Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 11/03/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2432
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B E R R O W's Worcester JOURNAL. [. Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Crofs.] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, March 11, 1756. N° 2432 EE its this Journal*! s been pubhfh'd. f FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. Arrived the MAILS from France and Holland. ROME, February 7. k A S T Sunday Morning Cardinal York performed in the Church of the Vatican the Ceremony of baptizing the young Turk, Son of the Bafhaw of Scutary, who left his Country, and all the Ad- , vantages of Fortune, to come and em- brace our holy Religion : The Cardinal defray'd the Expence of the Day. The Chevalier de St. George is
ill of a Rheumatick Fever: On Thursday the Pope sent him his First Physician : The same Day passing by the Palace of the Chevalier, he caused his Coach to stop to enquire after his Health. Leghorn, Feb 9. By a Two Mast Dogger from Tunis, we have Advice, that a Battle has been fought between the Tunisians and the Algerines, in which the former have been worsted, and have retired with some Loss; Since when the Dey's Son is returned to Tunis, in order to con- duit a Supply of 15,000 Men to the Reinforcement of | he Dey's Army. Belem, Feb. ! 1. As a Proof that Things are going to resume their own Channel, all
Professions are to be car- sied on as usual. Lisbon, Feb. 11. His Britannick Majesty's Ship the Hampton- Court, and the Transports from England, which have been so long expected, do not as yet appear; but this Courts knows perfectly well that this Delay is entirely owing to bad Weather and contrary Winds. Five of the Irish Transports are arrived, and the only one now mis- sing from that Quarter is the Ship equipped at Dublin Dispositions are actually making for the Distribution of the Beef and Butter among the Poor; but this Court has insisted upon tbe English Subjects being first served Francfort, Feb. 23. A British
Commissary is actually at Cassel, getting all Things in Readiness for the March of the Hessian Troops, the first Column of which will move out of their Quarters about the Middle of the next •' Month, and the other two within three and six Days after. Dusseldorp, Feb 24. By Commission of the French Court, they are forging in the County of Mark three Iron Chains, each weighing fifty thousand Pounds. The links of them are so heavy that fifteen ot them make a Cart Load. These Chains, we apprehend, are to be laid across the Mouth of some Harbours Paris, Feb. 20. According to Letters from South America, we have a
Confirmation that the City of Quitto ( Capital of the Royal Audience of that Name) was totally destroy'd by an Earthquake in the Month of November last ; but few of the Inhabitants perished, because the tumbling Noise under Ground, which in those Countries actually precedes Earthquakes, gave the Inhabitants Warn- ing to fly into the Fields. [ Quitto was under the 303d Degree ot Longitude, and in 15 Degrees 33 Minutes South Latitude, situated in a sandy and dry Valley, and bounded on the North and West by very steep Moun- tains. Paris, Feb. 21. Thirty Battalions 0f the Troops des- tined to canton on the Coasts of the
Ocean, are already arrived at their respective Posts; and thirty- two more are on their March to the several Places assigned them, which they are to reach by the First 0r next Month. The Count de la Galissionniere, who is to have the Command of the Squadron fitting out at Toulon, went to Versailles a few Days ago, to take his Leave of the King, and is just set out for Provence. Paris, Feb. 28. The King has ordered Notice to be given to the Subjects of Great Britain, that they must turn out of his Dominions. This being published in the Paris Gazette, there is no room to question its authenicity IRELAND. Ross, Feb. 14. Last
Thursday we had the most violent Storm ever known here; among other Effects, there was blown out of the Thatch of a Cabin ( belonging to one of the Rogues confined in Wexford Gaol for robbing the Custom- Houfe), in Gold and Silver, upwards oi 50 I. which was carried to the Collector. Dublin, Feb. 17. Tuesday three Vessels laden with Barley were loft near Skerries. All the Hands on board were lost, except two Boys, who saved themidves by get ting on a Rock. This Disaster happened in the Hearing of the People of the Town, but there blew so violent a Hurricane, that they could afford them no Manner of Assistance. A
Sloop and a Brig, laden with Corn from the North of Ireland, were lost in the last hard Gale of Wind, and all the Crew perished. A few Days ago died, at Old Castle in tbe County of Meath, Miss Rachael Little, remarkable for her Height, being six Feet four Inches high. On Thursday a Man, on receiving some ill Language from his Wife, took a Penknife and committed an un heard of Barbarity on himself, the Relation of which would be indecent. The Woman is grown delirious. Sunday Morning a new- born Infant was found on the Rails of a House in Lower Chequer- Lane; its Brains had been dashed out against a Wall. Dublin, Feb.
24. A great Number of Tent- Poles, Shovels, & c. are laid up in his Majesty's Stores, an En campment being expected on the Appearance of Danger. The Parliament has granted 10,000 1. for carrying on a Navigation from Cork to Macromp, and 80001. to make the River Bann navigable from Loughrea to the Sea. Dublin, Feb 28. The Parliament hath granted the Sum of 20,000 1. towards carrying on an Inland Naviga- tion from this City to the River Shannon. A Bill is ordered into Parliament for making a Naviga- tion from the North- West End of Dublin to the River Shannon. And A Bill is brought into Parliament for the Encourage ment of the White Herring Fishery. Thirty- four Thouxand Pounds are granted by the Par- liament for the Fortifications of Charles Fort near Kin- sale, and Duncannon, and to build Batteries near Cork and Mallow Island near Galway. We hear from Waterford, that a Well, or Spring, no- ted for being hot in Winter and cold in Summer, and much frequented for performing great Cures on the Sick and Infirm, has changed its natural Colour, and turned as red as Blood, and continues boiling with unusual Warmth, to the great Terror and Surprize of all who experienced its former Virtues, and who, since its Change, are afraid to touch it.
COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, Feb 18, We hear from Durham, that on the 10th Instant a Pot was found with 142 Pieces of Scots Silver Coin, about 300 Years old, in the Ground belong- ing to — Smith, Esq; of Burn Hall We are advifed from Longtown, below Carlisle, that Francis Graham, an old Blacksmith and Farrier, happen- ing lately to find in the Road home, a Purse with an Hun- dred Guineas in it, was so elevated with the Sight of to much Gold in his Possession, that he could not compose himself to Rest that Night, but ordered his Shop to be clean swept, called in his Son, and bid him behold his Riches, strew'd all
around ; and his Son was struck speech- less at the Sight, and they were both so transported that they were not able to count it to above Seventy or Eighty Pounds. However, in a Day or two after, News being brought them that the Purse was to be called at their Pa- rish Church on Sunday, Mr. Graham went thither, and meeting with the Person who was to get it called, frankly told him, without asking any Reward, he needed not give himself the trouble, for he had the Money safe enough, and was willing ro return it to the Owner, it having given him a deal of Uneasiness. The Person having Orders to offer Ten Guineas Reward,
laid them down to the old Smith, on Delivery of the Money back, out of which he returned Seven Canterbury, March 3. On Monday, about Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, his Royal Highness the Duke of Cum- berland arrived in this City; upon which Occasion great Rejoicings were made here. LONDON, Thursday, MARCH 4. We hear the Deputy Lieutenants in the several Coun- ties have receiv'd Orders to look out for proper Persons to serve the Army, in case the threaten'd Invasion should take Place, and it is conceived that a proper Search should also be made in the Inland Counties for such Seamen as may be conceal'd
among tbe Country People, it being no uncommon Thing for a good Tar, who has no mind to serve in the Navy, to disguise himself with a clouted Pair of Shoes and a Spade in his Hand, that such as don't know him would never think he was able to land, reef, steer, or row in the Barge ; a Friend of ours ( says the Author of the Whitehall Evening Post) knew an excellent Boatswain's Mate impress'd from a Parcel of Reapers in Sussex. Last Tuesday Night, and Yesterday Morning early, the Constables of the several Parishes in this City were summoned to search Houses of ill Fame, & c. for Persons who could not give a good
Account themselves; and to seize in the Street Vagabond Strollers, for a further Ex- amination, to know it they were proper Persons to serve his Majesty ; Numbers of whom were detain'd, in order to have a Hearing Yesterday before the Lord Mayor. Many 01 the Men taken were ordered on board the Ten- ders, as useful Persons for his Majesty's Service, The Battalion, draughted out lately from the three Regiments of Foot Guards, have received Orders to hold themselves in Readiness to march on the shortest Notice. There is the hottest Press for Seamen on the River Thames at present that has been known for many Years
past, not a Ship escaping the Loss of their Hands coming up the Channel, which are navigated into the River by Men of War's Men. ' Publick Notice is given that it is his Majesty's Pleasure that all Officers, belonging to his Land Forces, serving in Ireland, do immediately repair to their respective Ports in that Kingdom The Right Hon. the Lord Essex, and several other No- blemen of Distinction, are gone into their own Counties to raife Ten Regiments of Light Horse, for the Serv. ce of the Government at this Juncture. We hear that a general Embargo it laid on all the Ship- ping in our Ports. Such as pretend to know the Designs of
the French say that they intend to invade this Island in three Places at once, viz. in Sussex, at Milford- Haven, and in Scot- land ; and that they will not take the Precaution of co- vering their Embarkations with Squadrons oi Men of War, but, watching the Opportunity of such Winds as may keep our Fleets lock'd up in Harbour, send off their Troops in the flat bottom Boats and other Transports, and so let them take their Chance after they land This, undoubted- ly, is a grand Enterprize, and shews a heroic Spirit, as if they were morally sure of Conquest; but when a Design is once known, it may be deem'd at least half defeated We
hear that if the French restore any of the Vessels they lately seized . and they return home, they will be seiz'd here as French Property ; so that they will thus be taken Twice. If this be true, it should seem that a War is unavoidable, and that the chief Study of each Court is to provoke its Antagonist to declare First Wednesday and Thursday last Week the Commanders and other principal Officers of the French Prizes at Ply- mouth, who had been allowed to remain on board their respective Ships, together with some of the Men, were taken out, and the Gentlemen sent Prisoners upon their Parole to Oakhampton and Tavistock in
Devon, and Launceston, in Cornwall. The Men are sent to the com- mon Prison The Medway, Capt. Denis, and some other Men of War, were under Sail from Spithead on a Cruize on Sun- day last, and Admiral Hawke's Fleet Was at the same Time preparing for sailing. Yesterday was launch'd at Chatham his Majesty's Ship the Namur, of 90 Guns: She is the largest Ship by three Foot that ever was launch'd from any Slip, and was as fine a Launch as ever was known. There were upwards of 2o, o0o People in the Dock- Yard, and no Accident On the 11th past in Lat. 41. about 100 Leagues West-- ward of the Lizard, the East-
India and American Trade separated from the Portugal and Mediterranean The former, under Convoy of the Dreadnought, Admiral Townsend, and some Frigates, stood to the N. W. the Wind being W. by S. And the others, under Convoy of the Hampton- Court, with some Frigates sail'd away to the Southward : All well. Letters from all the Maritime Towns in the Ecclesias- tical State, by this Day's Mail, take Notice that the Sea was very violently agitated the 26th and 27th of January i from whence they dread more dismal Accounts from some distant Part of the World. Private Letters from Paris thus Account for the Remo* val of
Madam de Pompadour from the King's Presence. The Prince of Conti and the Marshals de Belleisle and Richlieu finding that this Lady kept the King in too pa- cifick a Temper, and suspecting that she might possibly have received Money from a certain Court, they gave his Majesty some Hints of it; but perceiving she had too great an Ascendant to be disgraced by their lnfinuations only* they got the King's Confessor to play off another Battery against her, which was, by taking the Monarch on the Side of Conscience and Religion. The Confessor acted his Part with Resolution ; he has insisted on the King's making a general
Confession before next Eatler, and put- ting away his Mistress, otherwise he would not give hint Absolution. This turned the Scale against the Lady. They write from Wells in Norfolk, that one Day last Week was heard, by several Merchants and other credits-* ble People, the Noise of Cannon, from Five o'clock in the Morning till between Ten and Eleven ; the Sound teemed to come from the North East, and at a great Dis- tance, and at first like the Firing of a whole Broadside of a Ship, which ended with only two Guns firing, and an- swering each other as if it was a Chace Fight. A Presentation has passed the Great Seal to
enable the Rev. Mr. John Hodgson, to hold tbe Vicarage of Hum- bers, in the County and Diocese of Hertford, At
A few Days since died at Willey, near Bridgnorth, Mary Brider, aged 113, who retained her Senses, and was never known to be ill, till a Fortnight before her Death ; and last Summer she followed a Set of Morrice Dancers to a neighbouring Village, where she supplied the Place of one of them, who was disabled by some Misfortune. On Tuesday last a Woman was found dead in an empty House in Frankland's Row, Chelsea ; the Rats had eaten almost all the Flesh off her Shoulders. Early this Morning the Body of a Man was found hanging on the Rails of St. Paul's Church Yard, near the South- Door. ' Tis faid his Name was
Cook, and that he was a Taylor near Catherine- Street in the Strand. Tuesday Evening the Shoeblacker was buried, pursuant to his Will, at Covent- Garden Church, where such a Con- course of People attended, that Murder, & c. was cry'd out in the Church, and it is feared some broken Limbs were the Consequence. On Tuesday Night last Information being brought to Justice Fielding' and Justice Welch, that an Asembly of Men of the effeminate Kind, were to have a Dance at a Publick House, a Warrant was granted to search the same, and was executed by Mr. Hurford, High Constable of Finsbury Divifion, and his Officers,
who apprehended about fourteen Persons of the above Stamp, who were all committed to Bridewell. Some of them had been ta- ken before; and committed by the above Magistrates on the same Occasion. Yesterday John Farrel, of Mitcham, Callico- Printer, who was taken up for the Murder of Elizabeth White, found dead in Salisbury- Lane, near the Rope- Walk, Ber mondsey, was carried before Sir William Richardson, to whom he confessed the Murder, with all its horrid Cir cumstances, and sign'd his Confeflion. The Deceased has left three Children, and the Prisoner has a Wife and two Children. On Tuesday se'nnight a
Woman of Bellbroughton, in going to Bromsgrove Market, was robbed of five Guineas and her Stays. Yesterday se'nnight, in the Evening, a Woman, in re- turning from Wolverhampton Market, was robbed by two Footpads of two Guineas. And on Thursday Night Mr. Thomas Benson, a Butcher of Wolverhampton, was robbed within about a Mile of that Town, of about 11 s. by two Footpads, who cut his Breeches from the Waistband to the Middle of his Thigh, and cut off both Fob and Pocket. Extract of a Letter from on Board the Experiment Man of War, dated at Gibraltar, Jan. 18. « ' On our Passage hither from Plymouth we
had the good Fortune to take Twenty- four French Ships, and, in company with three Engish ships of War, one other French Ship, valued at 20,000 1. and have brought them safe in here." SUNDAY's and MONDAY's POSTS. LiEgE, February 24. AMONG other extraordinary Effects of the A late Earthquakes, particularly that of the 18th vt the Morning, an Image of the Holy Vir- gin here 1s confidently reported, and firmly believed by the Commonalty, to have opened its Eyes, and sweated several large Drops, with other miraculous Circumstances; which have had a very great Influence on the Superstition and Ignorance of the
Multi- tude, increasing a Temerity, which may possibly be of great Prejudice in any future Accidents of the like Kind. IRELAND. Dublin, Feb. 28. We hear from Kinsale that Admiral Mostyn, with the Fleet under his Command, consisting of thirteen Ships of the Line, were seen off that Coast last Monday. From Rathdowny, Queen's County, we hear, that this Week a Duel was fought between John Murray Prior, Efq; and Mr Fitzpatrick ; each received a Shot, by which one was killed on the Spot, and the other died next Day. By a Letter from an Officer of Marines on board the Fleet at Barbadoes, we are told, that the French are for tifying St. Lucia and St. Domingo, but that Orders were expected every Moment to cannonade them, and prevent their further Proceedings. LONDON, Saturday, MARCH 6. His Majesty having declar'd his Intention of heading the Army, in Case of an Invasion in these Kingdoms, and of being attended therein by Lord Delawar, he is shortly expedted to be appointed a Staff Officer. We hear that William Beckford, Esq; one of the City Members, received Yesterday a Letter from Abroad con- cerning the vast Preparations which the French are making to invade us; and that he immediately sent the Letter to his Grace the Duke of
Newcastle. A grand Plan of Operation being lately concerted, the principal, or first Part thereof, is undertaken by the vigi- lant Right Hon. Lord Anson ; to which End he will in a few Days hoist his Flag on board the Prince, a first Rate, at Portsmouth, and Capt. Saunders is appointed Com mander of the said Ship under the Admiral. His Lord- ship's Baggage is already gone for Portsmouth. Two of our Boulogne Traders arrived in the River from thence early this Morning, and immediately had a Guard set over them. The Masters Names are Mere- dith and Lindsey.--^— Whether they have been released by the French, or whether
they were never seized, is more than we yet know. From the Accounts which we have had from sbroad of the French King's taking up all Ships of 250 Tons and upwards, to convert into Ships of War, we have much to be alarm'd at, and proves the Expediency of a Step of the same Kind By us, to counteract their Designs: For, in spite of our great and boasted Royal Navy, and Privateer- ing too, as conducted in the last War, were they to fit- out 300 of these Vessels, it would manifestly give them a Su- periority at Sea ; for it is not enough to shew which of the two Nations can produce the greater List of Ships of the Line, to claim
this Superiority, but which of the two Nations can most effectually depress the Commercial In- terests of the other ; and this may be dene without their capital Ships even once contesting it, because small Ships in Numbers have the same Power of these, and can act where the others cannot; and thus our Ships of Force would avail as much as the Roarings of the Africk Lion against the Traveller upon Sherwood Forest. It is evident the French cannot face us in open Combat at Sea, nor will they readily risque their Men of War out of Port 5 but, in Cases of extreme Necessity, such as Con- voys to their Trade, or to cover the
Embarkations of Troops to America. What then can they do in their present Circumstances ( as to invade us with an inferior Royal Navy is chimerical) but use the best Means in their Power to distress our Trade ? This they seem convinced is their Ne plus ultra, and from the King's Instructions to the different Chambers of Com- merce throughout his Dominions they principally turn their Thoughts this Way. No doubt this will be their Method of carrying on the War, and it behoves us to cir cumvent them, which seems most apparently to be effec- ted by privateering in a combined Way only. We hear the Regiments of Foot in Ireland
are to be augmented to three Serjeants, three Corporals, two Drum- mers. and seventy private Men a Company; which are to be raised in the Province of Ulster. So that there will soon be in that Kingdom 8400 Foot, exclusive of Serjeants, Corporals and Drummers; as General St. Clair's Regi- ment, which consists of two Battalions, will then have 1400 private Men, and the other Regiments 700 each. We hear that his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumber- land is resolved to stay on the Coasts of Kent and Sussex for some Time, left the trench should attempt to land. Sixty Pieces of Cannon are sent from the Tower, some to
Kent, and some to Sussex. We hear that it has not been judged expedient to accept of the Proposal made by the Marquisses of Rockingham and Granby, and Viscount Downe, & c. to raise Bodies of Light Horse, at their own Expence. We hear the Sailors belonging to the India and Green- landmen will be released. and that the Embargo laid on the Shipping will not last so long as hath been imagined. An Account came Yesterday from the Western Ports, that several homeward- bound Merchant Ships, which had been obliged, by contrary Winds, to put in there, had had their Men impress'd, that the Vessels will be con- duced
into the River by Men of War's People. ' Tis said a Tax of Twenty Shillings per Annum will be laid on all Retailers of Beer, Ale, Wine, or Spirituous Liquors. The Scheme is now revived again; and it is thought1, will take Place as the more eligible, of laying a Tax on Dogs of all Denominations, instead of Brick and Tile of all Dimensions. And A new Tax on Cards can never meet with Difficulty,', even at Half a Crown a Pack, since a Party at Whist of Six Persons at a Table voluntary contribute is. each to pay for the Two Packs of Cardsv which make an Over payment of 4s. Half of which Sum,'' added to the pre sent Six penny Duty,
would, considering the Number of Packs used in England in one Night, amount to an incre- dible Sum. We are informed, that the Commissioners of West- minster- Bridge will be enabled to pull down the Left Side^ of Charing Cross as far as may be convenient for Coaches and other Carriages to pass and repass, and for which 1o, ooo 1. will be granted. On the 18th past died at Paris aged 82, Charles Wynd ham, Esq; Son of Thomas Wyndham, Esq; Gentleman of the Bedchamber to King Charles II. Yesterday, at Twelve o'Clock, Mr. Alderman Beckford ( High Sheriff for the City of London) attended by all the City Constables
and Beadles, brought MacDaniel and Berry ( the two Thief Takers) to the End of Hatton Gar- den, where they were put upon the Pillory according to their Sentence. When Jack Ketch was fastening them in the Pillory, the Constables formed a Ring to protect ' em from the Insults of the enraged Populace, but in less than five Minutes the Mob broke through, and, notwithstand ing the Riot Act was several Times attempted to be read, the Outrage continued, and they were most severely pelted with rotten Eggs, Dirt, Mud, dead Dogs and Cats, and many large Sticks, so that the Blood flow'd very plenti fully from both of them, but
from MacDaniel in parti cular : It is thought a Wound he received with a Stone will prove mortal. They stood a full Hour, and must Certainly have been suffocated, if Persons had not been put up several Tines to wipe away the Dirt, so as to suf- they could scarce crawl away. [ When Sentence was passed upon the above two Thief Takers, they both beg- ged for a short Time to prepare for Death, and that they might be hanged ; but, ' tis thought, that ( if they live to survive this Sentence) they will be found guilty of Murder upon the other Indictment. At the last Old Bailey Sessions George Callom Butts and John Wright Newark,
standing convicted of sending many menacing Letters to divers Gentlemen of Fortune, in order to extort Money from them under various scanda- lous Pretences, were ordered to be imprisoned two Years in Newgate, and each of them to stand twice in the Pillory, March the 15th at Cheapside Conduit, and April the 12th in Fleet- Street, and after their Imprisonments to give Sureties for their good Behaviour or three Years, and to pay a fine of one Mark each. Butts and Newark are two Fellows that have made themselves as remarkable as any that have gone before them in Iniquity. Butts stood in the Pillory twice before for
threatening Sodomy against Gentlemen, being concerned with Smith who was execu- ted fome Time since for Forgery. Newark was tried at the Old Bailey about two Years since for having two Wives, of which Indidtment he was acquitted. He was then tried for being accessory after the Fact in the Murder of the Earl of Harrington's Cook, who was kill'd near the Sign of Porto Bello, a House kept by Newark, near the King's Road, Chelsea. As he was acquitted of the first Indictment, which seemed to be principally aimed to make the Woman he called his Wife an Evidence against him, it was so difficult to come up to a Proof, that
he was acquitted of that Indictment likewise. Notwithstanding this Acquittal, he was detained and tried for a Misdemea- nor at the following Sessions at Hicks's Hall, for having the murdered Person's Watch found upon him, of which being convidted, he was sentenced to be imprisoned seven Years: And during this Imprisonment he was guilty of the Crime for which he now received Sentence, and for which he is to be imprisoned two Years, as before- men- tioned, to commence after the Expiration of his other Imprisonment, of which there are more than five Years to come. Portsmoutb, March 5. Two Expresses have arrived to Sir
Edward Hawke and Admiral Osborn, with Orders, as it is said, to augment the former's Fleet with four Ships of the Line and four Cutters. Sir Edward Hawke is to be join'd at Plymouth by Admiral Mostyn, with seven Sail more besides Frigates; that Admiral Osborn will speedily be ordered to Sea, it being affirmed that the French Squa- dron is out, with several Privateers, who have taken some of our Colliers. j I To be Sold, at the most reasonable Prices, On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next, ( Being in the Assize Week) At the KING'S HEAD Great Room in the High- Street, WORCESTER, Several SORTS of Upholders and
Cabinet- makers GOODS, SUCH as Harrateen and Cheney Beds, Easy Chairs cover'd, Mahogany Settees ditto, Feather Beds, Bed- steads, and Blankets; amongst the Cabinet Goods are divers Sorts of Chairs, Tables, Chests of Drawers, Beau- roes, either cover'd or plain, and of Mahogany, Wall- nut Tree, or Oak ; very handsome Trays, Tea- Chests, and Hand- Boards; likewise great Variety of Pier Glasses ( some six and others eight Feet high) Union Shoot Glasses, and Swing Glasses. There are likewise to be Sold, Several other Sorts of Furniture, as also a Harpsichord and Spinnet. § 3* The Sale will begin each Day at
Ten 0 Clock. fer them to breathe. When they were taken down both appeared to be quite dead ; their Coats, Breeches, and Shirts, were all torn off, and when they were put in the Cart to be carried back to Newgate, they both appeared like Heaps of Dirt. A greater Concourse of People were perhaps never assembled in the Publick Streets upon any Occasion. A Woman was terribly gored by a Bullock, and almost trod to Death by the Mob; a Painter's Man was pushed out of a Cart, had his Skull fractured, and was taken up speechless; several People were run over and hurt, and other Milchief done. Two Pickpockets being
detected, were so severely disciplincd by the Populace that To be SOLD, A HOUSE, Very pleafantly fiiuated in the Parilh of ST. JOHN, in the Road to Povuick, and within Half a Mile of the City of Woreefter, Known by the Name of Vitinatflon, With a good G A R D E N and Two ORCHARDS contiguous. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Stinton, Baker, in Broad- Street, Worcefter. To be SOLD, Together or Separate, FIVE Freehold Messuages or Tenements, LYING together, with Three WORK- SHOPS, and Two STABLES, thereto belonging, situate, lying, and being in the High Street, in the Town of Bromsgrove, in the
County of Worcester. And also a Piece or Parcel of PASTURE LAND, containing about Three Acres, situate at a Place called Lous- Hill, near the said Town of Bromsgrove. Q x And also to be Sold, Together, Six MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, situate at Red- ditch in the laid County of Worcester ; and also a Piece or Parcel of PASTURE LAND thereto belonging, containing about Four Acres, and which last Premisses are Copyhold of Inheritance, held under the Right Honourable the Earl of Plimouth, at a Chief Rent of Eighteen pence per Annum, Particulars whereof may be had of Mr. George Norris, Attorney at Law, in
March 2, 1756. Worcestershire. BY Order of the Justices at their Adjourned Sessions, held at the Talbot, in Sidbury, for the said County, on the 21st Day Of February last, This is to give NOTICE, THAT, by an Act of the last Sessions of Parliament, the Laws then in being, relating to the Distemper amongst the Horned Cattle, are continued until the Firft Day of September next, and from thence to the End of the then next Sessions of Parliament ; and therefore that all Buyers, Sellers, and Drivers of Cattle, and All BUTCHERS, and OTHERS, selling any Hides, are required to provide them selves with proper Certificates in that
Behalf, or they will be prosecuted for their NegleCt. Thorneloe. jl— : Any Person willing to advance FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS, Upon the Credit of the Worcester Turnpikes, At Three Pounds Ten Shillings per Cent. ( For no more INTEREST will be given) May depend upon a good Security for the Money, and that the Interest will be paid punctually every Half Year, and the Principal, if required, upon a Month's Notice, at any Time. William Giles, Treasurer. MARCH 1, 1756. The Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy, of the County of SALOP, AR E desired, at this particular Conjuncture, to meet the Right Honourable the Earl of POWIS, Lord
Lieutenant of the said County, at the TALBOT in Shrews bury, on Tuesday the 16th Day of this Instant March, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate and Effects of John Lloyd, late of the City or Worcester, Innholder, deceas'd, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Mrs. Mary Lloyd, his Widow and Administratrix, or Mr. William Baylis, of the said City, Dyer, or they will be sued without further Notice: — And all Persons who have any Demand on the Estate or Effects of the said John Lloyd, are desired forthwith to send an Account thereof to the said Mrs. Lloyd, in order to receive Satisfaction
for the same. POSTS. BRUSSELS, February 26. ACCORDING to our Advices from France Battalions of regular Troops are station'd between Dunkirk and Bayonne ; besides which there are Regiment « of Horse and twelve of Dragoons in Britanny. The Regiments of Clare, Berwick, and Champaigne, are to repair to Gran- ville in the Lower Normandie. On the 12th instant a Convoy of 600 Waggons, loaden with Military Stores of all Sorts, set off from Douay for Britanny and Normandy. The Militia of the Boulonnois are to hold themselves in Readiness to march the Beginning of the next Month. A great Number of Vessels are
expected in the Ports of Dun- kirk, Calais, and Boulogne, which are to be convoyed under the Protection of some Men of War. Notwith- standing all these Preparations, the Departure of Marshal Belleisle and the Prince de Soubise, who have been some Time past expected at Dunkirk, is further put off. The English who are settled here are selling and packing up their Effects, in order to leave this Country within the Time prescribed them. A further considerable Train of Artillery is expected here from Douay and from Lille. Brussels, March, 5. The French Troops upon the Fron tiers of the Austrian Dominions in the Low Countries,
continue to remain very quiet; but Part of those that have been quartered this Winter in Lorrain and Alsace, are now marching towards the Coasts of the Ocean. Accord- ing to our Advices Yesterday from Paris, the Comte de Lannion is already set out to take upon him, as Marchal de Camp, the Command of the Troops that are assembling on the Coast of Provence. - Lond Gaz. Marbourg, Feb 28 The twelve Regiments of Hessian Troops in British Pay are in full March for this Place, where there are to be reviewed by Colonel Amhurst. ( Hague, March 4. Thirty Transport Vessels are arriv'd • at Helvoetsluys,. to take on board the
Body of Troops de- manded by his Britannick Majesty. Brunswick, Feb. 17. A Marriage is just concluded between the Princess Amelia, second Daughter to the Duke our Sovereign, and the Duke of Saxe Weimar, WHEREAS an injurious and malicious r Report has been indultriously spread through this City and County, insinuating that, about six Months ago a Woman was, in a barbarous and most inhuman Manner abused by Stephen Wilkins, of the City of Worcester afore said, Victualler, and Thomas Corbyn, of the same City, Vic tualler, at the House of the said Stephen Wilkins, and that she was soon after convey'd to the
Infirmary established in this City, in order to be cured, and died therein ; We, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, do assure the Publick, that no such Person ever was admitted into the said Infirmary. Witness our Hands this 10th Day of March, 1756, THO. CAMERON J. WALL > Physicians. EDW. MILWARD S. EDWARDS WILL. RUSSELL Surgeons. HENRV V. JEFFREYS WorCeSTER, March 11.] Having inadvertently aspers'd the CharaCters of Mr. Thomas Corbyn, and others, by spread ing that false and scandalous Report of their abusing a Woman in a barbarous and inhuman Manner about five or six Months ago, I
do hereby declare that what I intima- ted concerning them was not in the least from my own Knowledge, but only from what I had casually heard re ported by another Person. JOHN ROWLISON. WHEREAS Samuel Edwards, late of the Glee- Hill, near Ludlow, in the County of Salop, Husbandman, made his Escape out of the Door of Warwick Gaol, on Thursday Night, the fourth Day of March, 1756, between Six and Seven o'clock, by having a false Key. [ He had on, when he made his Escape, a grizzled Wig, a light Fustian Frock, with white- metal Dish Buttons Indian cut, with a Bird's Eye in the Middle; a red and white stripp'd
Swanskin Waistcoat, and a white new Flannel Waistcoat, tyed with Strings ; Fustian Breeches, with white Metal Buttons; a large Pair of Brass Buckles in his Shoes, a very long large Face, of a dark Completion, inclining to flush, a Mole on his Right Cheek, just below his Eye; black Eyes, with a down Look, two large broad Teeth, in the Front of his Mouth, about five Feet ten or eleven Inches high, and about five or six and Twenty Years of Age; a shril Voice, a drawling Way of Speaking, and a very large broad Pair of Silver Shirt Sleeve Buttons.] Whoever will take and secure the aforesaid Samuel Edwards, that he may be
deliver'd to William Cornbill, Keeper of His Majesty's Goal, shall receive TEN GUINEAS Reward, and all reasonable Charges, by me, WILLIAM CORNBILL- LONDON, Tuesday, MARCH 9. His Majesty went this Day to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to An ACt for granting to his Majesty the Sum of Two Millions, to be raised by Way of Annuities, and a Lottery. An ACt for the speedy and effectual. Recruiting, of his Majesty's Land Forces and Marines. An ACt for the Regulation of his Majesty's Marine Forces while on Shore. An ACt to enable his Majesty to grant Commissions to a certain Number of Foreign
Protestants, who have served Abroad as Officers or Engineers, to aCt and rank as Officers or Engineers in America only, under ccrtain Restrictions and Qualifications. An ACt for repairing and widening the several Roads from the Town of Tewkesbury to Coscomb Gate, and from Isabel's Elm to the Top of Gotherington Hill, in the County of Gloucester, and from Tewkesbury to a Farm House called the Old Blue Bell, and to the Direction Post in the Parish of Ripple, and to Simmond's Ford Brook, and from Breedon to Eckington Bridge in the County of Worcester ; and from Tewkesbury to Wainload's Bridge, and to the Road
opposite to Elstone Church, and from the Market House in Cheltenham, to the Turnpike Road from Burford to Gloucester. near a Tree called Pewsdon Act in the said County of Gloucester. And to several other publick, and 12 private Bills. We are well informed that the Parliament will not rise till the latter End of May next. It is said, that ten Noblemen and Gentlemen have taken the ten new raised Regiments under their Protection ; and they add some a Guinea, some four Guineas a Man, to the Levy Money allowed by the Government, and engage to have the Regiments compleated by June at farthest, and t that the Men are to
be intitled for three Years only. * Orders were sent last Week to Scotland to lay an Em- bargo on all Shipping in that Kingdom, to continue till further Notice. . Two of our Dunkirk Traders arrived in the River from thence early on Saturday Morning, and immediately had a Guard set over them. ' Tis said the Masters of them had given Security to the Governor of Dunkirk for their returning, within a certain Time, with Cargoes of Coals. They write from Nantz, in France, that some English Ships of War are cruising before that Harbour, so that nothing can go in or out without running the Hazard of being taken. ' We hear that Col.
Provost, who has left the Dutch Ser- vice, will have a considerable Command in the four Bat- talions of foreign Protestants to be rais'd in America ; and that twenty German Officers, and thirty Engineers, will be sent there. The other Officers are to be nam'd by the Earl of Loudon. Three Battalions of the Foot- Guards, one Troop of Life Guards, and one Troop of Horse- Grenadiers, we hear will encamp with the Troops on Barham Downs, near Canterbury. We are informed that Soldiers are placed upon Kings- ton, Fulham, and Wandsworth Bridges, and examine all Passengers, in order to prevent the Sailors who desert from their
Ships at Portsmouth getting into Town, and secreting themselves, ' till they can get extravagant Wages on board Merchantmen, or enter on board Privateers, if a War breaks out. The Royal George, lately launch'd at Woolwich, is or- der'd for Sheerness to be fitted for the Sea with all Expe- dition. We hear that some Bomb Vessels are ordered to be got ready. 0 The Order that was published in France for all tha English to depart the Kingdom being countermanded, several who were come to Calais on their Way home are returned back to Paris. And we hear a new Order has been issued there for all those who fled from England
On account of the late Rebellion to quit the Kingdom. The Reports of Port- Mahon being taken, and that the French had taken some of our Men of War, are en- tirely void of Foundation. Between forty and fifty supernumary Tidesmen were on Thursday ordered on Shore, and their Warrants taken from them ; upon which a Press Gang carried them off. On Friday last General Privy Search and Press Warrants were issued out, under the Hands and Seals of George Garrett and Thomas Jervis, Esqrs. two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, aCting in and for the County of Mid- dlesex, in the Tower Division ; by Virtue whereof,
and by the Diligence of the High Constables in delivering the said Warrants personally to Petty Constables,- there were taken up near 100 Persons; many of whom being able- bodied Seamen were delivered to Regulating Captains. Last Sunday Morning two Frenchmen, genteelly dress'd, in Big- Wigs, coming over Deptford Bridge towards Lon- don, ( on some Information, as supposed) were stopped and examined ; and in the Bags of their Wigs were found some Letters, which were immediately sent to the Secre-. tary of State's Office; and there were several Cockades found in the Lining of their Coats. They were secured for
further Examination. We can assure the Publick, that that great Phaenomenon, a Perpetual Motion ( which has been the Study of many ingenious Men of the last and present Century) is now found out by Sir Charles Le Blon and Henry Huish, Esq; Captain in the Royal Navy : The Mechanical Part of it was perform'd and improv'd by Mr. William Paget, Watchmaker, late of Burford, in the County of Oxford. As the great Uses of this self- moving Power in Mechani. cal Performances are beyond what can be inferred here, we shall only say, that as it is exempt from all Manner of Elasticity, there is no Doubt but the long sought for
Longitude at Sea will be ascertain'd by it to great Exactness. We are assured that the Quakers have excommunicated Seven of their People for having prophaned the last Gene- ral Fall- Day, by opening their Shops in Opposition to the Government, and in Defiance of Heaven itself. Yesterday the two other Thieftakers ( Eagan and Sal- mon) stood in the Pillory in Smithfield, and as soon as they were fixed, the Mob began to use them very severely, which Usage continued near forty Minutes, during which Time Eagan was killed, and then the Mob desisted from throwing any thing at them for the remaining Part of the Hour.
Salmon's Head was so much bruised and swell'd that it is thought he can hardly recover, They were both carried back in a Cart to Newgate, but as Eagan was dead, his Body was put into a Place called the Pump Room, and the Coroner has issued out a Warrant to sum mon a jury to enquire into the Cause of his Death. BANKRUPTS. Randall Macartney, late of Cat- eaton Street, London, Merchant. James Dickinson, late of Houndsditch, in the Parish of St. Botolph without Ald- gate, London, Pawnbroker.. Thomas Scatchar, of Nettleworth, in the County of Nottingham, Butcher, and Dealer in Hops. George Davies, of Mold, in the
Connty of Flint, Soap- boiler, and Tallow- Chandler. Daniel Walkly, of Arundel- Street, in the Parish of St. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex, Taylor. John Morse, of Yarmouth, Merchant.— Thomas Hodg- son and Francis Hodgson, of Thames- Street, London, Oil- men. Thomas Tearne, of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, Whitster of Cloth and Linnen Draper. John Keer, of Debenham, in Suffolk, Grocer. STOCKS. Bank 119 7 8ths. India 142. South Sea . Old Annuities, 92 3 4ths. Ditto New Ann. 90 3 4ths. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 89 t 4th. India Bonds, ll. 9s. Lott. Tickets ill. 8s 6d Limerick, Feb 26. By a Letter from
Dungarvan we hear that last Week a French Man of War of 74 Guns, fell in with Admiral Mostyn's Squadron, cruizing between the Western Coaft of Ireland and Ushant; and that she struck without any Resistance. It is added, that a great Number of Chests of Small Arms were found on board her. This News was brought in by a Coasting Vessel and it is hoped will soon meet with Confirmation. Portsmouth, March 8. The Fleet ordered to sail ths first fair Wind consists of the St. George ( Adm. Hawke), Northumberland, Vanguard, Somerset, Captain, Edin- burgh, Medway, Hampshire, Newcastle, and the Swan Sloop, to be join'd
off Plymouth by six more under the Command of Admiral Mostyn. WORCESTER, March 11 On Saturday next will be Commission Day for holding the Assizes for this City and County ; at which there are about Twenty Prisoners to be tried. On Thursday last Warrants were deliver'd to the Con- stables of this City, to impress Men for his Majesty's Naval Service; and on Tuesday last nine stout Fellows were zent from hence, under a proper Guard, to the Rendez- vous at Gloucester. The Election of a Representative in Parliament for the City of Bristol is very strongly contested ; on Monday Night laft Mr. Smith was upwards of 80 a head on the Poll of Mr. Spencer, but on the Tuesday Afternoon that Majority was reduced to about 50. The Election, it is thought, will not be over till the End of next Week. Yesterday one Richard Weston, a Weaver of Kidder- minster, was committed to our County Gaol, being charg'd with barbarously and inhumanly beating John Meredy, his Apprentice, whose Life is thought to be in Danger.
To the'Printer of the WORCESTER. JOURNAL. Mr. BERROW, NOTHING could be a better Preparative T^ k I to the prefent Season of Lent, than the late I j Fast. The Necessity of it must still dwell I upon the Minds of the People, and will, it A. is to be expected, occasion this Period to be observed with a religious Strictness. One Circumstance I cannot but mention in Justice to the Ma- gistracy, and for the Credit of the City, That that bar- barous Custom of COCK. THROWING, was less prac- tised on Shrove- Tuesday last, than has been known, in this City, for many Years. The Day following Lent began. It is call'd Ash-
Wednesday, from a pious Custom of the primitive Christians ( tho' so much unknown to the Mo- derns ) of carrying Ashes on the Head, by Way of Humilia- tion to this boasted Form, which we deck with so much Pride, and the more properly to usher in this Time of Fasting, Abstinence, and Religion. Surely the Whole Scripture is not more fertile with pious Breathings' and richer Veins of Poetry, than the Medita- tions of the devout Psalmslt. I own I was more than or- dinarily pleased with the Proper Psalms appointed for the Day, as well adapted to the Occasion. And tho' I am very unequal to the Talk, as will appear from the
Attempt, when I return'd from Church, I could not resist the In- clination I had, to endeavour to turn some of them into Metre. The first Psalm in the Morning Service, I here lay before you. If you think it will not offend the public Eye, please to insert it in your next Paper. This good Effect may possibly arise from the Publication. That it may excite some abler Hand, out of an honest Indignation, to wrest the sacred Theme from so unworthy a Pen, and oblige the Public with a better Version of the Psalms for the Service of the Day. Such a Consequence would, I assure you, afford me real Pleasure ; and timely prevent your being
further troubled, perhaps, by Worcester, March 6, 1756. Your, & c. PSALM the 6th LIFT not the Rod, tho' daring Crimes provoke: LORD, in thy Wratb, forbear th' avenging Stroke, Behold with Pity my distemper'd Grief: Come with thy Aid, and yield me sweet Relief. My Bones are vexed, and my Soul distress'd: How long wilt thou assist my guilty Breast? Come Thou with Healing in thy Wings! O save A Soul repentant from the op'ning Grave. Can Dust inurn'd to thee Devotion raise, Or from the ' Tomb proceed one Hymn of Praise ? Water'd with Tears my Bed shall speak my Moan, And the still Night can witness every Groan.
Grief from my pallid Cheeks hath pluck'd the Rose, And my mock'd Leanness ev'ry Scorner knows. _ Far hence, ye Sons 0f Vice ! your Vauntings bear : For GOD, the LORD, hath heard my fervent Pray'r. The Sorrows of my Heart have piere'd his Ear: He hears mv Voice: The LORD is prone to hear. Shame and Remorse shall seize the wicked Train, Fear smite their Souls, and in their Breasts remain. This Day was Pubilished, ( Price only ONE SHILLING) Adorn'd with a beautiful FRONTISPIECE by Walker, ( Being the compleatelt, cheapest, and merriest Book of the Kind ever yet published) This Day was Publish'd, ( Price SIX PENCE,) lllustrated with a correct MAP of DENBIGHSHIRE, and the HEAD of Mr. SAMUEL BUTLER, Author of Hu- dibras, finely engraved on Copper, Also, the New Sheep shearing Song, in the Winter's Tale, set to Musick, and a Country Dance, The LONDON MAGAZINE O R, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer, For FEBRUARY, 1756. Containing a great Variety of original Pieces, and, among them, several of the most interesting Concern, viz. TH E whole Process of Bleaching Whytt of the sensible Parts of the Bodies of Men and other Animals. Representation of our Right to Acadia.— Treaty with Prussia. The Debates in the
Political Club, on the Bristol Watch Bill, in no other Monthly Col- lection.—— Serious and important Reflexions on the Fate of Lisbon. London a Sink of Iniquity. Curious Account of the various Editions of the Eikon Bastike, communicated by Mr. Ames, F. R. S. and Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries. New Version of Genesis, i, iif iii. Account of the British Plantations in America. Melancholy Story of a too pliable and gentle Youth. Stories of Tullios, Sylvius and Dives, shewing the general Whim and Capri- ciousness of Charity.— Transmigration very humoroufly asserted, from its Justice, Utility and Probability. Letter from Count
Tes- sin to the Prince Royal of Sweden. Life of Mr. Butler, Author of Hudibras. Extirpation of a Nation of Indians. A dreadful Indian War. Behaviour and Catastrophe of an heroick Indian Prince. Advantages the Indians have over us in War.— Story of Lord Buckhurst. Mischiefs of too fuddenly opening Graves and Tombs. Common Swearing exposed. Description of Denbigh- shire.—— Solution to a mathematical Question. Select Pieces of Poetry, viz. Psalm xci; Ode; to Chloe, with Sweatmeats ; the Con- tract, by Mr. Rider ; Damon to Sylvia ; Prologues and an Epilogue; extempore Letter from Cambridge; on hearing the late Rev.
Mr. Kimber preach ; Epigram ; Solution of a Riddle ; Rebus, & c & c. & c. A clear and impartial Detail of publick Affairs, and the remark- able Occurrences of the Month. Complete List, of Marriages, Birth , Deaths. Promotions ecelesiastical, civil and military. Bankrupts. Foreign Affairs. A Catalogue of Books. Prices of Stocks, Grain Wind and Weather Monthly Bill of Mor- tality. M U L T U M IN P A R V O. London'. Printed for R. Baldwin, at the Rose, in Pater Noster Row, ( where Letters to the Author, ( Post paid,) are taken in); and sold by all other Booksellers and News- Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. Of whom may be had,
Compleat Setts from the Beginning to this Time, or any single Month. N. B. The most beautiful and correfl POCKET MAPS of the several Counties in England and Wales, ever yet published, will be continued in this Magazine, The London Magazine for March, will be published the 1st of April. Tie LONDON MAGAZINE for January, 1756, Is illustrated • with a new and correct of FLINTSHIRE, a curious PLAN of LISBON and Map of in Environs, and a beautiful VIEW of TIN- MOUTH- CASTLE, neatly engraved on Copper: Also a New Minuet and a Song set to Musick, This is to give Notice, That The CROWN INN In Broad - Street,
Worcester, Which was kept by Mr. AUgUSTIN OLDHAM, and, since his Decease, by his Sister, is now taken by JOHN PEMBERTON,, Late Servant to WILLIAM STRAHAN, Esq; Where all GENTLEMEN, & c. may depend on having the best Accommodation, by Their most humble Servant, John Pemberton: N. B. There is a great deal of very good STALL STABLINg, and Horses are taken in at Livery. This is to give NOTICE, r THAT the SHOP late in the Occu- pation of JOHN BOND, known by the Sign of the Ram and Breeches, at the Corner of New Street, next the Corn Market, Worcester, is now in the Possession of
SEPTIMUS WEBB, ( Who served an Apprenticeship to the said JOHN BOND) Where all Persons may be supply'd with All SORTS of LEATHER, LIKEWISE GLOVES and BREECHES ; Of the neatest Make, and at the most reasonable Prices. Also Breeches wash'd, clean'd, and mended, and Balls may be had for cleaning the same. He hopes those Gentlemen and Others, which were pleased to make Use of the Shop, will continue their Favours, which will be gratefully acknowledg'd by Their most humble Servant, Septimus Webb. N. B. At the same Place is to be Sold, Part of an APOTHECARY'S SHOP, as Drawers, Bottles,
Conserve- Pots, Mortars, Counter, a Copper Still, ftc. and some Drugs. They'll be dispos'd of either together of separate. Necessary for all FAMILIES. This Day was Published, Number IV. ( Price Six- pence,) To be continued Weekly ] An HISTORICAL ACCOUNT O F ALL RELIGIONS, From the Creation of the World to the present Time. Compiled from the best Authorities, By THOMAS BROUGHTON, AM. And Prebendary of SALISBURY. CONDITIONS. I. This Work will consist of One Volume io Folio, containing sixty Numbers, which, if it should exceed, the Overplus shall be given Gratis. II. Each Number will contain five
printed Sheets, and will be delivered Weekly at the Price of Six- pence. London: Printed for S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden- Ball, in Pater Noster Row ; by whom the Numbers will be delivered Weekly : As also by S. Gamidge, Bookseller, in Leech Street, War. cester ; and by all other Booksellers and News Carriers. Where may be had, Proposals at Large, with a Plan of the Work. Tom Browns Compleat JESTER; O R, The WIT'S Merry Companion. Being a most curious COLLECTION of Excellent Jests, Smart Waggaries, Keen Repartees, Humorous Quibbles, Pleasant Stories, Comical Adventures, Funny Jokes,
Irish Bulls, and Bon Mots, Entertaining Humbugs. To which are added, A choice Collection ot CONUNDRUMS; entire new and beautiful REbuSseS and RIDDLES; biting EPIGrAMS, droll EPITAPHS, merry SONGS, amorous PASTORALS, comic TALeS, FABLES, & C. S: C. See. See. Freed from those insipid thread - bare Jests, which are in many Compositions of this Kind, most of this Work being entirely new, and never yet appeared in any JESTER. To banish Grief and soften Care, To read these witty Jests repair ; They'll ease the Breast where Spleen resides. And make the Reader split his Sides : In fine, (' without a long
Narration J Here's Wit enough to stock the Nation. London: Printed for C. Henderson, under the Royal Exchange, in Cornhill 5 and sold by the Printer ot this Journal, and by all Book- sellers and News Carriers in England. Of whom may be had, just publish'd. Price One Stilling, The Compleat Marksman; or, True Art of Shooting Flying. By the Hon. Robert Coote. Esq; %* Be careful to ask for Tom Brown's Compleat Jester, adorn'd with a very beautiful Frontispiece. Price only One Shilling. On Saturday ' the 13 th of this Inst. March, will be published, Beautifully printed on fine Paper, in Six Half Sheets large Octavo, stitched in blue
Covers, and embellished wilh an elegant Froutispiece, N° I. ( Price Six- pence, ) To be continued once a Fortnight, or every other Saturday, THE REPOSITORY; GENERAL REVIEW: CONSISTING Chiefly of a Select Collection of Literary Compositions, extracted from all the celebrated Periodical Productions now publishing, with Occasional REMARKS. Fanorum opimis Spoliis Sociorum ditata. London; Printed for C. CORBETT, in Fleet- Street; and Sold by all the Booksellers, Printers, and News Car- riers in Great Britain and Ireland. ThE general Complaint that literary Compositions of different Characters and Denominations,
which come out at dated Times, are so numerous, that reading one half of them would employ more Time than any judicious Reader will bestow upon them, was one principal Reason that concurred, with several others, to determine those concerned in this Work upon compiling a REPOSITORY for the Reception of such Essays only of true Knowledge and real En- tertainment, as shall be found scattered over this great Wild of Pe- riodical Lucubrations. apparent rari namtes in gurgite vasto. Since the Materials, whence this Work is designed to be principally compiled, are of such a miscellaneous Nature, as Philosophical and
Mathematical Transactions and Memoirs, Magazines of Instruction and Pleasure, Literary Journals and Reviews, and Essays upon various Topics, it is hoped that Persons of all Professions, Capacities, Cir- cumstanccs and Dispositions, may, at a small Expence both of Time and Money, find their Account in perusing and promoting a Design that promises so much general Utility and Pleasure ; where each will probably once a Fortnight find his favourite Study or Pursuit treated in the best Manner, and selected out of that Chaos of Matter wherein it was formerly buried. This Day was Published Price 6d. Dedicated to the Right
Hon. the Earl of Northumberland, Number VI. Containing three Sheets of Letter- Press, and a Folio Cop- per Plate, reprefenting the Figures of near Twenty different Plants, of an Entire New Work, ( the Whole to be compleated in Fifty Numbers,) Entitled, A BRITISH HERBAL: Containing a Complete History of the Plants and Trees which are Natives of Britain, or cultivated Here for Use, or commonly raised for their Beauty ; dispos'd in an easy and natural Method ; with their Descriptions at large ; their Names in different Authors j their Places of Growth ; Times of Flowering ; and Virtues and Uses in Medicine and Mechanicks.
Illustrated With a great Number of Figures on Folio Copper- Plates engraved by the most eminent Hands. By JOHN HILL, M. D. London: Printed for T. Osborn and J. Shipton, in Gray's- Inn J. Hodges, near London- Bridge-, J. Newbery, in St. Paul's Church Yard- S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, in Pater Noster Row • B. Collins, in Salisbury ; and by S. Gamidge and M. Wolley, Booksellers, in Wor- cester J by whom the Numbers will be deliveied Weekly in Town and Country : As also by all other Booksellers and News- Carriers • » • « The Publick are desired to take Notice, that this is not a Re - publication of any former Book of the
Author's, but an Entire New Work. Mr Bookseller Dragon _ _ I ^ the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Distribution of this Journal Likewise by Mr. Dod, Bookseller. in Ave Mary- Lane, London