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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 21/10/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2464
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL. Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross.] Price Two- Pence. T H U R S D AY, October 21, FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. SCOTLAND. Extract of a Letter from Holy Island, dated Sept. 30. , HE , Captain Lewin, has had the Missortune to be taken by a French Pri- vateer- Brig of six Carriage Guns, six Swivels, and about a hundred Men. He being the first Capture they met with in their Cruize, they would not ransom him, but set his Ship on Fire off of Hartley, on the 19th Instant. They afterwards, off of Dunstonsborough, which is nine Miles Southward of this Place, took a Sloop belonging to Plymouth, with a valu- able Cargo, bound to North Bergen, a Pink belonging to Leven in Scotland, and a Brig to Alemouth ; the two last being in Ballast, they ransomed, but sent the Sloop to the first Port in France or Norway that she could meet with, and put her Crew, with Lewin, on board the Pink. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, 03. 9. On Thursday Morning, about One o'Clock, we had a violent Hurricane, whereby several Houses were blown down, others unroof'd, many stripp'd of their Chimney Tops, & c. The Damage done on the River is very deplorable, viz. about forty Keels were either sunk or driven to Sea, and several Men on board lost. The Welcome Messenger, of London, was driven to Sea with her Ports open, with three Men and two Boys on board. The Sarah and Margaret, of London, was also driven to Sea with her Ports open, and no Accounts are had of either since. A Danish Vessel, laden with Iron for the Factory at Swalwell, was sunk at Burden's Key. The Blessing, of Whitby, was overset at Jarrow Key, and four Boys drowned. By Travellers from Aldstone Moor we are told, that the People there would have it the Earth shook, so that they ran under the Hedges for Safety ; but were soon dislodg'd from thence by the breaking of Trees, tumbling of Stones, & c. Tne Accounts from Sunderland are very shocking, above forty Keels being missing, and several Ships damaged and drove to Sea. The bodies of twelve Men were taken up on Thursday in the Afternoon, and many more are lost. The Accounts from divers Parts of the Country are equally extraordinary, Houses unroof'd, Stacks of Corn ud Hay swept entirely away, large Oak Trees broke off at their Middles ; and many other astonifhing Effects have been produced On the 1st Instant, the Good Intent, of Scarborough, James Paterson, Master, from Lemington for this Port, was, in a violent Gale of Wind at North- East, drove on Shore at Souter Point, near Whitburn, and broke up. One Man, two Boys, and a Woman Passenger, were washed off the Wreck : The Master and three Men, after remaining three Hours in that dreadful Situation, were taken off by the Fishermen, who went out in the utmost Hazard Several Signal Guns were fired before Day, in which the poor Woman was very alert. Liverpool, Oct. 9. On Saturday last arrived the Re- venge Privateer, Capt Gyles, from a Cruize ; his Men, when they came ashore, made a handsome Appearance, each Man having a clean French Ruffled Shirt on, which they had taken on board a Bark, Sept. 13, in Lat. 42, to. Long. 7 from London ; the Vessel belong'd to Vigo, and was bound to Bayonne, with some of the Officers and Seamen belonging to the Prince of Conti, a French India Ship lying at Corunna. When the Privateer boarded her, they found twenty four Frenchmen hid below, and none but Spaniards upon Deck ; however they took Care to ease them of their Dollars, Silver Buckles, Private Ad- ventures, & c. and have brought in 732 Ounces of Silver, 13 Ounces of Gold, 5 Chests of India Goods, & c. and two Tons of Coffee. LONDON. [ Thursday, Oct. 14. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint the following Lords and Gentlemen Officers and Servants to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, viz. the Right Hon.. the Earl of Bute, Groom of the Stole ; Marquis of Rocking- ham, Master of the Horse : Old Lords of the Bed Cham- ber, the Earl of Sussex, Lord Downe, and Lord Robert Bertie: New Lords of the Bed- Chamber, the Earls of Euston and Pembroke, and Lord Digby: Old Grooms of the Bed- Chamber, Schutz, and James Peachey, Esqrs.: New. Grooms of the Bed- Chamber, —— Evelyn, —- Ingram, ~— Monkton, and— Digby, Esqrs. The Commissioners of the Victualling- Office have con tracted for 2000 Quarters of Wheat, between 41 s. ar. d 42 s. a Quarter; 3000 Oxen, at 1 1. 8d. per C. Wt. 10,000 Hogs, at 1 1. 13 s. 4d. per C. all for the Port of London: 1000 Oxen, at 1 1. 9d. Halfpenny per C. for Portsmouth J and 500 Oxen for Dover, Price unknown. The 3000 Oxen to be killed at 240 per Week, and the 10,000 Hogs to be kill'd at 800 per Week. Letters from North America advise, that General S y has been put under Arrest, and that we may soon expect him in England, where, ' tis supposed, he may be tried by a Court Martial, if not by some other Court; for it is hinted in those Letters, that there has been a great Embezzlement of the Money sent over to America, though they don't presume to charge any particular Per- son with it. By a Letter from Hanover we are informed that the Troops of that Electorate are assembling near Nienbourg, and those of the Duke of Brunswick- Wolfembuttle in the Neighbourhood of his Capital. ' Tis added, that the Count de Hardt and the Baron Eric- Wrangel, who were concerned in the late Plot in Sweden, are actually at Har- bourg, but scarcely ever stir out of their Inn. We hear from Tunis, that Sedition having arisen among the Algerine Militia, in the Division of a large Booty taken from an Ally to the unfortunate Bey, upwards of 400 were killed in the Quarrel, and thirty of the princi- pal Rioters put to Death in the Face of the whole Army. Letters from Paris say, that Negotiations are carrying on at two or three Courts in Germany, which, it is ex- pected, will turn out extremely favourable to the Catho- lick Interest in the Empire. Letters from the Hague say, that a Resolution is actually taken for fitting out a large Fleet of Ships against the Spring, in order to protect their Trade against the Eng- lish. We can assure the Publick, that the Empress of Russia has declared she will take no Step prejudicial to the King of Prussia. On Monday last a large Snow was sent into Stutland Bay, by the Fox Privateer; but the Wind blowing very hard when the Post came away, the Particulars are not known. A Sloop belonging to John Coffin, of Nantucket, was taken the 10th of September on the Banks of Newfound- land, by a French Banker of 18 Guns, and 90 Men, but is retaken by the Molly, Corbet, belonging to Camble- town, and brought into Minehead the 5th Instant. A Ship belonging to Jersey, bound from Newfound- land to Bilboa, is taken and carried into Bayonne. The Empress, Garnet, from Maryland for London, is arrived in the Orkneys, with four other Vessels, Names unknown. Extract of a Letter from Amsterdam, 03. 8. " We had here Yesterday and the preceding Night, a most violent Storm of Wind, which occasion'd prodigious Damage, as well on the Land as the Water; the greater Part of which, we fear, however, is not yet come to our Knowledge. In the High- Street a Scaffold, on which were four Workmen repairing a House, was thrown down, and the Arms or Legs of three of them broken, and the fourth most terribly bruised, so that his Life is despaired of. In the Jews Quarter, two poor Men were killed by the Fall of Chimneys, and other Parts of the Buildings. The Booths also, built about the City on Account of the Fair, were many of them overturn'd and blown into the Kennels, as well as the Wooden Houses of the Jews, which, in the Time of the Feast of Tabernacles, are here built in the publick Streets, and of which the greatest Part, being slightly put together, were strew'd about the Streets. This Storm had such Effect on the Exchange, that no Insurance could be procured for Ships expected home." The Censors of the College of Physicians have given Notice in the London Gazette, that very large Quan- tities of a Bark imported from North America has been lately sold by publick Sale as Jesuits Bark, which, though it has the Appearance, has not the Taste or Qualities of the true Jesuits or Peruvian Bark; therefore, as it is an Affair of such Consequence to the Health and Lives of his Majesty's Subjects, all Apothecaries, and other publick Dispensers of Medicines, are desir'd not to purchase any Peruvian Bark without tasting and carefully examining it. Sunday Morning, about Ten o'Clock, as Mr. Quidot, an eminent Lawyer in the Temple, was walking in St. James's Park, he was seized with an Apoplectick Fit, dropt down, and died immediately. He was brought directly to his Chambers in the Temple 1756. Capt. Crisp of the Ann, who is taken by a Sallee Ro- ver, and carried into Sallee, writes in his Letters to his Owners, that there were four other Sallee Cruizers on that Station ; and that they told him, they were waiting there for several Swedish and Danish Ships, which they had Advice were bound from several Ports of England to the Mediterranean. Capt. Holbourne, of his Majesty's Sloop the Dispatch, being dead of the Wounds lately received in an Engage- ment with the Prince de Soubize, a French Privateer, there was extracted out of his Head a ragged Flint Stone, about the Size of a large Nutmeg, which the Privateer made use of instead of Shot. On Sunday last as Sir Charles Sedley was Coming to Town from Newmarket, he was attacked by three High- waymen, one of whom he shot ; the other two were pur- sued and taken by his Servants. Yesterday Se'nnight, after an incessant Pursuit of 40 Hours, by Mr. Barnes, High Constable, Mr. Pentlow, Keeper of New Prison, and others, was apprehended at a Cottage near Potter's Bar, beyond Barner, Jonathan Hurst, alias Johnson, the Accomplice of Thomas Brown- ing, the Street - Robber who was apprehended last Week, for committing a Robbery on the Hon. Capt. Robert Brudenell. The Fellow Pistol to Browning's was taken on Hurst and five different Purses, and the Chain of a Watch to which there is a remarkable small Key either of a Padlock or Locket. It appears, as well from the Confession of the deceased Robber, as the Examina- tion of Hurst, that most of the Robberies, that have been committed in Berkley Square for these two Years last past, have been committed by these two Soldiers. Among other Things which Browning confessed on his Death Bed, he acknowledg'd the receiving a Wound in his Breast, which he shewed, from a Foreigner at the Bottom of Bolton. Street, Piccadilly, whom they attacked with an Attempt to rob. Hurst is committed to Newgate by John Fielding, Esq He has confess'd that he shoot the Chairman in Berkeley- Square about a Year since, for defending Mr. Boudeler. He and one Butts, a Chairman, were the Fellows employ'd to discover the Intrigue between the Hon. Mr. C and Mrs. Wy , since which he has been employ'd as a Bully by the Town Prostitutes. He says he is quite weary Of his Life, and is glad the End of it is so near. The Night Captain Brudenell was robbed, about Half an Hour before, Miss Dives, one of the Maids of Ho- nour to her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales, was in a Chair stopt by two Footpads in Grosve- nor- Street, one of whom ordered the Chairmen to set down, and then demanded of the Lady her Money, & c. and on her not being quick in giving her Purse made Use of this Expression, D n my Eyes, it's more Trouble to rob cne Woman than ten Men ; and one of the Chairmen quit- ting the Poles, he swore he would shoot him if he did not stand between them. The five Purfes that were taken on Hurst, were sent to Miss Dives, in order to know if one was her Property, which she could not swear to, nor did the Chairmen swear to Hurst, they being doubtful of his Person. The following is a true State of the late unhappy Acci- dent that happen'd to the Aust Passage- Boat, mentioned in our last Paper: Wednesday Evening, the 6th In- stant, between Six and Seven o'Clock, the two Boats bo- longing to the Old Passage went from Beechly Side; in one there were two Carriages belonging to the Rev. Dr. Talbot, of Margum, and the Rev. Dr. Davenport, Mr. Walter, Mr. Underwood, and Mrs. George of Mon- mouth, and one Foot Passenger: In the ether three Ser- vants and four Horses belonging to Mr. Talbot, one Ser- vant and four Horses belonging to Dr. Davenport, Mr. Thomas Parry, Brother to Mr. Parry at the Rose and Crown in Narrow Wine- Street, another Gentleman, sup- posed to be Mr. Powell, Clerk to Mr. Warren's Glass House in Thomas- Street, Bristol, the Boat- Men, one of them Brother in Law to Mr. Hitchings, who keep's the' Passage- House, together with three others of his Servants* and it is not certain whether there were not an old man and Woman on board, besides the above- mention'd. The first- mention'd Boat got safe to Shore, tho' not without being in great Danger, having a new Yard broke in two,- which had not been used but three or tor Days before j she was drove up as high as Littleton Pill. The Wind, when the Boats parted from the Shori, blew at West but before they got half way over it blew Very hard all of a sudden at South. The other Boat, with all On board, perished, except three Horses, which swam to Shore, were seen coming up the Mud about Ten o'Clock,- and were secured and brought to the Passage Houfe on Aust Side. Mr. Talbot and his Lady, Dr. Davenport and his Lady, and several other Persons said behind. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Holland aud Flanders. LEGHORN, September 18. THE Fate of Tunis is at last dccided. The Algerines made themselves Master of it by Assault on the 1st Instant, and next Day their whole Army marched into it. What passed on this Occasion we have not jot learnt. The News was brought hereby a French Tartan, who was thirteen Days on her Passage, and left Tunis the Day it was entered by the Algerines. Boulogna, Sept 21. All the Austrian Troops are or- dered to march out of Italy, in order to make Head against the King of Prussia v. Stockholm, Sept. 28. The Russian Envoy at this Court received last Wednesday an Express from Petersburgh, with the News that her Imperial Czarish Majesty had given Orders for marching to the Succour of her Allies an Army of between 70 and 80,000 Men. Brussels, Oct. 11. Yesterday Evening a Courier arriv'd from Vienna with the following Account of a Battle which was fought in Bohemia the 1st Instant, between the Army of the Empress Queen, under the Command of General Brown, and the Prussian Army, commanded by the King: " On the 30th of September the King of Prussia marched during the Night, at the Head of 40,000 Men, towards the Imperial Army. Marshal Brown, being in- formed of this sent above 1000 Croats to take Possession of the Vineyards and the Avenues on all Sides ; some Firing began there about Two in the Morning : At Day- break the Prussian Army advanced through the Streights of Welmina, extending itself on the Eminences to the Right and Left, and in the Valley of Lobositz ; and the Battle begon at Seven o'clock, when all was in Confusion. The Fine was brisk on both Sides, and the Prussian Can- nonading was allowed by every body to be such as Was never heard before Notwithstanding that, the Imperial Troops gave amazing Proofs of their Valour, by sustaining the Fire of the Artillery with the greatest Bravery and Reso lution, and repulsed the Enemy in different Attacks. The Prussians finding all their Efforts in vain, began to throw red hot Balls into the Village of Lobositz, which they set on Fire. Our Infantry being by this Means between the Fire of the Village and the Attack of the Enemy, was obliged to abandon the Hill on the Right of the Village, in order to form on the Plain ; after which the Firing abated, and entirely ceased at Three in the Afternoon. The Imperial Cavalry performed Wonders, driving be- fore them that of the Enemy in two different Attacks, so that it did not dare to return to the Charge, but was obliged to retire behind the Infantry. The King of Prus- sia retreated behind the Field of Battle, which Marshal Brown kept the whole Night, but observing there was no Water there, he return'd the 2d into his Camp at Budin, and the Prussians had not then taken Possession of the Vil- lage of Lobositz. The Number of Killed and Wounded on the Side of the lmperialist amounts to 2000 Men. Among the Ofiicers of Distinction, General Radicati and Colonel Zentivani are killed ; Prince Lobkowitz is wounded and taken Prisoner; General Ranzow, Colonel Katoli, the Adjutant General Hager, one of General Brown's Sons, and, Miss Biese, Goursville, and Lacy are wounded. The Loss of the Enemy must be much more Considerable, and it is assured that three of their Generals are killed. We have taken some Hundreds of Prisoners, among whom are several Officers." Utrecht, Oct. 11. All the Letters received Yesterday and To Day from Saxony agree in representing the Battle of the 1st lnst. as the most obstinate and bloody that has happened a long While. The Austiians rallied three Times. The King of Prussia, whose Presence of Mind never forsook him a Moment, had two Horses killed un- der him. His Infantry performed Prodigies. When these Letters, whose Dates extend to the 5th and 6th Inst, were wrote, they had received no particular Account of the Prisoners made on ' either Side, nor intend of the other Circumstances which commonly decide the Success of a Battle, it is presumed the Number of Wounded in both Armies is very considerable, if we judge only from wliat relates to the Prussians, for whom they were prepar- ing at Dresden all the Publick Houses, and many private ones, for the Reception of the Wounded. Four hundred Waggons had been ordered to fetch them, and every Per son who had Horses or Carriages proper for the Use were obliged to furnish them. The latest Advices observe, that Orders had been given for raising 22,000 Men in Saxony, for the Service of his Prussian Majesty. Utrecht Gazette. Leyden, Sept. 28. We have had here, within these few Weeks past, several very extraordinary Storms of Thun- der. Lightening, and Wind, which have been productive of very melancholy Effects in the Country Places. In the Districts of Warmond and Leidenhorp a Whirlwind took up several Stacks of Hay, the Remains of which are no where to be found. At the same Time ten Cows grasing in the same Meadow, were thrown into the Water, and a loaded Waggon of Hay was thrown over a Canal upwards of eighty Feet wide ; several Carts and Waggons at the ' same Time were blown out of the Road, and, after rol- ling over and over, were carried, with their Drivers and Horses, headlong into the Water; the Water being equally taken up in great Quantities and thrown over the Land. From Friesland we have also very melancholy Accounts of the Effects of the Lightening, particularly as to the Cattle in the Fields, Numbers of which have been struCK dead, or greatly injured. IRELAND. Cork, Sept. 30. This Day arrived the Joseph, of this Place, Cape, Bastable, from St. Eustatia, by whom we learn that two Privateers belonging to Antigua had taken two homeward- bound Martinico Men. valued at Thirty Thousand Pounds. The Privateers had been but three Days on their Cruize. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Oct. 9 Last Thurfday Morning we had a most Violent Gust of Wind, which lasted about two Hours. At Greenock and Port Glasgow the Storm was felt very severely. It has done a good deal of Damage to the Ship- ping both in the Road and Harbour. Most of the Vessels broke from their Moorings, and by running foul of one another have lost Heads, Bowsprits, and some of them their Masts, besides receiving other Bruises and Dam ge. Some Hundred of Fir Tries about Greenock are torn up by the Roots, or broken off ; and two Women, who went out during the Storm, to look after their Erends employed on Ship board were blown into the Water, and perished. Most People imagine, that the Violence of this Storm, while it lasted, was nothing inferior to the great Storm in January 1739. COUNTRY NEWS.. Epsom. Oct. 4. On Thursday and Friday last Mr. Matteaux Solomon performed Dexterity of Hand here, in Opposition to the celebrated Monsieur de Bloome, for a Wager of 200 Guineas ; there were 72 Performances by each Person, out of which Number Mr Solomon won by 14, and gained great Applause. The second Day of Per- forming there were upwards of 200 Gentlemen and Ladies present. Durham, Oct. 8. We had last Wednesday Night the greatest Wind that ever was known in the Memory of Man, which has done a great deal of Mischief. Numbers of Houses in this City are entirely unroof'd, and Parts of others blown down, particularly in Clay- Path. From the the Country also are numberless Accounts of the like Na- ture, and of Stacks of Hay and Corn being blown down and dispersed all over the Country. [ The same Storm was felt in Nottinghamshire, where Trees were snapt in the Middle by the Force of the Wind, and thrown into the Roads, which were render'd impassable till the Inhabitants clear'd them } Blandford, Oct Our Camp is on the Point of break- ing up ; and the Men are going into Winter Quarters. The Encampment has been of great Service to this Town and its Neighbourhood We have had a great deal of their ready Money ; many will lament their Departure. LONDON, [ Saturday, Oct. 16. This Morning a Colonel in the Prussian Army arrived in Town with an ExprtCs for his M » jefty. private Letters from Holland mention, that the Prus- sian Army pursued the Austrians the second and third Days after the Battle, cut off great Numbers, and after- wards made themselves Masters of Prague. Advice has just been received, that the King of Prussia has pursued the Austrians, with incredible Slaughter, for three entire Days ; has taken all their Artillery, Tents, Baggage, Ammunition, and military Chest ; and is still prosecuting his Success with surprizing Rapidity. This News was brought to Hanover by a General preceded by 15 Postillions. Some Expresses have been lately forwarded to Sir Ed- ward Hawke, of which it is sufficient to say, they are of a very private and important Nature, and think ourselves excusable in not inserting what has already transpired, as a short Time will, with the Blessing of God on our Ar- mies, give a surprizing Charge to the Face of our Naval Affairs. Admiral Knowles is expected to set out some Time next Week for Portsmouth, to take upon him the Com- mand of a Fleet ; in which it is new said he is to ' be joined by Admiral Smith, Admiral Broderick having relieved him in the Command of the Squadron in the Downs. The Train of Artillery which are encamped at Byfleet, in Surrey, will break up one Day next Week, and return with the Gentlemen belonging thereto to their usual Quar- ters at Woolwich. The Winter Quarters for the Troops in Scotland, are as follow, viz. Major General Herbert's Dragoons, from Falkirk to Eastward to Dunbar; Lieutenant General Cope's Dragoons, Fifeshire ; Major General Holmes', Glasgow, Grenock, and Port Glasgow, Paisley, Renfrew, Kilmarnock, Hamilton, Straven, Lanark, Irvine and Saltcoats, Air and Stranrawer; General Anstruther's Ca- meronians, Fort William, Fort Augustus and Bernera ; Royal Irish, from Tain Southward to Elgin; Colonel Leighton's, from Focabers Southward to Dundee; Colo- nel Yorke's, Perth, Stirling- Castle, Braemar, Curgaff, and Inversnaid ) Lord George Beauclerk's, Edinburgh Castle, Dumfries, Dunse, Kelso, Wigtown, Kircudbright, Peebles and Selkirk. We hear that his Royal Highness Prince Edward will have an Appointment of several Servants; and that Ed- ward Drax, Esq; will be appointed a Gentleman of the Bed Chamber to his Royal Highness. It is said that the Duke of Leeds will be appointed Treasurer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and tlut the Earl of Waldgrave will be appointed Cofferer, in the Room of the Duke of Leeds; and Lord Bathurst Captain of the Band of Pensioners. ' Tis said a further Tax will be laid on Houses and Windows, towards raising the Supply for the ensuing Year. Many Farmers have resolved to throw their Hop Grounds up by Reason of the Beer being bittered with Aloes, which gives a deep Tincture, ard takes with. unthinking People; but if the King is to be cheated of the Duly it is pity the Subject should be robbed of his Health. Aloes is easily to be distinguished in the Throats and if you drink of it, it will fill your Breeches, if you have no Money in your Pockets. It is said to be a Gal- ilcan Practice. We hear that the great Regard which our present Par- liament has for impartial justice and Equity, will the next Session oblige them to use proper Means for the Re- gulation of the Land Tax in this Kingdom, so that all Persons may and shall pay an equal Rate, and not one as much more or three Times as much as another ; and that during the War with France, all Land in this Nation shall really and absolutely pay Four Shillings in the Pound, which will certainly make a great Addition to the present most partial and unequal Rate, and bring a vast Sum into his Majesty's Exchequer at a Time when it is very much wanting, and when sure no Man of Loyalty can possibly. oppose or be against it. The Trial, Thomas, the Mary, Richards, and the Per riauger, Stephens, Privateers belonging to Antigua, have carried ten Sail of French Merchantmen into that Island. A Ship belonging to Jersey, bound from Newfound- land for Biiboa, is taken and carried in Bayonne. The Prince Rupert, Dobson, from Santa Cruz for Lon- don, is taken and carried into Bayonne. Extract of a Letter from Bristol, dated Oct. 14. " This Day arrived here the Tyger Privateer, Capt. Griffin, from a Cruize, in which she took two Prizes, one named the Count de Noailles, of and for Bourdeaux, from Martinico, having on board 477 Hogsheads, 10 Tierces, and i 2 Casks of Sugar, 33 large and small Hogsheads, 96 Tierces, and 123 Quarters of Coffee, 44 Bales of Cotton, 13,002 Caffia, and 6012 Coffee it Bulk: The other named the Nestor. whose lading consists of 30^ Hogsheads of Sugar, 245 I rge Bales ot Coffee, 43 Hog- sheads, 22 Tierces, lit Quarter Casks, 1133 Bags of Coffee. " The Tyger parted with the Count de Noailles on Tuesday Night, in Lat 7. 30. all well, and has brought! the Nestor into this Pert. " These Ships came out of Martinico the 12th of Au- gust, under Convoy of the Warwick, and three othec Men of War with 12 Merchantmen. They parted with the Convoy in Lat. 20. The Count de Noailles engaged for some Time, but the first and second Captains being killed, was forced to strike." There has been the greatest Hurricane all along the Coast of Holland that ever was known; above 60 Ships of different Nations are stranded, or lost; amongst them a Dutch Man of War and East- Indiaman. At Hamburgh the Damage has been so great, that hardly any of the Ships there escaped. On Thursday Night, about Ten o'CIock, a Fire broke out at Mr. Taylor's, a Boat Builder, near Mill Stairs, Rotherhith, which consumed his Dwelling House, and eight or nine of the Houses adjoinirg 7 his Acci- dent happening near the River, a Ship from Africa took Fire, and was burnt to her lower Keel; as were also some small Craft. Two of the Inhabitants are missing. To be L E T T and Entered upon Immediately, A Very convenient Brick Messuage or ** Dwelling House, and large Garden thereunto be- longing, wall'd in, situate at Henwick, near the City of Worcester, late in the Occupation of Mr Mosely. Particulars may be had 0f Mr. George Yardley, in thr Foregate- Street, Worcester. To be SOLD, Pursuant to an Order of the HIGH COURT OF CHANCERY, in LOTS, before Francis Eld, Esquire. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn, in Chancery Lane, London, Several Leasehold and Copyhold Estates, Situate in the City and County of WORCESTER, viz. A Messuage, divided into several Tene- ments, situate in the High- Street, in the City of Worcester, formerly known by the Sign of the Mitre Inn.—- Four Messuages. in the College Church Yard, in Worcester, and Seven Messuages or Tenements, in Sid- bury ; all held by Lease under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. A Messuage or Tenement, situate in the Leech Street, in Worcester, held by Copy of Court Roll for Four Lives, under the said Dean and Chapter. Four Messuages and Farms, in the Manor of Himbleton, in the County of Worcester, also held by Copy of Court- Roll for Four Lives, under the said Dean and Chapter; and an Undivided Moiety of a Farm and Lands, at Alston and Teddington, in the County of Worcelter, held likewise by Copy of Court- Roll for Four Lives, under the said Dean and Chapter The Reversion, after the Decease of the Widow of Thomas Milward, of a Messuage and Lands in the Manor of Alvechurch, in the County of Worcester, held by Copy of Court Roll under the Bishop of Worcester, for Four Lives. And a Leasehold Farm, call'd Lanner, in the Parish of Gwennop, in the County of Cornwall. Late the Estates of Doctor William Worth, Arch Deacon of Worecester, deceas'd. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's Chambers; or of Mr. Ingram, in Bewdley; or of Mr. Dandridge, in Worcester. To be S OLD - A Copyhold ESTATE, SITUATE at Hatfield, in the Chapelry of Norton, near Kempsey, in the County ot Worcester, held by three Lives under the Lord Bishop of Worcester: Consisting of about Thirty- one Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in good Condition ; with a convenient Dwelling. House, a new erected Barn, Stable, and Cow house, now in the Possession of Thomas Stinton. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Daniel George, Baker, in Worcester. SOLD, by AUCTION, On Thursday the Fourth Day of November next, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, at the City Gaol, Worcester, AFreehold Messuage or Tenement, in very good Repair, situate without Sidbury Turn- pike, now in the Occupation of Mr. James Hartley, Horse- Hair Weaver, a substantial good Tenant, who is desirous of continuing in the same. For further' Particulars enquire of Mr. Bund, Attorney, or of William Sollers, Keeper of the City Gaol aforesaid. To be S O L D, to the Best Bidder, On Saturday the Sixth Day of November next, at the Old Castle, in Bridgnorth, between the tloms of Two and Five in the Afternoon, A Messuage, Farm, and Lands, In Romsley, in the Parish of Alvely, in the County of SALOP; The House and Out- Buildings in very good Repair, and cow in the Possession of the Widow Pountney, at the Yearly Rent of 361. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Haslewood, Attor- ney, in Bridgnorth. N. B. The Tenant will shew the Premises, ~~ To LETT, And Enter' d upon at Lady Day ( Old Stile) next, AVery Good FARM, situate in Upton Snodsbury, in the County of Worcester, with a very convenient Dwelling- House, Barns, Stables, Two Pigeon Houses, and other Out buildings thereon, all lately built. For further Particulars enquire of Mr, Richard Roberts, Attorney, in Pershore. N. B. There is a Turnpike Road from Upton to Wor- cester, which is but four Miles distance. To be LETT, And Enter d upon IMMEDIATELY, At Great Hampton, in the County of Worcester, ACommodious FARM, consisting Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Lands, now 111 Possession of William Phillips. N. B. The Lands are allowed to be in exceeding good Condition, and the Farm is well situated for the Con- veniency of the Turnpike Road, and the River Avon, within one Mile of Evesham, and four Miles of Pershore Market. For further Particulars enquire of Dr. Baylies, of Evesham ; or Mr. Gardiner, in Bengworth ; or the pre- sent Tenant. Of the THE Creditors of Mr. Henry Turbitt, late of Stratford upon Avon, in the County of Warwick, Mercer, deceased, who have not already given in an Account of their Demands, are desired immediately to send the same to Mary Turbitt, of Stratford aforesaid, Administratrix 0f the said Henry Turbitt ; and all Per- sons indebted to the said Henry Turbitt are desired to pay their Debts to his said Administratrix, forthwith, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. By the KING's AUTHORITY. This Day is Publish'd., Price bound 2s. 6d. { Addressed to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales) Itinerarium Novi Testament : oR, The Sacred HISTORY and DOCTRINE NEW TESTAMENT, In QUESTION and ANSWER: With the LIVES and TRAVELS of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, our Saviour Jesus Christ, his Apostles, & c. To which is added, A Supplement describing the Universe, the Calculation of Time, and the Regulation of Seasons, Months, and Years. A brief Chronology from the Creation to our Saviour's Birth, Tables of Scripture Measures., Weights, and Coins, accurately calculated, and by Decimal Arith- metick reduced to our English Valuation ; a large Cata- logue of remarkable Scripture Names, explained in our own Language, with the Characters aud Conditions of them in general. Illustrated with Eleven curious Copper Plates engraved by the best Hands. By the Rev. Mr. C. BROWN, Catechist. London: Printed for the Author, and sold by P. Stephens fronting Stationer's Hall; and may be had of the Person employ'd in publishing it throughout the Kingdom, now within the Circuit of this Paper: Likewise sold by S. Gamidge, Bookseller, in the Leech Street, Worcester ; and may be had of the Men who distribute this Journal. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. LONDON [ Tuesday, Oct. 19. WE hear that the Right Hon. Henry Fox, Esq; has resign'd his Place of one of his Majesty's Princi- pal Secretaries of Slate. It is said Mr. Byng has Orders to be ready for his Trial by the 28th Instant. or as soon as the Colchester arrives, and we hear it is to be at Chatham, where a Ship is get- ting ready with all Expedition. We are well assured, that on the Eighth of next Month the Hon. Mr. Murray will be appointed Lord Chief Ju-' stice of England, will be promoted to an English Peerage, and have a further conditional Pension of several Thou- sands a Year for Life. There are Letters in Town from North- America, which mention some Circumstances of Uneasiness which have arisen in the Mind of a General there of great Expecta- tions ; and one Letter carries it so far as to say, that the said Gentleman has wrote home desiring to be recall'd. The Time limited by his Majesty's Order in Council, for prohibiting the Exporting out of the Kingdom, or carrying Coaltwise, Gunpowder, Saltpetre, or any Sort of Arms or Ammunition, expiring the 29th, his Majesty has been pleased to order it to ( be continued six Months longer. They write from Leipsick of the 4th instant, that on the 2d, Te Deum was sung in the Prussian Army, under a Triple Discharge of Cannon and Small Arms; and that the King himself gave the following Text for the Sermon on that Occasion : Now know I, that the Lord saveth his Anointed: He will hear him from his holy Hea- ven, with the saving Strength of his Right Hand, Pf XX. 6. According to the Accounts from Leipsick, the Loss of the Austrians is greater than that of the Prussians. We learn from Berlin, that a solemn Thanksgiving has been held for the Victory in Bohemia ; and that such Dis positions have been made for defiling Troops through Po- merania and Prussia, as will secure ths Frontiers of those Countries against any Impressions, in case the Russians should actually march that Body of Troops that is assem- bling on the Frontiers of Courland. Letters from Paris, of the 8th Instant, say that the Orders for the March of the Auxiliary Troops to be sent to the Empress Queen had been postponed for a few Days, because it was expected that Circumstances would occasion some Change in their Destination ; as the Imperial Court might find it more convenient to employ them elsewhere than in Bohemia or Moravia. We hear that the Grand Signor has threaten'd that if the Empress of Russia marches any Forces to the Assistance of the Queen of Hungary, he will march One Hundred Thousand Men into her Dominions.' They write from Dresden, that as his Prussian Majesty Cannot advance further into Bohemia, with Safety, while the Saxons remain in their intrenched Camp at Pirna, he, his given his Polish Majesty thrice Twenty- four Hours to sign the Articles that have been proposed to him ; and in case they are not complied with, the Prussian Troops have Orders to attack those Entrenchments in twelve different Places at once ; for the due Execution of which they have been furnish'd with heavy Artillery, Mortars, and an im mense Quantity of Bombs, Bullets, and Ammunition. Other Letters from Leipsick, dated the 9th, say, that from the 2d or 3d to the 6th, divers Movements had been made in the King of Poland's Camp, the Drift of which was not yet known ; but they reckon they shall be able to give us a clear Account of them next Post. Kensington, Oct. 19. Last Saturday Morning Colonel Lentulus, Aid de Camp to his Prussian Majesty, arrived here from the Prussian Army in Bohemia, with Letters to the King, which he had the Honour to deliver to his Ma- jesty in a private Audience.—[ The above Officer brought an Account of the Battle fought on the 1st Instant between the Prussian and Austrian Armies, from which Account we have collected the following Particulars, viz. That the Prussian Army consisted of only 25,000 Men ; that the King of Prussia sat up all the Night before the Action, with no other Covering but his Cloak, before a little Fire, at the Head of his Troops ; that he gained the Field of Battle, notwithstanding the Austrian Army was 60 ,000 Men strong. That the Major Generals of the Prussian Cavalry, Luderitz and Oertz, are killed, as also Col. Holzendorff of the Gens d'Arms, and General Quadt of the Infantry : That the Loss of the Austrians is com- puted to amount to between 6 and 7000 Men, kill'd and wounded ; and 500 made Prisoners, amongst whom is Prince Lobkowitz ; and that they likewise lost five Pieces of Cannon, and three Pair of Colours. But that the Prussians lost only about 2000 Men, kill'd and wounded ] Collected from the London Gazette. The Hanoverian Camp breaks up the 24th. Saturday was married, at St. Paul's, Thomas Powys of Berwick, in the County of Salop, Esq; to Miss Pole, only Daughter of German Pole, of Radbourn, in the County of Derby, Esq. On Thurssday Morning died, at the Oratory, near Clare- Market, aged Sixty four, the Rev. and Renowned Orator Henley ; well known for his many satirical Per- formances. Last Friday died, in the 73d Year of his Age, at his Seat of Gorhambury in Hertfordshire, the Right Hon. William Lord Viscount Grimkon, Baron of Donboyne, of the Kingdom of Ireland, and Bart. Last Week as a Man was Coming over Great Tower- hill, with a large Basket on his Shoulders, he was stopped by two Custom- House Officers, who demanded to know what he had in it ; but he refusing, they followed him till he pitched ; and being eager to see what Bounty they had got, to their great Surprize found a dead Woman : The Porter made his Escape, and left the dead Body with the Officers for their Trouble. On Saturday Night a Woman was found stabb'd in Lee- Street, near Red Lion- Square; a Surgeon was sent for, and she was convey'd to her Lodgings in the Cole Yard; Drury Lane, where she expir'd on Sunday. We hear from Bristol, that an Anabaptist Teacher of that City has been deteded in committing the detestable Sin of Sodomy ; it having been discover'd that he has practis'd upon 26 young People. BANKRUPTS. Edward Howes, of the City of Norwich, Butcher. John Woolford the Younger, of Ipswich, Suffolk, Sacking- Weaver —— Thomas Barry, of May's Buildings, Middlesex, Mercer. Joseph Tay- lor, of Scarborough, Yorkshire, Haberdasher and Mercer. Thomas Withered, of Cobham, in Surry, Butcher John Braddock, of St. George Hanover Square, in Middlesex, Farrier. STOCKS. Bank. shut. India 133 3 qrs. South Sea- Old Annuities, 1 Sub. shut. Ditto 2 Sub. . Three per Cent.- Bank Annuities, 89 1 qr. India Bonds, 4l. 18s. Prem. Lottery Tickets til. 1 is. 6di They write from Marseilles, that seven Officers among the English Prisoners confined there in St John's Fort, who were treated with more than ordinary Regard, broke open their Chamber Door, in the Night, and, with the Help of a Rope, let themselves down to the Sea, where they seiz'd a Fishing Bark, and made up to a Spanilh Man of War, commanded by M. de Tilly; but this Captain refusing to take them on Board, they put out to Sea, and have not since been heard of Letters from Paris of the 11th Instant advise, that the Marquis de la Galissoniere was on the Road thither, from Toulon, but so ill, that they doubt his being able to per form the Journey ; and they think the Command of the Toulon Fleet will be given to M. Macnamara, ' Tis reported that divers eminent Merchants have in Hand, an Agreement for the better Encouragement of Men employed on board British Privateers, and other armed Ships; to allow 10s. per Gun for each French Pri- vateer taken, and 5 1. a Man, From the WESTMINSTER JOURNAL, Oct 16, 1756 To Simon Gentletouch, Esq [ the AUTHOR] SO, then ! - Squire GENTLETOUCH !—— The Cat is about being let out of the Bag : And BYNG ( in his Appeal) has made it evi- dently enough appear, that he is put ( agreeable to what You, Myself, and many Others have said) the Greatest Knave concern'd in that indelible Stain of disgrace, which Our Country had lately fixed upon her in the Mediterranean: Nay,, if we will take his Appeal- writer's Word for it, he was not let into the Secret. The Secret I mean is, THAT or PORT- MAHON's nOT beIng DESIGNED TO BE RELIEVED EFFECTUALLY; That Blakeney Was the first pitch'd upon to be the Tool; but if this should not answer, and the Faithful Irishman should behave with unexpected Bravery, then the Admiral was to become the Dupe, and, in Case of Necessity, the Victim. Are these Things so, BRITONS? Read BYNG's Appial, and you will there find them, so asserted. SNAP DRAGON. P. S. BYNG is reported to be a lusty Man, and yet, it is laid, his Keepers are so watchful, lest he should escape them, that they have clapt Iron Bars at the Mouths of Holes, sluch at Rats, and even a Mouse, could not find an Entrance into. From my {' Squire Gentletouch's) Lodgings, in Pall- Mall, WE have received Intimation that the Hanoverian Soldier, who robbed the Tradesman at Maidstone, was severely handled by his Superiors, who made him run the Gauntlet twice, and receive Three Hundred Lashes each Time. Whether the Delinquent was punished, or suffered to go free, whether hanged or acquitted; Is im- material The snatching him from the power 0f Our Laws, is what we concerned Ourselves about. There are Reports about Town of Many of our YoUng Nobility, & c. having come to a Resolution of making a voluntary Campaign with the King of Prussia. We, who are always in the Interst of our Country, heartily wish the rest of them would follow their Ex- ample; for then, says Jack Quibus, in another Age or two, out Great Men, would be good for something. The Embargo laid upon Irish Provisions, is said, not to extend to Fresh Provisions sent to our Squadron off Brest. We have not yet learnt, that ever any Fresh Provisions were sent to this Squadron. That this Embargo is commendable, no Briton Will deny ; but we can mention something else, the Prohibiting the Importation- of which, in Time of War, would be of as great Advartage to our Country, as are those Irish Provisions j this is, Lead, which is convey'd to our Enemies by the Way of Ostend and Holland,, in A very plentiful Manner. This it an Article which, perhaps, never was thought of, except by those who thus serve our Enemy, greatly to our Detriment. Simon Gentletouch. P. S. Gunpowder, which I think Is likewise prohibited our Ene- mies know how to make ; they have the Ingredients for it ) But Lead they must have from Great Britain. WORCESTER, October 21, We had not Room to insert A. B's Minutes this Week but intend their, a Place in our next. A few Days since was married at Tetterhall Church, near Wolverhampton, by the Rev. Sir Richard Wrottesley, Bart. Dr. Wilkes, an eminent Physician, to Mrs. Bendish, Widow of the late Dr. Bendish, and Sister to Sir Richard Wrottesley. Sunday se'nnight a Sermon was preach'd at St. Martin's and St. Philip's Churches, by the Rev. Mr. Inge, for the Bene- fit of the Children educated in the Charity School in Bir- mingham, when the ColleCtion at both Churches amounted to 591. 7s. PRICES of CORn. At Worcester— Wheat from 5s. to 6s. 10d. per Bushel, Barley from 3s Ood. to 3s. 4D. Oats from ls. 8D. to 2s. 6d, Beans from 23. 6d to 3S. IOD, At Gloucester — Wheat 6s. 6d. to 7s 6d. Barley Js. 6J to 3s. 9D. New Wheat was sold at 63. 6d. per Bushel. At Birmingham Wheat 63. od. to 6s. fid. — Barley 3s. od. to 3s. 3d. Oats is. 10L Old Oats IS 64, At London. Wheat 3PS. 10403. per Quarter, ( Eight Bushels.) BARLEY 19s. to 21s. 6d. per Quarter. The Proprietors of The Worcester MACHINES BEGIN to Run their THREE- END MACHINES, on Tueiday the Second of November next, twice a Week, during the Winter: And will set out, every Tuesday and Friday Morning, from the Bell Inn, in Broad- Street, Worcester; and from the George and Blue Boar Inn, Holbourn, London, at Three o'CIock: Both Machines meet the same Evening at Oxford, and return the next Day to London and Worcester. The Proprietors think it necessary to observe, That they are oblig'd to take this Method of performing the Stage, that they may accommodate the Publick on the usual Terms ; and as a large select Company is generally most agreeable in the Winter, they therefore apprehend no reasonable Objection can be made to this Alteration; and are The Publick's most obliged humble Servants, WILLIAM SELLWOOD, WILLIAM PENNY. On Thursday, Nov. 4, will be Published} Price Sew'd z s. 6 d. Necessary to be read at this JUNCTuRe, THE HISTORY O F Reynard the FOX, Bruin the BEAR, & c. " Painters have oft sly ReynARD shown, " With Goose a'pick'a'pack ; " But ne'er— till now— a FOX was known To mount on GOOSE's Back." London : Printed for G. Smith, in Fleet Street, and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country. This Day is Published ( Price Only ONE SHILLING, ) Adorned with a curious Frontispiece, representing the Orchestre at Vauxhall, The WARBLER: Or, Songster's DELIGHT. Containing upwards of One Hundred and Twenty of the Choicest SONGS, Collected by a late Singer at VAUXHALL, & c. And by him recommended to all Lovers of Vocal Mu- sick, as the most entertaining Thing of the Kind ever yet published. Ye gloomy Souls oppress'd with Care, Exalt your Voice and chace Despair ; When Songs and merry Hearts combine, It renders Mortals half Divine. To which is added, For the Amusement of the Ladies and Others, , A COLLECTION of beautiful REBUSSES, Which never before appeared in Print. London: Printed for J. Cooke, at the King's Arms, in Great Turnstile, Holbourn ; and sold by the Booksellers in the Country. To be LETT, ACommodious new- built HOUSE, with three Rooms on a Floor, pleasantly situated in Salt- Lane, in the Tything of Whistones, adjoining to the City of Worcester.— Enquire of the Rev. Mr. Thomas, at his House in the Tything of Whistones. To be SOLD, TW O Messuages, with Stabling, and ~ ..... . . _ . u _ l\/ T- This Day is Publish'd ( Price Only One Shilling,) ( At the Desire of several Ladies, eminent for their OEconomy and good Senfc, being absolutely necessary to be in the Hands of every Wo- man, of what Rank soever,) The COOK'S Pocket- Companion, AND Complete Family - Guide: Being a Collection of the very best Receipts* Under tHe following Heads, PUDDINGS, " CUSTARDS, CAKES, CHeeSe- CAkeS) TARTS, Pies, VIZ. SoOpS, JELLIES, PICKLING, PRESERVING, MADE- WINES, BREWING, & c. ROAsTING, BOILING, FRYING, BROILING, BAKING, FRICASEeS, , , Illustrated with a great Number of carious and useful Cutts, of the' trussing of Fowls, placing the Dishes in a genteel Manner, ( Sc. with several other Things, too numerous to be mentioned in a' Title Page, which are not to be found in any other Collection. if you would never cook amiss, Reject all other Books but this ; Where you'll the best Instructions find. To please the Taste of all Mankind. By Mrs. LYDIA HONEYWOOD, of Queen's Square To which it added, The UNIVERSAL PHYSICIAN; Being choice Receipts for the Cure of most Disorders the Human Body is liable to be afflicted with. Collected by anminent PHYSICIAN, employed by the Author. The Whole being intirely freed from those useless obsolete Receipts, which abound in other Books of this Kind, and contains as much useful Matter in the above Particulars as any other Book of this Kind that is five Times the Price. London: Printed for and sold by C. Henderson, under the Royal Ex- change, and all other Booksellers and News- Carriers in England. On Saturday, November 6, will be Published, NUMB. I. Price Six- Pence, [ To be continued Weekly, J - Of an Entire Original WORK; being ANEW HISTORY E N G L A N D, From the Time of its First Invasion by the Romans, 54 Years before the Birth of CHRIST, TO THE PRESENT TIME. Comprehending its ancient State under the Britons, Romans, Saxons, and Danes. With a particular Account of each Reign, from the Norman Conquest in 1066, to the Year 1756. The Whole divided into NINE PARTS, containing the Grand Periods of the H I S T O R Y. By an ENGLISHMAN.- LONDON: Printed for W. OWEN, at Homer's Head, in Fleet- Street; and Sold by all Booksellers, Printers, and News- Carriers, in Town or Country.' THIS History is the Result of many Years Study and Observation upon all the various Authors, Who have applied their Labour and Ingenuity to open the Seeds of the English Constitution, and to ihew the Growth of its Government : So that it may be more properly called a CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY, than any that has yet ap- peared. It was principally intended for private Use ; and, therefore, Would not have made its Appearance in this Manner, if the Exigency cf the present Times, and the Perplexity of publick Affairs, did not feem to require it as a Duty from the Author, who is of no small Repute for his Historical Productions} and who thinks himself un- worthy the Name of an Englishman, if he was silently and patiently to be an idle Spectator of the impending Ruin and Misery of his Country, while he had it in his Power to shew his Countrymen the Nature ot their happy Constitution, and the Value of their glorious Liberties ) to point out to them the Fields of Blood that their An- cestors waded through, for obtaining and securing their Rights and Privileges: And to inform them, that we, who inherit those Bles- sings from the Valour and Wisdom A our Progenitors, should see them tranimitted entire and inviolable to our Posterity. When Measures arc pursued that are inconsistent with national Policy and publick Interest, dangerous to a happy Constitution and the Privileges of a free People, derogatory to the Honour of an excel- lent King, and the Glory of a- once- flourishing Kingdom ; it is highly necessary that every Englishman should be warned of the Danger that threatens his King and Country, to enable the whole Community to provide in the best Manner for the general Security. With these Views, this HISTORY of ENGLAND is now laid before the World, in as compendious a Manner, and with as little Expence, as can possibly be done, to render it of such general Utility, that all Per- sons may have a cheap and easy Opportunity of acquiring a competent Knowledge of the fundamental and interesting Parts of the Constitu- tion and History of their own Country ; which can nerti bt too much understood, or sufficiently recommendcd. CONDITIONS. J. THE Work will be neatly printed in Twelves, on a good Paper, and with a new Letter; to be compriz'd in about Sixteen Numbers, as near as can be computed from what is already printed, which is the greatest Part of the Work. II. Each Number will contain Three Sheets, stitch'd in Blue Paper ; and if the Work should exceed Twenty Numbers, the Remainder will be given Gratis, by W. OWEN. convenient Out- buildings, situate in the Market- place, in Chipping- Campden, in the County of Gloucester, now in the Possession of Mr. Richard Smith - For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Medes, of Ingon, in the County of Warwick; or Mr. William Miles and John Court, both of Stratford upon Avon, in the said County of Warwiek. To be LETT, AN ESTATE, at Shoulton, in the Parish of Hallow, now in the Possession of Mr. William Burrow. For further Particulars enquire of Mr George Frankcomb, Clothier,, in Worcester. To be SOLD, At Wyre- Piddle, near Pershore, Worcestershire, A Large Quantity of ELM, lately fallen, to be deliver'd at the Coal- Yard in Wyre- Piddle aforesaid, ready to be convey'd either to Evesham, Strat- ford, Tewkesbury, or Worcester. Likewise another Parcel at Upton Snodibury, very convenient upon the Turnpike Road to Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Rich. Roberts, Attorney, in Pershore, or of Mr. Peter Manton, near the Chuieh in Upton Snodshury aforesaid. A. and C. CORBET T, BOOKSELLERS, Cive Notice to those who don't chuse to risque much, yet are de- sirous of being Adventurers in the present State Lottery, that for the following small Sums they may now be supplied with a very great Variety of different Numbers of Chances of Tickets, by which they may gain the following large Prizes, viz. 1. For o o J 3 7 s, d. 9 6 A Sixteenth iy o An Eighth - 17 o A Fourth — IJ 6 A Half 5 o A Whole — 1. - 625 • 1250 1500 • 5000 10000 d. o o- o a <* And the Money paid as soon as drawn, At their Correct State Lottery- Office, which has been- kept many Years past in their own Shop, directly opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet- Street, HERE Tickets and Shares of Tic- kets, are now selling at the very lowest Prices. REGISTERS Tickets at Sixpence each, for which an early cer- tain Account will be sent to any Part of Great Britan or Ireland, which, as Experience has convinced, may be surely depended on. And they will examine their own Shares and Chances by their Correct Book, gratis, and pay the Adventures in their Office Money for their Prizes, as soon as drawn. Blanks and Prizes bought and told. Letters ( Post paid) duly an- swerd. Schemes given gratis, and every Business relative to the Lottery is with Fidelity and Punctuality transacted at this Office, which has been very remarkable for SELLING, SHARING, and RE- GISTERING of the largest Prizes for some Years past. N. B. It is expected that the Price of the above Chances will be considerably higher before the Drawing, as there is but half the Num- ber of Tickets there used to be in former Lotteries, and not seven Blanks to a Prize. „• Mr. JAMES CLINTON' s ( Sen.) Imperial Royal GOlDEN SNUFF, And OIL for Deafness, ( Which have been so often advertis'd in most News- Papers in England, for the many Cures they have done in Distempers of the Head and Eyes, especially Deafness and Noise in the Ears,) IS, as thousands of Persons have experienced, the most effectual Remedy for taking away all Pains out of tha Head, such as the Head- Ach, & c. be they ever so violent. I instantly removes Drowsiness, Giddiness, Vapours, Apo, plexy, Deafness, the Evil in the Eyes, or Humour in theirs Dropsies in the Head, and Stoppage or Cold in the Head 3 cures the Catarrh, or Dribbling trom the Head upon the Lungs, which causeth tickling Coughs, brings away all Mercury which lodges in the Head, occasion'd by working at some Trades that are offensive to the Brain, as Plumbers, Refiners, Gilders, Silversmiths, and others. In short, it is the best and most agreeable Snuff in the Universe, as is experienced daily in most Parts of Great Britain, and other Parts of the King'a Dominions by Sea and Land, for all Distempers ' 1n the Head and Eyes. This Snuff is very pro- per for all Persons who have had the Small- Pox ; ' twill purge their Heads, carry off the foul Humours which lodge there after that Distemper, and fall down upon the Eyes thereby causing a Soreness or Weakness In them, if not Blindness. It is likewise very neccssary for all Masters of Ships, and Sailors, to take with them to Sea. *** For the Good of the Poor I publish it at 1 d. a Paper j six Papers cure most Distempcrs in the Head and Eyes. For Deafness, after taking the Snuff, take the Oil prepared by me for that Disorder, and drop three or four Drops into each Ear, which is a certain Cure for them who have been deaf many Years, and is sold for only 6 A. a Bottle. The Snuff and Oil are to be had of H Berrow, Printer of this Papers, Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Lander, in Stafford ; Mr. Parsons, in Newcastle under Line ; Mr. Oakford, Shopkeeper, in Winchester- street, Salisbury ; Mr. Thomas, at the Bridge End, Bristol; Mrs. Pinkard, Toyshop, over- against All- Saints Church in Ox- ford ; Mrs. Leatherbarrow, in Lancelot Hay in Liverpool^ Mrs. Adams, Printer, in Chester ; Mr. Bethell, in Broad- Cabbage- Lane, Hereford ; Mr. Waring, Shopkeeper, in Ludlow; Mr. Moseley, in Kidderminster; Mr. Wilson, Shopkeeper, in Bewdley 5 Mr. Butler, Printer, in Birming- ham ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester - 7 and of the Men who distribute this Journal. Of the above Persons may likewise be had, Greenough's TinCture for the Tooth- Ach. Greenough's TinCturc for cleansing theTeeth aad Gums. A famous Ointment for the Eyes. Dr. Bateman's Golden Spirit of Scurvy- Grass. Dr. Bateman's Plain Spirit of Scurvy- Grass. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir. Dr. Bostock's Cordial. Dr. Daffy's Elixir. Dr. Godfry's Cordial. LIKEWISE, Fine Durham Flour of MUSTARD- SEED In Six penny Bottles; And The British Folur of MUSTARD- SEED, In Six penny and Three penny Bottles.
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