Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 14/10/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2463
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL. [ Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, October 14, 1756. N0 2463 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Prussia ] Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Berlin, Sept. 27. , HE Queen of Poland, who is stiII at Dresden, hath been complimented by General Lentilus, in the Name of his Prussian Majesty, on the Occasion of his Accommodations with the King of Poland. • His Polish Majesty with the Prince * remain in Pirna, near the Army, and the whole Saxon * Army have surrendered themselves, and are gone over * to the King of Prussia, who
hath placed in each Regi- ' ment some of his Officers. ' The English Envoy hath guarantied the indemnifica- ' tion given to his Polish Majesty. France hath so far observ'd her Treaty of Alliance, that in Place of Troops she is to remit a Million of Rixdollars to the Queen of Hungary ; so that there is no more Fear of the Coun- * tries belonging to his Prussian Majesty being attacked by * the French. • There are so many Deserters from the Imperialists, * that there are already three Regiments form'd out of * them and sent to Breslau, and there come daily so many * that we scarce know what to do with them. ' There will be a Day of
Thankgiving observed in all 1 his Prussian Majesty's Dominions on this Occasion, and * Prayers offered up to the Almighty for a further Bles- * sing on his Majesty's Arms. 4 The Austrians in various Skirmishes have lost above * 6000 Men, and there being more Prussians in Bohemia * at present than in Saxony, where 40,000 Austrians are, * in a Manner, inclosed, we expect every Day important * News." Holland.] Extract of a Letter from the Hague, Oct 1. • Notwithstanding the different Reports which prevail * and are inserted in our News- Papers, it is certain that * their Prussian and Polish Majesties are come to an Agree- *
ment, by Virtue of which 18,000 Saxon Troops are * to join his Prussian Majesty's Army on the Side of « Westphalia.' Hague, Sept. 3o: The King of Prussia, after making Representations to the States General in favour of Eng- land's Demand of Succours, has ordered his Minister to demand, in his Prussian Majesty's own Name, a speedy and positive Declaration, Whether their High Mighti- nesses will grant to the King of Great- Britain the Suc- tours stipulated by Treaty, or whether they will refuse them, and for what Reasons. The Prussian Minister has added by express Order of the King his Master, That the King of Prussia,
provided their High Mightinesses will grant with a good Grace the Succours they owe to Great- Britain, offers the Republick his Support and As- sistance against any Power whatsoever that shall molest her on that Account. It is to procure a Declaration pro or con that the Bri tish and Prussian Minifters are so urgent with their High Mightinesses in the frequent Conferences they have with their Deputies. A Foreign Minister at Madrid, who was employed him- self in the Negotiation for bringing the Catholick King to declare for France, writes, that all their Efforts have proved ineffectual, and that his Majesty is steadily resolv'd to
observe a strict Neutrality. Spain.] Extract of a Letter from Barcelona, to a Mer- chant at Pool, dated August 28. * Three Days ago our Fleet kept its Station off Ma- ' hon, and had taken in all about 30 Sail of French Ves- sels, mostly laden with Provisions, which, it's affirm'd, they begin to be in great Want of in Minorca; which • may probably induce the French Fleet to go and face • Sir Edward Hawke.' SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Sept. 30. The Ship of Capt. Todd, of Musleburgh, arrived Yesterday. She was taken some Days before by a Privateer, and ransomed at 3001. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, Oct. 2. Last Week the
Friendship of Ale- mouth, Capt. Turner, from London, fell in with a French Privateer, and was taken, after a running Fight of five Hours. She was ransomed for 2001. The Ma- ster had hidden 501. in the Ballast, and two Silver Watches, and though the Frenchman cast the Ballast all over, they missed both Money and Watches. The Pri- vateer had seven Ransomers on board Oxford, On. 3. We are told that Joseph Best, the notorious Offender who Was last Week committed to our Gaol, for the Murder of a Woman near Windsor, is the same Person, who by his own Confession, was hired to head that infamous Mob at Chipping
Norton, , which did so much Damage to Mr. Haynes's Houfe and Fa- mily. Gloucester Oct. We hear from Winterbourn, in this County, that Farmer B r mb, Overseer of the adjatent Parish, called Frampton- Cotterell, having been detected in defrauding the Poor of a considerable Sum of Money, after being threaten'd with a severe Pro- secution thought proper to refund the same; and, altho' the Parishioners were kind enough to excuse his making a publick Acknowledgment of the Crime, yet it is thought adviseable to publish it in this Manner, as a Warning to all future Overseers to guard against so cruel and atrocious a Piece of
Knavery. LONDON: [ Thursday, oct. 7. Among the other Potentates in Germany whom the present Posture of Affairs has alarmed, no Notice has hi- therto been taken of the King of Denmark ; who, not- withstanding, thinks himself so far interested therein, as to take a Resolution of forming sn Army of Observation in Holstein of 24,000 Men ; a Weight far from being in- considerable, Things being so nicely balanced, in whatever Scale it shall fall. It is now said with great Assurance, that the Affairs of the King of Prussia and the Elector of Saxony have taken another Turn, and they have actually agreed to join their Forces against
the Machinations of the Empress Queen and the French King. Orders are arrived at Milan from Vienna, to detach a Battalion from every Regiment of Foot in Lombardy, and send them with all Speed into Germany. This Draught will amount to near 5000 Men. And we like- wise hear that all the Troops in the Hereditary Provinces of the House of Austria, from the Adriatick Sea to the Danube, have received Orders to hold themselves in Readiness to march, to the End that Draughts may be made from them to reinforce the Empress Queen's Armies in Bohemia. By a Lisbon Mail To day there is Advice; that a Spa- nish and a
Portuguese Ship had been taken by a French Privateer, on Suspicion of having English Effects on board, and sent into a Port of France; and the said Privateer afterwards putting into Lisbon, was detained by the King's Order, and the Captain sent to Prison. We hear that Orders have been dispatched to Sir Ed ward Hawke, to send some of the light Ships of hiS- Fleet to cruize off Leghorn and other Places, where they are wanted for the Protection of our Mediterranean Trade. We are in Hopes that the Report of the French having taken Oswego is not true, as there are Letters in Town ( of a fresher Date than those that gave
Rise to this Re- port) brought by a Ship arrived from New York at Bristol, which make no Mention of such a disagreeable Event. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon. Lord Bathurst, to be Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, in the room of the Earl of Buckingham, de- ceased. Last Friday was another general Review of the several Regiments encamped near Blandford, which, we hear is the last, and that the Camp would break up and go into Winter Quarters next Week. Yesterday the Poll ended at Guildhall, when the Num- bers were, For Marshe Dickinson, Esq; 1615 Sir Richard Glyn 528 Majority
for Mr. Alderman Dickinson 108^ This Day at Eleven o'Clock the Sheriffs made their Declaration to the Common Hall, and afterwards reported it to the Court of Aldermen, which was summoned to meet this Day to elect one of the Gentlemen returned by the Livery into the high Office of Lord Mayor of this City for the Year ensuing, after which the Election was declared to the Livery. Last Week died of a Fever, at his Seat at Westshiel, Sir Robert Denham, Bart. Yesterday Mr. Guerin, Steward to the Right Hon. the Earl Of Powis, dropt down dead in an Apoplectick Fit, at the Earl's House in Dover Street. Saturday se'nnight John
Burton was executed at Car lisle, for Horse- stealing : He was upwards of seventy Years of Age, and had follow'd that Business 50 Years. The Ship Anne, of Bristol, William Perry, Master-. Burthen about 150 tons, laden with 304 Hogsheads c Tobacco, 29 Tons of Pig Iron, and 7000 Staves, and bound from the River York in Virginia to Bristol, was drove ashore about Eleven at Night, on the 25th past, on the West Side of Dale within the Port of Milford where she entirely beat to Pieces; the Tobacco Hogs. heads were staved, and the Tobacco entirely lost ; that the Pig Iron remained in deep Water, and was not come at; and that
some Pieces of the Cables, some of the Rig- ging, and some of the Staves, which were on board, arc the only Things which were then saved. The Anson Privateer of Liverpool has taken a large Ship from St. Domingo for Nanta, of 14 Guns, four Pounders, and forty Men. Her Cargo consists of 36S Hogsheads of Sugar, 18,000 lb. of Indigo, 14,000 lb. of Coffee, and 30,000 lb. of Cotton, besides several other Goods. It's said the Captain of the Pri2e offered so large a Ransom, that it's thought he had a great Quantity of Specie on board : The Ship has been brought into Li- verpool. The Tyger Privateer Of Bristol, has taken a
French Privateer of twenty Guns, and 159 Men, with a Ran- somer on board for 5oool. and sent her to Kinsale, in Ireland. The True Briton Privateer has taken, and sent into Lisbon, two French St. Domingo Ships, who were home- ward bound; The Charming Sukey, Roberts, from Milford for Lon- don, is carried into Morlaix. The Elizibeth, King, from St. Eustatia for Rotterdam, is taken and carried into Morlaix. An English Ship, loaded with Logwood, and a Ship, Master's Name King, from St. Eustatia, are carried into Bayonne. The Herinis, Schryner, a Dutch Vessel from Scan- daroon and Cyprus, to Amsterdam, is taken by French
Privateer of Marseilles, in the Mediterranean, on Suspi cion of having English Property on board. We hear from Winchester, that a few Days since one Robert Bromfield was committed to the County Gaol, for being concerned, about slX Weeks ago, in the Murder of Richard Primer, Gardener to the Right Hon. the Mar- quis of Winchester, at Burleigh Lodge, in the New Forest. Tuesday was Committed to New Prison, by John Field- ing, Esq; Thomas Browning, a Soldier in the First Regi- ment of Guards, for robbing the Hon. Captain Robert Brudenell of his Watch and fome Silver, in Berkeley- Square, On Monday Night between
Twelve and One o'Clock. Capt. Brudenell being attack'd in his Chair by two Persons armed with Pistols, who demanded his Mo- ney, he suffered himself to be robbed without the least Resistance ; but as soon as the Robbers had left the Chair, and order'd the Chairmen to go on, he got Out< and desired the Chairmen to assist him in apprehending the Robbers, to which they readily agreed. The Thieves finding themselves closely purfued, separated ; Browning, ran into an Alley, and seCreted herself behind a Cistern, but was perceived by a Watchman, who said to Mr. Brudenell, Here he is Upon which the Captain advanced to
him with his drawn SwOrd, and desired him to surren- der; but the Villain snapp'd a Pistol at him, and Capt. Brudenell then made a Pass at the Fellow, Who at the same Instant fired his Pistol. The Ball miss'd Capt Brude- nell, but shot the Watchman through the Lungs, of which he died in Half an Hour. Browning, receiving another Wound from the Captain, surrendered. The Wounds received by the Villain prov'd mortal, for he died Yester- day. His Accomplice is known, and proper People ard sent out by Mr. Fielding in Search of him. The Sheffield Bag that was taken from the Post Boy last Week was found the next Day in a
Ditch It had been opened, but the Rogues had not meddled With any of the Letters ; and therefore it is thought When they robb'd the Boy, they did not think he was the Post Boy. Butchers, Tallow Merchants, and Candle Makers, stil seem to be in a Combination to grind the Face of the Poor, by keeping up tbe Price of their Goods beyond Reason, insomuch, that it is impossible for Artificers, ami. Persons who work by Night, to bear the Expence, with- out being great Sufferers thereby ; so that it is proposed to increase the burning of Oil in Lamps this Winter, as Oil for this Use is brought to great Perfection, and, as we are credibly
inform'd, Sixpenny worth of Oil Will go as as far Two Shillings- worth of Candles, and gives a steady Light. The better Sort may buy Sperma Ceti Oil at 3s. the Gallon, in which there is no offensive Smell affords a very good Light, an4 requites no Snuffing,, Candles do.
From the MONITOR. To the AUTHOR, & c, SIR, IT is usual in common Life, when we would dissuade a Person from an ACtion which appears unbecoming, to desire him to consider, What will the World think of it?— This Advice has frequently proved very salutary: The Ambition of standing well in the Opinion of Man- kind, being one of the greatest Incentives to virtuous Ac- tions and the principal Restraint upon the irregular Incli- nations of the Vicious. In this View, speaking of Our- selves as a Nation, perhap's it would not be improper to ask, What will Posterity think of us ?—- And as it Is prOba- that some future Historian, of a
very remote Age, may undertake an Account of Modern Times, upon the Plan of the celebrated Hainault, I am inclined to think that the following short Specimen of such a Work may afford some Entertainment to your Readers. Yours-, HISTORICUS. Remarkable Events in the R— n of *** the ***. IN that Reign, about the Year 17**, the University of O d falling under the Displeasure of the C , Swarm of Hirelings were employ'd to traduce that illus- rious Body, in Pamphlets and News Papers. The princi- al of these Tools was a Wretch, whofe Name is not come down to us, but we have a Certain Account that he, or his inf s
Services, was promoted to a Seat among he dignified Fathers of the C h. In the Year 17** Antiquaries six the Aera, when the Election of M— b- s, to serve in P tr was con- verted into a Nomination by the P—— e M r. But notwithstanding the Opinion of very learned Men ( to whose authority I pay the greatest Deference) who ground their conjecture upon the Determination of the Oxf e Election, I am inclined to think, that the Right of voting continued in the Freeholders for some Years longer; but for how many is a very great Uncertainty ; nor indeed do the Records now remaining enable us to pronounce at what Time this
Privilege was taken away. Much about this Time a Disagreement arose between G - t B n and F e, concerning Encroachments on the Continent of Am a; and the E-— sh thinking themselves aggrieved, took several Ships laden with Fish, Which appeared to them so considerable an Achievement, that they became presumptuous to the last Degree; talked of dictating to F e what Number of Men of War she should have ; threaten'd Destruction to her Ports, and a total Extinction of her Trade. How far the English acted upon the Principle of found Policy, and pursued these Measures, is evident from their permitting the Fish to rot in
the Ships, and keeping their own Navy at Home, while the F h sailed without Interruption to support her En- croachments in Am a s destroy'd her Trade, and con- - a— t-' d the most important Harbour and Fortress of Mahon. In 17**, the French playing their usual Game of march- ing a few Battalions to the Sea Coast, all E d was thrown into the greatest Consternation ; both H - s of P ..... t entreat the K g to bring over a sufficient Force of H s to protect the Nation ) to which his Majesty graciously assents. It is observable, that a few Years before, the Nation expressed the most virulent Enmity against those People; spoke of them
in their public Debates, with an unprecedented Indignation, and did not even refrain from disrespectful Sarcasms upon the S -- n himself. A Bill passed the H— e of C s for disciplining the M a throughout the Kingdom. It was thrown out of the H-— e of L s. It is impossible to assign the Reason of this Step, as at so great a Distance of Time, we must necessarily be ignorant of the Policy by which our Fore- fathers were influenced) but we may take upon us to say, that certainly the S n could have no Objection to trust the Security of his Person and Crown to a People, whose frank Hand, to use the Expression of a very old Dramatic
Writer, gave all. In the Month of May an Account arrives, that the f h had made a Descent in the Island of M a with a very formidable Army. The G nt appears greatly astonished, though all Europe knew the Destination of the Armament long before the Fleet put to Sea. The English lay Wagers about the Event of the Siege.— Premium rises one Day;— falls the next. — A Fleet is sent out — An Account comes from F e, that the E-— sh Fleet is defeated : no true Englishman believes it — England must prevail in ev - y Thing.— A Letter comes at last from the English A L, which though introduced with Pleasure car- ried plain
Tokens that we were worsted. The Spirit of the People and the Stocks fall; the News- writers change their Stile. We read no more of the perfidious French, and the Most Christian Brute. They alarm the Nation now with the Danger of becoming a Province to the Ene my, and suggest that nothing but a Miracle can save them. Several of these Papers are to be found still in the Collection of the Curious. However the E —— h console themselves for the Defeat in the Sea Engagement, by making Songs upon A l B— g, and getting drunk at the burning of his Effigy. An Account comes that the Castle of St. P p is ta ken,
notwithstanding the noble Defence of the Comman- der. The People begin to droop shake their Heads, and shrug their Shoulders. All is over is the general Cry Addresses come from all Parts of the Kingdom, relating to the late Miscarriages. The whole Nation is inflamed — People talk incessantly about the Distresses of the Kingdom ; intist upon a Militia Bill, as the only Means of Salvation ; drink Healths, — and all ends in NOTHING. Towards the Middle of the same Year 17**, a new kind of Amusement called Encampments, was introduced, which engrossed the Attention of the whole Nation. The Attachment to Play having
entirely extinguished the Spirit of Gallantry in the male Part of the Species, it became necessary for the Women to make Advances to the Men. Accordingly they appeared with undaunted Confi- dence in all Publick Places, and shook off the natural Re. serve and Modesty, which distinguished their Sex in more early Ages. About the Middle of the same Century it was made penal for any one to eat a Partridge or a Hare, who could not prove himfelf worth One Hundred Pounds per Annum, or could not procure a Licence from a qualified Person.— The Reason of this we are quite unacquainted with, but the Fact is unquestionable,
and was severely felt by the Farmers in particular, whose Crops were by act of P t exposed to the numerous Increase of the Game. Near the same Period, a Person who was tried in the C 1 of K—- g's B—- h, for defrauding the Publick of about Thirty Thousand Pounds, and notwithstanding the Profecution was carried on at the Request of the H- - e of C s, and the Culprit was found guilty of the Accu- sation, he was adjudged to pay only a Fine of ONE Thou- sand Pounds. In the same C— t the L— d C. J. soon after atoned for this notorious Lenity, by a severe Extention of the penal Laws- upon the Printer of a ridiculous Letter,
from which ensued no considerable or certain Damage to the Publick ; for this he was sentenced to pay an excessive Fine, to stand in the Pillory, to remain in Prison for two Years, and to find Security for hii good Behaviour. Had not Death deprived the Law of such an extraordinary Genius, some future Cause might haVe given him an Opportunity to reconcile the Paradox of the two Cases, in Contempt of the antiquated Privileges of Magna Charta. The latter End of the Year 17** was remarkable for Lotteries As this Kind of Gaming is but little under- stood now, it may be necessary to explain what was the Nature of a Lottery.
Whenever the M y wanted a Sum of Money ( a Million, for Example) they made an exact Calculation Of the Number of Fools in the King- dom ; and if they found that it amounted to one hundred thousand, a Proposal was published, that every Person who was willing to pay Ten Pounds, should have the Fifty - thou- sandth Chance of Ten Thousand Pounds. This Tempta- tion prevailed so effectually, that Men, Women, and Chil- dren, crowded from all Parts of the Kingdom, to entitle them to Fortune's Favour; and certain Agents, called Brokers, taking Advantage of this Eagerness, engrossed the Chances to themselves at the
original Cost, and afterwards disposed of them to the Children of Folly upon their own Terms. This appears very strange to us, but such WAS the Infatuation of the Times ! PRODIGIES in that R n. TWO Shocks of an Earthquake were felt, and a third predicted by a Life- Guard Man, which spread so universal an Alarm, that the Custom of going to Church on the Seventh Day, which had been exploded for many Years, was revived, for about three Weeks. A Court of Justice sat by Adjournment above a Week, in order to examine whether an Old Woman could be in two Places at once, or a Young one could live without Sus tenance for eight and twenty Days, and be afterwards able to walk Eleven Miles. It appears by several Pamphlets, published at this Time, that these Paradoxes were firmly held by a great Part of the Kingdom; from whence the judicious Reader will make this Observation, that Infidelity and Credulity are no ways incompatible. A JEW created AN Estaate of Three Hundred Thousand Pounds from Nothing, by telling Lies in a Place called in those Days Change- Alley. Learned Men who flourished in that R n. GENIUS was so much encouraged in that R— n, that we read of the R - 1 Bounty being extended to a Thresher, who had
found out the Art of bringing two Words of similar Sound together. The Poet Laureat, at this Time appears to have been a Man of profound Learning, but his Place, we apprehend, was intended as a Sine- Cure, for he had nothing to do, only to tell the World annually, that the first of January is the Beginning of the New Year, and the thirtieth of October the Birth Day of *** the ***. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. IRELAND. DUBLIN, October 2. FRIDAY last Richard French, Esq; High Sheriff of the County of Galway, went to execute a Writ of fieri Facias againft the Stock of John Bourke, of Der rymacloughny, Esq; when the
Sub Sheriff, in the Exe cution of his Office was opposed by several Outlaws, hav- ing his Horse shot under him, and one of his Attendants, viz William Hawkins, Servant to the Sheriff, had his Brains dashed out with a Musket by one Rush, of Tua. The Outlaws have betaken themselves to the Castle of Derrymacloughny, and we are assured the High Sheriff hath written a Letter to the Governor requiring a Party of the Army, and aix Pieces of Cannon, in Order to aub- due them. Bills of Indictment have been found against upwards of 50 Persons for being concerned in the above Murder. LONDON, [ Saturday, Oct. 9. On
Wednesday next several English Officers are to em- bark at Chatham on board a- Man of War to serve as Volunteers in the Armies of the King of Prussia It is said some of the Hanoverian and Hessian Officers are to go in the same Ship on the same Errand. On the 14th ult. there was a terrible Storm at Brande- bourg, of Thunder, Lightening, Hail, and Rain, by which the Gardens suffered very considerably. A Dutch Ga- zette says that some of the Hailstones measured seven Lines and a half Rhinlande, and cOnsequently were half a Foot round. The Inside was pure Ice, and the Outside transparent. We hear an Order is sent to
Ireland for obliging all Persons who ship any Provisions for the Plantations to give Bond that they are for the Use of the People there, and not to be sent away for the Supply of the Enemy: And proper Certificates are to be given accordingly, other- wise the Bonds to be put in Execution. We are assured that the Right Hon. Lord Bathurst will be appointed Treasurer to his Royal Highness the Princs of Wales. The Prince Edward, Knight, from St. Kitt's ( arrived at Dover) on the 3d ult. spoke with the Prince George Privateer, Capt. King, of and from New York, who had been out only twelve Days, and had taken two large Ships and a
Snow, all from Martinico, bound to France. He was then about 60 Leagues E. by N. from Bermudas, and had two of his Prizes with him ; the other he had sent home the Day before. The Griffon, from St. Domingo for Bourdeaux, is taken and carried into Virginia, by the Virginian, Capt. Sinclair, bound from Bristol for Virginia. The Gosport Man of War has taken a Portuguese Ship bound for Lisbon from Havre- de- Grace, and carried her to Gibraltar. The Ranger Privateer, which is arrived at Liverpool from a Cruize, took, about a Month since, a French Dogger, which is not yet come in. Extract of a Letter from Deal, October 7. His
Majesty's Sloop the Dispatch, Capt. Holbourn.' ( Nephew of the Admiral of that Name) met Yesterday Evening about Five o'Clock, off Fairlie, a French Priva- teer of 18 Guns, Six and Nine Pounders, with 170 Men, and engaged her two Hours. The Dispatch lost her Lieutenant of Marines, and two Seamen, and had twelve wounded. Capt. Holbourn was three Times carried of the Deck, and as often came up again, and fought the Ship very gallantly. The Privateer boarded him twice, and did him great Damage, but at last sheered off. The Dispatch is very much shattered both in Hull and Rigging. Capt. Holbourn is now on board,
dangerouily ill of two Wounds, which are feared to be mortal. It is but a Fortnight since this brave Officer received his Commission. Our Sloops of War commonly mount but 12 or 14 Guns, with 80 or 1oo Men at most." We hear from Maidstone, in Kent, that abont Three o'Clock on Sunday Morning, a Fire broke out behind the Middle Row at that Place, in the House of Mr. Ed- wards, a Grocer and Tallowchandler, by which the House and Goods were soon consumed, with several other houses, two of them Publick Houles, the Bird in Hand, and the White Horse. A Woman and a Girl about ten. Years old, being missing, are
supposed to be burnt. To be SEEN, At the Sign of the GOLDEN CROSS, in Worcester, At ONE SHILLING each Person, Mr. NEVILL's Curious New- invented MACHINE, ( Which the Proprietor has been offered Ten Thousand; Pounds for), TH A T represents the W OOLLEN MANUFACTURE- in all its branches, from the Sheep's Back to the Making and Dressing a Piece of Cloth and Stuff, by Figures that represent Youth and Age, from eight Years, old to fourscore, working as natural Life, and upwards of five thousand different Movements to make the Figures work this curious Piece of Work. It is allow'd, by the best Judges, to
be the greatest Curiosity ever known, there being, in this Machine, all the Mechanical Powers This curious Piece of Mechanism is to be seen any Hour of the Day. , Our Stay will be but short. By the KING's AUTHORITY. ' This Day is Publish'd, Price bound 2s. 6d. ( Addressed to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales) Itinerarium Novi Testamenti : oR, The Sacred HISTORY and DOCTRINE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, In QUESTION and ANSWER: I With the LIVES and TRAVELS of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, our Saviour Jesus Christ, his Apostles, & c. To which is added, A Supplement describing the Universe, the Calculation
of ' Time, and the Regulation of Seasons, Months, and Years. A brief Chronology from the Creation to our Saviour's Birth, Tables of Scripture- Measures, Weights, and Coins, accurately calculated, and by Decimal Arith- metick reduced to our English Valuation ; a large Cata- logue of remarkable Scripture Names, explained in our own Language, with the CharaCters and Conditions of them in general. Illustrated with Eleven curious Copper Plates engraved by the best Hands. By the Rev. Mr. C. BROWN, Catechist. London: Printed for the Author, and sold by P. Stephens fronting Stationer's Hall; and may be had of the Person
employ'd in publishing it throughout the Kingdom, now within the Circuit of this Paper: Likewise sold by S. Gamidge, Bookseller, in the Leech Street, Worcester ; and may be had of the Men who distribute this Journal.
By particular Desire of the Gentlemen and Ladies of the City and County of Worcester, An INTELLIGENCE- OFFICE Is now Open'd by S. GAMIDGE, Bookseller, in the Leech - Street, Worcester, THE Design of this Office is to help Servants, who can have good Characters, to the Best of Places, and Gentlemen and Ladies to good Ser- vants, who often are obliged, in haste, to accept of Ser- vants very slightly recommended. Here are register'd Servants of all Kinds, viz. Book- Keepers, Clerks, House- Stewards, Valets, Butlers, Gardeners, Coachmen, Foot- men, Grooms, Postilions, and Husbandmen ; Governesses, House
Keepers, Waiting Maids, Cook Maids, House Maids, Laundry Maids, Dry and Wet Nurses, & c. with their Qualifications, Age, married or single, what Place lived in last, find how long, when left it, and the Reasons why, and with every particular of their Characters, and by whom to be given: A Servant to give Sixpence at the Time of Registring, and Sixpence when helpt to a Place ; a Master ot Mistress One Shilling. Here are register'd Apprentices who want Masters, and Masters who want Ap- prentices in Trade, the Trade chosen, the Age and Qualification of the Youth : Houses, Rooms, or Lodgings, furnish'd or unfurnish'd, sold
or lett, Situation and Rent: Its therefore not doubted but the Publick will give all due Encouragement to so useful an Undertaking. - s- The greatest Honour and Secresy will be observ'd, by Their humble Servant, S. GAMIDGE. All Letters ( Post paid) will be duly answer'd. N. B. Several Men and Women Servants have already register'd themselves, who want Places, and can have un- exceptionable Characters. A Master in a genteel Business wants an Apprentice. The Proprietors of The Worcester MACHINES BEGIN to Run their THREE- END- MACHINES, on Tuesday the Second of November next, twice a Week, during the
Winter: And will set out, every Tuesday and Friday Morning, from the Bell Inn, in Broad- Street, Worcester; and from the George and Blue Boar Inn, Holbourn, London, at Three o'Clock : Both Machines meet the same Evening at Oxford, and return the next Day to London and Worcester. The Proprietors think it necessary to observe, That they are oblig'd to take this Method of performing the Stage, that they may accommodate the Publick on the usual Terms ; and as a large select Company is generally most agreeable in the Winter, they therefore apprehend no reasonable Objection can be made to this Alteration ; • and are
The Publick's most obliged humble Servants, WILLIAM SELLWOOD, WILLIAM PENNY. To be LETT, ACommodious new- built HOUSE, with three Rooms on a Floor, pleasantly situated in Salt- Lane, in the Tything of Whistones, adjoining to the City of Worcester. Enquire of tbe Rev. Mr. Thomas, at his House in the Tything of Whistones. To be SOLD, TW O Messuages, with Stabling, and convenient Out buildings, situate in the Market- place, in Chipping- Campden, in the County of Gloucester, now in the Possession of Mr. Richard Smith For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Medes, of Ingon, in the County of Warwick;
or Mr. William Miles and John Court, both of Stratford upon Avon, in the said County of Warwick. To be SOL D, A Copyhold ESTATE, SITUATE at Hatfield, in the Chapelry of Norton, near Kempsey, in the County of Worcester, held by three Lives under the Lord Bishop of Worcester: Consisting of about Thirty- one Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in good Condition ; with a convenient Dwelling. House, a new erected Barn, Stable, and Cow- house, now in the Possession of Thomas Stinton. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Daniel George, Baker, in Worcester. WHereas on Tuesday Night the 12th of this Instant
October, the House of John Bant, of Naunton- Beauchamp, near Upton Snodsbury, in the County of Worcester, was broke open, and, among other Things, the following were slole thereout, viz. a Pair of Buckskin Breeches ( mended at the Knees) in the Pocket of which was a large Silver Watch, which gives Account of the Days of the Month, made at Bristol, Number forgot, Maker's Name suppos'd to be Willoughgrove ; and an Everlasting Plaid Waillcoat, with Pearl Buttons and Glass Knobs: Whoever will apprehend the Person offering any of the said Things to Sale or Pawn ( so that the Robber may be brought to Justice and
convicted) shall receive One Guinea Reward of me, JOHN BANT, to be LeTt, AN ESTATE, at Shoulton, in the Parish of Hallow, now in the Possession of Mr. William Burrow. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. George Frankcomb, Clothier, in Worcester. To be SOLD, At Wyre- Piddle, near Pershore, Worcestershire, A Large Quantity of ELM, lately fallen, to be deliver'd at the Coal- Yard in Wyre- Piddle aforesaid, ready to be convey'd either to Evesham, Strat- ford, Tewkesbury, or Worcester. Likewise another Parcel at Upton Snodsbury, very convenient upon the Turnpike Road to Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of
Mr. Rich. Roberts, Attorney, in Pershore, or of Mr. Peter Manton, near the Church in Upton Snodsbury aforesaid. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS, From the LONDON GAZETTE. Dresden, October 2. WE received this Day about Noon the News of a Victory the King of Prussia has gained over the Austrians. The King of Prussia was posted in the Neighbourhood'of a Village called Welmina, with ah Army of about 35,000 Men, and Marshal Brown was between that Place and Lowositz, with his whole Army, amounting, it is said, to near 6o, oo0 Men. The Action, which began at Seven o'Clock in the Morning, was obstinate and
bloody ; but about Noon, the whole Austrian Army retreated, and lest the Prussians Masters of the Field of Battle; and, as they went through Lowositz, set Fire to the Su- burbs, to stop the Prussians in their Pursuit. It is thought the Au- strians have lost about 4000 Men, and the Prussians half that Num- ber. Berlin, Oct. 3. This Morning, about Seven o'Clock, an Officer in the Guards, arrived here from the Prussian Camp in Bohemia, in 39 Hours; he had no Letters from any Body, but only a short Note to the Queen Mother, wrote by the King himself on the Field of Battle, acquainting her Majesty with His having gained a complete
Victory over the Austrians, which cost him 1000 Men. The Particulars that have been collected from the Officer, are, That on the 30th of September, the King of Prussia's Army Moved from their Camp at ' Aussig ; that when they came to the Ground they were to occupy that Night, they perceived some Tents pitched, which they took to be an advanced Guard, or some small Out- Party of Austrians ; but that his Prussian Maiefty had the Precaution to make his Army remain under Arms all Night ; and, early in the Morning, the 1st of October, ob- served fome Motions among the Enemy, which very soon shewed that the whose
Austrian Army were preparing to attack him. That the King of Prussia made the proper Dispositions, according to his Ground; and, about Seven 111 the Morning, the Austrians attacked, with great Fury, the Left Wing of the Prussians, and the Action continued very hot, till half an Hour past One, when the Austrians gave Way, but retired in good Order; and, to cover their Retreat, burnt the Town of Lowositz, in which they had a Magazine, The Number of the Austrians under Marshal Brown are said to be about 60,000, and the Prussian Army from 35 to 40,000 only, by Reason of several detach- ments left to guard the Passes in
the Mountains, and on the Elbe. The King had under him, his Royai Highness the Prince of Prussia, Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, and Marshal Keith, having left his Brothers the Princes Henry and Ferdinand, with several other General Officers, in his Camp at Sedelitz. A distinct Relation of the Action is daily expected. [ Thus far tbe London Gazette. LONDON. [ Tuesday, Oct. 12. The Billet wrote by the King of Prussia to the Queen his Mother, consisted of these few Words only, as we are informed ; 0ct. 1. This Morning I gave Battle to " the Austrians. Great Generalship was display'd on both " Sides, and the Fate of the Day
was doubtful for several « ' Hours; but at last it pleased God to give us theVictory." It is said all the Cannon, Tents, Baggage, & c. of the Austrian Army under Gen. Brown, fell into the Hands of the Conquerors: That the Number of Prisoners is 9000, amongst whom is' Prince Lobkowitz : That two Prussian Generals were taken Prisoners by the Austrians; and that amongst others one Quadts was slain ; he com- manded in Quality of General of Infantry at the Side of the Prince of Prussia. The Honour of this Victory, it is said, is in great Measure attributed to the Conduct of General Keith. Private Letters by the Holland Mail say, that
the King of Poland signed a Treaty with Prussia the 1st Instant ( the same Day that the Battle was fought in Bohemia) the Articles of which are not yet come to Hand. We hear that his •*• » » » • has given the King of Prus- sia One Million Sterling, towards carrying on the War, out of his own private Coffers. The General of the Hanoverian Forces who demanded the Soldier, has received Orders to return home. The Hanoverian Soldier, charg'd with stealing Hand- kerchiefs from a Shopkeeper at Maidstone, ran the Gaunt- let in his own Corps three Times for the said Offence, re- ceiving 300 Lashes each Time; given according to
the Rules of stricted military Discipline. By Letters of the 7th Instant, from Petersfield in Hamp- shire we are acquainted, that on Friday the first Instant a French Slight of hand- Man, who had exhibited his Hocus Pocus Tricks for some Days, was in the Road to London detected in carrying off a Trunk belonging to the French Prisoners, in which were found several Letters, acquainting their Friends in France with a Design by them formed to make their Escape, which has occasion'd their being sent to the Castle of Port Caesar. Hocus Pocus, for his better Security, was caged up in a Garret, but by the Means of a Ladder brought by
some other Prisoners, he play'd a slippery Trick, and made his Escape on Tuesday last. ' Tis said that Admiral Boscawen has taken near thirty French Transport- Ships, near Rochefort. We hear that Captain Carr Scroop, who lately com- manded the Dolphin in the Mediterranean, and did his utmost to preserve Minorca, has been presented with 500 Guineas by his Majesty, and promoted to the Command of a Fifty- Gun Ship. They Write from Penrith in Cumberland, that the Night between the 6th and 7th Instant, a most dreadful Hurricane happened there, which continued with in- creasing Violence till Five o'Clock in the
Morning. It blew down the North- west Battlement of the Church, and the Battlements of Mrs. Gaitsgarth's Tower, which fell upon the Roof of the lower House, broke thro' the same, and into a Room where two young Ladies ( Miss Molly Bolton, and Mifs Dawson of Blencowe) were in Bed ; the former was unfortunately killed, and the latter buried in the Ruins, but taken out alive, tho' but little Hopes left of her Recovery. Scarce a House in that Town but what has received fome Damage ; and in the Neighbour* ing Country all the Trees shiver'd to Pieces or blown up by the Roots, which affords a dismal Prospect. Lately was married
at Wolverhampton, Mr. Crutchly, an eminent Japanner, to Miss Smith, of Walsall, an agreeable young Lady, with a Fortune of 15,000 1 Yesterday died, after a lingering lllness, Mrs. Sandby, the Wife of Mr. Sandby, Bookseller, in Fleet- Street. She was the Daughter of Richard Seare, Esq; formerly High Sheriff of the County of Bucks, and Sister to John Seare, of the Middle Temple, Esq; SHIPS taken by tbe French The Betty and Peggy, from the Streights to Montrose, by a Dunkirk Privateer, ransom'd ; the Barbadoes Merchant, Cole, from Barbadoes for London, carried into Dunkirk; the Christopher, Dil- lon, from Dublin to
Leghorn, carried into Malaga ; the Anne Gally, Crisp, from Barcelona, carried into Saloe t the Friendship, Lee, from London for Maryland, the Kitty, Bell, from Virginia for London, the William and Mary; Guyen, from St. Kitts for London, the Dolphin, Engre- land, from Rhode Island for Rotterdam, and the Newport Packet, Giles, from Scilly for Topsham, all carried into Bayonne. SHIPS taken by the English. The St. Nicholas, a Swedish Ship, valued at ( 5,0001. bound from Marseilles for Havre de Grace, is taken by the Endeavour Privateer of Weymouth, in Company with the Earl of Granville Privateer, and sent into Portsmouth ; the
Peregrine Sloop of War has taken two small French Privateers, and sent them into Vigo. BANKRUPT. James Turner, of Bell Savage Vard, London, Innholder. STOCKS. Bank, 14th. India 133 1 half. South Sea ——. Old Annuities, 1 Sub. shut. Ditto 2 Sub. 89, Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 89 1 qr. India Bonds, 2I. 2s. Prem. Lottery Tickets ill. 15s. WORCESTER, October 14. On Monday last William Haden, Esq; was sworn in Mayor of this City, for the Year ensuing; Jonn Corne, Gent. Sheriff; and Mr. Samuel West and Mr. Richard Poole, Chamberlains. On the Occasion there was a very elegant Entertainment at the Town-
Hall, at which were present divers Persons of Distinction On the 2d Instant, in the Evening, Mr. Herbert Shaw, of this City, was attacked on Hartlebury Common by two Highwaymen, one of whom alighted from his Horse, and seiz'd Mr. Shaw, whilst the other struck him on the Head with a Stick, and render'd him almost senseless ( after which they robb'd him of 56l. 2 s. in Money. The Prices of Hops at our Market, last Saturday, were nearly the same as the Week before. On Monday se'nnight Benjamin Saunders, Esq; was sworn Mayor, and John Jefferis and John Webb, Gents. Sheriffs, of the City of Gloucester, for the ensuing
Year. Last Sunday Morning, between three and four o'Clock a dreadful Fire broke out in a Bakehouse, at Pershore, this County, which entirely consumed the same, with three Dwelling Houses, and several Out- Houses, but happily no Lives were lost : A Woman narrowly escaped being burnt in her Bed, who had but just Time to jump out of the Window. One of the Houses Was occupied by a Wo- an, who wai gone to Bristol to see her Son, and had shut up her Doors; so that the Whole of her Furniture, & c. was consumed. ' Tis generally thought the Bake- house was set on Fire by some wicked, evil- minded Per- son or
Persons. A few Days since a Gentleman- like Man, whose Name nor Business was not known, and who had been for some Days at the Crown Inn at Rudgley, went to bed seeming very chearful, and in the Night cut his Wind Pipe; but after having lost a great Quantity of Blood, it is supposed he repented of what he had done, and with his Candle that he kept burning, went into a Room where a Gentle man lay, who, after recovering from his Surprize at see ing him, called up the Family, by whom a Surgeon wa sent for, who could give him no Assistane, when he could just inform them by writing, that he was a Master Taylor, and
that he had a House and Family in Holbourn in London, which he had left on Account of his being greatly involv'd in Debt. From Bristol we have the melancholy News that on Wed nesday Night last Week, the Old- Passage Boat, crossing the River Severn at Beechly, was overset in a Storm ; by whic Accident 22 Passengers, and 18 Horses, were drowned. We not having Room to insert A. B.' s REMARKS, what w inclos'd with them will be return'd, upon Demand. PRICES of CORN. At Worcester. Wheat from 5s. to 6s. 8d. per Bu Barley from 2s, iod. to 3s. 4d. Oats ftom is. 8d. to 4d. Beans from 3s. to 3s. 6d. At Gloucester.
Wheat 6s. 6d. to 7s. Barley Js. od ta 3s. 3d. New Wheat was sold at 6s. od. per Bushel. At Birmingham. Wheat 5s. 6d. to 5s. 10d. Barley 2s. 10d. to 3s. id. Oats 1s o9d. Old Oats 2s. 5 At Oxford.—- Wheat 10l. os. to 12l. per Load. Barl 11, toil. is. Oats 175. to 18s. At London.— Wheat 26s. to 38s. per Quarter, .( Eight Bushels.) Barley ns. to 13s. per Quarter.
The following letter was sent a few Days since to the Printer of the Evening Advertiser. " SIR, « THE Family of Adl Byng never before this, took « notice of any of your Advertisements relating to ' the prejudice of him, nor should they now had you ' stuck to Truth, but your Advertisiment of Thursday ' the 23d of Sep'. 1756, is all a absolute Falsity & Lyes, ' which the Family can prove, if occasion requires it, & ' I am ordered by the Family to Inform you, that if ever you should put in that Advertisement again, or any ' other, to the prejudice of the Admiral, you may de- pend upon it, you will be prosecuted to the utmost " severity of the
law, if cost the Family ( ten Thousand ' Pounds) 1 " I am yours " Sept. 25, 1756. A Friend" By the above it may be seen what Arts are made Use of to terrify one News Paper from giving a real State of Facts, in Relation to the CELEBRATED ADMIRAL, whole Virtues and the opposite Vices of All in Power are trumpeted forth every Day in Pamphlets, and the other News Papers. But as the Friends of this fighting Gen- tleman have again brought this Affair before the Tribunal of the Publick, they may depend on seeing in this Paper farther Anecdotes of his Conduct, Courage, and Charac- ter in his Commands during the late War. [
Thus far the Evening Advertiser] From the LONDON EVENINg POST. The following Address from the County Palatine of Chester was presented to his Majesty, at Kensington, by their Representatives, Samuel Egerton and Tho- mas Cholmondeley, Esqrs. To the KING'S Most Excellent Majesty. WE, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the High Sheriff, Grand Jury, Gentlemen and Freeholders, of the County Palatine of Chester, most humbly beg Leave, at this very extraordinary Juncture, to address your sacred Person with Hearts firmly attached to the Preservation of your Majesty's Government, and the Liberties of
our Country j which we apprehend to be so closely connected, that they must mutually depend on the Existence of each other. . Conscious, therefore, of your Majesty's wonted Justice and paternal Affection for your People, we dutifully hope, that your Majesty will kindly, and duly, consider the pre- sent unhappy Situation of these, once flourishing King- doms. We are too apprehensive, from many alarming Cir- cumstances, that the Supplies, so chearfully and liberally given, for the Support of your Majesty's British Domi- nionS, have been fatally misapplied. We reflect, with the utmost Concern and Abhorrence, that our Fleets and
Armies have been render'd ineffectual by Ignorance, Cowardice, or Treachery : That our Ame- rican Plantations, by which our Trade principally flou- rishes, are shamefully torn from us, notwithstanding the large Sums allow'd for their Defence; And that Minorca, Once glorioully acquired, and since, no less valiantly de fended ; an Island so essential to our Commerce, and a Jewel, so conspicuous in your Majesty's Crown, has been unaccountably abandoned, to the perpetual Disgrace of this Nation, and your Majesty's Glory, to our perfidious Enemy ; an Enemy we have hitherto never fear'd, but have often humbled. Our Concern
naturally increases when we reflect far- ther ; That the Taxes are grievous, the National Debt immense ; That our Trade daily lessens, though they multiply ; by which, we fear, we may be too soon dis- abled from raising the necessary Supplies for the Support of your Majesty's and our Country's Rights. We behold also, with the deeped Sorrow, Foreign Troops unavailingly imported, and expensively maintain'd within this Kingdom, while your Majesty's faithful Sub- jects are unarm'd and rejected ; who, innately Brave, and cordially Interested, would strenuously defend your sacred Majesty, and their, now endanger'd. Country.
These melancholy Reflections fill us with Fear and Amazement; and our Allegiance to your Majesty, and Love of our Native Country, once the Arbitress of Eu- rope, induce us to unbosom our Thoughts to your Royal Consideration ; not doubting Redress of our Grievances from a King, who loves to be esteem'd the Father of his People. Permit us, therefore, most humbly to represent to your Majesty the absolute Necessity of having our Natural Guards, a well regulated Militia, upon the Footing of the English Constitution: And we likewise most humbly hope, from your Majesty's known Justice and Goodness, that you will be
pleased to direct such a speedy and strict Enquiry into the Conduct of all those who, when it was in their Power, did not prevent our Losses; but have conduced, of conspired, to overwhelm this Nation, and your Majesty's Crown, with Reproach and Dishonour ;- that they may receive their due Punishment which they so justly deserve To be LETT, And Enter'd upon IMMEDIATELY, A very good HOUSE, SITUATE in the New- Street, Worcester ; confifting of a good Front Parlour, Kitchen, and Back Kitchen, with Four Rooms on a Floor, and good Garrets. • There is likewise a pleasant Garden, from whence is a very agreeable
Prospect of the Fields. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be LETT And Entered upon IMMEDIATELY, A convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, S1TUATE in the High- Street, Worcester, late in the Occupation of Mr. William Taylor, Brass- Founder. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. James Morgan, at the Old Coffee House, in Worcester. To be LETT, And Enter d upon at Christmas next, or any Time before, Two handsome DWELLING- HOUSES Having large Shops to the Front, and a Back- Way to each, STANDING in the Heart of the Market Place, in Dudley, in the County of Worcester, with convenient
Back Buildings, Backsides, and Gardens, one whereof contains near Half an Acre, is walled round twelve Feet high, and well fill'd with good bearing Fruit Trees, in Perfection, wherein is an handsome Summer House. Enquire of Mr. James Shaw, in Dudley. N. B. Any additional Back Building will be erected, if required, for the greater Conveniency of Tradesmen. To be SOL D,~ to the Best Bidder, On Saturday the Sixth Day of November next, at the Old Castle, in Bridgnorth, between the Hours of ftuo and Five in the Afternoon, A Messuage, Farm, and Lands, In Romsley, In the Parish of Alvely, in the County of SALOP; The
House and Out Buildings in very good Repair, and now in the Possession of the Widow Pountney, at the Yearly Rent of 36/. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Haslewood, Attor- ney, in Bridgnorth. N B. The Tenant will lhew the Premisses. By the King's Royal Letters Patent, FRAUNCES's Female Strength'ning ELIXIR, Which is a Chymical Preparation, extracted from the most powerful and efficacious Parts of the Materia Medica, and is perhaps as great a Restorative and Strength'ner as Medicine can produce. TH IS Elixir, from a long Series of Practice, has been found an excellent, and almost infallible Remedy for the Fluor
Albus, or what ii vulgarly called the Whites, a Disorder to which Women of all ages and Conjiitutiom an liable ; a Disorder too cautiously concealed, too much disregarded and neglected, whereby the Blood is robb'd of its nourishing balsamick Particles, the whole System is weaken'd and relax'd, Distempers are occasion'd, and those attended with the most fatal Consequence. The Symptom of this frequent and obstinate Illness are a Pain and Weakness of the Small of the Back, a thick turbid Urine, appearing as if small Threads or Hairs were mixed therewith, Weakness of the Stomach, loathing of Food, Flatulencies, Indigestion,
Hysterical Complaints, Lowness of Spirits, Wasting of the Flesh, Shortness of Breath, Palpitation of the Heart, Swelling of the Feet at Night, and of the Face in the Morning, a slow Fever, and if the Distemper con- tinues long, it occasions such an universal Relaxation and Weak- ness, that Barrenness, Miscarriages, Dropsies and Consumptions are its said Effects. In the other Sex, in all Relaxations of the Seminal Vessels, and Weakness of the Genital Parts, from whatever Causes arising, it will be found a most efficacious Restorative and Strengh'ner. And also in Constitutions worn down with long and tedious Illness, it will afford
great Relief, by restoring the lost Spring of the Solids,' and filling the Body with generous Blood and Juices. Whence likewise it cannot fail of doing the greatest Service for People labouring under a Languor of Spirits, and Hypocondriacal Complaints. This Elixir is easy to be taken, agreeable to the Stomach, raises the Spirits, gives new Life to the whole System, needs no Confine- ment, and may be safely used by People of all Ages. The Bottles are sealed as in the Mar gin, with the P A TE N T E E's Coat of Arms, round which are ' these Words,. . FEMALE STrENGTHNiNG ELIXIR j-.- and under the Arms, in a Scroll,— By THE
KING'S PATENT. SOLD WHOLESALE, By fpecial Appointment of the Patentee, only by William and Cluer Dicey and Comp. at Dr. Hateman's Warehoufe, in Bow. Cb- trcb- Tard, London, and at their other Warehoufe in Northampton j at both wlich Places it is alfo fold Retale. Price One Shilling and Six- pence the Vial. Sold likewise by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal; and by Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. W. Fee- pound, in Stafford i and Mr. Andrews, Bookseller, in Evesham. WHEREAS Richard Collett, of Wichbould, in the Parish of Dodderhill, in the County of
Worcester, Yeoman, has been impeached be- fore several of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, of Horle- stealing, House breaking, and se- veral other Crimes; Whoever will apprehend the said Richard Collett, ( so that he may be brought to Justice and convicted,) shall receive Five Guineas Reward, ( over and above what is allow'd by Act of Parliament for ap- prehending a Horse- stealer or House- breaker,) by me, GEORGE ELVINS, of Wichbould aforesaid. The said Richard Collfett, is about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, about 27 Years of Age, of a swarthy Complexion, has a remarkable large Nose, and a
remarkable sneering Coun- tenance ; had on, when he went away, a dark- brown Drab Great Coat, and under it a blue Frize Coat, with Buttons of the same Colour, a brown cut Wig, and a Pair of clean Leather Breeches; and rode a Chesnut Mare, with Rags on her Legs, to prevent her cutting, and has a large Swelling on one of her Legs behind, with the Hair off it. One Thomas Homan, of Chaddesley- Corbett, in Wor- cellershire, by Trade a Butcher, has likewise been im- peached, who is about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, and stam- mers very much ; had on, when he went away, a blue Riding Coat; and rode a black Mare '. He is
remarkable for being a great Sportsman, and has frequented most of the Publick Races in the Kingdom. Any Person who secures both or either of the above Persons in one of his Majesty's Gaols, is desir'd to give Information thereof to Mr. Thorneloe, Clerk of the Peace for the County of Worcester. This Day was Published, ( Price only One Shilling) Adorned with a beautiful Frontispice, by Walker', being the compleatest, and cheapest Book of the Kind, ever yet publish'd, THE YOUTH'S POCKET- COMPANION: oR, UNIVERSAL PRECEPTOR. CONTAINING what is absolutely necessary for every Young Man to know and
practise, under the following Heads, Viz. A plain and easy GRAMMAR of ENGLISH LANGUAGE, the by which a Person of the meanest Capacity may presently understand to write, speak, and read, with the greatest Cor- rectness and Accuracy. The best Instructions for Writing, making Pens, Sec, Familiar I. etters in the common Occurrences of Life, which is a compleat Introduction to an easy, useful, and elegant Stile, and which will enable any Per- son to write a handsome Letter on any Subject whatsoever. Arithmetic render'd so plain and easy, that any Person may ar- rive to the greatest Perfection, without the Help of a
Master. Forms of Receipts, Bills, Notes of Hand, Sec. Rules to be observed in the Con- duct of Life, to lead to Hap- piness and Prosperity. The Pocket Farrier. The Gardener's Director. Examples of the most necessary Forms in Law, such as Wills, Indentures, Sec. And Several other Things, equally useful, too numerous to b « I mentioned in a Title- page, By GEORGE WILSON," Teacher at an Academy in London. Embrace Instruction, hold her fast. Her Treasures will for ever last. London: Printed for J. Cooke, at the King's Arms, is Great Turnstile, Holborn, and sold by all other Book- sellers in England. To be SOLD, The
MANOR of OCKRIDGE, Situate about three Miles from Ledbury, a good Market Town in the County of Hereford, adjoining to the Turnpike Road leading from Ledbury to Worcester, and the Turnpike Road leading from Ledbury to the River Severn, distant from Worcester about ten Miles, and from the River Severn about five Miles, Consisting of THREE FARMS, well Tenanted, and very large and fine COPPICE WOODS, all of the Yearly Value of between Three and Four Hundred Pounds, together with a considerable Quantity of Wntte Ground, the Whole containing together about Twelve Hundred Acres. AND ALSO A FARM,
lying within one Mile of Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, of the Yearly Value of Sixty- three Pounds. %* The above Premisses are all well Tenanted, the Buildings in good Repair, and Rents well paid ; and the Herefordshire Estate is liable to more Improve- ments than any other Estate in the Country. The Rents have not been advanced within the Memory of Man, notwithstanding a fine Turnpike Road has w been made within a few Years from the said Estate to several good Market Towns and the River Severn. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Bright, Attorney at Law, near Ledbury, Herefordshire.