Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 10/03/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2484
No Pages: 4
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BERROW'S Worcester Journal. [ Printed at his OFFICE, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, March 10, 1757. N0 2484 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arrivd the MAILs from Flanders. BREST, January 31. ORDERS are come from Court to fit out three new Squadrons. M. Perrier de Salvert will command one; M. de Constans another ; and the third will be under M. de Foligny. We know nothing of the Destination of the two first ; but the third is to lie in the Road as a Squadron of Observation, like that of M. de Con- slans last Year. These three Squadrons will make toge- ther about thirty Sail.
The Squadron commanded by M d'Ache, destined for the East Indies with the Company's Ships, will sail in about eight Days, notwithstanding the Reports that Ad- miral West has Orders to intercept them, and even to follow them to the Indies, in case he shall not fall in with them in their Route, and to remain afterwards in those Seas to protect the English Company's Settlements on the Coast of Coromandel. Paris, Feb. 21. The Princes and Peers of the King- dom assembled the Day before Yesterday, with the Mem- bers of the Grand Chamber and those of the Tournelle, in order to proceed to the Sentence of Robert- Francis
Damien.' They sat from Eight in the Morning till Three in the Afternoon. The Regiments which form the First Division of the Troops destined for Westphalia are in Motion to repair to Givet, the Place of Rendezvous:. It consists of sixty Battalions and thirty Squadrons; but we don't yet cer- tainly know by whom it will be commanded. M. de Soto Major, the Spanish Ambassador, has been commissioned by his Britannick Majesty to compliment the King on his late happy Escape and Recovery. Some Traders on the Island of Minorca, in Conjunc- tion with the State Major of the Garrison, having fitted out some Vessels against the
English, their Prizes in three Months have amounted to Twelve Hundred Thousand Livres; which has had such an Effect on the Inhabitants, that all their Thoughts and Pains are now employ'd in fitting out Privateers; and they hope in a few Weeks to have upwards of Fifteen, mounting from six to twenty Guns, ready to sail from the different Ports of that Island. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, Feb. 26. On Sunday Evening thirty- eight Smugglers, belonging to the Isle of Man, were brought to Town from Carlisle, guarded by a Party of Lord Man- ner's Regiment. They were forced ashore near Annan, by Stress of Weather, on the
zcth of January, and will shortly be sent on board one of his Majesty's Ships at Shields. Salisbury, Feb. 28. On Tuesday the Bodies of two Infants, a Male and a Female, supposed to be Twins, and but just born, were found in a very indecent Manner, without any Thing wrapped round them, thrust in under a Tomb Stone in the Cathedral Church Yard. They were first discovered by a Dog, who, in digging away the Earth from the Hole where they were put in, ex- posed one of them to publick View. In the Evening they were carried to the Belfrey, and both opened by Mr. John Tatum, Surgeon, and the usual Experiment was made of
putting the Lungs in Water, in the Pre- sence of the Coroner's Inquest, to discover whether they were born alive or not, according to which they neither of them ever breath'd vital Air; and there appearing no Marks of Violence about them, the Jury brought in their Verdict Still- born. Warrants are since issued out, and strict Search is making after the Offenders. The same Day, about Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, William Read, the Pool Carrier, was attacked coming to Salisbury, on the Road near Nunton- Bushes, about five Miles off, by two Footpads , one of whom threw him down, and while the other held him, pick'd his Pocket
of four Thirty- six Shilling Pieces, Ten Guineas, a Six nd Ninepence, and some Silver, ( Money that he was in- truded with to bring to several Persons here in Salisbury) nd then took off his Horses, a black Gelding, out of his Cart; and, after threatening to murder him, if he offer'd o pursue them, they made off with their Booty. LONDON. [ Thursday, March 3. A Print is privately sold at the Hague, which represents the Empress Queen in a Coach, the French King on the Coach Box, and the Elector of Saxony in a Polish Dress behind the Coach as a Footman. The Coach comes to Gate where the King of Prussia stands Centry. He
asks he Queen, Whither she is driving? She answers. My Coachman will tell you. The Coachman says, I am driving her into a Slough. Then drive on, ( says the Centry ) Yesterday there was the fullest House of Lords that has been this Year. Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cumberland were there to hear the Debates. The Right Hon. the House of Lords, after examining every Member of the Court Martial upon Oath Yester- day, unanimously rejected the Bill relating to Admiral Byng, and ordered their Proceedings upon it to be forth- with printed and published. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth,
March 1. " Admiral Byng received his Respite just in the same Manner as he did his Sentence." It is said that a Subscription will speedily be open'd at Lloyd's Coffce- House, to raise a Sum of Money for the purchasing of Julius Caesar's Ashes, lately discover'd at Rome, in order to administer them to all those who may hereafter be appointed Commander in Chief, not doubt- ing but they will prove as efficacious against the Malady of Cowardice or Neglect, as James's Powders are in * Fevers, & c. The first Regiment of Guards and two Regiments of Dragoons it is said, will embark this Spring for Weslpha lia, as Body Guards to
his Royal Highness the Duke. Some Letters from Paris of the 18th past import, that in Case the War continued, the whole Militia of France would be raised for Defence of his Majesty and his Allies. Letters from Gibraltar of the 24th of Jan. make men- tion of the Fortune Sloop of War having taken two French Merchantmen up the Streights; but as she was bringing them down to Gibraltar, she was attacked by a Frigate or Privateer of 36 Guns, who took the two Prizes from her: And soon after the said Frigate fell in with the Syren Man of War of 2o Guns, with whom she had an obstinate Engagement, and attempted three Times to
board her,; but the Syren had the good Luck to get clear off. It is no Wonder that Silver is so scarce with us, when it goes abroad for Luxuries; and if some Method be not found out to lower Teas, ! cc. within ourselves, the Gold will follow the Silver ; but it is hoped a speedy and effec- tual Method will be found out to cure this Evil. A French Man of War of 30 Guns and 28o Men was sent from Toulon to Malta, in quest of Capt. Fortunatus Wright, who in the Channel of Malta engaged the French- man, killed 130 of his Men, and obliged him to sheer off to refit at Malta. Extract of a Letter from Corunna, Jan. I. " This Day Orders came
from the Spanish Court for the Releasement of a Ship called the N. S. del Carmen, Capt. Joseph del Torre, a Spanish Ship, bound from London to Seville, laden with Bale Goods, which was taken by a French Privateer, and carried into a small Port near Cape Finisterre. We hear from Wiltshire, that the Woolcombers and Clothiers of those Parts have risen, to the Number of Seven Thousand Men, and commit all the Mischief they possibly can, on those People where they have the least Suspicion of any Corn being lodged. There is a Com- pany of Soldiers gone down, in order to put a Stop to this riotous Proceeding. From the
LONDON EVENING POST. To the AUTHOR, & c. For Justice, Britons! let us loudly call, Traitors must either bleed, or England fall, S I R, AL L Hopes of Mercy being now excluded from Mr. Byng, and his Fate irrevocably fix'd, let us desist from all further Disputes about the Inconsistency of the Sentence, and turn our Eyes upon Those who employ'd him ; upon Those who are, in the Opinion of the whole Nation, infinitely more culpable than He 1 upon Those who, tho' they certainly knew that the French intended to invade Minorca many Months before they carried it into Execution, yet neglected to send out a Fleet to pre- vent
such Invasion ; upon Those, who knew that St. Phi- lip's Castle was to be besieged, and that had not Half a Garrison sufficient to defend itself, yet neglected to send it a timely and proper Reinforcement; upon Those, who knew that the French Fleet consisted of Twelve Ships of the Line, and yet sent only Ten against them, tho they had many more at that Time lying idle in Harbour; upon Those, who, by their Negligence, or worse, have occasioned the Loss of fuch a Multitude of our Fellow- Subjects Lives in America, and brought that inestimable Part of the British Dominions into the utmost Danger of being lost. Let us, I say,
according to the numberless Addresses of the Nation, and general Voice of the Peo- ple, keep our Eyes stedfastly fix'd on these capital Offen- ders; and most humbly beseech his Royal Majesty, that They may now be call'd to a strict Account, and that Justice may proceed in its due Course, and be impartially executed on All who shall be found guilty. 1 am, Sir, your humble Servant, BRITANNICUS. WORCESTER, March 3, 1757. To the Hop- Planters, & c. AS no Regard has been paid to Two Several Advertisemems inferted in this Journal in January last, relating to Payment for the Housage of a Number of Old Hops, now at
this Time in the Common Warehouse ; I take this Method to acquaint the Owners of such Hops, if Payment be not made for the Housage before the First of May next, they will be appraiz'd and sold, as the Law directs. HENRY SMITH, Warehouse Keeper. N. B. There are Old Hops that have been in the Ware- house from Six Years to One. This Month will be Publish'd, A COMPLEAT HISTORY of ENGLAND. Extract from the PLAN. THE Author's Aim is to retrench the Superfluities of his Predecessors, and to present the Publick with a succinct, candid, and complete History of our own Coun- try, which will be more easy in the
Purchase, more agree- able in the Perusal, and less burthensome to the Memory, than any work of the same Nature, - produced in these Kingdoms. After a distinct Detail of Casfar's Descent, the Progress of the Roman Arms in England under successive Emperors, the Formation of the Province, their Improvements in the civil Policy of the Country, the gradual Declension of their Power, and their final Retreat to the Continent; he proceeds to describe the first Dawnings of the Christian Faith in Britain ; the Arrival, Settlement, Character, and Genius of the Saxon Adventurers; the Rise and Progress of our Constitution in Church
and State; and the Changes it underwent in Consequence of the Norman Conquest. He mentions every material Tranfaction, whether of War or of Peace, whether publick or private, which might conduce to the Illustration of the Subject. He collects his Materials from the most authentick His- torians, to whose Works he refers in the Margin. He delineates the Characters of Princes, from the uniform Tenour of their publick Conduct, compared with striking Passages in private Life, which often exhibit the real, naked Picture, uncloaked with reserve, undisguised by Formality or Dissimulation. He records every remarkable
Improvement in Arts and Sciences, which the World has owed to the Natives of this Kingdom. He exhibits a separate View of ecclesiastical Affairs, digested into distinct Periods, from the first Preaching of Christianity in Britain, to the latest Regulations of Church- Government. On the Whole, this Work is formed upon a Plan which was the Result of the most mature Deliberation ; and has one Advantage over all other Histories of England ; . namely, that of being brought home to our own Times and Observation, from the earliest Age of our historical Credit to the last Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748. The Work will be neatly
printed, and contained in Three Volumes, in Quarto; with three Frontis- pieces, and a Map proper for the History. London: Printed for J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, jun. at the Oxford Theatre in Pater Noster Row, where the Plan at large may be had ; and also of S. Mountfort, in Worcester; Mr. Andrews, in Evesham; Mr. Wylde, in Hereford ; and Mr. Price, in Gloucester. PRICES of the different Histories of England. Rapin, with Tindal's Continuation, brought down to the Death of George 1. 5 Volumes, Folio. Guthrie, continued by Ralph, tothe Death o' William III. 5 Volumes, Folio. Carte, ending at the Year 1654, 4 Volumes," Folio.
The Complete History of England, on the Plan here presented to the Publi deduced to the Peace of Aix la Chapelle, Volumes, Quarto, bound. Of the above S. Mountfort may be had, A New Edition of all Gay's Fables, in One Volume, Twelves, with Cuts, Price 35. Jenks's Meditations, 2 Vols 8vo. 8s. Marshal's Gospel Mystery of Sanctification, i2mo.— 3s, Modern Travels, 4 Vols. 1 zmo. 12s. New Map of Worcestershire, is. 6d. A very large Map of North America, on Canvas, with* written } Publick, C apelle, 3 f ( t. d. • 0 0 to O }• 0 O b. 3 O Rollers, very neatly colour'd, 10s. 6d. Dodsley's New- improv'd Writing Paper for Letters
Merchants' Accompts, of last Year's Make. i and
The Court- Martial's Address to his M— y. Most Gracious Sir! WE, the Court- Martial, now begin to sicken. And find, at length, that we are Conscience- stricken, Sad, Suppliants,— in B- g's Behalf we come, And humbly crave You would defer his Doom. Bound by our Oaths, we cannot yet make clear, What ' twas we meant nor ever shall, we fear. We found him Guilty, and we found him not: We wish'd him sav'd, yet wish'd him to be shot. But, as at Land, so did we find at Sea, If we did one, the other could not be. Spare him, Great Sir! your Royal Mercy show! Shoot him, Dread Sir! let Royal Justice flow! Relieve our Consciences
with pitying Eye, And grant that B— g may neither Live nor Die. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. BREST, February 26. TWO Persons are conducted hither from Nantz, where they were lately arrested on Suspicion of being employ'd at Spies. These two Persons, it is remark'd, have been seen at Orient, Morlaix, St. Malo, and other Places on the Coast, for two Months past, and on their Examination a Paper or two have been found on them, which give Reason to suppose them engaged in some traiterous Scheme of the utmost Consequence. LONDON, [ Saturday, March 5. The following Paper was given on Tuesday to
many Gentlemen in the Streets of London, and left at many CofFee- Houses. To the worthy Merchants and Citizens of London. Gentlemen, MR. Byng has, in the most solemn Manner, been tried, convicted, and condemned, by a proper, legal Court- Martial. All the unprecedented Steps which have been taken to raise Doubts about the Sentence, have only confirmed it. The Twelve Judges have unanimously declared it to be a legal Sentence. When the Law has so positively determined this Neglect of Fighting to be a capital Crime, and we all now so fatally rue the Conse- quences of it, who can pretend to purge it of all Crimi nality? This is not a Contest between Minister and Mi- nister, but between an injured Nation and their Admiral, who has betray'd them. If other Men have been faulty as well as he, let them be tried, and punished when they are convicted. Is this a Time, when we are singly engaged in a most dangerous War, and our All is at Stake, to relax the Discipline of our Navy ? It matters not to us whether this Man or that is Minister. If our Ad- mirals and Colonels are to refuse to fight where their Duty calls them, this Nation is ruined ; and it will be too late to call them to an Account when the next shall run away from Plymouth, under
Pretence of covering Portsmouth. His Majesty has been graciously pleased to promise us that he will not spare tbe Guilty ; and it is he only that can redress our Grievances. Tho' the Throne were beset by Advocates for the Criminal, yet his Ma- jesty's Ears are always open to the Cry of his People ; To him therefore let us petition for Justice, and the Execu- tion of a Sentence, upon which our very Being, as a Na- tion, may hereafter, very possibly, depend. The following Questions are said to have been put sepa rately to each Member of the C M , in a very august Assembly: 1. Whether they were any way biass'd, prior to the Trial
of A B— g to which they all answered in the Negative. 2. Whether they thought the Sentence they had pass'd, a just one ? to which they answer'd in the Affirmative. 3. Whether any Thing appeared on his Trial sufficient to induce his Majesty to pardon him? to which ten an- swer'd in the Negative, and that he ought to suffer; but it is said that no direct Answer was given by A. N— C. K , nor C. M — . 4 Whether they were desirous that the Oath of Secresy should remain binding ? to which ten answer'd in the Af- firmative, and three in the Negative. A few Nights since a very seditious Paper was stuck up- on the Gate at St. James's,
relating to the Execution of Admiral Byng. The following remarkable Advertisement made its Ap- pearance in the Whitehall Evening Post, viz.—" This " is to inform the Publick, That a merciful God will " ever engage on the Side, and maintain the Cause, of « ' merciful Men, & c & c. & c." It is said that one of the Officers of the Court- Martial, being asked by a Noble Lord, whether, if he was dis charged from his Oath of Secresy, he had any Thing to say which could have any Tendency to serve the Publick, or induce his Majesty to shew Mercy, answer'd in the Ne- gative; and at the same Time a brave Admiral said he had voted for
Mr B ' s being shot, and would have done the same had he been his Brother. We hear more Money has been laid upon Admiral Byng's Affair, than is at present subscribed to the Guinea Lottery. Portsmouth. I send you, for a Fact, the following Anecdote relating to Mr. Byng. On Friday the 25th of February, the Admiral having, I believe, resigned him- self to his expected Fate as on the Monday following, ex- pressed himself to the principal Person who has the Care of him to the following Effect : Sir, as I am so unfortu- nate to be under the Censure of the Laws of my Country for not facing its Enemies ; yet as I do not know of any
Law that obliges me to be kneeling and covered at the Time I may meet my Fate, I beg, if it can be granted, when- ever the awful Period arrives, that I may have Leave to sit in a Chair, uncovered, to face my Friends. Then judge you if I shrink. It is confidently said, that Enquiry will be made into the Conduct of three Gentlemen of Rank in the Army,- in Regard to Minorca. We hear that a large Reinforcement of Men of War will be sent to the Fleet at Gibraltar. The Fleets going for Gibraltar and the Mediterranean have received positive Orders for sailing by a certain Day, but the particular Time is prudently kept a Secret. It's assured
proper Measures have been taken to have powerful Squadrons out early this Spring ; also for send- ing sufficient Reinforcements to different Stations, and to augment and repair the Navy. We hear several Fireships are ordered to be fitted out with all Expedition. Tis said that several short Men will soon be draughted out of the Guards, and formed into Companies. On Thursday Lord Charles Hay, Major- General of his Majesty's Forces in America under Lord Loudon, set out for Portsmouth, in order to embark for America. We hear that Lord Howe is going a Voluntier in the American Expedition, and set out for Portsmouth Yes terday. Also We hear that his Majesty, out of his Royal Bounty, has been pleased to grant a Pension of 2oo 1. a Year to Lieut. William Crow, who lost his Legs the 20th of May last, on board his Majesty's Ship the Lancaster, commanded by the Hon. George Edgcumbe, Esq; The very desirable Attempt, which was expected to be made this Sessions, to restore Triennial Parliaments, it is said, will be postponed to next Year. We hear that several important Posts will be disposed of when the Parliament rises, to those who have distinguish'd themselves as true Patriots Yesterday were shipped for New England lo. ooolb. of
Gunpowder, and 938 Cwt of Lead and Lead Shot: Also 200 Pieces and 4000 Yards of British Linnen for Jamaica. A Letter from America informs us, that the publick Report there is, that instead of carrying on the War in the Back Provinces next Campaign, a Design is formed of providing in the Spring Vessels sufficient to transport a considerable Body of Men directly to the River St Law- rence ; and that it is the general Opinion of the Officers there, that one Campaign in this Way will make us Masters of Quebec, and, in Consequence, of all Canada ; whereas the present Manner of carrying on the War among thick Woods, where
a single Indian can fire his Piece without Discovery, may linger on without Effect for many Years. The Matter of an English Ship, lately released from Bayonne for three Months, in order to be exchanged, de- clares that English Prisoners are used there more like Py- rates than Prisoners of War: He further says, that there are out of the said Port, at Sea, 40 Sail of Privateers, of 14, 16, 24, and 36 Guns and that they were building 20 more, from 20 to 36 Guns each, which will be ready to put to Sea in May next. Cap. Holme, of the Austin, a Ship belonging to Li- verpool, who was taken by the French and carried into Martinico, and
has since been exchanged and returned home, reports, that during his Stay at Martinico, there was so great a Demand for Guns, that his two Carriage Guns. Three pounders, were sold for rool. That the French had then fitted out from that Island no less than 74 Privateers, but most of them of small Burthen. That Beef, & c. was exceeding dear, their chief Supply being from Eustatia, where several Vessels were lately arrived from Ireland ; but that Indian Corn was in great Plenty, owing to the great Number of North American Vessels taken. That the Number of Prizes taken by the Marti- nico Privateers is very considerable; and
that just before he left the Island, a Privateer brought in the Schooner, Capt. Nichols, from Guiney, with Slaves, 4c. whose Cargo sold for 600I. Sterling. When Capt. Holme left Martinico, all the English Sailors in Health were sent off to be exchanged, Part to Antigua, and Part to Barba- does, at which last Place there were then about 300 French Prisoners— Capt. Holme brings also an Account of several Ships being arrived at Barbadoes, & c. who have brought 2077 Slaves from different Parts of Africa. They write from Cambletoun, in Scotland, that on the 17th past arrived at that Place the Seahorse, of Philadel phia, Francis
Blair, Commander, in five Weeks from New York, bound for Newry. She spoke with the Sun- derland Man of War about sixty Leagues from New- York, who had parted with the Transports from Corke with O'Farrel's Regiment, & c. off the Western Islands in Gale of Wind. The Baltimore, one of these Transports, arrived at New- York eight Days before Captain Blair sailed, and had taken two Prizes in her Passage, one a Snow, most of her Cargo consisting of Indigo, and worth 30,0001. tbe other a Ship with Sugar. Lord Loudon and most of his Army were gone into Winter Quarters at New- York, and Sir William Johnson at Albany,
all in good Health and high Spirits. Yesterday feveral Letters were received in Town from St. Kitt's, by Way of Bristol, dated Jan. 13, which give an Account that seven English Privateers sailed in Con- junction from the Island of St. Kitt's to St. Bartholomew Isle, fituated W. Long. 62. 5. Lat. 18. 6. and one of the Caribbee Islands in the Atlantick Ocean, 20 Miles N. of St. Christopher's, subject to the French, which they made themselves Masters of, together with the Forts, as also of three French Privateers that were in the Harbour. The French Governor was killed during the Fight ; and one of our Privateers blew up, and all the
Crew perished. Last Wednesday Stephen Morris, the noted Running Man, started at Hampton Court for a considerable Sum of Money laid between two Noblemen. He was to run forty Miles in seven Hours, and had run thirty- eight in six Hours, when he fell down, and expired soon after. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Tatem, tbe British Consul at Messina, dated Jan. 19, 1757. " The King George, Capt. Fortunatus Wright, has lately had two smart Engagements in the Channel of Malta, of three Hours each, ( one in the Night, the other by Day) with the Hirondelle, a French Polacco of 26 Guns and 180 Men; but, notwithstanding the
great In- equality, in Men, Guns, and Weight of Metal, yet Capt. Wright obliged him to sheer off, they both put into Malta the 2d of. January, to refit: But poor Wright has met with worse Treatment there than he did before, for tho' he had several Shot under Water, which made it absolutely neceffary to heave down, yet, by the Interest of the French Faction, he was denied that Liber- ty ; and afterwards, upon Account of two Slaves having taken Refuge on board him, he has been sequester'd in Port, and cut off from all daily Provisions, and even Water, ' till he restores them : But as the Jersey was hourly ex- pected in Malta, we
hope Sir William Burnaby will ob- tain his Release. The Hirondelle is one of the Vessels fitted out from Toulon, expresly to seek him." SIMNELS, of different Prices, Are now Made and Sold By JOHN DILLON, Baker, Adjoining to St. Helen's Church, in High- street, Wor- cester, who has been properly instructed in the making them by a Person of Mr. Stinton's Family. JOSEPH MILLINGTON Plummer and Glasier, In HIGH - STREET, WORCESTER, Has lately open'd a WAREHOUSE For THE SALE of FLINT- GLASS, And, to enable him to match broken Sets, or compleat more extensive Orders, has collected from several of the
most noted Warehoufes in LONDON, and else- where, a great Variety of the most Curious and Newest Fashion'd GOODS, viz. DECANTERS OF ALL SIZES, cut, ground, labell'd, flower'd, or plain. Quarts, Pints, and Half pint Cups, engrav'd or plain, of dif- ferent Patterns. Pyramids for Deserts, cut in an elegant Manner, and curiously decorated with Flowers. Salvers of all Sizes, and Sweet- Meat Glasses of all Sorts. Jelly, Syllabub, and Petty - pans; Salts, Candlesticks, Cas- tors, Crewets, and Smelling - Bottles, all neatly cut and pol- lish'd in high Taste. Drinking- Glasses of all Sorts, engrav'd or plain, from Five Shillings a
Glass to Three Shil- lings per Dozen. Cups for Water, Lemonades, Tumblers, and Pine- Apple - Glasses, ornamental or plain. Glasses for Pickles, Mustard- Pots, common Salts, and Glasses for Silver Salts. Fountains and Seed- Troughs for Bird- Cages. Lamp- Glasses, and Lamps fit- ted up in a new Method, pro- portion'd to any Degree of Light, to burn out of Doors or within. Glass Lanterns, of all Sizes or Fashions, ready made, or made to Orders, and Glass Sconces WITH Many other Articles in Flint Glass, ornamented or plain, too numerous to insert. ALSO SELLS OIL prepar'd for burning in all Manner of Lamps, without
any offensive Smell ; or the genu- ine Lamp- Oil. READY MonEy for Old FLINT- GLASS, or Exchang'd. N. B. The great Encouragement I have already met with, in this additional Branch of Trade, ( as well as in my original Business, which I still continae on) is most gratefully acknowledg'd ; and, in order to engage a Continuance of Favours, shall at all Times sell on the very lowest Terms. ~ To be SOLD, At OLDBURROW, in the County of WORCESTER, about Two Miles from Henley in Arden, Six from Alcesterr and Seven from Stratford and Warwick, Two Freehold FARMS, consisting of near Three Hundred Acres of good
Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land, lying contiguous, and- the Farm Houses and Out Buildings very convenient, and in good Repair: One of the said Farms is now occupied by Richard Bant, at the Yearly Rent of Eighty six Pounds, and the other by Thomas Turner, at Thirty three Pounds a Year. Also to be SOLD, Another MESSUAGE or FARM- HOUSE, with convenient Out - Buildings, in good Repair, and about Eighty Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, situated at Welford, in the County of Gloucester, now in the Occupation of Anthony Gisbourn, Three Miles from Stratford upon Avon, and Three from Alcester. And
also, Three small TENEMENTS in Welford afore- said. The Whole being well Tenanted, and now lett at Sixty- four Pounds and Fourteen Shillings a Year, and capable of being improved. Note, The Owner of the last- mention'd Estate has a Right of Fishery in the River Avon, which runs by the same. For Particulars of all the said Estates, enquire of Mr. Francis Holyoake, at Henley in Arden ; Mr. Lewis Bradley, at Wooton, near Henley; or of Mr. George Holyoake, at Wolverhampton: And Information may also be had, touching the said Estates, of Mr. Holyoake, Proctor, in Worcester,
Wanted, at an INN, A Good COOK; Likewise, a WAITER. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. Wanted, by Lady - Day, An USHER in a SCHOOL, Who must be well qualified to teach Writing and Arith- metick, and, If he has some Knowledge of the Latin- Tougue, it will be the better. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Journal. WANTED, " A sober, ingenious YOUTH, As an Articled Clerk to an Attorney, In WORCESTER. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. A Master in a genteel Business Wants an APPRENTICE, For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be SOLD, at any
Time before Lady- Day, A Large QUANTITY of MEAT CARP and PIKE, And a Large QUANTITY of STORE- CARP. Enquire of Walford Philips, Esq; or Mr. Brettell, in Stowerbridge. Worcester, March 10, 1757. ALL Persons who have any Demands upon the Estate of Henry Baker, late of Upper- Wick, in the County of Worcester, Esq; deceased, are desired forthwith to send an Account of such their De. mands to Mr. Bund, at the Town- Hall, Worcester, in order to their being satisfied. And all Persons that stand indebted to the Estate of the said Mr. Baker, are desired to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Bund, on or
before the Twelfth Day of April next, without any further Notice. To be LETT, and Enter'd upon Immediately, A Large convenient HOUSE, in the Broad Street, ( near tbe Cross) in Worcester, late in the Occupation of Mr. Rowland Morris, Grocer. For further Particulars enquire of John Baker, Esq; at Westley- Green, or of Mr. Samuel Hill, Mercer, in Broad- Street, Worcester. To be LETT, On MODERATE TERMS, ANd Enter'd upon IMMEDIATELY, At Wordsley, near Stowerbridge, Worcestershire, ADwelling- House, with a Barn, Stable, and Land sufficient to keep Four or Five Milking Cows It is fit for a Tradesman, and may, by
some Al- terations, be made fit for a Malster. For further Particulars apply to Henry Cox, near the said Place, or to Joseph Cox, of Wordsley aforesaid, who will shew the Premisses. To be Sold in Fee, ON E undivided Third Part of the Manor of STANTON, in the County of Gloucester, together with the Manor- House, Gardens, Orchards, Barns, Stables, Pasture Grounds, and the Tithes thereto belonging ; and alio Ninety Acres of Arable Land, several Lots in the Common Meadows, and divers Cow and Sheep Pastures in the Commonable Places within the Parish of Stanton aforesaid ; the Whole situate within Four Miles of
Evesham, Four of Campden, and Eight of Tewkes- bury, all good Market Towns. N. B. The Estate is well water'd, very improveable, and has a large Quantity of Timber growing thereon. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Edward Driver, Attorney at Law, in Gloucester; or of Mrs. Hayward, in Evefham ; or of Mr. Brown, in Chipping- Norton. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued forth against Thomas Tearne, now or late of the Parish of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, Whitster of Cloth and Linnen Draper, intend to meet on the Twenty- second Day of March Instant, at the House of
Richard Delves, situate in Bromsgrove, in the said County of Worcester, known by the Sign of the Golden Cross, by Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day, in order to make a Dividend of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, when and where the Creditors who have not already prov'd their Debts are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. THE Sober and Industrious journeymen TAYLORS, and STAY MAKERS, that are inclined to come to London, and will work the usual Hours, from Six o'Clock in the Morning till Eight in the Evening, may depend on having
Half a Crown a Day the Year round, with good Encouragement, as well as an Opportunity of improving themselves, and at the best of Shops; and protected from being impressed, by applying to the Home of Call at John Perry's, the Sign of the Taylor's Arms and Crown, in Stanhope- Street, j Clare- Market, London. Wednesday s and Thursday s POSTS. LONDON. [ Tuesday, March 8. IT is said that Admiral Byng, in his present unhappy Situation, behaves in a truly decent and Christian like Manner, being quite compos'd and resign'd to the Will of Providence: His Mornings are spent in Acts of Devotion, having two Reverend
Divines to assist him therein ; at Dinner he refreshes himself very moderately with a few of his Friends, and then retires to Meditation and Prayer; at Tea- Time he enjoys his Friends again, and withdraws till Supper, and, after eating very sparingly, retires to Bed. His Company are two Nephews and three Friends. There are 250 Marines on board the Ship in which Admiral Byng is confined, near half of them on Duty at a Time ; when Night comes on they double the Guard of the Stern Galleries, and every five Minutes call to one another, saying. All is well; and this holds till Morning. ' Tis now generally believed that he will be shot
on Monday next. Another Number of Transports will shortly be taken into the Government's Pay. And, ' Tis said thct Lord Blakeney will soon go Abroad^ ' Admiral West, w, ith 14. Sail of the Line, was spoke with about zo Leagues off of Cape Finisterre. The Bounties for Seamen and able bodied Landmen are directed by his Majesty to be farther continued till the 12th Day of April. Tis said that a certain Court has had the Insolence to say to one of its Neighbours in the peremptory Stile, " Hitherto shalt thou go, and no farther." ' Tis talked on the Parade, that we are like to have a new Enemy to deal with. We hear a noble Duke, one
of the Proprietors of the Duke of Cumberland Privateer, has declared that he will give all his Share of Prizes amongst such of the Company of the said Ship who shall behave well against the Enemy. We hear that the Swedish Consuls in the Ports of Spain, Italy, & c. have given Notice that all Ships of their Na- tion, of the Burthen of 400 Ton and upwards, actually in those Parts, must return home immediately, whether they have their Lading or not. So that it is conjectur'd some considerable Armament, or Embarkation of Troops, is to be made in Sweden this Spring. The Magistrates of Westminster have issued Orders to the
Peace- Officers, to use their utmost Endeavours for de- tecting all Bakers and others, who presume, contrary to Act of Parliament, to mix Allum in their Bread, to make it look whiter than ordinary, it being judged prejudicial to Health ; and also to discover bad Weights of Bread by the Statute: It is Five Shillings Penalty. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon. the Earl of Home to be Sheriff of Berwick. On Tuesday last a melancholy Accident happened at Mr. Warman's, a creditable Farmer, at Saxlingham, near Norwich: A Lad about 14 Years of Age came to his House for Milk, and while Mr. Warman was gone to
get it, he took up a Gun that Hood in a Corner of the Kitchen ( not knowing it was charged) presented it to Mr. War- man's Children, and it missed Fire the first Time, but cocking it again, it went off, and shot all three of them; the eldest ( about seven) had his Brains blown about the Kitchen; the other two ( one about a Year and a Half old, the other about four) are wounded in such a terrible Manner, that their Eyes are shot out, their Noses off, all their Teeth out, and their under Jaw- Bones shot off: They are still alive, but impossible to continue so long. Holyhead, feb. 28. On Friday last as John Hughes, a great Dealer in Horzes,
was going to Beaumaris Market, about ten Miles from this Place, he saw a great Smoke come from under a Bush ; when he got to Market he told it to some other People, who went along with him next Day to the Place, and pulling away the Bush they faw a Chimney bricked on the Inside, and putting their Ears to it they heard People move about under Ground, and could hear them speak, but not distinctly ; they immediately came hither, and arming themselves, went to the Place again ; where, having watched for about an Hour, they saw a Trap- Door open, which had escaped their Notice before by being covered with Turf, and
out of it came two Men, whom they seized, but none of them had the Cou- rage to enter the Cave; they brought those two Men hi- ther that Night, and next Day carried them before Mr. Justice Morgan ; the Account that they gave of themselves was this: ' That they belong'd to a Gang of Highway- men, who had inhabited that Place near 17 Years, and robbed on Boddedar Heath, and other Places in the Neighbourhood ; they said that their Comrades, who ' were five in Number, were gone to Ireland, to dispose ' of some valuable Goods; and that they two, being the • youngest of the Gang, were left at home ' Some Men are to go
Tomorrow to search this Place, where it is ima- gined they will find fomething very valuable. These Robbers have been a great Nusance to all this Neighbour- hood, and they are making a Contribution to reward the Man who discovered them. On Saturday Night a Man was taken up in Cavendish- Street, on Suspicion of robbing the Western Mail fome Time since near Acton. On Saturday Night a young Lady dropped down dead as she was dancing at a reputable Ball at a certain Ta vern in the City. It so frightened the red of the Com- pany, that the Ball broke up immediately. Yesterday Morning died, advanced in Years, at his
House in Hoxton, Mr. Henry Carrington, an eminent Exchange- Alley Broker, reputed to be worth 30,000 1. He was abroad but the Day before in seeming good Health. An English Ship with 1100 Barrels of Gunpowder is taken by the Prince Soubise Privateer. BANKRUPTS. William Ellworthy, of Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, Dealer and Chapman. Robert Hawksworth, of Waterhall, Yorkshire, Gra. zier. George Bascubee, of Mary le Bon, Bricklayer. Wm. Canty, of the Strand, Upholder. . Robert Rafton, of Ipswich, Merchant. Charles Hanning, of St Clement's Danes, Middlesex, Apothecary. John Carter and Jonathan
Waterhouse, of Thames Street, London, Cheesemongers and Partners. — Wm. Homer, of Wincheder- Street, London, Broker John Davis, of the Fleet Market, London, Linnen Draper. STOCKS. Bank, India, and Sooth Sea Stocks, Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 90 3 Sths. Ditto zd Sub. 88 5 8ths. Ditto New Annuities, id Sub. 88 3 4ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 87 1 half. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 88 3 qrs India Bonds, 2I. 6s. Prem. WORCESTER, March 10. On Saturday next will be Commission- Day for holding the Assizes for this City and County, at which there are about twenty Prisoners to be tried. Last Thursday was committed to our
City Gaol, one Henry Smith, alias Harry Dunn, who, the Night before, broke into the Dwelling Houfe of Sarah Burnell, in Inkle- Lane, and went up into her Bedchamber with a Hanger; but the Neighbourhood being presently alarmed by the Woman's crying out, the Fellow thought proper to make off, but was taken the next Morning. At the Assizes at Stafford, ( which ended last Friday Night) the Six following Persons were capitally convicted, and received Sentence of Death, viz. 1. Nathaniel Alman, for poisoning his Wife; 2. William Shipton, for stealing out of the Dwelling House of Mr. Smith, at Dunstall, up- wards of 72 Pounds in
Money, ( as mentioned in our last Paper) ; 3. William Horobin, for Sheep stealing ; 4, 5, Thomas Pearciful and John Pagett, for robbing on the Highway; and, 6 Edmund Holt, for Horsestealing - It is said all of them were reprieved, except Alman and Pearcifull, the former of whom ( for Murder) was to be executed as on Monday last. Thomas Lee, con- demn'd laft Assizes, is to be tranfported for 14 Years; and the following for 7 Years, viz. Sarah Shaw, alias Mansfield, Mary Slack, Ann Larkin, Susannah Hastilow, Thomas Grey, Joseph Richards, Joseph Onions, George Choaten, John Edwards, and Thomas Markram. Sa- muel
Shaw was burnt in the Left Hand for Manslaughter. Last Saturday se'nnight a Man was found dead in a Ditch, near Tibberton, in which was scarce any Water. — No Marks of Violence appear'd, nor was any Money found upon him, or any Thing whereby to discover who be was. On Saturday se'nnight died at Rolston, in the County of Stafford, aged 52, Sir Oswald Mofeley, Bart, whose Life was a continued Series of extensive Charities and Benevo- lence, and a heavenly Pattern of Humility; his Experience in Virtue was older than his Days, and his Judgment riper than his Years; in short, he had every Qualification requi- site to
adorn so worthy a Patron, and grace a Gentleman j he liv'd universally belOv'd, and died lamented by all who knew him : He is succeeded in Title and Estate by his only Brother, now the Rev. Sir John- Moseley, Bart, by whom he is every Way equalled in Lenity and Goodness. The ingenious Mr Benjamin Martin has just published a Copper Plate Print, containing a View of the Orbit of the Comet, whose Return is now soon expected, with its proper Elevation above the Plane of the Ecliptic ; its Si- tuation and Length of its Tail for the Space of 145 Days; its Place in the Ecliptic, as viewed from the Earth and Sun, and its Distance
measured in a Scale of 240 Millions of Miles, with all its Phaenomena for any Time of the Year it may appear, particularly its very near Approach to the Orbit of the Earth at its descending Node, which, if it should happen on the Twelfth of May, would involve the Earth in the densest and hottest Part of its blazing Tail. We are assured from Bristol, that two Ships, with 46.000 Bushels of very fine Wheat, are arrived at that Port from Spain, from whence Eleven Vessels more are expected every Tide ; and a great Number of Ships have like taken their Ladings of Wheat and Flour from New England to different Parts of Great Britain.
Some Meal- of Opinion, that in about a Month's Time men are or opinion, good Wheat may be sold for 4 s. a Bushel, as so large a Quantity has been brought home in two ships. PRICES of CORN. At Worcester. Wheat from 8s. od. to 9s. 2d. per Bushel, Barley from 4s od. to 4s. 6d. Oats from w. 04d. to 2s'. 6d. Beans from 3s. lod. to 4s. 6d. At Gloucester.— Wheat 8s. 6d. to 10s. Barley 4s ood to 4'. 9d. Oats 2s. od. to 2s. 6d. Beans 3s. 6d. to as. 2d. per Bushel. t At Birmingham — Wheat 7s. 4d. to 8s. 2d. Barley 4s. od. to 45. 6d. Oats 25. 3d. to 2s. 7d. Cheese 24s. to 27s. per Hundredweight.' At London.— Wheat 47s. to 53s.
od per Quarter ( Eight Bushels) Barley 19s. to 27s. 6d. per Quarter.
For the Benefit of Mr. JONES, At the GUILD- HALL, in Worcester Oil TUESDAY next, the 15th of this Instant, Being in the ASSIZE WEEK ) Will be Perform'D A CONCERT OF Vocal and Instrumental M U S 1 C K. In which will be introduced Several Select PIECES on the JEWS'- HARP, by the celebrated Mr. Church, original Performer on that Instrument, who has had the Honour of performing before his Majesty, the Royal Family, and most of the Nobility, with great Applause. To begin at SIX o'Clock. After which there will a BALL, Gratis. TICKETS ( at is 6d. each) to be had of Mr. Bradley, Goldsmith ; at both the Coffee-
Houses; and at R. Lewis's, Bookseller, in High- street. AS the CONCERT intended for my Benefit, last Assizes, was, by the Advice of my Friends, postpon'd, I humbly presume those Gentlemen and Ladies who intended honouring me with their Company then, will oblige me with it now ; which Favour will be most gratefully acknowledg'd by their most humble Servant, Tho. Jones. This Day war Publih'd, Price 6s. ( By Order of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, at the Desine of the Court- Martial,) The SECOND EDITION, of The TRIAL Of the Honourable Admiral JOHN BYNG, At a COURT
MARTIAL, As taken by Mr. CHARLES FEARNE, JUDGE- ADVOCATE of his Majesty'S Fleet. To which are added, A Copy of their Lordships Memorial to the King, in Relation to the Sentence passed Upon Admiral BYNG ; a Copy of the King's Order in Council, for transmit- ting to their Lordships a Copy of the Report of the Twelve Judges, in Relation to the Said Sentence ; and also a Copy of that Report: And a Copy of a War- rant from their Lordships for carrying the Said Sentence into Execution. London : Printed for W. Sandby at the Ship over- against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet- Street; and J. Newbery, at the Bible and
Sun in St. Paul's Church- Yard ; and Sold by the Booksellers in Worcester; J. Blunt, in Ross; J. Wilde, in Hereford ; M. Simmons, in Monmouth ; B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth; T. Aris, in Birmingham ; E Ratten, and C. Parker, in Coventry ; and may be had of the Printer of this Paper. This Day is Publish'd, ( Price only One Shilling) Adorn'd with a very beautiful Frontispiece, by an eminent Hand, Jack Smarts Merry JESTER; OR, The WIT'S Compleat Treasury. Being a most Excellent Collection of Entertaining Jests, Comical Stories, Curious Quibbles ( Keen Waggeries, Tart Repartees, , Modern Humbugs, Pleasant Tales,
Agreeable Adventures, and Smart Jokes, Excellent Bulls. To which are added, A beautiful Collection of entire New Rebusses and Rid; dles, comical Conundrums, STinging Epigrams, Acros- ticks, queer Epitaphs, jovial Songs, merry Tales, choice Fables, Pastorals, & c. The Whole of this Performance being nothing but Cream ; and is entirely freed from that old insipid Stuff, which abounds in MOST other JESTERS ; and is certainly the compleatest, merriest, and best Thing of the Kind every yet published. If Mirth and Fun, and Wit combind, Can raise the Heart and please the Mind J If Satire keen, and Stories bright, Can yield
the Reader true Delight; en keen, ingenious, witty SMART, Can elevate the Reader's Heart. London: Printed for J. Fuller, in Ave Maria Lane; and Sold by all other Bookfsllers in England. Q, ThePublick may be assured that there in this Col- lection none of those contained in Tom Brown s Compleat Jester, that ingenious Performance being very proper to bind with this. This is to give NOTICE, THAT, at the sign of the CRowN, at Lawn- Hill, in the Parish of Wychenford, in the County of. Worcester, there will be held, on the Tuesday before Lady- Day, and the Tuesday next following, MAPS for the Hiring of Servants, Where all
Masters, Mistresses, Servants, & c. will meet with good Entertainment, and every Thing convenient for the Purpose, from Their humble Servant, HENRY BOWEN. » ,* The Maps will continue to be held yearly on the aforesaid Days. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at LADY- DAY next, AN inclos'd FARM, situate near Strat- ford upon Avon, consisting of Meadows, Pasture, and Arable Land, with a good House, Dove- House, Out- Houses, Orchards, and commodious Barns, Yards, and Stable, very convenient. There is likewise a pretty deal of Land in Stratford Field, very good sure Corn Land, a great Part of which lies very
convenient to the said In- closure.— The Yearly Rent Eight Score and Ten Pounds. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Smith, To- bacconist, in Stratford upon Avon. To COVER, this Season, AT the Myth, near Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire. at One Guinea a Mare, and a Shilling the Servant, YOUNG REGULUS. He was bred by Thomas Duncombe, Esq; and got by Regulus, his Dam by a Son of Childers ; her Dam was the Dam of squirt, and got by Snake. T. DUNCOMBE. He beat Lord Eglingtown's Bay Colt, got by Spinner, a Match over the Beacon Course at Newmarket in April Meeting 1755, for Forty Pounds, play
OR pay, and Fifty Guineas bye, which was the only Time he ever started. He is Master of high Weights, and perfectly fresh and sound. Regulus was got by Lord Godolphin's Arabian, his Dam was the noted Mare call'd Grey Robinson, and got by he Bald Galloway. He only run one Year, in which he won Eight Royal Plates of One Hundred Guineas each, and one Plate of Fifty Pounds, which were all the Times he started.' He will be there by the First of May. To be SOLD, A Freehold ESTATE, Of the Yearly Value of Eighteen Pounds,- COnsisting of Pasture and Arable Land, well stock'd with Timber, a good Run for a large Flock
of Sheep, with a Dwelling House, Barns, Pigeon- House, and a good Orchard, fituue at Ratford, in the Parish of Rous Lench, commodious for Worcester, Alcester; and Evesham Mar kets. For further Particulars enquire of Mrs. Ann Young, in Pershore; Mr. Job Cox, in Alcester; or of Mr. Jacob Baylis, in Kidderminster. To be SOLD, Digley BOWLING- GREEN, And other Freehold and Leasehold LANDS and TENEMENTS, In the Parish of St. Peter. Also, • Several Freehold TENEMENTS, In the Parish of St. Andrew, in the City of Worcester. For Particulars enquire of Dr. John Wall, or of Mr. William Davis. Apothecary, in
Worcester. This Day were Publish'd., Number II. ( Price Six pence ) Containing Three Sheets, the Title, General Contents, and Frontispiece : Also, Number 11. ( Price One Shilling) Containing Six Sheets, the Title, General Contents, and Frontispiece, The SECOND EDITION, lllustrated with MAPS of EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, and AMERICA, on 24 large Copper Plates, Mr. POSTLETWAI T's UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY OF TRADE and COMMERCE. In TWO VOLUMES FOLIO. Calculated for the Use of the British Senator and Gentle- man, as well as that of the Merchant, Trader, Manu- facturer, and Artificer of every Class,
Containing an Account of Every Thing essential in Monsieur SAVARY'S Dictionary. The political Constitution of the various great Trading Compa- nies of the World. The Commerce and Navigation of all the American Colonies. The Standard of Gold and Silver Coins of the World. Methods of dealing in Bullion, Gold and Silver. The Foreign Exchanges, and their Arbitration, throughoutEurope Foreign Weights and Measures. lnsurances in all Lights. General Laws, Customs, and Usages of Merchants. Table of the Custom- House Du- ties, with Explanations of that Part of the Revenue. Marine Laws. Treaties of Commerce,
Fisheries. British Funds and Public Credit. Explanations of all Technical Terms. Geography of the World, so far. as it relates to Commerce. With a Variety of other interesting Particulars. The Whole containing a greater Fund of FaCts, and genuine Ma- terials, relating to Universal Trade and Navigation, than ever appeared before, in this or any other Nation. The Character and Reputation this Work has obtained, is Efficiently manifest, by the Approbation and Encouragement, not only of the most eminent Merchants, Tradesmen, Manufacturers, and Artists in the Nation ; but likewise of the British Nobility and Gentry. CONDITIONS.
I. That this Work, which contains near < 500 Sheets, and 54 large Maps, shall be elegantly printed, and comprised in 160 Numbers. II. That three Sheets shall be published every Week, without Inter- ruption, stitch'd in blue Paper, Price Six pence. lit. A Number, containing six Sheets, Price One Shilling, will also be publish'd every Week. IV. The Maps will be given gratis, and delivered in the Course of the Work. LONDON; Printed for John Knapton, in Ludgate- Street; and sold by all the Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal; of whom Proposals may be had. Also this Work
complete, in Two Volumes, Folio. ADVERTISEMENT. The great Demand for the GENERAL MAGAZINE OF ARTS and SCIENCES Philosophical, Philological, Mathematical, and Mechanical, by B. MARTIN, ( Twenty seven Numbers of which are now published, and in which are given above sixty Copper Plate Prints, Maps, & c) has frequently caused the several Numbers to be out of Print. This is to acquaint the Publick, they are all now reprinted, by W. Owen, in Fleet Street^ London, and sold by all Booksellers, Printers, & c. in Great Britain and Ireland, * « * As several Subscribers have omitted taking in the Supplements to
this Work, viz No. 13 and 26, whereby they are led into Mistakes with Regard to the preceding Numbers, each succeeding Publication having a De- pendance on the foregoing. iZi* Gentlemen and Ladies who are inclined to take in this Work, may begin with No. 1, and go on progres- sively. 4 » i. Number 29 will be publish'd the 1st of April, Price 6 d. WORCESTER, March 10, 1757. Just Arrived, A Fresh PARCEL OF a Transcendent Restrictive ELECTUARY, To be had in Worcester only of R LEWIS, Bookseller, in High- Street, THI S Noble Purging Restrictive Electuary is the only short and most infallible Cure in the Universe for
the Venereal Disease, from the slighted Infection, to the most extreme and deplora- ble Degree of it, even when the Blood and Juices are thoroughly con- taminated with its malignant Virus, and the very Bones affected with it- Fresh Infections, call'd Clap, with all their attendant Symp- toms of Heat of Urine, Running, Cordee, Phomosis, Periphimofis, Shankers, Buboes, and swoln Testicles, tho' ever so severe, are en- tirely carried off by it in a few Days, and lo as effectally to prevent the Blood and Juices from being tainted with any remaining Relicks or one Hand, or a seminal Gleet or Weakness to happen on the other And the
most inveterate Degree of the French Illness, attended with Nocturnal Pains and universal Breakings- Out, and all other the most exasperated Symptoms, are soon overcome by it, and effectually and much more lately cured than by Salivation, Inungation, or any other Method whatever,. and in so easy and pleasant a Manner, with- out impairing Strength, or occasioning any Inconvenience, as loudly to bespeak it is the only opposite Remedy, or true Venereal Antidote, in the World ; and this some Thousands, to their great Joy, experi- enced. it is pleasant to take, oecafions no Sickness or Disorder, nor requires Confinement, but
may be taken, and the Cure be accom. plish'd, without the Knowledge of the nearest Friend. Those who suspect they have received an Injury may, by only a Dose or two of it, be perfectly freed from all Apprehensions ; for it suffers no lurking Venom to lie hid in the Body, but wholly extirpates it Root and Branch, in a gentle, easy, and most effectual Manner. All such likewise as doubt they have some remaining Relick of former Injuries, may, by a few Doses of it, entirely free themselves from all Suspicions of that Kind ; for it admits of no Foulness, Corruption, or Putrefaction whatever, to remain in the Fluids, or to adhere to the
Solids ; and on that Account in all scorbutic, scrophulous, and even leprous Eruptions, or Foulnesses of the Skin, glandulous Swellings, and Impurities of the Juices, it does more by One Dose than any other Medicine yet known can in Ten. *„ » The Price of this most noble Restrictive Electuary, is but Five Shillings a Pot, which considering its extraordinary Efficacy, is not a Tenth Part of its Value ; and is appointed by the Author to be had only at Mr. Jackson's Tiniture Warehouse, near Exeter Change, in the Strand, London, ready sealed up, with a little Book of Instruc- tions: By the Perusal of which, all Persons who were ever
affected with any Degree of the Venereal Disease may perfectly understand their own Condition, and certainly know when, and when not the Venereal Poison is entirely rooted out of the Body. Of the above R. Lewis may also be had. The SANATIVE LOTION, recommended in the Book of Instruc- tions above- mentioned. Price is. 6d. the Bottle Jackson's Tincture, which gives immediate Ease in all Manner of Rheumatick Pains, Gravel, Stone, Cholick, & e. It likewise cures Burns, Scalds, Brwln, Strains, old Ulcers, Swellings of any Kind. Price 1s. the Bottle. Jackson's Famous Patent Ointment, or a never- failing Remedy for the
ITCH, which effectually cures that Distemper at once dressing without the least Danger, and entirely cleanses the Body from' all Scurvical Itchings or Breakings- out whatever, without staining the finest Linnen. Price 2 s. t d. the large, and is, 6d. the small Box, 13 » ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate I ^ ength) are taken in at 2/. 6d. each ; and Articles of Intelligence ( Pcfl paid) will be receiv'd and carefully inf d ADVERTISEMENTS, & c. are likewife taken in by Mr. HaJIewood, Bookfeller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Cotton, Bookfeller, in Shrewfhury ; Mr HopJtinfon Bookfeller in Mr. Wylde, Bookfeller, in Scowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in
Stafford ; Ui. Andrews, Bookfeller, in Evelham ; Mr. hunt, and Mr Hodges, BobkVeMers in Hereford • Mrs Z t Bookfeller, in KiJderminlter ; Mr. A/ bmead, Bookfeller, in Tewkefbury ; Mr. Raibes, Printer, in Gloucefter ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham • at the I eorett and f ' Dragon Inns, at Cimpden ; by Mr.- 7homts, Poftmafter, in Leominfter ; Mr. Barrow, Bookfeller, in that Town ; at the principal Inn: in Broadway and Morton in M .11 by the Agent » employ'd in other Towns in the Distribution of this Journal.- rr- Likewife by Mr. Dod, Bookfeller, in Aye- Marv- Lane London