Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 25/03/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2434
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BER ROW'g Worcester JOURNAL. [ Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Crofs. 1 Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, March 25, 1756. No' 2434 im- Wirtern — T-—; ——— FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arriv'd £ MAIL from FRANCE. C O L O G N, March 10. FROM Augsbourg we have a very cir- cumstantial Account of an uncommon Storm of Wind, which happened in the Night between the 18th and 19th of last Month, it is remark'd that this Storm did not consist of tempestuous Intervals, as is customary, but that, besides the accidental Resistance of Houses, Trees, & c. one continued Roar, like that of a
turbulent Sea, was heard from above, which held for several Hours without Intermission, the Atmosphere being for the most Part very clear, the Moon and Stars shining exceedingly bright: Thus, continuing till near Four o'Clock, the Storm in a few Minutes in- creased, and thunder'd with double Force, to the Asto- nishment of the deafned inhabitants; soon after which, the Wind turned short from West to East, the Clouds rose, and in a short Time it became quite dark. It ended in the Morning about Seven o'Clock, having done mense Damage in the Districts of Augsbourg bourg, Newbourg, Stutgard, in the Circle of Franconia, and
the Upper Palatinate. Extract of a Letter from the Hague, March 5. The important Memorial delivered to the States Gene- ral on the 13th past, by Colonel Yorke, was as follows: High and Mighty LORDS, NOTWITHSTANDING the repeated Proofs which the King my Master hath given all Europe of his sin- cere Desire to preserve the publick Peace, and notwith- standing the great Pains he hath taken to prevent the Tranquility of his Allies from being disturbed by War, and to remove every Ground of it from this Part of the World, he finds himself at length threatened with the Prospect of a War being kindled in his own Kingdoms. I
am commanded to communicate to your High Migh- tinesses the Advices, which his Majesty receives from all Quarters, of the prodigious Preparations that are making in France for a Descent on the British Isles. That Crown, instead of doing Justice to England for her Claims, found ed On the most solemn Treaties, hath added Insolence to Injustice, and, even in the Representations it has thought proper to make, employ'd Expressions that are equally inconsistent with common Decency and the particular Re- gard due to Sovereigns. This hath been observed by your High Mightinesses, as well as by all Europe. You have likewife
seen with what Moderation the King caused these Remonstrances to be answer'd : But an Example to worthy of Imitation appears not to have made the least Impression on the Ministry of Versailles. France still coutinues to pursue with the same Ostentation her ambitious Projects. Her Armies are already in Motion on all Sides; a formid- able Embarkation is preparing ; and the Port of Dunkirk ( that Monument of our Neighbours ill Faith) is restoring to its antient State, notwithstanding the strongest and most amicable Representations made by the Embassadors of the King and the States General. The Registers of your High
Mightinesses are an Evidence that this is a notorious Breach of Treaty, and a manifest Aggravation. It is supported by 120 Battalions that are in Motion. The Coasts towards the Ocean swarm with Troops. The Roads to Flanders, Normandy, and Britanny, are continually covered with Carriages laden with Cannon, Warlike Stores, Arms of all Kinds, Provisions; in short, all the Apparatus of some great Enterprize : And to remove all Doubt about their Destination, the French Ministers at the several Courts of Europe speak publickly of invading Great Britain and Ireland. The Wisdom of your High Mightinesses renders it un- necessary
for me to represent how much your Republick is concerned in the Defence of Great Britain and the Pro testant Succession in his Majesty's illustrious House, which France hath more than once attempted to overturn. There is already the strongest Proof that this Attempt will soon be renew'd : Prudence requires that it be seasonably prevented. The King is not frighten'd by these threatening Ap- pearances; but he is determined to take every Precaution to prevent their Effect. He places his Confidence in the Divine Providence, in the Justice of his Cauae, and the Fidelity and Bravery of his Subjects. At the same Time the Love he
bears to his People, his Attention to their Safety, and to the Preservation of their Liberty and Re- ligion, and his Desire to protect all his Coasts from the Ravages of the Enemy, are so many powerful Motives which oblige him to demand the Succours of Six Thousand Men, with which the United Provinces are bound by Treaty to furnish him, for the Defence of his Kingdoms. His Majesty hath had so many Proofs of the Republick's Fidelity in fulfilling her Engagements, and of her invari- able Friendship for his Royal Person, that he cannot en- tertain the slightest Doubt but that the Six Thousand Men will be immediately got ready to
embark, and his Ma- jesty will without Delay send the necessary Shipping for carrying them over. Letter from Amsterdam, dated March 11. " The obstinate Refusal of the Province of Friesland, with that of Amsterdam, and other Places, to assent to the Exportation of Troops to Great Britain, pursuant to Treaty, makes it concluded here that the premature Arri val of the Englith Transports has rather aggravated the Delay, than hastened the Event. It is remarkable, how- ever, in this Dispute, that those Provinces, which are more immediately in Danger from the French Resentment, are those which assent to the Embarkation ; and
that those which have most to fear, on Account of their Trade, from the Resentment of the English, are those who with- stand this Motion. Among other Circumstances, it is also remarkable, that at the late Assembly of the Province in Friesland, her Highness being informed of their prede- termined Resolution, took Care to get their Resolution postponed, till she had communicated to them the Deter- mination of the French Court to Terms of Accommoda- tion ; which Determination those reasonable Patriots re- turned back unconsidered, with their prior Resolution, by their Deputies, of sending no Troops to England." LONDON,
Thursday, MARCH 18. Yesterday his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, Master General of the Ordnance, attended by several General Officers, surveyed the Artillery and Small Arms, and gave Orders to have all Things in constant Order. Three Battalions of the Foot Guards are ordered to be ready to march at an Hour's Notice. It is said that 200 Draught Horses are kept in Readi- ness in Stables in the Borough. The Militia ot the County of Middlesex are, by Order of the Board of Lieuteiiancy, to be return'd this Day or To morrow, and their Days of marching are expected shortly to be appointed. Tuesday the Right Hon. Lord
Robert Bertie's Regi- ment marched through Richmond in their Way to Ports- mouth. The antient and loyal Corporation of Coventry have ordered one Guinea to be given to every Man who re- sides within the City and County of Coventry, that shall inlist in Col. Lambton's Regiment now lying at Coventry, over and above the Boutity Money offered by the Re- cruiting Officers. We hear that a Treaty of Alliance, offensive or defen- sive, is concluded between his Majesty and the King of Sardinia; by which the latter is to act, in Case of Need, with a Body ot 35,000 Men, in Favour of Great Britain. The Master of a Dutch Ship, arrived
some Days ago at Amsterdam, reports that he met with the Squadron commanded by M. de Salvert in Lat. 45, who made him bring- to, and dismissed him, finding he belonged to a neutral Nation. The Dutchman also says, that he ob served the said Squadron was very well mann'd, at least as to Numbers, and he judged it might be bound to the West Indies. We hear that ten Frigates are gone out of Brest upon a Cruize, to make Reprizals: Most of them mount 24 Guns, and they put to Sea a few Days after the Depar ture of the Squadron under the Command of M. Perrier de Salvert. It is reckoned that there are still about 30
Ships ot the Line and Frigates in the Harbour of Brest. it is said that Sir Edward Hawke, who is supposed to have sailed in quest of the French Fleet from Brest, will, after convoying the Indiamen and other Ships into a cer- tain Latitude, detach from his Fleet a Squadron for the West Indies. According to some private Letters from Warsaw, an Italian Physician, who practises there, has perform'd some very extraordinary Cures, by the Help of a volatile Salt and Oil extracted from Truffles, or, as our common People call them, Swine- bread ; which, tho' it has long enter'd into rich Sauces, has been generally esteem'd ra- ther
unwholsome. Amongst some Hundreds of Volumes of antient Ma- nuscripts, lately recover'd out of the Ruins of Hercula- neum, it is said they have been able to enroll, with all their Care, but one, and this, we are told, is a short Dis- course in Greek, written by one Philademus, an Epicu rean Philosopher, mention'd in the second Satire of the First Book of Horace, and of whom some Notice is also taken by Tully. This Work, with an accurate Latin Translation), is now in the Press. A Physician at Leydon is about to publish some very singular Experiments which he has made, tending to in- troduce a new Method of curing the
Diseases of the Lungs, radically and effectually, by the Use of Vapours, Fumes, or Smoaks of different Kinds, which Notion he acknow- ledges to have received from Dr. Christopher Bennet, a celebrated English Physician, in a famous treatise of his, entitled, Theatrum Tabidorum; or, a Discourfe of the Cause and Cure of Consumptions. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Whitshed Keene, Esq; Captain, Mr. Kerby, Lieutenant, and Mr. William Thompson, Ensign, in his Majesty's fifth Regi- ment of Foot commanded by Lord George Bentinck ; and Robert Atkison, Esq; Captain in Sir John Mordaunt's Dragoons. ' Tis said a
Bill' will be brought into Parliament in a few Days, for laying a further Restraint on the pernicious Practice of Stockjobbing. This Day, at a General Court of the Bank of England, a Dividend of 2 i - qr. on their Capital was declared for the Half- Year ending the 5th of next Month. It is said that the Manner in which the Legislature in- tends to assist the Foundling- Hospital, in Consequence of their late Petition for Relief is, That each Parish within the Bills of Mortality shall pay out of their Poor's Rate 10 per Cent, to the Hospital; which, in Consideration thereof, is to receive all Foundlings that may be sent them. By this Means many
Lives might be saved to the Pub- lick, which will be of great Importancet as we may be presumed to be on the Verge of a War. The Rev Mr. Mitchell was a few Days since presented to the Rectory of Witherel in the Vale, in the County and Diocese of Worcester, vacant by the Resignation of the old Incumbent. Teusday the Right Hon. the Earl of Pembroke was married, by the Rev. Dr. Saunders, to the Lady Betty Spencer, second Daughter ol his Grace the Duke of Marlborough. On Saturday the Earl of March's Chariot broke down in David Street, Grosvenor- Spuare, the Wheel coming off, and the Coachman falling from the Box,
the Horses drag-' ged the Chariot a considerable Way with his Lordship in it, till at last ftriking against a Post, the Head of the Chariot came off, and his Lordship was thrown out, and happily received but little Hurt. On Tuesday Evening the Body of a young Girl, abont sixteen, was found in the New River, near Newington. She had a Capuchin and Hat on, and was otherwise neatly dressed ; and proves to have been a Milliner's Apprentice, near Smithfield, who left her Mistress about six Weeks since on some Disgust, and never could be heard of before, though ten Guineas have been offered in several Advertisemenis for any
Person who could give any Intel- ligence of her. It is said she had a Fortune of Eleven Hundred Pounds. On Tuesday the Earl of Lincoln gave a grand Enter- tainment at his House at the Exchequer, at which were present 500 Persons of Distinction. An English Brigantine, Name unknown, is lost off Eu- ropa Point, and the Crew drowned. If it be Matter of Fact ( as asserted in Col. Yorke's Me- morial to the States General, demanding the 6000 Dutch Troops stipulated by Treaty to be furnish'd when these Kingdoms are attacked) that the French Ministers at all the Courts of Europe have publickly declared the King their Master
intends to invade Great Britain and Ireland; one may be allow'd to suppose that no such Thing is in- tended, because French Statesmen have never been re- markable for blabbing their Designs ; or else it must be supposed they have no other Game to play, and therefore need not make a Secret of it But left this Inference should not be satisfactory, let us further suppose, that they have two Strings to their Bow ; that they have carried the first Point they had in View in alarming us with an Invasion, which was only to get the Start of us this Season in a Race to America; and then the Inference may be, that they will give us so much
Trouble ' in that Part of the World next Summer, that we shall probably be inclined to make up Matters with them, by leaving them in Possession of the Ohio and St. John's River : After which, the Safety of our Northern Colonies must depend upon a Chain of Forts, strongly garrison'd, in Opposition to theirs ; and to the Limits of America will be settled. And this, we ap- prehend, France has more at Heart than the making of Invasions here, which, by all Appearances, would not turn to so good Account. However, it was certainly right to prepare for the worst, because it might happen if we were unprovided; but, at the same Time,
the grand Object should not attract our Attention so far, as to make us over- look other important Matters. Hf
SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Ihe following Piece is a Translation of the Copy of the Re- ply of the Court of France to the Answer of the States General to the Demand made to them by the Marquis de Bonnac and the Comte d'Affry, the 31st of December last. THE King has considered, with the most se- rious Attention, the Answer returned by Order of the States General, in a Conference on the 9th of this Instant, to the Comte d'Affry, his Minister Plenipotentiary to their Republick. It is with Satisfaction his Majesty has observed therein, the Desire expressed by their High Mightinesses, of seeing the Differences that have
arisen between France and Eng land terminated by an amicable Conciliation. The whole Conduct of his Majesty, since the Conclusion of the Treaty of Aix- la Chapelle in 1748, is a publick and shining Mo- nument of his Wishes for the Preservation of the Tran quility of Europe. These Principles of his Majesty have been invariable ; nor were a fresh War now to be appre bended, if the King of Great- Britain had not begun, and did not still continue, to exercise the most unjustifiable and the most irregular Hostilities against his Majesty's Posses- sions and Subjects. The King is convinced, that the States General are far from
engaging in a War for an Object that does not oblige them to it. His Majesty knows of no other Trea- ties between their High Mightinesses and England, but such as are defensive ; and as the King of Great Britain is evidently the Aggressor, his Majesty has Reason to as sure himself, from the Equity and Foresight of the States General, that very far from furnishing, directly or indi rectly, any Succours to the Court of London, they would, on the contrary, upon being required thereto, fulfil the Engagements, equally defensive, which they have con tracted with his Majesty. His Majesty is disposed to enter into all Measures, the
particular Motives and Ends of which shall be the Secu rity, the Tranquility, and the Welfare of the Republick. The King, from the Time of his Accession to the Throne, has constantly interested himself for the Independence and Honour of the States General, and his Majesty, still ani- mated by the same Sentiments of Esteem and Affection to wards their High Mightinesses, most sincerely desires, that the Republick, whole Fate is in her own Hands, ( seule Arbitre de son Sort ) may continue to conduct itself by those Maxims of Impartiality and Wisdom, by which alone they can maintain that Honour and Independence, of which
they are, with so much Reason, jealous. The present Conjuncture of Affairs not being the same as in 1733, when the King concluded a Treaty of Neu- trality with the States General with Regard to the Austrian Netherlands, all Precautions on that Head would at pre sent be superfluous. His Majesty could not but see, with the greatest Sur- prise, what was inserted in the Answer of the States Gene- ral, relative to the Continent of Great Britain and Ireland. No Power upon Earth has a Right to restrain the Opera tions his Majesty designs to execute, in order to take lawful Revenge on an Enemy that has insulted and at tack'd him,
against the Faith of Treaties, and all Decency. For what remains, his Majesty does not think proper to explain himself about the Object of those Preparations which denounce his just Resentment. The aforesaid Mr. d'Affry read what follows from a separate Paper. THAT his Majesty expects their High Mightinesses will explain themselves with more Precision upon the Part they intend to take in the present Conjuncture, His Majesty, forced to revenge himself on an Enemy who has unjustly attacked him, desires sincerely not to multiply the Calamities of War ; but he can no longer reckon among the Number of his Friends those
Powers, who, far from fulfilling the defensive Engagements they have contracted with him, would make a common Cause with and fur- nish Succours to his Enemy. Lisbon, Feb. 13. The 9th Inst. we had an Earthquake which lasted six or seven Minutes, and few Days pass away without feeling fome Shocks more or less violent ; so that we are still in an alarming and desolate Situation. The Monks and Nuns remain without Enclosures, as the Other Inhabitants do without Houses. Four Regiments of Infantry and one of Dragoons are opening Roads thro the Ruins of the City. This Week 230 Prostitutes were taken up by Order of
the Cardinal Patriarch ; and Yes- terday 24 young Men were committed to Prison, in order to oblige them to marry Girls whom they have debauched during our Calamities. An Order is issued for three great Families to depart from hence, one of whom was in pretty good Credit with the King ; and his Majesty has assigned 100,000 Rees per Month for its Subsistence. Vienna, March 3. It is reported that ten Regiments have received Orders to march towards the Low Coun- tries. LONDON, Saturday, MARCH 20. Letters from Paris, of the 8th Instant, take Notice, that the Squadron lately sent from Brest under the Com- mand of M.
Perrier de Salvert, consists of 14 Sail, accord- ing to some Accounts, but only 10 according to others; and that there remain'd in the Ports of the Ocean near forty Ships of the Line, and a good Number of Frigates It is said that several of our Line of Battle Ships are gone to the West Indies, prior to the sailing of the French Squadron under M. Salvert, and that a large Squadron of ours is sailed after them. We have Advice that four French Frigates of thirty Guns each, and twelve Transports with Troops, sailed last Wednesday Evening from Havre- de Grace, for Brest, as supposed : Of which we hope soon to be able to give a
further Account. We hear that on the 25th of last Month there were eleven Ships of the Line and ten Frigates at Brest ready to put to Sea, and about the like Number not then equipp'd 1 that they were making great Preparations all round Breft, fortifying the Out Works, erecting new ones, and plant- ing double Guards. The Garrison consisted of 4000 Men, and the French King intended to send 4000 Men to Canada; for which Expedition several Ships were making ready. Letters from Madrid advise that they are equipping eight or ten Men of War at Ferrol ; and ' tis given out, that they are destined for America, but only to relieve
the like Number of Ships which the Court has ordered to return to Europe. By Advices received from Barcelona, there are six Fri- gates, from 30 to 50 Guns, sailed from Toulon to make Reprisals. Private Letters from Marseilles advise, that a Company is already formed at that Port, who have established a Fund for fitting out Privateers to cruize on the English, in which each Action, or Share, is to consist of 1000 Livres. It is reported the French King hath advanced to the Com- pany Three Millions: It is certain that he hath granted it very great Privileges ; and such of the Captains as shall advantageously distinguish themselves
are to be immediate ly promoted in the Royal Navy. According to some private Advices from Bourdeaux, there are upwards of three hundred Ship Owners at that Place, all wealthy Traders, to whom the French King, in order to encourage them to fit out Ships to cruize on the English, hath granted considerable Privileges, and to some Letters of Nobility. He further promises to indemnify them to the last Farthing if a Peace should be concluded. The same Offers have been made to the Owners of Ships at other Ports; and his Majesty hath even promised to furnish them with Cannon. La Seine, la Marianne, and le Hector, belonging
to Nantz; le Siereux, and le Roy de Suede, belonging to Bourdeaux ; are all carried into Jamaica by Commodore Coates. Yesterday the Embargo on Shipping was taken off. Letter from Dover, March 18. " Just now put back the Packet, who was got in Sight of Calais; when the Mate discovered a Letter, which one of the Passengers dropp'd ; and making a strict Search ( by that Inducement) found one hundred and thirty more in a Bag, secreted on board the Vessel, directed to different Persons along the Sea Coast, as Boulogne, Dunkirk, Ha- vre de Grace, & c. The Man is secured for further Exa- mination, and the Packet is to
sail again this Tide with the Mail, if the Wind permits." His Majesty has given Orders for all his own Saddle Horses to be learnt to Hand Fire and the Beat of Drum, that they may be ready in Case of an Emergency. On Thursday Morning between four and five Hundred Horses, which are to be employ'd to draw the Train of Artillery, Baggage Waggons, & c. were assembled by the Contractors on Walworth Common. They are ordered to be ready at an Hour's Warning. The Drivers are all clad in white Frocks, with the Letters G. R. in Red on the Back. The Horse Guards at Whitehall are getting ready to receive two Battalions of Foot-
Guards, to do Duty there as at St James's We hear that Sir John Frederick, Bart, has now sixty Men properly cloath'd, and an equal Number of Horses, all ready at a Minute's Notice. As has the Right Hon. the Lord Romney 150 Men, all clever Fellows, and as well disciplin'd as any Tioops in the Kingdom. The Right Hon. Edward Lord Digby, of Sherborn- Lodge, in Dorsetshire, and Member of Parliament for the City of Wells, in Somerset, has rais'd a Regiment com pleat for his Majesty's Service, compos'd of his Lordship's Friends and Neighbours in the two Counties, who volun tarily offer'd themselves 0n the present important
Occa- sion. From Rochester we are advis'd, that a large Party of Marines, ( the same which went out from thence some Time since), are return'd from Greenwich, and have brought with them a Number of Recruits. - On Tuesday three Thieftakers going to the Savoy to see if some of the Persons detained there belonged to their Informations, were themselves detained to serve the King. Yesterday was presented to the Court of Aldermen and Common Council a Petition from the Goldsmiths and Workers of Silver, praying the Court to give Instuctions to the Members for this City to oppose the Bill for laying a Tax on Persons
possessed of Plate. The Court taking the same into Consideration, resolved to petition the House of Commons against the Imposing of the said Tax Yesterday at Noon Ive Whitebread, Esqs one of the Sheiiffs of this City, being cloath'd in his Scarlet Gown, and attended by two of his Officers, went from Guildhall to the House of Commons, and delivered the Petition ol the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council Men of this City, against the Extension of Excise Laws At the Half Moon Tavern last Night there was a very numerous Meeting of the Silversmiths of London and Westminster, to receive the Report of the Committee
that had attended the Members of the City of London, where the Healths were drank of the Four Members, the Speaker of the House of Commons, Mr. Secretary Fox ; and that the Thanks of the Trade, which consists of many Thou sands, be given to them in the most publick Manner, for exerting themselves in the Cause of Liberty, by stedfastly persisting in receiving the Petition of the City of London. We hear that most of the Counties, Cities, Boroughs, and Corporations in England, will apply to their respec- tive Members, as the City of London has already done, to desire them to oppose the laying any further Tax upon Plate,
and the extending of the Excise Laws. They write from Paris, that the Bishop of Auxerre having issued a Mandate, permitting the People of his Diocese to eat Eggs this Lent, the Magistrates of that City suppressed it, becaufe it was not worded to their Liking. Private Letters by Yesterday's Mail advise, that on the 28th ult there happened the most terrible Tempest in Po- land that ever was known : Whole Forests were torn up, so that Places where they stood are now open Plains. Three hundred Artists have been hired at Francfort for the Woollen Manufactories which his Danish Majesty has lately set up in Denmark. T A few
Days ago died Colonel Madden, Colonel of a Troop of Horse. On Tuesday last a shabby, middle aged Man and Wo- man were committed to Newgate, by the Right Hon the Earl of Holdernesse, one of his Majesty's Secretaries of State, on Suspicion of being concerned in sending an ano- nymous Letter last Saturday to Mr. Clevland, Secretary to the Admiralty, intimating a Design on the Life of his Majesty, by shooting him with a Wind Gun when he should next Pass through the Park. On Sunday the Gal- lery of the Royal Chapel was cleared, and a double Guard appointed at St. James's. It is imagined that the Fellow expected a
Reward for communicating the Plot; but as we don't find that he pretends to know the Persons con- cerned in the Scheme, it is probable he will be deemed the Conspirator, and suffer as a Traitor, it being High Treason to imagine the Death of the King, or even of a Privy- Counsellor. We hear from Liverpool, that Charles Pole, Esq; is chosen Member of Parliament for that Borough, in the room of Thomas Salusbury, Esq; deceas'd. WHEREAS John Feredy, Apprentice to John Southull, Cordwainer, in Kidderminster, absented himself from his Master's Service on Sunday the 14th of this Instant March; This is to give Notice, That if
he will return to his said Master within fourteen Days from the Date hereof, he will be kindly received ; and be it at the Peril of any Person or Persons who shall harbour, entertain, or employ the said Apprentice. N. B. The said John Feredy is about 17 Years of Age, of a fair Complexion, wore a Linnen Cap, a Blue- Grey Coat with White- Metal Buttons, a Blue Stuff Waistcoat, and Leather Breeches. He was born at Kinfare, in Staf- fordshire. To Cover this Season, , At Holme Castle, near WORCESTER, At One Guinea a Mare, and One Shilling the Servant, A Fine Young Chesnut HORSE, call'd YOUNG TORTOISE. HE was got
by Earl Gower's famous Tortoise, which was got by Lord Godolphin's Whitefoot, Son of Bay Bolton ; bis Dam by Bartlet's Childers; his Grand Dam by Williams's Arabian, at Woodstock : Her Dam was bred by Capt. Rider, and got by the St. Victor's Barb, who was the Sire of the Bald Galloway. Young Tortoise's Dam was got by Bonny Batchelor; his Grand Dam by Velters Cornwall, Esqr's Prince of Wales. This Pedigree is true. Witness my Hand, JAMES SqUIRE. N B He will keep no Markets, therefore may be found at Home, when wanting. Good Grass for Mares, and proper Care taken of them. To Cover this Season, At the
White Lyon Inn, at Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, lately bought in out of the North, and now in the Hands of Mr. JOHN HuRST, of Royals Court, A Most Famous Thorough- bred Dark Chefnut STALLION, ( Being the same Horse Mr. Hurst) had last Season) SIX Years old this Grass, full Fifteen Hands and an Inch high, with a Bliss down his Face, and one white Heel behind, and Master of twenty Stone a Fox- hunting. He was got by Goliah, and out of a thorough- bred Mare. His Actions are very fine ; and is allow'd, by all Judges that have seen him to be as just a Horse in Shape and Actions as any in the
Kingdom. It is worth while for any Gentleman to send his Servant on Purpose to see him: And, for the Sake of encouraging Breed, he will Cover at Half a Guinea, and One Shilling the Man, with the Benefit of the Season. N. B No Mare will be Cover'd without Ready Money the first Leap, No Horse can prove more lucky in getting Foals. ** Good Grass for Mares, at reasonable Rates, and proper Care taken of them.
To be Lett, And Enter'd upon IMMEDIATELY, SMALL CONVENIENT FARM, Consisting of Meadow, Pasture, and Tillage, Near the Borough of DROITWICH, Worceslershire. or Particulars enquire at Hooper's Coffee- House, in Worcester. WANTED, As an Apprentice to a genteel Business, A sober steady LAD, Who may hear of a Master, by applying to the Printer of this Paper. A PROFESS'D COOK, Who can be well recommended, May bear of a good Place at an I N N, by enquiring of the Printer of this Paper. Worcester Infirmary. March 24, 1756. AQuarterly General Meeting of the GOVERNORS of this CHARITY will be held
here on Wednesday next, the 31st of this Instant, at Ten •' Clock in the Morning. THO. STAPLES, Secretary. Worcester, March 22, 1756. COmplaint having been made by several Inhabitants of this City, that divers Persons resort here with their Families, in order to be INOCULATED for the SMALL POX, which may probably be a Means of spreading and continuing the Distemper amongst us, to the endangering the Lives of many of his Majesty's Subjects, to the spoiling of our Markets, and the great Detriment of Trade in general; to put a Stop therefore to this growing Evil, and to preserve as much as possible the Health of the
City, It is thought proper to give this publick Notice, That whoever presumes, after the Publi- cation hereof, to lett Houses or Lodging for Inoculation, will be prosecuted with the utmost Rigour of the Law. By Order of the MAYOR and JUSTICES. This is to give NOTICE, THAT there will be a General Meet- ing of the Trustees for putting in Execution an ACt of Parliament, intitled An Act for Repairing and Widening the Roads from the Borough of Stratford upon Avon, in the County of Warwick, through Alcester, in the said County, and Feckenham, to a Place called Bradley- Brook, in the County of Worcester ; and from Alcester
through Great Coughtin and Crab's Cross, in the said County of Warwick ; and through Hewell Lane and Bur tott, to the Cross of Hands on a Common called the Leekhay ; and out of Hewell Lane, through Church Lane and Tutnal, to Bromsgrove, in the said County of Worcester, at the House of Mr. John Whissell, known by the Name of the Angel Inn, in Alcester aforesaid, on Wednesday the 7th Day of April next, at Twelve o'Clock. SAULSY. GOODE, CLERK and TREASURER. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. BRUSSELS, March 19. ATR AIN of Fourscore Pieces of Brass Cannon began to march Yesterday from
Mechlin through this Town, in their Way to Luxembourg. L. Gaz. Brussels, March 16. According to our latest Advices from French Flanders, all the Officers have had Orders to get their Field Equipage ready by the First of April. Five hundred Waggons, laden with Cannon, Balls, Bombs, and all Kinds of Warlike Ammunition, set out last Monday from Douay, and took the Road to St. Omer and Dunkirk. Letters from Dunkirk, Calais, and Bou- logne agree that every Thing continues quiet in those three Ports, which are in a Manner blocked up by the great Number of English Ships on the Coast. From the first of those Places they
add, that four Battalions of the Old Marine Regiment in Garrison there have received Orders to hold themselves in Readiness to march and en- camp ; and that the Prince de Soubise is daily expected there, on whose Arrival the divers Plans of Operations concerted at Court will begin to be put in Execution. LONDON, Tuesday, MARCH 23. It is said that an eminent Trader at Dunkirk, has wrote to his Correspondent in this City, that a considerable Eclat will be made by the French in about 10 or 15 Days, The Carters, & c. belonging to the Train of Artillery, have received Orders to hold themselves in Readiness to march at an
Hour's Warning, ^ We hear that his Majesty has sent a Message to both Houses of Parliament, of the greatest COnsequence at the present critical Juncture; that the Habeas Corpus Act is to be suspended; and that certain well disciplined Troops are expected from Hanover with the greatest Expedition. It is also reported, that the French are determined upon an Invasion of this Kingdom, and that Recruits are daily raising in Normandy, who are to be appointed to that momentous Expedition.-— God inspire us with Perseve- rance and Unanimity. In a few Days, we hear, the Militia of the Counties of Essex, Kent, and Sussex, will
be assembled, and a Number of Merchant Ships, lately taken into the Government's Pay, will be station'd along the Coasts. Orders have been given by his Grace the Duke of De- vonshire to array the Militia in every County and City of Ireland. ' Tis computed the whole Number will amount to about Three Hundred Thousand Men. We hear that several Noblemen and Gentlemen haVe resolved to discharge all their French Servants that are Papists, esteeming it very ill Policy, especially at this Time, to entertain those who are by Nature and Religion the Nation's profess'd Enemies. , This Day an Address from the Members of the
Brecon- shire Society was presented to his Majesty, wherein those Gentlemen have offer'd, in case of an Invasion, to form themselves into a Troop of Light Horse, at their own Ex- pence, for the Defence of their King and Country. Gaz. It is said for certain, that the French Fleet is sailed for Cape Breton, and that Admiral Hawke is gone in Quest of them, and it is supposed will get there in two Months. The River of Cape- Breton is at this Season generally froze Up. Four Men of War at Chatham, three at Sheerness, and two at Woolwich, are order'd to sail round to Spithead. We hear that Capt. Joseph Cockburn went in his Cut- ter
into Brest Water, and sent his Boat, with four Men in her, into the Harbour, to see what Number of Ships, & c. were there; but being soon noticed, were taken into Custody. We hear that a Danish Ship is arrived at Southwolde, the Master of which reports to have seen at Sea two French Privateers, one a Three- mast Ship, and the other a Lug sail, who had four English Vessels in their Custody, with which they were bearing away for the Coast of Flanders. We hear that all the English Gentlemen in the Aca- demy at Caen, and other Academies in France, have Or- ders directly to leave that Kingdom. On Sunday last a Messenger
was dispatchcd by one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State to Rochford, in Essex, to bring from thence a Person who went by the Name of Hamilton. He acknowledges himself to be a Papist, and is suspected to be a Spy. He was stopp'd by some Fishermen on that Coast, whom he would have hired to have carried him from thence to Sheerness; and upon his Examination before a neighbouring Magit trate, prevaricated grosly, and was deteCted in numerous Falshoods. We hear that this Day the Plate Bill, after a strong Opposition, was carried up to the House of Lords for their Approbation. If it should pass inio a Law,
every Person possess'd of less than one hundred Ounces will be exempted therefrom. Yesterday Jarritt Smith, Esq; took his Seat in the House of Commons, for Bristol, in the room of Richard beck- ford, Esq; deceased. The Bristol Election, it is computed, will cost the two Candidates upwards of 12,000 1. The Hon. Mr. Spencer was prevailed upon by his Family not to be present at Bristol during the Election ; to which the Friends of that Gentleman, it seems, impute his Want of Success. BANKRUPTS. John Jennyns the Younger, of Wellington, Shropshire, Mercer and Grocer.—— Rossen- dale Allen, of Liverpool, Lancashire,
Woollen Draper and Mercer. William Tuffly, of Cannon, Street, Lou- don, Goldsmith.—— Joseph Cracknell, of Birmingham, Warwickshire, Linnen Draper and Haberdasher. Sa- muel Cowell, of Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, Tanner. Michael Willcox, of Piccadilly, Middlesex, Tin Plate Worker. Unett Hodges the Younger, of Whitbourn, Herefordshire, Yeoman and Chapman. Thomas Farr, of Guys Cliff Mills, in the Parish of Leek Wootton, War- wickshire, Mealman. who had Half a Crown a Day allow'd them for that Purpose ; and as the People were unarm'd, and came there with quite another Intent than that of fighting, they were knock'd
down by their long Poles one Man had his Arm broke, several wounded into the Skull; and the Leader of the Press Gang, by a Blow with a Bludgeon, has since broke a Man's Jaw, who now lies in a very dangerous Way. Thursday last concluded the Election for a Member of Parliament to represent this City in the room of Richard Beckford, Esq; deceas'd, when the RETURN ( the deferring of which had occasioned much Spe- culation) was at length made by the Sheriffs, in Favour of that worthy Gentleman and our honest FELLOW- CITIZEN JARRIT SMITH, Esq; by an allowed Majority of Fifty- Two. The obvious . P . r- t-- l y
conspicuous throughout the whole, and open Injustice a Sort of WARE, much dealt in on this Occasion, together with the great Variety of undue Influence made Use of among the Voters, occa- sion'd some to be very anxious about the Event; and others upon seeing this Behaviour, immediately declared in Mr. Smith's Interest, resenting the Insults given him on the Bench, and such abusive Treat- ment from Fellow- Citizens. Thus true Merit, like the Sun in an Eclipse, tho' obscur'd for a while, shines out afterwards with more bright illumin'd Rays. The Opposition itself was evidently the most unaccountable that ever was carried on
: And it is observable the Low Church Man eminently distinguished himself to his eternal Infamy above the Dissenter, notwithstanding a Pretence to Moderation for- sooth is the Foundation of such a one's Principles: Altho' a fair Ma- jority was declared in Favour of Mr. Smith, yet it was persisted in that the Return should be deferred ' till the next Day, and the Court was ad- journ'd against the Candidate's Content, in order to consult Consciencies which happened to be in other Peoples keeping. Some dark Contri- vances were immediately set on Foot to evade the Majority and not return Mr. Smith, at least ' till they receiv'd an
Answer from Mr. Sp r, who they hop'd would concur with them in their black Designs: But they were mistaken in their Man ; He had too much Honour to be concern'd in any such Practices, and rejected their Pro- posal with the Contempt it justly deserv'd, and insisted on Mr. Smith's being return'd agreeable to the Majority ; which he accordingly was the next Day to their great Mortification and Disgrace ; tho' to the Satisfaction of every uninfluenced Citizen. Happy Bristol! who hast still some Interest with the GOOD and GREAT ! Such a noble Stand for Liberty, such a glorious Struggle for our Rights and Privileges as this against
the combin'd Influence of al- most every Person in Power, ransacking the Navy at this critical Time of a threaten'd Invafion, and summoning the Marines and Sol- diers ( that were Freemen) from their Duty, against the united Force of their Union Club, and the C canvasing the Ale Houses and solliciting Votes, on Peril of their Liccnces, and letting loose the Press- Gang against Mr. Smith's Friends; against the whole Crew of Pensioners of the Excise and Customs ; in a Word against the whole Body of Dissenters and Low- Church Gentry, and against a Torrent of B b r y, could not fail of being cele- brated with the most hearty
Congratulations: A Glow of universal Joy and Satisfaction appear'd in the Countenance of every Gentleman that went in Procession thro' the City before the Chair'd Member, amidst the repeated Acclamations of Thousands; the Bells of every Parish they pass'd thro' saluted them with a Peal, the Churches and Ships being ornamented with Colours and Streamers, and the Cannon roaring forth their now- pleasing Thunder: The Evening concluded with Incessant ringing of Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations ; drinking Healths to his Majesty King GEORGE, and Success to his Forces against the perfidious French, and several other
Toasts ; to our new Member, and to the Memory of our late one ; to the Duke of Beau- fort ; to that worthy Patriot Sir John Philipps; to Willliam Beck- ford, Esq; Aldern. an of London, also to the Hon. John Spencer, fcfq; & c. & c. STOCKS. Bank shut. India shut. South Sea no Price Old Annuities, 92 1 4th. Ditto New Ann. 91 3 8ths. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 89 3 4ths, a 7 8tha. India Bonds, ll. 7s. Lott. Tickets nl. ys. 6d. Portsmouth, March 21. Admiral Byng has hoisted the Blue Flag on board the Ramillies, and is preparing the Fleet to sail as soon as possible. Three Companies of Lord George Bertie's Regiment of Welsh
Fuzileers came hither last Saturday, and will this Day be follow'd by the Remainder. ' Tis said this Regiment will embark on board Admiral Byng's Fleet. Remain in this Port the three Admirals, Byng, Osborn, and West, with upwards of Thirty Sail of Men of War. From Farley's Bristol Journal. ~ Bristol, March 20. On the Application of Sir John Phillips, Bart, the Right Hon. the Lords of the Admiralty sent Orders by Express, to Capt. Graves, the Regulating Captain at Bristol, to discharge James Matthews, a Blacksmith, and any other Persons impressed, who were Freemen, and had not given their Votes at the late Elec- tion, and to
take particular Care not to intimidate or interrupt any Persons- going to poll. One Day last Week the common People in Broad- Street waiting the Rising of the Court to see the Gentlemen come from the Hall, were set upon by the Mob Constables without the least Provocation, WORCESTER, March 25. The Application for a Reprieve for George Robinson,' the Soldier, proving unsuccessful, he is to be executed on Wednesday next, the 31st Instant, with John Collins, the other Criminal under Sentence of Death. On Tuesday last 14 more stout Fellows, impress'd for his Majesty's Service, by the Constables of this City and County,
were sent from hence to the Rendezvous at Glou- cester. We, the poor, unfortunate, and distress'd Debtors, confined in the County Gaol of Worcester, return our most sincere Thanks for a Half- Guinea sent us ( by the Hands of the Rev Mr. Taylor) from a Person unknown ; which has been carefully laid out in Provisions necessary for us. On Tuesday the 16th Instant, there was a very great Appearance at the Town- Hall, in Shrewsbury, of Gentle- men and Clergy, to meet Lord Powis, Lord Lieutenant and Cultos Rotulorum of the County of Salop ; when his Lordship, in the most Loyal end Affectionate Terms urged the
Assistance of the Gentlemen towards getting compleat- ed Colonel Whitmore's Regiment, now raising, and at the same Time generoufly declar'd, he would give a Gui- nea to each Man that should inlist for that Regiment, over and above the Common Inlisting Money. Last Monday se'nnight was apprehended at Tettenhall near Wolverhampton, Samuel Edwards, who made his Escape out of Warwick Gaol, to which he was the next Day convey'd. There were found upon him 3 Watches, which it is suppos'd he had left some where before his first Commitment. Last Thursday was committed to Warwick Gaol, Anne Cooper, ( whose
Husband was committed there the Week before) for aiding and assisting Samuel Edwards in escap- ing from the said Gaol, which she has confess'd. Saturday ended the Assizes at Gloucester, when William Wilkins, alias Edward Wilson, of Painswick, in Glou- cestershire, was convicted on an Indictment lodged against him, by S. Arrowsmith, of the same Place, for Forging a Bill of Exchange, payable to Hale and Co. Bankers in Bristol, with an Intent to defraud him ( ArrowsmithJ of 100l. In the Course of the Trial a most amazing Scene of Villainy appear'd to have been carried on by the above Wilson, in forging and circulating
Bills for several large Sums in the Name of a Noble Lord's Steward ; and the said Arrowsmith, being strongly suspected of being con- cerned with him in those Practices, is now in Custody, and will be tried accordingly at the Old Bailey. Wilson's Trial lasted eight Hours, when Sentence of Death was passed upon him in a most solemn and pathetick Manner. At this Assizes also John Robinson, Mary Frances, Thomas Palser, and Henry Avery, were ordered to be transported for 7 Years, and three burnt in the Hand. *„* Shortly will be publish'd. Some few seasonable QUERIES and CONSIDERATIONS offer'd to the Old Batchelors
of this Kingdom, especially at this critical Conjuncture of Affairs.
Letter from Oxford, March 20. " The Assizes on the Nisi Prius Side did not end at this Place till Saturday last about Noon, occasioned by the Trial of a remarkable Cause, on which there was a Spe- cial Jury, between Mr. William Haynes, Plaintiff, against Thomas Crutch and twelve others, Defendants, for as- saulting the said Mr. Haynes, and attempting to pull down and burn his Dwelling House, situate at Chipping Norton in this County ; when, after a Trial of twelve Hours, the Defendants were found guilty by the Jury, without going out of Court. " Last Sunday Morning the Paper Mills at Ensham in this County, were burnt down,
and entirely reduced to a Heap of Rubbish. How it took Fire is not known, be- ing discovered about Two o'clock in the Morning by the Cracking of the Tiles, which waked the Family ; but it was then too late to save any Part of the Stock or Build- ing. The Damage is computed at fifteen or sixteen Hun- dred Pounds." THE Creditors of Mr. John Crane, late of Bewdley, in the County of Worcester, Surgeon and Apothecary, deceas'd, who are yet unsettled with, are hereby desired by his Administrator, Mr. Thomas Crane, to send in their several Accounts, as soon as may be, to Mr. Daniel Clarke, Attorney at Law, in Bewdley
aforesaid; for the Balancing of which Accounts, proper Attendance will be once more given at the Angel Inn, in Bewdley aforesaid, from the Hour of Ten in the Morning till Four in the Afternoon, upon Saturday the 10th Day of April next. And all those Persons who do yet remain indebted to the said Mr. Crane, are hereby required to pay imme- diately their respective Debts to the said Mr. Daniel Clarke, ( who is empowered to receive the same,) or they will be forthwith sued for the same, without any further Notice. ALL Persons that remain indebted to the Estate of James Warner, of Hawford Mills, near Worcester, deceas'd, or of
Thomas Warner, late of Huntingdon, on Account of the Flour trade earned on at the said Mills, are required forthwith to pay their re spective Debts to Manison Warner, or they will, one and all, be sued without further Notice. Hawford, March 17, 1756. Manison Warner. N. B- Any Persons that shall be pleased to have any Kind of Grain ground only, or ground and dressed too, at the abovesaid Mills, may be assured of having it well done, and on the customary Terms. » MARY MOSELEY, 0 In the High- Street, Kidderminster, Widow of HUMPHRY MOSELEY, Bookseller and Stationer, lately deceased, Continues to carry on the
Business, in all its Branches, in the same Manner as in her Husband's Life- Time. Those Persons therefore wham he had the Honour of serving, the humbly hopes will continue their Favours to her, and they may depend upon meeting with the but Usage, from Their most obedient humble Servant, Mary Moseley. This is to give Notice, That The CROWN INN In Broad- Street, Worcester, Which was kept by Mr. AUgUSTIN OLDHAM, and, since his Decease, by his Sister, is now taken by JOHN PEMBERTON, Late Servant to WILLIAM STRAHAN, Esq; Where all GENTLEMEN, & c. may depend on having the best
Accommodation, by Their most humble Servant, John Pemberton. N. B. There is a great deal of very good STALL- STABLING, and Horses are taken in at Livery. To be SOLD, to the Best Bidder, On Monday the 5th of April next, at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Dwelling House of Mr. George Woodcock, known by the Sign of the Hop Pole, in tbe Foregate Street, Worcester, A Messuage Garden, Stable, And other Out- Buildings, Held by Lease under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, SITUATE in the Parish of St. Martin, near Badham's Vine, in the City of Worcester, now in the Occupa- tion of Mr. Thomas
Spilsbury, Haberdasher. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Giles, Clothier, in Worcester. In the Hands of Richard Tattersall, in Bewdley, and to Cover this Season, At ONE GUINEA a Mare, and a SHILLING the Man, The Dark- Chesnut Horse, call'd BLAZELLUS, RISING Five Years old, Fifteen Hands and three Inches high, with a Star, and one Hind Foot white. He was got by Mr. Steel's Young Blaze, Son of ' Squire Ridsdale's Bay Bolton, Son of Old Bay Bolton. Blazellus's Dam was got by Second, now in the Hands of Edward Leeds, Esq; his Grand Dam by Surley, his Great Grand Dam by Rockwood. In the Year
that Blaze got Blazellus Five Hundred Pounds were refus'd for him, and Blazellus cost Thirty Guineas when sucking the Mare. — Near Skip ton in Yorkshire there are several Foals of this Horse's getting that have been sold for 20 and 25 Guineas each ; and Mr. John Smith, in the Parish of Silsden, has refus'd 3J Guineas for one of his getting. Blazellus is fit to carry 18 Stone a'Fox hunting, and is allow'd to be the best Horse of his Size that ever was bred in Yorkshire. N. B. The Connoisseurs allow him to be a fine Horse to get Cattle for the Coach, out of proper Mares; he got above a hundred Mares in Foal last Year: And, to
convince some of my Brother Stallion keepers that he is not the Horse they report him to be, but that he can gal lop, he shall run against any one travelling Covering Stallion in the County of Worcester, or any other County adjoining thereto, the First Day of Worcelter Races in 1757, the best of three Four Mile Heats, carrying sixteen Stone, Weight for Age, to give or take the Covering of twenty Mares for the Year 1756, Fifty Pounds each, half forfeit ; to enter in to Articles any Time in a Month after the Date hereof. Bewdley. March 17, 1756 RICH. TATTERSALL This Horse will attend the Markets as under : On Tuesday at Mr.
John Lambeth's, the Three Swans Inn in Walsall,-— on Wednesday at Mr. William Sa- vage's, the Bull Inn in Wolverhampton, and will call that Night at the Bush Inn in Dudley, on Thursday at Mr. Richard Harrison's in Spiceal- Street, Birmingham, and will call that Night at Mr. Henry Allport's, the Three Tuns Inn in Sutton Coldfield, on Friday at Mr. Wm. Kelham's, the Swan Inn in Lichfield, 011 Saturday at Mr Edward Birch's, the Star Inn in Stafford, on Sun- day and Monday he will rest at Mr Thomas Yardley's, the Crown Inn 111 Cannock ; where there is a large Quan- tity of Grass engaged, and proper Care taken ol Mares. In the
same Hands is Y0UNG CADE, And will Cover Mares at One Guinea each, and a Shilling the Man. Young Cade is rising Six Years old. He was got by Old A1 Cade, and out of Hartley's Roundhead Mare, which was got by Roundhead ; his Grand Dam by squire Lister's ( of Gisbourn Park) Silverheel, his Great Grand Dam by Fearnought ; his Great Great- Grand Dam by Brimmer — He i » a Bright bay well mark'd, fifteen Hands and at. Inch high He is fit to carry 16 Stone a'Fox- hunting, and allow'd to be a fine Horse. Old Cade covers at Ten Guineas, and was the Sire of Danby Cade, Bay Horse Bandy, Camilla, Roan Colt,
Lightfoot, Nan in the Vale, Comet, Roebuck, Ca us, Chance, Cardena, Match'em. Light- ning, ( which won at Worcester last Year) and many others in high Running form. %* His Foals are very fine, boney, and strong. This Horse will attend the Markets as under : Coventry, Warwick, Stratford, Evesham, and Chippmg- Norton. Paiticulars as to Time and Place where this Horse may be met with, will be mention'd in the Papers that will I be distributed at the above Markets. ' I Likewise in the same Hands is YOUNG FRIDAY,\ And will Cover Mares at Fifteen Shillings each, and One Shilling the Man. Young Friday is a beautiful
Chesnut Horse, near Fifteen Hands high, rising Seven Years old. He was got by Dr. Green's Friday j his Dam by Snake, his Grand Dam by Highland Laddie, his Great Grand Dam by Mr. Bathurst's famous Grey Horfe Look about yon. The Sire of Dr. Green's Friday was got by Robinson Crusoe, his Dam was a noted Running Mare call'd Osbaldiston's Galloway, and was Daughter of the Bald Galloway. Robinson Crusoe was got by Jigg, Sire of Mr. Croft's Partner. Young Friday was bred by Dr. Dunn, of Bishop- Aukland. Friday is able to carry 15 Stone a'Fox hunting. This Horse will be at Mr. Lilley's, the Crown in Bromsgrove, on
Tuesday,— at Mr. Woodcock's, the Hop- Pole in Worcester, on Fri- day, by i 2 o'Clock, and Hay till Saturday about Two o'clock; the rest ot his Time at Bewdley, where there will be a large Quantity of Grass, and proper Care taken of Mares. N. B. The above Horses are perfectly found, free from Blemishes, have excellent Constitutions, and are certain Foal- getters. The Money to be paid at the first Covering, or when the Mares are taken from Grass. To Cover this Season, T the Myth, near Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire, at One Guinea a Mare, and a Shilling the Servant, YOUNG REGULUS, He was bred by Thomas
Duncombe, Esq; and got by Regu- lus, his Dam by a Son of Childers; her Dam was the Dam of Squirt, and got by Snake. T. DUNCOMBE. He beat Lord Eglintown's Bay Colt, got by Spinner, " a Match over the Beacon Course at Newmarket in April Meeting 1755, for Forty Pounds, play or pay, and Fifty Guineas bye, which was the only Time he ever started.— He is Master of high Weights, and perfectly fresh and sound. , Regulus was got by the Lord Godolphin's Arabian, his Dam was the noted Mare call'd Grey Robinson, and got by the Bald Galloway. He oftly run one Year, in which he won Eight Royal Plates of 100 Guineas
each, and One Plate of 50 Pounds, which Were All the Times he started. This is to give NOTICE, TH AT the SHOP late in the Occu- pation of JOHN BOND, known by the Sign of the Ram and Breeches, at the Corner of New Street, next the Corn Market, Worcester, is now in the Possession of SEPTIMUS WEBB, ( Who served an Apprenticeship to the said JOHN BOND) Where all Persons may be supply'd with All SORTS of LEATHER, LIKEWISE GLOVES and BREECHES ; Of the neatest Make, and at the most reasonable Prices. Also Breeches wash'd, clean'd, and mended, and Balls may be had for cleaning the same. *,*
He hopes those Gentlemen and Others, which were pleased to make Use of the Shop, will continue their Favours, which will be gratefully acknowledg'd by Their most humble Servant, Septimus Webb. N. B. At the same Place is to be Sold, Part of a 6 APOTHECARY'S SHOP, as Drawers, Bottles, Conserve- Pots, Mortars, Counter, a Copper Still, & c. and some Drugs. They'll be dispos'd of either together or separate. This Day was Publish'd, ( Price only ONE SHILLING) Adorn'd with a beautiful FRONTISPIECE by Walker, ( Being the compleatest, cheapest, and merriest Book of the Kind ever yet published) Tom Browns
Compleat JESTER; O R, The WIT'S Merry Companion. Being a most curious COLLECTION of Excellent Jests, I Smart Waggaries, Keen Repartees, j Humorous Quibbles, Pleasant Stories, Comical Adventures, Funny Jokes, Irish Bulls, and Bon Mots, I Entertaining Humbugs. To which are added, A choice Collection of CONUNDRUMS; entire new and beautiful REBUsses and rIDDLES; bitirig EPIGRAMS, droll EPITAPHS, merry SONGS, amorous PASTORALS, - comic TAlES, FABLES, & C. See. See. Ac. Freed from thole insipid thread- bare Jests, which are in many Compositions of this Kind, most of this Work being entirely
new, and never yet appeared in any JESTER. To banish Grief and sof ten Care, To read these witty Jests repair ; They'll ease the Breast where Spleen resides, And make the Reader split his Sides : In fine, ( without a long Narration J Here's Wit enough to stock tbe Nation. London : Printed for C. Henderson, under the Royal Exchange, in Cornhill ; and fold by the Printer of this Journal, and by all Book- sellers and News Carriers in England. Of when may be had, just publish'd, Price One Shilling, The Compleat Marksman; or, True Art of Shooting Flying. By the Hon. Robert Coote, Esq; Be careful to ask for ' Tom Brown's
Compleat Jester, adorn'd with a very beautiful Frontispiece. Price only One Shilling, ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at each; and Articles of Intelligence ( Post. paid) will be receiv'd, and carefully inserted. %* ADVERTISEMENTS, & c. are likewise taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Hopkinson, Bookseller, in Warwick; Mr. Wylde, Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr. Andrews, Bookseller, in Evesham ; Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Hodges, Booksellers, in Hereford ; Mrs. Moseley, Bookseller, in Kidderminster ; Mr. Ashmead,
Bookseller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; Mr. Aris,, Printer, in Birmingham ; at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominster ; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in that Town ; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton- in Marsh ; and by the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Distribution of this Journal Likewise by Mr. Did, Bookseller, in Ave- Mary- Lane, London.