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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 24/02/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2482
No Pages: 4
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ROW's Worcester Journal. • ;— [ Printed at his OFFICE, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, February 24, 1757. No. 2482 { FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. LETTER from Constantinople, January 2. AS the Opening of the next Campaign will, perhaps, be one of the most bloody that, has been experienced for a Num- ber of Years, no Wonder all Europe are solicitous for the Event; but the Conduct of the Ottoman Porte seems to astonish most People here, which ( in a Time of profound Peace) is raising Levies considerable enough to strike Terror in the most powerful Potentate. The Bashaws of Natolia, Bagdat, and Damascus, are ordered to attend the Summons of the Grand Signior with Fifteen Thousand Men each; and all the Provinces tribu- tary to him are ordered to levy immense Sums. The Ja- nizaries are reviewed ofther, and more striftly than for- merly. The Resolutions of the Divan are kept strictly secret. What can these Preparations tend to but a War, which must certainly be against some European Power, at the Peace with Persia has been lately ratified by mutual Presents The general- Opinion here is, that an Invasion will be attempted on the Russians, Naples, Jan. 30. They write from Matera, that du ring several Weeks past a burning well has discover'd it- self in that Neighbourhood, the Water of which being put near a Candle takes the Flame like Alcohol, and con- tinues till the greatest Part of it is consumed. COUNTRY NEWS. Letter from Penryn, in Cornwall, Feb 15. •• You cannot expect but very little News from this decolate Part of the World ; but what there is I always send you. About four Days ago died, about two Miles from my House, one Jonathan Effingham, aged One Hundred and Forty Four. A little Account of this surprizing Man will not, I dare say, be disagreeable. He was born here in the Reign of King James the First, of very poor Parents, and was bred up- as a Labourer. In the Revolu- tion of James the Second he was pressed, and served un- der Lord Feversham, then Commander in Chief of the Forces for several Years. On King William's coming to England, he served under Marshal Schomberg, one of the bravest Commanders in those Times, and was present at the ever memorable Battle of the Boyne in Ireland, where he behaved with so much Intrepidity and Courage, that he was some Time after made a Corporal, having received four Wounds in the Battle. He continued a Soldier in the Reign of Queen Anne, and fought under the Duke of Marlborough at the famous Battle of Blenheim, and lost an Eye and most of his Teeth, by the bursting of a Musket. He ferved likewise in King George the First's Reign, but WaS then thought unfit for Service, and dis- carded, and came here to Penryn, and worked as a La- bourer ; but, for these last Thirty Years, he has been kept by the Charitable Contributions of the neighbouring Gentry. It's very remarkable, that he was never ill for these Forty Years past; and the Reason he gave himself for his living so long was this : When young he never drank any Spirituous Liquors; when old, he rose Summer and Winter before Six, and went to the next Field, cut up a Turf, and smelt to his Mother Earth for some Time, used constant Exercise, and very seldom eat Meat. He was, to the last, a very chearful Companion, and walked ten Miles about a Week before his Death. The Loss of his Company is much lamented by the whole Neigh- bourhood." Rochester, Feb 14. Yesterday a poor Woman, having two Children and begging about this Neighbourhood, seeing a Cart stand near a Farmer's Yard with some clean Straw in it, took Opportunity to put one of them ( a fine Boy about Seven Months old; into the Cart, and covering it with Straw left it. A Servant looking out of a Win- dow at some Distance call'd to her, but she made off; and tho' strict Search was made after her she could not be found, so that the Child falls to the Care of St. Margaret's Pa- rish. LONDON. [ Thursday, Feb. 17. It is said that the Society for the Preservation of the Game have suspended, for this Season, the carrying on Prosecutions against the industrious and injured Farmers, and have turned their Thoughts on a nobler Object, viz. The Preservation of their Country. And as there is a Prospect of a national Militia being raised, they intend to use those Guns, which have to long been the Bane of innocent Birds, to repulse any foreign Power which shall be so fool hardy as to attack us, This will be a Quarry befitting Englishmen to boast, instead of relating how many Partridges they knock'd down the last Year's Shoot- ing, and how many Families they have reduced to Beg- gary by rigid Prosecutions. It is reported by some, who pretend to know what is on the April, that a bold Push will be made this Cam- paign : That 170 Matrosses are actually embarked at Woolwich, for Ireland, in order to join 6000 Regular Troops, which are to be transported from that Kingdom to America, under Convoy of sixteen Sail of the Line, commanded by Rear Admiral Holbourne, who, in a few Days is to be promoted to the Rank of Vice Admiral. They also give out, that Vice Admiral Smith is to be sent to the Mediterranean with a Fleet of twenty Sail of the Line of Battle, and that a sufficient Train of Artillery is already gone thither under Convoy of the Berwick Man of War: Which Fleet, they say, is destined first, to drive the French out of Corsica; and then the Corsicans ( if we can get them into the Humour to stir from Home) are to assist us in recovering Minorca. They add, that the Ad- mirals Boscawen and West are to command alternately in the Bay. We hear that fome Matrosses will be station'd along the Sea Coasts, in order to make Use of the Cannon fixed at several Places lor the Protection of the Coasts. A Thing very much wanted ; for no farther off than Margate, in Kent, there are four large Cannons upon each Headland on the Side of the Pier; but who should fire them in Case of Need, or where they would get Ammunition, is really worthy the Attention of those in Power. Advices from Flanders affirm that there are great Com- motions in many Parts of France, and that in Paris every Thing continues in the utmost Confusion, even the Dau- phin himself having been threatened ; ' tis said he has re- ceived a Letter, the Purport of which was to inform him of his being poisoned, but that the Poisoner repenting of so black a Deed, and touched with Remorse for so exe- crable a Crime, had, in order to atone for the same, sent him inclosed an infallible Antidote ; which had however, upon Examination, proved to be rank Poison. It is probably to the present Ferment in France, or to some other foreign Cause, that we must attribute the Order given for the 24000 Auxiliaries that were to march for Bohemia, to halt; for H is certain that they have re. ceived such an Order. We hear that there has been a great Insurrection at Rouen, the Capital of Normandy. It is reported that the Russian Troops will certainly be ordered back, by Orders from Petersburgh. The following is said to be an exact Account of the Trcops which the Empress will bring into the Field this Year against the King of Prussia : Horse Foot In Moravia - 20000 ——— 53608 In Bohemia A flying Camp, together with the - of— S Irregulars, to consist 20582 49610 4000 15880 Total 44582 119098 According to private Advices from Dresden, the Prince of Bevern will soon make a sudden March, with a large Body of Forces, to execute an important Expedition. This Day were shipped for Philadelphia 20 Cwt. of Iron Ordnance, and 8090 lb. of Gunpowder; and for Hambrough 4000 Ounces of Silver Coin. The Baggage of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cum- berland, and other Officers, are kept in Readiness for Em- barkation upon very short Notice. A Number of Officers fet out on Tuesday for Chester, to embark their for their Regiments in Ireland. The new- raised Highlanders have received Orders to embark the Beginning of next Week. Some Twenty- gun Ships are order'd to cruize upon the North Coast to curb the Enemy's Privateers. We hear that Capt. Clevland, in a 20 Gun Ship, had an Engagement in the Bay of Biscay with a French Man of War of 40 Guns, which he obliged to sheer off, and he is gone to Lisbon to refit. Two French East India Ships are safe arrived at the Groyne, and two at Vigo, with a French Frigate called the Saphire, from Martinico. By our not having Men of War to cruize more frequently off Cape Finisterre, and to the Southward of it, we lose ( many Advantages, and let many of the French Ships escape, which otherwise would fall into our Hands. We are glad to inform our Readers that Candles are fallen to Six Shillings and Eightpence per Dozen, owing to the Shop- Keepers taking to burning Oil in lieu of Can- dles ; which is a very great Saving in one Winter, to such Tradesmen whose Business obliges them to a constant Light from Five in the Evening till Ten at Night; and as Lamps have lately been brought to great Perfection, it is concluded that Candles will not be at that exorbitant Price for the future, as they have of late Years been. It is said the Special Verdict against the Thieftakers, now in Newgate, will be shortly decided. Yesterday Samuel Strahan, one of the Poor of St. Be- tolph's Aldersgate, was, by Sir Samuel Fludyer, Knt. committed to Newgate, being charged with Perjury in going to the Commons and obtaining on 0ath a Licence, by which he was on Tuesday married at § t. Anne's, Al- dersgate, to one of the Poor of that Parish, he having his lawful Wife living, who appcar'd before the above Magistrate. + We hear, that since several worthy Magistrates have united themselves to pass Beggars and Vagrants to their legal Settlements, from the Parish of St. Clement's, and from the three adjacent Parishes, some common Street- Walkers have been taken up, and being considered by them as Vagrants, have been passed to the Parishes to which they belong": If this be true, it will have the fol- lowing happy Effect : First, it will make Vice hide her Head, by keeping these Women within Doors, and by this Means many an honest drunken Fellow will stagger home to his Wife and Family, and preserve his Pocket at well as Constitution ; in the next Place, it will rescue from the Iron Jaws of that merciless Persecutor the Bawdy house Keeper, many a poor young Girl, decoyed into his Clut- ches by Artifice, secured in them by Want, and enslaved to his Service by Debts. But of what Sort ? Why, charged for the very Cloaths they wear for his Use, their Board for his Purpose, nay, for very Surgeon's Bills for curing Distempers acquired by their nightly Labour to procure * riotous, luxurious and expensive Subsistence for him and his Family. Extract of a Letter from Winchester, Feb 10 " The Hessian Forces received an Express last Week to hold themselves in Readiness to embark for Ireland: But since that an Order is come for their encamping in the same Place they did last Year, in order, as it is said, to make a Passage for some English Troops ( that are com- ing from the inland Counties) in their Way to Portsmouth for America. " ' Tis rumoured here that his Majesty's Palace is to be fitted up in the Spring for Barracks ; which will be a great Ease to the Country, as it is able to contain eight Regiments of Foot compleat P. S. Corn sinks." Extract of a private Letter from Gosport to a Gentleman in Town, dated Feb. I 2. " An English Captain, whose Circumstances obliged him to a desperate Attempt, took the following bold Re- solution with Success: Having prepared a small Fishing- Vessel with twenty brave Fellows on board, he took the Advantage of a windy Night to make into Boulogue, as drove in by Distress of Weather, hearing of a rich French Man being at Anchor there. When he got close to her he ordered all but two of his Men under Deck, and calling to the Commander in French, which he perfectly under- stood, complained greatly of the Danger of his being lost, but particularly mentioned the Hardships of the Fishing Trade since the English had taken such Numbers of their Small Craft, and that the Remainder were in daily Ex- pedition of the like Fate. The French Commander re- ceived him on board to refresh him, and let him into the whole Strength of his Ship, particularly having at that Time no less than ninety Hands on board ; when the Englishman, by a Signal, brought his own Men to board the Enemy, who had at that Time but twelve above the Hatchways besides the Captain, who were immediately secured and the Hatchways fastened : On which, hoisting Sail, they both safely arrived at Gosport." Extract of a letter from Mr. Thomas Knight, in Jamaica, to his Father in Birchin- Lane, London. " I have had that Fever which the People are very subject to when they first come to this Place, but having great Faith in Dr James's Powders, I was determined to take them, and they removed my Fever in less than forty- eight Hours, to the great Surprize of all those who were about me. I have persuaded many to try them in that Disorder since, and with great Success; for they have done most surprizing Cures, and raised People even after they have been given over by the Physicians." These Powders, sold at Mr. Newbery's in St Paul's Church Yard, London, are also, by his Appointment, sold by Mr. Blunt, in Ross; Mr. Hodges and Mr. Wylde, in Hereford; Mrs. Simmons, in Monmouth ; Mr. Hasle- wood, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Aris, in Birmingham ; Mr. Jopson, in Coventry; Mr. Andrews, in Evesham ; aid Mr. Berrow, in Worcester ; at Two Shillings and Six- pcnce a Paper, containing . Four Doses. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILSfrom Flanders WARSAW, January 16. THE Violence of Party is carried to so great a Height ' . in this City, at present, that scarce a Night passes without a Murder ; a great Number of Person killed - wounded, have been found in the Streets for several Days' past, most of them Saxons. The Motives to TO this Vio- lence are partly the Animosities lately arisen among the Nobles, and particularly between Prince Czartorisnsk Count Mniszeck, in which almost every one takes Part, and partly the present unhappy Situation of publick Af- " fairs wherein we see the Destruction of Poland at Hand, and the Security of the Rcpublick going to be made a Sacrifice to the Intrigues of the Saxons, in which it has had no Part. Many of the Palatinates, particularly that Of Bialsk, and those of Lithuania, are for denying a Pas- sage to the Russian Troops, as the Event, however favour- able to Saxony, cannot but prove in the highest Degree detrimental to Poland. It is remarkable that this nume- rous Army had reach'd our Frontiers, and seem'd dis- posed to continue their March into the Country, without having made a tenth Part of the necessary Provision for their Subsistence ; at the Remonftrances of the Palati- nates of Lithuania, however, it has been thought proper they should halt till they have provided proper Supplies, the Kacha. not being too plenty in our Provinces for the Inhabitants themselves; and though the Russians may boast Examples of their living on the Air in their Expe- ditions againd the Tartars, we have no Reason, from Ex periment, to suppose they would content themselves with such abstemious Diet in Poland. Madrid, Jan. 26. A great Quantity of Biscuit is pre- paring for the Camp at, St. Roch near Gibraltar. The Armameots are continued with Vigour throughout this Monarchy, as well by Land as Sea ; which, joined to the Disatisfaction that our Court seems to entertain at the Behaviour of the English, may probably soon produce an Alterattion in the pacific System hitherto adopted. Dresden, Feb I. His Prussian Majesty set out from hence last Friday for Lusace ; some say that he will make a Tour into Silesia. It is certain that, since he enter'd Silesia, he has augmented his Army with upwards of Forty Thousand Men; notwithstanding which, he is beating up for Recruits, and, which will hardly be be- liev'd after what has been written from hence, considera- ble Numbers of Men list every Day. All Things here are very quiet and in good Order, though, from the Re- sidence ot a Court,- the City is converted into a Place of Arms, Vienna, Feb 2. . A great Quantity of Provisions have been actually sent from hence into Poland for the Use' of the Russian Auxiliaries. It is said that Count Collowrath will succeed Prince Piccolomini in the Command of the Army that is to act on the Side of Silesia. The Arch- duke Joseph is in a Manner recover'd from the Small- Pox. ' Tis reported that the Prussians are assembled in the Neighbourhood of Koningsberg, and that they are upon the Point of marching into Poland. It is certain that the British Minister is engaged here in a Negotiation of Im- portance, of the Success of which there are great Hopes. Hanover, Feb. 4. Mr. Mitchell, the British Minister to the Court of Berlin, is arrived here; but on what Account we know not. Paris, Feb. 11. M. de Luce, Intendant of Alsace, is appointed Intendant of the Army to be sent to West- phalia ; which is to be commanded in Chief by M. d'Es- trees, who will be made a Marshal of France. ' Tis said that this Army will consist of about One Hundred and Four Thousand Men. We learn from Toulon, that the Squadron of Monsr. de la Clue sailed on the 27th of lad Month ; he carries a Million in Ready Money for the Payment of the Garri- son at Mahon, and is to proceed from thence to Malta. M. de Beaufremont sailed on the 30th for St. Domingo, with four Ships of the Line and four Frigates. The first Division of the Squadron from Port l'Orient is actually sailed ; the second is still in Port. The Comptroller Ge- neral is to have the Department of the Marine, in Con- junction with two Persons of great Capacity. As yet the Parliament does no Business, but continues to grumble. Extract of a Letter from Paris. " All the Means and Torments that could possibly be thought of have been inflicted on the Assassin Damien to make him discover the Contrivers of this wicked Plot, but to 110 Purpose. The Torture he underwent soon after he was taken up has produced Ulcers in his Legs, which have begun to mortify ; and ' tis fear d this Accident will make it necessary to hasten his Sentence and his Execu- tion." Some Accounts say that he expired under the excessive Torments, and that his last Words were, Take Care of the Dauphin ! From the LONDON GAZETTE, Madrid, Jan. 31. The last Letters from Cadiz mention that on the 23d Instant the Antigallican Privateer, com- manded by Capt. Forrest, brought into that Bay a large French Ship from China, of about 1000 Tons Burthen, supposed to be very rich, though her Value was not ex- actly known, because the French Captain had thrown all his Letters and Papers over- board, when he found himself forced to strike, after a very smart and obdinate Engage- ment of two Hours and a half. This Ship was designed by the Captain of the Privateer to be carried into Lisbon, but the extream Badness of the Weather had forced him to bear away for Cadiz, and to bring her into that Port. LONDON, [ Saturday, Feb. 19. There were near 500 Members Yesterday in the House of Commons Yesterday his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland was at the House of Peers to hear the Debates. Yesterday his Majestly sent a Message to the Hon. House of Commons. Thursday the Right Hon. William Pitt, Esq; took his Seat in the House of Commons for Oakhampton, in Devon- shire, which he was not able to do before on Account of his Illness. Several Schemes are under Consideration For raising the necessary Supplies with the least Burthen to the Publick possible; some of Which will shortly, it is said, be carried into Execution. - Another Train is order'd to be prepared, so as to be ready for Service on the shortest Notice. Several Gentlemen of the Island Of Jamaica, are now in Town to give Evidence in the Very important Affair relating to that Island. Last Week arrived at Liverpool, twelve Ships laden with Corn from America; and we are in daily Expecta- tion of other Ships arriving into the several Ports of this Kingdom with the same Commodity. This Day were enter'd at the Customhouse 107,081 Yards of Linnen from Newry, in Ireland. It is said that the King of Prussia, in Consideration of a Subsidy of 200,0001. engages to maintain an Army of 163,000 Men in the Field, and an Army of 50,000 Men always ready to recruit the Army in the Field. An Army of Observation will be formed in Germany of upwards of 50,000 Men, consisting of Hanoverians, Wolfembuttlians, Hessians, Danes, & c. We hear that 500,0001. will be granted by Parliament to the King of Prussia. Private Letters from Prague give us such an Account of the Armies on both Sides, as it may be proper to re- member. because a Time may possibly come, in which they will dispute Facts that are how said to be incontestible. Marshal Brown's Army they say is composed of SeVenty- three thousand effective Men ; that of the late Prince Pic- colomini of Seventy thousand ; Marshal Apraxin is to bring with him, at least One hundred and Thirty thousand Russians; and Prince Charles of Lorrain Will be at the Head of near One hundred thousand more. On the other Hand, his Prussian Majefty has sixty thousand under his own Command in Saxony ; Marshal Schwerin's Force does not exceed Fifty- five thousand ; and there are upwards of thirty thousand in Pomerania, and the rest of the Domi- nions of the House of Brandenburgh. The Royal Navy of Spain consists, at present, of one Ship of 114 Guns, six of 8o, thirty- seven of 70, four of 64, six of 60, one of 54, one of 50, five of 30, four of 26, four of 24, four of 22, five 16, four Packet Boats mounting 16 Guns each, thirteen Xebeques of 24 Guns, four Bomb Ketches, each carrying 11 Guns, and four Fire Ships; in all, One hundred and three Sail. It is affirm'd, that a convicted Felon said to the late Judge Burnet, " It is a hard Case, my Lord, a Man should be hang'd for dealing a Horse." " You are not to be hang'd, Sir, ( answer'd the Judge) for stealing a Horse, but that Horses may not be stolen." The same might have been said of Capt. Kirby and Capt. Wade ; they were not shot to Death so much for Cowardice, and sacrificing the brave and couragious Tar Admiral Bembo, and of Lieut Philips for giving up the Northumberland, as that future Commanders might thereby be deterr'd from doing as they did. Will a paltry Life atone for the Injuries done to a Nation ? Surely no. Yet Examples have always been made among the most civilized and best govern'd People In the World. _ The Warrant for the Execution of Admiral Byng was signed by the Lords of the Admiralty last Thursday. Letter from Portsmoutb, Feb. 18. " Yesterday Capt. Montague, of his Majesty's Ship the Monarque, acquainted Mr. Byng of his final Sentence. He only said to the Captain, That his Majesty's Pleasure must be comply'd with; and seem'd but little concern'd.—— ' Tis said he will be shot on Monday the 28th of this Month, on board of either of his Majesty's Ships of War Admiral Boscawen shall think proper. " Yesterday the Agent Victualler at this Port was dis- missed from his Employment. " Great Spirit is shewn in equipping all the Ships that can be fit for Sea. " Monday Night the Boatswain of his Majesty's Ship the Glory, eat his Supper seemingly well, but died in an Hour after. " And this Night the Boatswain of the Monarque was sound dead in his Bed." Extract of a Letter from Hilston, in Cornwall, Jan. 27 On the 24th Instant, in the Night, the Rose Brigantine, from Malaga for Leith, with Wine and Fruit, William Boyter, Master, was drove ashore on our Coast. Every Thing remained secure till the 15th about Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, when a very large Gang of Tinners came down with Axes, Clubs, and other Weapons, in a tumultuous Manner, and with unheard- of Villainy, for- cibly enter'd the Vessel, drove away the Master, his Men, and the Officers, and in the same Space of four or five Hours cut and destroyed the Rigging, plundered and car- ried off the whole Cargo, except ten or twelve Casks of Wine, which some of the Custom- House Officers secured, and of which they gave one Half to the Salvers. The Hull was likewise much damaged ; and as no Cables or Ropes were left to secure her, the Weather being very hard, the Sea rough, and the Country People still con- tinued about her, the Master thought it best to sell her; which he did for twenty Guineas, otherwise he would have got nothing." The Seahorse Man of War is arrived in the Downs from Lisbon, with a considerable Quantity of Money on board, for the Merchants of this City. The Prince Edward, , from Guiney for Bristol, is taken and carried into Havre de Grace. The William, Thompson, from St. Lucar for London, is taken and carried into Boulogne. The Mary and Elizabeth, Bush, from London for Ply- mouth, is carried into Dieppe. The Langford, Jubber, from Barbadoes for London, is taken and carried into St. Sebastians. The Annandale, from Chester to Dublin and Naples is taken, and carried into a small Port near Naples. A French Privateer of 18 Guns and 200 Men is taken by one of our Men of War, and brought into the Downs. Thursday the Owners of the Defiance Privateer gave the Sum of Twenty Guineas to the Widow of Captain Death, in Memory of the Bravery of her Husband. A Presentation has passed the Seal to enable the Rev. Thomas Lawson, M. A. to hold the Vicarage and Parish Church of Handley on the Green, in the County of- War- wick and Diocese of Worcester. Yesterday his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, and his Dutchess, subscribed a thousand Guineas each for two thousand Lottery Tickets, towards raising the necessary Supplies for the current Year. On Thursday the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Gage and his new- married Lady waited on his MAjesty at St. James's,, and were graciously received. Thursday Morning his Grace the Duke of Grafton taking the Diversion of Foxhunting, and riding down a Descent, his Horse fell with him on a Heap of Stones, which cut and bruised his Face very much, and otherwise hurt him, but he is now in a fair Way of Recovery. On the 5th Instant died at Haverfordwest, Charles Owen, Esq; Lieutenant- Colonel in Col. Thomas Murray's Regiment of Foot. Wednesday Morning died at Reading, of the Gout in his Stomach, Charles Fanshaw, Esq; a Rear- Admiral on Half pay. Last Thursday a Man was impressed in Whitechapel and brought before the Justices of Peace, but before he came to the above Magistrates, he cut off two of his Fin- gers in order that he might not be sent to serve his Ma- jesty ; on which a Surgeon was sent for, and proper Ap- plications being made for his Cure he was sent aboard a Ship. We hear that John Gatward, now confin'd in New- gate for robbing the North Mail, has made a full Confes- sion of the same, and sent Letters to several Aldermen and Gentlemen in Cambridge to intercede with the Mem- bers, to use their Interest for obtaining him Transporta- tion for Life. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint William Mills, of Haslehouse, Esq; to be Sheriff for the County of Glou- ceder, in the room of Reginald Pindar Lygon, Esq; Gaz. Alterations made in the Norfolk and Midland Circuits. MIDLAND CIRCUIT. Rutland, Friday March 18, at Oakham Monday 21, at the Castle and City of Lincoln Friday at Nottingham, and Saturday 26, it the Town of Nottingham Tues- day 29, at Derby Friday April I, » t Leicester Castle, and Satur- day 2, at the Borough of Leicester Tuesday 5, at Northampton — Saturday 9, at Coventry Monday II, at Warwick. NorfoLK CircuiT. Bucks, Monday March 14, at Aylesbury Thursday 17, at Bedford Saturday 19, at Huntingdon,—— Tuesday 22, at Cambridge Friday 25, » t Thetford, Norfolk— « Tuesday 29, at Bury St. Edmund, Suffolk. STRAY'D, on Wednesday the 23d of this Instant, from the Green Dragon Inn, in Fore- gate Street, Worcester, A short- legg'd, long- back'd, brown and white SPANIEL, Who answers to the Name of Jockey, with a Collar about his Neck, the Inscription, Charles Pigot, Esq-, Peplow.— Whoever will bring the said Spaniel to the Green Dragon Inn aforesaid, or to the Post- Office at Newport, Shrop- shire, to be left there for Captain William Adams, shall be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at LADY- DAY next, AN inclos'd FARM, situate near Strat- ford upon Avon, consisting of Meadows, Pasture, and Arable Land, with a good House, Dove- House, Out- Houses, Orchards, and commodious Barns, Yards, and Stable, very convenient. There is likewise a pretty deal of Land in Stratford Field, very good sure Corn Land, a great Part of which lies very convenient to the said In- closure.— The Yearly Rent Eight Score and Ten Pounds. For further Particulars enquire of Richurd Smith, TO- bacconist, in Stratford upon Avon. By Authority of the King's Royal Patent. THE following MEDICINES are sold; Wholesale and Retail, at the King's Arms and Jackson's Tincure Warehouse, kept by Thomas and William Jackson, and Company, at the Corner of Craven Buildings near the New Church in the Strand, London, and by their Appointment sold by S. Gamidge, Bookseller, in Leech- Street, Worcester, JACKSON'S TINCTURE, which, by many Years happy Success, hath been found and allow'd to be one of the most efficacious and best Family Medicines ever discovered, especially for the Rheumatism, Gravel, Stone, Cholick, or Griping of the Guts, or any such- like Windy Disorders ; it not only gives present Ease, but, if continued taking, one Bottie or two will entirely remote and destroy the Cause: Likewise Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, old Ulcers, or Swellings of any Kind, it cures to Admiration. Ir gives present Ease in all Manner of Pains, even in the greatest Torture; in short, it needs no further Recommendation, only make Trial, and the Medicine will recommend itself. Price 1s. the Bottle. Of the said S. Gamidge may also be had. The Original Daffy's ELIXIR. Price is. 3d. the Half- pint Bottle. The LADY'S, or Court Black Sticking Plaister.—— is. Dr. Bateman's Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass, i Ji, each Vial. True and Genuine British Oil. is. the Bottle.' Dr. Anderson's, or the True Scots Pills.—— is. the Bo*. Dr. Stoughton's Great Stomatick Elixir. is. the Bottle. Dr. Godfrey's General Cordial.— 6d. Ihe Bottle, Dr. Bostock's Cordial is. jd. the Bottle. The Famous Patent Ointment for the Itch. is. Ci. the Box. ..... , r; , , Feb. 24, 1757 WHereas Richard Taylor, Son of Wil- liam Taylor, of the Parish of Old Swinford, in the County of Worcester, was, in or about the Month of July last, Kidnapp'd, and taken from his Father's House, by a Person or Persons unknown, and from thence taken to Lower Milton'; and there put on board a Collier bound down the River Severn ; Whoever will give any Account of the said Richard Taylor, either to H. Berrow, Printer, in Worcester ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester; Mrs. Farley, Printer, in Bristol; or to the Father of the said Richard Taylor, shall receive Two Guineas Reward. N. B. The said Richard Taylor is a Lad of about Six- teen Years of Age, low in Stature, strong made, of a pale Complexion, his Face much pitted with the Small Pox, grey Eyes, and very white Hair. Note, If the said Lad has been press'd into the Sea- Service, or sent Abroad, if the Owner of any Ship or Vessel that carried him, or any other Person or Persons will give any Account of him, whether he is living or dead, fuch Person Or Persons shall be intitled to the above Reward, and the Thanks of his Friends. SIMNELS, of different Prices, Are now Made and Sold By JOHN DILLON, Baker, Adjoining to St. Helen's Church, in High- street, Wor- cester, who has been properly instructed in the making chem by a Person of Mr. Stinton's Family. For Limners, Painters, and Others, ACompleat Assortment of every Arti- cle used in fine Painting sold as cheap as in Lon- don, viz. Fine Colours of all Sorts, fine Bristle Tools of all Sizes, and fine Round Brushes, Sash Tools, Trenches, Camel Hair Pencils, Quill or Tin bound, Fitch Pencils and Black Lead Pencils, Pnm'd Cloths; Leaf Gold, pale, green, and high Colour; Leaf Silver and Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Dust, Nut and Poppy Oil, Spirit Varnish of various Colours, Oil Varnish, and Drying Oil, Gums of all Sorts, and high rectify'd Spirits, by WILLIAM WRIGHT, of Wolverhampton. Who likewise sells all Sorts of the finest Snuff, viz. Brazil, Havanna, Rappee, Spanish, and Scotch. Hawkers and Pedlars Office, Gray's Inn, . London, Feb. 21, 1757. WHEREAS an Extent, at the Suit of his Majesty, has issued against the Estate and Effects Of Mr. Thomas Meysey, of Bewdley, in the County of Worcester, deceased, late Riding Surveyor to the Commissioners for licensing Hawkers and Pedlars; This is to give Notice to all Persons who are possessed of any Goods or Effects of the said Thomas Meysey, or who have any Hawkers and Pedlars Licences deposited by him in their Hands, or were any- Ways indebted to him either on Account of such Licences or otherwise, that they are required forthwith to pay the same to James Turner, Esq; in Worcester; Thomas Prosser, Riding Surveyor in Salop; or to Mr. Anthony Cracherode, Solicitor to the said Com- missioners, at their Office, in Gray's Inn, London, or they will be prosecuted for the same. We hear that Admiral Byng is visited by two Clergy- men, and behaves under his present Circumstances very serene and ' composed. It is reported ( how true cannot be ascertain'd) that Mr. Byng has bequeath'd Seven Hundred Pounds per Annum among such as have been friendlly and cOmplaisant to him in his Troubles. It would make one laugh [ says tbe Author of the Even- ing Advertiser] to hear the Sentiments of Mankind in Relation to Admiral Byng, as they are distinguish'd by different Professions: The Clergy deliver him over to the Executioner; Physicians would purge the Land of him ; Surgeons would have his Body ; Lawyers for Execution-, the Jews crucify him ! crucify biml Carpenters would chop off his Head ; Tanners skin him ; Crispin put an End to him; Butchers slaughter him; and Taylors send him to Hell But all these Punishments, however deserving, cannot be inflicted ; yet, as they all tend to immediate Death, let us, with one Heart and one Voice join our Cries at the Throne of justice, for this Sentence, ever- memorable, It is expedient and nccessary that one Man die for the People. We hear that To- morrow there will be a Meeting of the Boatswains and Boatswains- Mates of the Navy, oppo- site to ihe Anchor and Hope, Wapping, to consider of the Articles of War, and to sign a Petition in Behalf of a late ignorant A l ; when, ' tis said, among other Things Worcester, Feb. 23, 1757. WENT away from her Friends, on Monday Evening last, and hath not since been heard of, ( suppos'd to be a little disorder'd in her Mind) A very tall, thin, young Woman, longish Visage, fair Complexion, light brown Hair, had on an old light- grey Gown, a black quilted Petticoat, green Stuff Shoes, a colour'd Apron, and a spotted blue and white Hand kerchief about her Head. If any Person hath seen her, or can give Intelligence of her to the Printer of this Paper, so that her Friends may hear of her again, shall be rewarded to their Content. Feb. 23, 1757. WHereas a live Female Child, suppos'd to be about Three Quarters old, was, Yesterday Morning, found in a Barn, in Warndon Parish, near the City of Worcester, and whereas the Mother of the said Child was suppos'd to go from Worcester with some Re- cruits towards Kempsey; Whoever secures her and gives Notice to Samuel Wilson, Churchwarden of the said Pa- rish, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward, and be allow'd all reasonable Charges, by me, SAMUEL WILSON. Note, The Child had on a blue Tammy Coat, and check'd Frock ; the suppos'd Mother is a short fresh- co- lour'd Woman, had on a green Stuff Gown, a black Shag Hat, a brown Cloth Cloak, and a strip'd blue and white quilted Petticoat; and a Piece of Paper was left with the * Child, wrote on as follows, Hannah was born in the Year 1756; She is a Twin, she was born upon Travel in the County of Worcester; her Father is a Soldier. Wednesdayss and Thursdays POSTS. LONDON. [ Tuesday, Feb. 22. THE Portsmouth Letter, dated as Yesterday, says that Admiral Byng's Execution is certainly fix'd for Monday the 28th Instant. of equal Consequence, it will be proposed, That, for the future, no Officer above the Degree of a Boatswain's Mate lhall be punish'd for any Thing done on board of Ship : That every one shall do what shall appear right in his own Eyes, by which a great Expence will be saved to the Nation, both in Clerks for writing Instructions, and for Courts Martial in punishing Officers for Cowardice and disobeying those Instructions. We are assured, that on Sunday last Prayers were put up in several Churches in the City, for one under Sen- tence of Death. It is now whisper'd, that a certain very large Sum of Money was remitted from France to the late French Minister; and some go so far as to believe it to be the procuring Cause of our great Misfortune in the Mediter- ranean. It is said, that General Fowke, late Governor of Gi- braltar, who was broke on Occasion of the Loss of Mi- norca, has obtained a Pension of 800 1. per Annum. A Motion is expected to be made in the House of Commons in a Day or two on a very extraordinary Affair. It is strongly rumoured in the District of St. James's, that Articles of high Crimes and Misdemeanor will be exhibited shortly against a Gentleman lately in great Em- ployment. When the Forces which will speedily embark from Great Britain and Ireland for America shall be arrived there, they will make, together with the Troops already there under Lord Loudon and the Provincials, an Army of near 39,000 Men: A Force sufficient we hope to change our present alarming Situation in those Parts to Success and Victory. \ The Right Hon. Lord Charles Hay's Regiment is to embark on Monday next for North- America ; and we hear that his Lordship is appointed Commander of the Forces that are going there. The Dissenters in different Parts of the Kingdom, are very, busy in fending up Petitions against the Militia Bill, on Account of the- Men being to be disciplined on the Lord's Day. Quere.' If they can carry their Point, whether they will not likewise petition against any Business being done on the same Day in any of his Majetly's Dock Yards ? We hear that Sir Charles Hanbury Williams will soon set out from Petersburgh for Stockholm on a Commission of great Importance. It is said that an Army of French Troops is actually . marched into Westphalia. : ' Tis thought that the Steps which several Powers are ' taking to assist the King of Prussia will enable him rather to seek the Enemy, than to keep on the Defensive. We hear that the Polanders have desired the Assistance of the King of Prussia to keep the Russians from marching through their Kingdom, and that a Body of Turks are actually in Motion. Notwithstanding the frequent Reports of apprehended Ruptures with Spain, artfully inserted in Articles from Madrid, and other Places, we have good Reason to think they are occasionally made to serve the Purpose of a Set of People, who are using every Means in their Power to extend the Navigation of that Kingdom, to the Prejudice of our own ; as our Court and that of Spain are upon the same good footing they have been for many Years past. There is an Account that the Experiment, Capt. Spray, of 20 Guns, has had a bloody Engagement for several Hours, off Cape de Gatt, with a French Privateer of 36 Guns, and 350 Men, supposed from Marseilles. It is said Capt. Spray was kill'd, and Abundance of his Men ; ' also that the Privateer lost a great Number of her Men, and that both were so shattered that they were not in a Con- dition to renew the Engagement. It is said that the Antigallican's Prize, a French East Indiaman of extraordinary Value, which has been forced by Stress of Weather into Cadiz, is there detained by the Spaniards, upon Pretence of her having been taken within the Reach of the Guns of one of their Forts. A few Nights since the Arch of a Cellar in the Duke's Lodge at Windsor, under his Royal Highness's Bed Cham- ber, fell in, which happily was attended with no other Accident, notwithstanding he was in Bed ; since which his Royal Highness is removed to Cranbourn,' another Lodge at a little Distance.— Windsor Lodge is so much out of Repair, that it is necessary to be rebuilt, and a Plan is prepared for that Purpose. ExtraS of a Letter from Dover, Feb. 18. " This Morning, about Nine o'Clock, a French Dog- ger Privateer, of about six Carriage Guns took a Spanish Snow within three Miles of Dover, in the Sight of a great Number of Spectators, and carried her off in Triumph : She was pursued just afterwards by two armed Cutters, but they not thinking themselves a Match for her, gave over the Chace, and at the same Time gave Signal to a twenty Gun Ship that lay in the Offing, who likewise pursued', - : and with Success; for she retook the Snow in about two * Hours afterwards, and ' tis thought the Privateer cannot escape " His Majesty's Sloop Badger has taken, and sent into- the Downs, the above French Privateer of six Guns, as also the Spanish Snow. A French Brig Privateer is taken on the Westward Coast by one of our Men of War. The Schemer, Nichols, from Africa; and the Austin. Holme, from Liverpool for Barbadoes, are both taken and carried into Martinico. The Experince, Gibbard, from London for Genoa, is taken and carried into Marseilles. The Prince Edward, from Bristol for Guiney, that was taken by the Soubize Privateer, is arrived at Havre de Grace. 1 The Hanoverian Forces are to embark this Week for Hanover. To prevent the same Miseries, Clamours, & c. on Ac- count of Corn this last Winter, we hear that Application will be made for County Magazines. On Wednesday Evening, a Woman went into the Shop of Mr. Steel, Hosier, in Church- Court in the Strand, and defired him to send fome Womens Stockings to her Mis- tress, who lived in Duke's Court; which he did by a young Girl his Servant. The Woman took the Girl into one of the dark Passages in St. Martin's- Lane, and pulled out a Knife, threatening to cut the Girl's Throat, if she made any Noise, and took the Stockings from her, and would have stript her, but not thinking her Cloaths good for much, she made off with the Stockings, undiscovered. STOCKS. Bank, 1163 qrs. India, 1353 qrs. South Sea, 99 t- half. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 88 3 qrs. Ditto zd Sub. 88 1 pr. Ditto New Annuities, id Sub. 88 1 qr. a 3 8ths. Ditto 2d Sub. 87 3 8ths. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 88 3 8ths. India Bonds, 2!. 4s. a 5 s. Prem. Weymouth, Feb. 16. This Coast has for some Time been daily infested with Privateers, which have taken many Ships coming up and down Channel, in Sight of the In, habitants of Portland. Bristol, Feb. 19. Wednesday last was brought to Town under a Guard of Invalids, and committed to Bridewell, several of the Ring- leaders of the Riots that have, for some Time past, been committed at Newnham, on the River Severn. WORCESTER, February 24. _ _ On Monday last Mr. Boulton's generous Benefaction of\ Fifty Pounds, for the Relief of dillress'd Families in this City, was disposed of in a very eligible Manner. On Monday last, Sandys Mill, Esq; a Captain in the First Regiment of Dragoon Guards, was married, at St. Peter's Church, to the celebrated Miss Betsy Wylde, of the Commandery, a young Lady of a considerable For tune, and whofe personal Beauty, Sweatness of Temper, and fine Accomplishments, cannot fail rendering the ma- trimonial State compleatly happy. As soon as the Ceremony was over, the new- married Couple set out for the Set of Sir Richard Mill, Bart. ( Father of the above Gentleman) near Midhurst, in Sussex. We hear that the Poor of Four Parishes in tbe Neigh- bourhood of Envil, near Stowerbridge, are relieved by the Right Hon. the Earl of Stamford, to whom Bread is Weekly distributed, and at the same Time Eighteen pence given to each Person. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, his Majesty's Embassa- dor to the Court of Petersbourg, and one of the Repre- sentatives in Parliament for Leominster, in Herefordshire, has sent from Russia a Bill of One Hundred Pounds, for the Relief of the Poor at Leominster. The Number of People that the Right. Hon. the Earl of Dartmouth relieves Weekly at West Bromwich is near Three Hundred; Three Days in a Week good Wheat Bread is given away at Sandwell- Hall, ( his Lordship's Seat) when each Person has a Loaf that weighs 6 Pounds; and twice a Week Beef, Broth, and Bread, are distributed to near two hundred Persons at a Tenant's, of his Lord- ship's; besides which, large Quantities of Wheat and Barley are constantly bought, to be sold at a low Rate ; and several in the Neighbourhood are relieved in a private Manner with Necessaries, to make their Lives comfort- able. His Lordship hath placed out to School Thirty Boys, and Twenty Girls, ( whom he hath cloathed in an Uniform, and provides with Books) to be taught to read and write, and the Girls also to knit and sew. PRICES of CORN. At Worcester. Whiat from 7s. od. to 8s 8d. per BufficJ, Barley from 4s. od. to 4s. 3d. Oats from zs. 02d. to 2J. 5d. Beans from 3s. t id. to 4s. 4d. At Gloucester.— Wheat 7s. 6d. to 9s. od. Barley 4s ood 10 4s. 8d. Oats 29. od. to zs. 3d. Beans 3s. 6d. to 4s. zd. per Bulhel. At Birmingham — Wheat 7s. 4d. to 8s. 3d. Barley 4s. od. to 4s. 8d. Oats 2s. 2d. to 2s. 6d. Cheese 24s. to z6s. per Hundred Weight. At Oxford. Wheat 14I 00s. to 16I. 00s. per Load. Barley il. 3s. to il. 07s 6d. Oats 16s. to 19s. l eas 11. 6s. to 11. 16s. od per Quarter. At London.— Wheat 44s. to 49s. od. per Quarter ( Eight Bushels. Barley 26s. Co 31s. 6d. per Quarter. Coventry, Feb. 19, 1757. AS a very satyrical Reflection has appear'd in the Wor- cester journal, upon my advertising the Bronchocele Care, by insinuating it to be a Counterfeit Medicine; which seems to be more the EffeCts of Fear than any Merit in himself, who boasts of a Receipt ( that he bought) which is of many Years standing, and, perhaps, will meet with no Improvement in the Hands it is now in ; for as the Climate and Constitutions alter, so consequently Me- dicines require to be alter'd and improv'd; or else why are there new Dispensatories put out' And to take up Weapons against the Remains of the deceased, shews a great Cowardice and Meanness of Spirit, he knowing Mr. Palmer to be so much fuperior in Judgment to him- felf, durst not do it in his Life- Time. And as to the Infinuations of Impostor and Counterfeit are very unjustly levell'd at him, for he pretended to no Medicine in the Bronchocele Cure, but that which he found out himself, by his own Study and long Experience he had in Medicines in the Profession of an Apothecary for his Father and himself for near Sixty Years. They understood Pharmacy so well that they prepar'd Medicines, both Galenical and Chemical, for tbe Use of other Apothecaries, especially for such young Ones at did not know how to prepare them Themselves, which, if the Advertiser had been Master of, would have employ'd himself better than to have insinuated his Arts to be unfair, or his Medicines Counterfeit. They had the Honour to serve many Right Honaurable Families, as well as other Distinctions of Persons of Quality, as Apo- thecaries, and consequently must have made up the Pre- scriptions of the most eminent Physicians both at home and abroad ; so don't doubt but those Persons who have Occasion for the Medicine will please to apply to me, who can give many Instances both of the Safety and Cures perform'd by my Medicine ( besides that which is inserted in the following Letter) as will give them full Satisfaction, from their humble Servant, ELIZ. PALMER. N. B Please to direct for Mrs. Palmer at Mr. Plant's, in Coventry. To the Printer of the WORCESTER JOURNAL. Northampton, Feb. 15, 1757. S I R, AS a very ungenerous Reflection has been lately made in your Paper upon Mrs. Palmer's advertising the Bronchocele Cure, I thought it a Duty incumbent upon not only to serve the Remains of my late most worthy Bene- faCtor, but all who labour under the like terrible Disorder at I did for several Years, with a very bad Bronchocele, or swell'd Neck, by which 1 was brought so low that I thought I should die, and almost wish'd for Death ; but hearing that Mr. John Palmer, Apothecary, at Coventry, did undertake to cure such Disorders, I apply'd myself to him, and by taking his Medicines in the Year 1749. I was ( God be praised) perfectly cur'd ; and shall always be ready to answer any Questions from any Person, either by per- sonal Application or by Letter ( Post paid) directed for me at the Register Office, in Northampton ; and I can assure the World that I was perfectly cur'd and remain so. Therefore I beg the Favour of you to insert this in your Paper ; by doing of which you will serve the Publick, and greatly oblige. Sir, Your most humble Servant, SAMUEL SMITH. N. B. Mrs. Palmer made up Medicines for me ; and I have heard Mr. Palmer say she knew the Medicine as well as himself, and that he would not communicate it to any- body else. For the Benefit of Mr. JONES, At the GUILD- HALL, in Worcester, On T U E S D A Y the 15th of March, ( Being in the ASSIZE- WEEK ) Will be Perform'd A CONCERT O F . Vocal and Instrumental MUSICK. To begin at SIX o'Clock. After which there will a BALL, Gratis. TICKETS ( at 21. 6d. each) to be had of Mr. Bradley, Goldsmith, and at both the CofFee- Houses. As the CONCERT intended for my Benefit, last Assizes, was, by the Advice of my Friends, postpon'd, I humbly presume those Gentlemen and Ladies who intended honouring me with their Company then, will oblige me with it now ; which Favour will be most gratefully acknowledg'd by Their most humble Servant, Tho. Jones. To be SOLD, under Prime Cost, The Entire STOCK of Millinary and Linnen- drapery GOODS, With the Counters and Shelves, of ANN SAYSE, MILLINER, Opposite the Post- Office, in High Street, Worcester, Who is leaving off Trade. N. B. The House is to be Lett, and may be enter'd upon at Lady- Day next. Worcester), Feb. 17, 1757. The STOCK in TRADE Of Mrs. Sarah Poynting, ( Late SHOP- KEEPER in Sidbury, ) Being to be Dispos'd of, any Person who is willing to pursue the Business, and purchase the Stock, by en- quiring at the Shop, may be inform'd on what Condi- tions the same may be Enter'd on. In the mean Time, such Persons as have Occasion for any Thing in the Retail Way, may depend on being supply'd there, at a very cheap Rate. N. B. This Shop has, for Forty Years past, been constantly occupied in the Mercery and Linnen Drapery Way. to be LETT, And Enter'd upon Immediately, At Great Hampton, in the County of Worcester, within one Mile of Evesham, AConvenient FARM; consisting of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture, of the yearly Value of Sixty Pounds, now in the Tenure or Occupation of William Phillips as Tenant thereof. For further Particulars enquire of Dr. Baylies, of Eve- sham, or of the aforesaid William Phillips. N. B. The Land is all in exceeding good Condition, and the Buildings quite convenient, and in good Repair. To be SOLD, ( For the Remainder of a Term of Years,) And Enter'd upon Immediately, THE Lease of Llandrindod- Hall and Farm, in tbe County of Radnor ; consisting of up- wards of 300 Acres of Land, ( Tythe- free) with Right of Common, at the yearly Rent of 60 I. Likewise all the Stock upon the Farm, with the Houshold Goods, Furni- ture, and Liquors, & c. the late EffeCts of William Gros- venor, deceafed. This being the chief Place of Enter- tainment for Persons reforting to Llandrindod- Wells, occa- sioned the late Mr. Grosvenor to lay out several Hundred Pounds on the Buildings, which are very compleat, and in good Repair, and capable of accommodating upwards of One Hundred Persons. For further Particulars enquire of Thomas Jones, Esq; of Penkarig, near Llandrindod ; Mr. Samuel Harrops, or of Mr. Thomas Sandford, both of Shrewsbury, N. B. All Persons who have any Demand upon the Estate or Effects of the late Mr. Grosvenor, are desired to send in their respective Demands to the said Mr. Harrops or Mr. Sandford ; and all Persons indebted are required to pay their respective Debts without further Application. This Day were Published, In TWO VOLUMES, OCTAVO, MEDITATIONS UPON Various and Important Subjects, WITH Short PRAYERS annexed. By BENJAMIN JENKS. WITH A PREFACE by the Rev. Mr. HeRvEY. An Extract from the Preface. " The several MEDITATIONS may be regarded as so many " striking SERMONS, on the most interesting Subjects of our " Holy Religion ; or rather, as a judicious Abridgment of vari- " ous excellent Sermons, on almost every Branch of Christianity. " In each of which, we have the Spirit and Energy of a copi- " ous Discourse, contracted within the small Compass of Two " or Three Pages ; for which Reason I cannot but apprehend " they may be particularly serviceable in the Family, as well • « as in the Closet. That one of those short Essays, distinctly " or repeatedly read amongst our Domesticks, may be more " advantageous than the hasty Perusal of a much larger Cum- " position. " Let me only add, that I know one Person to whom these " Books have been highly delightful, and eminently beneficial, " have very much contributed to exalt his Apprehenfsons of " Divine Grace, land to establish his Faith in the Blessed Jesus. " That they may be equally or rather more abundantly beneficial • « and delightful to the Publick, is the With, the Hope, the « ' Prayer, of JAMES HERVEY. LONDON : Printed for J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, at the Oxford Theatre, in Pater. Noster- Row and sold by S. Mountfort, junior, Bookseller, in Worcester. ADVERTISEMENT. The great Demand for the GENERAL MAGAZINE ARTS and SCIENCES, Philosophical, Philological, Mathematical, and Mechanic by B. MARTIN, ( Twenty seven Numbers of which 1 now published, and in which are given above sixty Copper Plate Prints, Maps, & c) has frequently caused the several Numbers to be out of Print. This it to aquaint the Publick, they are all now reprinted, by W. Owen in Fleet- Street, London, and sold by all Booksellers Printers, Sec in Great Britain and Ireland. *„* As several Subscribers have omitted taking in 1 Supplements to this Work, viz No. 13 and 26, whereby they are led into Mistakes with Regard to the preceding Numbers, each succeeding Publication having e De pendance on the foregoing. , Gentlemen and Ladies who are inclined to take in this Work, may begin with No. 1, and go on progres- sively. . Number 28 will be publish'd the 1st of March, Price 6 d. To be SOLD, Digley BOWLING- GREEN, And other Freehold and Leasehold LANDS and TENEMENTS, In the Parish of St. Peter. Also, Several Freehold TENEMENTS; In the Parish of St. Andrew, in the City of Worcester. For Particulars enquire of Dr. John Wall, or of Mr„ William Davis. Apothecary, in Worcester. For the Publick Good, THE following Persons have ( as Advertised often in this Journal) been prosecuted and found Guilty of counterfeit- ing the Famous Dr. BATEMAN'S PECTORAL DROPS, viz. Joseph Russel, in Queen Street, London. Thomas Jackson, ( Tincture- man), in Craven Buildings, Drury Lane} near the New Church in the Strand, London. Thomas Clark, at the Golden Key, on London Bridge. Thomas Randall, in Bread Street, London. These Prosecutions may fully prove to all the World, that the true Medicine, called Dr. BATEMAN'S Pertoral Drops, is sold only at Diceys and Company's Warehouse, at the King's Arms and Boar's Head, directly facing the South Door of Bow Church, in Bow Church Yard, next Bow Lane, Cheapside, London, or where they appoint. "•„* The Manner the above ( and such like) Counterfeits have imposed on the Publick,- is thus, by turning the Name Dicey into Dysey, and Okell into Okill; At other Times, have headed their Di- rection Bills ( around the King's Arms) thus, Cluer, Dice, Hockley and Co. or Mary Beauchampe, also, From the True Original, or Grand Warehouse in London, But always have copied the Cures, as performed by Diceys and & Okell's True Original Drops, as may be found by examining their, printed Book of real Cures, long since dis- persed over this Kingdom, and given to the Retailers ot Diceys and Okell's True Drops, to be sent their Customers to read. But as such Evil- doers continue to encourage their unwary Customcrs to sell their poisonous Compositions, to the Hazard of the Health, if not the Lives, of those who take such Trash, the Proprietors are determined to prosecute all Shopkeepers, & c. who shall dare to sell such Coun- terfeits in the Name of Dr. BATEMAN'S Pectoral Drops, pre- pared by the said Dicey txnd Okell, who ( on Conviction of such Offen- ders) promise a Reward of Twenty Pounds to be paid by them to the Informer. The True Dr. BATEMAN'S Pectoral Drops, ( each Bottle being seal'd as in the Margin) faithfully prepared only by the abute Diceys and Okell, have, for more than Forty Years, been universally known for curing and giving immediate Ease in all Colds, Agues, Fe- vers, Stone, Gravel, Cholicks, and never fails of Relief in the Rheumatism, Pains in the Breast, Limbs, and Joints: It hath been found serviceable in many other disorders, as mentioned in our Book of Cures, tec. And are appointed to be sold by S. sa- vage, in Upton upon Severn ; E. and S. Hankins, in Ledbury, Wm. Sprott, Cutler, ( and no other Person) in Leominster ; B. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; J. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury • J. Keating, Bookseller, in Stratford upon Avon ; J. Allen, Grocer, in Campden \ Mrs. Moseley, Bookseller, in Kidderminster ; Mrs. Watson, in Bromsgrove; H. Harris, in Bromyard ; J. Beesley, Iron- monger, in Evesham ; Messrs. R. Lewis and M. and E. Woolley, Booksellers, in Worcester } and by the Printer of this Paper and the Persons who distribute it: Also by one or more reputable Shopkeeper in every City and Market Town in England. Where their following True Medicines may be had, Dr. HOOPER'S Female Pills, each Box containing 40 Pills, is. Dr. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir for Seminal Weak- nesses in both Sexes, is. 6d. Baron Schwanberg' s Liquid Shell, being a safe and sure Dissolvent of the Stone and Gravel, and gives immediate Relief in the Stran- guary and Wind Cholick ; very proper for young Children ; is. 6d. ( All publish'd under Sanction of the KING's Royal Letters Patent.) The True Daffy's Elixir ( when try'd will be approv'd) is. 3d. Bettons' True and Genuine British Oil for Bruises. Wounds, and Ulcers, 1s. Bettons' Refined Oil to take inwardly for Consumptions, Sec. is. id. , Dr. Bateman's Great Cordial Purging Elixir, is. jd. Dr. Bateman's Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy- Grass, II, Dr. Stoughton's Great Stomatick Elixir, is. Dr. Radcliffe's Famous Purging Elixir, is. Bostock's Purging Elixir, is an Imitation of Daffy. Aurum Horizontal Pill, for the Scurvy and Venereal Complaints, Dr. Anderson's, or the True Scots Pills. True Eau de Luce, at is. 6d. or 3s. the Bottle. Right French Hungary, and double- distill'd Lavender Waters.
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