Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 29/04/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2439
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL. Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. price two- Pencw. THURSDAY, April 29, 1756. No 2439 WEEKS this Jouma has been publi Journal ish'd S FRidAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arrived a MAIL from France. VERSAILLES, April 15. ( Courier arrived Yesterday from Rome, with Advice, that on the 5th Instant the Pope made a Promotion of Cardi nals, nominated by Crown'd Heads The new Members of the Sacred Col- lege are, the Archbishop of Rouen, nominated by the King of France ; the Bishop of Constance, nominated by the Emperor ; the Archbishop of Vienna and
Austria, nominated by the Empress- Queen ; the Archbishop of Seville, by the King of Spain; the Archbishop of Sens, by the Chevalier de St. George ; the Archbishop of Turin, by the King of Sardinia; Don Francois Saldanha d'Acunha, Principal of the Patriarchal of Lisbon, by the King of Portugal ; the Bishop of Beauvais, by the King of Poland, Elector of Saxony; and the Sieur Archinto Governor of Rome. Paris, April 17. The Toulon Squadron having been obliged by contrary Winds to put back to the Isles of Hieres, sailed from thence the 12th at Break of Day, for Port Mahon, and were presently out of Sight. We make no Doubt
of the Success of the Enterprize, from the Weakness of the Garrison, ( in Comparison of our Forces) and from the Impossibility of the Arrival of an English Fleet Time enough to relieve it. Amsterdam, April 16. The Master of a Ship from the West- Indies, affirms to have met fifteen Sail of French Ships in Lat. 25. Long. West 54.; and that having spoke with the Commander of one of these Ships, a Frigate of 36 Guns, he was informed of their Destination to the Caribbees. Extract of a Letter from Paris, April 17. " The Report that has prevailed for some Time past of a Treaty of Alliance, Offensive and Defensive, between the Courts
of Vienna and France, has gain'd so much Credit here, as to be look'd upon as a Thing concluded." PLANTATION NEWS. Philadelphia, fan 8. The People call'd Quakers of this City have made considerable Contributions for the Relief of our Frontier Inhabitants, who have been lately driven from their Settlements, and plunder'd of every Thing, by the savage Cruelty of the Indians. Boston, Feb. 23. Capt. Knox, from Halifax, in eight Days, informs, that the Day he sailed they had an Ac count from Chiegnecto, that one of the French Neutrals came over to the English Fort and informed them, that a Body of about 300 French and
Indians were near, and in tended to cut off the English Woodcutters; whereupon Lieut. Colonel Scott, with about 300 of the Provincial Troops went in quest of them ; and having spent a Day and Night without Discovery, they concluded that the Deserter had deceived them, and resolved to return ; but, in their Way back, the Enemy came upon the Rear of the Provincials, who, immediately facing about and firing, killed eight Indians on the Spot, and, it is supposed, Wounded a considerable Number, as they followed the Enemy, and saw a great Quantity of Blood in their Track : We do not learn that any of the Provincials were killed
or taken. It is also faid that they had taken two French- men Prisoners, which were brought to Halifax the Day Capt. Knox sailed. COUNTRY NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Leicester, April 16. " On Thursday Morning an Order arriv'd, by Com- mand of his Majesty, that the Count de Bonville and the rest of the French Officers, Prisoners on their Parole at this Place, have his Royal Privilege to indulge them in wearing their Swords: Also, that their Parole is enlarged, to permit them to go wherever they think proper, so that they return the same Night; and that they may write to whom they please." Bath, April 19. Last Week one
Thomas Isaac, in the Parish of Wester- Leigh, being impressed, cut his Throat from Ear to Ear, and ' tis thought he cannot recover, tho' all possible Means are used to save him. Canterbury, April 21. Yesterday, about Noon, Edw. Sheward, of General Wolfe's Regiment, was shot in the Old Park for Desertion. He behaved with great Decency while he was under Sentence of Death, and at the Place of Execution. Newmarket, April 20. Yesterday Mr. Vernon's Grey Horse, Skim, beat Mr. Barry's Grey Horse, Favourite, for 40 Guineas.;— Mr. Fenwick's Match'em beat Mr. Bowles's Trajan for 200 Guineas. Lord Chedworth's Brown
Colt beat Sir John Moore's Grey Filley for 40 Guineas. Lord Gower's Sweepstakes beat the Duke of Ancaster's Spectator for 300 Guineas. The next was a Plate of 50 Guineas, by six- year old and aged Horses, viz. Duke of Devonshire's Bay Horse, Tantivy, ( which won,) Lord Rockingham's Bay Horse, Cato, Mr. Ver- non's Bay Gelding, and Mr. Leah's Grey Horse, Mag- got. Lord Waldegrave's Match with Lord Gower for 500 Guineas, was won by Lord Gower. SHIP NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, April 21. " Since my last arrived two Martinico Men, taken by the Dunkirk and Medway, of Sir Edward Hawke's Squa dron. " Admiral Boscawen is expected on Saturday to hoist his Flag on board the Invincible ; and Admiral Mostyn is expected here in the Morning to go with him, Admiral Holbourn being sail'd to relieve him in the Command- of Part of Sir Edward Hawke's Fleet." LONDON, Thursday, APRIL 22. We hear that Admiral Hawke has at this Time twenty- one Ships of the Line under his Command before Brest, in which Harbour there are at present nineteen French Men of War of the Line. Capt. Crevey, who is arrived at Dover from Jamaica, spoke with the Garland Man of War going into Heneaga with two French Prizes; which make
Thirty Sail of French Prizes taken by the Men of War on the Jamaica Station. The Officers on board the French Transport brought into Plymouth give an Account, that there were 24 of them to sail separately from different Ports in France, with 3000 Land Forces, for Cape Breton so that ' tis hoped we shall have a further Account of them. By a Spanish Mail, arrived Yesterday, there is Advice, that the Prince of Conti, a homeward bound French In- diaman, has put into Corunna ; and that the Industry, Reid, bound from Cork to Barbadoes with Provisions, was taken the 12th of March, above 1oo Leagues to the Westward of Cape
Finisterre, by the Squadron of M Per rier de Salvert, and is since arrived at Cadiz under French Colours, where she is forced to perform Quarantine, as the French Commander took away her Bill of Health among the other Papers on board. The Hull Merchant likewise fell in with the said Squadron, and has been sent into Morlaix. On the 14th Instant 9534 lb of Tea, and 865 Gallons of Rum and Brandy, were brought to the Custom house at Plymouth out of the Eagle Man of War, being taken out of Sloop which intended to run it on the Coast of Cornwall. It is said, that the Windsor hath taken a Sloop with a much larger Quantity of
Goods intended likewise for the Cornish Coast. Joseph Child, Esq; who was committed to the Bastille at Paris for not obeying the Order of Police lately put out there, for the English to quit the Kingdom, is re- leased. On the 22d ult. a Shock of an Earthquake was felt at Malaga ; and on the 14th another at Seville, but neither did any great Damage. We hear that Capt. Whitmore, late of Lord Ancram's Regiment, succeeds Major Robertson, deceas'd, at Fort- Major of the Castle of Edinburgh. Last Week Sir John Wynne, Bart kiss'd his Majesty's Hand upon being appointed Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of Carnarvonshire,
in the room of Sir William Yonge, lately deceas'd ; as did also his eldest Son Thomas Wynne, Esq; upon being appointed Auditor of Wales, in the room of Mr. Farrington ; a Place worth 1000 1. per Annum. We hear the Entertainment on Monday last at the Man- sion- House was the most elegant ever given in the City, and the best conducted. The Table in the Ball Room had one hundred Covers repeated three Times, and Thir- ty- two Removes, with a grand Desert. The Horseshoe Table in the great Parlour had sixty Covers repeated three Times, and sixteen Removes. There were four other Tables besides, and a very splendid
Appearance of No- bility and Gentry. On Saturday last, in the Evening, a Person dressed in a blue brocaded Negligee, and black Cardinal, went to Mr. Turner's, a Toy- shop, in Bishopsgate Street, and de- sired to see some Patterns of Glasses; and, after looking at several Sorts, said none of them would suit her, but took Care to slip two or three in her Pocket; which the Master of the Shop immediately missing, pursued the Thief, and delivered her to a numerous Mob, who found several Things in her Possession, such as Millinary and Haberdashery Wares, & c. Early on Tuesday Morning Mr. Mergery, a Taylor, in Bell- Court,
Mincing- Lane, being in a high Fever, got out of Bed and put on his Breeches and Shoes, and threw himself from the Top of his House upon the Pavement, whereby both his Legs were broke in a terrible Manner, and his Body so much bruised, that it is thought impossible for him to recover. By the great Rains on Tuesday, the River Roddon was so overflowed from Ongar to Barking, in Essex, that the Meadows were cover'd with Water, and great Da- mages done to the Sheep, & c. And by the Rains which have happened for some Time past, the Farmers are not able to sow their Barley, Oats, and latter Corn, the Ground being
too wet to harrow. A few Days ago a poor Family, who lived over the North Gate at Winchester, had got together several of their Neighbours to a Christening, and just as they were in the Height of their Mirth the Gate fell down, by which Accident so many of them had their Legs or Arms broke, and others terribly bruised, that a Cart full of them were carried to the Hospital. CITY of WORCESTER April 21, 1756. WHEREAS Complaint hath been made to the Magistrates of this City, That di- vers Higlers, Carriers, Hucksters, and other Persons, dd Forestall the Markets of the said City, by buying up Pro- visions as they are bringing
to Market ; and likewide In- gross and Regrate Hens, Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Pigeons, Fish, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Asparagus, Colliflowers, and other Provisions brought to the said Market for Apply- ing the Inhabitants of the said City, and sell the same again in the same Markets, contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, whereby the Price of the said Commodities is very much enhanced, to the great Detri- ment of the Citizens in general; To put a Stop therefore to these illegal Practices, the said Magistrates do hereby give Notice, That the Laws will be put in Force against all Persons offending in any of the Kinds
aforesaid; and that if any Person will gire Information against those that are guilty of the said Practices, so as he, she, or they be convicted thereof, such Person or Persons shall be hand- somely rewarded for their Care and Trouble And to the End that no Persons may plead Ignorance of the Nature of the above Offences, or the Penalties in- curred thereby, it's thought proper to subjoin the follow- ing Abstract of the Statute made for describing and re- medying the Mischiefs complained of: Whatsoever Person shall buy, or cause to be bought^ " any Merchandize, Victual, or any other Thing com- ing by Land, or by Water,
towards any Market or " Fair to be sold in the same; or make any Bargain,; " Contract, or Promise for ihe having or buying of the " same, or any Part thereof, before it shall be in the Mar- " ket or Fair ready to be sold ; or shall make any Mo- " tion by Word, Letter, Message, or otherwise, for " enhancing the Price, or dearer selling of any Thing " above mentioned ; or disswade or move any Person com- " ing to any Fair or Market, to abstain or forbear to bring any of the Things aforesaid to any Market ot Fair; " shall be adjudged to be a Forestaller " Whatsoever Person shall, by any Means, regrate, ob- " tain, or get into his Hands or
Possession, in a Fair Or " Market, any Corn, Fish. Butter, Cheefe, Pigs, Geese, " Capons, Hens, Chickens, Pigeons, Conies, or other dead " Victual whatsoever, that shall be brought to any Fair or Market to be sold, and do sell the same again in any " Fair or Market holden in the same Place, or within 4" " Miles thereof, shall be deemed a Regrator. " And whatsoever Person shall ingross or get into his " Hands, by buying, contracting, or promise taking ( other " than by Demise, Grant, or Lease of Land, or Tythe) " any Corn growing in the Fields, or any other Corn or " Grain, Butter, Cheese, Fish, or other dead VictUals "
whatsoever, to the Intent to sell the same again, shall be " deemed an unlawful Ingrosser. " Any Person offending in any of the Things aforesaid, " and being thereof conviCted, shall, the First Offence, " suffer two Months Imprisonment, and forfeit the Value " of the Goods, Cattle, and Victual so bought Or had ; — " For the Second Offence, shall suffer Imprisonment " the Space of One Half Year, without Bail or Mainprize, " and loose double the Value of all the Goods, Cattle, and " ViCtual, so had or bought ;— And for the Third Offence " shall be set on the Pillory, in the City, Town, or Place " where he shall then dwell, and forfeit
all his Goods and " Chattels, and be committed to Prison, there to remain " during the King's Pleasure. THO. LANE, MAYOR of the Said CitYT AND Clerk of THE Markets.
SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. HAGUE, April 16. MBonac and d'Affry publicldy contradict that Part of Mr. Yorke's Memorial presented to the States, wherein he says that all the French Ministers at • the several Courts of Europe make no Secret of their Master's Design to in- vade Great Britain. They strongly insist that neither they, nor their Collegues, ever held such Language by Order of their Court. Amsterdam, April 13. Last Week an extraordinary Instance of Mortality happened here ; eight People, living in the same Street, having been seized suddenly, and ex- piring in a few Minutes. The same Symptoms appearing in
all the Cases, occasions a Variety of Conjectures as to the Cause, which, however, does not yet appear to Satif- faction. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Ap. il 17. Monday se'nnight died at Fet- tercairn, aged One Hundred and Six, John Mitchell, a Farmer there. From his Infancy till the Day of his Death he never complain'd of the least Ailment, managed all his Affairs himself, and worked on the Roads six Days last Year. COUNTRY NEWS. Newmarket; ' April 21. Yesterday the Earl of Sand wich's Ship beat his Royal Highness the Duke's Mask with the greatest Ease. We are assured there was not less Hundred Thousand Pounds
depending on this than a Match. Lord Orford's Colt beat Lord Chedworth's Filly. A Plate of 50 1. for Four- year olds, one Heat over the Round Course, Weight 8 Stone 7 Pounds, was run for by Mr. Warren's Chesnut Colt, Careless, ( which won) ; beating the Duke of Ancaster's Grey Colt, Myrtle, Mr. Meredith's Dun Colt, Dusty Miller, Lord Chedworth's Chesnut Colt, Bawble, and Mr. Blake's Chesnut Filley, Fanny. This Day there was a Sweepstake Match between Lord Gower, Mr. Panton, Mr. Curzon, and Mr. Dutton, each a Colt, for 200 Guineas, which was won by Mr. Panton. The heavy Rain Yesterday caused such a Flood in
less than an Hour's Time, that the Noblemen could not get from the Coffee- Room for two Hours, and at last were obliged to be carried upon Chairmen's Backs, the Men wading up to their Knees. A Gentleman's Servant was drowned, and the Horse with Difficulty saved; his Body has since been found drove through the Bridge Half a Mile from the Town. April 23. Yesterday Mr. Chamberlain's Ruby beat Mr. Adcock's Lizard, both five Years old, the Winner giving a Stone. The Odds were Two to One on Lizard : It was a hollow Match. Lord Orford's Bay Horse, Pickle, four Years old, beat Lord Gower's unfortunate Dun Horse,
Ginger, five Years old; the Winner received a Stone. Afterwards, in the Cornell for the King's Plate, the Fate of the famous Jason was determined ; the Odds be- tween Whistle Jacket and him were Five to Two at their starting. The first Heat they waited for a Trial of Speed, in which Whistle Jacket prevailed ; and the second they ran away for Stoutness, where Jason was totally defeated. Sir Richard Grosvenor has bought Trajan of Mr. Bowles for 250 Guineas', he is thought to be the cheapest Horse that has been purchased many Years. Letter from Waltham Abbey, in Essex, April 22. *' The great Inundation of the River Lea,
which was so swelled by the Rains, and the Addition of the Land- Waters, on Tuesday last, caused the Waters to rise to such an Height as the oldest Inhabitant cannot remember, for, from this Place and several Miles higher, quite down to Bow- Bridge, it carries a frightful Appearance : Not only the Marshes, but even the Meadows adjoining, are, to a considerable Distance, entirely under Water, in some Places a Mile wide, and so deep as almost to cover the Hedges. In a Word, form to yourself an Idea of one continued Piece of Water, with here and there a melan choly House, interspersed, twenty Miles in Length, and then you
will be able to judge of our present disagreeable Situation." LONDON, Saturday, APRIL 24. On Thursday his Majesty removed to Kensington for the Summer Season. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales will go to Kew when the Parliament breaks up A Bill will soon be brought into Parliament for the bet ter Regulation of Parochial Elections or Appointment of Parish Officers. It is said for certain that Admiral Boscawen is going to take his Station in the American Seas. The Fleet destin'd to watch the Motions of the Brest Fleet, is order'd to be augmented to 20 Sail of the Line, besides Frigates and a Fireship or two. We hear
that certain Advice is received, that Commo dore Edgecumbe, with seven Ships of the Line, is ar- rived at Port- Mahon; where there were five before his Arrival. Several Ships have this Week been taken up by the Navy- Board to serve as Transports, and have Orders to be ready as soon as possible. All the Hop Lofts and better Sort of Barns near Maid- stone are taken for the Reception of a Part of the Hes- sian Troops. We hear the Ground is mark'd out for the Encamp- ment of all the Hanoverians on Hounslow Heath. The old Chapel in the Warren at Woolwich is filled with Bombs, Grape- Shot, Chain and Double headed Shot,
ready to be embarked at a Minute's Warning. The Elizabeth, Sheppard, arrived at Falmouth from Lisbon ; in the Latitude of 45 was brought to by a French Frigate, the Commander ot which demanded a Ransom- Bill of the Master of the Elizabeth, otherwise, said he, I must send your Ship into Bourdeaux, and carry your Men to Quebeck: To which Capt. Sheppard answered that he might carry him to Bourdeaux, or Brest, or where he pleased, but that he could not give a Ransom Bill. Whereupon the French Captain came on board the Eliza- beth and plundered the Cabin of such Things as he thought convenient for him, and so
dismissed her. This Frigate had 400 Soldiers on board, and came out of Bourdeaux, and by all Appearances is bound to Canada. The Eliza- beth was loaded with Salt. Extract of a Letter from on board the Medway Man of War, off Ushant, April 8. " We are now cruizing off this Place, at the Distance of about two Leagues. On the 3d Instant, by the Ad miral's Order, the Rochester Man of War and Swan Sloop were ordered to look into the Harbour of Brest to discover the Strength of the Fleet there ; and upon their Return reported, that there were 18 Sail of sixty Guns and upwards, besides Frigates. We have met with a great
Number of Vessels, three of which, Dutch built, and large, were this Day made Prizes of, being bound for France, laden with Cannon, and other warlike Stores. The whole Fleet is very healthy, in high Spirits, and so disposed along the Coast as to discourage the Enemy from stirring out." On Wednesday Matthew White, Esq; who brought up the Address from Nortnumberland, received the Honour ot Knighthood from his Majesty. The heavy Rains on Tuesday last raised the Waters in the Road at Edmonton in some places eight or nine Feet high. A Bridge in Tuckey,- Street near Enfield was car- ried away. The Enfield, Cheshunt,
and a great many other Stage Coaches and Carriages were obliged to stop all Night at Tottenham and Edmonton. Last Night died the Right Hon. Lord Robert Bentinck, Son of his Grace the Duke ot Portland. Baker, a Post boy, is committed to the New Gaol in Southwark, for wilfully running over and killing a Man in the Parish of St. Mary Newington Butts. On Thursday James Moore, convicted at the Surry Assizes, tor dealing a Bay Mare, was executed at Kenning- ton Common. He was a Lad about 18 Years of Age; but confessed that during these four last Years be had stolen a hundred Horses, and was concerned with two
others in destroyirig the Game, and selling Partridges, Pheasants, & c to Fellows who call themselves Higglers. A melancholy Accident happened last Tuesday at Had- ham, in Hertfordshire, where a Gentleman's Coach and Four was carried away by the Waters ; and a Maid Ser- vant in the Coach, and one Pair of Horses, were lost : The Coachman, and the other Pair, were saved with much Difficulty. Last Monday, about Eight in the Evening, Mrs. Eliza beth Jones, ( eight Months gone with Child) with another Woman, going to the Fountain Tavern in Catherine- Street, in the Strand, to buy some Fish for Supper, on her Return,
about four Doors above the said Tavern, was stopt by five or six Men, one of whom wanted to kiss her, and on her Refusal, gave her a Blow on the Temple on the left Side, which brought a great Effusion of Blood from her Nose: She was led home violently ill, and about twelve o'Clock the same Evening was taken with Fits, and continued so ' till about Four o'Clock next Day, when she expired. Some farther Particulars relating to the Accident at Winchester, mention'd in our last Post : On Monday the 19th an Infant was christen'd ; there were assembled in the Evening about 26 Persons to make merry, when between Ten and
Eleven of the Clock part of the Building and the whole Floor fell in, by which Accident one Man was kill'd one the Spot, and two others are since dead of their Bruises, 14 Persons were sent to the Hospital with broken Arms, Legs, and Thighs, and terrible Bruises; the Infant was found buried in the Rubbish, and the Mother is so hurt that it is thought she cannot recover. A young Wo- man, Daughter of an honest poor Widow, has both Legs, and both Thighs broken in a most terrible Manner, and several others are hurt. The Person, who was mention'd in our last Paper to have thrown himself from the Rocks near the Hot Wells,
Bristol, was one Mr. Phillips, a Gentleman of Fortune, and had always been the Company of People in high Life; he used to be frequently at Tunbridge Wells, as also at Bath, where he had been for several Months past; but was thought to be reduced, and left that Place for fear of be- ing arrested ; went to the Hot Wells, was observed to look melancholy, and seen by two Men in a Boat to come down from the Rocks, and to go a little Way into the Water, went out again upon the Rocks, and paused some Time, on a sudden threw himself down into the River, and tho' no- ways visibly bruised, was soon taken up by the Men, but
was dead. He was carried into the King David near the Hot Wells, and after the Coroner sat on him, was buried in a Cross Road ; there was found in his Pocket some Halfpence only, a Watch, and Silver Buckles in his Shoes and Knees. A few Days since a young Officer, who lodged near Hanover- Street, was murder'd by the Master of the House; the Circumstances of which unhappy Affair ate as follow : That, upon the Master's Return Home from a Club at Marybon, about Eleven o'Clock at Night, he heard the Voice of his Wife in the Officer's Bedchamber, talking with him ; on which, conceiving them criminal, he burst open the
Door, and found ' the Officer and his Wife in Bed together. The Candle being put out by the Wind, caused by the Curtains being suddenly thrown open, the Officer made his Escape in his Shirt towards the Door, but the Husband pursued and overtook him before he got out, and, unhappily having a Knife in his Pocket, in the Excess of his Rage and Passion, ripp'd up his Belly from the Left Side of the Groin to his Naval ; notwith- standing which, the Officer ran upwards of 150 Yards, but then was obliged to support himself against the Rails of a House, where a Chairman seeing him, after putting in his Bowels, which the Officer
held in his Hand, procured As- sistance, and carried him to a Publick Houie, where he died in about two Hours after. The Coroner's Jury hav- I ing sat on the Officer's Body, brought in their Verdict Wilful Murder against the Hufband; who, nevertheless, gives the unhappy deceased Youth a most amiable Cha- racter, and attributed the Cause of this dreadful Cata- strophe wholly to the Wickedness of his Wife, who, in her Account, admits her being in the Officer's Bedcham- ber, but denies any ' Thing criminal passing between them : She says that she hid herself under the Officer's Bed to shield herself from her Husband's
Resentment; but admits that her Stays were off, and in the Officer's Room ; to account for which, she says, that, being new, they were pulled off for Ease only. It is impossible to describe the Agonies of the Husband's Mind; he wander'd all Night in the Fields, and in the Morning voluntarily surrender'd himself to Mr. Fielding and Mr. Welch, and was by them committed to New Prison, from whence he and several other Prisoners have since been remov'd to Newgate, in order to take their Trials at the ensuing Sessions at the Old Bailey. His Wife is at Liberty, and his three Chil- dren are sent to the Parish Workhouse. April 29, 1756.
THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded against Lancelot Jewkes, late ot the City of Worcester, Distiller, intend to meet at the Dwelling- House of George Woodcock, being the Hop Pole Inn, 111 the City of Worcester aforesaid. To morrow se'nnight, being Friday the 7th Day ot May, in order to make a Divi- dend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. HaRPSICHORDS and SPINNETS Are Sold or Hired out, as cheap as in London,
At the TRINITY HALL, in WORCESTER, By JOHN WIND, from Bristola WHO likewise Makes, Mends, and Tunes CHURCH or CHAMBER ORGANS, on the most reasonable Terms. — N B. As a Specimen of his Work, Gentlemen and Ladies may see and prove a Chamber Organ he has just made, with Five Stops in it, which is now at the Trinity- Hall aforesaid. This is to give NOTICE,' THAT there will be a MAIN of COCKS Fought at the House of George Tom- linson, at tlie Swan, in Envil, ( Staffordshire) near Stower- bridge, between the Gentlemen of Shropshire and Stafford- shire, for FIVE GUINEAS a Battle, and ONE HUN DRED GUINEAS the Main: To weigh on Saturday the 29th of May, and fight the Monday and Tuesday fol- lowing. STUBHILL GARDENS, In the Parish of Twyning, in the County of Gloucester, Will be Opened on OLD MAY- DAY, For the Reception of Company; WHERE due Attendance will be given during the Summer Season : And Gentlemen may de- pend on having the best of Wines, neat as they are im-, ported From Lisbon, ' Porto, Bourdeaux, or Champaign ; From Southern Isles, from Italy, or Spain. Gentlemen and Ladies, who are desirous to make Parties of Pleasure to dine there, & c. are desired t0 send their Orders
a Day or two before to, Their humble Servant, J. SNELSON, at the said Garden,. N B. The Gardens are newly transform'd, and de- corated with a great Variety of Foreign Flowering- Shrubs and Flowers; with the Addition of Serpentine Walks, Arbouts, Seats, & c. with a Design to render them a more agreeable Situation for the Entertainment of those Gentlemen and Ladies who are delighted wilh such Rural Scenes; Where feather'd Warblers jocund clap the Wing, And, raptur'd, hail the chearful, welcome Spring; Where flow'ry Sweets perfume the Morning Breeze, That softly whispers thro' young budding Trees ; Where Nature
blooms in Colours all her own, ( Unlike those borrow'd Beauties of the Town ) Where Gardens, Meads, and the secluded Grove, Are bless'd Retreats for Innocence and Love. Let Statesmen plot, Rome's Malice to defeat, And British Heroes curb the Gallick Fleet: Hither, ye Fair! resort, nor dread the War's Alarms For you Britannia'; Sons appear in Arms,
T O The Worthy Burgesses and Electors For the BOROUGH of EVESHAM. GENTLEMEN, THE generous and disinterested Manner in which you have chosen me to represent you in Parliament, the peculiar Marks of Friendship and Esteem which I have lately received at your Hands, lay me under the highest Obligations, and serve to convince me, that a spirited, honest, well intention'd Sett of Men, cannot be imposed upon a second Time. With great Truth I assure you that I have a just Sense of your Favours ; but my Ac tions shall speak my Gratitude : And therefore, to secure a Place in your Esteem, and to render myself not
unworthy , of your Friendship, shall be the conltant Endeavour of, GENTLEMEN, . \ Your most obliged, Most obedient Servant, Grosvenor Square, EDWARD RUDGE. April 25, 1756. WORCESTER INFIRMARY. APRIL 19, 1756. AT a General Quarterly Meeting of the GOVERNORS of this Charity, held this Day, ( by Adjournment) pursuant to Notice given for that Purpose, It was Ordered, THAT Two of the GOVERNORS, residing in this City and Parts contiguous, be desired to attend the Hospital, as Weekly Visitors, ( by alphabetical Rotation) to inspect the Affairs of the House; of which Notice in Writing is to be given to them
every Friday in the preceding Week, that they may meet what Day they fix upon in the following Week : And that a Book be provided, and lye upon the Table in. the Committee Room, for the Visitors to make such Entries and Remarks as they shall think proper. THO. STAPLES, Secretary. ~ To be LETT or SOLD, A Messuage, or Tenement, With a Garden, Soap- House, and Out- Buildings thereunto belonging, Situate at Cripplegate, in the City of Worcester, ( Being Leasehold under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester) Also to be SOLD, Some UTENSILS in the Soap Trade, For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Edward
Roberts, Attorney, or of Mr. Robert Sextie, in the Gaol- Lane, • both of the said City. N. B. The Premisses are very proper for a Soap- Maker, Currier, or Glover. To be LETT, And Enter d upon immediately, A very compleat, extensive, and convenient F A R M, COnsisting of a good Dwelling House, and Outhouses, Meadow, Pasture, and Tillage, in the Manor of Sheriffs Lench, now in the Possession of Mrs. Foote, Lady of the Manor: The Whole beng seven Yard- Lands, with Common of Pasture for two hundred Sheep, twenty Cows, ten Horses, and Plenty of Fuel for the House. Also other Lands to be lett therewith, and the
Crops on the Ground to be sold. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thorneloe, At torney, in Worcester; or of Mr. Thomas Ashfield, Attor- ney, in Evesham. WHEREAS on Monday the 29th Day of March last I was taken up in the Ty thing, adjoining to the City of Worcelter, and committed to the County Gaol, on Suspicion of being a Highway man, and of stealing a Grey Gelding I had with me, which said Gelding I only hired, in November last, of a Person at Chester, and which, since my being taken up has been return'd to the Owner; and whereas it was in- sinuated in the Worceiler Journal of the First of this In- stant April, that I
very nearly answer'd to the Description given of a Person in an Advertisement published in the London Evening Post of the 27th of March last, the Initial and Final Letters only of whose Name were men- tioned ; but knowing myself not to be the Person ment in the said Advertisement, and being conscious no one can justly charge me with robbing on the Highway, Horse- slealing, or any other dishonest Practices, I do hereby, for my own as well as the Publick's Satisfaction, give the following Delcription of myself, viz. That I am about 5 Feet 4 Inches high, with a brown Complexion, wear a brown cut Wig, a brown Coat and
Waistcoat with Sil- ver- plated Buttons in Imitation of Twist, and a Pair of black Everlasting Breeches; and for upwards of three Years last past had been employed as an Agent to Mr. David Caddel, Linnen Merchant, in Down Patrick, in Ireland. Witness my Hand, County Nicholas Fitsimons. N. B. A Silver Watch, No. 645, which I had when taken up, is now in the Hands of the Keeper of the said Gaol, and whoever can lay a better Claim to it than my- self may have it again. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. LISBON, March | 6. WE have receiv'd Advice by a Ship from Para, that an Indian of Distinction came to Rio Negro, the
Place where the Portuguese General is encamp'd, in order to settle Limits with him. This Indian paid Homage to the Ge- neral, and afterwards return'd home under an Escort of 60 Portuguese j but being arrived near his own Habita- tion, he and his People pick'd a Quarrel with the De- tachment, and killed a Corporal and five Soldiers, and the rest with Difficulty got back to the Camp. Madrid, March 30 Sir Benjamin Keene has just had a Conference with Mr. Wall, Secretary of State, concern- ing the Attack which the French threatened to make upon Minorca, and the Hopes his Britannick Majesty conceiv'd that his Enemies would
receive no Assistance in this or any other Enterprize from Spain. At which Mr. Wall gave fresh Assuranccs, that his Catholick Majesty would continue to observe the most exact Neutrality, in respect to the Differences between France and Great Britain. Barcelona, April 4 Just now arriv'd in this Port a Packet- Boat from Mahon, and brings an Account, that eight English Men of War of the Line were in that Har bour. For three Weeks we had no News from thence, occasioned by an Embargo being laid on all Ships in that Island. Aix, in Provence, April 6. Toulon is full of Foreigners who come thither to see the Fleet set Sail; the
Troops are to be all on board this Day. If the Wind be favourable, they will put to Sea on the 9th or 1oth The Men of War will have above 300 Ships along with them, 60 whereof are more than 500 Tons Burden. There will be on board between 30 and 35000 Men including Officers and Sailors, 7 or 800 Women, 1 100 Oxen, 4000 Sheep, 100 Horses, 100 Mules, a prodigious Quantity of Provisions of all Kinds, os well as of Cannon, Ammunition, Sand bags and intrenching Tools. It is said that this Expedition is in- tended against the Island of Minorca ; but the Preparations seem too considerable for that Undertaking only. An Officer
in the Squadron has been arrested at Toulon for holding Correspondence with the Enemy. He is an Irish man, and informed the English with every Thing that was doing in this Port. LONDON From the London Gazette — According to the Advices received at Brussels the 19th Instant from Paris, an Ex press was arrived at Versailles with an Account that the Fleet and the Troops under the Command of the Duke de Richelieu, intended against the Island of Minorca, sailed from Toulon on the 1 2th Instant. Notwithstanding what the French give out, and others apprehend, that the Toulon Squadron is sailed to Mi- norca, yet it is
feared their Report is a Finesse, and that they are really gone to America. Tis supposed by this Time Admiral Byng may be at Port Mahon. Two Fire Ships are certainly gone to join the Fleet at Port- Mahon, and some Men of War now preparing for the Sea, with several Transports. laden with Stores, & C. will sail for the said Place in a few Days. By Letters from Port- Mahon, dated the 2d Instant, we hear that the Islanders had offered the Governor the As- sistance of 4000 Men, which had been accepted of; that with those and the Garrison there were 8000 Men in Arms; that the Islanders in general had an utter Aversion to the
French ; that the Roads leading towards Port Mahon were blown up, in order to obstruct their March thither, and to that End also a strong Battery had been erected on an Eminence; that the Governor was every Way preparing to make a vigorous Defence, and that every Body was in high Spirits ; and also Commodore Edgcumbe was then in the Harbour with a Squadron of Men of War, and that a Boom was laid across the Mouth of the Harbour. Letters from Calais, dated April 13, run thus: " A few Days ago arrived here, to join his Regiment, Mac- pherson. Laird of Cluny in Scotland ; who being attainted for the Part he acted in
the last Rebellion, wander'd about from Place to Place in his own Country, under the con- stant Terror of being apprehended, for the space of nine Years, and getting at length to France, has attended the Court for nine Months [ and in nine Months more may possibly be suspended at Tyburn ] He is now a Halfpay Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment stiled in France Royal Ecossois, which is composed of Scotch and Irish Fugitives, the just Objects of every sensible Frenchman's Contempt and Indignation, whilst they plead Conscience for kindling a War in the Bowels of their native Country, to dethrone a Prince whom they cannot
charge with one illegal Act; and, at the same Time, make no Scruple to defraud a private Man of Sixpence to buy Oatmeal or Potatoes. Advices from the Hague say, that the late Rumour of an Alliance between the Courts of Vienna and Versailles, is entirely groundless. Last Night the Press for Seamen was very smart down the River, and likewise this Morning up the River, where- by a great many useful Hands were obtained for his Ma- jesty's Service. The Camp on Barham Downs will, it is said, consist of 25,000 Men. Numbers of Waggons are purchasing for the Use of the Government in Huntingdon, Essex, and other Coun ties of this Kingdom ; and at Stilton particularly, one Per- son has agreed for seventy ; but so discreetly are our na- tional Affairs conduced, under the present happy Admi- nistration, that no Malecontent takes upon him to grumble at the Expense, nor to guess how they are to be disposed of. ' Tis said the Income of the Dowager Princess will be increased for the Education of the young Princes. His Majesty, since his Removal to Kensington, is much better, and gathers Strength daily. Yesterday being the Birth- Day of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, who enter'd into the 36th Year of his Age, his Royal Highness
received the Com- pliments of the Nobility, & c. On that Occasion. We hear from Waltham- Abby, in Essex, that one Day last Week a good Woman went to Church to return Thanks for her safe Deliverance from the great Pain and Peril of Child- Birth, which Ceremony being perform'd, and the little Sinner also baptised and regenerated, the Mother was join'd in the Bands of Holy Matrimony with as much Expedition as one Ceremony could follow the other. When Parties are agreed, Matters go smoothly on. From Braintree, Feltsted, and other Places in Essex, we hear, that Part of the Country is much affected with fe- verish
Disorders, especially among the poorer Sort, of whom many have died, and it still continues among them. Yesterday the Waters were so much out at Edmonton, that the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor, upon his Re- turn to London from Wimple, thinking it unsafe to pass the same, alighted from his Coach, and, after walking over the Bridge, was carried upon a Man's Shoulders to the Bell Inn BANKRUPTS. John French, of Needham Mar- ket, in Suffolk, Grocer. Robert Carrick, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Merchant. Thomas Cater, of Birming- ham, Brass Founder. John Fry, jun. of Bromley, in Middlesex, Malster. — Geoige Lyster,
of Cawood, in the County of York, Cornfactor. STOCKS. Bank 118 3 8ths. India 142. - South Sea —-. Old Annuities, 91. Ditto New Ann. shut. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 90 7 8ths a 91. India Bonds, 1. 8s a 9s Prem. Lott. Tickets 111. gs. Bristol, April 24. Tuesday Night 30 impressed Men, who were lodg'd in Bridewell, found Means, by the Assistance of a Mason who was one of them, to make their Escape thro' a Hole in the Wall which they had made: One has since been taken, and one surrender'd. Norwich, April 24. Saturday Morning the Communion Cloth and a Velvet Cushion were stolen out of the Cathe- dral Church ;
the same Day a Person who goes by several Names was taken up on Suspicion of the Robbery ; on searching his Lodgings a Common- Prayer- Book was found, * which had been miss'd fome Time, and belongs to one of the Parishioners. For two or three Days he denied the Communion Cloth and Cushion, but at last confessed the Robbery, and that he had buried them under one of the Arches in the City Walls. Portsmouth, April 25. Saturday Evening arrived Ad- miral Boscawen, and has hoisted his Flag on board the Invincible, being ready to sail with the first Wind. AS the Art of DRAWING has always been held in the highst
Esteem, not only as a gen- teel, but as an useful Accomplishment, and of late Years become Part of a polite and ingenious Education, S. GAMIDGE, In the Leech Street, Worcester, beg Leave to acquaint the PUBLIC K. THAT he has lately furnished himself with a large and curious Collection of PRINTS, by the best Masters, \ both English and Foreign, and also with a great Variety of Drawing Books, Landscapes, Water Colours, Camel- Hair Pencils, & c which are ready to be deliver'd to such Gentlemen and Ladies as will favour him with their Com- mands, upon the same reasonable Terms they are sold at in London: — He
also sells all Sorts of BOOKS in Di. vinity, History, Law, Physick, Mathematicks, Poetry, Miscellanies. Novels, Plays, School Books, Bibles, Com- mon Prayers, Spelling Books, Testaments, Psalters, Prim- mers, and Horn Books; Writing Paper, gilt and plain. Shop Books, Pocket Books, Memorandum Books, Letter Cases, Quills, Pens, best Sealing Wax, Round Balls for Gentlemens' Pipes, Wafers, Sand, best Japan and Com- mon Ink, Ivory Leaves, black and red Lead Pencils, Copy Books, best Roman Strings, new Musick, rul'd Paper for Musick, Instructions to Musick and every Thing else in the Bookselling and Stationary
Business; where those who will be so kind as to oblige him with their Commands, may depend on their being observ'd with the utmost Punc- tuality, and the Favour most gratefully acknowledg'd, By their humble Servant, S. GAMIDGE. WORCESTER, April 29. On Friday last came on the Election of a Representative in Parliament for the Borough of Evesham, when Edward Rudge, Esq; was chosen without Opposition, Dr Baylies declining a Poll. A few Evenings ago, as a Person who keeps a Publick House in the Parish of Kidderminster, was returning Home on Horseback, he was attack'd by two Footpad:, at the Woo Brook,
near that Town, one of whom caught hold of the Horle's Bridle ; but the Publican striking the Fellow's Hand with his Whip, he was obliged to quit the Bridle ; whereupon the other Rogue fired a Pistol, and the Publican narrowly escaped being shot as he rode off, the Ball going through the hind Flap of his Hat. Last Saturday se'nnight a substantial penurious Farmer, near Kidderminster, while he was gone to Bewdley Mar- ket, lost upwards of a Hundred Pounds, which, by De- grees, he had scraped together, and, for greater Safety, after making any Addition to his Hord, used to wrap up the Whole together in an old Rag. and throw
it upon the ' Tester ot the Bed, where likewise commonly lay some Nails and other Things often wanted, and which the whole Family occasionally helped themselves to. some of whom, it may be supposed, meeting accidentally with the I Money, thought it their Duty to lodge it in a more secure Place.
London, April 20, 1756. On Saturday the First of May will be published, Price Two Pence, By THOMAS HARRIS, in Ivy Lane, A NEW PAPER, called The TEST ; or, CONSTITUTIONAL JOURNAL. To be continued every Saturday. THE, Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament for Repairing the Roads leading from the Borough of Bewdley hereby give Notice, That they are willing to take up THREE HUNDRED POUNDS, at any Interest not exceeding FOUR POUNDS per Cent. on a Mortgage of the Tolls collected on the Road leading from Bewdley towards Cleobury, Ludlow and Tenbury ; And TWO HUNDRED POUNDS on the
Road lead ing from Bewdley towards the Hundred House. 13" The next Meeting of the Trustees will be at Bewdley, on Tuesday next, the Fourth Day of May, when they will be ready to secure the several Sums of Three Hundred Pounds and Two Hundred Pounds, on a Mort gage of the respective Tolls, to such Person or Persons as shall then attend and agree to lend the same. To be SOLD, A Messuage or Tenement, and Farm, Part FREEHOLD, and Part COPYHOLD, Known by the Name of Elsemere's End, SITUATE in the Parish of Whitboume, in the County of Hereford, consisting of Arable, Meadow. Pasture - Ground,
and Hop - Ground, well Fruited, Wooded, and Watered ; the Buildings in exceeding good Repair, and now lett to a substantial Tenant at the Yearly Rent of Sixty Pounds, Particulars may be had of Mr. Philley, of Worcester. To Cover, this Season, At Half a Guinea a Leap, and a Shilling the Man, NOW in the Hands of Mr. John White, of Knightwick- House, near Knightford- Bridge, in the County of Worcester, A Fine Strong Brown bay STALLION, call'd REWBERRY, Bred near Skipton in Craven, Yorkshire, and is allow'd to be the best Horse in England to get a Chapman's Horse. He is nine Years old, sixteen Hands high, with a
Blaze and three white Feet, is clear of all Blemishes, and was got by Kirby's Horse, which was got by Old Clow Head out of a Stretcher's Mare. Clow- Head was got out of a Mare got by Old Samson, whose Dam was got by Old Cripple, the Performances of which Horse are very well known to most Gentlemen. The said Clow- Head, for several Years, beat all the Horses in Lancashire and York shire, in Hunting, and challenged any Horse in England to hunt for a Thousand Guineas. No Mare will be Cover'd without Ready Money the first Leap. N. B. The above Horse, Rewberry, is as sound and fine as when a Foal, is reckon'd
very lucky in getting Colts, and will Cover at Home only. On the 15th of May will be published, ( Prict Six pence,) To be continued Monthly, THE LITERARY MAGAZINE J O R, UNIVERSAL REGISTER. In which all the Variety of other Magazines, and more in Quantity than in any of them, will be comprised under the following Heads, I. The PARLIAMENTARY HTSTORY of Great- Britain, with the Arguments for and against every important Ques- tion, commencing from the first Meeting of the present Parliament. II. NATURAL HISTORY, in which the Productions or Rarities of our own Islands shall always have the Preference. III.
ARTS, SCIENCES, and MANUFACTURES; under this Article every new Addition or Improvement shall be carefully exhibited. IV. BELLES LETTRES, comprehending short Pieces in every Species of polite Literature. V. POETRY, confining of such Compositions as are esteemed excellent, and will stand the Test of Criticism. VI. REVIEW of BOOKS, in which the strictest Im- partiality shall be observed, and a List of new Publications added. VII HISTORICAL MEMOIRS, being a Recital of the public Transitions of the present Times, so far as they have Con- nexion with those of our own Country, of which they are designed to
furnish Materials for a more regular History. VIII A CHRONOLOGICAL DIARY of memorable Events, commencing from the First of January, 1756. IX DEATHS of eminent Persons at home and abroad, with short Memoirs of their Lives. X. COURT LISTS, containing the Names of the Princes and chief Ministers of the different Nations in Europe, with occa- lional Remarks on their Abilities and political Schemes. LONDON : Printed for the Proprietors, and sold by T CARNAN, in St. Paul's Church Yard, ( to whom all who are inclined to favour or improve this Plan are desired to communicate their Thoughts;) and may likewise be had
of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. This Day was Published. The THIRD EDITION, ^ Price only Two Shillings, neatly bound in Red, Being the cheapest, and more universally approved than any Book of the Kind ever yet published, The Compleat LETTER- WRITER J 0R, New and Polite English Secretary. CONTAINING, DIRECTIONS to write LETTERS on all Occasions, in a polite, easy, and proper Manner ; with a great Variety of Examples, from the best Authors, on Business, Duty, Amusement, Affection, Courtship, Love, Mar- riage, Friendship, & c. To which is prefixed, A plain and compendious ENGLISH
GRAMMAR ; with Instructions how to address Persons of all Ranks, either in Writing or Discourse. And, at the End, Some elegant POETICAL EPISTLES, and necessary Ortho- graphical Directions ; with a Spelling Dictionary of such Words as are alike in Sound, but different in Sense, very useful to the English Scholar. LONDON: Printed for S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater Noster Row ; and sold by S. Gamidge, Bookseller, in Leech Street, Worcester. Dr. ANDERSON'S, or, The Famous SCOTS PILLS, ARE faithfully prepared only by JAMES INGLISH, Son of DAVID INGLISH, deceased, at the
Unicorn, over- against the New Church in the Strand, London; and, to prevent Counterfeits Irom Scotland, as well as in and about London, you are defired to take No- tice, That the True Pills have their Boxes sealed on the Top ( in black Wax) with a Lyon Rampant, and Three Mullets Argent, Dr. Andersons Head betwixt I. I. with his Name round it, and lsabella Inglish underneath the Shield in a Scroll. They are of excellent Use in all Cases where Purging is necessary, and may be taken with Epsom, Tunbridge, or other Medicinal Waters. jQ, To prevent the bad Consequences that too frequently happen by the great Number of
Counterfeits, Mr. Inglish begs Leave to acquaint the Inhabitants of the Towns under mention'd of whom they may have the True Medi- cine. Worcester The Widow Holdship, and Mrs. Wolley, Bookseller, both in High- Street. Worcestershire Mr. Bond, Chandler, in Shipston. Mr. Smith, Apothecary, in Dudley. Mrs. Eliz. Watson, in Bromsgrove. Mr. William Calcot, in Evesham. Shrewsbury Mrs. Anne Stone. Hereford Mr. Wilde, and Mr. Hodges. Gloucester Mr. Harris, Bookseller. Gloucestershire Mr. Cornmell, Flax dresser, Campden. Mrs. Farren, Milliner, in Tewkesbury. Mr. Stevens, in Cirencester. CITY of W0RCESTER. April 15,
17 5 6. HEREAS divers Persons have, of late Years, Fished with unlawful NETS in the Rivers Severn and Team, to the great Destruction of the FRY and SPAWN of FISH ; in order to prevent such Practices for the future, NOTICE is hereby given, THAT all Perfons who shall use, or cause to be used, any unlawful NET, ENGINE, or DEVICE, in the taking and killing of FISH in the Rivers Severn and Team, will be prosecuted as the Law directs And if any Person or Persons will give Information where any unlawful Neis are secreted or kept, so as the same may be seiz'd, taken, and destroy'd. shall be paid ONE GUINEA, by
Messrs. WESTON and SeXTIE, Merchants, in this City. This Day is Publish'd ( Price One Shilling, ) Recommended by several eminent Clergymen, School Masters, and Others, as the most useful Book of the Kind ever yet publish'd, The Universal SPELLING- BOOK : O R, A NEW and EASY GUIDE TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. PART I. four Syllables, six. Noun Sub- Consisting of Tables of Words stantives, Adjectives, and Verbs in one, two, three, and four ( placed Alphabetically under their Syllables j with natural and easy respective Heads) which are ac- Lessons in each, adapted to the | cented and explained for the bet-
Capacity of Children from three | ter instrusting of Truth, and In- Years old and upwards, and yet | formation of such Persons as at fuch as can already read, . would know t! so, that such may receive sensible Instruction thereby : Being diversify'd with a Variety of Lessons both moral and divine, as also Fables and pleasant Stories, in order to im- prove the Mind and the Under- standing. PART II. Contains a very easy and ap- proved Guide to English Gram- mar, by Way of Question and Answer, for the Use of Schools as well as private Persons, and by which a Lad may very soon be- came acquainted with the Know - ledge of
the English- Tongue, with very little Trouble and Ap- plication. PART III. Has a Collection of the most the Meaning of what they read and write j being a ufe- ful Instructor for the School, Shop or Compting- House. PART IV. Contains many useful Things necessary to help the young Be- ginner, and inform the more grown- up Youth, viz. First, a Receipt for good black Ink ; Di- rections for Writing, with a Col- lection of Alphabetical Copies: Also a Variety of Pieces both in Prose and Verse, proper for Breakingss- up } being not only di- verting to the Mind, and im- proving to the Morals, but a great Help to prevent Youth from falling a
Sacrifice to the common Temptations of Life, and their own unguarded Passions. useful Words of two, three, and By DANIEL PENNING, Late School Master of BURES, in Suffolk, and AUTHOR of The Use of the Globes, Practical Arithmetick, & c. LONDON: Printed for S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater Noster Row ; B. Collins, in Salisbury ; and sold by S. Gamidge, Bookfeller, in the Leech- Street, Worcester. This Day are Publish'd, [ Price bound One Shilling, ] LETTERS On the most common, as well as important OCCASIONS in LIFE, by CICERO, LOCKE, POPE, PLINY, LD. LANSDOWNE, GAY,
VOITURE, TEMPLE, SWIFT, BALZAC, DRYDEN, ROWE, ST. EVREMONT, GARTH, And other WRITERS of distinguished Merit; With many Original LETTERS and CARDS, By the EDITOR. Who has also prefixed, A Dissertation on the Epistolary Stile ; with proper Directions for addressing Persons of Rank and Eminence, For the Use of young GENTLEMEN and LADIES. LONDON: Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church Yard-, and sold by the Booksellers in Worcester; R. Raikes, in Gloucester j P. Hedges and J. Wylde, in Hereford-, B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth ; T. Aris, in Birmingham; and by the
Printer and Distributors of this Journal. This Day are Publish'd, In two POCKET VOLUMES, printed on a Writing Pot Paper, and a new Elzevir Letter, [ Price Five Shillings bound, J rhe WORKS of HORACE. Translated literally into ENGLISH Prose. For the Use of those who are desirous of acquiring or recovering a competent Knowledge of the LATIN, from one of the most elegant, entertaining, and useful Writers in that Language. The Original Text is printed in the opposite Page, and revised, corrected, and improved from the best Editions. By C. SMART, A. M. Of Pembroke College, Cambridge. LONDON: Printed for J.
Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church Yard • and sold by the Booksellers in Worcester; R. Raikes, in Gloucester; P. Hodges and J. Wylde, in Hereford-, B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth-, T. Aris, in Birmingham; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. *** Those Subscribers to Mr. Smart's POEMS on several Occasions, that have not yet received their Books, and have mislaid the Receipts for their first Payments, are defired to send written Receipts for the Book to their Booksellers, and it will be delivered. This Day was Published, Number XVI. ( Price only Three Pence) Illustrated with a curious Copper- plate
Cut, beautifully engrav'd, representing a Table, properly set out, of a Dinner in May. The whole to be compleated in 30 Numbers, illustrated with a great Variety of fine Cuts, Of an Entire New Work, entitled BRITISH HOUSEWIFE: Or, The COOK, HOUSEKEEPER'S, and GARDENER'S COMPANION. , Calculated for the Service both of London and the Country, And directing what is necessary to be done in the Providing for, Conducting and Managing a Family, throughout the Year. By Mrs. MARTHA BRADLEY, late of Bath. Being the Result of upwards of Thirty Years Experience. London : Printed for S. Crowder and H
Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater Noster Row; and by S. Ga- midge, in the Leech- Srrect, Worcester ; by whom the Numbers will be delivered Weekly ; and by all Booksel- lers, Printsellers, and News Carriers in Town andCountry. The many valuable Materials which this Work has been favour'd with, in the Course of the Publication, added to the useful Collection of beautiful Copper Plate Cuts with which this Book is illustrated, will, we flatter ourselves, render it the only compleat Performance of the Kind ever yet publish'd. ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at 2j. 6/ each; and Articles of Intelligence (
Post paid) will be receiv'd, and carefully inserted. * ADVERTISEMENTS, & c. are likewife taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookfeller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrtwfbury ; Mr. Hopkinson. Bookseller, in Warwick; Mr. Wylde, Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr. Andrews, Bookleller, in Evesham ) Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Hodges, Booksellers, in Hereford ; Mrs. Moseleyt Bookseller, in Kidderminster ; Mr. Ashmead, Bookfeller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Glouceller ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham ;' at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in
Leominster ; Mr. Barrow, Bookleller, in that Town; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton- in- Marsh ; and by the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Diftribution of this Journal.—— Likewife by Mr. Dod, Bookfeller, in Ave- Mary Lane, London. t<~