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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 05/05/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2492
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester Journal [ Printed at his OFFICE, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, May 5, 1757. FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. ^ PARIS, April 19. | THE King has granted a Pension of 600 Livres to the Father of Damien, three hundred to his Wife, and the same to his Daughter. The first will be sent to Pauvrin, about nine Leagues from St. Omer, within the Dominion of the Empress Queen ; the two last are ba- nished to Sarre Louis. The other Relations of that poor Wretch who were taken up, have been set at Liberty, with Permission to retire whither they think proper. On Easter Monday the Marshalsey Men apprehended, on the Road from St. Dennis to Pontoise, two Fellows that are said to be Accomplices in Damien's Attempt ; and they have since been lodged in the Bastile. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, April 23. On Friday se'nnight Mr. Green, • Shopkeeper, at Corbridge, putting his Gun in Order, inadvertently snapp'd it near a Ten pound Box of Gun- powder, and a Spark of Fire falling into the Box, it im- mediately blew up ; by the Explosion he was much hurt, his Cloaths set on Fire, See. Four other Persons were greatly damaged ; but though they are sad Spectacles, ' tis thought they will all recover. The Door being open, the House probably was prevented from being blown up. Our Coasts are unguarded, notwithstanding the daily Accounts of the Increase of Privateers upon us. LONDON. [ Thursday, April 28. We hear that it being determined in a certain Assem bly to bring on the Enquiry into the Loss of Minorca, within two Days after the Reading of Five Hundred Pa- pers, a certain Great Commoner, though at the same Time confined to a sick Bed, arose up, and notwithstand- ing a severe Fit ot the Gout, appear'd in his Place, and attended the Service of his injured Country for near twelve Hours, without the least Intermission or Refresh- ment. The further Consideration of that important Af- fair was adjourned to Twelve o'Clock at Noon the same day. Great Joy was expressed in the Yards of Deptford and Woolwich, on the Removal of a certain Person, ——— and the most dreadful Apprehensions are conceived of his Re turn to publick Service. Triennial Parliaments seem desired by the whole Body of the Peoples and as there are some worthy Champions for it, let us hope we may in Time reap the Fruits thereof. We hear that the Right Honourable House of Com- mons have agreed to the Scheme for raising Two Millions Five Hundred Thousand Pounds on Annuities bearing Three per Cent, with a Life- Annuity of One and an Eighth annex'd. We also hear that an Amendment is made in the Militia Bill, whereby only Half the Number of Men that was at first proposed is to be raised in each County ; so that there will not be above Thirty Thousand in the Whole. Admiral Rowley is re- elected Member of Parliament for Portsmouth, without Opposition. This Day were enter'd at the Custom- House 300 Quar- ters of Wheat from Dantzick, and 1850 Quarters of Oats from Holland. Yesterday the Sheriffs of the City of Bath waited upon the Right Hon. William Pitt and the Right Hon. Henry Bilson Legge, and presented them with the Freedom of that City in a Gold Box. At an Assembly, or Common Council, held for the Burgh of Great Yarmouth, in the County of Norfolk, on the 25th Day of April, 1757, a Motion was made as follows: " That the Right Hon. William Pitt, late one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and the Right Hon. Henry Bilson Legge, late Chancellor and Under Treasurer of his Majesty's Exchequer, be pre- sented to the Freedom of this Corporation, in Gratitude for their loyal and upright Conduct during their short Administration; for their Fidelity to his Majesty and to their distressed Country, which they have mani- fested by their publick Frugality, their private Disinterest- edness, and their singular Zeal to extirpate that Corruption which has [ to the Dishonour of our Nation] been too avowedly and openly patrionized: And, in Testimony of the warmest Wishes of this Corporation, that such Friends to their Country had been permitted to execute their noble Plan of supporting the Honour and Independency of Great Britain, by a wise and vigorous Exertion of her natural Naval Strength, by an effectual Succour of her Amerian Colonies, and by providing in such Manner for her Defence at Home, as to render any unavoidable Opera- tions Abroad left burthensome, and to repair, if possible, the great Loss of MINORCA, — a Loss which this once- flourishing Town has, by the Ruin of its Commerce, every Day, repeated Reasons to repent." Which Question being put, was carried in the Affirmative with- out any Debate: And Mr. Mayor is requested im- mediately to cause a Copy of the above Resolution to be fairly transcribed and signed by the Town Clerk, to be transmitted to each of the said Gentlemen. And it is further agreed and ordered by this Assembly, that a Copy of the Freedom of this Borough be delivered to each of thofe Gentlemen, in a Silver Box, with the Corporation's Arms engraven thereon : And Mr. Mayor is desired to provide such Boxes as soon as conveniently may be ; and the Town Clerk is directed to wait upon the said Gentle- men therewith. There are daily expected from Philadelphia and Pen- silvania, & c. Ships with Corn for London and other Ports in this Kingdom; these Places producing great Plenty every Year, and serving New England, & c. as also several French Settlements, when at Peace with them ; and, according to the Accounts we have received from those Parts, the last Harvest there was the most plentiful they ever had. Yesterday the following Gentlemen took Leave of the Directors of the India Company, in order to proceed on their Voyages, viz. Capt. Richard Drake, of the Hawk, for Bombay and China; Capt. John Foot, of the Latham, for Bombay and Mocha ; Capt. Edward Cheeke, of the Lord Anson, and Capt. Lascelles, of the York, both for Bombay. At the same Time Mess. Collinson and Frazer were appointed Supercargoes for Mocha, on board the La- tham. On Tuesday it the Rehearsal at St. Paul's the Collec- tion amounted to 306 1. 14 s. Two Women were detec- ted in the Church picking of Pockets, and sent to the Poultry Compter. The Call of Serjeants at Law will be in the Court of Common Pleas next Week. Three eminent Barristers at Law are to be called to that Degree, with the Hon. Wil- liam Noel, Esq; the new Judge of the Common Pleas. On Tuesday Night died Miles Man, Esq; Town Clerk of the City of London, a Gentleman universally esteemed and respected, having filled his Office with great Reputa- tion for many Years. It was Yesterday reported that the Leostoffe Man of War has taken a Bayonne Privateer of equal Force, but better mann'd, after a tight Engagement, and that they were both so shatter'd they could scarcely swim. It is said there is Advice, that the Jersey and Syren Men of War are blocked up by two large French Men of War. in the Port of Naples; and that two more of 50 Guns each, are cruising before Leghorn, where there are 13 Ships bound for England, who have been loaded seve- ral Months Some of them are very rich. The Elizabeth, Desten, from Zant for London, with 200 Tons of Currants and four Bales of Silk, and the , Hammet, from Majorca, laden with Oil and Nuts, are carried into Marseilles. above) her Sentence was respited, one to be transported for 14 Years, and 33 for 7 Years, and two branded. Letter from St. Lucar, March 27. " The ten Vessels with their Cargoes ( brought into this Place some Time ago by a French Corsair) were or- dered from Madrid to be deliver'd up to the French, which was accordingly complied with on the 14th past, and all sold, and resold immediately ; so that both Vessels and Loadings had passed into second Hands from the Captors, when, on the 12th current, at Midnight, I received an Express from our Consul General, advising me that ano- ther was then dispatched to the Captain General of this Province, with his Catholick Majesty's Orders that a Stop should be put to the Execution of the Sentence given in Favour of the French Corsair above mentioned ; and, in Consequence thereof, our Governor, the succeeding Day, embargoed the Vessels still here ; but the Produce of their Cargoes was before carried to Cadiz. " On the 25th past the C , Capt. , from Ire- land, with 714 Barrels of Beef, was taken off Rota Point, and fent in here the 5th current: The Owner of the Ves- sel being aboard, declared she was a good Prize, and gave it under his Hand as such, which made me suspect Over- Insurance ; therefore I was determined to sift the Matter, as I thought I had an Opening to reclaim her, from the Corsair's Non- Observance of his Catholick Majesty's Or- dinance, which prohibits any Captures in Sight of his Ports, as the Freedom of Trade is thereby prejudiced ; and herein I was confirmed, and have been greatly assisted by Mr. M , to whom 700 Barrels of the Beef be- longed ; and this Week I got all the Acts sent to Madrid, from whence I hope for some favourable Disposition, & c.''. ^ ^ SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. From the CENTINEL. T The Friends, Goodwill, of Southampton from Oporto, laft from Lisbon, is taken by a French Privateer and car- ried into Morlaix. The Peggy, Leonard, from Cadiz for Bristol, is carried into Morlaix. The John and Henry, fram North Carolina for Lon- don, is retaken by the Sheerness Man of War. On Saturday five Hessian Soldiers received 2000 Lashes each, in a Meadow near Gravesend, for Sheep stealing. At the last General Quarter Sessions held at Brewton, for the County of Somerset, an Order was made for stop- ping all Fairs and Markets with respect to Horned Cat- tle, until the First of June next, or till further Order of the Court by Adjournment. Monday Night Samuel Rogers, Esq was attacked by two Street Robbers, in Curzon Street, May Fair, within a few Doors of his own House, and, on his resisting, one of the Villians shot him in the Groin with Duck- Shot, and then made their Escape, crying out stop Thief. On Monday was committed to Bridewell, by William Alexander, Esq; Sitting Alderman, Thomas Turner, alias Dumb Paw, for attempting on Saturday Night last, with many of his Associates, to pick the Pocket of Mr. William Thompson, Author of the Royal Navy Man's Advocate, a Treatise lately published, of the surprizing and cruel Practice of vidtualling the Royal Navy. Mr. Thompson immediately collared him in the Midst of his Gang, and took him from among them, to provide for him better Employ, to serve his King ( instead of indus- trious and useful Men, taken from their honest Employ ) He is an old Practitioner, was well known at Guildhall and the Fleet Market; was, a little while ago tried at the Old- Bailey for Misdemeanors; and fome Time since at- tempted to pick the Pocket of Sir Robert Ladbroke, as he was coming down Fleet Street. Last Monday the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey ; 23 Prisoners were tried that Day, one whereof was capitally COnvicted, viz. Margaret Griffith, for stealing a Curtain and Gold Lace in the Church of St. Sepulchre. At this Sessions ten received Sentence of Death, one the Woman H E Cry of Dearth begins to be heard through- out the Land. Bread is risen to more than dou- ble its usual Price ; the Rates of Butcher's Meat and all Sorts of Provision, are increased in the same Proportion; insomuch that the Common People, who used to live comfortably by their Labour, can hardly procure the most homely Fare for themselves and their Families; nor. is there any Prospe£ t of speedy Relief or Alleviation ; on the contrary, we are threatened with an immediate Aggravation of the Calamity, and indeed with every other Scourge that Heaven can inflict upon a Land devoted to Destruction If this Dearth is owing to a real Scarcity of Grain, why does not the Legislature take Measures for the Importation of a sufficient Supply } This is a Consideration of more Importance to the Publick than all our Foreign Connexions ; a Consideration not unworthy the Attention of the greatest Lawgivers of An- tiquity If the Dearth proceedsftrom the Avarice and selfish Views of a, few Monopolisers, why are not Laws enacted for laying open their Hoards and Granaries, and for punishing the Miscreants themselves os the worst of Traytors to their Country ? What! will the Representa- tive of the Nation sit inactive and indifferent, and behold the Progress of our Distress, from Dearth to Famine, from Famine to Pestilence, from Pestilence to Rebellion, Anarchy, and total Ruin ? When the internal Plagues of Dearth, Discord, and Dissatisfaction, menace their Coun- try with Misery and Desolation, will they plan ruinous Wars and external Alliances, for the Maintenance of which the remaining Blood and Substance of the Nation must be lavished ? How long will Britain, like an Ass, crouch under the redoubled Loads of Oppression, without even the Consolation of a few gingiing Bells to chear her as she trudges along. Time was when she bore her Bur- then with Pleasure, because adorn'd with the Trappings of Victory ; when she saw Kings her Tributaries, and Princes in her Chains, and heard the Fame of her Valour and Greatness resounded from Pole to Pole. But what Consolation have we at present, when our Burthens are become much more heavy, and our Backs more feeble? Our Victories are changed into Overthrows; our Glory is faded into Disgrace ; we are impoverished, vanquished, and despised ; every Mail acquaints us with some new Triumph of the Enemy; every Wind wafts an Acconnt of some fresh Addition to our Loss. If we consider the different Circumstances of our Situation, we shall find them equally despicable and desperate ; Beaten, beggar'd, irresolute, factious, and corrupt ; without Council, Con- duct, Courage, Integrity, or Direction ; enslaved and insulted by a M without Virtue, Ability, or In- fluence ; saddled with a Debt of Eighty Millions, the In- terest of which we can hardly defray ; involved in a ca- lamitous War, which we cannot maintain ; destitute of Allies, oppressed with Taxes almost insupportable, afflicted with Taxes almost insupportable, afflicted with Dearth, and inflamed with Discord Depth of Misery is this once happy _ Nation devoted Though we are entirely abandoned by the Spirit of our Forefathers ; though sunk into the most abject State of Sloth. Indolence, and Cowardice ; though we Are become such obsequious Slaves as to kiss the Hand of ' Operession ; though over- awed by Foreign Mercenaries and Native Dragoons, that seem to contract their Circle, and close us in on every Side ; we are still left at Liberty to complain ; we still enjoy that last Consolation of the Wretched ; Let Us then besiege the Throne with our Supplications; let us invoke the K- , as our common Father, that we may be treated as Children, not as Alienst that we may be shorn, not flea'd, that we may be ruled With Whips, rather than with Scorpions, and that we may be led by conscientious Guides, not driven by despe- rate Hirelings. , . , . If our Prayers are excluded from the Royal Ear ; if we are denied the Benefit of his paternal Virtuet let us put on Sackcloth and Ashes, and prostrate ourselves before the Throne of a yet more powerful Sovereign : Let us depre- cate that Wrath which our enormous Crimes have kindled, and implore that Mercy which our Penitence may de- serve. Our Woes are almost past human Remedy; and therefore we require the Interposition of an Almighty ProteCtor. R. B. SHAPPEE, Practioner in Physick, Surgery, and Man- Midwifry, Who was Pupil under bis Uncle. Dr. Shappee, in his Ma- jesty's Service Fourteen Years, NOW travels by an Act of Parliament, and after Thirty Years constant and large Practice in a private as well as publick Capacity, has acquired the Art of curing most Medicable Distempers incident to human Nature : He is allow'd, by all that know him, to be a very ingenious Man in his Profession, and has had very great Success in his Undertakings, and takes upon him so acquaint the Publick, that he is the Wonder of the Age for curing ot Ruptures or Broken Bellies, from Eight Days old to Eighty Yean old, in both Sexes, ( tho' of ever so long Continuance) in Half an Hour, if the Grief can be put up. Likewise the Falling of the Womb in Women before they quit the Room, if they have labour'd under that Misfortune for Thirty Years. From December 1754 to March 25, 1756, I have cured in Derbyshire, Staffordshire, York, shire, Nottinghamshire, and Lincolnshire, upwards of Sixteen Hundred Persons of Ruptures and Broken Bellies, and the Falling of the Womb in Women. Note. He is now at the Black Bear, in Shipston upon Stower, where he will stay three Weeks, and no longer ; and will attend at his Lodg- ings at the Swan, at Chipping- Norton, two Wednesdays only. fQ. A Man, Fifty- three years of who came from St. Ives, was cured this Morning, April 9th, of a Bowel- Rupture, Nineteen Inches in the Girth, and Eleven Inches in Length, at the Doctor's Lodgings in Leicester. The Doctor is greatly afflicted with the Gout, and the Reason of his Travelling it on Account of the Benefit he receives from Exercise. LONDON. [ Saturday, April 3 ® . EPIGRAM on a late Transaction. THE TWO great Rivals London might content, If what He values most, to each She sent: Ill was the Franchise couplcd with the Box ; Give PITT the Freedom, and the Gold to F . We hear that the Right Hon. Lord G e S lle hath refused the Agency of his Regiment to a certain notorious Engrosser. An Example worthy of Imitation by all Men of Honour. The Common Council of Newcastle upon Tyne have unanimously order'd the Freedom of that Corporation to be presented to the Right Hon William Pitt and the Right Hon. Henry Bilson Legge, in Gold Boxes, for their loyal, disinterested, virtuous Endeavours to serve their King and Country. The Mayor and Chamber of Exeter have sent the Right Hon. William Pitt and the Right Hon. Henry Legge, the Freedom of that City in two Boxes of Heart Oak, with an Address of Thanks for the good Services they would have done their Country, had they been continued in the high station they so worthily filled. The Hon. House of Commons was sitting this Morning at Two o'Clock. The Subscribers to the 2,500,0001. intended to have been raised by Annuities for Lives, which was closed at the Bank on the 14th Inst. and who paid in 10 1. Deposit, will be allowed their Subscription in the new Scheme of 3 per Cent, with a Life Annuity of I and 1 - Sth annexed, - provided they pay in 5 1. per Cent, more by the 4th of May. • There are several Letters in the City, besides an Account enter'd at Lloyd's Coffee House, that the Antigallican Privateer, commanded by the True British Capt Foster, with his princely Prize, are both sailed from Cadiz, to the great Disappointment of the French Ministry, who were in great Hopes of inveigling Spain into their infernal Purposes. It is pretty certain, that 15 capital Ships have sailed out of Brest, and should they happen to meet with Ad- miral Holbourne, who has but 13, unless be be prudently reinforced, then Ora pro nobis, Domine ! A Ship arrived at Plymouth from Malaga, spoke with Admiral Coates and Admiral Stevens with the East and West India Fleets under their Convoy, the 10th Instant, 50 Leagues to the Westward of Cape Vincent, all well. A Gentleman in Town has received a Letter from Ger- many by the last Dutch Mail, which mentions, that his Prussian Majesty has entered Bohemia with three Armies by three different Ways ; one Body is commanded by the King in Person, the Second by Prince Leopold of Dessau, and the Third by Prince Ferdinand of Bunswick. This Advice has been confirmed in another Letter to the Three Camps are to be form'd this Summer, nearly upon the same Spots the Troops where formerly encamp'd. ' The Mediterranean Fleet will sail in a few Days if the Wind is favourable; but as yet we hear not who are to have the Command more than Admiral Osborne. The Fleet destined for the Bay will shortly . be ready to sail to its Station.- The Phenix, of. Exeter, arrived at Plymouth from Ma- laga in 18 Days, brings Advice, that the 2d Instant Ad- miral Saunders, at Gibraltar, received an Express from Malaga, with Advice, that four French 74 Gun Ships were Cruizing off that Place, on which he went out with the Culloden, Berwick, Princess Louisa, Guernsey, and Portland, to cruize in the Gutt, and on the 5th, about Four o'Clock, saw the French Ships; he being to the Leeward formed a Line, and about Sun- set the Enemy did the same about two Miles to the Windward of our Admiral, and began to fire, but did not reach our Ships; the Guernsey and Princess Louisa got within Gun shot, and began to engage ; but before the rest got up it was about Nine o'Clock ; the Moon getting up, the Princess Louisa saw the French again, and the Admiral made a Signal to chase, but could not come up with them. The Phenix spoke with one of the Admiral's Ships the 8th; who told her they had lost Sight of the French the Day . before. We are informed that Admiral Saunders pursued the French Ships very closely, and did them much Damage ; and if his Ships had been clean, and good Sailers, would certainly have taken them : As it was, they were obliged to put into Mahon in a shattered Condition. This Day 662,000 Oz. of Silver Coin, and 3114 Oz. of Gold Coin, were shipped for the East India Company's Settlements. For New- England, 1500 Ells of Sail- Cloth, 300 Cwt. of Iron, and 200 Cwt, of Cordage. The Ruby Privateer from St. Malo's, of 14 Guns and 12J Men, and a Sloop, Name unknown, for Martinico, are taken by the Harwich and Leostoffe Men of War, and sent into Plymouth. The Seaflower, from Vigo, is taken off Plymouth by a Privateer of 30 Guns. Another Privateer has cut out of Torbay two Sloops, and carried them off. The Martin and Euphan, Clephan, and the Euphan and Peggy, Walker, both from Yarmouth for Leith, were taken the 17th Instant off Flamborough Head, by a Pri- vateer of 14 Guns, and ransomed for 500 Guineas each. By a Letter from Greenock in Scotland we are inform'd that the Master of a Ship from Boston says, that seven French Men of War, and a Number of Transports, were arrived at Cape Breton. There is now in the River Thames a Ship from Dant- zick with a Thousand Quarters of Wheat on board, con- signed to a very worthy Merchant of London ; and the Wind being fair, several more are soon expected at the same Place ; which we hope will lower the Price of Bread. We have' Advice from Froome, and other Parts of Somersetshire, that the Populace, to the Amount of 1500, headed by about 1oo Colliers, have rose within a few Days, and committed great Outrages on the Corn- Mills, Sic. on Account of the Dearth of Corn. Yesterday Afternoon a Detachment of 400 Men belong- ing to the Foot Guards marched to Woolwich to quell some riotous Workmen in that Dock- Yard: It seems it has been a Custom for these Men to take away the Chips j they make, as often as they go to their Meals: But this, like other Customs, has been grossy abufed ; for under the Denomination of Chips they take away large solid Pieces of real Use and Value; and many of these they quite load themselves with, three or four Times a Day, and secrete among them large Nails and Pieces of Iron, Part of the King's Stores: A Stop being put to this Practice, was the Occasion of much Grumbling and Dissention, and increased into a Story, that they would not work any longer till they received their Wages ; this plausible Pre- text has made them very riotous, and ' tis feared must end in some Mischief. It has been computed, that the Chips made in the several Dock- Yards, if properly accounted for, would supply bis Majesty's Troops with Forage du- ring a Summer's Encampment. Yesterday came on at Guildhall the Election of Clerk to the Commissioners of the Land- Tax; Mr. Dobson, Clerk to the late Town- Clerk, and Mr. Deputy Hodges, were Candidates s and upon the Poll there appeared for Mr. Dobson 154, and for Mr. Deputy Hodges 1 24, upon which the former was declared duly eleCted. On Thursday the Musick for the Feast of the Sons of the Clergy was performed at St. Paul's to a very polite Congregation, when an excellent Sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Gloster Ridley. There were present the Right Rev. the Archbishop, the Bishops of Worcester, Norwich, Lincoln, Oxford, Peterborough, Gloucester, St. David's, Chester, St. Asaph, and Llandiff, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, & c. and many other Persons of Distinction. The Collection in the Whole amounted to /. s. d. At St. Paul's — 195 8 6 At Merchant- Taylor's Hall — 392 18 6 On the Rehearsal Day 306 14 o tioned. On Saturday took a Brig within four Miles of this Place, which she sent to France. On Thursday Eveniog she made Sail towards three light Ships, coming from the Southward, but one of them ( which proved to be a Tender going for Leith) firing at her, she tacked, and stood off to Ses. This Day she appears again, and is seldom two Days out of Sight. A Dutch Hoy, often observ'd loitering on our Coast, is supposed to be her Tender. I observe an Account in some of this Papers of this Privateer's being taken off this Place by the Flam- borough Man of War; but this is so far from being true, that neither the FlamborOugh or any other Man of War, ( except what have been Convoy to the Scots Fleets) hath appear'd on our Coasts for more than Half a Year past. We have indeed Intelligence that the Men of War in Yarmouth Roods all sailed a few Days ago, and that one of them has taken a Privateer of 16 Carriage Guns on the Back of Yarmouth Sands; but I can assure you our old Neighbour is still here." Letter from Chatham, April 28. " Most of the Transports with the Hessian Troops on board, fell down the River this Morning, and the Re- mainder are taking in the Horse, about 1000, and the Baggage. Cambridge, April 30. On Wednesday last John Gat- ward. capitally convicted at Hertford Assizes for robbing the North Mail, was carried in, a Coach and Four from Hertford Gaol, guarded by a Party of Hussars, to Col- liers- End, about two Miles from Puckeridge, where a Gibbet was erected for his being hung in Chains, and there executed about Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, after spending some short Time in Prayer. At the Place of Execution he behaved with Decency, acknowledging the Crime for which he suffered, but at the same Time shew- ing not the least Fear of Death; be addressed himself to the Spectators, who were very numerous, being about Five Thousand Persons, begged they would take Warn- ing by his unhappy Fate, and pray for him. He hung forty MINutes, then was taken down and his Chains put on, and now hangs about seven Yards from the Ground. His Dress was a Scarlet Manchester Coat, strip'd Flannel Waistcoat, black Breeches, and white Stockings. BOROUGH of EVESHAM, April 28, 1757. WHEREAS it hath been reported that the SMALL- POX now is in divers Parts of this Borough ; We, the Major of the said Borough, Minister and Church- wardens of the Parishes of All Saints and St. Lawrence in the Borough aforesaid, do hereby certify the Publick that the SMALL POX has not been within this Borough for Two Years and upwards last past ( except a common Centinel who fell down with the same in last Lent Worcester Assizes, who left our Borough in fourteen Days:) And that the said Borough has been entirely free from the said Distemper ever since. As Witness our Hands, JOHN MurgATroyD, Mayor.' EVAN JONES, Minister. - w WILLIAM Preedy CHARLES SAVAGE CHARLES YARDINGTON GEORGE EWANS { Churchwardens of All Saints. { Churchwardens of St. Lawrence. Mr. I 895 I o Extract of a Letter from Whitby, April 23. " French Privateers swarm more and more on our Coast, and greatly distress the Coal Trade : Two or three of them frequently appear at a Time, and several Cap- tures have been made of late within Sight of this Place. The Privateer Snow of 16 Carriage Guns, which has been so long station'd near this Port, is particularly aCtive, and has within these eight Days chased several Vessels under the Cover of our Batteries, though she seems very cautious in engaging with any but single Ships ever since S AXALLEN, Organist and Dancing - Master, From CIRENCESTER, Begs Leave to inform Gentlemen and Ladies TB AT he has open'D SCHOOL at Miss Hare' s, in Ledbury; and at the Rev, Mr. Steel's, and Miss Tenbury's Boarding- School- at Upton- upon- Severn; where young Gentlemen and Ladies are taught to Dance in a new and elegant Tastes And are also taught to Sing, and play on the SPINNET.—. Gentlemen are likewise taught FenciNg. N. B. He still continues teaching at the Rev. Mr. Allen's, at Yazor, and at Rozs ; and in a few Days will open SCHOOL at the Great Room adjoining to Mr. Morgan's, it the Post- office, in High- street, Worcester. JACOB LAMB, Carpenter and Joiner, In New Street, near the Corn- Market, Worcester, INTENDING to leave off Business, will sell his whole STOCK and UTINSILS in TRADE, together or separately, on very moderate Terms; as also his HOUSHOLD FURNITURE The Stock in Trade consists of Tables, Beaureaus, Chests of Drawers, and divers other Articles, entirely new; Likewise a Quantity of TiMBer. N. B. The House is to be lett, and may be enter'd upon at Mid- summer next; and great Encouragement will be given to a Person of the same Business, who will take the whole Stock, and occupy the House, which is very suitable for the Business. *.* All Persons who have any Demands upon the said JACOB LAMB, arc desired to bring in their Accounts; and such Persons who stand indebted to him are likewise desired to pay in their respective Debts without any further Notice. To Cover, this Season. IN the Hands of Mr. George Linsdale, of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, A Chesnut HORSE, Full Fifteen Hands high, free from Spot or Blemish. He was got by Joseph Andrews, and out of the Merlin Mare. He will Cover at Seven Shillings and Sixpence, and One Shilling the Groom, to be paid at the Stable Door. *** This Horse will be at Bromsgrove on a Tuesday ; at Mr. Squire's, at the Sign of the Spade, in Sparkes's- Street, Birmingham, every other Thursday ; at Mr. Aingesworth's, the Sign of the Talbot, in Kidderminster, every other Thursday ; at the Sign of the Cock, in Stowerbridge, on a Friday ; and at Mr. Thomas Du- gard's, at the Sign of the White Horse, near the Corn- Market, Worcester, on a Saturday. N. B. Good Grass for Mares, To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. THE unhappy Accident which hap- pened at the Guildhall of the City of Worcester on Tuesday last, having occasioned a Vacancy in the Of- fice of Coroner, by the Death of Mr. Edmund Chambers, of Kidderminster, ooe of the Coroners for the said County of Worcester, and being encouraged by many of my Friends to.- offer myfelf a Candidate to succeed him in the said Office, b. ut being amble to make a Personal Applica- tion to all, I take this Method of humbly intreating the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed to the said Office of Coroner, which will be gratefully acknowledg'd, by Gentlemen, your most obedient and most humble Servant, Kidderminster, GREGORY WATKINS. March 17, 1757. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. - THERE being a Vacancy in the Office of Coroner, by the Death of Mr. Edmund Cham- bers, of Kidderminster, one of the Coroners for the County of Worcester, and being encouraged by many of my Friends to offer myself a Candidate to succeed him in the said Office. Itake this Method of humbly intreating the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed to the said Office of Coroner, which will be gratefully acknow- ledg'd, by Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and most humble Servant, Bromsgrove, THOMAS VERNON. March 24, 1757. Next Saturday wi'll be Publish'd, { Price One Shilling] ' ' \ Very Useful and Necessary, A CURIOUS and ELEGANT COPPER- PLATE PRINT The ORBIT of the COMIT, Expected to visit us soon. Exhibiting its Ascent into these Parts of the Heavens,-—- - the Time of its Continuance, the Length and Direc- tion of its Fiery Tail across the System,—- its Passage - by the Sun, Where it will receive a Degree of Heat superior to boiling Water,— its Descent and nearest Approach to our Earth, and Passage across its Orbit ; — all so naturally delineated as to render the Whole as easy and intelligible to Person not used to Enquiries of this Nature, as to the most skill'd in Astronomy. LONDON: Printed for H. Rowley; and sold by S. Gamidge, Map and Print- Seller, at the College- Grates, Worcester. Wednesdays, and Thursday's POSTs. Arrived the MAILS FROM Holland and Flanders. NAPLES, March 29. AN English Man of War lately arrived here, the Captain of which immediately went to Caserta, and demanded an. Audience of the King, which being granted, he desired his Majesty would give Leave for Twenty English Men of War to come into the Port of Gaeta; to which the King made Answer, that this Affair was already settled, his Majesty having consented to let four Men of War come into his Ports at a Time, and provide themselves with whatever they have Occasion for. Dusseldorp, April 14. : The French Troops continue to arrive in great Numbers; and, if we may judge, by their Magazines, their Army, must certainly amount to upwards of One Hundred Thousand Men. Brussels, April 25. This Day a Train of ' 32 Field- Pieces with four Mortars, and 100o Horses for the heavy Artillery embarked on the Muese, passed thro' this City. Utrecht, April 28, This Moment we have received Advice that the Prince of Brunswick- Bevern, on the 20th Instant, gain'd a Victory over the Austrian TrOops, near Richenberg in Bohemia. L O N D O N. [ Tuesday, May 3. This Morning a Messenger arrived at St. James's with an Express from the King of Prussia, who has brought an Account of Count Brown's having detach'd an Army of 20,000 Men towards Egra, which the King of Prussia gain'd Intelligence of, detach'd an Army of the like Number, who met them near Egra, gave them Battle, and entirely defeated them, killed four thousand, and have taken all their Baggage, Cannon, Sec. An Express arrived last Night from Hanover, and ' tis reported has brought Advice that the French have sign'd a Neutrality in relation to Hanover; and that his Royal Highness the Duke will soon come back to England. They write from Paris, that several Letters have been received there from Lisbon, with Advice, that since the last Earthquake a Volcano, cor Burning Mountain, has formed itself in the Middle of the City ; and since that the Sea has swelled to such a Heighth, that the City is thirty Feet under Water, so that it Is feared Lisbon is no more. A COCK- MATCH, TO be Fought at the BELL- INN in Gloucester, between the Gentlemen of Gloucestshire and Wiltshire, and the Gentlemen of Worcestershire ; to shew Thirty six, Cocks on each Side in the Main, for Ten Pounds a Battle, and Two Hundred Pounds the Odd Battle ; and Twenty- one Cocks for Bye Battles, at Four Pounds a Battle: To weigh on Monday next, the 9th of this Instant May, and fight the Three following Days. *.* ORDINARIEs each Day at the Bell, ' To be SOLD . A Genteel, strong, modern- built, Sash'd HOUSE, situate in the Borough of Droitwich, in the most pleasant Part of the Town, flat roofed and leaded, from which n a very extensive Prospect, having all Convenieneies for a Gentle- man's Family, Two Gardens, one of which is wall'd round and planted with various Sorts of the best Fruit, with a large Yard about One Hundred and Twenty Feet in Length, a Dove- house, and Stable with Lofts over it, a large Granary, and a Room for Servants near the Stable, a Brew- house with a Cellar under it that will hold t\ venty Hogsheads, and all other necessary Out- Buildings. . . The Premisses will be shewn, at any Time, by Mr. Baldwin, of Droitwich aforesaid, who will treat with a Purchaser. N. B. The Gardens and Yard being so attentive, any Person who has a Mind to strike into the SALT TRADE ( which at present is engross'd in Community, so that no One can get into it without a Purchase) may, by purchasing the above, undoubtedly have good BRINE on the Premisses, there having been BRINE PITS on each Side the Gardens thereof,' and there's Ground sufficient to build several SALT- Works thereon. There has been lately One Hundred Pounds per Annum given ( for a Term of. Years) for less Ground [ on which is a Brine- Pit] than one of the above Gardens. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, On Wednesday the 18th Day of this Instant May, at the BELL INN, in Broad street, Worcester, between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon, AGood Dwelling- House, Bake- house, Malt- house, and Wood- house, capable of housing above Two Thousand Faggots in the Dry ; the Whole entire, and stands well for Trade, being situated in the High- street, Worcester, between the College and Town- Hall. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Davis, Attorney, in Bromyard-, or of Mr. Whitbrook, Cabinet- maker, In High- street, Worcester, who will shew the Premisses. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, On Friday the 27th of May Instant, at the White Lion, in Upton upon Severn, A Freehold Estate of about 201, per Ann. In the Parish of STRENSHAM. For further Particulars enquire of Mr, Dandridge, Attorney, in Worcester. But as there are Letters from Lisbon of a late Date, which make, no Mention of this Calamity; the above Account meets with no Sort Of Credit Besides, the St. Pedro, Capt Jacob Abo, is arriv'd at Dover from Lisbon, and all was well in that City the 14th of April. By Accounts from Flanders we learn, that the French have actually, 30 Privateers out from Dunkirk, all cruiz ing in the North Seas ; and ' tis probable that some of them keep a sharp Look- out for the Packet Boats em- ployed between England and Holland. We hear that the four French Men of War, which Ad- miral Saunders endeavoured to stop in the Gut of Gib- raltar, have got clear through the Streights. The Fortune Sloop of War, Capt. Hotham, of 14 Guns and 100 Men, has taken a Ship and a Brig from Marseilles to Martinico i the Ship had 26 Guns and 1 50 Men; the Engagement lasted an Hour and a Half, in which the French had ten Men killed and twenty wounded; the Fortune had two killed and- eight wounded ; the Brig was of no Force, and they are both, carried into Alicant. Capt. Hopkins in a Privateer Brig, of Providence, in Rhode Island, has taken a French Snow, with 160 Hog- sheads of Sugar, 300 Barrels of Coffee, and 40 Bales of Cotton, besides other valuable Goods. By a Vessel from the West Indies we hear that the War there is briskly carried on by the Privateers; and that ours have taken so many of the French, that very few of them dare stir abroad.. The Elizabeth, Masters, from Zant to London, with Fruit ; Capt. Cole, of Bristol, to , and the Prince William, M'Load, of Yarmouth, are all taken by four French Men of War, supposed to be those seen by Admiral Saunders, who took out the Men and Goods, burnt the Ships, and put the Men ashore at Cadiz, desiring the French Consul to take Care of them. By Letters from Chester of the 21st ult. we have an Account, that there had been an extraordinary Trial at the Assizes between Mr: Wilbraham, Plaintiff, and Mr. Uniack, Defendant, upon a Wager of 500 1. that each of them would be married before the other; and in a very short time after Mr. Wilbraham was married to very agreeable Lady with a handsome Fortune. The Trial lasted eight Hours, when the Jury gave a Verdict and Costs for the Plaintiff. ' Last Sunday was interr'd, at Moulsey, in Surry, aged 65, Mr. Nightingale, a wealthy Farmer of that Place, who, dying a Batehelor, has bequeath'd his Fortune be- tween his Brother and his eight Children. This Man never eat any Flesh, Fish, or Fowl ; and, what is more worthy of Notice, was never heard to swear an Oath, or seen intoxicated with Liquor. BANKRUPTS. Wm. Wood, junior, of Bristol, Joyner. Joseph Wright, of Leeds, Merchant. Thomas Grocock, of Petticoat- Lane, Distiller. Lan- celot Atkinson, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Merchant. Joseph Roe, of St. Mary le Strand, Peruke- Maker. Stephen Badsley, of Nottingham, Hosier. Francis Paumier, of Wandsworth, in Surry, Hatter. John Henry Abegg, late of St. Ann's Westminfter, Upholsterer James Brown, of St. Martin's in the Fields, Lace- Man- — Richard Hindle, of Southwark, Warehouseman. STOCKS. Bank, . India, . South Sea . Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 89 1 4th. Ditto 2d Sub. 88 1 4th. Ditto New Annuities, lit Sub 89 7 8ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 88 3 8ths. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 88 1 4th. India Bonds, 2I. 71, Prem, New Subscription, 2 3 8ihs, a 1 half, • * W O R C E S T E R, May 5. The Election of a Coroner for this County, which was intended to come on next Wednesday, the 11th Instant, is postponed for a few Days. This Week one Hill was taken up, ( but admitted to Bail) on Suspicion of breaking into the House of Mr. Moore, of the Parish of Hanbury, and strangling his Daughter, to whom, it is said, Hill was a kind of Sweet- heart, and lived very near her. Early last Thursday Morning a Fire broke out in the Corn- Mills at Knightford- Bridge, in this County, which were entirely burnt down in an Hour's Time. These Mills were occupied by John Meredith, as Under Tenant to Charles Starling, who has a Lease of them j and this Misfortune, ' tis fear'd, will involve both of them in great Distress, and In which they must appear the greater Ob- jects of Pity and Compassion, the Mills being set on Fire ( as is supposed) by some wicked, evil- minded Persons. Last Friday Evening, about six o'Clock, a Fire broke out in the Stable of Mr. Eaves, of Coleshill, which was entirely consumed, with a Rick of Beans, and another of Hay, and Part of an House adjoining ; and it was with the greatest Difficulty that the Horses that were in the Stables were saved. They write from Gloucester, that on Saturday last a ' Considerable Quintity of Wheat was seized in their Mar- ket, and an Information lodged against the Owner for selling it by Sample, contrary to the late Act of Parlia- ment; but the tumultuous Populace, eager to secure the Booty, took Possession of it without waiting the Resolu- tion of the Magistrate, and carried off in spite of all En- deavours to prevent them. From Tewkesbury we have an Account, that Yesterday se'nnight fome Women, having been informed that a Quantity of Grain, the Property of Mr. Jenkins, was put on board a Vessel at the Quay, assembled together, and, being headed by one Moll White, went down to the Quay, and plundered the Vessel of twelve Sacks of Beans. And it being apprehended further Outrages would be Commit- ted by them in that Neighbourhood, a Party of Soldiers, quarter'd in this City, march'd from hence last Tuesday in the Afternoon, in order to oppose them. Last Saturday a Female Mob assembled in the Market- place at Hereford, upon Information that one of the Bad- gers had offered to buy Grain above the Market Prices and, after seizing the Badgar, and beating him in a very severe Manner, they broke all the Windows in his House. We also hear from Hereford, that Yesterday se'nnight the Poor of that Place assembled together in a very riotous Manner, and seized a Waggon Load of Wheat, which was intended to have been put on board a Vessel there, and sent to Bristol. The Wheat is said to have been the Property of a certain Clergyman in that County ; and the Mob, being greatly exasperated on hearing that he has made a Practice of sending Grain in large Quantities to Bristol, to the very great Distress of the Poor of that Neighbourhood, cried out. No Parson! No Badger I At last they tumbled the Grain out of the Waggon, opened the Sacks, and emptied them in the Market Place, from whence the old Women filled their Aprons, and car- ried it away, ' till the Whole was gone, leaving the Bags behind for the Parson to fill again if he thought proper. The Power of the Civil Magistrate had no Effect on the clamorous Mob; and, tho' these Riots seem to be a growing Evil, and greatly to be discouraged by all Per- ions, yet in the present Instance very few seem concern'd at the Doctor's Loss: And it is hoped that, for the future, this will put some Check to his Trade of Badging, and teach him to be contented with acting in his proper Sphere, as a Clergyman, and not defile that Holy Function by blending it too much with that Sort of Business which ought to be left for the Employment and Profit of the poor Laity. It is reported that two Women were kill'd in the late Riots at Hereford, and that some Persons are com- mitted to Gaol on that Account. We hear from High Wycomb, that on Monday se'n- night a certain Gentleman of the Army, who, within these few Years, distinguished himself for his Valour, to the Terror of all the Chimney Sweepers in Oxfordshire, had a dreadful Rencounter with a Mealman, on the Road near that Town. The Military Hero began the Attack from his Post- Chaise, the Mealman defended himself from his Cart. The Affair soon came to a close Engagement, and in a little Time the Man of the Sword was obliged to make his Retreat with a hearty Drubbing. We are well assured that the Captain, from having thus mistaken his Colour, is determined to fight nothing but the Blacks for the future. Yesterday se'nnight Edward Wheeler, a Victualler, at Clanfield, in Oxfordshire, was committed to the Gaol of that County, for breaking open a Dwelling- House, and stealing thereout between forty and fifty Pounds in Money. Letter from Oxford, April 30. " On Saturday last, in the Afternoon, John Franklin was executed here, pursuant to his Sentence, for the Mur- der of his Wife. The Morning of his Execution he owned the Fact for which he suffer'd ; though he would gladly have equivocated and palliated his Crime He was put into the Cart about Four o'Clock in the After- noon, wherein he stood upright and read very loud and distinct all the Way to Green- Ditch When he came near the Gallows the Cart stopped, and he kneeled down to Prayers, and continued reading and praying aloud, with- out the least Hesitation, for an Hour, with amazing Spi- rits ; he then took his Leave of the World, begged the Prayers of all the Spectators, which were exceeding nu- merous, and after a few short Ejaculations, which he ut- ter'd with some Emotion, the Cart drew away — His Body was afterwards deliver'd at the Musaeum, to be On Thursday four of the Rioters at Bicester, in Ox- fordshire, viz. Two Men and two Women, were brought to Oxford County Gaol, charged with riotously assembling and feloniously taking away eleven or twelve Quarters of Wheat, from the Kiln House of Mary Lambourne, of Bicester, and thirty- one Bushels of Beans from the Wag- gon of Christopher Cook, upon Wroxton Heath. The two Women had been in Custody upwards of a Week, but COuld not be removed with Safety, there being a large Body of their Confederates perpetually assembled in order to rescue them ; upon which Sir Francis Knollys, Bart. High Sheriff of the County of Oxford, came down Post from London, and conducted them to Oxford, ac companied by several Justices of the Peace, and about eighty of the Inhabitants of Bicester and its Neighbour- hood. They met with no Opposition ; and we have not heard of any Outrages since committed in those Parts. To the Printer of the WORCESTER JOURNAL. Mr. BERROW, As I look upon your weekly Paper to be an impartial one, I hope you'll be so obliging as to give the following Lines a Place in your next Journal, which will be kindly taken, by Your Friend and constant Reader, & c. A CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN, To the Author of the poetic Lines sign'd A. Z. in the Wor cester Journal of March 31. S I R, YOUR grateful Acknowledgment for your Preserva- tion at the late melancholy Event at Worcester is very proper and becoming ; and, as you well express it, • May you live to praise your great Deliverer.' But why your ill natur'd Remark or Note at Bottom ? I believe there is not any Person undertakes to vindicate the Equity of the Cause you refer to, or the Methods that might be taken or made Use of ( especially on the Plain- tiff's Side) to carry it on. Admitting ' the Cause was entirely amogst Dissenters themselves,' is it fair, just, or Christian, to infer from thence, or infinuate, that their Principles naturally lead to such litigious Quarre's or Law- Suits ?— Quite the reverse is well known by every impar- tial Observer. ~ But. Sir, let me ask you. What Reli- gious Community is there, that All the Individuals are govern'd by the peaceful and charitable Principles of the Gospel they profess;;— that so few are, is a Concern to every good Man : You might as well reflect upon the Christian Dispensation, or upon the glorious Reformation from Popery, when any two Persons, sharing the Advan tage of these two great Blessings, quarrel with each other, and act counter to their avow'd Principles, as to infer or instinuate that because two Persons, dissenting from the Establishment, happen'd to differ, and carry'd their Cause on with an unbecoming Warmth, that the Religious Prin ciples of that Body of Christians and Protestants had such . a Tendency. It would have been an unkind and unjust Reflection had the Opponents in the Cause happen'd to have been both Conformists; which is too often the Case, and might have been so now. As to the other Part of your Note, i. e. who sepa- rate from the Church, on Pretence of Approaching nearer to Primitive Christianity, and of following more strictly the Precepts of the Gospel;' the Truth of which I shall leave every Person to judge of for themselves; and shall only say, that I sincerely with that both Conformist and Non Conformist would discover a more kind, candid, and Christian Regard for each other, and both strive to outvie in their sincere and religious Observation of the rational Commands and Precepts aof their Divine Law- giver. N. B It should be remember'd that there are too many bad Members of every Religious Community. P. S. It is a little ungenerous to assert, that the Dis- senting Teachers ( as you term them) were concern'd as Witnesses, when no Dissenting Minister appear'd as an Evidence in the Cause, ( and I believe not so much as at- tended the Trial) except one Gentleman, who sometimes preaches amongst the Baptists; and, ' tis reported, that what he advanced was in a becoming and decent Manner. To the Printer of the WORCESTER JOURNAL. S I R, AS the present Posture of Affairs seems to stand upon a very uncertain Foundation, and is constantly sub- jeCt to a great Variety of Changes, ( not much unlike the unsettled Motion of Quicksilver in a Barometer,) some People, of a very ingenious and political Turn, are in- clined to think that the whole Fraternity of the Batche- tors, both young and old, ( instead of being Tax'd, as mention'd in a former Paper) are to form a regular Army of Observation, in order for the Security and Defence of these Kingdoms: But there are those who still favour General Taxation, and imagine that this will prove a much more useful and beneficial Scheme ; because many of them are too far advanced in Life to make any con siderable Progress in Martial ACHIEVEMENTS, or to cut any great Figure in the Day of Action. If there is any Lady in this or any other County, ( or in any Part of the Kingdom indeed) that can perceive the least Impropriety in a Scheme of this Sort, or imagines that it favours too much of Harshness or Severity, she is desired to send in her Objections as soon as possible, in order that they may be examined by a particular Junto appointed for that Purpose. To be SOLD; An exceeding good Pointing- Dog, and a Greyhound- Bitch: Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be SOLD, THE Reversion in Fee, expectant on the Death of a Person who is Sixty- six Years of Age, of a Mes- suage, Shop, and Garden, in Cleobury- Mortimer, in the County of Salop. For Particulars enquire of Mr Charles Holland, Attorney, in Cleobury aforesaid, or of Mr. Dandridgc, in Worcester. Wanted to Purchase, The Advowson or Presentation TO A LIVING from 70/. to 150/. a Year, With an Old Incumbent on it, I N Gloucestershire, Radnorshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Staffordshire, Brecknockshire, or Shropshire, Monmouthshire. Direct ( free of Postage) to Mr. B. SCOTT, at Mr- Bicknell's, against St. Michael's Church, in Cornhill. London. J. WHITFIELD, With a very large Assortment of Linnen- Drapery Goods, & c ( which must be sold off with Speed, by Wholesale or Retail,) is just come down from his Warehouse in LONDON, and is now it his Warehouse in a large Front Parlour, at the Talbot, in Sidbury, Worcester, CONSISTING or GULIX Holland, Irish CLoth, Long Lawns, Muslins of all sorts, Mens' long Neckcloths, Clear Lawns, strip'd, plain, and chequer'd, from is, to 12s, per Yard; flower'd minionetted Gauze, and spotted Lawns, with Variety of Aprons and Ruffles minionetted and border'd round, of the Fashions, for Gentlemen and Ladies; Variety of strip'd and flower'd border'd Handkerchiefs, of the newest Fashions, from Sd. p: r Piece to us.; Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs, with choice of Silk and Muzlin ditto; printed Lin- nens and Cottons, of the newest Patterns, with Variety of dark and light- ground Chints Pattern; of the newest Fashions, and at the lowest Prices; with choice of printed Cottons for Furniture; printed Hol- lands and Long Lawns; Damask and Diaper Table Linnsn in the Piece, and Variety of Damask and Diaper Table- cloths, with Setts of ditto ; Dimities ; flower'd, plain ' and spotted Capuchins, French Cloaks, Cardinals, Shades, and Polanees j Velvet and Silk in the Piece, spotted, flower'd, and plain, for Capuchins; Pelong Sattin ; Boys' Velvet and Silk Caps, and Tippets for Children; Womens' Velvet and Silk Hoods; scarlet and cloth- colour'd Cloaks and Do- minoes j great rf and Callimancoes ; Cotton, Thread and Worsted Gloves and- Stockings; Cotton Caps; Paduasoy Ribbons at 4d. per Yard ; new- fashion'd figur'd Ribbons at 2d. per Yard; and Silk Figures of the newest Patterns, at 5d. pc; Yard; Silk Purses; Brussels, Mechlin, and Buckinghamshire Lace ; Frame Lace Caps; Mens wove Cotton and Worsted Waistcoats j printed Linnen and Scotch Handkerchiefs; Womens' Shag, Leghorn, Chip, Horse- hair, and Paper Hats ; choice of cover'd and bound ditto; Silk, Cotton, Thread, Worsted, and leather Mits ; black Silk Fringe and Gimps ; dark and light green Cotton at 8s. per Gown. Also great choice of small Silver Plate, x. Salts, Cream- Jugs, large Spoons, Tea Spoons and Tongs, Corals '; great choice of silver Shoe- Buckles, and plated ditto, of the newest. patterns; Clasps and Stock- Buckles j short Rims and Buttons, British- stone Buttons, Stay- Hooks, Gold, Plain and Stone Rings, Wires and Bobs, Silver Thimbles and Seals, with choice of Silver Watches, Ready Money for Old Gold or Silver, and Gold or Silver Lace, or Exchange for any of the above mention'd Goods. The Prices are fix'd, without Abatement. NG's Royal Letters Patent, ( Which Passed Passed the Great Seal June Dr. LOwTHER's 5. 1 75 5. ) To be LETT, or SOLD, A Large, commodious, and new- erected Building, wit TWO very good Stall- Stables adjoining, and a large Area before the same wall'd in, situate near Digley Bowling- Green, in the Parish. I St. Peter, in the City of Worcester, upon the Banks of the Rive Severn . proper either for a Warehouse or any other Purpose. The Whole in compleat Order. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Jewkes, Attorney, in Worcester TTO be SOLD, WO substantial Messuages, a Malt- house, Barn, Stable, and other Back- Buildings, in Stowerbridge, in the County of Worcester, near the Market- Place, well Tenanted, and capable of advantageous Improvements. Particulars whereof may be had of Mr. Thomas Brettell, Attorney, in Stowerbridge. EDMUND AMISS Taylor and. Stay- Maker, At the COLLECE- GRATES, WORCESTER, WHO has hitherto conceal'd his Knowledge of the Art of Tailoring, except to some Gentlemen whom he has lately had the Honour of serving, is, by their Advice, induced to acquaint the Publick, That he intends carrying on that Business. As he has settled a regular Correspondence with some of the most noted Hands in London, from whom he will receive the earliest Intelligence of every New Fashion, and the necessary Directions in regard to it, such Gentlemen, Ladies, & c. who shall be pleased to employ him, may depend on being neatly and most genteely fitted, and their Favours most gratefully acknowledg'd. He likewise takes this Opportunity of acquainting the Publick, That he will continue the Business of Stay- making, & c. in the same Manner as usual : He also makes Riding Habits and Josephs after the genteelest Method. The great Encouragement I have for many Years met with I most thankfully acknowledge ; and it shall be my con- stant Study how to merit a Continuance of it; and flatter myself I shall be so happy as to succeed, as I have been favour'd with the general Approbation of those Persons who have already honour'd me with their Commands. EDMUND AMISS. This Day are Publish'd, Dedicated to the Right Honourable WILLIAM PITT, ESQ; The THREE FIRST VOLUMES, Quarto, ( Price Two Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six- pence, in Boards, and Three Guineas bound, ) Adorned with Three elegant FRONTISPIECES, engraved by Grignion and Miller, The Compleat HISTORY, ENGLAND* Deduced from the Descent of JULIUS CAESAR, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. CONTAINING The Transactions of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three Years. By T. SMOLLETT, M. D. London : Printed for James Rivington and James Fletcher, in Pater Noster Row ; and sold by S. Mountfort, jun. in Worcester-, and Mr. Andrews, in Evesham. The Author begs Leave to inform the Public, that, finding the Materials for the latter Reigns multiply upon his Hands, he has extended his Plan to a Fourth Volume, which begins witb the Reign of WILLIAM III. and will end with the lalt Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. This Addi- tion, which is already partly compiled, will be finished with all possible Care, Accuracy, and Dispatch, and de* livered to the Purehasers of the Work in three Months, without any further Expence, and a Promissory Note, under the Proprietors' Hands, for that Purpose, will be bcur. d up at the End of the Third Volume. PLAN of the WORK may be had of the Booksellers. Anti- Epileptic NERVOUS POWDERS, Experienced to he an effectual and speedy Remedy for Persons ever so violently afflicted with Trembling: in the Hands, so as to render them capable of holding them entirely steady in a short Time. These POWDERS are the most salutary Specific ever discover'd for Convulsion, Epileptic, or any Species of Fits', Nervous and Para- lytic Complaints; Pains in the Head and Stomach, Worms, an Ill- scented Breath, sick Qualms, violent Reaching:, Tremblings, Faint- ings, Swoonings, Swimmings, Dizziness, Drowsiness:, Melancholy, a Lost Appetite, Bad Digestion, Impurities in the Blood, and a Weak Habit of Body. They are a sure Preservative against Apoplexies, pleasant to the Taste, grateful to the Stomach, and operate insen- sibly. They are sold in Six Shilling and Three Shilling Parcels, only at Brookes's Warehouse, facing Water- lane, Fleet street, London, where the DoCtor attends, from Ten to One, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, to give his Advice gratis: These Powders may likewise be had of H. Berrow, at his Printing Office, in Worcester. Where likewise may be had. Dr. Lord's infallible Cure for Corns. Price is. 6d. with Directions. AND A speedy and certain Cure for the ITCH, SCURVY, PIMPLES, and other Scorbutick Breakings out on the Skin, tho' of many Years standing : Being an agree- able, clear, excellent Water, ( to be applied outwardly.) Price One Shilling a Bottle. To Cover, this Season, NOW in the HandS of William Jen- nings, at the Crown, at Woo Brook near Kid- derminster, Worceslershire, a most famous through bred Dark Chesnut STALLION, call'd v V: G O L I A H, Eight Years old this Grass, full Fifteen Hands and an Inch high, with a Blaze down his Face, and one white Heel behind, and Master of twenty Stone a Fox hunting. He was got by Goliah, and owt of a thorough bred Mare. His Actions are very fine, and is allow'd, by all Judges that have seen him, to be as just a Horse in Shape and Actions as any in the Kingdom. It is worth while { for any Gentleman to send his Servant on Purpose to see him ; and, for the Sake of encouraging Breed, he will cover at Half a Guinea, and One Shilling the Man, with the Benefit of the Season. He will be on Tuesdays at Bromsgrove, on Fridays at Stowerbridge, and on Thurs- days at Kidderminster. — No Mare will be Cover'd without ready Money the first Leap. Good Grass for Mares at reasonable Rates, and proper Care taken of them. tt ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at a. 6d. each ; and Articles of Intelligence (. Post paid) will be rece. Vd, and carefully inserted ADVERTISEMENTS, tic. arte likewise taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury j Mr. Hopkinson Bookseller in Warwick Mr. Wylde. Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr. Andrews, Bookseller, in Evesham ; Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Hodges, Booksellers in Hereford •' Mr. Moseley Bookseller, in Kidderminster ; Mr. Ashmead, Bookseller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham ; at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominster; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in that Town ; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton in Marsh 1... A— ' Likewise by Mr. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave- Mary- Lane. London
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