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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 10/06/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2445
No Pages: 4
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BERRO W's Worcester JOURNAL. [ Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross.] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, June 10, 1756. N 2445 { WEEKS this Journal > has been publish'd. 5 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. ADVICES receivd by the last MAILS fnm Holland. FRANCE.] LYONS, May 14. THIRTY Vessels, laden with Bombs, Cannon Balls, Ammunition, Shovels, Pick- Axes, Forage, & c. are actually fallen down the Rhone, and their Car- goes are to be put on board the Men of War at Toulon, in order to serve for an Attempt that is to be made on I Gibraltar, after the Business shall be terminated at Port Mahon. FRANCE ] Paris, May 21. It is reported that a new Treaty is concluded between our Court and Sweden, whereby the latter, in Consideration of a larger Subsidy than she has hitherto received, engages to furnish us with a certain Number of Men of War. We have just received the melancholy News, that the Borough of Ferechampenoise, one of the most considera- ble in the Diocese of Chalons upon Marne, has been al- most entirely destroy'd by a terrible Fire. The Inhabi- tants had scarce Time enough to save themselves and their Children: In the Space of an Hour near a Thousand People lost their All. ' It's pretended that Advice has been received here, that the Court of London has made several Attempts to en- gage the Republick of Venice to furnish Sailors, Naval Stores, and Provisions, for the English Men of War em- ploy'd in the Mediterranean ; but that the Senate had rejected all Proposals of this Kind, being determined to observe the most strict Neutrality. FLANDERS.] Furnes, May 19. Orders are given for assembling the Militia in French Flanders by the 18th of June, to supply the Place of the Regular Troops, which are to encamp the 1st of July. The most considerable Camp will be between Boulogne and Calais, which is to consist of Fifteen Thousand Men. There will be another between Bourbourg and Dunkirk of Ten Thousand Men. And a third, to consist of some Battalions, under the Can- non of the last- mention'd Place. Besides these, there are to be several small Camps, dispos'd in such a Manner that they may join in a few Days. NAVAL AFFAIRS. Extracts of LETTERS. J.— Plymouth Dock, Friday May 28, Six in the Evening. ** This Morning the Lieutenant of the Colchester came to Admiral Mostyn, from Falmouth, with Advice that she was safe in that Port, but brought in there with great Difficulty ; when the Admiral and Commissioners imme diately order'd six Gangs of Shipwrights to go down to Falmouth, to fit her so as to bring her hither with Safety, and to have a proper Repair. " After fighting four Hours the Frenchman fired red- hot Shot on board of her, which set her on Fire. This Engagement was off Belle Isle, and made the French on Shore fire their Alarm Guns and ring their Alarm Bells." 2 — From Plymouth, May 30. " The following French Ships have been sent into this Port, viz. The Xaintonge, Delage, from Rochelle for Canada, laden with Provisions, taken the 20th Instant by the Sea- ford Man of War. The Fortune, from Gran- ville, laden with Rosin, ta- ken by the Lyme Man of War. The Venus, Durival, from St. Domingo for Bourdeaux, Burthen 350 Tons, laden with Indigo, Cotton, Sugar, & c. taken by the St. Alban Man of War. And the Sheerness Man of War has brought in a French Schooner, laden with Provisions." [ On Sunday last ( the Day of the above Date) and not before, sail'd from Plymouth, to reinforce Admiral Byng, as'tis reported, the Prince George, Nassau, Isis, Hamp- ton Court, and Ipswich, with a Number of Transports, which had on board Campbell's Regiment, and a hundred Miners belonging to the Artillery.] 3. — From Portsmouth, June 1. " Yesterday arrived at Spithead the Somerset Man of War from a Cruize. The same Day was sent in the Thisbe, a French Ship, laden with Sugar and Coffee, bound from St. Domingo, taken by the Romney Man of War." 4.— From Portsmouth, June I. " Since my last arriv'd from a Cruize off the Isle of Bass, the Greyhound, Capt. Vincent, and the Ferret, Capt. Townley. In attempting to cut two French Vessels off the Shore, the Lieutenant of the Greyhound was kill'd by the Militia on Shore : However, they took one, and burnt t'other." Dublin, May 22. Sunday a young Woman was at- tacked at Hampstead, within three Miles of this City, by four young Villains, who, after tying her Hands, and otherwise using her ill, forcibly ravish'd her. On her alarming some Fersons who were passing by after the Fact was committed, the Offenders were pursued, and one of them fell off a Ditch and broke his Collar- Bone and three Ribs, and was carried Home for dead. On Tuesday was seized, and brought into Wexford, by Mr. Lane, Surveyor of the Bristow Cruizing Barge, up- wards of 600 Gallons of Brandy, 26 C. Weight of Roll Tobacco, and 3201b of Green and Bohea Tea. This is the second valuable Seizure made by Mr. Lane within this Fortnight, which has greatly distressed the Smugglers in that Country. LONDON. [ Thursday, June 3. Letters from Barcelona, of the 5th of May, say, that since the Landing of the French in Minorca, the Marquis de la Mina, Governor of Catalonia, receives almost every Day an Account of their Proceedings in that Island. The last Account mentioned the Taking of Marlborough Fort, which ( say they) was formerly called St. Charles's Fort, the Garrison of which, consisting of Grenadiers, were made Prisoners. These Advices agree with others, that there is a great Scarcity of Provisions in the Island, the English having carried off as much as they could into St. Philip's Fort, as soon as they knew that the French in tended to pay them a Visit. Advices from Marseilles, of the 14th of May, inform us, that seven Transports, with four Battalions on board, sailed from thence the 8th and 9th for Minorca, in Com- pany with three other Vessels freighted with thirty- four hundred Quintals of Meal, five hundred Quintals of Rice, and two thousand Quintals of Wood for Fuel. And they write from Toulon, that a greater Number of Ships have sailed from that Port to Mahon with Troops and Neces- saries ; but that the five Men of War, which they were fitting out there, were not yet ready to put to Sea. LETTER from Perpignan, in France, May 9. " A Xebeque and a Tartan from Mahon, with Letters for the Court, and others wrote by divers Officers in Marshal Richelieu's Army, arrived Yesterday at Collioure, being sent thither to take in Provisions for the Army, especially Oxen, Sheep, Pulse, & c. Accordingly M. de Bon, First President of the superior Council and Inten- dant of this Province, ( Roussillon) immediately issued Or- ders for buying up all that is required, and transporting it to Collioure, or to Port- Vendre, which is contiguous to it. The last Letters from Mahon are dated the 5th, and import, that the Delay in opening the Trenches be fore St. Philip's Fort had been partly occasioned by the Loss of a Tartan laden with Mules to draw the Artillery ; and as no Cattle could be found in the Island to supply the Want of them, the Marshal was obliged to get the Cannon transported by Sea to the Place where he judged it proper to erect the Batteries: That on the 5th he had one of five 24 Pounders and five Mortars ready at the Signal Tower, situate on the Right Hand as you enter the Port, and that it entirely commands Fort St. Philip. It has been erected under Cover of an old Fortification, in some Meafure without the Enemy's Knowledge, and will not produce its Effect till the Moment it is to be un- masked. Marshal Richelieu proposed to open the Trenches the 7th in the Night, and has only delayed it till then, because he would have all his Batteries in Readiness to play at once. Our Men found six Pieces of Cannon in St. Charles's Fort, which w ill| be of some Use to them. This Fort lies over- against. St Philip's; and in this Posi- tion we divide the Harbour with the English ; that is to say, that neither they nor we can land at the Foot of St. Philip's Fort, without being exposed to the Fire of the Batteries. It is thought the Siege will not be so long as the Dispositions previous to it; however, a Place so well fortified by Art and Nature, should hold out at least twelve Days, unless some Fire occasion'd by Bombs, or some other Accident, should accelerate its Surrender." According to private Letters from Holland, there was not any Thing of Consequence done before Fort St Philip's on the 14th of May : the Duke de Richelieu was a little out of Order, and there was a great Sickness in his Army. Letters from Dunkirk say, that the French Batteries, being seven in Number, began to play on Fort St. Philip's the 9th of May with Bombs and red hot Balls, and were smartly answered from the Fort in the same Manner; and that Admiral Byng's Squadron had not yet reach'd Port Mahon on the 15th. ' Tis reported for Truth that Admiral Hawke will set out in a few Days to take on him the Command of a Fleet in the Mediterranean. From Ostend they write, that the French King will not answer our Declaration of War by another in proper Form, but content himself with a sophistical Manifesto, wherein he will endeavour to confute the several Heads of our Government's Motives for declaring War, and in Consequence order his Subjects to make all Sorts of Re- prisals for the Injuries he pretends to have received from Great- Britain. Letters from the Hague, of the 26th of last Month, say, that the Count d'Affry, the French Minister Pleni- potentiary, has declared to the States General, that the King his Master being willing to favour the Commerce of the Republick's Subjects in his Kingdom, has granted, for an unlimited Term, to all Dutch Ships that shall come into his Ports, an Exemption from the Duty of 50 Sols per Ton, and at the same Time has reduced the Duty on Cod Fish from 1 2 Livres to 10. We hear since the Declaration of War, the Hon. the Post Master- General hath given Directions that the Hol- land, Flanders, and other Mails, as soon as they are landed shall be sent away by Express, that the worthy Merchants and Traders may receive their Letters with all possible Speed. Our last letters from Francfort say, that it was cur- rently reported there, that the Russians woald march a' large Body of Troops for the Service of Great- Britain into Holstein, and from thence, by short Marches, to the Banks of the Elbe, but add nothing as to their farther Destination. The Right Hon. Lord Tyrawley will set out in a few Days to embark for Gibraltar, he being appointed Go- vernor, and two Regiments will embark with him. The following is the Account publish'd by the French Court of the taking of the Warwick Man of War. The Chevalier d'Aubignysfailed from Rochfort in the Prudent Man of War of 74 Guns for Martinico, accompanied by two Frigates, the Athalante of 34 Guns, commanded by M de Bene, and the Zephyr of 30 Guns, commanded by M. de Treville. The Zephyr being separated from the other two met with the Warwick, an English Man of War of 64 Guns, which had been cruising some Time in those Seas, and had taken several French Ships. M. de Treville managed so artfully, that the English Captain mistaking him for a Merchantman, despised him, and would not open his Ports till M de Treviile came within Pistol Shot, and hoisting the white Flag, fired a Broadside at the English Ship, the Captain of which then perceiving his Mistake, immediately opened his Ports. M. de Tre- ville guessing how the Enemy would act, made so good Use of his Small Arms, that the Crew of the English Ship could not keep the Deck, and disappeared The Noise of the Firing brought the Prudent and Athalante to the Assistance of the Zephyr, upon which the English Captain, seeing he could not escape, declared he would surrender, but only to the Commander in Chief. The Chevalier d' Aubigny then made a Signal which interrupted for a Moment the Fire of the Zephyr, which was only to signify to M. de Treville that he should engage the Warwick if the Captain refused to surrender to the Fri- gate ; upon which the English Captain, fearing the Event of an Engagement struck to M. de Treville. The Va- lour and Conduct of M de Treville cannot be sufficiently extolled, as well as the generous Behaviour of the Cheva- lier d'Aubigny, who was willing to let him have the whole Honour of this Prize. The Warwick was carried into Martinico, and her Crew consisted of 450 Men. After the Engagement the Chevalier d'Aubigny went in Pursuit of another English Ship of 40 Guns. Yesterday the Lords of the Admiralty were pleased to appoint Lieut. O'Hara, who came Express from Gibral- tar, and who was employed in reconnoitring the Number and Operations of the French on the Island of Minorca, to the Command of a Xebeque at Gibraltar. Capt. O' Hara set out in the Evening for Gibraltar and Mahon, with Expresses for Admiral Byng. Capt. Obrian, of the Colcheller, was slightly wounded in the late Engagement. He had ten Men killed and thirty wounded. A few Days since was married at St. Phillip's Church, Mr. Hallen, of Stourbridge, to Miss Middleton, sister to the Wife of Mr. Evetts, of Birmingham, and Daugh- ter to Mr. Myddleton, of Abchurch Lane, London. Sunday Last, about Noon, died Mr Crofts, of Birming- ham, who had a considerable Iron W0rk at Cradley near Stourbridge. , LONDON GAZETTE -[- Whitehall, June 1. The King has been pleased to grant unto the Hon. Tho- mas Villiers, of the Grove, in the County of Hertford, Esq; and his Heirs Male by the Lady Charlotte Hyde, his present Wife, the Dignity of a Baron of Great Britain, by the Title of Baron Hyde, of Hindon in the County of Wilts '; and in Default of such Issue, the Dignity of Ba- roness Hyde, of Hindon aforesaid to the said Lady Char- lotte Hyde, and the Dignity of Baron Hyde to the Heirs Male. The King has been pleased to grant unto the Right Hon. Horatio Walpole, of Woollerton, in the County of Norfolk, Esq; and his Heirs Male, the Dignity of Baron of Great Britain, by the Title of Baron Walpole, of Woollerton, in the said County of Norfolk. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arrived the MAILS from Holland and Flanders. RUSSIA ] PETERSbOURg, May 10. THEY are actually arming at Cronstadt thirteen Men of War and Frigates; ten more at Revel, with twenty Galleys, and we are equipping the same Number of Galleys in this Port: The number of Galleys it Predericksham, on the Coast of Finland, amounts to twenty- two, and the Admiralty has received Orders to build a few more. It is generally be- lieved that the Galleys, under Convoy of the Men of War, will be employ'd in transporting Part of the Troops which the Empress has engaged to hold in Readiness for the King of Great Britain's Service. These Troops, to the Number of Thirty Thousand, are to assemble in the Neighbourhood of Riga, where they are to pass the Dwina, then march through Courland, and embark at Libau ; from whence they are to be transported to Trave- mund ; from thence in six Days March they will reach the Elbe, and embark there for England. Petersbourg, May 11. A Foreigner, who bears the Title of the Count de Douglas, is arrived here, and has been introduced at Court. Some People pretend that he is charged with a private Commission from the Court of France. ITALY Genoa, May 15. According to Letters from Minorca of the 6th Instant, the French were Masters of Philipet Cove, and are to batter St. Philips's and Charles's Forts with ninety- eight Pieces of Cannon, being 24, 36, and 48- pounders: Besides which they have six Mortars for Cominges Or Bombs of 500 lb six for Bombs of 300 lb. twelve for Carcasses, and twenty more for throwing Gre- nadoes and Bombs of 1oo lb. and 200 lb. FRANCE.] — Paris, May 24. The 15th Instant was signed, at Versailles, and register'd in Parliament the 21ft, a Declaration, whereby the King suspends the Ad- miral of France's Right to the Tenth of all Prizes, and grants several other great Advantages and Encourage- . ments to all that shall fit out Privateers to cruize upon the English. Last Week Count Stahrenberg, Minister Plenipotentiary of their Imperial Majesties, dispatched a Courier to Vi- enna ; since which it is currently reported, that our Court has just concluded a Convention with the Imperial Court, wherein, among other Matters, the Neutrality of the Austrian Netherlands is settled on a solid Basis. The 21ft, in the Evening, the Court received Dis- patches from the Marshal Duke de Richelieu, who writes, that the Trenches were open'd the 9th Instant, in the Night, before St. Philip's Fort. The Fort already taken by our Troops is called Philipet, and is situated at the Extremity of a little Peninsula, or Neck of Land, at the Entrance and on the East Side of the Bay of Mahon, over- against St. Philip's Fort. HOLLAND.] — Hague, May 31. The King of France has sent a Memorial to all his Ministers at Foreign Courts, containing the Proofs of the Grievances he has to alledge against Great Britain. COUNTRY NEWS. Bristol, June 3. This Day arrived the Swallow, Capt. Beach, from South Carolina, who sailed thence the 2d of April; two Days before which ( he says) Capt. Wood, in his Majesty's Ship the Jamaica, brought in two Ships and two Snows, bound from Cape Francois to France, laden with Sugar, Indigo, Sec. The Ships were each about 300 Tons, one of which was calculated to have near to the Value of Twelve Thousand Pounds Sterling of Indigo on board. They were taken in about 48 Hours after they sailed, and the People all reported that an Em- bargo was to take Place the Day after they came out, ( but when that was he could not learn) by Order from the French King to the Governor, for that the INSULTS and INJURIES received from the King of England would bring on a War, and that Men of War would be sent out to convoy the homeward- bound Ships, till when no Ships were to depart from St. Domingo. From the LONDON EVENING POST. To the AUTHOR, tsV. S I R, HI S Sacred Majesty having been gracioufly pleased to tell his People from the Throne, that in so just a Cause, for which He had declar'd War against France, He relies upon the Divine Protection, and the vigorous Assistance of his faithful SubjeHs; we may be assured, He doth so; for the Words of a King should be ever esteem'd as proceeding from the Temple of Truth. Since, therefore, His Majesty doth rely upon the Di vine Protection, and the vigorous Assistance of His faith ful Subjects, some inquisitive Persons may perhaps ask, Why such a Number of Foreign Troops have been brought over? To which I can only answer. That it is plain His Majesty doth not rely upon them, though perhaps His Ministers may. The same inquisitive Persons may very likely also ask, How His Majesty's faithful SubjeCts can give him that vigorous Assistance, which He relies upon, without being trusted with Arms? To which I can only reply, That it is plain, His Majesty doth rely on such vigorous Assistance, though perhaps His Ministers may not. As to the Foreign Troops brought over, no- thing can be more clear, than that the People do not rely upon them ; for they are very willing, and think them- selves very able to defend the Crown and Kingdom, with- out any such odious Assistance. The People, in general, look upon thefe Foreign Troops rather as Enemies, than Friends ; for they seem, not only to reproach them with either Cowardice or Disloyalty, but to be more likely to subvert, than defend their Rights and Liberties. The People do, indeed, think it very hard to pay for Foreign Troops, which neither the King nor Themselves do rely upon : They think it but reasonable, that Those who do rely upon them, should, at least, pay them ; and really I think so too ; and am, Sir, Your humble Servant, BRITANNICUS. LONDON. [ Saturday, June 5. We hear that a new Order of Knighthood will be in- stituted, by the Stile and Title of Knights of the Golden Anchor; and will be conferr'd only on those Gentlemen who have perform'd some gallant ACt in Naval Affairs: The Mark of Distinction fix'd on is, a Golden Anchor, incircled with a Star of eight Points, with the following Motto, viz. Bene Fecisti, to be worn on the Left Breast, and a Ribband of Scarlet over the Right. Yesterday being the Birth Day of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, who enter'd into the 19th Year of his Age, the King received the Compliments of the No- bility, Gentry, & c. on that Occasion, at his Palace at Kensington. The brave Admiral Hawke, and the gallant Commodore Saunders ( who is made an Admiral ) will set out im- mediately to take the Command of a Squadron ; and Lord Tyrawley and the Earl of Panmure have kiss'd the King's Hand, and taken Leave, to go directly to Gibral- tar. General Fowke is recalled from thence, (' tis said) for calling a Council of War to determine whether any Regiments should go from Gibraltar to succour the Troops at Minorca, When he had received express Orders for so doing. We hear that four Regiments on the Irish Establishment will speedily be sent to reinforce the Garrison of Gibraltar. It is reported that twenty Ships of War are sailed from Brest. The Man of War that convoyed the Hon. Mr. Spencer to Ostend, in its Return took a Cutter, with two Tons of Tea on board, and sent her into Dover. The Men are sent on board Admiral Smith On Tuesday last sailed Westward from Plymouth, the Magnanime, Admiral Mostyn, with the Northumberland, Orford, and Seaford Men of War. The Betsey, Murphy, from Bourdeaux for Dublin, taken by the Sheerness Man of War ; the Triton, Sau- vage, and the St. Mare, Vansange, both from St. Do mingo for Bourdeaux, taken by the Cruizers, are sent into Plymouth. Ten Dutch Hoys, and a Ship bound for France, are brought into the Downs by the Maryland Planter arm'd Ship. We hear that in a few Days a Gentleman is to perform an Experiment before his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberlaid, his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, and Lord Anson, of an Invention of the great Marquis of Worcester, but highly improved by himself, which is of a Composition to be fired from a Cannon, and can be thrown ten Miles; by which he proposes, by being sta- tioned in a Ship at the Mouth of any Harbour, to destroy every Ship in it. From Exeter our Correspondents inform us, that on the 1st instant a Fire broke out, about Eight o'Clock at Night, at a Publican's in St. Sidwell's, which burnt with great Fury for some Hours, and consumed six or seven Houses in the Front of the Street, besides those backward, but none lost their Lives, though several were much bruised. Last Monday died, in the greatest Agonies, Mrs. Gor- don, Lady of Capt. Gordon, a Commander in the Streights Trade. Her Death was occasion'd by eating an Oyster, from which a Piece of the Shell stuck in her Throat, so that she was abfolutely starved, not having the proper Passage in her Throat. Yesterday Morning, about One o'Clock, a Fire broke out at the Star and Garter Alehouse, in Old Palace- Yard, Westminster, which, for Want of Water, burnt very fierce, and consumed the House where it began ; also burnt the House of Joseph White, Esq; and greatly da- maged the House of Sir Joseph Ayloffe, Bart. In Mr White's House, by a Floor falling in, five Firemen were buried in the Ruins, two of whom were killed on the Spot, and the other three were carried to the Westminster Infirmary, one of whom is since dead. A Party of Guards attended to keep off the Populace. Yesterday about One o'Clock the Right Hon. the Earl of Radnor was audaciously attacked in his own House at Twickenham, by a Person well dress'd, who, pretending to wait on his Lordship about some Business from a Person of Distinction, was admitted ; when the Villain, after very few Words, gave his Lordship to understand, that he Was in Distress, and must immediately be supplied, or he would shoot him through the Head. The Door of the Parlour happening not to be shut close, his Lordship's Gen- tleman, who had introduced him, overheard Part of the Words, and immediately stepping into the next Room where, he recollected, was a Blunderbuss, burst into the Room with it, and presently took him Prisoner. He was carried before Mr. Justice Burkitt, at Isleworth, who committed him directly to Newgate. On Thursday last was committed by William Clark. Esq; to the New Goal, Southwark, Mary Evans, a Maid Servant to Thomas Bishop, of the Upper Ground, in the Parish of Christ Church, in the County of Surrey, Water- man, charged on Oath, and her own Confession, with stealing in the Dwelling House of the said Bishop, four Guineas in Gold, a Silver Coral, a certain Quantity of Childbed Linnen, and other Things, the Property of the said Bishop and Susanna Benn. Also committed by the said Gentleman, Elizabeth Hill, for receiving the said Goods and Monies, well knowing the same to be stolen ; she living in the Neighbourhood, took Opportunities in a Morning, before the Master and Mistress were up, to se- duce the poor Girl to commit the above Robbery, under Pretence of getting her a better Place ; and after receiving the said Goods, to cover her Villainy, went and told the Mistress her Servant had left a Bundle at her House, which the Mistress came to search, and found the above Goods therein, except the four Guineas and Coral, which were found upon the said Hill after she was committed. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at MICHAELMAS next* A FARM, In the Parish of Aldermaston, in the County of Worcester', • Containing Three Hundred and Seventy- three Acres of ARABLE and PASTURE LAND. The RENT 140/. a- Year. Aldermaston is Four Miles from Stratford upon Avon, and Five Miles from Shipston upon Stower, both good Market- Towns. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Parry, at / Bridge- Foot, in Stratford upon Avon. the A COCK- MATCH, TO be Fought at the Royal Oak, in Leominster, between the GENTLEMEN of 7 GENTLEMEN of Shropshire AND THE Herefordshire, To weigh Thirty- one COCKS on each Side for the Main ; each Cock to Fight for Five Guineas per Battle, and One Hundred Guineas the Main or Odd Battle ; and to weigh Twenty COCKS on each Side for Bye Battle! { each Cock to Fight for Two Guineas per Battle. To weigh on Monday the 21st of this Instant June, and Fight the Three following Days. Stratford - upon- Avon RACES. On Thursday the 29th of July next, 1 will be Run for upon Shottery Meadow, near Stratford, A Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, Free for any Horse, & c. that never won 50 I. at one Time ( Matches excepted) Weight tor Age ; five Years old to carry Eight Stone and Seven Pounds; six Years old Nine Stone and Seven Pounds; and full- aged 10 Stone; Bridie and Saddle included ; the best of Three Four- Mile- Heats ; and no less than Three reputed Running Horses to start for this Purse. And on Friday the 30th, will be Run for, on the same Course, A Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, By any Horse, & c. that has been regularly used as a Hunter, that never started for any Thing but a Hunters' Plate, and that never won one, and that was not in Sweat: between Christmas and the First Day of March last 5 five Years old carrying Nine Stone j six Years old Ten Stone ; and aged horses, & c. Ten Stone and Ten Pounds j Bridle and Saddle included ; the best of Three Four- Mile Heats. Horses, See. to be shewn and entered for each of these Purses the Day se'nnight before the Running, between the Hours of Two and Nine in the Evening, at the House of Mr. Robert Bruce, in Stratford* upon- Avon aforesaid, and be subject to the Articles, which will be produced at the Time of Entrance. Certificates of their Qualifications for each of these Purses to- be produced at the Time of Entrance, or before the Day of Running j and no less than Three Horses, & c. to start for either of these Purses. Each Horse, See. if a Subscriber's, to pay One Guinea Entrance, and Five Shillings to the Clerk of the Course j if a Non- Subscriber's, to pay One Guinea Entrance, and Five Shillings to the Clerk of the Courfe, and Two Guineas towards the next Year's Purse: Every Horfe, & c. that enters at the Post, if a Subscriber's, to pay Three Guineas; if a Non- Subscriber's, to pay Five Guineas. Every Sub- scriber's Horse, & c. to be ( bona fide) his own. Every Horse, & c. that enters for either of these Purses, shall stand at such Publick Houses as contribute Half a Guinea, or more, to tl\ c Town Purse, and shall be kept at one of the said Contributor's Houses till the Day of Starting ; and every Horse, & c. which starts for either of these Purses., shall be plated by a Blacksmith that contributes Half a Guinea to the Town Purse. If but one Horse, & c. enters for either of these Purses, to be al- low'd Ten Guineas and his Entrance Money : If but two Horses, & c. enter for either of thefe Purses, to be allow'd Five Guineas each and their Entrance Money. All Differences to be determined by the Majority of the Subscribcrs then present. N. B. No Person or Persons will be suffer'd to set up any Booth, Shed, or Stall, to sell any Sorts of Liquors or orher Goods, on or near the Course, as do not subscribe tq the Town Purse Half a Guinea, <? r move ; and every Subscriber that enters any Horse, &* c. for either of these Purses, is to subscribe fourteen Days at least before the Day of Running. There will be an Ordinary for the Gentlemen each Day at the Liont and a Ball for the Ladies each Night. To be LETT, And Entered upon Immediately A FARM, Call'd Newton Farm, COnsisting of 130 Acres of Land, Meadow and Pasture, with a good House and convenient Out- buildings I thereto belonging, all in good Repair, situate in the Pa- rish of Stoke St. Milborough, in the County of Salop, late in the Tenure of Humphry Blakeway ; distant from Ludlow six Miles, and four from Cleobury Mortimer. N. B. There is a very extensive Right of Common be- longing to it. For further Particulars enquire of the Rev. Mr. Wilding, at Church Stretton ; Mr. Muscott, Attorney, in Ludlow ; or of Mr. Mainwaring, Attorney, in Birmingham. CHARLES TEARNE, Peruke - Maker, Having already made up a great Number of genteel PERUKES, and many in the newest Taste, Begs Leave to inform tbe PUBLICK, that | He has Opened a WAREHOUSE, At his House in the Tything, Worcester; WHERE Gentlemen and Others may be suited with WIGS according to their particular Tastes, both for Make and Colour, upon the lowest Terms, who, as he will always have a large Stock of Hair, will be able to keep a good Assortment. He will esteem himself obliged by receiving any Gentleman's par- ticular Directions as to the Make or Form of a Wig, which, when made, such Gentleman is at Liberty to re- fuse, if not entirely to his Satisfaction. THE Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament for Repairing the Roads leading from the Borough of Bewdley, hereby give Notice, That they are willing to take up FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS, at any Interest not exceeding FOUR. POUNDS per Cent, on a Mortgage of One- fourth Part of the Tolls collected on the Road leading from Bewdley towards Cleobury, Lud- low, and Tenbury. The Meeting of the Trustees will be at Bewdley, on Tuesday the Sixth Day of July next; when they will be ready to secure the Sum of FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS on a Mortgage of the respective Tolls, to such Person or Persons as shall then attend and agree to lend the same. Edward Hale, Treasurer. WHEREAS John Steward, of Wrib- benhall, in the Parish of Kidderminster, in the County of Worcester, Wine- Merchant, hath in his Custody cr Possession a Promissory Note, signed by me, William Dekin, of Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop, Innholder, in the Words and Figures following: Bridgnorth, Janu. 10, 1756. £ 500 SIX Months after Date I promise to pay to " JOHN STEWARD, or Order, Five Hundred Pounds, for Value received by me WM. DEKIN. Which Note is satisfied, and the said John Steward gave me a Receipt in full Discharge thereof, and promised to deliver to me the said Note and I, having been informed that the said John Steward has offered to indorse the same, Give this publick Notice, That I shall file a Bill in Equity to oblige the said John Steward to deliver up the said Note. As Witness my Hand, William Dekin. WORCESTER, June 10, 1756. LEFT, at the Bell Inn, in Broad- Street, In AUGUST, 1754, ASmall OAK BOX, without Direction. Likewise left, small Parcel in a coarse Cloth, without Direction. Likewise left, about ten or twelve Months ago, A Cler- gyman's Great Coat. Likewise left, at the Time of the Musick- Meeting, in September last, A very handsome Pair of Silver Shoe- Buckles, a Pair of Pumps, a small Cloak- Bag, a Ruffled Shirt, and Cravat, mark'd I. D. N° 6. The Owner or Owners of the above Things may have them again, by applying to Mr. Wellings, at the Bell Inn aforesaid. ' Wednesday and Thursday's POSTS. LONDON. [ Tuesday, JUNE 8. Extract of a LETTER from Monsieur de la Galissoniere, dated on board tbe Foudrayant, the 22d of May, before PORT MAHON. " THE 17th of May, in the Evening, Advice was brought to the Squadron by the Frigate La Gracieuse, who was on a Cruize towards Ma- jorca, that she had descried an English Squa* dron, which then seem'd to be eight or ten Leagues to the South, The 18th the Squadron to go and meet the English, but was prevented by a Calm. The 19th, in the Morning, we descried the English Squadron from the Top- Masts' Heads, and the two Squa- drons drew pretty near each other that Day, but never were within Gun shot, which was not our Fault, as the English were to Windward of us. The 20th the French Admiral work'd about so as to gain the Wind ; but just as he had got into a favourable Position for it, the Wind shifted in such a Manner as still left this Advantage to the English Squadron. At Half an Hour past Two in the Afternoon the two Squadrons were in Line of Battle, and began the Engagement. The English consisted of eigh- teen Sail, ( of which thirteen were of the Line), and ours of twelve Ships of the Line, and four Frigates.— The ACtion lasted above three Hours and a Half, but was not general all the Time. The English Ships that suffer'd most from our Broadsides got to Windward again out of Gun shot: They all- along preserved this Advantage, that they might keep clear of us, as they pleased. After ha- ving made their greatest Efforts on our Rear Division, which they found so close, and from which they were so furiously cannonaded, that they could not break in upon it, they resolved to sheer off, and did not appear again all the next Day, being the 21ft. In general, none of their Ships long stood the Fire of ours. The Ships of our Squadron suffer'd but little ; they were repair'd in the Night, and fit to fight the next Morning. Messrs. de Perussy and Potier, Ensigns, were kill'd : Total of the Killed 38, and of the Wounded 115." [ That there has been an Engagement in tbe Mediterranean, which has not proved so successful as was expected, is generally believed; but, surely, all the Particulars in the above Account cannot be strictly true ! ] We are assured, that if any Officer in the Fleet is found guilty of Cowardice by a Court Martial, he will be shot on board of his Ship as soon as convicted, to pre- vent any Intercession for Pardon, as Kirby and Wade were in the late Queen Anne's Reign. We are confidently assured, that there are Letters in Town, particularly one dated from Guernsey the 29th of May, which says, that a Vessel came in there the Day before, and brings an Account from a Vessel she met at Sea, bound to St. Maloes from Barcelona, that Accounts came there, that Admiral Byng had beat the French out of the Water. Evening Advertiser. Yesterday it was rumour'd that the Prussian Minister here had received an Express from the Minister of his Court at Paris, with Advice, that the Brest Fleet, consist- ing of twenty Sail, with Five Thoufand Regular Troops on board, was sailed to join ( it is supposed) the Toulon Squadron. A Letter from on board a Ship in Admiral Boscawen's Squadron, dated the 2d Instant, says, that they have taken two rich Domingo Ships; and that the Colchester Man of War was safely arrivid in the Fleet, much shattered. ' Tis reported, that while Admiral Boscawen's Fleet were in Chace after the St. Domingo Ships, the Brest Squadron took the Opportunity, and got out of the Harbour. — I Yesterday Twenty- four Boys set out from Mr. Fielding's for Portsmouth, cloathed by the publick Subscription, for the Sea, which makes up the Number about 300 that have been sent from this Town by Virtue of this Scheme, and a great Number of these Boys are so fortunate as to be on board Admiral Boscawen's Fleet, and will have their Share of whatever Prizes are taken by the said Fleet. Captains Thomas Cotes, Thomas Frankland, and Tho. mas Brodrick, will soon be created Admirals. The Lords of the Admiralty have given publick Notice that Letters of Marque will be issued out to any of his Majesty's Subjects who are willing to fit out Ships or Ves- sels against France. There is Advice from Virginia, that the Troops from Ireland are safely landed there. Colonel Whitmore's Regiment marched from Aylesbury the 29th of May, for Portsmouth, to embark for Gibraltar. From Plymouth of the 4th Instant we have Advice, that the Bien Aime, of and for St Malo's from Martinico, taken by the Yarmouth, and the Hellene Olympe, for Havre from St. Domingo, taken by the Harwich, was arrived at that Port; also the Eagle and Falmouth Men of War ; and that the Weymouth was sailed on a Cruize. Capt. Arbuthnot, of his Majesty's Ship Garland, car- ried into Hampton Road, in Virginia, on the 9th of last March, the following Prizes: La Fidele, of and from Bourdeaux, a Sloop of about 70 Tons, laden with Wine, Flour, Bread, and Cordage, taken off Cape Francois the 18th of February ; she had been five Weeks from Bour- deaux, and was bound for the Cape; L'Elizabeth, Snow, of about 150 Tons, taken the 24th of February off of Hispaniola, bound to Havre de Grace, laden with Sugar, Indigo, Coffee, Logwood, & c. The Sloop Alice, belong- ing to New London, taken off Hispaniola, laden with Sugar, Melasses, and Indigo, bound to St. Eustatia. Two Packets are arrived from New- York, which, it is said, have brought Letters dated the 13th of May, ad- vising, that General Johnson and Governor Shirley were joined, and preparing to invest Crown- Point with 7000 Men; also that Oswego was invested by 2000 of the French Troops, and that the Garrison consisted only of 400 Men, but that 3000 of our American Forces were in March to relieve it. Letters from New York, of May 10, advise, that Sir William Johnson had near lost his Life by a Gun going off by Accident in a Soldier's Hand near Albany, the Ball having made a Passage through the Sleeve of his Coat and Jacket, and grazed the Skin of his Breast. The Houshold for his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is now establishing, and we hear it is to be of equal Dignity with that belonging to his late Royal Father. Among other Posts, ' tis said that the Earl of Waldegrave first Lord of tlie Bed Chamber; the Earl of Rochford, present Groom of the Stole to his Majesty, is to be Master of the Horse to his Royal Highness; and Andrew Stone, Esq; his present Sub- Governor, is to be made Treasurer of his Royal Highness's Houshold. We hear that John Chetwoode, Esq; eldest Son of Sir Philip Chetwoode, Bart, and High Sheriff for the County of Stafford, was, on Tuefday last, married to Miss Dolly Bretland, of Nottingham, a Descendant, and one of the Coheiresses of the late Serjeant Bretland, of Thorncliffe, in the County of Chester, Esq; Last Friday died, at hit Seat at Toddington, in Glou- cestershire, the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Viscount Tracy, after a tedious Illness, in the 66th Year of his Age. Last Week, Edmund Squire, Esq; of Widdington, in Essex, a Barrister at Law, and one of the Justices of Peace for the said County, shot himself thro' the Head. A few Days ago a Gentleman's Servant at Greenwich playing with a Dog Fox that was chained up, and teizing him, the Beast flew at him, and tore him on the Breast and Neck in such a Manner, that the Wounds mortified j of which he died last Wednesday in great Agony. A young Lady, nearly related to the Right Hon. the Countess of Egmont, lately arrived from Lisbon, where after having been six Days buried in Ruins, she had the good Fortune to be dug out without receiving much Hurt. A violent Shock of an Earthquake was felt at Lisbon on the 17th of April, and three more slight ones since that Time : The same Shocks were likewise felt in tho Kingdom of Granada. We hear the Person taken up for attempting to rob the Earl of Radnor, at Twickenham, was Valet de Cham- bre to a Person of Distinction in New Bond Street. On Thursday the Sessions began at the Old Bailey. Twenty one Prisoners were tried. Eleven were cast for Transportation, and ten acquitted. On Friday Nineteen Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey ; six were cast for Transportation, and 13 acquitted. On Saturday the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey, when the three Thieftakers, Macdaniel, Berry, and Mary Jones, were tried for the Murder of Joshua Kidden, a Porter, whom they unjustly accufed with a Robbery on the Per- son of Mary Jones, near Edmonton, caused him to be tried, convicted and executed in the Year 1754, for the Sake of sharing to themselves the Reward for apprehend- ing him. A Point of Law arising. Sentence was respited for the Opinion of the Judges. This Trial lasted about Twelve Hours. Two other Prisoners were tried, one of whom was acquitted ; the other, Charles Farrel, an Irish Papist, for speaking seditious Words against his present Majesty, was ordered to be imprisoned in Newgate, and to find Security for his good Behaviour for twelve Months. BANKRUP1 S. George Howlett, of Bicester, in the County of Oxford, Flax Dresser and Chapman. Samuel Morris, of the City of Norwich, Grocer, Corn' Merchant, Dealer and Chapman. STOCKS. Bank, . India, . South Sea, . Old Annuities, Ditto New, . Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 89 1 qr. India Bonds, il. 8s. a 9s, Prem. Lottery Tickets 1 il. 8s. 6d. Letter from Portsmouth, June 7. This Morning came up the Essex Man of War, Capt. Harland, from Adm. Bos- cawen's Fleet. As to what News she brings if any) have not been able to get any Intelligence. P. S. Admiral Hawke is expected to arrive here this Evening : ' Tis re- ported he is going out in the Antelope Man of War, with ' Adm. Saunders, who are going to take the Command of the Mediterranean Squadron, in the Room of the Admi- rals Byng and West Canterbury, June 5. On Tuesday Night at Nine o' Clock, an Earthquake was felt at Ashford, and at the neighbouring Villages, which lasted about a Minute, to the great Surprize of many of the Inhabitants. We don't hear of any Damage done, tho' it shook some of their Houses. About that Time a Noise was heard like ihe Report of a Cannon, and at some Places like the Rumb- ling of a Waggon at a Distance. Bristol, June 5. We hear that Incendiary Letters have been sent to several Gentlemen of a neighbouring County, on Account of the Transportation of fome new- rais'd Troops to America, it being ( say their Friends) contrary to all publick and private Agreement at the Time of their enlisting, which was only for Three Years, and to defend their Native Country from the Invasions of the French. This Week was committed to Gloucester Castle, Peter Crow, for breaking into the House of Mrs. Braine at Bit- ton, in Gloucestershire, and stealing thereout 50 1. Gloucester, June On Monday last died, in the 90th Year of his Age, the Rev. Mr. Francis Welles, Vicar of Prestbury, Rector of Spetchley in Worcestershire, and one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County above 40 Years. His eminent Piety and Sanctity, his Humanity, Benevolence, and extensive Charity, his con- stant Attendance upon the Duties of his Spiritual Charge, and his inflexible Regard to Justice in his Civil Capacity, made his Life a publick Blessing, and his Death a general Loss. ... A WORCESTER, June 10 As On Friday last such violent Showers of Hail ( attended with Lightning, Thunder, and Rain) fell here and in this ' Neighbourhood, as were never before known, and whereby several Windows were broke, and mueh Damage done to the Gardens and Orchards in these Parts. The Hail Stones were of divers Forms, and great Numbers pick'd up, which measur'd above three Inches round We hear from Birmingham, that on Monday se'nnight at Night, three Persons in returning from Deritend, met in Digbeth by six or seven Fellows, who insulted beat them in a very cruel Manner, and afterwards flung one of them into Deritend Brook, where he was in great Danger of being drown'd . His Hat and Wig were lost • ...... ' 1 WORCESTER RACES. ON Wednesday the 4th of August, will be RUN for, on Pitchcroft Ham, near this City, A PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, ( Given by the MEMBERS of the County and City of Worcester,) to be run for by Five or Six Year- olds, or Aged Horses, Mares, or Geldings, that never won more than Fifty Pounds at one Time ; Five- Year- olds to carry Nine Stone ; Six- Year- olds to carry Ten Stone ; and Aged Ten Stone and Ten Pounds, Bridle and Saddle included ; the beft of Three Four- Mile Heats. On Thursday the 5th, FIFTY POUNDS, ( Given by the Right Honourable Lord FOLEY,) to be run for by Hunters belonging to the Freeholders of the County of Worcester only; the said Hunters to have been in the actual Possession of such Freeholders at least Six Months before the Day of Running, and that never have been in Training or ever had a Sweat before the First Day of April last s Five- Year olds to carry Eleven Stone ; Six- Year- olds to carry Eleven Stone and Seven Pounds; and Aged to carry Twelve Stone, Bridle and Saddle included ; the best of Three Four- Mile Heats. And on Friday the 6th, FIFTY POUNDS, A Give and Take Purse, ( the County and City Subscrip- tion) by Horses, Mares, or Geldings, that never won above that Value at one Time ; Fourteen Hands to carry Nine Stone, Bridle and Saddle included ; all under or over Fourteen Hands to allow Seven Pounds for every Inch, and to allow Seven Pounds for every Year under Seven ; the best of Three Four- Mile Heats. § 3* A clear Heat to be run for the Stakes each Day, and the Horse, & c, that wins the Stakes the last Day shall be intitled to Thirty Pounds absolutely, Stakes included. A Subscriber to pay One Guinea Entrance, a Non Subscriber Three Guineas, or double at the Post, except those Horfes, & c. that run for the Hunter's Purse, which pay One Guinea Entrance only, or double at the Post. No Horse, & c. winning Two Heats shall be obliged to start for a Third. No less than Three reputed Running Horses, & c. to start for each Day's Purse, except the Hun- ter's Purse, and no less than Three Horses, & c. to start for that. Certificates of their Qualifications to be produced at the Time of Entrance. If only One or Two enter, to be allow'd Ten Guineas each, Entrance- Money included, and the Purse to be reserved for the next Year. To run ac- cording to Articles, which will be produced at the Time of Entrance. If any Difference shall arise or happen on Account of the Age or Height of any Horse, & c. or on Account of the Purses, Heats, or Running, the same shall then be determin'd by the Majority of the Gentlemen present at the Races, that have subscribed not less than One Guinea, whose Determination shall be final. The Horses, & c. to run for the above mention'd Prizes to be shewn and enter'd, for the First Purse, at Thomas Wallis's, at the Wheat- Sheaf, in the Corn- Market, on Wednesday the 28th of July;— for the Second on Thurs- day the 29th, at John Portman's, at the Saracen's Head, in Foregate Street;— for the Third on Friday the 30th, at William Dyer's, at the Star and Garter, in Foregate- Street, between the Hours of Four and Seven in the Evening ;—= to be kept and remain at such Houses as con- tribute not less than One Guinea to the Subscription Purse. The ORDINARY for the first Day to be at Edward Wellings's, at the Bell, in Broad- Street; the second Day at Richard Prosser's, at the Fleece, in Broad Street; and the third Day at George Woodcock's, at the Hop Pole, in Foregate- Street. There will be a BALL at the Guild- Hall every Evening, as usual. The Right Honble- Lord FOLEY, STEWARD. B. No Person will be allow'd to erect a BOOTH on the Course who does not contribute Half a Guinea, or more, to the Subscription Purse. Choice of very good New WATCHES, At Three Guineas a- Piece, Are Sold by JAMES HEAD, Watchmaker, In Evesham, Worcestershire. To be S O LD A STACK of CORN- MILLS, Call'd Piddle Mills, Situate upon the River Avon, and near the Town of Pershore, Worcestershire, having the best and longest Pond of Water upon the Stream ; with the Fishery, Ozier Beds, Meadow Ground, and Appurtenances thereto be- longing. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Twynning at the said Mill ; Mr. Bomford, in Wyre Piddle; or of Mr. Gresley, Attorney, in Pershore. To be SOLD, At. the White Hart Inn, in Tewkesbury, in the County of Gloucester, on Thursday the 24th Day of June Inst. between the Hours of Two and Eight in the Afternoon, SEVERAL Freehold and Leasehold ESTATES, Either together, or in the following LOTS, viz. LOT 1. COnsisting of Two Messuages and Farm, ly- ing near together. One of which Messuages is a large Mansion- House, having a fine Walk of Trees leading to it, a Coach- house, Dove- house, Stables, and all other Outbuildings, fit for a Gentleman, with Two large Gardens, wall'd in, and well ' planted with the best Sorts of Wall Fruit. In one of which Gardens is a Canal well stock'd with Fish, and in the other a Summer- house, and convenient Room for a Bowling- Green; of the yearly Value of 160 1. or thereabouts. LOT 2.— Consisting of a Messuage, necessary and convenient Outbuildings and Lands, of the yearly Value of about 23 1. LOT 3— Consisting of a Cottage, Garden, and Stable; ot the yearly Value of zl. LOT 4.— Consisting of Two Cottages, Two Gar deris, and a little Close of Pasture ; of the yearly Value of 41. B. The two last mentioned Cottages and Gardens, and Close of Pasture, have an old Life in each of them All the abovementioned Estates are Freehold, and Great Part of the Lands are Tythe- free. LOT 5. Consisting of Two Messuages, necessary and convenient Outbuildings and Lands, of the yearly Value of about 54 1. LOT 6 Consisting of a Cottage and Garden, of the yearly Value of 1I. 15s. LOT 7. Consisting of a Messuage, proper Out- buildings and Lands, of the annual Value of 12 1. LOT 8. Consisting of Two Yards of Meadow and Pasture, in a Common Meadow, call'd Upham, of the yearly Value of 8 1. LOT 9. Consisting of One Close of Pasture, call'd Sorrel's Close, of the yearly Value of I 1. All the last mentioned Estates are Leasehold, for 99 Years, determinable some of them on Three, and the rest on Two Lives, the Chief Rents being very easy. LOT 10.— Consisting of Seven Shares of the Glebe, and Great and Small Tythes of the Parish, which are held by Lease of Christ Church College, in Oxford, for 21 Years, renewable every Seven, and having been lately renewed; of the yearly Value of 80 1. and upwards. All the Freehold and Leasehold Estates abovementioned lye near together, in Twyning, in the County of Gloucester, two Miles from Tewkesbury, and Ten from Gloucester and Worcester, being well Tenanted, the Land in a fine Condition of Husbandry, well Watered and Planted, and lying not farther than Half a Mile from the River Severn, nor above a Quarter of one from the River Avon. Particulars to be had of Mr. Roberts, Attorney at Law, in Worcester; or of Mr. Humphreys, in Tewkesbury : And any Person, desirous of Viewing the Premises, may apply to Mrs. Baldwyn, in Twyning. TO be SOLD, On Tuesday the 22d Day of June Instant, before tbe Commissioners acting under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded against John Sanders, of Bromsgrove, in tbe County of Worcester, Vintner, at the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove aforesaid, THE SAID GOLDEN CROSS INN, Lately Re- built, AGenteel, commodious, well- accustomed House, con- taining Three good Parlours, a handsome Dining- Room, several neat Bed- Chambers, and other Convenien- cies; with very good Vaults, Stables, Gardens, and a Yard for Carriages; situate near the Marketplace, in the best Part of the said Town, which is the Midway between Birmingham and Worcester, and on the Great North Road to Bath, Bristol, & c. Q, The EXCISE and POST- OFFICES are kept at this House, which will remain open— till Sold— with proper Accommodations. *„* The above Premises are Freehold of Inheritance. ALSO. The FURNITURE and STOCK of the said Bankrupt; Consisting of Some WINES, SPIRITUOUS and other LIQUORS, may be purchased with the House. Particulars may be had of Mr. Welton, in Worcester, Mr. Wolley, and Mr. Maynard, in Bromsgrove, Assignees ; or of Mr. Blashfield, Attorney, in the same Town. N. B. All Persons having any Demands on the% Estate of the said Bankrupt, are desired to bring in their Accounts at the Time and Place above- mentioned. NOW ready to be delivered to the Publick, handsomely printed, ( Price ONE SHILLING, ) AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT, Published by the KING'S AUTHORITY, OF ALL THE FAIRS in England and Wales, As they have Been settled to be held Since the Alteration of the STILE. NOTING LIKEWISE The Commodities which each of the said FAIRS is remarkable for furnishing. London: Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, Temple- Bar ; and R. Goadby, at Sherborn, Dorsetshire ; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Paper. To be LETT, At Billesley, near Stratford- upon- Avon, is the County of Warwick, A very convenient, enclosed, Tythe- free ESTATE, COnsisting of 264 Acres. The House belonging to it, which is a very good one, Part of it handsomely sash'd, and from which there is a very extensive and agree- able Prospect, Hands near the Middle of the Estate, which is divided into many Inclosures, by very good Fences, and is of easy Tillage. A very considerable Part of it hath been laid down for many Years, and the Whole ( except the Meadow- Ground, which consists of 46 Acres, in three distinct Pieces) will be allowed to be broke up in Course by the Tenant. All the Premisses to be entered upon at Michaelmas next, and a Part thereof, with Part of the House and Stables, immediately. The Turnpike Road from Stratford to Alcester lies by it, and a Turnpike Road ( excepting the Distance of one Mile) may be had from it to Birmingham. There are but two Houses in the Parish, and the Taxes are trifling It was formerly lett at 100 1. per Annum, but hath since been altered, and a Meadow of 15 Acres hath been added to it. For further Particulars enquire of the Rev. Mr. Kenwrick, at Stratford, or of Mr. Mainwaring, Attorney, in Birming- ham. N. B. Manure may be purchased at an easy Rate at Stratford. Note also, that the present Tenant is willing to quit the Premisses immediately, with the Crop now growing, and a Stock of Hay, Implements of Husbandry, and hous- hold Goods, on reasonable Terms. This Day is publish'd, ( Price 6d.) ( Embellish'd with a PLANsof the Town and Harbour of PORT- MAHON, and the Fortifications of Fort St. PHILIP, drawn and engraved far this Work by his Majesty's Geographer,) THE LITERARY MAGAZINE; Or, UNIVERSAL REVIEW. Containing,— I. An Introduction to the Political State of Great Britain — II. The Copy of a Letter from an Officer at Minorca to his Friend in London.— III. An Ac- count of Minorca and Port- Mahon, with a Plan of the Har- bour and Fortifications.— IV. On the Inconveniences and Disorders arifing from Strait- lacing in Stays.— V. Premi- ums proposed by the Society for encouraging Arts, Manu- factures and Commerce. — VI. An authentic Account of Lisbon fince the Earthquake.— VII. A Description, with the Anatomy of a Manatee, or Sea- Cow, found near an Island to the East of Kamtscbatka.— Vlll. A Letter from Mr. Woulse on Flowers made by Crystallization.— IX. Col- lateral Bee- Boxes ; or a new, easy, and advantageous Me- thod of managing Bees — X POETRY. A Song set by Sappho.— XI. A Receipt to make the Marriage State easy. XII. An humorous Prologue. — XIII. A Review of Books. The History of the Royal Society of London, for improving natural Knowledge. — XIV. The Gray's Inn Journal — XV. An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Pope — XVI. A Translation of the History of Polybius'.— XVII Memoirs of the Court of Augustus by Dr. Blackwell. — XVIII Historical Memoirs,—' XlX. Chronological Diary. London: Printed for W. Faden, in Wine- Office Court, Fleet- Street-, and may be had of the Printer and Distribu- tors of this Journal. To be continud the 15th of every Month.
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