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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 16/09/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2459
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL. [. Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross.] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, September 16, 1756. N° 2459 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Foreign Occurrences. FRANCE.] Marseillesf August 15. TWO English Ships of War having run a French Tartan ashore at Minorca, sent a Boat with forty Men to bring her off. A Detachment of Regular Troops, who were going the Rounds of the Coast, discovcring the Boat, laid themselves down on their Bellies, till the English, were within Gun- shot, and then took their Aim so well, that they killed twenty or five and twenty of them, which determined the rest to row back to their Vessel. FRANCE ] Paris, August 27 The Talk of marching an Army to the Frontiers of Germany is reviv'd. HOLLAND ] Hague, August 31. The Dispatches of several Ministers of the Republick at Foreign Courts,' mention the Accession of the Court of Russia to the Treaty of Alliance lately concluded between the Houses of Austria and Bourbon as a Thing finally settled. Some of them add, that this Accession was made with several Modifica- tions, the Empress being desirous to avoid in this Act whatever might seem contradictory to the Subsidy Treaty which subsists between her and Great Britain. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, September 1. Last Saturday arrived from Aberdeen the'Margaret of Seagreen, bound from Camp vere to Bergen, Who reports, that on Tuesday se'nnight he Was taken off Holy Island, about fifteen Leagues from the Land by a French Privateer,. from Boulogne, mount- ing four Carriage- Guns and about thirty Swivels, with a Crew, of sixty Men, among whom were several English and Scotch, who did not shew their Countrymen Com- mon Civility- After detaining him four Hours on board, they, ransomed him for Ninety five Guineas, and carried James Younger ( the Master) Ramsomer, The Frenchman said his Orders were to carry into Port three of all, his Prizes, and, to, ransom the fourth; and having already taken three, this Vessel fell to be ransomed On Satur- day the Margaret spoke with the Grampus Sloop, who the Day before had chased a French Privateer off Stonehaven, and lost her in the Night. By the Glasgow, Capt. Morris, from Christiansand for Irvine, arrived at Stornoway, we have an Account that a French Privateer of four Guns, six Swivels, and fifty Men, had put into Christiansand, after taking three Prizes, a Brig from Newcastle, a Sloop from Shetland for Hamburgh, and a Brig. The Captain of the Privateer gave an Account, that there were two Snow- Privateers, each mounting sixteen Carriage Guns, and six more small Privateers, all from Dunkirk, in the North Sea. COUNTRY NEWS. Salisbury, September 6. On Tuesday last the British Troops, encamped near Blandford, were reviewed by Lieutenant General Sir John Mordaunt, and his Grace the Duke of Bedford, Major General; there were six Regiments of Foot, and two of Horse, which were all drawn out early in the Morning at the Camp, and soon after marched to the Race- Plain, at a little Distance, to be review'd. The Infantry form'd a Line of at least three Quarters of a Mile in Length, supported by the Royal Regiment of Scots Greys on the Right, and the Tenth Regiment of Dragoons on the Left, and the Can non in Front; in this and other Positions they went thro' their various Exercise, and made the several Firings in the same Manner as when in the Field of Battle. The great Number of Troops all compleatly accoutred, the vast Ex- tent of Ground they covered, and the Expertness and Regularity with which they went through their different Evolutions and Firings, made, upon the Whole, by much the most grand Martial Appearance that has been seen in this Part of the Kingdom for many Years. There were present the Hessian Prince of Nassau, General Fursten- burgh, many of the English Nobility and Gentry, and, according to the nearest Computation that could be made, about twenty thousand Spectators. [ This Camp is thought to be no Way inferior, in Point of true Service, Figure, Order, OEconomy, and a regular Discharge of Religious, as well as Military, Duties, to that of the Hessians at Winchester: The Soldiers observe a most exact Discipline, and behave well, principally owing to the good Example set them by their Officers, who are no less distinguish'd for their Politeness than their Bravery.] VY Falmouth, September 4. This Day arrived here, in the Lisbon Packet, Carr Scroope, Esq; late Captain of his Majesty's Ship the Dolphin, who went into Fort St. Philip in the Island of Minorca, with one hundred and thirty Seamen, to assist General Blakeney when the French be sieged it ; and brought with him Dispatches from Sir Ed- wird Hawke, Lord Tyrawley, and the General; but being very ill, was obliged to send those Dispitches away by Land, being unable to do it himself, and is gone by Water to Plymouth. Gosport, September 8. This Morning came into the Harbour six Dutch Vessels, laden with Naval Stores, Part of these taken by his Majesty's Ships Rochester and Port- Mahon. It is reported that they are to be unloaded forth- with, and the Cargoes to be used for the Benefit of our Navy. To the PRINTER, tic. SIR, Bristol, Sept. 7, 1756. AS the Gazette has not our Bristol Address in it, I here inclose you a Copy of it, that it may be con- vey d to the Publick by the Means of your Paper. I am, Sir, yours, & c. To the KING's MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. The humble ADDRESS of the Gentlemen, Clergy, Mer- chants, and other Principal Inhabitants of the City of BRISToL. WE your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Gentlemen, Clergy, Merchants, and other Principal Inhabitants of the City of Bristol, beg- Leave to lay ourselves at your Majesty's Feet, and to address your Majesty on the present afflictive and melancholy Si- tuation of Publick Affiirs, both at Home and Abroad. It is with the most sensible Grief, that we see one of the most valuable Fortresses in your Majesty's Dominions torn from us by a deceitful and peifidious Enemy ; and our American Settlements, by some fatal Delay, or Mis- management, exposed to very imminent Dangers; at a Time when your Majesty has a confess'd Superiority of Naval Force, and after the largest Supplies have most readily been granted for their Preservation and Support. We have the highest Reason to hope, from your Ma- jesty's known Justice and constant Attention to the Welfare and Prosperity of your People, that the latent Causes of our present Calamities will be strictly enquired into and brought to Light: And that those Perfons ( if any such there be) who have either wantonly neglected, or trea- cherously betray'd, the Honour of the Nation, may not escape the Punishment due to their atrocious Crimes. At the same Time, we repose ourselves in your Majesty's paternal Care, that the late Supplies may be strictly ap- propriated to- the salutary Ends for which they were grant ed ; the Distressing and Annoyance of our declared Ene mies, the Defence of the Kingdom, and the Protection and Support of our Commerce and Colonies. We cannot but lament, that, for Want of a well- regu- lated National Militia-, your faithful Subjects of these Kingdoms are not at Liberty to prove by their Actions their Affection to their Country, and their Loyalty to the best of Kings : And we beg Leave to assure your Majesty, that, for our Parts, we shall always ( when enabled) be ready and desirous to exert our Courage, and hazard our Lives and Fortunes in Defence of your Majesty's sacred Person and illustrious Family, against all Invaders what- soever. LONDON. [ Thursday, Sept. 9. It is reported, that the Express. forwarded to Town by Capt. Scroope Contains no Account of any set Engage- ment; but confirms the taking of several Transports. The Express is said to contain an Account of the Fleet's being healthy, and that General Blakeney was recover'd from his Fatigue and Indisposition. It is further said, that in this Express a Letter is address'd to his Majesty, and a large Packet to the Lords of the Admiralty. Two Advice Vessels, and the Transport Vessels which lately sailed from England, have joined Admiral Hawke. Ten Pieces Of fine Brass Cannon, from fifty to sixty hundred Weight, with their Carriages, were on Tuesday brought to the Tower Wharf, and are in a Day or two to be shipt for'the Mediterranean, with many others of a larger Size. Tuesday Col Jeffreys kiss'd his Majesty's Hand at Ken sington, on being appointed Colonel of General Fowke's Regiment of Foot, as a Reward for his gallant Behaviour at Port- Mahon. Extract of a private Letter from Amsterdam, : Sept 3 " Letters from Leipzig of this Day, give us an Account that the Prussian Troops are arrived in that City front Magdeburgh, that they have taken Possession of the Gates, have planted four Pieces of Cannon against tha Town House, and are billeted from 14, to 16 and 20, in almost every House in the City. At the same we hear » that the severest Injunctions have been laid on the People thro' all the Towns they have passed, forbidding them, on Pain of Death, to communicate by Letters the Destina- tion of these Troops The Terror into which this Cir- cumstance has thrown the Traders at Leipzig, is un- speakable, their Commissions for Goods being counter- manded, and the Stoppage of their Merchandize being earnestly desired till farther Notice. Letters from Berlin at the same Time communicate, as a Secret, that the Court has discovered, by a Secretary lately escaped from Vienna, that the Court of Saxony has embraced the Scheme of the Court of France and Vienna. It is conceived here that his Prussian Majesty, whofe Purposes are not always known till executed, being well apprised of the Designs of his no good Friends, has made Use of his usual Method of taking Occasion by the Forelock, and will be ready in Silesia and Bohemia before he is call'd on." ' Tis said that the King of Prussia does not intend to march abruptly into Bohemia and Moravia, but only to keep his Forces on the Borders of those Countries, for the Safety of his own Territories, and there wait for tha ulterior Motions- of the Austrians. We hear his Pruffian Majesty has sent a Message to the States General Of United Provinces how their High Mightinesses intend to behave, in Case he should be obliged to come to an open Rupture with the House of Austria, and should be attack'd at the same Time by the French, in Consequence of the Treaty of Versailles; and ' tis said the Prussian Monarch required an Answer from the States in eight Days. The Antigillican Privateer, of 3O Guns, and Com- pleatly mann'd with 200 brave Fellows, lies now near the Red- House at Deptford, and will sail with the first fair Wind. The Seven Sisters, Whitewood, from Figuera for Fal- mouth; is taken by a French Privateer and carried into St. Sebastians. On the 11th ult. two French Privateers carried into Alicant an English Bark that was bound from Gibraltar for Barcelona, worth 10,000 Dollars: One of them mounts 14 Carriage Guns, 22 Swivels, and 104 Men The other is a Row Galley of- four Guns, 55 Men, and 28 Oars, who is sailed to the Westward, and the former to Marseilles with the Bark. Three Privateers are sailed lately from Dunkirk, and three others are ready to go out, whose Destination is not the North Sea. Extract of a Letter from on Board the Fortune Sloop, com- manded by Capt Maplesden, off the Hieres, Aug. 12. " Though the French have taken Care to furnish all the Forts along the Coast of Minorca with Troops, Ad- miral Hawke's People have landed in several Places, and carried off Numbers of Cattle and Provisions A Vessel is stationed here to observe the Toulon Fleet." This Week several Victuallers, in Middlesex and Sur- ry, have been convictcd in the Penalty of Five Pounds for selling fine Ales, & c. in their Houfes in Decanters, and other Vessels not mark'd according to Law j and Yesterday three Fellows, who made it their Business, for some Time, to inform against Persons offending against this ACt, were detected in Whitechapel, and a Mob rose upon them, who treated them so severely with Horse- pond Discipline, that they were glad to get off with whole Bones. Last Week at the Assizes at Bristol, a Trial came on between Mr. James Thomas of that City, Plaintiff, and Mr. Gregory of Wotton, in behalf of a Minor, his Wife's Son. Defendant, for the Estate of the late Capt. Thomas, of Queen- Street: It appeared upon the Trial that Capt. Thomas, in the Year 1743, made his Will in Favour of the Plaintiff', which Will was produced in Court, with the Captain's Name cut out, and was pretended to be cancelled by the Captain himself, another Will of a later Date being produced in Favour of the Defendant. The Trial lasted from Eight in the Morning till Five the fol- lowing. ' The Substance of the Evidence being very ju- diciously summed up, and the Charge given, the Jury withdrew, and in about Half an Hour returned with a Verdict for the Plaintiff, the Defendant being obliged to refund the Arrears, and pay Cost of Suit. The Council for the Plaintiff were Mr. Serjeant Davy, Mr. Gould. Mr. Hussey, and Mr. Hotchkin, Monday Night a young Lad was taken up it an Ale house in Westminster, for putting off a bad Half Crown j and being searched there were found upon him several other Pieces of counterfeit Money in the Similitude of Crowns, Half- Crowns, Shillings, and Sixpences. There were in his Company three Fellows, who rescued him before a Constable could be had to take him before a Magistrate. On Tuesday Morning between Kingsland and Newing ton some Women riding in a Waggon, and the Driver walking behind, One of the Women took hold of the Whip, which the Man had stuck in the Shafts, when the Horses took Fright, threw her Out of the Waggon; and both the Wheels went over her Head, and killed her on the Spot. Her Husband was walking with the Waggoner behind the Waggon. At the Races at Warwick there was a great Number of Gentlemen, and good Sport; the Give and Take Purse Yesterday se'nnight was won by Mr Kingkin's Grey Horse, King Fisher; and the Hunter's Purse on Thurs- day by Mr. Churchill's Bay Gelding, Slider. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arrivd the MAILS from Holland and Flanders. TURKEY] Constantinople, August I. SEVERAL Thousands have died of the Plague in this Capital in less than six Weeks. Its Violence is greatly increased by the excessive Heats. The Mufti is deposed, and banished to Burso in Natolia. He is succeeded, ac- cording to an antient Custom, by the Cadilesquer of Romelia. ITALY.] Leghorn, August 18. Letters received here from Smyrna, dated July 17, advise that for some Time past great Confusion has prevailed in several of the Pro- vinces under the Government of the Grand Signor ; that at Aleppo, the Garrison of which Place is composed of Janissaries, they took up Arms against the Bashaw, put him to Death, and afterwards set his Palace on Fire, and burnt it to Ashes. The same Letters say, that the Inha- bitants of Thiatira, one of the richest Cities in Natolia, had taken up Arms against their Governor ; and that like- wise at Coma, Salonica, Volo, and several other Parts of the Ottoman Empire, they were ready to fix a Standard to revolt. Several Advices from the Coast of Barbary agree that a pestilential Sickness rages in the Algerine Army in- tended to besiege Tunis; which Design, in Consequence Of that Calamity, will be laid aside. SPAIN] Barcelona, August 15. Letters from Majorca say, that Admiral hawke has quitted his Cruizing off Mahon. •• Course he has taken : And from Gibraltar we are informed, that Lord Tyraw- ley is taking all possible Measures for the Defence and Safety of the Place, in case he should be attacked. He has taken an exact List of all the Families and Inhabi- tant there, and has given Directions for some of them to leave the Place in a Month's Time, and take their Ef- fects with them, under Pretence that this is done to lessen the Consumption of Provisions, which must be preserved for the Use of the Garrison, which is very numerous at present, being increased by the broken Remains of the Army from Fort St Philip. From the LONDON GAZETTE. PRUSSIA] Berlin, August 30. The 28th Instant Part of his Prussian Majesty's forces began their March to- wards Bohemia. His Prussian Majesty has published the following Declaration, containing bis Reasons for entering the Saxon Territory. The unjust Designs of the Court of Vienna putting the King under the Necessity to be before hand with an Enemy who declines every Way of Conciliation, his Ma- jesty sees himself forced against his Inclination, and in Consequence of these very Circumstances, to enter with his Army into the Hereditary Countries of the King of Poland, Elector of Saxony. " It is with Regret that the King finds himself obliged to take a Step which his personal friendship for his Polish Majesty would have made him avoid, if the Laws of War, the Misfortunes ot the Times, and the Security of his own Dominions, did not render it indispensably necessary. " There is Nobody who is not acquainted with the Events of the War which the King was obliged to under, take in 1744, in order to rescue the Empire, which the Court of Vienna meant to oppress in the Person of its supreme Head.— All the World knows with how much Tenderness the King then acted towards the Court of Saxony, and what were, the fatal Consequences that re sulted from it; the Connexions which that Court formed s the Junction of its Troops with those of his Enemies j their Entry into Silesia ; and, in short, the dangerous Scheme of attacking the King in the very Heart of his Dominions, and even in his own Capital. •• The Return of the same Circumstance obliges the King to consult the Rules of Prudence, and them only. — But, in taking this Part, his Majesty declares, at the same Time, to his Polish Majetty, in the strongest Manner, and in the Face of all Europe, that he has not any offensive Design against the King of Polmd, or his Dominions j — That he does not enter them as an Enemy, but merely for his own Secuny;— That he will take Care that his Troops shall observe the most exact Order, and the most severe Discipline ; - And that, whilst he is forced to yield to the most pressing Considerations, he only waits for the happy Moment when these Considerations will permit him to restore to that Prince a Deposit which he will ever look upon sacred." [ Thus far the London Gazette. SAXONy ] Leipsick, Sept. 4. Sunday about Ten in the Morning a body of about 15,000 Troops enter'd this City very unexpectedly, and, after taking Possession of Gates, placed Guards at the Town- House, the Castle, and the Publick Offices. The Main Guard was placed at the Market- Place, wheie twelve Pieces of Cannon were also planted. The Inhabitants, by their Consternation occa- sioned by this unexpected Event, did not open their Houses, Shops) and Warehouses, on Monday Morning; but at Ten o'Clock Prince Fetninand of Brunswick, who com- manded the Prussian Troops, published a Declaration con- taining his Prussian Majesty's Motives for entering Saxony. Major Bilderbeck having given Notice on Sunday, in the King's Name, to the Deputies of the Corporation of Merchants, that they were to pay all Taxes and Customs only to the Order of his Prussian Majesty, the Deputies waited on Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick next Morning at Eleven o'Clock, whi> received them very politely, and assured them they might depend on the King's Friendship, Protection, and Care to maintain good Order. The same Day the Prince took Possession of the Custom House and the Excise Office, and ordered the Magazines ot Corn to be opened for the Use of his Troops. The Prussian Troops left us On Wednesday, and are gone to join the main Body of their Army, which is said to be already near the Fron- tiers of Bohemia. DENMARK ] Hamburgh, Sept. 3'. Several Letters from, the North positively says that the Emprefs of Russia has acceded to the Treaty of Friendship and Defensive Alli- ance concluded at Versailles the first of May between the Empress Queen and his Most Christian Majesty, by which Accession, ' tis said, she engages to keep a Body of 70,000 Men in Readiness for the Service of the Two contracting Powers, and promises to extend this Succour to such other Powers as may take Part in the said Treaty. FLANDERS.] Brussels, Sept 7. According to our Advices from France, the several Camps which have been form'd for some Time upon the Coasts of the Ocean, are to break up 0n the 15th of this Month. From the UTRECHT GAZETTE. London. The Government have received Dispatches from Mr. Mitchell, the King's Minister at the Court of Prussia, concerning the Means of assembling in the Fra- pirc, if Circumstances should require it, an Army of One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Troops of the Powers in Alliance with Great Britain, by the Junction of those of Hanover, Brunswick, and other Princes of Germany, with those of Prussia. . INTELLIGENCE from VIRGINIA. Extract of a Letter from James River. " The Indians continue to molest our Frontiers. They have lately set Fire 10 a Fort Call'd Vaux Fort, 40 Miles beyond the Mountains, in which six unhappy People were burnt to Ashes, and twelve more belonging to the Garri- son missing, supposed to have shared the barbarous Fate of the Scalping Knife from the Hands of those Blood- thirsty Barbarians. A pretty young Girl, the Commander's Daughter, was carried away at the same Time by those ravening Wolves'. There never was such a rich Appear- ance of a Crop of all Sorts as this Year, and every thing how seems to be out of Danger." The Letter writer adds, that Lord Loudon arrived at New York the 22d of July We esteem it extraordinary good News that the Nightingale ( a Man of War) is safe arrived at North America. Notwithstanding she was emtrusted with Lord Loudon the Commander in Chief, and many other Officers, together with One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds in Money, she is reckoned the worst Sailor in the Navy, was ventured by herself, and has been long enough [ without being heaedof to have got home and back again. Most Persons began to give her up for lost. LONDON, Saturday, Sept. it. A Letter from Madrid says, that Orders have been sent to Carthagena for the following Ships to put to Sea, viz. Four of 70 Guns e. ch, One ot 60, and a Frigate of 26 ; that this Squadron in to be joined off the Harbour by a Xebeck, and is destined to protect their Navigation in the Mediterranean; and that another Squadron of the Line Force is immediately to be fitted out to cruize in the Ocean. There are two Letters in Town, To day, from on board Admiral Boscawen's Fleet, dated the 28th ult. which give an Account that they had fallen in with a Fleet of Home- ward bound Martinico Ships, and taken eight of them ; and had also taken eleven Transports and sunk two, which were going to Brest. Our last Advices from Paris say, that a Resolution has been taken to embark immediately, and at all Events, eight Battalions for Corsica. It is asserted that the Corsicans have again desired our Protection, and t0 make them Partners of our Liberty, which Invitation is said to be accepted. We learn from Strasburgh, that from the Preparations making there, it is evident that the Reports of a French Army being formed upon the Rhine, were far from be- ing groundless. The Militia have replaced the Garrison, there is a great Train of Artillery ready, and Orders have lately been issued for the immediate raising Magazines for the subsistence of at least forty thousand Men, which may be assembled in the Space of a few Days, in Case the Corn was once fairly got in. • They write from Leipsick, that the Protestant Princes of the Empire are about to form an Army of Observation of eighty thousand Men. Yesterday it was reported, that the King of Prussia had taken Dresden. We are assured that the States of Holland have been told, in plain Terms, that in Time coming every Snip of theirs, laden with Stores for France, and taken by us, shall be deemed lawful Prize This Day eighteen hundred Quarters of Wheat were shipp'd for Portugal, and twelve hundred Quarters for the Streights. Some particular Changes are daily expected. An extraordinary Council has been held on the'Ex- presses received from the Admirals Hawke and Boscawen. Notwithstanding the great Height that Admiral Byng it lodg'd in Greenwich Hospital, an Order wai given on Thursday last to have Iron Bars fix'd to all the Windows of his Apartment, and the Chimney of his Room so se- cur'd that any Attempt to escape might be render'd im- possible. There is likewise an additional Guard always with him, and he is not even permitted to go forth to the Necessary- House, having a conveniency in the same Room for that Purpose. Many are of Opinion that his being thus guarded is owing to the Arrival of Col. Jeffreys, the brave Co- Defender of Minorca. We hear that the Garrison in Fort St. Philip lost no more than 300 Men during the Siege, of which ber only 70 were Killed, and the rest taken off by ' Sick' ness. We hear that a Court- Martial will be held in a few Days for the Trial of an Officer for attempting to com- mit Sodomy on two Soldiers. The Nancy, Simms, is arrived at Bristol from Nevis, who parted Company with seventy Sail of Ships bound from Barbadoes for England, under Convoy of the Win- chelsea and Woolwich Men of War, 0n the 3d of August in Lat. 24. 11 fhe Weather being very hazy, and many of the Ships sailing heavy, * The Mary, Wilkinson, and the Prince, Burlinson, both from Sunderland with Coals, having run ashore near the Mouth of Newport Harbour, were carried off by a Pri- vateer, tho' fourteen Guns from the Fort were fired at her. The Mary, Dedro, from Catalonia for Gibraltar, i « taken by a Privateer, and carried into Malaga. The Duke of Tuscany, Cload, from the Streights for London, and a Vessel in Ballast, Name unknown, are taken by a Privateer and Carried into St. Malo. On Thursday Morning early a well dressed middle- aged Man was found dead in the Fields by Bay's- Water beyond Tyburn. His Left Cheek was cut, and there appeared other Marks of Violence on his Body ; by the Wetness of his Apparel it is imagined he must have been dragged out of a Pond, as there is one near the Place where he lay. There were found in his Breeches Pockets Half a Crown and Three Hallpence ; but, notwithstanding this, there is great Reason to believe he was murdered. On Tuesday Night a Shoemaker of Deptford having detected a Sailor in a very indecent Familiarity with his Wife, stabbed him in the Body with a Shoemaker's Knife, so that his Bowels came out, after which the Shoemaker made his Escape ; and it is apprehended the wounded Man will lose his Life, the Surgeon being of Opinion that the Wound is mortal. The Woman has absconded. WHEREAS one William Holloway, a Day Labourer, on Friday the 10th of Septem- ber instant, offered to Sale, to Cuthbert Gemisson, of Tewkesbury, in the County of Glouceller, Innholder & Black Gelding, my Property, and which was stolen by him out of my Ground at Chess Mill, near Ross, Here- fordshire, and the said William Holloway staid in Tewkes- bury till Sunday Morning the 12th Instant, and then ab- sconded, and left the said Gelding at the said Cuthbert Gemisson's; in order therefore to bring the said Holloway to Justice, I do hereby promise to pay the reasonable Charges of any Person who shall apprehend him ; As Wit- ness my hand this 14th Day. of September. 1756, John Bellamy. N. B. The said William Holloway is a Herefordshire Man, about five Feet ten Inches high, thirty Years of Age. a dark brown Head of Hair, pitted much with the Small Pox, a Scar on his Right Eye, his Hands much freckled, with a Wen or Swelling on one of his Fingers or Hand, and is a well made Man, wore a light drab- colour'd Frock, which has been turn'd, with broad White- Metal Buttons, a green Stuff Waistcoat, and had with him also a spotted Flannel Waistcoat, a dirty Pair of Leather breeches, a Pair of light- grey ribb'd Stockings, a Pair of Pumps, with Copper Buckles, a good Hat with a broad black Ribband round it, and a Steel Buckle, and the Loops of the Hat go through the Ribband. i- J- He was seen at Kempsey, near Worcester, on Monday the 13th Instant, and a Deserter from two or three Regiments, and has went by the different Names of Holloway, Williams, and Jones. Stolen, or Stray'd, Out of a Meadow adjoining to the Village of Chiddesley- Corbet in the County of Worcester, on Saturday Night the 11th of this Instant September, A Strong- made Bay Saddle Gelding, ABOUT fourteen Hands and an Inch high, seven Years old, wiih a black Mane and Tail, the Off- behind white a little above the Hoof, with some white saddle Spots on his Back, and the Hair rubb'd off close to the Skin a little below the Hip bone on the Near Side, about the Bigness of Half- a Crown, is fresh trim'd carries an high Tail, thrusts out his Nose a little when on the Road and is very subject to bite the Person that rubs him on the Girth Place, or that puts on him at Saddle If any Perfon will give Intelligence of, or bring the said Gelding t0 the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Chaddersley, he . . . shall receive Two Guineas Reward, Charges, at Witness my Hand, » ' Richard Tayler. with the he reasonable This is to give Notice, That JOHN PEMBERTON, At the Crown Inn, in Broad Street, Worcester, has to Lett out, Neat Four- Wheel POST- CHAISES and able HORSES, To any Part of England, at reasonable Rates, and on the shortest Notice. N. B At the said INN Gentlemen, ( 3c. may depend on having the best Accommodation, and the civilest Usage. There it a great deal of- very good STALL STABLING. Worcester, Sept. 16, 1756. Mrs. SPENCER ( Who has for many Years carried on the BOARDING- SCHOOL, in the Foregate- Street, for YOUNG LADIES) Begs Leave to acquaint the P U B L I C K, THAT she has engaged Mr BURNET, Dancing- Master, from LONDON, and Others the best Masters, to instruct YOUNC LADIes in MUSICK, WRITING, , She likewise begs Lcav to return her Thanks to the Parents, & c of those that have been under her Care, and hopes to merit the Continuance of their Favours, which will be gratefully aeknowledg'd by Their most obliged humble Servant, B. Spencer. N. B. No fresh Entrance will be required from those LADIES who learn'd to Dance of the late Master. This is to give NOTICE, THAT there will be a General Meet- ing of the Trustees acting on the Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon to Alcester in the County of Warwick, and from Alcester to Bromsgrove in the County of Worcester. and other the Roads in the said Act men- tioned, at the House of Mr. John Whissell. known by the Name or Sign of the ANGEL, in Alcester aforesaid, on Wednesday the 29th of this Instant September, at Twelve o'Clock. By Order of the Trustees. Saulsy- Goode, CLERK and TREASURER. NOTICE is hereby given, THAT the Trustees for carrying into Execution the Act for Repairing and Amending the several Roads leading from the West End of Upton Bridge, in the County of Worcester, to the Parish of Tirley in the County of Gloucester, and to the Parish of Colwall in the County of Hereford, and to the further Side of a Place called the Rid Green in the Road to the City of Worcester, and through a Place called Robert's End- Street to Malvern Chace in the County of Worcester, will meet at the Houfe of Mr. Joseph Booker, at the WHITE LION, in Upton upon Severn, on Thursday the 7th Day of October next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to elect. nominate, choose, and appoint New Trustees in the room of such as have died since the Commencement of the said Act And, at the same Time, to receive Proposals from such Persons as shall be willing to rent the Tolls of ill or any of the Turnpike Gates ; and all Persons that are willing to rent the same are desired to leave their Proposals in Writing with Mr Joseph Booker aforesaid, sealed up, and directed for the Trustees, and to attend the Meeting of the Trustees on the said 7th Day of October, 1756 To be LETT, And may be Enter'd upon Immediately, At EVESHAM, in the County of WORCESTER, A very commodious and good accustom'd PUBLICK- HOUSE, With very good Cellaring, and other suituble Con- veniences: Together with The COOK- SHOP adjoining, Being compleatly fitted up; and likewise a convenient SHOP ( fit for any Business) contiguous to the same, which may be converted into a Drinking Room, having a Chimney in it. V. B. The above Premisses are situated in the best Part of the Town for Business, being near the Butchers' Sham bles. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Andrews, Stationer, in Evesham. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. Arriv'd the MAILS from Holland and Flanders. HAMBURGH, September 3 THE King of Prussia hath taken Possession of the Pafs of Jublunka, by which he can easily penetrate by the Way of Upper Silesia) into Hungary. Lipstadt, Sept. 6. The Troops of the Duke of Bruns- wick, which have been considerably augmented, are in Motion to join those of Hanover and a Body of Prussian ForCes. Liepsic, Sept. 8. the Saxon Camp at Pirna consists of 16 or 17,000 Men. It is thought the Troops will remain encamped, in order to preserve that important Post, which secures the Passage of the Elbe, and is at the same Time a Key to Bohemia, and keeps open a Communication with Prague. Paris, Sept. 6. The Toulon Fleet was not sailed the 26th of August, being forced to wait for the fitting out of five or six Fire- Ships. LONDON. [ Tuesday, Sept. 14. " Tis said that both Houses of Parliament will meet for the Dispatch of Business the 11th of November. They write from the Hague, that the States are ex- tremely embarrassed with Memorials from Three different Courts, to which it is very difficult to return Answers, and scarce possible any longer to preserve Silence. We hear that the last Express from Holland contains some Particulars not satisfactory here, and were therefore required, in an Answer sent thereto, to have the same more clearly explain'd They write from Warsaw, that they are already per- sumed that the Dyet of Poland, which is to meet next Month, will prove just as successful as those Assemblies have been for many Years past, on Account of the Quar- rels between some of the High Nobility, and the little Confidence which the Nation in general have in the Saxon Court. According to a List lately printed, the whole Navy of France, at Midsummer last, consisted of 111 Ships of the Line and Frigates ; said to be estimated, upon an Average, superior in Strength to 111 English sixty- four Gun Ships. The English Ships and Sloops of War in Commission on the First of July, were 190, viz 3 of 100 Guns j 9 of 90 ) 4 of 80 ; 26 of 70s 29 of 60 ; 24 of 50 s 12 of 40 ; 42 of 20 i and 41 carrying in all 574 Guns. We hear that an eminent Person of this City has re- ceived a Letter from America, with an Account of an Action between 400 or 500 English, and a like Number of French, in which the latter were defeated, and had 150 Men killed, and that Col. Winslow was in March wiih 7000 Men to invest Crown Point. On Saturday Orders of a secret Nature were dispatch'd to Chatham, Portsmouth, and Plymouth. It's supposed that since Admiral Hawke has quitted cruising off Minorca, he is sailed for Corsica. ' Tis said that Admiral Hawke's Squadron is to be re inforced to the Number of 40 Men of War and 18 Fri- gates, in order, if possible, to disappoint the Designs of the French. The Duks of Cumberland, Thompson, from Naples to Hull, is taken by a French Privateer and carried into Cagliari. The Vernon, Smith, from Hull to Topsham, and the Success, Scot, from ditto to Plymouth, are both taken by the Port Mahon Privateer of St. Malo, mounting 14 Carriage Guns, and 200 Men, and sent into Morlaix. The same Privateer has taken the Polly, Piddy, from Milford to London, and the Providence, ———, from Rotterdam to Rhode Island, and sent them into St. Malo. The Jane, French, from Gibraltar, is taken by a French Letter of Marque Ship, and carried into Malaga. We hear that the Nightingale Man of War has taken a French Ship valued at Twenty Thousand Pounds. The Gibraltar Man of War has sent a small Fiench Privateer into Plymouth. The Edgcourt, the London, and the Bombay Castle, all from East India, are arrived in Ireland. Sunday upwards of Fifty of the Hessian Officers from the Camp near Winchester, with their Commanding Of ficer in Chief, were at the Court at Kensington, to pay their Duties to his Majesty, who received them very gra- ciously. We hear that his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, acting for the Holborn Division, at their General Meeting for granting Licences to Victuallers for the ensuing Year, were on Friday last pleased to stop the Licenses of such Publicans who have unworthily en- couraged the Journeymen Taylors and Staymakers in their unlawful Combinations to shorten the working Hours pre scribed by the Laws of their Country. Yesterday was married ( it being his Birth- Day) St St. George's, Hanover Square, Henry Frere, Esq; of Con- duit- Street, to Miss Scudamore, of Rentchurch, in Here- fordshire. We hear from Boulogne, in France, that last Month died there Astley, Esq; only Son of Sir John Astley, Bart. of Patshall, Knight of the Shire for the County of Salop, Last Friday died, at his Lodgings in Grosvenor Street, Joseph Morris, Esq; of the County of Warwick. BANKRUPTS. John Inman, of Kingston upon Hull, Glover. Thomas Mullinger, of Lowman's Pond, in the Parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark, in the County of Surry, Brewer. Francis Watt, of Liver- pool, in the County of Lancaster, and Ralph Watt, of Shevington, in the same County, Corn factors and Copart- ners. Benjamin Alexander, of London, Tallow- Chandler. John Butcher, of Taunton, in the County of Somerset, Grocer. Bank, India, and South- Sea Stocks, no Price. India Bonds, 2I. 10s. Prem. Lottery Tickets, ill. 18s. AMERICA] Albany, July 13 Last Thursday Gene- ral Abercrombie, in Company with a Number of Gen- tlemen, took a Ride up to the Falls. He had a Guard of 24 Soldiers with him The Weather was extreme hot, hotter than it has yet been this Year; yet, he being on Horseback, the Guard were obliged to march very fast to keep up with them. When they came to the Falls, one of the Guard, a Highlander, was taken light- headed, and imagining he saw an Indian, was going to fire his Gun ; but before be could draw his Trigger, he fell down dead• Two more belonging to Otway's Regiment fell down af ter the same Manner and expired immediately. Thirteen fainted away, but were recovered by being bled. Some of them are still in a bad Condition. Extract of a Letter from Bristol, Sept. 11. 11 On the Arrival of the Virginia Merchant, Capt. Wright, from Virginia, in the Road, the lender lying there to impress, endeavouring to take her Hands, who resisting, the Tender's Men fired at them, killed the Cook, and ' tis said wounded others. And Yesterday about Three in the Afternoon, the Virginia Merchant was observed to fire several Guns in Distress, and soon after to sink. Some imagine ihe received a Shot between Wind and Water from the Tender ; but others, that the anchored in too shallow Water, and struck on the Fluke of an Anchor, Her Cargo was Very large, consisting of near 400 Hog- sheads of Tobacco, about 50 Tons of Iron, and several other Things." WORCESTER, September 16. Next Monday, the 20th Instant, will be our Hop and Cheese Fair. On Wednesday next will be the Mopp, or Statute Mart at Alvechurch, in this County, for Hiring Servants, & c. It's expected there will be a large Number of Leicestershire Lambs, as well aa divers Sorts of Commidities. Yesterday se'nnight were executed at Coventry, Jo- nathan Tilley and Joseph Lee. who were condemned ihe last Assizes for counterfeiting the current Coin of this Kingdom They both behaved with great Decency and Penitence, and declared themselves entirely innocent of the Fact for which they suffered. Tuesday se'nnight at Lichfield, his Majesty's Plate of One Hundred Guineas was walked for over the Course by Mr. Warren's Chestnut Horse Careless; and the same Day a Match between the Right Hon. the Earl Gower and R. Vernon, Esq; was run, which was won by EARL Gower's Horse. The Fifty Pounds Purse on Wednes- day was run for by the Earl of Portmore's Chesnut Horse Steady. Mr. Keck's Bay Mare Juniper, Sir Peter Leices- ter's, Bay Horse Hector, R. Vernon Esq's Grey Gelding Puff, and Mr Hassel's Grey Horse Why not, and WON by Sir Peter Leicester's Hector For the Purse on Thurs- day started Earl Gower's Horse Chance, Mr Farringdon's Horse Harmless, and Mr. Wynn's Horse Bob Tail, which was won by the latter. Monday se'nnight the Races at Burford were open'd by a Sweepstake Plate of 140 Guineas, which was won by Mr. Williams's Grey Horle, Rib — The 50I. on Tues- day was won by Mr. Howe's Bay Horse. Babraham. Ten started on Wednesday for the 5o Guineas for Four- Year- olds, which was won by Mr Dutton's Chesnut Colt, Nisus, and the Stakes by Mr. Brookes's Chesnut Colt, Rainbow On Thursday seven started for the Free Plate of 100 Guineas, when there was very great Run. ning The Dispute lay between Lord Craven's Anthonyt Mr. Pitts' Liberty, and Mr. Brookes's Lady thigh; there ran four Heats with great Resolution ; Lady- thigh won the first, Liberty the second, and Anthony the third and fourth. And Friday's Plate was won by Mr. Williams's Horse Now or Never, when the Gentlemen of the Turf suffer'd deeply. — There is a fresh Engagement to be entered into by eight Gentlemen, who are to deposit 5o Guineas each for Colts of four Years old for three Years to come, and they propose to admit two more, which will entitle the Winner to 500 Guineas. The rest of the Prizes as usual Extract of a Letter from Oxford, dated Sept 11. " Last Sundav Morning Orders were received by the Commanding Officers of the three Troops of the Earl of Albemarle's Dragoons quarter'd at Reading, and three Troops of the same Regiment quarter'd at Henley, to march instantly, one Division for Coventry, and the other for Northampton, to quell the Rioters who have assembled at various Places in those Parts of the Country on account of the advanced Price of Wheat, and who have commit- ted many Outrages: And on Sunday Evening the Party from Henley arrived in this City, and took up their Quar- ters for that Night. Monday Morning they marched out about Four o'Clock, each Private Man carrying with him Half a Peck of Oats, and Hay sufficient to bait their Horses upon the March. " And on Sunday in the Afternoon the Detachment from Reading stopped at Thame in their Way to Winslow, where the Horses were fed in the Street, and the Men refreshed themfelves in the mean while : At which Place the Colonel ordered each Soldier to open his Cloak Bag for a general Search ; when one of the Men said he had lost his Key, and, upon breaking it open, there was found therein the Pulpit Cloth belonging to the Parish Church of St. Lawrence in Reading. He was immediately stripp'd of his Regimentals, in order to be delivered up to the Civil Magistrate; but Sir Francis Knollys not being at Home, he was hand- cuff'd and taken forward, under an Escorte of the Troop, in order to have him committed to Gaol. It seems he had enter'd the Church at one of tho Windows, where the Bars happening to be newly painted, and the Colour not quite dry, there appeared the Nap of a Red Coat stuck to the Paint, and Complaint being made to the Colonel, he took this Method to discover the Of- fender " PRICES of CORN. At Worcester Wheat 5s od. to 6s 4d. Beans 3$ to 3s. 3d. per Bushel. New Barley 3s. to 39. 4d. At Gloucester. Wheat 6s. 6d. to 7s. Barley 2s. 6d CO 3s. od. New Wheat was sold at 6s 5d. per Bushel. At Birmingham' Wheat 5s. 8d. to 6s. 3d New Barley 2s. 8J. to 3s. New Oats 2s. 2d. Old Oats 2s. At London.— Wieit 33s. to 36s. per Quarter, ( Eight Bushels.) Barley 18s. to 19=. per Quartet, To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at New Michaelmas next, A Good FARM, Situate at Shoulton, in the Parish of Hallow, Within Three Measur'd Miles of the City of Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Dandridge,. Attor- ney at Law, in Worcester, To be LETT, And Enter d upm at Michaelmas next, A FARM, Now in the Holding of JOHN COX, Jun. COnsisting of One Hundred and Ten Acres of Meadow and Tillable Land, at temple Grafton, in the County of Warwick, Part Tythe free, six Miles from Evesham, four from Stratford, and two from Alcester. For further Particulars enquire of the said John Cox, or of Mr. Beauchamp, at the College at Stratford upon Avon.— N. B. The growing Crop will be sold, if desired. This Day is Publish'd, Neatly printed in a Pocket Volume, Addressed to the MASTERS- of English SCHOOLS, A N TUTORS of YOUTH in private Families in Great Britain and Ireland. ( Price bound two Shillings, ) With proper Allowance to.- Schoolmasters, & c. The SECOND EDITION, of INTRODUCTION TO THE English Language and Learning. In THREE PARTS. PART I A Spelling Book of Arts and Sciences ; con- taining Alphabets of all the Words in the following Sciences, viz. Theology, That Ethics, Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Poetry, Mythology. Philosophy, Geography, Astronomy, Arithmetic, • Algebra, Geometry, Mathematics, Mechanics, Anatomy, Physic, Chemidry, Pharmacy, Botany, Jurisprudence, Heraldry. Notice is hereby given, The Birmingham STAGE- COACH Is Remov'd from the Hop- Pole, in Foregate- Street, Wor- cester, to the Old Unicorn, in Broad- Street, and goes out on the usual Day. To be SOLD, The MANOR of OCKRIDGE, Situate about three Miles from Ledbury, a good Market Town in the County of Hereford, adjoining to the Turnpike Road leading from Ledbury to Worcester, and the Turnpike Road leading from Ledbury to the River Severn, distant from Worcester about ten Miles, and from the River Severn about five Miles, Consisting of THREE FARMS, well Tenanted, and very large and fine COPPICE WOODS, all of the Yearly Value of between Three and Four Hundred Pounds, together with a considerable Quantity of Waste Ground, the Whole containing together about Twelve Hundred Acres. AND ALSO A FARM, lying within one Mile of Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, of the Yearly Value of Sixty three Pounds. * The above Premisses are all well Tenanted, the Buildings in good Repair, and Rents well paid; and the Herefordshire Estate is liable to more Improve- ments than any other Estate in the Country. The Rents have not been advanced within the Memory of Man, notwithstanding a fine Turnpike Road has been made within a few Years from the said Estate to several good Market Towns and the River Severn. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Bright, Attorney at Law, near Ledbury, Herefordshire. For the Publick Good, & c. AT the Sittings at Guildhall, London, on Saturday the 13th of December, 1755, was tried, before the said Chief Justice Ryder, a Cause, wherein; William ar, d Cluer Dicey and Co. of Bow Church Yard, LOndOm, original Proprietors of BATE- . Plaintiffs, an This Day was Publish'd Numb. IV. ( Price Six- pence) of An Entire NEW WORK, entitled, A Compleat Body of GARDENING. By the Authors of the Compleat Body Of HUSBANDRY. Publish'd by the KING'S AUTHORITY, CONSISTING OF THREE Sheets of LETTER- PRESS, elegantly printed, and illustrated with Two Folio Copper- Plates, the said, a curious Frontispiece, design'd by Mr. Wale, and engraved by Mr. Grignion, representing the Genius of Botany instructing the Gardener in the Charac- ters of Flowers, and Flora and Pomona rewarding his Labour with their several Treasures; the other containing the Figures of seven beautiful and curious Plants, the Culture of which is deliver'd in this Number, with many other Articles. The PUBLICK are desired to take Notice, THAT this is a NEW and ORIGINAL WORK, not collected from other Books, but founded on Practice and Experience ; and the Bota- nical Part is adapted to the System of LYNaeUS, which is the only Method now followed, and in which all other Books of GAR- DENING are altogether defective. NUMB. I. contains the Descriptions and Figures of Disposed in a Method entirely New ; with the Rules of True Pronunciation, and Spelling. PART II. The Rudiments of English Grammar. With the Rules of Orthography, Construction, Emphasis, and a Just Elocution, : PART III—:— Lessons on all the above- mentioned ' Sciences;' containing a particular Description of each, by Way of Exercise, or Praxis, to enable the Scholar to read justly and judiciously on any Subject whatsoever. To which is added, A Catalogue of such Books in the English Language as are' proper to be read upon the Liberal Arts and Sciences. By BENJAMIN MARTIN. London: Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet- Street ; and sold, by all Booksellers and Schoolmaster's in the Country; and. by H. BerrOw, Printer of this Journal. N. B. This Spelling Book and Grammar has met with such a general Approbation, that a very large Impression has been sold off since its first Publication. Now ready to be delivered to the PUBLIC, and may be had as above, Price only Six pence, Inlarged with many rare Secrets, - very necessary to be had in all Families, A New EDITION, of The VERMIN KILLER; BEING' A Complete and Necessary Family- Book j Shewing a ready Way to destroy Adders, Badgers, Birds of all Sorts, Caterpillars, Earwigs, Flies, Fish, Foxes, Frogs, Gnats, Mice, Otters, Pismires, Pole- Cats, Rabbits, Rats, Snakes, Scorpions, Snails, Spiders, Toads, Wasps, Weasles, Wants or Moles, Worms in Houses and Gardens, Buggs, Lice, Fleas, & c. ALSO Several excellent Receipts for the Cure of most Disorders ; and some useful Directions for Gardening and Husbandry ; and likewise, for Travellers in Regard to the Management of Horses on a Journey, & c. With many curious Secrets in Art and Nature. 1. The Scarlet Canna. 2. The Great Lark- spur. 3. TheFig leav'd Hibiscus. 4. The African Geranium. P £ CTO IT A L bA. Ofs, were . • I DN BATeMAN'S nd Joseph Pectoral Drops pre- selling a Medicine as and for pared by the Plaintiffs, in Bottles sealed in Imitation of theirs, and with printed Papers resembling those which are given by the said Diceys mdCo. with their True* and Original Dr. BATEMAN's Pec- toral Drops ; when, after a fuIl Hearing, the jury, without going out of Court, found a Verdict for the Plaintiffs, with Damages; be- fldes Cods of Suit. And 011 the 30th of January, 1756, Judgment was given in Fa- vour of the said Plaintiffs against Thomas Jackson, Tincture- man, of Craven- Buildings, near the New Church, in the Strand, for the same Proceedings. ' Also Thomas Randall, of Bread Street, London, was found guilty of the like Offence: And Thomas Clark, on London Bridge, hath publickly own'd the Fraud, and ask'd Dicey's and. c0. Pardon, and enter'd into a Rule of Court ; as hath been advertised. The Manner the Counterfeiters deceived the Publick, was, by turning the Name Dicey into Dysey, and Okell into Okill, also some- times would head the Bill of Direction thus Cluer Dice, Hockley, & Co.- cr From the Grand Warehouse in LONDON, but with the Names, &- c. It is hoped these Prosecutions will, for the future, prevent any more such Practices, and fully prove to all the World, that the True Medicine call'd Dr. BATeMAN's Perctoral Drops is sold only at - the said Diceys and Company's Warehouse, at the King's Arms and Boar's Head, directly facing the South Door of Bow Church, in Bow Church Yard, next Bow Lane, Cheapside, London, and by whom they appoint. 3' if as many Country Shopkeepers may have bought for Sale Medicines under the Denomination cf Dr. BATeMAn'S Pectoral Drops, prepared by the said William and Cluer Dicey and Company, which in Fact never were so, and may inadvertently attempt to sell the same by Retale or otherwise ; this is therefore to give Notice to all such Shopkeepers, th » - they will be prosecuted for the same as the Law directs ; and Twenty Pounds for Information. N. B These DROPS have, for mote than Forty Years, been universally known, for Curing and giv- ing immediate Ease in all Colds, Coughs, Agues, Fevers, Fluxes, Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Bread, Limbs, and Joints, in all Fits of the Gout, Rheu- matic Pains, Stone, Gravel, and Cholick, & c. *„* Bv Appointment of the abovesaid Company, their TRUE MEDICINE is sold in Worcester by H. Berrow, at his Printing- Office, n Goose Lane, and R. Lewis, and M. Woolley, Book- seller. in Higb- Street; in Hereford bv J. Wylde and J. Hunt; in Kidderminster by M. Moseley , all Booksellers; in Evesham by T. Beesley ; also by one or more reputable Shopkeeper in every City and Market- Town in England. Where also may be had, Dr. HOOPER'S Female PILLS; i Dr. Fraunces's Female . Strengthening ELIXIR; Baron Schwanberg's Liquid SHELL for Cure of the Stone and Gravel. ( All publish'd under Sanction of the KING's Royal Letters Patent.) The True Daffey's Elixir. Bettons' True and Genuine British Oil. Ditto Refined. 5. The Double Olander. 6. The Codogo Pala. And 7. The Great Flowered Jesmine. With the Culture and Management of each throughout the Year, according to the Practice of the most suc- cessful Gardeners. ALSO, Accounts of the Products of the Fruit and Kitchen Garden now In Season, with their Descriptions, and new and practical Directions for the Care and Management of the Flower Garden, Semenary or Nursery , Fruit Garden and Orchard, and of the Kitchen Ground 5 together with the Method of treating Stove and Green- House Plants. London: Printed for T. Osborne and J. Shipton, in Gray's Inn; J. Hodges, on London- Bridge; T. Trye, next Gray's Inn Gate, Holborn ; S. Crowder and H. Wood- gate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater- noster Row, ( by whom the Numbers will be deliver'd Weekly); also by S. Ga- midge, in Leech- Street, and M. Wolley, and R. Lewis, in High- Street, Worcester, and by all other Booksellers and News- Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. Dr. bateman's Great Cordial Purging Elixir. Dr. Bateman's Golden and Plain spirits of scurvy- Grass. Dr. Radcliffe's Famous Purging Elixir. Dr. Staughton's Great Stoma- tick Elixir. Bostock's Purging Elixir. Most of the above Medicines may likewise be had of the Distributors of this Paper. Schwanberg's Universal Powder for the speedy and certain Cure of most Kinds of Fevers. Squire's Grand Elixir. Chase's Balsamick Pills. Dr. Anderson's, or the True Scots Pills. Dr. Godfrey's General Cordial. Right French Hungary Water. Fine double- distill'd Lavender Water. Fine Durham and British Flour of Mustard- Seed, & c. DALBY's CARMINATIVE MIXTURE* For Windy, Watery, or Dry Gripes, Bloody Stools, or other Disorders in the Stomach and Bowels of INFANTS, WHEREIN it gives such immediate Relief' that there is no Instance of its Want of Success: Nor has any Medicine yet been discover'd that so effec- tually relieves the most racking Gripes of every Kind in grown Persons from whatever Cause they arise; as gouty Pains in the Sto- mach or Bowels, Flatulencies or Wind, Hysterick, Nervous, or other Cholicks, as this sovereign and incomparable Medicine, which is sold Wholesale and Retail by Mr. Williams, in Monmouth; H. Berrow, Printer, in Worcester, and may be had of most Shopkeepers in the circumadjacent Towns, and of the Distributors of this Journal. It is very pleansant, the Dose small, being only a Tea- Spoonful. A Child of a Day old may take it with the greated Safety. This is certain : Children who have been early accustomed to take it, have never been troubled with Ruptures, but thrive very fast, and are generally chearful : The Reason is obvious, They are healthy and free from Pain. jQ, This Medicine ( which stands in no Need of a Pa- tent to recommend it) is prepared only by the Author, Joseph Dalby, Apothecary, in Malmsbury, Wilts; and to- prevent Counterfeits, each Bottle is sealed with, and each Paper of Directions hath the same Arms on it, as in the Margin. Price ONE SHILLING. To the PRINTER, & c. Shipton Moyne, Gloucestershire. BY an Advertisement in the Publick News I had Infor- mation of the Carminative Medicine, which I gave to a Female Infant of mine, of a Fortnight old, in great Agonies from Wind and Gripes, which gave present Ease : I repeat it whenever the Child is troubled with those Disorders, and it never fails.—— I beg you will publish this for the Benefit of the Publick. Witness my Hand this 16th of May, 1756, ELIZ. HOPKINS. This Certificate was signed in the Presence of GEORGE LAWRENCE, Curate of Shipton Moyne aforesaid. ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at 2s 6d. each ; and Articles of Intelligence ( Post paid) will be receiv'd, and carefully inserted. ADVERTISEMENTS, are likewise taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Hopkinson, Bookseller, in Warwick; Mr Wylde, Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr Andrews, Bookseller, in Evesham ; Mr. Hunt, and Mr . Hodges, Booksellers, in Hereford ; Mrs. Moseley, Bookseller, in Kidderminster ; Mr. Ashmead, Bookseller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham; at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominder ; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in that Town ; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton in Marsh; and by the Agents employ's) in other Towns in the Distribution of this Journal. Likewise by Mr. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave- Mary- Lane, London.
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