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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 07/04/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2488
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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B E R R O W's Worcester Journal. [ Printed at his OFFICE, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, April 7, 1757. No 2488 WEEKS this Journal ? 0 £ has been publish- d. $ From the Westminster Journal. To Simon GENTLETOUCH, Esq; of Pall Mall. GREAT Contests in a Grand Assembly at your End of the Town, ' Squire Gen- tletouch, are still continued, where honest Integrity, with much ado, holds the better of it; though, it is thought, he would carry it with a high Hand, was not an old lurking Fox. with a hundred or two of his Cubs, continually p--- sing upon their Tails, and dashing them into his Eyes. H. B— The old hubble- bubble mangey Mastiff, who is Centinel to a First Rate Nobleman, still keeps in Alliance with the Fox and his Cubs. Well ! but ' Squire Gentletouch — there is more than a rumour which goes flying about, relative to you and other the Fraternity of Quill- driving Intelligencers; and which is, that every Letter which you exhibit to the Publeck shall pay a Duty to his Majesty; every News- Paper shall pay the Double ot what it now pays, either with respect to itself as a News- Paper, or of the Adver tisements it contains; and this, notwithstanding his Ma- jestly has more than ONE HALF ot the Profits already. This is not to be Call'd taking away tbe Liberty of the Press ! No! that is a harsh Expression, And tis to oe look'd upon as a Stroke of Retaliation only, a making of those contribute, severely contribute, to the Supportt of be Pubick- weal, who have so often shewn Ways and Means whereby others might do so The Plea, that this will be of no * Advantage to the Revenue, seeing that many Private People will drop their taking- in News Papers, that Coffee Houses, & c. will take but Half their present Numbers, and that the Country will be content to be kept in Ignorance; this Plea, I say, will not avail ; and how should it amongst those who have given several Instances that they would run the Hazard of putting out both their own Eyes, so as they might but have the Pleasure of putting out one of the eyes of their Neighbour ? You and the rest of your Brother Prattlers may talk Old Leaven and of New Leaven ; but myself and my Uncle Snap Dragon, and many more, insist upon it, that Leaven is aliKe, where Schemes arc invented destruc- tive to Trade, or by any Means detrimental to the Com- unity ——— And we moreover are Of Opinion, that all such Schemes will be in Vogue till the Members which constitute the Old Leaven are dissolved ; and alter that so, unless Bribery and Corruption are entirely laid aside. and the people permitted to make free aud voluntary choice of a new set of SNAP- DRAGOn the Younger. * See our last Journal. FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. LEGHORN, February 25. S1NCE Capt. Fortunatus Wright put into Malta to repair the Damage that was done to his Ship in an engagement with a French Frigate, he has wrote to Mr. Tatem, the English Consul at Messina, complaining of The ill Usage he has met with, in being refused the As- sistance he required. He attributes this to the Insinuations the French, who accuse him of Pyracy, and of giving refuge to two Slaves, who escaped from Malta; under which Pretence his Ship is detained there, and he is re- ced to great Distress for Want of Provihons, no body ing permitted to furnish him with any. The Captain has no Resource left but from the Success of the Repre- sentations which he hopes Capt. Burnaby may make in i Favour, who is soon expected at Malta with the rsey Man of War. PLANTATION NEWS. Letter from New York, Feb 3. " Since my last the Fifty- Gun Ship and five more transports are arrived : The Twenty- Gun Ship and ven more Transports are yet wanting. God grant they may come safe; for with these, and the Fleets that are Iexpected from England in April or May next, we hope a new Turn will be given to our Affairs, and some better success attend our Arms. The People here flatter them- selves that some important Blow will be sluck next Sum- it. Wheat and Flour advance daily, by the large Or- ders from Ireland and Liverpool. All our Ships are now taken up for that Purpose, though our Markets are much higher than in Maryland." COUNTRY NEWS. ISherborne, March 21. Friday last was committed to eter Gaol William Townshend, for the Murder of his ither, by beating him on the Head with a Stick. On Tuesday were executed at Fisherton Gallows, Ber- nardo Varda and John Phillips, for a Robbery on the highway, and Daniel Swanborough, for House- breaking. they went to the Place of Execution dress'd in their Shrouds. Varda, a genteel young Fellow, about 22 j Years of Age, an Italian, died a Roman Catholick, and behaved with a remarkable Air of Composure to the last : He had a fine Head of Hair, which in general he wore platted, but upon this Occasion it was curled, hung loose over his Shoulders, and was powdered to Excess. They neither of them at the Place of Execution deny'd, or so much as endeavoured to palliate the Crimes for which they suffered. Varda, whom Phillips had just taken his final Leave of with a Kiss, a few Minutes before the Cart drew away; addressed himself to the Spectators, but with a low Voice, and begged them to take Notice of his wretched End, and to let it be a Warning to all, espe- cially those who are wickedly inclined, to shun his un- happy Fate. LONDON. [ Thursday, March 31. 5 May the Hearts of the Rich be enlarg'd to the Poor! } C — for Bread is this Day risen 2d. in a Peck Loaf.— 5 We hear there will speedily be exposed to Sale, a very Superb Scaffold and Block ; as also a commodious Gibbet, 17 Feet high The Persons for whom they were bespoke, having ( at present) no Use for them, either for their own Service or their Friends, as they were intended for some Persons of Distinction. Westminst. Journal. It is said, that upon the Appearance of a great Man at a certain Place, some young Blades sneeringly called for Room to be made for the Head of the M--——— y ; which he retorted, after a stern Look about him, saying, " It is well the present M y have a Head, it is " somewhat plain the late had none." Westm Journ. His Grace the Duke of Leeds was on Saturday, by the King's Command, sworn of his Majesty's Most Hon Privy Council, and took his Place at the Board acordingly. The following Promotions in the Church are expected to take Place. His Grace the Archbishop of York will succeed the late Archbishop ot Canterbury; the Bishop of Salisbury will be removed to York ; the Bishop of Peterborough to Salisbury ; and the Rev. Dr. Terrick will be appointed Bishop of Peterborough. Ii is said, that Dr. John Taylor, Chancellor of Lin- coln, will iuccecd Dr. Terrick, as a Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's. It is with no small Satisfaction we find that some pub- lick spirited Ladies have opened a Subscription at Sir Charles Asgill's, in Lombard Street, and Miss Drum- mond's at charing Cross, to fit out three Privateers to cruize in Concert againslthe French, one of which is to mount 40 Carriage- Guns on one Deck, 28 of them to be 18 Pounders, the other 12 to be 9 Pounders, with up wards of 300 Men, besides Marines. The Ship intended for this Service is a 60 Gun Ship, and is to be cut down. The Dolphin Packet Boat, Capt. Cockrill, bound from Helvoet to Harwich, was taken and carried into Calais the 20th lnstant by a French Privateer Snow of 14 Guns and 130 Men, call'd the General Lally, Pierre Sauve, Commander, belonging to Boulogn. The Mail was thrown overboard. We hear she had on board 12,600 1. in Specie, and near the Value of 20,0001. in Diamonds. Yesterday Advice came, that six Ships had been blown out of the Swin. one of which, it is said, was the Dover's Prize ; but we hear she is safe in Leigh Road, opposite Sheerness. The other Ships it's feared are lost, as they have not been heard of, or are supposed to have drove on the Coast of Holland, and Tenders have been sent after them. The Ship of Robert Mitchell, bound from Rotterdam to Corke, is taken and carried into Boulogne. A Ship from Rotterdam for Dublin is taken and car- ried into Calais. Capt. Gilchrist, who was lately appointed to the Com- mand of the Lizard Man of War, is, we hear, to have the Command ot the Dublin, ot 74 Guns, which is to be launched the first Week in May. „ Letters from Lisbon bring an Account that a violent Shock of an Earthquake was felt there on the 1st of this Month ' Tis said the King of Prussia has marched his Army in three Columns into Bohemia, in order to execute some important Enterprize. We hear from Nunney, near Frome, that on Monday last a Boy who was keeping Sheep in a Field having made a Fire to warm himself, the Wind blew some of the Sparks into a Wheat Mow and Oat Mow near a Barn, in which were several Bushels of Grain ready threshed, and unfortunately set them all on Fire, by which both the Mows, the Barn, Grain, & c. were entirely destroyed. Sunday Morning died in Hill Street, Berkeley Square, the Lady of the Hon. Robert Herbert, Esq; Uncle to the Earl of Pembroke, and Member of Parliament for Wilton. A Proclamation is issued, permitting and allowing, that during the Continuance of this present War, and no longer, it shall be lawful for any Merchant Ship, or other trading Ship or Vessel, or Privateer, to be navigated by Foreign Seamen or Mariners. A COCK- MATCH, TO be Fought at the Plume of Feathers Inn, in Ludlow, between the Gentlemen of Wor- cestershire and the Gentlemen of Shropshire: To shew 31 Cocks on each Side in the Main, for Four Guineas a Battle, and Forty Guineas the odd Battle ; and 20 Cocks, on each Side, for Bye Battles, for Two Guineas each Battle. To weigh on Monday in the Easter Week, and fight the Three following Days. To be SOLD, AFreehold Estate, consisting of a very good House, Barn, and Out Buildings, all in good Repair, and Eighty Acres of Land and upwards; situate at Romsley, in the Parish of Alveley, in the County of Salop, now lett to the Widow Pountney, at the Yearly Rent of Thirty six Pounds; and lying within about five Miles of the several Market- Towns of Bridgnorth, Bewd- ley, and Kidderminster, and seven of Stowerbridge. For farther Particulars enquire of Mr. Haslewood, At- torney, in Bridgnorth. N. B. The Tenant will shew the Premises. This Day is Publish'd, lllustrated with Three beautiful Copper Plate Prints, accu- rately exhibting VIEWS of Three several Positions of the English and French FLEETS, on May 20. 1756 : Also a favourite SONG, set to Musick, and a New minueT, The LONDON MAGAZINE: Or Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer. For MARCH, 1757. Containing such Pieces as will greatly inform and entertain the Publick. particularly the following, viz ACCOuNT of the new Tragedy, call'D DOugLASS, and of the AuTHOr, a new Farce, with Remarks on the piece and the performers. Rules for better curing Provisions for his Majesty's Navy. Debates in the Political Club, in no other monthly Collection. Queries 0n the Minutes of the Council of War held at Gibraltar, on May 4. Curious Essay on Enachronisms in Painting. Preservative from ma- lignant Diseases. Defence of a late Performance. Essay on the Jews, by Voltaire. Colours produced from Shell Fish. Hints about Broad Wheels. Examination of the Resolution: and sentence of the Court- Martial on Admiral Byng. Mathematical Questions. Select and ele- gant Essays, viz. Prologue and Epilogue to Douglas; two beautiful Elegies, by Mr. Whitehead; the Progress of Love, a Cantata ; Ad- vice to the Ladies ; Miss Courtney to Miss Conolly ; a Picture of Courtship, to Miss Price, written in a blank Leaf of Telemachus ; Absence, to Miss Wise j Song, Epigram, Epitaph, & c. Full Ac- count of the Execution of Mr. Byng, with the Paper he left behind him, and a succinct Detail of the other domestick Affairs of the Month. Foreign Affairs | Births, Marriages; Promotions, ecclesi- astical, civil and military ; Bankrupts; Deaths; new Members; Cata- logue of Books j Course of Exchange ; Prices of Stocks and Grain j Wind, Weather, and monthly Bill of Mortality. MULTUM IN PARVO. London Printed for R. Baldwin, at the Rose, in Pater Noster Row, ( where Letters to the Author, ( Post paid,) are taken in); and sold by all other Booksellers and News- Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. Tbe. London Magazine for February 1757, was illustrated with a beautiful Quarto Print, exhibiting a fine View of the FOUNDLING HOSPITAL, and the adjacent Country, curiously engraved on Copper: Also a New Seng, set to Musick. and a Country Dance. Last Friday, April 1, was published, Price, in Boards, 5 s. The ThIrD VOLUME, ( lllustrated with Eleven Copper Plates, containing the Heads, as also the Monuments ef Henry III Edward I. II 111. and of Edward Prince of Wales, Son of King Edward III. together with a Genealogical Table of Ed- ward 111. to King James I ) of Mr. Tindals Translation and Continuation of M. Rapins HISTORY of ENGLAND, Illustrated with The Heads and Monuments of the Kings, Genealogical Tables, Maps, Coins, Medals, & c. elegantly engraved. LONDON : Printed, by Assigmnent from Mr. Knapton, for T. Osborne and J. Shipton, J. Hodges, J. Robinson, H Woodfall, W. Strahan, J. Rivington, J Ward, R. Baldwin, W. Owen, W. Johnston, J. Richardson, P. Davy and B Law, T. Longman, G. Keith, S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, T. Caslon, M. Cooper, and C. Ware : By whom Proposals are deliver'd, and Subscriptions are taken in. The Whole will be compris'd in Twenty Volumes, one of which will be publish'd the First Day of every Month, without Interruption, till the Work is completed. N B. If any Gentleman, in perusing RAFIN, has made any REMARKS on his History, the Communication of them will be thankfully received by any of the Pro- prietors, or by Mr. N. Tindal himself at Greenwich Hospital, " SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Flanders. KONIgSBERg, March THE Russians have let slip the most proper Time for approaching our Frontiers. The Rivers, which were frozen over, are now thaw'd, and the Fortress of Memel is so well fortified that ' tis thought the Russians will not care to attack it. Our Hussars are advanced above a League beyond the Frontiers, without perceiving any Enemy. The Stages still pass as usual between this City and Riga, but all Passengers are carefully examined at both Places. The War- Office, which was at Gum- binisch, has been transferr'd hither. Hanover, March 18. ' Tis computed here that the Number of Forces that are to oppose the King of Prussia this Year will amount to Four Hundred Thousand Men, exclusive of the French ; viz. One Hundred and Seventy Thousand Austrians, One Hundred and Twenty Thou- sand Russians, Ten Thousand Italian Troops, and One Hundred Thousand which the Empire is to furnish. Dusseldorp, March 25. An Independent Company of French Troops arrived at Nuess Yesterday. The Van Guard of the Grand Army will enter the Country of Ju- liers next Saturday. The Garrison of Wesel marched out Yesterday, and took the Road to Lunen. At Mun ster they are preparing against a Surprize ; the Governor his made the necessary Dispositions at Veche and Mespe- len, and taken an Account of all those who are able to bear Arms. IRELAND. Dublin, March 26. Last Saturday Mr. Maquay's Sugar- House, in Thomas- Street, was burnt down. The Loss is Computed at 5840 1. 16 s. By a Letter from Inniskilling we have the following Account of two Murders committed at Augher, near that Town, about ten Days ago; One Loudon, a Farmer, who lived in good Circumstances, having had Words with his Wife, who was big with Child, took a Handkerchief, and tied it about her Neck, strangled her, and then hung her up in his Kitchen Chimney. He afterwards, the bet- ter to hide his Villainy, tied his Feet to the Bed Posts, and likewise fastened his Hands, pretending next Morn ing that Thieves came and robb'd him, and murdered his Wife. However, when her Funeral was over, some of her Friends had him secured on Suspicion of committing the FaCt; on which he begg'd Leave to shift himself, and and then ripp'd his Belly open with a Knife: A Clergy man being present, and seeing he had not touched the Cawl of his Guts, said he might recover, upon which the wicked Monster put his Hand into his Belly, tore out his Guts, and instantly expired, confessing the Fact. Packenham Hall, in the County of West Meeth, March 25 Last Sunday Night some Villains broke into the House of Mr. Nangle, within two Miles of this Place. He was thought to be very rich ; they murder'd him, his Wife, ( big with Child) his Son, ( about four Years old) a Man and a Maid Servant, and afterwards set Fire to his House, Two Men and a Woman are taken up for the Crime. L O LON D O N. [ Saturday, April 2. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Whitehall, April 2. The Restitution of the Duc de Penthievre Prize, taken by the Antigallican Privateer, and Carried into Cadiz, having been demanded of the Court of Spain by the French, we hear that the said Ship, in Consequence of an Order from the Court of Madrid, re- mains a Deposit in the Hands of Spain, the Hatches be- ing sealed up, and under a Spanish Guard, in order to prevent all Embezzlement, until the Grounds of the said French Pretensions can be examined and judged. _ V The King has been pleased to order a Conge d'Elire to pass the Great Seal, empowering the Dean and Chapter of the Metropolitical Church of Canterbury to elect an Archbishop of that See, the same being void by the Death of the Most Rev. Father in God Dr. Thomas Herring, late Archbishop thereof) and also to order a Letter under his Royal Sign Manual, naming and recommending to the said Dean and Chapter the Most Rev. Father in God Dr. Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of York, to be by them elected to the said See of Canterbury. Windsor, March 30. Yesterday the Duke of Devon- shire, and the Earls of Carlisle, Northumberland, and Hertford, were installed Knights Companions of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, in the Chapel of St. George, with the accustomed Solemnities, by the Dukes of Marl- borough and Kingston, two of the Commissioners appointed by the Sovereign for that Purpose. A Procession was af- terwards made to the Upper Castle, where a noble Enter- tainment was provided in the Great Guard Chamber ; and at the second Course the Stiles of the new Knights were proclaimed by Garter King at Arms as usual. There was likewise a Table for the Ladies. The Night concluded with a Ball and Supper, and the Whole was conducted with great Order and Splendour. Thus far the L. Gaz. We are assured that some Schemes are under Considera tion to prevent the additional Duty on Stamps taking Place. It is said that the Patriotism of the Ladies of Quality at Westminster End of the Town, has excited a glorious Emulation in the Ladies of Fortune in the City, not to be outdone in Love to their King and Country ; for that an Association is proposed among them to fit out a Priva- teer in every Ward in the City, to cruize against the Ene- mies of Great Britain ; which Privateers are to be call'd by the Name of each Ward, and that the ( Alderman of each Ward is to be Agent and Manager for the Ladies within his District. If the like were done in every County in England by the Gentlemen of Fortune, we might then have as many Privateers as the French, which annoy our Trade more than their Men of War. Yesterday the following Bills Were passed by Commission, viz. the Bill for regulating the Woollen Manufactury ; the Bill to enable Charlies Lenox, Duke of Richmond, to make a Settlement on Lady Mary Bruce, his Wife ; the Bill for settling a Jointure on the Earl of Euston's Lady ; and eight publick and nine private Bills. Last Night was married, at her Mother's House in War- wick- Street, the Right Hon. Lady Mary Bruce, Sister to the present Earl of Aylesbury, to his Grace Charles Lenox Duke of Richmond. The Number of Forces provided for by Parliament last Year, was 34,263 effective Men, including 3,759 Invalids. This Year it amounts to 49,749, including 4,008. We hear tha Bar Iron will be imported from America Duty- free to every Port in the Kingdom, in the same Man- ner as in the Port of London. letter from New York to a Gentleman in Dublin. " Jan. 5. There are now Thirty Privateers out of this Place, and Ten more on the Stocks, and launched. They have had hitherto good Success having brought in Four- teen Prizes, valued at 1oo, 0001." Letters from New- York give an Account that a ge- neral Embargo was laid upon the Shipping, on account of a private Expedition, which was speedily to be put in Execution. Lord Loudon's Army had been joined by a great Body of Provincial Troops, and they were about proceeding to Action with great Harmony. Letters from Leghorn advise, that the Syren Man of War at Genoa was, in Company With the Jersey Man of War, to convoy the Trade from thence to England ; and that Admiral Saunders, with his whole Squadron, Was to go in quest of that from Toulon. They write from Margate, that last Monday Night, about Eleven o'Clock, a French Lug- sail Privateer came close in the Land, off the Northforeland Light, and cut three Sloops away that were at Anchor close in by Broad Stairs, and carried them away. The Customhouse Boat of Broad- Stairs had but just put off from one of the Sloops. We must beg Leave to remark, that ever since the Beginning of last War eight Pieces of Ordnance have been placed upon the Cliff, but neither Engineer or Ammuni tion has yet been provided for the Defence of the Coast. A French Privateer, of 16 Guns, has taken four Col- liers off Scarborough, one of which had 20 Keel of Coals on Board j the other three were smaller Vessels: The Privateer was so daring, as to fire upon the Castle of Scarborough. Seven Privateers are now getting ready with all Speed at Bristol, and are to go in Concert; the Commodore's Ship it to mount 30 Guns of 18 Pounders each. Last Wednesday Night a Press Gang, with a Midship- man, went to the Spread Eagle Alehouse in Tooley Street, in order to impress some Carmen ; on which a Fray en sued, and in the Battle one Spencer, a Carman, was killed on the Spot, and some more were wounded, after which the Midshipman and the Gang made their Escape but on Enquiry, it being found that their Rendezvous was at the Horse and Groom in Lambeth Marsh, Application was made, they being desperate, to Justice Fielding, for a File of Soldiers, who, on his Worship's Desire. were sent from the Savoy to the above House, where the Mid- shipman and five of the Gang were taken into Custody ; and at One o'Clock on Thursday Morning ( Justice Ham- mand being called up) they were by his Worship commit- ted to the New Gaol, charged with being guilty of kil- ling the Deceased. Last Night, about Eleven o'Clock, a Man, who was at an Alehouse in George Yard, Holborn, bred a Riot, and was taken up by two Watchmen and carried to the Watch Houfe, where he soon afterwards drew out a Knife and stabb'd one of the Watchmen in the Temples, who died on the Spot, and cut the other across the Belly, so that his Life is despair'd of, and afterwards made his Escape. Last Wednesday Night, between Eight and Nine o' Clock, died at his House in Great Brook- Street, James Stewart, Esq; Admiral in Chief of the British Navy. Yesterday died at her House in Arundel Street in the Strand, in the 86th Year of her Age, Mrs. Anne Masters, Aunt to the late Adm. B. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, On Thursday the 21st Instant, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Hop Pole Inn, in the City of Wor- cester, A Copyhold Estate, held for four Lives, and a Widow's Estate, under the Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Worcester, situate at Shoulton, in the Manor and Parish of Hallow, within three measur'd Miles of the City of Worcester, lett, upon Lease, to a substantial Tenant, at the yearly Rent of 741, tos.; the Buildings commodious, and in exceeding good Repair.— For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thorneloe, Attorney, in Wor- cester. THE Creditors of John Haylings, late of Bromyard, in the County of Hertford, Mercer, named in Articles dated the 9th Day of May, 1743, are desired to meet at the King's Arms, in Bromyard afore said, on Monday the nth Day of April Instant, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon ; at which Time and Place John Freeman, Gent, ( one of the Trustees in the said Articles named) will give an Account of what Money he has received and paid, by Virtue of the said Articles, since the last Dividend of the said John Haylings's Ef- fects, and be ready . to pay the Money in his Hands to and amongst the said Creditors proportionably, Of H. BERROW, Printer, in Goose- Lane, Worcester, May be had, on Saturday next ( for Ready Money only,) Tickets and Shares of Tickets in the present LOTTERY, from Hazards STATE LoTTery Office, in London, in a great Variety of Number*, and will Sell Whole Tickets at the following Prices vis, I. . d. For One, Two, or Three Tickets only, at — t t 8 each For Four up to Sixteen, at — — I i 6 each For Sixteen up to Fifty, at • — 114. each For Fifty or any greater Number — • I I J each AND Such Persons who choose to extend their Chance to Several dis- ferent Numbers may be Supply'd, by the Said H. Berrow, with Shares of Tickets, at the Same Priccs they are SOld at IN London, viz. I. t. i. Half a Ticket — —— on « A Quarter —— 060 I An Eighth —— • o j o Tickets and Shares of Tickets Register'd at Sixpence each Number, and the greatest Fidelity and Secresy will be observ'D THE Lot- tery begins Drawing the 5th of Septemher next, and all the Prizes will be paid off at any Time after the 10th of January next. Note, Blank Tickets in the last Lottery will be taken IN EXCHANGE for Tickets In the present. to be LETT, or SOLd, A Messuage or Tenement, situate in Droitwich, and late in the Possession of William Yarranton, and then known by the Sign of the Pewterers Arms. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Bear- croft, Attorney at Law, in Droitwich. DEserted from the Coldstream Regi- ment of Foot Guards, commanded by the Right Hon. Lord Tyrawley, and from Lieut. Colonel Sandys Company, the 2jd of March last, JAMES BROOKS 19 Years of Age, five Feet ten Inches and a Half high born in the Parish of Ribbesford, Worcestershire, b Trade a Sawyer, dark- brown Hair, fresh Complexion very upright, but thin made, went off in his Regimental Waistcoat and Breeches, and a brown Fustian Frock and Knapsack. Deserted, at the same Time, from the same Company suppos'd to be gone with him, DANIEL CRUN, i Years of Age, five Feet seven Inches and a Quarter high by Trade a Weaver, born m the Parish of Ribbesford aforesaid, fresh fair Complexion, sandy colour'd shor Hair, went off in his Regimental Breeches, and light brown Coat. Whoever will apprehend the said Deferters, and con fine them in any of his Majesty's Gaols, upon giving Notice thereof to Thomas Fisher, Esq; Agent to the said Regiment, in Axe- Yard, Westminster, shall receive Guinea Reward for each, besides what is allow'd by Act of Parliament. PHILIP RUFFORD, Druggist and Apothecary, In the NewpoRT- Street, W O RCESTER1, SELLS all Sorts of Drugs, Chymical and Galenical; with all Sorts of Fine Teas, as cheap as in London : Also Grocery, & c, Likewise may he had of the said Philip Rufford, and of Edward Squire, Mercer, in Broad- Street, British BLUE, in Pint and smaller Bottles Which has been experienced in different Parts of England, and Scotland, to answer all Purposes of washing and bleach ing of Linnens, Muslins, Cambricks, & c. giving the bright blue Cast requisite to make Colour clear and beau tiful, in which it is no Way inferior to the best Smal and greatly surpasses what is called Fig, or Stone Blue. The Colour is retailed at u. 3/ the Pint Bottle, ( which goes as far in Use as Two Pounds of Powder Blue], an smaller Bottles of it are sold at 6d. each. Please not 1 use it in the Copper, in boiling of Cloaths, as it answers perfectly well in the rinsing, without such Mixture in the hot Water; and be careful not to mix too much in Wa ter, which, when fit for Use for large Linnen, has no the Appearance of so deep a Colour as Stone Blue, c some other Sort, and when used for fine Muflins, Cambrick & c. the Colour can scarce be perceived in the Water three Drops in more than a Pint being sufficient to answer the Purpose; and indeed a Person can scarce err in the Use of it, but by mixing too much in Water, and making the Linnen, & c. too blue, which, notwithstanding, washes out at well as any other Sort. The great Advantage that will accrue to the Publick from the Use of this Co- modity, in a general Extent, are very conspicuous, when it is consider'd that every Family do use more or I Blue in washing of Linnens, & c. and this being afforded for less than Half the Price that other Sorts cost, wi occasion the saving of much Money to the Community and prevent an immense Sum being sent from Great Br tain to Foreign Parts, for Smalt, and other Ingredients for Blue- making. Whoever also uses this Liquid Blue, once cultivates his particular Interest, and promotes Good of his Country, by encouraging its Manufacture It is hoped, therefore, that all Families, Bleachers, & laying aside any Prejudice that may be conceived for new Inventions, will make Trial of this valuable and useful Commodity, and make Use of it according to its Merit. Any one Person in Town or Village adjacent where it is not already fixed, may be supplied with Quar tities for Sale, and have the same Allowance as from the Proprietor; and no Payment will be required till sold. N. B. The Publick are desired to observe, that this quite different from a Liquid Blue advertised to be sold Maw and Bishop ; and the Proprietor is willing to indem nify, in the strongest Manner, against any ill Effects may be supposed to have to the Linnen, & c. This is to give Notice, That The Famous STALLION, YOUNG REGULUS, 5 now come to the Myth, near Tewkesbury, in Glou- cestershire, and Covers, this Season, at One Guinea a Mare, and a Shilling the Servant. Note, The real Pedigree and good Qualities of the above Horse have often, of late, been advertised in this and several other News Papers. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of- the County of Worcester, THE unhappy Accident which hap- pened at the Guildhall of the City of Worcester, On Tuesday last, having occasioned a Vacancy in the Of- fice of Coroner, by the Death of Mr. Edmund Chambers, of Kidderminster, one of the Coroners for the said County of Worcester, and being encouraged by many of my Friends to offer myself a Candidate to succeed him in the said Office, but being unable to make a Personal Applica- tion to all, I take this Method of humbly intreating the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed to the said Office of Coroner, which will be gratefully acknowledge, by Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and most humble Servant, Kidderminster, GREGORY WATKINS. . March 11, 1757 ! Worcester, April 7, 1757. Notice is hereby given, That THE LAST NIGHT OF THE ASSEMBLY for this SEASON, WHICH was to have been at the Guild Hall, will be kept at Mr. Woodcock's ' GREAT- ROOM, at the Hop Pole, in the Foregate- Street, on Thursday next, the 14th Instant. THE Sober and Industrious Journeymen Taylors, and Stay- Makers, that are inclined to come up to London, and will work the usual Hours, from Six o'Clock in the Morning till Eight in the Evening, may depend on having Half a Crown a Day the Year round, with good Encouragement, as well as an Oppor- tunity of improving themselves, at the best of Shops, and protected from being impressed, by applying to the House of Call at John Perry's, the sign of the Taylor's Arms and Crown, in Stanhope Street, Clare- Market, London. T0 be LETT, Within a Mile of Campden, in Gloucestershire, for any Term of Years not exceeding Seven, with all the Fur- niture thereto, belonging to the Right Hon. the Earl of t Hertford, NEW COMBE, WHEREIN Mr. Manwaring now lives. It is in complete Repair, well situated for Prospect and Convenience, and in a fine Sporting Country For further Particulars enquire of Lord Hertford's Steward, at Ragley, in Warwickshire ; at NewCombe afore- said ; or of Mr. Cruwys, Attorney, at his Chambers in New Inn, london. To be SOLD in Fee, Or LETTt and Enter'd upon immediately, ACommodious FARM, consisting chiefly in Tillage, situate at Peopleton, in the County of Worcester, distant about five Miles from the City and about three Miles from the Market Town of Pershore. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Dandridge, in Worcester, or Mr Lyttleton, Attorney, at Solyhull. To be Lett, on Easy Terms, And Enter'd upon Immediately, AVery commodious Double- House, situated in Fryar- Street, Worcester, with a Brew- House, Out- Lett, and all other Conveniencies. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Edward Griffin, near the College Steps, Worcester. N. B. Any reasonable Alterations will be made for a good Tenant. BEWDLEY. For the Benefit of Charles Clark, At the Town- Hall, in the said Borough, NextTueSDAY, the 12th of April, ( being in Easter Week) Will be perform'd a CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental MUSICK, Consisting of the following PIECES, ACT I The Overture in the Occasional Oratorio— Song, The Morning Lark Fifth of Stanley's Con- certo's— Song, Honour and Arms Solo for the Violin—— Fourth of Handel's Hautboy Concerto's. ACT II. Fifth of Handel's Grand Concerto's Song, Balmy Sweetness— German Flute Concerto, by Defetch An Humourous Song A Balloon Concerto— Fifth of Vivaldi's Concerto's. To conclude with The MARCH in Judas Machabeus, n. B. After the CONCERT there, WILL be a BALL, gratis, for the Gentlemen and Ladies. TICKETs, at Two Shillings and Sixpence each, to be had at the Angel, and at the George, To begin at seven o'Clock. 6n Monday the 18th of this Instant April, and the five following Days, will be expos'd to Sale at Mrs. Mansel's, Draper, in Shipston,. THE Valuable Library of the Rev. Mr. William Parry, late Rector of Shipston, being a Curious Collection of Books in most Branches of Learning, which will be Sold very Cheap; the Price mark'd in each Book, as well as in written Catalogues, which may be seen at the Place of Sale. N. B. The Books are in very good Condition. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. THERE being a Vacancy in the Office of Coroner, by the Death of Mr. Edmund Cham- bers, of Kidderminster, one of the Coroners for the County of Worcester, and being encouraged by many of my Friends to offer myself a Candidate to succeed him in the said Office, I take this Method of humbly intreating the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed to the said Office of Coroner, which will be gratefully acknow- ledge, by Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and most humble Servant, ' Thomas Vernon. This is to give NOTICE, THAT CHARLES TEARNE, Peruke- Maker, In Foregate - Street, WORCESTER, WHO lately opened a Warehouse for Wigs, as advertised in this Paper, is now com- menced Haberdasher of HATS, which Trade he intends to carry on jointly with his other Business, having furnished himself from London, with an Assortment of Hats for Men and Boys, of various Prices, as also Black Hats for' Women ; by which Means he will be enabled to furnish all Persons on the lowest Terms; and he is willing to hope that those Gentlemen and others to whom he has been obliged in the former Branch of his Trade will not with- hold their Favours in the latter. STolen or Stray'd, out of the Grounds of Mr. John Wells, of Leigh, near Tewkesbury, in the County of Gloucester, A brown Poney MARE, about 11 Hands high, with a hog Mane, and a short Tail, both lately- cut and a dark Roan Horse COLT, of the Saddle Kind rising one Year old : Both lost about Six Weeks agone ; Whoever will give Intelligence of the said Mare and Colt to the said Mr. John Wells, ( so that they may be had again) shall receive, One Guinea Reward, and all rea- dable Charges, of me JOHN WELLS. Wednesday s and Thursday s POSTS, LONDON. [ Tuesday, April 5. SUNDAY, at Two o'Clock, the Yachts fell down the River to Harwich, to be in Readiness to carry his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland to Holland. And this Morning his Royal Highness fet out to take upon him the Command of the Army of Observation. The Earl of Albemarle, Col. Keppel, Lord Frederick Cavendish, Lord Lenox, ( who is appointed an Aid de Camp to the Duke) Capt. Carlton, and Col. West, go Abroad with his Royal Highness. We hear the French Court has demanded in Form a Passage for a numerous Body of Troops through the Electorate of Hanover, which has been peremptorily refused. Notwithstanding the many Reports we have had of the speedy March of the Russians into Germany, it is now positively asserted that the Empress of Russia will take no Part in the present War. Orders are dispatch'd to the North for the two Bat- talions of Highlanders to proceed for Cork, in order to embark for America. Each Battalion has 200 Men above their Complement. The Transports with the Two Thousand Men from Ireland, were all safely arrived at New York in February last, excepting one Ship, which put into Virginia in Di- stress, with 15O Men. ' Tis said the following Alterations are already made in the Ministry. The Duke of Bedford appointed Secre- tary of State ; Mr. Doddington, Chancellor of the Ex- chequer j Mr. Fox, Sole Paymaster of the Forces ; Lord Winchelsea, First Lord of the Admiralty, and the Ad- miral's Rowley and Mostyn, Mr. Sandys, and Sir Francis Dashwood, Lords of the Admiralty. It is reported Admiral Smith will command the Fleet going to the Mediterranean. It is said that Advice was receiv'd Yesterday, that the Court of Spain have released the Antigallican Privateer's Prize, and cautioned the Captain not to stir from thence till a proper Convoy is arrived from England to guard him home. Twas reported Yesterday that there has been another Earthquake at Lisbon, ' Tis said that Sir William Burnaby, who, with two Privateers, has taken 24 Prizes, and carried then into Tunis, is blocked up there by seven French Men of War from Toulon, and that Admiral Saunders is gone with six Ships of the Line to relieve him. By a Letter from on board the Hanover Packet, bound to Lisbon, we hear she was taken the Day after she failed from Falmouth, by a French Privateer of 3 z Guns and 300 Men, owing to her having just before sprung her Main- Mast, The Minerva, from Carolina to London, said t have on board 1320001b. of Indigo, and valued at up wards of 30,000 I. is taken by the French. It is said that the Comet which Sir Isaac Newton had foretold wou! d appear in the Year 1757, was seen one Night last Week in the Northern Horizon. Thursday last died Sir William Fleming, Bart. Knigh of the Shire for Cumberland. This is the third Gentle man that has died a Representative of that County since the General election in 1754. Sunday Night last the Front of several of the House on London Bridge fell down, by which several Persons passing along were terribly bruised, but happily none killed Last Sunday Morning during the Time of Divine Ser vine, at the French Chapel near Soho, the Flooring gave Way into the Cellar, which is very large; by which Ac- cident several Persons fell in ; some of which were take up for dead, and many with their Limbs broke, and hurt in a terrible Manner. At Oxford Assizes William Bayliss for House- breaking, and William Holloway and Jacob Wrey, for Horse- steal- ing, received Sentence of Death; but were repriev'd. STOCKS. Bank, and India, shut. South Sea shut Old Annuities, 1 Sub. ( hut. Ditto 2d Sub. shut. Ditto New Annuities, id Sub. 90 3 4ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 89 3 4ths. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 90 18th. In dia Bonds, 2I. ' 9s. a 10 s. Prem. Rochester, ( in Kent) April 1. This Day came on the Trial of Francis Douglas, Esq; upon an Indictment on the Black ACt, for feloniously firing a Pistol at George Hawks- ley, with an Intent to kill him. The Prosecutor deposed, that on the 28th of January, about three o'Clock in the Afternoon, he was ordered, by his Master, Mr. Hayter, to pursue a Highwayman who had in their Sight just robbed Capt. Farrington near Sydenham, which he accordingly did, and fired at him. That on the 23d of February, as he was driving his Master over Blackheath, Mr. Hayter saw a Man at a Diftance whom he suspected to be the Highwayman, and ordered the Prosecutor to alight and pursue him ; and, upon his coming up with him, the High- wayman said to him, ' Damn you, you are the Villain • that fired at me the other Day, and now I'll blow your • Brains out:' Upon which he fired a Pistol at him, and the Balls went through his Hat. And swore positively that the Prifoner was the same Person whom he pursued on the 28th of February, and who fired at him on the 23d of February. The Prisoner, in his Defence, proved by a Number of Witnesses, who are Persons of Family and Fortune, that at the Time he was charged to have com- mitted the Robbery, he dined with them in Charles Street, St. James's Square, and was in their Company from two o'Clock till between Eleven and Twelve that Night; and having also proved by four Witnesses of undoubted Credit, that he was at Dinner with them on the 23d of February, about seven Miles from the Place where the Assault was committed, at the Time the Prosecutor swore the Prisoner shot at him, he called several Gentlemen of Rank and Re- putation to his CharaCter, from whose Evidence it appear'd, that the Prisoner is one of the Sons of the late Sir William Douglas, and a Gentleman of unblemished Honour, of a most amiable Disposition, and utterly incapable of com- mitting the Crime laid to his Charge ; whereupon he was immediately and honourably acquitted. Plymouth, March 29. This Day, as they were weigh- ing Anchor on board his Majesty's Ship Monmouth, un- fortunately the Neppers giving way, the Cable.- surged, and cut a Man in two just in the Middle, and did great Hurt to several others. WORCESTER, April 7 The GOVERNORS of our Infirmary return their Thanks for a Benefaction of One Pound Seven Shillings, received from a Person unknown. - N. B. The Infirmary being in great Want of Linnen Rags, large Quantities of which are constantly used by the Surgeons, if any well- dispos'd Perfons would be pleas'd to send their old Linnen to the Hospital, the same will always be an acceptable Present, and thankfully receiv'd. We hear from the Parish of St. John's, near this City, that the Sum of Ten Guineas was, this Week, distributed to the Poor of the said Parish, ( being the generous Bene- faction of William Dowdeswell, of Pool- Court, in this County, Esq;) A noble Instance of Gratitude to Almighty God, well worthy of Imitation, for the Reco- very of his Children, lately under Inoculation in the said Parish. Last Saturday the Eight following Persons were com- mitted to our County Gaol, viz. John Jones, Butcher, and John Clark, Labourer, both of Eldersfield, being charged, on Suspicion, with feloniously entering the House of Mrs. Hopkins, of Tirley, in Gloucestershire, and stealing thereout a Cheese. Samuel Fullard, of the Parish of Dudley, charged with uttering False Money, and suspeCted of making the same. John Amblett, Edward Amblett, Edward Timmins, and Joseph Brettell, charged with breaking several Houses, and committing divers Robberies and felonies in the Parish of Dudley; and Thomas Timmins, charged with encouraging and aiding the said last Four Persons in committing the said Felonies and Burglaries, and with receiving and buying the Goods they had stolen, knowing the same to be stolen. — There are now 28 Prisoners in our County Gaol, 12 of whom have been committed since our last Assizes. On Saturday se'night Samuel Capper and S. Fletcher, for House breaking ; and Roger Llewellin and Samuel Llewellin, for robbing on the Highway, were executed at Shrewsbury, The Ten Persons condemned for being concerned in the late Riots, are reprieved ALL Persons indebted to the estate of William Wainwright, late of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, Innholder, deceased, are de- sired to pay their respective Debts forthwith to Mr James Lacey, of the same Place ; and all Perfons who have any Demand on the Estate of the said William Wainwright, are desired to deliver in an Account of the same to the said Mr Lacey. 1757 WORCESTER, March 24, Notice is hereby given, That SAMUEL BEDFORD, Grocer and Gingerbread- Baker, Who served his Apprenticeship to Mrs Hester Stone, lately deceased, CARRIES on the said Branches of Business, in the same Manner in all Respects as she did, and in the same Shop, opposite the End of the Shambles ; such Persons therefore who shall be pleased to oblige him with their Custom, may depend on being well used, and their Favours most gratefally acknowledg'd, by Their humble Servant, SAMUEL BEDFORD. To be LETT, And may be Entered upon Immediately, That Part of the Old Coffee- House, In the High- Street, WORCESTER, Which was formerly kept as a BOARDING- SCHOOL It stands well for Trade, and the Long Room [ in Front nineteen Feet, and in Depth thirty- four Feet] is capable of being converted into a very comino dious) SHOP. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Philip Rea, near the College Grates, or ot Mr James Morgan, who continues Tenant to the other Part of the House, and will be ready to supply all who may be pleased to favour him with their Orders, with WINES, as usual. To be SOLD, ANew- erected Messuage, with the Water Corn Mill and Out Buildings. thereto adjoining situate on Dowles Brook, together also with six Acres of very good Meadow Ground lying contiguous to the same, being Copyhold of Inheritance, of the Manor, and within a Mile and a Half of the Town, of Bewdley, of the Yearly Value of 141 or thereabouts, and now in the Occupation of William Crunn, Miller: And also the Fee- Simple and Inheritance of a Freehold Messuage, with the Barns and Out- Buildings thereto belonging, together with about twelve Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pas ture Land, well planted with Fruit- Trees, of the Yearly Value of 101. or thereabouts, situate in Low Edwin, otherwise Edwin Ralph, near Bromyard, in Hereford- ire, and now in the Possession of John Crunn. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Rowland Hill, Attor- ney at Law, in Bewdley, who will treat with a Purchaser for the same. To be LETT, and Entered upon Immediately, ( Situate on Wersley Green, in the Parish of Hartlebury, Worcestershire,) A Genteel New- built HOUSE, very commodiously plann'd, and handsomely fitted up; consisting of Four Rooms on a Floor, with all Convc- piencies j together with a good Garden, and a Stable, and with or without a Sufficiency of Pasture Ground for two Horses, or more. For further Particulars enquire of John Baker, Esq; of Wersley- Green; or of Mr. Samuel Hill, Mercer, in Broad Street, Worcester. In the Hands of Thomas Grayland, At Ribbesford, near Bewdley, in the County of Worcester, and to Cover this Season, at Fifteen Shillings each Mare, and One Shilling the Servant, A beautiful Bright bay HORSE. call'd YOUNG BLAZE, NEAR Fifteen Hands high, rising Six Years ola, and Master of high Weight. He was got by Blaze, Son of the famous Childers ; his Dam was out of a daughter of Vavasour's Champion. In the same Hands, and to Cover at One Guinea a Mare, and One Shilling tbe Servant, A most beautiful Blood by Horse, REGULUS, Full Fifteen Hands and an Inch high, and Master of any Weight, now rising Eight Years old, goes remarkably well upon his Legs, and free from Blemishes and every Way sound, and well Whited i He was got by'the noted Horse, Regulus, ( now Mr. Martindale's, and Covers at Ten Guineas a Mare) and out of a Manaea Mare. Likewise, at Ten Shillings and Six pence a Mare, and One Shilling the Servant, A beautiful Grey Horse, SPOT, Fifteen Hands high, now rising Five Years old, goes well upon his Legs, sound in Constitution, and free from Blemishes: He was got by Old Spot, and out of a well- bred Hunting Mare. Old Spot was got by Lord Portmore's Spot, which was got by the Dutchess of Carmar- then's Spot, and out of the Gardener's Mare. N. B. This Horse is to be sold. Likewise, A fine Black Horse, SPARK, At Eight Shillings and Six- pence a Mare, now rising Six Years old, Fifteen Hands high, with a Star, and the Off Foot behind white, sound in Constitution, and: free from Blemish. He is as active Horse as any of his Kind, and a sure Getter of Foals. P. S. The Money for the said Horses to be paid at the first Cover- ing. Regulus and Spot will be constant at Ribbesford, and not attend Fairs or Markets, except any Gentleman desires to see them, and then they shall be sent If any Mare Cover'd by Regulus last Sea- son did not prove in Foal, . the same shall be Cover'd this Season at Half a Guinea. Ribbesford, March 14, 1757, THO. GRAYLAND. Good Grass for Mares, and proper Care taken of them. To- Cover, this Season, Now in the Hands of Thomas Lea, at Underdale, near Shrewsbury, A Brown- Bay HORSE, Fifteen Hands high, late the Property of Brooke Fo- rester, Esq; which he bought at Sir Watkin Williams Wynn's Sale He was bred by the Duke of Beaufort got by his Standard, and out of a Daughter of Jiggs : He beat Lord Sandwich's Gelding at high Weights and gave him half a Stone, over Newmarket for two Hun- dred Guineas. His Charadter as a good Horse we shall leave to the Publick, and his Beauty to the Spectators. He Covers at Two Guineas aod a Crown, to be paid at the Stable Door. * * Good Grass for Mares at a reasonable Rate. WOLVERHAMPTON, March 12, 1757 Mrs. Ann Eykin and Mrs. Mary Stedman, WHO, for feveral Years, has kept a reputable BOARDING SCHOOL in Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop, have jointly taken the commodious Dwelling- House and Offices of the late celebrated Mrs. Brett, de- ceas'd, situate in Cock- Street, Wolverhampton, in the County of Stafford, where they propose to keep A BOARDING- SCHOOL, ( To open School the 18th of April next,) Upon the same Terms as in the late Mrs. Brett's Time ; and those Parents who please to honour them with the Tuition of their children, may depend on the utmost Care and Diligence being used to cultivate their Minus and Manners, by Their most humble Servants, ANN EYKIN and MARY STEDMAN N B. Those Ladies who have paid Entrance to the late Mrs. Brett, or to Mrs Stedman at Bridgnorth, will be excused any further Entrance at the said School. Writing taught as usual ; Dancing and French by proper Matters. To Cover, this Season, At John Watson's, at Pensham, near Pershore, Wor- cetershire. At Five Shillings a Mare, and One Shilling the Man, A Fine, Strong, well bred Bay STALLION, Bred by the late Sir John Lister Kaye, Bart. Fifteen Hands and a Half and Half an Inch high, with a Star, and the Near Foot behind White He is a well- proportion'd Horse, goes well upon his Legs, is Mailer of Eighteen Stone a Hunting, and free from all natural Blemisses. He was second at Ludlow for the Hunters' Plate of 50 I. ( Weight 13 stone) when three out of the five which started at the same Time, were dillanced : This was the only Time he ever started. 1Do certify, That the abovementioned HORSE was bred by my Father, and that he was got by Sidebot- tom's Horse, which was the Sire of Sir Watkin Williams Wynne's Looby, and Sir William Middleton's Chance : His Dam was got by a Turk of Mr. Wilkinson's, of West Lay- ton ; his Grand- Dam by a Horse of the late Duke of Rut land's, call'd Rock, which Capt. Robinson was killed from in running for the Royal Hundred Guineas upon Staple- ton's Lays, after he had won the First Heat; and his Great Grand Dam by the D'Arsy Highland Laddy. J. L. KAYE. •„<• Sidebottom's Horse was got by the Pigg'd Turk, which was the Sire of Mr. Egerton's Mare, which won tho Wallasey Stakes, and the Hundred Guineas at Hambleton and Newmarket. The Dam of Sidebottom's Horse was got by Terror ; his Grand Dam by the Curven Bay Barb, which got Mixbary. N. B. He is very lucky in getting Foals, which are large, strong, and beautiful, some of which, out of com- mon Mares, have been sold for large Prices, and one in particular, at half a Year old, for Twelve Guineas. Good Grass for Mares, and proper Care taken of them. To be LETT And may be Enter'd upon at Midsummer next, ADwelling- House, Tan- Yard, Drying- House, with all other Conveniencies proper for a Tanner, and lying upon the River Severn, now in the Occupation of Mr. Edwin Crane, of Bewdley, in the County of Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of the aforefaid Mr. Edwin Crane. N. B. The Tan Yard, if requir'd, may be enter'd upon immediately. A Quantity of BARK to be sold. KING PEPIN, Bred by James Lenox Dutton, Esq; WILL Cover this Season at William Waddington's, , at Prestbury, near Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, at One Guinea and a Half, and as usual to the Servant.— He was got by Old Cartouch, that belong'd to Sir Wil- liam Morgan, of Tredegar; his Dam by Whitefoot, which Mare's Dam was got by Leeds out of Queen Ann's Moonah Barb Mare. Also to Cover at the same Place, at Half a Guinea, and Six pence the Men, A Beautiful Black Foreign HORSE, Of the Coaching Kind, or for the Army, Full Fifteen Hands and Three Inches high, and supposed to be the finest of that Sort ever seen in this Part of Eng- land. He is so firm upon his Legs, and stands so well in the Stable, that this Cross will probably prevent any^- Swellings in the Legs of his Get, Such a Sort is parti- cularly sought after by all Gentlemen, as none of our's can bear to travel at the same Rate. To be SOLD, to the BEST BIDDER, At the White Lion Inn, in Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, on Thursday the 21st Day of this Instant April, between the Hours of Two and Six in ths Afternoon, A Freehold ESTATE, call'd Hill- House consisting of a commodious Farm House, with. Barns. Stables, and all other necessary and convenient Out Buildings lately put in very good Repair, Sixty Acres of Arable Land, six Acres of Meadow, and Twenty five Acres of Pasture Ground, or thereabouts, being all inclosed, and great Part thereof planted with the best Sorts ot Fruit Trees, lying together in a good Condition of Husbandry, with Common of Pasture for ill Manner of Cattle, without Stint, in Bushley and Longdon, now in the Occupation of John Smith, at the Yearly Rent of 60 I. and situate in Bushley and Longdon aforesaid, in the said County of Worcester, about One Mile from the' River Severn, Two from Tewkesbury, Eight from Gloucester, and Ten from Worcester, N. B There are Two Coppices, both of them beirg about Eight Acres, which will be ready to be fell in a few Years, one large Fish Pool, and two small ones, all well stock'd, belonging to the EState, the Coppices being reserved to the Landlords. To be SOLD also, At the same Time and Place, and in the same Manner, A Close of PASTURE- GROUND, call'd Bastrudding, and a MEADOW, call'd Betteridge, being both Freehold, and likewise in the Occupation of the said John Smith, at the Yearly Rent of 15 I. adjoining to the above men- tioned Estate, and very suitable to be purchased with it. Particulars may be had of Mr. Dunn, Attorney at Law, in Upton aforesaid, or of Mr. Thomas Barnes, Iron- monger, in Tewkesbury, who will shew the Premisses,, to any Person that is inclined to purchase them. And whereas an Advertisement inserted in the Worcester Journal of the 34th of March, by Mr. John Dowdeswell Jeffreyes, is calculated to discourage Persons from purchasing of us the above- men- tioned Estates ; We therefore think it incumbent on us to inform the Publick, That we have lawful and absolute Authority to sell these Estates, and shall proceed to sell them as is above advertised. And as they are convey'd to us in Trust for that Purpose, in order to promote the mutual Benefit and Advantage of the said John Dowdeswell Jef- freyes and the Rev. Mr. Samuel Barnes, who was the Owner of the other undivided Moiety of Hill HOUSE FARM ; and we find that we cannot pay any Regard to a Contract made by the said John Dowdeswell Jeffreyes, after the Trust was committed to us, to serve his own Turn only, without doing injustice to the said Samuel Barnes, good Security will be given, if required, to indemnify the Purchaser against such Contract, and for his enjoying the said Estates peaccably under our Conveyance. RICHARD DUNN, THOMAS BARNES. Upton- upon- Severn, March 21, 1757; HAving seen an Advertisement in the Worcester and Gloucester Journals, for the Sale of a Freehold Estate, call'd Hill- House. in the Pa- rishes of Bushley and Longdon, and other Lands in the County of Worcester, at the White Lion in Upton upon- Severn, in the same County, on Thursday the 21st Day of April next, I think it necessary to give this Notice, that such Advertisement was inserted without my Direction or Privity ; and that I being entitled to an undivided Moiety of the said Estate and Lands call'd Hill House, and to the Whole of the other Premisses, have contracted, by Article, in Writing, dated the 27th of November last, for the Sale of both to William Dowdeswell, Esq; of Pi 11- Court, in the said County of Worcester; and that I, soon after the Date of the said Article, apply'd to Mr. Dunn and Mr Barnes ( the Persons named in the said Advertise- ment) to join with me in the Conveyance thereof to the said Mr. Dowdeswell, to raise Money to answer the Pur- poses for which they were appointed Trustees for me. and that if they refuse to join in such Conveyance a Suit in Chancery will be brought against them to enforce the Execution of my Article with the said Mr. Dowdeswell. John Dowdeswell Jefferyes. ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at zs 6 d each; and Articles of Intelligence ( Post paid) will be receiv'd, and carefully inserted. ADVERTISEMENTS, & c are likewise taken in by Mr Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Hopkinson, Bookseller, in Warwick j Mr. Wylde, Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound. in Stafford ; Mr Andrews, Bookseller, in Evesham ; Mr. Hunt, and Mr Hodges, Booksellers, in Hereford ; Mrs. Moseley Bookfeller, 10 Kidderminster ; Mr Ashmead, Bookseller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr Raikes, Printer, 1a Glouceller ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham ; at the George are Greer, Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominster; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in that Town ; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morten in Marsh and y the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Distribution of this Journal.-— Likewise by Mr. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave- Mary- Lane, London.
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