Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 23/12/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2473
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcefter JOURNAL. [ Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross.] Price Two- Pence, THURSDAY, December 23, 1756. N° 2473 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. PARIS, December 4. HEY write from Cadis, that the Leon, in her Return from the South Sea, has discovered an unknown Land. This Ship was then in the South Latitude of 54 Degrees 48 Minutes, and coasted about that Land twenty- five or thirty Days, which appeared to the Crew of so prodigious a Height that, in clear Weather, they could see it at the Distance of sixty Leagues. According to Letters from Brest, abundance of Cannon,
Mortars, Bombs, and other warlike Stores, continually passed by St. Brieux and Guingamp, going to that Port. It is said that the Army commanded by the Prince of Soubiee will shortly march towards Germany. Paris, Dec. It is rumour'd that an Extraordinary Nuncio is arrived to support the Pope's Brief relating to our Ecclesiastical Disputes, and to demand that it may have the Force of a Decision of the Church. It is also reported that a Foreign Nobleman is arriVed in Town with Proposals for concluding a Peace. A young Gentleman has been taken up for robbing on the Highway near this City. Upon Conviction and his own
Confession he was condemned to be broke upon the Wheel ; but as this young Person appears to be one of Distinction, an Officer of Foot, and related to several of the Nobility, his Affair is referred to the Parliament. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, Dec. 11. Last Week Lady Crawley, Pro. ptietor of the Iron Manufactory at Swalwell near this Place, sent down an Order to the Steward to buy up Corn at the Market Price, and to furnish all the Manufacturers there, amuanting to several Hundreds, with Ten Pounds Weight of Corn, she paying the Bakers' Wages, and furnishing Fuel at the same Time. A noble Pattern: T'he Gentlemen
and Tradesmen in Penrith have open'd a Subscription for the Relief of the Poor in that Parish, and upwards of one hundred and fifty Families, in Pro- portion to their Number and several Exigencies, received their Quota's of Corn last Monday, which will be con- tinued every Week, at least for three or four Months. We hear from Bernard- Castle, that many of the Inha- bitants have been afflicted with a Fever, attended with different Symptoms, some of them of the malignant Sort, but is now partly abated. The Poor must have suffered greatly through Want, ( a natural Concomitant to Sickness) had they not been relieved in their
necessitous Condition by the benevolent and unexemplified Charity of George Bowes, Esq; of Streatlam Castle, who ordered Medicines, Provisions, & c. to be distributed, at his Expence, among the Sick. Bath, Dec. 13. A few Days fince Farmer Smith, of Bathwick, had a Chest broke open, and eleven Guineas and a Half- Crown, in a Silk Purse, were taken away. The Week before he luckily had paid his Rent, which Was upwards of One Hundred Pounds. The Rogue, who was a Journeyman Carpenter, finding himself suspected, sent the Money back again, all but the Half- Crown, and made off. Saturday se'nnight a File of
Musketeers having brought a Deserter into Froom, after delivering him to the Guard, two of them left their loaded Pieces at the Door of a Publick House ( one had taken the Prime out of the Pan, but the other had not) ; and two young Recruits taking up the Pieces to practise with, presented at each other, and snapping the Pieces, he who had the primed one blew out the other's Brains. Chatham, Dec 14. The Deptford and Intrepide are both come to this Harbour, the former to be paid off and laid up, and the latter to be refitted for Sea ; the Men are to be turn'd over to the Union, where they will be paid most Part of their Wages
due in their respective Ships. Rochester, Dec. 15. Last Week died, advanced in Years, Edmund Strange, Esq; of this City, a Rear Admiral on Half pay. The Parish Officers being now furnish'd with Press War. rants, Numbers of loose idle Persons are taken up, and those fit for the Sea Service are sent on boird the Men of War at Chatham, and those more fit to handle a Musket, are secured for the present, till they can be properly dis- posed of. The Hon. Capt. Bruce is elected Member of Parlia- ment for Great Bedwin, in Wilts, in the room of Wil- liam Sloper, Esq appointed a Lord of Trade and Plan- tations. Lord Duncannon is
elected Member of Parliament for Harwich, in the room of John Philipson, Esq; deceased. —— Townshend, Esq; is elected Member of Parlia- ment for Yarmouth. Ryder, Esq Son of the late Lord Chief Justice Ryder, is elected Member for Tiverton, in Devonshire, in the room of William Ryder, Esq; who has accepted of a Place. On Wednesday last came on the Election for the City of Bath, when their old very worthy Member was unani- mously re elected John Pitt, Esq; Surveyor of his Majesty's Woods, is re elected Member for Dorchester. The Right Hon. Richard Edgecumbe, Esq; Comptroller Of his Majesty's Houshold, for
Penryn. And Sir Richard Lyttelton, Master of the Jewel Office, for Poole. The Officers and Matrosses belonging to the Train of Artillery taken at Oswego, are arrived, and joined their Corps. We are assured by an Officer who was taken by the French in the Fort of Oswego, in North America, that the Number of Forces in the Garrison amounted not to 3oo Men ; that they wanted Cannon, and almost every Kind of Stores and Provisions; that the Number of French Regulars that attacked it were upwards of 2000 strong, and about the same Number of Indians, with a considera- ble Train of Artillery. He further informs us, that the
Garrison had like to have been put to the Sword, some of the Gunners discharging a Cannon just as the Fort sur. render'd, being ignorant thereof at the Time, and which did some Damage to the Enemy. The East- India Company intend to keep a strong Gar- rison in the Fort lately taken from Angria, the Malabar Pirate : By this Conquest the Company have got rid of a very troublesome and dangerous Neighbour j for in Ja- nuary 1730 he took one of their Ships call'd the Bengal, richly laden, after a stout Resistance and on the 23d of October, 1737, their Ship the Derby, Capt. Anselm, worth 90,000 I, was shamefully surrender'd
without Re- sistance 1 besides which, at another Time he also took the Restoration, one of the Company's Ships. Some Men of War will shortly sail for Hallifax to re- lieve the Squadron upon that Station, and will also take with them some Soldiers for that Place. It is reported, that Part, if not all the Brest Fleet is sailed, and that Admiral Knowles's Fleet is gone in quest of them. For, The 1st Instant the Antelope Privateer spoke with Ad- miral Knowles in the Bay, and inform'd him, that the preceding Day he saw two 74 Gun Ships and a Frigate, which were just come out of Brest; upon which the Ad- miral steer'd immediately in
quest of them, and ' tis hoped he may come up with them. Last Week was distributed, to Two Hundred of the Poor of Tamworth, a considerable Quantity of Corn and Cheese ; issuing from the Rents and Profits of an Estate given to the said Borough of Tamworth, by the Right Hon. the late Earl of Northampton; which came very sea- sonably, as Corn and Cheese being dear, and the Woollen Manufacture, in the said Town, very bad, Work scarce, and the Poor greatly in Want. A few Days since Mr. Taylor, Oculist, in Hatton Garden, received a Letter from his Father from Padua, mentioning his being there in his Way to Turky. On
Tuesday Morning last, when the Servants at the Thatched House, Islington, went to open the Gates lead- ing into the Yard of the said House, they found a Man lying on the Ground in the Middle of the Yard, seemingly dead, but on turning him over he was found to be alive ; and on being asked how he came there, and what was the Matter with him, he said he deserved it, for that be had got over the Gates, about Three in the Morning, with Intention to rob the House or tne Yard, but had been immediately seized and torn down by the Dog, and was miserably torn in the Groin and the Belly, and had been left by the Dog for dead.
The Man is since gone to Prison, and is under proper Care. LONDON. [ Thursday, Dec. 16. We hear that 55000 Men will be employed in the Sea- Service for the Year 1757. was calm, otherwise, in all Probability, that Quarter of the Town would have been consumed, together with all the Ships in the Old Dock. Last Saturday, as two Constables were searching the Publick Houses in St. James's Street, for such Fellows as were proper for his Majesty's Service, in coming out of one, contiguous to the grand Receptacle of Sharpers [ late While's, now Arthur's] at the Door of which stood two Footmen, one a Swiss, the other a
Frenchman, who be- long'd to a Chariot which was waiting there, and which a few Months since drove from that House with a new Ma- ster, as mentioned in this Paper, laughed at the Peace Officers as they passed them, faying, De English no love Fighting, derefore keep out of de Way ; on hearing which, one of the Condables said to the other, This Fellow is a Swiss, and Fighting is his Profession, and therefore fit to serve his Majesty as a Soldier; the other being a French- man, shall go on board a Man of War, he will do for a Powder Monkey 1 the Rascals eat the Bread of better Men here, therefore let these be sent to fight
the Blacks And so carried them off, to the great Joy of the Knights of the Rainbow there present. Tuesday the Report of the Malefactors was made to his Majesty by Sir William Moreton, Knight, Recorder Of this City, when the five following were ordered to be transported for Life, via. 1. William Hart, for stealing a Deer the Property of the Earl of Albemarle ; 2. George. Langley, for stealing Money in the House of Mr. Price j 3 David Davis, for stealing a Silver Tankard ; and 4. 5, William Higgins and James Bathron for stealing Wearing Apparel. And the nine following were ordered to be executed on Monday next, viz. 1. John
Hughes, for forging and pub- lishing a Bill of Exchange with an Intent to defraud ; z, Jonathan Hurst, for robbing Capt Brudenell in Berkeley- Square ; 3. Francis Mugford, for returning from Trans- portation 1 4. William Pallister, for stealing a Silver Quart Mug ; 5. Bartholomew Ball, for stealing a Silver Tankard 1 6. John Jolly, for robbing Mr Dyer on Hounslow Heath ; 7. Edward Macalister, for robbing Charles Preston, in Petticoat Lane; 8. John Milward, for publishing a Bill of Exchange, with an Intent to defraud Mr. Swallow of 601.1 and 9. John Cartwright, for stealing Goods and Money in the House of Mr. Tame. Last Week as a
labouring Man was digging near the late Duke of Wharton's, at Wooburn, in Buckingham- shire, he discovered a large Parcel of Broad Pieces, and not knowing what they were, sold most of them for a Penny a- piece Upon examining them they proved to be Gold, and worth about 14s. each. Last Sunday Night died, at his House at Newmarket, after a lingering Illness, Mr George Tuting, well known to the Nobility and Gentry at that Place; many of whom he had served in the Capacity of a Running Groom : His Loss is sincerely lamented by all that knew him; for he was truly an honest Man. A few Days since died in the Fleet-
Prison, Theodore, Baron Newhoff, who some Years since was crowned King of Corsica, in that Island. Considerable Damage wis done to the Small Craft in the River by the Violence of the Wind last Night ar. tl this Morning. Informations have been- laid within these few Days against some Bakers, for Deficiency in their Weight < f Bread. We hear that the Printer of the spurious Speeches, sold for the King's Speech, is fined 501. and ordered to be im prisoned six Months in Newgate. The Horse the Footpad that robb'd the Worcester Mail last Sunday Morning took from the Boy, was found the same Morning at Hyde Park Corner.
The Rev. Mr. Thomas Layton is presented to the Rec tory of Milton under the Hill, in the County and Dio- cese of Worcester, vacant by the Death of the late In cumbent. The Rev. Mr. Morgan is appointed one of the Choir of Westminster- Abbey in the room of the Rev. Mr. Evans, who has resigned. The Rev. Arthur Ashley Sykes, D. D. who died a few Days since, hath left a Legacy of Five hundred Pounds to the College at Winchester, where he formerly wa.- Member. Friday se'nnight a most dreadful Fire broke out in Mr. Ford's ( a Tallow Chandler's) Work- shop, near the Dock, Liverpool, which entirely consumed the same,
together with eighty Boxes of Mould Candles, one Hogshead of Tallow, and all the Utensils, Moulds, Pans, & c and about 90I. worth of Window Glass which was lodged in the Warehouse above it. Luckily it happen'd that the Wind A Ship from Jamaica, Name unknown, with 30o Hogsheads of Sugar and 60 Puncheons of Rum, is taken by the Rose Privateer, of St. John de Luz, and into St. Andero. The French Privateer that chased the Princess Louisa, Groves, into Stutland- Bay, is taken by the Otter Sloop and brought into Portsmouth.
The Peter and Sally, Reeves, from Newfoundland for fool, is taken by the Infernal Privateer, and carried into Cherbourg. The Mary, Stephens, from Waterford for Rotterdam, is taken and carried into Dieppe. j The Eglington, Kirkwood, from Glasgow for Rotter- dam, and jenny, Hopkins, from Jamaica for London, are both Carried into Dieppe. ' The Anne, Brocking, of Bristol, and the Elizabeth, Byne, from Newfoundland to Torbay, are both taken by the Duke Dumont Privateer, and carried into Brest. Extract of a letter from an English Prisoner at Port St. Pierre's, Martinico, dated Oct. 1 " There is no News here worth mentioning ;
but that the Hurricane, has done great Damage to this Island, se- veral Houses on the East Side being blown down, and whole Pieces of Sugar Canes torn up by the Roots. There are several Vessels cast away, in particular, two large Pri- vateers, with three hundred Men onboard, are lost, and only one Man out of the Crews saved. The French com- pute their whole Loss of Men, in this Hurricane, to be fourteen-- hundred, " There are above two hundred. English Prisoners in this Island, and the most Part in a miserable Condition, through Scarcity of Provisions, bad Usage, Unhealthi- ness of the Place, and the Weight of their
Iron's; so that if a Flag of Truee does not soon arrive, they must cer- tainly perish. The Commanders of the English Vessels have been kept in Gaol till within these two Days past, when they were set at Liberty on their Parole, after se- veral Petitions; and they are allowed a Mouthful of Pro- visions per Diem to subsist on. " There are about thirty Privateers fitted out of this Island only already, and sailed ; but they have not for these three Weeks past brought in a Prize, SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd the MAIL from Flanders. ROME, November SEVERAL English Noblemen and Gentlemen arrived here last Monday
from Tuscany, and the Number of English who are now here with a Design to spend the Car- naval, is very Considerable. " Tis Pity they can't tell how to employ their Time better at Homei in this important Conjuncture. Paris, Dec 3. To prevent the general Catastrophe of private Quarrels and Animosities, of which we have had lately. several shocking and bloody Instances, his Majesty has forbid the wearing of Swords, unless under particular Injunctions. PLANTATION NEWS Charles- Town, South Carolina, Oct. 2. Last- Friday arrived here the Darling, Capt Lyford, from Jamaica, who informs us, that the French had Nine Men of
War, chiefly Frigates, continually cruizing in the Windward Passage, so that no English Vessel durst attempt coming through there ; and that Admiral Townsend had so few Ships at Jamaica, that he could not attempt to disturb them : That he was chased near Cape Florida ' a whole Day by a French Frigate of Guns, but escaped By running into shallow Water upon the Bahama Bank ; ' And that he saw a Ship, a Brigantine, and a Sloop ashore upon Florida, but could not assist them. L O N D O N, ' Saturday, Dec. 18. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Westminster, Dec 18: This Day, the Lords being met, a Message was sent to the
Hon House of Commons by the Hon Sir Henry Bellenden, Gendeman Usher of the Black Rod; acquainting them, that the Lords authorized by Virtue of his Majesty's- Commission, for declaring his Royal Assent to the Two under mentioned Acts agreed upon by both Houses, do desire the immediate Attendance of this Honourable House in the House of Peers, to hear the Commission read ; and the Commons being come thi- ther, the said Commission, impowering his Royal High- ness the Duke of Cumberland, the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and several other Lords therein named, to declare and notify the Royal Assent to
the said Two Pub- lick Acts, was read accordingly, and the Royal Assent given to, An Act to make Provision for the Quartering the Foreign Troops in his Majesty's Service now in this Kingdom. An Act to prohibit, for a Time to be limited, the Ex- portation of Corn, Malt. Meal, Flower, Bread, Biscuit, and Starch. [ Thus far the Gazette. His Majesty, duly sensible ( With the wise King Solo- mon) that the Race is not to the Swift, nor the Battle to the Strong, hath ordered Friday the 11th of February next to be observed as a Day of Fasting and Prayer to pro- pitiate the supreme Ruler of the Universe. And the Right Hon. the House of
Peers have ordered the Lord Bishop of Bangor to Remind them of their Duty on that solemn Occasion. The Preamble to the Proclamation for a General Fast runs thus: ' GEORGE R. * We, taking into our most serious Consideration the ' just and necessary War in which we are engaged with « the French King, and putting our Trust in Almighty • God, that he will vouchsafe a special Blessing on our • Arms both by Sea and Land, have resolved, and do, by and with the Advice of our Privy Council, hereby command, that a Publick Fast and Humiliation be ob served. & c.' ' Tis said that Orders are gone to Gibraltar, to recall a newly
appointed Colonel of one of the Regiments of that Garrison. 1 To the PUBLIC. On MONDAY after the HOLIDAYS, An ACADEMY Will be Opened in the COOKEN STREET, Worcester, IN WHICH YOUNG GENTLEMEN Will be lectur'd in every Branch of On Tuesday Night several of the following Papers in Writing were, found scatter,' d aBout the Court of Re- quests: » '*.,. " For Heaven's Sake, and for the Sake Of Very Thing ' that is dear and valuable to us Men and Britons ! Let all Party Division be now laid aside, and no other Di- stinction kept up among Englishmen at this critical Con- juncture, but only who shall drive to exert
himself most. for the Publlck Good: And may the great God above pour down his choicest Blessings on the Man who stands between his Country and overspreading Ruin ! Let Una- nimity and Magnanimity be the governing Principles of all our Actions in the Publick Service evermore. Amen On Thursday the Election ended for the Borough of Ailesbury, in the Couuty 0f Bucks, after five Days- Poll in the room of the Hon Thomas Potter, Esq; appointed Paymaster- General of the Forces, when the Numbers on the Poll stood thus: For Frederitk Halsey, Esq; for Thomas Potter, Esq; 248 ; but a Scrutiny was demanded, which is to
begin on Thursday next. It is said that at least a hundred and twenty Votes have been polled more than were supposed to be in the- Borough. tj The Earl of Euston, Grandson to the Duke of Graf- ton, is chosen Member of Parliament for Boroughbridge, in the room of Lord Mansfield. " . r. 1 And Nathaniel Cholmley, Esq; is chosen for Aldbo- rough, in the room of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Esq; now Secretary of State; William Sharpe, Esq; is elected Member of Parliament for Callington, in- Comwall, in the room of John Sharpe, Esq; his Father, deceas'd. We hear that a Gentleman of great Distinction de- clared this Week at a
Coffee House near St James's, that he designed to discharge, all his Footmen but one.; and that in order to expedite the raising Men for the Service of the Kingdom at this Crisis, he would give each of them Five Gukeas that would enter into it directly,, The East India Company have appointed the Sale of their Piece- Goods for the 1st of February next. From Winchester we are inform'd, that in that Neigh- bourhood, though the Hessians are not quarter'd in Pub- lick Houses, yet the Good nature of our Countrymen is such that they receive many Refreshments from well disposed Persons, land their Lives are made as easy and
comfortable to them as the Season of the Year and their Situation, will admit Of. , 1 . We hear that a Proposal for a general Axt of Indem- nity has been moved by some Persons, but met with such Opposition, that their Scheme herein will prove abortive. We hear that an Express arrived from Jamaica gives an Account, that that Island remained unmolested, but in order to guard against the worst, was fortifying very strongly. . It is confidently said, that the Protestant Princes are entering into a League to oppose, to the utmost of their Power, that oppressive and flagitious one, of the Roman Catholick's. Last Week William
Wrightson, of Cusworth, Esq; near Doncaster, in Yorkshire, distributed amongst his poor Neighbours a fat Ox,, near 80 Stone Weight,, also above ten Loads of Wheat. We hear a Subscription is going forward among the Gentlemen, Clergy, and substantial Farmers in the Neigh- bourhood of Doncaster, in order to purchase a large Quantity of Wheat and Rye, which is intended to be retailed to. the necessitous Persons in the Villages adjacent at 4s. a Bushel., Admiral Boscawen is promoted to the Rank of Vice- Admiral of the White, and Admiral West to the Rank of Vice Admiral of the Blue. . . , Some Days since, two Gentlemen
jostling in the Street by chance, some angry Words passed between them, which ended in a Challenge given and accepted, The Meeting however was postponed to the next Day but one; not that they might have Leisure to settle their Affairs, and make their Wills, but to have the Pleasure of hearing the new Opera before they died : Which Preliminary being agreed to, they met accordingly in Hyde Park, fell to with all the Satisfaction Imaginable both being disabled, embraced, and adjourned to the Tavern to have their Wounds dressed, drank a Glass of Lethe, and parted very good Friends. From Swindon, in Wiltshire, we are
inform'd, that one Day. this Week a tragical Affair happened between a Party of Soldiers who were beating up for Recruits : One of them having some Words with a Townsman, fell upon and beat him in an unmerciful Manner; and, not content with this, another Soldier drew his Sword, swear ing he would kill any one who came to the Assistance of the poor Fellow ; on which a bloody Battle ( as they ex- press it) ensued between the Soldiers and some young Men of the Town, and many were cut and wounded on both Sides; but in the End the Townsmen got the Victory, and two of the Soldiers are much wounded, one of whom '
tis thought will not recover. ' Yesterday Morning about One o'Clock, a Gentleman's Coachman driving a Pair of Horses with a Coach into an Inn Yard in Eagle Street, by Red Lion Square, he not as usual stooping his Head, his Brains were dashed out, and his Neck was also dislocated by coming against the Beam of the Gateway. . Letters from Lisbon make mention of the Harwich Man of War's bringing into that Place two, very rich Martinico Men, and one St.. Domingo Man. ' The Neptune, Rutherford, With Provisions and Stores for the Garrison of Gibraltar, was cut out of the Bay of that Place by a French Pnvatcer, who carried
her off un der the Spanish Fort at Alquazir, whither she was pur sued by some Boats of Admiral Hawke's Sqaadron, which retook the Prize, but lost 18 Men in the Attempt, the Artillery of the Spanish Fort having play'd very briskly upon them, Literary, Mathematical} and Philosophical LEARNING, On the most easy, expeditious, and instructive PLAN'S, By the ReV. Mr. TURNER. The Method in which this Useful Undertaking will be conducted h ' , ' , as under: - ' I Each PUPIL will be lectur'd in GRAMMAR ; or, The Latin and Greek Languages, according to the Rational Scheme ' of the celebrated Mr. Locke, 4 LOGIC, the Art of just
Reasoning ; or, The light Application of the several Faculties. of the Mind to the Purposes of discovering Truth, and error. Here will be consider'd the Nature of Ideas in Central their Formation into Propositions, and those Propositions into Syllo- gisms thro' all the Moods and Figures: Also an easy Method of re- ducing the whole School Variety to one Universal Form; with the Manner of carrying on an Argument Sylligistically, as is usually done IN ACADEMIEs. • . - RHETORIC ; or, The Art of Writing and Speaking florid and grace. fully on any Subject. Here will be laid down the Methods of constructing Themes, Essays, and
Declamations, with the Manner of adorning them with Tropes and Figures, and all the gay and beauteous Flowers which grow In the ' Garden of the Muses.-— From this Science the Orator gathers all those Ornaments of Stile and ' Diction which. embellish the justest Thoughts charms the Ear, Truth,- dispel Error, convince the Understanding, and command Assent Writing in all the variety of Hands in Use; with an easy and expe- ditious SHORT HAND, which May be learn't in a few Hours, and read any Time afterwards as distinctly as when first wrote. ; ARITMETIC; of The Art of Numbers. Here will be laid down all the Variety of
Rules, both Vulgar and Decimal the Extraction of Roots j Book- keeping; with their Application to Trade and Business. This Science is of'the most extensive Use in every Part of Life ; since All Things are made in Number, Weight, and Measure. ; . f - GEOMETRY ; or, That Science which treats of the Distance and Magnitude of Objects. Thro' the Assistance, of this Art nothing can deceive us, by appearing bigger or, less, nearer or further off, . than it really is. It Consists of Elements, Planetary, Stereometry, Trigonometry, Platonic Solids", Conic Scions, with their Applica- tion to Navigation, Gauging, Dialling, Surveying, Sec. with
the Manner of delineating Maps of Estates, and adorning them with proper Compartments and Colours, SOMATOLOGY ;' or, The Doctrine of natural Bodies. In this Branch of Learning we shall consider the essential and accidental Properties of MATTER as Extension, Divisibility, Gravity, Elec- tricity, Magnetism ; Light, Colours, Opticks; Air, Sounds, Ecchoes, Trade Winds, fcc: fic'. " with the Laws of Motion, and Motion of Fluids. GEOGRAPHY ; or, Description' of the Earth . Here Lectures will be read, exhibiting the Consituiion, Figure, and Position of the Globe we live on ; its Situation shewn with Respect to the Sun and the
Rest of our System ; its Division into Longitude, Latitude, Zones, Climes, Kingdoms, and Governments ; the Lenght of the Day in each Country will be pointed out, and the Hour there at any Time : Also where the Sun is now Rising or Setting, and where one Nation is involv'd in Midnight Darkness,' whilst another enjoy's all the G lories of the Day. ASTRONOMY : in this sublime Science we shall contemplate The amazing Architecture of thu Heavens; exhibit the Number, Mag nitude, Distances, arid Periods of the Celestial Worlds; calculate < their Occultations, Transits, and Eclipses show the Revolution of the Comets, and the
Direction of their Fiery Trains thro the Hea- vens ; point out their Situation with Respect to our Earth, at any Time particularly that which will probably make us, a Visit in March and April, 1758.— 4- On the 15th of May, 1761, about a Quarter before Six a'Clork in the Morning will happen a' Transit of Venus she will then be seen in the Sun, not much unlike a Patch on a Lady's Face : And, if the Air continues- clear, we shall be able to ascestain the Distance of the Sun, and, by Consequence, all the Planets, to the'greatest Exactness. - EXPERIMENTAL MATHESIS: Herewill be exhibited the Con- and Use of the Globes, Quadrants,
Nocturnals, Universal Dials, Logarithms, Projections of the Sphere, Orreries, and Planets- riums. ' i ALGEBRA : Here will be explained the whole Theory of that curious . Art ; the Solutoin of' Simple Quadratic and Cubic Equations ; the Doctrine of Infinite Series, and its Application to adfected Equatio'ns, run they ever so — Hence we are- able ( with the Assistance of a few leading Data in Geometry)' to invent more curious, new, and useful Propositions in one Day than Euclid is a nubile Age. ' Tis sometimes so exuberant as to exhibits in one Line what will require whole Volumes' to explain in any other Language: For Instance
see the wonderful ThEOREM of Dr. Halley. FLUXIONS, the direct and inverse Methods Solotion of Problems de Maximis et Minimus ; Quadrature of Curves, Cubiture of- Solids, " Sec. & c.' This Science is of the utmost Consequence in' the Higher r Geometry j- is the very Apex of Human Learning, in its present State, . and the Invention at the immortal Sir Isaac Newton • Here we are come to the Ne plus ultra- This is the Boundary of all - the - Sciences , till some greater Man shall start up in the suc- cerding Age, and, with Newtonian Stretch of Thought look further into Nature than GOD hath given Any yet to do. For,' I am
thinking that we are arriv'd to the Height of Know- ' ledge, or the utmost Extent of Human Learning In the w0rds ' of a celebrated Author; We Mortals have not yet learn'd all Things of JOVE: His Works see infinity, and his Ways',' like himself. past finding out! Many Things, therefore remain hidden, or' which Some it shall please Him, He will give us in KvlvrEy to know, to crown our Labours and satisfy our Longings after WISDOM: '' ' 4 1 4 DESERTED, on Sunday the 19th of this Instant December; from Ensign Howe re- cruiting at Worcester for the 37th Regiment of Foot. commanded by the Hon. Major General Stuart, . JOHN
LAWRENCE Born at Wem in Shropshire, by Trade a Taylor, about ' Thirty Years of Age, about Five Feet Nine Inches'high, of a swarthy Complexion, with dark brown Hair, sloops in the Shoulders; had on when he went away a brown Drab Coat, a spotted Linnen Waistcoat, and Linnen Drawers.— Whoever secures the said Desterter in any Gaol . in-, England, will receive, from the Agent, James Baird, ESQ; ' in Downing street, Westminster, Twenty Shillings. ;. r lait. eot
This is to give Notice, That CHARLES WALLINGTON IS Removed from the BELL- INN, in Newport, in the the County of Gloucester, to the RED LION in the fame Place, and takes this Opportu- nity of returning his sincerest Thanks to his Friends for former Favours, and assures them, and all Gentlemen, Ladies, and Others, who shall be pleased to favour him with their Custom, that they shall always find good En- tertainment and civil Usage, from Their humble Servants, Charles and Mary Wallington. N B: The House and Stables are fitting up in the most Commodious Manner. A JOURNEYMAN BOOKBINDER, WHO is a good
Workman in the dif- ferent Branches of Binding, by applying to the . Printer of this Paper may hear of a Place of constant Business, and where he will meet with great Encourage- ment Several E S T A T E S to be Lett, others to be Sold, and Sums of MONEY Wanting, from 800 to 2000 1. on good Land- Securities. Enquire of Mr. Taylor, Attorney at Law, in Worcester. None but Principals to be treated with. 1 Worcester Infirmary. December 22. 1756. J •> AQuarterly General Meeting of the • GOVERNORS of this CHARITY will be held here on Wednesday next, the 29th Instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. THO. STAPLES,
Secretary. To be peremptorily SOLD, By the " Assignees of the Estate of James Dancer, a Bank- rupt, at the Talbot, in Stowerbridge, on Friday the 7th Day of January next, THE Bankrupt's Estate for Life, and other contingent Interests in and to certain Freehold Messuages, . buildings, and Lands in Dudley, in the County of Worcester, of the clear Yearly Value of 30/.- or thereabouts..; and in and to a substantial; Messu- age, Buildings, and Lands in Hagley, of the Yearly Va- lue of 16. Part Freehold, and the other Part Copyhold of Inheritance. ' ^ Particulars whereof may be had of Mess. Pidcock, Bradley, and Homfray, the said
Assignees, or of Mr. Brettell, Attorney, in Stowerbridge, WHereas a GUN has been mis- sent, or lost in its Carriage between Worcester and Hagley- Hall; whoever will give Intelligence of it ( so that it may be had again), shall receive Half a Guinea Reward, either of William Pitt, of, Stowerbridge, or of William Dabbs, of Hagley.- - The said Gun is three Feet long in the Barrel, with a Silver' Sight, Wallnut- Tree Stock, Brass mounted, with a plain Side- Plate, end Broke in the Breech ; ' and whoever detains the said Gun after the Publication of this Advertisement, will be prose- cuted for the same. DESERTED, THE 13TH of THIS
INSTANT December, from Hereford, from the Rectuiting Party of Lieutenant Hamilton, of the 37th Regiment of Foot, commanded by the Hon. Major- General Stuart, EDWARD DEAL, Thirty six Years of Age| Five Feet Six Inches high,- of a fair Complexion and sandy Hair, his Right Breast- some- thing larger than the Left, with a small Mole on his Chin ; hard on when he went away a Brown Coat, but no Waistcoat, and dark Shag Breeches; he was born in the Parish of Long Langtel, in the County of Hereford, and within four Miles of Ludlow. Whoever secures tthe said Deserter in any Gaol in England, will receive from the Agent,
James Baird, Esq; in Downing Street, West- minster, Twenty Shillings, over and ( above the Twenty allow'd by ActS of Parliament. 1 Wednesday s and Thursdays POSTS. Arriv'd a MAILfrom HOLLAND. - Constantinople, November 2. ' THE Pestilance has at last entirely ceased In this Me- tropolis. The High Treasurer of the Empire is deposed and sent into exile, but we know not the Cause of his Disgrace. ' f Hamburgh, Dec. 7. From the Dispositions lately made by the Prussian Troops distributed towards the Frontiers,, of Courland-, there is room to' suppose that they may ere long penetrate into that Dutchy, which has but few
Rus- sian Troops in it at present. Mentz, Dec. 7. This Day the Elector our Sovereign performed the Ceremony of Blessing the Standards and Colours destined for the Troops which his Electoral High- ness sends to the Assistance of the Empress Queen. Toulon, 7.' The Hercules of 64 Guns, and two Frigates of 26 and Guns, will set sail for Mahon the 29th Instant, if the Wind sets fair. * Toulon, Nov. 28. A Vessel belonging to St. Tropez, which happened to be at Tunis at the Time that Town was ransack'd, was obliged to transport Troops to Algiers, where the Dey, Far from permitting her to return to France, order'd the Rudder to
be taken off, and threa- tened to put the Captain and Crew in Irons. But this is nothing, compar'd with the Indignities and ill Usage practis'd by the barbarous Conquerors of Tunis to Fo- reigners ; they plunder'd the French and Spanish Churches, whose Fathers they put in Chains. The French Consul continues in. Irons. An Officer of Justice even threatened him to chain his Feet together, if he refus'd to comply with certain Proposals made to him. All the French Merchants are confin'd in the Consul's House, and appre- hend every Moment that they shall share the same Fate with him. Brussels, Dec. 17. An Express arrived here
Yesterday Morning from Vienna, with the News that the Empress Queen was safely delivered of an Archduke on the 8th Instant. Our last Letters from Paris inform us, that the Chevalier de Beaufremont and M. d'Apcher were set out for Brest, from whence it is expected they will each of them sail very shortly, with a separate Squadron.— Gaz LONDON. . Tuesday, Dec. 21. The Foreign Troops now in this Kingdom ( which it is said were brought over for the Defence thereof) are to be quarter'd, and receiv'd and provided for in Quarters, in every Respect, and in the same Manner to all Intents and Purposes, as the British Troops
are. It is said that the Empress of Russia will join the King of Prussia against the Queen of Hungary. According to Letters from Rochefort, there are twenty new Forges erected there for casting Cannon, after the excellent Method of M. Maritz They have already sent to Brest 101 Pieces bored for a Ball of thirty- six Pounds, 1 2 2~ of twenty four, .11 of eighteen, 68 of twelve, 134 of eight, 23 of six, and 30 of four Pounds. They are to send 291 Pieces more, of different Bores, to the same Port and to keep 497 at RocHfort. p ' It is said that Admiral Knowles's Squadron is return'd to its old Station, not being able to get Sight of the
French Ships which lately sailed from Brest. '' We hear, that last Week a Number of Transports, amounting to Sixteen Thousand Tons, were taken up by the Government which, at the usual Rate of two Tons per Man, will suffice to embark 8000 Troops. Admiral Byng set out this Morning from Greenwich for Portsmouth, and was seen to pass through Camber- well under a sufficient Number of Guards. Last Sunday it was confidently said at C— t, that Admiral Byng's Trial would certainly commence Tomor- row se'nnight at Portsmouth. Proclamations are publish'd for General Fasts to be held in Scotland and Ireland ; that for
Scotland to be held on, Thursday the 10th of February next, and that for Ireland on Friday the 11th. P R I Z E S in the STATE LOTTERY face our last Publication. The other Prize of Ten Thousand Pounds } — No. 10m568, whrch is the Property of'Mr. William Turner, Broker, in Change. Alley, which Ticket was hawk'd about for a Purchaser, the Night before it was drawn. » Prize of 5oooI ]— No. 3701234, 24m007.— This last was sold at Mr. Hazard's Lottery Office, In Shares and Chances, as follows, viz. six Eighths and four Sixteenths, to ten different Persons Prize of 2ooo L No. 1501069; Prizes of 1000l each — No. 12m948,
31x1491, 48m341 58m282. Prizes [ of 5001. each'.] No. 35111093, 4810297, Smggz, 3401141, 1301460, 47111990, 1901983 i Prizes of 100 1. No. i9m3 r » , 43thS88, 45m427 14111652, 3- 01247, 260184^, iJmCIl, 130196;, J 901201, 4501662, 47ml 88, 1801361, 4401977, 901389, 101985, 2801982, 18111246, 6m38r, 2801632, 3601334,. lnui5, 8iu68. o, 21111632, 1311) 80) 5, 4701515. 1' k The Ticket, No. 48m341, drawo a Prize of 1000 1. as abov. e; was fq\ d in one Half and two Fourth Shares, at Mr. Hazard's'Lottery Office. No 37m234, a Prize of 5000 1; No. 3401144, a Prize of 500 1 ; and No. 1 501069, a Prize of
2060 II ( divided into two Fourths, two Eighths and four Sixteenths) were likewise sold and register'd at the same Office. BANKRUPTS.—- Jozhua Yarbour, of Chislehurst, in Kent, Baker — George Hale, of Bell Alley, London, Mer- chant;-— George Hughes Worsley, of Mile End, Middle- sex, Broker.— William Spicer, of Kettering, Northamp- tonshire; Grocer. James Smith, of London, Cheese- monger. John Lett, of Battersea, Surry, Carpenter..-— John Webb, of Theobald's Row, Middlesex,. Watchmaker. Chaises, by the Way of Barnet, Hatfield, Stevenage Bugden, and returning from Caxton. by the Way of Roy- ston, Ware, and
Enfield to London, where he was set down at Gray.' s Inn Gate, in Gray's Inn Lane, about 12 o'clock at Noon, on Tuesday the 14th Instant , This Person 15 now described to be rather above the middle Size, of a brown Complexion, very thin Visage and Body, with an effeminate. Voice He had on a Silver laced Hat with a Cockade, a blue Surtout Coat with Brass Buttons, a dark brown close bodied Coat underneath, a Pair of Breeches with Silver Gartering at the Knees, his Wig or Hair, or both mix'd, was dark brown, and tied with a Ribbon behind, He appears, as yet, one of the most dextrous Fellows that has been seen in these
Kingdoms since the famous Child, who was hang'd in Chains on Langley Broom, for Mail robbing. He seems to have a great Value for the Country Post Matters, having put off several Bills by way of Change for Chaise Hire, &- c. He assumes the Air of Grandeur, and is very generous to his Postilions and to the Ostlers, who conduct him into his Vehicle. The Title of Captain, Your Honour,— or, May it please Tour Honour, was bestow'd on him at every Stage. His Cockade and Silver buckled Garters, added to his genteel Behaviour, commanded this great Respect. Last Saturday se'nnight, at Night, as one Edwards, a Gardener of
Evesham, was returning home from our Market, he was stopt by a single Footpad, who knock'd him off his Horse, and then robb'd him Of about 3 I. leaving him terribly bruis'd with the Fall and Blows he received, one of which struck Out several of his Fore- Teeth. * Last Week William Hart and Elizabeth Russell, both of the Parish of Eldersfield, ' were committed to our County Gaol, for Sheep- stealing. And On Monday last William Underwood was committed, for stealing a large Quantity of Beef in a Bag. with some Onions, and abeut Four Shillings Worth of Halfpence, the Property of Mr. Venables, of the Parish of SAlwarp. We
hear that Richard Collett who was lately taken on in London and committed'to Newgare, is daily expect- ed at our County Gaol, ( by Habeas Corpus) in order to take his Trial'at our next Assizes, for horse stealing in this County. The Hon. Mr. Spencer, who is chose Member for ; Warwick in the room of Lord Hillsborough, has been; pleased to give a considerable Sum for the Discharge of a Number of Debtors that were confined in Warwick Gaol. - To the Charitable and Humane. STOCKS. Bank. 115 1 half.. India, ( hat. South Sea Old Annuities, 1 Syj). 88 4 qr. Ditto 2d Sub. 87 1 qr. Ditto New Annumes, ill Sub. fhut.. Ditto 2d Sub.
fbut. Thre'e per Cent. Bank, Annuities, shut. India BondJ, al. is. Prem. , . WORCESTER, December 23. Last Tuesday Evening, John Clutton, Esq; of Penfax, | in- this County, on his Return Home from the Hundred- House, had his Brains dashed out, by his Horse falling with him into a COal Pit. He was a very Promising young Gentleman, and most deservedly esteem'd by all that knew him. , The Person who robb'd the Mail coming to this City. on Sunday Morning the 12th Instant, has since put off several of the Bank Notes, and indorsed the Name of James Wilson thereon, to several Inn- Keepers on the Road ; j to Caxton in
Cambridgshire, by travelling Post in Post- HAT we, the many poor Prisoners for Debt in the County Gaol of Worcester, are real Objects of every one would allow, were we to enter into the Particulars of our Misfortunes and present Distess but as a Relation of them might cast an untimely Gloom 00 the Minds of mary well disposed Persons in the ap- proaching joyful Season, we think it our Duty to ' decline it, not doubting, however, but they will be sufficiently touch'd by a general View, and contribute to our Relief, that so our Comfort and Joy, as well as THEIRS, [ in Re- spect to the Birth of Our Blessed Saviour] may be heigh ten'd by the Enjoyment of the Good Things of this Life, to which we have a long Time been utter Strangers. What may be sent us, either in Money or Provisions, will be equally distributed- amongst and most thankfully re- ' ceived, by Your greatly distressed humble Servants, The Debtors in the County Gaol. N B. The poor Prisoners confin'd for Debt in the City Gaol of Worcester, being likewise real Objects of ; Charity, most humbly implore some Relief at the ap- proaching Season of Joy and Festivity, which will be thankfully receiv'd, and equally distributed. Worcester, Dec 22, 1756. THE CHARITY- MONEY collected this Year at
the MUSICK MEETING at Hereford, for the Relief of the poor Widows ahd Orphans of Clergymen in the Diocese of Worcester, will be distributed by the Right Hon. the Earl of PLIMOUTH and the Rev. Mr EDWIN SANDYS, Canon of Worcester, to the Persons under named, on their bringing or sending Certificated of their being Widows and Orphans of Clergymen within the said Dio- cese, from the Minister and Churchwardens of the Parish where they reside, to Mr. William Oliver, Proctor, in Worcester. t. Mrs Southall. WidoW of the late Curate of Claines — 3 Mrs Rock, Widow of the late Vicar of Hallow and Grimley Mrs Hart,
Widow of the late Curate of Mathon Mrs Walker, Widow of the late Vicar of Leigh - Mrs Nash, Widow of the late Rector of St. Peter's Droitwlch , Mrs Warren, Widow of the late Curate of Alvechurch Mrs Chillingworth, Widow of the late Rector of Churchill Mrs Willim, Widow of the late Vicar of Eldersfield * Mrs Hastings, Daughter of Pen. Hastings, late Rector of , . Dailesford — —— Mrs Gibbons, Widow, Daughter of Baptist Hicks,, late Rector of Stretton ^ ' Mrs Green, Daughter of the late Mr Green, Curate of Stratford upon Avon • John Meddings, Son of the late Mr Meddings, Rector of • Knightwick — ' . Charles Mendings. Son of
thesfame . , •• ——. Mrs Esther Mitchell, Daughter of Mr Mitchell, late Rector of al1 Saints, Evesham ' Elizabeth Smith, Spinster, Daughter of the late Christopher Smith, Curate of Barcheston, deceas'd 3 The Rev Mr Whitefoot 2 To the Orphan Children of the Rev Mr Owen —— To the Orphan- Children- of the late Rey Mr Jeffries 4 To a Daughter of Mr Wythes, late Curate of Throckmorton 3 3 3 4 4 + 3 1 3 3 3 3
Letter from on board the Torbay at Portsmouth, Dec. 15. " We are now returned into this Harbour from our Cruize, during which we have picked up three or four small French Ships laden with Wine, & c. but what will, I hope, crown our Work, and be of the greatest Service to our Country, it the taking a French Ship bound from Rochelle to Louisbourg with Provisions, Stores, & c. She is a fine Ship, and the only one, as the Captain tells us, that ever the French King was on board of: She mounts 36 Guns, and I can assure you behaved very well. We fell in with her in the Evening, and came within Gun- Shot about Ten at Night,
when she continued firing fast as she could load till after Midnight. We haled them and told ' em it would be only wasting Powder and Shot, as well at their Men's Lives, as we were a King's Ship of 74 Guns; to which they returned an Answer little better than, Kiss my We returned the Compliment with a Broadside, which so chastis'd his Insolence that he soon struck, and we have brought him safe into Port. " P. S. Tis a vulgar Error, that a Frenchman's Tongue can never lie still; for we hope for once we shall have a pleasing convincing Proof to the contrary, as we have good Reason to think she has near twenty Chests of Money
on board." To the PRINTER, & c. In June, 1755, I was seized, in Jamaica, with a Bilious Fever, ( a Disorder very common in that Island,) and in a few Hours was delirious; they bled me and gave me a Vomit, but roy Fever continuing very high, I took Dr. James's Powder, ( that is sold at Mr. Newbery's in St. Paul's Church- Yard) one Dose of which vomited and purged me pretty much, and then sweat me profusely, after which i slept some Hours, and the Fever entirely left me. I thought it was prudent, however, to take a Dose or two of Bark, which I did, and soon recovered my Strength. My Carpenter, James Caseburn, was, in
our Passage home, taken with a Fever, which threw him into strong Convulsions, so that his Arms, Legs, and Body were contracted or distorted to a very great Degree, and every one in the Ship gave him over for lost but, upon taking two Doses of tbe Powders, which worked him pretty much, he perfectly recovered. ALEX. HAMILTON, Captain of the Peakbay. These Powders, sold at Mr. Newbery's in St. Paul's Church Yard, London, are also, by his Appointment, sold by Mr. Blunt, in Ross;- Mr. Hodges and Mr. Wylde, in Hereford; Mrs. Simmons, m Monmouth; Mr. Hasle- wood, in Bridgnorth > Mr. Aris, in Birmingham } Mr.
Jopson, in Coventry, and Mr. Berrow, in Worcester, at Two Shillings and Sixpence a Paper, containing Four Doses. PRICES of CORN. At Worcester. Wheat from 6s. 8d. to 7s lod. per Bushel, Barley from js 8d. to 4s. ood. Oats from is. » rd. to zi. 3d. Beans from js. to 4s. od. At Gloucester.— Wheat 7s. od. to 8s. od. Barley Js. 6d to 4s. od. Oats 2s. 6d. to y. Beans 4s. 4d. to 4s. 6d. per Bushel. At Birmingham — Wheat 6s. 8d. to 7s. 4d. Barley js. 4d. to js. 9d. Oats zs. to zs. 4d. Cheese 22s. to 24s. per Hundred Weight. At Oxford. Wheat 1 zl. os. to 1 jl. os. per Load. Barley » 9s. to il. 5s. od. Oats 15s. to 19s. od. Peas 1l. 65. to tl.
20s. od. per Quarter. At London.— Wheat 41s. to 46s. od. per Quarter ( Eight Bushels. J Barley 17s. to 25s. 6d. per Quarter. , Dec. 23, 1756. WHEREAS one James Lloyd, who lodged and boarded at the House of William Cox, at the Rose and Crown, 0n Bromsgrove Lickey, has left his said Lodgings without giving any Notice, or dis charging what he owes to the said William Cox } Notice is hereby given. That if he does not, within a Week's Time, return and fetch away some Things he left behind, or send for them, and pay what he owes, the said Things will be sold, in order to discharge what he stands indebted to me. William
Cox. To be LETT, And Enter d upon at CHRISTMAS next, A Large commodious HOUSE and SHOP, situate in the Beast Market, in Broms- grove, late in the Possession of Mr. Benjamin Watson, Mercer and Linnen Draper, deceas'd. Also to be SOLD, very Cheap, The Entire STOCK in TRADE Lately belonging to the aforesaid Mr. Watson. For. further Particulars enquire of Mrs. Hannah Wat- son, in Bromsgrove } or of Mr. John Watson, in Church- Street, Kidderminster. N. B The above is an old and well- accustomed Shop, and has some very valuable Perquisites belonging to it, and is ( in Point of Situation, and other
Circumstances) capable of furnishing out a very encouraging Prospect for a Beginner in the aforesaid Business. Wanted to Purchase, The Advowson or Presentation T O A LIVING from 70/. to 150/. a Year, With an Old Incumbent on it, I N Gloucestershire, Worcestershiret Staffordshiret Shropshire, Radnorshire, Herefordshire, Bredknockshire, or Monmouthshire Dired ( free of Postage) to Mr. B. Scott, at Mr. Bicknell's, against St. Michael's Church, in Cornhill, London. TH E Creditors oi the Rev. Mr. Page Newborough, late Rector of Onibury, in the County of Salop, and Mrs. Rebecea Newborough, his Widow, de- ceas'd, arc
hereby desir'd forthwith to send a particular Account of their respective Debts and Demands, m Writing, to Mr. Summy Davies,, Mercer, in Ludlow. To be S 0 L D, AN ESTATE, in the Chapelry of Norton, near Kempsey, in the County of Wor- cester, now held by three Lives under the Lord Bishop of Worceftcr, confisting of Arable. Meadow, and Pasture Ground, in good Condition, with a convenient Dwelling House, a Barn,, and other Out- Buildings, all in good Repair. For further Particulars enquire cf Mr. Bearcroft, At- torney at Law, in Droitwich, or at his Chambers ( on a Saturday) at the Rein Deer Inn, in the City of Wor- cester
On Saturday, January the 1st, 1757, will be Publish'd, In Eight Pages, in Quarto, on a neat Letter and good Paper' To be continued every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, ( Price Two PENCE ) The LONDON CHRONICLE : O R, Universal Evening Post. AS every Kind of Knowledge is not only entertaining and instruc- tive to Individuals, but a benefit to the Community, there is Reason to hope that a News- Paper written with Freedom and Impartiality, upon a mere extensive Plan, containing a greater Quan- tity and more Variety than any other Paper of Intelligence, and therefore better adapted to gratify Curiosity, cannot fail of
meeting with universal Encouragement. The Design of this Paper is more comprehensive than that of any other j for besides a diligent Relation of Occurrences foreign and domestick, with the Arrival and Depar- ture of Ship, the Prices of Goods and Stock:, the Course of Ex- change, the Plays afted it the Theatres, Births, Deaths, Marriages, Preferments, Accidents, and Events of every Kind, which may be found, though less accurately collected, in other Papers j it will con- tain a full Account of all New Books and Pamphlets So that there will be scarcc any celebrated Performance, any remarkable Occurence, extraordinary
Phenomenon, curious Invention, or new Discovery in Nature or Science, concerning which the Reader will not here imme- diately find such Information as may enable him to judge for himself concerning it. The Chronicle of every Year, as it will be regu- larly paged, may be bound up in one Volume, and will contain a Register of Transactrons more various, useful, and entertaining, than has hitherto seen given to the Publick. Each Paper may be sent by the Post in a Frank, or as a single Letter, will be served by the Clerks of the Post Office, and by the News- Carriers, as usual. The first Number will be given grATiS by the
Publisher, J. Wit- kie, Behind the Chapter House, in St. Paul's Church Yard, London, where Advertisements, & c. are taken in : Advertisements and Letters to the Authors will also be taken is by R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall- Mall. NATHANIEL FOY, From LONDON, established at OXFORD, OPERATOR for the TEETH, Who has given such convincing Proof of his Skill in many Years Publick Practice on great Part of the Nobility and Centry in this Kingdom, and the Physicians in and near Oxford. HE cleans the blackest and foulest Teeth in a few Mi- nutes as White as Ivory, and restores the Mouth sweet without Pain He sets in
Artificial Teeth not to be distinguished from Real by the best Judges, and of equal Use; and those Teeth, which have not been drawn in a proper Time, and afterwards project and deform the Mouth, he puts regular. He displaces Teeth and Stumps ( difficult to others) with great Ease and Safety ; but, if any one from Timorousness will not permit to have them drawn, he sells a little PILL, which, by putting in th « rotten Tooth, dissolves, and gives immediate Ease. — Also, A POWDER, which, by applying to the Gum. dis- charges such a Quantity of viscid Rheum as immediately to give Relief in the most stubborn Cases. Also, A
most effectual TINCTURE for preserving the Teeth and Gums, which, in a few Times using, will be sensi- bly perceived to brace up and strength the Fibres, and, with Continuance, will perfectly cure the Scurvy in the Gums, changing them from that livid, disagreeable Co- lour, to a fine healthy Red, and occasioning them to grow firm and close to the Teeth ; and those Teeth, which were before loose and ready to drop out, will, together with the GUM OPIATE, become entirely fast and steady. The Teeth will be preserved from growing rotten, and such as are decayed it will prevent from becoming worse; and takes off all
disagreeable Smells from the Breath, which arise from Scorbutick Gums, and bad Teeth. He also sells a Powder of the same Use as the Tinc- ture. Likewise a Beautifying LOTION for the Face and Hands, which, in a few Times using on a fine Linnen- Cloth, or in Elder- flower Water, never fails clearing the Skin from Morphew, Tann, or Freckles, leaving it per- fectly free from Pimples and whatever may deform it. Tincture for the Teeth and Gums, One Shilling a Battle. Tooth Ach Pill. a small Box, One Shilling. Tooth- Ach Powder, a small Box, One Shilling. Gum Opiate, a small Pot, One Shilling. Scorbutick Powder for the Teeth,
One Shilling a Box. ' Tooth Brush, Sixpence. Beautifying Lotion, Two Shillings and Sixpence a Bottle. *,* All these Medicines are prepared and fold by Price Clutton, Apothecary and Surgeon, in Hereford, who makes proper Allowance to thofe that sell again. He also practices Mr Foy's Method of Extracting Teeth and Stumps, cleansing or scaling Teeth, and making and fixing in Artificial Teeth ; They are also sold by Mr. R. Lewis, Bookseller, in Worcester; Mr. Clutton, Druggist, in Bir- mingham; Mr. Beech, Apothecary, in Salop, Mr. Bond Bookseller, in Glouester and at Mr. Sprott's Toyshop, in Leominster. N. B Gentlemen and
Ladies who live in the Country; may have any of the above Articles brought to them by giving Orders to the News Carriers. Of the above R. Lewis may also be had, All Sorts of Almanacks, Pocket- Books Memorandum Books, and Court and City Registers, for the Year 1757. To the Nobility, Gentry, and Publick in General, The Only C U R E for The Rheumatism, Gout, and Deductions in the Joints, Price Two Shillings and Ninepence the Quart Bottle, Is Sold by Mrs. Sarah Hassell, Widow, at Bidford, Warwickshire, THIS excellent Preservative of Mankind it far pre- ferable to any Thing of the Kind ever made publick to the World »
and for the Excellency of its Use to Young and Old, Rich and Poor, it cannot be equalled. She, for fome Time, hath undertaken several, no Cure no Pay, which have come to her, and acknowledged they were perfectly cured, and paid her the Money agreed upon. Those Persons that are very much afflicted with either Gout, or Rheumatism, as there it several good Inns in Town, she desires they woald come and be at some one of them, that she may see them every Day ; and if the Constitution be ftrong, if they are ever so much afflicted, with the Blessing of God, may be sure of having Relief from their very humble Servant,
SARAH HASSELL. SOLD by H. Berrow, Printer, in Goose- Lane, Wor- cester, and may be had of tbe Distributors of this Journal, The most incomparable and never- failing CHYMICAL DROPS, Being a speedy CURE ( under God) for Coughs, Colds, Asthma's Phthisicks Wheezings, difficult Breathing, Shortness of Breath, and all Sorts of Con- sumptions, even when so far advanccd as not to be cur'd by any other Medicine in the World. — Note, They give surprizing Relief to Children in Hooping Coughs. Their Virtues vastly exceed any thing that ever was published, or even known to this Age, in the Cure of the worst Asthmas,
and Consumptions of all Sorts, Coughs and Colds, Catarrhs, Sis They instantly relieve the Pa- tient in the most suffocating Fit of an Asthma, and make a perfeCt Cure in a very short time: For they gently open the Breast, and immediately give liberty of Breathing, without any Danger of taking Cold ; they admirably allay the Tickling that causes frequent Coughing, and take off the uneasy Sensation of acrimonious Humours, cleanse the small Glands, relax the Fibres, and thereby enlarge the Capacities of the Vessels ; thus they regularly and quickly cure the most rigorous Asthmas of the longest standing. They cure all husky and
dry Coughs, dissolve con- gealed Flegm in the Throat; take away the tickling in the Aspera Arterea ; heal Rawness and Soreness of the Lungs, Breast and Stomach ; give immediate Relief as soon as taken, in the present reigning Distemper, and not one has failed of the great Number that has made Use of them. Price One Shilling a Vial, with printed Directions. 1 And of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal may | likewise be had, T A most Excellent Liquid for the Cure of Chilblains, Kibes, and Chaps Price Sixpence a Bottle, with printed Directions.