is said, that the Fleet that sailed from Brest consisted of ten Ships of the Line, four Frigates, and two Advice- Boats, with 3000 Land Forces on board,
and nine Sail of large French Privateers. Some Letters from Gibraltar of the 18th of April say, that the four French Men of War which sailed sometime before from Toulon, lay at Anchor at Ceuta, and Admi- ral Saunders was then in Sight of them, or near at Hand. There is Advice that Admiral Holbourne sailed from Corke the 7th Instant, with the Men of War, Transports, and Troops, for America. The St. Joseph, Strong, from Cadiz, arrived at Bri- stol, spoke with Admiral Holborne last Tuesday, ten Leagues to the Westward of Cape Clear. He had 16 Sail of tlie Line, two Bomb- ketches, two Fireships, and 50 Sail of Transports. On
the 6th Instant arrived at Kinsale from a Cruise. his Majesty's Ship the Somerset, Francis Geary, Commander, and brought in with her the Superb, of and from Bourdeaux, Burthen 750 Tons, 1.4 Guns, 50 Sea- men, and 250 Soldiers ; also the Renown, of and from Bourdeaux, 350 Tons, 12 Guns, and 86 Seamen and Soldiers ; they were both bound for Quebeck, their Lad- ing consists of Bale Goods, Provisions, Arms, and Am- munition j and are valued at near 100,000l. It is likewise assur'd that the above Man of War, and a Privateer of Bristol, have taken seven Transports laden with Troops for America. We learn from
Jamaica, that on Admiral Townshend's receiving Intelligence of the French Squadron being at Cape Francois he altered his Intention of the Biddeford's convoying the Merchantmen that were ready to sail, in order to send her Express with this Intelligence, and ac- cordingly she sailed the 25th of March. The following Ships sail'd from Jamaica with the Biddeford, but were left the same Day, and propos'd to proceed through the Gulph: The Two Brothers, Chaffers ; Britannia, Rich- ardson i Chinton, Hughes; Thomas and Mary, Reid ; Hambleton Galley, M'Sean ; Carolina, Colecock ; Cae- sar, Irvine ; and Live Oak, White ; all for
London. According to a Calculation, there have been taken, du- ring the present War, 78 French Privateers. Letters from Germany say, that the Russians are ac- tually on their March home. It is said for certain, that Count Brown's Army is re- tir'd to Prague ; that they have burnt one Magazine in their Retreat, and that the King of Prussia has taken two. Col. Mure Campbell, Member of Parliament for the Shire of Air, in Scotland, is appointed Lieut. Col. of Lord George Sackville's Regiment of Dragoons. And Major Coningham, who was Engineer at Minorca, succeeds him as Colonel of a Company in the Third Regi- ment of Foot
Guards. Sir Paul Methuen, who died lately worth 250,0001. it is said, had 50,000!. of it in his House in Guineas, ty'd up in different Bags and sealed, which had lain so without any Interest many Years. A few Days since a Gentlewoman of a large Fortune, and aged upwards of 82, afflicted with a Cancer, was married to a young Gentleman of 18, Son of a particular Friend of her's, in order, at her Decease, to make him Master of her whole Fortune. To remove the Anxiety of the Publick, this Opportu- nity is taken to assure them, that the Countess of Coventry is now perfectly recovered from the Hurt her Ladyship received by a
dangerous Fall from her Horse in Hyde- Park last Friday Morning. Yesterday three French Captains, who were Prisoners at Plymouth on their Parole, and who had made their Escape, were taken with their Guide and Interpreter, ao Englishman, at an Inn in Piccadilly. We hear that the Match intended to be run between Mr. Bowles's Milo and Mr Pytts's Liberty, at Burford, on the 6th of June, is alter'd to the 30th of this Instant May, as the Day first proposed interferes with other Races in that Neighbourhood. BANKRUPTS. Alexander Bartram, of Manches- ter, Chapman. Robert Bower, of Sheffield, Mercer. Peter Owen, of
Manchester, Linnen- Draper. Thomas Bransdon, of Marlborough, Wilts, Shopkeeper. Thomas Westell, of Bristol, Cabinet- Maker. STOCKS. Bank, 11 8 1 half, 3119. India, 143. South Sea, 100 3 4ths. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 89 3 8tbs. a 1 - half. Ditto 2d Sub. 88 3 8ths. Ditto New Annuities, ift Sub. 89 7 Sths. a 90 Ditto 2d Sub. 89 1 4th. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 891 8th. India Bonds, 2I. 13s, a 14 s. Prem. New Subscription, WORCESTER, May 19. On Saturday laft the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Justices, with near Fourscore Constables, attended our Corn- Market, not only to suppress any Riot that might happen, but
to detect all Badgers, Millers, & c. in their unlawful Practices; and the like Attendance will be con* tinu'd. Corn in general fell Price that Day, * Tis thought there will be a strong Contest in the Elec- tion of a Coroner for this County, which wilL come on next Wednesday, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, at the County Castle. On Sunday last Richard Gorges, Esq; Member of Par- liament for the Borough of Leominster, in Herefordshire, was married to Miss Fettiplace, ( Daughter of Thomas Fettiplace, Esq; of Swinbrook, in the County of Oxford an amiable young Lady, of great Merit, with a very plen- tiful Fortune. Last Sunday, about
Five in the Evening, died, of a Palsy, with which he was struck that Morning, the Rev. Mr. Daniel Brooker, Canon of Worcester, Rector of St. Peter's in this City, and Curate of Claines in this County ; to the latter of which the Rev. Mr. Bate is already presented. A few Days since a Collection was made throughout the Parish of Claines, for the distress'd Poor thereof, and a considerable Sum was rais'd. Lady Pakington first contributed, and gave very liberally, whose Example was follow'd by all the Gentlemen, as also the Farmers, ac- cording to their several Abilities: And its worth remark- ing, that their Servants in general likewise
contributed very generously, many of whom not giving less than a Crown each. On Sunday last feveral Thousand Bushels of Foreign Wheat arriv'd in the Port of Bristol, to the great Joy of the Inhabitants of that City and Neighbourhood, who, literally, were just on the Point of Wanting Bread. Monday se'nnight a great Number of People, mostly Women, assembled in a riotous Manner in the Market at
Newestle, in Staffordshire, and seized several Bags of Corn and Oatmeal, which they obliged the Proprietors to sell considerably under the Market Price. On Saturday last at Bewdley Market, Foreign Corn was retailed from the publick Granary, at 7 s. 6d. per Strike; and it is hoped that the Disturbances are quite over in that Neighbourhood. Gloucester, May 14. It was remarked that a Farmer, who last Saturday refused 10s. a Bushel for a Quantity of Wheat which he had brought to our Market, sold the same Wheat this Day for 8 s. 10d. a Bushel. We hear from Kidwelly, in Carmarthenshire, South- Wales, that Yesterday
Se'nnight a great Number of Col- liers assembled there, and broke open several Grainaries, and carried away about a Hundred Quarters ot Oats, some Barley, and some Oatmeal. The next Day they went to Carmarthen, and were there joined by several of the old Mobbers, and about a Hundred Forgemen and Labourers; but were prevented from doing any Mischief by the pru- dent Behaviour of the worthy Mayor of that Place, who ordered the Merchants not to buy any Oats or Oatmeal until such Time as the several Vessels, now on their Pas- sage with Barley, should arrive ; and likewise ordered the Farmers to sell their Oats
at 18 d. per Strike, and the Oat- meal at 15 d per Dish. Seven of the Rioters that were at Kidwelly are committed to Gaol. This is to give NOTICE, " THAT there will be a Main of COCKS JL Fought, betwixt the Gentlemen of Staffordshire and Shropshire, at the House of George Tomlinson, at the SWAN in Envil, ( near Stowerbridge), Staffordshire, for Two Guineas a Battle, and Fifty the Main : To weigh on Saturday the 4th of June next, and fight the Monday and Tuesday following. This Day was Publish'd, ( lllustrated with an elegant FRONTISPIECE, engrav'd by an eminent Hand, from an Original Drawing, with two other Coffer
Plates, and a General Title- Page,) NUMBER I. of A SYSTEM of BOTANY, With the latest IMPROVEMENTS; IN WHICH The GENERA and SPECIES PLANTARUM of Linnaeus are connected into one Work, explained from his other Writings, and translated into familiar English, with the Addition of Descriptions of the several Plants, their Climate, Soil, Season, and Virtues, By Dr. JOHN HILL. ILLUSTRATED with FIGURES. To this will be added, Occasional NOTES , explaining the Terms, and containing particular Observations made on the growing PLANTS, tending to a further Division of the Genera, a shortening and
familiariiing of the spe- cifick Names, and an Improvement of the System. CONDITIONS. l. The Book will becomprised in One Volume, Folio,; and will be published in Forty Numbers s Each Number to consist of Four Sheets and One Folio Copper Plate, at One Shilling, a. It will be printed on a fine Paper and new Letter, and the Cuts engraved under the immediate Inspection of the Author. London: Printed for T. Osborne and J. Shipton, in Gray's Inn ; J. Hodges, near London Bridge; L. Davis and C. Reymers, in Holborn; T. Trye, Gray's Inn Gate; and S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, in Pater Nostor Rcw ; and may be had of S.
Gamidge, next the Col- lege Grates, Worceser, and R. Lewis, in High- street. This Day are Publish'd, Dedicated to the Right Honourable WILLIAM PiTT, Esq; The THREE FIRST VOLUMES, Quarto, ( Price Two Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six- pence, in Boards, and Three Guineas bound,) Adorned with Three elegant FRONTISPIECES, engraved by Grignion and Miller, The Compleat HISTORY ENGLAND> Deduced from the Descent of JULIUS CaESAR, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. CONTAINING The Transactions of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three Years. By T. SMOLLETT, M. D. London ; Printed for
James Rivington and James Fletcher, in Pater noster Row ; and fold by 5. Mountfort, jun. in Worcester-, and Mr. Andrews, in Evesham. ** The Author begs Leave to inform the Public, that, finding the Materials for the latter Reigns multiply upon his Hands, he has extended his Plan to a Fourth Volume, which begins with the Reign of WILLIAM III. and will end with the last Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. This Addi- tion, which is already partly compiled, will be finished with all possible Care, Accuracy, and Dispatch, and de- livered to the Purchasers of the Work in three Months, without any further Expence, and a Promissory Note, under
the Proprietors' Hands, for that Purpose, will be bound up at the End of the Third Volume. The PLAN of tbe WORK may be had of tbe Book sellers. WORCESTER. May 9, 1757 WHEReAS several disorderly Persons V V assembled themselves together in the Com Market of this City, on Saturday last, and committed Outrages, In cutting some Bags of Corn which were brought to Market to be sold, and carried away the same, for which they will be prosecuted with the utmost Rigour at the next Quarter Sessions to be held for the said City: But, in the mean Time, to prevent any future Outrages, the Magistrates think proper to give
this Publick Notice, That a sufficient Guard will be placed round, the Corn- Market on Saturday next, and other Market- Days, as long is it shall be requisite, in order to protect all such Farmers as shall bring any Corn to Market in the Enjoyment of their Property : And that all Persons that shall attempt to commit any Riots will be prosecuted with the utmost Severity of the Law. N. B. If any Person or Persons will give Informations against those that were concern'd in the Riot on Saturday last, or against any that shall hereafter be guilty of any riotous or tumultuous Proceedings, their Informations will be taken at the Town Clerk's
Office without any Expence. By Order of the Mayor and Justices. Worcester, May 10, 1757. AREPoRT having been industriously spread, That I still carry on the Malt Distilling, though in a private Manner, by working in the Night, which Report being not only absolutely false, but very injurious, ( by subjecting me to the Ill- will and Resent- ment of the Publick,) I am obliged to take this Method of contradicting it: But, lest the Prejudice and Malice of some People might not suffer them to credit what I say, I have thought proper to procure ( as under) a Cer- tificate from the Supervisor, and Three other Officers of Excise, who have, and
do still, regularly survey my Distillery Night' and Day, notwithstanding it is not work'd ; and, in order to give any Person an advan- tageous Opportunity of proving the contrary, ( if he can and will do it upon Oath) I do hereby promise such Person a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. It having likewise been industriously reported, That I have hoarded up a large Quantity of Wheat; and that I have contracted with several Farmers for their coming Crops of Grain and Fruit: I do hereby solemnly declare, That the said Reports are alfo entirely false; for I have not to the Quantity of a Bushel of Wheat either in my House, Warehouse,
or any other Place ; nor has any other Person in his or their Custody any that ( already) belongs to or is intended for me : Nor have 1 even attempted to con- tract with any Farmers for their future Crops of Grain. or Fruit. Whoever proves the contrary ( on Oath) shall be entitled to TEN POUNDS Reward. And, as the original Authors of such false and injurious Reports ought, for the Publick Good, to be made an Example of, I do hereby promise a Reward of TEN POUNDS for the discovering them, ( so that they may be convicted thereof.) As witness my Hand, philip Tomlins. Note, In Justice to Benjamin Saunders, Esq; Mayor of
the City of Gloucester, it behoves me to declare, That I never was in any Kind of Partnership with him ; and that he never purchased any Wheat for or of me, except Four Hundred and Fifty Bushels, ( bought in the Counties of Suffolk ard Sussex), which were sent him, in order to be sold to the Poor at Six Shillings per Bushel, at the Time Wheat sold in the Market there at Nine Shillings per Bushel. WE, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, " being the Supervisor and Officers of Excise, who have for several Months past, and do still, regularly survey Mr. TOMLINS's Distillery, Night and Day, do hereby certify, That he has, and
does, in all Respects, strictly conform to an Act of Parliament lately pass'd for prohibiting the Distilling from Wheat, Barley, he not having distill'd any Spirits from Corn since the iitb Day of March last past. Witness our Hands, JAMES FRYER, Supervisor. JAMES KITE, ROBERT GATTY, Officers. THOMAS HAYS, A'. B. According to the above mention'd Act of Par- liament, any Distiller, detected in making Use of any of his Utensils in making of Spirits from Wheat, Barley, Malt, or from any Meal or Flour, for every such Offence he is to forfeit TWO HUNDRED POUNDS ; and for every Eight Bushels cf Wheat above Forty Bushels,
in the Custody of a Malt Distiller, to forfeit and pay FIVE POUNDS for every Eight Bushels above that Quantity. [ By the KING's AUTHORITY,] Now publishing in Weekly Numbers, in large Octavo. at Six- pence each Number, containing, in Three Sheets of Letter- Press, and Four Copper Plates, elegantly engraved. Twice the Quantity of any Weekly Publi- cation whatever, A NEW and COMPLETE DICTIONARY of Arts and Sciences - y Comprehending all the Branches of Useful Knowledge. WITH Accurate Descriptions as well of the VARIOUS MACHINIS, IN- STRUMENTS, TOOLS, FIgUREs, and SCHEMES, necessary for
illustrating them, as of the CLASSES, KINDS, PREPARATIONS, and USES of Natural PRODUCTIONS, whether ANIMALI, VEGE- TABLES, MINERALS, FOSSILS, or FLUIDS; together with the KINgDOMS, PROVINCES, CITIES, TOWNS, and other remark. able Places throughout the WORLD. Illustrated with above Three Hundred COPPER PLATES, curiously engraved by Mr. Jefferys, Engraver, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The Whole extracted from the best Authors in all Languages. By a SOCIeTY of GENTLEMEN. London : Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet- Street, near Temple-
Bar j and sold by all the Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland, Of whom may be had, The WORK compleat, in Four large Volumes Oflavo, Price bound it. 5s. N. B. The Publick will not be burden'd with any Supplement to this Work, which will be compleated in 74 Numbers. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, On Friday the 27th of May Instant, at the White Lion, in Upton upon Severn, A Freehold Estate of about 201, per Ann. In the Parish of STRENSHAM. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Dandridge, Attorney, • in Worcester. IRichard Seabright, of Evesham, having inadvertently aspersed the Characters of Daniel George, of
the same Town, and Elizabeth his Wife, do hereby acknowledge my Fault, ask their Pardon, and declare that I do not know any Thing criminal in either of tbem. ASDAYOFF MAY" R7DS7HIS RICHARD sebright. Witness ' SAMUEL SEVERN. DALBY's CARMINATIVE MIXTURE, For Windy, Watery, or Dry Gripes, Bloody Stools, or other Disorders in the Stomach and Bowels of INFANTS, WHEREIN it gives such immediate Relief that there is no Instance of its Want of Success: Nor has any Medicine yet been difcover'd that so effec- tually relieves the most racking t Gripes of every Kind in grown Persons from whatever Cause
they arise; as gouty Pains in the Sto- mach or Bowels, Flatulencies or Wind, Hysterick, Nervous, or other Cholicks, as this sovereign and incomparable Medicine, which is Sold Wholesale and Retail by Mr. Williams, in Monmouth- Mr. Cotton, and Mr. Betton, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Cole, in Upton upon Severn ; H. Berrow, Printer, in Worcester, and may be had of most Shopkeepers, in the circumadja- cent Towns, and of the Distributors of this Journal Its early Use prevents the Formation of Worms in Infants, and destroys Worms when form'd, either in Young or Old, as appears from daily Experience; It is very pleasant, the Dose
small, being only a Tea- Spoonful. A Child of a Day old may take it with the greatest Safety. This is certain : Children who have been early accustomed to take it, have never been troubled with Ruptures, but thrive very fast, and are generally chearful: The Reason is obvious, They are healthy and free from Pain. iQ » This Medicine ( which Hands in no Need of a Pa tent to recommend it) is prepared only by the Author Joseph Dalby. Apothecary, in Malmsbury, Wilts ; and to prevent Counterfeits, each Bottle is sealed with, an each Paper of Directions hath the same Arms on it, as the Margin. Price ONE SHILLING. Of the Printer
and Distributors of this Journal may be had, The never- failing Chymical Drops, for Coughs, Clinton's Imperial Royal Golden Snuff and Oil, for th Cure of all Disorders in the Head. Greenough's Tincture for the Tooth- Ach. Greenough'sTincture for cleansing theTeeth and Gums Dr. Bateman's Golden Spirit of Scurvy- Grass, Dr. Bateman's Plain Spirit of Scurvy- Grass. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir. The best German Blacking Balls for Boots and Shoe Price One Shilling the large, and Sixpence the small The Best Japan Ink. — The Best Ink Powder.