Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 22/04/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2438
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL. I Printed at his OFFICE in Goofe- Lane, near the CrofJ Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, April 32, 1756. No2438 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd a MAIL from France. PARIS, April 2. A Few Days ago, whilst the Commissioner of the Quarter was putting his Seal on the Effects of a Woman who died sud- denly in this City, several Letters were f brought by the Post- Man, directed to j^, the Deceased. The Commissioner open'd them, and finding they were written in English, Cent for a Roman Catholick Interpreter, who, after perusing them, told him that a pretended Foreign Lord, who
called himself a Subject of Sweden, and who lodged in the best Apartment of the House, was a Spy who informed the British Ministry of all that passed at Paris. Notice of this Discovery was immediately sent to the Lieutenant General, who committed the Stranger to the Bastile. AMERICA. Extract of a Letter from Barbadoes, Feb 14 On Sunday the 8th Instant, between the H° urs of Seven and Eight in the Evening, a Fire broke out from a Store- House belonging to Joseph Blackman, Esq; near the Middle of Bridge- Town, wherein was a large Quantity of Cotton, landed by proper Orders from a French Ship, brought hither and put
under that Gentleman's Care till further Orders shouId be had concerning the ship and Cargo, The Fire soon increased, burnt that Store- House, and next seized the Dwelling House of Mr. Samuel Nu- sam adjoining thereto; from thence the Flames spread to ihe opposite and adjacent Houses of Mess Haggat, Lampy, Walker, and Codrington Carrington. Esq- » and after wards took their Course Westward to James's Fort, which being consumed, the Fire still increasing, burnt all the Houses down in Crown Alley up to Cheapside : Its Pro gress was then Eastward, burning and raging in a most dreadful Manner on the South of
Broad street toward the high House called the Coffee- House, which being seiz'd, ihe Flames communicated their destructive Influence to the House of Mr Blackman, and that of Richard Hus- bands, Esq; the Secretary, where the publick Recoids were kept; then the House and Stores of General Bar- Wick, Mess. Larry, Black, and some other adjoining Houses, which put the whole Town in Danger of being Consumed to Ashes However, by the Providence of God, a Stop was put to the Rapidity of the Fire, and it abated about Five o'Clock next Morning It is computed that about one hundred and sixty Houses have been burnt,
and ' tis said it was the richest Part of the ToWn We have fince had frequent Alarms; and the People suspect that the Fire was kindled by the Contrivance of some of the French brought in there, as One of the French ships had same Time before been burnt in the Bay. it is, how- ever, a happy Circumstance that the publick Records were Carried away during this general Calamity ; and the Secre- tary says that there is no Loss or Embezzelment of any of them, as they can yet discover. The Loss occasioned by this dreadful Fire is very great, but of which no Compu- tation can yet be made." SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, April 8. We
hear from Barra, that a large Ship from Philadelphia for Ireland, laden with Lintseed and Iron Bars, was lately cast away there : Eighteen Pas- sengers and Sailors, who took to the Long Boat, perished, but the Master and four Hands, who staid by the Ship, are saved. This is the third Wreck this Season of Ships from Philadelphia for Ireland amongst the Highland Isles. We hear from Aberdeen that a Number of Persons have perished on that Coast in the violent Storm of Wlnd on Thursday se'nnight; and likewise several up the Coun- try perished in the Snow. LONDON, Thursday, APRIL 15. 4 A Rumour prevail'd this Morning,
that the French Court has offer'd such Terms of Accommodation as can- not Well be rejected by our Government If those Terms are reasonable and honourable, Peace we be prefer- able to War, but not otherwise. Letters by Yesterday's Mail from France take Notice, that four Soldiers, belonging to the Irish Brigades, got together drinking, and were heard to drink Success to his Majesty King George's Arms ; upon which Information was given, and they were all put under close Confine ment. It is reported that the Queen of Hungary has entered into an Alliance with France, who is to assist her in tak- ing Silesia. ' Tis reported the
Dutch have entered into a Contract with the French to supply them with seventy Transport Ships. This Day the Bill for preventing the Exportation of Salt Petre was signed, which is a most refined Piece of Politicks; for upon some Advices received that the French were endevouring to buy up all that Commodity, Agents were appointed a short Time since by the Government, to purchase in Holland all that could be produced, which was accordingly done, when the French Agents repaired thither upon the same Business, but being disappointed, employ'd Dutch Agents to purchase all they could meet with from the English
Merchants, which Scheme, by the passing of this Act, is render'd totally abortive. This Day the Plate Bill, Victuallers Licence Bill, Bill for laying a further Duty on Cards, and a Number of private Bills, were signed by Virtue of a Commission from his Majesty. Both Houses of Parliament this Day adjourned ' till after the Holidays. It is said his Majesty will remove from St. James's to Kensington, for the Summer Season, on Thursday the 22d Instant. This Morning 38000 Ounces of Silver Coin were ship- ped for Petersbourg. All the Artificers at Woolwich are obliged to work Sun- days and Week Days alike, with the greatest Expedition
possible, in preparing Chain Shot and large Mortars, with many other warlike Stores. His Majesty's Wheelwrights have received Orders to buy up all the Farmer's Waggons they possibly can, there not being Time to make new ones, for some private Ex- pedition < A Draught was made this Day of twenty Men out of every Company in the Foot Guards. We hear that a Battalion of Foot will be posted at So- merset House. A Draught is order'd to- be made from the Train of Artillery, which is thought to be destin'd for Jersey and Guernsey. On the 11th Instant Lord John Murray's and Col. Ot- way's Regiments embarked at Plymouth
for America. We hear from Coventry, that the loyal Corporation of that City, for the more speedy compleating Col. Lamb- ton's Regiment, do freely give two Guineas to every Freeman, and one Guinea to every Inhabitant of that City and County, who shall inlist in the said Regiment within one Month. Since the Prince of Soubize's Arrival at Dunkirk, all the English, and even out- lawed Smugglers, have been ordered to depart that Town ; but they have Leave to reside in other Places of the French Territory distant from it Hence it is to be presumed there is some important Business to be done at Dunkirk, which it behoves the
French Court carefully to conceal Private Letters by Yesterday's French Mail say, that the Government has taken up 150 Tartans at Marseilles for the King's Service. We hear that four Ships of the Line are to be sent to destroy some Batteries which the French have erected at Cherburgh.-—[ Cherburgh is a Sea- Port Town in Nor- mandy, situated on a Bay of the English Channel, and opposite to Hampshire in England J It is said that the Harbour of Cherburgh is so close blocked up by four Men of War, that the Transports, & c. cannot possibly get out ; that Orders hive been dis- patch'd for Bombarding the Forts at the Mouth of
that Harbour; and that a Fire- Ship will do some Part of the Execution there. From the 2d of October to the 12th of last Month, 20 French Vessels have been carried into Gibraltar by his Majesty's Ships of War: Their Tonnage amounts to 484;, Guns 162, and Men 56;. Letters received Yesterday from St. Christopher's men- tion, that the Men of War under the Command of Com- modore Frankland have sent in there two French Ships homeward bound from Martinico, laden with Sugar, Cof- fee and Cotton, two Sloops and two Schooners from Mar- tinico for Eustatia, and a Schooner with Provisions from Eustatia for Martinico. The
Sieur Fernandez, Merchant at Bourdeaux, has found out a Secret to preserve Flesh Meats without Salt. This Discovery is of great Importance, especially to Na- vigators, as Salt Meats produce many Distempers among seafaring Men. The Count de St. Florentin, Minister and Secretary of State for the Department of Guyenne, has caused feveral Trials to be made of the Meats pre- pared by the Sieur Fernandez in Presence of some Mem- bers of the Academy of Sciences, and they all proved very sound and wholesome, though some of them had been kept five Months. Meats thus preserved will cost but little more than those
cured with Salt. Tuesday his Royal Highness Prince Edward was con- firmed at the Chapel Royal, St. James's. This Day, at a Wardmote held at the School- House of St. Mary- Axe, Robert Kite, Esq; Citizen and Skinner, was, without Opposition, elected Alderman of Lime Street Ward, in the room of John Porter, Esq; deceased. Last Week the late Earl of Fitzwalter's House in Pall- Mall was sold by Auction for 6200 I. to Mr Phillips, an eminent Builder ; and the late Hon Bryan Fairfax's House in Saville- Row was sold by Auction for 3900 1 to the Right Hon. the Countess of Burlington. It is said, that at the last Sale of Teas at the
East- India House, the worst Sort sold for Six pence a Pound more than the better sort the Week before, and the the whole amount of the two Sales was upwards of a Million Sterling. We hear that the Master Coachmen of some Machines on the Western Road, are under Prosecution of several Gentlemen who were their Passengers, for stopping so often and so long on the Road, to dispose of Fish, & c which they take from London, { instead of making that Expe- dition which they undertake to do) to the great Injury of their Passengers. Our Correspondent at Exeter acquaints us, that there is in the Possession of Mr. Tucker, of
Down St. Mary, about eight Miles from that City, a Hog, the Circumference of which behind the Shoulders is six Feet and an Inch, from the Tip of the Nose to the End of the Tail is ten Feet and an Inch, he is four Feet five Inches high, and is sup- posed capable of drawing eight hundred Weight A few Days since a Woman, near Oxford Road, was sold by her Husband to another Man for a Leg of Mutton, & c. with whom she cohabited three or four Days, but being too lavish in bestowing invigorating Medicines on her new Spouse, he expired without sufficiently satisfying her Curiosity and Inclination. Last Monday Evening as three
Officers belonging to a Regiment quartered in Kent, were coming from Dart- ford in two Post- Chaises, the Driver of that in which two of them were, not going so fast as they imagin'd he might, they both got out, and, being in Liquor, one of them beat him with a Whip, and the other ran him thro' the Body, so that the poor Fellow died immediately. They were in a few Minutes seiz'd by a Butcher who Was com- ing by, carried to Greenwich, and confined all Night in the Cage, and the next Day committed to the County Ga0l. The Coroner's Inquest have since sat on the Body of the Boy, and brought in their VerdiCt Wilful Murder. The
Fact was done on Black Heath The two Officers belong to Lord Charles Hay's Regiment, and one 0f ' em is Heir to six Hundred Pounds a Year Forfar, the Life Guardman, taken up for treasonable Correspondence, is discharged out of the Second Troop ot Life- Guards, and delivered over to the Civil Power. Yesterday se'nnight a Man and his Wife who had taken a House on the Backside of Litchfield Street, Birmingham, were both found dead. They had burnt Cokes to Warm the Room, and were supposed to be suffocated, there be- ing no Draught in the Chimney to Carry off the smoke. Their Bodies were open'd, and the
Coroner's Jury brought in their Verdict Suffocation. The Sloop Charming Elizabeth, Artim, from London, is cut off by the Negroes on the Coast of Guiney, and the Captain killed. It is remarkable, that a few Days before Sir Robert Cornewall's Illness, he prophecied that he should soon be taken ill, and that his Cousin the General, [ see an Ac- count of their Deaths in 0ur last paper], and another Gen- tleman of his Acquaintance would also be taken ill, at the same Time, and that they should all die within a short Space of each other. The General was accoroingly taken ill as Sir Robert had predicted, and, not knowing the Baronet
was so, or what he had said concerning their Ill- ness and Death, told his Friend to the same Purport. The Gentleman their Friend was taken ill when they were, but is recovered. The Baronet died on Sunday Night, was put into a Lead Coffin on Monday, and carried out of Town on Tuesday Morning. DEATH ( says an old Writer) is honourable, advantageous, and necessary : Honour- able in old Men to make Way for young ones : . advantageous to those that get Legacies by it : And necessary for married People that have no other Delivery. It was observed that the Chariot of a Gentleman of Fortune waited at a certain eminent
Chocolate- House from last Wednesday Evening till the Friday Noon follow- ing, when it drove away with a new Master, the old one being by the Turn of a Die turn'd out of it, and obliged to walk Home, as he could not spare a Shilling for a Chair.
SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd a MAIL from Holland. COPENHAGEN, April 5. SIX of our Sea Officers have obtained Permission to go and serve in the French Navy, so long as the War may last between England and France. Genoa, March 23 The Master of an English Vessel, arrived from Tunis, reports, that they are so intent upon the War with the Algerines, that they fit out no Vessels for Cruizes; and that the Son of the Bey of Tu- nis, who ranges about with a flying Camp, had cut in Pieces a Detachment of Algerines, and sent to Tunis the Heads of the principal Officers of it, as Trophies of his Victory. Leghorn,
March 2;. The last Letters from Corsica im- port, that Paoli, General of the Malecontents of that Island, skilfully improving two considerable Advantages he lately gain'd over the Republick's Troops, has march'd up to Bastia, and blocks up that City so closely on the Land Side, that it is with great Difficulty the Inhabitants Can procure Provisions from the Country. . Dunkirk, April 6. The Prince de Soubise is assembling the Troops that are to encamp in this Neighbourhood. We hear that all the East Indiamen' are to be converted into Men of War, for the King's Service. On the 28th ult. a great Convoy set out from Douay for Cambray.
Such large Quantities of Corn have been amassed in French Flanders, that the Magazines could not hold them. ' The Overplus it placed in Convents and private Houses. Amsterdam, April I 2. We learn from Petersburgh that the Court of Russia has prohibited the Exportation of all Kinds of Timber from the Port of Narva. PLANTATION NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Virginia, dated Feb. 8. " We are at present fitting out an Expedition against the Shawnese Indians. Four Companies are already on their March, who are to be join'd by about two hundred Cherokees, a Nation in Alliance with us. They are to proceed to the Enemy's
chief Town, and to spare neither Age nor Sex, as this is the Nation that committed such Barbarity on our Frontiers last Summer. " Our Advices from New York are very agreeable. They write that Generals Johnson and Shirley, between whom there is a very good Understanding, are at the Head of ten thousand Men, resolved to attack Crown- Point by the End of April or Beginning of May. And Governor Sharp, of Maryland, is to proceed with one thousand Men trom Philadelphia, one thousand from his own Government, Washington's Regiment of one thou- sand from Virginia, and one thousand Cherokee Indians, against Fort
Dushen. " By the last Gazette from Philadelphia there is an Account of seventy eight People being killed at a Place called Ninisinks, and fourteen Plantations burnt by the Delawar Indians, who live in the New York Government. The Government of Philadelphia has offered a Reward of three hundred and fifty Dollars for each of the Officer's Heads." COUNTRY NEWS. . Chatham, April 16. We hear from Sevenoakes, that a Farmer of that Place had given Leave to the Soldiers to cut the Turnip Tops, which were growing in a large Field of his for some Time past; but having Occasion to turn some Sheep into that Field he gave
Notice, and de sir'd them to cut no more, and order'd a Man Servant to look out ; however, two Soldiers came to cut the Tops as usual, and on the Servant's endeavouring to hinder them, one of them wounded him with a Bayonet, and otherwise so beat and abus'd him that he died in two Days afterwards. On Wednesday and Thursday Nights there was as hot a Press on the River below Bridge, and in Wapping, Ro- therhithe, & c. as has been known for some Time past, whereby a great Number of useful Hands were procured for his Majesty's Service. Next Week a great Quantity of Chain and other Shot, together with other
warlike Stores and Bombs, & c. will be embarked in the River. Their Destination is a pro- found Secret. Yesterday 13 press'd Men were brought from Hunting- donshire, guarded by a Party of Lord Robert Manner's Regiment, to the Savoy ; two of whom cut off their Fore Fingers, in order to make themselves incapable of Ser- vice. The Camp on Barham Downs will, we hear, be formed the first Week in May. Thursday being Maundy Thursday, the Charity of his Majesty was distributed at the Banquetting House, White hall, to as many old Men and Women as his Majesty is Years of Age, viz. Cloth, Linnen, Woollen, Shoes, and 72
new Shillings, 24 Herrings, two Cod Fish, two Sal- mon, Bread, ic. in Commemoration of our Saviour's washing his Disciples' Feet before his Crucifixion ; the Lord Almoner performed the Ceremony. After Divine Service the Partakers of this Charity were entertained in the Banquetting Housfe, and each received a Wooden Bowl of Wine to drink his Majesty's Health. Dr. Pearce, Bishop of Bangor, is recommended by his Majesty to the Dean and Chapter of Rochester to be chosen Bishop of that See. And the King has been pleased to grant to the said Bithop ot Bangor the Deanry ot St. Peter, Westminster, void by the Death of the
late Bishop of Rochester. London Gazette The Rev. Richard Strange, B. A. is presented to the Rectory of Land- Wey, in the County and Diocese of Hereford. The Rev. Mr. Richard Morgan, of Magdalen College,: Cambridge, is admitted and instituted to the Vicarage of the Parish Church of Cherbury'. in the County of Salop nd Diocese of Hertford, vacant by the Death of the Rev. Thomas Edwards, the last Incumbent. Thursday se'nnight died, at Hopetoun- House in Scot land, the Right Hon. the Countess of Drumlanrig Thursday Night died, at his House at Whiteball, Sir William Lowther, Bart. Knight of the Shire for the County of
Cumberland, and Lieutenant and Cultos Rotu lorum of the County of Westmoreland : By whose Death an Estate of Fourteen Thousand Pounds per Annum comes to Sir James Lowther, of Lowther in Westmoreland Bart pursuant to the Will of the late Sir James Lowther, Bart. The present Sir James having also the late Lord Lonsdale's Estate, is esteem'd the wealthiest Man in the three King doms. He is a very compleat Gentleman, near of Age. Some Time tince E s P , Esq; threw himself from the high Rock at Bristol, and dashed him self in Pieces. On Tuesday last, at Milton in Buckinghamlsire, near Newport Pagnell, about
Eleven in the Forenoon, a tum- bling Noise, like Thunder at a Distance, was heard at the Bottom of that Town near the Pond, where a Man and his Wife went out of Doors, and perceived the Tops of the Willows to shake, and heard ; an Hissing in the Pond, as if Ball of red hot Iron had been thrown into it, from which there arose a Smoak, and the Water seem'd to boil, throwing up Waves seven or eight Feet high: And at near the same Time the like Agitation was perceived in the Pond leading to Broughton, by a Person who was at work hard by. Our Correspondant says he was not an Eye witness of either of these Commotions,
but that he heard an uncommon Noise about that Time ; that he had made Enquiry, and had n0 Reason to doubt the Truth of the Fact, though no Tremor of the Earth was then per- ceived. LONDON, Saturday, APRIL 17. On Thursday Seventy- two Bills, publick and private, were signed at the House of Lords, by Virtue of his Ma- jesty's Commission. We hear that an additional Duty will soon be laid on Lead. A Prohibition is laid on the Exportation not only of Saltpetre, but Gunpowder, Stores, Ammunition, and all warlike Materials, to Foreign Parts, and even Coastwise in Great Britain, except what is for the Seivice of the
Government. The Days fixed for the Embarkation of the Hessian Troops are the 26th, 27th, and 28th of April ; for the Hanoverians are the 14th, 15th, and 16th of May. The Reports concerning Peace, we are informed have very little Foundation ; Terms of Accommodation being as little known now as they were six Months since. The Express that arrived last Monday from Admiral Hawke, brought Advice, that the Admiral was cruizing with his Squadron off the Harbour of Brest, and had dis- posed of his Ships in such a Manner, that nothing could go in or out without his Knowledge ; and that a few Days before the Departure of the
Express, several French Men of War and Transports weigh'd Anchor, and were pre- paring to come out, but, upon observing the English Fleet, thought proper to return. It is reported, that an Embargo will be laid on all fo- reign Ships loading at Shields or Newcastle with Coals. We learn from unquestionable Intelligence that the Dutch have furnished the French at Dunkirk with Dog- gers, Galliot- hoys, and other Vessels, for their intended lnvasion — Should the French invade these Kingdoms thus assisted, it is hoped, by every Well- wisher to our pre- sent happy Establishment, that the Property of Hollanders in out publick Funds
will be confiscated for the Benefit of the Nation, as a just and equitable Chastisement for so signal a Perfidy. CITY of WORCESTER. April 21, 1756. WHEREAS Complaint hath been made to the Magistrates of this City, That di- vers Higlers, Carriers, Hucksters, and other Persons, do Forestall the Markets of the said City, by buying up Pro- visions as they are bringing to Market; and likewise In. gross and Regrate Hens, Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Pigeons, Fish, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Afparagus, Colliflowers, and other Provisions brought to the said Market for Apply- ing the Inhabitants of the said City, and sell the same again in
the same Markets, contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, whereby the Price of the said Commodities is very much enhanced, to the great Detri- ment of the Citizens in general; To put a Stop therefore to these illegal Practices, the said Magiltrates do hereby give Notice, ' That the Laws will be put in Force against all Persons offending in any of the Kinds aforesaid; and that if any Person will give Information against those that are guilty of the said Practices, so as he, the, or they be convicted thereof, such Person or Persons shall be hand- somely rewarded for their Care and Trouble. And to the End that no Persons
may plead Ignorance of the Nature of the above Offences, or the Penalties in- curred thereby, it's thought proper to subjoin the follow- ing Abstract of the Statute made for describing and re- medying the Mischiefs complained of: Whatsoever Person shall buy, or cause to be bought, any Merchandize, Victual, or any other Thing com- ing by Land, or by Water, towards any Market or Fair to be sold in the same; or make any Bargain, Contract, or Promise for the having or buying of the same, or any Part thereof, before it shall be in the Mar- ket or Fair ready to be sold ; or shall make any Mo- tion by Word, Letter, Message, or
otherwise, for enhancing the Price, or dearer selling of any Thing above mentioned ; , or disswade or move any Person com- ing to any Fair or Market, to abstain or forbear to bring any of the Things aforesaid to any Market or Fair, shall be adjudged to be a Forestaller. " Whatsoever Person shall, by any Means, regrate, ob- tain, or get into his Hands or Possession, in a Fair or Market, any Corn, Fish, Butter, Cheese, Pigs, Geese, Capons, Hens, Chickens, Pigeons, Conies, or other dead Victual whatsoever, that shall be brought to any Fair or Market to be sold, and do sell the same again in any Fair or Market holden in the same
Place, or within 4. Mile; thereof, shall be deemed a Regrator. " And whatsoever Person shall ingross or get into his Hands, by buying, contracting, or promise taking ( other than by Demise, Grant, or Lease of Land, or Tythe) any Corn growing in the Fields, or any ether Corn or Grain, Butter, Cheese, Fish, or other dead Victuals whatsoever, to the Intent to sell the same again, shall be deemed an unlawful Ingrosser. " Any Person offending in any of the Things aforesaid, and being thereof convicted, shall, for the First Offence, suffer two Mouths Imprisonment, and forfeit the Value of the Goods, Cattle, and Victual so bought or
had;— 1 For the Second Offence, shall suffer Imprisonment by the Space of One Half Year, without Bail or Mainprize, ' and loose double the Value of all the Goods, Cattle, and ' Victual, so had or bought ;— And for the Third Offence 1 shall be set on the Pillory, in the City, Town, or place ' where he shall then dwell, and forfeit all his Goods and Chattels, and be committed to Prison, there to remain during the King's Pleasure. THO. LANE, MAYOR of the said City, and Clerk of the Markets. We are assur'd that the following is an authentick Ac- count ot the unhappy Murder of Mr. Martin Yesterday se'nnight, about Eleven at Night,
J. Ogle, Esq; Captain of Dragoons 011 the Irish Establishment, came into Mr. Martin's House, and told him that he was lock'd out of his Lodgings, and must therefore sit up there that Night. Mr. Martin said that he wished he could have accommo- dated him with a Bed, but as he could not, if he pleased, he would sit up with him. They drank but three Pints of Wine between that and Four o'Clock, when they went to sleep, and were awaken'd about Seven by the Poker fall ing out of the Fire, when the Captain said he would go Home. On Mr. Martin's telling him there were three Piuts of Wine to pay for, he drew his Cuteau
unperceiv'd by Mr. Martin, who was behind him, and sinking it un der his Left Arm, stabb'd him in the Bowels, and doing the same twice over his Shoulder wounded him in the Temple and Neck. Mr. Martin crying out Murder ! the Captain was secur'd, ana being carried before the Justice, was ask'd by him. How he could commit so shocking an Action ? to which he answer'd. That there were Two others in Company, one a Tall Black Gentleman, who did it : On which he was taken back to the House, and con ducted to Mr. Martin's Bed- Side, who being informed of what the Captain told the Justice, declar'd, on the Word of a dying
Man, That there were only the Captain and himself together all the Night, and that he had given him the Wound ; whereupon the Juttice committed him to Gaol. The Coroner brought in his Verdict Wilful Murder by a Lunatick ; and a Commission of Lunacy has since been taken out against him. His Behaviour to a Noble Lord at the Opera, to a Gentleman of Distinction at the Assembly at Mount's Coffee- House, & c. & c within a Month past, prove he was Non Compos, and reflects on his Friends for permitting him to go arm'd, by which he has made a miserable Widow, ( who is big with Child) and seven young Children Orphans.
WHEREAS it has been reported, that I, JAMES KETTILBY, sen. of Bewdley, in Worcestershire, have resign'd all Right, Title, or Claim, as Heir at Law to Stepple Hall, and the Estate thereunto belonging ; I do hereby publish and declare, That the said Report is entirety false, for 1 have proved my Hereditary Right by Registers, & c. therefore Ido and shall proceed for the Recovery of the said Estate according to the Laws of this Realm. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon immediately, A very compleat, extensive, and convenient F A R M, COnsisting of a good Dwelling House, and Outhouses, Meadow, Pasture, and Tillage, in the
Manor of Sheriffs- Lench, now in the Possession of Mrs. Foote, Lady of the Manor: The Whole Long seven Yard- Lands, with Common of Pasture for two hundred Sheep, twenty Cows, ten Horses, and Plenty of Fuel for the House. Also other Lands to be lett therewith, and the Crops on the Ground to be sold. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thorneloe, At- torney, in Worcester ; Or of Mr. Thomas Ashfield, Attor- ney, in Evesham. ELIZABETH TOMES Who kept the OLD KING'S ARMS and SWAN, in High- Street, at Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, Is Removed to a more Commodious INN, call'd THE GOLDEN LYON, [ In
the said TOWN, ] Where her former Customers, as well as other Gentlemen, Travellers, & c who shall be pleased to favour her with their Company, may depend on meeting with good Accommodations, and the utmost Civility, from Their most obedient humble Servant, Elizabeth Tomes.
' 1 T O The Worthy Burgesses and Electors for the BOROUGH of EVESHAM. THE Death of Alderman Porter, one of your Representatives, having made vacant his Seat in PARLIAMENT, I take the Liberty of renewing the Tender of my Services to this ANTIENT and LOYAL BOROUGH : And You may be assur'd that I will never be wanting in Gratitude to my Friends, or in' my Endeavours- to promote the INTEREST and WELFARE; of the BOROUGH. Upon these Principles, I intreat the Favour of Your VOTF and INTEREST, and am, GENTLEMEN, Your most faithful humble Servant, EVESHAM EDWARD RUDGE. April 2o,
1756. N. B. The Election will begin on Friday the 23d Inst. WORCESTER INFIRMARY. APRIL 19, 1756. AT a General Quarterly Meeting of the GOVERNORS of this Charity, held this Day, ( by Adjournment) pursuant to Notice given for that Purpose, . It uas Ordered, ' THAT Two of the GOVERNORS, residing in this City and Parts contiguous, be desired to attend the Hospital, as Weekly Visitors, ( by alphabetical Rotation) to inspect the Affairs of the House ; of which Notice in Writing is to be given to them every Friday in the preceding Week, that they may meet what Day they fix upon in the following Week: And that a Book be
provided, and lye upon the table in the Committee- Room, for the Visitors to make such Entries and Remarks as they shall think proper. THO. STAPLES, Secretary- To be LETT, or SOLd, And Enter'd upon immediately, A FREEHOLD Messuage, or Tenement, In Tidmington, in the County of Worcester, one Mile from Shipston- upon- Stower, WITH a Garden and Orchard behind the same, adjoining to the River Stower ; well situated for carrying on the Business of a Tanner, Fellmonger, or Malting, and adjoining to the London Road from Shipston: Together with a Close of Meadow or Pasture, lying near the said Messuage. The
Whole of about the yearly Value of Nine Pounds. For further Particulars enquire of John Edkins, in Shipston aforesaid. DESERTED, FROM His Majesty's Sixtieth Regi- ment of Foot, commanded by Robert Anstruther, Esq; now quartered at Hereford, WILLIAM YOUNG, five Feet nine Inches and three Quarters high, 33 Years old, of a black Complexion, black curling Hair, dark- grey Eyes, and a large Cut in his Forehead ; by Calling a Husbandman, born at Little Bathurst, in Cheshire, en listed at Evesham in Worcestershire, by Lieut. Baudin, the 25th Day of March last, and deserted from the Head Quar- ters of the Regiment at
Hereford, the 14th Day of this inst April, having on, when he went away, an old white coarse surtout Coat, and his Regimental Waistcoat and Breeches, with a black Velvet Stock about his Neck : He is remark- ably strong made, has a lowring down cast Look, and very near the countenance of a Mulatto. Whoever apprehends the said Deserter, and secures him in any of His Majesty's Gaols in Great Britain, so that he may be brought to Justice, as a perjured Defrauder ot the Publick, his Colonel, and his Officers, shall receive, from the Commanding Officer of the said Regiment, at Hereford, or from Mr. Henry Bullock, the Agent,
in Pall- Mall, One Guinea, over and above the twenty Shil lings allow'd by Act of Parliament. N. B. He stutters in his Speech, and has been used to associate with a Company of Gypsies. To Cover, this Season, At Half a Guinea a Leap, and a Shilling the Man, NO W in the Hands of Mr. John White, of Knightwick- House, near Knightford- Bridge, in the County of Worcester, A Fine Strong Brown- bay STALLION, call'd REWBERRY, Bred near Skipton in Craven, Yorkshire, and is allow'd to be the best Horse in England to get a Chapman's Horse. He is nine Years old, sixteen Hands high, with a Blaze anji three white feet, is clear of
all Blemishes, and was got by Kirby's Horse, which was got by Old Clow Head out of a Stretcher's Mare.— Clow Head was got out of a Mare got by Old Samson, whose Dam was got by Old Cripple, the Performances of which Horse are very well known to most Gentlemen. The said Clow- Head, for several Years, beat all the Horses in Lancashire and York- shire, in Hunting, and challenged any Horse in England to hunt for a Thousand Guineas. %• No Mare will be Cover'd without Ready Money the first Leap. N. B. The above Horse. Rewberry, is as sound and fine as when a Foal, is reckon'd very lucky in getting Colts, and will
Cover at Home only. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. LONDON, Tuesday, APRIL 20. Admiralty Office, April 20. HIS Majesty's Ship the Orford arriv'd at Plymouth the 16th Instant, being sent in by Sir Edward Hawke with two French Ships taken off Cape Ortegal by the Newcastle, one of them of 14 Guns and 57 Men, and having 183 Soldiers on board, bound to Cape Breton ; the other a Schooner, bound to Quebec, with Wine, Musket Balls, and Flour. Lond Gaz This Day's Holland Mail brings Advice, that the Body of Troops to be embark'd on board the Squadron at Tou lon ( which will put to Sea in a few Days) amounts to
near Twenty Thousand Men : And add, that, according to the last Letters from Brest, a small Squadron was to sail likewise in a few Days from that Port, on a secret Expe- dition : And further, that the grand Squadron under the Marquis de Conflans was to have been ready to put to Sea before the 20th Instant. A Letter from a Gentleman at Paris to his correspon dent here, after observing in what Perplexity that Govern- ment is, concludes, " Sad State of Matters, when we dare " not ask for Peace, nor offer War " We hear that Admiral Boscawen, with eight Ships of the Line, four Frigates, and several Transport vessels, will sail, in
a few Days for the American Seas. It is rumour'd that the French Fish Prizes are order'd to be sunk at the Mouths of the following Harbours, viz Boulogne, Brest, Rochelle, and Cherburgh. Our Advices from Carolina say, that by their Accounts from Jamaica his Majesty's Ships had sent in there 23 French Vessels, four of them Guiney Men, and two others richly laden, with Sugars, Indigo, Cocoa, Cash, & c. We hear, from good Authority, that it being conceiv'd by our Government that our Allies the Dutch, are not acting agreeable to Treaties enter'd into with us, has occa sion'd some Remonstrances upon that Subject. The great
Zeal of the Nobility and Gentry for his Ma jesty's Service having almost compleated the Corps for which impressed Men were intended, publick Notice has been given in the London Gazette, that his Majesty is gracioully pleased to suspend and stop the further Execu tion of the Act for the speedy and effectual Recruiting his Land Forces ami Marines, from and after the first Day of May next. The Commissioners of the Stamp Duties have given Notice, that from and after the 18th Instant no Licence is to be granted for selling Ale or Beer, without being first stamped with the Additional Duty ot Twenty Shillings : And that from and
after the 15th, every Person who shall sell any Playing Cards not being inclosed in Paper and Thread, stamp'd and mark'd as the Law directs, is to forteit Twenty Pounds for every Pack so sold, or exposed to Sale, one Half to the Informer, with full Costs of Suit. By the Act for laying a Duty on Plate, which is Five Shillings for every Hundred Ounces as far as four Thou sand, all Persons within the District of the cheif Office of Excise in London, are to enter their Plate at that Office, and all other Persons at the next Office to where they live, and at the same Time to pay the Duty ; and to pay every Year within thirty Days after the
Commencement of the Year. The first Entry to be made within thirty Days after the 5th of July next, under Penalty of 10 I. half to the Informer ; to be determined in London before the Commissioners of Excise, or in any Court of Record, with Liberty of Appeal trom the Commissiorners of Excise to those of Appeal, and all other Places in England by two Justices of the Peace, with- Appeal to the Quarter Sessions. The Forfeitures are to be levied by Distress 0n Goods, out it no Goods are found, then the Person to be committed to Gaol till the Money is paid. No Notice or Entry is necessary for any new Acquisition of Plate within the
Year. Persons receiving Plate in Pawn, without using it, are not liable to pay the Duty, but the Owners thereof are Church Plate not to pay the Duty ; nor the Stock in Trade of any Goldsmith or Manufacturer of Plate, ex cept for what shall be used by him, or in his Family. The Archbishop of Canterbury continues, we hear, dan gerously ill. It is said for certain, that Dr. Egerton, Dean of Here ford, willslucceed Dr. Pearce in the See of Bangor. Thursday Morning, about Three o'Clock, as the Cook at the Shakespear's Head, Covent- Garden, was endea vouring to part two young Officers who had drawn their Swords at each other, was
run through the Body by one of them so desperately, that it's feared his Wound wil prove mortal. *** That Cruelty and Cowardice are generally insepa- rable, has been verified in the Circumstances of the Mur- der committed by two Officers of the Army on the Driver of a Post Chaise, mention'd in the First Page: From the Particulars we have since collected, it appears that they were both in Liquor, and pricked the Horses with their Swords to make them go faster, on which the Post Chaise Driver desired them not to be so cruel, and then one of them knock'd him down, and, as he lay under the Horse's Feet, the other ran him
through the Body with so much Violence, that his Sword stuck in the Ground and the two inhuman Monsters even beat and slash'd him after he had received his Death- Wound. In the mean while the Driver of another Post Chaiae, which was a lit tie a- head of them, alighted in order to save his Comrade ( as they both belonged to the same Master) and had doubtless been served in the same Manner, had he not been a stout sturdy Fellow, and kept them at Bay with his Whip ; for it seems these Sons of Mars could not fight when they met with any Resistance. A Man that was hedging at a little Distance, and saw the tragical Af fair, came up next, arm'd with his Bill, and set upon one of the Captains, swearing he would cleave him down if he did not instantly deliver up his Sword, which the Of- ficer readily complied with, and so was secured, while the other ran away : But a Butcher riding by at that Instant, the gallant Hedger gave his Prisoner in Charge to him, and ran after the other Captain, whom he overtook and disarm'd in like Manner. And now let us inform our Readers of the Occasion of this barbarous Deed.— These Officers were recruiting at Gravesend, and, after spending some Days there, long'd to see a Play : Accordingly they took a Post
Chaise for this important Business; but fearing they should not be at the Play- House Time enough, at the Rate the Post Boy drove, in their Rage and Fury for so material a Disappointment, they committed this shock- ingly barbarous and cowardly Act. One is but nineteen Years old. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Williams, of Haverford- west, Watchmaker. Nicholas Rooks, of Norwich, Carpenter and Timber- Merchant Mitford Flower, of Sunderland, in the County of Durham, Merchant. James Weekes, other wise Weeks, of Ottery Saint Mary, in the County of Devon, Serge maker and Mercer.—— Isaac Parker, of Drury- Lane, in the
Parish of Saint Cle- ment Danes, Middlesex, Hosier. S TOCKS. Bank . India shut. South Sea Old Annuities, shut. Ditto New Ann ( hut. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 90 1 half, a 5 8ths India Bonds, 11. 8s a 9s Prem. Lott Tickets il. 9s 6d. Prem. Dublin, April 13 Last Sunday the Romish Clergy of this City gave Notice to their Congregations, from the Altars, that for the future many Holidays are to be abo- lished in this Kingdom, the same having been lately done in Italy, Germmy, and other Popish Countries, to the great Benefit and Advantage of the Inhabitants. WORCESTER, April 22. On Saturday next will be held our Second
Spring- Fair. The Election of a Representative for the Borough of Evesham will come on To morrow Stubhill Gardens, in the Parish of Twyning, in the County of Gloucelter, will be open'd on Old May- Day, for the ensuing Summer Season, where the greatest Pre- parations are making for the Reception and genteel Ac- commodation of Company. From the great Encouragement all Dealers in Cattle, Sec. have met with at the Fairs at Alvechurch, in this County, there is the greatest Expectation of a vast Meet- ing at the next Fair, which will be held on Monday the 3d of May. On the 2d Inst. about Noon, Mr Mountford, of Dog- t
Croft, in Staffordshire, was robb'd on the Highway by two Men, who took from him 75 Pounds in Money, as also his Pocket Book, whicn contain'd the Land Tax and Win- dow Assessments for the Parish of Norton in the Moores, and two Receipts for the Payment of the said Taxes for that Parish, due at Midsummer last. On Thursday John Stibbs, a Farmer, of Alvechurch, was taken up at Camp Hill, near Birmingham, for having in his Team that he was then driving, a Horse that he had disguised by cutting off his Tail, and stolen the Tues- day Night before, from Mr. Lea, of Beoly, for which he is committed to Warwick Gaol. He
had two other Horses in his Team that were stolen, which have been own'd. On Saturday Samuel Edwards, who was convicted for robbing Mr Phillips, the Stowerbridge Carrier, was exe- cuted at Warwick. He behaved with great Decency at the Place of Execution ; some Time before which he con- fess'd that he had been concern'd in the following Rob- beries since July last, viz The Robbery of a Man asleep between Stowerbridge and Kidderminster, of 9s — A Man at Kiddermintter, being drunk, of about 3I.— Stole, three Horses, one at Bilson, one between Bilson and Oaken, and one at Oaken — Two Hotles near Leominster,
and one by the Clee Hills.— Robbed two Men within a- Mile and an Half of Stratford upon Avon, in the Road to Henley, of 3s 3d'. — A Man within three Miles of Worcester, of about 8s.- Two Men near the same Place, of about 16s. A Man near Shrewsbury, of about is 6d — A Man near the same Place, of his Watch and about 2I 10s.— Two Men near the same Place, of about 19s. - A Man near Welsh Pool, of 7s— A Man near Leominster, of 3s. — Stole a Mare out of a Close near Leominster — Robb'd a Man at the Clee- Hills, of about 10I— Stole 15 or 16 Geese out of a Barn near Tamworth Robbed three Men near Bishop's
Castle, of about 11 — Two Men and a Woman near Shrewsbury, of a Watch, Snuff box, and 14s. 6d.- A Man near Shiffnal, of his Watch and about 1l — A Man in the Road to Stowerbridge, of about 3s. 6d — A Man between Birmingham and Hales- Owen, of his Watch and 4I. 4s 6d — A Man near Walsall, of a Watch and about 2l. 31- — A Man between Bridgnorth and Wol- verhampton, ot 3d. but return'd it again. A Man within two Miles of Wenlock, of a Piece of Cloth and il. 10s. A Man within two Miles of Ludlow, of about il. 4s — i A Man near Ludlow, of his Watch, Pocket Piece, and 4* — Two Men at Keinton in Wales, of
about il 1 8J— A Man at Rudgley, of his Watch and about 2I. 2s — A Man three Miles from Bridgnorth, of his Watch and 3 Half- pence.— Two Men near Bridgnorth, of about 3I 7s — — Two Men near Birmingham, of a Watch and about 2I. 25.— Three Men at Cotshill Wood, near Wolverhamp- ton, of about 11 — A Man near Tamworth, of about 2l. 3s — Two Men between Litchfield and Walsall, of 31I— A Man at West Bromwich, of his Watch and about 1l ( he had his Watch again of the G » oler). — A Man on the Worcester Road, near Birmingham, of a Watch and about 101.—-— besides eleven Watches, seven Horses, and
Abun- dance of other Things. On Monday se'nnight a Fire broke out in the Ware- house of Mr. Swaine, Cabinet- Maker, at Wolverhampton, by which the whole Building was destroy'd, and a great Quantity of valuable Goods burnt.
CITY OF WORCESTER. April 15, 1756. WHEREAS divers Persons have, of late Years, Fished with unlawful NEts in the Rivers Severn and Team, to the great Destruction of the FRY and SPAWN ot FISH ; in order to prevent such Practices for the future, NOTICE it hereby given, THAT all Persons who shall use, or cause to be used, any unlawful NET, ENGINE, or DEVICE, in the taking and killing of FISH in the Rivers Severn and Team, will be prosecuted as the Law directs. And if any Person or Persons will give Information where any unlawful Nets are secreted or kept, so as the same may seiz'd, taken, and destroy'd, shall
be paid ONE GUINEA, by Messrs. WESTON and SEXTIE, Merchants, in this City. This Day was Publish'd, ( Price bound Three Shillings, or with the Six Maps coloured Three Shillings and Six- pence,) The SECOND EDITION of THE Gentleman, Tradesman, and Traveller's POCKET LIBRARY: 1 THE Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament tor Repairing the Roads leading from the Borough of Bewdley hereby give Notice, That they are willing to take up THREE HUNDRED POUNDS, at any Interest not exceeding FOUR POUNDS per Cent. on a Mortgage of the Tolls collected on the Road leading from Bewdley towards
Cleobury, Ludlow and Tenbury ; And TWO HUNDRED POUNDS on the Road lead ing from Bewdley towards the Hundred House. The next Meeting of the Trustees will be at Bewdley, on Tuesday the Fourth Day of May next, when they will be ready to secure the several Sums of Three Hundred Pounds and Two Hundred Pounds, on a Mort gage of the respective Tolls, to such Person or Persons as shall then attend and agree to lend the same. To be LETT, And Enter d upon Immediately, A Large DWELLING- HOUSE, Situate in Newport Street, Worcester; very convenient for a Glover or Chandler, and will, if required, be
made as convenient for a Baker. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Soule, Iron monger, in the same Street. C O N T A 1. A short System of Geography. 2. The political History of Europe. 3. A View of the Constitution cf Great Britain. 4. A correct List of the House of Peers. 5. Of Superscriptions and Forms of Address. 6. A List of the Places at Court; with their respective Salaries. 7. A Description of England. 8. The most remarkable Curiosi- ties in Great Britain and Ire- land. 9. A Description of London, with a List of the Companies. 10 The Postage of Letters to and from the General and Penny Post Office. II. Rates of
Hackney Coach- men, Chairmen, Carmen, and Watermen. 2. The History and Rationale of the Stocks or publick Funds 13. Forms of Receipts, Notes N I N G Inland and Foreign Bills of Ex- change, & c. 14. Law Forms of general Use. 5. The Weight and Value of Foreign Gold and Silver Coins. 16. Of the Knowledge of Mankind 17. The Prices of the different Works of Bricklayers, Ma. sons, Carpenters, Joiners, Car- vers, Plumbers, Slaters, Pain- ters, Plaisterers, Paviors, and Smiths. 18. Of the Management of Horses, particularly when on a Journey, and Receipts for curing the Diseases to which they are subject. 19. A List of
the Stage Coaches and Carriers in Great Britain. 20. Directions for those who tra- vel into Foreign Countries with Dialogues in several European Languages for their Use. 21. Some Account of the princi- pal Curiosities in Europe, Asia Africa, and America. By a GENTLEMAN of the Bank, of England. To which are added CORRECT TABLES for the Use of all who are concerned in Trade and Business. By J. BARRow, Author of Navigatio Britannica. Illustrated with Six MApS, by E. BOWEN, Geographer to His MAJESTY. LONDON : Printed for the AUTHOR ; and sold by J. Newbury, at the Bible and . Sun, in St. Paul's Church
Yaid ; P. Hodges and J. Wylde, in Hereford; B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth; R. Raikes, in Gloucester; T. Aris, in Birmingham ; by the Booksellers in Wor- cester ; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. To be SOLD, A Messuage or Tenement, and Farm, Part FREEhOLd, and Part COPYHOLD, Known by the Name of Elsemere's End, SitUATE in the Parish of Whitboume, in the County of Hereford, consisting of Arable, Meadow, Pasture Ground, and Hop- Ground, well Fruited, Wooded, and Watered ; the Buildings in exceeding good Repair, and now lett to a substantial Tenant at the Yearly Rent of Sixty
Pounds. Particulars may be had of Mr. Philley, of Worcester. ^ To be LETT, % And Enter ' d upon the 12th of May next, A VERY GOOD DWELLING- HOUSE, Situate in the Broad Street, Worcester, Very convenient for a Wholesale or Retail Trade. ALSO. Large WAREHOUSES adjoining, Which open into Powick's Lane, To be LETT with or without the said House. For further Particulars enquire of Mr Alderman John- son, in Mealcheapen Street, or of Mrs. Lowbridge, in the College Green, Worcester. To be SOLD, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, Of the Yearly Value ot One Hundred and Seventy- seven Pounds; Also A LEASEHOLD
ESTATE, Of the Yearly Valueof Ninety Pounds, held for Ninety- nine Years, determinable on Three Lives, at the Yearly Rent of Three Pounds and Fourteen Shillings ; - Also, Seven Shares ot the GREAT and SMALL TYTHES of the Parish. Held for Twenty- one Years, renewable every Seven. gT, These ESTATES lye together in the Parish of Twyning, in the County ot Gloucester, two Miles from Tewkesbury, and ten from Gloucester and Wor- cester, are well Tenanted, in a fine Condition of Husbandry, well Planted and Water'd, and the Build ings in good Repair, and, tho' not farther than a Quarter of a Mile from the River Avon,
nor more than Half ot One from the Severn, no Part is flooded, except only the Meadow- Ground by the Avon. ALSO, A FReehoLD MESSUAGE and GARDEN, in Ripple, adjoining to Twyning. situate by the R0ad side leading from Tewkesbury to Upton upon severn and Worcester. Particulars may be had ot Mr. Roberts, Attorney at Law, in Worcester; or of Mr. Humphreys, in Tewkesbury By Letters Patent under the KlNG's Manual This Day were publifh'd,, PROPOS A LS at large, with a Plan of the Work, For Printing in WEEKLY NUMBeRS, The NAVAL HISTORY of BRITAIN, FROM The earliest Periods of which there are
Accounts in History to the Conclusion of the Year 1756 Compiled from the Manuscript Papers of The late Honourable Captain GEORGE BERKELEY, Commander of his Majestys Ship Windsor. ILLUSTRATED By the Accounts of the most accurate and faithful Hsftorians of the several Periods, and compleated from a great Number of authentic Papers, communicated by some of the most distinguished Com manders of the present Time, never before published. EMBELLISHED With a great Number of Figures on Folio Copper- plates, of Sea Charts, Heads, Engagements, and other Subjects. CONDITIONS. This Work will consist
of One Volume, Folio, and no more ; and will be compleated in Sixty Numbers, on a fine Paper, and with a new Letter. Each Number will consist of Three Sheets of Letter- press, ele- gantly printed, with a Folio Copper- plate where necessary, and will be deliverer Weekly at the Price of Six pence. Number 1 will be published on the 24th of April London: Printed for T. Osborn and J. Shipton, in Gray's Inn ; J. Hodges, on London Bridge ; and S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater Noster Row ; by whom the Numbers will be delivered Weekly ; and sold by R. Lewis, Bookseller, in High Street, and S. Ga midge,
Bookseller, in Leech- Street. Worcester, and by all other Booksellers, Printers, and News Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. This Day was Published, In Two VOLUMES, Octavo, ( Price bound 8 s. J The SECOND EDITION, with Improvements, of The General PRACTICE of PHYSICK; Extracted chiefly from the Writings of The most celebrated practical Phyiscians, and the Medical Essays, Transactions, Journals, and literary Correspon- dence of the learned Societies in Europe. To which is prefixed An INTRODUCTION. Containing the Distinction of similar Diseases ; the Use of the Non- Naturals, an Account of the Pulse, the
Content of the Nervous Parts, and a Sketch of the Animal OEconomy. Quin etiam Succos, atque auxiliantia Morbis, Grammina ; quo nimius staret Medicamine Sanguis Quid facit Somnos quid biantia Vulnera claudat Quae Ferro cobihenda Lues, quae cederet Herbis, Edocuit. STAT. ACHil.; By R. BROOKES, M. D. LONDON: Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church Yard-, and sold by the Booksellers in Worcester; R. Raikes, in Gloucester; P. Hodges and J. Wylde, in Hereford; B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth; T. Aris, in Birmingham ; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. 1 Where may be had,
by the same Author, in One Volume, Octavo, Price bound Six Shillings, An Introduction to Physick and Surgery. This Day was published, ( Price bound Three Shillings, ) A POCKET DICTIONARY : O R, Compleat English EXPOSITOR. Shewing readily the Part of Speech to which each Word belongs; its true Meaning, when not self- evident; its vari- ous Senses, if more than one, placed in proper Order ; and the Language from whence it is derived pointed out immediately after the Explication. — Also the Technical Terms are clearly explained every Word is so accented, that there can be no Uncertainty as to the Pronunciation.
And the Names of the Cities and principal Towns", their Distance from LONDON, their Market- Days and Fairs, according to the New Stile, are alphabetically interspersed ; with other useful Articles. ' [ To render this BOOK compleat, many modern Words are intro- duced, which are not to be found in other Dictionaries ; and, to make it more concise and portable, such Words are omitted as, being neither properly English, nor ever used by good Authors, would only serve to mislead and embarrass the Learner ] A WORK entirely new, and design'd for the Youth of both Sexes, the Ladies, and Persons in Business. To which is
prefixed An INTRODUCTION, Containing an History of the English Language, with a Compendious Grammar. And a Recommendation ot the Manuscript Copy in » Letter from Dr. BEVIS to the Publisher. LONDON HENRY DAVIS,, Having taken The Green Dragon INN, In the Newport- Street, Worcester, ( Lately occupied by Mi. John Saunders) Those Gentlemen, Tradtfmen, and Others, who shall be pleased to make Use of the said Inn, may depend on meeting with good Accommodations, and the utmost Civility, from Their most humble Servant, Henry Davis. N. B All Persons who have any Demands on the Estate of the
above Mr John Saunders, are desired forthwith to send an Account thereof to Mr. Edward Wellings, at the Bell Inn, in Broad Street, in order that an Estimate may be made of his Effects, for Payment of his Creditors so much in the Pound as the same will amount to. Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church Yard; and sold by the Booksellers in Worcester • R, Raikes, in Gloucester ; P. Hodges and J. Wylde, in Hertford-, B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth ; T. Aris, in Birmingham ; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. ** This Day is Publish'd, ( Price One Shilling, ) Recommended by several eminent
Clergymen, School Masters, ana Others, as the most useful book of tbe Kind ever yet publish'd, The Universal SPELLING- BOOK: OR, A NEW and EASY GUIDE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. PART I. Consisting of Tables of Words in one, two, three, and four Syllables ; with natural and easy Lessons in each, adapted to the Capacity of Children from three Years old and upwards, and yet so, that such as can already read, may receive sensible InstruCtion thereby : Being diversify'd with a Variety of Lessons both moral and divine, as also Fables and pleasant Stories, in order to im- prove the Mind and the Under- standing. PART II.
Contains a very easy and ap- proved Guide to English Gram- mar, by Way of Question and Answer, for the Use of Schools four Syllables, viz. Noun Sub. stantives, Adjectives, and Verbs ( placed Alphabetically under their respective Heads) which are ac- cented and explained for the bet- ter instructing of Youth, and In- formation of such Persons as would know the Meaning of what they read and write; being a use. ful Instructor for the School, Shop or Compting- house. PART IV. Contains many useful Things necessary to help the young Be- ginner, and inform the more grown- up Youth, viz, First, a Receipt for good black Ink ;
Di- rections for Writing, with a Col- lection of Alphabetical Copies; Also a Variety of Pieces both in Prose and Verse, proper for Breakings up; being not only di- verting to the Mind, and im- proving to the Morals, but a great Help to prevent Youth from failing a Sacrifice to the common Temptations of Life, aad their own unguarded Passions. as well as private Perfons, and by which a Lad may very icon be- come acquainted with- the Know- ledge of the Englijh- Tongue, with very little Trouble and Ap- plication. PART ill. Has a Collection of the xnrft ufeful Words of tw<?# three, and By DANIEL PENNING, Late School Master of
BuRes, in Suffolk, and AUTHOR of The Use of the Globe:, Practical Arithmetick, & c. LONDON: Printed for S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater Noster Row ; B. Collins, in SAlisury; and sold by S. Gamidge, Bookseller, in the Leech- Street, Worcester. ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length) are taken in at is 6 d each; and Articles of Intelligence ( Post paid) will be receiv'd. and carefully inserted • ADVERtiseMENTs, are ikewise taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Hopkinson Bookseller in Warwick- Mr. Wylde Bookseller, in Stowerbridge 5 Mr.
Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr. Andrews, Bookseller, ir. Evesham; ; Mr Hunt, and Mr. Hodges, Booksellers in hti'eloid •' Mrs Moseley Bookseller, a Kidderminster ; vlr. Ashmead, Bookseller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; Mr. Aris, Printer. in'Hiiir. irghsm ; at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominster ; Mr Barrow, Bookseller, in that 1 own; at the principal Inn*, in Broadway and Morton- in Marsh and by the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Distributiou of this Journal.—— Likewife by Mr. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave- Mary- Lane, London.