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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 12/05/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2493
No Pages: 4
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B E R R O W s Worcester Journal. [ Printed at his O F F I C E, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] THURSDAY, May 12, 1757. Price Two- Pence. FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. PARIS, April 18. kT is reported that the City of Dieppe is unpaved, in Expectation of a Bom- bardment ; and that the English have gain'd some Advantages over us at Co- romandel. What seems to confirm it is, that the Actions of the East India Company have fell to 1490 Livres. Hanover, April 26. On the 22d a great Train of Ar- tillery, and a vast Quantity of Ammunition belonging to the Prussians, passed through this City in their Way to Magdeburgh. His Royal Highness received the Compli- ments of all the Persons of Distinction here on his Birth- Day. The Army of Observation will be in a few Days compleat; but in the mean Time the French have taken Possession of Lipstadt with 6000 Men. COUNTRY NEWS. Dover, May 1. On Saturday last there was stopped at this Port, soon after landing out of the Packet ( by the Worshipful John Bazely, Esq; Mayor, Capt. Alexander Ridley, and Mr James Hammond, two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace) John Cameron, of Lochiel, who has been ten Years a Captain in the French King's Ser- vice, as he says, though but twenty- three Years of Age, and is a Son of a noted Rebel of that Name, and his ' Mother a Pensioner in France with an Annuity of 12000 Livres. [ We apprehend it should be but 1200 Livres, and even that is rather more than France generally gives to the Widows of British Rebels ] He has with him a political Discharge, dated the lit of April 1756, and pre- tends he is come over to take the Benefit of an Act passed last Session, and to get employed in England ; but, for want of Sureties as the Law directs, he is detained ; and it is to be wished that the Magistrates on the Sea Coast would exert themselves at this critical Juncture, as Num- bers pass and repass unexamined. Sherborne, May 2. Friday last at Yeovil Market the People rose on Account of the high Price of Corn, and obliged the Farmers to sell their Wheat for 10 s per Bushel. And on Saturday the like happened at our Markets, where Wheat, which had risen to 15s. was sold from 7s. to 10s. per Bushel. Newcastle, April 30. On Thursday se'nnight in the Evening, the Mermaid, of Shields, Capt. Carr, was seen to founder at Sea, near Dimlington, and to go down al- most instantaneously, and all Hands perished ; there were on board James and Charles Thompsons, Bankrupts, who were going up to London to appear to the Statute, and several other Passengers from this Town, near Twenty in all, besides the Ship's Crew. The Captain is blamed for this melancholy Accident, having taken in two Keels of Coals above the Ship's usual Loading. Wickham, April 18 On Thursday last the Coroner's Inquest sat on the Body of a Stranger who hanged him- self here a few Days since, and brought in their Verdict, Felo de se. Who he was we can't as yet learn ; by his Dress he had the Appearance of a Gentleman, but in his Pockets he had not any Thing whatever except a Prayer, of which the following is an exact Copy, whereby it ap pears that he had premeditated his own Destruction. • O most omniscient, and most merciful Father, who • knowest our Wants before we ask, I beseech thee that 4 this my humble Petition, offered up to thee in my « greatest Necessity, may be heard ; and that, by thy • Grace, my Thoughts may be averted from my present • Intention, and I not fall a Victim to my own Folly and • Rashness; but that my Days may be prolonged upon • Earth, to thy Honour and Glory. Grant this, through • the Merits of Jesus Christ, thy only Son our Lord. « Amen Our, & c.' LONDON. [ Thursday, May 5. We hear that there is a great Difference arisen between the French King and his Son the Dauphin. From Vienna they write that the Empress Queen has fent Notice to the Government of Bohemia, that she will make good the Damage which the Inhabitants of that Kingdom may receive from the Prussian Troops: And accordingly, her Imperial Majesty has already ordered a considerable Sum to be distributed to the Proprietors of Estates, whose Houses and Lands have been ruined by the Incursions of Prussian Detachments. Letters from Leipsick say, that his Prussian Majesty, commiserating the Circumstances of the Inhabitants of the Circle of the Mountains, has distributed 4000 Crowns amongst them, to answer their most pressing Necessities, and declared to them, that if this Sum be not found suf- ficient, he will order them farther Relief. Letters from Petersburgh observe, that the Manufactory of printed Linnens set up there about three Years ago by two English Merchants, has been improved and encreased to such a Degree as to be able to supply the Demands of the whole Russian Empire 1 and the Senate, in order to render it still more flourishing, have issued an Edict for doubling the Duties on all foreign printed Linnens, ex- cept such as shall be imported by the Way of Aftracan, Orenburgh, and Temernicoff. It is very remarkable that the Isle of Wight, which produces Wheat enough in one Year sufficient to support the Inhabitants thereof seven Years, should now stand in Need of sending for Relief to other Places; for we are informed there is a Vessel now lying in the River Thames taking in her Loading of Wheat for that Island. On Monday died the Lady George Anna Herbert, Daughter of Earl Powis, aged five Years and nine Months. Last Week died at Richmond, in Surrey, Miss Johnson, a fine young Lady about 16, Daughter of the late Rev Mr. Johnson, of Herefordshire, by the Lady Williams, Relict of Sir Edward Williams, Bart, and Half- Sister to the present Sir Edward Williams, of Guernevet, in Bre- conshire, Bart. This Morning the Post Boy was stopp'd between Maid- stone and Chatham by a Footpad, who took the Maid- stone, Ashford, and Town Mailing Bags from him, and made off with them. This Morning, about Three o'Clock, a Fire broke out at a Coach Painter's in the Quaker's Buildings near Smith field Bars, which confumed that House. On Tuesday a young Man, well dressed, offered a Pair of new Silk Stockings 10 pawn at Mr. Fell's Shop, in Den- mark- Street, St. Giles's; where he was stopt on Suspicion of having stolen them ; and as Mr. Fell was carrying him before Justice Welch, he snatched a Knife from off a Block at a Butcher's Door, and attempted to stab Mr. Fell with it, but being prevented, he instantly cut his own Throat in so desperate a Manner, that tho' he was im- mediately carried to the Middlesex Hofpital, ' tis thought be cannot recover. Letters from Leghorn of the 18th of April advise, that our Leghorn Fleet, consisting of 25 Sail, would put to Sea that Evening, under Convoy of a 60 Gun Ship and a Frigate of 20 Guns. Well enough, if no more can be spared for so valuable a Fleet. His Majesty's Ship Solebay, Capt. Craig, is arrived in the Road of Leith, with a French Privateer of ten Car- riage and eight Swivel Guns, and 78 Men, called the Chevalier Barte of Dunkirk, which she took on Sunday se'nnight, after a Chace of 36 Hours. The Solebay first got Sight of her on Saturday at the Mouth of the Firth, and chased her till Ten on Sunday Night, when she came up with her off Tinmouth. She had been out 16 Days, had three Ransomers on board ; and in the Chace threw over six of her Guns. Letters from Aberdeen mention, that the St. Anne armed Ship has taken a large French Dogger Privateer off that Place, but the Wind blowing from Shore prevented sending Particulars. The Princess of Wales, Capt. Cow, is also cruising off that Coast. A French Schooner, from Rochelle for Canada, is ta- ken by the Cornwall Privateer, Capt. Dillon, and carried into Guernsey. The Duke Packet, Capt. Dillon, from Jamaica, is ar- rived at Falmouth. The Triton, Binkes, from Christiansand to Dantzick, is wrecked on the Coast of Roland, and all the Crew perished. It is now computed, from the Number of Carolina Ships taken this Season, that the French have got this Year's whole Produce of Indigo of that Colony, except- ing about 60,000 lb. brought in by one or two Ships that have escaped the Enemy. Much to the Honour of a Nation possessed of above 200 Men of War ! Ships taken by the French. The Molly Privateer, of Jersey, carried into Brest; the Adventure Privateer, of Guernsey ; the Dodson. Dunn, from South Carolina, said to be worth 40,0001. carried into Bergen; the New Duke Packet Boat, from Falmouth for the Leeward Islands and Jamaica, with three Months Letters on board, carried into Port Louis; the Betsey, Halsey, from London for Montrose ; the John and Philip, the Frederick and William, and the Robert and Martha, all belonging to Harwich, ransom'd; the Molly, Moore, from Gotten- burgh for Newcastle, ransom'd; the Five Brothers, a Dutch Hoy, from Amsterdam for Hull, carried into Dunkirk ; the Africa, carried inlo a Port near Morlaix. The two following original Letters were communicated to Us from Bath. Mr. MAYOR, GIVE me Leave by this Letter address'd to you, Sir, to convey my most grateful Acknowledgments for the great Honour done me by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common- Council of Bath, in conferring on me the Free- dom of their City. I cannot but be ever proud of so signal a Mark of their too favourable Opinion, though conscious, at the same Time, that I have in no Degree merited it; and I am particularly happy, that my unfeigned Zeal and sincere Endeavours in Support of the just and gracious Measures taken by his Majesty, for the Safety and Welfare of his People, have, by an indulgent Interpretation of your worthy Body, been allow'd to stand in the Place of real and effectual Services. I am forced to make Use of the pen of another, which I hope you will pardon, as I am lame with the Gout in my Right Arm. I have the Ho- nour to be, with unalterable Gratitude and constant At- tachment to the City of Bath, S I R, Whitehall, Your most obedient, and 27 April, 1757. most humble Servant, W. PiTt Downing- Street, April 27, 1757. GENTLEMEN, PERMIT me to return you my most sincere and re- spectful Thanks for the very honourable Testimony you have been pleased to give me of your good Opinion, which, however unmerited on my Part, I shall always remember with the highest Sense of Gratitude and Regard to those who have conferr'd it. I pretend to no other Merit in publick Station, than that of having endeavour'd to promote his Majesty's Ser- vice, as long as I had the Honour to be in it, to the ut- most of my Capacity. As there are many Gentlemen in this Country, of as good Intentions towards the Publick as myself, and of Abilities greatly superior to my own, I make no Doubt but his Majesty's Wisdom and paternal Care of his People, will direct him to the Choice of a Successor in the Office I lately held, much more equal to the Duty of it than, GENTLEMEN, Your most obliged, and most obliged humble Servant, H. B. LEGGE; SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. PLANTATION NEWS. Charles- Town, in South Carolina, February 19. AN Express arrived here a few Days ago, relative to a Meeting with the several Governors on this Con- tinent, when it is thought the Plan of Operations for the ensuing Campaign will be regulated. Our Armies will be very considerable this Year, and we have Reason to believe ( from that and other Circumstances, join'd to the good Opinion of Lord Loudon) this Campaign will not disgrace the British Arms. Our worthy Governor has had a most difficult Affair in treating with the Cherokees, but they are to strike the French. IRELAND. Cork, April 26. Yesterday Admiral Holbourne, with the following Ships, arrived here. Guns Commanders Newark 80 Admiral Holbourne Terrible 74 Collins Grafton 68 Commodore Holmes Northumberland 68 Lord Colvill Orford 66 Sprye Bedford 64 Fowke Captain 64 Amhurst St. Alban's 64 Webb Kingston 60 Parry j . » Tilbury 60 Bransley - Sunderland 60 Mackenzie Centurion 54 Mantell Hunter 14 Laforey 1 Hawke 10 Bradley Gibraltar Prize 8 Scott Furnace Bomb 8 Williamson Lightning Fireship 8 Martin Dublin, April 30. The Bedford Privateer, fitted etc by the Merchants of this City, has taken two Prizes bound from Rochelle to Canada, faid to be worth Five or Six Thousand Pounds, which are expected to arrive here this Day. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, April 30. Thursday the Second Battalion of Highlanders, commanded by Colonel Montgomery, marched from Glasgow for Port- Patrick, in order to em- bark for Ireland. COUNTRY NEWS. Gosport, May 5. Tuesday Evening appear'd coming up to Spithead a large Fleet of Merchant ships, amongst which were four Sail of East Indiamen, Transport Ships, Coasters, and other Merchantmen, to the Amount of two hundred. They were convoy'd from the Downs by his Majesty's Ships Falkland and Greyhound, the Gre- nada Bomb and Spy Sloop of War. Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, May 6. " Yesterday the Admiral fix'd on Sunday for sailing; but this Morning the Wind being North- East, and a fine Gale, he has order'd Things to be dispatched with the utmost Vigour, the Soldiers for Ireland to be embarked immediately ( which he is to convoy down Channel), and has determined, if the Wind continues, to sail To mor row Morning with all the Outward bound." Extras of a Letter from Gosport, May 6. " Yesterday came into Town upwards of two hundred Recruits, raised in Lancashire, Warwickshire, and Staf. fordshire, for Lord Robert Bertie's Regiment of Fusileers in Garrison at Gibraltar. They march'd down to the ' Beach, and went in the Boats which were there to receive them, and were carried directly out to Spithead, and put on board the Transports. They went with great Chear- fulness, and every Boat as they put off gave three Cheers. Lord Robert Bertie, and several of his Officers, came to Town with them. I " The Tartar Man cf War, Capt. Lockhart, being clean'd, and the Damage she received in her last Engage- merit repair'd, is just sailed out of the Harbour to go on another Cruise." L O N D O N. Saturday, May 7. Yesterday his Majesty went to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to the following Bills, viz.—~ An Act to discontinue, for a limited Time, the Duties on Corn and Flour imported, and also upon such Corn, Grain, Meal, Bread, and Flour, as have been or shall be taken from the Enemy : An Act to prohibit, for a limited Time, the making of Low Wines and Spirits from Wheat, Bar- ley, Malt, or any other Sort of Grain, or from any Meal or Flour : An Act for importing Bar Iron, Duty- free, from his Majesty's Plantations in America into the Ports of Great Britain: And to several Publick and Private Bills. The Duke of Bedford will set out for Dublin next Month, to take upon him the Government of the King- dom of Ireland. Thursday last Week Mr. Serjeant Davy presented the Right Hon. Mr. Pitt and Mr. Legge with Copies of the Resolutions of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common- Council of the City of Exeter, in which they have or- dered them to be presented with Copies of the Freedom of that City in Gold Boxes. Wednefday fe'nnight Sir James Lowther, Bart, was una- nimously elected Knight of the Shire for Cumberland, in the room of Sir William Fleming, deceas'd. Counsellor Perrot is appointed one of Majesty's Counsel learned in the Law, in the room of William Noel, Esq; now a Judge. A Body of 6000 French under the Command of the Prince de Beauveau entered Munster the 24th of last Month. We hear that for the future the Mails between Hol- land and England will be convoyed by a Man of War, and that two will sail at a Time. We hear that some of our Men of War are- order'd to cruize off his Prussian Majesty's Ports, to prevent the French making any Attempts thereon. Three Regiments on the English Establishment are or- der'd to embark for Ireland. The Command of the Dublin Man of War, of 74 Guns, which was launched Yesterday, is given to Capt. Rodney ; and we hear that she will be ready for Sea by the Middle of next Month. Capt. Vincent Pearse, Nephew to Admiral Vernon, b appointed Commander of the Lizard Man of War, lately launched, which carries 36 Guns:' He was in all the En- gagements with his brave Uncle. This Morning 2004 Ells of Sailcloth were shipped for New- England ; and 700 Quarters of Peas, and 300 lb. of Bread, for Gibraltar. We hear that Admiral Boscawen has ordered four Men of War to meet the West India Fleet homeward- bound, which sailed soon after the Duke Packet, just arrived from Jamaica. There are now four Fire- Ships lying between Lime house and Greenwich, all fitting up for Action with the greatest Expedition, and will be ready to put to Sea on very short Notice. We are informed, that Capt. Lockart in the Tartar, and Capt. Bailey in the Tartar's Prize, are to go out up- on a Cruize in Consort, and are each of them ordered a Detachment of Marines. We are assured, that by the many French Privateers hovering about the Coast, the Price of Coals will be ad- vanced, the Colliers not being able to come out of their respective Ports. There are Letters in Town from the River Gambia, of the zoth of February, by which it appears that no French Men of War had appear'd on the Coast of Guiney ; therefore the late Account of the Devastation made on that Coast by the Enemy must be groundless. That we have lost so many South- Carolina and other Merchant Ships, is Matter of great Concern to all Lovers of Trade and Well wishers to our dear Country ; but that Lifts of these Ships, and Value of Goods lost, should be industriously handed about by profess'd Enemies to the Church of England and the Protestant Cause in general, and no Notice taken of the Advantages we have gain'd over the Enemy, can be with no good Design. The Jane and Rachel, Burges, from Naples for Fowey, in Ballast, was taken the 16th past, in Lat. 40. 12. Long. 15 Welt, by a Privateer belonging to Bourdeax, Of 16 Guns, and ransom'd for 390 1. He was boarded again the 27th ditto, 1 3 Leagues Well of Scilly, by a Privateer of 22 Guns, which had taken two Days before a Brig be- longing to Topsham, William Williams, Master; and on the 30th ditto he Was boarded by a Brig of 50 Guns, in Company with a Snow of 14 Guns, the former of which - had taken two Guernsey Privateers, one of four and the other of two GunS. The St George Privateer of London, Capt. Devon- shire, arrived it Plymouth last Tuefday, and brought in the Union Privateer of St. Malo's, a Snow of twelve Six- Pounders, and too Men. She had been but twenty Days off the Stocks, and eight Days out of St. Malo's, and had taken nothing. A French Privateer of ten Carriage Guns, Six Pound- er), and several Swivels, is taken by the Swallow and Cruizer Sloops, and sent into the Downs. The Black Prince, from Bourdeaux for Cape Breton, and the Jolly Pontac, from Bourdeaux for Missisippi, are both taken by the Caesar Privateer, Capt. Nash, belong- ing to Bristol. A Vessel with Cordage, under Convoy of the Wool- wich, bound for Jamaica, is taken by a French Privateer and carried into Cape Francois. Letters from different Clothiers in the West of Eng- land give most affecting Accounts of the Distresses of the Poor; first, on Account of the excessive high Price of Corn ; and, secondly, as many Masters have lessened the Number of Hands they formerly employed, being over- stocked with Goods for want of a proper Market ; so that, without a Change of Things, many are determined to lay aside Business: The Consequence of which will be, that Hundreds, both old and young, must inevitably perish, or be provided for by Parishes. On Wednesday the great Match, at Newmarket, be tween Lord Sandwich's Snap and Lord Gower's Sweep- stakes, for 1000 Guineas, was won very easy by Snap. On Thursday Mr. Wentworth's Comet beat Mr. Pan- ton's Pytho, ( 9 ft. 4 Miles) for 200 Guineas. Sir James Lowther's Colt beat Mr. ShaftO's Colt, ( 8 ft. 7 lb. 4 Miles) for 500 Guineas. The Plate of 100 Guineas, for aged Horses, tec. car- rying 8 ft. 7 lb. one Heat, was won by Sir James Low- ther's Grey Horse Jason. Yesterday died in the 75th Year Of his Age, the Most Noble Charles Fitzroy Duke of Grafton, Earl of Arling ton and Euston, Viscount Thetford and Ipswich, Baron Arlington of Arlington, and Baron of Sudbury, Lord Lieutenant and Cullos Rotulorum of the County of Suf- folk, and Vice- Admiral of the said County, Lord Cham- berlain of his Majesty's Houshold, one of the Lords of the Privy Council, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Remembrancer in the First Fruits Office, Ranger of Wittlebury Forest, Northamptonshire, his Majesty's Game keeper at Newmarket, Recorder of the City of Coventry, and a Governor of the Charter House. He is succeeded in Titles and Estate by the Right Hon. the Earl of Euston, his Grandson, a Lord of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, and Member of Parliament for St. Edmund's Bury. His Grace has left two Daughters, the Countess of Harrington and the Countess of Hertford. A few Days since died Mrs. Du Bois, a French Pro testant Lady, who hat left a Legacy of 500 I. to the So ciety for propagating the Gospel in foreign Parts, 5001. to the Foundling Hospital, and 5oo 1. towards the sup porting Protestant Schools in Ireland. Yesterday in the Afternoon a Fire broke out at the Lon- don Workhouse in Bishopsgate Street, and consumed Part of the Apartment were the Women are confined to hard Labour ; two of whom are charged with wilfully setting it on fire, in order to make their Escape. On Thursday Evening a Post Chariot, with two Gen- tlemen in it, was robbed on Barnes Common, by a single Highwayman, who took their Watches and about Eleven Pounds in Money. STOCKS. Bank, 117 I 4th. India, too. South Sea nothing done. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 89 i 8th, a 1 4th. Ditto 2d Sub. 88 5 8ths. Ditto New Annuities, 1st Sub. 90 5 8thi, Ditto 2d Sub. 89. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 88 t 4th, a 3 8ths. India Bonds, 2I. 12s. New Subscription, 2 3 8ths, a 1 half, Prem. J. WHITFIELD, With a very large Assortment of Linnen Drapery Goods, & c ( which must be sold off with Speed, by Wholesale or Retail,) is just come down from his Warehouse in LONDON, and is now at his Warehouse in a large Front Parlour, the Talbot, in Sidbury, Worcester, CONSISTING OF GuLix Holland, Irish Cloth, Long I. awns, Muslins of all sorts, Mens' long Neckcloths, Clear Lawns, strip'd, plain, and chequer'd, from is. to 12s, per Yard ; flower'd minionetted Gauze, and spotted Lawns, with Variety of Aprons and Ruffles minionettcd and border'd round, of the newest Fashions, for Gentlemen and Ladies; Variety of strip'd and flower'd border'd Handkerchiefs, of the newest Fashions, from 8d. per Piece to 12s.; Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs, with choice of Silk and Muslin ditto' printed Lin- nens and Cottons, of Use newest Patterns, with Variety of dark and light- ground Chints Patterns of the newest Fashions, and at the lowest Prices j with choice of printed Cottons for Furniture; printed Hol- lands and Long Lawns ; Damask and Diaper Table Linnen in the Piece, and Variety of Damask and Diaper Table- cloths, with Setts of ditto ; Dimities ; flower'd, plain and spotted Capuchins, French Cloaks, Cardinals, Shades, and Polanees; Velvet and Silk in the Piecc, spotted, flower'd, and plain, for Capuchins; Pelong Sattin ; Boys' Velvet and Silk Caps, and Tippets for Children; Womcns' Velvet and Silk Hooda; scarlet and cloth- colour'd Cloaks and Do- minoes ; great choice of Camblets and Callimancoes ; Cotton, Thread and Worsted Gloves and Stockings; Cotton Caps ; Paduasoy Ribbons at 4d. per Yard j new- fashion'd figur'd Ribbons at 2d. per Yard; and Silk Figures of the newest Patterns, at 5d. per Yard; Silk Purses ; Brussels, Mechlin, and Buckinghamshire Lace ; Frame Lace Caps; Mens wove Cotton and Worsted Waistcoats; printed Linnen and Scotch Handkerchiefs | Womens' Shag, Leghorn, Chip, Horse- hair, and Paper Hats; choice of cover'd and bound ditto; Silk, Cotton, Thread, Worsted, and Leather Mits ; black Silk Fringe and Gimps; dark and light ground Cotton at 8s. per Gown. Also great choice of small Silver Plate, vra. Salts, Cream- Jugs, large Spoons, Tea Spoons and Tongs, Corals; great choice of Silver Shoe- Buckles, and plated ditto, of the newest Patterns; Clasps and Stock- Buckles ; short Rims and Buttons, Bristol- stone Buttons, Stay- Hooks, Gold, Plain and Stone Ringt, wires and Bobs, Silver Thimbles and Seals, with choice of Silver Watches. Ready Money for Old Gold or Silver, and Gold or Silver Lace, cr Exchange for any of the above - mention'd Goods. N. B. The Prices are fix'd, without Abatement, WORCESTER. . May 9, 1757; WHEREAS several disorderly Persons V V assembled themselves together in the Corn Market of this City, on Saturday last, and committed Outrages, in cutting some Bags of Corn which were brought to Market to be sold, and carried away the same, for which they will be prosecuted with the utmost Rigour at the next Quarter Sessions to be held for the said City: But, in the mean Time, to prevent any future Outrages, the Magistrates think proper to give this Publick Notice, That a sufficient Guard will be placed round the Corn- Market on Saturday next, and other Market- Days, as long as it shall be requisite, in order to protect all such Farmers as shall bring any Corn to Market in the Enjoyment of their Property : And that all Persons that shall attempt ta commit any Riots will be prosecuted with the utmost Severity of the Law. N. B. If any Person or Persons will give Informations against those that were concern'd in the Riot on Saturday last, or against any that shall hereafter be guilty of any riotous or tumultuous Proceedings, their Informations will be taken at the Town Clerk's Office without any Expence. By Order of the Mayor and Justices Worcester, May 10, 1757. A Report having been industrionsly spread, That I still carry on the Malt Distilling, though in a private Manner, by working in the Night, which Report being not only absolutely false, but very injurious, ( by subjecting me to the Ill- will and Resent- ment of the Publick,) I am obliged to take this Method of contradicting it: But, lest the Prejudice and Malice of some People might not suffer them to credit what I say, I have thought proper to procure ( as under) a Cer- tificate from the Supervisor, and Three other Officers of Excise, who have, and do still, regularly survey my Distillery Night and Day, notwithstanding it is not work'd ; and, in order to give any Person an advan- tageous Opportunity of proving the contrary, ( if he can and will do it upon Oath) I do hereby promise such Person a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. It having likewise been industriously reported, That I have hoarded up a large Qaantity of Wheat: and that have contracted with several farmers for their coming Crops of Grain and Fruit: I do hereby solemnly declare. That the said Reports are also entirely false; for I have not to the Quantity of a Bushel of Wheat either in my House, Warehouse, or any other Place ; nor has any other Person in his or their Custody any that ( already) belongs to or is intended for me: Nor have I even attempted to con- trail with any Farmers for their future Crops- of Grain or Fruit Whoever proves the contrary ( on Oath) shall be entitled to TEN POUNdS Reward. And, as the original Authors of such false and injurious Reports ought, for the Publick Good, to bs made an Example of, I do hereby promise a Reward of TEN POUNDS for the discovering them, ( so that they may be convicted thereof.) As witness my Hand, Philip Tomlins. Note, In Justice to Benjamin Saunders, Esq; Major of the City of Gloucester, it behoves me to declare, That I never was in any Kind of Partnership with him ; and that he never purchased any Wheat for or of me, except Four Hundred and Fifty Bushels, ( bought in the Counties of Suffolk and Sussex), which were sent him, in order to be sold to the Poor at Six Shillings per Bushel, at the Time Wheat sold in the Market there at Nine Shillings per Bushel. WE, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being the Supervisor and Officers, of Excise, who have for several Months past, and do still, regularly survey Mr. TOMLINS'S Distillery, Night and Day, do hereby certify, " That he has,, and does, in all Respects, strictly conform to an Act of'Parliament lately pass'd for prohibiting the Distilling from Wheat, Barley, & C. he not having distill d any Spirits from Corn since the 11th ' Day of March last past. Witness our Hands, JAMES FRYER, Supervisor. JAMES KITE, RORERT GATTY,( Officers. THOMAS HAYS, N. B. According to the above mention'd Act of Par- liament, any Distiller, detedted in making Use of any of his Utensils in making of Spirits from Wheat, Barley, Malt, or from any Meal or Flour, for every such Offence he is to forfeit TWO HUNDRED POUNDS ; and for every Eight Bushels of Wheat above Forty Bushels, in the Custody of a Malt- Distiller, to forfeit and pay FIVE POUNDS for every Eight Bushels above that Quantity. At Dugard's ASSEMBLY- ROOM, At Great Malvern, On Thursday, the 26th Instant, will be perform'd A CONCERT of vocal and Instrumental MUSICK. To begin at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning TICKETS to be had, { at 2;. 61. each) at Mr. Bradley's; at Mr. Morgan's Post- Office ; and at Mr. Hooper's Coffee- House, in Worcester; and at the Assembly- Room in Great Malvern. N. B. There will be aa ORDINARY for those who choose to stay, and in the Afternoon a BALL. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. THE unhappy Accident which hap- pened at the Guildhall of the City of Worcester, on Tuesday last, having occasioned a Vacancy in the Of- fice of Coroner, by the Death of Mr. Edmund Chambers, of kidderminster, one of the Coroners for the said County cf Worcester, and being encouraged by many of my friends to offer myself a Candidate to succeed him in the said Office, but being unable to make a Personal Applica- tion to all, I take this Method of humbly intreating the favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed to the said Office of Coronsr, which will be gratefully acknowledg'd, by Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and most humble Servant, Kidderminster, GREGORY WATKINS. March 17, 1757. Kidderminster, May 11I, 1757. THE Election for the Office of CORONER upon the above- mentioned Vacancy, having been, by the mutual Consent of Mr. VERNON and Myself, fix'd as for this Day, it might not be improper to inform the Publick, That the Reason why the same did not come on as propo'd, has been owing to Mr. VERNON'S pocketing the WRIT, which he has not yet deliver'd to the Sheriff e the County, or his Deputy, altho' peremptorily re- by the Sheriff to deliver the same, in order that Notice might be publickly given of the Time of the Election, which has been to long delay'd. I hope therefore my Friends will not be uneasy that I Cannot, as yet, give them certain Intelligence of the Day Of Election ; but, as I intend, immediately, by my Coun- sel, to move the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal v GREAT Britain against Mr. Vernon for keeping the Writ, after being requir'd by the Sheriff to deliver the same to him, as it is directed,> I apprehend it will not be very long before I shall obtain an Order for Mr. Vernon's delivering up the same to the Sheriff; and, as Six Days' Publick Notice i: requir'd to be given of the Time and ce of Election, none of my Friends need fear a Sur- prize, as they will not only have that, but also as early Intelligence as possible from Their oblig d and most humble Servant, Gregory Watkins. . To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. THERE being a Vacancy in the Office 1 of Coroner, by tue Death of Mr. Edmund Cham bers, of Kidderminster, one of the Coroners for the County of Worcester, and being encouraged by many of my Friends, to offer myself a Candidate to succeed him in the said Office, I take the Method of humbly intreating • the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed to the said Office of Coroner, which will be gratefully acknow- ledged, by Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and most humble Servant, THOMAS VERNON. Wednesday and Thursdays POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Holland and Flanders. From the LONDON GAZETTE. From the King of Prussias Head Quarters at Linay, in Bohemia, April 24. HiS Highness the Duke of Bevern having march'd the 20th at the Head of a Body of the Army which was in Lusitia from the Quarters of Cantonment near Zittau, possessed themselves immediately, without the Loss of a single Mm, of the first Post of Bohemia at Krottau and Grasenstein, drove away the Enemy the same Day from Kratzen, and marched towards Machendorf, near Reichenberg. " the same Morning Putkammer's Hus sars, commanded by their Colonel and by Major Schaen- feld, routed some Hundreds of the Enemy's Cuirassiers, commanded by Prince Lichtenstein, who were posted be- fore Kohlig, and took Prisoners, 1 Captain, 2 Subalterns, and above 60 Horse ; the rest were entirely dispersed, and scarcely able to rally near Kratzen. The Night coming on, obliged the Troops to remain in the open Air till the next Morning. The 21st, at Break of Day, our Troops marched in two Colomns by Habendorf towards the Ene- my's Army, posted near Reichenberg, and commanded by General Count Konigsegg, and 28,000 strong ; as soon as the Lines were formed, they advanced towards the Ene- my's Cavalry, which was ranged in three Lines of about 30 Squadrons. The two Wings were sustain'd by the Infantry, which was posted among felled Trees and In- trenchments. They immediately cannonaded the Enemy's Cavalry, who received it bravely, having on their Right a Village, and on their Left a Wood, where they had entrenched themselves with felled Trees and Pits. But the Duke of Bevern having caused 15 Squadrons of Dra- goons of the second Line to advance, and ordered the Wood on our Right to be attacked at the same Time by the Battalions of Grenadiers of Kahlden and of Moellen dorff, and by the Regiment of the Prince of Prussia, who cleared. all the felled Trees and the Intrenchments there, our Dragoons, who had by this Means their Flanks co- vered, entirely routed the Enemy's Cavalry. The Gene- rals Normann, Katt, and the Prince of Wurtemberg, sig- nalized themselves extremely on this Occasion. Colonel Putkammer, and Major Schaenfeld, with their Hussars, have likewise particularly distinguished them- selves, by giving the Horse Grenadiers a very warm Re- ception ; notwithstanding the Enemy's Artillery took them in Flank. Lieutenant General Lestewitz, at the same Time, attacked with our Left Wing the Redoubts which covered Reichenberg. Though there were many Defiles and rising Ground to pass, which were all occu- pied by the Enemy, yet the Regiment of Darmstadt forced the Redoubt, and put to Flight and pursued the Enemy, after some Discharges of their Artillery and Small Arms, from one Eminence to another, for the Di- stance of a Mile, as far as Rochlitz and Dorffel. The Loss of the Enemy amounts, as far as we can learn at present, to 1000 killed and wounded. We have made about 20 Officers and 400 Soldiers Prisoners, and have taken three Standards. Cannon and Ammunition Wag gons are said to have been found among the felled Trees and Intrenchments, but the Departure of the Courier pre- vents our giving an exact List of them at this present Mo- ment. General Porporati is supposed to have been killed, because some Letters directed to him have been found upon the Field of Battle. The Action began at Half an Hour after Six o'clock, and continued till Eleven. On our Side there were seven Subalterns, and about 100 Men killed ; General Norman, Major de Mellin of the Regiment of Amstel, Col. Lettow of D'Armstadt, Majors de Platen, de Norman and de Beyern of Wurtem- burg, the Captains de Pabstein, de Norman, and de Put- fon'd by one of his Cooks in a favourite Dish of Victuals, ( who has since confess'd he was bribed to it, and the Per- son who bribed him is sent to Prison) which was found out by one of the Cooks in the Kitchen, who observ'd him to mix an Ingredient in the Dish that he never before had seen him do, which giving him Suspicion, he ac- quainted his Majesty therewith, who order'd him to take no Notice; but as soon as Dinner came on Table the King directed that Dish to be set by for the Cook, then sent for him, and ask'd him if he had made it as usual, as the Smell was disagreeable, and, looking him sternly in the Face at the same Time, order'd him to eat it; but the Fellow immediately fell on his Knees and confess'd the Whole; whereupon his Majefty order'd him to depart the Kingdom, never to return on Pain of Death: And though the King was sollicited by many of the Nobility to put him to Death, he refused it, saying, " Let him go, his Conscience will be a greater Torture than any I can inflict." When his Prussian Majesty arriv'd at Peterswalda, the first Post in Bohemia, he turn'd to Marshal Keith, and the rest of the General Officers, and said with a Smile, " We " have once more enter'd this Country ; I wish you Joy, " Gentlemen ; your Abilities and the Courage of my " Troops will do all the Rest". Ten Thousand Hanoverians are on their march from the Camp at Hamelen, to attack and dislodge the French from the County of Ravensberg. Some great Alterations will soon take Place in the Ministry ; which, we hear, will be done in an amicable Manner, so as to please all Parties We hear the Militia Bill has pass'd the House of Lords. We hear that another Squadron of about ten Ships of the Line will shortly follow to the Mediterranean Adm. Osborne, who set sail with a fair Wind on Saturday last. We hear that 180 Matrosses, Gunners, and Bombardiers, are gone in the Fleet to the East- Indies. We hear that several publick- spirited Gentlemen have a Plan in Embryo of Plowing up a certain Number of Acres in their respective Parks, and sowing them with Wheat, & c. for the Benefit of the Poor, who. by our own profuse Waste of Corn in distilling, the with- holding of it by our Friends on the Continent, and the artful unneces- sary raising the Price at home, are in a fair Way of being put to their Shifts of Thinking to live without eating. On Wednesday Night the Right Hon. the Countess of Plymouth was safely delivered of a Daughter, at the Earl's House in Hanover Square This Day came on at Guildhall the Election for Town- Clerk of this City, when the Numbers were as follow : For Mr. Deputy Hodges 135 ; for Mr. Patterson toz ; whereupon Mr. Hodges was declar'd duly elected, and sworn into his Office accordingly. Extract of a Letter from Antigua, Feb. 17. " Our Marine Conduct here has been very much of a Piece with that in the Mediterranean, and probably will be attended with the same Consequences; though our Assembly has given sufficient Warning to the Director of it We have had no less than six Ships taken within Sight of this Island, during the last Week, and one of them a Londoner of great Value. And unless our Agent, Mr. W t, can prevail with the Admiralty to give i si- tive Orders for keeping the Cruizers clean, and appoint ing some of them to cruize constantly to Windward of this Island, instead of lying in Harbour, the Trade of these Islands will be absolutely ruined." BANKRUPTS. William Butter and John Craw- ford, of Cateaton- Street. London, Merchants. Henry Blew, of Bromyard, in Hcrefordshire, Butcher. James Heald, of Rotherham, in Yorkshire, Dealer. John David Ziegel, of London, and Gabriel Barbor, of EXOn, Merchants and Copartners. John Rogers, of West Ham, Essex, Poulterer, Dealer, and Chapman. DESERTED, from Captain Wakeman, of his Majesty's Fifty third Regiment of Foot, commanded by Colonel Whitmore, recruiting at Wor- Cester, MOSES ROBERTS, Twenty six Years of Age, five Feet eight Inches high, fresh Complection, black Hair, black eyes, remarkably strong- made, had on ( when he deserted an old Fustian Frock, brown- Cloth Waistcoat, and Leather Breeches'. He was born in the Parish of Littleton, near Evesham, and liv'd lately at Sir William Temple's, as a Labourer.— Also Deserted, JOHN CROW, Thirty- five Years of Age, five Feet eleven Inches high, swarthy Completion, long Visage, much mark'd with the Small Pox, wore an old Wig over his short brown Hair, by Trade a Blacksmith, had on ( when he deserted) an old blue Coat and blue Breeches: He was born in the Parish of Knighton upon Team, ard had serv'd as a Far- rier in the First Regiment of Dragoon Guards, com- manded by Lieutenant General Bland. Whoever secures the above Deserters in any of his Majesty's Gaols in Great Britain, and gives Notice thereof to William Adair, Esq; Agent 10 the said Regiment, in Pall- Mall, London, or to Capt. Wakeman, at Worcester, shall receive Twenty Shillings Reward, over and above what is allow'd by Act of Parliament for apprehending Deserters, kammer of Amstel, seven Subalterns-, and 150 Men were wounded. The Officers and private Men equally deserve the highest Commendations His Highness the Duke of Bevern in particular, who had before distinguished him- self in so signal a Manner in former Campaigns, and last Year at the Battle of Lowositz, in this Action gave fresh Proofs of that Skill and Courage, which will transmit his Name to Posterity. Vienna, April 25. Last Night an Officer arrived here from the Frontiers of Bohemia, with the News, that the Prince of Bevern having advanced with a Body of 25000 Men, had attacked and forced Reichenberg, where Gene- ral Count Konigsegg was posted with 10000 Austrians. The Action was very obstinate, and lasted near 6 Hours; so that it is thought the Prussians must have lost a great Number of Men. The Loss on the Side of the Austrians is computed at 2000, kill'd and wounded. General Count Porporati, and Count Hohenseldt, are kill'd. Prince Charles Lichtenstein is said to be dangerously wounded. General Konigsegg retired in good Order with the Remains of his Troops to a Post in the Neighbour- hood. Dresden, May 1. Old Marshal Schwerin has seized a considerable Magazine of the Enemy at Jung Buntzlau, consisting of upwards of 40,000 Bushels of Oats, and above 2000 Barrels of Meal. [ Thus far from the Lond. Gazette ] LONDON. [ Tuesday, May 10. Whitehall, May 10. Letters from Hanover received this Morning, of the 29th of April and 1st Instant, men- tion his Royal Highness the Duke's Intention of setting out the Tuesday following, in order to put himself at the Head of the Army of Observation ; about which Day 15 Battalions and 20 Squadrons of his Majesty's Troops were to assemble at Bilefield, under the Command of General Sporken. A private Letter by the Dutch Mail says, that some Time since the King of Prussia was attempted to be poi- WORCESTER, May 2 Notwithstanding the extraordinary Price of Corn at our Market, Mr. John Moore, of this City, continues selling out his Wheat, in small Quantities, to the Poor, at Severn Shillings and Sixpence per Bushel. On Saturday last a great Number of Persons, chiefly Women, assembled in our Corn- Market, and, after a stout Engagement with the Farmers, ripp'd open several Bags, and carry'd off the Wheat in their Hats, Aprons, and Petticoats; in particular, they overturn'd a Waggon which had eight or ten Bags in it, and upon which seve- ral Persons were sat in order to protect it, but upon finding the Waggon move, they jump'd off. The Mob are the more to be condemn'd for their Pr igs, because the Wheat they took was the Property sons who have constantly brought their Grain to publick Mar- ket, instead of selling it by Sample, or at their own Houses, to Badgers, Millers, & c — To prevent the like Riots for the future, an additional Number ot Constables are sworn into Office, who are to attend the Market every Saturday, and, if necessary, they will be assisted, on the shortest Notice, by the Soldiers quarter'd in tins City . A like Riot happen'd at Stowerbridge Market, on Friday last. And, within these few Days, great Out- rages have been committed at Bewdley and Kiddermin- ster, and othei' Places in that Neighbourhood, where the Mob ransack'd all the Warehouses, Mills, See. likewise way- lay'd on the Roads thereabouts great Quantities of Corn and Flour, which they carry'd off in Triumph The Terror this Mob had put the Inhabitants of bewdley in, occasion'd (' tis said) the Gates cf that Town to be since kept shut, lest they should be visited a second time, and no Strangers suffer'd to enter ' till after an Examina- tion. But as the Inhabitants have now arm'd themselves, and taken other Methods for their Security, and are de. termin'd to maintain their Property at the Hazard of their Lives, there is but little Probability of Success in any fu- ture Attempt to invade it. Last Wednesday sen'nnight a Waggon Load of Meal, belonging to Mr. Collins, of Thrapston, in Northamp- tonshire, that was bringing to Birmingham, was stopped near Daventry, by near a hundred Women, or Men in Women's Cloaths, who emptied the Waggon, cut open the Sacks, and carried off all the Meal in Triumph. Last Saturday in the Afternoon, as a Load of wheat was taking to a Miller's near Kidderminster, which he had bought the Week before at Bewdley Market, the Waggon was stopp'd near his Home, by a great Number of Women, who took out the Wheat, and carried off the Whole in their Aprons, Bags, & c. All our Accounts from the Markets adjacent to the City of Gloucester are full of the pleasing Prospects of the sinking Price of Grain. At Tewkesbury Wheat sold at Eight Shillings per Bushel; and in the Hill- Country Markets, we are told, it was still lower. The Execution of William Meek, condemn'd at Glou- cester on Account of the late Corn Riot, is respited du- ring his Majesty's Pleasure. We hear from Liverpool, that William Hamilton, who Was taken up on Suspicion of robbing the Worcester Mail, has been confronted by the Poft Boy, who declares he is not the Person. Last Week as a Party of General Stuart's Regiment of Foot were performing their Exercise in Coventry Park, Capt. Burk received a slight Wound on the Collar Bone of his Neck, by a Button fired out of one of the Soldiers' Pieces, for which a Soldier suspected was confined. Lately was married, at Knighton, in Radnorshire, by the Rev. Mr. Davies, Mr. Baron Abley, of Brampton- Bryan, in the County of Hereford, to Miss Nancy Hall, of that Place, an agreeable young Lady with a genteel Fortune, and endow'd with all the ( Qualifications which may render the Marriage State happy. We hear that the antient Corporation of Cardiff, in Glamorganshire, have unanimously agreed to present the Hon. William Pitt, and the Hon. Henry Bilson Legge, Esqrs. with their Freedom of that Town in Two Pont y- Pool Boxes, with the Arms of the Town neatly engraved thereon; and that their Town Clerk, Mr. Thomas, shall present the same. On a late CHANGE. IN Dust, the baleful Pow'r of Vice to lay; To strip the Traitor to the Face of Day ; To bid Britannia rise divinely bright. And pour her antient Splendors on the Sight: For this, inspir'd by Virtue's lov'd Command, Role gen'rous PLTT, the Glory of the Land. But vain, alas! his Tongue's impetuous Force, To stem Corruption in her headlong Course : In vain the Monster shrunk beneath the Wound ; Still sprang the Monster, strengthen'd from the Ground. Ah, Britain ! doom'd to all th' afflictive Smart, That flows from fell Misfortune's ruthless Dart; No more exult, with flatt'ring Prospects swell'd, When PITT and Virtue are from C t expell'd. To be SOLD, THE Reversion in Fee, expectant on the Death of a Person who is Sixty- six Years of Age, of a Mes- suage, Shop, and Garden, in Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Charles Holland, Attorney, in Cleobury aforesaid, or of Mr. Dandridge, in Worcester. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, On Wednesday the 18th Day of this Instant May, at the BELL INN, in Broad street, Worcester, between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon, AGood Dwelling- House, Bake- house, Malt- house, and Wood- house, capable of housing above Two Thousand Faggots in the Dry ; the Whole entire, and stands veil for Trade, being situated in the High- street, Worcester, between the College and Town- Hall. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Davis, Attorney, in Bromyard, or of Mr. Whitbrook, Cabinet- maker, in High- street, Worcester, who will shew the Premisses. This Day - was Publish'd, { Price 6d.) ( Illustrated with an accurate Map of Poland, Prussia, and Lithuania, shewing their Vicinity to the German, Rus- sian, and Ottoman Empires, by Emanuel Bowen, Geographer to his Majesty; and a New Country Dance set to Musick ) By PERMISSION, Address'd to his Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, No. XXX. for April, 1757, of The GENERAL MAGAZINE OF . ARTS and SCIENCES, Philosophical, Philological, Mathematical, and Mechanical By BENJAMIN MARTIN. London : Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet- Street; and sold by all tbe Booksellers, Printers, aid News- Carriers, in Great Britain and Ireland. To be Sold to the best bidder, On Friday the 27th of May Instant, at the White Lion, in Upton upon Severn, A Freehold Estate of about 20 /. per Ann. In the Parish of STRENSHAM. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Dandridge, Attorney, in Worcester. On Monday, May 2, was published, Price, in Boards, 5s. The FOURTH VOLUME, ( Illustrated with Ten Copper Plates, containing the Heads and Monuments of Richard II. Henry IV. V. VI. a Genealogical Table, and a Map of France,) Mr. Tindal's Translation and Continuation of M. Rapins HISTORY OF ENGLAND, LONDON : Printed, by Assignment from Mr. Knapton, for T. Osborne and J. Shipton, J. Hodges, J. Robinson, H. Woodfall, W. Strahan, J. Rivington, J. Ward, R. Baldwin, W. Owen, W. Johnston, J. Richardson, P. Davy and B. Law, T. Longman, G Keith, S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, T. Caslon, M. Cooper, and C. Ware: By whom Proposals are deliver'd, and Subscriptions are taken in. The Whole will be compris'd in Twenty Volumes, one of which will be publish'd the Firft Day of every Month, without Interruption, till the Work is completed. N. B. If any Gentleman, in perusing RAPIN, has made any REMARKS on his History, the Communication of them will be thankfully received by any of the Pro- prietors, or by Mr. N. Tindal himself at Greenwich Hospital. This Day are Publish'd, Dedicated to the Right Honourable WiLLIAM PITT, Esq; The THREE FIRST VOLUMES, Quarto, ( Price Two Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six- pence, in Boards, and Three Guineas bound,) Adorned viitb Three elegant FroNTispieces, engraved by Grignion and Miller, The Compleat HISTORY ENGLAND, Deduced from the Descent of JULIUS CAESAR, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. CONTAINING The Transactions of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three Years. By T. SMOLLETT, M. D. London : Printed for James Rivington and James Fletcher, in Pater Noster Row ; and sold by S. Mountfort, jun. in Worcester and Mr. Andrews, in Evesham, %• The Author begs Leave to inform the Public, that, finding the Materials for the latter Reigns multiply upon his Hands, he has extended bis Plan to a Fourth Volume, which begins with the Reign of WILLIAM III. and will end with the last Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. This Addi- tion, which is already partly compiled, will be finished with all possible Care, Accuracy, and Dispatch, and de- livered to the Purchasers of the Work in three Months, without any further Eipence, and a Promissory Note, under the Proprietors' Hands, for that Purpose, will be bound up at the End of the Third Volume. | Q. 7he PLAN of the WORK may be had of the Booksellers. This Day was Publish'd, ( Illustrated with an elegant fRONiTISPIeCE, engraved by an eminent Hand, from an Original Drawing with two other Copper Platest and a General Title- PagetJ NUMBER I. of A SYSTEM ofBOTANY, With the latest IMPROVEMENTS; IN WHICH The GENERA and SPECIES PLANTARUM of Linnetus are connected into one Work, explained from his other Writings, and translated into familiar English, with the Addition of Descriptions of the several Plants, their Climate, Soil, Season, and Virtues, By Dr. JOHN HILL. IllUstrateD with FIGURES. to this will be added, Occasional NOTES , explaining the Terms, and containing particular Observations made on the growing PLANTS, tending to a further Division of the Genera, a shortening and familiarising of the spe- cifick Names, and an Improvement of the System. CONDITIONS. 1. The Book will be comprised in One Volume, Folio; and will be published in Forty Numbers: Each Number to consist of Four Sheets and One Folio Copper Plate, at One Shilling. 2. It will be printed on a fine Paper and new Letter, and the Cuts engraved under the immediate Inspection of the Author. London: Printed for T. Osborne and J. Shipton, in Gray's Inn ; J. Hodges, near London Bridge-, L. Davis and C. Reymers, in Holborn-, T. trye, Gray's Inn Gate; and Crowder and H. Woodgate, in Pater Nostor Row ; and may be had of Gamidge, next the Col- lege Grates, Worcester, and R. Lewis, in High- street. [ By the KING's AUTHORITY,] Now publishing in Weekly Numbers, in large Octavo. at Six- pence each Number, containing, in Three Sheets of Letter- Press, and Four Copper- Plates, elegantly engraved. Twice the Quantity of any Weekly Publi- cation whatever, A NEW and COMPLETE DICTIONARY of Arts and Sciences; Comprehending all the Branches of Useful Knowledge. WITH Accurate Descriptions as well of the VARIOUS MACHINES, IN- STRUMENTS. TOOLS, FIGURES, and SCHEMES, necessary for illustrating tl C. ti, as of the CLASSES, KINDS, PREPARATIONS, and USES of Natural PRODUCTIONS, whether ANIMALS, VEGE- TABLES, MINERALS, FOSSILS, or FLUIDS; together with the KINGDOMS, PROVINCES, CITIES, TOWNS, and other remark- able Places throughout the WORLD. Illustrated with above Three Hundred COPPER PLATES, curiously engraved by Mr. Jefferys, Engraver, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The Whole extracted from the best Authors in all Languages. By a SOCIETY of GENTLEMEN. London t Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet Street, near Temple- Bar ; and sold by all the Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland. Of whom may be had, The WORK compleat, in Four large Volumes Oftavo, Price bound 2I. 5s. N. B. The Publick will not be burden'd with any Supplement to this Work, which will be compleatcd in 74 Numbers. For the Publick Good, & c. THE following Persons have ( as Advertised often in this Journal) been prosecuted and found Guilty of counterfeit- ing the Famous Dr. BATEMAN'S PECTORAL DROp'S, vis. Joseph Russel, in Queen Street, London. Thomas Jacksont, ( Tincture- man, in Craven Buildings, Drury- Lane) near the New Church in the Strand, London. Thomas Clark, at the Golden Key, on London Bridge, Thomas Randall, in Bread Street, London. these Prosecutions may fully prove to all the World, that the true Medicine, called Dr. BATEMAN's Pectoral Drops, is sold only at Diceys and Company's Warehoule, at the King's Arms and Boar's Head, directly facing the South Door of Bow Church, in Bow Church yard, next Bow Lane, Cheapftde, London, or where they appoint. *#* The Manner the above ( and such like) Counterfeits have imposed on the Publick, is thus, by turning the Name Dicey inta Dysey, and Okell into Okill: At other Times, have headed their Di- rection Bills ( around the King's Arms) thus, Cluer, Dice, Hockley and Co. or Mary Beauchampe, & c. also, From tbe True Original, or Grand Warehouse in London, ( s? c. But always have copied the Cures, as performed by Diceys and Okell's True Original Drops, as may be found by examining their printed Book of real Cures, long since dis- persed over this Kingdom, and given to the Retailers ot Diceys sni Okell's True Drops, to be sent their Customers to read. But as such Evil- doers continue to encourage their unwary Customers to sell their poisonous Compositions, to the Hazard of the Healths, if not the Lives, of those who take such Trash, the Proprietors are determined to prosecute all Shopkeepers, tec. who shall dare to sell such Coun- terfeits in the Name of Dr. B A T E M A N'S Pectoral Drops, pre- pared by the faid Diceys and Okell, who ( on Conviction of such Offen- ders) promise a Reward of Twenty Pounds to be paid by them to th* Informer. The True Dr. BATEMAN's Pectoral Drops, ( each Bottle being seal'd as in the Margin) faithfully prepared only by the above Diceys and Okell, have, for more than Forty Years, been universally known for curing and giving immediate Ease in all Colds, Agues, Fe- vers, Stone, Gravel, Cholicks, and never fails of Relief in the Rheumatism, Pains in the Breast, Limbs, and Joints: It hath been found serviceable in many other Disorders, as mentioned in our Book of Cures, tec. And are appointed to be sold by S. Sa- vage, in Upton upon Severn ; E. and S. Hankins, in Ledbury-, Wm, Sprott, Cutler, ( and no other Person) in Leominster j B. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; J. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; J. Keating, Bookseller, in Stratford upon Avon j J. Allen, Grocer, in Campden; Mrs. Moseley, Bookseller, in Kidderminster j Mrs. Watson, in Bromsgrove ; H. Harris, in Bromyard ; J. Beesley, Iron- monger, in Evesham ; Messrs. R. Lewis and M. and E. Woolley, Booksellers, in Worcester ; and by the Printer of this Paper and the Persons who distribute it: Also by one or mote reputable Shopkeeper in every City and Market Town in England. Where their following True Medicines may be had, Dr. HOOPER'S Female Pills, each Box containing 40 Pills, is. Dr. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir for Seminal Weak- nesses in both Sexes, is. 6d. Baron Schwanberg's Liquid Shell, being a safe and sure Disolvent of the Stone and Gravel, and gives immediate Relief in the Stran- guary and Wind Cholick ; very proper for young Children ; Is. 6d. ( All publish'd under Sanction of the KING's Royal Letters Patent.) The True Daffy's Elixir ( when try'd will be approv'd) is. 3d. Bettons' True and Genuine British Oil for Bruises, Wounds, and Ulcers, is. Bettons' Refined Oil to take inwardly for Consumptions, tec. is. 6d » Dr. Bateman's Great Cordial Purging Elixir, is. 3d. Dr. Bateman's Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy- Grass, is. Dr. Stoughton's Great Stomatick Elixir, is. ^ - Dr. Radcliffe's Famous Purging Elixir, is. Bostock's Purging Elixir, is an Imitation of Daffy. Aurum Horizontal Pill, for the Scurvy and Venereal Complaints, Dr. Anderson's, or the True Scots Pills. True Eau de Luce, at is. 6d. or 3s. the Bottle. Right French Hungary, and double- distill'd Lavender Waters. And of tbe Printer and Dijiributors of this Journal may likewije be had, A fpeedy and certain Cure for the ITCll1 SCURVY, PIMPLES, and other Scorbutick Breakings- out on the Skin, tho' of many Years Handing : Being an agree- able, clear, excellent Water, ( to be applied outwardly.^ Price One Shilling a Bottle.
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