Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 03/03/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2483
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B E R R O W's Worcester Journal. Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, March 3, 1757. No 2483 WEEKS this J has been publiih'd. $ FRIDAY'S AND' SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arrived the MAILS from Holland and Flanders. * BREST, January 31. ORDERS are come down from Court to equip, with all possible Diligence, here and at Rochefort, two Ships of 80 Guns, six of 74, two of 70, eight of 64, four of 50, one of 40, one of 36, and two of 3,0 Guns. These twenty- ~ six Men of War will be divided into several Squadrons. Paris, Feb. 7. A Brigantine that departed from Louis- bourg the 5th of January, and arrived at Rochelle the 28th,
brings Advice that M. de Moncalm, General of our Forces in North America, had cut off the Commu- nication from New England with Lord Loudon's Army, which he kept hem'd in between two Mountains; and the Inhabitants of Halifax dared not stir beyond the Walls of the Town. Amsterdam Gazette. Paris, Feb 14 The King hath this Day nominated the Officers who are to have Commands in the Army destined to act in Westphalia. The Duke of Orleans is to serve in Quality of Lieutenant General. It is certain that tbe King of Prussia will have Four Hundred Thou- sand Men to encounter with the ensuing Campaign. There it a Talk
here of a Project of dispossessing the English of their principal Settlements in the East Indies; to effect which, a Fleet of six Men of War will be sent thither and the East India Company is to advance the Government Eight Millions of Livres. We expeCt every Moment to hear of some very important Resolution of the Court and which, it is justly supposed, will greatly alarm the Publick, as all the Book and Printsellers in Paris are required to take an Oath not to print or publish any Libel or other Paper whatever that is not immediately authorized by the Government, Dantzick, Feb. 5'. To- morrow all the Prussian Troops quartered at
Konigsberg and in the Neighbourhood of that Place, are to begin their March, in order to form a Camp towards Tylsa on the River Niemen. They form a Body of Thirty six Thousand Men, and are going to meet the Russians; and they have Orders to give them Battle, if they advance towards the Frontiers of Bran- denburghian Prussia. Utrecht, Feb. 13. By Letters from Port l'Orient we lean, that, from the 30th of December to the 21st of January, eighteen of the French East India Company's largest Ships, all of them well arm'd, have sailed from thence for India, in three Divisions; and ' tis thought the - frst Division has been joined
in a certain Latitude by the four Men of War that were ordered to lie in Readiness at the Isle of Aix. This Division has the Regiment of Lorrain on board; in the second they embarked the Regi- ment of Berry ; and Lieutenant General Lally is gone out with his Irish Regiment in the third Division. AMERICA. Barbadoes, Nov. 10. On the 26th ult. arrived here the Bristol Man of War, after having taken a French Prize mounting twenty- two Guns, bound from Nantz for Cape Francois, ' deem'd worth Twelve Thousand Pounds Sterling. There was on board her the French General ind all his Family. The Lead to which the Letters, & c. were
flung, luckily slipp'd off after being thrown over- board, by which Means they were pick'd up by the Bri- Stol's Men. Immediately upon their Arrival here, the Papers, & c. were shewn to our Governor. IRELAND. Galway, Feb. 8. We learn from Ballinrobe, in the County of Mayo, that on Saturday last, about the dead Hour of the Night, upwards of twenty Soldiers of Ge- neral Kennedy's Regiment went in a Body to the Gaol of the said Town, broke it open, and set at Liberty two of their Comrades who had been there confined on Account of the late Riot, at the Fair Eve of the said Town. In the Dispute the Gaoler was shot dead, and
one Flynn, an Assistant, was desperately wounded. The whole Party concerned in this Riot have been secured. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, Feb. 19. Last Monday were committed to Newgate, by two of our Aldermen, John Forrest, late of Linley, in the County of York, and Benjamin Harm- field, a Soldier in Lord Charles Manners's Regiment of Foot, on Suspicion of Coining. The Mould found upon them was for calling Thirty six- Shilling Pieces. LONDON. [ Thursday, Feb. 24. On Tuesday 315,472 Yards of Linnen from Belfast in Ireland were entered at the Customhouse. It is rumoured, that at a Female Court- Martial lately
held on the Conduct of a certain Lady, not very remark- able for her Conjugal Fidelity, the Lady - being President, acquitted the Delinquent of the several Charges of Disaffection, as also of Cowardice, she having always been found ready to ENGAge ; but was at the same Time unanimously found Guilty of Negligence, in the Article of not burning the Letters she had been favoured with from her Gallant. We hear there will speedily be a Meeting at Lambeth of the A b ps and B ps, in order to chuse the Circuits which their G— ces and L ps intend to make over the Kingdom, to inspect the Behaviour of the inferior Clergy, and to
restore a true Spirit of Chris- tianity, Virtue and Piety, amongst them and the Laity, and effectually suppress the abominable Sins of Bribery and Corruption, in Pursuance of the Advice given them in an Exhortation to the Electors of Members of Parlia- ment lately published, in a Treatise entitled, A Guide to the Knowledge of the Rights and Privileges of Englishmen ; a Design so extremely salutary, pious and necessary, in this very immoral Age, cannot but afford the highest Pleasure to all thinking and well disposed People. A Correspondent, who tells us he is certain Admiral Byng will suffer the Sentence of the Court- Manial on
Monday next, sends this Quere, Whether we ever knew another Instance of a Person's suffering Death that was pos sessed of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds ? J/^ It is said that four Captains in Galissoniere's Squadron that fought our Fleet the 20th of May, were shot not long ago for Cowardice. Yesterday a very extraordinary Motion was made in a certain Assembly, which was recalled almost as soon as mentioned, it being disagreeable to the Sentiments of the whole Body. We hear that Application will be- made to Parliament from most of the considerable Sea Ports in England, for Part of the Pay due to the Seamen on
board his Majesty's Ships of War, for the Support of their much distressed Families. A Messuage was sent last Thursday by the King to the Hon. House of Commons, importing, That it was al- ways with ReluCtance that his Majesty asked any extraor- dinary Supply of his People ; but as the united Counsels and formidable Preparations of France, and her Allies, threaten, with the most alarming Consequences, Europe in general; and as those moft unjust and vindictive De- signs were particularly and immediately bent against his Majesty's Electoral Dominions and those of his good Ally the King of Prussia, his Majefty confided in
the expe- rienced Zeal and AffeCtion of his faithful Commons, that they would chearfully assist him in forming and maintain- ing an Army of Observation for the just and necessary Defence and Preservation thereof, and enable him to ful- fil his Engagements with the King of Prussfia, for the Se- curity of the Empire, against the Irruption of foreign Armies, and for the Support of the common Cause. The Stores on board the Transports destined for Ame- rica have been examined into, and we hear some Com- plaints relating thereto have been laid before the Hon. House of Commons, that Measures may be taken to pre- vent
indirect Practices for the future. It is said that Admiral Holbourn will sail on the 10th of March, with 16 Sail of the Line for Cork, in order to proceed to North America. From Hanover we have Advice, that in the Conferences which the Members of the Council of Regency, and those of the Council of War, have had with Lieutenant General Schmettau and Mr. Mitchell, it has been de- cided that the, Army of Observation shall assemble on the Weser near Hamelen, where a considerabie Magazine of Provisions and Forage is already formed. They write from Warsaw, that the Earl of Stormont, the British Minifter, has had several
Audiences of his Polish Majesty, and divers Conferences with Count Bruhl, about Ways and Means to restore Peace ; but they think this Negotiation must prove fruitless, because the King of Poland demands such great Indemnifications, that the In- vasion of Saxony by the Prussians is rated at near four- score Millions of Florins; besides which, be insists upon a particular Indemnification for having been deprived of his Army. Very modest indeed! Aggressors must have amends made them for being disappointed in their Schemes. According to Letters from Vienna, Mr. Keith, the British Minister Plenipotentiary, has imparted to
that Court divers Expedients for appeasing the Troubles of the Em- pire : But the Chancellor Count de Caunitz has declared to him, " That the Moment the Empress- Queen should find, in the Expedients that might be proposed to her, an Indemnification for the considerable Expences she has been at, in order to put herself in a Posture of Defence, with Satisfaction for the King of Poland, her Ally, and good Securities for him and herself too, she would then give fresh Proofs of the same Readiness she has so often shewn for the Re- establishment of Peace ; but that it would hot be natural to accept of Expedients, which would be
to the Advantage of the King of Prussia only, as this Prince had first begun the War, and ruined the Dominions of a Prince, who rested securely on the Faith of Treaties, and on the Appearances of Friendly Neighbourhood, & c." The Amsterdam Gazette says, under the Article of London News, that Count Colloredo, Minister Plenipo- tentiary from their Imperial Majesties, has lately declared to our Secretaries of State, " That his Court would not willingly see ours take Part in favour of the King of Prussia. That all Europe knew that his Prussian Majesty had begun Hostilities without any Reason, and even with- out any apparent
Pretext. That their Imperial Majesties being sincerely desirous of restoring Peace and Tranqui- lity in Germany, could not but be extremely concern'd it seeing the Troubles encreased; which would infallibly happen if the Crown of England took Part therein. That the Princes and States of the Empire, at least the Majo- rity of them, were come to a Resolution to extinguish the Flames of War: Therefore, the Empress Queen hoped the King of Great Britain, as Elector of Brunswick- Lu- nenburgh, would not endanger his own proper Domi- nions, by declaring for her adverse Party. That as to the rest, the French Court had not formed
any Design against those Dominions, & c." The Tartar Man of War, Capt. Lockhart, has taken and brought into Falmouth a French Privateer of 18 Guns, Six Pounders, and 180 Men, twenty of whom were kill'd, and several wounded. The Tartar, it is said, had one slightly wounded. This is the fourth Privateer taken by the said gallant Commander this War, viz. The Grand Cerf, of 22 Guns, and 225 Men; the Rose, of to Guns, 90 Men ; the Grand Judeon, of 24 Guns, 190 Men ; in all 74 Guns, 685 Men ; and a Ship from Martinico. The Earl of Holdernesse, Stainson, from Valentia, and the Good Intent, Thonton, from Seville, both for
Lon- don, are taken by the Favourite Privateer, and carried into Havre. The Brigantine Pretty Peggy, belonging to Capt. Lamb, of Dublin, John Smith late Master, laden with Calves Skins, and bound from thence to London, was, on the 7th Inst. cast ashore and stranded in Bigberry Bay. Devon ; the Crew took to the Boat, which being soon after over- set, they were all drowned, except one William Lynch, The Speedwell, Murphey, from Seville for Dublin, is entirely lost near Wexford. The Neptune, Godfrey, from Philadelphia for London- derry, is lost near that Port, and all the Crew perished. Several Vessels have been lately lost
near Londonderry in a strong Gale of Wind, Names not known. Yesterday three Pots of Money, Silver and Gold, of Queen Elizabeth's Coin, were found by the Workmen who are pulling down the Houses upon London Bridge. On Tuesday a Man was taken up in Parliament Street, and committed to Bridewell, for selling obscene Pamphlets. Yesterday the Sessions began at the Old Bailey, when 18 Prisoners were tried, one of whom was capitally con- victed, viz. Gabrial Savoy, for stealing Goods in a Dwel- ling- House in Little- Britain. He was stopt as he was en- deavouring to make his Escape out of Newgate in Wo- man's
Apparel, and was tried at the Bar in the same. Ten were cast for Transportation, and seven acquitted. We hear that the Publicans are to be restrained from serving the Office of Juryman. Chester Circuit. The Hon. William Noel, and Taylor White, Esqrs. Montgomeryshire, Wednesday, March 30, at Pool. Denbighshire, Tuesday, April 5, at Ruthin. Flintshire, Monday, April 11, at Flint. Cheshire, Saturday the 16th, at the Castle of Chester. South Wales Circuit. The Hon. John Williams and John Harvey, Esqrs. Glamorganshire, Wednesday, March 30, at Cardiffe. Brecknockshire, Tuesday, April 5, at Brecon. Radnorshire, Monday,
April 11, at Presteign. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS, Arrived a MAIL from Flanders. DRESDEN, Febuary 8. THE Roads in Upper Lusatia are full of Troops, who have already begun to put themselves in Motion. There was a smart Skirmish two or three Days ago, between a Prussian Party and a Body of Austrians who made some Attempt on the Side of Rumbourg and Hains- bach : Several were kill'd and wounded on each Side ; but we know not which had the Advantage. Vienna, Feb. 9. We have Advice from Silesia, that the Prussians are already in Motion on that Side, and that they have made Choice of Ostritz for a
Place of Arms. Paris, Feb. 18. The Seals still lie on the Table in the King's Closet. M. Pelleter has certainly refused to accept of them. ®
Madrid, Feb. j. His Majesty has directed that all Dis- putes which may arise for the future concerning the Le- gality of the Prizes brought by the French of English into any Port of Spain, instead of being decided as here- tofore by the Governors of the said Places, shall be re- ferred to the Decision of a Council of War established for that Purpose, to which the said Governors shall be obliged to give all the Information they can get concern- ing the Manner in which the Prizes are taken. Hague, Feb. 22 Several Houses have been entirely washed away in the Neighbourhood of Kessel on the Meuse, from whence our Accounts say it
is impossible to eXpress the Desolation occasioned in those Parts by the breaking of the Dykes. The Waters did not begin to abate till the third Day. On all Sides were heard the Cries of People on the Point of perishing, calling out for Assistance, without a Possibility of affording them any. LETTER from Paris, Feb 18. " In the several Examinations which Damien has under- gone, one still sees an undefinable Being ; a hot Brain, abounding with Fire and Smoke; a matchless Front, who deliberately falls into perpetual Contradictions, destroying in the Morning what he has said the preceding Night; an insolent Fellow, who talks well
enough, but without any Decorum ; a Villain, who sometimes betrays a Re- gret for what he has done, but never discovers any Re- morse ; a Madman, who sometimes affects a Devotion bordering on Fanaticism, and sometimes makes a Parade of the most shocking Depravity ; an aenigmatical Prater, who in certain Moments lets one perceive that he has Accom- plices, and still persists in saying he has none. We should never have done, if we attempted to recite all the Incon- sistencies and Contradictions that are found in the Cha- racter and Speech of this Monster. In his present Situa- tion, he may dare to say any Thing; and
accordingly he lets his Tongue run with the most malicious Indiscretion, talking at Random of every Thing he may have seen or heard, fathering upon the Persons, in whole Service he has been, what Discourse he pleases, and giving Uneasi- ness to- every Body that has the Misfortune to be known by him, because he can charge them and send for them meer- ly for the Pleasure of making them uneasy. As to Du- breuil, who is suspected to have been an Accomplice with Damien in the desperate and detestable Design upon the King's Life, he was apprehended in the following Man- ner. In order to pass into Spain without
Suspicion, he had assumed the Dress, and all the exterior Marks, of a Cabinet Courier; and in this Plight he was overtaken, not far from Bayonne, by a real Courier of the Cabinet, who asked him Abundance of Questions about his Office ; and, as many Suspicions arofe from the Answers he made, in- vited him to take a Share of a Bottle and a Fowl at Ba- yonne. When they came to the Inn Debreuil went into the Kitchen to warm himself, while the Courier stepped to the Commandant of the Town, and gave him an Ac- count of his Apprehensions; upon which he was seized and sent to Prison, and hat been since removed hither
and committed close Prisoner to the Bastile, A Right Hon. Person acquianted the House of Com- mons Yesterday that he had received a threatening Let- ter concerning Admiral Byng ; which, despising, he had burnt. They write from Morlaix, by the Way of Holland, that by the Humanity of Mr. Charles Jermensan, an emi- ment Merchant there, upwards of 300 English Prisoners have been released on Parole in an inland Place. Yesterday a Coffin, cover'd with black Velvet, and richly ornamented, was sent down to Portsmouth from Mr. Clark's, Undertaker, in Gerard- Street, St. Ann's, West- minster. It is strongly reported that
some Commissions in the Navy will soon be vacated ; and it is generally thought that some present Lieutenants may make good Com- manders. A few Days ago the Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq; was ap- pointed Captain of his Majesty's Ship the Crown, lately put into Commission. This Gentleman distinguished him- self, with the rest of his Brother Officers, in the Revenge, under the gallant Captain Cornwall, who broke the Line to the Assistance of the Intrepid, and bore the Fire of three French Ships near three Quarters of an H 20th of May last. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint John Forbes, Esq; Lieutenant Colonel Of the
Royal North British I goons ( commonly called the Greys) to be Colonel of the 17th Regiment of Foot, late commanded by Major Ge- neral Richbell, and which is under Orders to embark from \ Cork with six other Regiments for North- America. We are assured from Winchester, that the Hessian Troops, quarter'd in and near that City, have received Orders to march into Kent, and that great Preparations are making for their Reception, in their Way thither, at Bagshot, and other Places mention'd in their Rout. Yesterday Major- General Hopson set out from his House in St. James's Street, to embark for America. The Right Hon. the
House of Peers on Monday last ordered an Address to be presented to his Majesty, in Answer to his most gracious Message so the House Yes- terday Se'nnight, assuring him that they would stand by him with their Lives and Fortunes. This Morning 130,000 1. Sterling, in Silver Coin, set out for Portfmouth in six Waggons, under a proper Guard. It is to be embarked onboard his Majesty's Ship the Newark, bound for America; and is for the Use of the Forces in North- America, and those going thither. It is reported that the Duke of Richmond and Lord How are going Voluntiers to North- America. We hear that the Transports with
Two Hundred and Forty Bombardiers and Matrosses, are sailed for the Downs from Woolwich. By a Clause in the Militia Bill, the Men are to learn the Exercise every other Monday, and not on Sunday in the Afternoon, as was at first intended. On Thursday the Hon. Horatio Walpole, Esq; was Extract of a Letter from a young Gentleman, on board tbe Dunkirk, to his Father in Newcastle, dated Feb. 8. " In our Cruise we have taken a French Privateer, and another Vessel. We were under a Necessity of putting into a Spanish Port, named Ferrol, for Water, where we had the Mortification of seeing 16 Sail of the Line, and one Frigate;
all of which, 1 am credibly informed, were built since the late inglorious Treaty of Aix- la- Chapelle.' They would not give us a single Drop of Water more , than what ( according to their own Computation) would barely bring us to England," To be SOLD, A House, Garden, and two Orchard*, Pleasantly situated, near Worcester, at Pitmarston, in the Parish of St. John, in the Road to Powick. * For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper.' WANTED, A sober, ingenious Yo U T H, As an Articled Clerk to an Attorney, In WORCESTER, ForParticular Paper, . WORCESTER, March 3, 1757. To the Hop- Planters, & c. I AS
no Regard has been paid to Two il Several Advertisements inserted in this Journal ia January last, relating to Payment for the Housage of a Number of Old Hops, now at this Time in the Common Warehouse ; I take this Method to acquaint the Owners of such Hops, if Payment be not made for the Housage before the First of May next, they will be appraiz'd and sold, as the Law directs. HENRY SMITH, Warehouse- Keeper. N. B. There are Old Hops that have been in this Ware- house from Six Years to One. IRELAND. Cashel, Feb. 16. Last Monday in the dead Time of Night, the lofty and beautiful Steeple belonging to St.
Francis's Abbey in this City fell down, without doing any other Mifchief than terrifying tbe adjacent inhabitants with its prodigious Noise. This Steeple had stood above 500 Years,- and was mighty compactly built of hewn and hammer'd Stone ) but the Base or Arch upon which it was built had been mouldring away for several Years, which at last occasioned the Fall of the Superstructure; the whole Pile fell perpendicularly, and the Stones quite Sepa- rated, owing to the Badness of the Mortar, and not in those large Heaps seen in the Ruins of antient Buildings. LONDON, [ Saturday, Feb. 26. We hear a Scheme it in the Air, and will
be endea- voured to be fixed near Shore, for an Office of Indulgence for all Persons who at any Time shall labour under any Hardships, by being accused of the following Trifling Charges, viz. Cowardice, Treachery, Treason Sedition, Rebellion, S - y. Adultery, Negligence, Plundering of Merchants, Neglecting of Convoys, and all other Crimes formerly punishable, except Piracy, or Murder on the High Seas; for those two idle Articles coming under the Cognizance of Land- Lubbers, it will not be in the Power of this Office. N. B. No Indul- gence will be granted under Double Price to any Person un- der the Rank of ———. [ Evening
Advertiser. In the late War Lieut. Philips was shot at Portsmouth, being found Guilty of Cowardice, now called an Error in Judgment, in surrendering his Majesty's Ship Anglesea without fighting: This was before the Act was new Mo- delled by the Help and Assistance of Mr. Byng; tho' now, as the Mock- Doctor says, the College have alter'd it, and the Heart is fixed on the different Side from what it used to be 1 but he was only a Lieutenant, and therefore not qualified to return the Compliment. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Feb. 23. " Yesterday a Man happened to fall out of one of the French Prizes in the Harbour, which lay
a- stern of the Monarque, the Ship which Admiral Byng it confined in. The Admiral, as he was walking in the Stern Gallery, ( as he does most Days) saw the Man in the Water, and immediately ordered a Boat to go to his Assistance, which went and took him up" elected Member of Parliament for Lynn, in Norfolk, without Opposition. And Yesterday Charles Boon, Esq; was elected Member for Castle Rising, in the said County, in the Room of Mr. Walpole. They write from France, that it is hardly possible to describe the Damages which the Province of Artois has suffer'd by the Inundations which happened the latter End of last
Month. Every RiVer and Rivulet in the Province overflow'd, and all the Valleys were under Wa- ter. Several Persons, and great Numbers of Cattle of all Sorts were drowned. Neither Bridges, Mills, nor Build- ings, could resist the Torrent of Water, which bore down all before it, spoiled most of the Corn, and greatly da- maged even the Meadows. Tbe Loss is not to be com- puted. It is computed, that, during the present War, 55 French Privateers have been taken and brought into our Ports; and it is said the Numbtr of our Privateers taken does not exceed six. The French have now out, according to Calculation, 2oo Privateers. We
are assured that no less than 23 Privateers put ( 0 Sea last Week from Havre. The Hardy, Favier, from New York for Amsterdam, it taken and carried into St. Maloes. The Black Joke, Stubbs, from London and Gambia for Barbadoes, is taken and carried into Martinico. The 21st ult. a large Dogger Privateer, of 12 Guns, took off Flamborough- Head, a Sunderland Brig, Name unknown. This Day Sundry Goods to the Amount of 126,000 1. Were shipp'd for the East India Company's Settlements. On Tuesday Morning a Person of 70 Years of Age walked from the Crown at Moorgate to Maidstone, in Kent, which measures forty- one
Miles. He was allowed thirteen Hours, but performed it in ten Hours and a Quarter. • On Thursday 7 Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, one of whom was capitally convicted, viz. Thomas Phi- lips, for publishing a counterfeit Order for Payment of Money, with Intent to defraud Joseph Manwaring; and six were cast for Transportation. Yesterday 19 Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, one of whom was capitally convicted, viz. William Hard- widge for stealing three Bank Notes, Value 300 I. 301. and 25 1. the Property of Capt. Warrin; Edward Woods was cast for 14 Years Transportation, for receiving the 3001. Note, knowing it
to be stolen; Thomas Powell was found guilty of Manslaughter on the Body of Francis Lenard 1 eight were cast for Transportation and nine ac- quitted. Chatham, Feb. 23. This Day the Hanoverians began to embark, and those quarter'd at Maidstone are marching into this Town, and will embark Tomorrow and the fol- lowing Days. At BROMSGROVE, in the Co » nty of WORCESTER, ( In a pleasant and healthful Situation) A BOARDING- SCHOOL is kept YOUNG LADIES. By Mrs. HOLYOAKE. Such GENTLEMEN and LADIES who shall be pleas'd to commit their CHILDREN to her Care, may depend on their being compleatly
instructed in all the Branches of a Useful and polite Education, and their Favours most gratefully acknowledg'd, by Their very humble Servant, Jane Holyoake. JV. 8. Proper Masters to teach WRITING, DANCING, &' c. attend the said School. March 3, 1757. WHereas the School- House at Colwall, near Ledbury, in the County of Hereford, was broke open, on Saturday Night last, by a Person who carried off the following Things, viz. A large Tankard, mark'd WSA A large Tumbler, mark'd P A little Tumbler, mark'd W S Two old- fashion'd Salts, mark'd J S, t- a Five large Spoons, one mark'd R S E, tke W A A little flat Dram Cup,
with Two Handles, A final 1 Tundish, and a Taster, [ all Silver.} ALSO, A Half stock'd Gun ; a Hat with a Hole ra| the Brim ; a German Flute, Concert Pitch, Stansby, Jun. Maker; and a Small Flute, with a Silver Bond| on the Foot. Whoever will discover the Person who robb'd the said House, ( so that he may be apprehended and convicted) shall receive Five Guineas Reward. Witness my Hand the 28tb Day of February, 1757, Robert Symonds. Note, If any of the above Things should be offer'd to be pawn'd or sold, the Person they are offer'd to is desir'd to stop the same, and the Person who offers them. March 3, 1757. WHereas
William Bourn, Apprentice to Joseph Field, Cordwainer, of the Parish of Coughton - Hacket, near Bromsgrove Lickey, in County of Worcester, did, on Sunday Night last, 27th of February, absent himself from his said Master Service; This is therefore to give Notice, that whoever harbours or employs the said William Bourn will be prl ceeded against as the Law directs; but if he will directly return to his Master's Service, he will be kindly receir'd Note, He is about Nineteen Years of Age, about Five Feet Five Inches high, and had On a striped Linnen Cad a dark- colour'd Linsey Coat, a striped Red- and- White Linsey Waistcoat, a
Pair of Leather Brecehes and brownish Stockings
The Judge- Advocate's Oath. ' I, A. B. do swear, That I will not upon any Account, at any Time whatsoever, disClose or discover the Vote or Opinion of any particular Member of this Court- Martial, nor any Thing that shall pass in Debate, when the Sen- tence, or any Thing relative to the Trial, is under Con- sideration in the said Court, unless thereunto required by lawful Authority. So help me God.' We are assured that many Members of the late Court Martial have disapproved the very extraordinary Step which has been taken by One of them ; and declare them- selves satisfied with their Sentence, and the Opinion of the Judges
upon it. Letter from Portsmoutb, Feb. 28. " Since my last ar- rived a Respite for Fourteen Days for Admiral Byng. Admiral Broderick has struck his Flag, being ordered to attend the House of Commons, as are all the Members oi Admiral Byng's Court Martial." We are assured that two Clerks in a publick Office have lately been dismiss'd for receiving Perquisites, to ( which some ignorant People have given the uncouth Name of Bribes. However, they are both adrift, and many others fear the same Fate, if Perquisites should be call'd Bribes. Admiral Mostyn is advanced to the Degree of Vice- Admiral of the Blue. Admiral Boscawen,
with a Fleet of 16 Ships of the Line, will shortly sail from Spithead, but their Destina- tion is not known. It is confidently reported that a Fleet of 36 Ships of the Line, besides Frigates, & c. will sail very early for the Mediterranean, for which Fleet a large Train is already prepar'd, and a considerable Body of Troops will also be embark'd on board this Fleet. We hear that the Companies in the Foot- Guards are to be augmented from 72 to 1oo Men each Company. There is a Talk of 6000 Men being draughted out of the Guards and Marching Regiments to go abroad. , The Maria, Grant, from New- York for London, with a rich Cargo,
was taken the 22d past in the Channel by a French Privateer of 16 Guns, Eight- Pounders, and 150 Men, which made for France, but the Wind blowing hard could not get into Port. In the Interim, the Badger Sloop, Capt. Taylor of 1 a Guns, Six- Pounders, fell in with the said Privateer, and took her after a smart En- gagement of two Hours, with the Loss of only seven Men kill'd, and some wounded, but his Sloop much shat- ter'd, as was also the Privateer, who had 53 Men kill'd. Capt. Taylor was slightly wounded, who soon after gave Chace to the Prize, which the Frenchmen on board of her run ashore on the Coaft of France.
The Captain of the Maria and his Officers were in the Privateer that has been brought into the Downs by the Badger. The Sevil Frigate, Capt. Martin, from Yarmouth, and the Annandale, Capt. Durrie, from Chester, both bound to Naples, are taken by a French Privateer and carried into Baia, but ordered to Naples to decide if good Prizes, being taken two Miles from Land. The Anna Catherina, Hopson, and the William, Clark, from Yarmouth to Leghorn, are taken and carried into Marseilles. The Stapleton, Todd, is arrived at Arratio, a Port near Genoa. The Diana, Clark, of Lynn, from Yarmouth to Genoa, the Claret, , from Saloe,
to London ; the Virgin of Montanegera, from Messina to London, are carried into Marseilles. The Rebecca, Benffeld, from Cape Fear to Hull, is taken and carried into Boulogne. ' We hear that two Persons of Distinction have made a | Match for 1000 1. to ride each of them from London Worcester, March 3, 1757. To be LETT, A Commodious TENEMENT, Neatly fitted up for a Small Family, Situated in the Parish of St. Swithin, near the Church, For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Perry, Writing. Master. To be LETT, And may be Enter'd upon Immediately, or at Lady- day next, An old and good- accustom'd INN, Known by the
Name of the TALBOT, At the Bridge- End at Bromyard, very convenient for Travellers, having good Stabling and Stalls for Horses, and a very good Yard, Garden, and Orchard. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Fidoe, at Little Froom: • There is Meadow Land to betaken, if required. Who can be well recommended forhis Honesty, Diligence, and Sobriety, and to act as a Butler in a Gentleman's family, to shave and dress Wigs, and to have Com- mand over the inferior Servants, may hear of a good Service, by enquiring of Mr. Michael Guest, Sadler, in Bridnorth, Shropshire. WORCESTER, March 2, 1757. WHereas a
false and scandalous Report has been maliciously and industriously spread, I intimating that a Child of which Mrs. Shingleton, Wife I of Mr. Shingleton, at the Drum, in Newport- Street, was I lately deliver'd, was monstrous in its Shape and Features ; I We, the Midwife and Nurse, who attended the Labour, | and had frequent Opportunities afterwards of seeing all I Parts of the said Child, do hereby declare, That it was 1 in all Respects perfectly human, and made like other I Children. I Elizabeth Cartwright, Midwife. Mary Neale, Nurse. I baptised Mr. Shingleton's Child, and saw nothing I about it different from other Children.
William Clieveland, Rector of All- Saints. Note, Whoever presumes to renew the above- mention'd false and scandalous Report, will be presented to the utmost Rigour of the Law. Wednesday's andThursday's POSTS. Extract of a Letter from Rome, dated Jan. 22. ON Monday last, as some Workmen were digging the Foundation of a Country House, belonging to Count Masselini, they found themselves suddenly obstructed by some Stones, which, on removing the dirt, they found to be placed in the Form of an Arch, so as to convince them it must be hollow, and consequently the Repository of Something valuable { but, not
daring to proceed without Orders, a Person was immdiately sent to inform the Count of it, who, being at that Time troubled with the Gout, sent his Nephew, the Chevalier de Montserat, in his Place, in whose Presence Part of the Arch being broke down, | they discover'd a Stair Case consisting of about eleven Steps, which, by the Help of some Torches, they found to terminate in a spacious Vault, at the upper End of which was erected a small Edifice, resembling an Altar, an which was placed a Marble Urn, with this Inscription round it: IUL. CAES. IMP. OBIT. ID. MAR. On one Side was Mars, on the other Minerva, who seem'd to
cover the Urn with her Aegis. The whole Vault seems to be about twenty Feet long, and ten broad. Numbers of People daily flock to see the Relicts of so great a Man as Julius Caesar, whom the Inscription proves it to be ; and the Workmen are order'd to dig about, in order, if possible, to make more Discoveries. LONDON. [ Tuesday, March 1. We hear there is now to be SOLD, [ A Great Bargain! J At the Mast, in Portsmouth Harbour, A very Superb COFFIN, Fit for any Beau Sea- Officer of the Highest Distinction, the Person for whom it was design'd having no present Occasion for it. ' Tis said the following Inscription is
curiously wrought upon the Lid, with Silver Nails, viz,. I WAS NOT BORN TO DIE BY GUNPOWDER. The Message delivered last Saturday Morning by the King to Mr. Secretary Pitt, to be by him presented to the the Honourable House of Commons, was as follows : GEORGE R. « « His Majesty, agreeably to his Royal Word, for the Sake of Justice, and of Example to the Discipline of the Navy, and for the Safety and Honour of the Nation, was determined to have let the Law take its Course, with Relation to Admiral Byng, as upon Monday next; and resisted all Solicitations to the contrary. « « But being informed, that a Member
of the House of Commons, who was a Member of the Court- Martial, which tried the said Admiral, has, in his Place, applied to the House, in Behalf of himself, and several other It is faid the French King, touch'd with a Remorse of Conscience on his Escape from Death by the Assassin Da- mien, has parted with the Marchioness de Pompadour May he reflect properly on his Breach of Treaties, and the EfFusion he has caused of Christian Blood, to which the other is, in Comparison, a Trifle ! Saturday a Dispensation passed the Seal to enable the Rev. John Woodcock, M. A. of Catherine- Hall, Cam- bridge, and Chaplain to the
Right Hon. the Earl of Pom- fret, to hold the Rectory of Byford, together with the Vicarage of Canon Pyon, both in the County and Dio- cese of Hereford. On Thursday laft was married at Edmonton Church, the Rev. Mr. Morgan, Minister of Southgate, to Miss Denne, Daughter to Mr. Denne, an eminent Banker without Temple- Bar; a most agreeable Lady, with a very ample Fortune. On Saturday the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey, when four Prisoners were tried, three of whom were capitally convicted, viz. Richard Hughes, for publishing a forged Letter of Attorney, by which he defrauded Persons un- known of 3001. and
William Harris and Thomas Marsh, for a Street Robbery ; and one cast for Transportation. At this Sessions 6 were capitally convicted, two transported for 14 Years, twenty- four for 7 Years, and three branded. Next Sessions will begin on Wednesday April 20. I They write from Shrewsbury, that the Corn having lately fell considerably in its Price, the Mayor of that Corporation thought proper to fix the Size of Bread in Proportion, intending thereby to alleviate the great Dis- tress the poorer Sort in particular have long laboured un- der ; but in order to frustrate the humane Intention of the Magistrate, the Bakers immediately
summoned a Meeting, and enter'd into Combination, that in case the Mayor persisted in his Intention, not to bake any Bread at all, either for Sale, or private Families: And upon being sum- moned before the Mayor, one of them, who had been pitched upon for that Purpose, audaciously told him, that they would make their Bread to the present Standard only, or not at all, and behaved in so scandalous a Manner, that had it not been for the Intercession of fome Friends, he 1 had been committed to Prison, and properly punished for insulting a Chief Magistrate in his Office. Members of the said Court, praying the Aid of Parlia- ment
to be released from the Oath of Secresy imposed on Courts- Martial, in order to disclose the Grounds whereon Sentence of Death passed on the said Admiral, the Result of which Discovery may shew the Sentence to [ be impro- per ; his Majesty has thought fit to respite the Execution of the same, in- order that there may be an Opportunity of knowing by the separate Examination of the Members of the said Court, upon Oath, what ground there is for the above Suggestion. " His Majesty is determined still to let this Sentence be carried into Execution, unless it shall appear, from the said Examination, that Admiral Byng was
unjustly con- demned." To- morrow his Majesty goes to the House of Peers to pass the Bill to releale the late Court Martial from the Obligation of their Oath of Secresy, which Bill pass'd the House of Commons by a Division of 153 against 23. Our Readers will possibly be pleased to see the Oath required be taken by the Officers who are to constitute a Sea Court Martial. do swear, That I will duly administer Justice, tcc ' } the Articles and Orders established for the and better Government of his Majesty's Na- of War, and Foices by Sea, without Partiality, Affection; and if any Doubt shall arise, which is not explained in the said
Articles and Orders, I will duly adminifter Justice, according to my Conscience, the best of my Understanding, and the Custom of the Navy in the like Cases; and I do further swear. That I will not, upon any Account, at any Time whatsoever, disclose or discover the Vote or Opinion of any particular Member of this Court- Martial, nor any Thing that shall pass in Debate, when the Sentence, or any Thing relative to the Trial, is under Confederation in the said Court, unless thereunto required by lawful Authority.' So help me God. We also hear from the same Place, that the Society there for Preservation of the Fish in the River
Severn, have been the Means of reducing the Price of Fish in ge- neral, and Salmon is sold at Fourpence per Pound. Letters from Froome, in Somersetshire, mention a great Disturbance among the Colliers; a vast Number of them having assembled in a riotous Manner, and destroyed the Cloth in several Looms. Extract of a letter from Haverford West, in Pembrokeshire, dated Feb. 18, 1757. Dear Sir; We ARE ALL in the greatest Terror and Confusion on Account of the Insurrection made by the Colliers ; they have a long Time threaten'd, but have at length put it into Execution, for on Thursday last a Ves- sel, laden with Corn
for Mr. Summers, coming up the River as high as Piddey, was seized by about Threescore, arm'd with Fire - Arms, & c. which they immediately boarded, and carried off in Triumph: They have since taken out all the Loading, set Fire to the Vessel, and turn'd her adrift, which being discovered by a Tender's Men lying at Nayland. they extinguish'd the Flames, and tow'd her up to the Key, where she now lies a dismal , Spectacle of their Fury and Resentment. We have also I Advice that about Four Hundred intend us a Visit To- I morrow, on which Account we are now moving from the Graneries as fast as possible." STOCKS. Bank,
118 t half. India, 139 1 half. South Sea. 99 7 8ths. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 90 1 8th. Ditto 2d Sub.. 88 t- half. Ditto New Annuities, 1 ft Sub. 88 5 8ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 87 1 half. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 87 3 qrs India Bonds, al. 5s. a 6 s. Prem. WORCESTER, March 3. We hear from Lichfield, that the Sweepstakes Match last Monday se'nnight was won by Mr. Hubbard's Bay Gelding, Son of the Ancaster Driver. They write from Hereford, that the Mayor of that City hath lately distributed One Hundred Pounds to the poor Freemen there, being the Benefaction of the Hon. Colonel Fitzroy, one of their Representatives in Parlia ment. A few Days ago the Dwelling- Houfe of Mr. Smith, a Farmer at Dunstall, ( a Village near Burton upon Trent) was robb'd of a Box which contain'd 72 1. for which one William Shipton is committed to Stafford Gaol. On Monday se'nnight at Night Mr. Langley in Lich- field- Street, in Birmingham, was robbed of the Sum of about ii or 14 Pounds, mostly in Silver, that was in a Corner Cupboard in his Kitchen, which was broke open, it is suppos'd, by a Person who had concealed himself in the House in the Evening, as there was so Appearance of any forcible Entry into the House. There was some Plate also in the Cupboard, but
that was left behind. Yesterday se'nnight John Franklin was committed to Oxford Gaol for the Murder of his Wife, who was near her Time. The Child, upon opening her, appeared bruised and cruelly treated, as was her whole Body ; and her Skull was fractur'd. PRICES or CORN. At Worcester. Wheat from 7s. 6d. to 9s id. per Bushel, Barley from 4s. od. to 4s. 6d. Oats from is. o4d. to zs! 6d. Beans from 3s. tod. to 4s. 8d. At Gloucester.— Wheat 7s. 6d. to 9s. 6d. Barley 4s odd to 4s. 9d. Oats 2s. od. to 2s. 6d. Beans 33. 6d. to 4s. i< i per Bushel.
From the CITIZEN. The Game of QUADRILLE, by the Powers of EUROPE. The Queen of IF there was any fair Play, I ought to win. Hungary. I do not want to ruin others, but to re- trieve my Losses. Every one knows how the last Game went against me. The King of France ] They did very well to call me, for I am strong in every Suit. Besides, 1 know all the Tricks and Finesses of the Cards, and value myself upon playing all the Game. ' The Empress of Russia.] I will not keep my Trumps, as I did before, till the last of the Game. The King of Prussia.] I Can say without Vanity that I understand the Game as well as the oldest
Sharper of them all; and yet I have, in the first Deal of this Pool, committed Blunders that the youngest Beginner might be ashamed of. I was in Hopes to win the Game by hazard- ing the Vole ; and now I only with I may not lose Codille. The K— of .] I am afraid I have called a wrong King, and of being beasted; for I have no Ma- tadores, nor any Thing but small Cards to play the Game out with. • The Republick ef Holland.] If I had a King I might have some Chance ; but as I have nothing but a Queen and a small Trump, I had better pass. The King of Sweden.] When a Card is seen, the Deal is not to go. The King of Denmark]
Some advise me to play, others to let it alone. What shall I do ? I will e'en stand by and bet till I see my Time to cut in. The Elector of Saxony I muft be devilish unlucky, or I could not lose the Game thus, with three Matadores in my Hand. The King of Poland ]—- If I had made good Use of my Trumps, I might nave prevented my King being out: But from the bad Habit I have of sorting my Cards, ! often mistake one for the other, which, joined to my Eagerness for Gain, makes me commit Blunder upon Blunder. Ihe King of Spain ] Hitherto I have not begun to play, tho' deeply interested. 1 will see how Luck runs first, and in. the
mean Time make a good Provision of Cards and Fishes. The King of Naples It is Time enough for me to s play when I am called. The King of Sardinia.] I would willingly play, but am afraid of having the Matadores against me. The King of Portugal.] I have lately met with such Losses, that I cannot afford to play. This Day were Publish'd, Number I, ( Price Six- pence) ' Containing Three Sheets, the Title, General Contents and Frontispiece : Also Number I. ( Price One Shilling)' Containing Six - Sheets, the Title, General Contents, and Frontispiece, The SECOND EDITION, Illustrated with MAPS of EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, and
AMERICA, on 24 large Copper Plates, Mr. P0STLETWAIT's UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY O F TRADE and COMMERCE. In TWO VOLUMES FOLIO. Calculated for the Use of the British Senator and Gentle- man, as well as that of the Merchant, Trader, Manu- facturer, and Artificer of every Class, < Containing an Account of Every Thing essential in Monsieur SAVARY'S Dictionary, The political Constitution of the various great Trading Compa- . nies of the World. The Commerce and Navigation , of all the American Colonies. The Standard of Cold and Silver Coins of the World. Methods of dealing in Bullion, Gold and Silver. The
Foreign Exchanges, and their Arbitration, throughout Europe Foreign Weights and Measures Insurances in all- Lights., General Laws, Customs, and Wages of Merchants. Table of the Custom- House Du- ties, with Explanations of that • Part of the Revenue. Marine' Laws. Treaties of Commerce. Fisheries. British Funds and Public Credit. Explanations of all Technical Terms. Geography of the World, so far as it relates to Commerce. With a Variety of other interesting Particulars. The Whole containing a greater Fund of Facts, and genuine Ma- terials, relating to Universal Trade and Navigation, than ever appeared before, in this or
any other Nation. The CharaCter and Reputation this Work has obtained, is sufficiently manifest, by the Approbation and Encouragement, not only of the most eminent Merchants, Tradesmen, Manufacturers, and Artists in the Nation ; but likewise of ths British Nobility and Gentry, CONDITIONS. I. That this Work, which contains near 50o Sheets, and 24 large Maps, shall be elegantly printed, and comprised in 160 Numbers. II. That three Sheets shall be published every Week, without Inter- ruption, stitch'd in blue Paper, Price Six pence. III. A Number, containing six Sheets, Price One Shilling, will also be publish'd every Week.
IV. The Maps will be given gratis, and delivered in the Course of the Work. LONDON: Printed for John Knapton, in Ludgate- Street; and sold by all the Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal; of whom Proposals may be had. Also this Work complete, in Two Volumes, Folio. For the Benefit of Mr. JONES, At the GUILD- HALL, in Worcester, On TUESDAY the 15th' of this Instant March, ( Being in the ASSIZE- WEEK ) Will be Perform'd A CONCERT O F Vocal and Instrumental MUSICK. In which will be introduced Several Select PIECES on the JEWS'- HARP, by the celebrated
Mr, . Church,, original Performer on that Instrument, who has had the Honour of performing before his Majesty, the Royal Family, and most of the Nobility, with great Applause. To begin at SIX o'Clock. After which there will a BALL, Gratis. TICKETS ( at zs 6d. each) to be had of Mr. Bradley, Goldsmith ; at both the Coffee- Houses; and at R. Lewis's, Bookseller, in High- Street As the CONCERT intended for my Benefit, last Assizes, was, by the Advice of my Friends, postpon'd, I humbly presume those Gentlemen and Ladies who intended honouring me with their Company then, will oblige me with it now ; which Favour will be
most gratefully acknowledg'd by Their most humble Servant, Tho. Jones. Last Tuesday March i, was published, Elegantly printed in Octavo, Price, in Boards, 5 s. The SECOND VOLUME of Mr. Tindal's Translation and Continuation ot M. Rapin's HISTORY of ENGLAND, Illustrated with The Heads and Monuments of the Kings, Genealogical Tables, Maps, Coins, Medals, & c. elegantly engraved. LONDON : Printed, by Assignment from Mr. Knapton, for T. Osborne and J. Shipton, J. Hodges, J. Robinson, H. Woodfall, W. Strahan, J. Rivington, J. Ward, R. Baldwin, W. Owen, W, Johnston, J. Richardson, P. Davy and B. Law, T.
Longman, G. Keith, S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, T. Caslon, M. Cooper, and C. Ware : By whom Proposals are deliver'd, and Subscriptions are taken in. The Whole will be compris'd in Twenty Volumes, one of which will be publish'd the First Day of every Month, without Interruption, till the Work is completed. N. B. If any Gentleman, in perusing RAPIN, has made any REMARKS on his History, the Communication of them will be thankfully received by any of the Pro- prietors, or by Mr. N. Tindal himself at Greenwich Hospital. This Day is Published, ( For the Use of the Merchants and Tradesmen of Great Britain, as well as of
Private Gentlemen) Number I. [ Price Six- pence,] of A New DICTIONARY OF Trade and Commerce, Compiled from the Information of the most eminent Merchants, and from the Works of the best Writers on Commercial Subjects, in all Languages. Containing, among other Things, I. An Account of all the Natural Productions which are conducive to Trade, throughout the World. II. The different Manufactures established in each particular Conntry. III. Explanations of all the Terms used in Commerce. IV. Explanations of the principal Terms of Geography, Astro- nomy, and Navigation, fo far as they are connected with Trade. V. An
exaCt Account of the Coins, Weights, and Measures in Use throughout the World, reduced to the English Standard. VI. A Description of the establish'd Banks, Trading Companies, and Staple Commodities of different Countries. VII. The State of the British Trade, National Debt, Funds, Customs, Excise, and other Taxes. VIII. The Laws relative to Trade and Commerce. By Mr. ROLT, With the Assistance of several eminent Merchants. CONDITIONS. I. This Work will consist of One Volume, Folio, and no more 5 and will be compleated in Fifty Numbers, on a Fine Paper, and New Letter. II. Each Number will contain Four Sheets of
Letter- press, and will be deliver'd Weekly at the Price of Six- pence. LONDON : Printed for J. Hodges, J. Newbery, G. Keith, B. Col- lins, R. Baldwin, P. Davey and B. Law, S. Crowder and H. wood- gate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater- Noster- Row; and sold by Mr. Gamidge, in Leech Street, and Mr. Lewis, Booksellers, in Worcester 5 Mr. Price, in Gloucester Mr. Andrews," in Evesham ; Mr. Osmond, in Stowe; Mrs. Moseley, in Kidderminster j Mr. Wilde, in Stower- bridge; and Mr. Hodges, in Hereford. To be SOLD) Digley BOWLING- GREEN, And other Freehold and Leasehold ' LANDS and TENEMENTS, In the Parish of St.
Peter. Also, Several Freehold TENEMENTS,' In the Parish of St. Andrew, in the City of Worcester. For Particulars enquire of Dr. John Wall, or of Mr. William Davis. Apothecary, in Worcester To be SOLD, under Prime Cost, The Entire S T O C K of Millinary and Linnen- drapery GOODS, With the Counters and Shelves, of ANN SAYSE, Milliner, Opposite the Post- Office, in High- Street, Worcester, Who is leaving off Trade. N. B. The House is to be Lett, and may be enter'd upon at Lady- Day next. To be SOLD, A Freehold ESTATE, Of the Yearly Value of Eighteen Pounds, COnsisting of Pasture and Arabic Land, well stock'd
with Timber, a good Run for a large Flock of Sheep, with a Dwelling House, Barns, Pigeon- House, and a good Orchard, situate at Ratford, in the Parish of Rous Lench, commodious for Worcester, Alcester, and Evesham Mar- kets. For further Particulars enquire of Mrs. Ann Young, in Pershore; Mr. Job Cox, in Alcester; or of Mr. Jacob Baylis, in Kidderminster. To be LETT, And Enter d upon at LADY- DAY next, AN inclos'd FARM, situate near Strat- ford Upon Avon, consisting of Meadows, Pasture, and Arable- Land, with a good House, Dove- House, Out- Houses, Orchards, and commodious Barns, Yards, and Stable, very
convenient. There is likewise a pretty deal of Land in Stratford Field, very good sure Corn Land,, a great Part of which lies very convenient to the said In- closure.— The Yearly . Rent Eight Score and Ten Pounds. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Smith, To- bacconist, in Stratford upon Avon. for Limners, Painters, and Others, * ACompleat Assortment of every Arti- cle used in fine Painting sold as cheap as in Lon- don; viz. Fine Colours of all Sorts, fine Bristle Tools of all Sizes, and fine Round Brushes, Sash Tools, Trenches, Camel Hair Pencils, Quill or Tin bound, Fitch Pencils and Black Lead Pencils, Prim'd Cloths;
Leaf Gold, pale, green, and high Colour ; Leaf Silver and Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Dust, Nut and Poppy Oil, Spirit Varnish of various Colours, Oil Varnish, and Drying Oil, Gums of all Sorts, and high redtify'd Spirits, by WILLIAM WRIGHT, of Wolverhampton. Who likewise sells all Sorts of the finest Snuff, viz. Brazil, Havanna, Rappee, Spanish, and Scotch. This Day are Publish'd, In Four Volumes, Duodecimo, Price TWELVE SHILLINGS, bound, MODERN TRAVELS, Collected from the MOST AUTHENTICK WRITERS. VOL. UI, Mr. HANWAY'S to Russia, Per- sia, & c. Bp. PoNToppiDAN'S through Norway.. VOL. IV. Capt.
FreD. Nordin's celebi- ted Travels to Upper, Egypt and Nubia. VOL. I. Mr. MAUNDREL's to jerusalem. Dr. SHAW'S to the Levant. Mr. DAWKINS'S to Palmyra, VOL. II. Bp. POCOCKE'S to Egypt. Mr. DRUMMOND'S to Aleppo, Dr. RUSSELL'S to Aleppo. Illustrated with Many COPPER P L A T E S, engraven by the BEST ARTISTS, particularly, A Grand View of the City of ALEPPO. Two Views of the Ruins of PALMYRA.- A View of a Persian Camp. A Turkish Dinner. Several Views, from Capt. NORDIN, with a Map of the whole Course of the Rirer Nile, in one Plate. LONDON : Printed for'J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, at the Oxford
Theatre, in Pater- Noster Row and sold by S. mountfort ' junior Bookseller, Worcester, J '