Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 2440
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 06/05/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2440
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL. at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross.~ j —• tm H THURSDAY, May 6, 1756. Francfort, April 15.. The Number of Bankruptcies which we daily receive Accounts of, particularly from France, have put the Merchants assembling to our Fair in great Confusion ; and there is no Doubt but it will greatly affect us, the principal Part of the Trade of our Fairs depending on the Security, of Foreign Traders in the Credit of each other. Hertogenbosch, April 21. From Tilburg we hear, that, on the Evening of the 13th, they had a violent Storm of Lightning, by which a House was set on Eire, and, with
two others adjoining, burnt to the Ground. . From Hel- mont we hear also, that the Low Countries are alarmed still with repeated Earthquakes, they having had a slight Shock on the 10th, and the Day before Yesterday a very violent one, which occasiOned an universal Surprize, tho' happily, in other RespeCts, little Damage.- Paris, April 16. A Fire has done considerable Damage at the Port of Rochefort. The new Method of preserving Butchers' Meat with- out Salt is found upon a further Trial not to answer. COUNTRY NEWS. Salisbury, April 26. Last Week one of the King's Purveyors came down here, and bought up great Quan
tities of Hay all round the Neighbourhood, design'd, it is suppos'd, for the Use of a Camp, which we imagine will soon be form'd near this City. Bath, April 26. Yesterday se'nnight, in the Morning, a Press Gang broke into the House of Jacob Sparrow, of Studley Green, near Calre, while he was in Bed, in Or- der to impress him: He submitted to go with them, and began to dress himself; but on their saying they would bind him, he refused to go with them, and said he would not be bound, for that he would stab the first Man that should attempt it; but one William Watts seizing him behind, he stabb'd him to the HearT with a short
Knife, of which Wound he died 0n the Spot. Sparrow is com- mitted to Hungerford Gaol. Last Monday a melancholy Accident happen'd at the House of Mrs Cottle, at Bathford, near this City, who being call'd out as she was going to Breakfast, and having put the boiling Tea Kettle in the Corner, before she re- turn'd, a young Child, whom the had left alone, at- tempting to drink out of the Spout, let the boiling Water run into its Throat, and died in great Agonies some Hours after. Admiral Boscawen was under Sail Yesterday at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon. ' Tis conjectured that Admiral Boscawen, with sixteen Ships of the Line,
besides Frigates, is to relieve Admiral Hawke off Brest. It is supposed the Squadron under Commodore Keppel, which has not been heard of since its Departure, joined Admiral Byng in a certain Latitude, and went together up- the Straits, where it is not improbable they may have met with the Toulon Squadron. Information having been given to a Press- Gang of a Weaver in Spital- Fields that had been at- Sea, Part of the Gang were sent in Quest of him ; but some other Weavers coming to the Assistance of their Brother, they made a stout Resistance ; however, the Press Gang got the better of them, carried off their Man, and
left two of the other Weavers for dead. A few Days fince some young Fellows, who were Ap- prentices near Tower Hill, took upon them to act the Pressi Gang ; while this was performing, a real Press- Gang came by, the Officer of which being pleased with seeing them act so well, took Care they should be employ'd to a much better Purpose in his Majesty'S Service. Yesterday the Anniversary Feast of the London Hos- at which were present several Persons of Distinction, held at Merchant Taylor's Hall, after a Sermon : hed at St. Lawrence's Church hv the f n LONDON, Thursday, APRIL 29. Wednesday his Majesly's Quarter
Master General arri- ved at Southampton, and waited on the Mayor to bespeak QuarterS for 800 of the Hessian Troops. Orders were immediately given to the Constables to provide Billets; and a Guard House and Storehouse are already got ; and the Publicans are making the necessary Provisions for their Reception and Accommodation. We hear that divers Barracks will speedily be erected for the Soldiers in several Parts of the Suburbs of this City, in Case of an open War with France. It is said there will soon be a Camp on Twyford Downs, near Winchester; for which Purpose several Hundred Pounds Worth of Hay and
Straw ate already purchased. According to Advices from Brussels of the 19th lnst the Garrisons of Ostend and Nieuport are to be speedily reinforced, at the Requisition of a certain Power, and about too Pieces of Battering Cannon are to be sent thi ther from Mechlin. They add, that the bad Weather has hindered the French from forming their intended Camp, and that, by all Appearances, they would not af- semble their Troops before the Beginning of next Month : In the mean Time they worked Night and Day in clean sing the Harbour of Dunkirk They write from Brest, that the Hero Man of War, of 54 Guns, and the Leopard and
the Illustrious, of 60 Guns each, have sailed from thence with three Frigates, having on Board the Regiments La Serre and Royal Roussilion : The Marquis de Constans's Squadron was in the Road, waiting for the Ships from Rochefort, and others, that are to join him s and they were going to fit out another Squadron of eight Ships of the Line and four Frigates, which is to be under the Command of M. Dubois de la Motte. Some Letters from New England advise, that 6 French Men of War were arrived in the Gulph of St. Laurence, and that a Number of Forces had been landed on the Missisippi. By Letters from Port Mahon of the
2d Inst. there is Advice, that they had sent away to Barcelona all the Wives and Children of the Officers of the Garrison, not know- ing how soon they might receive a Visit from the French It is now confidently affirmed, that the Toulon Squa- dron is destined for North America, and not for Fort- Mahon, as has been artfully propagated. , I St David's, where a Collection was made for that excel- lent and useful Charity, which amounted to 1204I. 4d. By some Letters from Spalding, in Lincolnshire, we hear, that the Sea has overflowed the Country thereabouta for many Miles, by which Means some ThoUsands of Sheep have been
drowned. Wednefday the zifl Inft the great Match which ' h n been some Time dependin3 bay Gelding, Cock Robin, Fifty Guineas a Side, c.. r « rying ten Stone, was run over the Course at Sarum. and won with Ease by the former, notwithstanding Robin was rode by the famous Mr. Dilly. There was a great deal of Company, and much Money won and lost. On Sunday Afternoon, about Six o'Clock, William Logan, under Sentence of Transportation in Newgate, for Healing Goods from on board a Ship in the River, found Means ( through the Assistance of his Wife, who came to see him with some others) to make his escape in
Woman's Apparel, with his Fetters on. His Wife had put on two Gowns, one of which she put on her Husband, and sent him out first with the other Company, with so little Suspicion, that the People of the Gaol chucked him under the Chin as he went out, and called him a very pretty Girl. About an Hour after he was gone the Keepers missed him, and found his Wife, who had staid behind, not suspecting they would detain her } but in that she was mistaken ; for the Keepers secured her, and said she mull be transported ; which frightened the Wo- man so much, that she told them where she lived, whither the Keepers went, and
after waiting an Hour, the Man knock'd at the Door in the Woman's Apparel, on which the Keepers immediately seized him, and brought him back to his old Apartment. Wednesday the Sessions began at the Old Bailey. Twen- ty three Prisoners were tried, two of which were capitally convicted, viz Charles Cane, for dealing Twenty four Pair of Silk Stockings in the Shop of Thomas Tolley; and John Burroughs, for stealing a live Bullock ih Sitiith- field. Eight were call for Transportation, and thirteen acquitted. The Trial of Capt. Ogle, for Murder, was pat off ' till next Sessions. Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Potter, to William
Belchier, Esq, dated at Gombroon in Persia, December 10. 1754 OUR Officers, as well as the Ship's Company, have had repeated Illness Intermitting Fevers are very frequent here, and the Factory Gentlemen, as well as the Seamen, are liable to it. They are seldom two Months without taking the BARK, and very often take it one Month, and have a Return the next. It seizes us either at the Full or Change of the Moon. May and November are reckoned the most unhealthy Months, though I can- not say there are any healthy ones; for Guiney and Mada- gascar, bad as they are, are healthy in Companion of this Place. June, July,
August, and September, are, called the Heats, and indeed they are intolerable : We are gasp- ing for Breath in the Day time, and at Night obliged to lie on the Terrass on the Top of the Factory. Were we to lie in our Apartments, we should not be able to breathe. I was seized With a Fever the Beginning of February : In April, finding no Relief by any Things that I took, and being reduced to a very weak State, I Went for Change of r » « = » « = » .— — FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS, Arriv'd the MAILS from France and Holland. NAPLES, March 25. fSML/ fySk THE Neighbourhood of Vesuvius begin Vyf^ S. to entertain very
terrible Apprehensions from the present Convulsions of tha T Mountain, as, besides the usual Dis charge of burning Matter, & c. a very uncommon subternneous Noise is heard for several Leagues round. It is re nark'd that, within three Months past upwards of seve hundred Perfons have expired in Fits ot the Apoplexy i this City. A singular Instance of Mortality, for which our physicians seem entirely at a Loss to account.
Air to Assize, a Country Seat at about nine or ten Miles Distance, belonging to the Honourable Company. The Captain was so obliging as to bear me Company. We staid there a Fortnight; but finding no Benefit, and that the Fever terminated in a slow one, I resolved to try Dr JAMES'S POWDER, sold at Mr Newbery's, in St. Paul's Church Yard, London. The first Time I took Half a Paper, the next Morning a whole one, and the third Morning another: Each Time I drank plentifully of Milk and Water. It removed my Disorder, and, I thank God, I soon recover'd, and continued in Health all the Heats, I gave three Papers of the Powder
to a Gen- tleman of the Factory, who had the same Complaint, and it cured him. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arrivd a MAIL from Holland. LISBON, March 26. THE Shock on the 11 th Instant was the most vio- lent that has been felt since the 1st of November. Several of the shattered Houses were levell'd with the Ground by it. Petersbourg, April 3. Some Proposals have been made by Sir Charles Hanbury Williams for taking into British Pay a Body of the Grand Duke of Holstein's Troops. Hamburg, April 23. It is confidendy asserted that Four Thousand of the Troops of Brunswick Wolsem- buttel will be taken into British
Pay, and embarked for England with the Hanoverians, who are to be encamped near Stade till the Arrival of the Transports. Berlin, April 17. A Report prevails here that the hereditary Prince of Hesse Cassel, who is arrived in this City, being greatly dissatisfied with the Romish Religion, is desirous to renounce it, and to re- embrace the Protes tant Religion. To which End he is extremely solicitous to approve his Conduct to the Protestant Powers ol the Empire, left, by appearing so wavering a Convert, he should in the End be destitute of the Esteem of both Parties Paris, April 13. Letters from Stockholm advise, that a Conspiracy
which was formed by a private Person hath been discovered by his Accomplices. He proposed to kill Baron Hopken, Count Tessin, Baron Wrede, Baron Shester, all Senators, and to secure the rest of the Senate, and change the Form of Government. A Foreign Minister was also doomed to be massacred by the Agents in this Plot, of whom the greater Part have been seized, and will receive their Deserts from the Senate. LONDON, Saturday, MaY 1 The Accounts concerning the State of Minorca are so various, that no— can be formed as to the Fate u-_. « « >— Many will have it that they coined in Change Alley, with a View to
sink the Credit of our Funds, which we hope will not be in the Power of these. Stock- jobbers to effect. The Bill now depending in Par- liament, it is said, will clip their Wings, and overthrow their Bulls, Bears, & c. i. e. their Bargains for Time will be nullified. It may be depended upon, that our Officers in Minorca have sent their Families to Barcelona, and other Spanish Ports ; that a strong Boom is thrown cross the Harbour ot Port Mahon ; and that an Offer has been made General Blakeney of 1300 Seamen to reinforce his Garrison. It may likewise be depended upon that Commodore Edgecumbe took up 800 Barrels of Beef at
Leghorn, and sent them to Mahon for the Use of the Garrison, which was a very seasonable Supply ; and that the General and Garrison are determin'd to dispute every Inch of Ground, and to defend that important Place in a Manner worthy of Britons. His Royal Highness the Duke's Field- Equipage is or- dered to be got ready. We hear there will be five Camps in the Counties of Wilts, Hants, Sussex, and Kent. A great Number of Tents were pitched Yesterday in St. James's Park, and other Places, to be got ready for the Officers. On Wednesday thirty six Carriages set out with Mili- tary Stores for the Use of the Camp to be
form'd, as soon as the Weather will permit, in the West of England. A great Number of Horses have been bought up this Week for the Use of the Bread Waggons to be made use of in the intended Camps. It is reported, that ten Marching Regiments have re- ceived Orders to hold themselves in Readiness for em- barking on a Day's Notice ; and that a large Draught of Matrosses, & c will speedily be made to join them. Some General Land Officers have received Orders to hold themselves in Readiness for a Journey upon the short- est Warning, with their Equipages, & c Tuesday sailed from Dunkirk three large French Fish- ing boats, fitted out by the Admiralty of that Town, which steered to the Northward. They have each 30 Sailors on board, and a Chest of Small Arms. Their Foremasts are much larger than those they usually sail With, and their Maintopmast very tort. On Thursday an Express arrived at the Admiralty- Office from Admiral Hawke. We have Advice from Sweden, that the Importation of foreign Flour is prohibited in that Country. A few Days since some Friends of a deceas'd Person in- Westminster, being invited to the Funeral as Pall- bearers, and being in a Room together, a Sharper, dress'd like an Undertaker's Man, came in and ask'd
for their Hats to put the Hatbands in, and made clear off; the Cheat not being discover'd till the real Undertaker's Man came to demand the Hats. On Wednefday last a Gentleman, whose Name is said to be C , hanged himself at his Lodgings at Thorpe, in Surrey. It is reported he had been disorder'd In his 1 Senses some Time. This unhappy Affair is attended with the following Circumstances; he had been that Evening with his Friends, and came Home to his Lodgings very wet, and without his Peruke ; so that it is suppofed he had thrown himself into the River, with an Intent of drowning himself, but for that Time alter'd his Mind,
before it was to late ; as he appear'd in such a Condition coming Home, the People of the House where he lodg'd, took what Care they could, that he should have no In- strument of Death in his Room as far as they could see; in particular they took away his Penknife. In the Morn ing his Landlord went to his Friends with whom he spent the Evening, to let them know what Condition he came Home in ; and in the Interim he broke a Glass Window, by which Means he Cut a Rope that held up the Tester of the Bed, with which he hanged himself upon a Hook, where he was found when his Friends came. One of the Officers
concerned in the Murder of the Post- boy near Shuter's Hill, is since dead in Maidstone Gaol. ' Tis said he died with Grief. Thursday 19 Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, when four were capitally convicted, viz. William Watts and James Sherlock, for a Burglary; John Mores and Thomas Mores, two Brothers, for stealing a Sheep near Hounslow Heath. Five were call for Transportation, and ten acquitted. Yesterday 16 Prisoners were tried at the Old- Baily, when four were cast for Transportation, and 12 acquitted. This Morning came on, at the said Sessions House in the Old Bailey, the Trial of the Person who murder'd an
Officer that lodged with him, ( 4s mention'd in our last Paper) when, after a Hearing of four Hours, the Jury brought in their VerdiCt Manslaughter. To the Worthy Electors of Burgesses to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Evesham. GENTLEMEN, FROM the Promises of Votes with which you ho- nour'd me on my Canvas, and the Knowledge I have of your steady Adherence to your Words, you have con- vinced me I had so great an Interest in your Affections that you would have chosen me your Representative, by a great Majority, had not your Freedom of Election been most dishonourably infringed by a shameful Violation
of the most solemn Assurances, and by a Torrent of foreign Voters, unduly influenced, poured in upon you from every Quarter. ' Tis therefore, with the utmost Gratitude, that I ac- knowledge to you how senfible I am of your good Inten- tions towards me; that I sincerely thank you for the same ; and that I assure you, to the utmost of my Abilities, I will endeavour to merit the Honour you would have con- ferr'd upon me, and the Continuance of your Favour; for, with unfeigned Affection, and great Sincerity, I am, Gentlemen, on every Occasion, Your most obliged. And obedient humble Servant, w. BAYLIES. To be Dispos'd of, At Mr.
BALLARD'S, m the BUTTS, Worcester, A Large QUANTITV of TULIPS. 7 ANEMONlES, AURICULA'S, AND HYACINTHS, RANUNCULUS'S; Likewise. t few MYRTLES, BALM of Gilead, & c. N. B. At the same Place all Sorts of WOOLLEN and WORSTED Goods - are taken in to Dye and Press. To be SOLD, By the Assignees under a Commission of Bankruptcy awarded against UNETT HODGES the Younger, of the Parish of Whitburn, in the County of Hereford, Yeoman and Chap- on Tuesday the Eighteenth Day af May Instant, at the Dwelling House of the said Bankrupt in Whitburn aforesaid, ... , The said BANKRUPT'S
Houshold- Furniture,' Implements of Hus- bandry, Horses, Cattle, and Effects. Also to be Sold to the Best Bidder, On Thursday the Twenty seventh Day of May Instant, by the Assizes under the said Commission before the acting Commissioners- in the said Commission, between the Hours of Two and Four of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, at tbe Dwelling- House of Thomas Taylor, known by the Sign of the King's Arms, situate in Bromyard, ire the County of Hereford, All the BANKRUPT'S Right and Interest in and to several Messuages, Lands, and Premisses, Situate, lying, and being in ths several Parishes of
Whit- burn, and Tedstone- Delamere, in the said County of Hereford; Particulars whereof may be had of Mr John Freeman, jun. Attorney, at Gaines, near Brom- yard, Herefordshire. L O S T Two BAGS of HOPS, BOught at Worcester Market the 25th of October, 1755, by Mr. Herbert Hancox, of Dudley; one Bag of Charles Harling, of Whitburn, weighing 1C. 1 Quar. and 16 Pounds, the Planter's Mark C. H ; the other was bought of John Nash, of Grimley weigh'd 1 C. 1 Quar. and 7 Pounds, the Planter's Mark I. N — It is not remember'd whether they were mark'd H H H or however, it is certain they were mark'd in D D, Raddle,
and the said Hops have not been heard of since Whoever will give Intelligence of them, ( so that they may be had again) to the said Mr. Herbert Hancox, in ' Dudley, or to Mr. Thomas Cartwright, in Bewdley, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward. NOTICE is hereby given, T H AT there will be a Meeting of the Trustees for putting in Execution an Act of Par- liament for repairing the Roads leading from the Borough of Stratford upon Avon, in the County of Warwick, to Alcesler, Bromsgrove, and other the Roads in the said Act mentioned, held at the House of Mr. John Sanders, being the Golden Cross Inn in Bromsgrove, on Thursday
next, being the 13th of this Instant May. By Order of the TRUSTEES. Saulsy. Goode, Clerk and Treasurer. HARPSICHORDS and SPINNETS Are Sold or Hired out, as cheap as in London, At the TRINITY- HALL, in WORCESTER, By JOHN WIND, from Bristol, WHo likewise Makes, Mends, and Tunes CHURCH or CHAMBER ORGANS, on the most reasonable Terms. — N. B. As a Specimen of his Work, Gentlemen and Ladies may see and prove a Chamber Organ he has just made, with Five Stops in it, which is now at the Trinity- Hall aforesaid. STUBHILL GARDENS, In the Parish of Twyning, in the County of Gloucester,
Will be Opened on oLd MAY- DAY, For the Reception of Company WHERE due Attendance will be given during the Summer Season : And Gentleman may de- pend on having the best of Wines, neat as they are im- ported Front Lisbon, ' Porto, Bourdeaux, & Champaign ; From Southern Isles, from Italy, or Spain. fjf" Gentlemen and Ladies, who are desirous to make Parties of Pleasure to dine there, & c. are desired to send their Orders a Day or two before to, their humble Servant, J. SNELSON, at the said Gardens. N B. The Gardens are newly transform'd, and de- corated with a great Variety of Foreign Flowering- Shrubs
and Flowers; with the Addition of Serpentine Walks, Arbours, Seats, ijfe. & c with a Design to render them a more agreeable Situation ( or the Entertainment of those Gentlemen and Ladies who are delighted with such Rural Scenes ; Where feather'd Warblers jocund clap the Wing, And raptur'd, hail tbe chearful, welcome Spring ; Where flow'ry Sweets perfume the Morning Breeze, that softly whispers thro' young budding Trees j Where Nature blooms in Colours all her own, ( Unlike those borrow'd Beauties of the Town Where Gardens, Meads,' and the secluded Grove, Are bless'd Retreats for Innocence and Love. Let
Statesmen plot, Rome's Malice to defeat, . And British Heroes curb, the Gallick fleet: LOST, On Wednesday the 10th Day of March last, at or near WORCESTER, A Hare- colour'd Py'd BITCH, Of the Fox- Kind, splay'd, ABOUT Nineteen Inches high, rounded Ears, her Neck and Shoulders white, and answers to the Name of TROLlOP, the Property of Richard Gorges, Esq; Whoever brings the said Bitch to Richard Gorges, " Efq; at Eye, in Herefordshire, or to Mr. Edw. Wellings, at the Bell Inn, in Worcester, shall receive a reasonable Satisfaction ; and be it at the Peril of any Person to detain her after the Publication hereof.
Hither , ye Fair ! resort, nor dread the War's Alarms j For YOU Britannia's Sons appear in Arras. J. s. N O T I C E is hereby given, That JOHN DAVIS, Black- smith and White- smith, Is settled at a convenient House in the TYTHING, adjoining to the City of WORCESTER, WHERE all the Branches of the said Business are executed in the compleatell Manner, and on the most reasonable Terms ; such Persons therefore who shall be pleased to employ him, may depend on the utmost Care and Punctuality being observ'd, and their Favours most gratefully acknowledg'd, by Their most humble Servant, John Davis.
Wednesdays and Thursdays POSTS. London, April to, 1756. On Saturday the 8th of May will be published, Price Two Pence, By THOMAS HARRIS, in Ivy- Lane, ANEW PAPER, called The TEST; or,' CONSTITUTIONAL JOURNAL. To be continued every Saturday. rtl E Creditors of the Rev. Mr. CHARLES wilmoTt, of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, who are willing to compound for their Demands, are desired to send an Account thereof ( Post paid) to Mr. Lascelles, Apothecary, or to Mr. Blashfield, Attorney, in Bromsgrove aforesaid. N. B. A Meeting of the Creditors will be soon advertised. An Apothecary and
Chymist, Of an extensive Trade, in a capital Market Town, W A NT S A Sober LAD, Of a good Family, for an APPRENTICE. AN Y Parent or Guardian having a YOUTH to put out, may depend on the gen teelest Usage ; and, among other Advantages, at the Ex- piration of his Time, he will be entitled to tbe Freedom of the City of London. N. B. A Youth of a Dissenting Family will be most Acceptable, and, if agreeable, but a small Premium wil be expected. Letters, ( Post paid) diretted for A. B. to be left at thi Printer's of this Paper, will be received, and imme diately answer'd. To be Lett, or Sold by Auction, On TUESDAY the
Twenty- fifth Day of May Instant, At the Dwelling- House of Mr. Moses Haden, known by tbe Sign of the Severn Galley, situate in the Newport- Street, in the Parish of All Saints, in the City of Worcester, A very good DWELLING- HOUSE, With a commodious SHOP, and all other Conveniencies, Situate in the Newport- Street aforesaid, And late in the Occupation of Mr. Henry Forrest, Mercer, For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Squire and Mr. William Hundley, Churchwardens of the said Parish. N. B. Any Person willing to undertake the Maintenince and Employment of the Poor of the said Parish, in a Workhouse to be
provided for that Purpose, at a certain Price to be agreed on, is desired to give in Proposals to the Churchwardens aforesaid, on or before the Time abovementioned, when and where such Proposals will be considered on, and an Agreement fix'd with such Person as shall appear properly qualified for the said Undertaking. To be SOLD, A large commodious HOUSE, Situate in the High- Street, Worcester, With Four other thereto adjoining, in the Dish Market; all Freehold. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Karver, in Foregate Street, Worcester. To be LETT or SOLD, A Messuage, or Tenement, With a Garden, Soap- House, and Out-
Buildings thereunto belonging, Situate at Cripplegate, in the City of Worcester, ( Being Leasehold under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester) Also to be SOLD, Some UTENSILS in the Soap Trade, For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Edward Roberts, Attorney, or of Mr. Robert Sextie, in the Gaol- Lane, both of the said City. N. B. The Premisses are very proper for a Soap Maker, Currier, or Glover. Birmingham and Worcester STAGE- COACH, SETS out from the Dolphin Inn, in Birmingham, every Tuesday, at Eight o'Clock in the Morning, by the Way of Norfield and Bromsgrove, to the Hop- Pole, in the Foregate- Street,
Worcester; and sets out, on its Return back, every Wednesday Morning, at the same Hour, for the Dolphin Inn, in Birmingham, and carries Passengers at Six Shillings each. - The Money to be r. paid at the Taking the Places. Goods are carried at reasonable Rates. Perform'd by THOMAS SHAKELL. N. B. Of the above Thomas Shakell may be had Black Carriages, at reasonable Rates; and a Four- Wheel Chaise, at Nine- pence a Mile, to the undermentioned Places, viz. To Coleshill and Lichfield; to Henley and Bromsgrove ; to Warwick and Stourbridge; and to the Four- Crosses on the Chester Road, KENSINGTON, May 4. H
E Life of our Gracious Sovereign is so precious to all his loyal faithful Subjects, that it will be molt acceptable News to them to be assured, that, since his Majesty came to his Palace here, he is recover'd from his late Indisposition, and enjoys a good Measure of Health; which God grant may long concinue, for the Security of our Liberties, Civil and Religious, which have been safe and inviolable under his auspicious Reign. . LONDON, Tuesday, MAY 4. On Thursday his Majesty in Council was pleased to issue an Order, prohibiting the Exportation of Gunpow- der, Salt- Petre, or any Sort of Arms or Ammunition, for six Months, or
to carry the same Coastwise We hear the Parliament will be prorogued on Thursday Fortnight; and that his Majesty will go to Richmond the Saturday following for the first Time this Summer The Accounts that have been published in the News- Papers of the Arrival of the Hessian Troops, was prema- ture, they being not yet arrived, though expected every Moment. They were to embark the 26th ot April. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint John Jorden, Esq; to be Colonel of the Ninth Regiment of Dragoons, late Lieutenant General Reade's. On Wednesday Thomas Cholmondeiey, Esq; was cho- sen Knight of the Shire for
Chester, in the room of his Father, deceased. Private Letters by Yesterday's French Mail advise, that the Toulon Fleet was separated on the 13th of April, but got together again on the 14th, except two that were heavy Sailors, which it is said got back to Marseilles or Toulon ; and that on the 16th the Fleet was within 20 Leagues of Mahon. A Letter from Calais, dated April 28, says, that the utmost Precautions are taken to secure their Coasts against any hostile Attempts from the English, who they are ap- prehensive intend to pay them an unwelcome Visit, which ( join'd to the Loss ot their Shipping) has almost totally ruined their
Home and Foreign Trade. We hear that Admiral Boscawen, ( who passed by Ply- mouth last Saturday) has delivered to every Captain in his Squadron a Letter sealed up, which, ' tis supposed, con- tains a Direction to Rendezvous in a certain Latitude, in case of being parted by a hard Gale of Wind. The Seaford Man of War is arrived at Plymouth, with eighty French Prisoners taken by Admiral Hawke. The Men are sent to Prison, and the Officers to Ashburton. A French Ship, laden with Provisions, for North- Ame- rica, is taken by the Sheerness Man of War, and sent into Falmouth. The Hull Merchant, Foster, from Falmouth for
Ali- cant, is taken by the French. The arm'd Ships and sloops in the Downs are constant- ly sailing upon the Coast of France, in order to watch the Motions of the French. We hear from Margate, in Kent, that so many young Men have enter'd into his Majesty's Service, that they have not Hands enough to man their Mackarel Boats the ensuing Season, consequently uot a fifth Part of their Craft can be employ'd, which will prove a great Loss there. Thursday se'nnight Lord John Murray arrived at Glas- gow, and next Day reviewed the Part of his Regiment lying there, consisting of between 4 and 500 Men, in- tended for America.
We hear the following Preferments will take Place in the Church, viz Dr. Hume to be made Bishop of Bristol; Dr. Egerton, ( Dean of Hereford) to be Bishop of Bangor; and Dr. Gregory to be Dean of Christ Church. We hear the Governors of ihe Foundling- Hospital, will be enabled by Parliament, to take in all Children that shall be offered after the First of June. Last Thursday was married, at Ferriby in Yorkshire, Mr. John Bird, jun. of Coventry, to Miss Wilberforce, a Daughter of William Wilberforce, Esq; On Thursday last died the Rev. Mr. Gregory Grove, Vicar of Witherby, in Warwickshire. He had been dis- ordered fome Time
with a violent Pain in his stomach, and was coming up to London for Advice, but was taken so ill at Dunstable that he was obliged to be taken off his Horse, and died within two Hours. On Friday Night, the 23d past, as Mrs. Barker, of Wokingham, was reading in Bed with a Candle by her, she fell asleep, and the Candle setting Fire to the Bed- Cloaths, the Flames communicated themselves to the Fur- niture of the Room, and consumed the Whole, worth 60 1. but by timely Assistance it did no farther Damage, Mrs. Barker escaped in her Shift only. Last Sunday an unfortunate Event happen'd at Shad- well ; a Man having a
Quarrel with his Wife, at- tempted to strike her with a Stick as she held her Infant in her Arms, which unhappily received the Blow in its Temples, by which it was immediately kill'd.—- Acci- dents of this Kind ought to be a Caution to Persons to guard against the Sallies of Passion, which so often prove fatal in their Consequences. Yesterday came on at the Old Bailey the Trial of Wesingshall for Subornation of Perjury, which lasted ' till near Two o'Clock this Morning, when he was sen tenced to one Year's lmprisomnent in Newgate, and at terwards to be transported for seven Years A fresh Bill of Indictment against tbe Thief takers and their Accomplices having been found this Sessions by the Grand Jury, One Thousand Pounds Ball was offered for the Appearance of Mary Jones, said to be concern'd in the Affair of Kidden ; but after some learned Pleadings by the Council on both Sides, the Motion was over rul'd Majoram, the outlaw'd Smuggler, from Ipswich, was not tried. Application having been made for his Discharge on Condition of his going on board the Fleet; and it was with great joy he join'd the Gang appointed to receive him. BANKRUPTS William Hulls, of the Inner Temple, London, Scrivenor. David Griffiths, of Car- marthen, Merchant.
Simon Blackwell and Ambrose Blackwell, of Elder- Street, Middlesex, Weavers. STOCKS. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, Old Annuities, 91 3 8ths. Ditto New Ann 92. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 90 5 8ths a 3 qrs.. India Bonds, 11.9s. Prem. Lottery Tickets ill. 9s, Cambridge, May 3. On Saturday a Man, genteely dress'dt who for some Days past has been asking Charity from the Gentlemen of the University, on Pretence of being lately converted from Popery, was taken up for endeavouring to enlist Men into Foreign Service, and was committed to the Town Gaol. He has received many and large Benefactions. Norwich,
May 3. At the Sessions this Week for tho County of Norfolk, one Mills made his Appearance, who was brought from Aylsham Bridewell, having been some Time past in that Part of the Country shewing Sleight of Hand Tricks, and eating Fire. His Appearance was genteel, with a laced Hat, and Ruffles He was sentene'd to be whipp'd next Market- Day at Walsham, and kept to hard Labour for one Month; otherwise to serve his Ma- jesty, which he gladly accepted : The Justices sent for an Officer, who enlisted him in Court, and gave him two Guineas and a Crown. WORCESTER, May 6. On Monday last some unlawful Fishing
Nets were burnt before the Town Hall of this City The Reverend and Worshipsul Mr Tottie, Archdeacon of this Diocese, will hold his Visitation at the Places and on the Days following, vis at Bromsgrove on Monday next, the 10th Instant; at Worcester, on Tuesday the 1 ith; at Pershore, on Wednesday the 12th; and at War- wick, on Friday the 14th Last Week died, at his Seat at Shakenhurst, that truly worthy, judicious, much esteem'd Gentleman, Francis Meysey, Esq; Barrister at Law, and one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County. He dying a Bache- lor, the Bulk of his Fortune, which is very considerable,
devolves to his Brother, the Rev Mr. Meysey, Rector of Rock, in this County, This Week the new- rais'd Regiment, under the Com- mand of Colonel Anstruther, march'd out of Hereford, being order'd to Exeter. They write from Milton, in the Parish of ShipTon, near Burford, in Oxfordshire, that on the 13th ot last Month was born in that Parish John Rawlins, Son of John Rawlins, Grandson of John Rawlins, Great Grandson of John Rawlins, who was the Son of Eliza Rawlins, Which said Eliza Rawlins is now living and in Health, retains her Memory, and, tho' in the 103d Year of her Age, works every Day. A few Days since a
Woman died in the Workhouse at Wednesbury, in Staffordshire, whose Death was occasion'd by the ill Usage she received from the Governess and ano- ther Woman belonging to the said Workhouse. The Coroner's Jury have sat on the Body, and brought in their Verdid Wilful Murder; on which the two Women are committed to Stafford Gaol. On Saturday se'nnight John Mould, who was convicted at the last Assizes at Stafford, for a Highway Robbery, was executed there On Sunday se'nnight, in the Afternoon, the House of Mr. Hilman, of Dunsley, near Kinfare, in Staffordshire, was broke open, and robb'd of a considerable
Sum of Money. Our Correspondent at Oxford informs us, that, by the prodigious heavy Rains which have fallen in that and the neighbouring Counties, great Damage has been done to the Meadow Ground; and that the Farmers in general have suffer'd greatly by not being able to get their Seed into the Ground : The Cattle in several Places have been swept away, and on Monday last Week two Farmers were unfortunately drowned in the River near Buckingham ; and a third, who was along with them, saved himself by catching hold of a Post. A New Edition ( with considerable Improvements) of ' Jacob's LAW DICTIONARY, is
now publish'd, and may be had of S. Mountfort, Bookseller, in High- Street. *„* Tbe Book- Advertisemcnts omitted this Week, will be inserted in out next. To the Printer 0f the WORCESTER JOURNAL. S I R, AS I am always inclin'd to consult for the Ladies, I desire you will insert the following, as soon as possi- ble, it being entirely calculated for their Satisfaction. Yours, & c. J z. SIgniora DRACCLSTAILEA, ( a Native of the Town of Hispaniola) has lately met with the most favourable Reception, at the Court of Paris, for her New- invented Dress, call'd THE TROLLOPPEE The English La- dies are desired not to be in too great a
Hurry, or express too much Concern about it, for that it will be brought over as soon as the least Conveniency offers. jQ, The Judges of Dress are of Opinion, ( and I hope they are extremely right) that it is a very easy Attire; and that it is design'd to succeed the NeGLiGee. Others are inclin'd to think, that it is a Revival of an Antient Dress, long since known in this and every other king- dom But TIME alone must put an End to the various Opinions concerning this most important and interesting Affair.
rf » \ DVEK. I'lSKMSN rs ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at 2J 6d eich ; and Articles of Intelligence ( Pcfpaid) will be receiv'd, and carefully irferttd. * ADvERTiseMtNrs, ire ' ikewife taken in by vlr. Hajlewood, Bookfeltr, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Cotton, Bookftller, in Shrtwftury ; Mr. Hifkinfon, fiookftlkr, in Warwick; Mr .' VyMt. Booti'.- iler, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepiund, in Stafford ; Mi Audfitvn, Bookfeller, in Evcfham ; Mr Hunt, and Mr Hedges, Eooki'ellirs, in Ht refold ; Mis. Mojtly, Blokfeller, , n iderminlter ; Mr. A/ hmtad, Bookfeller, in Tewkrfburv ; Vlr Raikts, Printer, in Gloticefter ; Mr. Arts, Printer, in BiiF. irj. tam i ai the Gecrge and
Greer Draeon Inns, at Ci noien ; by Mr Thomas, Polltn Her, in Leominlter; Mr Barrow, Bookfeller, in that Town ; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton in Ivlarfl: j and by the A^ orus employ'din other Towns in the Diltribution of this Journal, Likewile by Mr. Dod, Bookftlkr, in Ave Mary Lane, Locdon. AS the Art of DRAWING has always been held in the highest Estecm, not only as a gen teel, but as an useful Accomplishment, and of late Years become Part of a polite and ingenious Education, S. GAMIDGE, In the Leech Street. Worcesler, begs Leave to acquaint the PUBLICK, THAT he has lately furnished himself with a
large and curious Collection of PRINTS, by the best Masters, both English and Foreign, and also with a great Variety of Drawing Books, Landscapes, Water Colours, Camel- Hair Pencils, Sec. which are ready to be deliver'd to such Gentlemen and Ladies as will favour him with their Com- mands, upon the same reasonable Terms they are sold at in London: He also sells all Sorts of BOOKS in Di vinity, History, Law, Physick, Mathematicks, Poetry, Miscellanies, Novels, Plays, School Books, Bibles, Com- mon Prayers, Spelling Books, Testaments, Psalters, Prim- mers, and Horn Books; Writing Paper, gilt and plain, Shop Books,
Pocket Books, Memorandum Books, Letter Cases, Quills, Pens, belt Sealing Wax, Round Balls for Gentlemens Pipes, Wafers, Sand, best Japan and Com mon Ink, Ivory Leaves, black and red Lead Pencils, Copy Books, best Roman Strings, new Musick, rul'd Paper for Musick, Instructions to Musick, nnd every Thing else it the Bookselling and Stationary Business; where those who will be so kind as to oblige him with their Commands may depend on their being observ'd with the utmost Punc tuality, and the Favour most gratefully acknowledg'd, By their humble Servant, S. GAMIDGE. By Letters Patent under the KING's Sign
Manual, This Day was publish'd, ( Price 6d.) NUMBER II. Containing the History of Britain in its Struggles with the Romans, to the Recalling of Agricola, a Period of near a Century and a Half, comprehending a distinct Account of Caesar's first and second Expedition into Britain ; the Story of Cassibilan the great Opposer of Caesar ; the Con duct of Augustus, Tiberius, and Caligula, respecting Britain ; the Fate of Caractacus, and the Story of Agri- cola. In this Number is a particular Account of. the State of the British Navy in the first Century, & c lee. And lall Saturday was publilh'd, No. I. (!) i three Sheet* of Letter - Prefs, with two
beautiful Folio Cupper Plate CutsJ The NAVAL HISTORY of BRITAIN, From tbe Papers of the honorable Captain GEORGE BERKELEY. This Number comprehends the antient History of Bri- tain, from the Time of the Phoenicians Traffick, ( the ear. liest Record of this Country) to the Invasion of the Ro mans under ' Julius Caesar, and is illustratcd with I i. A curious Prontispiece defigned by Mr. Wale, and ) engraved by Mr Grignion. i 2. A General Title, elegantly printed, and a Chart of ^ the Sea Coasts of Britain and Ireland, and the adjacent Islands with Part ot the Coasts ot France ; engraved from the latest Surveys, and the
best Charts, by Mr. Bowen, Geographer to his Majesty. London: Printed for T. Osborn and J Shipton, in Gray's Inn ; J. Hodges, on London Bridge ; and S Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater Noster Row ; by whom the Numbers will be delivered Weekly ; and sold by R Lewis, Bookseller, in High Street, and S Ga midge, Bookseller, in Leech Street, Worcester, and by all other Booksellers, Printers, and News Carriers in Great Britain and Irelard. This Work will be compleated in 6o Numbers, illus trated with great Numbers of curious Folio Copper- plate Cuts, of Sea Chests, Heads, Engagements, and other Sub
jects ; engraved by the best Masters. and will be given with- out any additional expence to the Subscribers. To Cover, this Season, At Half a Guinea a Leap, and a Shilling the Man, NOW in the Hands of Mr. John White, of Knightwick- House, near Knightford- Bridge, in ihe County of Worcester, A Fine Strong Brown bay STALLION, call'd R E W B E R R Y, Bred neur Skipton in Craven, Yorkshire, and is allow'd to be the best Horfe in England to get a Chapman's Horse. He is nine Years old, sixteen Hands high, with a Blaze , and three white Feet, is clear of all Blemishes, and was got by Kirbys Horse, which was got by Old Clow
Head out of a Stretcher's Mare. Clow- Head was got out of a Mare got by Old Samson, whose Dam was got by Old Cripple, the Performances of which Horse are very well known to most Gentlemen— The said Clow- Head, for several Years, beat all the Horses in Lancashire and York shire, in Hunting, and challenged any Horse in England to hunt for a Thousand Guineas *„* No Mare will be Cover'd without Ready Money the first Leap N. B The above Horse, Rewberry. is as sound and fine as when a Foal, is reckon'd very lucky in getting Colts, end will Cover at Home only. On the 15th Instant will be published, ( Price Six
pence,) To be continued Monthly, The LITERARY MAGAZINE ; Or, Universal Register. In which all the Variety of other Magazines, and more in Quantity than in any of them, will be comprised under the following Heads, I The PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY of Great- Britain, with the Arguments for and against every important Ques- tion, commencing from the first Meeting of the present Parliament. II. NATURAL HISTORY, in which the Productions or Rarities of our own Islands shall always have the Preference. III. ARTS, SCIENCES, and MANUFACTURES; under this Article every new Addition or Improvement shall be carefully
exhibited. IV- BELLES LETTRES, comprehending short Pieces in every Spccies of- polite Literature. V. POETRY, confining of such Compositions as are esteemed excellent, and will stand the Test of Criticism. VI. REVIEW of BOOKS, in which the strictest Im- partiality shall be observed, and a List of new Publications added. VII HISTORICAL MEMOIRS, being a Recital of the public Transactions of the present Times, so far as they have Con- nexion with those of our own Country, of which they are designed to fumish Materials for a more regular History. VIII A CHRONOLOGICAL DIARY of memorable Events, commencing
from the First of January, 1756. IX DEATHS ot eminent Persons at home and abroad, with short Memoirs of their Lives. X COURT LISTS, containing the Names of the Princes and chief Ministers of the different Nations in Europe, with occa- sional Remarks on their Abilities and political Schemes. LONDON; Printed for the Proprietors, and sold by T. CARMAN, in St Paul's Church Yard, ( to Whom all who are inclined to favour or improve this Plan are desired to communicate their Thoughts;) and may likewise be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. To the P U B L I C. THERE arc same Practices which custom and
prejudice have so unluckily influenced, that to observe or neglect them is equally cen- surable. C1 he Promises made by the Undertakers of any new Design, every Man thinks himself at liberty to deride, and yet every man experts, and experts with reason, that he who solicits the Public Attention should give some account of his pre tensions. We are about to exhibit to our Countrymen a new MONTHLY COL- LECTION, to which the well deserved popularity of the first under- taking of this kind, has now made it almost necessary to prefix the name of MAGAZINE. there arc already many such perodical compilations, of which we
do not envy the reception, nor shall dispute the excellence. If the nature of things would allow us to indulge our wishes, we should desire to advance our own interest without lessening. that of any other, to excite the curiosity of the vacant, rather than withdraw that which other writers have already engaged. Our design is to give the history political and literary of every month, and our pamphlets must consist, like other Coliertions, of many articles an - conncrted, and independent on each other. The chief political Object of an Englishman's attention must be the great Council of the Nation, and we shall therefore register all public
Proceedings with particular care. We shall not attempt to give any regular series of debate, or to amuse our Readers with senatorial rhetoric. The speeches inserted in other papers have been long known to be fictious. We have no design to impose thus grosly on our Readers, and shall therefore give the naked arguments used in the discussion of every question, and addt when they can be obtained, tbe Names of the Speakers. As the Proceedings in Parliament are unintelligible without a Knowledge - of the facts to which they relate, and of the state of the Nations to which they extend their influence, we shall exhibit monthly a
View, though con- tracted, yet distinct, of Foreign Affairs, and lay open the designs of those nations which are considered by the English either as friends or enemies. Of transactions in our own Country curiosity will demand a more par- ticular account, and we shall record every remarkable event, extraordinary casualty, uncommon performance, or striking novelty, and shall apply our care to the discovery of truth, with Very little reliance on the daily historians. The LISTS, of BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, AND BURIALS, will be so drawn up, that we hope very few omissions or mistakes will be found, though some must be
expected, where there is neither leisure nor opportunity for minute information. It is intended that LISTS shall be given of all the officers and persons in public employment, and that all the alterations shall be noted, by which our LIST will be a kind of Court Register always complete. The literary History necessarily contains an account of the Labours of the Learned, in which, whether we shall shew much judgment or sagacity, must be left to our Reader's to determine ; we can promise only justness and candour. It is not to be experted that we can insert extensive extracts or critical Examinations of all the Writings which this age of
writers may offer to our notice. A few only will deserve the distinction of criticism, and a few only will obtain it. We shall try to select the best and most important pieces, and are not without hope that We may some times influ- ence the public voice, and hasten the popularity of a valuable Work. Our regard will not be confined to Books, it will extend to all the pro- ductions of Science. Any new calculation, a commodious instrument, the discovery of any new property in nature, or any new method of bringing known properties into use or view, shall be diligently treasured up where- ever it is found. In a paper designed for general
perusal, it will be necessary to dwell most up things of general entertainment. The elegant trifles of litera- ture, the wild strains of fancy, the pleasing amusements of harmless wit, shall therefore be confidered as necessary to our Collection Nor shall we omit researches into antiquity, explanations of coins or inscriptions, dis- quisitions on controverted history, conjertures on doubtful geography, or any other on theje petty works upon which learned ingenuity is sometimes employed. To these accounts of temporary transactions, and fugitive performances, we shall add some dissertations on things more permanent and stable j
some enquiries into the history of Nature, which has hitherto been treated as if mankind were afraid of exhausting it. There are in our own country many things and places worthy of note that are yet little known, and every day gives opportunities- of new objurations which are made and forgotten. We hope to find means of extending and perpetuating physiological disco- veries, and with regard to this Article, and all others, in treat the assistance of curious and candid correspondents. We labour to attain as much exactness as can be experted in such variety, and shall give as much variety as can consist with reasonable exartness
j for this purpose a selection has been made of men qualified for the different parts of the work, and each has the employment assigned him which be is supposed most able to discharge. This Day was Published, In Two VOLUMES, Octavo, ( Price bound 8s. ) The SECOND EDITION, with Improvements, of The General PRACTICE of PHYSICK; Extracted chiefly from the Writings of The most celebrated practical Physicians, and the Medical Essays, Tranfactions, Journals, and literary Correspon- dence of the learned Societies in Europe. To which is prefixed An INTRODUCTION, Containing the Distinction of similar Diseases ;
the Use of the Non- Naturals, an Account of the Pulse, the Content of the Nervous Parts, and a Sketch of the Animal OEconomy. Quin etiam Succos, atque auxiliantia Morbis, Grammina ; quo nimius staret Medicamine Sanguis Quae facit Somnos quid hiantia Vulnera claudat Quae Ferro cobihenda Lues, quea: cederet Herbis, Edocuit. STAT. ACHIL." By R. BROOKES, M. D. LONDON : Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church Yard-, and sold by the Booksellers in Worcester; R. Raikes, in Gloucester P. Hodges and J. Wylde, in Hereford-, B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth ; T. Aris, in Birmingham; and by the
Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Where may be had, by the same Author, in One Volume, Octavo, Price bound Six Shillings, An Introduction to Physick and Surgery. This Day was pu'Aifhed, ( Price bound Three Shillings, ) A POCKET DICTIONARY : Or, Compleat English EXPOSITOR. Shewing readily the Part of Speech to which each Word belongs j its true Meaning, when not self- evident; its vari- ous Senses, if more than one, placed in proper Order ; and the Language from whence it is derived pointed out immediately after the Explication. Also the Technical Terms are clearly explained ; every Word is so accented,
that there can be no Uncertainty as to the Pronunciation. And the Names of the Cities and principal Towns, their Distance from LONDON, their Market- Days and Fairs, according' to the New Stile, are alphabetically interspersed ; with other useful Articles. [ To render this BOOK compleat, many modern Words are intro- duced, which are not to'be found in other Dictionaries ; and, to make it more concise and portable, such Words are omitted as, being neither properly English, nor ever used by good Authors, would only serve to mislead and embarrass the Learner.] A WORK entirely new, and design'd for the Youth of both Sexes,
the Ladies, and Persons in Business. To which is prefixed An INTRODUCTION, Containing an History of the English Language, with a Compendious Grammar. And a Recommendation of the Manuscript Copy, in a Letter from Dr. BEVIS to the Publisher. LONDON: Printed frr J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church Yard; and sold by the Booksellers in Worcester j R. Raikes, in Gloucester ; P. Hodges and J. Wylde, in Hereford; B. Haslewaod, in Bridgnorth; T. Aris, in Birmingham ; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. This Day was Publish'd, ( Price bound Three Shillings, or with the Six Maps coloured
Three Shillings and Six pence,) The SECOND EDITION of THE Gentleman, Tradesman, and Traveller's POCKET LIBRARY: CONTAINING 1. A short System of Geography. Inland and Foreign Billsof Ex- z. The political History of change, & c. Europe. > Law Forms of general Use. 3. A View of the Constitution of 15. The Weight and Value of Great Britain. Foreign Gold and Silver Coins. 4.. A correct List of the House of 16. Of the Knowledge of Mankind Peers. 17- The Prices of the different 5. Of Superscriptions and Forms Work's of Bricklayers, Ma- of Address. sons, Carpenters, Joiners, Car- 6. A List of the Places ; at Court,
vers, Plumbers, Slaters, Pain- with their respective Salaries. ters, Plaisterers, Paviors, and 7. A Description of England. Smiths. 8. The most remarkable Curiosi 18. Of the Management of ties in Great Britain and Ire- Horses, particularly when on land. a Journey, and Receipts for 9. A Description of London, with curing the Diseases to which a Lift of the Companies. they are subject. JO. The Postage of Letters to and 19. A List of the Stage Coaches from the General and Penny- and Carriers in Great Britain. Post Office. 20. Directions for those who tra- il. Rates of Hackney Cosch- vel into Foreign Countries, with men, Chairmen,
Carmen, and Dialogues in several European Watermen. Languages for their Use. 12. The History and Rationale of 21. Some Account of the princi- the Stocks or publick Funds. pal Curiosities in Europe, Asia, 13. Forms of Receipts, Notes, Afiica, and Ameiica. By a GENTLEMAN of the Bank of England. To which are added CORRECT TAblES for the Use of all who are concerned in Trade and Business. By J. BARROW, Author of Navigatio Britannica. Illustrated with Six MAPS, by E. BOWIN, Geographer to 1^'. MAJESTY. LoNDON : Printed for the AUTHOR ; and sold by J. Newbury, » t the Bible and Sun, in St Paul's Chinch
Yard ; P. Hodges and J. Wyide, in Hereford ; B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth; R. Raikes, in Gloucester ; T. Aris, in Birminghim; by the Booksellers in Wor- cester; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal.