Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 08/04/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2436
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL. ; r [ Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross,] ~ THURSDAY, April 8, 1756- N° 2436 Price Two- Pence. FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. FOREIGN Occurrences. Extract of a Letter from CAIRO, in Egypt, Jan. 20. THE 24th past such a violent Storm happened at Alexandria, as hath not been known in the Memory of Man ; every Vessel in the Port of Alexandria seeing in imminent Danger, more than thirty of which were drove on Shore, and very few can possibly get off again. The Tempest continued equally violent from the 24th at Noon till the next Day at Noon. There were
drove ashore nineteen French Ships, three Swedish, three Eng lish, three Raguseans, one Imperial, one Greek Sambe chine, one Turkish Bark, one Tripoline Cruizer, and one Alexandrine Ship. Avignon, ( France) March 10. On Ash Wednesday, a little after Six in the Evening, there was observed here a Meteor which occasioned great Consternation. The Even- ing was extremely calm, and the setting Moon yielded but a faint Light. On a sudden was perceived, towards the South East, in the middle Region of the Air a Globe as luminous as the Full Moon ; about three Seconds after, this Globe transformed itself into a Kind of
Comet, whose Tail extended itself to the Well ; and this Comet lost itself in a Kind of Rocket, like those Wild Fires which the Vulgar take for falling Stars. The Rocket formed a Kind of Rainbow, very luminous, and with almost the same Variety of Colours as the real ones, and terminated at last in three Points, from each of which proceeded a Star like those which are made in artificial Rockets j at this Time the Horizon was as light as at Noon Day. This Meteor, which lasted in all about six or seven Seconds, seemed to fall upon the Town. They write from Cannes in Provence, that there was likewise seen there, at the sfame Hour,
a Kind of Comet of a frightful Bigness, which seemed also to fall upon the Town; and that, during the Appearance of this Meteor, which lasted about a Minute, it was as light as at Noon ; and some Minutes after the Noise of Thunder was twice heard, though the Sky was very clear. Tarascon, in Provence, March 8. Since the 25th of last Month a prodigious Number of Barges have come down the Rhone, laden with Warlike Stores and Provi- sions for this Province. They have already brought 6782 Bombs, 24,000 Balls of different Sizes, 5000 Muskets, twelve Sixteen pounders, eight Carriages for as many Pieces of the same
Bore, and thirty- four Anchors. A great many Rafts, and a large Quantity of Ship Timber, have likewise come down ; as also twenty Barges with thirty two Oxen in each, and many more are expected ; besides which, an hundred Head are brought every Day into the Province by Land. All this Train is designed for Toulon, and indicates some important Expedition. NAVAL AFFAIRS. Plymouth, March 28. We are advis'd that a small Sloop belonging to this Port, clear'd out at the Custom- House for Jersey, but some Cause being given to suspect that the Matter intended to take on board French Priso- ners, and convey them to
France, Timothy Brett, Esq j one of the Commissioners for sick and hurt Seamen went on board her, and, on searching, found a vast Quantity of Baggage, with a Number of Letters, which he secur'd. None of the French Men who intended to go on board are as yet discover'd, but several are fled from the adjacent Towns, where they were permitted to live on their Pa roles of Honour. The Master of the Sloop has thought fit to abscond, and his Vessel is secured in our Pool. Letter from Portsmouth, March 31. " Yesterday Lord Robert Bertie's Regiment embark'd on board Admiral Byng's Fleet, except one Company, which is
retain'd for the Intrepide, when she arrives. The Marines belongiog to that Fleet were sent on Shore the same Day. " The Earls of Effingham and Loudon, Gen. Stuart, Lord Robert Bertie, Colonel Webb, and a great Num- ber of other Officers, are arrived, for the Mediterranean and America. There are many Swiss Soldiers here in- listed, and are to be sent over to the American Regi ments." From the Whitehall Evening Post. IAm apprehensive [ says the Author'] that some well- disposed Persons may object against that Article of the Militia Act, which enjoins them to exercise on Sundays in the Afternoon : I am at much as any
Man for observing one Day in seven for the Adoration and Worship of our great Creator; but, in Cases of Necessity, or even great Conveniency, the Lord's Day is not prophaned by fertile Employments. A grave Divine was wont to say, That a Servant Maid, when winding up the Jack, was serving God as much as if she was at Prayer: And the Parliament Soldiers in Oliver's Days never scrupled fighting on a Sunday, that I know of. I have heard an old Gentleman say, that they fought best on those Days, and, when loading their Fire- Arms, would pray, Lord, it is thy Day, and thy Cause, direct this [ the Bullet] into the Hearts of
thine and our Enemies ! I think the most religious Man can have no Scruple against this Part of the Act, when he considers that the Militia are to be train'd up to maintain our Holy Religion, to preserve our Estates, and to defend our Country. Query, Which is most eligible, to see a Man exercising a Firelock for his Liberty, or be- sotted in a Publick House ? LONDON, Thursday, APRIL I. Yesterday the Commissioners of the Land- Tax met at Westminster to appoint Days for holding their subsequent Meetings to carry into Execution the Act passed this Ses- sion, for the speedy and effectual recruiting of his Ma- jesty's Land Forces
and Marines. [ By this Act, the High Sheriff of every County in Great Britain, or his Deputy, upon Notice from the Secretary at War, is to summon a Meeting of the Justices of Peace, Commissioners of the Land Tax, and Magistrates of Cor- porations and Burghs ; at which Meeting they are to qualify themselves to be Commissioners for putting this Act in Execution by taking the usual Oaths to the King, and to fix the Times and Places of their subsequent Meet- ings, Notice thereof is to be given to the Admiralty and Secretary at War. Any three, or more, of these Com- missioners may issue General Search Warrants for bringing
before them such able- bodied Men, not under Seventeen, nor above Forty- five Years of Age, who are not Papists, nor under four Feet four Inches high, as do not follow any lawful Employment, or have a lawful and sufficicnt Maintenance ; and these Men being, by a Majority, found proper for the Service, shall be delivered to the Military Officer appointed by the Admiraly or Secretary at War to receive them. This Officer is to give a Receipt for each Recruit deliver'd to him, and to pay the Parish Of- ficers 20 s for their Trouble, 2s. to the Clerk attending the Commissioners, and a Sum not exceeding 40 s. nor under 5s. at the
Discretion of the Commissioners, to the Churchwardens or Overseers of the Poor of the Parish where the Recruit gained a Settlement, or had a Wife or Family that might become chargeable to the Parish, be- sides 6d. for each Day the Parifh Officers had him in Custody. Any Constable guilty of a wilful Neglect in the Execution of this Aft, or any Perfon obllrufti g it, is to forfeit 10 1. Persons enlisted by this Act shall be dis- charged at the End of five Years, if they desire it. No Person having a Vote for a Member of Parliament, nor any Harvest Labourer, who has a Certificate from his Minister and Churchwarden allowed by a
Justice of the Peace, between the 15th of May and the 15th of October, shall be molested. But Bailiffs Followers and Assistants, & c. are expressy mentioned as Persons liable to be enlisted. This Act is to continue in Force till the End of next Ses- sion, but his Majesty may suspend, by Proclamation, its Execution.] His Majesty was so well Yesterday as to see some Com- pany. The Hessian Troops are expected here in about Ten Days, and the Hanoverians in about Six Weeks: Trans- ports are taken up for them. A Regiment is ordered from Scotland to be sent from hence to Scotland in their room. Commodore Keppel is sailed
with four Men of War for Minorca, with Land Forces on board. We hear an Order is sent to sink and destroy all the French Fishing Vessels that have been taken by our Men of War, with their Cargoes, to prevent any Infestion. It is now generally believed, and upon good Grounds, that the Squadron which sailed from Brest the 13d of last Month under the Command of M Perrier de Salvert, is gone to the Mediterranean, in order to join the Toulon Squadron in an Expedition against Minorca. A few Days ago eight or ten Sail of foreign Ships ap- peared off at Sea near Alemouth ; which being taken for Frenchmen, the People there
assembled in great Numbers along the Shore, armed with rusty Swords, Spits, Pitch- Forks, & c. vowing to give them Battle if they attempted to land. The Ships hovered about without making any such Attempt, and the People made Fires along the Coast, and lay urder Arms till next Morning, when a small Boat was dispatched to them, to ask, in the King's Name, who they were, and what they wanted. They detained the Boatmen, which gave the People stronger Suspicions than ever ; however a Messenger came shortly after to acquaint them, that the Vessels were Dutchmen, and the Boatmen kept to pilot them to Shields ; on
which the People, who had shewn so much of the laudable Spirit of antient Britons, dispersed and returned home The Snow Adrian, from St. Domingo for Nantz, is sent into Dover by the Lyme Man of War. The Offer of the Bounty to Seamen and Landmen Is continued till the First of May. On Tuesday a Number of Horses were reviewed for the Service of the Train, & c. and sent to several Inns in the Borough, with Orders to be ready at an Hour's Warn- ing. We hear Apartments are ordered to be fitted up at Ken- sington for the Reception of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. We hear a Petition complaining of an undue
Election for the City of Bristol, is presented to the House of Com- mons. About Fifty Journeymen Plate- workers are already gone abroad to seek for Employment, for fear of starving at home, that Business being at a great Stagnation; On Friday last were decently interr'd in the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, the Remains of the Celebrated Mrs. Catherine Wheeler; a Lady not more distinguish'd for her extraordinary Beauty, than for her profound Un- derstanding of the Law, which render'd her Conversation much sought after by Gentlemen of that Profession. Sunday se'nnight died at Norton, in the Bishoprick of Durham, of a
Fever, the Right Hon. James Earl of Wemiss, leaving his whole Estate to the Hon. James Wemiss, his youngest Son, who is in the Service of his Majesty on board the Fleet under the Command of Ad- miral Mostyn. On Monday a single Highwayman, masked and well mounted on a bay Gelding, attacked Mr. Rankin, Soap- boiler in the Borough of Southwark, on Wimbledon Common, and robbed him of his Watch and 3 Guineas, after which he rode off towards Putney, threatning Mr. Rankin, if he pursued him, he would shoot him dead. The Birdlington Sloop hath carried into Shields a smuggling Vessel, called the Mary, laden
with Brandy, Tobacco, Coffee and Tea, valued at 1000 I. From Totness our Correspondent acquaints us, that the Coroners Inquest having sat on the Body of Susanna Mudge, they found her on Dissection to have been quick with Child at the Time of her Death. She is said to h. » - Fa ..... She is said to have been got with Child by Mr John Horret, a wealthy Farmer of Wolborough, in the Parish Of Kerswell, near Newton Bushell, who first knock'd her down and then strangled her. On the 23d past the said Horret was sent to the County Gaol at Exeter. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS* Arrived the MAILS from France and
Holland. Extract of a Letter from Paris, March 15. THE Diipatches which the Court expected front Berlin, the Hague, and Turin, arrived this Week, and occasioned the calling a grand Coun- cil, in which divers Resolutions have been taken. They talk at Court of striking two Blows at once, one of which still seems to be levelled against Port Mahon, in order to put the English under a Necessity to divide their Forces, whilst an Expedition projected in America will oblige them likewise to keep Troops and Men of War there. The Descent on Minorca, ' tis said, will be made with 15,000 Men, who are to be wafted over from the Coast of
Provence in forty five Transports, and convoyed by the Marquis de la Galissonniere's Squadron. As to the other intended Expedition, we had rather wait ' till Time discovers it, than to repeat what is given out by fugitive Irish and Scotchmen, , of which there are Abun- dance in this City. Extract of a Letter from Bourdeaux, March 28; " The English settled here have obtained Permission t0 stay .' till the 15th of next Month ; and such of them as profess the Roman Catholick Religion are left to their Option to day or depart. Of late a prodigious Number of Seamen pass this Way, some going to Brest, and others to Rochefort. M.
d'Aubigny, who sailed four or five Weeks ago from the last mention'd Port, with a Ship of 74 Guns and two Frigates, must, by this Time be very near Martinico, if not already arrived there. We now know that the Squadron which lately sailed from Brest under the Command of M Pertier de Salvert, is stronger. than we first thought, and that it is going directly to St
Domingo, in order to seek Commodore Franklyn, who has done so much Damage to our Trade and Navigation in the West Indies." LONDON, Saturday, APRIL 3. No Confirmation has yet been receiv'd of an Engage- ment happening off Cape Finistere between some Eng- lish and French Men of War ; so that the Paragraph in last Thursday's Papers is now look'd upon only as the — F IB of the Day. Thursday the following Noblemen and Gentlemen went to St. James's, to present to his Majesty the Ad- dresses of the Lords and Commons for bringing over a Body of Hanoverian Troops; viz the Lord Steward and Lord
Chamberlain of the Houshold, Mr. Fox Secretary of State, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Comptroller of the Houshold, and the Secretary at War: To which Address his Majesty was pleased to return the following Answer. " I am always very glad to do any Thing that is agree- able- to my Parliament, and for the Benefit and Security of my People; and as both Houses desire that a Body of my German Troops should be brought over hither to assist in the Defence oi this Kingdom in the present critical Conjuncture, I will give immediate Orders for that Purpose." Yesterday there was a very great Meeting of the Mer- chants of this
City, at the King's Arms Tavern in Corn- hill, when a Motion was made to present an humble Ad- dress to his Majesty upon the present Posture of Affairs, which was unanimously agreed to, and a Committee was. appointed to draw up the same. The Hessian Troops are expected here in about Ten Days, and the Hanoverians in about Six Weeks: Trans ports are taken up for them. The LORD have Mercy upon us ! says the London Evening Post. The Number of Hanoverian Forces that is coming over to England is 9000 Foot, 900 Horse, and 300 Train of Artillery, who are commanded by Generals Sommer- feld and Wangenheim.
Thomas Pownall, Esq; Lieutenant- Governor of New Jersey, is appointed to succeed General Shirley in the Government of Boston, New England, and will set out immediately for America, to accompany the Earl of Loudon in the ensuing Campaign. They write from Naples, that his Sicilian Majesty has declar'd to the Ministers of France and Great Britain his Intention to observe an exact Neutrality in the Quarrel between those two Powers Thursday Contracts were made for supplying the Camps which are intended to be formed this Summer with For- rage and other Necessaries. We hear that Contracts are made for supplying the
Troops that are sent to America, with Provisions, and other Necessaries. O11 Wednesday Evening a most magnificent Entertain- ment was given at Norfolk House, to her Royal High ness the Princess Dowger of Wales, the rest of the Royal Family, and above 300 of the Nobility and Gentry. We hear that there were three Courses of ninety Dishes each, and a Desert which exceeded any Thing of the Kind that ever was seen in England. On Sunday died George Reade, Esq; Lieutenant Gene- ral of his Majesty's Forces, and Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons in Ireland, which is given to Colonel Corn- wallis. Member of
Parliament for Westminster. And an Express is gone to Portsmouth, where Colonel Cornwallis was gone to embark for his Regiment of Foot at Minorca, to acquaint him with his Promotion. Several Gentlemen, who were Volunteers in the last Rebellion, have received Commissions for the Indepen- dent Companies in America, and are preparing to sail for those Parts. The Men of War lately sailed, together with the In- trepide and other Ships, having General Bocland's Re giment of Foot and other Land Forces on board, are ordered for the Mediterranean, where they will join the Fleet under Admiral Hawke. Wc hear a Person his
been lately taken up for treason- able Correspondence, and a Number of Letters found on him. On Thursday last two Popish Priests were taken into Custody by his Majesty's Messengers: As was Martin Fitzgerald, for endeavouring to seduce the King's Sub jects to enlist into Foreign Service. This Morning a large Quantity of Warlike Stores was shipped for Gibraltar and Port- Mahon. The Dean and Canons of Lichfield having offered an additional Bounty to those who are willing to inlist in Col Whitmore's Regiment, the following Letter was last Week dropt at the Door of one of the Canons: " To Mr. Seward. " This brings a kind
Caution to Mr. Seward, that if " he acts beyond what the ACt expresly determines, and " once to shew it a Party Thing, Death is prepared for " him, as sure as he lives. " Your Friend." The glorious Spirit which Lord Gower, Lord Stam- ford, and other Gentlemen, exerted, having already corn- pleated the above Regiment without a Press, an Inquiry after the Writer of this Letter is thought needless, as it seems not the Effect of pre- conceived Malice, but of a mere cautionary Dread of being pressed. But Persons inclined to write such Letters should consider that they run greater Hazard of their Lives by so doing, than they would by
bravely fighting for their King and Country. They write from Marlborough, that the Press was so hot last Week at that Place, that People were taken out of their Beds, and Strangers stopt upon the Roads. Our Correspondent from Exeter writes us Word, that a few Days since the French Officers, who are Prisoners at Tavistock, near Plymouth, were endeavouring, by op- posing the Town's People, to get at a Vessel, seize her, and make their Escape; but their Scheme was timely discover'd, and they closely confined. We hear that all the Publick Bodies and Corporations of the Kingdom intend to address his Majesty on the pre sent Situation of our Affairs. Yesterday the Constables of the City and Liberty of Westminster, and the adjoining Parishes, impressed up- wards of 500 able- bodied Landmen, for the King's Ser- vice. On the 19th of January last the Warwick Man of War came into Barbados from a Cruize, having sprung her Bowsprit: And on the 15th ditto in the Night, the Sau- veur, a French Prize from Guiney, was consumed by Fire: How it happened is not known ; luckily she drove out of the Bay without damaging any of the other Ship- ping . On Friday last the Rainbow, Hinham, from Cadiz for Bristol, loaded with Oil, Wine, and Fruit, was at
low Water drove to the Eastward of St Ives, and as the Tide flowed was dashed to Pieces, and the Captain and three of the Crew were drowned. On Tuesday Morning the Rev. Mr. Duck, in his Re- turn from Bath, where he had been for the Recovery of his Health, died at Reading of an Apoplexy, being the third Time of his being attacked with that Distemper. A few Days since died at Barrels, in Warwickshire, the Lady of the Right Hon. Robert Knight, Lord Luxborough of the Kingdom of Ireland ; by whose Death a considera- ble Fortune descends to the Hon. Joseph Child, Esq; Brother to the Earl of Tilney, who married her only
Daughter. A few Days ago was married the Rev. Mr. Jones, Ca- non- Residentiary of the Cathedral Church of Hereford, to Miss Elizabeth Gwillim, a very agreeable Lady, with a considerable Fortune. Saturday, at the Castle of York, George Trotter was convicted of the Murder of Hannah Wilson, at Todwick Town- Feast, near Rotherham, on the 6th of July last. It appear'd that the Prisoner, who intended to marry the Deceased, was jealous of her having a Regard for another Person; whereupon he call'd her out into the Yard, and, on Pretence of speaking to her, stabb'd her in the Belly with a Penknife. He was executed on
Monday Morning ; and though he behav'd remarkably insolent on his Trial, expressed great Penitence before he suffered Death. His Body was sent to the County Hospital. At Rochester Assizes four Persons received Sentence of Death, viz John Simons, otherwise Spanish John, for stealing a Silver Quart Tankard from Mr Hawes, at Rochester. John Ashby, for stealing a Watch, & c. from Mr. Welsh, at Deptford William Humphry, for Horse stealing. And Anne Lance, for murdering her Infant Child. The latter was executed last Monday at Penen den Heath. William Carter, for ravishing Mary Wool- let, an Infant, and giving her the
Foul Disease, is to stand in the Pillory, to remain in Prison a Year, and afterwards till he find Sureties for his good Behaviour, and to pay a Fine of one Shilling. At the Assizes at Derby two Persons receiv'd Sentence of Death, viz John Ratcliff, for stealing two Horses from a Close near Litchfield, and George Lomas, for forging and publishing a Promissory Note, Value 15 1. Two other Persons, charg'd with being concern'd in the said For- gery, were not try'd, but discharged on their entering into the King's Service. Elizabeth Anderson for Felony, and Richard Snailham, for stealing two Silver Tankards and three Silver Spoons from
Mr. Rotherham of Eding- ton, to be transported seven Years; and Richard Bayley, condemned at the last Assizes for a Robbery on the High- way, to be transported for 14 Years. Ratcliff was order'd to be executed, but Lomas was repriev'd. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at Mldsummer next, { Old Stile) A well- accustomed PUBLICK- HOUSE, TOGETHER With the COOK- SHOP adjoining, In Evesham, in the County of WORCESTER, SITUATE in the best Part of the Town for Business, being near the Butchers Shambles, and now in the Possession of Mr Thomas Cole. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Andrews, Book seller, in Evesham aforesaid. Mrs. ELEANOR TAYLOR, Begs Leave to inform her Friends, THAT she shall continue to carry on the Business of an UPHOLDER, in the same Manner as her late Husband did, ( she having engaged the same Journeyman who has been employ'd in the Shop for more than twenty Years ;) and hopes her Friends will please to continue their Favours to her, who may depend upon being served in the best and cheapest Manner, by Their most obedient Servant, ELEANOR TAYLOR: HENRY DAVIS, Having taken r The Green Dragon INN, In the Newport- Street, Worcester ( Lately occupied by Mr. John
Saunders) Those Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Others, who shall be pleased to make Use of the said Inn, may depend on meeting with good Accommodations, and the utmost Civility from Their most bumble Servant, Henry Davis. N. B. All Persons who have any Demands on the Estate of the above Mr. John Saunders, are desired forthwith to send an Account thereof to Mr. Edward Wellings, at the Bell Inn, in Broad- Street, in order that an Estimate may be made of his Effects, for Payment of his Creditors so much in the Pound as the same will amount to. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon Immediately, A Large DWELLI NG HOUSE, Situate in Newport Street, Worcester; very convenient for a Glover or Chandler, and will, if required, be made as convenient for a Baker. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Soule, Iron- monger, in the same Street. To be LETT, And may be Enter'd upon immediately, A FARM, call'd Chetle; COnsisting of a good Dwelling- House, Barns, and other Conveniences, with several Acres of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Ground, situate in the Parish of Eldersfield, in the County of Worcester, about six Miles from Gloucester, three from Tewkesbury, and four from Upton upon Severn, with an unlimited Right of Common ing on Coss- Lawn. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be L E T T, or S O L D, And Enter'd upon immediately, A FREEHOLD Messuage, or Tenement, In Tidmington, in the County of Worcester, one Mile from Shipston- upon- Stower, WITH a Garden and Orchard behind the same, adjoining to the River Stower ; well situated for carrying on the Business of a Tanner, Fellmonger, or Malting, and adjoining to the London Road from Shipston: Together with a Close of Meadow or Pasture, lying near the said Messuage. The Whole of about the yearly Value of Nine Pounds. For further Particulars enquire of
John Edkins, in Shipston aforesaid. By Letters Patent under the KING's Sign Manual. This Day were publish'd, pRoposALs at large, with a Plan of the Work, For Printing in WEEKLy NUMBERS, The NAVAL HISTORY of BRITAIN, FROM The earliest Periods of which there are Accounts in History to the Conclusion of the Year 1756. Compiled from the Manuscript Papers of The late Honourable Captain GEORGE BERKELEY, Commander of bis Majesty's Ship Windsor. ILLUSTRATED Bv the Accounts of the most accurate and faithful Historians of the several Periods, and compleated from a great Number of authentic Papers,
communicated by some of the mod distinguished Com- manders of the present Time, never before published. THE Creditors of Job Thatcher, late Wribbenhall, near Bewdley, in the County of Worcester, Trowman, deceas'd, are desired to send an Account of their respective Debts to Ann Thatcher, ( the Widow and Administratrix of the Deceased) on or before Tuesday the 20th Day of this Instant April, when she intends to pay the Creditors of the Deceased as far as his Effects will extend to pay. And all Persons who stand indebted to the said Job Thatcher are desired to pay in their respective Debts to his Widow and
Adminiltratrix on or before the said 20th Day of this Instant, or they will be sued without any further Notice. EMBELLISHED With a great Number of Figures on Folio Copper- plates, of Sea Charts, Heads, Engagements, and other SubjeCts. CONDITIONS. This Work will consist of One Volume, Folio, and no more and will be compleated in Sixty Numbers, on a fine Paper, and with a new Letter. Each Number will consist of Three Sheets of Letter- press, ele- gantly printed, with a Folio Copper- plate where necessary, and will be delivered Weekly at the Price of Six- pence. Number I. will be published on the 24th of April. London:
Printed for T. Osborn and J. Shipton, in Gray's Inn ; J. Hodges, on London Bridge ; and S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater Noster Row; by whom the Numbers will be delivered Weekly ; and sold by R. Lewis, Bookseller, in High Street, and S. Ga- midge, Bookseller, in Leech- Street, Worcester, and by all other Booksellers, Printers, and News Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland.
NOTICE is hereby given, That Worcester Races Will be the First Week in AUGUST. Particulars whereof will shortly be advertis'd in this and other News Papers. WORCESTER, April 8, 1756. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, By the Assignees under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded against JOHN TYMBS, of the said City, Hatter, on Monday next, the 12th Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, at the House of Mr. George Woodcock, known ly the Sign of the Hop- Pole, in the said City, The UTENSILS in TRADE Of the said JOHN TYMBS, With the COUNTERS and PRESSES in the Shop; LIKEWISE A Quantity of LOGWOOD,
Together or in Parcels; Also one Pack and some odd Quantity of LAMBS' Wool,, with some Galls, Coperas, and other Articles used in the Trade. The Particulars may be seen at the late Dwelling- House of the said John Tymbs, on Monday the said 12th Instant, any Time before the Sale begins'. ELIZABETH TOMES, Who kept the OLD KING'S ARMS and SWAN, in High- Street, at Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, Is Remov'd to a more Commodious INN, call'd THE GOLDEN LYON, [ in the said TOWN,] Where her former Customers, as well as other Gentlemen, Travellers, He who shall be pleased to favour her with their
Company, may depend on meeting with good Accommodations, and the utmost Civility, from Then most obedient humble Servant, Elizabeth Tomes. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. LONDON, Tuesday, ApRIL 6. This Day the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, waited On his Majesty at St. James's with the following Address: MOST GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN; YOUR Majesty having been gracionsly pleafed to acquaint Your Two Houses of Parliament, that a Design hath been formed by the French Court, to make an Hostile Invasion upon Great Britain or Ireland ; We Your Majesty's most dutiful
and loyal Subjects, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, of the City of London, in Common Council assembled, beg Leave to express our Abhorrence of so unjust and desperate an Enterprize, projected in Revenge for Your Royal and Gracious Protection of the Trade and Commerce of Your People., and the necessary Defence of the undoubted Rights and Pos- sessions of Your Crown. With Gratitude, and unfeigned Loyalty, we most humbly assure Your Majesty, that the Citizens of Your faithful City, united in Duty and Affection to Your Sacred Person and Government, will exert their utmost Power, arid Hazard their Lives
and Fortunes, to Support and Defend Your Majesty, and the Protestant Succession in Your Royal Family, not doubting, but by the Zeal and Loyalty of Your Majesty's Subjects, conduced by your known Wisdom and Courage, with the Assistance of the Divine Providence, You will be able to defeat all the Designs of Your Enemies. To which Address his Majesty was pleas'd to return this most gracious Answer: Thank you for this- very Loyal and Dutiful Address. I have the firmest Reliance on the affectionate Assurances you give Me, of exerting yourselves to the utmost in Support of My Govern- ment; and the City of London may
always depend upon My Fa- vour, Countenance, and Protection, and My constant Care to defend the Rights and Possessions of My Crown, and promote the Trade and Commerce of this Kingdom." They were received very graciously, and had the Ho- nour to kiss his Majesty's Hand. To be FREEHOLD SOLD, ESTATE, I ' Last Saturday a Fellow Was committed to Newgats for being concerned with others, whom Warrants are outpfor apprehending, they having made their Escape with a De- sign to pilot the French into such Parts of these King- doms where they might land with the least Difficulty and Obstruction. Last Friday
Morning Whitehead, Esq; an Attorney at Law, cut his Throat from Ear to Ear, at his Chambers in Gray's Inn, and died immediately : It was discovered by the uncommon Howling of a Dog that was in the Room with him, which occasion'd the Door to be broke open. By a Lisbon Mail, which arrived Yesterday, we have Advice of an Earthquake that happened there the 11th of last Month, which lasted about a Minute, and threw the People into the greatest Consternation. This Morning came Advice that the Admirals Byng and West, with a Squadron of Ten Ships, set Sail Yester- day from Spithead, with a fine Gale at North East.
BANKRUPTS. Samuel Lodge, of St. Leonard Shoreditch, Victualler. Ferdinando Ladbroke and Thomas Payne, of Aldersgate Street, London, Tallow Chandlers and Partners. Thomas Fowler, of Stroud; Gloucestershire, Clothier. Thomas Delamotte, of Dowgate, London, Cornfactor. Robert Rutty, of Newington, Middlesex, Vintner. Ann Richardson, of St. Swithen's, London, Vintner. William Deacon, of Southwark, Surry, Brasier. STOCKS. Bank shut. India shut. South Sea no Price. Old Annuities, shut Ditto New Ann 91 1 half. Three per Cent Bank Annuities, 89 half. India Bonds, ll. 39, Lott. Tickets il. 7s. Prem. Of the Yearly Value
of One Hundred and Seventy- feven Pounds; Also A LEASEHOLD ESTATE, Of the Yearly Value of Ninety Pounds, held for Ninety- nine Years, determinable on Three Lives, at the Yearly Rent of Three Pounds and Fourteen Shillings ; Also, Seven Shares of the GREAT and SMALL TYTHES of the Parish, Held for Twenty one Years, renewable every Seven. 23, These ESTATES lye together in the Parish of Twyning, in the County of Gloucester, two Miles from Tewkesbury, and ten trom Gloucester and Wor- cester, are well Tenanted, in a fine Condition of Husbandry, well Planted and Water'd, and the Build- ings in good Repair,
and, tho' not farther than a Quarter of a Mile from the River Avon, nor more than Half of One from the Severn, no Part is flooded, except only the Meadow Ground by the Avon. ALSO, A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE and GARDEN, in Ripple, adjoining to Twyning, situate by the Road Side leading from Tewkesbury to Upton upon Severn and Worcester. Particulars may be had of Mr. Roberts, Attorney at Law, in Worcester; or of Mr. Humphreys, in Tewkesbury. A MAIN of COCKS WILL be Fought on Friday the 23d of this Instant April, ( in the Easter Week) at the House of John Whissell, at the Angel Inn, in Alcester, Warwickshire. To
shew Fifteen on a Side, for Two Guineas a Battle, and Ten on the Main ; to weigh the Day before; and to go into the Pit by Eleven o'Clock. This Day is Publish'd, ( Price TWO SHILLINGS,) Dedicated to his Sacred Majesty King GEORGE the Second A Compleat MAP O F T H E British PLANTATIONS O N T H E Continent of North America, According to the Notes and Improvements of Mr. Bolton, made in the Original of Mr. Danville; with the History of each Colony in the Margin. Printed for H. Overton, at the White Horse, without Newgate, London ; and sold by S. Gamidge, Print- seller, in Leech Street, Worcester. Of whom may
be had, The ART of FLOWER PAINTING, With proper COLOURS. WHITEHALL, April 6. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Consul Aspinwall to Mr. Secretary Fox, dated Algier, Feb 22, 1756. The Plague being lately broke out here, I am obliged to shut up myself and Family in my House, on Account of that dreadful Calamity, ( ail the Consuls and Merchants having done the same.) This Distemper has since increased. Lond. Gaz. _ - His Majesty is so perfectly recover'd from his late In- disposition as to appear Yesterday in the Drawing- Room, , where was a very numerous Appearance of Nobility, & c. f The following, it is said, is Part
of one of the Plans now under Consideration of the Legislature for forming a Militia of 75,000 Men, viz. Each Parish is to furnish iti Quota of Men in equal Proportion ; they are to be exercised Thirty five Sundays in the Year, after Divine Service in the Afternoon, and to have on these Days Six pence per Man. There are also to be five general Muster Days in the Year, at each of which they are to have One Shilling per Man. After the Exercises and Musters are over, every Man's Regimentals and Arms, which are found by the Publick, and to consist of a Hat, Coat, and Breeches, Musket, Sword, and Bayonet, must be deposited
under the Care of the Churchwardens and Overseers of each Parish, till the next Muster— That no Man is to be obliged to serve any longer than five Years. That they are not to serve out ot their own County, but in Case of a Rebellion, Insurrection, or Invasion.— Tj- There are to be five hundred and odd Officers, who are to be Men possess'd of Estates or next Heirs, and are to rank according to their Estates, who are to serve as Vo- lunteers. That the Whole are to be commanded by his Majesty. That in Case there should be an Occasion to draw them out of their own County, both Officers and Soldiers are to have the same
Pay and Privileges, Sec. & c. during that Time, as the standing Army, and to have a Right to Chelsea Hospital. Our Correspondents from Canterbury acquaint us, that all the Barns, Stables, Outhouses, & c. in that Neighbour- hood, are taken up for his Majesty's Service, and making ready for the Reception of 12,000 Hessians, who are expected to land at Dover every Moment. It is also said that they will soon after be encamp'd in the Old Park. It is confidently said that the French have declared they will employ neutral Ships to carry their Goods, and arm all their own to annoy England. Yesterday Morning forty four Waggons set
out with military Stores for Portsmouth. This Day 150 of the Guards, with their proper Offi- cers, set out for Portsmouth. Letters from Portsmouth, & c. mention, that the Chan- nel is so spread with Cruizers, Sloops, & c. that it is im- possible for the French to attempt an Invasion without the Government's having so timely Information that would most probably frustrate their Design. We hear that Admiral Mostyn is gone to the Mediter- ranean with some of the Ships that went out with Sir Ed ward Hawke, who remain'd with the rest of the Squadron in the Bay of Biscay. According to fome Letters from Paris, by Yesterday's French
Mail, ten or twelve Ships of the Line of Battle sailed from Brest for North America a Day or two before Admiral Hawke's Squadron appear'd off of Ushant. — If this Intelligence is true, there seems to be no great Dan ger of an Invasion at present, because there cannot be Men of War enough left in the Western Ports of France to con- voy and protect the Transports necessary for such an Ex pedition. We hear, that if Orders were given for sinking the French Fishing Vessels, they have been since counter manded. The Person who was mention'd to be taken up for hav ing carried on a treasonable Correspondence, was last Night
committed to Newgate He is said to be a Trooper in the Second Troop of Horse Guards. One of his Ma jesty's Messengers is gone down to Scotland to bring up some Persons impeach'd by him. WORCESTER, April Neither a Pardon nor further Refpite is yet Come far George Robinson, the Soldier, condemn'd at our last Assizes; and unless either should be receiv'd before next Wednesday Noon, ( of which, it seems, there are no Very great Hopes) he will be executed that Day. On Saturday next will be our First Spring Fsir. A few Days since died, in the 89th Year of his Age, at his House in the Little Cloysters, Westminster, Sir
Richard Lane, Knight, one of the Aldermen of this City, and who serv'd the respectable Office of Mayor in the Year 1709. He formerly represented this City in Parliament, had likewise serv'd the Office of High- Sheriff for this County, and died Father of the Merchants Com- pany in Bristol. His Remains are deposited among his Ancestors, in the Family Vault in Westminster Abbey, and the Funeral Service was perform'd by the Rev. Dr. Wilson. A few Days since died, at Abbot's Bromley in Staf- fordshire, universally lamented, John Vernon, Esq; many Years in the Commission of the Peace for the said County; A Gentleman in
whom were united the Principles of true f Politeness and sound Religion ; his Temperance, Justice, and Humanity eminently conspicuous, and worthy the Imitation of Posterity. Edward Wilson, condemned at Gloucester Assizes for Forgery, was to have been executed on Monday last. but, a few Days before, a Respite came for him ' till the 9th of June next. At the last Aflizes at Hereford the Four following Per' sons received Sentence of Death, viz William Morgan, for stealing a Bay Mare ; Robert Fern, for a Highway- Robbery ; Thomas Watts, for House breaking ; and Richard Greenow, for stealing Two Guineas and Half- a-
Crown ; but Greenow is reprieved.— Richard Cheese, and Elinor Moore, condemned last Summer Assizes, were ordered to be transported for 14 Years ; and Wm Hill, for picking a Pocket, William Prichard, for stealing But- ter, & c. and John Prichard, for stealing Bottled Cyder, to be transported for Seven Years: Three were ordered to be whipped, Two discharged by Proclamation, and Six acquitted. Yesterday se'nnight the Assizes ended at Warwick ; at which the four following Persons were capitally convicted, viz John Woodward, for robbing the House of Mr. Price, of Money, and two Gold Rings; John Clark, alias Benjamin
Pickering, for Horse dealing ; Tho. Myddle- ton, for Sheep- stealing ; and Samuel Edwards, for rob- bing on the Highway : The three first were reprieved—. John Williams, for House breaking, John Thorley, for stealing Lead from Four- Oak Hall ; James Turner, for stealing two Strike of Barley ; and Joseph Cooper and Elizabeth Billingsley, for assisting Samuel Edwards in making his Escape trom Warwick Gaol, are order'd to be transported for seven Years. Thomas Gent and John Holmes, condemn'd last Assizes, are to be transported for fourteen Years; At the Assizes at Shrewsbury, Richard Powell, for a Highway Robbery,
was the only Person capitally con- victed, who is reprieved Mary Jackson and Thomas Garnet, for stealing Goods from two Standings at Bridg- north Fair ; Mary Williams, William Crann, Thomas Jones, and Mary Crun, for privately stealing ; Richard Meredith, committed for Felony by Order of Sessions 1 and Thomas Wilcox, for House breaking, are order'd to be transported for seven Years ; and Walter Harris and Henry Preece, condemn'd last Assizes, are to be trans- ported for fourteen Years. On the 27th of last Month, was rung at the Parish Church in Leominster, by the Society of Ringers from Ross, a compleat Peal of
5040 Grandsire Triples, in Two Hours and 53 Minutes, which is reckon'd a very extraordinary Performance. This Sett of Bells was cast by Mr. William Evans, of Chepstow, in Monmouthshire, and allow'd, by good Judges, to be an excellent Sett of their Weight, and of a most agreeable Tone. Mr. Evans had finish'd hanging them but two Days before the above Peal was perform'd.
/ A YOUNG MAN, WHO can be well recommended, and is qualified to serve in several Capacities in a Gentleman's Family, wants a Place, and may be heard of, by enquir- ing ot the Printer of this Paper. N. B. He understands all Sorts of Husbandry. Worcester, March 22, 1756. COmplaint having been made by several Inhabitants of this City, that divers Perfons resort here with their Families, in order to be INOCULATED for the SMALL POX, which may probably be a Means of spreading and continuing the Distemper amongst us, to the endangering the Lives of many of his Majesty's Subjects, to the spoiling of our Markets, and
the great Detriment of Trade in general; to put a Stop therefore to this growing Evil, and to preserve as much as possible the Health of the City, It is thought proper to give this publick Notice, That whoever presumes, after the Publi- cation hereof, to lett Houses or Lodging for Inoculation, will be prosecuted with the utmost Rigour of the Law. By Order of the MAYOR and JUSTICES. To be SOLD, to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the 19th Day of this Instant April, at the Dwelling House of Mr. John Nott, known by the Name or Sign of the Angel, in Sidbury, in the City of Wor- cester, between tbe Hours of Three ancl Five o'Clock in
the Afternoon, FIVE FREEHOLD Tenements or Dwelling- Houses, SITUATE in the Fryars- Street, in the several Tenures or Occupations of Francis Elcox, Richard Morton, Charles Pert, John Kaysh. jun. and Mary Ashby, with all Conveniencies to them respectively belonging. The Whole in good Repair. For further Particulars apply, in the mean Time, to Mr. Jewkes, Attorney, in Worcester. This Day was Published, Containing three Sheets stitch'd in Blue Paper, N° II. Price Six- pence, To be continued once a Fortnight, or every other Saturday, REPOSITORY GENERAL REVIEW CONSISTING Chiefly of a Select Collection of
Literary Compositions extracted from all the celebrated Periodical Productions now publishing, with Occasional REMARKS. Fanorum opimis Spoliis Sociorum ditata ' London-, Printed for A. and C CORBETT, in Fleet- Street; and Sold by all the Booksellers, Printers, and News- Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. N. B. This and the preceding Number compleat the REPOSITORY for the Month of March, 1756. CONTENTS of this Number. I. Conclusion of the Account of Mr. SHERRIDAN'S British Education. II. Account of Mr. MACKNIGHT'S Harmony of the Four Gospels. III. Account of Dr. BLACKWELL'S Memoirs of the Court
of Augustus. IV. Account of HAller'S Dissertation on the sensible and irritable Parts of Animals. V. Account of WHYTT'S Physiological Essays. VI. Verses to a young LADY, on her having the Small pox. VIJ. Prologue and Epilogue to ATHELSTAN, a new Tragedy. VIII. Ode to the Memory of ShAKeSPEAR, by Mr. HAVARD. IX. Ode to MEMORY, by Mr. MASON. X ^ X. Concerning the Capriole of the Ladies; a Scheme for extending the Use of this capital Decoration, and rendering it of Service to both Sexes, by a new Method of Courtship. XI. An Essay in Ridicule of the prevailing Taste for Statues of the Heathen Deities. ' A K?
NO. III. of the REPOSITORY will be publish'd on Saturday the 10th of April i < r To be SOLD, separate or together, Before the Commissioners in a Commission of Bankruptcy awardtd against THOMAS TEARNE, of Bromsgrove, Whitster of Cloth, on Tuesday the 20th Day of April Instant, at the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove aforesaid, at Four o'clock in tbe Afternoon of the same Day, FIVE SEVERAL Messuages or Dwelling - Houses, With Shops and other Buildings, Situate in or near St John Street in Bromsgrove aforesaid, held for the Remainder of a Term of One Thousand Years, at a Pepper Corn Rent. Enquire of Mr.
George Boulton, of Tardebigge, Mr, Edward Wood, of Bromsgrove, the Assignees; or of Mr Brettell, Attorney, in Stowerbridge. To Cover this Season, At Holme Castle, near WORCESTER, At One Guinea a Mare, and One Shilling the Setvant, A Fine Strong Chesnut HORSE, call'd YOUNG TORTOISE. HE was got by Earl Gower's famous Tortoise, which was got by Lord Godolphin's Whitefoot, Son of Bay Bolton ; bis Dam by Bartlet's Childers ; his Grand Dam by Williams's Arabian, at Woodstock : Her Dam was bred by Capt. Rider, and got by the St. Victor's Barb. who was the Sire of the Bald Galloway. Young Tortoise's Dam
was got by Bonny Balcbclor ; his Gran^ i Dam by Velters Cornwall, Esqr'f Prince of Wales. This Pedigree is true. Witness my Hand, James SQUIRE. N B. He will keep no Markets, therefore may be found at Home when wanting. Good Grass for Mares, and proper Care taken of them. This Day are Publish'd, In two POCKET VOLUMES, printed on a Writing Pot Paper> and a new Elzevir Letter, [ Price Five Shillings bcund, ] The WORKS of HORACE. Translated literally into ENGLISH Prose. For the Use of those who are desirous of acquiring or recovering 1 competent Knowledge of the LATIN, from one of the most elegant,
entertaining, and useful Writers in that Language. The Original Text is printed in the opposite Page, and revised corrected, and improved from the best Editions. By C. SMART, A. M. Of Pembroke College, Cambridge. LONDON: Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St.' Paul's Church Yard-, and sold by the Booksellers in Worcester-, R. Raikes, in Gloucester ; P. Hodges and J. Wylde, in Hereford ; B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth ; T. Aris, in Birmingham; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. *#* Those Subscribers to Mr. Smart's POEMS on several Occasions, that have not yet received their Books, and have
mislaid the Receipts for their first Payments, are desired to send written Receipts for the Book to their Booksellers, and it will be delivered. This Day are Publish'd, [ Price bound One Shilling, J LE T T E R S On the most common, as well as important OCCASIONS in LIFE, by Dr. ANDERSON'S, or, The Famous SCOTS PILLS, ARe faithfully prepared only by JAMES INGLISH, XJL Son of DAVID INGLISH, deceased, at the Unicorn, over against the New Church in the Strand, London ; and, to prevent Counterfeits from Scotland, as well as in and about London, you are desired to take No- tice, That the True Pills have their Boxes
sealed on the Top ( in black Wax) with a Lyon Rampant, and Three Mullets Argent, Dr. Andersons Head betwixt 1. 1. with his Name round it, and Isabella Inglish underneath the Shield in a Scroll. —— They are of excellent Use in all Cases where Purging is necessary, and may be taken with Epsom, Tunbridge, or other Medicinal Waters. IQ, To prevent the bad Confequences that too frequently happen by the great Number of Counterfeits, Mr. Inglish begs Leave ao acquaint the Inhabitants of the Towns under mention'd of whom they may have the True Medi- cine. Worcester— Mr. Holdship, Glover, and Mrs. Wolley, Bookseller,
both in High- Street. Worcestershire Mr. Bond, Chandler, in Shipston. Mr. Smith, Apothecary, in Dudley. Mrs. Eliz. Watson, in Bromsgrove. Mr. William Calcot, in Evesham. Shrewsbury Mrs. Anne Stone. Hereford Mr. Wilde, and Mr. Hodges. Gloucester Mr. Harris, Bookseller. Gloucestershire Mr. Cornmell, Flax- dresser, Campden. Mrs. Farren, Milliner, in Tewkesbury, Mr. Stevens, in Cirencester. To Cover this Season, At the White Lyon Inn, at Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, lately bought in out of the North, and now in the Hands ot Mr JOHN HURST, of Royals Court, A Most Famous Thorough bred Dark
Chesnut STALLION, ( Being the same Horse Mr. Hurst had last Season) SIX Years old this Grass, full Fifteen Hands and an Inch high, with a Bliss down his Face, and one white Heel behind, and Master of twenty Stone a Fox hunting. He was got by Goliah, and out of a thorough- bred Mire. His Actions are very fine ; and is allow'd by all Judges that have seen him, to be as just a Horse in Shape and Actions as any in the Kingdom. It is worth while for any Gentleman to send his Servant on Purpose to see him : And, for the Sake of encouraging Breed, he will Cover at Half a Guinea, and One Shilling the Man, with the Benefit of
the Season. N. B. No Mare will be Cover'd without Ready Money the first Leap. No Horse can prove more lucky in getting Foals. Good Grass for Mares, at reasonable Rates, and proper Care taken of them. THE Creditors of Mr. John Crane, late of Bewdley, in the County of Worcester, Surgeon and Apothecary, deceas'd, who are yet unsettled with, are hereby desired by his Administrator, Mr. Thomas Crane, to send in their fevera! Accounts, as soon as may be, to Mr. Daniel Clarke, Attorney at Law, in Bewdley aforesaid ; for the Balancing 0f which Accounts, proper Attendance will be once more given at the Angel Inn, in
Bewdley aforesaid, from the Hour of Ten in the Morning till Four in the Afternoon, upon Saturday the 10th Day of this Instant April. And all those Persons who do yet remain indebted to the said Mr. Crane, are hereby required to pay imme- diately their respective Debts to the said Mr. Daniel Clarke, ( who is empowered to receive the same,) or they will be forthwith sued for the same, without any further Notice. CICFRO, LOCKE, POPI, PLINY, LD. LANSDOWNE, GAY, VOITURE, TEMPLE, SWIFT, BALZAC, DRYDEN, . Rowe, ST. EVREMONT, GARTH, And other WRITERS of distinguished Merit; With many Original LETTERS
and CARDS, By the EDITOR. Who has also prefixed, A Dissertation on the Epistolary Stile ; with proper Directions for addressing Persons of Rank and Eminence. For the Use of young GENTLEMEN and LADIES. LONDON : Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Pants Church Yard; and sold by the Booksellers in Worcester; R. Raikes, in Gloucester; P. Hedges and J. Wylde, in Hereford-, B, Haslewood, in Bridgnorth-, T. Aris, in Birmingham ; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. This Day is Publish'd, [ Price Sixpence bound and gilt, ] A Collection of Pretty POEMS, For the Amusement of CHILDREN
Three Foot high, By T. TAGG, Esq; Adorned with above Sixty CUTS. Printed for the Booksellers of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, and sold at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church Yard, London ; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Speedily will be published by the Author, A Collection of PRETTY POEMS, for the Amusement of CHILDREN Six Foot high. Of the same Booksellers may be had, [ Price Sixpence bound and gilt, ] The SECOND EDITION, of Be MERRY and WISE; Or, The Cream of the Jests, and the Marrow of Maxims, for the Con » duct of Life. Published for the Use of all little good
Boys and Girls, By T. TRAPWITT, Esq; Adorned with CUTS. Would you be agreeable in Company, and useful to Society, carry some merry Jests in your Mind, and honest Maxims in your Heart. This Day are Publish'd, ( In Two Pocket Volumes, Price Six Shillings bound in Calf, with the Maps neatly coloured,) TRAVELS through Turky in Asia; The Holy hand. Arabia, Egypt, And other Parts of the W O R L D : Giving a particular and faithful Account of what is most remarkable in the Manners, Religion, Polity, Antiquities, and Natural His- tory of those Countries : With a curious Description of Jerusalem, as it now appears, and
other Places mentioned in the Holy Scrips tures. By CHARLES THOMPSON, Esq; interspERSed With the Remarks of several other modern Travellers; Illustrated with Notes, Historical, Geographical, and Miscellaneous, by the EDITOR, and adorned with Map's and PRINTS. LONDON: Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church Yard ; and sold by the Booksellers in Worcester J R. Raikes, in Gloucester i P. Hodgie and J. Wylde, in Hereford-, B. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth j T. Aris, in Birmingham : and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal, N. B. This Book ( which is not only an agreeable Companion
for Ladies and Gentlemen, but is likewise very necessary for every Family, as it will illustrate and explain various Passages in the Old and New Testament) is adorned with the following MAPS and PRINTS. VIZ. 1. A View of Smyrna. 7. A Plan of the City and 2. St. John's Grotto, and the Country about Jerusalem. Chapel ot the Hermitage, in the 8. The Church of the Holy Island of Patmos. Sepulchre. 3. A View of Balbeck and its 9. A Map of Egypt, Temple. 10. A View of the Pyramids, 4. A Map of the Terrestrial the Sphinx, and some Egyptian Paradise, according to Mr. Huet 1 Mummies. . and others. | 11. Views of Mount Sinai,
5. A Map of the Holy Land. Tabor, Carmel, Horeb ; the 6. A View of the City of Je- Rock of Meribah- Kadash, and rusalem as it now appears. the Hill of Moses. AD ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at 2s. 6d. each; and Articles of Intelligence ( Post paid) will be receiv'd, and carefully inserted. ADVERTISEMENTS, & c. are likewise taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Hopkinson, Bookseller, in Warwick Mr. Wylde Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr. Andrews, Bookseller, in Evesham ; Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Hodges,
Booksellers, in Hereford ; Mrs. Moseley Bookseller, in Kidderminlter ; Mr. Ashmead, Bookfeller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham ; at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominster ; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in that Town ; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton in Marsh; and by the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Diltribution of this Journal.-— Likewife by Mr. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave Mary Lane, London.